of Amusements and Entertainments. For the Home, for Schools, Churches, Temperance, Social, Literary and other organizations desiring something different from that found in the ordinary book of Recitations, Dialogues, etc. Each number is complete in itself, and has a distinctive character, the annual “scheme” taking up programs for special days and special subjects, and a variety of entertainments, embracing Illustrated Readings, Pantomimes, Tableaux, Drills, Wax Works, Illustrated Songs, Acting Proverbs, Charades, Plays, Dialogues, Readings, Recitations, etc. The PRESTON LIBRARY Is Issued Monthly, Ten Numbers a Year. 30 Cents a Number.To Subscribers, $2.00 a Year. Teachers and Entertainment Committees will be glad to embrace this opportunity to secure fresh, appropriate and acceptable material for entertainments; the trouble of searching for declamations, dialogues and the more difficult programs being avoided by a year’s subscription to The Preston Library. Subscriptions should be sent without delay. Address The Preston Publishing Company, 149 Main Street, CINCINNATI, O.
Preston Papers. A recital of actual school-room experiences, in which all the common and uncommon pedagogical difficulties are met and remedied. It is a book of new methods, but not of fine-spun theorizing. All of the important subjects, such as Government, Responsibility, Punishment, Examinations, Prize-giving, Reports, Museums, etc., are exhaustively treated, NOT in the stilted way usual with books of its kind, but woven into the story of a teacher’s experience. Preston Papers has been more widely and favorably reviewed than any other American pedagogical work. It never fails to delight and profit its readers. Its constantly increasing sale is proof of its excellence. HANDSOMELY BOUND IN CLOTH. PRICE, $1.00. ADDRESS ALL ORDERS TO THE PRESTON PUBLISHING COMPANY, 149 Main Street, CINCINNATI, O. Transcriber’s Note Most readings are accompanied by a numbered set of 'tableaux', or stage directions, which appear at the end of each text, and act as footnotes. In the first two readings, the final tableau (nos. 10 and 5 respectively), had no corresponding reference in the text. These have been added at the end of each reading. Some readings, while there are references in the text, have no directions in the 'Tableaux' section following them. Errors deemed most likely to be the printer’s have been corrected, and are noted here. The references are to the page and line in the original. The following issues should be noted, along with the resolutions.