EIGHTEENTH PRESIDING LADY 1869-1877 Julia Dent, in 1844, became engaged to Lieut. Grant. The Mexican war separated them, but they married in 1848. Years of failure and poverty followed, but her faith in his ability survived, and when his military prowess made him famous, she shared his triumphs. Later, as the President’s wife, she was most hospitable, entertaining extensively in private as well as in public life, making Grant’s administrations, socially, very notable. When his term expired, General and Mrs. Grant journeyed around the world and met with a continuous ovation. A special feature of it was the dinner given to Mrs. Grant by the wife of China’s Viceroy, which was the first of its kind. During her husband’s last illness she was his constant nurse, and was always an adored mother. Her remains, with those of her husband, share the famous mausoleum, built as a memorial to him, on Riverside Drive, New York City, the site of which she herself chose. JULIA DENT GRANT Copyright 1903, by Bureau of National Literature & Art. |