Put a ham weighing 14 pounds in a large kettle and half cover with cold water and cook Calf's-head Stew.1 head, 2 bay leaves, 1 teaspoonful thyme, 6 quarts of water, 2 large carrots, 1 sweet marjoram, 3 onions, 1 handful salt, 1 teaspoonful pepper. Simmer 4 hours, skimming when necessary. Take out meat, strain broth and cut tongue in small pieces. 2 large teaspoonfuls of butter in pan, 3 of flour, and cook until brown. Juice of 1 lemon, 3 hard-boiled eggs, chopped, 1/2 lemon, sliced, wine and red pepper to taste. When very hot, serve. Chops and Tomato Sauce.Fry some pieces of pork in the spider, then cut up and fry a few onions. Into this pour some peeled Kidney Stew.2 beef kidneys cut in small pieces. Pour cold water over, and as it boils pour off and repeat. The third time let it simmer slowly for two hours. Add 2 onions, chopped fine, and cook one hour. A few minutes before serving add sherry wine. Thicken with flour and serve on hot toast. This may be varied by adding curry; both are excellent. Sheep's Tongues.Boil them in soup stock until tender, with a seasoning of salt, pepper and a bouquet of herbs. (1 or 2 cloves, 1 or 2 small onions, 1 bay leaf, sprig of parsley, some whole black pepper tied in a little white bag and removed after an hour.) When done add to the stock some browned flour and butter, tomato juice to taste, and a little lime juice. Garnish with triangles of toast around the dish. Spanish Receipt for Cooking Tongue.Soak a fresh tongue over night. In the morning take the skin off by boiling water. Mix together 1 large spoon of lard, 1 quart raw beans, chopped fine, with the lard, 2 or 3 onions, chopped not very fine, and a little parsley. Fry all together for a little while; then add Chestnut Stuffing.Shell 1 pint of large chestnuts; pour on boiling water and remove the inner skin. Boil in salted water, or stock, until soft. Mash fine and mix with them 1 cup of fine rolled crackers. Season with 1 teaspoonful of salt, 1 salt spoon of pepper, and 1 teaspoonful of chopped parsley. Moisten with 1/3 cup of melted butter. This stuffing is especially nice for quail. Stuffing for Turkeys.5 Boston crackers, rolled, piece of salt pork size of an egg, chopped fine. Add 1/2 pint of milk and season with salt and pepper. (Add sage if you wish.) Let it scald, then beat 3 eggs and stir in. Add milk till it is the consistency of batter fritters, put in the turkey and bake slowly, basting frequently. decorative |