Chap. III.

Of the Climate, length, and shortnesse of day and night, with the suiteablenesse of it to English bodies for health and sicknesse.

The Countrey being nearer the Equinoctiall than England, the dayes and nights be more equally divided. In Summer the dayes be two houres shorter, and likewise in Winter two houres longer than in England. In a word, both Summer and Winter is more commended of the English there, than the Summer Winters, and Winter Summers of England; and who is there that could not wish, that Englands Climate were as it hath beene in quondam times, colder in Winter, and hotter in Summer? or who will condemne that which is as England hath beene? Virginia having no Winter to speake of, but extreame hot Summers, hath dried up much English blood, and by pestiferous diseases swept away many lusty bodies, changing their complexion not into swarthinesse, but into Palenesse; so that when as they come for trading into our parts, wee can know many of them by their faces. This alteration certainely comes not from any want of victuals or necessary foode, for their soyle is very fertile and pleasant, yeelding both Corne and Cattle plenty, but rather from the Climate, which indeede is found to be hotter than is suiteable to an ordinary English constitution.

In New England both men and women keepe their naturall complexions, in so much as Sea men wonder when they arrive in those parts, to see their Countrey-men so fresh and ruddy: If the Sunne doth tanne any, yet the Winters cold restores them to their former complexion; and as it is for the outward complexion, so it is for the inward constitution; not very many being troubled with inflammations, or such diseases as are encreased by too much heate: and whereas I say, not very many, yet dare I not exclude any; for death being certaine to all, in all Nations there must be something tending to death of like certainty. The soundest bodies are mortall and subject to change, therefore fall into diseases, and from diseases to death. Now the two chiefe messengers of mortality, be Feavers and Callentures; but they be easily helpt, if taken in time, and as easily prevented of any that will not prove a meere foole to his body. For the common diseases of England, they be strangers to the English now in that strange Land. To my knowledge I never knew any that had the Poxe, Measels, Greene-sicknesse, Head-aches, Stone, or Consumptions, &c. Many that have come infirme out of England, retaine their old grievances still, and some that were long troubled with lingering diseases, as Coughs of the lungs, Consumptions, &c. have beene restored by that medicineable Climate to their former strength and health. God hath beene pleased so to blesse men in the health of their bodies, that I dare confidently say it, out of that Towne from whence I came, in three yeares and a halfe, there dyed but three, one of which was crazed before he came into the Land; the other were two Children borne at one birth before their time, the Mother being accidentally hurt. To make good which losses, I have seene foure Children Baptized at a time, which wipes away that common aspersion, that women have no Children, being a meere falsity, there being as sweete lusty Children as in any other Nation, and reckoning so many for so many, more double births than in England; the women likewise having a more speedy recovery, and gathering of strength after their delivery than in England.

The last Argument to confirme the healthfulnesse of the Countrey, shall be from mine owne experience, who although in England I was brought up tenderly under the carefull hatching of my dearest friends, yet scarce could I be acquainted with health, having beene let blood sixe times for the Pleurisie before I went; likewise being assailed with other weakning diseases; but being planted in that new Soyle and healthfull Ayre, which was more correspondent to my nature, (I speake it with praise to the mercifull God) though my occasions have beene to passe thorow heate and cold, wet, and dry, by Sea and Land, in Winter and Summer, day by day, for foure yeares together, yet scarse did I know what belonged to a dayes sicknesse.


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