Lola Montez, Countess of Landsfeld | Frontispiece | | PAGE | "John Company" Troops on the March in India | 17 | Her Majesty's Theatre, Haymarket, where Lola Montez made her DÉbut | 27 | Benjamin Lumley, Lessee of Her Majesty's Theatre | 36 | Lola Montez, "Spanish Dancer." DÉbut at Her Majesty's Theatre | 47 | Viscount Ranelagh, who organised a Cabal against Lola Montez | 59 | AbbÉ Liszt, Musician and Lover | 70 | Fanny Elssler, Predecessor of Lola Montez in Paris | 83 | Porte St. Martin Theatre, Paris, where Lola was a "flop" | 95 | Supper-party at Les FrÈres ProvenÇaux. First Act in a Tragedy | 106 | Residenz Palace, Munich, in 1848. Residence of Ludwig I. | 120 | "Command" Portrait. In the "Gallery of Beauties," Munich | 132 | King of Bavaria. "Ludwig the Lover" | 144 | Lola Montez in Caricature. "Lola on the Allemannen Hound" | 156 | Berrymead Priory, Acton, where Lola Montez lived with Cornet Heald | 167 | Lola Montez in London. Aged Thirty | 177 | A "Belle of the Boulevards." Lola Montez in Paris | 187 | The "Spider Dance." Cause of much Criticism | 199 | Lola Montez in "Lola in Bavaria." A "Play with a Purpose" | 209 | Lola as a Lecturer. From Stage to Platform | 219 | Lola Montez in Middle Life. A Characteristic Pose | 231 | "Lectures and Life." From Stage to Platform | 241 | Countess of Landsfeld. A Favourite Portrait | 253 | Grave of Lola Montez, in Green-wood Cemetery, New York | 262 |