The explorer has not journeyed far in the first department of the second district when he beholds Minos, the Infernal Judge. Up the terraced enclosure, arranged directly in front of the Judge, in rows of hundreds and extending as far as the eye can reach, Mr. Hunt sees the sinners awaiting their turn to be sentenced. When the ill-fated soul stands before this Supreme Court he confesses everything. An Irish policeman leads a trembling sinner to trial. “Well, what have you to say?” asks the Judge in a loud voice. “Your Honor, I confess that I have always been somewhat obstinate.” “Yes; I know you,” answers the Judge, “you are one of these pig-headed fellows—you never admit it even if you know you are wrong. Officer, remove him to the stubborn district.” [Image unavailable.] WHERE JUDGE MINOS ADMINISTERS JUSTICE. |