The product of the distillation of alcoholic liquors, which is termed low wine, does not usually contain alcohol in sufficient quantity to admit of its being employed for direct consumption. Besides this it always contains substances which have the property of distilling over with the spirit, although their boiling points, when in the pure state, are much higher than that of alcohol. These are all classed under the generic title of fusel-oil; owing to their very disagreeable taste and smell, their presence in spirit is extremely objectionable. In order to remove them, the rough products of distillation are submitted to a further process of concentration and purification. Besides fusel-oil, they contain other substances, such as aldehyde, various ethers, etc., the boiling points of which are lower than that of alcohol; these must also be removed, as they impart to the spirit a fiery taste. The whole process is termed rectification, and is carried on in a distillatory apparatus. As before stated, the wash as discharged into the still consists of alcohol mixed with water and a variety of impurities from which the alcohol This, however, is not a clean division for the reason that while in the beginning the vapors contain a large quantity of the more volatile alcohol, at the end they will contain a large portion of the less volatile water. The whole of the alcohol will be separated in this manner, but it will still be mixed with some water and in order to again divide the alcohol from the water the first distillate would have to be redistilled until at last the water is reduced to a minimum or entirely eliminated, if possible. But as it requires less heat to vaporize alcohol than water, so it also requires more cold to condense alcoholic-vapor than water-vapor. If then we pass the mixed vapors into a condensing chamber cooled to a certain temperature low enough to condense water-vapor but not the alcohol-vapor, then the water-vapor will fall down as water while In intermittent distillation, as by the simple still, the vapors of mixed alcohol and water at first contain a great deal of alcohol and a little water, then more water and less alcohol, and then a great deal of water and hardly any alcohol. It may be asked: “Why not take only the runnings rich in alcohol and leave the others?” The answer to this is that if this be done then all the alcohol is not extracted from the wash and there is just that much loss. The solution of the problem is to get all the alcohol out mixed with the water that is inevitably with it and then redistill this result thus getting out (sifting away) some of the water, and again distill this result, and so on until only pure alcohol is left. This, however, is a very troublesome business and has been abandoned as a means of removing impurities such as water, the ethers, and fusel oil except by makers of whiskey, brandy and other beverage spirits, in favor of continuous distillation and continuous rectification. It will be seen from what has gone before that there are two means of separating alcohol and water; one by an initial difference in heating and by a further difference in cooling or condensing. It is on this foundation that the whole art of fractional distillation or rectification rests. While we have for illustration been considering a mixture of pure alcohol and water, the wash or liquid formed When wash is distilled in the ordinary simple or pot still, the first part to come over consists of the very volatile matters,—more volatile than alcohol even,—that is, the ethers mixed with some alcohol. This is known as the fore-shot or first runnings, and is collected separately. When the spirit coming over possesses no objectionable odor, the second stage has begun. This running would be of the alcohol proper, getting weaker and weaker, however, as the running continues and this would be caught separately as long as it is of sufficient strength. At last would come the weak spirit containing much fusel oil. It is to be understood, however, that there is no defined line between these divisions. They graduate one into the other. The first and last runnings in the old practice were mixed together and distilled with the next charge. When a strong spirit was required, rectification would be repeated several times. It is customary, however, with the improved modern apparatus, to produce at the outset spirit containing but little fusel oil and at least 80 per cent of alcohol. This is then purified and concentrated Another cause of the offensive flavor of the products of distillation is the presence of various acids, which exist in all fermented liquors; they are chiefly tartaric, malic, acetic, and lactic acids. The excessive action of heat upon liquors which have been distilled by an open fire has also a particularly objectionable influence upon the flavor of the products. Fig. 35.—Rectifying Still. The first operation in the process of rectification is to neutralize the above-mentioned acids; this is effected by means of milk of lime, which is added to the liquor in quantity depending upon its acidity; the point at which the neutralization is complete is determined by the use of litmus paper. In the subsequent process of distillation, the determination of the exact moments at which to begin and to cease collecting the pure spirit is very difficult to indicate. It must be regulated by the nature of the spirits; some may be pure 20 or 30 minutes after they have attained the desired strength; and some only run pure an hour, or even more, after this point. The product should be tasted frequently, after being diluted with water, or a few drops may be poured into the palm of the hand, and after striking the hands together, it will be known by the odor whether the spirit be of good quality or not; these two means may be applied simultaneously. The process of rectification may be carried on Fig. 36.—Section of Rectifying Still. In order to cleanse the apparatus—which should In the intermittent rectifying still above described the impure products are distilled with the next charge. In the apparatus as perfected and used in large distilleries or rectification plants, the division of the several products composing the phlegm or raw spirit is made at one time and continuously on the principle now to be described. It was stated in the beginning of this chapter that the various impurities in alcohol, the ethers, the water and the fusel oils, have each their own vaporizing point and each their own condensing point. As this is so, they may be separated from each other and from the alcohol on the same principle as we have seen that water is separated from the mixture of pure alcohol and water; that is, by Fig. 37.—Fractional Distilling Apparatus. Thus in fractional distillation, each condenser or retort in the apparatus shown in Fig. 37, above acts as a sieve or trap, letting pass the most volatile substances but retaining those of a less degree of volatility. By passing the mixed vapor together through a good condensing medium the temperature of which is lower than the boiling point of the less volatile, but not so low as the boiling point of the more volatile the vapors of the less volatile liquid will be condensed, while the more volatile will retain their gaseous form. Thus by having a number of condensing mediums each one slightly lower in temperature than the other, the various vapors with their various points of volatilization will be successively condensed, allowing the passage of the more volatile vapors over to the condenser beyond. If we had mixed gravel and sand and desired to separate the gravel into assorted sizes and get the sand by itself, we would pass the mass through a series of sieves of gradually smaller mesh. The first sieve of course would catch all the largest pebbles, the next in size would let all the second sized gravel through, and so on until the final sieve would have separated the coarse sand from the fine. In this figure of illustration, the coarse pebbles may be taken to represent the water and the fusel oils which are mixed and partly tend to rise with the alcohol, and the alcohol may be represented as the gravel larger than the sand, and the fine sand as the etheric vapors. If this gravel were forced upwardly through a series of sieves gradually growing finer, it would be analogous figuratively to the upward passage of the vapors through a distilling column composed of plates or chambers; the water and fusel oils would be retained in the lower portion of the column and continually sent back there; the alcohol would pass into the upper chambers of the column and the ethers or fore-shots would pass out from the very fine sieve at the top of the column. The vertical chambers above each plate of the rectifying column are to-day used as the separate eliminating chambers referred to above. It has been found in practice that as before stated, each plate of a column contained upon it liquid of a certain temperature and above it vapors of a certain degree of vaporization. That is, in a continuous It is understood, of course, throughout this description that the liquid being treated is not wash but phlegm; that is, the raw spirit containing the fusel oils, ethers, water and alcohol. Fig. 38 represents a simple rectifying apparatus designed for small or medium sized plants, and manufactured by the Vulcan Copper Works Co., of Cincinnati. The still is upright, with a chambered column above it, of the usual type. The chambers are fitted with a vapor boiling pipe and cap and a drop pipe, and each is provided with cocks whereby it may be drained for cleansing. Fig. 38.—Rectifying Apparatus with External Tubular Condenser. The diameter of the still is large relatively to its depth so as to yield an economical and at the same time highly effective distribution of heat through the charge. This also affords an extended boiling area from which the vapor rises evenly and regularly, thus ensuring conditions peculiarly conducive to produce the best fractionating. The floor space required for this still and others of the same character built by this company is very compact and excessive weight on the top floor of the building is dispensed with. We have shown in Figs. 39 and 40 two forms of rectifying apparatus, one a twin column Barbet rectifier and the other a rectifier of the Gillaume type combined with inclined column still. In the twin column apparatus, Fig. 39, the first column or clarifier A receives the raw phlegm and accomplishes the elimination of ethers. The clarified phlegm passes then to the second column Fig. 39.—Twin Column Barbet Rectifier. The vapors in this column are carried to the condensers D and F and from there to a refrigerator G. The fusel oils are extracted from the plates slightly below the center of the column and are carried to an oil concentrating apparatus H. In the most complete forms of apparatus used to-day, there is a variation of this construction. The first runnings, middle runnings and the last runnings are each led off from the main column to separate coolers, condensers, etc., and the purified result from each of these columns is in turn led to a trunk rectifier common to all where the product is redistilled and entirely freed from impurities. This gives a very high grade of alcohol by a process practically continuous. At the same time the impurities are not returned to the first or main column to contaminate the vapors therein and add to the amount of fusel oils contained on Fig. 40.—Gillaume’s Rectifier and Inclined Still. Fig. 40.—Guillaume’s Direct Distillation-Rectification Apparatus for “Agricultural” Distillations.
In this apparatus the still proper is of the form heretofore described on page 78. The liquid to be distilled enters at the top of the inclined column A and descends to the base thereof. The alcoholic vapor rises through the column and passes off from the head thereof into the rectifying column. At the head of the column A it has a strength of about 40° to 50° F. The column C is supported upon an accumulating reservoir V which acts to regulate the flow of the phlegm through the rectifying column and prevents too great an exhaustion of the plates of the column. It acts as a reservoir to contain any excess of phlegm or to supply an additional amount of phlegm to the plates when they have become nearly exhausted. The oils or products of the last running accumulate at the base of the column, and are carried off to their special refrigerator Q. The alcoholic vapors concentrate while rising in the column and quickly attain a strength of 92° or 94° F. At a height within the column corresponding to the plates whereon alcohol of that strength is to be found, there are provided three taps u whereby the middle runnings or medium grade of alcohol may be drawn off, which have a maximum concentration The alcohol is thus obtained in one single operation and with, it is asserted, only a very small loss in rectification. The apparatus is claimed to be so simple that it may be operated even by unskilled farm labor. It is also claimed that purification by chemical treatment or filtration is unnecessary with the Guillaume apparatus. It may be stated, however, that the Guillaume system has many opponents. The capacity of the rectifying apparatus has a good deal of influence upon both the quantity and the quality of the spirit obtained. Besides being much more difficult to manage, a small apparatus will not yield so large a proportion of spirit as a more capacious one, nor will its products be of equally good flavor. The proportion of alcohol which may be obtained from a successful rectification is very variable; it depends upon the nature of the spirit rectified, the method of extracting the sugar, and the manner of conducting the distillation; it will also be in inverse proportion to the quantity of fusel-oil contained in the raw spirit. The average loss of pure alcohol during the process of rectification is generally estimated at about five per cent. In addition to the rectifying as above described, alcohol may be further purified by filtration through charcoal, by chemical means or by electrolysis. The last two methods have not so far been successful. The chemicals used merely act to disguise the disagreeable taste or smell of the spirit and do not really purify. They but substitute one impurity for another. The agents used are many—sulphuric and nitrate acids, soaps, oils and fats soda, lime and potash have each and all been tried, but with no permanent success. As agents for disguising the taste of new and raw spirits, alcoholic extracts of fruits have also been used. Purification and aging by electricity has been tried many times and in many different forms, but so far has not been commercially practicable. Filtration still remains the best and simplest adjunct to the rectifier. In small plants, a filter bed several feet in thickness of bone black or beachwood or charcoal is used, laid upon a foundation of gravel in a filtering tank. In the larger plants a series of these vats is used, the charcoal being used in lumps varying from ¼ to ½ inch in diameter. Two different views of the purification by charcoal are held—one that the charcoal purifies by chemical means, the other that it is purely a physical filtration agent. After filtration the charcoal must be steamed to recover the spirits retained therein and should be heated to a red heat every now and then to cleanse and regenerate it. |