i class="c034">Edward I, 14 Edward III, 111, 144, 192 Edward VII, 19, 25, 35, 43, 86, 107, 125, 161, 162, 163, 172, 199, 209 Edward the Confessor, 13, 36, 57, 110, 159, 160 - Crown of, 228
- Sapphire of, 159
Edward the Confessor’s Staff and Coronation Ring, 13 Edwards, Talbot. See Talbot Edwards Egbert, King, 12, 13 Elizabeth, Queen, 16, 103, 167, 170, 171, 173 Emperor of Russia, the late, 195 English monarchy, oldest in Europe, 13 English Royal Family, length of pedigree of, 13 Enthronement. See Inthronisation Exchequer, penurious, of Charles II, 177 Exeter, 103. See also Plate, Royal Field-Marshal Earl Haig, 197 Fisher, Bishop, 115, 116 Flete, John de, Keeper of the Jewel House, 111, 221 “For God and Empire,” motto of Order of the British Empire, 210 “For Merit,” motto of Order of Merit, 199-200 “For Valour,” motto on Victoria Cross, 213 FouchÉ, 31 Frederick Louis, Prince of Wales, 76 French Crown Jewels, 168 Garrard, Messrs., Court Jewellers, 39, 41, 43, 87, 137, 150 Garter, composition of the, 195 Gawler, Colonel John Cox, Keeper of the Jewel House, 125, 223 Gentlemen of the Blood, meaning of the phrase, 193 George I, Lieutenants’ Lodgings, 21 List of the Regalia. See Regalia, complete list of the Long, Sir Robert, 236 Lyttleton, Sir Richard, Keeper of the Jewel House, 123, 222 Loftus, Captain Arthur John, Keeper of the Jewel House, 125, 223 Lord Auckland, 155 Lord Chamberlain, duties of, 124 Lord Gough, 155 Lord Manchester, 134 Lord Roberts, 213 Louis XIV, 167 Lowndes, Mrs., 131 n., 232 Low, General Sir Robert, Keeper of the Jewel House, 125, 126, 223 Lucknow, 26 Mace-bearers, 69 Maces, 229 Macheson, Major, 157 Maharajah Punjeet Singh, the Lion of the Punjab, 155 Maharajah of Patiala, 167 Mahomed Shah, 152, 153, 154 Martin Tower, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 33, 175, 176, 180, 183 Mary of Modena, 39, 40, 42, 45, 46, 105, 106 Mary, Queen, 41, 107 Master of King’s Wardrobe, 110 Maundy Dish, 74, 76, 107, 231 Maundy Money, 75, 107 Maundy Thursday, 75, 107 Merry England, 175 Mezeray, 72 Middle Tower, 16, 17, 185. Middleton, Lieut.-Gen. Sir Frederick, Keeper of the Jewel House, 125, 223 Mildenhall, Robert de, Keeper of the Jewel House, 125 Sergeant Painter, 135, 243 Sergeant, story of a courageous, 22 Sergeants-at-arms, 62, 68, 69, 89 Shah diamond, the, 165, 166 Shah of Persia, 168 Shamrock of Ireland, 51 Sherlock Holmes, 31 Silver trumpets, used at Coronations, etc., 67 Sinn Feiners, 198 Sir Edward Walker quoted, 101-102 Sir Gilbert Talbot’s MSS., 121-122, Appendix D, 232-249. Sir Jamsetjee Jeejeebhoy, 167 Sir Robert Brackenbury, Constable of the Tower, 24 Sir Thomas More. See More, Thomas Sir Robert Vyner, Court Jeweller, 48, 54, 55, 72, 100, 106, 182 Sir Walter Raleigh, never imprisoned in White Tower, 15 and fn. 1 Solomon, throne of, 12 Somerset, the Lord Protector, 117 South African War, 212 Sporley, 94 Star of Africa, 37, 41, 43, 44, 59, 161-165 Stars of South Africa, 164-165 Story relating to St. George’s Salts, 65 Strange appointment, a, 116 Stuart sapphire, 37, 160-161 Sword of Justice, 96 Sword of Mercy, 96. Sword of State, 53, 82, 229 Sword Spiritual, 54, 96, 229 Sword Temporal, 54, 96, 229 159, 172, 173 Windsor Castle, 32, 33, 76 Wolsey, Cardinal, 112, 113 Wyndham, Lieut.-Col. Charles, Keeper of the Jewel House, 124, 223 Wynne, Sir Arthur, Keeper of the Jewel House, 31, 126, 223 Younghusband, family of, 18 n. Younghusband, Major-Gen. Sir George, 126, 223