1. Curve showing removal of lime by washing
2. Cubical “truck” for measuring skin
3. Puer wheel
4. Front elevation of puer wheel
5. End elevation and section of puer wheel
6. Sir John Turney’s scudding machine
7. Curves of ash contents during puering
8. Diagram of volumenometer
9. ??"???connexions of electrometric apparatus
10. Electrometric apparatus
11. Apparatus for measuring degree of falling
12. Curves obtained by measuring apparatus
13. Improved apparatus for measuring degree of falling
14. Various forms of bacteria in puer liquors
15. B. coli commune
16. B. erodiens (Becker)
17. Plate culture from fresh puer
18. ??"????"?puer wheel
19. B. putrificus
20. Organisms in pigeon dung, × 1000
21. Pure culture of bacillus (d) from sweated skin
facing 106
22. ?"??"????"??(e)??"???"
23. B. butyricus (Hueppe)
24. Spirillum volutans (Kutscher), stained to show flagellÆ
25. ??"???"????"??unstained preparation
26. Curves showing rate of hydrolysis
27. Organisms in bran drench, × 1000
28. Chains of bran bacteria, × 1000
29. Bran fermentation, advanced stage
30. B. furfuris, ?
facing 269
31. B. furfuris, ?
32. Cultures of ? in glucose gelatin
33. Gas curve (B. furfuris)


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