Mother will approve of a sewing bee, you see if she doesn’t! It is a most industrious way to spend an afternoon! Invite your friends around, and ask them to bring their dolls, their work baskets, and material to work with. (Of course this is just a girls’ party! Boys are left out!) If it is warm weather, it will be pleasant to sew on the piazza or lawn, and if it is too cool for this, the playroom will be pleasant for your sewing bee. Of course the boys will say that you do more talking than sewing, but show them that they are wrong by getting some pretty clothes made for your dolls. At the end of the afternoon clear off your sewing table, cover it with a dainty cloth and serve afternoon tea. (It is queer to call it tea, when you have cocoa or lemonade!) work basket and scissors Girls at sewing party Come around and stay to tea, We will have a sewing bee; Bring your needle, thread and thimble, Tongues and fingers will be nimble. I wish to make each paper doll A very stylish trousseau; So come and help me dress them all, I trust that you will do so. girls having tea party with dolls but not paper dolls |