A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z - A
- Adams,
- Nate, 179, 180, 189, 190
- Orza, 190
- River, 127, 128
- Adventure, Utah settlement, 148, 150, 151, 153
- Affleck, D. A., 193
- Agave, (yant), food, 119
- Agriculture, 138, 148
- Indian, 117, 118
- Ahlstrom, brothers, 182
- Albright, Horace M., 196-197, 199, 201, 208
- Allen, Rufus C., 144, 145
- Allred, John J., 153
- Alpine, Utah, 153
- Alter, J. Cecil, 195
- Amelanchier, (sarvis berries), 120
- Ames, Clark, 144
- Anderson,
- J., 139
- Miles, 139
- Mrs. Nancy, 145
- Anderson’s Ranch, 204
- Andrus, James, aids against Indians, 168, 169, 171, 174-176
- rescue expedition, 189
- Animals, predatory, hunted, 192
- Argonauts, 132
- Armstrong, G. G., 205
- Arrows, 118, 119, 121
- Arizona, Northern,
- colonized, 166
- explored, 164-166
- Strip, 189
- Army, Johnston’s, marches to Utah, 131, 164
- Arrowhead Route, 198
- Trail Association, 198
- Asa Creek, 142
- Ash Creek, 117, 124, 127, 133, 139
- Ashley, General (Wm. H.), 126
- Ashton, Willam, 151, 153
- Atkin, Grace, 111
- Atwood, S. F., 144
- Auerbach, H. S., 123, 128
- Automobile roads to Southern Utah Parks, 204, 205
- Averet, C. G., 153
- Averett. Elijah, 172
- Ayers, George, 158
- Heber, 158
- B
- Baker, John, 191
- Bamberger, Governor Simon, 200, 203, 205
- Bancroft, H. H., 127
- Barton,
- L., 139
- William, 139
- Battalion, Mormon, 153
- Beale, E. H., 121, 136
- Bear Valley, 128
- route, 142
- Bears, grizzly, 193
- Beaver, 140
- County protected by militia, 167
- Creek, 134
- Dam Wash, 127, 128
- River, 127
- Behunin,
- E. C., 112, 152, 155, 159
- Isaac, 151, 155-157, 161
- Berberis, fremonti, (weump berries), 120
- Berry,
- Isabel, 170
- Joe, 170
- Robert, 170
- Berryville, Utah, 166, 181
- Bigelow, Charles H., 198
- Big Springs, 190
- Birch Creek, 133
- Black, George, 153
- “Black Hawk War,” 159, 167
- Black,
- Joseph, 151, 152, 153
- explores Zion, 155
- Peter, 152
- Rock Canyon, 175
- Rock Springs, 123
- William, 153
- William, Jr., 153
- Bleak, James G., 149
- Bliss, Orley D., 182
- Blood, Henry H., 208
- Bolton, H. L., 123
- Bows and arrows, 118, 119, 121
- Bowman, John F., 208
- Bread meal, 119
- Brenchley, Julius, 138
- Bright Angel Point, Grand Canyon, 197, 208
- Brinton, Caleb D., 180
- Brooks, Juanita, 146, 165
- Brown,
- Newman, 153
- Robert, 153
- T. D.. 144
- Bryce Canyon, 201, 202
- bus service to, 207
- dedicated, 208
- lodge and cabins built, 207, 208
- made National Monument, 204
- modern development of, 194-209
- named, 182
- publicized, 194
- Bryce, Ebenezer, 182
- Buckskin Mountains, 189
- Bullock, David, 154
- Burgess, Hyrum, 144, 145
- Burial customs, Indian, 120
- Burke, Charles F., 208
- C
- Cabin, log in Zion Canyon, 155, 156
- Cable car across Colorado River, 192
- Cable, in Zion Canyon, 161-164
- mail, 162
- Mountain, 163
- Cactus, food, 117, 119
- “Call,” the, 135
- Camp, Charles L., 128
- Canebeds, 142
- Cannon,
- David H., 168
- George Q., 182
- Grant and Company, 191
- Lewis T., 192
- Cannonville, Utah, 182
- Canyons (see names of)
- Carpenter, William H., 153
- Castle Springs, 190
- Cattle ranches, 166
- Cattle, stolen, 167-179
- Cedar Breaks, 201, 203, 207
- Cedar Canyon, 136
- Cedar City, Utah, 127, 136, 160
- described, 137
- prepares for tourists, 202
- railroad built to, 203
- Toquerville road, 195
- Cedar Valley, 135
- Celebration, 134
- pioneer, 135
- Census of Southern Utah communities, 154
- Center Creek, 134
- Chaffant. W. A., 132
- Chamberlain,
- Solomon, 142
- Thomas, 191
- Chinle shales, 155
- Chittenden, H. M., 127
- Circleville Canyon, 132
- Clark,
- E. S., 191
- Oren, 169
- Clayton, William, 131
- Clear Creek, 127
- Cleland, Robert Glass, 127, 132
- Clifton, Utah, 182
- Cloth, cotton made, 145-147
- Clove, James, 192
- Coal industry, 136
- Cody, “Buffalo Bill,” 190, 191
- Cooke, Edward, 180
- Coleman, Prime T., 144
- Colorado River, 127
- crossed by cable car, 192
- crossings established, 166
- Colton, Don B., 208
- Communication in Zion Canyon, 161
- Com-o-it Indian tribe, 116, 117
- Conservation program instituted, 187
- Convicts build road, 195
- Copelan, Willis, 174-176
- Corn, 143
- Corn Creek, 127
- Cottam, Margery Brown, 180
- Cotton,
- grown, 145-150
- mill, 154
- wave, 149-150
- Cougars killed, 192
- “Court of the Patriarchs,” Zion Canyon, 155
- Cove Fort, 127
- Cox, Warren, 198
- Coyotes killed, 192
- Cram, Alex, 191
- Campton, Louis C., 206
- Crawford,
- family, 161
- William, 153
- Crickets eat crops, 153
- Crosby, Bill, 190
- Crops, 148
- Indian, 120
- “Crossing of the Fathers,” 125
- D
- Daines, Franklin D., 130
- Dale, H. H., 127
- Dalton family, 161
- Dame, William H., 167
- Dams, 145
- Dart, John, 142
- Death Valley, disaster in, 132
- Dellenbaugh, Frederick S., 180, 186
- DeMille, Oliver, 151
- DeMotte, Harvey C., 190
- Park, 190
- Dennet, Daniel Q., 153
- Dennett,
- family, 161
- John, 110, 112, 122, 204
- Mrs. John, 170, 171
- Deseret, Iron Company, 136
- State of proposed, 131
- Disease brought to Indians, 122
- Ditches, 145, 151
- Dixie, 137-150, 152
- Fruit Festival, 194
- Dixon, Robert, 144
- Dodge, Enoch, 172
- Dominguez, Father, 123
- Douglas, Stephen A., 131
- Draper, Utah, 153
- Draper, William L., 153
- Duck Creek, 142
- Duncan,
- Chapman, 139
- Retreat, Utah, census 1864, 154
- Utah, abandoned, 159
- Dunton, J. H., 139
- Dutton, Capt. Clarence E., 185
- E
- Eight-Mile Spring, 190
- Eldridge,
- Elnathan, 191, 198, 205, 208
- J
- Jacob’s Lake, 189
- Well, 190
- Jeffers, LeRoy, 201
- Jepson, James, 159
- Jennings,
- Henry, 175
- James H., 153, 156, 161
- Johnson,
- Benjamin, 181
- George, 181
- Joel H., 181
- Joseph, 181
- Nephi, 144, 147, 150, 151, 182
- Seth, 181, 182
- Sixtus E., 173
- “Twist,” 148
- Utah, 181
- William, 181
- Johnston’s Army, 131, 164
- Jolley,
- Bryant, 184
- Donald J., 207
- Henry B. M., 166
- William J., 166
- Jones,
- Col. C. J., (Buffalo Jones) (Buffalo Bill) 139, 192, 193
- Kumen, 183
- Randall L., 202, 203, 205
- Stephen V., 185
- Jordan River, 153
- Judd, Zadock, 139
- K
- Kaibab,
- Indian derivation of name, 114
- Land and Cattle Company, 191
- National Forest, 164, 189-194
- buggy driven to, 191
- established, 191
- stocked with cattle and horses, 190
- used by English aristocracy, 190, 191
- Plateau, 189
- tribe, (Indian), 117
- Kaibabit Indians, survivors of, 122
- Kai-ne-sava, Indian spirit, 112, 113
- Kanab,
- Creek, 166
- fort, 180, 181
- Indian derivation of name, 114
- Trail, dedicated, 208
- Utah, 166, 180, 181
- erosion at, 182
- raided by
- Musser, Milton A., 180
- Mustache, Frank, (Indian), 114, 115
- N
- Names, place, in Zion, 199
- National Monument Law, 187
- National Monuments, 191, 193
- Zion Canyon made, 187
- National Park Transportation and Camping Company, 203
- Naturalist Service, 207
- Navajo Indian,
- depredations, 167-179
- hold peace conference, 177
- raids, 166-179
- Navajo Indians unfriendly to missionaries, 165
- Neff, Andrew L., 131
- Neihardt, J. G., 127
- Neslen, C. Clarence, 202
- New Harmony, Utah, 145
- Newman, Elijah, 151, 153, 161
- Noble, Edward A., 180
- North Rim of the Grand Canyon of the Colorado,
- early history of, 189-194
- Highway in, 195
- Northrop, Utah, 151, 154, 159
- O
- Oak Creek, 148
- Oak Spring, 190
- Observation Point, Zion Canyon, 187
- Occupations, pioneer, 138
- Old Grafton, Utah, abandoned, 151
- Old Spanish Trail, established, 126, 128
- Ookie berries, 120
- Orderville, Utah, 183
- Otter Creek, 140
- Otters, 140
- Owen, Jim “Uncle,” 192, 198
- P
- Pah-Utah Indians (Paiute), 121
- Pahvant Valley, 115
- Paiute Indians,
- cultivation, 140, 141
- depredations, 167-179
- legends, 113
- Mormon effect upon, 122
- territory occupied by, 113, 114
- mode of life, 115, 116
- Palmer, William R., 114, 116, 117
- Panguitch Lake, 141
- Utah, 128
- fortified, 170
- re-settled, 181
- Valley, 142
- Paragonah, Utah, 128, 132, 136
- Parashont Mountains, 115
- U.S. Biological Survey, hunters for, 192
- Forest Service builds road, 195
- Geological Survey of Grand Canyon of the Colorado and Zion, 184, 185
- National Park Service established, 184, 185
- “Utah Dixie” developed, 145, 147-150
- Utah Lake, 123, 127
- Utah,
- Parks company, 203, 206, 208
- National Park, 208
- Southern, explored by Mormons, 130-149
- State Penitentiary, 195
- State Road Commission established, 194
- Ute ford, Glen Canyon, 166
- Indians, 130
- depredations, 167-169
- organization of Ute Nations, 115
- V
- “V. T. Park,” 190
- Vermillion cliffs, Zion Canyon, 161
- Virgin City, Utah, 154, 171
- Virgin River,
- Indian name for, 114
- Spanish name for, 128
- discovered by Escalante, 124, 127
- explored, 133, 139-141, 147
- ferries established on, 166
- guards placed on, 175
- Indians, 117
- route taken by Fremont, 128, 129
- traveled by Jedediah S. Smith, 127
- used for irrigation, 151
- Virgin,
- Thomas, 128
- Utah, 147
- W
- Wadsworth, William, 133
- Wagon roads in disrepair, 194
- Wagon trains raided by Indians, 172, 173
- Wai-no-pits, Indian spirit, 113
- Walker, Charles L., 111, 152
- diary of, 168-169
- Chief, 130
- War, 136, 137
- Wallace, Grant, 192
- War,
- Black Hawk, 159, 166, 167
- Indian, 136, 137, 159, 166, 167
- Mexican, 130
- Warm Valley, 143
- Wasatch Mountains crossed by Escalante, Enjoying Emerald Pool under the cliffs in Zion Canyon. Courtesy Union Pacific Railroad.
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