It would be difficult to mention any direction in human activity where electricity does not serve as an agent in some form or manner. Man has learned that the Creator gave this great power into the hands of man to use, and not to curse. When the dynamo was first developed it did not appear possible that it could generate electricity, and then use that electricity in order to turn the dynamo in the opposite direction. It all seems so very natural to us now, that such a thing should practically follow; but man had to learn this. Let us try to make the statement plain by a few simple illustrations. By carefully going over the chapter on the making of the dynamo, it will be evident that the basis of the generation of the current depends on the changing of the direction of the flow of an electric current. Look at the simple horse-shoe magnet. If two of them are gradually moved toward each other, so that the north pole of one approaches the north pole of the other, there is a sensible attempt for them to push away from each other. If, however, In this we have the foundation physical action of the dynamo and the motor. When power is applied to an armature, and it moves through a magnetic field, the action is just the same as in the case of the hand drawing the north and the south pole of the two approaching magnets from each other. The influence of the electrical disturbance produced by that act permeated the entire winding of the field and armature, and extended out on the whole line with which the dynamo was connected. In this way a current was established and transmitted, and with proper wires was sent in the form of circuits and distributed so as to do work. But an electric current, without suitable mechanism, is of no value. It must have mechanism to use it, as well as to make it. In the case of light, we have explained how the arc and the incandescent lamps utilize it for that purpose. But now, attempting to get something from it in the way of power, means another piece of mechanism. This is done by the motor, and this motor is simply a converter, or a device for reversing the action of the electricity. Attention is called to Figs. 120 and 121. Let us assume that the field magnets A, A are the positives,
Now in the particular position of the revolving armature, in Fig. 120, the magnets of the armature have just passed the respective poles of the field magnets, and the belt E is compelled to turn the armature past the pole pieces by force in the direction of the arrow F. After the armature magnets have gone to the positions in Fig. 121, the positives A try to draw back the negatives D of the armature, and at the same time the negatives B repel the negatives D, because they are of the same polarities This repulsion of the negatives A, B continues until the armature poles C, D have slightly passed them, when the polarities of the magnets C, D are changed; so that it will be seen, by reference to Fig. 122, that D is now retreating from B, and C is going away from A—that is, being forced away contrary to their natural attractive influences, and in Fig. 123, when the complete cycle is nearly finished, the positives are again approaching each other and the negatives moving together.
In this manner, at every point, the sets of magnets are compelled to move against their magnetic pull. This explains the dynamo. Now take up the cycle of the motor, and note in Fig. 124 that the negative magnets D of the armature are closely approaching the positive and negative
When the pole pieces of the magnets C, D are about to pass magnets A, B, as shown in Fig. 125, it is necessary to change the polarities of the armature magnets C, D; so that by reference to Fig. 126, it will be seen that they are now indicated as C-, and D+, respectively, and have moved to a point midway between the poles A, B (as in Fig. 125), where the pull on one side, and the push on The shaft of the motor armature is now the element which turns the mechanism which is to be operated. To convert electrical impulses into power, as thus shown, results in great loss. The first step is to take the steam boiler, which is the first stage in that source which is the most common and universal, and by means of fuel, converting water into steam. The second is to use the pressure of this steam to drive an engine; the third is to drive the dynamo which generates the electrical impulse; and the fourth is the conversion from the dynamo into a motor shaft. Loss is met with at each step, and the great problem is to eliminate this waste.
The great advantage of electrical power is not in Transmission of Energy One of the great problems has been the transmission of the current to great distances. By using a high voltage it may be sent hundreds of miles, but to use a current of that character in the cars, or shops, or homes, would be exceedingly dangerous. To meet this requirement transformers have been devised, which will take a current of very high voltage, and deliver a current of low tension, and capable of being used anywhere with the ordinary motors. The Transformer.—This is an electrical device made up of a core or cores of thin sheet metal, around which is wound sets of insulated wires, one set being designed to receive the high voltage, and the other set to put out the low voltage, as described in a former chapter These may be made where the original output is a very high voltage, so that they will be stepped down, first from one voltage to a lower, and then from that to the next lower stage. This is called the "Step down" transformer, and is now used over the entire world, where large voltages are generated. Electric Furnaces.—The most important development of electricity in the direction of heat is its use in furnaces. As before stated, an intense heat is capable of being generated by the electric current, so that it becomes the great agent to use for the treatment of refractory material. In furnaces of this kind the electric arc is the mechanical form used to produce the great heat, the only difference being in the size of the apparatus. The electric furnace is simply an immense form of arc light, capable of taking a high voltage, and such an arc is enclosed within a suitable oven of refractory material, which still further conserves the heat. Welding By Electricity.—The next step is to use the high heat thus capable of being produced, to fuse metals so that they may be welded together. It is a difficult matter to unite two large pieces of metal by the forging method, because the highest heat is required, owing to their bulk, and in addition Electric welding offers a simple and easy method of accomplishing the result, and in the doing of which it avoids the oxidizing action of the forging heat. Instead of heating the pieces to be welded in a forge, as is now done, the ends to be united are simply brought into contact, and the current is sent through the ends until they are in a soft condition, after which the parts are pressed together and united by the simple merging of the plastic condition in which they are reduced by the high electric heat. This form of welding makes the most perfect joint, and requires no hammering, as the mass of the metal flows from one part or end to the other; the unity is a perfect one, and the advantage is that the metals can be kept in a semi-fluid state for a considerable time, thus assuring a perfect admixture of the two parts. With the ordinary form of welding it is necessary to drive the heated parts together without any delay, and at the least cooling must be reheated, or the joint will not be perfect. The smallest kinds of electric heating apparatus are now being made, so that small articles, sheet metal, small rods, and like parts can be united with the greatest facility. |