The reader who wishes further information on any of the numerous subjects connected with the growth, manipulation and composition of breadstuffs is referred to the following publications, to which among others the author is much indebted. The list is arranged, as far as possible, in the same order as the chapters of the book. CHAPTER I. The Book of the Rothamsted Experiments, by A. D. Hall. (John Murray, 1905.) The Feeding of Crops and Stock, by A. D. Hall. (John Murray, 1911.) Fertilizers and Manures, by A. D. Hall. (John Murray, 1909.) The Soil, by A. D. Hall. (John Murray, 1908.) Agriculture and Soils of Kent, Surrey, and Sussex, by A. D. Hall and E. J. Russell. (Board of Agriculture and Fisheries.) Some Characteristics of the Western Prairie Soils of Canada, by Frank T. Shutt. (Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. III, p. 335.) Dry Farming: its Principles and Practice, by Wm Macdonald. (T. Werner Laurie.) Profitable Clay Farming, by John Prout. (1881.) Continuous Corn Growing, by W. A. Prout and J. Augustus Voelcker. (Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England, 1905.) CHAPTER II. The Wheat Problem, by Sir W. Crookes. (John Murray, 1899.) The Production of Wheat in the British Empire, by A. E. Humphries. (Journal of the Royal Society of Arts, Vol. LVII, p. 229.) Wheat Growing in Canada, the United States, and the Argentine, by W. P. Rutter. (Adam and Charles Black, 1911.) Agricultural Note-Book, by Primrose McConnell. (Crosby, Lockwood and Son, 1910.)
CHAPTER III. Agricultural Botany, by J. Percival. (Duckworth and Co., 1900.) The Interpretation of the Results of Agricultural Experiments, by T. B. Wood, and Field Trials and their interpretation, by A. D. Hall and E. J. Russell. (Journal of the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries, Supplement No. 7, Nov. 1911.) Heredity in Plants and Animals, by T. B. Wood and R. C. Punnett. (Journal of the Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland, Vol. XX, Fifth Series, 1908.) Mendelism, by R. C. Punnett. (Macmillan and Co., 1911.) Mendel’s Laws and Wheat Breeding, by R. H. Biffen. (Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. I, p. 4.) Studies in the Inheritance of Disease Resistance, by R. H. Biffen. (Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. II, p. 109; Vol. IV, p. 421.) The Inheritance of Strength in Wheat, by R. H. Biffen. (Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. III, p. 86.) Variation, Heredity, and Evolution, by R. H. Lock. (John Murray, 1909.) Minnesota Wheat Breeding, by Willet M. Hays and Andrew Boss. (McGill-Warner Co., St Paul.) The Improvement of English Wheat, by A. E. Humphries and R. H. Biffen. (Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. II, p. 1.) Plant Breeding in Scandinavia, by L. H. Newman. (The Canadian Seed Growers Association, Ottawa, 1912.) CHAPTERS IV, V, AND VI. The Technology of Bread Making, by W. Jago. (Simpkin, Marshall and Co., 1911.) Modern Development of Flour Milling, by A. E. Humphries. (Journal of the Royal Society of Arts, Vol. LV, p. 109.) Home Grown Wheat Committee’s Reports. (59, Mark Lane, London, E.C.) The Chemistry of Strength of Wheat Flour, by T. B. Wood. (Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. II, pp. 139, 267.)
CHAPTERS VII AND VIII. Composition and Food Value of Bread, by T. B. Wood. (Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England, 1911.) Some Experiments on the Relative Digestibility of White and Whole-meal Breads, by L. F. Newman, G. W. Robinson, E. T. Halnan, and H. A. D. Neville. (Journal of Hygiene, Vol. XII, No. 2.) Nutritive Value of Bread, by J. M. Hamill. (Local Government Board Report, Cd. 5831.) Bleaching and Improving Flour, by J. M. Hamill and G. W. Monier Williams. (Local Government Board Report, Cd. 5613.) Diet of Rural and Urban Workers. (Board of Trade Reports, Cd. 1761 and 2337.) Bulletins of the U.S.A. Department of Agriculture. (Division of Chemistry 13; Office of Experiment Stations 21, 52, 67, 85, 101, 126, 156, 185, 227.)