Brooke Lawton | A Young Woman of To-day, who sees Things as they might be. | Adam Lawton | Her Father, a Country-bred New Yorker of Affairs. | Pamela Lawton | Her Mother, a Brooke of Virginia. | Adam the Cub | Her Brother, at the Difficult Age of Sixteen. | Keith West | Adam Lawton’s Maternal Cousin, who stayed at Home. | Lucy Dean | Brooke’s Friend, who sees Things as they are. | Mrs. Enoch Fenton | A Cheerful Cripple. | Silent Stead | Sportsman and Misanthrope. | Marte Lorenz | Idealist and Artist. | Tom Brownell | Engaged in climbing the Ladder of Journalism from the Bottom Rung. | Henry Maarten | A Farm Hand working on Shares. | Dr. Richard Russell | Of Oaklands, Friend of Stead and the Lawtons, and Confidant-general of the County. | The Pieman | A Travelling Optimist. | Tatters | A Person, though disguised as an Old Collie Dog. | The Usual Critic’s Chorus, composed of Citizens, Villagers, Male and Female, Commonplace, Eccentric, or Otherwise. Time The Present Century. Place Manhattan and the Hill Country of the Moosatuk.