OUR Lord had told the apostles that though He was going to heaven, He would send them another Comforter, who would be with them for ever, and in whom He Himself should be present with them—even God the Holy Ghost, who is One with God the Father and God the Son. Ten days after He had ascended up to heaven, on the great day of the feast of weeks (or, as we call it, Whitsunday), as the disciples were together in one place at Jerusalem, they heard a sound like the noise of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house; and there came flames like tongues divided in the midst, and sat on the head of each disciple—not burning, but shining. And wonderful knowledge came to all of them—they understood all they could not understand before; and they could speak all sorts of different languages, without ever having learnt them. These wonders were to show them that God the Holy Ghost had QUESTIONS.
THE Lord God the Holy Ghost goes on coming and being with us still. He does not show us when He comes now, because it is more blessed to believe than to see; but we know He does come to each of us when we are baptised, to help us and make us good. The reason He made the apostles able to speak all those languages, was that they were to go and teach all the nations round the Gospel—that is to say, the good news that Then each of us receives the Presence of the Holy Ghost, to help us to be good, and to keep God's holy law, the Ten Commandments, that He gave on Mount Sinai. More and more of that good help of the Holy Spirit is given to everyone who comes, as our Lord bade, to take and eat and drink of the bread and wine, by which we partake of the Body and Blood of Christ; and He gives all that we ask to us if we pray to Him. For we belong to those nations that the apostles were commanded to teach and baptise, and bring into the fold; and we belong to Jesus Christ just as much as His own first disciples did. We are called Christians, after His name; and all the time we live here, He takes care of us; and if we serve Him, He takes our souls to be with Him in Paradise, when death parts them from our bodies. QUESTIONS.
THE Lord Jesus Christ is coming again. We do not know when it will be; but, sometime or other, He will send His angel to blow a trumpet; and all that are in their graves shall hear His voice, and their souls will come back to their bodies; and we shall all be alive again; and if we have been good and holy, we shall be caught up to meet the Lord Jesus in the air. For then He will come, with all His holy angels, and will sit on a great white throne; and all that have ever lived will be called before Him, and judged for all the things they have done, and the words they have said. And then those that have gone on doing wrong, and never being sorry, and never caring for the Lord Jesus, but have made Satan their master, will be given to Satan, to be in misery in hell-fire for ever. But those who have tried to do their best, and held fast to our Lord Jesus, and prayed Him to wash them clean in His blood, will be taken home for His sake. And they will have the happiest and most blessed home that ever can be in heaven. There will be all brightness, and no more pain, nor grief, nor sorrow; and the Lord shall wipe off all tears from all eyes; and there shall be gladness and joy for ever and ever. The old earth will be burnt up; but there will be new heavens, and a new earth, all beautiful, with nothing that will hurt or spoil or fade, but all lovely and peaceful. And then there will be the great joy of singing the praise of God, who made us, and saved us, and helps us to be good, for ever and ever. Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come! Alleluia! QUESTIONS.