"Acting Chief-Commandant" of the Orange Free State, The, his report of De Wet's success in Cape Colony, 431, 432. Administrative reconstruction, 397, 458, 489, 523 et seq. Africa. See South Africa. Afrikander Bond, The, 46; programme of, 50 et seq.; its sphere of action, 55; its power in Cape Colony, 55; its origin, 56; its purpose, 56 to 58, 106; its first congress, 59; its "programme of principles," 59; its change of policy, 60; members returned to it by the Cape Parliament, 60, 483; meets at Bloemfontein, 63; adopts the Hofmeyr programme, 64; its manner of reuniting European communities in S. Africa, 65; its first openly avowed aim, 66; falls back on the policy of 1881, 69; its influence in the Cape Legislature, 70, 93, 121, 122, 141; its attempts to obstruct the business of the Cape Parliament, 94, 95; the parliamentary chief and the real leader of, 97; Lord Milner's remonstrance to the Dutch of Cape Colony, 84, 91, 92, 98; the sum and substance of its policy, 106, 107, 119; address to Lord Milner from the Graaf Reinet branch, 108; Lord Milner's reply, 109 to 113; Sir Gordon Sprigg's defiance of, 116; the funds of, 118; its domination, 150; nature of its "mediation" with Pres. KrÜger, 162, 169, 195, 274, 276; demonstrations organised by, 215; the completeness with which it had undermined British power, 223; its view of the Salisbury Cabinet, 274; its activity, 348; its attitude at the end of January, 1900, 373; annual congress at Somerset East, 374; its policy after the occupation of the Republics, 429; its attitude in February, 1901, 430; the qualities of its leaders, 435; its leaders decline to associate themselves with the efforts of the Burgher Peace Committee, 474; its identification with the Boer invaders, 475; the character of the men it sent to Parliament, 483. "Afrikanderdom," the doctrine of, 197. Afrikander nationalists, The, 48 (note), 267; the creed of, 48 et seq., 119; their plan of a united S. Africa, 70; Mr. Chamberlain's hope of winning their support, 73; strength of their forces, 74, 96, 104; their bitterness against Lord Milner, 80; uneasiness of, 113; dominate S. Africa, 126; their motives with regard to the Bloemfontein Conference, 157; their direct appeal to the Queen, 294; unmasked, 300; their speech and action during the war, 343; they co-operate with the two Republics with a view to pressing their "peace overtures" on the British Government, 360, 361; their "conciliation" meetings, 361, 382; renewal of their alliance with the Liberal Opposition, 369; their objects, 382, 383; their opposition to the Treason Bill, 395; their references to Boer successes, 396; they slander the British troops, 398; their hatred of England, 429; assistance rendered by them to the guerilla leaders, 478; their commission to Messrs. Merriman and Sauer, 495. "Afrikander party" The, the friends of in England, 375, 379. Agricultural Department, The, formation of in Orange River Colony, 525. Agriculture, The development of in new colonies, 536. "Albany" settlers, The, 15, 271. Albert, 346. Albert Times, The, 120. Aliens Expulsion and Immigration Laws, The, Mr. Chamberlain's demand for the repeal of, 81; repeal and amendment of, 82, 88, 94. Aliwal North, 346, 411, 455. Amershof, Mr. Justice, 103. Amery, Mr., 291, 300. Amphitheatre Meeting, The, 131. Anti-British Press, The, 68, 166, 205 to 207, 225, 272, 349, 374, 380, 391, 403, 409, 477. Ardagh, Sir John, 319 (note). Arms, The surrender of, 573; the possession of, 581. Army Corps, The, the order to mobilise, 244, 317, 318; arrival of, 305, 321, 331. Arnold-Forster, H. O., 516. Asquith, H. H., his appreciation of Lord Milner, 77, 92, 99; his utterances, 416. Attorney-General, The (Cape), notice issued by as to acts of treason, 480. Baden-Powell, Colonel, afterwards General, 191 (note), 329 (note), 397, 530. Balfour, A. J., 203 (note), 228, 302, 307. Balfourian Parliament, The, 319 (note). Balliol Scholars, 76 (note). Bantu, The, 11, 12, 25. Barberton, 452. Barkly East, 346. Barkly, Sir Henry, 275. Bastards, The, 281. Basuto incident, The, 496 (note). Basutoland, 83; British authorities in, warned by Lord Milner, 298; construction of the railway to from Bloemfontein, 532 (note). Beaconsfield, Lord, 24. Bechuanaland Expedition, The, 350 (note). Bechuanaland, 83; the administration of the European population of, 35; the Transvaal's attempt to secure, 64, 74, 93; the Dutch community in, 346. Bechuanas, the employment of as indentured labourers, 117. Beechranger Hottentots, The, 2, 4. Belgrave, Lord (now Duke of Westminster), 167. Berry, Dr. (now Sir) Wm., 124 (note). Bethulie Bridge, 411, 455; alleged movement of British troops to, 236. Bezuidenhout, the Boer, 11. Blignaut, J. N., letter from, 258. Blockhouse system, The, area inclosed by, 458; effect produced by, 456, 457; efficiency of, 576; extension of, 455; its help to the railways, 533. Bloemfontein, Meeting of the Afrikander Bond at, 63; opening of the railway at, 67; seizure of correspondence at, 156, 162, 206, 376; the occupation of, 328, 363, 384; visit of Lord Milner to, 397; the effective occupation of the district round, 453; discussion at of the question of peace between Lords Milner and Kitchener, 471; civil administration in, 524; construction of the railway to Basutoland, 532 (note). Bloemfontein Conference, The, 268; proposed, 140; agreed to by President KrÜger, 153; negotiations leading up to, 151 to 165; meeting of, 167, 168; the discussion at a closing of, 168, 172; the result of, 172; the four months which followed, 174. Bloemfontein Convention, The, 17, 87 (note); Sir G. Grey's criticism of, 19. Bloemfontein Express, The, 50, 54, 63, 67. Blood, Sir Bindon, 425. Bodley, J. E. C., statement by, 76 (note). Boer Administration, The, depraved character of, 212. Boer Army, The, 336, 337, 340 (note). Boer aspirations, The, 302. Boer children, Teaching of during the war, 519 to 523. Boer Peace commissioners, The, their tortuous diplomacy, 526; the "Terms of Surrender" communicated to them, 563; their departure from Pretoria, 569. Boer deputation in Europe, The, 555. Boer emigrants, The, 19. Boer leaders, The, their decision to continue the struggle, 414, 417, 418, 424 et seq.; their disingenuousness, 557; penalties to which they were liable, 564; they treat for peace, 552, 555 et seq. Boer raiders, The, 438. Boer revolt of 1880-81, The, 31. Boer Republics, The (see also Orange Free State and Transvaal), creation of, 17, 19; scheme for their union with the British colonies, 24. Boer spies, 337. Boer, vernacular, The, 547. Boers, The, the (3rd) Duke of Portland's despatch relating to their treatment, 9; their dealings with the natives, 11; the grant of self-government to, 29; their resistance to British arms 48; their bitterness against Lord Milner, 80; their military forces, 181, 340 (note), without uniform, 336; personal dealings with, 194, 195; their friends in England, 232, 414, 424, 573; breaches of faith by, 399; their losses up to November, 1901, 458; final surrender of, 573 (note). Bond, The. See Afrikander Bond. Bond Press, The, 209. Booy the Hottentot, 11. Borckenhagen the German, 49, 50, 66. Botha, Louis, 564; dispersal of his army, 322; defeat of at Diamond Hill, 329; defeat of at Dalmanutha, 329; in Johannesburg, 337; urges his fellow-burghers to lay down their arms, 414, 424; his determination to fight on, 421; circular issued by him, 425 (note); his responsibility for the suffering of the Boers during the guerilla war, 427; failure of the negotiations with Lord Kitchener, 434; stimulates his followers, 457; treats for peace, 471, 552, 554; meets Lords Milner and Kitchener at Pretoria, 552, 556; letter to him from Mr. Chamberlain as to the re-opening of the discussion after the surrender of Vereeniging, 562; advocates submission, 571, 577; Lord Kitchener's appreciation of his tact and energy after signing the treaty of peace, 573 (note); his views on the position of the Boer women and children during the later stages of the war, 575; his testimony to the efficiency of Lord Kitchener's blockhouse system, 576; his admission as to the impossibility of again raising a revolt in Cape Colony, 577. "Botha" terms, The, 471, 554. Bower, Sir Graham, 41. Brand, President, 28, 275; discourages the Afrikander Bond, 55; the rÔle played by him in 1881, 153. Brebner J., 564. Breed's Nek, 455. British Administration, the failure of in S. Africa, 1, 22; distrust of by the British in S. Africa, 37; the Bond and, 65; its impotency, 69; efficiency of impaired by English party politics, 254. British and Dutch factions, The, bitterness of, 244. British Army, The, in Cape Colony and Natal, 189, 325; disadvantage in which it was placed, 253; its performance in S. Africa, 323; the number of effectives available, 323; its difficulties, 330 et seq.; the slander of, 398, 499. British colonists, the settlement of on the land, 538. British Government, representatives of at the Cape, 7; its treatment of the natives and Dutch in S. Africa, 8. British Navy, The, the offer of an annual contribution to the cost of, 95; holds the seas, 311. British party, A, the creation of, 150. British policy in S. Africa, 9 et seq.; up to 1897, 69. British population in Cape Colony, The, 107, 115, 127; effect of the Redistribution Bill on, 125; their approval of Lord Milner's policy, 216; their dismay at the Imperial Government's reception of the seven years' franchise law, 222; their support of Lord Milner, 270; numbers which took part in the war, 324. British settlers in the country, 61. Britstown, 354. Brunt of The War, The, 462 (note). Bryce, James, The Rt. Hon. M.P., attitude and public utterances of, 259, 314, 360, 415, 496; misstatement by, 263; the "settlement" advocated by him, 370; his view of the Transvaal Government, 579 (note). Buller, General Sir Redvers, 191; defeat of, 306; his responsibility for the early disasters, 318, 319; his misconception of the state of affairs, 319, 320; at Maritzburg, 321; forces at his disposal, 321; false report of surrender to the Boers, 380. Bundy, Thomas Dashwood, 212 (note). Bunu, the affair of, 89 (note). Burger, Schalk, 89, 101, 159, 564; denounced by KrÜger, 100; attends the Bloemfontein Conference, 168; his determination to fight on, 421; his responsibility for the sufferings of the Boers in the guerilla war, 427; his official notice of June 20th, 1901, 434; his complaint against the system of the Burgher Camps, 463 (note); announces to Lord Kitchener that he is prepared to treat for peace, 552; granted a safe-conduct through the British lines to consult Mr. Steyn, 552; meets Lords Milner and Kitchener at Pretoria, 552; appointed a peace commissioner, 556; calls upon the meeting to decide upon continuing the war or not, 570; his account of the origin of the war, 574; his reasons for treating for peace, 578. Burgher Camps, deportation of Boer non-combatants to, 459; high rate of mortality in, 460 to 463; Lord Kitchener's reply to the official Boer complaint against the camps, 463 (note); condition of, 503, 505, 513; establishment of schools in, 519 to 523; views of the Boers on, 575. Burgher meetings, The, the minutes of, 560 et seq. Burgher Peace Committee, The, 412, 422, 423; its efforts, 427, 429; treatment of its agents, 427 to Caledon, Lord, one of the first measures as Governor of the Cape, 10. Cambridge, The Duke of, 494 (note). Campbell-Bannerman, Sir Henry, his public utterances on the war, 192, 252, 256, 259, 314, 367, 368, 399, 416, 418, 574; his treatment of Mr. Chamberlain's proposal as to preparations for war, 265, 266; his attitude in Committee of Supply, 371 (note); his remarks in the debate on the S. African Settlement, 393; his charges of inhumanity against the Government and Lord Kitchener, 460, 464 (note); his reply to the charge brought against him by Sir M. Hicks-Beach, 466, 467; his speech at Stirling on October 25th, 1901, 467; his declaration at Plymouth, 499. "Canadian Precedent," The, 385. Cape Colony, The, an incident in the settlement of the Dutch E. India Co. at, 2; isolation of at the end of the 18th century, 6; the task of governing, 6; the old European population in, 7; representatives of the British Government at, 7; the temporary British occupation of in 1795-1803, 8; population of at the time of the permanent British occupation, 10; Franco-Dutch population in, 11; the "Albany Settlers" in, 15; the emancipation of slaves in, 15; disintegrating influences at work in, 28; transfer to the British Government, 51; the sphere of action of the Afrikander Bond, 55; conflict of its commercial interests with those of the Transvaal, 64; speech of Cecil Rhodes on March 12th, 1898, 67; anti-British sentiment of the Dutch leaders in, 91; the political situation at the time of Lord Milner's arrival, 93; division of parties in, 97; aspirations of the Dutch in, 105; the leaders of Dutch opinion in, 106; public meetings in, 131; nationalists of, 142, 195; the vote for responsible government in, 147; creation of a British party in, 151; the garrison in, 191; demonstrations in of confidence in Lord Milner's statesmanship, 215; petition from to the Queen, 216; the British forces in, 243; the Boer aspiration to annex, 258, 259; organisation of the defences of, 269, 278; the British population of, 271; only in name a British colony, 273; alarming rumours from, 305; rebellion of the Dutch in, 341 to 372; proclamation of martial law, 345, 411; Lord Milner's despatch dealing with the rebellion, 346; disclosure of a new centre of rebellion, 354, 355; the second invasion of, 383, 430; racial relations in, 383; clearing it of the republican invaders, 384; the situation in November, 1900, 398; De Wet enters, 430; is chased out, 432; the area to be protected, 445; response of the British population to arms, 446; numbers of Boers in the field in, 454; screened off by blockhouses, 458; the course of events in, 473; collapse of the system of responsible government in, 478 to 480; the Government stipulates for certain conditions as to the procedure of military courts, 481; number of troops placed by the Government of in the field, 485, 486; treatment of rebels in, 563, 567. Cape Argus, The, 243 (note). Cape Boys, The, the ill-treatment of, 89 (note). Cape Civil Service, The, disaffection of, 272. Cape Distriks-bestuur, The, 349. Cape electoral system, The, 115, 116. Cape garrison, The, 191, 204, 278. Cape local forces, The, 281 (note). Cape Ministry, The (see also Schreiner Cabinet and Sprigg), its views as to its duties and powers in case of a war, 164; and the Bond, 193; attitude of, 198; "moral support of," 217; its views upon the settlement of the new colonies, 546. Cape nationalists, The, 167, 268. Cape Parliament, The, Afrikander Bond influence in, 60, 70, 393; Progressive majority in, 393; prorogation of, 478, 482. Cape Parliamentary Reports, 395. Cape Times, The, 48 (note), 220, 379 (note); report of J. X. Merriman's speech in, 62; its reported interview with Cecil Rhodes, 114; its views on the Redistribution Bill, 117. Capetown, mass meeting at, 204, 250; alleged plot to seize, 350. Carisbrook Castle, The S.S., 132 (note). Carnarvon, 354. Carnarvon, Lord, his scheme of federal union, 27. "Carnival of Mendacity," The, 477. Cartwright, Albert, 380, 381, 477. Cecil Rhodes, Vindex's, 68 (note). Century of Wrong, A, Mr. Reitz's, 356. Cetewayo, destruction of a British regiment by one of his impis 17; his organisation of the Zulus, 25. Chaka, 25. Chamberlain, Rt. Hon. Joseph, 40, 41, 45, 72; his inquiry of Lord Rosmead as to the Jameson raid, 42; his active sympathy with the Uitlanders, 47; his policy, 72, 73, 125; his choice of Lord Milner as High Commissioner, 75, 77; his despatch of March 6th 1897, 81; accusation against, 82; asserts Great Britain's suzerainty over the Transvaal, 126 (note); his intimation to the Pretoria Executive as to the dynamite contract, 130; accepts the suggestion of a conference at Bloemfontein, and decides to postpone the publication of Lord Milner's despatch on the Uitlanders, 140; a question put by him to Mr. Philip Schreiner, 146; authorises Lord Milner to attend the Bloemfontein Conference, 155; his despatch of May 10th, 1899, 155, 194; agrees with the line proposed to be taken by Lord Milner at the Bloemfontein Conference, 157; his alleged determination to force a war on the Transvaal, 184; his declaration in the House of Commons on the failure of the Bloemfontein Conference, 188; his desire to avoid war, 196; the support given by him to Lord Milner, 200; his speech of June 26th, 1899, at Birmingham, 202, 204; urges delay in passing the limited Franchise Bill, 210; believes the crisis to be at an end, 221; prepared to accept KrÜger's illusory Franchise Law, 222; statement by him in the House of Commons on the new franchise law, 227; proposes to the Transvaal a joint commission, 229; his action after the repudiation by the Pretoria Executive of the arrangement made between Mr. Smuts and Sir Wm. Greene, 238, 239; he repudiates the claim made by the S. African Republic to be a sovereign international state, 240; his despatch of September 8th, 1899, 240, 241; his speech at Highbury on August 27th, 249; his proposal to Sir H. Campbell-Bannerman as to preparations for war, 265, 266; repudiates the charges of bad faith brought against Sir Wm. Greene, 290; his anxiety for a peaceful settlement, 293; his statement at Birmingham, on May 11th, 1900, as to the number of the forces in S. Africa, 325; his statement at Birmingham of the nature of the settlement the Government had determined on, 367; sends a despatch to Lord Milner on the subjects of compensation of loyalists and punishment of rebels, 384; his reply to the views of the Schreiner Cabinet on the questions, 386; his views upon the disfranchisement of the rebels, 389; replies to the arguments of the Schreiner Ministry in favour of a general amnesty, 395; his speech containing the chief points in the proposed proclamation to the fighting burghers, 420; abandons the proposal, 421; sanctions the issue of Governor's warrants at the Cape, 479; refuses an appeal for the suspension of the Cape constitution, 479; assents to Lord Milner's application for leave, 488; importance attached by him to the views of the Cape and Natal Governments on the question of the settlement of the new colonies, 489, 490; receives Lord
Milner, 490, 491; report presented to him by the Land Settlement Commission, 516; agrees to a tax on the mining industry, 542; his reply to Lord Milner's telegram on the financial position, 543; concurs in Lord Milner's proposals for land settlement, 544; approves Lord Milner's suggestion as to the enlargement of the Legislative Councils, 545; declines to re-open the discussion after the signature of the Vereeniging surrender, 562. Channing, M.P., Mr., 489 (note). Chartered Company, The, 36, 66, 83. Churchill, Winston, Mr., his statement on the use of the word "natives" in the "Terms of Surrender," 568 (note). Civil Administration, the establishment of, in the new colonies, 397, 519; its progress, 489, 524. Claremont, speech of Sir J. Rose Innes at, 361, 362. Cloete, Judge, his opinion of Lord Glenelg's reversal of Sir B. D'Urban's frontier policy, 14. "Closer Union," the policy of, 49, 70. "Coercive measures," Boer, 425. Colenso, 306, 321; a result of the defeat at, 8; the Free State Boers moving on, 305. Colesberg, 346, 348. Colonial Conference, The, of 1897, 95. Colonial Office, The, the administration of, 23; a leakage from, 153. Colonial questions, the study of, 24; necessity of, 254. Colonial rebels, The, penalties to be inflicted on, 563, 567; surrenders of, 573 (note). Colonies, The, offers of military aid from, 251, 324. Commando Nek, 455. Commissie Van Toezicht, The, 349. Committee of Inquiry into the Raid, The, the report of, 97. Concentration Camps. See Burgher Camps. Concessions Commission, The, 376, 377 (note). "Conciliation," movement, The, 343, 359, 361, 373 to 412; Lord Milner's record of the origin of the movement, 373; injurious influence of the movement on the Colony, 381; the Englishmen who took part in, 383; the initiation of, Daily Chronicle, The, a statement in as to the crisis in S. Africa, 154. Dalmanutha, defeat of Louis Botha at, 329, 414. Davies, "Karri," Major W. D., 88. De Aar, 305, 354, 455. De Jong, Mr., 402 (note), 477. De Kock, Meyer, shot, 427. Delagoa Bay, The proposed railway line to, 29; its purchase recommended by Sir Bartle Frere, 29; appearance of a British squadron at, 82; consignment of ammunition to, 236; railway communication with Pretoria re-opened, 329. De la Rey, J. H., 434, 552, 556, 562 (note), 564; Lord Kitchener's appreciation of his tact, 573 (note). De Patriot, 48, 50 (note), 56, 57, 63. De Rand Post, 213. Derby, Lord, publication of his telegram of Feb. 27th, 1884, 262. De Transvaalse Oorlog, 54, 57 (note), 58. De Villiers, A. B., 382, 404, 406. De Villiers, Melius, 160, 232; advocates a cessation of hostilities, 401. De Villiers, Sir Henry, 28, 95 (note), 102; his letter of May 21st, 1899, to Pres. Steyn, 159; his visit to Pretoria in 1899, 159, 160; his complaint of the obscurity of the new franchise law, 218, 219; his letter to Mr. Fischer urging Pres. KrÜger's acceptance of the joint inquiry, 232, 311; his appeal to Pres. Steyn not to declare war, 292. "Development Loan," The, 540. Devonshire, The Duke of, comment on Sir H. Campbell-Bannerman's attitude in Committee of Supply, 371 (note). De Wet, Christian, 420, 434, 562 (note), 564, 575; his blow at Sannah's Post, 363; his responsibility for the sufferings of the Boers during the guerilla war, 427, 428; his laager near Lindley, 427; enters Cape Colony, 430, 577; chased out of it, 432; his Three Years' War, 433 (note); the pursuit of, 471; his report to L. Botha on the rising in the Cape, 475; meets Lords Milner and Kitchener at Pretoria, 552, 556; signs the Vereeniging Agreement, 567 (note); advocates a continuance of the war, 571, 578; Lord Kitchener's appreciation of his tact, 573 (note). De Wet, Piet, protests against the treatment of the agents of the Peace Committee, 427; desires the Afrikander leaders to associate themselves with the Burgher Peace Committee, 474. De Wet, Sir Jacobus, 82. Diamond Hill, defeat of the Boers at, 329. Diamond Jubilee, The, celebration of on the Rand, 86, 90. Diamond Mines, The, earnings of, 23; Mr. Merriman's association with, 149. Diamonds, The discovery of, 23. Disarmament, The operation of, 413 to 469; views of the Natal Ministry on, 549. Dodd, Mr., arrest of, 131. Doornkop, The surrender of Dr. Jameson's troopers at, 68 (note). Dordrecht affair, The, 496 (note). Downing Street, The impossibility of governing S. Africa from, 1, 22, 34, 35; Mr. Chamberlain and, 47. Doyle, Sir A. Conan, his War in South Africa, 469 (note). Duncan, Mr., 515, 527. Du Plessis, H. A., his protest against the treatment of the Boers who were in favour of peace, 428. Durban, 271. D'Urban, Sir Benjamin, the reversal of his frontier policy, 12 to 15. Durham, Lord, his report on Canada, 480. Dutch, The, their first conflict with the natives of S. Africa, 3. Dutch, The Cape, rebellion of, 341 to 372; the aggravation and use of their disaffection, 373; disarmament of, 413 to 469; their sympathy with the Boer raiders, 432, 433; their restlessness and embitterment, 443; their general attitude, 444. Dutch East India Company, The, an incident in their settlement at the Cape, 2; a century and a half of their government, 5; the corner stone of their policy, 5; their instructions to Van Riebeck, 5, 9. Dutch language, The, the use of, 565, 581. Dutch party, The, interests of, 273. Dutch Press, The, the nationalist propaganda of, 69, 106, 107, 119. Dutch Reformed Church, The, 120, 215, 410, 411, 428. Dutch Republic, A, The establishment of, 255, 356, 357. Dutch South African, The, the original stock from which they are descended, 5; their essential unity, 24; Lord Milner's anxiety to see their best side, 90; anti-British sentiment of, 91, 104; their moral conquest of Cape Colony, 107. Dutch, The republican, 17, 19, 28, 36; conditions under which they were incorporated into the system of British S. Africa, 545. Dutch vote, The, 150. Du Toit, Rev. S. J., 50 (note), 54; his articles in De Patriot, 56; rejected by the Bond, 58; reference to him in J. N. Blignaut's letter, 258. Duxbury, Mr., 212 (note). Dynamite Contract, The, 130. Ebden, Mr. Alfred, 173. Edgar, Tom Jackson, 130, 131 (note), 132, 175. Educational reconstruction, The work of, 519 to 523. Eerste Fabriken, 456. Eighty Club, The, an address to by Mr. Morley, 371 (note). Eliot, Mr., 306. Ellis, M.P., John, 498 (note). Emigrant Farmers, The, 15 to 17. England, The military unpreparedness of, 185; ignorance of the situation in S. Africa, 251, 253, 283, 316, 323, 331; hatred of, 312. England in Egypt, 76. English language, The, war against, 58. English State Church, The, Afrikander view of, 53. "Equal rights for all white men," The policy of, 1, 32. Esau, brutal murder of, 427 (note). Farelly, Mr., 126 (note), 214. Farmer, Canon, 259. "Farmers' Protection Association, The," 59, 60. Farrer, Lord, 498 (note). Faure, Pieter (now Sir), 93, 105. Fiddes, G. V., 167, 515; his report on the work of the departments of education, public works, and district administration, 526. Fischer, Abraham, 126 (note), 161, 203, 204, 210, 239 (note); acts as interpreter at the Bloemfontein Conference, 168; his advice to KrÜger, 217; in constant communication with Mr. Schreiner, 217 (note); dissociates himself from the "mediation" policy of the Cape nationalists, 234; works at the completion of the military preparations of the Republics, 234; revises the Boer reply to the British despatch of Sept. 8th, 1899, 242; recasts the ultimatum, 291; attempt to influence him to terminate the war, 495. Fischer-Hofmeyr Mission, The, 203 to 210, 236, 275, 555. Fish River, The, grants of land beyond, 13. FitzPatrick, Sir Percy, 264, 273. Five Lectures on the Emigration of the Dutch Farmers, 16 (note). Forestier-Walker, Lieut.-General, appointed to the Cape command, 184, 247, 269; military measures of, 288. FouchÉ, 432. Fowler, Sir Henry, 416. Franchise for the Uitlanders, The five years', 37, 156, 157, 170, 172, 238; conditions attached to the proposed new franchise, 238. Franchise Law, The, 209 et seq.; the Volksraad discussion on, 213; demonstrations upon, 215; KrÜger recommends a further modification of, 217; the new law passed, 218; obscurity of its provisions, 218 to 220; flagrant insincerity of, 234; Mr. Smuts offers a simplified seven years', subsequently a five years' franchise in lieu of the proposed joint inquiry, 237, 238; conditions attached to the proposed new franchise, 238; the Home Government kept inactive by, 288. France, The attitude of, 311. Franco-Dutch population at the Cape, The, 11; secession of part of, 17. Fraser, Edmund, difficult position of, 175. Fraser, J. G., his opposition to the policy of "closer union," 49; beaten for the Presidential election, 70. Free State Dutch, The, 18. Frederickstad, 455. French, General, his advance on Colesberg, 348; libel on, 477; surrenders of rebels to, 573 (note). French, Mr., 306. Frere, (the late) Sir Bartle, 24, 25, 261; his diagnosis of the S. African situation, 26; his difference with the Beaconsfield Cabinet, 26; his recall, 27; the vindication of his statesmanship, 27; his knowledge of S. African conditions, 28; drafts a scheme of administrative reform, 28; his private memo, written from the Cape in 1879, 29; events following his recall, 34, 255; letter from to Sir Gordon Sprigg, 263. Frere, Sir Bartle, and Mr. John Morley, 261. Friend, The (Bloemfontein), 235. Froneman, Commandant, 428. Gatacre, General, defeat at Stormberg, 321, 348. German Emperor, The, telegram of, 71. German General Staff, The, reply to its criticism, 334. German Government, The, action of, 37, 232; attitude of, 311. German Marines at Delagoa Bay, 39 (note). Germiston, Lord Milner's speech at, 491 (note). Gill, Sir David, his words, 286. Girouard, Sir Percy, 502, 532. Gladstone, Rev. Stephen, 498. Gladstone, W. E., S. African policy of, 26, 31. Glencoe, British force despatched to, 291. Glenelg, Lord (see also Grant), Cloete's opinion of his despatch reversing Sir B. D'Urban's frontier policy, 14. Gold Industry, The, Commissions on, 529; resumption of, 536. Goodenough, General, his schemes for the defence of the British colonies, 180. Goold-Adams, Major Sir H., 470, 488, 515, 524, 526. Government House, watched by spies, 273. Governor's warrants, 478. Graaf Reinet, first congress of the Afrikander Bond at, 59; Lord Milner's speech at, 84, 91, 92, 98, 99, 107, 115, 367; opening of the railway at, 108; the people's congress at, 379, 381. Grahamstown, 61. Graham, T. Lynedoch, 116 (note). Grant, Charles (aft. Lord Glenelg), his reversal of Sir Benjamin D'Urban's frontier policy, 12 et seq. Greene, Sir Wm. Conyngham, 82, 127, 131 (note), 198, 210, 226 (note), 237, 238, 241, 242, 252, 290, 295, 299, 310. Gregorowski, Chief Justice, 103, 259. Grey, Sir Edward, 416. Grey, Sir George, neglect of his advice by the Home Government 18; his exposure of the Sand River and Bloemfontein Conventions, 19; his despatch to Sir E. B. Lytton, 19; is charged with "direct disobedience," 20, 22; recalled and reinstated, 20; attitude of the Home Government towards, 21. Griqualand West, the discovery of diamonds in, 23; an invitation to the Boers to invade, 260. Groebler, Mr., 204, 205. Guerilla warfare, commencement of, 398; Pres. Steyn's responsibility for, 414, 415; methods and conditions of, 417; responsibility for sufferings of the Boers during, 426, 427; increased losses, to the country due to, 437; methods by which it was brought to a close, 450, 575. Haldane, Mr., 416. Handelsblad, The Amsterdam, an article in, 50. Harcourt, Sir William, 75, 76, 502; his appreciation of Lord Milner, 77, 78; his misstatement on the Suzerainty question, 262; his manifestation of hostility to the loyalist population of South Africa, 464 (note); his financial miscalculations, 502. Hargrove, E. T., 375 to 380, 415, 496 (note). Harrison, Frederic, 498 (note). "Harry" the Hottentot chief, 3. Heany, Captain, 40, 42, 43. Heidelberg, 456. Hely-Hutchinson, Sir Walter, 470; prorogues the Cape Parliament, 478, 479 (note). Herholdt, A. J., 150, 204; joins the Schreiner Cabinet, 124, 142; his mission, 205 (note), 207; his views as to the treatment of the rebels, 390, 393. Het Oosten, 477. Het Volk, 55 (note). Hertzog, General, 564, 572; appointed a peace commissioner, 556, 558; crosses the Orange River, 430. High Commissioner for S. Africa, The, decreasing power of, 36; severance of the office from the governorship of the Cape, 419, 470. "High Court Crisis," The, 102, 103. History of the War in South Africa, The Official, vol. i. 309 (note) et seq. History of the War in South Africa, The Times', 217 (note), 300 (note), 309 (note), 340 (note), 351 (note). Hobhouse, Lord, 498 (note). Hobhouse, Miss, 462 (note). "Hofmeyr Compromise, The," 277. Hofmeyr, J. H., 55; the influence of, 60; adoption of his programme by the Bond, 64; his alliance with Rhodes, 65; dictates Lord Rosmead's policy, 70; his attitude towards the offer of a contribution to the cost of the British Navy, 95; the real leader of the Bond party, 97, 116, 117; his action to prevent the publication of Lord Milner's despatch on the petition of the Uitlanders, 140; asks Lord Milner to meet KrÜger in conference, 140, 153; his methods for paralysing British administration, 140, 141; his motives, 147; approaches Lord Milner as to meeting Pres. KrÜger at Bloemfontein, 154, 156; his anxiety to prevent decisive action of the Imperial Government, 158; his absence from the Bloemfontein Conference, 167; the pressure of his "mediation," 196; in close communication with Abraham Fischer, 203; confers with Messrs. Fischer and Smuts at Bloemfontein, 205; goes to Pretoria, 207; the failure of his mission, 209; his relations with the republican nationalists, 216, 217; urges the acceptance of the proposed joint inquiry, 232, 311; his view of Mr. Schreiner's position as Premier of the Cape, 235; his opinion of the result of war, 275; his telegram of Sept. 14th to Pres. Steyn, 275; his displeasure at the Schreiner Cabinet, 346, 361; at a meeting of the Cape Distriks-bestuur, 349. Hottentots, The, 2 to 5, 9, 10. House of Commons, The, debate in on the S. African settlement, 393. Hunter, General, Sir A., Prinsloo surrenders to, 329. "Imperial factor, The," 40; the elimination of, 34, 85. Imperial Light Horse, The, 179, 447. Imperial military authorities, The, charges brought against, 459. Imperial military railways, The, 502, 505. Imperial spirit, The, 21, 24. Imperial troops, The, calumnies on, 398, 499; insufficiency of, 452, 453; the task of, 435, 452, 487. Impossible position, An, 128. Impressions of South Africa, By J. Bryce, extract from, 579 (note). Indemnity and Special Tribunals Act, The, 396. "Independence," the Boer claim to, 578. India, The feudatory princes of, 311. Indian Army, The, troops from for S. Africa, 243, 310. Indian military authorities, The, promptitude displayed by, 289. Industrial Commission, The, anticipation of good results from, 105; impartiality of, 89; treatment of its Report, 99 to 101. Industrial corporations, growth of, 36. Innes, Sir James, 118 (note), 125, 271, 361, 362; becomes Attorney-General, 390; notice issued by him as to treason, 480, 481. Intelligence Department, The, the work of, 177, 180, 190, 217 (note), 233, 234 (notes), 257, 277 (note), 292 (note), 319 (note), 425. Inter-State Conference, An, proposal of, 153. Irish Nationalist party, The, 465. Irrigation, report of Sir W. Willcocks on, 516, 529. Isandlhwana, the military disaster of, 17, 26. Jameson, Dr., 38 et seq.; his disregard of the Reformers' message and of Rhodes's telegram, 43. Jameson Raid, The, 33, 37, 41; its effect on the Rhodes-Hofmeyr alliance, 68; object of, 38 to 44; Parliamentary Committee of Inquiry into, 82; political forces set in motion by, 93; results of, 69, 71. Janssen, David, the murder of, 2, 3. Johannesburg, 439; Lord Milner's farewell speech at, 129, 145; the second Reform movement at, 132; enthusiastic meeting at, 198, 199, 215; march of Lord Roberts on, 214; exodus from, 246; situation in, 248; occupation of, 329; Lord Roberts's decision to advance on, 352; arrangements for the civil administration of, 397; effective occupation of the district round, 453; British population allowed to return to, 459; Lord Milner's reception at, 472; establishment of a Town Council for, 489; abolition of the office of Military Governor, 489; the public buildings at, 526; organisation of municipal police in, 529. Johannesburg insurrection, The, 41. Johannesburg mines, The, project of wrecking, 214. Johannesburg Reformers, The, 88 (note). Johannesburg Star, The, 145 (note), 245; extract from, 491 (note). Johannesburgers, The, splendid fighting of, 447. John Bull & Co., Max O'Rell's, 43 (note). Joint Inquiry, The, proposed, 229, 231; refused by the Volksraad, 237. Joubert, General, 101, 235, 320, 344. Jubilee despatch, Lord Milner's, 90 to 92, 99, 104, 107. Kafir, invasion of 1834-5, The, 15. Kafirs, British policy towards, 12 et seq. Kafir wars, The, 17. Karree Siding, 363. Kei River, The, the Kafir's line of, 13. Kekewich, Colonel, calls for arms, 304. Kitchener, Lord, 303; appointed Chief of the Staff to Lord Roberts, 321; his losses before Paardeberg, 332; instructed to proceed to De Aar, 354; reduces to order the north-midland districts of the Cape, 362; defamatory libel on, 381; agrees with Lord Milner's views as to the proposed proclamation to the burghers, 420, 421; his address to the Burgher Peace Committee, 422; failure of his peace negotiations with L. Botha, 434; his accession to the command, 452; the troops at his disposal, 453; origin of his system of blockhouse defence, 455; his expectations of the blockhouse lines, 456; reports the creation of mobile columns, 456; his reply to the official Boer complaint against the system of Burgher Camps, 463 (note); discusses with Lord Milner the nature of the reply to Botha's overtures for peace, 471; instructions to his officers as to procedure in military courts, 481; permits the mines to re-open, 489; differs from Lord Milner's views of the terms of the surrender, 551, 560; directed to put forward a copy of the correspondence between the British and Netherlands Governments to the Boer leaders, 552; assures the Boer leaders that no terms will be granted maintaining the independence of the Republics, 553; is authorised to refer the leaders to the offer made to General Botha at Middelburg, 554; refuses the terms of the Boer peace commissioners, 557; announces "peace" to Lord Milner, 572; records his appreciation of the energy and tact displayed after the signing of the peace treaty by Generals Louis Botha, De la Rey, and C. De Wet, 573; his last words addressed to the Colonial Governments and the Secretary of State for War, 573 (note); the efficiency of his blockhouse system, 576. Kimberley, 259, 271, 286 (note), 455; the diamond industry at, 23; plans for the defence of, 178, 278, 279; Lancashire Regiment sent to, 288; is cut off, 304, 305; relief of, 328; effective occupation of the district of, 453. Kimberley, The Earl of, 27. Kimberley Volunteers, The, 280, 282 (note). Kipling, Rudyard, on the attitude of the Bond 430, 434. Klerksdorp, 458; conference at, 552. Kock, Judge, warlike speech of at Paardekraal, 197. Komati Poort, the occupation of, 322, 329. KotzÉ, Chief Justice, the dismissal of, 102, 103; indignation caused by, 116. Krause, Dr., 214. Kretschmar, J. Van, 377, 533 (note). Krogh, General, 564. Kroonstad entered, 329. KrÜger, Paul, 84 to 86; his letter to Mr. (now Lord) Courtney on Sir Bartle Frere's recall, 27; his allusion to Germany at the German Club at Pretoria, 38; supplies arms to adherents of the nationalist cause, 71; invited to visit England, 72; calls for the appointment of the Industrial Commission, 89, 99; uncompromising attitude of, 89; denounces Schalk Burger, 100; elected President of the South African Republic for the fourth time, 101; dismisses Chief Justice KotzÉ, 102, 103; his determination to increase the disabilities of the Uitlanders, 103; signs a treaty of alliance with the Orange Free State, 104; his attitude in 1898, 114; subsidises the Bond, 118; claims independence for the South African Republic, 126 (note); consents to meet Lord Milner at Bloemfontein, 153; his retrogressive policy, 160; meets Lord Milner, 168; his appearance at the Conference, 171; his motive in attending it, 172; the possibility of his declaring war, 183; expresses his intention of introducing his franchise scheme to the Volksraad, 193; the scheme laid before the Volksraad, 194, 197; his incapacity to yield, 194; complexity of his franchise proposals, 196; his bid for the "moral support," of the Cape Ministry, 209; grants a limited franchise, 209; his object in doing so, 210, 211; wishes to retain the "moral support" of the Cape Ministry, 217; recommends to the Volksraad a further modification of the Franchise Bill, 217; inadequacy of his franchise law, 218; hastens arrangements for war, 231; his secret agents 233 (note); urged by Afrikander Members of Cape Parliament to accept the offered joint inquiry, 233; opposition to it, 234; strength of his military position, 244; his note refusing to consider the British offer of September 8th handed to Sir Wm. Greene, 252; his boast, 259; the illusory concessions embodied in his franchise law, 268; spies in his pay, 273; his coarse duplicity, 277; winning all along the line, 288; flees the Transvaal, 329; his "peace overtures," 355; his letter to Mr. Courtney, 372; his telegram to Pres. Steyn shortly before the Bond Congress at Somerset East was postponed, 375, 377; attempt to influence him to terminate the war, 495. KrÜger, Tjaart, 212 (note), 213. KrÜgersdorp, arrival of Dr. Jameson at, 44. Kruitzinger, crosses the Orange River, 430, 432. Labouchere, Henry, 232, 233, 237, 256, 498. Ladies' Commission, The, 511. Ladysmith, British force entrained at, 291; Sir G. White shut up in, 320, 344; spies in the camp of the relieving force, 337. Lagden, Sir Godfrey, 515, 528. Laing's Nek, evacuated by the Boers, 329. Lancashire Regiment, The, sent to garrison Kimberley, 288. Land settlement, proposed loan for, 540, 543, 544. Land Settlement Commission, The, 516, 529. Langlaate Estate, The, 149. Lanyon, Sir Owen, 263. Lawson, Sir Wilfred, 498 (note). Leader, The Transvaal, 213 (note), 245. Legal Adviser's office, The, work of, 527. Legislative Councils of the new colonies, The, enlargement of, 544. LÉon, M., 288. Leonard, J. W., 61, 93. Lewis, Mrs., 144. Leyds, Dr., 50 (note), 232, 375; communication opened with European Powers through, 103, 104; despatched to Europe as Envoy Extraordinary of the South African Republic, 125. Liberal Opposition leaders, The, attitude and public utterances of, 143, 167, 192, 203, 252, 257, 259, 261, 264 to 266, 314, 367, 368, 371 (note), 399, 414, 424, 430, 431, 460, 496, 502; their desire to escape from responsibility, 254; renewal of their alliance with the Afrikander nationalists, 369, 496; representations of the delegates of the Worcester Congress to, 496. Liberal Party, The, mandate to, 25; friends of the Boers in the ranks of, 382, 417, 573. See also Bryce, Burns, Campbell-Bannerman, Courtney, Labouchere, Lloyd-George, Morley, etc. Life of Gordon, The, 497 (note). Lifetime in South Africa, A, 16 (note). Limpopo River, The, 36. Lindley, De Wet's laager at, 427. Lloyd-George, Mr., 315, 496, 498. Loch, Lord, 36, 37; retirement of, 74. Lombard, Mr., 213. London Convention (1884), The, 31, 87 (note), 262; a violation of, 81; Article IV. in, 580. Lord Milner and South Africa, 166 (note). Loreburn, Lord, his attitude during the war, 496. Lorenzo Marques, Transvaal ammunition despatched from, 237. Loyalists, The compensation of, 384. Lucas, General, 564. Lytton, Sir E. B., 20, 21 (notes). McCallum, Sir Henry E., 470. Mafeking, 259; the rÔle played by, 179 (note); capture of an armoured train outside, 304; relief of, 329. Mafeking Volunteers, The, 282 (note). Magaliesberg, The, 455. Magersfontein, 321; a result of the defeat at, 8. Majuba Hill, the British defeat at, 43, 186, 255; evacuated by the Boers, 329. Malan, Commandant, 432. Malan, Mr., 349, 410, 477. Manchester, meeting at, 251, 257. Maritzburg, 271, 321; public meeting at, 249, 250. Martial law, declaration of in additional districts, 411, 478, 482; its administration, 484, 485. Martial Law Board, The, 484, 485. Massingham, Mr., 154 (note). Merits of the Transvaal Dispute, The, Captain Mahan's, 579 (note). Merriman, J. X. 61, 69, 93, 97; report of his Grahamstown speech in the Cape Times, 62; his letter of March 11th, 1898, to President Steyn, 114; joins the Schreiner Cabinet, 124, 142; his motives in associating himself with the objects of the Bond, 143, 144, 148; his association with the Diamond Mines at Kimberley, 149; his partisanship, 149; his desire to induce President KrÜger to grant a "colourable measure of reform," 151, 152; sounds Lord Milner as to the possibility of an inter-state Conference, 152; his appeal to Mr. Fischer, 161; his breach with Mr. Schreiner, 361; his offer to range himself on the side of the Republics, 376 to 378; repudiation of Pres. KrÜger's statement as to his intimacy with Mr. Hargrove, 380; his views as to the treatment of the rebels, 391; his denunciation of the policy of the Home Government, 391, 474; purpose of his visit to England, 495; banquet in his honour, 496; his frankness as to his mission, 497; his attack on Lord Milner, 497; attends the meeting at the Queen's Hall, 498. Methuen, Lord, his engagements, 305; forces at his disposal, 321. Meyer, J. L., his views on the war, 574. Middelburg, 458. Middelburg Terms, The, 471, 554, 557 (note), 558, 559, 561, 562, 568 (note). Military criticisms on the war, 330 et seq. "Military Notes," estimate in of Boer forces, 181 (note). Military preparations, delay in making, 242, 243, 246, 250, 279, 288, 290, 309 to 311, 316. Military railways, The, 502, 532. Milner, Viscount, pre-eminence of his administration in South Africa, 32; the state of affairs he was called on to deal with, 33; the political situation on his arrival in South Africa, 69; the choice of him as High Commissioner, 75; his official career, 75; his assistance to Sir William Harcourt, 75, 76; banquet to him, 77; extract from his speech at the banquet, 78; affection of those associated with him, 78, 79; his resolution, 79, 219; bitterness of Afrikanders and Boers against, 80; his profound knowledge of the needs of South Africa, 80; efforts of the Liberal party to revoke the final arrangements of his administration, 81; his arrival in South Africa, 81; the policy of, 82; travels through Cape Colony, etc., 83; his speech at Graaf Reinet, 84, 91, 92, 98, 99, 107, 115; his official duties, 84; his position in regard to the Transvaal Government, 84, 85; his anxiety to arrange matters by a friendly discussion with President KrÜger, 85, 86, 88; confidence shown him by the British population, 86 (note); his policy with regard to the Conventions, 87; his anxiety to see the best side of the Dutch in the Cape, 90 to 92; travels round Cape Colony, 104; conciliatory utterances of, 105; his reply to the address from the Graaf Reinet branch of the Afrikander Bond, 109 to 113; the position taken up by him towards the Cape Dutch, 114; his impartiality, 122; visits England, 127; his grasp of the situation, 127; urges the British Government to put an end to an impossible position, 128; his farewell speech at Johannesburg, 128, 145; endorses the petition of the Uitlanders, 131; his intention to make public in England his despatch on the position of the Uitlanders, 139; asked to meet Pres. KrÜger in conference, 140; warns Mr. Schreiner of the gravity of the situation, 140; postponement of the publication of his despatch, 140; difficulty of his position, 142; sounded by Mr. Schreiner and Mr. Merriman as to the possibility of an inter-state Conference, 152; his despatch of May 4th, 1899, telegraphed, 153; approached by Mr. Hofmeyr as to meeting Pres. KrÜger at Bloemfontein, 154; issue of his despatch of May 4th, 1899, 156, 169, 194; consults Mr. Chamberlain as to the "line" he should take at the Conference, 156, 157; his view of Pres. KrÜger's acceptance of a conference, 159; meets Pres. KrÜger at Bloemfontein, 167; his staff, 167; his reception at Bloemfontein, 168 (note); his embarrassing position, 169, 192; the compromise offered by him, 170; his "inflexibility," 170; his motive in attending the Conference, 171; address presented to him on his return from it to Capetown, 172, 173; essence of his reply to the address, 173; origin of his disagreement with General Butler, 175, 176; his desire for preparations for war, 178, 183, 186, 269, 309, 331; his only point of agreement with General Butler, 185; his reiterated warnings, 189; inadequate reinforcements sent in response to his appeal, 191, 192; acquiesces in the negotiations after Bloemfontein, 195; his relations with the Schreiner Cabinet, 198 to 201; support given him by Mr. Chamberlain, 200, 201; his interviews with Mr. Schreiner, 200, 201; assists the Fischer-Hofmeyr Mission, 207, 208; urges delay in passing the Franchise Bill through the Volksraad, 210; demonstrations of confidence in his statesmanship, 215; his influence with the Afrikander leaders, 216; his opinion of the new franchise law, 219, 220; points out to Mr. Chamberlain defects in the law, 221; prevents surrender of Home Government, 222 et seq.; his resolute advocacy of the Uitlanders' cause, 224; bitter attack on him in Punch, 225; his despatch protesting against the readiness of the Government to accept the new franchise law, 225 to 229; further deflection of his policy, 231; conveys to the Pretoria Executive the offer of a joint inquiry, 231; withdraws the limit placed by Sir Wm. Greene upon the time of the reply from the Boer Government to the British Government's despatch of September 8th, 1899, 241; the compromise proposed by him at Bloemfontein, 244; his anxiety, 247; asks for another military adviser, 247; his despatch explaining his position at the Bloemfontein Conference, 247; appeals for prompt action, 248; Mr. (now Lord) Courtney's attack on Lord Milner, 252, 257, 258; warns the English people of the advocacy of a Dutch Republic in South Africa, 255; makes known to the Government the state of affairs, 267; his colonial ministers, 270; support given him by the British population in South Africa, 270; atmosphere of intrigue by which he was surrounded, 271; abuse of him by the South African News, 272, 380, 381; passage of war material to the Orange Free State brought to his notice accidentally, 273; his personal charm, 277; his efforts to persuade Mr. Schreiner of the necessity of providing for the defence of Kimberley, 278, 279; his advice to the Cape and Home Governments, 282, 283; his limited powers, 283; a passage in his speech in the House of Lords on February 26th, 1906, 283; defensive measures devised by him, 288; his use of the time elapsing between the recall of General Butler and the ultimatum 289; instructed to repudiate the claim of the South African Republic to be a sovereign international state, 290; his anxiety to attain a peaceful settlement, 293; receives the ultimatum, 295; warns the British authorities in Natal, Rhodesia, and Basutoland, 298; the call upon his constructive statesmanship, 303; consults Mr. Schreiner upon the feasibility of carrying out Sir Redvers Buller's suggestion to form local defences out of Dutch farmers, 320; his relationship with the military authorities, 341; alliance against him, 343, 344; scant help afforded him by Mr. Schreiner, 345; his despatch telling the story of the rebellion in the Cape, 346; addresses a memorandum to Lord Roberts on the rebellion in Cape Colony, 351, 352; his view as to the defence of the Cape, 353; visits the north-midland districts of the Cape, 362; arrives at Bloemfontein, 363; receives an appreciative address at Capetown, 363; his reply to the address, 364; his record of the origin of the "conciliation" movement, 373; his representation to Mr. Schreiner as to the proposed Bond congress at Somerset East, 374; his despatch covering the newspaper report of the People's Congress at Graaf Reinet, 381; his view of racial relations in Cape Colony, 383; receives a despatch from Mr. Chamberlain on the questions of the compensation of loyalists and the punishment of rebels, 384; inquires as to the Home Government's views upon the disfranchisement of the rebels, 389; bitter invectives against him of members of the Schreiner Cabinet, Naauwpoort, 455. Namaqualand, The election for, 121. Napier, Sir George, his evidence before the House of Commons on Lord Glenelg's reversal of Sir B. D'Urban's frontier policy, 14. Natal, 51; a menace to, 26; public meetings in, 131, 215; petition from to the Queen, 216; the invasion of, 235; the British forces in, 243, 246, 269; Boer aspiration to annex, 258, 259; mobilisation of the local forces in, 280 (note); Transvaal commando sent to the border, 290; the British authorities in, warned by Lord Milner, 298; treatment of the rebels in, 563, 567, 568. Natal Ministry, The, views of on the settlement of the new colonies, 547 to 550; views of on disarmament and the treatment of the natives, 549; advocates "reciprocity" in the learned professions and civil services of the several colonies, 550; puts forward a claim for the incorporation of certain districts of the Transvaal and Orange River Colony into Natal, 550; its view as to the treatment of the rebels, 568. Nationalist movement, in South Africa, The, 48 et seq. National Union, The, 41. Native Affairs, The Department of, in the Transvaal, 528. Natives, The, the question of arming, 281; the question of the franchise for, 566; the treatment of, 549. Navy Contribution Bill, The, 96; second reading of, 125 (note). Netherlands Government, The, 232; offer mediation, 551. Netherlands Railway, The, 376 to 381, 532 (note). New South Wales, offers a military contingent, 251. Nicholls incident, The, 212, 213. Nicholson, Colonel, 179. Nineteenth Century, The, 261 (note); article by Sir Bartle Frere in, 29 (note). Non-interference, the principle of, 10, 12. Norman, The S.S., 247. Norval's Pont, 521. Olivier, Commandant, 287 (note), 564. Ons Land, its pÆan of triumph over the surrender of Jameson's troopers, 68 (note); its reproof of Sir Pieter Faure, 105; its anti-British policy, 106; its indictment of the Sprigg Ministry, 117; its presentation of the objects of the Afrikander party, 119; its article on the Mission of Messrs. Hofmeyr and Herholdt, 205 to 207; meeting of the Cape Distriks-bestuur at the offices of, 348, 349; its New Year exhortation, 349; its comment on the postponement of the Bond Congress at Somerset East, 374; its approval of the slanders on British troops, 403; its comment on Lord Milner's reply to the Worcester Congress, 409; libels General French, 477. Orange Free State, The, mineral wealth of, 54; relations of the Imperial Government to, 87 (note); its treaty of alliance with the Transvaal, 104, 125; irritation in against British intervention, 215; ammunition sent to, 216, 247, 273, 286; alleged movement of British troops to the border of, 236; the danger of a premature grant of responsible government to, 284; decides to declare war, 291; Lord Roberts enters, 328; annexation of, 329; invades south of Orange River, 344; the Landdrosts of, 347; the "Acting Chief-Commandant" of, 432; area enclosed by blockhouse lines, 458; the number of scholars on the school rolls, 523 (note). Orange River, The, 455. Orange River Colony, Lord Milner arranges for the civil administration of, 397; reappearance of the Boer commandos in the S.E. of, 441; numbers of Boers in the field in, 454; progress of civil administration in, 489, 524; issue of letters patent for the Crown Colony Government of, 490, 501, 544; grant in aid of the revenue of, 501; number of scholars on the school rolls, 523, 524; revenue of, 528; farm settlers in, 536; the settlement of, 546; military administration in, 566; taxation of landed property in, 566. Oranjie Unie, The, 55 (note). Origin of the Anglo-Boer War Revealed, The, 49, 54 (note), 234 to 236 (notes). Paardeberg, conduct of the attack on, 332; surrender of Cronje at, 328, 354. Paardekraal, great assemblage of Boers at, 197; speeches delivered at, 213. Pakeman, Mr., arrest of, 245. "Pass" system, The, 528. Paul, H., 368. Peace, Preparing for, 470 to 535. Peace commissioners, The Boer, 556. Peace Committee, The, 412, 422, 423; treatment of agents of, 427 to 429; its efforts, 427, 429. Permits, The establishment of, 482. Poplar Grove, 354. Port Elizabeth, Ammunition landed at, 216, 236. Portland, The (3rd) Duke of, his despatch referring to the treatment of the Boers, 9. Pretoria, The British flag hoisted over the Raadzaal of, 167 (note), 329; war preparations at, 234, 235, 244; ammunition sent to, 236; railway communication with Delagoa Bay re-opened, 329; Lord Roberts's decision to advance on, 352; his occupation of, 369; Lord Milner makes arrangements for the civil administration, 397; Burgher Peace Committee formed at, 412, 422; effective occupation of the district round, 453; Lord Milner at, 472; the public buildings at, 526; meeting between the Boer leaders and Lords Milner and Kitchener at, 552, 556. Pretoria Convention, The, 31, 87 (note). Pretoria Executive, The, attitude of, 82, 88, 89; Mr. Chamberlain's communication to on the dynamite contract, 130; its attempt to buy off the capitalists, 131, 152; its committal to a policy of defiance, 158; its negotiations with the Home Government after the Bloemfontein Conference, 196, 199; its lack of good faith, 231; repudiates the arrangement made by Mr. Smuts with Sir Wm. Greene, 238, 239, 242; charges Sir Wm. Greene with bad faith, 242; its declaration of September 15th, 1899, to Mr. Hofmeyr, 276; brings negotiations to a conclusion, 289; its replies to the British despatches of July 27th and May 10th, 294. Pretorius, Mr., 406, 421. Pretyman, General, 470. Price, Mr., 306. Prieska, 354. Prinsloo, Commandant, surrender of, 329. Pro-Boers, The manufacture of, 434, 443. Proclamation to the fighting burghers, The proposed, 420. "Programme of Principles," The Afrikander Bond, 59. Progressive Cabinet, A, formation of, 280 (note), 390. Progressive Party, The, 97, 98, 116, 118; the funds of; 118; their strength in the Cape Parliament, 121, 122, 393; led by Sir Gordon Sprigg, 125; their support of Lord Milner, 271; resolution presented to the Home Government by, 295. Punch, 225. Queen's Hall, Pro-Boer meeting in, 498. Queensland, offers a military contingent, 251. Raad, The, meeting of, 193. Racial fusion, The problem of, 516. Railway lines, The cutting of, 459. Railways, The, the reorganisation of, 530, 535. Rand, The, 36, 518; agitation on for reform, 131; recommencement of the industrial life of, 489, 507, 536. Rebels, The, treatment of, 384 to 391, 563, 567, 568; their disfranchisement, 388, 389; surrenders of, 573 (note). "Reciprocity" between the civil services of the several colonies, 550. Redistribution Bill, The, introduction of, 116; second reading of, 117, 118; its effect on the British population, 125. Reform Committee, The, 39; their message to Dr. Jameson, 40; alteration of their plans, 41, 42. Refugees, The return of, 489, 507, 508, 512, 533. Registration of electors, The, postponed, 476. Reichstag, The S.S., 236. Reinforcements, The, character of, 330. Reitz, F. W., 50, 144, 159, 294, 564; his policy of "closer union," 49; takes Dr. Leyds's place as State Secretary, 126; asserts the Sovereignty of the Transvaal, 127 (note); his reply to Mr. Chamberlain's communication on the dynamite contract, 130; instructed to decline Mr. Chamberlain's request for delay in passing the Franchise Bill, 211; his despatch refusing the preferred joint inquiry, 237; communicates to the British Government Mr. Smut's new proposals for a five years' franchise, 238; his despatch repudiating the Smuts-Greene arrangement, 239; his appeal to "Free Staters and Brother Afrikanders," 297; Mr. Amery's meeting with him, 300; his book, A Century of Wrong, 356; a letter of his published by the Concessions Commission, 377 (note). Repatriation scheme, Lord Milner's, 543. Republican nationalists, The, 259, 275, 282; their hatred of England, 429. Republican United States of South Africa, The, 258, 259. Republics, The, military preparations of, 166, 167, 178, 234; expulsion of British subjects from, 246; manifestoes issued by upon the outbreak of war, 257; their treatment of British residents on the declaration of war, 292; fall of, 329; the British case against, 357 to 359. Reserves, Insufficient supply of, 323, 331. Retrocession, The, 255. Rhodes, Cecil, 34, 35, 83; his scheme of commercial federation, 38, 39; his comment on Dr. Jameson's Raid, 40; actual cause of the failure of his plan, 45; his methods, 46; his alliance with the Afrikander Bond, 46; his alliance with J. H. Hofmeyr, 65; an incident in his political career, 66; his speech of March 12th, 1898, 67; recognised by the Bond as its enemy, 68; his resignation, 93, 96; his return to political life, 97; the actual chief of the Progressives, 117; opposed at Barkly West, 118 (note); returned for both Barkly West and Namaqualand, 121; his tactics after the election following upon Sir Gordon Sprigg's dissolution of Parliament, 122, 123; his interview with Lord Milner, 124 (note); his anger at the impotence of England, 306; endorses the appeal for the suspension of the Cape constitution, 479. Rhodesia, 84, 192; demonstration in of confidence in Lord Milner's statesmanship, 215; petition from to the Queen, 216; organisation of the defences of, 269; warned by Lord Milner, 298. Ripon, The Marquess of, 37, 498 (note). Roberts, Lord, 329 (note); a result of his occupation of Bloemfontein, 156; appointed to the South African command, 321; strength of his force, 322, 332 (note); his despatches, 326 to 328, 339, 341, 352; his tactics at Paardeberg, 332, 333; his alleged instructions from the Government, 333; a reply to criticism of German General Staff upon his strategy, 334; his campaign, 343; his decision to advance on Johannesburg and Pretoria, 352; his qualities as a captain of war, 353; why he did not carry out Lord Milner's suggestion as to the defence of the Cape, 353; his occupation of Pretoria, 369; his enforced halt at Bloemfontein, 384; his approaching return to England, 398; his recognition of the difficulty of the task of disarmament, 413; relinquishes command of the forces in South Africa, 419; agrees with Lord Milner's views on the proposed proclamation to the burghers, 420; his proclamation, 424; his victories, 435; sends some of the civilian population to L. Botha, 452. Robertson, Edmund, M.P., 417, 498 (note); his speech at Dundee on Oct. 16th, 1901, 467, 468. Robinson, J. B., 149. Robinson, Sir John, his view of the reversal of Sir Benjamin D'Urban's frontier policy, 16. Roos Senekal, capture of documents at, 425, 426, 431; circular issued at, 463 (note). Rosebery Lord, his appreciation of Lord Milner, 77, 278; his support of the Government, 264, 416. Rosmead, 455. Rosmead, Lord, 36, 39; his action, 45; his response to Mr. Chamberlain's counsels, 46; his policy, 70; his attitude at Pretoria, 72; intimates his wish to retire, 74; his resistance to the attempt of the Transvaal Boers to seize Bechuanaland, 74; retires, 75; his promise to obtain reasonable reforms from. President KrÜger, 88 (note). Rosslyn Castle, The S.S., 305. Russia, attitude of, 311. St. Aldwyn, Lord, his charge against members of the Liberal Opposition and the Irish Nationalists, 465. Salisbury, The (late) Marquess of, 75; sympathetic speech of on the Transvaal question, 228, 229; his answer to the charge of "military unpreparedness," 265; receives "peace overtures," 355; his reply, 357; his indignant comment on the attitude of the Liberal leaders, 416; his charge against Sir H. Campbell-Bannerman, 466; receives Lord Milner, 490. Salisbury Cabinet, The, reluctance of to push matters to an extremity, 176, 188; its disregard of Lord Wolseley's advice, 177, 188, 189, 190; its decision as to reinforcements, 190, 191; the course it decided to adopt, 196; its weakness, 223, 224; determines to make a definite announcement of its South African policy; 228; position taken up by it, 230; its last effort to come to a friendly understanding, 240; its despatch of Sept, 8th, 1899, 241, 242; decides to raise the strength of the Natal and Cape forces, 242, 243, 246, 250, 279, 288; its reluctance to make war, 251; patriotism of, 266; Afrikander leaders' view of, 274; decides to mobilise an army corps, 290; its military action, 309, 310, 331; its alleged instructions to Lord Roberts, 333, 334; its decision as to the Conventions, 360. Sand River Convention, The, 17; Sir George Grey's exposure of, 19. Sannah's Post, 363. Sargant, E. B., his story of the educational efforts during the war, 520 to 523. Sauer, Hans, 97. Sauer, J. W., joins the Schreiner Cabinet, 124, 142; his sympathy with the Boers, 149; his mission to Dordrecht, 287 (note), 379 (note); his breach with Mr. Schreiner, 361; his offer to range himself on the side of the Republics, 376, 377; his intimacy with Mr. Hargrove, 379; his repudiation of Pres. KrÜger's statement as to his connection with Mr. Hargrove, 380; his declaration when opposing the second reading of the Treason Bill, 396, 474; purpose of his visit to England, 495; banquet in his honour, 496; his frankness as to his mission, 497; attends the meeting at the Queen's Hall, 498. Scheepers, 432. Schreiner Cabinet, The, 96, 124, 141, 150; the Bond Members of, 142; its desire to prevent British intervention, 150; its "planks," 158; the Te Water correspondence, 162 to 166; its opinion of Pres. KrÜger's franchise proposals, 198; uses its influence to assist the Pretoria Executive in refusing the franchise reform put forward by Lord Milner, 199; its refusal to call out the local forces, 280 to 283, 345; refuses aid to Mafeking and Kimberley, 345; its demise, 346, 390; individual views of the members on the treatment of the rebels, 390. Schreiner-Bond coalition, The, 98. Schreiner, Olive, 144. Schreiner, Philip, adopted as the parliamentary leader by the Bond, 97; moves a vote of "no confidence" in the Sprigg Ministry, 118; his electoral utterances, 118; forms a ministry, 124; warned by Lord Milner of the gravity of the situation, 140; his blind partisanship for the Transvaal, 142, 147; his relationship to Lord Milner, 143; his history, 144; his regard for the British Empire, 145; his reply to a question of Mr. Chamberlain's, 146; his instinctive sympathy with the Afrikander nationalists, 146; sounds Lord Milner as to the possibility of an inter-state Conference, 152; receives warning telegrams from England, 153, 154; writes a confidential letter to President Steyn, 154; the influence which he used with the Transvaal Government, 155; his view of KrÜger's acceptance of a conference, 158; his solicitude to attend the Bloemfontein Conference, 167; his partisanship on the question of the franchise, 198, 199; informed of the Home Governments' intention to "complete" the Cape Garrison, 204; his view of the grant of a limited franchise to the Uitlanders, 210; urges the acceptance of the proposed joint inquiry, 232, 235; his position, 235; his declaration as to the attitude he would assume in the event of war, 248; his knowledge of the Port Elizabeth ammunition for the Free State, 273; his benediction of Pres. KrÜger's Bloemfontein scheme and of the Volksraad's proposals, 276; his complex political creed, 278; his resistance to Lord Milner's plans of local military preparation, 278; recedes from his standpoint of neutrality, 280, 344, 345, 373; is prevailed on to call out the Kimberley volunteers, 280; his final concession, 281; fails to provide Kimberley with arms, 304; consents to the proclamation of martial law, 345; scant help afforded by him to Lord Milner, 345; his breach with Dr. Te Water and Messrs. Merriman and Sauer, 361, 474; uses his influence for the postponement of the Bond Congress at Somerset East, 374; is brought into conflict with the Bond members of his Cabinet, 384; his views upon the nature of the punishment to be inflicted on rebels, 385, 390; his sense of loyalty to the person of the Sovereign, 392; his support of the Treason Bill, 474. Schreiner, Theophilus, 144. Schutte, Mr., 212 (note). Science of Rebellion, The, 431 (note). Seale-Hayne, M.P., Mr., 498 (note). Select Committee on British South Africa, The proceedings of, extract from, 146. Settlement after the War, The, 214 (note). Settlement of the new colonies, The, the question of, 489, 564 et seq. Seventeen, The Chamber of, 3, 4, 5. Shaw, M.P., Thomas, 498 (note); his speech at Galashiels on October 14th, 1901, 467, 468. Sherman, General, 451 (note). Showers, Mr., 529. Silberbauer, Mr., 167. Simon's Bay, 57. Slaghter's Nek, the "rebellion" of, 11. Slaves, The emancipation of in Cape Colony, 15. Smalldeel, 397. Smartt, Dr., 116 (note). Smuts, J. C., 152, 159, 204, 212 (note), 572; appointed State Attorney, 126; attends the Bloemfontein Conference, 168; report in The Times of a conversation with, 214; is entrusted with the projected destruction of the mines, 214; furnishes an explanatory memorandum of the new franchise law, 218; offers Sir William Greene a simplified seven years' franchise in lieu of a joint inquiry, 237, 238; his attempt to disown the arrest of Mr. Pakeman, 245; his words at Vereeniging on May 30th, 1902, 276; failure of the negotiations initiated by Sir William Greene through him, 309, 310; appointed a peace commissioner, 556, 558; his suggestion as to a "formal clause" in the draft Vereeniging agreement, 561; his responsibility for the origin of the war, 574. Solomon, Saul, 147. Solomon, Sir R., 118 (note); accepts office under the Schreiner Ministry as Attorney-General, 124, 142; his motives in associating himself with the objects of the Bond, 144, 147, 148; his distrust of Rhodes, 148; his breach with Dr. Te Water and Messrs. Merriman and Sauer, 361, 474; visits the north-midland districts of the Cape with Lord Milner, 362; his views as to the treatment of the rebels, 390, 393, 395; his support of the Treason Bill, 474; appointed Legal Adviser to the New Transvaal administration, 474 (note); help afforded by him to
Lord Milner, 515; his energy and capacity, 527; presides over a commission on the gold industry, 529; assists Lord Milner in the draft of the terms of the Vereeniging surrender, 551, 558. Somerset East, Annual Congress at, 374. South Africa, failure of British administration in, 1; population of European descent in, 5; British treatment of the natives and Dutch in, 8 et seq.; the first effort to introduce a large British population, 15; public interest in, 23; ultimate control of British policy in, 24; the decision of cardinal questions dealing with its administration, 34; the Dutch population of, 43, 46, 49, 98, 105; Dutch view of the nationalist movement in, 49; before and after the Jameson Raid, 68; as Lord Milner found it, 69; attempts to secure the reunion of under the British flag, 69; the British cause in, 71; reinforcement of the British garrison in, 94; aspirations of the Dutch in, 105; despondency of the British population, 107; result of the failure of the Bloemfontein Conference on the British population, 172; moral weakness of England's position in, 186; approval of Lord Milner's policy by the British population, 216; dismay of the British population as the Imperial Governments' reported acceptance of the franchise law, 222; performance of the British Army in, 323; numbers of the British Army in on April 1st, 1900, 323; numbers of the British population in who served, 324; the task of subduing the entire Dutch population of, 435; loyalists in, 447, 448; the manifestation of hostility against the loyalist population of, 464 (note). South Africa: A Study, etc., 579 (note). South African Constabulary, inauguration of, 397, 530; expenses of, 502; composition of, 531. South African Garrison, The, 178, 190, 309, 310. South African League, The, 96, 133, 212 (note), 374. South African Nationality, The, the creation of, 58. South African News, The, 225, "Taal," The, preservation of, 547. Tembuland border, The, advance of the Boers to, 281; Mr. Schreiner's action with reference to, 281, 282. Tembus, The, 281. "Terms of Surrender," The, communicated to the Boer Commissioners, 563; the draft agreement of, 564. Terrorism and deceit, A system of, 425, 426. Te Water, Dr., 93, 94, 142, 150, 154, 235; resignation of, 95, 116; joins the Schreiner Cabinet, 124; his faithfulness to the Bond, 162, 163; advocates amnesty for the rebels, 392. Te Water Correspondence, The, 156, 162 to 166. Theron, T. P., 64; opposes the Redistribution Bill, 117; declines to meet the peace delegates, 475. Thomas, C. H., 49. Three Years War, The, 433 (note), 570 (note); extract from, 578. Times, The, 261 (note); report of a conversation with Mr. Smuts, 214; reproduces Mr. Chamberlain's conversation with its correspondent, 221, 227; letter of Sir Wm. Harcourt to, 262; report of a speech by Mr. Morley, 371 (note); protest in of "an old Berliner," 468. Transkei, The, 486. Transvaal, The, Sir Bartle Frere's visit to in 1879, 28; restoration of the Boer Republic in, 30, 31, 34; the English of, 42, 43; mineral wealth of, 54; the Afrikander Bond in, 55; conflict of its commercial interests with those of the Cape, 64; attempts to secure Bechuanaland, 64; position of the British population in, 71; race oligarchy in, 84; more hopeful situation in, 99; the position in Feb., 1898, 103; the question of reform in, 105, 106, 107; unprogressiveness of, 112; progress of armament in, 125, 158, 255; its communications with the paramount power, 126; reliance of on the Orange Free State, 128; the position of British residents in, 130, 173; presentation of the petition of the British residents, 131; our stand against Dutch tyranny in, 186; alleged conspiracy against, 212; Mr. Morley's statement as to the annexation of, 261; commandos ordered to take up their position on the Natal border, 290; flight of the British population from, 292; entered by the Natal Field Force, 329; annexation of, 329; reappearance of the Boer commandos in the S.W. of, 441; numbers of Boers in the field in, 454; area enclosed by blockhouse lines, 458; progress of civil administration in, 489, 525; issue of letters patent for the Crown Colony Government of, 490, 501, 544; grant in aid of the revenues of, 501; area held, 505, 506; mineral wealth of unaffected by the war, 514; extent of its mineral wealth, 519; number of children educated in the camps in, 523; the revenue of, 528; the settlement of, 546; military administration in, 566; taxation of landed property in, 566. Transvaal from Within, The, 131 (note), 264, 274 (note). Transvaal question, The, debated in both Houses of Parliament, 228. Treason Bill, The, 394 to 398; the support given to it by Mr. Schreiner and Sir R. Solomon, 474; the debates on, 477; the lenient penalties of, 480. Tugela, The, General Buller's attempt to force the passage, 306. Uitlander Council, The, 211, 215; its view of the new franchise law, 218; its disappointment with the announcement that the law is acceptable to the Imperial Government, 222 (note). Uitlanders, The, a five years' franchise advocated for, 37; the enfranchisement of, 38; their "admitted grievances," 72; confirmation of their complaints, 89; KrÜger's determination to increase their disabilities, 103; their petition, 131; postponement of the publication of Lord Milner's despatch dealing with their grievances, 140; formal acceptance of, 155, 157; General Butler's view of their grievances, 175; their claim for enfranchisement, 185; granted a limited franchise, 209; their view of the measure, 211; petitions to the Queen for justice to, 216; their detailed criticism of the new franchise law, 220; the British Government's view of the concessions made to them, 229, 230; outrageous treatment of, 244, 245; espionage on, 273; their return, 489, 507, 508, 512. Ultimatum, The, 246, 253 to 299; the day on which it expired, 279 (note); submitted to Pres. Steyn for his approval, 291; recast by Mr. Fischer, 291; delay in presenting, 291; delivered to Sir Wm. Greene, 295; reaches Lord Milner, 295; reaches the Colonial Office, 298; reply of Her Majesty's Government, 298; its effect on Lord Milner, 342; its effect on the British people, 344. Unionist leaders, The, and Lord Milner's administration, 81. Union Jack, The, hissed, 499. United States of America, The, attitude of towards Great Britain during the war, 264, 312, 313, 314. Upington Ministry, The, 60. Upington, Sir Thomas, 93; resignation of, 116 (note). Vaal River, The, 456. Valley of Light, The, 340 (note). Vandam, Captain, 245. Van Riebeck, Commander, The diary of, 2, 3; the Dutch E. India Co's instructions to as to the treatment of natives in S. Africa, 5, 9. Vereeniging, 555, 556; Mr. Smuts's words at on May 30th, 1902, 276; the surrender of, 303, 359, 433, 454 (note), 536 to 583; two and a half years after, 449; signing of the Terms of Surrender, 542; difference between Lord Milner's and Lord Kitchener's views as to the Terms of Surrender, 551; circumstances under which the negotiations originated, 551 et seq.; the three proposals put forward by the Boer leaders, 556; Article X, of the Terms of Surrender, 559; Mr. Smuts's suggestion as to a "formal clause," 561; the draft agreement telegraphed to England, 562; its wording, 564; the signature of, 567, 573; its terms compared with the Middelburg terms, 568 (note); acceptation of the British terms, 571, 572; generosity of the terms, 580; leniency of the terms, 581; immediate effect of the terms, 583. Victoria, offers a military contingent, 251. Victoria, Queen, presentation of the second petition to, 131, 194; petitions to for justice to the Uitlanders, 216; proposed letter to from KrÜger, 376; death of, 481 (note). Vigilance Committee, The, 500. Viljoen, General, a telegram to, 426. Volksblad, The, 351 (note). Volksraad, The, discusses the question of accepting the joint inquiry, 237; refuses it, 237. Vosloo, Mr., 477. Vossische Zeitung, The, 399 (note), 469 (note). Vryburg division, the return of representatives for, 121. Vryburg, goes over to the Boers, 280. Walrond, M. S. O., 167. Walter, M. P. C., 213 (note). War Commission, The, 318, 319 (note), 324 (note); General Sir Wm. Butler's evidence before, 175 (note), 181 to 183. War, Declaration of, 297; the first days of, 304; the conduct of, 316; area of the country over which it was waged, 326, 339; difficulties of carrying on, 328; general conclusions arising from the events, and military criticisms on, 330 et seq.; the unnecessary prolongation of, 360; economic consequences of, 439; moral effect of its recrudescence, 440; method of waging it, 450 to 453. War in South Africa, The Official History of, vol. i. p. 309 (note) et seq. War in South Africa, The, Sir Conan Doyle's, 469 (note). War Office, The, efficiency of, 339. Watson, Dr. Spence, 498 (note). Webb, Mr., arrest of, 131. Wessels, Andries, 428. Wessels, C. J., 260, 555. White, Montagu, 232. White, Sir George, shut up in Ladysmith, 320, 344. Willcocks, Sir William, his report on irrigation, 516 to 518. Williams, Colonel Hanbury, 167. Willoughby, Sir John, 44. Wilson, H. F. C., 515, 526. Wilson, M.P., H. J., 498 (note). Witwatersrand Gold Mines, The, 25, 31, 36. Witwatersrand, The, KrÜger raises the Vier-kleur on, 31. Wodehouse, 346, 379. Wodehouse, Sir Philip, 275. Wolmarans, A. D., 168, 555. Wolseley, Lord, his advice to the Salisbury Cabinet, 177, 188, 190, 309, 322, 331; his task, 317, 318. Woolls-Sampson, Col. Sir Aubrey, 88; forms the Imperial Light Horse, 179. Worcester Advertiser, The, 477; its charge against British soldiers, 400. Worcester Conference, The, 395, 403, 477; the resolutions of, 405, 495; a fatal result of, 412; representations of its delegates to the Liberal party, 496. Wybergh, Mr., 515, 528. Wylant, the 'Sick-Comforter,' 3. Zeerust, 458. Zuid Africaan, The, articles in, 63. Zulus, The, military power of, 25, 26. Zululand, a portion of transferred to Natal, 550. Printed by Hazell, Watson & Viney, Ld., London and Aylesbury. Footnote 1: The official returns showed that 456 farm-houses had been wholly, and 350 partially, destroyed; and that 60 waggons, 5,715 horses, 111,930 head of horned cattle, and 161,930 sheep had been carried off by the Kafirs. And this apart from the remuneration claimed by the settlers for services in the field, and commandeered cattle and supplies.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 2: Cloete. See note, p. 16.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 3: For the benefit of those who may desire to read the passages in which these opinions are expressed, I append the references. Cloete's opinion is to be found in his "Five Lectures on the Emigration of the Dutch Farmers," delivered before the Natal Society and published at Capetown in 1856. A reprint of this work was published by Mr. Murray in 1899. Sir John Robinson's opinion, which endorses the views of Mrs. Anna Elizabeth Steenekamp as expressed in The Cape Monthly Magazine for September, 1876, is to be found at pp. 46, 47 of his "A Lifetime in South Africa" (Smith, Elder, 1900).[Back to Main Text] Footnote 4: Cetewayo.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 5: Despatch of November 19th, 1858, to Sir E. B. Lytton.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 6: Sir E. B. Lytton.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 7: Chaka.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 8: The receipt of the despatch in which these valuable recommendations were made was not even acknowledged by the Colonial Office. Frere himself gives the outlines of his proposals in an article published in The Nineteenth Century for February, 1881.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 9: The Crown Colony—not the Protectorate—annexed by the Cape Colony in 1895.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 10: Rhodes's words were: "If we do not settle this [i.e. the question of Bechuanaland] ourselves, we shall see it taken up in the House of Commons on one side or the other, not from any real interest in the question, but simply because of its consequences to those occupying the Ministerial benches. We want to get rid of Downing Street in this question, and to deal with it ourselves, as a self-governing colony."[Back to Main Text] Footnote 11: June, 1894.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 12: January 28th, 1895.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 13: It is worth noticing that even the presence of the German Marines at Delagoa Bay was counterbalanced—whether by chance or design—by the coincidence of the arrival of a British troopship with time-expired men from the Indian garrison, off Durban.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 14: Afternoon of Monday, December 30th.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 15: "John Bull & Co.," by "Max O'Rell," 1894.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 16: "This is our Afrikander character. The descendants of Hollanders, Germans and Frenchmen inter-married, and are only known at present by their surnames. They form the Afrikander nationality, and call themselves Afrikanders. The Afrikanders are no more Hollanders than Englishmen, Frenchmen, or Germans. They have their own language, own morals and customs; they are just as much a nation as any other."—De Patriot, in the course of an article headed "A Common but Dangerous Error"—the error in question being the assertion that "the Cape Colony is an English colony" (translated and reproduced in The Cape Times, September 3th, 1884).[Back to Main Text] Footnote 17: Quoted by Du Toit in De Patriot: translation from the English reprint of De Transvaalse Oorlog.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 18: Then Judge, afterwards President of the Free State, and State-Secretary of the South African Republic in succession to Dr. Leyds.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 19: P. 64 et seq. of The Origin of the Anglo-Boer War Revealed (Hodder & Stoughton).[Back to Main Text] Footnote 20: Under the changed conditions of to-day the Boer population is organised in the Transvaal into Het Volk, and in the Orange River Colony into the Oranjie Unie; both practically identical with the Bond in the Cape Colony.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 21: Reprint of a pamphlet (found with the first leaf torn) containing an English translation of De Transvaalse Oorlog, p. 8.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 22: De Transvaalse Oorlog, pp. 7 and 8.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 23: Cecil Rhodes: His Political Life and Speeches. By Vindex; p. 533. Borckenhagen had just died.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 24: Ons Land, reputed to be controlled by Hofmeyr himself, and certainly the recognised organ of the Bond, published a pÆan of triumph over the surrender of Dr. Jameson's troopers at Doornkop. "Afrikanderdom has awakened to a sense of earnestness which we have not observed since the heroic war of liberty in 1881. From the Limpopo, as far as Capetown, the second Majuba has given birth to a new inspiration and a new movement amongst our people in South Africa.... The flaccid and cowardly imperialism that had already begun to dilute and weaken our national blood, gradually turned aside before the new current that permeated our people.... Now or never the foundation of a wide-embracing nationalism must be laid.... The partition wall has disappeared ... never has the necessity for a policy of a colonial and republican union been greater; now the psychological moment has arrived; now our people have awakened all over South Africa; a new glow illumines our hearts; let us lay the foundation-stone of a real United South Africa on the soil of a pure and all-comprehensive national sentiment."[Back to Main Text] Footnote 25: 1896.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 26: Mr. Bodley, in his Coronation of King Edward VII., remarks that of the seventy Balliol scholars elected during the mastership of Jowett (1870-1893) only three had at that time (1902) "attained eminence in any branch of public life." These three were Mr. H. H. Asquith, Dr. Charles Gore (then Bishop of Worcester), and Lord Milner.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 27: The incident is otherwise interesting as affording the first sign of that confidence of the British population in Lord Milner, which, steadily increasing as the final and inevitable struggle approached, earned for him at length the unfaltering support of British South Africa. After the Rand celebrations were over, he was informed that his advice had been put into effect with "very considerable difficulty." The argument which had prevailed was this: "The new High Commissioner is a tested man of affairs; we all look to him to put British interests on a solid basis; and as we do this, let us obey him in a matter like this."[Back to Main Text] Footnote 28: Apart from the question of the validity of the preamble to the Pretoria Convention (1881), two Conventions—the London Convention (1884), and the Swaziland Convention (1894)—were in force between the South African Republic and Great Britain. The relations of the Imperial Government to the Free State were regulated by the Bloemfontein Convention (1854). This latter and the Sand River Convention (1852), were the Conventions of Grey's time.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 29: These two men, now Colonel Sir Aubrey Woolls-Sampson and Major W. D. "Karri" Davies, had refused to sign the petition of appeal—an act of submission which President KrÜger required of the Johannesburg Reformers, before he released them from Pretoria gaol. They did so on the ground that the Imperial Government had made itself responsible for their safety; since they and the other Reformers, with the town of Johannesburg, had laid down their arms on the faith of Lord Rosmead's declaration that he would obtain reasonable reforms from President KrÜger for the Uitlanders.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 30: In the question of the Swaziland border, the affair of Bunu, and the continued and increasing ill-treatment of the Cape Boys, the Boer Government manifested its old spirit of aggression and duplicity. All these matters involved Lord Milner in anxious and wearisome negotiations, which, however, he contrived by mingled firmness and address to keep within the limits of friendly discussion.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 31: This short despatch has been given practically in extenso. It was not published in the Blue-books, but it was communicated to the Press some three months after it had been received.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 32: By August the South African garrison had been raised to the very moderate strength of rather more than 8,000 troops.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 33: Sir Gordon Sprigg's long service as a minister of the Crown fully entitled him to this honour; nor was his presence rendered any the less desirable by the fact that Sir Henry de Villiers, the Chief Justice, was also attending the Jubilee in England.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 34: The Schreiner Ministry.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 35: There appears to have been some question as to whether the terms of the President's undertaking bound him to introduce the proposed measure into the Volksraad in 1897, or in 1898. Chief Justice de Villiers held that the latter date was contemplated by the President. But the point is immaterial, since President KrÜger denied in the Volksraad, after the dismissal of Mr. KotzÉ, that he had ever given an undertaking at all to Chief Justice de Villiers or to anybody else.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 36: Cape Times, March 4th, 1898.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 37: Cd. 369.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 38: He was succeeded in the Colonial Secretaryship by Dr. Smartt, a former member of the Bond, but now a Progressive, and at the same time Sir Thomas Upington, who had resigned from ill-health, was succeeded by Mr. T. Lynedoch Graham, as Attorney-General.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 39: These were prisoners taken in the suppression of the revolt in Bechuanaland in 1897.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 40: The little group of six, of which Sir James Innes was the head—including Sir R. Solomon and four others—voted with the Ministry for the Redistribution Bill, but against it on the "no confidence" motion (with the exception of Sir James himself). Also one moderate Bondsman voted for "redistribution," but went against the Ministry on the "no confidence" motion.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 41: Mr. Rhodes was opposed at Barkly West by a candidate financed from Pretoria.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 42: As translated in South Africa, October 15th, 1898.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 43: In a house of 79, 40 Afrikander and 39 Progressive members were returned. A very careful and reliable calculation showed that, of an aggregate of 82,304 votes polled, 44,403 were cast for Progressive, and 37,901 for Afrikander candidates. More than this, while no Progressive member was returned by a majority of less than 137, three Afrikanders won their seats by respective majorities, of two, ten, and twenty. The Progressives, therefore, were entitled, on their aggregate vote, to a majority of six.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 44: Mr. Rhodes had obtained an interview with Lord Milner for the purpose of laying his views before him. But, it is said, the unwonted sternness of the Governor's expression at once convinced him of the hopelessness of his mission; and he withdrew without any attempt to argue his case. As Rhodes was a man of great personal magnetism, the incident is not without significance.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 45: Both sides were one short of their full strength, but a Progressive, Dr. (now Sir William) Berry, was chosen Speaker of the House.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 46: The second reading of the Navy Contribution Bill, giving effect to Sir Gordon Sprigg's pledge, was carried on December 2nd, 1898, without a division.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 47: The State-Secretaryship was offered first to Mr. Abraham Fischer, of the Free State, by whom it was declined (Memoirs of Paul KrÜger, vol. ii., p. 297). The Cape Afrikanders desired the appointment of Mr. Smuts.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 48: On May 7th, 1897, President KrÜger had formally requested the Imperial Government to allow all questions at issue between the two Governments under the Convention to be submitted to the arbitration of the President of the Swiss Republic. To this proposal Mr. Chamberlain replied, on October 10th, that the relationship of Great Britain to the South African Republic being that of a suzerain Power, it would be impossible for the Imperial Government to permit the intervention of a foreign Power. On April 16th, 1898, in a despatch embodying the legal opinions of Mr. Farelly, President KrÜger claims that the South African Republic is an independent State, and denies the existence of any "suzerainty" on the part of Great Britain. In forwarding this despatch Lord Milner made the apposite comment that the propriety of employing the term suzerainty to express the rights possessed by Great Britain is an "etymological question," and Mr. Chamberlain, replying on December 15th, accepts President KrÜger's declaration that he is willing to abide by the articles of the Convention, reasserts the claim of suzerainty, declines to allow foreign arbitration, and demands the immediate fulfilment of Article IV. In a despatch of May 9th, 1899, Mr. Reitz asserts that the Republic is "a sovereign international State"; and on June 13th Mr. Chamberlain replies that he has no intention of continuing the discussion.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 49: Owing to a slight affection of the eye.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 50: "On the Sunday night before Christmas, a British subject named Tom Jackson Edgar was shot dead in his own house by a Boer policeman. Edgar, who was a man of singularly fine physique, and both able and accustomed to take care of himself, was returning home at about midnight, when one of three men standing by, who, as it afterwards transpired, was both ill and intoxicated, made an offensive remark. Edgar resented it with a blow which dropped the other insensible to the ground. The man's friends called for the police, and Edgar, meanwhile, entered his own house a few yards off. There was no attempt at concealment or escape; Edgar was an old resident and perfectly well known. Four policemen came.... The fact, however, upon which all witnesses agree is that, as the police burst open the door, Constable Jones [there are scores of Boers unable to speak a word of English who, nevertheless, own very characteristic English, Scotch, and Irish names] fired at Edgar and dropped him dead in the arms of his wife, who was standing in the passage a foot or so behind him."—FitzPatrick's The Transvaal from Within.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 51: For particulars of these events the reader is referred to The Transvaal from Within.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 52: The petition, with its 21,684 signatures, reached Lord Milner through Sir W. (then Mr.) Greene, the British Agent at Pretoria, on March 27th. It was forwarded by the High Commissioner to England in the mail of March 29th. The same ship, the Carisbrook Castle, carried Dr. Leyds, who was returning to Europe after a visit to Pretoria. Sir W. Greene had returned to South Africa in the same ship with Lord Milner (February 14th), and had stayed at Government Cottage (Newlands) with him for some days, discussing Transvaal matters, before proceeding to Pretoria on February 19th.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 53: C. 9,345.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 54: C. 9,345. See forward, p. 155.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 55: See p. 125.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 56: The Johannesburg Star, April 1st, 1905.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 57: Proceedings of the Select Committee on British South Africa (Q. 4,385).[Back to Main Text] Footnote 58: For the position of Great Britain from the point of view of international law see some remarks in the note on page 580 (Chapter XII.).[Back to Main Text] Footnote 59: See pp. 61, 69, and 93.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 60: Mr. Merriman's expression. See his letter to Mr. Fischer at p. 161.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 61: Cd. 369.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 62: Letter of Te Water to Steyn. See forward, p. 162, where this letter is given.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 63: Ibid.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 64: Then under the editorship of Mr. Massingham.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 65: C. 9,345.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 66: All these letters are in Cd. 369.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 67: Cd. 369.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 68: Mr. Hofmeyr.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 69: The original of this letter is now in the possession of Mr. E. B. Iwan MÜller, by whom it was published in his work, Lord Milner and South Africa. The translation is that of the Department of Military Intelligence.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 70: 2nd. Lieut. Royal Horse Guards. Exactly one year after the last day of the Conference (June 5th), he (then A.D.C. to Lord Roberts and Duke of Westminster) ran up the British flag over the Raadzaal at Pretoria.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 71: Letter of May 27th (in Cd. 369).[Back to Main Text] Footnote 72: Lord Milner left Capetown by special train at 8.30 a.m. on Monday, May 29th, and reached Bloemfontein punctually at 5 p.m. on Tuesday. Here he was met by President Steyn and various officials of the Free State; and an address of welcome was presented to him by the Mayor of Bloemfontein upon his arrival at the private house which had been provided for his accommodation during the Conference. At eleven o'clock on the following morning, Wednesday, the 31st, the High Commissioner went to the Presidency, where he was introduced by Mr. Steyn to President KrÜger, Mr. Schalk Burger and Mr. Wolmarans. The first meeting of the Conference took place in the afternoon at 2.30, in the new offices of the Railway Department. In the evening a largely attended reception was given by President Steyn, at which Mr. KrÜger was present for a short time and Lord Milner for about an hour. The Conference closed on the afternoon of Monday, June 5th, and Lord Milner then paid a farewell visit to President Steyn. The High Commissioner's special train left Bloemfontein on the following morning at 10.30, and reached Capetown at 6.45 on the evening of Wednesday, the 7th, where he was received by a large crowd, including three of the Cape Ministers and a number of Progressive Members of Parliament. President Steyn, who was present at the station on Tuesday morning to see the High Commissioner off, did everything possible for the comfort and convenience of his state guest during the week that he was in Bloemfontein. The proceedings of the Conference, with the High Commissioner's report upon them, are published in C. 9,404.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 73: C. 9,415.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 74: Evidence before War Commission. Cd. 1,791.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 75: See p. 319 (note 2).[Back to Main Text] Footnote 76: Cd. 1,791.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 77: War Commission, Cd. 1,791.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 78: This was precisely the rÔle played by Mafeking, only defensively, not offensively.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 79: Cd. 1,789 (War Commission).[Back to Main Text] Footnote 80: These were the figures of the D. M. I. "Military Notes" of June, 1898; in the revised "Military Notes" of June, 1899, the estimated total of the Boer force was considerably greater—some 50,000 exclusive of colonial rebels.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 81: All of these extracts will be found in Cd. 1,791.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 82: Cd. 1,789.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 83: Cd. 1,789.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 84: Three battalions, 6 guns, and a company of Royal Engineers were all the troops available for the defence of the Cape frontiers at this time (i.e. June).[Back to Main Text] Footnote 85: Most of these came by mail boats on July 18th and 25th. Col. Baden-Powell (who was entrusted with the important duty of organising a force for the defence of Southern Rhodesia, and subsequently of raising the mounted infantry corps which held Mafeking) arrived on the latter date.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 86: Expressing approval of the position Lord Milner had taken up at Bloemfontein. See p. 173.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 87: C. 9,415.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 88: C. 9,415.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 89: Ibid.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 90: C. 9,415.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 91: Ibid.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 92: E.g. Mr. Balfour's statement in the House of Commons that the object of the despatch of the special service officers, and the small additions of engineers and artillery was "to complete the existing garrison." The purchase of transport, he said, had been long ago decided upon.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 93: Under State-Secretary of the Transvaal.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 94: Article on "The Mission of Messrs. Hofmeyr and Herholdt" in Ons Land, of July 11th, 1899, as reproduced in the South African News of the same date. This account of Mr. Hofmeyr's proceedings is presumed to have been published with his approval. C. 9,518.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 95: C. 9,415.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 96: Then Mr. Conyngham Greene.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 97: C. 9,415.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 98: C. 9,415.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 99: Ibid.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 100: C. 9,415.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 101: C. 9,415.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 102: On May 15th, 1899—i.e. a fortnight before the Bloemfontein Conference met—five persons alleged to be British subjects were arrested on a warrant, signed by Mr. Smuts as State-Attorney, on a charge of high treason. All of them, except one man—Nicholls, who was innocent—were agents of the secret service. The statement that the men were ex-British officers, and that one of them alleged that he was acting under direct instructions from the War Office, was disseminated through the Press by the Transvaal Government, with the object of discrediting (1) the South African League, and (2) the British Government, in the eyes of the civilised world. The whole of the alleged "conspiracy against the independence of the Republic," thanks to the endurance of Nicholls and the persistence of the Imperial authorities in South Africa, was shown to be the work of the Transvaal police, favoured by the negligence or political bad faith of certain Government officials. The prosecution was abandoned on July 25th. Mr. Duxbury, the counsel for the defence retained by the British Government, in reviewing the case and the proceedings, wrote (August 9th): "It seems abundantly clear, from all the facts which have come to light, that the whole of this disgraceful prosecution found its inception in the minds of Mr. Schutte, the Commissioner of Police, and Acting Chief Detective Beatty.... I must direct your attention to the very grave accusation contained in Thomas Dashwood Bundy's affidavit against Mr. Tjaart KrÜger. This gentleman is the son of President KrÜger, and is the Chief of the Secret Service department of this State." And of Mr. Smuts he writes: "I believe he was deceived by the detectives, and yet at the same time I fail to understand why, in a matter of such-magnitude, he allowed himself to sign warrants for the arrest of persons charged with such a serious crime as high treason on the strength of an affidavit signed by a detective, who, on the very day such affidavit was signed, had been denounced by the Chief Justice from the Bench of the High Court as a perjurer." C. 9,521 (which contains a full record of the whole affair).[Back to Main Text] Footnote 103: The words are quoted by Mr. M. P. C. Walter, the editor, in a letter of protest published in the Transvaal Leader of July 7th, 1899. C. 9,521.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 104: Ibid.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 105: The Settlement after the War, p. 218.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 106: Ibid.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 107: Secured by the Intelligence Department. The telegrams thus referred to, in this and the following chapter, have not been published in the Blue-Books. They were published, however, in The Times History of the War. Their authenticity is undoubted. Sir Gordon Sprigg had held a conversation with the Governor on the 13th.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 108: Mr. Fischer was still at Pretoria. C. 9, 415.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 109: C. 9,415.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 110: Ibid.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 111: On July 31st, Cd. 369.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 112: C. 9,518.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 113: August 23rd, C. 9,521.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 114: C. 9,415.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 115: "The Uitlander Council is keenly disappointed at the Times' announcement that the seven years' franchise is acceptable to the Imperial Government. We fear few will accept the franchise on this condition, so the result is not likely to abate unrest and discontent, nor redress pressing grievances. Such a settlement would not even approximate to the conditions obtaining in the Orange Free State and the [British] colonies, and would fail to secure the recognition of the principle of racial equality. We earnestly implore you not to depart from the High Commissioner's five years' compromise, which the Uitlanders accepted with great reluctance. The absolute necessity for a satisfactory settlement with an Imperial guarantee is emphasised by the insincerity and bad faith persistently shown during the Volksraad discussion of the Franchise Law."—C. 9,415.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 116: The English outward mail-boat arrived on Tuesday, and the homeward boat left on Wednesday.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 117: Sir W. Greene became a K.C.B. after the war had broken out.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 118: C. 9,518.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 119: C. 9,518.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 120: C. 9,518.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 121: See p. 218 for this letter.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 122: Cd. 547.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 123: Ibid.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 124: Cd. 369.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 125: Secured by the Intelligence Department.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 126: It was known to the Intelligence Department that KrÜger's secret agents had been in the Cape Colony for two years before the outbreak of war, and that they had distributed arms in certain districts of the Colony.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 127: Secured by the Intelligence Department.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 128: Cd. 547.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 129: The expression "Ons wil nou Engelse schiet" was actually used. See Thomas's Origin of the Anglo-Boer War Revealed, p. 110.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 130: Secured by the Intelligence Department.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 131: Secured by the Intelligence Department.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 132: C. 9,521.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 133: Then Mr. Conyngham Greene. C. 9,521.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 134: C. 9,521.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 135: Ibid.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 136: The despatch was presented to the British Agent, and telegraphed, through the High Commissioner, to the Home Government. Its diplomatic ambiguity was due to Mr. Fischer's influence.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 137: C. 9,521.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 138: C. 9,521.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 139: C. 9,530.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 140: The despatch of 2,000 additional troops to Natal had been sanctioned on August 2nd, in response to the earnest appeal of the Natal Government. Hence at this time there were (roughly) 12,000 Imperial troops in South Africa. It is noticeable that, although the despatch only reached Lord Milner on the morning of the 9th, the Cape Argus had contained a telegram, giving an account of the troops warned in India and England, on the evening of the 8th.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 141: C. 9,521.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 142: Cd. 43.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 143: C. 9,521.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 144: This despatch was received on September 8th. Cd. 43.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 145: C. 9,521.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 146: Received on September 6th. Cd. 44.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 147: Cd. 18.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 148: p. 251.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 149: Cd. 420. The Blue-book points out that in the original "a well-known nick-name" is used for Mr. S. J. du Toit.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 150: As reported by Reuter.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 151: Cd. 420.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 152: Published in The Times, September 30th, 1899.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 153: In The Nineteenth Century for that month.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 154: The Times, December 15th. Mr. Bryce was taking the chair at the last of a series of six lectures on "England in South Africa," given by the present writer in the great hall of the (then) Imperial Institute.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 155: Cornhill Magazine, July, 1900. "The South African Policy of Sir Bartle Frere." By W. Basil Worsfold.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 156: The reader is referred to p. 5 in Chap. I. for the racial characteristics of the South African Dutch, and to the note on p. 48 in Chap. II. for the political significance of the word "Afrikander," as stated by Mr. S. J. du Toit.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 157: See letters between Lord Milner and Mr. Schreiner in Cd. 43, p. 13.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 158: Psalm xxii. 12.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 159: The Transvaal from Within, p. 287.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 160: This document was among those secured by the Intelligence Department, and published in The Times History of the War.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 161: See p. 77.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 162: In the House of Assembly, August 28th.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 163: One of the earliest measures of precaution which Lord Milner desired was a plan for the defence of Kimberley. But when, on June 12th, the people of Kimberley requested the Government of the Colony to take steps for the protection of their town, the reply which they received, through the Civil Commissioner, was this: "There is no reason whatever for apprehending that Kimberley is, or in any contemplated event will be, in danger of attack, and Mr. Schreiner is of opinion that your fears are groundless and your anticipations without foundation."[Back to Main Text] Footnote 164: September 24th, 1900.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 165: This was on October 11th, 1899—the day on which the ultimatum expired.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 166: Sir Gordon Sprigg—Mr. Schreiner's Ministry was replaced by a Progressive Ministry in June, 1900.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 167: With this may be compared the fact that in Natal the whole of the local forces were mobilised on September 29th for active service. The dates upon which further units of the Cape local forces were called out are as follows: Uitenhage Rifles and Komgha Mounted Rifles, November 10th; Cape Medical Staff Corps, November 16th; and Frontier Mounted Rifles, November 24th.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 168: The Kimberley and Mafeking Volunteers were called out at the last moment, but actually before the war broke out; but the safety of both these places was imperilled by the refusal, or delay, of the colonial Government to supply them with guns.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 169: Mr. Fischer. See forward, p. 291.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 170: Kimberley.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 171: The Times, February 27th, 1906.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 172: Mr. J. W. Sauer. The reference is (in Lord Milner's words) to Mr. Sauer's "well-meant but unsuccessful mission to Dordrecht, which was immediately followed by rebellion in that district." The facts, as fully disclosed a year later, are these. On November 23rd, 1899, Mr. Sauer held a meeting at Dordrecht to dissuade the Dutch subjects of the Crown in the Wodehouse Division of the Colony from joining in the rebellion. As the result of this meeting a deputation was sent to the Commandant of the Boer invading-force, Olivier, who was at Barkly East, desiring him not to come to Dordrecht. On November 27th another meeting was held (also addressed by Mr. Sauer) and a second deputation of the inhabitants waited upon Olivier. The sequel is revealed in the telegram despatched the following day (November 28th) by the Boer Commandant to the Secretary, the War Commission, Bloemfontein: "... To-day already I received the second deputation from Dordrecht not to come to Dordrecht. This is asked officially, but privately they say that this is also a blind, and that we must come at once...." On December 2nd Olivier was received with open arms at Dordrecht. It was in a district where, in the Boer Commandant's words, "the Afrikanders were rejoicing, and joining the commandos was universal."—Cd. 420, p. 108 and p. 96; Cd. 43, p. 221; and Cd. 261, p. 126.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 173: C. 9,530.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 174: Times correspondent and editor of The Times History of the War. Mr. Amery arrived at the Cape in the second week of September, and was at Pretoria from September 24th to October 13th.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 175: Secured by Intelligence Department.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 176: C. 9,530.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 177: C. 9,530.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 178: C. 9,530.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 179: Cd. 43.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 180: Ibid.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 181: C. 9,530.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 182: Times History of the War in South Africa, vol. i., p. 360. It must be remembered that in the Transvaal all telegrams had been strictly censored from the end of August.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 183: This chapter was in type some weeks before Vol. I. of the Official History of the War was published. Where, however, the Official History amends or supplements figures, documents, etc., given in earlier official publications, the fact is mentioned in a foot-note.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 184: See p. 191.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 185: Cd. 1,789 (War Commission). The Official History of the War in South Africa gives the total on August 2nd as "not exceeding 9,940 men."[Back to Main Text] Footnote 186: Cd. 1,789. But the Official History gives the British total at the outbreak of war as 27,054 men (as against over 50,000 burghers); of whom 15,811 (including 2,781 local troops) were in Natal, 5,221 regulars and 4,574 local troops were in the Cape Colony, and 1,448 men, raised locally by Col. Baden-Powell, were in Mafeking and Southern Rhodesia.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 187: But the Admiralty were given details of the offensive force on September 20th. (Official History.)[Back to Main Text] Footnote 188: Cd. 1,789, pp. 15-17.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 189: Nor was the Intelligence Department less urgent than Lord Milner. "In July of last year [1899], earlier warnings being disregarded, a formal communication was made for the consideration of the Cabinet, advising the despatch of a large force fully equipped, estimated to be sufficient to safeguard Natal and Cape Colony from the first onrush of the Boers."—Sir John Ardagh, in The Balfourian Parliament, 1900-1905. By Henry W. Lucy, p. 10. See also the evidence of the War Commission, and the "Military Notes" issued by the D. M. I. in June (1899).[Back to Main Text] Footnote 190: In a memorandum of November 20th (furnished to Gen. Forestier-Walker) Gen. Buller, on the eve of starting for Natal, gives as a first paragraph in his "appreciation of the situation" the following remark: "1. Ever since I have been here we have been like the man, who, with a long day's work before him, overslept himself and so was late for everything all day." (Official History, p. 209.)[Back to Main Text] Footnote 191: Cd. 1,789.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 192: Ibid.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 193: See returns cited by Lord Roberts in House of Lords, February 27th, 1906. The irregulars raised in South Africa were between 50,000 and 60,000, according to the War Commission Report.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 194: November 15th, 1900. Johannesburg.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 195: November 15th, 1900. Johannesburg.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 196: February 6th, 1900. Capetown.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 197: Lord Roberts had asked Col. Baden-Powell how long he could hold out at Mafeking, and then promised that the relief of the town should be effected within the required period.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 198: One fighting British general stated that one of the first stage force was equal to five of the men supplied after the reserves had been used up in April, 1900.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 199: For the direct part played by the Liberal leaders in the production of this ignorance, see p. 256.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 200: I.e., less troops for lines of communication. Lord Roberts's force was 36,000, the Army Corps was 47,000.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 201: Any reader desiring to learn the particulars of this struggle is referred to the pages of the writer's The Valley of Light: Studies with Pen and Pencil in the Vaudois Valleys of Piedmont. (Macmillan, 1899). It may be added that Napoleon manifested a keen interest in the military details of the engagements between the French and Savoyard troops and the Vaudois. As regards the number of combatants on the Boer side. Lord Kitchener puts the total (from first to last) at 95,000 (Cd. 1790, p. 13). The Official History, however, gives, as the result of an elaborate calculation, 87,365 (Vol. I. App. 4).[Back to Main Text] Footnote 202: Cd. 264 (Despatch of January 16th, 1900).[Back to Main Text] Footnote 203: Cd. 261.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 204: At the time of the Bechuanaland Expedition (1884-5), when the writer was in South Africa, "a controversy was seriously maintained between the two moderate Afrikander journals, the Sud Africaan and the Volksblad, on the question whether the Imperial Government had, or had not, the right to send troops through the Colony, without the consent of the Colonial Ministry. In commenting upon this question a correspondent wrote in the Patriot, the extreme organ of the Afrikanders: 'I believe the Volksblad is correct in maintaining that England has that right. But if England has the right to send Rooibaatjes (i.e. British soldiers) to kill my brethren in the Transvaal, then I have also the right to try and prevent the same. My brother is nearer than England. England can send troops, but whether they will all arrive safely in Stellaland—that stands to be seen.'"—A History of South Africa, by the writer. (Dent, 1900.)[Back to Main Text] Footnote 205: Despatch dated "Government House, Bloemfontein, March 15th, 1900."[Back to Main Text] Footnote 206: Cd. 35.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 207: Mr. Reitz's work was translated into English by Mr. W. T. Stead.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 208: Cd. 109.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 209: The Unionist party was returned to power with a slightly decreased majority—130 as against 150. But this loss of seats was counterbalanced by the consideration that it is unusual for the same Government to be entrusted with a second period of office by a democratic electorate.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 210: A suburb of Capetown.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 211: Cd. 261.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 212: Mr. Morley has the doubtful merit of consistency. As recently as April 27th, 1906, he alluded to the South African War as "that delusive and guilty war," in an address to the Eighty Club. According to The Times report this expression was received with cheers.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 213: It may perhaps be objected that some credit should have been allowed to Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman in view of the fact that a sum of £41,807,400 was voted in Committee of Supply in the House of Commons for military requirements, practically without discussion, within four and a half hours on June 19th, 1900. This objection is answered by the words used by the Duke of Devonshire on the same day: "I am afraid I must tell Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman that he is not likely to receive from us any recognition, either effusive or otherwise, of the patriotism of his party. It is quite true that, as he took credit to himself and his friends, they have not offered any opposition to our demands for supplies or to the military measures which it has been found necessary for the Government to take; but the reason for that prudent abstinence is not very far to seek. Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman and his friends knew very well that any factious opposition to the granting of these supplies would have brought down upon them the almost unanimous condemnation of the whole people; and Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman is much too shrewd and sensible a man to risk the danger of committing for his party an act of political suicide."—Address to Women's Liberal Unionist Association.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 214: June 26th, 1880, C. 2,655.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 215: See p. 349.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 216: Cd. 261.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 217: Cd. 261.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 218: Cd. 624. The memorandum also noted that the £1,000 was "paid at request of F. W. Reitz" (the State Secretary). In the Concessions Commission the following letter is published: "Government Offices, Pretoria. 7 April, 1899. To van Kretschmar van Veen, Esq., Director of the N.Z.A. Ry. Co. Hon'd. Sir,—With reference to a letter of his Excellency the Ambassador, dated 23 March last, with reference to Mr. Statham and the latter's request for an assistance of £300 for furniture and such like, I have the honour to inform you confidentially that the Executive Council has resolved to grant this gentleman Statham an amount of £150. As, according to previous agreement, a yearly allowance is paid to Mr. Statham by your Company, I have the honour to request you kindly to pay out to the said Mr. Statham the sum granted him. His Excellency the Ambassador is likewise being informed of this decision of the Executive Council.—I have, etc., J. W. Reitz, State Secretary." (Q. 608.) Mr. Statham is understood to have been a frequent contributor to those Liberal journals which sympathised with the Boer cause. His allowance, however, had ceased before the war broke out.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 219: In his covering despatch, Cd. 261, p. 126. For the circumstances of Mr. Sauer's visit to Dordrecht on the occasion mentioned see note, p. 287.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 220: As reported in The Cape Times, Cd. 261.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 221: See p. 477.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 222: Cd. 261, despatch of June 6th, 1900.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 223: Cd. 264.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 224: Cd. 264.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 225: Cd. 264.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 226: Cape Times, August 23rd, 1900.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 227: June 14th; 1901 (Holborn Restaurant, and elsewhere later). "Whatever Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman may think or say, the German nation may think or say."—The Vossische Zeitung.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 228: As translated in Blue-book, Cd. 547. Mr. de Jong, the editor of the paper, was prosecuted (and convicted) for the publication of this and another similar article (December 28th).[Back to Main Text] Footnote 229: Cd. 547.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 230: It is scarcely necessary to point out that this prophecy of continued racial hatred has been completely falsified by events. The writer went out to South Africa a second time in January, 1904, when two years had not passed since the surrender of the Boers. The one thing, above all others, that struck him, and every other visitor from England, was the profound peace that reigned from end to end of the land.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 231: Cd. 547.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 232: As stated in a Central News telegram, published in London on December 14th, 1900.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 233: Cd. 547.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 234: See letter of Piet de Wet to his brother Christian, in Cd. 547, and correspondence between Steyn and Reitz (captured by British troops), in Cd. 903.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 235: "This war no longer makes a pretence of being a war of defence; it is a war for gold-fields, for territory, and for the suppression of two brave and noble peoples. This wicked war has lost us the moral leadership of mankind."—Mr. E. Robertson, M.P., June 5th, 1901.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 236: Cd. 547.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 237: Cd. 547.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 238: Cd. 547.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 239: Ibid.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 240: January 12th, 1901. Cd. 547.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 241: Cd. 547.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 242: Cd. 663. See also the text of the circular issued on December 2nd, 1900, by Louis Botha, as Commandant-General of the Boer forces, to all military officers, landdrosts, etc., giving specific instructions for the punishment of surrendered burghers who refused to join the commandos when called upon, and for the evasion of the neutrality oath.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 243: Cd. 663.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 244: Cd. 547.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 245: Cd. 663. It was at this time that the utterly unjustifiable and brutal murder of the coloured man, Esau, took place in the invasion of the Calvinia district of the Cape Colony. His sole offence was his known loyalty to the British Government. "He was flogged on January 15th, 1901, and kept in gaol till February 5th, when he was flogged through the streets and shot outside the village by a Boer named Strydom, who stated that he acted according to orders." Cd. 547.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 246: Cd. 547.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 247: Cd. 547.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 248: Cd. 522.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 249: The italics are Mr. Kipling's. The Science of Rebellion: a Tract for the Times, by Rudyard Kipling.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 250: Cd. 663.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 251: Cd. 605.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 252: Cd. 988.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 253: "Cape Colony is a great disappointment to me ... no general rising can be expected in that quarter.... [But] the little contingent there has been of great help to us: they have kept 50,000 troops occupied, with which otherwise we should have had to reckon."—Gen. Christian de Wet at the Vereeniging Conference on May 16th, 1902. App. A. The Three Years' War, by Christian Rudolf de Wet (Constable, 1902). But see forward also, p. 485, for part played by British loyalists.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 254: Cd. 663.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 255: E.g. those employed by General Sherman in his march to the Sea, through Georgia, in the latter part of 1864.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 256: This estimate was very much too small: at the Vereeniging surrender, when many thousands more of Boers had been captured or killed 21,256 burghers and rebels laid down their arms. Cd. 988.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 257: Cd. 695.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 258: Cd. 820.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 259: There were 186 killed, 75 wounded, 1,384 prisoners, 529 voluntary surrenders; while 930 rifles, 90,958 rounds of ammunition, 1,332 waggons and carts, 13,570 horses, and 65,879 cattle were captured. Cd. 820.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 260: See p. 420.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 261: Cd. 820. The September returns were: 170 Boers killed in action, 114 wounded prisoners, 1,385 unwounded prisoners, and 1,393 surrenders.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 262: In August 648 refugees returned; in November the number had risen to 2,623.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 263: For the grotesque, repulsive, and even fatal remedies employed by the Boer women in the treatment of their children in sickness, the reader is referred to the medical reports on the condition of the refugee camps published in the Blue-book.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 264: The figures are those given by Miss Hobhouse, as based upon the official returns (The Brunt of the War, pp. 329-31).[Back to Main Text] Footnote 265: I.e. annual per 1,000 on a basis of 25 years (1874-98).[Back to Main Text] Footnote 266: Cd. 1,163, p. 159. See also ibid., p. 151, and p. 178. Lord Kitchener's reply to the official Boer complaint against the system of the Burgher Camps (made by Acting President Schalk Burger), is as follows: "Numerous complaints were made to me in the early part of this year (1901), by surrendered burghers, who stated that after they laid down their arms their families were ill-treated, and their stock and property confiscated by order of the Commandant-Generals of the Transvaal and Orange Free State. These acts appear to have been taken in consequence of the circular dated Roos Senekal, 6th November, 1900, in which the Commandant-General says: 'Do everything in your power to prevent the burghers laying down their arms. I will be compelled, if they do not listen to this, to confiscate everything movable or immovable, and also to burn their houses.' "I took occasion, at my interview with Commandant-General Louis Botha (February 28th, 1901), to bring this matter before him, and I told him that if he continued such acts I should be forced to bring in all women and children, and as much property as possible, to protect them from the acts of his burghers. I further inquired if he would agree to spare the farms and families of neutral or surrendered burghers, in which case I expressed my willingness to leave undisturbed the farms and families of burghers who were on commando, provided they did not actively assist their relatives. The Commandant-General emphatically refused even to consider any such arrangement. He said: 'I am entitled by law to force every man to join, and if they do not do so to confiscate their property, and leave their families on the veld.' I asked him what course I could pursue to protect surrendered burghers and their families, and he then said, 'The only thing you can do, is to send them out of the country, as if I catch them they must suffer.' After this there was nothing more to be said, and as military operations do not permit of the protection of individuals, I had practically no choice but to continue my system of bringing inhabitants of certain areas into the protection of our lines. My decision was conveyed to the Commandant-General in my official letter, dated Pretoria, 16th April, 1901, from which the following is an extract: "'As I informed your Honour at Middelburg, owing to the irregular manner in which you have conducted and continue to conduct hostilities, by forcing unwilling and peaceful inhabitants to join your Commandos, a proceeding totally unauthorised by the recognised customs of war, I have no other course open to me, and am forced to take the very unpleasant and repugnant steps of bringing in the women and children. "'I have the greatest sympathy for the sufferings of these poor people, which I have done my best to alleviate, and it is a matter of surprise to me and to the whole civilised world, that your Honour considers yourself justified in still causing so much suffering to the people of the Transvaal, by carrying on a hopeless and useless struggle.' "From the foregoing, it will, I believe, be perfectly clear that the responsibility for the action complained of by Mr. Burger (the so-styled Acting State President of the Transvaal), rests rather with the Commandants-General of the Transvaal and Orange Free State, than with the Commander-in-Chief of the forces in South Africa.... "It is not the case that every area has been cleared of the families of burghers, although this might be inferred from the despatch under discussion. On the contrary, very large numbers of women and children are still out, either in Boer Camps or on their farms, and my Column Commanders have orders to leave them alone, unless it is clear that they must starve if they are left out upon the veld.... "Finally, I indignantly and entirely deny the accusations of rough and cruel treatment of women and children who were being brought in from their farms to the camp. Hardships may have been sometimes inseparable from the process, but the Boer women in our hands themselves bear the most eloquent testimony to the kindness and consideration shown to them by our soldiers on all such occasions." With this statement it is interesting to compare Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman's words at Bath, November 20th, 1901: "Is our hypocrisy so great that we actually flatter ourselves upon our great humanity, because we have saved from starvation those whose danger of starvation we have caused?... The hypocrisy of these excuses is almost more loathsome than the cruelty itself.... We have set ourselves to punish this country, to reduce it apparently to ruin, because it has ventured to make war against us." Truly an extraordinary attitude for a future Prime Minister of England![Back to Main Text] Footnote 267: What was even worse than such declarations of sympathy with the Boers was the manifestation of hostility against the loyalist population of South Africa. E.g. Sir William Harcourt (in a letter in The Times of December 17th, 1900), wrote: "I sometimes think that those bellicose gentlemen—especially those who do not fight—must occasionally cast longing, lingering looks towards the times before they were subsidised (sic) by the authors of the Raid to bring about the position in which they now find themselves."[Back to Main Text] Footnote 268: September 26th, 1901. See Cd. 820 for report of this action.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 269: Letter to Miss Milner, November 11th, 1901. See p. 416.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 270: The facts are stated in a letter published in The Times on March 10th, 1902.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 271: See also note, p. 399 (Extract from the Vossische Zeitung). The baseless and malevolent allegations of specific acts of inhumanity or outrage on the part of British soldiers, circulated by Boer sympathisers in England and on the continent of Europe, have been passed over in silence. For an exposure of these calumnies the reader is referred to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The War in South Africa (Smith, Elder). A record of the manner in which they were repudiated by the Boer population in South Africa will be found in Cd. 1, 163, pp. 99, 106-111, 113-121. Among those who protested were German subjects, and Germans who had become British subjects, resident in South Africa. Perhaps the most significant of all these protests is the resolution passed unanimously by the members of the Natal House of Assembly, all standing: "That this House desires to repudiate the false charges of inhumanity brought against His Majesty's Army by a section of the inhabitants of the continent of Europe and certain disloyal subjects within the British Isles, and this House places on record its deliberate conviction that the war in South Africa has been prosecuted by His Majesty's Government and Army upon lines of humanity and consideration for the enemy unparalleled in the history of nations."[Back to Main Text] Footnote 272: This telegram is printed in Cd. 528.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 273: For the nature of these "Middelburg terms," see forward in note 2 on p. 568.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 274: Sir Richard Solomon was appointed legal adviser to the new Transvaal Administration.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 275: Cd. 903.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 276: See p. 431.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 277: Cd. 903.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 278: Cd. 903.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 279: The action of Sir W. Hely-Hutchinson was not without precedent. See Cd. 903, pp. 57 and 67, and p. 123, supra.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 280: Cd. 903.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 281: Queen Victoria died January 22nd, 1901.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 282: Cd. 983.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 283: Cd. 903. These measures were taken upon Lord Milner's return to the Transvaal (September, 1901) after his visit to England. The scandal of the almost open co-operation of the Bond with the Boer leaders had become notorious, and this assistance was recognised as a contributory cause to the protraction of the guerilla war.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 284: Cd. 903.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 285: Cd. 903.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 286: Cd. 903. This was, in its essence, the proposal for the systematic and effective defence of the Colony, which Lord Milner had consistently advocated both before and during the war—with General Butler and the Home Government, with Lord Roberts at the time of the Forward Movement (see p. 353), and now at the eleventh hour with Lord Kitchener in support of the Cape Government.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 287: Cd. 547.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 288: See p. 459.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 289: The Letters Patent were not issued until August.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 290: It was, in its essence, the "high seriousness of absolute sincerity" that Arnold, after Aristotle, makes the central attribute of poetic thought. In commenting upon a speech delivered at Germiston on March 15th, 1905, the Johannesburg Star wrote on the day following: "Did ever a High Commissioner for South Africa speak in this wise before? But beneath the light words and unstudied diction there is the weight and sureness of the 'inevitable' thought. A man who has pursued a single task for eight years with unremitting effort and unswerving devotion can afford to put his mind into his words. And in all that Lord Milner says there is an absolute sincerity, born of high integrity of purpose and an assurance of knowledge, that compels conviction. Or, rather, should we say, that makes the need of conviction as unnecessary as a lamp in daylight."[Back to Main Text] Footnote 291: The Duke of Cambridge.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 292: These two ex-officials, representing the respective Governments of the late Republics, were living in Holland at this time.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 293: It is only fair to assume that Mr. Bryce was not acquainted with the details of the Dordrecht and Hargrove affairs, to which reference has been made respectively at p. 287 and p. 375. And, still more that he was unaware of the utterly discreditable Basuto incident, with respect to which General Gordon's biographer writes: "The consequence was that Mr. Sauer deliberately resolved to destroy Gordon's reputation as a statesman, and to ensure the triumph of his own policy by an act of treachery which has never been surpassed."—The Life of Gordon, vol. ii., p. 83. (Fisher Unwin.)[Back to Main Text] Footnote 294: Compare the different and infinitely more instructive treatment of the question of Dutch allegiance by Lord Milner in his Johannesburg speech, quoted at p. 145.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 295: I.e., the Rev. Stephen Gladstone.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 296: Apart from those mentioned in the text, the following attended the Merriman and Sauer banquet: Mr. E. Robertson, M.P. (chairman), Lord Farrer, Mr. T. Shaw, M.P., Mr. Burt, M.P., Mr. Channing, M.P., Mr. John Ellis, M.P., Mr. H. J. Wilson, M.P., Sir Wilfred Lawson, Mr. Frederic Harrison, and others. And among those who sent letters of regret for their absence were the Marquis of Ripon, Lord Hobhouse, Dr. Spence Watson, Mr. Seale-Hayne, M.P., and Lord Loreburn.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 297: December 17th, 1901.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 298: They were read and published by Lord Milner on June 21st, 1902.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 299: It is scarcely necessary to say that the entire cost of the Constabulary has been borne by the new colonies; or that every penny of this grant-in-aid was paid back out of the development loan raised in 1902-3.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 300: An under-estimate. One-fourth, or one-fifth, would have been nearer the mark. See note, p. 454.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 301: Cd. 903.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 302: Managing Director of the Daira Sania Company; of the Indian and Egyptian Irrigation Services.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 303: Cd. 626.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 304: Cd. 1,163.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 305: This Report was issued (June 14th, 1904) from the Education Adviser's Office, Johannesburg, on "The Development of Education in the Transvaal and Orange River Colony." It is one of the many contributions of permanent value to political and economic science that mark the second period of Lord Milner's Administration in South Africa. E.g., in Appendix XXX. of this Report, the various solutions of the much-vexed question of religious instruction in State Schools, severally adopted by the self-governing colonies of the empire, are excellently presented in tabular form.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 306: Report on "The Development of Education in the Transvaal and Orange River Colony."[Back to Main Text] Footnote 307: These imported teachers worked harmoniously with the South African teachers, whether of British or Dutch extraction; they filled the gap left by the Hollander teachers, who had returned to Europe after the outbreak of the war, and formed a valuable element in the permanent staff of the Education Departments of the new colonies. In 1903 there were 475 of these over-sea teachers at work in the two colonies, as against some 800 teachers appointed in South Africa.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 308: Some idea of the significance of these figures may be gathered from the fact that the highest number of children on the rolls of the Government schools of the Orange Free State was 8,157 (in the year 1898). That is to say, the British Administration in the Orange River Colony was educating one-third more Boer children in the camp schools alone than the Free State Government had educated in time of peace. Cd. 903.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 309: Cd. 1,163, p. 145. The accounts were complicated by expenditure for, and refunds from, the military authorities.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 310: This is in the Orange River Colony alone. For the number of children in the camp schools of both colonies, as apart from the town schools, see above.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 311: Cd. 1,163.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 312: Dated December 12th, 1901.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 313: Excluding expenditure on the South African Constabulary and relief and re-settlement, and certain other charges. Cd. 1,163.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 314: Cd. 903.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 315: December 14th, 1901. Cd. 903.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 316: The new rolling-stock was paid for out of the grant-in-aid voted in August, 1901. The first of the new lines constructed was that from Bloemfontein to Basutoland, opening up the rich agricultural land known as the "conquered territory" on the Basuto border in the Orange River Colony, where many of the new British settlers had been established.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 317: The completeness with which the Netherlands Railway Company had identified itself with the Government of the South African Republic is well expressed in the reply of Mr. Van Kretchmar, the General Manager of the N.Z.A.S.M., to a question put to him by the Transvaal Concessions Commissioners: "We considered that the interests of the Republic were our interests" (Q. 612). Many of these railway employees were, of course, imported Hollanders.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 318: Cd. 903.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 319: Cd. 1,163.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 320: Cd. 1,163.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 321: Cd. 1,163.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 322: At Johannesburg, March 31st, 1905. From The Star report.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 323: See p. 489.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 324: Cd. 1,163.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 325: Cd. 1,163.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 326: For these, the "Middelburg" or "Botha" terms, see above, p. 471, and forward; p. 568, note 2.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 327: Cd. 1,096.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 328: This deputation was despatched in March, 1900, to "win the sympathy of the nations," in De Wet's words.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 329: Cd. 986.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 330: A full list of the names is to be found in the Draft Terms of Surrender at p. 564.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 331: These were the "Middelburg terms" of a year ago. See note 2, p. 568.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 332: Cd. 1,096.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 333: Smuts.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 334: Hertzog.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 335: De Wet.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 336: Botha.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 337: Mr. Chamberlain to Generals Botha, De Wet, and De la Rey, August 28th, 1902. Cd. 1,284.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 338: Cd. 1,096. President Steyn was too ill to sign the Agreement, and De Wet signed first of the Free State representatives. He was declared President, in the place of Steyn, at Vereeniging on the 29th.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 339: This was reduced to a period of five years.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 340: Cd. 1,096. As compared with the Middelburg terms, the terms accepted at Vereeniging were slightly less favourable to the Boers in respect of permission to possess arms, and the use of the Dutch language; but the monetary assistance promised to the repatriated burghers was more generous. The free grant was raised from one million to three millions, and the advances on loan were offered for the first two years free of interest, and subsequently at only three per cent. The greater destruction of property consequent upon the prolongation of the war made this increased assistance necessary and reasonable. It is noticeable, however, that Lord Milner, alike in the Middelburg and Vereeniging negotiations, although he was opposed to any payment of the costs incurred by the Boer leaders in carrying on the war, was prepared to go even farther than the Home Government in the direction of a generous treatment of the Boers in all other matters that concerned their material prosperity. One variation as between the Middelburg and Vereeniging terms is noticeable in view of the statement, made in the House of Commons by the present (1906) Under-Secretary for the Colonies (Mr. Winston Churchill), that the use of the word "natives" in clause viii. of the Terms of Surrender prevented the introduction of any legislation affecting the status of Asiatics and "coloured persons" in the new colonies prior to the establishment of self-government. This assertion was based upon the contention that the word "natives" is understood by the Boers to indicate the "native of any country other than those of the European inhabitants of South Africa." The actual text of the corresponding clause in the Middelburg terms (Lord Kitchener's despatch of March 20th, 1901, in Cd. 528) is as follows: "As regards the extension of the franchise to the Kafirs in the Transvaal and Orange River Colony, it is not the intention of His Majesty's Government to give such franchise before representative government is granted to these colonies, and if then given it will be so limited as to secure the just predominance of the white races. The legal position of coloured persons will, however, be similar to that which they hold in Cape Colony." Apart from the fact that the Boers were debarred by Lord Milner's specific statements either from going behind the English text of the Vereeniging Terms of Surrender, or from "explaining [the Vereeniging Terms] by anything in the Middelburg proposal," it is difficult to see how this Middelburg clause could have raised any presumption in the minds of the Boer commissioners that the English word "native" was intended to include not only the Kafirs (of which word it is a loose equivalent, since the dark-skinned native of the Bantu tribes, or the Kafir, has practically ousted the aboriginal yellow-skinned natives of South Africa—the Bushmen and Hottentots), but the "coloured people," or half-castes. Lord Milner himself declared in the House of Lords (July 31st, 1906) with reference to Mr. Churchill's statement that the question had not been raised, to the best of his belief, by the Boer commissioners; and that in any case there was nothing in the Vereeniging Agreement to prevent the Crown Colony administration of the new colonies from legislating in respect of "coloured persons." [And a fortiori in respect of British Indians.] His words were: "The English text of the treaty says 'natives' and does not say 'coloured people.' I think that in the Dutch version the word 'naturellen' was used. I venture to say that nobody familiar with the common use of language in South Africa would hold either that 'natives' included coloured people, some of whom very much more resemble whites than natives, or that 'naturellen' included 'kleurlingen,' which is the universally accepted Dutch word in South Africa for coloured people."[Back to Main Text] Footnote 341: The minutes of the final meetings of the commando representatives—as also those of the earlier meetings of May 15th to 17th—have been published by General Christian de Wet in The Three Years' War.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 342: Three of the members of this committee, Generals Botha, De Wet, and De la Rey, were instructed to proceed to Europe for the purposes of this appeal.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 343: The actual surrender of the arms in the possession of the burgher and rebel commandos was carried out with admirable promptitude. Three weeks after the agreement had been signed Lord Kitchener was able, in a final despatch from Capetown on June 23rd, to record his "high appreciation of the unflagging energy and unfailing tact" with which Generals Louis Botha, De la Rey, and Christian de Wet had facilitated the work of the British commissioners appointed to receive the surrender of the burghers in the Transvaal and Orange River Colony. Nor were the Boer and rebel commandos in the Cape Colony less expeditious in surrendering to General French. In all 21,226 burghers and colonial rebels, of whom 11,166 were in the Transvaal, 6,455 in the Orange River Colony, and 3,635 in the Cape, laid down their arms. Lord Kitchener's last words (despatches of June 21st and 23rd), addressed respectively to the Colonial Governments and the Secretary of State for War, are noticeable and characteristic utterances. His message to the former was: "I find it difficult in the short space at my disposal to acknowledge the deep obligation of the Army in South Africa to the Governments of Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Cape Colony, and Natal. I will only say here that no request of mine was ever refused by any of these Governments, and that their consideration and generosity were only equalled by the character and quality of the troops they sent to South Africa, or raised in that country." And of the troops, which under his command had successfully accomplished a military task of unparalleled difficulty, he wrote: "The protracted struggle which has for so long caused suffering to South Africa has at length terminated, and I should fail to do justice to my own feelings if at this moment I neglected to bear testimony to the patience, tenacity, and heroism which has been displayed by all ranks of His Majesty's forces, Imperial and Colonial, during the whole course of the war. Nothing but the qualities of bravery and endurance in our troops could have overcome the difficulties of this campaign, or have finally enabled the empire to reap the fruits of all its sacrifices."[Back to Main Text] Footnote 344: An onomatopoeic expression for the step of a tired horse.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 345: The Three Years' War.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 346: [The Transvaal Government]—"or rather the President and his advisers—committed the fatal mistake of trying to maintain a government which was at the same time undemocratic and incompetent.... An exclusive government may be pardoned if it is efficient; an inefficient government, if it rests upon the people. But a government which is both inefficient and exclusive incurs a weight of odium under which it must ultimately sink; and this was the kind of government which the Transvaal attempted to maintain. They ought, therefore, to have either extended their franchise or reformed their administration" (Bryce, Impressions of South Africa, 2nd Ed., 1900). Mr. Bryce is not likely to have been unduly severe. "The political sin of the Transvaal against the Uitlander, therefore, was no mere matter of detail—of less or more—but was fundamental in its denial of elementary political right." And again: In the Transvaal "an armed minority holds the power, compels the majority to pay the taxes, denies it representation, and misgoverns it with the money extorted" (Captain Mahan, The Merits of the Transvaal Dispute, 1900 [included in The Problem of Asia]). To these, perhaps, I may be permitted to add the following words spoken by myself in 1894—more than a year before the Raid—and published in 1895 (South Africa: a Study, etc.):—"The Boer has still to justify his possession of these ample pastures, these rich and fertile valleys, and these stores of gold and of coal. If he can enlarge his mind, if he can reform existing abuses, if he can expand an archaic system of government and render it sufficiently elastic to meet the requirements of an enlarged population and important and increasing industries—well and good. If not, let the Boer beware; for he will place himself in conflict with the intelligence and the progress of South Africa. Then the Boer system will be condemned by a higher authority than the Colonial Office or the opinion of England; and from the high court of Nature—a court from which no appeal lies—the inexorable decree will go forth: 'Cut it down; why cumbereth it the ground?'"[Back to Main Text] Footnote 347: See admissions of the Boer Generals quoted supra.[Back to Main Text] Footnote 348: "The South African Republic will conclude no treaty or engagement with any state or nation other than the Orange Free State, nor with any native tribe to the eastward or westward of the Republic, until the same has been approved by Her Majesty the Queen." Captain Mahan writes: "In refusing the Transvaal that independence in foreign relations which would enable other states to hold it directly accountable, Great Britain retained, in so far, responsibility that foreigners should be so treated as to give no just cause for reclamations.... Great Britain, by retaining the ultimate control of foreign relations, and by her well-defined purpose not to permit interference in the Transvaal by a foreign Power, was responsible for conditions of wrong to foreign citizens within its borders. She had surrendered the right to interfere, as suzerain, with internal affairs; but she had not relieved herself, as by a grant of full independence and sovereignty she might have done, from responsibility for injury due to internal maladministration, any more than the United States was relieved of the responsibility to Italy [in the case of the Italian citizens lynched at New Orleans] by the state sovereignty of Louisiana" (Ibid.). And, says the same writer, a fortiori was Great Britain justified in interfering on behalf of her own subjects.[Back to Main Text]