nberg@html@files@46377@46377-h@46377-h-3.htm.html#Page_106" class="pginternal">106 “Fractionating”, 83 Fusel oil, (see Rectifying). Geisler’s apparatus for estimating alcohol, 184 Gelatinizing apparatus, 10 Germinating barley, 106 Grain, alcohol from, 126 composition of, 128 cooling of mashed, 133 distillery for, 197 grinding, 129 infusion of, 131, 135 mashing in general, 130, 134 mashing, proportions of grain for, 134 under steam pressure, 137 mashes, cooling, 133 regulating temperature of, 133, 138 mash tub, 134 thin mash of, 134, 135 saccharifying, 131, 134 steeping, 129 sulphurous acid, 132 temperature of water, 129 sufficient steeping of, 130 Grains, relative quantities of alcohol from various, 126 Gauge glass, 71 Heat indicator for regulating, 61 necessary for fermentation, 19 Henze steamer, 11, 14 Hydraulic presses for beets, 153 Hydrometers, 176, 177 Indicator for regulating distillery fire, 61 Iodine Test, 185 Lactic fermentation, 25 Lime, neutralizing acid by milk of, 80 Loss of alcohol in fermentation, 28 Malt, 103 drying, 108 grinding dried, 109 kiln, 108 Malting barley, 103 cleaning barley for, 104 couch, 106 floors, 106 germinating barley for, 106 in large plants, 108 steeping barley for, 105 Mash cooling, 15, 16, 17 heating, 52, |