ARTICLES MARKED WITH AN ASTERISK ARE ILLUSTRATED. - Aggression, External and Internal. (Table), 386
- Agnosticism and Naturalism, Professor Ward on. H. Spencer, 349
- Agricultural Education in Foreign Countries. W.E. De Riemer, 218
- Agriculture: Alkali Soils in Montana. (Frag.), 734
- ” Manuring with Brains. (Frag.), 731
- ” Sea Water, Effect of, on Soil. (Frag.), 508
- Air Flight, Early Experiments in. M.B. Rivet, 603
- Alkali Soils in Montana. (Frag.), 734
- Allen, Grant, Death of. (Frag.), 389
- Amazonian Pygmies, Stories of. (Frag.), 733
- A More Excellent Way. (Table), 729
- Anarchist, A Paradoxical. C. Lombroso*, 312
- Anglo-Saxon Superiority. (Frag.), 620
- Animals of the Ocean Depths. (Frag.), 736
- ” Reason? Do. Rev. E.R. Young*, 105
- ” ” ”(Corr.), 122
- Annual Flowers. (Frag.), 394
- Anthropological Traits, Zola’s. (Frag.), 388
- Anthropology: Amazonian Pygmies, Stories of. (Frag.), 733
- ” Anglo-Saxon Superiority. (Frag.), 620
- ” A Survival of MediÆval Credulity. E.P. Evans, 577
- ” Malay Folklore. R.C. Ford, 239
- ” Origins of the American Races, Professor Putnam on. (Frag.), 507
- Appleton, William H., The Late. (Table), 265
- ArchÆology: Athabascan Indian Lodge, An. (Frag.), 292
- ” Egyptian Exploration, Recent Years of. W.M. Flinders Petrie, 625
- ” Ophir, The Site of. (Frag.), 736
- ” Vinland and its Ruins. C. Horsford*, 160
- Art Form, The Study of. D. Cady Eaton*, 685
- ”Value of the Study of. G. Perrot, 204
- Artificial India Rubber. (Frag.), 136
- Astronomy, Advance of, in the Nineteenth Century. Sir R.S. Ball, 289
- ” Forenoon and Afternoon. C.F. Dowd, 492
- ” Gegenschein, The. (Frag.), 618
- ” Scenes on the Planets. G.P. Serviss*, 337
- Athabascan Indian Lodge, An. (Frag.), 392
- Bacteria of the Dairy. (Frag.), 284
- Ball, Sir R.S. Advance of Astronomy in the Nineteenth Century, 289
- Baxter, William, Jr. What makes the Trolley Car go*, 316, 408, 564
- Becker, W.F., M.D. The Morbid Sense of Injury, 596
- Birds, Busy. (Frag.), 138
- Blind Fishes of North America. C.H. Eigenmann*, 473
- Books Noticed, 126, 268
- Anthropological Institute of Great Britain, Quarterly Journal of, 277.
- Astronomy, Elements of Practical. W.W. Campbell, 129.
- — Stars and Telescopes. D.B. Todd, 132.
- Barrett, John. The Philippine Islands and American Interests in the Far East, 133.
- Beeman, W.W., and Smith, D.E. New Plane and Solid Geometry, 273.
- Binet, Alfred. The Psychology of Reasoning, 274.
- Biology. Living Organism, The. A. Earl, 131.
- Botany. California Plants in their Homes. A.M. Davidson, 130.
- — Plant Relations. J.M. Coulter, 131.
- British Race, The Story of the. J. Munro, 272.
- Buckley, J.M. Extemporaneous Oratory, 270.
- Bullen, F.T. Idylls of the Sea, 271.
- Campbell, W.W. Elements of Practical Astronomy, 129.
- Chemical Jurisprudence, Notes on. H. Huntington, 133.
- Cities, Growth of, in the Nineteenth Century. A.F. Weber, 126.
- Civil Engineers, Proceedings of the American Association of. April, 1899, 278.
- Cope, E.D. Vertebrate Remains from the Port Kennedy Deposit, 133.
- Coulter, John M. Plant Relations, 131.
- Cragin, Belle S. Our Insect Friends and Foes, 273.
- Croke, W.J. D. Architecture, Painting, and Printing at Subiaco, 134.
- Crook, James K. Mineral Waters of the United States and their Therapeutic Uses, 127.
- Dalton, D. How to Swim, 277.
- Davidson, Alice M. California Plants in their Homes, 130.
- Diet in Illness and Convalescence. A.W. Winthrop, 271.
- Earl, A. The Living Organism, 131.
- Economics. Liquor Laws, Centralized Administration of. C.M.L. Sites, 275.
- Electricity. Accumulators, Small. P. Marshall, 276.
- Entomology. Butterflies, Everyday. S.H. Scudder, 128.
- — Insect Friends and Foes. B.S. Cragin, 273.
- Erlingsson, T. Ruins of the Saga Times, 277.
- Fish and Fisheries, Report of United States Commission of, for Year ending June 30, 1898, 276.
- Fiske, John. Through Nature to God, 268.
- Gardiner, C.A. Our Right to Acquire and Hold Foreign Territory, 134.
- GellÉ, M.E. L’Audition et ses Organes, 128.
- Gelman, F.H. Elements of Blowpipe Analysis, 279.
- Geological Survey, United States, Eighteenth Annual Report, 272.
- Geometry, New Plane and Solid. Beeman and Smith, 273.
- Heilprin, A. Alaska and the Klondike, 270.
- History of the American Nation. A.C. McLaughlin, 129.
- Huntington, H. Notes on Chemical Jurisprudence, 133.
- Idylls of the Sea. F.T. Bullen, 271.
- Insect Friends and Foes. B.S. Cragin, 273.
- Interstate Commerce Commission, Tenth Annual Report of, 276.
- Jacoby, J. The Object of the Labor Movement, 279.
- Knowledge, Methods of. W. Smith, 273.
- Kruger, F.T. A Step Forward, 275.
- Labor Movement, The Object of the, 279.
- Leonard, J.W. Who’s Who In America, 274.
- Lucas, F.A. The Hermit Naturalist, 133.
- Luquer, L. McI. Minerals in Rock Sections, 130.
- McLaughlin, A.C. History of the American Nation, 129.
- Marshall, P. Small Accumulators, 276.
- Mathematics. Trigonometry, Elements of. H.C. Whitaker, 130.
- Medicine. Transactions Wyoming State Medical Society. First and Second Regular Meetings, 279.
- Memory, The Philosophy of, and Other Essays, 274.
- Mineralogy. Blowpipe Analysis, Elements of. F.H. Gelman, 279.
- — Colombia, The Ores of. H.W. Nichols, 132.
- — Crystals, The Characters of. A.J. Moses, 129.
- — Microscopic Identification of Minerals in Rock Sections. L. McI. Luquer, 130.
- Mineral Waters of the United States. James K. Crook, 127.
- Montaigne on the Education of Children. L.E. Rector, 278.
- Moore, J.H. Better World Philosophy, 276.
- Morehouse, G.W. The Wilderness of Worlds, 131.
- Moses, A.J. The Characters of Crystals, 129.
- Munro, John. The Story of the British Race, 272.
- Naturalist, The Hermit. F.A. Lucas, 133.
- Nichols, H.W. The Ores of Colombia, 132.
- Oratory, Extemporaneous. J.M. Buckley, 270.
- Philosophy, Better World. J.H. Moore, 276.
- — Through Nature to God. John Fiske, 268.
- Physiology. Hearing and its Organs. M.E. GellÉ, 128.
- Port Kennedy Deposit, Vertebrate Remains from. E.D. Cope, 133.
- Psychologique, L’AnnÉe. A. Binet, 278.
- Psychology of Reasoning, The. A. Binet, 274.
- Railway Statistics in United States, Tenth Annual Report of Interstate Commerce Commission, 276.
- Reasoning, The Psychology of. A. Binet, 274.
- Reason, The Dawn of. J. Weir, Jr., 275.
- Rector, L.E. Montaigne on the Education of Children, 278.
- Saga Times, Ruins of the. T. Erlingsson, 277.
- Scudder, S.H. Everyday Butterflies, 128.
- Sites, Clement M.L. Centralized Administration of the Liquor Laws, 275.
- Smith, D.T. The Philosophy of Memory and Other Essays, 274.
- Smith, W. Methods of Knowledge, 273.
- Southern Magazine, The, 278.
- Subiaco, Architecture, Painting, and Printing at. W.J.D. Croke, 134.
- Swift, M.L. Anti-Imperialism, 134.
- Swim, How to. D. Dalton, 277.
- Todd, D.B. Stars and Telescopes, 132.
- Weber, Adna Ferrin. Growth of Cities in the Nineteenth Century, 126.
- Weir, J., Jr. The Dawn of Reason, 275.
- Whitaker, H.C. Elements of Trigonometry, 130.
- Who’s Who in America. J.W. Leonard, 274.
- Wilderness of Worlds, The. G.W. Morehouse, 131.
- Winthrop, Alice W. Diet in Illness and Convalescence, 271.
- Witt, H. Fundamental Principles of Nature, Some Observations on the, 132.
- Wyoming State Medical Society, Transactions of First and Second Regular Meetings, 279.
- Botanical Garden’s Museum, New York. (Frag.), 733
- Botany: Annual Flowers. (Frag.), 394
- ” Genuine Starch Factories. B.D. Halsted*, 716
- ” Plant Names, English. (Frag.), 140
- ” The New Field of. B.D. Halsted, 98
- Briggs, C.A. Is the Christian Religion Declining?, 423
- Brooks, W.K. The Wonderful Century, 25
- Broom as a Spreader of Disease, The. (Frag.), 734
- Bunsen, Death of. (Frag.), 281
- Calcium, Metallic. (Frag.), 283
- California, Forestry in. (Frag.), 509
- Cambridge University. (An English University.) H. Stotesbury*, 14
- Canals, Future of the New York. (Frag.), 735
- Carbonic Acid and Climate. (Frag.), 621
- Carrington, James B. Winter Birds in a City Park*, 366
- Cements, Action of, on Sea Water. (Frag.), 733
- Chemistry: A Hundred Years of. F.W. Clarke, 673
- ” Calcium, Metallic. (Frag.), 283
- ” Hydrogen, The Solidification of. (Frag.), 618
- ” New Element, Another. (Frag.), 509
- Children, Literature for. (Frag.), 618
- China, Trade Corporations in. M. Courant, 722
- Christian Religion Declining? Is the. C.A. Briggs, 423
- City Roadways, Modern. N.P. Lewis*, 524
- Civilized and Savage. (Frag.), 141
- Clarke, F.W. A Hundred Years of Chemistry, 673
- ” ” ”The Man of Science in Practical Affairs, 487
- Climate and Carbonic Acid. (Frag.), 621
- Colored Labor, Educated. (Frag.), 141
- Columbus, Ohio, Geology of. (Frag.), 141
- Commission in Difficulties, A. (Table), 614
- Cook, O. “Ribbon Lightning”*, 587
- Courant, M. Trade Corporations in China, 722
- Criminal Jurisprudence, Decline of, in America. G.C. Speranza, 466
- Criminology: Anarchist, A Paradoxical. C. Lombroso*, 312
- ” Typical Criminals. Rev. S.A. Smith*, 539
- Dairy, Bacteria of the. (Frag.), 284
- “Dark Lightning.” (Frag.), 505
- Dastre, M.A. The Scavengers of the Body, 379
- Dawson, Sir William, Death of. (Frag.), 390
- Democracy, Real Problems of. F. Smith, 1
- Destruction of the Birds. (Frag.), 393
- Development of the American Newspaper. W.L. Hawley*, 186
- Diamonds, Emigrant, in America. William H. Hobbs*, 73
- Dover Meeting of the British Association. (Frag.), 135
- Dowd, C.F. Forenoon and Afternoon, 492
- Eaton, D. Cady. The Science of Art Form*, 685
- Economics: A Mor
e Excellent Way. (Table), 729
- ” Commission in Difficulties, A. (Table), 614
- ” Monopolies, The War against. (Frag.), 508
- ” Pawnshops in Germany. (Frag.), 736
- ” Pension Funds for Railroad Men. (Frag.), 734
- ” Taxation, A State Official on Excessive. F. Smith, 645
- Economy, A Question of. (Frag.), 283
- Education: An English University. H. Stotesbury*, 14
- ” Cross-. E.W. Scripture*, 589
- ” Language and Life. (Table), 503
- ” Liberal, and Democracy. (Table), 385
- ” Literature for Children. (Frag.), 619
- ” Plantations for Rural School Grounds. (Frag.), 393
- ” Specialization. (Table), 125
- ” The Environment in. (Frag.), 391
- Egyptian Exploration, Recent Years of. W.M. Flinders Petrie, 625
- Eigenmann, C.H. Blind Fishes of North America*, 473
- Electricity: Dark Lightning. (Frag.), 505
- ” From Thales to Faraday. E.T. Lesueur, 242
- Electricity: “Ribbon Lightning.” O. Cook*, 587
- Electrolysis. H.S. Wynkoop*, 357
- Element, Another New. (Frag.), 509
- Emigrant Diamonds in America. William H. Hobbs*, 73
- Entomology: Spider Bites and “Kissing Bugs.” L.O. Howard*, 31
- Evans, E.P. A Survival of MediÆval Credulity, 577, 706
- Evolutionary Variation in the Past, Rate of. (Frag.), 285
- Exploration and Geography in 1899. (Frag.), 619
- Explosives, The Applications of. C.E. Munroe*, 300, 444
- Faith and Knowledge. (Corr.), 497
- Fiske’s Views Compared. (Corr.), 498
- Flinders, Petrie, W.M. Recent Years of Egyptian Exploration, 625
- Floating Stones. (Frag.), 735
- Food Poisoning. V.C. Vaughan, 47
- ” Preservatives, Expert Opinions respecting. (Frag.), 736
- Ford, R.C. Malay Folklore, 239
- Forenoon and Afternoon. C.F. Dowd, 492
- Forestry, American Advances in. (Frag.), 506
- ” in California. (Frag.), 509
- Fossiliferous Formation below the Cambrian, A. (Frag.), 139
- Funafuti Atoll, Constitution of the. (Frag.), 283
- Future of the New York Canals. (Frag.), 735
- Gegenschein, The. (Frag.), 618
- Geography and Exploration in 1899. (Frag.), 619
- Geology, A Century of. J. Le Conte, 431, 546
- ” Fossiliferous Formation below the Cambrian. (Frag.), 139
- ” Funafuti Atoll, Constitution of the. (Frag.), 283
- ” of Columbus, Ohio. (Frag.), 141
- Gerhard, William P. Needed Improvements in Theater Sanitation, 84
- Giddings, F.H. Exact Methods in Sociology, Suicides, Religious. (Frag.), 731
- Survival of MediÆval Credulity. E.P. Evans, 577, 706
- Taxation, A State Official on Excessive. F. Smith, 645
- Theater Sanitation, Needed Improvements in. William P. Gerhard, 84
- Trolley Car, What makes the, go? William Baxter, Jr.*, 316, 408, 564
- Trowbridge, John. Latest Developments with the X Rays*, 659
- ” ”South-Sea Bubbles in Science, 401
- ” ”Wireless Telegraphy*, 59
- Vagrant Electricity, Destructive Effects of. H.S. Wynkoop*, 357
- Vaughan, V.C. Food Poisoning, 47
- Vinland and its Ruins. Cornelia Horsford*, 160
- ” The Location of. (Corr.), 500
- Volcanic Eruptions in the Philippines, Remarkable. R.L. Packard, 374
- “Warming Up.” (Frag.), 506
- War, Periodicity of. (Frag.), 735
- ” Spirit, The. (Table), 501
- Washburn, F.L. Eastern Oyster Culture in Oregon*, 233
- Whales, Longevity of. (Frag.), 618
- Willson, T.B. How Standard Time is Obtained, 213
- Wingless Birds. P. Glangeaud, 254
- Wireless Telegraphy. John Trowbridge*, 59
- Woman’s Struggle for Liberty in Germany. Mary M. Patrick, 328
- Wonderful Century, The. W.K. Brooks, 25
- Wynkoop, H.S. Destructive Effects of Vagrant Electricity*, 357
- X Rays, Latest Developments with. J. Trowbridge*, 659
- Young, Rev. E.R. Do Animals Reason?*, 105
- Zola’s Anthropological Traits. (Frag.), 388
- ZoÖlogy: Blind Fishes of North America. C.H. Eigenmann*, 473
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