1. Outline the chapter. 2. Complete the sentence, "I feel_____" in 20 different ways (not using synonyms), and measure the time required to do this. 3. What can be meant by speaking in psychology of only two feelings, when common speech recognizes so many? 4. If the states of mind designated by the words, "feeling sure", or "feeling bored", are compound states, what elements besides the feelings of pleasantness and unpleasantness may enter into the compounds? 5. Attempt an analysis of the "worried feeling", by your own introspection, i.e., try to discover elementary feelings and sensations in this complex state of mind. 6. Following Wundt's three-dimensional scheme of feeling, analyze each of the following states of mind (for example, a child just admitted to the presence of the Christmas tree would be in a state of mind that is pleasant, tense, and excited): (a) Watching a rocket go up and waiting for it to burst. (b) Just after the rocket has burst. (c) Waiting for the dentist to pull. (d) Just after he has pulled. (e) Enjoying a warm bed. (f) Lying abed after waking, not quite able as yet to decide to get up. (g) Seeing an automobile about to run down a child. 7. Make a list of six primary dislikes, and a list of six dislikes that are dependent on the instincts.