The following is a chronological statement of the principal events in the life of Prince Eugene: - 1663 Born at Paris.
- 1683 Enters Austrian Service against the Turks.
- 1688 Major-General at Siege of Belgrade.
- 1691 Campaign in Italy.
- 1697 Defeats the Turks at Zenta.
- 1699 Treaty of Peace with the Turks.
- 1701 Campaign in Italy.
- 1704 Victory at Blenheim.
- 1706 Defeat of the French.
- 1707 Received Government of Milanese.
- 1708 In Command in Flanders.
- 1709 Battle of Malplaquet.
- 1712 Invasion of France.
- 1714 Treaty of Peace with France.
- 1716 Defeat of the Turks.
- 1717 Battle of Belgrade.
- 1718 Appointed Vicar-General of Italy.
- 1728 Campaign in France.
- 1735 Peace with France.
- 1736 Death of Eugene.
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