English, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and German LIBRARY, No. 9, Rue du Coq-St. HonorÉ, Paris. | fr.c. | CAMPBELL's Poetical Works, consisting of the Pleasures of Hope, Gertrude of Wyoming, and other Poems: 1822, 1 vol. in-12. pap. fin, jolie Édition, | 40 | LORD BYRON's Works, new edition, 5 vol. in-12. brochÉs, | 120 | SIR WALTER SCOTT's WORKS. | The Lady of the Lake, 1822, 1 vol. in-12. pap. vÉlin, jolie Édition, | 450 | The Lay of the Last Minstrel, 1 vol. in-12. vÉlin ordinaire, | 30 | The same, beau pap. vÉlin, | 50 | The Poetical Works, complete, in 7 vol. in-12. portrait, br. | 320 | The Monastery, 3 vol. in-12. | 70 | Kenilworth, 2 vol. in-12. br. | 90 | The Abbot, 3 vol. in-12. | 130 | Ivanhoe, 3 vol. in-12. | 130 | The same, 2 vol. in-8. br. | 100 | Waverley, 3 vol. in-12. | 130 | The Pirate, 3 vol. in-12. | 130 | Guy Mannering, 3 vol. in-12. | 130 | The Antiquary, 3 vol. in-12. | 130 | The Fortunes of Nigel, 3 vol. in-12. | 130 | MILTON's Poetical Works, 1822, 3 vol. in-32. pap. vÉlin satinÉ, | 100 | POPE's Poetical Works, 1822, 3 vol. in-32. pap. vÉlin satinÉ. | 100 | The BRITISH PROSE-WRITERS, with Biographical and Critical Prefaces, in-32. pap. vÉlin satinÉ: containing, The Vicar of Wakefield, 1 vol. | 30 | The Man of Feeling, 1 vol. | 30 | Bacon's Essays, 1 vol. | 30 | Sterne's Sentimental Journey, 1 vol. | 30 | Montague's Letters, 1 vol. | 30 | Gulliver's Travels, 2 vol. | 60 | Junius's Letters, 2 vols. | 60 | LEVIZAC's Theoretical and Practical Grammar of the French Tongue. 8th Édition, 1 vol. in-12. | 40 | BONIFACE's Learner's Guide to the English Tongue: ou, Cours de Versions Anglaises, À l'Usage des CommenÇans, 1 vol. in-18. br. | 180 | POPPLETON's Guide Pratique pour traduire du FranÇais en bon Anglais, au moyen d'une Traduction InterlinÉaire, 1820, 1 vol. in-8. br. | 450 | JUST PUBLISHED, The School for Scandal, a Comedy by Sheridan. TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE Contemporary spellings have been retained throughout, including three instances of "it's" in place of "its" in the introductory "Remarks". | |