FIG. | | PAGE | 1. | Curve showing removal of lime by washing | | 2. | Cubical “truck” for measuring skin | | 3. | Puer wheel | | 4. | Front elevation of puer wheel | | 5. | End elevation and section of puer wheel | | 6. | Sir John Turney’s scudding machine | | 7. | Curves of ash contents during puering | | 8. | Diagram of volumenometer | | 9. | ??"???connexions of electrometric apparatus | | 10. | Electrometric apparatus | | 11. | Apparatus for measuring degree of falling | | 12. | Curves obtained by measuring apparatus | | 13. | Improved apparatus for measuring degree of falling | | 14. | Various forms of bacteria in puer liquors | | 15. | B. coli commune | | 16. | B. erodiens (Becker) | | 17. | Plate culture from fresh puer | | 18. | ??"????"?puer wheel | | 19. | B. putrificus | | 20. | Organisms in pigeon dung, × 1000 | | 21. | Pure culture of bacillus (d) from sweated skin | | 22. | ?"??"????"??(e)??"???" | | 23. | B. butyricus (Hueppe) | | 24. | Spirillum volutans (Kutscher), stained to show flagellÆ | | 25. | ??"???"????"??unstained preparation | | 26. | Curves showing rate of hydrolysis | | 27. | Organisms in bran drench, × 1000 | | 28. | Chains of bran bacteria, × 1000 | | 29. | Bran fermentation, advanced stage | | 30. | B. furfuris, ? | | 31. | B. furfuris, ? | | 32. | Cultures of ? in glucose gelatin | | 33. | Gas curve (B. furfuris) | |