LIST OF WORKS FOR OCTOBER & NOVEMBER 1887. I AUTOBIOGRAPHY AND REMINISCENCES OF W. P. FRITH, R.A. In two vols., demy 8vo., with two Portraits. II WHAT I REMEMBER. By Thomas Adolphus Trollope. In two vols., demy 8vo., with Portrait. III MEMOIRS OF THE PRINCESSE HÉLÈNE DE LIGNE. From the French of Lucien Perey, by Laura Ensor. In two vols., large crown 8vo., with Portrait. IV VERESTCHAGIN: PAINTER: SOLDIER: TRAVELLER. Autobiographical Sketches by Mons. and Madame Verestchagin, from the original by F. H. Peters, M.A. In two volumes, large crown 8vo., with upwards of eighty Illustrations from sketches by the Author. V AUTOBIOGRAPHY AND REMINISCENCES OF SIR DOUGLAS FORSYTH, K.C.S.I., C.B. Edited by his Daughter, Ethel Forsyth. In demy 8vo., with Portrait on Steel, and Map. VI THE COURT AND REIGN OF FRANCIS THE FIRST, KING OF FRANCE. By Julia Pardoe. A New Edition in three volumes, demy 8vo., with Illustrations on Steel, and voluminous Index. VII THE LAST OF THE VALOIS: and the Accession of Henry of Navarre, 1559-1610. By Catherine Charlotte Lady Jackson. In two vols., large Crown 8vo., with Portraits on Steel. 24s. VIII A HOLIDAY ON THE ROAD. An Artist’s Wanderings in Kent, Sussex, and Surrey. By James John Hissey. In demy 8vo., with numerous Illustrations from Sketches by the Author, and engraved upon wood by George Pearson. IX WILD LIFE AND ADVENTURE IN THE AUSTRALIAN BUSH. By Arthur Nicols, F.G.S., F.R.G.S., Author of “Zoological Notes,” “Natural History of the Carnivora,” etc. In two vols., large crown 8vo., with eight Illustrations from Sketches by Mr. John Nettleship. X MY CONSULATE IN SAMOA. With Personal Experiences of King Malietoa Laupepa, His Country, and His Men. By William B. Churchward. In demy 8vo. 15s. XI LETTERS FROM CRETE. Written during the Spring of 1886. By Charles Edwardes. In demy 8vo. 15s. XII THE ENGLISH OCCUPATION OF TANGIERS, 1663-1684. Being the first volume of “The History of the Second Queen’s Royal Regiment (now the Queen’s Royal West Surrey Regiment).” By Lieut.-Colonel John Davis, F.S.A., Author of “Historical Records of the Second Royal Surrey Militia.” In royal 8vo., with Maps, Plans, and numerous Illustrations. Vol. I. 24s. The Work is expected to be completed in four volumes, royal 8vo. XIII LORD CARTERET: a Political Biography. By Archibald Ballantyne. In demy 8vo. 16s. XIV WORD PORTRAITS of FAMOUS WRITERS. Edited by Mabel E. Wotton. In large Crown 8vo. XV A GENTLEMAN OF THE OLDEN TIME. FranÇois de ScÉpeaux, Sire de Vieilleville, 1509-1571. From the French of Madame C. Coignet, by C. B. Pitman. In two vols., crown 8vo. 21s. London: Richard Bentley & Son, New Burlington St. Publishers in Ordinary to Her Majesty the Queen.