| Page | Nimmy Nimmy Not. Retold | 1 | by Emelyn Newcombe Partridge and George Everett Partridge, Ph.D. | The Taileypo | 7 | by Richard T. Wyche | Johnny Cake. Retold | 10 | by Frank E. Spaulding and Catherine T. Bryce | The Twelve Months. Retold | 13 | by R. T. Wyche | Story Telling and Education | 19 | by George Everett Partridge, Ph.D. | Story Telling in Boston | 24 | by Mary W. Cronan | The Stone Lion. Retold | 26 | by Emelyn Newcombe Partridge and George Everett Partridge, Ph.D. | The Oyster and Its Claimants | 29 | from La Fontaine’s Æsop’s Fables | The Psycho-Therapeutic Value of Story Telling | 30 | by Frances E. Foote | Story Telling For Mothers | 32 | The Beowulf Club of West Virginia University | 34 | by John Harrington Cox | How to Organize a Story Tellers’ League | 35 | What the Leagues are Doing | 36 | Editorial | 37 | The Mother—The Child—The Story | 39 | The Great Epics—Story Hour Cycle | 40 | Some Recent Books | 42 | Bibliography | 44 | Story Tellers’ Leagues | 51 | Business Department | 55 | Published Monthly at 27 West 23d St., New York, N.Y. BY THE STORYTELLERS’ CO. R. T. WYCHE, Pres. E. C. DE VILLAVERDE, Sec’y H. D. NEWSON, Treas. Address, 27 West 23d Street, N.Y. Subscription $1.00 per Year 10 cents the Copy Copyright 1913, by The Storytellers’ Co.
The Storytellers’ Magazine Vol. I — JUNE, 1913 — No. 1