Decomposing Liquids.—During the earlier experiments in the field of electricity, after the battery or cell was discovered, it was noted that when a current was formed in the cell, the electrolyte was charged and gases evolved from it. A similar action takes place when a current of electricity passes through a liquid, with the result that the liquid is decomposed—that is, the liquid is broken up into its original compounds. Thus, water is composed of two parts, by bulk, of hydrogen and of oxygen, so that if two electrodes are placed in water, and a current is sent through the electrodes in either direction, all the water will finally disappear in the form of hydrogen and oxygen gases. Making Hydrogen and Oxygen.—During this electrical action, the hydrogen is set free at the negative pole and the oxygen at the positive pole. A simple apparatus, which any boy can make, to generate pure oxygen and pure hydrogen, is shown in Fig. 89. It is constructed of a glass or earthen jar (A), preferably square, to which is fitted a wooden top If a current of electricity is passed through the wires and the electrodes, in the direction shown Purifying Water.—Advantage is taken of this electrolytic action, to purify water. Oxygen is the most wonderful chemical in nature. It is called the acid-maker of the universe. The name is derived from two words, oxy and gen; one denoting oxydation, and the other that it generates. In other words, it is the generator of oxides. It is the element which, when united with any other element, produces an acid, an alkali or a neutral compound. Rust.—For instance, iron is largely composed of ferric acid. When oxygen, in a free or gaseous state, comes into contact with iron, it produces ferrous oxide, which is recognized as rust. Oxygen as a Purifier.—But oxygen is also a purifier. All low forms of animal life, like bacteria or germs in water, succumb to free oxygen. By free oxygen is meant oxygen in the form of gas. Composition of Water.—Now, water, in which harmful germs live, is one-third oxygen. Nevertheless, the germs thrive in water, because the oxygen is in a compound state, and, therefore, not Common Air Not a Good Purifier.—Water may be purified, to a certain extent, by forcing common air through it, and the foulest water, if run over rocks, will be purified, in a measure, because air is intermingled with it. But common air is composed of four-fifths nitrogen, and only one-fifth oxygen, and, as nitrogen is the staple article of food for bacteria, the purifying method by air is not effectual. Pure Oxygen.—When, however, oxygen is generated from water, by means of electrolysis, it is pure; hence is more active and is not tainted by a life-giving substance for germs, such as nitrogen. The mechanism usually employed for purifying water is shown in Fig. 90. A Water Purifier.—The case (A, Fig. 90) may be made of metal or of an insulating material. If made of metal it must be insulated within with slate, glass, marble or hard rubber, as shown at B. The case is provided with exterior flanges (C, D), with upper and lower ends, and it is mounted upon a base plate (E) and affixed thereto by bolts. The upper end has a conically-formed cap (F) bolted to the flanges (C), and this has an outlet to which a pipe (G) is attached. The When the water passes upwardly, the decomposed or gaseous oxygen percolates through the water and thus attacks the germs and destroys them. The Use of Hydrogen in Purification.—On the other hand, the hydrogen also plays an important part in purifying the water. This depends upon the material of which the electrodes are made. Aluminum is by far the best material, as it is one of nature's most active purifiers. All clay contains aluminum, in what is known as the sulphate form, and water passing through the clay of the earth thereby becomes purified, because of this element. Aluminum Electrodes.—When this material is used as the electrodes in water, hydrate of aluminum is formed, or a compound of hydrogen and oxygen with aluminum. The product of decomposition is a flocculent matter which moves upwardly through the water, giving it a milky appearance. This substance is like gelatine, so that it entangles or enmeshes the germ life and prevents it from passing through a filter. If no filter is used, this flocculent matter, as soon as it has given off the gases, will settle to the bottom and carry with it all decomposed matter, such as germs and other organic matter attacked Electric Hand Purifier.—An interesting and serviceable little purifier may be made by any boy with the simplest tools, by cutting out three pieces of sheet aluminum. Hard rolled is best for the purpose. It is better to have one of the sheets (A), the middle one, thicker than the two outer plates (B). Let each sheet be 1½ inches wide and 5½ inches thick. One-half inch from the upper ends of the Such a device will answer for a 110-volt circuit, in ordinary water. Now fill a glass nearly full of water, and stand the purifier in the glass. Within a few minutes the action of electrolysis will be apparent by the formation of numerous bubbles on the plates, followed by the decomposition of the organic matter in the water. At first the flocculent decomposed matter will rise to the surface of the water, but before many minutes it will settle to the bottom of the glass and leave clear water above. Purification and Separation of Metals.—This electrolytic action is utilized in metallurgy for the purpose of producing pure metals, but it is more largely used to separate copper from its base. In order to utilize a current for this purpose, a high ampere flow and low voltage are required. The sheets of copper, containing all of its impurities, are placed within a tank, parallel with a thin copper sheet. The impure sheet is connected with the positive pole of an electroplating dynamo, and the thin sheet of copper is connected with the negative pole. The electrolyte in the tank is a Other metals are treated in the same way, and this treatment has a very wide range of usefulness. Electroplating.—The next feature to be considered in electrolysis is a most interesting and useful one, because a cheap or inferior metal may be coated by a more expensive metal. Silver and nickel plating are brought about by this action of a current passing through metals, which are immersed in an electrolyte. Plating Iron with Copper.—We have room in this chapter for only one concrete example of this work, which, with suitable modifications, is an example of the art as practiced commercially. Iron, to a considerable extent, is now being coated with copper to preserve it from rust. To carry out this work, however, an electroplating dynamo, of large amperage, is required, the amperage, of course, depending upon the surface to be treated at one time. The pressure should not exceed 5 volts The iron surface to be treated should first be thoroughly cleansed, and then immediately put into a tank containing a cyanide of copper solution. Two forms of copper solution are used, namely, the cyanide, which is a salt solution of copper, and the sulphate, which is an acid solution of copper. Cyanide is first used because it does not attack the iron, as would be the case if the sulphate solution should first come into contact with the iron. A sheet of copper, termed the anode, is then placed within the tank, parallel with the surface to be plated, known as the cathode, and so mounted that it may be adjusted to or from the iron surface, or cathode. A direct current of electricity is then caused to flow through the copper plate and into the iron plate or surface, and the plating proceeded with until the iron surface has a thin film of copper deposited thereon. This is a slow process with the cyanide solution, so it is discontinued as soon as possible, after the iron surface has been completely covered with copper. This copper surface is thoroughly cleaned off to remove therefrom the saline or alkaline solution, and it is then immersed within a bath, containing a solution of sulphate of copper. The current is then thrown on and allowed so Direction of Current.—If a copper and an iron plate are put into a copper solution and connected up in circuit with each other, a primary battery is thereby formed, which will generate electricity. In this case, the iron will be positive and the copper negative, so that the current within such a cell would flow from the iron (in this instance, the anode) to the negative, or cathode. The action of electroplating reverses this process and causes the current to flow from the copper to the iron (in this instance, the cathode). |