The explorer now determines to find Satan. To avoid the difficulties that Dante met with, it is Mr. Hunt’s purpose to get a permit to pass through the Empire from the Devil himself. Though Demons pursue him with persistency he succeeds in reaching a huge arched entrance in an immense purple rock. Over it is a blazing inscription reading: “Satan’s office.” Here Mr. Hunt pauses. For a moment he is afraid. He regains his courage, and, mounting an elaborate fire-escape, enters. “As a night-hawk cleaves a side flight in the sky,” says the poet-explorer, “so the great arch-enemy of mankind wheeled round in his chair as I entered.” Hiprah Hunt finds himself in great danger of being cast into Hell-fire before he can make known the object of his presence. When he explains that he has been a lifelong expounder of the future punishment theory, that his purpose is to explore the region and go back to earth with the proof of his belief, Satan shows great courtesy. He immediately telephones to the heads of the departments in his realm to assemble at Plutoblitzz, the Central Station of the region, and to receive Mr. Hunt with a great ovation. [Image unavailable.] HIPRAH HUNT IN THE PRESENCE OF THE DEVIL. |