1. Outline the chapter. 2. Pick out the true statements from the following list: (a) Man is the most intelligent of animals. (b) Intelligence depends on the development of the cerebellum. (c) It has not been found possible to use any single performance as a reliable index of intelligence. (d) Children of different mental ages may have the same IQ. (e) A child with a mental age of 10 years can do all the tests for 10 years and below, but none of those for the higher ages. (f) The intelligence tests depend wholly on accurate response and not at all on speed of reaction. (g) If intelligence tests depended upon previous training, they could not be measures of native intelligence. (h) High correlation between the test scores of brothers and sisters is a fact that tends to indicate the importance of heredity in determining intelligence. (i) The "general factors" in intelligence are the same as the instincts. (j) Feeble-minded individuals include all those who are below the average intelligence. 3. It is found that eminent men very often have eminent brothers, uncles and cousins. How would this fact be explained? 4. It is also found that the wives of eminent men often have eminent relatives. How would this fact be explained? 5. How could it happen that a boy of 9, in the third school grade, with an IQ of 140, should be mischievous and inattentive? What should be done with him? 6. If a boy of 12, by industrious work, does pretty well in the fourth grade, why should we not accept the teacher's estimate of him as a "fairly bright boy"? 7. How might the brain of an idiot be underdeveloped, aside from the matter of the number of nerve cells in the cortex? 8. Can it be that high intelligence is a disadvantage in any form of industrial work, and, if so, how? 9. Show how "general intelligence" and "special aptitudes" may work together to give success in some special line of work.{295}