1. Make an outline of the chapter, in the form of a table, which shall show for each instinct: (a) the natural stimulus, (b) the native motor response, (c) the end-result that the instinct tends towards, in its adult as well as its native condition, and (d) the emotion, if any, that goes with the activity of the instinct.
2. An adult tendency or propensity may be simply an unmodified instinct, or it may be derived from instincts by combination, etc. Try to identify each of the following as an instinct, or to analyze it into two or more instincts:
(a) Love for adventure.
(b) Patriotism.
(c) A father's pride in his children.
(d) Love for travel.
(e) Insubordination.
(f) Love for dancing.
3. Which of the instincts are most concerned in making people work?
4. Show how self-assertion finds gratification in the life-work of
an actor.
a physician.
a housekeeper.
a teacher.
a railroad engineer.
5. Arrange the following impulses and emotions in the order of the frequency of their occurrence in your ordinary day's work and play:
(a) Fear.
(b) Anger.
(c) Disgust
(d) Curiosity.
(e) Self-assertion.
(f) Submission.
(g) The tendency to protect or "mother" another.
6. How do "practical jokes" lend support to the view that laughter is primarily aroused by a sense of one's own superiority?
7. Get together a dozen jokes or funny stories, and see how many of them can be placed with the practical jokes in this respect.
8. Mention some laughter-stimuli that do not lend support to the theory mentioned in Exercise 6.
9. What instincts find outlet in (a) dress, (b) automobiling, (c) athletics, (d) social conversation?{171}