MESSRS. JAY Would respectfully announce that great saving may be made by purchasing Mourning at their Establishment, THEIR STOCK OF FAMILY MOURNING BEING THE LARGEST IN EUROPE. MOURNING COSTUME OF EVERY DESCRIPTION KEPT READY-MADE, And can be forwarded to Town or Country at a moment's notice. The most reasonable Prices are charged, and the wear of every Article Guaranteed. THE LONDON GENERAL MOURNING WAREHOUSE, 247 & 248, REGENT STREET, (NEXT THE CIRCUS.) JAY'S. BEDSTEADS, BEDDING, AND BED ROOM FURNITURE. HEAL & SON'S Show Rooms contain a large assortment of Brass Bedsteads, suitable both for home use and for Tropical Climates. Handsome Iron Bedsteads, with Brass Mountings, and elegantly Japanned. Plain Iron Bedsteads for Servants. Every description of Woodstead, in Mahogany, Birch, and Walnut Tree Woods, Polished Deal and Japanned, all fitted with Bedding and Furnitures complete. Also, every description of Bed Room Furniture, consisting of Wardrobes, Chests of Drawers, Washstands, Tables, Chairs, Sofas, Couches, and every article for the complete furnishing of a Bed Room. AN ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE, Containing Designs and Prices of 150 articles of Bed Room Furniture, as well as of 100 Bedsteads, and Prices of every description of Bedding Sent Free by Post. HEAL & SON, BEDSTEAD, BEDDING, AND BED ROOM FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS 196, TOTTENHAM COURT ROAD, London. W. J. W. BENSON, WATCH AND CLOCK MAKER, BY WARRANT OF APPOINTMENT, TO H.R.H. THE PRINCE OF WALES, Maker of the Great Clock for the Exhibition, 1862, and of the Chronograph Dial, by which was timed "The Derby" of 1862, 1863, and 1864. Prize Medallist, Class XXXIII., and Honourable Mention, Class XV, begs respectfully to invite the attention of the nobility, gentry, and public to his establishment at 33 & 34, LUDGATE HILL. Which, having recently been increased in size by the incorporation of the two houses in the rear, is now the most extensive and richly stocked in London. In THE WATCH DEPARTMENT Will be found every description of Pocket Horological Machine, from the most expensive instruments of precision to the working man's substantial time-keeper. The stock comprises Watches, with every kind of case, gold and silver, plain, engine-turned, engraved, enamelled, chased, and jewelled, and with dials of enamel, silver, or gold, either neatly ornamented or richly embellished. BENSON'S WATCHES. "The movements are of the finest quality which the art of horology is at present capable of producing."—Illustrated London News 8th Nov., 1862. 33 & 34, Ludgate Hill, London. BENSON'S WATCHES. Adapted for every class, climate, and country. Wholesale and retail from 200 guineas to 2½ guineas each. 33 & 34, Ludgate Hill, London BENSON'S WATCHES. Chronometer, duplex, lever, horizontal, repeating, centre seconds, keyless, astronomical, reversible, chronograph, blind men's, Indian, presentation, and railway, to suit all classes. 33 & 34, Ludgate Hill, London. BENSON'S WATCHES. London-made levers, gold from £10 10s., silver from £5 5s. 33 & 34, Ludgate Hill, London. BENSON'S WATCHES. Swiss watches of guaranteed quality, gold from £5 5s.; silver from £2 12s. 6d. 33 & 34, Ludgate Hill, London. Benson's Exact Watch. Gold from £30; silver from £24. 33 & 34, Ludgate Hill, London. Benson's Indian Watch. Gold, £23; silver, £11 11s. 33 & 34, Ludgate Hill, London. BENSON'S CLOCKS. "The clocks and watches were objects of great attraction, and well repaid the trouble of an inspection."—Illustrated London News, 8th November, 1862. 33 & 34, Ludgate Hill, London. BENSON'S CLOCKS. Suitable for the dining and drawing rooms, library, bedroom, hall, staircase, bracket, carriage, skeleton, chime, musical, night, astronomical, regulator, shop, warehouse, office, counting house, &c., 33 & 34, Ludgate Hill, London. BENSON'S CLOCKS. Drawing room clocks, richly gilt, and ornamented with fine enamels from the imperial manufactories of SÉvres, from £200 to £2 2s. 33 & 34. Ludgate Hill, London. BENSON'S CLOCKS, For the dining room, in every shape, style, and variety of bronze—red, green, copper, Florentine, &c. A thousand can be selected from, from 100 guineas to 2 guineas. 33 & 34, Ludgate Hill, London. BENSON'S CLOCKS, In the following marbles:—Black, rouge antique, Sienne, d'Egypte, rouge vert, malachite, white, rosÈe, serpentine, Brocatelle, porphyry, green griotte, d'Ecosse, alabaster, lapis lazul Algerian onyx, Californian. 33, & 34, Ludgate Hill, London. THE HOUSE-CLOCK DEPARTMENT, For whose more convenient accommodation J. W. Benson has opened spacious show rooms at Ludgate Hill, will be found to contain the largest and most varied stock of Clocks of every description, in gilt, bronze, marbles, porcelain, and woods of the choicest kinds. In this department is also included a very fine collection of BRONZES D'ART, BENSON'S ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLET, free by post for three stamps, contains a short history of Horology, with prices and patterns of every description of watch and clock, and enables those who live in any part of the world to select a watch, and have it sent safe by post. 33 & 34, LUDGATE HILL, E.C. WILSON'S PATENT DRAWING-ROOM BAGATELLE AND BILLIARD TABLES, WITH REVERSIBLE TOPS. Circular, Oblong, Oval, and other Shapes, in various Sizes FORMING A HANDSOME TABLE. Prices from 5 to 25 Guineas. Prospectus Free by post. WILSON AND CO., PATENTEES, Cabinet Makers, Upholsterers, House Agents, Undertakers, &c., 18, WIGMORE STREET (Corner of Welbeck Street), LONDON, W.; also at the MANUFACTURING COURT, CRYSTAL PALACE, SYDENHAM. In 1 Vol. Price 12s. ON CHANGE OF CLIMATE, A GUIDE FOR TRAVELLERS IN PURSUIT OF HEALTH. By THOMAS MORE MADDEN, M.D., M.R.C.S. Eng. Illustrative of the Advantages of the various localities resorted to by Invalids, for the cure or alleviation of chronic diseases, especially consumption. With Observations on Climate, and its Influences on Health and Disease, the result of extensive personal experience of many Southern Climes. SPAIN, PORTUGAL, ALGERIA, MOROCCO, FRANCE, ITALY, THE MEDITERRANEAN ISLANDS, EGYPT, &c. "Dr. Madden has been to most of the places he describes, and his book contains the advantage of a guide, with the personal experience of a traveller. To persons who have determined that they ought to have change of climate, we can recommend Dr. Madden as a guide."—AthenÆum. "It contains much valuable information respecting various favorite places of resort, and is evidently the work of a well-informed physician."—Lancet. "Dr. Madden's book deserves confidence—a most accurate and excellent work."—Dublin Medical Review. THE GENERAL FURNISHING AND UPHOLSTERY COMPANY (LIMITED), F. J. ACRES, MANAGER, 24 and 25, Baker Street, W. The Company are now Exhibiting all the most approved Novelties of the Season in CARPETS, CHINTZES, MUSLIN CURTAINS, And every variety of textile fabric for Upholstery purposes constituting the most recherchÈ selection in the trade. NOW READY. In Three Vols. THE NAVAL LIEUTENANT. By F. C. ARMSTRONG, Author of "The Two Midshipmen," "The Medora," "The Lily of Devon," "The Queen of the Seas," &c. IN THE PRESS. In Three Vols. Price 31s. 6d. AN OLD MAN'S SECRET. A Novel. By FRANK TROLLOPE, Author of "A Right-Minded Woman." The Toilet.—A due attention to the gifts and graces of the person, and a becoming preservation of the advantages of nature, are of more value and importance with reference to our health and well-being, than many parties are inclined to suppose. Several of the most attractive portions of the human frame are delicate and fragile, in proportion as they are graceful and pleasing; and the due conservation of them is intimately associated with our health and comfort. The hair, for example, from the delicacy of its growth and texture, and its evident sympathy with the emotions of the mind; the skin, with its intimate relation to the most vital of our organs, as those of respiration, circulation and digestion, together with the delicacy and susceptibility of its own texture; and the teeth, also, from their peculiar structure, formed as they are, of bone or dentine, and cased with a fibrous investment of enamel; these admirable and highly essential portions of our frames, are all to be regarded not merely as objects of external beauty and display, but as having an intimate relation to our health, and the due discharge of the vital functions. The care of them ought never to be entrusted to ignorant or unskilful hands; and it is highly satisfactory to point out as protectors of these vital portions of our frame the preparations which have emanated from the laboratories of the Messrs. Rowlands, their unrivalled Macassar for the hair, their Kalydor for improving and beautifying the complexion, and their Odonto for the teeth and gums. NEW NOVELS IN THE PRESS. In Three Vols. THE MAITLANDS. In Three Vols. TREASON AT HOME. By MRS. GREENOUGH