? The first number refers to the page, the second to the number of the quotation on the page.
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, Y, Z
Aaron, in absence of Moses, 532, 4
Abasement and elevation, 471, 6
Abbot, who burnt his fingers, 322, 27
Abiding, blessedness of, 30, 50
Abilities, natural, and culture, 290, 13;
like natural plants, 290, 12
Ability, combined with experience, 383, 37;
contentment with one's, 199, 49;
dependent on activity, 443, 27;
dependent on will, 37, 56;
everything in art, 60, 9;
how to know one's, 507, 49;
superior, use of, 407, 2;
the height of, 434, 24;
trying to surpass one's, 497, 18;
why conjoined with poverty, 451, 3
Able man, described, 7, 19;
importance of finding and installing, 106, 22; 427, 38;
men, why not rich, 451, 3
Abode, man's, in the future, 415, 27
Above, things, nothing to us, 361, 15;
those, have ends, 479, 30
Absent, an ideal person, 415, 28
Absenteeism, moral, 521, 41
Abstract terms, emptiness of, 161, 45
Abstractions, lofty, versus complexities at hand, 240, 3
Absurd man, the, 223, 20
Absurdity, no, without its champion, 89, 51;
some slow in discerning, 181, 16
Abundance, effect of, on reason, 199, 2;
love of, 147, 54
Abuse, as against use, 1, 4; 2, 31;
no argument against use, 95, 43, 44;
provocative of abuse, 47, 41;
what is unsusceptible of, 534, 27
Abuses, as matter of sport, 260, 33
Accent, a pervading country, 469, 29
Accessible, discrimination of, from inaccessible, 471, 34
Accidents, behaviour under all, 243, 39;
rare, pleasure in, 316, 22
Accommodation, mutual, law of the world, 548, 5
Accord, perfect, with whom alone possible, 305, 39
Accusing spirit, and the oath, 415, 31
Acheron, greedy, 88, 21
Achieved, the, to him who looks forward, 55, 7
Achievement, exulting in, 473, 42
Achievements, greatest, first reception of, 432, 4
Achilles, the great, see, 207, 44
Acknowledgment, exacting a grateful, 426, 16
Acquaintance, large, wasteful of time, 175, 42
Acquaintances and friends, 268, 34
Acquaintanceship, expecting happiness from, 148, 11
Acquirement, every fresh, value of, 90, 56
Acquisition, unjust, 507, 40
Acquisitions, new, a burden, 297, 24
Act, an immortal seed grain, 36, 39;
who does not, dead, 551, 10
Acting according to thought, difficult, 489, 28
Action, a great source of, 362, 41;
a rule of, 546, 33;
a seed of circumstances, 163, 14;
all vital, unconscious, 184, 44;
an unwarrantable, 412, 53;
and thought, the worlds of, 465, 8;
best and only correct, 418, 3;
civil, second to doing a good, 297, 41;
contrasted with narrative, 289, 39;
contrasted with thought, 61, 25;
delayed, swallowed up by time, 486, 36;
dependent on will, 474, 37;
dumb, 55, 9;
effect of, as contrasted with thought, 485, 41;
effect of, on time, 349, 29;
every, measure of, 89, 52;
good, dependence of, on good cheer, 126, 35;
good, power of, 75, 7;
great, the effect on us of, 21, 47;
greater than sentiment, 91, 52;
hasty, contrasted with long pondering, 229, 34;
healthy, 153, 38;
how to test, 149, 47;
in, chief qualification, 184, 27;
involuntary, 3, 57, 58;
not thought, end of man, 425, 12;
our fairest, 427, 4;
our spontaneous, 339, 22;
power of, 224, 30;
real, the element of, 369, 11;
rectitude of, and intention, 370, 34;
relation of, to thought, 58, 37; 484, 47;
rule for, 114, 44;
rule of, 274, 45;
sole basis of, 205, 21;
spirit of, everything, 454, 32;
tendency of, 174, 5;
to be with decision, 57, 45;
true rule of, 92, 29;
virtue in, 334, 44;
voluntary, 38, 22;
worth of, dependent on motive, 163, 7, 10
Actions, brilliant, often matter of shame, 529, 1;
effect on us of our, 227, 22;
good, effect of, 128, 49;
good, in secret, 128, 48;
great, crowned, 133, 6;
great, eloquence, 434, 14;
how measured by wise men and fools, 108, 55;
more significant than words, 493, 41;
not to be hastily judged, 277, 21;
our epochs, 481, 20;
the importance of, 486, 1;
words, 562, 4;
wrong, apologies for, 377, 12
Activity, a noble and courageous, security of, 93, 52;
effect of, on the soul, 400, 5;
life without scope for, 205, 42;
man's, ever ready to relax, 266, 26;
reconciling effect of, 84, 39;
sole source of cheerfulness, 415, 6;
transforming power of, 66, 26;
undisciplined, hopelessness of, 505, 45;
without insight, 476, 7
Actor, might instruct a parson, 79, 20;
well-graced, interest in, 19, 33
Acts, great success of, due to fortune, 82, 32;
great, great thoughts in practice, 135, 21;
great, origin of, 133, 2;
illustrious, inspiring, 182, 18;
individual, not to be judged, 114, 13;
men's, detectives, 568, 17;
our, our angels, 337, 5
Actual, all from great mystic deep, 395, 24;
in relation to ideal, 395, 9;
the ideal, 415, 33
Adaptation, a sovereign rule, 387, 29
Address, value of, to boy, 122, 47
Adieu, a sweet, 395, 27
Administer, ability to, 93, 36
Admiration, and imitation, step between, 470, 5;
and love, 525, 34;
as a feeling, 305, 33;
contrasted with love, 63, 54;
elevating power of, 316, 34; 443, 25;
power of true, 460, 28;
the power of, 525, 20, 21;
unwise, contrasted with unwise contempt, 325, 21
Admonition, not readily forgiven, 274, 18
Adore, man to, not to question, 263, 36
Adulation, attendant on wealth, 259, 16;
the evil of, 104, 7;
to people and to kings, 107, 24
Advance, who does not, 364, 19
Advanced, age, a symbol of, 524, 26;
man, unhappy, 261, 19;
thinker, self-satisfaction of, 513, 32
Advancing in life, 490, 27
Advantage, or disadvantage, as motives, 202, 38;
to be taken, 209, 24;
price of, 9, 5
Adverbs, significance of, 126, 46
Adventure, commended, 217, 24;
for story's sake, 165, 39
Adventurers, good done by, 38, 38
Adventures, possible in life, 533, 26
Adversaries, merits of, how to treat, 85, 36
Adversities, how alone to overcome, 446, 9
Adversity, a school, 472, 30;
as a test, 97, 48;
as a teacher, 22, 46;
behaviour in, 89, 11;
brave spirit in, 2, 8;
compared with prosperity, 221, 48; 358, 22, 24, 26, 27;
contrary effects of, 438, 43;
effect of, on a man, 512, 23;
enlightening power of, 559, 25;
heroic endurance of, 145, 34;
man struggling with, and his deliverer, 432, 26;
more bearable than prosperity, 110, 33;
more tolerable than contempt, 268, 47;
rule for, 189, 22;
temper for, 5, 13;
test of strength, 177, 53; 175, 13;
use of, 408, 20;
virtue of, 460, 42;
what it brings to light, 215, 34
Advice, bad, 261, 32, 33;
best, 417, 32;
common motive in asking, 284, 32, 33;
giving and taking, 524, 13;<
giving, and the wisdom to profit by it, 524, 12;
gude, seasonable, 137, 9;
medical, 300, 35;
men liberal with, 330, 13;
motive for asking, 522, 29;
of those who are well, 98, 46; 179, 5;
person to give, 335, 15;
rule in giving, 368, 19; 384, 11;
to be followed, if good, 172, 10;
unacceptable, 161, 34;
wanted and not wanted, 415, 34
Advisement, good, good, 320, 34
Adviser, to conceal his superiority, 61, 18
Advising, 368, 20, 21
Advocate, trade of, Carlyle on, 403, 20
Afar, the, 445, 12
Affairs, change of, change of men, 295, 46
Affectation, a confession, 489, 31;
essence of, 425, 31;
in style, 323, 29
Affection, display of, to be distrusted, 547, 30;
due to man, 58, 41;
effect of absence on, 2, 12;
entire, characteristic of, 83, 43;
great, and deep veneration, incompatible, 201, 8;
private, effect of, on judgment, 357, 7;
profound, characteristic of, 339, 34;
selfishly sought after, 177, 14;
tragic effects of wounded, 138, 36;
true, described, 507, 36;
value of, 420, 15
Affections, holy, the band of, 40, 40;
how won, 105, 15; 330, 37;
our, characteristic of, 337, 7;
our greatest tyrants, 324, 40;
the proper objects of, 387, 47;
to be moderated, 56, 31;
without a tap-root, 566, 13
Affinities, spiritual, as a bond, 166, 17
Affirmation before denial, 243, 35
Affirmatives, wanted, 71, 37
Afflicted, the, of God, helplessness of, 45, 3; 531, 36
Affliction, weakness of being daunted by, 542, 40
Agamemnon, brave men before, 517, 7
Age, and youth, characteristics of, 53, 26;
a thought to present to, 508, 40;
as a teacher, 21, 14;
compared with youth, 568, 37, 45, 49; 469, 2;
crabbed, and youth, 49, 30;
distrustful, 417, 48;
visits of, let pass, 430, 34
Anger, a majestic, 471, 7;
a man who provoked to, silences it, 551, 34;
a punishment to one's self, 490, 7;
ability to moderate, 281, 18;
best antidote to, 271, 22;
best restraint upon, 142, 9;
dissolved in menaces, 552, 44;
end of, 540, 21;
for nothing to no purpose, 482, 28;
how to avoid, 215, 27;
how to overcome, 240, 16;
no guard to itself, 296, 1;
of a strong man, 416, 8;
often unreasonable, 466, 44;
restraint of, 142, 49;
slowness to, 147, 19, 20;
the bridle of, 272, 13;
the end of, 62, 44;
to burn slow, 240, 21;
unreasonable, with others, 28, 13;
unrestrained, evil of, 364, 18;
with one we love, 491, 3
Angler, the born, 568, 18
Angling, Izaak Walton on, 526, 18;
like humility, 567, 40
Angry at all, angry for nothing, 148, 47;
man beside himself, 159, 15
Anguish, great purifying power of, 6, 64
Animal, denial of, in man, 416, 47;
every, loves itself, 327, 42;
life of an, 439, 1
Animals summed up in man, 264, 19
Annihilation, no such thing as, 377, 7
Annoyances, the smallest, effect of, 453, 51
Annoying others, 144, 21
Answer, a perfect, 145, 31;
the shortest, 453, 27;
wise, how to get a, 177, 26; 531, 43
Ant, a silent preacher, 316, 23;
lesson of, 125, 3;
the, example of, 342, 16
AntÆus, meaning of the fable, 122, 18
Antagonist, a prudent, 218, 10;
how to meet an, 373, 1;
an, not to be underrated, 307, 46
Anthropomorphism in thought, 60, 32
Antiquary, memory of, characterised, 21, 42
Antique, the, our admiration of, 337, 6
Antiquity, chief moral agent of, 453, 11;
divided from us only by age, 109, 2;
the world's youth, 16, 13
Antony over CÆsar's body, 33, 33
Anvil and hammer, 30, 31; 74, 20, 30
Anxiety, effect of, 198, 10;
misery of, 34, 41;
Plato on, 340, 18;
specific against, 220, 11;
to be despised, 62, 24
Ape, perfect, versus degenerate man, 181, 6
Aphorism, a short but certain, 323, 33;
essence of, 425, 37;
true salt of literature, 271, 16
Aphorisms, only words, 534, 9;
the value of, 65, 38
Apollo to PhaËthon, 106, 34
Apology, Christian, 487, 15;
from want of sense, 307, 7;
who needs no, 19, 32
Apostle and preacher, different aims of, 224, 11
Apostates never genuine believers, 479, 54
Apothegms, practical ineffectuality of, 185, 16
Apparel, and the man, 416, 11;
proclaims the man, 48, 36;
singularity in, 149, 1
Appearance, deceptiveness of, 23, 13;
minus reality, 61, 23;
neglect of, becoming in man, 112, 31;
versus reality, 325, 47
Appearances, and reality, 481, 34;
deceptiveness of, 7, 52; 18, 23; 305, 17;
first, deceptive, 56, 32;
keeping up, 421, 14;
mere, mislead, 277, 7;
not to be trusted, 116, 39;
power of, 61, 22;
science of, 102, 36;
value of, 534, 32
Appetite, a satisfied, incredulous of hunger, 48, 13;
a well-governed, 24, 54;
allures to destruction, 163, 16;
change of, with age, 72, 13;
cruelty of, 546, 23;
from eating, 222, 25;
ideal of, 88, 5;
in youth, 7, 14
Appetites, unanswered, ground of complaint, 275, 42
Applaud to the very echo, 169, 19
Applause, dependence on, 152, 13;
gaining, and avoiding censure, 202, 20;
popular, not fame, 219, 56;
popular, the poison of, 320, 28;
reward of virtue, 278, 11;
to be regarded with suspicion, 545, 42
Application, felicitous, merit of a, 471, 12;
importance of right, 475, 4
Appreciation and criticism, 201, 27
Apprenticeship, no man's completed, 391, 13
Approved man, the, 312, 31
Aptitudes, to be tested, 79, 7
Arc, the, that we see, all that is drawn, 524, 44
Arch-enemy, the, 416, 14
Archer, how known, 14, 22
Archimedes, and his prop, 72, 4;
exclamation of, 89, 8
Architect, a fellow-worker, 446, 42
Architecture, attraction of, 174, 23;
Greek, character of, 136, 9;
the best, 417, 33
Arguing, disingenuous, 145, 25;
rule in, 185, 7
Argument, contrasted with testimony, 412, 48;
folly of heat in, 323, 38;
the best, 227, 22;
vain against nature, 166, 38;
versus instruction, 370, 8
Arguments, wagers for, 108, 49
Aristocracies that do not govern, 356, 46
Aristocracy, an, the likely fate of, 13, 53;
essence of, 425, 36;
the, defined, 360, 37;
the right basis of, 229, 24
Aristocrat, a young, Iphicrates to, 287, 44
Armada, Spanish, scattering of, 5, 42
Armies not to be stamped out, 217, 3
Arms, a last resort, 328, 25;
and peace, 18, 8
Army, a school of morality, 416, 18;
book to study life in, 416, 17;
like a serpent, 14, 25
Arrogance, how fostered, 407, 20
Art, a great step in study of, 553, 20;
a haven of refuge, 265, 31;
a love for, test of, 472, 42;
a test of, 300, 43;
a wise man's, defined, 540, 27;
achievement in, 155, 9;
ancient and modern, contrasted, 14, 37, 38;
ancient, and modern science, 534, 11;
and Christianity, 420, 19;
and deception, life with, 566, 24;
and life, 516, 17;
and morals, laws of identical, 64, 25;
and nature, compared, 290, 28;
and nature, perfection by, 272, 43;
and morals, rules in, compared, 188, 15, 16;
and religion, 372, 13;
and the religious passion, 451, 13;
as the spirit is, 550, 16;
different appreciations of, 53, 32;
without breath of life, 237, 4;
capability everything in, 130, 26;
condition of perfection in, 265, 23;
contrasted with criticism, 225, 5;
contrasted with manufacture, 550, 16;
display of to be distrusted, 504, 40;
done for money, Ruskin on, 540, 40;
easily learned, 414, 29;
concealment of elaboration in, 54, 28;
Emerson's definition of, 421, 28;
false ambition in, 191, 20;
first and last secret of, 287, 46;
genuine, the raison d'Être of, 91, 5;
great, the work of full manhood, 9, 12;
great, Ruskin's definition of, 9, 38;
highest achievement of, 435, 10;
highest, characterised, 434, 36;
highest problem of, 435, 7;
highest subject of, 60, 19;
how far teachable, 205, 10;
how to attain proficiency in, 292, 24;
ignoble, test of, 300, 43;
imitation of nature, 328, 41;
in, ability everything, 60, 9;
in, the only good, 173, 5;
inversion and subversion of, 545, 23;
less expressive than affection, 5, 40;
life of, 416, 12;
measure of love of, 567, 22;
mediÆval and modern, 431, 14;
mediÆval and modern, compared, 188, 1, 2;
misfortune in, 442, 34;
more than strength, 204, 18;
necessity in, 539, 33;
noble, expression of a great soul, 308, 12;
noblest, 465, 20;
object of, 445, 16;
of both divine and earthly inspiration, 22, 30;
no patriotic, 473, 44;
perfection of, 18, 28;
principle and aim of, 66, 8;
produced hastily, 416, 24;
products, nought and not bad, 357, 48;
question as regards, 450, 29;
rated by gold, 48, 43;
sayings about, 65, 16-18;
secret of power of, 207, 3;
sine qu non of, 100, 1;
teaching of, 456, 42;
technical skill in, 451, 13;
the best in, 186, 2;
the chief matter in any, 35, 47;
the claims of, 247, 47;
the faculty of, 426, 46;
the great in, defined, 540, 44;
the greatest, 452, 43;
the ideal in, 54, 7;
the last step of, 392, 10;
the laws of, 438, 26;
the oldest, a mushroom, 290, 22;
the theatrical, 431, 8;
to learned and unlearned, respectively, 70, 27;
true, characterised, 499, 38, 39;
unintelligible to the head alone, 433, 22;
unquickened from above and within, 507, 53;
when to be called fine, 136, 10;
who knows, half or wholly, 552, 5;
without enthusiasm, 316, 29;
worthless, apart from nature, 139, 20
Artifice, danger and disgrace of, 225, 9
Artisan at home everywhere, 361, 25
Artisans and artists, 184, 36
Artist, a bad and a good, distinguished, 323, 16;
an, essence of, 474, 27;
and his age, 416, 26;
and his art, 205, 10; 416, 28;
and his work, 416, 25; 512, 30;
and society, 14, 30;
at thought of mob, 65, 30;
conceiving and executing, 416, 27;
destructive influence of society on, 396, 12;
function of, 462, 10;
great, and his ideal, 431, 12;
greatest, characterised, 434, 36;
his function, 334, 45;
his praise in his work, 55, 8;
his true praise, 265, 5;
measuring tools of, 14, 29;
modesty in, merit of, 410, 38;
necessity of sight to, 448, 40;
good, mark of, 418, 15;
true praise of, 14, 28;
Ruskin's definition of, 14, 27; 14, 30;
spiritual, born blind, 454, 40;
the best, 382, 8;
for sake of good, 125, 42;
ground, pains not to be wasted on, 297, 16;
in the thinking, 315, 2;
man always suspicious, 80, 32;
man, his enemies, 416, 45;
man, opponents of, 59, 44;
man, pretending to be good, 261, 38;
men, ability of, 477, 19;
mistaken for good, 417, 38;
nothing and no one absolutely, 218, 7, 13;
nothing, if understood, 78, 40;
nothing so, as we think, 378, 47;
once, bad always, 386, 23;
railing against, deprecated, 71, 37;
the fear of, 436, 18;
the, sparing, 31, 33; 148, 23;
thing, worthless, 1, 8;
when good, 331, 32
Bairns, young and old, and their parents, 543, 9
Ballads, more powerful than laws, 241, 33
Ballot-box, a leveller, 33, 45
Banishment, bitter bread of, 76, 17
Baptism, with water and with fire, 186, 15
Barbarian, a, 150, 38
Barbarism, defined, 549, 31;
first step from, 495, 10
Barbarous, character, traits of, 475, 31;
man, first spiritual want of, 428, 37
Bargain, a, and the purse, 6, 38;
a good, a loss, 31, 39;
to be clear, 260, 23
Bargains, confined to man, 263, 1;
great, no economy, 178, 45;
third party to, 470, 34
Barrel-organ in a slum, 170, 45
Barter, passion for, 77, 51
Base, and depraved training in, 70, 26;
man, a, who means to be your enemy, 541, 34
Baseness, at heart, effect of, on character, 542, 7;
irrespective of looks, 112, 37;
provision for turning, into nobleness, 21, 23
Bashfulness, a defect, 180, 30;
without merit, 278, 20
Bathing, no, twice in the same river, 302, 52
Battalions, the heaviest, God with the, 329, 27
Battle, a, won, Wellington on, 444, 45;
all, misunderstanding, 9, 14;
ceasing for want of combatants, 88, 22;
each man alone in, 190, 36;
necessary to victory, 401, 46;
won, as sad as one lost, 297, 35
Battlefield, mercy on the, 331, 11
Battlefields, world's, 465, 23
Bayonets, Napoleon on, 566, 31
Be, to, not to be, 490, 32
Be-all and end-all, 412, 54
Bear and endure, 346, 9, 10
Beard, or no beard, 146, 41;
pride of, 170, 46
Beast, no, without some pity, 301, 8;
ungovernable, how to manage, 188, 43
Beasts, wild and tame, to be avoided, 324, 44
Beau, Fielding's definition of, 1, 13
Beaufort, Cardinal, last words of, 537, 24
Beautiful, a manifestation, 417, 7;
and good, 417, 8; 430, 39;
benefit of, 540, 41;
capacity for, rare, 325, 12;
compared with rational, 331, 48;
effect of fostering, 113, 55;
Emerson on, 315, 37;
feeling for, to be cultivated, 264, 3;
formerly holy, 185, 50;
foundation of, 417, 10;
how to find, 526, 32;
in curves, 187, 43;
like sunshine, 417, 9;
nothing, by itself, 314, 45;
nothing, out of place, 206, 2;
only in song, 114, 25;
souls, short-lived, 162, 29;
the alone, 482, 34;
the, and the rude craftsman, 510, 51;
the, in the form, 23, 42;
the, lot of, 513, 21;
the, reconciliation of good and true, 518, 17;
things, the two most, 459, 27;
test of the, 313, 43;
to be encouraged, 460, 15
Beauty, a fragile good, 112, 30;
a sign of purity, 153, 37;
a thing of, 21, 37;
adoration of, 273, 29;
aim of the world, 208, 28;
all, in man, 312, 35;
and folly, 26, 14;
and life in the small, 189, 51;
and the eternal, inseparable, 153, 52;
and virtue, rarely combined, 110, 42;
and worship of, Goethe on, 66, 9;
as seen, undefinable, 567, 44;
as truth, 520, 22;
attractive power of, 1, 16;
basis and essence of, 540, 25;
born a, born married, 42, 6;
complex, 488, 22;
contrasted with grace, 131, 36-38;
contracted with grace and innocence, 66, 10;
contrasted with grandeur, 132, 8;
dead, chaos comes again, 109, 47;
defined, 197, 26;
dependence of, on expression, 97, 50;
effect of contrast on, 47, 33;
Elysian, 81, 4;
everywhere, 290, 35;
fair point of the line of, 427, 3;
final aim of art, 66, 8;
fleeting, 70, 15;
forms of, compared, 1, 15;
human, effect of sight of, 301, 40;
ideal, fugitive, 436, 10;
ideal of, 436, 11;
in a plain dress, 447, 47;
in common lives, 476, 20;
in the purest sense, 469, 10;
like a leaf, 225, 20;
moral power of, 382, 16;
mortal, 22, 27;
not always blessed, 322, 34;
not separable from the eternal, 153, 52;
not vain, because fading, 197, 4;
of a rainbow character, 523, 4;
one, mortification to another, 292, 8;
only seen in suffering, 379, 37;
personal, power of, 129, 60;
persuasive power of, 10, 10;
possibility of, 471, 5;
principal ingredient in, 511, 41;
seat and sources of, 507, 34;
seldom unconscious, 105, 3;
sense of, and duty, 453, 9;
sought for pleasure, 20, 36;
sources of, 184, 40;
subtle attraction of, 99, 42;
the best part of, 413, 29;
the nature of, 406, 40;
too great, effect on sight of, 403, 5;
unconsciousness of, rare, 105, 3;
undemonstrable, 331, 23;
vain, 103, 24;
why snarled at, 274, 49;
with modesty, rare, 368, 3;
without modesty, 313, 42;
without virtue, 99, 25; 224, 20;
worship of mere, 465, 28
"Because" our concern, not "why," 556, 13
Becoming, the, defined, 535, 45
Bed, a silken, kindly, 332, 21;
the conjugal, 386, 32
Bede's tomb, inscription on, 138, 26
Bedlam, how tenanted, 253, 47
Bee, little busy, 161, 11
Bees, keeping of, 437, 26
Beggar, and king, 190, 8;
and rich, different feelings of, 531, 32;
at his level, 460, 12;
Lamb on, 417, 11-17;
on horseback, 387, 40, 41;
pains taken by Nature in forming, 292, 26
Beggar'd all description, 155, 2
Beggar's, bag, 28, 54;
purse, 1, 19;
robes, 367, 39;
the, song, 530, 11
Begging, apt to provoke disgust, 88, 32;
shame of, to be spared, 123, 2
Beginning, a bad, 1, 6;
a good, 6, 39;
a hot, course and end of, 15, 6;
and end, contrast of, 194, 26;
cheerful, 8, 59; 90, 5;
contrasted with ulterior steps, 9, 15;
difficult, 8, 60;
implies an end, 48, 12;
most notable, 186, 40;
no, rather than never end, 29, 34;
prior to improving or finishing, 345, 4;
the true, unnoticed, 458, 35
Beginnings to be resisted, 356, 59
Begun, half done, 25, 49; 68, 30
Behaviour, contagious, 109, 21;
end of education, 77, 9;
in private, 58, 14;
learned, as we take diseases, 275, 20;
rule for, 394, 46;
the first sign of force, 347, 4
Being, all, founded on reason, 9, 3;
every, has its own beauty, 91, 35;
resigned with regret, 112, 2, 3;
the chain of, 511, 47
Beings, above us and beneath us, a wise man's attitude to, 199, 48
Belial, the sons of, 445, 33
Belief, a, easy to a man, 203, 16;
and conduct, inconsistency of, 264, 2;
and disbelief, dangerous, 346, 18;
a miracle, 197, 16;
alternations of, 173, 30;
affected by custom, 523, 26;
easier than judgment, 93, 38;
eludes system, 163, 15;
flower of, in the last darkness, 544, 7;
general ground of, 9, 28;
impotent to change nature, 301, 10;
in absurdity, 49, 50;
limiting, by comprehensibility, 148, 48;
modern, 565, 49;
multiform, 476, 19;
now-a-days, only half-hearted, 275, 41;
often unintelligent, 274, 4;
one's, effect on, of another's, 200, 49;
only in practice, 457, 19;
or disbelief, no compelling, 302, 36;
our, in others, 521, 29;
power of, 538, 22; 532, 28;
power of a firm, 27, 19;
that is contrary to truth, 301, 11;
the, we incline to, 539, 38;
variations of, from generation to generation, 305, 4;
versus debate, 12, 13;
want of, to be concealed, 461, 15;
what regulates our, 528, 6
Beliefs, two, necessary to fulfilling our duty, 525, 23;
various as men, 274, 24
Believers, traditional, the god of, 430, 15
Believing, man, the, the original, 442, 8;
three means of, 468, 27;
unhasting, 145, 19;
without seeing, merit of, 30, 45
Bell, church, inscription on, 231, 5
Bells, church, 64, 26
Bell-wethers, men have their, 267, 28
Belly, a slave to, 417, 27;
empty, effect of, on body, 545, 25;
full, effect of, on spirit, 545, 25
Belongings, our chief, inalienable, 450, 3
Beloved, how to be, 490, 14;
object, centre of a paradise, 90, 6;
of the Almighty, 417, 28
Below, things, nothing to us, 361, 10
Benefactor, how we regard, 527, 24
Benefactors, how to treat, 71, 26
Beneficence, defined, 28, 3;
fruitful effects of, 1, 22;
tree of, well-rooted, 549, 18
Benefit, a high, compared with a low, 198, 46;
affected by manner of conferring it, 475, 1;
given quickly, 194, 38;
that sticks to fingers, 478, 15;
to one worthy of it,
105@48105-h@48105-h-61.htm.html#page_567" class="pginternal">567, 34
Bodies, large, likely to err, 230, 13;
without working, 126, 5
Bodily labour, alleviating, 235, 23
Body, a handsome, needs no cloak, 48, 8;
built by spirit, 86, 2;
effect of soul on, 110, 32;
feeble, effect of, on mind, 505, 17;
how to warm, 519, 1;
light of, 439, 12;
of man, a temple, 471, 19;
pent, here in the, 155, 11;
politic, evil in, 202, 39;
politic, the, like the human body, 233, 11;
the, and its passions, whence, 478, 40;
the, and raiment, 438, 48;
to be cared for, 409, 33;
with head off, 537, 12;
without spirit, 474, 22
Boldly, ventured, half done, 115, 52
Boldness, commended, 26, 50;
empty, 219, 55
Bond, who breaks his, 550, 38
Bonfires, risk of crowding round, 345, 10
Book, a, a book, 488, 42;
a bad, 208, 2;
a, digressions in, Swift and Sterne on, 68, 11, 12;
a, difficulty in composing, 185, 40;
a good, destruction of, high treason, 19, 16;
a good, value of, 283, 27;
a good, who kills, 552, 4;
a great, great, 7, 9;
a hieroglyphical, 283, 2;
a true, the virtue of, 562, 1;
a wise man's, defined, 540, 27;
an effective, 171, 1;
and head in collision, 541, 40;
as a friend, 505, 29;
every, written for a special public, 90, 17;
good, Milton's definition, 6, 40;
good, to read, 90, 16;
great, great evil, 272, 15;
how to render, lasting, 493, 3;
how serviceable, 301, 14;
how written down, 301, 16;
injurious, author of, 150, 47;
last thing in writing, 438, 9;
lifetime of, 22, 25;
love of a, 147, 49;
main worth of, 189, 30;
man of one, 37, 20; 125, 27;
no, so bad as not to yield some good, 299, 1;
no, useless, 318, 37;
on what condition readable, 313, 3;
projecting, sweeter than making, 167, 30;
right use of, 496, 37;
test of worth in, 301, 14, 15;
that time has criticised, 533, 39;
the rule in writing a, 171, 30;
the true value of a man's, 459, 14;
to learn wisdom from, 464, 18;
true, the writer of, 145, 35;
what makes a good, 489, 2;
what must be behind a, 477, 12;
without stomach for, 565, 17;
worth buying, 171, 2;
worth or unworth of, independent of style, 481, 42;
writer of, a world-preacher, 465, 42
Bookish knowledge in heads of fools, 108, 62
Books, a lover of, happiness of, 305, 14;
a substantialworld, 73, 2;
about books, 472, 1;
advantage of buying, 296, 56;
and brains, as possessions, 520, 23;
and conversation, 332, 3;
and nature, both belong to the seeing eye, 290, 29;
and the heart, 434, 14;
and the world, 477, 33;
as records, 10, 35;
as superseding gossip, 139, 16;
bad, not to be read, 29, 36;
big, how made, 284, 44;
borrowed, 450, 46;
castrating, 36, 43;
clever, 300, 25;
comparative insignificance of, 538, 15;
compared with observation, 323, 37;
consoling power of, 201, 49;
contain soul of the past, 185, 15;
Cowley to his, 44, 47;
critics of, at present, 476, 29;
demoralising, 521, 12;
diverse motives for reading, 398, 44;
eloquence and dumb presagers, 321, 10;
estimates of, at different ages, 8, 53;
evil of too many, 69, 46;
famous, some not worth reading, 398, 30;
good, few and chosen, 129, 6;
great actions, 91, 14;
have their destinies, 137, 54;
help from, 479, 1;
in science and literature, to read, 189, 42;
judged by sensations, 269, 37;
Martial on, 406, 47;
mental food, 224, 21;
mottoes to, worthlessness of, 489, 15;
never referred to, 526, 2;
never to be borrowed, 296, 56;
nine-tenths nonsense, 300, 25;
no end of making, 325, 7;
not permissible, 269, 15;
not so instructive as life, 52, 33;
not to be underrated or overrated, 304, 45;
of most value, 271, 16;
old and famed, why we should read, 487, 49;
old, compared with new, 327, 12;
old, converse with, 553, 11;
only thing of value in, 315, 30;
our, characterised, 377, 19;
parcel of well chosen, suggestiveness of, 446, 44;
point in regard to, 448, 21;
prized above a dukedom, 220, 9;
professorship of, desiderated, 301, 18;
quality required in, 1, 50;
reading of, that benefits, 204, 32;
reason of success of many, 268, 44;
sayings about, 397, 45, 46; 398, 1, 2;
scholars, and printers, 236, 14;
study of, contrasted with conversation, 455, 41;
study of, no guarantee of wisdom, 483, 11;
success of many, accounted for, 456, 13;
that have come down, 335, 18;
that help most, 419, 1;
that warp to be shunned, 166, 20;
the best effect of, 417, 35;
the channel of wisdom, 86, 20;
the titles of, their importance, 297, 34;
their use and uselessness, Goethe on, 440, 35;
to be loved early, 151, 40;
to be read only by advice, 567, 24;
value of, 1, 49;
which we learn from, 528, 4;
without thought, 340, 9;
worth reading, 567, 42
Bored, one must get used to being, 179, 31
Bores, all men, at times, 9, 60;
Voltaire on, 498, 22
Boring, the secret of, 235, 8
Born, fate of everything, 475, 10;
the gently, on both sides, blood of, 542, 25
Borrower, his creditor, 419, 2
Borrowing, caution against, 294, 36, 37;
forbidden, 251, 57;
rule in, 32, 6;
the lesson of, 353, 37
Bosom in one's, a host, 109, 45
Boswells rarer than Johnsons, 213, 9
Boudier's epitaph, 209, 43
Bounty, an autumn, 110, 2;
diffused too widely, 337, 20
Bourbons, the, Talleyrand on, 182, 20
Bow, Apollo's, not always bent, 295, 35;
overstrained, 11, 9;
test of strength of, 205, 29
Bowers of bliss, conveyed to, 311, 48
Boy, a happy, 140, 18;
the generous, 551, 19
Boys, the purity of, to be guarded, 299, 35;
training of, Plato on, 71, 35;
value to, of address and accomplishments, 122, 47
Braggards, greatest cowards, 432, 6
Brain, added, difficulty added, 557, 10;
coinage of, 482, 1;
overwrought, 558, 21;
product of, its quality, 540, 28
Brains, cannot be given, 164, 37;
our, seventy year clocks, 337, 21;
when the, are out, 457, 43; 480, 32
Brave, man, discourse of a, 2, 7;
man, and his word, 90, 19;
man, mark of, 419, 10;
man, may not yield, 113, 2;
man, the portion of, 382, 10;
man, unselfish, 59, 45;
man, yields to brave, 113, 4;
men, favoured by fortune, 113, 20;
men, generated by brave, 112, 48;
spirit, in adversity, 2, 8;
the, prodigality of, 48, 60;
youth, training of, 90, 20
Bravery, calm, 113, 3;
deeds of past, hard to appreciate, 90, 18;
far off, fear at hand, 42, 21;
incompatible with dread of pain, 303, 5;
often, in not attempting, 313, 13;
seen in perils, 38, 42;
the greatest, 410, 45;
true, characterised, 499, 40;
unyielding, 113, 2;
value of, 88, 6
Bravest, tenderest, 419, 11
Bread, a crust of, and liberty, 123, 10;
cast on waters, 36, 44, 45;
how to earn one's, 260, 49, 50;
miraculous, 321, 8;
provision of, 150, 21
Breast, human, without windows, 291, 11
Breath, a, power of, 2, 9;
our first, beginning of death, 428, 7
Breathe, freely, how to, 237, 40
Breathing, as inhaling and exhaling, 185, 16
Breed, in man, importance of, 95, 7
Breeding, effect of, on a man, 419, 13;
fine, merit of, 471, 21;
good, marks of, 403, 12;
good, value of, 409, 31;
high, contrasted with good, 129, 9;
more than birth, 30, 25;
the time of, 457, 45;
wise, nowhere, 557, 46
Brevity, danger of, 32, 33
Brighter from obscurity, 84, 7
Brilliancy, affectation of, 334, 30
Brink near destruction, 496, 30
British nation, the character of, 419, 14
Britons, the, Virgil on, 344, 39
Broken heart, dying of, 160, 51
Brother, friend, provided by nature, 503, 23
Brotherhood, the only possible, 472, 13
Brothers, effect of good, on sisters, 529, 22;
ever brothers, 301, 32;
wrath of, 465, 37
Brow, open, open heart, 79, 32
Browning's faith and hope, 209, 26
Brute, et tu, 88, 47
Brutes, lessons they teach, 523, 35
Bubble reputation, the, 20, 3
Bubbles, fate and tragic end of all, 9, 13
Buckets, dropping, into empty wells, 57, 1
Bud, opening, to heaven conveyed, 84, 26
Buddhist, Nature no, 292, 33
Builder, better than the building, 414, 30
Building, and its foundation, 439, 28;
effect of, on purse, 41, 17;
too low, 497, 34;
up, man's joy, 312, 36
Bullet, every, its billet, 90, 21
Bungling, hateful, 166, 30
Bunyan, in, personifications, 191, 28;
to readers of his Pilgrim, 115, 1
Burden, a, cheerfully borne, 419, 17;
a man's, known only to himself, 306, 15;
a willing, 36, 16;
cast off, another to bear, 175, 35;
known only to bearer, 319, 32;
light, 244, 28; 288, 27;
respect the, 374, 47;
laid on by necessity, 132, 43
Burdens, laid on and lifted off by God, 185, 16
teaching, John Burroughs on, 461, 28
Carlyles, the, John Burroughs on, 419, 28; 541, 22
Carper, a, 2, 36
Carters, employment for, 489, 12
Cash payment, impotence of, 256, 8
Cassandra and the Trojans, 57, 23
Cassius, CÆsar on, 145, 4
Castles in air, foundations to be put under, 176, 46
Castor and Pollux, 36, 42
Cat, a scalded, 19, 2; 40, 43
Categories, only words, 534, 9
Cathedral, not so majestic as a tree, 324, 25
Cathedrals, of Christendom, the glory of,
276, 24;
the old, and the great blue dome, 445, 28
Catiline's flight, 1, 30
Cato, a, in every man, 469, 25;
has to submit, 419, 32;
the elder, Livy on, 163, 13; 187, 33
Cause, a good, injury to, 171, 3;
a good, needs support, 31, 25;
a noble, desertion of, 200, 3;
that is strong, 413, 2;
the best, needs advocacy, 56, 18;
true, sure of victory, 106, 8
Causes, great, never tried on the merits, 133, 14;
weightiest, most silent, 277, 1
Caution, enforced at every step, 94, 8;
from experience, 37, 18;
mother of safety, 225, 8
Censor, the business of, 234, 2;
the trade of, 198, 11
Censure, and flattery, 347, 22;
and ridicule, cheap, 201, 22;
avoiding, and gaining applause, 202, 20;
effect of, in contrast with glory, 124, 33;
from knowledge, 84, 27;
how and when to administer, 106, 19;
how to treat, 409, 15;
linked to fame, 101, 10;
not to be too hasty, 528, 39;
of a friend, without thanks, 289, 1;
often wrong, 318, 38;
to be received with complacency, 545, 42;
to begin at home, 409, 32;
unqualified, evil of, 313, 49;
who should, 242, 40
Censurers, fear of, 527, 5
Censures, commendations, 181, 19
Centuries, conspirators against soul, 419, 34;
lineal children of one another, 419, 33
Century, present, Schiller on, 78, 45;
thy, as thy life element, 252, 2
Ceremony, absurd and tiresome, 376, 51
Ceres and peace, 343, 56
Certain, quitting, for uncertain, 143, 37;
sacrificed for uncertain, 38, 27;
the only thing, 478, 27
Certainty, beginning with, 185, 42;
by way of doubt, 474, 2;
the only, 377, 1
Chaff-cutter, as creator, 174, 13
Chain, dependent on link, 32, 39
Chains, and slavery, 180, 4;
golden, heavy, 128, 44;
rattling of, as show of freedom, 276, 22
Chamfort's last words, 166, 13
Chamois, caught, though high-climbing, 119, 37
Champion, the, and his love of victory, 419, 37
Champions, great, special gifts of God, 134, 42
Chance, a nickname for providence, 233, 36;
a second, advantage of, 48, 38; 86, 18;
as a god, 103, 22;
as arbiter, 172, 24;
games of, traps, 118, 31;
gatherings of, 385, 22;
no such thing as, 474, 29;
scope for, everywhere, 36, 48;
unseen providence, 10, 7
Chances, common, bearable, 45, 11
Change, a call everywhere for, 457, 29;
a necessity, 527, 13;
cause of uneasiness, 79, 19;
everything subject to, 327, 45;
fear of, 186, 8;
in every, dissatisfaction, 186, 26;
life of world, 464, 9;
love of, 377, 55;
man hates, 34, 6;
necessity for, 479, 18;
not therefore change for better, 5, 10;
seldom for the better, 266, 16;
universal, 328, 17-18; 329, 9
Chaos, is come again, 96, 16;
doomed that harbours a soul, 301, 19
Character, a high, essential of, 48, 61;
a man's, how to raise, 567, 17;
a man's history, 435, 16;
alone, stable, 76, 44;
and talent, how formed respectively, 85, 20;
arbiter of fortune, 157, 9;
contrasted with reputation, 374, 9;
defined, 2, 61; 497, 15;
due to many influences, 307, 9;
due to way of thinking, 226, 10;
formation of, 409, 43; 429, 15;
good, value of, 78, 9;
his, not wholly known to a man, 92, 6;
how formed, 539, 28, 32;
how it reveals itself, 538, 19;
how to understand, 301, 20;
importance of, 161, 5;
individual, power of, 431, 21;
its victories, 460, 36;
mark of a simple, manly, 19, 32;
merit of having a, 490, 1;
national, tempered by environment, 289, 45;
no changing one's, 171, 51;
nobility of, the condition of, 477, 18;
penetrated by soul, 161, 21;
power of, 200, 51; 367, 41;
seizing a, and delineating, 495, 36;
strong, basis of, 385, 40;
strong, tendency of, to eccentricity, 76, 32;
the art of moulding, 301, 1;
the noble and the well-bred, contrasted, 445, 3;
the only, worth describing, 335, 4;
true test of, 537, 18;
unaffected by change of place, 44, 17;
varieties in, accounted for, 529, 11;
weakness of, 530, 16;
what is implied in, 64, 24
Characters, people's, how to learn, 527, 21;
strong, formation of, 404, 2, 3;
the most passionate, and their feelings of duty, 157, 23;
truthful, credulous, 49, 53
Charitable, the, and their charity, 419, 46
Charities, posthumous, characterised, 353, 24
Charity, a dearth of, 472, 22;
after death, Bacon on, 145, 47;
and friendship, 337, 22;
Christian, rare, 368, 10;
concern of all, 186, 49;
contrasted with intellect, 195, 18;
definition of, 481, 37;
effect of, on the press, 63, 40;
essential, 305, 34;
its destination not to be inquired into, 555, 6;
large, and white hands, 230, 14;
misplaced, repining at, 388, 23;
Moltke on, 560, 26;
no excess in, 423, 10;
of God, the restoring, 506, 22;
of great souls, 334, 50;
the first order of, 20, 46;
the power of, 196, 17;
to unrelated people, 166, 17;
towards half-believer, 524, 30;
that thinketh no evil, 420, 1;
virtue of the woman, 121, 50
Charlatan, a poor creature, 407, 36
Charles II. in his chamber, Rochester on, 155, 14
Charm, a native, compared with art, 494, 25
Charmer, were t'other, away, 161, 23
Charms, personal, effect of, 224, 19;
God-given, 126, 2
Charter, of Louis Philippe, 224, 27
Chase, joy of the, 552, 23
Chaste mind, the, mark of, 420, 2
Chastisement, contrary effects of, 40, 38;
God's not feared, 552, 42;
want of, defect in education, 321, 21
Chastity, female, two safeguards to, annulled, 226, 26;
in the tropics, 435, 11;
the nurse of, 412, 2
Chatterers, to be guarded against, 551, 5
Chaucer, characteristic of, 419, 44;
reading, 369, 5;
Spenser on, 52, 51
Cheapest, the, dearest, 535, 50
Cheapness, of its wares, as a basis for a nation, 414, 27;
of man, tragedy of, 420, 4
Cheated, how to be, 419, 35
Cheating, all wakeful against, 92, 28;
and being cheated, pleasure of, 72, 25
Cheek, eloquent, 123, 18
Cheerful, the, the privilege of, 319, 8
Cheerfulness, a duty to promote, 502, 48;
advantage of, 566, 6;
and health, 153, 31, 34;
badge of gentleman, 373, 46;
benefit of, 173, 38;
compared with mirth, 280, 16, 17;
concomitant of, 185, 27;
effect of, 231, 12; 426, 10;
from activity, 415, 6;
in want, 304, 18;
inward, thanksgiving, 196, 29;
no, by painful effort, 301, 21;
peculiar to man, 15, 25;
pleasing to the Muses, 2, 63;
root of, 314
, 9;
sign of wisdom, 443, 36;
strength of, 562, 2;
to be promoted, 495, 27;
to be welcomed, 172, 5;
value of, contrasted with sadness, 15, 64
Cherub, sweet little, 470, 32
Chickens, for lion, not chickenweed, 174, 22;
not to be counted before hatching, 4, 20
Child, a cupid visible, 3, 3;
and its mother's blessing, 3, 4;
a, our model, 186, 31;
a spoiled, 82, 34;
a wise, 143, 13;
birth of, an imprisonment, 418, 29;
death of, to father, 489, 22;
destiny of, how determined, 429, 38;
distinctive character of, 424, 2;
education of, 420, 10, 11;
first lesson for, 400, 19; 492, 11;
how to feed, 565, 39;
how to train, 498, 54;
little, man to become, 428, 40;
our best service to a, 492, 29;
play of a, 518, 15;
pleasures of a, 27, 15;
simplicity of, superior to intelligence of intelligent, 506, 11;
stammering of, 420, 12;
thankless, a, 162, 28;
the, and the man, 223, 23;
the first and second lesson of, 243, 15;
the fresh gaze of, significance of, 429, 27;
the, in the cradle, and when grown into a man, 140, 8;
training of, 417, 5;
who needs not chastisement, 541, 36
Childhood, a forecast, 420, 13;
and age, 569, 3;
conversion into, a necessity, 96, 25;
depths in, 186, 27;
fancies of, 415, 48;
heart of, 434, 3;
impressions of our, 436, 26;
light of, 267, 13;
man's second, 267, 6;
the promise of, 172, 6
Childishness, second, 230, 36
Children, and parents, in great states and vile, 187, 19;
as we make them, 238, 12;
education of, compared with begetting of, 483, 8;
duty of man of high birth to his, 182, 1;
false training of, 341, 35;
formation of the character of, 77, 8;
glory of, 430, 12;<
8105-h@48105-h-51.htm.html#page_474" class="pginternal">474, 21;
no continuing, here, 155, 7;
our abiding, still ahead, 415, 27;
saved by a poor man who was forgotten, 477, 31;
the first, 127, 50
Civil, power, superior to the military, 37, 29;
quarrels, despatch in, 104, 49;
turmoil, evil of, 185, 31
Civilisation, dependence of, on freedom, 48, 45;
first step to, 495, 10;
near to barbarism, 443, 37;
our, Emerson on, 529, 24;
the founders of, 102, 25;
the problem of, 143, 53;
test of, 457, 12;
ultimate tendency of, 459, 31
Civilised man, the, described, 420, 31
Civilisers, two, 193, 4
Civility, cheap, 314, 10;
the best, 413, 4;
the part of, 557, 20
Claim, who makes, has no,
151, 42
Clamour, loud, insane, 253, 33
Clan, a sacrifice for its chief, 118, 5
Class, to be trembled at, 471, 15
Classes, the dangerous, 436, 14;
the higher, kicked off as burdens, 167, 9;
the upper, 460, 7
Classical, and romantic, 420, 34
Clay, damp, easily wrought, 17, 55
Clean, keep, better than make, 332, 44
Cleanliness next godliness, 161, 3
Cleopatra, nose of, 174, 26
Clergy, and their wranglings, 163, 3;
three sections of, 420, 35;
where Christianity is the established religion, 168, 11
Clergymen and their use of words, 561, 12
Clerks, the greatest, 432, 7
Clever, people, Goethe on, 121, 53;
people, never from stupid, 168, 7
Cleverness, a commendable, 179, 9;
little gain by, 329, 39
Cliff, tall, type of a great man, 20, 34
Climbing, possible, though soaring not, 524, 40
Cloak, take thine old, 209, 22
Cloth, bad, 37, 4;
the foundation of society, 396, 25
Clothes, and the man, 61, 23; 513, 37;
Carlyle's doctrine of, 541, 30;
do not always make the man, 298, 7;
early pride of, 251, 29;
respect paid merely to, 306, 23;
revealing and concealing effect of, 485, 37;
rule of fashion in, 185, 32;
soul in, 469, 11;
superfine, 447, 32;
under, a man, 186, 25;
with or without the man, Carlyle on, 123, 40
Clothing, gay, whom it attracts, 304, 2
Cloud, every, not storm-pregnant, 90, 25;
one, darkening power of, 331, 52;
that veileth love, 90, 26;
the, brightness behind, 2, 3
Cloud-capt towers, 420, 36
Clouds, and the sea, 421, 5;
round the setting sun, 421, 3, 4;
the, regarding, 148, 5;
a set-off to the sun, 174, 45
Clown, sphere of, 81, 3
Coat, a smart, 19, 59
Cobbler, to his last, 242, 44, 58; 293, 17; 386, 36
Cobblers, all, 279, 46
Cock, on its own dunghill, 118, 26;
on its own midden, 3, 15;
trumpet of the morn, 421, 6;
when he crows, 60, 10
Coin, intellectual, in exchange of thought, 190, 46
Colander, fermentation in, 314, 3
College, education at, 71, 24; 74, 2;
learning, Burns on, 74, 2
Cologne, Cathedral, Carlyle on, 513, 26;
three kings of, virtue in names of, 210, 27
Colour, all good, pensive, 9, 32;
as a gift of God, 324, 23;
impression of, 91, 34;
men's joy in, 275, 17
Colt, test of its worth, 377, 10
Colts, young hot, how to treat, 55, 32
Columbus a world-child, 465, 16
Combat, not victory, the joy, 204, 34;
the greatest, 551, 31
Combatant, a brave, 551, 7
Combinations, unequal, 507, 8
Comeliness, true, in the mind, 499, 42
Comet, a sign of disaster, 185, 34
Comfort, those who enjoy, 480, 10
Comforts, many, harmful, 284, 29;
our, anxieties, 337, 23
Comic and tragic side by side, 421, 9
Command, sweet, force in, 471, 30;
the right to, 323, 8;
to, a fine thing, 198, 25;
with conviction, power of, 207, 20
Commander-in-chief, risk in his absence, 504, 36
Commanding, from obeying, 308, 56;
one good at, 363, 20
Commandment, the eighth, comprehensiveness of, 190, 24; 331, 27
Commandments, the ten, in Rome, 189, 38; 569, 30
Commands, imperative upon all, 467, 9;
not to be debated, 84, 22
Commendation, how to administer, 374, 3
Commendations, censures, 181, 19;
to be weighed, 419, 40
Commentators, weakness of, 162, 24
Commerce, an evil effect of, 184, 9;
effect of, 548, 56;
effect of, on nations, 81, 39;
practices in, 188, 11
Common, good, merit of serving, 142, 25;
good, neglect of, a crime, 59, 50;
men, endurance of, 567, 34;
men, lightness of, 252, 45;
men, the dread of, 367, 41;
opinion, as a standard, 197, 6;
seeing miraculous in the, 437, 9;
the, enslaving power of, 520, 18;
the, rarely mistaken, 319, 5;
things, our power in, 189, 23
Commonplace, success of, 26, 52
Commons, House of, Coke on, 389, 47
Common-sense, exceptional, 315, 37;
as judge in high matters, 232, 41;
genius of humanity, 235, 9;
in high rank, rare, 368, 13;
how maintained, 314, 20;
the advantage of, 440, 25
Commonwealth, strongest, based on passion, 180, 32;
the condition of its welfare, 172, 9;
under so many heads, 310, 24
Communications with God and man, 528, 32
Communicative man, to be dreaded, 467, 3
Communism, injustice in, 185, 39
Communities like Arctic explorers, 273, 28
Community, constituents of, 361, 27
Companion, a faithful, 396, 39;
pleasant, value of, 44, 49
Companions, to chose, 217, 37
Companionship, loving, value of, 340, 45;
on a journey, 119, 25;
test of a man, 411, 41;
wise, value of, 148, 44
Company, as marking a man, 7, 46;
decent, condition of introduction into, 490, 26;
descent from high, to low, 266, 4;
effect of too much, 397, 20;
for entertainment, 544, 6;
good, effect of, on virtue, 129, 15;
good, on the road, 129, 16;
good, restlessness for, 551, 4;
the, to keep, 217, 19, 21;
versus solitude, 464, 38;
we should seek, 524, 8
Comparison no proof, 45, 34
Compass, susceptibility of, to error, 18, 53
Compassion, and courage joined, 505, 47;
and ingratitude incompatible, 194, 17
Compelled, he who can be, 44, 20
Compensation, in nature, 90, 46;
law of, 109, 35;
universal, 94, 14
Competency, meaning of, 535, 2
Competition, death, 131, 13;
the only worthy, 445, 42
Complaining, Burns' contempt for, 106, 46;
how to avoid, 215, 27;
misery of always, 490, 4;
our, a reflection on heaven, 345, 5
our, Swift on, 337, 28;
uselessness of, 316, 47
Complains, who, gets little compassion, 151, 43
Complaint, matter of just, 237, 33;
whining, despicable, 166, 36
Complaints, cure, for many, 237, 25;
not, only events, a fit subject, 483, 44;
our, aimlessness of, 339, 7;
to hear, 493, 17
Completeness, attainable by all, 60, 3
Complexion, a sour, how to get rid of, 197, 33
Complies against his will, 145, 44
Compliment, the most elegant, 57, 3
Compliments, mere, no tempting bait, 277, 6
Composition, a great, how produced, 302, 14;
literary, Horace on, 50, 44
Comprehensibility, standard of belief, 398, 25
Comprehensible, common and insipid, 284, 20
Compromise, the supreme rule now, 317, 42
Compulsion, a, that is good for a man, 202, 4;
no reason upon, 173, 41
Computation, a touchstone, 313, 37
Concealment, contrasted with saying nothing, 8, 51;
how to frustrate, 385, 36;
Johnson on, 304, 46;
like a worm in the bud, 389, 10
Conceit, minds with and without, 558, 35;
not to be pitied, 168, 47;
of one's own creation, effect of, 325, 30;
strong, the power of, 404, 4;
wise in his own, 385, 18
Conceited people as judges, 311, 10
Concentration, commended, 71, 41;
the one prudence, 445, 39
Conceptions, our, anthropomorphic, 60, 32
Concern, our sole proper, 535, 33
Conciseness, desirableness of, 87, 1;
in speech commended, 92, 26
Concord, among men, a contrast, 387, 23;
and discord contrasted, 507, 32;
and discord, relative effects of, 46, 7;
effects of, contrasted with discord, 64, 10
Condemnation less curative than compassion, 45, 39
Condescension, insolence, 436, 42
Condition, determined by conduct, 306, 7;
external, sign of internal, 452, 19
Conditions already laid, 63, 36
Condolement, to persevere in, 494, 46
Conduct, a rule for, 404, 24;
as showing the man, 222, 7;
developed in society, 104, 42;
effect of, 473, 2;
in our own power, 43, 27;
Kant's rule of, 3, 45;
not communicable, 97, 34;
personal, power of, 200, 45;
proper rule of, 385, 4;
prudent, its two pivots, 227, 31;
rules for, 394, 50; 395, 6; 323, 14;
rule of, 70, 19-21;
significance of, 354, 1;
sovereign guides in, 241, 44;
steadfastness in, 147, 29;
to be according to circumstances, 549, 28
Conference, the advantage of, 369, 9
Confession, a new, wanted, 426, 22;
an open, 15, 60;
healing power of, 107, 5
Confidant of a man's vices, his master, 421, 23
Confidence, broken, lost, 149, 34;
effect of, 105, 52;
how won, 105, 15;
in all or in none, 510, 39;
lost, all lost, 150, 34;
power of, 281, 9
Confinement, effect of, on fierceness, 88, 13
Conflict, known only to strength, 403, 29
Conforming easier than making conform, 179, 14
Conformity, easier than persuasion, 205, 3;
what we lose by, 524, 6
Confusion, the, to be shunned, 103, 46
Confutation often mere heedless re-assertion, 119, 28
Congregation, a happy, 140, 14
Conquer, those who can, 111, 26; 478, 54
Conquered, man rarely, 365, 1;
race, how to treat, 200, 39;
the, their only safety, 505, 43
Conquering, the art of, 222, 30
Conqueror, ev
-44.htm.html#page_404" class="pginternal">404, 17;
Emerson on, 557, 31;
essentiathe charm of, 443, 39;
the ingredients of, 428, 23;
the worst form of, 17, 56;
versus debate, 56, 17
Conversation's Lexicon, the best, 370, 7
Converse, ability to, condition of, 306, 11
Conversing with what is above us, benefit of, 550, 29
Conversion, known only to God, 20, 58;
that is imperative, 96, 25
Converting greater than conquering, 203, 30
Conviction, one's, from another's lips, 326, 1;
one's, infinitely strengthened by another's, 288, 15;
openness to, rare, 104, 57;
personal, sacredness of, 240, 37;
power of, 312, 32;
rare, 336, 5;
should be strong, 266, 29
Convictions, Goethe's respect for, 169, 14;
kicking against, 289, 29;
one's, from a stranger, 162, 37
Cooking confined to man, 262, 49
Cooks, the father of, 127, 43
Coolness, the value of, 217, 20
Co-operation a law of life, 131, 13
Copy to be followed, 108, 11
Core not finally hidden, 421, 34
Corn, good, in small fields, 83, 17;
who can make two ears of, grow instead of one, 553, 9
Cornelia of her sons, 478, 37
Corpse, fate of, indifferent, 408, 45;
not the whole animal, 421, 36
Correction, failure in, from want of courage, 227, 14
Corregio before a Raphael, 14, 35
Correspondence, the first requisite in, 428, 34
Costume, cut and colour in, 172, 7
Cottage, every equipment for, 90, 29;
smallest, large enough for love, 368, 39
Cotter, humble, Burns on, 161, 1
Council, a, sages indispensable to, 413, 25
Counsel, given rather than taken, 274, 35;
good, how regarded, 93, 25;
good, if not taken, 129, 17;
good, over-night, 137, 36;
good, rejected, 129, 18;
good, to fools, 129, 20;
good, value of, 542, 42;
good, without good fortune, 129, 21;
hasty, 325, 3;
no counsel, 150, 7;
no, no help, 148, 59;
no, till asked, 123, 20;
not at needful moment, 551, 11;
of a friend, 471, 11;
slow-footed, advantage, 394, 13;
the value of, 548, 13;
thrown away, 549, 30;
unselfish, rare, 199, 12
Counsellor, to be without, 493, 11
Counsellors, good, lack not clients, 120, 22;
good, value of, to prince, 161, 26;
the best, 335, 59
Counsels, hasty, effect of, 512, 4;
scattered, not to rest on, 375, 1
Countenance, an index, 518, 12;
more in sorrow, 3, 29
Counting, by nose, 334, 29;
correct, effect of, on friendships, 48, 19
Countries, the richest, now and formerly, 112, 33
Country, a great, mark of a, 133, 15;
a, strength and power of, 445, 26;
duty to our, 227, 1;
effect of, on men, 274, 6;
largest soul of a, 438, 1;
lifelong affection for, importance of, 505, 21;
longing for the, 322, 1;
love of, 56, 33; 559, 24;
love of, and good manners, 439, 48;
love of, comprehensiveness of, 328, 1;
love of, sweet, 73, 55;
merit of serving one's, 364, 44;
one's, defined, 337, 31; 343, 35; 504, 26;
sacrifice for, sweet, 73, 50;
served in various ways, 523, 3;
test of a, condition, 421, 20;
the, privilege of, 449, 28;
the undiscovered, 424, 19; 459, 34;
to be abandoned, 333, 47;
want of interest in one's, 502, 20;
wealth of a, 461, 39, 43;
who enjoy, 405, 52
Courage, a, from fear, 477, 44;
and compassion joined, 505, 47;
and fear, with reference to danger, 103, 32, 41;
compared with justice, 216, 17;
connected with heart, 287, 48;
enough, 169, 46;
from duty, 166, 14;
in a bad affair, 31, 58;
in confronting evil, 86, 4;
mental, rarer than valour, 278, 2;
more than rage, 367, 35;
necessity for, 521, 28;
often from fear, 233, 13;
only in innocence, 472, 18;
physical and moral, 348, 18;
pitch it should rise to, 63, 17;
sacred, what it evidences, 379, 7;
shown in death, 178, 22;
that braves heaven, 167, 3;
that we admire, 421, 40;
to endure, 3, 30;
want of, 518, 31;
with success or defeat, 493, 25
Courages, the best, 417, 34
Course, our, forward, 524, 27
Courses, bad, issue of, 33, 3
Court, does not make happy, 225, 1;
like a marble edifice, 224, 35;
sayings about, 422, 2-5;
selfishness at, 82, 60;
the, La BruyÈre on, 363, 15
Courteous man, a, 147, 2
Courtesies, small and great, effect of, 453, 50
Courtesy, dependent on morality, 473, 41;
excess of, suspicious, 548, 50;
import of, 462, 12;
of the heart, 85, 29;
room for, 247, 48;
rule in, 185, 45;
rule of, 432, 2; 526, 28;
want of, 163, 33
Courtier, an assiduous, a slave, 363, 30;
father of the tyrant, 446, 43;
the requisites of, 420, 7
Courtship, a dream, 275, 4
Covet all, lose all, 42, 34
Covetous, man, and his wealth, 173, 21;
riches of, 422, 6
Covetousness, and modesty, as regards wealth, 86, 44;
cause of, 96, 32;
contrasted with charity, 40, 27;
folly of, 131, 30;
inconsistent with godliness, 171, 15;
its object, 300, 35;
penalty of, 13, 48;
slavery, 244, 16
Cow, the, and the piper, 122, 25
Cowardice, pain of, in fear, 103, 41
Coward, brave, under bad fortune, 542, 44;
the rights of, 538, 27
Cowards, boastful, 177, 49;
not visited by God, 127, 54;
sayings about, 487, 30, 31;
should be allowed to desert, 109, 26;
with hearts false as stairs of sand, 161, 41
Cowl makes not monk, 50, 39
Cowper, inspiring idea of, 123, 14
Coxcomb, a, man's own making, 291, 16;
and the flatterer, 422, 8;
once, one always, 109, 1
Cradle, what is learned in, 536, 25
Crack, a, in everything, 469, 30
Craft, a, advantage of having, 366, 20;
a, to be learned when young, 235, 39;
power of, 331, 20
Crafty, man, always in danger, 422, 10;
man and his time, 431, 24
Creating something, the condition of, 177, 32
Creation, a thought of God, 127, 34;
and destruction simultaneous, 190, 11;
not to be understood, 268, 8;
beginning of, 417, 21;
better than learning, 200, 22;
end of, 264, 8;
God's manner of, 128, 16;
harmony of, 332, 22;
motive of, 434, 26;
not easy, 301, 27;
visible and invisible, 461, 4
Creation's blot, creation's blank, 413, 46
Creator, an inference from nature, 291, 2
Creature, how to understand any, 190, 21;
of God, one, 128, 4;
the true, of God, 128, 4
Creatures, all provided for, 142, 11
Credit, easily lost, 283, 24;
given only to belief, 319, 31;
private, worth of, 357, 8
Credulity, its nature, and subjects of it, 225, 3
Creed, a, always sensitive, 383, 1;
a steadfast, foundation of, 34, 50;
not so significant as the man, 529, 37;
of the true saint, 422, 13;
outworn, a pagan suckled in a, 133, 31;
two elements in every, 186, 29
Creeds, effect of science on, 382, 24
Creeping in the way and running out of it, 142, 35
Cricket on the hearth, 102, 8
Crime, an equaliser, 50, 9;
eschewed from disgrace it brings, 8, 20;
every, avenged at the moment, 90, 33;
evil of overlooking a, 196, 26;
fatal prevailing source of, 333, 26;
indulgence to, 332, 1;
its natural punishment, 225, 2;
meditated, committed, 289, 31;
no consecrating, 312, 18;
no hiding of, 45, 8; 472, 24;
sharer in, 50, 52;
that most impute a, 479, 29;
the contagion of, 421, 31;
the disgrace, 39, 3; 69, 17; 233, 16;
when successful, 358, 28;
who hinders not, 146, 56
Crimes, causes of, 173, 39;
consecrated, 405, 28;
great, the foreshadows of, 363, 2;
not cured by cruelty, 50, 34;
others', our estimate of, 161, 13;
when a crown is at stake, 239, 19
Criminal laws to be gentle, 260, 44
Criminality, condition of, 277, 50
Criminals, and the light, 311, 37;
different fates of, of same type, 45, 9
Cringe, effect of ceasing to, 514, 13;
people who, 480, 4
Crisis, a, for both men and nations, 331, 29;
significance of, 94, 58;
the, to be prayed for, 243, 34
Critic, attribute of a good, 25, 2;
but a, 382, 7;
eye of, 426, 33;
true and false, function of, 3, 37;
temper required in, 30, 38;
the, on style, 563, 39;
what makes a, 206, 19
Critical, easier than correct, 203, 11;
nothing if not, 110, 5; 165, 2;
powers, the test of, 456, 28;
study, distracting, 280, 7
Criticising, contrasted with making better, 326, 3;
disadvantage of, 448, 6
Criticism, and appreciation, 559, 18
Danger, a common, 486, 14;
common, tends to concord, 45, 25;
despised, 43, 36;
foreseen, 3, 64;
how to oppose, 192, 5;
how to treat, 528, 38;
imminency of, 2, 42;
no, with due courage, 301, 45;
nothing free from, 299, 20;
effect of, on us, 529, 15;
on guard against, 36, 13;
the most deadly, 385, 39
Dante, as world-child, 465, 16;
as a figure in literary history, 184, 34;
rank as poet, 503, 48
Daring, a defence, 22, 41;
against daring men, 185, 12;
all that may become a man, 165, 37;
conceals fear, 22, 47;
defect of, 142, 30;
necessary for distinction, 22, 46
Dark, hours, man in, 86, 12;
running in, 148, 15;
the, in soul and their universe, 422, 36
Darkness, as co-factor with heat, 153, 51;
encountered as a bride, 172, 43;
of mind, our one enemy, 445, 35;
prince of, his greatest enemy, 21, 39;
powers of, how they seduce us, 488, 46;
rather than light, 249, 12, 13;
spiritual, how to disperse, 241, 10;
the only, 472, 20;
those insensible to, 480, 5
Dashes and modern humour, 392, 56
Daughter, marrying and bringing up, 202, 21;
too much cared for, 77, 26
Daughters, fragile ware, 70, 24;
love for, 38, 29;
slovenly, when wives, 55, 23
David's harp, 177, 3
Dawn, its solemnity, 474, 19
Day, a, losing or misspending, 482, 44;
a, what may bring forth, 3, 71;
and night, how to spend, 241, 42;
appointed, each man has his, 402, 22;
bright, requires caution, 205, 51;
each, how to live, 528, 35;
each new, how to regard, 327, 53;
end of night, 444, 48;
end of, regarded by God, 312, 39;
every, a Doomsday, 90, 36;
every, a leaf in life's history, 90, 35;
every, a rampart breach, 78, 41;
every, how to spend, 90, 37;
every, sets in night, 36, 17;
every, whole of life, 253, 10;
every, worth of, 243, 38;
fair, sign of, 15, 1;
of days, 422, 40;
offices of the, 191, 8;
parting, described, 342, 6;
poorest passing, the conflux of eternities, 448, 29;
still, but night setting in, 308, 30;
the claims of the, 201, 31;
the darkest, transient, 422, 37;
the most wasted, 32, 20;
the, owning, 144, 52;
the, value of, 298, 20;
Titus on loss of a, 13, 27;
when to praise, 22, 12
Days, calm, how to have, 176, 31;
fine, not as roses, 331, 19;
my, in the yellow leaf, 287, 43;
succeeding, unlike, 238, 40
Dazzles, a thing which, temporary nature of, 519, 20
Dead, as riders, 66, 27;
distinguished by their virtues alone, 227, 34;
happy, 3, 10;
no speaking ill of, 497, 27, 28;
of, nothing unfavourable, 58, 30;
selves, stepping-stones, 275, 33;
state of, 559, 2;
the, all holy, 447, 5;
the, and our concerns, 170, 15;
the, Carlyle's apostrophe to, 323, 2;
the, our need of, 422, 43;
the, our sole duty to, 540, 39;
the, purifying power of, 439, 17;
the, respect due to, 329, 29;
to bury their dead, 242, 46
Dealing, fair, blessed effect of, 312, 34;
plain, 349, 13, 14
Dear to another, dear to self, 172, 31
Dearest, the, 54, 19
Death, a deliverer, 248, 11, 12;
a happy, 140, 15;
a joy, 288, 8;
a matter of time, 414, 26;
a man mightier than, 532, 23;
a necessity, 10, 33;
a new birth, 116, 2;
a radical cure, 246, 46;
a reconciler, 79, 24;
a release, 61, 28;
a sleep, 519, 34;
a swift rider, 43, 31;
a universal interest, 253, 41;
an awakening, 246, 46;
an awakening as from nightmare, 250, 7;
and his brother sleep, 163, 2;
and sleep, 393, 37;
and sun not to be looked at, 235, 15;
and the puny body, 283, 59;
and the thought of, contrasted, 226, 20;
beautiful, 160, 49;
but parting breath, 326, 18;
common to all ages, 328, 5;
often comparatively painless, 270, 1;
effect of, on life, 247, 37;
end of all, 481, 14;
everywhere, 366, 48;
fear of, lamentable, 167, 53;
fear of, 275, 7;
fear of, most strange, 284, 37;
finishing touch, 234, 14;
gate of life, 283, 56;
gloried in by Nature, 291, 5;
gradual, 523, 32;
fearlessness of him who does not fear, 520, 14;
happy, a, 124, 37;
honour in, 159, 31;
how to escape or invite, 77, 38;
how to overcome, 517, 30;
if gods or no gods, 205, 33;
impartiality of, 341, 4;
implied in birth, 289, 41;
in battle, 386, 19;
in nature, birth, 9, 19;
mystery of, 25, 31;
necessary to life, 403, 14;
no discharge from, 473, 24;
no evil, 202, 34;
no remedy against, 47, 31;
no surprise to the wise, 226, 21;
no worse than life, 167, 26;
not feared beforehand, 168, 33;
not subject to fortune, 245, 6;
not the worst of evils, 309, 17;
not to be feared, in battle, 567, 12;
not to be forgotten, 262, 20;
not to be thought of, 334, 1;
of no season, 237, 1;
only in meaner parts, 116, 16;
ordained law of, 206, 22;
our farthest limit, 283, 60;
path of, to be trodden by all, 328, 4;
patiently submitted to, 72, 38;
peace to be made with, 74, 36;
Plato on, 306, 19;
pomp of, 448, 22;
principle of, received at birth, 19, 57;
reconciling, 319, 6;
Regnier on, 210, 38;
repose from all toils, 283, 57;
river of, to be crossed by all, 327, 57;
sayings on, 491, 35-37;
sense of, in apprehension, 453, 10;
sting of, 497, 10;
sting of, felt by survivor, 544, 17;
sudden, 368, 15;
that puts an end to pain, 408, 25;
the fear of, 200, 23;
the fearless of, 364, 7;
the fell sergeant, 481, 35;
the most desirable, 550, 3;
the poor man's dearest friend, 325, 50;
the sole, 110, 7;
the solemnity associated with, effect of, 352, 18;
the true, 512, 34;
the thought of, 19, 14; 173, 33;
triumphed over and led captive of, 269, 24; 250, 19;
way to, open, 311, 50;
who fears, 532, 9; 551, 17;
who fears not, 150, 19; 441, 6;
whoso can look on, 554, 7
Death-bed of a man, two queries over the, 542, 1
Debt, avoidance of, a first duty, 241, 19;
effects of, 5, 21;
evil of, 11, 65;
freedom from, 86, 43;
known when accounts come in, 333, 40;
two ways of paying, 466, 30;
not lessened by care, 38, 6, 7;
to be avoided, 368, 26;
without supper rather than in, 29, 24
Debts, all paid, 145, 50;
and sins, their number, 392, 54;
as legacy, 66, 11;
cleared by borrowing, 315, 18;
great and small, 394, 22;
small and heavy, effect of, 244, 27
Decay, contrasted with growth, 48, 9
Deceit, deceptiveness of, 7, 28;
effect of experience in, 447, 22;
art of, 416, 30
Deceived, twice, a disgrace, 171, 12
Deceiving, a deception, 274, 8;
the deceiver, pleasure of, 38, 43
Decency, connected with virtue and vice, 225, 6;
indispensability of, 105, 51;
want of, 183, 18
Deception, always of self, 266, 22;
and self-deception, 199, 46;
limited, 39, 31;
of appearances, 56, 36;
universal, 28, 52, 53
Decision, haste in, 4, 48
Decoration, the first spiritual want, 428, 37
Deed, committed, 27, 20;
good, in naughty world, 161, 14;
noble, effect on us of, 547, 27;
versus fame of it, 155, 31;
one good, dying tongueless, 332, 23;
only avails, 457, 18
Deeds, causes of, spiritual, 528, 16;
compared with words, 562, 16;
contrasted with words, 166, 4;
evil, cannot be blazoned, 312, 18;
evil, vengeance in heart of, 211, 49;
foul, will rise, 113, 52;
good, value of, 129, 24;
great, immortal, 133, 18, 19;
great, power of, 243, 17;
men children of their, 522, 22;
more urgent than knowledge, 25, 24;
name of, from issue, 159, 42;
not always to be acknowledged in words, 6, 65;
not forgotten, 277, 15; not words, 99, 11;
of man, known to the Gods, 284, 2;
one's, the aim of, 163, 10;
our, sayings about, 337, 34-36;
pain of, lost in the glory, 192, 35;
past, compared with deeds now, 314, 15;
power of, 64, 11;
productive power of, 211, 48;
rather than words, 281, 8;
time for, 457, 42;
to be reciprocated, 1, 9;
unnatural, 508, 13;
when properly achieved, 185, 9
Deep, the howling, and its contents, 519, 9;
the, riches in, 185, 51
Defeat, from self alone, 313, 41;
in a foreign land, 334, 33
Defection, a, to be reprobated, 200, 3
Defects, as parts of character, 38
pginternal">493, 10;
urn of, clutching into, 313, 28;
wheel of, not to be checked, 551, 44
Destroyer, of thousands, helpless to embrace two, 154, 45;
the, and his delight, 423, 1
Destroyers, how to treat, 483, 20
Destroying, skill in, 197, 8
Destruction, and creation, simultaneous, 190, 11;
the genius of, 224, 1;
the way to, 555, 36;
things that tend to our, 457, 26;
violent, but new creation, 9, 22
Details, significance of, 547, 40
Detraction, in heaven's sight, 393, 23;
malice of, 30, 36
Development, no pause in, 292, 6
Devil, a good defence against, 99, 5;
a, in man, 469, 31;
a mere protest against, not enough, 536, 20;
a necessity, 396, 13;
as servant of God, 79, 35;
a temptation of, 531, 46;
and his own temptations, 170, 6;
as busy as ever, 174, 16;
Burns on the occupation of, 168, 4;
Burns' pity for, 466, 12;
chained by telling truth, 165, 19;
comes uncalled, 34, 49;
difficulty of laying, 7, 61;
driven by, 144, 36;
familiarity with, and yet in fear of, 30, 33;
give, his due, 123, 27;
Goethe's, character of, 128, 24;
handsome when young, 233, 23;
how to deal with, 29, 28;
how to exclude, 115, 54;
how to keep, out, 475, 23;
hard to scare, 144, 35;
how to understand, 26, 53;
knowledge of, 80, 19;
may look a gentleman, 154, 37;
never sleeps, 280, 47;
not to be let go when caught, 241, 11;
persuasive power of, 484, 5;
playing, properly, 169, 38;
power of, generally unsuspected, 429, 46;
servant of, sure to go to, 108, 13;
shiftiness of, 560, 8;
the subtle power of, 242, 47, 48;
sugar over, 558, 22;
that despairs, 298, 14;
the, abolished, 188, 44;
the, defined, 402, 5;
the, no outwitting, 105, 7;
the, power of, over a man, 137, 43;
the, sayings about, 423, 15-30;
to be resisted, 374, 36;
under march of intellect, 441, 29;
use of a, 174, 15
Devil's, angel, a, 176, 17;
chapel, ever beside God's temple, 307, 15;
meal, 225, 16, 17;
rattles, playing with, 480, 13;
valet, 39, 7
Devils, easier to rouse than lay, 265, 39;
Luther's defiance of, 506, 12
Devotion, elevating power of, 200, 44;
not to be disturbed by work, 401, 37;
to God, test of, 414, 25;
too much, for religion, 398, 39;
affectation in, 489, 9
Dew, heaven in a drop of, 225, 32
Dewdrop and the star, like sisters, 423, 31
Diamond with a flaw, 28, 57
Diamonds, rough, may be mistaken, 378, 16;
rough, no one content with, 308, 21
Die, the, is cast, 210, 8;
the fittest place for man to, 33, 35
Diet, moderate, benefit of, 2, 47
Difference, identity of, 102, 15
Difficulties, a choice of, 477, 3;
greatest, where met, 432, 8;
nearer the goal, 66, 12;
our greatest, 64, 32;
overcome, 543, 21;
overcoming, 494, 43;
that we meet, 443, 20;
there, to be overcome, 203, 36;
to be stormed, 504, 17;
to Christians, 395, 4;
who never sinks under, 153, 11
Difficulty, defined, 536, 2;
from within, 314, 42;
how we overcome, 475, 44;
strength to confront, 99, 63;
what enables us to surmount, 316, 19
Diffidence, modest, attractions of, 466, 28;
safety of, 225, 8
Digestion, good, power of, 409, 10;
good, wait on appetite, 317, 31
Dignity, attribute of nobleman, 80, 22;
difficulty of attaining to, 98, 49;
official, Dickens on, 403, 44;
true, characteristic of, 499, 44
Dilettante, nature of, 460, 30;
the, mistakes of, 423, 38
Diligence, and skill, power of, 105, 21;
indispensability of, 105, 51;
the one virtue, 68, 26;
value of, 539, 31; without luck, 70, 33
Dining-out, the risk to Rousseau of, 34, 2
Dinner, a, warmed-up, 505, 20;
the English institution, 185, 1
Diogenes, quest of, 158, 41; 165, 3;
to Alexander the Great, 402, 13
Dirt, Lord Palmerston's definition of, 68, 43;
splashing of, to be shunned, 548, 36
Dirty water, empty out, but not baby, 567, 5
Disagreeable comes more speedily than desired, 158, 12
Disagreeableness better than insipidity, 29, 12
Disaster, common, consolatory, 45, 24
Disasters, ready belief in, 4, 3
Disbelief, folly of, 176, 9
Discerning when to have done, rare gift, 105, 4
Discernment, and high rank, not synonymous, 233, 34;
not common, 309, 8;
spirit of, rare, 6, 17
Disciple and his master, 423, 39
Discipleship, Christian, condition of, 554, 32
Discipline, effect of, 70, 30;
not to be slackened, 203, 21;
power of, 301, 44; 375, 6;
without nature, 292, 34
Discontent, a cause of, 38, 10;
a world-wide, 532, 36;
at its height, 521, 39;
in the body politic, 19, 10;
man's, 266, 33; misery of, 540, 12;
the root of, 536, 21
Discontented, man, the, 147, 3;
man, who is despised, 208, 16
Discontentment, a cause of, 537, 39, 41;
common cause of, 50, 50
Discord, all, harmony, 10, 2
Discouragement, pride, 316, 28
Discourse, good, effect of, on virtue, 129, 15;
good, qualities of, 129, 25
Discourses, meandering, Whately on, 268, 27
Discoveries, all great, from presentiment, 9, 39;
great, from above, 306, 45
Discovery, chemical, from a jobber, 566, 27;
joy of, 385, 29;
limited, 199, 10
Discretion, better than wit, 15, 65;
commended, 26, 54;
defined, 432, 27;
key to knowledge, 221, 7;
out-sport not, 244, 19;
the sanctuary of, 391, 43;
the value of, 511, 10;
virtue of, 381, 20;
which interferes with duty, 346, 22
Discrimination, virtue of, 145, 32
Discussion, equipment for, 147, 13;
false estimate of, 398, 19
Disease, removed only by skill, 309, 19;
young, growth of, 465, 44;
when cause known, 271, 53
Diseases, coming and going, 239, 2;
desperate, 62, 23;
effect of physic on, 110, 19;
how they enter, 253, 7;
inherited, 106, 10;
mental, like bodily, 207, 32;
modern, 524, 36;
of mind, root of, 10, 40;
representations of, demoralising, 302, 6
Disesteem, not to be regarded, 395, 4
Disgrace, in, with a sovereign, 151, 10;
of others, as a warning, 412, 26;
the only, 170, 17; 319, 19;
to whom a sin, 496, 27
Disguise, unmanly, 202, 10
Disguising what we are, trouble in, 533, 15
Disgust, the mother of, 380, 6
Dishonour worse than death, 11, 60; 12, 18
Disinterestedness, incredible, 161, 9
Dislike, how to overcome, 177, 31
Disobedience, two kinds of, 490, 13
Disorder, public, origin of, 10, 21
Dispatch, and hurry, in business, 32, 61
Dispensable, no need to covet, 415, 16;
the easily, 520, 12
Dispensation from death, no, 295, 9
Display, vanity of, 4, 49
Disposition, in the eye of God, 190, 32
Disputation, effect of, 9, 23;
evil of too much, 300, 18; 341, 23;
origin of all, 59, 25;
without definite ideas, 329, 24
Disputes, about shell, not kernel, 262, 11;
worthy of attention, 423, 46
Disputing, effect of, on truth, 192, 8;
sayings about, 472, 28, 29
Disquiet, source of, 459, 2
Disraeli's mark of great man, 6, 69
Dissatisfaction, cause of, with others, 330, 9
Dissection, not biography, 423, 47
Dissension, civil, a gnawing worm, 43, 37;
easy to sow, 267, 35
Dissimulation, a mask, 392, 30;
a necessity in life, 42, 15;
a royal art, 381, 11;
embarrassing, 225, 9;
hatefulness of, 76, 38;
Schiller and Goethe on, 513, 15, 16;
the power of, 364, 11, 12, 37
Distance, effect of, on view, 488, 7;
kept, a comfort, 171, 22;
lends enchantment, 94, 1
Distinction, reward solely of merit, 153, 17
Distinctions, illusory, 274, 47
Distinguished, being, pleasure of, 21, 55
Distress, common, a uniting power, 45, 12;
effect of, 457, 32;
God in, 125, 21;
lesson of, not to be forgotten, 404, 38;
national, no ground of despair, 472, 35;
public, the one sole cure for, 476, 16
Distrust, excessive, hurtfulness of, 96, 34
Diversity, universality of, 444, 9
Divine, a good, 198, 28;
affinities, proof of, in man, 533, 11;
always agreeable to reason, 298, 19;
grace, the law of, 375, 11;
love, power of, 424, 6;
mind, manifold energies of, 424, 5;
modern ideas of, 175, 40;
protection, not extended to injustice and wrong, 449, 48;
state, par excellence, 424, 7;
the, faith in, its range, 479, 42;
the, narrow view of, 525, 17;
the, not directly visible, 459, 12;
the only thing, on earth, 475, 42;
things, how to handle, 168, 29
Diviner, the best, 268, 3
Divinity, and philosophy, 70, 12;
that doth hedge a king, 478, 33;
that shapes our ends, 477, 45
Division, effect of, 381, 31
Divorce, defined, 233, 24
Doctor, dispensed with, 149, 30;
experience of, 424, 8;
his curing and killing, 174, 17;
man his own, 553, 16;
the, and his fee, 68, 38;
the best, 486, 48
Doctors, a fig for the, 217, 27;
cobblers, 279, 46;
when, disagree, 552, 27
Doctrine, no false, without some truth, 318, 11
Document, as a witness, 40, 34
Doer, a great, always reticent, 124, 39
Dryasdust, affecting to teach, 162, 26
Dualism, universal, 10, 52
Dulness, gentle, and its joke, 124, 24
Dumb, Kant's two things that strike, 504, 9
Dunce, a travelled and untravelled, 162, 3;
as representing a class of men, 273, 40;
female, offensive, 164, 41
Duped, fear of being, 151, 22;
sure way to be, 235, 30
Dupes at first, knaves at last, 329, 20
Dust, a handful, power of, 313, 41;
power of a little, 155, 44
Duties, first, of a man, 428, 14, 15, 25;
holy, the band of, 40, 40;
knowledge of, best part of philosophy, 221, 12;
not self-elected, 262, 3;
the primal, and charities, 449, 21
Duty, a, laid on all, 539, 34;
a man's sphere of, 477, 41;
a path open to all, 110, 12;
a plain, for all, 525, 23;
a spur to, 365, 15;
ahead, 267, 1;
akin to love, 255, 4;
and pleasure, everywhere, 292, 49;
at all hazards, 99, 54;
before even search for truth, 304, 38;
better known than practised, 93, 24;
defined by Wordsworth, 402, 38;
doing, blessedness of, 184, 38;
doing, lesson learned by, 403, 47;
doing one's utmost, 146, 3;
doing what lies nearest, 168, 13;
effect of trying to do, 502, 47;
immediate, of man, 521, 44;
importance of doing one's, 172, 9;
in, prompt, 186, 14;
its reward, 451, 23;
knowing and doing, everything, 215, 40;
life of education, 233, 21;
main thing for, 457, 22;
more potent than love, 254, 4;
most arduous, most sacred, 230, 26;
not speculation, supreme business of man, 140, 23;
our aversion to, 54, 2;
our rule, 47, 3;
our sole concern, 296, 48;
our, the king's, 94, 12;
path of, way to glory, 312, 45;
perplexities regarding, 87, 33;
point of, 519, 33;
present, 186, 1;
reward of following, 146, 11;
rule of, 366, 23;
sense of, central, 453, 12;
sole survivor of faith and love, 326, 4;
stated, the large claim of, 325, 4;
sum of, 240, 49; 486, 11;
that lies nearest, to be done, 72, 10, 11;
the assigned, to be done, 72, 9, 12;
the condition of existence, 312, 40;
the law of life, 251, 56;
the sum of, 496, 20;
the whisper of, and the response, 395, 20;
the whole of, 103, 33;
time for every, 127, 26;
to others, 1, 9;
troublesome, 93, 29;
virtue essential to, 413, 26;
we are now called to, 494, 11;
weight of, when fulfilled, 84, 31;
without God, 110, 11
Dwarf, at work without his machinery, 424, 28;
on giant's shoulders, 4, 75
Dwarfs, on giant's back, 348, 36
Dying, a man's greatest act, 212, 12;
before witnesses, 365, 17;
daily, benefit of, 525, 5;
the, and the world, 7, 23;
twice over, 30, 28;
without being missed, 202, 49
Dynamite, only destructive, 301, 35
Eagle, mew'd, a pity, 16, 36;
as oracle, 72, 14
Eagles contrasted with gnats, 124, 44
Ear, popular, estimate of, 448, 32;
quicker, in the dark, 53, 22;
road to heart, 224, 12;
the right, filled with dust, 451, 37
Early rising not equal to grace of God, 200, 11
Earnestness, advantage of, 159, 16;
importance of, 559, 29;
power of, 534, 2;
test of, 162, 27
Ears, deaf to counsel, but not flattery, 322, 12;
lead men, 276, 26;
sensitive, sign of health, 81, 36; 386, 50;
who hath, 146, 47
Earth, a great entail, 126, 3;
but a film, 414, 24;
despising, as a task, 488, 3;
for the virtuous man, 201, 44;
gifts of the, 325, 8;
how made free, or great, 64, 11;
made of glass, 45, 8;
no goal, 248, 1, 2;
population of, 228, 1;
the all-nourishing, 114, 52;
the, sayings about, 421, 31-34;
the axis of, its position, 416, 40;
the, with its injuries, trampled on or loved, 394, 27
Earthly, and heavenly, counterparts, 475, 43;
objects and interests, obscuring power of, 323, 18
Ease of mind, the condition of, 308, 18
East and West, thought of, contrasted, 174, 18
Eating, effect of excess in, 366, 25;
that requires sauce, 209, 20
Eccentricity, how to gain a character for, 177, 22;
in beauty, 89, 22;
in eyes of world, 464, 7;
in men of ability, 276, 14
Echo, power of, 431, 6
Echoes, mostly hollow, 548, 55;
our, 337, 42
Economist, the best, 145, 13
Economists, few good, 513, 25;
greatest, 432, 27
Economy, as a revenue, 310, 3;
first principle of, 206, 12;
human, the first principle of, 428, 31;
importance of, 559, 30;
in prosperity, 409, 14;
object of all, true, 445, 15;
too late, 387, 12
Ecstasy, power of, 460, 29
Eden, innocence of, lost, 524, 38
Edicts, less potent than king, 45, 47
Edifices, great, work of ages, 133, 21;
public, how to build, 546, 31
Education, a mistake in, 201, 37;
aim of, 415, 45; 435, 40;
an inversion of, 492, 38;
as facilitating government, 79, 38;
chief nobility of, 428, 6;
effect of an effeminate, 282, 15;
entire object of, 425, 19;
first condition of, 428, 9;
first step in, 158, 10;
for heaven, St. Jerome on, 243, 36;
importance of, 427, 20; 451, 5; 509, 20; 539, 22;
in defeat, 56, 60;
inner soul of, 233, 21;
meaning of, 566, 1;
modern, evil effects of, 281, 27, 28;
moral, nature and sum of, 283, 12;
more than knowledge, 220, 43;
most important part of, 443, 50;
motive of, 567, 4;
no, better than bad, 29, 54;
of individual, aim of the world, 464, 10;
of most miseducation, 34, 4;
of woman, the end of, 425, 9;
only, that deserves the name, 458, 16;
our ambiguous, evil of, 205, 48;
our, dissipating, 337, 11;
Plato on, 71, 35;
power of, 488, 8;
question of its importance, 450, 28;
real object of, 450, 41;
right law of, 451, 39;
secret of, 452, 40;
the best, 472, 30;
the business of, 291, 9;
the compulsory, needed, 458, 36;
the end of, 492, 8;
the first use of, 428, 42;
the, of the world, 375, 6;
the only real, 51, 18;
the, wanted, 476, 16;
whole of, 72, 48;
wise, 291, 3;
without capacity, 35, 35;
without God's grace, 371, 34;
without spirit, 169, 44;
wrong, times of, 469, 4
Educational laws to be strict, 260, 44
Educators, our, 275, 5
Effect involved in cause, 37, 12
Effort, every healthy, character of, 91, 21;
free, blessedness in, 89, 47; 95, 35;
great principle of, 431, 32;
unrestrained, evil of, 553, 6
Efforts, condition of success of, 10, 14;
limit to, 527, 35;
worthless, impress of, 555, 34
Eggs, the two, eaten at breakfast, 291, 48
Ego, merging one's, 210, 43;
the central, 462, 17
Egoism, importance of getting rid of, 152, 1
Egoist, life of an, 439, 2
Egotism, hateful, 234, 16;
how to bring down our, 475, 29
Egotists, a social pest, 447, 33
Elect, the, and the non-elect, 424, 42
Election, unconditional, 398, 16
Elections, advice regarding, 2, 23
Elevates, what, an advantage, 541, 6
Elevation, our, what contributes to, 540, 34
Elevations, temperature of, 434, 35
Elizabeth, Queen, Essex on, 135, 32
Elizabeth's, Queen, last words, 10, 6
Eloquence, and study of Bible, 303, 31;
at county conventions, 394, 29;
compared with discretion, 69, 10;
compared with insight, 162, 10;
continued, a bore, 49, 29;
dependent on heart, 433, 45;
described, 368, 1;
high-tide of, in Rome, 322, 37;
no feigning, 347, 32;
the source of, 344, 22;
triumphs of, 186, 19;
true, characterised, 499, 46, 47
Eloquent man, the, Cicero on, 143, 19
Elsewhere as here, 87, 34
Emancipation, no art, 218, 20;
not masterlessness, 155, 30;
without self-government, 94, 50
Eminence, effects of, on character, 16, 49;
the price of, 38, 4
Emotion, moments full of, 467, 19;
presupposed in reason and justice, 408, 38;
propagation of, from writer to reader, 297, 17;
the outlet of, 3, 49
Emotions, contrasted with thoughts, 457, 39;
pleasing, not to be recalled, 485, 19
Emperor to die at his post, 56, 32
Empire, course of, 533, 18;
extended, cost of, 97, 56;
extension of, 387, 22
Empires, the fall of, 89, 9
Employment, a necessity, 15, 35;
dependence of mental, on bodily, 106, 18;
parent of cheerfulness, 40, 49
Empty boxes, 1, 18
Emulation, effect of, 5, 8;
envy, 288, 47;
hath a thousand sons, 109, 29
Encouragement, better than correction, 48, 20;
the power of, 195, 12;
the voice of, amid contradiction, blessed, 30, 54
End, important, two ways to attain, 469, 3;
man's destined, and way, 372, 27;
pre-existent in the means, 37, 12;
sanctifies means, 50, 46;
the, c
05-h@48105-h-32.htm.html#page_299" class="pginternal">299, 25
Enthusiast, better than timid thinker, 421, 21;
effect of opposition on, 335, 52;
the wild, zeal of, 307, 44
Envied, the, 425, 22;
the, rather to be pitied, 383, 36;
the, when dead, 97, 58
Envious man, the, 425, 23
Environment, enslaving power of, 522, 24;
importance of, 75, 1;
the tyranny of, 11, 57
Envy, a kind of praise, 108, 57;
a step from, to love, 141, 19;
a gnawing moth, 215, 31;
Burns on, 340, 17;
characteristic of, 34, 32;
distinct from emulation, 81, 50;
honour's foe, 160, 42;
human, 294, 35;
ignorance, 470, 37;
its malevolence, 25, 57;
passive disgust, 141, 19;
rather than pity, 181, 6; 246, 13;
sayings about, 196, 16-22;
singularity of, 311, 33;
the aims of, 406, 32;
the envious contrasted with, 238, 13;
the last stage of perversion, 438, 8;
the life-time of, 342, 22;
to be lived down, 389, 34;
tooth of, against the solid, 114, 6;
when harmless, 59, 5
Epic, future, of world, on whom it depends, 429, 39;
our, now and henceforth, 449, 40;
true, of our times, 458, 39
Epicurean maxim, 158, 18
Epicurism of reason, 378, 41
Epigram, should be like a bee, 327, 46;
the power of, 14, 57
Epoch, a glorious, which few reach, 284, 20;
an, most significant feature of, 444, 6;
great determining element in, 186, 34;
great, mark of, 211, 46;
our, dominant drift of, 491, 32;
the present, 331, 9
Equality, as bond of love, 124, 9;
among men, a figment, 274, 1;
condition of, 554, 9;
establishment of, by law, 226, 8;
holy law of humanity, 124, 10;
not true, 394, 52;
the condition of, 147, 23;
unknown to nature, 292, 5
Equanimity, happiness of, 140, 20
Equity, sundered from law, 231, 28;
to be respected, 188, 38
Equivocation and evasion, 89, 13
Era, a new, advent of, unannounced, 337, 26;
the present, 521, 9
Eras worthy of study, 264, 1
Err, to, human, 163, 42
Erring, Cicero on kindness to, 159, 22
Error, a mistake of judgment, 220, 17;
a way back from, 23, 47;
an old and new, 315, 20;
an old, mischief of, 489, 23;
and ignorance, 178, 14;
confessing, no disgrace, 58, 36; 304, 40;
consolation from, 421, 30;
containing some truth, dangerous, 14, 59;
contrary forms of, 182, 10;
dependence of glory on, 390, 25;
easier to recognise than truth, 203, 13;
freeing from, 492, 33;
from selfishness, 275, 6;
happiness of hoping to escape from, 320, 29;
human, misery of, Tennyson on, 321, 39;
in youth and in age, 60, 21;
insignificance of throttling one, 217, 14; 550, 19;
matter of endless talk, 324, 46;
natural to us, 501, 28;
not always harmful, 381, 51;
not every, folly, 310, 20;
of opinion, 85, 6;
old, evil effect of, 79, 3;
our great, 431, 17;
our love for, 420, 14;
our portion, 319, 13;
perennial, 197, 1;
perseverance in, folly, 51, 1;
prior to truth, 184, 37;
protestation against, its importance, 12, 40;
so long as one strives, 85, 40;
strengthening power of an, 268, 2;
the fate of, 501, 27;
the only, 319, 12;
to persevere in, folly, 159, 2;
treatment of, as sign of wise or fool, 54, 30;
utility of, 531, 44;
where freedom, 560, 13;
with a master, 280, 51
Errors, deliverance from, hard, 265, 16;
effect of diversion on, 468, 32;
ever renewed, 75, 11;
not to be built, 175, 33;
of a great mind, 425, 25;
of a wise man, 425, 26, 27;
our, dear to us, 114, 39
Errs, who, in tens, errs in thousands, 41, 19;
who never, 417, 46
Eruptions, superficial, when the heart is threatened, 304, 35
Establish one's self, how to, 354, 3
Establishments, old, when to abolish, 546, 1
Estate, one's, while in debt, 481, 11;
the third, 360, 38
Estates, how often spent, 268, 57
Esteem, and love, never sold, 214, 14;
commended, 243, 47;
often from ignorance, 181, 13;
our desert of, 522, 9;
without love, 19, 52
Eternal, in man's soul, 262, 28;
no hastening births of, 236, 59;
presence of, in time, 449, 7;
the, no simulacrum, 426, 6
Eternities, masquerade of the, 457, 47
Eternity, and time, 486, 47; 487, 2, 10;
depending on time, 126, 10;
effect of hope of, 302, 41;
feeling in man of, 186, 38;
in time, 495, 28;
looking through time, 55, 44;
manifest in time, 265, 2;
the spot in, ours, 426, 8;
unsurveyable, 297, 20;
vision of, indispensable, 150, 41;
youth, 466, 3
Ethics, right, the nature of, 377, 13
Ethiopian, the, and his skin, 35, 25
Eulogy, the assumption in, 12, 39
Euphemy contrasted with blasphemy, 30, 41
Europe, bewildered, the goal of, 313, 22;
fifty years of, 29, 22;
the glory of, gone, 415, 38
Evangel, our ultimate political, 440, 37
Evangelicals, Carlyle on, 443, 42
Evening, and its day, 520, 9;
as an emblem, 89, 26;
hushed to grace harmony, 162, 36
Event, great, for world, 431, 18;
out of our power, 34, 20;
to be mastered at the time, 90, 44
Events, all, of importance, 94, 46;
all part of a divine plan, 94, 45;
coming, foreshadowed, 44, 56;
fitfulness of, 252, 11;
gravest, noiselessness of, 431, 8;
greatest, of an age, 432, 9;
in life, their connection not understood at first, 569, 23;
mighty, turn on a straw, 279, 15;
no being beyond power of, 565, 16;
our relation to, 522, 4;
source of, 472, 32;
tutors, 434, 14
Everything, importance of attempting, 439, 10
Everywhere, nowhere, 222, 8
Evidence, one's own, not enough, 303, 37;
to be weighed, 352, 21
Evidences like weights, 437, 21
Evil, a source of good, 401, 35;
absolute, unknown to us, 317, 11;
all, as a nightmare, 9, 25;
all, at bottom good, 10, 7;
all, within, 475, 16;
anticipation of, 222, 32;
as well as good from God, 388, 22;
at its strongest, 26, 61;
better in youth, 200, 31;
beginning of every, 188, 30;
by thinking of it, 6, 4;
deed, curse of, 482, 2;
defined, 95, 35;
doing, for good, 150, 3;
effect of concealment on, 8, 50;
from God, 197, 27;
from thoughtlessness, 33, 6;
greatest, for a man, 35, 44;
he that doeth, 93, 33;
how to avoid, 461, 25;
how to overcome, 33, 47; 240, 16;
how to scare away, 24, 47;
inability to bear, 519, 36;
knowing and speaking, 493, 30;
latent in heart, 471, 25;
most common source of, 444, 5;
none all, 311, 8;
necessary for good, 401, 46;
no absolute, 472, 34;
no, felt till it comes, 301, 42;
no, without compensation, 301, 43;
not constant, 86, 13;
not doing, and not intending, 491, 43;
not struck at the root, 468, 23;
not to be traced, but extinguished, 547, 22;
how to overcome, 113, 6;
of the day, enough, 406, 16;
one, St. Paul of, 521, 45;
only hiding of, 473, 11;
overcoming, two ways of, 494, 44;
patiently borne, 301, 41;
reaction of, on self, 80, 33;
report, how to treat, 172, 13;
resisted, a benefit, 90, 45;
sense of filthiness of, a foil, 152, 15;
speaking, defence against, 171, 38; 172, 1;
that goeth out of one, 426, 12;
that men do, 426, 13;
the beginning of, 69, 29;
the root of, 170, 40;
theories of, helpless against evil, 62, 41;
thing, judgment of, often delayed, 214, 17;
things, goodness in, 476, 33;
to be overcome, 28, 14;
to be simply borne, 541, 31;
to come, better unknown, 38, 30;
wishing no, merit of, 298, 15
Evils, easily crushed at the birth, 327, 48;
extreme, alike, 9, 26;
great and little, effect on one of, 133, 24;
great and small, how to oppose, 492, 49;
great, impotence to overcome, 175, 15, 44;
guards against, 409, 16;
how to shield one's self from, 300, 21;
imaginary, 96, 23;
imaginary, how made real, 182, 36;
imaginary versus real, 243, 41;
man's fear of, 206, 45;
neglect of small, 111, 38;
not imaginary, 10, 13;
origin of, 261, 4;
our, source of all, 201, 50;
real and possible, compared, 325, 11;
shunned, fallen into, 104, 40;
silently bearing, 523, 24;
which of two, to choose, 547, 2;
which we feel, 330, 28
Evil-disposed, the, 482, 49
Evil-doer and the light, 146, 5
Evil-doers, fear of, 532, 2
Evil-speaker compared with evil-doer, 261, 17
Evil-speaking, evil of, 553, 15
Evil-wishing, evil of, 553, 15
Evolution, only worthy of regard, 445, 44
Exaggeration, common, 473, 37;
weakening effect of, 329, 14
Exalted, station, ornament to merit, 222, 36;
who shall be, 146, 57
Example, and precept, 252, 43;
force of, 171, 36;
noble, force of, 78, 44;
potency of, and the belly, 63, 52;
and ears, as witnesses, 63, 51;
and what they indicate, 7, 13;
effect of shutting, 205, 47;
homes of silent prayer, 154, 48;
how guarded from error, 300, 1;
importance of using, 202, 4;
more trusted than ears, 276, 43;
more trustworthy than ears, 324, 2;
never satisfied, 154, 36;
one man's, spectacles to another, 332, 57;
our, exorbitant, 524, 44;
our, misuse of, 521, 24;
posted as sentinels, 324, 1;
rather than ears, 158, 43;
speaking and betraying power of, 541, 12;
the feast of, 264, 35;
to be cared for, 409, 33;
to see withal, 520, 23;
to look right on, 243, 9;
weak, weakness of, 530, 12;
weakness of most, 325, 13;
without looking, 126, 5
Eye-witness, and hearsay, 350, 13;
one, value of, 332, 14
Fable, Love's world, 64, 13
Face, a handsome, 112, 36;
and the mind, 426, 43, 44;
as revealing the heart, 190, 33;
expression of, contrasted with tongue, 458, 10;
full impression of, 205, 11;
God hath given you one, 126, 11;
like a benediction, 142, 36;
not deceptive, 204, 21;
the index of age, 98, 42;
the, of labour, Carlyle on, 512, 10;
two sides of, 302, 33
Faces, expressive, 466, 38;
that most charm us, 482, 29;
variety in, 206, 3
Facility, how to acquire, 539, 31
Fact, and speech, gulf between, 401, 1;
goodman, plain-spoken, 130, 39;
not law, 5, 27;
significance of a, 5, 25, 26; 287, 46;
stranger than fiction, 99, 9;
the question for jury, 4, 50;
the importance of, 457, 21
Faction, effect of, 381, 31
Factor, rule of, and minister compared, 140, 31
Facts, all enfolded in first man, 264, 22;
and the truth of reason, 421, 32;
beadrolls of, insignificance of, 556, 33;
dissipated by time, 486, 35;
downright, our need of, 529, 36;
modelled by the man, 51, 48;
plainest, men blind to, 161, 8;
stubborn things, 33, 7;
the emphasis of, 425, 4;
the great, 431, 19
Faculties, a delight to exercise, 313, 1;
man's, no inventory of, 475, 8;
our, and their exercise, 521, 16;
our, their last perfection, 438, 7;
the soul's, a misnomer, 413, 5
Faculty, indispensability of, 105, 51;
not to be forced, 293, 6;
the logical, 313, 6;
the imaginative, 313, 6
Fail, no such word as, to youth, 190, 48
Failing at all, 492, 20
Failings, how regarded by heaven, 474, 5;
lean'd to virtue's side, 156, 51
Failure, a chief cause of, 105, 22;
as a teacher, 525, 15;
bright side of, 252, 48;
fruit of, 104, 14;
in a great object, 472, 38;
sure road to, 456, 29;
the only, to fear, 446, 1;
the parents of, 193, 9
Failures, a cause of, 386, 2;
a lesson to us, 329, 17;
how to regard, 373, 8;
no, where no efforts, 144, 50;
not to daunt us, 206, 20;
often successes, 526, 21
Fair day's wages, a, Carlyle on, 5, 28
Faith, a great, 285, 27;
a lively, wages of, 506, 33;
all in all of, 415, 50;
alternation of periods of,
with denial, 187, 49; 447, 28;
an audacious, 530, 6;
and doubt contrasted as to their origin, 233, 25;
and hope, differences about, 186, 49;
and knowledge, difference between, 186, 50;
approved, reward of, 105, 58;
as fashion, 149, 29;
commended, 243, 32, 33;
demand of love, 353, 53;
desire of, faith enough, 176, 34;
disowned when questioned, 242, 8;
essence of, 425, 38;
essence of all, 427, 6;
fanatic, and falsehood, 99, 62;
in an omnipresent God, denial or mere lip-assertion of, 427, 6;
in days of sorrow, 523, 43;
in whom alone, 104, 3;
knowledge in, 383, 10;
lesson of, 462, 6;
loss of, 146, 33;
narrow, power of, 14, 26;
necessary to faithful doing, 152, 41;
once lost irreparable, 172, 8;
only, that wears well, 446, 2;
orthodox, defined, 60, 4;
our slavery from want of, 485, 39;
plain and simple, 467, 37;
power of, 111, 26; 114, 3; 185, 52; 279, 32; 448, 37; 492, 34; 558, 26;
principal part of, 449, 24;
proper power of, 449, 41;
resting on authority, 427, 8;
right, if life right, 110, 23;
right, defined, 474, 15;
sister of justice, 216, 39;
steps of, 455, 12;
strengthened by knowledge, 504, 23;
the great trial to, 384, 26;
the one thing needful, 110, 17;
the only sure foundation, 9, 1;
the power of, 200, 44; 312, 23; 319, 11;
the proper object of, 240, 14;
the root of, 340, 15;
want of, 110, 17; 507, 11; 558, 26;
want, at present, 423, 44;
wilful, confirmed by absurdity, 544, 37;
with centre everywhere, 554, 4;
wonder essential to, 560, 4;
Voltaire's definition of, 481, 40
Faithful, in little, 147, 8;
sure of reward, 105, 46
Faithfulness, commended, 28, 48
Faithless among the faithful, 100, 27
Faiths, in all, something true, 184, 31
Fallen, the, succouring, 371, 14
Falls, some, means to rise, 398, 7
False, in one thing, 101, 2;
knowledge of, a truth, 221, 18;
men, mischief done by, 312, 46;
the, evil influence of, 2, 49
Falsehood, a salve, 181, 9;
after falsehood, 100, 30;
adhesiveness of, 226, 12;
as weakness, 443, 31;
at touch of celestial temper, 301, 49;
evil of, 502, 6;
goodly outside of, 322, 31;
how regarded, 223, 21;
in kings, 494, 3;
man fire to, 92, 30;
obstacle to happiness, 56, 27;
path of, 447, 8;
soothing, 181, 9;
the success of, 512, 5;
to be renounced, 501, 40
Falsehoods, that are not lies, 466, 39
Falsities, all, to be alike treated, 71, 34
Falsity of things, more seeming than real, 480, 33
Fame, a thin web, 174, 7;
common, rarely wrong, 45, 13;
complacency in, 312, 29;
course of, 514, 39;
exceptional, 323, 24;
how one earns, 330, 32;
in no hurry for, 172, 14;
insignificance of, 155, 31; 533, 44;
lessened by acquaintanceship, 280, 2;
law of, 439, 31;
lust of, and wise men, 440, 10;
modestly enjoyed, 28, 20;
obtained and deserved, 398, 36;
Pope on, 311, 49;
posthumous, a vain desire, 555, 3;
rage for, 538, 23;
the price of, 443, 32;
the struggle for, 97, 48;
thirst for, 260, 7;
true, like our shade, 499, 48
Familiar, by proxy, 311, 7
Familiarity, lowering effect of, 181, 28
Families, and their best members, 176, 4;
only two, 72, 3
Family, a happy, 140, 14;
bargaining in, over the pottage, 442, 43;
home of peace, 190, 35;
heroism in the, 432, 32;
in the bosom of one's, 336, 51;
Burns' prayer for a, 545, 17;
virtue, importance of, 427, 13
Famine, effect of, on heart, 530, 18;
evil of, 101, 31
Fanaticism, contempt of, 90, 9;
defined, 90, 9;
effect of, on a man, 407, 5
Fancy, charm of, 442, 7;
compared with reason, 369, 34; 526, 20;
contrasted with imagination, 183, 2;
exacting, 292, 13;
fantastical, 395, 1;
giving way to understanding, 431, 5;
how bred, 411, 40;
over reason, what, 10, 19;
sugar of life, 69, 9;
the tyranny of, 201, 36;
turned necessity, 539, 18;
versus fancy, 522, 33;
without taste, 315, 41
Fancying in harmony with the fact, 369, 20
Fantasies, lightest, two meanings of, 503, 44
Fantasy, compared with understanding, 459, 33;
exorbitant demands of, 386, 46;
function of, 66, 5;
the age of, gone, 53, 25;
the power of, 266, 11;
the ripened fruit of, 387, 3
Far-away things, attractiveness of, 76, 11
Farces, seeming, tragedies, 268, 31
Farewell, hard to say, 555, 10;
Macpherson's, 317, 30
Farewells should be sudden, 244, 17
Farthing, a good, 31, 28
Farthings, valued, 480, 20
Fashion, a bad rule, 170, 23;
a maxim of, 88, 31;
a tyrant, 226, 13;
dominancy of, 526, 22;
effect of, 427, 14;
fool in, and one out of, 314, 19;
glass of, 322, 32;
imperious, 567, 1;
old and new, how regarded, 91, 1;
out of the, 19, 15;
power of, 385, 19; 440, 15;
tyranny of, 21, 16
Fashions, change of, a tax, 39, 45;
following the, 477, 10;
invented by fools, 108, 53
Fastidious, the, unfortunate, 238, 11
Fastidiousness to be avoided, 526, 27
Fatalism, faith of men of action in, 284, 10
Fate, all thralls of, 212, 21;
a mystery, 218, 12;
action of, on willing and unwilling, 73, 41;
and dreams of the past, 240, 47;
and the heart, 370, 24;
and the willing, 102, 47; 103, 3;
and the unwilling, 102, 47; 545, 1
Feast, constituents of a, 394, 19;
what constitutes, 206, 4
Feasts, by whom made and by whom eaten, 108, 56
Feather, incapable of momentum, 455, 37
Feeble, in work unhelpful, 305, 7;
the, to be supported, 488, 24
Feeling, an unpleasant, a warning, 95, 5;
and thought, 484, 42;
as opposed to thinking, 8, 58;
by whom induced, 33, 26;
compared with seeing, 384, 41;
delicacy of, 11, 8;
how to awaken, 483, 23; 401, 47;
importance of, 119, 26;
in reality keener than in song, 268, 38;
man of, fate of, 427, 19;
not attained by hunting for it, 531, 47;
not man's end, 266, 18;
one's, to be trusted, 184, 45;
power of, 264, 30;
strong, tendency of, 404, 5;
the analogy of, 44, 30
Feelings, at meeting and farewell, 338, 1;
by which we live, 525, 20, 21;
duration of, 497, 32;
fine, without vigour of reason, 106, 27;
fineness of, not given to every one, 217, 7;
great, like instincts, 135, 20;
our most exalted, 338, 37;
the, hid in man, 539, 16
Feet, her, beneath her petticoat, 155, 1
Feigned, the, never lasting, 315, 7
Felicity, from self alone, 162, 30;
greatest, 432, 11;
or infelicity, a man's, how to know, 544, 3;
in the soul, 163, 19
Fell, Dr., I do not love thee, 165, 47
Fellow, a lucky, 36, 40
Fellow-feeling, effect of, 5, 33
Fellowship, a, to cultivate, 542, 3;
founded on truth, 150, 24;
the end of existence, 312, 30
Fetters, a burden, 304, 29;
when one wishes to be in, 544, 44
Feud, an old, easily renewed, 47, 27
Fibres, tension of all, 427, 36
Fiction, compared with truth, 501, 48;
contrasted with fact, 369, 19, 20;
inferior to fact, 99, 12;
more potent than fact, 338, 2
Fictions, to resemble truth, 105, 31
Fiddlestick, the power of, 539, 8
Fidelity, among rebels, 370, 11;
but a name, 308, 45;
compared with justice, 569, 40;
contrasted with love, 246, 11;
gone, 67, 5;
importance of, 501, 25;
in small things, 3, 25;
to be practised, 504, 15
Field, a large, to ear, 166, 43
Fields, and cities, 70, 5;
holy, over whose acres, 158, 26;
where joy for ever dwells, 102, 21
Fiends, absolute, 2, 18
Fight, no, no victory, 174, 43;
to, and die, 492, 24;
to, with stronger, no obligation to, 473, 38
Fighting, an affair of the heart, 313, 10;
and being beaten, compared, 173, 10;
does not feed men, 294, 44
Fights, that, and runs away, 109, 51; 146, 14
Figure, a pleasing, value of, 16, 40
Finding, not the possession, sweet, 298, 1
Fine Art, as defined by Ruskin, 106, 23
Fine, characteristic of everything, 427, 39, 40;
thing, expense of buying, 547, 12
Finesse, a great step in, 198, 41;
hovers between virtue and vice, 225, 21;
recourse to, mark of incapacity, 227, 18
Finger-posts, authentic, few, 377, 41
Finished-off, man, no satisfying, 531, 17;
versus becoming, 281, 5
Finite, and infinite, respective conditions of, 205, 26;
let alone infinite, too much for man, 262, 21;
shadows forth infinite, 261, 45
Fire, a mighty, to quickly kindle, 482, 48;
a neglected, 294, 30;
a slow, 19, 53;
and wind, 484, 19;
its power, 27, 12;
little, to be trodden out, 8, 42;
matter for the, 541, 3;
no extinguisher, 179, 33;
sayings about, 427, 46, 47; 428, 1, 2;
slumbering in ashes, 233, 27;
the only, worth gauge or measure, 264, 20;
who walks through, 552, 45;
wind-fed and wind-extinguished, 320, 1
Fires, violent, 157, 10
Fireside, my own, an Eden, 540, 20
Firm, legal, advantage of two attorneys in, 476, 34
Firmament, unseen support of, 311, 26
Firmness, and rashness, 543, 24;
with pliability, 179, 8
Fitting, the, right, 540, 6
Flame and smoke as passing into each other, 203, 10
Flash, not the thunder, 206, 13
Flatterer, and tyrant, compared, 465, 35;
at whose expense he lives, 498, 36;
Latin word for, 438, 10;
Steele on, 165, 25;
the greatest, 474, 26;
to be avoided, 324, 44
Flatterers, why so obnoxious, 450, 45
Flattery, a visor to villany, 307, 39;
and censure, 347, 22;
attractive, 23, 10;
benefit of, 421, 7;
easier than praise, 275, 10;
how harmful, 390, 27;
ill-manners, 315, 49;
inconsistent with love, 303, 35;
to cajole fools, 301, 52;
to fools and wise men, 487, 50;
what is wanting to be pleased with, 539, 37
Flaws, where they abound, 427, 39, 40
Flesh to be sacrificed to spirit, 440, 8
Flock, no, without one dead lamb, 472, 39
Flogging before better than afterwards, 200, 9
Flower, a, despising, as a weed, 538, 26;
and seed, relation of, 428, 49;
born to blush unseen, 117, 23;
of humanity, and the slime it springs from, 429, 18;
of sweetest smell, 429, 1;
petal of, and granite boulder, 191, 12;
mystery included in a, 251, 16;
tender, with head elate, 457, 8;
thoughts from a, 494, 27
Flowers, as symbols of nature, 44, 33;
as preachers, 568, 32;
contrasted with weeds, 408, 22;
fair, by the wayside, 382, 15;
the sweetest, our treatment of, 529, 39;
Wordsworth on, 127, 18
Fluency, often scarcity, 421, 13;
secret of, 538, 42
Flunkeyism, 271, 19
Flush of health and of death, 469, 33
Flute, a beginner on, 192, 31;
and lyre, with voice compared, 429, 3;
blowing on, not playing, 30, 40
Fly, not without spleen, 89, 15;
those that, 482, 45;
Uncle Toby to the, 125, 1; 482, 21
Foe, no, no friend, 144, 27;
service of, 412, 52
Foes, our greatest, within, 187, 14;
what they teach, 115, 13
Folk, old and young, compared, 213, 15
Folks that stand on their heads, 478, 3
Follies, in relation to wisdom, 92, 39;
committed out of complaisance, 165, 12;
greatest of, 432, 31;
our own and others, differently regarded, 529, 9;
reasoning us out of our, 483, 2
Folly, a characteristic of, 87, 25; 195, 31;
compared with wisdom, 557, 5;
disdainful of itself, 329, 5;
greatest and commonest, 494, 20;
how alone to conceal, 404, 29;
in every one, 212, 10;
learned at college, 211, 43;
sayings about, 429, 5, 6;
shoot, as it flies, 98, 20;
the short, best, 227, 12;
universal, 172, 15;
without remedy, 80, 34
Fondness, fostered by time, &c., sure, 406, 1
Fontaine, La, epitaph of, 211, 44
Food, though given, to be wrought for, 125, 39
Fool, a great, 179, 7;
a, how to win, 45, 1;
a learned, 505, 36;
a, mark of, 404, 34;
a, when silent, 89, 16;
a witty, and a foolish wit, 29, 7;
a thorough, 144, 34;
according to Wm. Blake, 153, 19;
and his hobby, 2, 60;
and his opinions, 359, 29;
and learning, 236, 34;
and wise, 10, 39;
and wise contrasted, 252, 10;
and wise, diverse conduct of, 538, 40;
as he grows richer, 443, 22;
as regards reason, 148, 53;
at forty, 30, 2;
conscious of his folly, 151, 4;
effect of praising, 355, 13, 14;
familiarity with a, 32, 59;
getting rid of a, 31, 45;
hard arguing with, 333, 23;
hard to discover, 208, 23;
his sorrows and fears, 466, 25;
in his devotions, 504, 8;
in his own house, knowledge of, 349, 7;
kind, the worst, 437, 28;
let me play the, 241, 34;
mark of, 333, 1;
may be knave, 164, 31;
never changes his mind, 180, 41;
no, without admirer, 505, 37;
of virtue, be, not of vice, 108, 36;
old and young, 239, 35;
once a, always, 363, 18;
rather than saddening experience, 166, 26;
the conceit of, 404, 27;
the, sayings about, 429, 7-11;
to self worse than being fooled, 563, 12;
truths of a, 425, 26;
without the stuff of success, 505, 35
Foolish, man, aversion of, to the wise, 108, 38;
ever, never wise, 151, 48;
once very, never wise, 150, 30
Foolishest man, no, without a knowledge all his own, 472, 40
Foolishness, the thought of, 457, 35
Fools, all, 9, 62; 482, 20; 498, 23;
behaviour to, characteristic of a man, 315, 13;
deliberate, the wisdom of, 322, 17;
favoured by fortune, 113, 19;
favourites of women and fortune, 124, 36;
gabble of, evil of, 420, 6;
dependence of knaves on, 174, 47;
in majority, 89, 49; 239, 27;
indispensable to wise men, 118, 14;
intelligible only to God, 66, 48;
learn by experience, 89, 40;
learned, 236, 10;
many, 404, 28;
necessary to wise men, 127, 38;
old, 398, 32;
our feelings towards, 343, 54;
rush in where angels fear to tread, 109, 39;
safety in number of, 444, 23;
sayings about, 5, 54-68; 6, 1, 2; 90, 50-52;
talk of, 238, 39;
taught by experience, 97, 34;
that boast, 399, 14;
their company saddening, 421, 15;
to be first won, 11, 41;
trade by the eye, 219, 50;
unpitied by heaven, 154, 14;
with wit insufferable, 108, 17
Foot, had music in't, 157, 17;
slip of, and of tongue, 81, 18
Footway, rule of, 452, 13
Fop, described, 6, 2;
Diogenes on a, 186, 18;
one, plague to another, 292, 8
Forbidden, the, man's hunger for, 506, 17;
the, striven after, 300, 35
Force, affects action, not will, 225, 23;
rg@html@files@48105@48105-h@48105-h-58.htm.html#page_543" class="pginternal">543, 26;
with the fortunate, 185, 13;
without an enemy, 413, 18;
without fairness, 326, 30;
without prudence, 318, 30.
See Fortuna.
Fortune's fool, 164, 42
Fortunes, and husbands, 518, 48;
how made formerly and now, 112, 34;
large, sayings about, 230, 15, 16
Forwards, the great thing, 431, 41;
the word, 517, 33
Fought all his battles o'er again, 399, 37
Fountain, smallest, heaven in, 301, 54
Fowls, far-off, Burns on, 102, 14
Fox, and hedgehog, tricks of, 18, 31;
and his captor, 285, 27;
and his knavery, 59, 55;
and lion compared, 519, 6;
cunning of, 30, 14;
once caught, 505, 34;
one, more than enough, 79, 8;
sayings about, 429, 21, 22;
skin of, sewed to the lion's, 52, 14;
taken in by a fowl, 160, 4
France, in, nation not corporate, 226, 25;
in the van, 225, 28;
inconsistencies in, 498, 31;
indebtedness of, to Corneille, 498, 51;
monarchy in, 225, 27
Francis I. after his defeat at Pavia, 498, 32
Franklin, motto on bust of, 84, 36
Frankness, entire, permitted only to a few, 105, 10
Fraud, defined, 70, 48;
detected in a, distrusted, 365, 24;
first and worst, 428, 3;
in generalities, 70, 52;
to conceal, 114, 15
Frederick the Great, a king, 179, 25;
his indifference to criticism, 166, 14;
last words of, 226, 17;
social ideal of, 188, 7;
tired of ruling slaves, 169, 40;
two sides of his character, 5, 48
Frederick William I. of Prussia's boast, 170, 9;
in reference to his son, 156, 27
Free, country, life in, 184, 11;
creature, a perfectly, 472, 11;
man, according to Klopstock, 152, 29;
man, the, defined, 429, 24;
man, the only, 143, 48;
no man, not lord of himself, 298, 28;
not all, who mock their chains, 86, 35;
settled in heaven, 393, 30;
the, man, 366, 32;
to be, what it is, 490, 15;
who thinks himself, without being free, 298, 29;
who to be deemed, 304, 22;
who would be, 155, 21; 220, 7
Freedom, 265, 17;
abroad versus slavery at home, 28, 29;
absolute, 2, 19;
and cultivation, 48, 45;
and peace, 481, 36;
but a name, 281, 16;
civil, home of, 549, 14;
conceded, 167, 36;
condition of, 554, 9; 556, 29;
dependence of, on knowledge, 220, 36;
dependent on law, 53, 38;
enough, 171, 17;
essential to existence, 114, 35;
from woman's bonds, 84, 34;
her quiet eye, 313, 31;
human, 61, 1, 2, 5;
in chains, 264, 31;
in bonds, 331, 44;
native to man, 172, 42;
no barriers to, 154, 30;
no, without justice, 182, 24;
often imaginary, 267, 14;
only in obedience, 96, 22;
on the mountains, 23, 9;
perfect, the condition of, 483, 32;
popular, Mephisto on, 54, 38;
real, condition of, 205, 28;
sayings about, 64, 16, 17;
spiritual, attainable by all, 245, 50;
the basis of, 335, 6;
the condition of, 267, 20; 306, 8;
the height of, 304, 13;
the measure of, 394, 51;
the only possible, 193, 11;
the only, worth the name, 446, 4;
the seat of, 67, 12;
the secret of, 190, 39;
true, in self-command, 90, 54;
when abused, 344, 46;
which we cannot use, 534, 13;
who deserves, 334, 52;
who has sufficient, 15, 16;
with despotism, 495, 14;
without self-command, 304, 6; 306, 8
Freedom's battle once begun, 109, 41
Freemen, corrupted, 48, 25
Free-will, necessity of, 265, 13;
source of slavery, 393, 34;
the function of, 95, 35
French, and English, contrasted, 222, 21;
Mme. de StaËl on, 359, 5;
Revolution, first watchword of, 114, 12
Frenzy, effect of, compared with reason, 258, 44
Fretting, vanity of, 69, 2
Friend, a constant, 3, 26;
a, defined, 298, 41;
a desirable, 169, 22;
a faithful, Napoleon on, 5, 30;
a far-off, effect of tidings of, 423, 50;
a good, 6, 41;
a good, value of, 270, 48; 505, 16;
a, love for, 30, 29;
a necessity for a man, 171, 18;
a reconciled, 17, 43;
a reserved, danger of, 472, 2;
a stranger, not an estranged, 29, 2;
a, to all, 146, 61;
a true, 513, 20;
a, value of, 384, 30;
a virtuous, casting off, 491, 16;
a, with world shut out, 386, 20;
an agreeable, Horace's preference for, 299, 37;
an imprudent, dangerous, 376, 53;
an old, not easily lost, 187, 42;
and his faults, 13, 29;
as nettle, not echo, 29, 10;
admonition of, value of, 419, 21;
difficulty of helping, in trivial matters, 315, 46;
essential to happiness, 289, 5;
everybody's, nobody's, 222, 9;
faithful and just to me, 149, 24;
from enemy, 97, 8;
great service of, 432, 5;
having no need of, 143, 2;
how to approach, 243, 22;
how to keep a new, 70, 18;
how to live with, 252, 3;
how to treat, 486, 2;
ignorant, danger from, 315, 45;
man to spurn as, 169, 28;
mindfulness of, when happy, 490, 28;
mistaken zeal for, 145, 51;
no, without fault, 207, 25;
only way to have, 446, 26;
only if proved, 301, 55;
only, self, 78, 6;
rule for choice of, 57, 50; 80, 26;
rule in choosing a, 62, 4;
the candid, Canning's aversion to, 123, 17;
the service of a, 412, 52;
the, to trust, 499, 4;
the wounds of, 100, 26;
to be steadfast, 544, 41;
true, value of, 81, 21;
turned enemy, 398, 4;
want of true, misery of, 199, 3;
what most endears a, 314, 18;
who does not befriend, 149, 39;
who cannot bear foes, 149, 38;
who flatters and detracts, 405, 42;
who not needs, 157, 44;
without, no good enjoyable, 318, 22;
worth dying for, hard to find, 423, 35;
wronging, penalty of, 149, 10;
Zeno's definition of, 10, 12
Friendly relations, how to keep up, 334, 3
Friends, after wine-casks drained, 68, 4;
a hundred, not too many, 79, 8;
a necessity, 529, 35; 538, 13;
a thousand, not too many, 150, 28;
absent, in the memory, 442, 1;
among, or enemies, 381, 7;
and enemies, 242, 15;
and foes, space for, 14, 53;
and their characteristics, 6, 5-12, 41;
and their purses, 124, 12;
being without, 42, 29;
better than grateful dependants, 200, 29;
but a name, 308, 45;
by choice, 235, 16;
choice and change of, 28, 25;
community among, 45, 26;
created by transactions, 473, 36;
dead, a magnet to next world, 75, 6;
Emerson on his, 288, 7;
essential to enjoyment, 318, 22;
failings of, how to treat, 85, 36;
faithful, falling out of, 427, 11;
false, 100, 41, 42; 398, 11;
feeling at misfortune of, 53, 7;
good, man good, 566, 29;
grapple, to thy soul, 429, 28;
hard task to make, of all, 327, 55;
having many, 321, 35;
how to choose, 185, 29;
in adversity, 13, 28; 39, 1;
in distress, 514, 15;
in need, having, 143, 2;
indispensability of, 559, 33;
ginternal">429, 47;
charm of, 129, 31;
easier than justice, 162, 6;
in train of high birth, 225, 30;
rare, 269, 23;
versus business, 169, 12;
virtue of a man, 163, 40;
with what is another's, 98, 45
Geniality defined, 133, 28
Genius, a characteristic of, 198, 15;
a common fate of, 510, 27;
ages of, superseded by theories of, 466, 19;
a fine, criticism of, generally false, 176, 33;
after the philosophic ideal, 405, 43;
always melancholy, 540, 46;
a mark of, 491, 8, 15, 46;
a necessity for triumph of, 48, 65;
and education, 77, 11;
and wit, functions respectively of, 53, 36;
and fortune's favours, 113, 40;
and taste, why seldom together, 554, 45;
and the world, 464, 24;
as such, unconscious, 169, 47;
at its rising, 377, 31;
a true, natural, 289, 19;
a truly great, mark of, 22, 6;
by outstripping reason, 239, 6;
capacity for patience, 233, 28, 29;
characteristics of, 492, 36;
connection of, with childhood, 90, 24;
contrasted with mediocrity, 272, 3;
contrasted with talent, 409, 44, 45, 47, 49, 50; 410, 1;
contrasted with wit, 223, 4;
dependent on attention, 22, 13;
defined, 195, 20; 513, 14; 546, 4;
distinctive mark of, 489, 29;
development of, condition of, 490, 9;
effect of adversity on, 194, 10, 11;
effect of prosperity on, 194, 11;
endowments peculiar to, 6, 25;
every great, and his vocation, 91, 15;
every work of, characteristic of, 93, 53;
fine, envy of, 207, 31;
great, how formed, 6, 66;
greatest, most indebted, 432, 13;
greatest works of, acquaintance with, 493, 13;
honour done to, 194, 7;
how often dumb, 269, 10;
human, its limitations, 333, 44;
idleness, the blight of, 5, 20;
in what its greatest power, 91, 3;
its indebtedness, 526, 25;
often without talent, 269, 11;
lamp of, 37, 45;
man of, how ruined, 217, 18;
man of, one consideration for every, 549, 41;
men of, all workers, 450, 39;
men of, as men of business, 276, 5;
men of, generosity of, 276, 4;
men of, in advance, 563, 9;
men of (see Men of Genius);
men of, two divisions of, 496, 19;
men of, unregarded, 176, 4;
mistake and regret of, 71, 41;
nature in league with, 280, 52;
no great, quite sane, 318, 27;
no lonely son of, to despair, 241, 46;
no, without madness, 472, 50;
noblest function of, 416, 20;
not attainable by labour alone, 315, 47;
not to be constrained and urged, 12, 45;
of light, 429, 48;
often hid under rude exterior, 21, 48;
often of slow growth, 268, 19;
often without talent, 269, 11;
on the summit of the ideal, 206, 7;
pith of, contracted, 395, 17;
privilege of, 206, 41;
selection a test of, 521, 13;
self-defended, 91, 4;
subject to gloom, 466, 35;
superior to intellect, 137, 38;
test of, 494, 23;
the bestower of, 494, 3;
the death of, 424, 18;
the first qualification of, 53, 33;
the great nursery of, 289, 46;
the highest, characterised, 434, 39;
the patrons of, 28, 22;
the power of, 190, 44;
the pride of, 400, 33;
the purpose of, 201, 45;
the school of, 47, 42;
the stern friend of, 397, 29;
the three requisitions of, 325, 15;
three things that enrich, 485, 26;
tendency of, to eccentricity, 76, 32, 33;
true, sign of, 22, 4; 542, 32;
two kinds of, 468, 35;
unconsciously developed, 92, 31;
under misfortune, 379, 24;
vain sigh of, 488, 50;
versus talent, 54, 32;
warped by education, 77, 21;
what forms, 396, 7;
without a heart, 536, 14;
without moderation, 281, 24;
without power, 548, 25;
without taste, 380, 17;
without training, 78, 7;
works and words of, 474, 47;
work of, a child of solitude, 3, 35
Geniuses, great, biographies of, 133, 29;
those that look like, 478, 13
Genoese, proverb about, 450, 1
Gentil man, according to Chaucer, 143, 25
Gentility and vulgarity, 102, 34
Gentle, world gentle to, 121, 38;
yet not dull, 484, 11
Gentleman, a, characteristics of, 6, 27, 28;
a, outfit of, 137, 11;
a true, rare, 275, 44;
a questionable, 6, 29;
an original, 529, 10;
best dressed, 143, 46;
by nature, 149, 37;
contrasted with clown, 181, 10;
Horace's characteristics of, 86, 42;
how formed, 77, 7;
manners of, defined, 346, 15;
mark of, 49, 4;
sphere of, 81, 3;
the badge of a, 373, 46;
the best, 143, 47;
the first and the last, 199, 13;
the word of, 463, 42
Gentlemen, rare, 520, 35
Gentleness, antidote for cruelty, 22, 2;
commended, 400, 33;
connection of, with firmness, 205, 22;
more pleasing than strength, 283, 33
Gentry, rabble amongst, 470, 22
Genuine, hard to eliminate, 331, 46;
the, and the spurious, 536, 15;
the durability of, 519, 20
Geologist, an antiquarian, 233, 30
Geometry, road to, 474, 17
German God, the, the temple of, 298, 9
Gethsemane, victory of, attainable, 524, 38
Getting, and getting by renouncing, 201, 39;
easier than keeping, 122, 14;
no, what we don't bring, 305, 42
Ghost, a, never visible to two, 63, 15; 302, 1;
raising one, effect of, 177, 9
Ghosts, the only genuine, 473, 39;
whom they visit, 122, 1
Giant, on the shoulders of, 37, 55;
strength of, tyrannous to use, 201, 34
Giant's strength, how excellent, 326, 2
Gift, a, dearer than a purchase, 535, 47;
a, in each for all, 57, 17;
a rare, 495, 12;
a, we can receive, 522, 46;
an acceptable, 145, 1;
better than a prayer, 79, 31;
every good, from God, 91, 8, 9;
smallest, how made great, 91, 6;
that destroys liberty, 53, 6;
the only, 446, 6
Gifted man, the, defined, 430, 7
Gifts, against Nature's law, 377, 13;
an enemy's, 76, 39;
effect of, on freedom, 544, 27;
evil effects of, 430, 4;
gate of, closed at birth, 543, 22;
God's, 125, 38, 39, 42, 44, 45, 46, 48, 54; 126, 1, 2, 4, 10;
of God, how to treat, 522, 25;
of God to man, 262, 7;
often losses, 401, 36;
power of, 52, 30;
receiving, a loss, 245, 28;
the best, least admired, 417, 38;
to receive, 495, 13;
when givers prove unkind, 496, 11;
who can be trusted with, 334, 51;
winning power of, 286, 34;
without election, 326, 30
Girl, education of, Ruskin on, 417, 18;
proper confidant of, 449, 39;
qualities we love in a, 525, 30
Girls, beauty and deformity in, Ruskin on, 302, 2;
morality of, 443, 6
Giver, a cheerful, 127, 12;
and receiver, rules for, 241, 9;
love of, not gift of lover, 151, 41
Giving, an honour, 80, 18;
and receiving, 191, 16;
Bismarck's maxim on, 72, 29;
business of rich, 119, 11;
contrasted with receiving, 492, 41;
effect of, 525, 5;
for one's gratification, deemed a merit, 544, 22;
hand, a, 6, 33;
not receiving, our gain, 95, 11;
prompt, 30, 26;
to poor, Diderot on, 71, 21;
without bottom, 230, 18
Gladiator, the wounded, 381, 3
Gladness, alternates with sadness, 379, 17;
peculiar to man, 416, 9;
sown for the upright, 249, 18
Gladsome thing, the most, 443, 46
, a, significance of, 150, 15
Glances, progeny of, 109, 42
Glass, first to fourth, 428, 19
Glasses, cracked, easily broken, 118, 50
Glib and oily art, 169, 1
Glitter, not gold, 10, 29;
the fascination of mere, 407, 32
Glitters, what, temporary, 535, 9
Gloaming, wooing in, 64, 3
Globe, the mad-house of universe, 168, 45
Gloomy temper, foolish or worse, 540, 26
Glory, a spur, 195, 47;
after death, 43, 19;
ambition for, 552, 20;
bewitching power of, 117, 20;
false, 100, 43;
inveteracy of desire of, 88, 18;
in rising after a fall, 430, 11;
love of, Talleyrand on, 256, 7;
mixt with humbleness, 132, 3;
no, without danger, 88, 48;
our greatest, 338, 8;
paths of, 447, 13;
popular, a coquette, 352, 44;
rejection greater than conquest of, 78, 39;
shadow of virtue, 124, 19;
that is unreal, 124, 18;
the custody of, as a task, 155, 36;
the path to, 22, 40;
the torch of, 103, 27, 28;
to him who despises it, 124, 21
Gluttony, effect of, on heart, 530, 18;
effect of, on mind, 186, 17
Goal, how to attain, 118, 52;
our, a riddle, 539, 19;
our political, 313, 22;
steps to, 203, 42
God, a, all mercy, 6, 35;
a blank tablet, 130, 49;
a conception of, 497, 17;
a, over and behind us, 470, 19;
a, the hypothesis of, Laplace on the, 393, 3;
acknowledging, 169, 48;
acts of, 183, 11;
alive to misery, 308, 31;
all-avenging, 38, 26;
all-pervading, 87, 17;
all things full of, 57, 30; 213, 25; 214, 47; 406, 49;
an absentee, 197, 29;
and existence, 437, 14;
and heaven, as gifts, 488, 12;
and His laws, 292, 36;
and His
.html#page_472" class="pginternal">472, 6;
where men weep, 382, 17;
where to seek and find, 567, 18;
who seeks, in the dark and cold, 552, 25;
who would find, must bring, 554, 28;
wisdom and judgments of, 322, 15;
with us, everything, 371, 12;
without, nothing but darkness, 326, 26;
without to be sought for within, 288, 2;
word of, 520, 7;
word of, near, 463, 41;
work of, character of, 519, 21;
work of, first and last, 428, 11;
works of, a book, 469, 22;
works of, still glorious, 66, 43;
worshipped, if known, 63, 5
God-forsaken, cry of the, 422, 21
Godlike, the, sadness of, 475, 20;
thing, one, in world, 191, 43
God-protected people, 66, 34
God's council chamber, no key to, 137, 16;
delight, 325, 28;
elect, called to be sad, 127, 51;
gifts to man, 306, 45;
goodness, implied in His being, 130, 40;
help, helpless without, 156, 35;
laws, omnipresence of, 306, 39;
life, in man, 420, 18;
light for all, 543, 31;
love, no falling out of, 456, 23;
mills, 131, 9;
name not to be taken in vain, 409, 26;
operations contrasted with man's, 273, 44;
plan unfathomable, 141, 33;
presence, the real, 547, 38;
promise, a pillow, 306, 38;
Sabbath work, 428, 11;
voice, the true, 458, 43;
work and man's contrasted, 197, 38;
work, full of Himself, 298, 39;
work, perfect, 127, 15, 27; 541, 29
Gods, avenging, feet of, 68, 17;
effect of adoring, 480, 7;
fate of favourites of, 330, 33;
gifts of, misintelligence of, 321, 27;
ground of faith in, 270, 26;
how to draw near, 556, 32;
how to resemble, 217, 36; 427, 35;
joy of the, 532, 5;
mills of, 335, 35;
not to be tempted, 61, 11; 242, 11;
rural, familiarity with, 113, 33;
sayings about, 430, 20-31;
secrets of, no prying into, 242, 11;
tempting the, 506, 7;
the, among men, 545, 33;
the, and their gifts, 68, 13;
the existence of, how suggested, 356, 52;
the, the lavishness and stinginess of, 320, 22;
the, man dear to, 289, 28;
the, mother of, 400, 8;
the patience of, 430, 21;
the, the path of, 402, 32;
the, to be reverenced, 183, 52;
the, under law, 406, 51;
the, voices from, 467, 9;
their life sad, 438, 52;
their silence, 556, 13;
their avatars, 489, 4;
unjustly blamed, 183, 55;
when they arrive, 543, 37;
whom they love, fate of, 363, 3
Goethe, and Schiller, compared, 532, 22;
Carlyle's defence of, 272, 31;
greatness of, Carlyle on, 311, 19;
how he is to be read, 506, 15;
inspiring idea of, 123, 14;
of his inherited nature, 517, 26;
on his studies, 166, 40;
sphere-harmony of, 454, 29;
treatment of, 349, 20
Goethe's, devotion to truth, 172, 39;
greatest gain, 420, 27;
motto, 326, 27;
refuge from world, 114, 32
Going, and sending, difference between, 42, 37;
back rather than going wrong, 29, 23;
slowly, going safely, 42, 36
Gold, a chimÆra, 209, 47; 224, 10;
and dirt, 128, 38;
and silver, self-commended, 160, 1;
carrying only, 148, 49;
evil effect of, 162, 19;
lust of, evil of, 365, 45;
object of ambition, 109, 43;
power of, 9, 55;
power of, limited, 131, 28;
the power of, 13, 26; 288, 45;
to gild refined, 492, 39;
to have and to want, 493, 7
Golden, age, before us, 222, 2;
age, never such to itself, 203, 3;
age, not of gold, 222, 1;
age, the, Goethe on, 430, 32, 33;
key, that, 413, 11
Goldsmith, Johnson on, 305, 3; 318, 31;
inspiring idea of, 123, 14
Good, ability of doing, good, 25, 41;
absolute, unknown to us, 317, 11;
action, one, condoning power of, 111, 22;
alone capable of conservation, 313, 48;
and better, fate of, 30, 16;
all, basis of, 94, 19;
all, from heaven, 11, 56;
all, save God's, limited, 9, 34;
all things for, 174, 36;
and evil, difference between, 475, 7;
and evil, mixed, 406, 46;
and evil, only opposed, 95, 22;
and evil, unexpected, 137, 39;
and great, 94, 21;
and ill, how to treat, 200, 26;
angel, warning of, 29, 74;
antagonism to, a constant necessity, 477, 11;
association with the, 20, 32;
at last to all, 165, 16;
balance of, 67, 22;
beauty of, to be regarded, 71, 37;
bought with toil and tears, 458, 44;
calling, bad, 172, 32;
compared with evil, 228, 14;
deed, ennobling, 150, 2;
deeds, man's wealth hereafter, 91, 7;
deeds, noiselessness of, 30, 19;
do, a universal rule, 98, 29;
doing, sayings on, 70, 35-37, 40;
doing, teaching good, 150, 4;
doing, to the bad, 261, 26;
doing, without occasion of evil, difficulty, 201, 7;
done slowly, 232, 40;
due to exercitation, 283, 23;
easier to be, than to seem, 320, 36;
easy to be, with no hindrance, 86, 31;
ever near, 556, 27;
everywhere, 549, 29;
extreme of, to be avoided, 305, 46;
faith, importance of, 117, 36;
for evil, 340, 8;
for one, not for another, 31, 18;
fortune and good sense, rare, 274, 20;
fortune hard to bear, 179, 24;
fountain of, within, 253, 11;
from bad, discrimination of, rare, 328, 39;
from freely opened hand, 338, 10;
from God, 94, 33;
from seeming evil, 116, 19;
from within, 52, 20;
greatest, by whom wrought, 285, 22;
growth of, amidst evil, 161, 32;
habitual enjoyment of, 31, 19;
how to do most, 522, 35;
humour, a happiness, 207, 43;
impossible to wicked, 126, 22;
in the thinking, 315, 2;
in the vilest, 110, 27;
knowing, and not doing, 493, 19;
known or pursued, 253, 3;
lament over lost, 508, 10;
man, a, defined, 37, 50; 514, 37;
man, a, of talent, character of his work, 541, 38;
man always a tiro, 31, 62;
man, needs room, 60, 9;
man, rule of a, 1, 27;
man, satisfied from himself, 6, 48;
man, striving in the dark night, 6, 47;
man, the death of, 55, 44;
man, the loyal heart of, 66, 28;
man, the mark of, 206, 35;
man, unenvious, 151, 9;
man, unknown, work of, 463, 48;
men, all things becoming in, 328, 6;
men, duty of, when bad combine, 543, 8;
men, helplessness of, at present, 557, 38;
men, need of, 64, 28;
men, treatment of failings of, 426, 48;
men, value of, 464, 46;
misconstruing, a treble wrong, 494, 29;
name, carelessness of, 152, 44;
name, once tainted, 118, 50;
native and foreign, how to treat, 217, 17;
news, bringer of, 144, 10;
no, from what is not natural, 298, 16;
no pure, in man's offer, 302, 8;
not to be mistaken or censured, 333, 17;
nothing, by itself, 314, 45; 315, 1;
nothing so, as not to suffer from abuse, 317, 1;
of others, securing, 152, 47;
of others to be sought, 385, 1;
old rule, the, 430, 44;
on the highway, 94, 20;
only from self, 80, 10;
or evil as we take it, 190, 40;
our highest, 519, 37;
out of season, evil, 510, 40;
people, far apart, 116, 37;
promised, gain in being bereft of, 399, 23;
public and private, 359, 39;
qualities, unserviceable to one's self, 166, 45;
rarity of, 183, 12;
report not so easily spread as ill, 177, 25;
sense and expression, 87, 29;
sense and good nature, 129, 56;
sense, how we estimate, 317, 13;
sense, indignant, 193, 19;
sense, road to, 498, 29;
slow in developing, 314, 25;
source of, 126, 34;
thing, a disappointment at first, 302, 4;
that is done for us, 476, 39;
that is possible, 340, 8;
the, behaviour of, 184, 39;
the, easy to rule, 98, 43;
the end of all, 10, 54;
the genuinely, hard to know, 343, 40;
the goal of ill, 323, 3;
the internal source of all, 402, 29;
the, in man, 537, 22;
the only, that profits, 335, 10;
the public, to be sacrificed to, 124, 20;
the really, for ever, 298, 22;
the really, hard to attain, 67, 32;
the, sayings about, 430, 35-37, 39, 42, 45-47;
the sovereign, according to Bacon, 436, 41;
the, those who forward, to be honoured, 325, 12;
thing out of Nazareth, 35, 26;
things illusory, 154, 31;
things in threes, 9, 36;
those who do most, 482, 40;
though small, sufficient, 406, 14;
to be defined and held fast, 158, 24;
to be, and disagreeable, 490, 16;
to be done unconsciously, 242, 24;
to be left to heaven's disposal, 403, 2;
to be sought for, 99, 37;
to be willed, 519, 14;
to circulate, 29, 71;
to him who serves the state, 564, 25;
to men, condition of doing, 176, 10;
to whom good, 364, 52;
turn, a, merit of, 1, 14;
undying, 475, 25;
when it thrives best, 94, 18;
while asleep, 1, 3;
who best knows, 144, 11
Good-breeding, how attained, 216, 19;
never affectation, 489, 35;
power of, 130, 7;
want of, 452, 27
Good-fellowship, ground of, 73, 45
Good-for-nothing, a, 532, 21;
the, Goethe on, 430, 38
Goodness, a benefit to all, 304, 32;
a characteristic of, 515, 3;
and beauty, 433, 7;
an end, 135, 35;
a test of, 304, 7;
better than wealth, 122, 15;
less potent than fear, 103, 36;
of small commercial value, 440, 22;
protestations of, 528, 8;
the root of, 340, 15
Grave, an early, 346, 16;
a lonely, sigh for, 312, 12;
as bed of rest, Carlyle in view of the, 323, 2;
from, to gay, 139, 35;
the, honours at, 387, 9;
the, our meeting-place of rest, 564, 33;
voices from the, 274, 39;
wicked and weary in, 477, 30
Graves of the hamlet, 27, 52
Gravity, from thought and from dulness, 469, 24;
less wise than it looks, 244, 38;
too much, shallowness of, 497, 37
Gray hairs, Jean Paul on, 133, 3
Great, and good, 94, 21;
and little, on Fortune's wheel, 238, 24;
becoming, and being born, 203, 29;
deeds, by whom done, 199, 31;
folk, secrets of, like wild beasts in cages, 453, 3;
from smallest, 23, 39;
master, how great, 7, 2;
mind, character of labours of, 91, 17;
name, hard to earn, 180, 24;
no, or small, to the soul, 472, 49;
sacrifices to make one, 538, 9;
thing, always done easily, 171, 7;
thing, how and by whom done, 7, 8;
thing, no, without meaning, 535, 15;
wax, by others waning, 168, 30;
what is, effect of, on cultivation, 540, 45;
why such, 238, 27
Great man, a, and his reputation, 567, 38;
ability to perceive, 208, 3;
a, in midst of the crowd, 201, 24;
according to Emerson, 143, 126;
and his age, 431, 23, 24;
and his descent, 87, 42;
and his talk, 7, 9;
and human nature, 431, 25;
a subject only for one as great, 325, 1;
characteristic of, 302, 16; 307, 32;
first test of, 428, 39;
heavenward path of, 434, 19;
his love of justice, 151, 3;
house of, flagstone at, 304, 4;
Landor's test of, 6, 60;
living for high ends, 6, 70;
mark of, 206, 26;
no, dies a natural death, 217, 8;
no, without inspiration, 295, 27;
quotes bravely, 7, 1;
secret of, anticipated, 292, 17;
speaking always or rarely, 469, 20;
the faults of, 427, 24;
unique, 91, 16;
vacancy he leaves behind, 544, 32;
who entitled to praise, 333, 34
Great men, age of, gone, 415, 40;
and little, difference between, 423, 34;
and world, 464, 6; 465, 2, 5;
characteristics of, 198, 2; 306, 50; 431, 26;
devotion to, 387, 31;
difficulty of believing in, 496, 16;
effect of evil fortune on, 208, 1;
errors of, 301, 39;
fame of, to what due, 225, 15;
great mountains, 285, 2;
how linked to their age, 64, 31;
how we estimate, 523, 41;
importance of, 559, 36;
late appreciation of, 206, 10;
men of faith, 381, 44;
mission of, 212, 1;
mutual isolation of, 63, 14;
necessary, 398, 28;
never limit themselves, 238, 25;
of different moulds, 290, 42;
perverse worship of, 162, 21;
popular, 238, 26;
seldom scholars, 465, 24;
tender-heartedness of, 15, 42;
treatment of, and fate, 209, 49;
unbelief in, as a sign, 307, 5;
unconscious, 285, 22;
when the lion roars, 394, 20
Great souls, effect of gold on, 128, 39;
effect of tranquillity of, 316, 32;
in collision, 73, 36;
not common, 308, 12;
sign of, 205, 49;
still exist, 67, 20;
talk of, 259, 40;
the composure of, disconcerting, 376, 54;
the fate of, 492, 3;
virtue of, 460, 39
Great, the, an unhappiness of, 205, 5;
connection between, and the little, 281, 4;
dependence of, 431, 10;
dependence on, 163, 4;
favourites of, 166, 5;
friendship with, 74, 1;
hard to win, 314, 26;
intimacy with, without servility, 149, 37;
neighbourhood of, dangerous, 228, 13;
only, 144, 51; 153, 27;
on the wave of humanity, 534, 7;
pride of, how to humble, 514, 13;
ruled rather than ruling, 322, 28;
truly, according to À Kempis, 143, 56
Great things, all from above, 306, 45;
by whom alone producible, 303, 19;
by whom done, 38, 38;
how to achieve, 353, 43;
made up of littles, 251, 13, 14;
not to be sought, 385, 7;
the element of all, 391, 39
Greatest, in these times, 463, 27;
man, according to Ward Beecher, 143, 51;
man, the, 144, 51;
men, world's treatment of its, 314, 34;
the, the briefest, 432, 12;
unknown, 338, 7
Greatness, aggregate of minuteness, 135, 38;
and prudence, contrary counsels of, 359, 18;
an essential attribute of, 303, 42;
Christian, condition of, 554, 41;
condition of attaining, 467, 40;
despised, mark of greatness, 259, 22;
essence of, 425, 40;
first step to, 428, 38;
growth and decay of, 102, 19;
how attained, 434, 25; 482, 39;
in need of defence, 22, 27;
in one's self commended, 28, 39;
insecurity of, 23, 12;
man's, proof of, 9, 57;
men capable of, 311, 22;
no, without inspiration, 477, 20;
not to be aimed at, 385, 3;
of man, how to comprehend, 200, 21;
our relation to, 524, 39;
penalty of, 490, 17;
potentiality of, 167, 4;
qualifications for, 490, 18;
root of, 278, 21;
self-evolved, 303, 6;
solitary, 75, 29;
tendency of, to calm, 14, 34;
the condition of all, 152, 39;
true, mark of, 207, 16; 500, 4;
various ways to, 397, 42;
whom to thank for, 175, 30
Greece, and the world, 556, 6;
Byron of, 229, 25;
but living Greece, no more, 405, 51;
her conquest, 131, 47;
nothing without freedom, 326, 25;
seven wise men of, ground of their fame, 453, 16
Greed, craving of, 83, 12;
how to overcome, 240, 16;
insatiableness of, 122, 33
Greeks, and Romans, the only ancients that continue young, 63, 47;
sayings about, 432, 44-46;
their dream of life, 508, 32
Green spot, our final inheritance, 41, 53
Greeting, the stranger's, to be returned, 455, 22;
to be with noble feeling, 221, 28
Gregory VII. on his death-bed, 68, 23
Grief, and excess of it, 398, 13;
after gladness, 98, 1;
and its shadows, 75, 24;
a symbol of Christianity, 524, 42;
bitter and calm, 524, 46;
capable of counsel, 413, 14;
effect of time on, 66, 7;
effect of imparting, 473, 24;
expression of, 97, 57;
great, effect on mind of, 133, 32;
how to conquer, 142, 17;
hard to master a, 93, 9;
limited, 70, 47;
limit of, 540, 7;
love plus grief, 109, 46;
man's, 266, 33;
moderate and immoderate, 281, 20;
pleasure of, 379, 14;
sayings about, 432, 48, 49;
shallow, 446, 22;
softened with time, 473, 6;
tamed with time and thinking, 486, 27;
that can be advised, 244, 35;
to be private, 189, 19;
unedifying, 166, 16;
unseen, sincere, 181, 51;
wail of, 461, 13
Griefs, ended with remedies, 545, 12;
from evils that have not happened, 398, 31;
great, dumb, 166, 15;
great, effect of, on less, 133, 33;
never stated too lightly, 303, 33;
when fresh, not to be dispelled, 550, 15
Grievances, old, not to be repeated, 296, 57
Grin, power of a merry, 36, 14
Groove, moving in the same, 315, 50
Grose, Captain, Burns on, 174, 49
Grotesques, no, in nature, 467, 31
Grow, ceasing to, 149, 41
Growth, contrasted with decay, 48, 9;
fast and slow, 334, 19
Growths, natural, pleasing, 191, 4
Grub and butterfly, 471, 22
Grumbler, wise, a benefactor, 462, 33
Grumblers, benefactors, 417, 29
Grumbling, elevati
ng power of, 417, 29;
essential to progress, 566, 42;
evil effect of, 144, 41;
philosophy of, 447, 36;
room for, 205, 40;
too much, 492, 5
Guard, who keeps no, on himself, 552, 3
Guesses, Goethe on, 171, 30
Guest, a, rank of, 549, 37;
a welcome, 146, 54
Guests, how viewed, 428, 12;
unbidden, 505, 46
Guide, a true, 145, 36
Guiding-star everywhere, 190, 43
Guilt, chief earthly ill, 247, 49;
communion in, levelling, 99, 3;
confession of, 103, 6;
conviction of, better than severity of punishment, 406, 19;
counsels of, infatuated, 320, 9;
danger of first step in, 241, 49;
dependent on station, 327, 43;
diversely rewarded, 182, 6;
greatest incitement to, 271, 18;
hard not to betray, 155, 35;
indelible, 10, 46;
misery of, 321, 25;
sure to be punished, 178, 48;
yoked to misery, 126, 13
Guilty, evil of sparing, 279, 29;
heart, greatest terror to, 475, 39;
the, what is due to, 496, 8
Guinea, power of, 429, 13
Gullibility, and quackery, 361, 4;
man's, not his worst blessing, 357, 34
Gunpowder, genuine use of, 430, 1
Habit, bad, when to overcome, 261, 35;
effect of, 366, 44;
force of, 46, 59, 60;
importance of, in youth, 4, 10;
only motive, 269, 14;
power of, 111, 33; 259, 11; 475, 36;
the chains of, 419, 36;
use doth breed, 162, 42
Habits, bad, effect of, 292, 16;
how formed, 1, 24;
ill, grow apace, 181, 44;
rule in formation of, 82, 18
Hades, the descent to, easy, 98, 48
Haggis, a, charging downhill, 89, 18;
Burns to a, 99, 36
Hair, a, casts a shadow, 89, 19
Hair-splitting, 142, 18
Half and whole compared, 399, 22
ost@g@html@files@48105@48105-h@48105-h-48.htm.html#page_449" class="pginternal">449, 8
Hard times not rare, 35, 2
Hardened, the, with time, 124, 38
Hard-heartedness, who prone to, 238, 31
Hardships, our own and others', 433, 18;
stimulating effect of, 563, 35
Harm, no, but from one's self, 295, 11; 314, 6
Harmony, as accepted by the crowd and the musician, 445, 7;
hard to restore, 67, 35;
in which things are reconciled, Goethe on, 285, 26;
inner, everything, 151, 16;
the condition of, 511, 39
Harness, die with, on back, 31, 3;
necessary for a man, 12, 44
Harper, a, on one string, 376, 37
Haste, and prudence incompatible, 313, 44;
but not hurry, 484, 16;
evil of, 133, 34;
evil of an excess of, 481, 1;
raw, 75, 37;
unreasonable, evil of, 508, 21;
vulgar, 315, 27
Hat, man in pursuit of his, 469, 5
Hate, a grief,
473, 5;
deadliest, from deepest desire, 116, 24;
drop of, in cup of joy, 79, 37;
effect of one shriek of, 344, 4;
that blossomed into charity, 491, 41
Hater, a good, 167, 37
Hatred, a form of love, 436, 29;
alien to a true man, 22, 5;
avowed, 196, 40;
contrasted with pity, 348, 52;
deprecated, 71, 44;
effect of, 381, 31;
effect of, on worth of a man, 141, 3;
effect of one drop of, 332, 10;
effect of time on, 487, 18;
grafted on extinct friendship, 433, 21;
greatest, characterised, 432, 15;
how provoked, 105, 15;
how to overcome, 117, 14;
in life alone, 319, 6;
our, reason and effect of, 524, 18;
poisoning power of, 332, 10;
the bitterest, 2, 53;
too keen, effect of, 545, 2;
unproductive of good, 30, 5
Haughtiness from birth, 398, 33; from work, 206, 40
Havelock's fidelity to principle, 167, 22
Having, dependent on using, 122, 9
Hazard, motive for, 276, 37;
of the die, 167, 11
Head, a great, the function of, 184, 27;
a witless, 25, 4;
and heart, difficult to unite, 398, 35;
big, witless, 1, 28;
contrasted with heart, 433, 24;
empty, conceited, 58, 39;
figure, mere figurehead, 198, 37;
hoary, to be honoured, 377, 30;
inferior to heart, 433, 25, 30;
one good, value of, 332, 24;
stupid, with good heart, 87, 40;
that wears a crown, 140, 22;
the hoary, 435, 23;
to be held up, 158, 25;
without moral sentiments, 433, 23
Headache, effect of a, 390, 3
Heads, grey, 380, 29;
in hearts, 398, 35;
little and long, 467, 6;
may differ when hearts don't, 153, 48
Healing, in health, 184, 14;
by medicine, lance, or fire, 326, 41
Health, a recipe for, 217, 27;
a sign of, 453, 32;
and exercise of, 534, 12;
and sickness, rules for, 187, 20;
before holiness, 452, 9;
better in Nature's hand than doctor's, 29, 50;
chief condition of, 224, 30;
compared with money, 282, 40;
dependence of, on cheerfulness, 40, 48;
from labour, 387, 13;
from temperance, 260, 36;
good, wealth, 41, 30;
how to promote, 81, 42;
importance of, 245, 32;
life, 309, 38;
necessary for holiness, 12, 22;
of citizen, bodily and spiritual,
concern of all governments, 549, 16;
sacrifice of, 432, 31;
secret of, 2, 47;
sign of, 433, 27;
source of, 116, 12;
text for a sermon on, 533, 10;
the flower of, 40, 51;
the best preservative of, 417, 55;
the sphere melody, 435, 3;
the use of, 537, 20;
the value of, 123, 13; 428, 43;
true wealth, 492, 35
Healthy, man, and the seasons, 433, 28;
the, sweet-tempered, 9, 42
Hear, who will not, 532, 29
Hearing, and obeying God's word, merit of, 30, 46;
and seeing, 521, 32;
before speaking, 83, 42;
man, compared with the speaking, 140, 19;
mere, and learning, 525, 12;
not always believing, 64, 1;
no, without understanding, 85, 39;
not followed by faith, 32, 15;
rather than sacrifice, 217, 33;
value of, 116, 7
Hearsay, as a basis of communion, 472, 16
Heart, a bleeding, only healer of, 125, 11;
a child's, without sorrow, 165, 35;
a great, qualities of, 477, 23;
a heavy, effect of beauty or music on, 545, 36;
a man's, his honour, 54, 4;
a merry, 147, 15;
a noble, an open hand, 167, 18;
a noble, immovable, 48, 6;
a poor, and a rich purse, 198, 39;
a product of, test of, 565, 22;
a pure, to be prayed for, 135, 18;
a saddened, inconsolable by words, 54, 27;
a, untainted, 538, 37;
an empty, 435, 37;
an oracle of fate, 62, 3;
an ungrateful, no melting, 107, 46;
and its divine motions, 527, 19;
and mind, methods of, different, 22, 45;
and the Muses and gods, 548, 33;
as an oracle, 64, 29;
as sound as a bell, 142, 50;
carrying, on tongue, 149, 40;
compared to ocean, 287, 51;
contracting power of, 556, 12;
contrasted with head, 433, 24;
doors of, shut, 382, 9;
effect of fire in, 106, 40;
effect of purification of, 541, 15;
endowments of, 392, 49;
everything, 279, 34;
female, like new indiarubber shoe, 427, 33;
fountain of life, 217, 34;
free and fetterless, 326, 13;
germs of all things in, 430, 2;
gifts of, 122, 39;
glowing, power of, 297, 26;
God's voice in, 458, 43;
good, value of, 549, 39;
great, the function of, 184, 27;
hardening of, measure of, 190, 15;
higher, the warmer, 250, 5;
human, a tablet on which all things are writ, 292, 48;
honest, free frae guile, 435, 26;
human, sayings about, 435, 42-44;
in prosperity and adversity, 401, 24;
its history, 222, 13;
its place of rest, 103, 62;
its romance, 222, 13;
its yearnings, 536, 46;
known only to God, 154, 21;
light, vitality of, 8, 31;
less inflexible than head, 233, 4;
life of, 75, 26;
like a millstone, 54, 3;
like the sea, 272, 24;
literature of the, 262, 24;
loving, willing, 103, 43;
makes us right or wrong, 289, 12;
man's, insatiable, 266, 35;
meditative, 441, 43;
must have an object to rest on, 123, 12;
my, leaps up, 287, 49;
native soil of thoughts, 54, 36;
noble, noblest task of, 122, 32;
no traitor, 80, 17;
not to be controlled, 315, 8;
not to be dictated to, 218, 9;
not to be too much trusted, 528, 41;
not to cling too much to things, 297, 52;
open not, to every one, 232, 24;
place of, 549, 4;
product of, its quality, 540, 28;
pure, strength of, 288, 24;
reflective of world, 75, 8;
sayings about the, 433, 30-46; 434, 1-13;
secrets of, how revealed, 222, 7;
sensitive, an unhappy possession, 385, 23;
simplicity of, healing and cementing, 121, 44;
stout in, never God-forsaken, 131, 5;
sincere and tranquil, characteristic of, 545, 38;
sovereign over head, 433, 25;
standard of worth, 271, 42;
sunny spots in, without light, 126, 6;
teaching of, compared with reason, 370, 3;
thankful, prayer for, 321, 17;
the, allurements that draw, 68, 3;
that has gone through no sorrow, 452, 1;
the great in, 144, 51;
the, has its own religion, 91, 3;
the, impulse of, 267, 3;
the, that is most like God, 484, 8;
the, speech of, 556, 1;
the true sun-flower, 268, 59;
true as steel, 566, 3;
true greatness of, 500, 30;
to keep up, difficult, 208, 14;
uneasy, effect of, on our view of things, 320, 32;
unpurified by woe, 59, 52;
virtues of, underrated, 276, 21;
wear my, upon my sleeve, 169, 17;
what comes from the, test of, 323, 7;
what goes to, 534, 36;
when at peace, 53, 27;
when it leads the way, 548, 32;
who has most, 150, 37;
who touches our, as with a live coal, 142, 48;
with Divine love in it, 383, 45;
without error rare, 106, 17;
wrinkles of, 465, 41;
wrong, effect of, on head, 176, 19
Hearth, a, of one's own, value of, 54, 31; 77, 45
Heart's bitterness, control, 30, 5
Hearts, bad, effect of gold on, 128, 39;
everywhere the same, 274, 24;
fellowship with, to be cultivated, 549, 12;
few, rightly affected to heaven, 154, 4;
full of grief, masked, 117, 24;
great, like great mountains, 252, 29;
hard, how to win, 396, 45;
highest, temper of, 207, 1;
how to win, 70, 25;
in heads, 398, 35;
kind, value of, 163, 5;
kind, more than coronets, 218, 34;
loving, parted, sorrows of, 546, 27;
muffled drums, 18, 35;
not to be alienated, but united, 277, 25;
of different moulds, 92, 19;
property of, inalienable, 538, 41;
reasons of, 233, 3;
toying with, 496, 29
Heaven, a plain road to, 35, 32;
ascent to, 485, 36;
at once far and near, 314, 46;
blue of, and the cloud, 418, 44;
communion with, condition of, 217, 31;
compensation from, 60, 16;
conversing with, as a task, 488, 3;
demand of, 483, 24;
door of, lowly, 154, 19, 23;
everywhere overhead, 473, 43;
face to face in, 203, 19;
fire of, source of, 458, 41;
gates of, battered by prayers, 25, 64;
going to, alone, 207, 13;
going to, by force of habit, 398, 37;
help of, 176, 12;
has its t
htm.html#page_238" class="pginternal">238, 22;
the, low origin of, 23, 46;
things, effect of converse with, 328, 26;
things, exposure of, to danger, 379, 31;
things, mind not, 279, 35
Higher, a, acknowledgment of, necessary to man, 61, 10;
reverence for a, 340, 45
Highest, attainable by the lowest, 116, 27;
not to be spoken of in words, 188, 27;
the, exemplar of each, 28, 12;
the, in God's esteem, 434, 43;
the, to be loved, 527, 17;
the, to be reverenced, 375, 29;
things, above control, 189, 26
Highway, not to be deserted, 71, 46;
sowing in, 148, 21
Highways, public, to be kept clear, 450, 8
Hill, going down, 171, 31
Hills, seen far off, 31, 4;
steep, climbing, 244, 12
Hindus, the, vow of, 64, 34
Hint, enough for the wise, 235, 3
Hip, catch one upon, 172, 33
Historian, a, a species of prophet,
435, 15
Historical genius, the true, 458, 46
History, a great, an epical, 287, 32;
a satire on humanity, 121, 54;
all, a Bible, 9, 44;
always a pleasure, 157, 20;
and biography, identical, 476, 24;
and conscience, 204, 5;
effect on, of heroes, 228, 15;
God in, 150, 23;
how to read, 455, 40;
interest of, 462, 9;
laws of, Cicero's, 366, 29;
man's, summarised, 266, 37;
of every man, 435, 18;
our best, 337, 14;
our, Cromwell on, 534, 3;
problems of, confronted, 207, 33;
study of, profitlessness of, for self-culture, 304, 31;
temporal, meaning of, 455, 1;
the best benefit from, 53, 30;
the facts of, 457, 33;
the only poetry, 446, 12;
the only true, 30, 22;
the two pinions of, 402, 37;
the verdict of, when possible, 207, 27;
Voltaire's view of, 223, 19;
what constitutes, 335, 42
Hoard, and heart, 338, 17;
to be moderate, 340, 10
Hoarding, and enjoying, 539, 45;
forfeiting life, 144, 53
Hobbes' thesis, 157, 47
Hobby-horses, expensiveness of, 402, 31
Holdfast, the only dog, 110, 29
Hole, a, in a' your coats, 174, 49
Holiness, different effects of, and liberty, 245, 38;
no, without health, 12, 22
Holy, give not, to dogs, 123, 21;
prior to unholy, 94, 22
Holy Land, the, 482, 32
Home, a golden milestone, 75, 16;
a good, man unworthy of, 304, 1;
a man's starting-point, 163, 8;
a necessity, 105, 5;
a palace, 36, 32;
a source of joy, 174, 3;
being far from, 102, 9;
good of, 12, 4;
happy at, advice to, 71, 1;
how made attractive, 165, 30;
how regarded in England, 82, 44;
no longer cared for, a bad sign, 543, 5;
no place like, 279, 2;
not here, 414, 16;
of one's own, and a good wife, value of, 78, 48;
place of peace, 325, 48;
returning under good omens, 300, 13;
sacredness of, 474, 18;
safest refuge, 71, 11;
staying at, commended, 533, 1;
the dream of, 551, 30;
value of, enhanced by travel, 95, 1;
where a true woman is, 549, 11
Home-life, backbone of a nation, 305, 26
Homer, art of, 534, 10; Carlyle on Iliad of, 158, 37; 436, 17;
dead, rivalry for, 387, 49, 50;
ground of our interest in, 70, 32;
nods, 8, 38;
rank as poet, 503, 48;
the praise of, 368, 46
Homers, how made great, 489, 1
Homes, how, thrive, 45, 29;
why unhappy, 275, 2
Honest, heart, disadvantage of, 445, 43;
I dare to be, 165, 38;
man, an, 15, 17;
man, Burns on, 16, 65;
man, the, 435, 27, 28;
man, unaffected, 443, 16;
people, chief misfortune of, 333, 25;
to be as this world goes, 490, 22
Honesty, a powerful fetter, 21, 44;
a true, single-hearted, 536, 32;
as a legacy, 302, 44;
as policy, 35, 9;
before riches, 521, 17;
cheaper than hypocrisy,533, 15;
contrasted with knavery, 219, 42, 43, 47;
if pawned, never redeemed, 229, 29;
indispensableness of, 304, 24;
lasts longest, 78, 25;
not safe, 409, 27;
often goaded to ruin, 4, 47;
out of world of knaves, how, 123, 41;
rare, 25, 38;
recommends itself, 106, 31;
strong in, 474, 33;
the importance of, 428, 38;
the value of, 370, 48;
to be practised, 504, 15;
who pauses in, 441, 19
Honey, a waste of, 200, 41;
who would gather, 152, 52
Honey-bees, so work the, 395, 36
Honour, acme of, 460, 18;
and duty, the post of, 541, 19;
and glory, 463, 11;
an earnest of more, 223, 31;
an upholding power, 415, 12;
as reward, 159, 46, 47;
before fear of death, 173, 7;
life, 406, 38;
bound by, 170, 13;
call of, to be followed, 172, 25;
effect of, on arts, 159, 49; I
love the name of, 167, 47;
in the meanest habit, 20, 53;
in what it lies, 3, 59;
incompatible with ease, 76, 8;
loss of, 78, 22; 172, 40;
lost, all lost, 105, 55; 106, 1;
man worthy of, sure destiny of, 68, 10;
mine, my life, 279, 43;
more precious than life, 246, 30;
new-made, doth forget men's names, 207, 29;
not merely to be wooed, 384, 34;
once lost, 7, 29;
our true, the seat of, 338, 42;
post of, Carlyle on, 448, 35;
public, effect of, 357, 8;
reward of action, 272, 8;
stintedness in, 532, 3;
the place of virtue, 199, 38;
the post of, 47, 25;
titles of, 489, 16, 17;
to only two sets of men, 503, 45;
to whom due, effect on, 22, 11;
true and false, 199, 15;
undeserved, delight in, 101, 3
Honourable, nothing, without justice, 299, 11;
praiseworthy, 159, 36;
the, defined, 535, 45
Honours, and manners, 238, 37;
dearly bought, 238, 38;
effect of, on manners, 159, 48;
great, great burdens, 133, 35;
hereditary, value of, 155, 22;
how to render remote, near, 474, 16;
men's, 312, 13
Hood, a page of, Lowell on, 130, 23
Hoof, a clattering, 155, 29
Hook, to be always baited, 386, 37
Hope, a helmet, 118, 22; a long, 79, 22;
a too dear, 476, 42;
a waking dream, 110, 4; 222, 44;
against fortune, 552, 29;
air-castles of, still in the air, 140, 24;
all men's, 223, 18;
all-pervasive, 405, 50;
cherisher of life, 49, 52;
deceitful, 320, 23;
enjoyment, 495, 7;
evil of want of, 548, 42;
fed by fancy, 119, 9;
good, the effect of, 401, 29;
he who lives by, 441, 18;
indulgence in, 509, 41;
last stay to give way, 227, 36;
living in, 147, 43;
man's great, 265, 21;
man's greatest happiness, 110, 41;
man's only possession, 263, 48;
never comes, 548, 23;
never lose, 382, 6;
no extinguishing of, 311, 45;
no, no fear, 548, 15;
often illusory, 3, 9;
persistency of, 224, 15;
persuasive power of, 180, 33;
power of, 173, 13; 525, 20;
prayed for, as a blessing, 37, 27;
sayings about, 400, 31-33;
our inclination to, 521, 31;
term of, 5, 4;
the phoenix, 447, 39;
the power of, 319, 16;
to be cherished, 112, 42;
true, 500, 6;
vain, gain in loss of, 20, 25;
worse than despair, 563, 13
Hopes, a bad investment, 401, 22, 23;
as causes of ruin, 102, 11;
high, 82, 41;
our, defined, 338, 18;
vain spending on, 78, 10
Horace, his aim in life, 279, 20;
on his muse, 63, 31
Horace's, prayer, 158, 1;
thanksgiving to the gods, 63, 30
Horizon, a property in the, 470, 21
Horse, a willing, 32, 58;
and his rider, 117, 7;
bridled, ear of, 84, 20;
even a, will stumble, 89, 20;
grown fat, 37, 19;
sayings about the, 435, 30, 31;
what makes a good, 36, 1
Horses, buying, 185, 18;
in England and Italy, 82, 45;
to be fed, not pampered, 84, 16
Hospitable heart, who owns, 403, 27
Hospitality, a, not to be refused, 399, 2;
genuine, effect of, 471, 8;
not impoverishing, 168, 9;
what it consists of, 242, 19
Host, the, characterised, 435, 32
Houndsditch, the exodus from, when possible, 523, 11
Hour, darkest, 422, 38;
past, never returns, 292, 48;
that brings pleasant weather, 484, 27;
the call of, 71, 31;
the, God's, 223, 18;
the morning, 283, 47;
the transient, to be seized, 36, 53
Hours, all, to be improved, 406, 7;
happy, 435, 36
House, an empty, 435, 37;
divided against itself, 171, 8;
full of guests, 36, 31;
one's own, one's real root-room, 317, 44;
ornament of a, 446, 31;
the, what it may be made, 333, 2
Household as home, 435, 39
Households, kingdoms, 251, 22
House-keeping, hard, 270, 45;
vice of our, 460, 34
House-mother, a good, 389, 7
Houses, high, upper storey of, 156, 31;
repairing old, cost of, 327, 19
How, question of, 518, 25
Human, affairs, their risings and sinkings, 451, 46;
countenances, sympathetic, 510, 26;
element in man, 533, 45;
face, Sir J. Reynolds on, 435, 41;
kindness, full o' the milk o', 297, 26;
not measure of a man, 312, 32;
our, like pictures, 338, 22;
our want, not facts, 524, 45;
power of, 546, 30;
the shells of, 89, 38;
those who build on, 479, 23;
to assume a visible form, 91, 30;
world of, a refuge, 492, 14
Idioms, in language, 91, 11
Idiots, only, twice cozened, 116, 22;
the greatest, 478, 13
Idle, always busiest, 180, 20;
always dodge work, 108, 7;
chagrins of, 467, 28;
man, character of, 333, 8;
man, according to Socrates, 143, 41;
people, and their ennui, 345, 8;
the, and the devil, 423, 28;
the, characteristic of, 238, 20;
their intentions, 436, 13
Idleness, a reproach, 490, 23;
a tempting of the devil, 178, 52;
better than a bad trade, 29, 13;
busy, 268, 40;
evil of, 15, 19; 34, 3; 287, 29; 306, 42;
evil of encouraging, 175, 11;
fly, 108, 1;
harder work than industry, 97, 20;
in youth, penalty of, 25, 37;
its hopelessness, 187, 32;
mischief of, 224, 14;
strenuous, the toil of, 403, 35;
the blight of genius, 5, 20;
the evil of, 12, 48;
the toil of, 153, 17;
too much, effect of, 497, 38
Idler, a young, 214, 42;
like a handless watch, 15, 20
Idlers, great talkers, 345, 16
Idolater, the true, 363, 32
Idolatry, a mad, 488, 19;
the, that is condemnable, 46, 9
"If," comprehensiveness of, 24, 37;
the inventor of, 60, 30;
virtue in, 568, 22
Igdrasil, the tree, 399, 46
Ignorance, a modest confession of, 13, 51;
and unconsciousness of it, 147, 36;
as support of priestcraft, 377, 26;
audacious, versus timorous knowledge, 546, 22;
comfort of, 116, 10;
contrasted with error, 84, 50; 85, 4; 85, 10;
evil of, 306, 42; 436, 14;
happiness, 83, 45;
honest, 471, 1;
human, Goethe on, 320, 29;
in action, 315, 25;
life-long, a tragedy, 414, 3;
man's, 483, 25;
of good from bad, effect of, 178, 21;
of self, 175, 5;
our, fatal, 539, 26;
rather than falsehood, 28, 56;
sense of, from greater knowledge, 443, 28;
sense of, mark of wisdom, 175, 5;
that marks a superior nature, 469, 32;
the only darkness, 472, 20;
true, 146, 2;
unconsciousness of, 147, 37;
voluntary, blameworthness of, 148, 41
Ignorant, man, an, according to the Hitopadesa, 151, 14;
the, most violent, 477, 24
Iliad, and wayside incidents, 436, 16;
Homer's, Carlyle on, 158, 37; 436, 17
Iliads, no formulÆ for making, 467, 32
Ilium, sacred, fate of, 86, 33
Ill, a solace under, 184, 35;
patiently borne, 442, 41;
reports, credit given to, 274, 7;
saying and thinking no, 208, 41;
to do, who fears, 551, 18
Ill-bred man, mark of, 447, 30
Ill-done, the, no concern of ours, 554, 29
Ill-fortune, the, inexperienced in, 551, 32;
without power on him whom good fortune deceives not, 181, 41
Ill-humour, protection from, 517, 31
Illiterate man, mark of, 447, 30
Ill-luck, fascination of, 398, 34;
how to avert, 31, 27
Ill-mannered, manners of, to whom odious, 441, 26
Ill-manners, three sources of, 356, 32
Ill-natured man, and public spirit, 202, 33
Ills, imaginary, Burns on, 33, 11;
in relation to blessings, 31, 17;
the, we have to be borne, 424, 19;
why ills, 139, 17
Ill-thought of, to be, sometimes a good, 490, 24
Ill-tidings, let, tell themselves, 123, 31
Ill-usage, effect of, 292, 16
Illusion, and after remorse, 61, 32;
its extent, 482, 19;
men's fondness for, 275, 9;
no end to, 72, 50;
power of, 349, 33;
that gladdens contrasted with truth that saddens, 80, 2;
the attractive power of, 320, 20;
the danger of, 422, 34;
which pervades life, 533, 23
Illusions, unmasking of, disliked, 502, 16
Illustrious, men, the sepulchre and the memorial of, 325, 5;
the most, 197, 15
Ill-will, the force of, 426, 48
Images, things expressed through, 480, 44
Imagination, a need of, 397, 22;
and reality, the worlds of, 465, 7;
appeals to, 263, 43;
as wings of ostrich, 157, 2;
contrasted with judgment, 223, 34;
death of, in love, 472, 27;
free, as nothing else, 315, 19;
in the poet, 448, 18;
madcap of the brain, 223, 33;
man's ruling and divine power, 403, 38;
more sensitive than heart, 200, 54;
Napoleon on the power of, 39, 8;
necessary to recognition of truth, 105, 12;
no imagination, 150, 8;
power of, 525, 21;
sayings about, 436, 20-23;
science indebted to, 382, 27;
strong, tricks of, 405, 53;
subject only to art, 78, 37;
surpassed by reality, 369, 21;
the element of, 397, 22;
to be kept sane, 217, 31;
under the affections, 545, 22;
want of, a grave defect, 16, 14;
without learning, 150, 32;
without taste, 78, 37;
without truth, 105, 33
Imbecility, man's, effect of, 436, 24
Imitation, a source of all apprenticeship, 138, 9;
easy, 34, 19;
long step to, 470, 5;
more potent than precept, 200, 46;
not discipleship, 490, 8;
of another's style, 493, 23;
of evil contrasted with that of good, 150, 49;
of good and of bad, 223, 15;
power of, 475, 36;
rule in, 362, 8; 529, 29
Immaterial things essential to life, 468, 26
Immortality, balked of, 144, 42;
effect of disbelief in, 544, 38;
essence of, 425, 33;
faith in, to be enjoyed in silence, 243, 12;
Horace's assurance of his, 310, 21;
how we forfeit, 529, 39;
our faith in, 523, 27;
the blazing evidence of, 337, 38;
the interest in, 66, 46
Impatience, Burns on, 340, 17;
difficult to conquer,
167, 1;
the evil of, 343, 11;
to right one's self to be curbed, 402, 10
Imperial spirits, rare prerogative of, 492, 43
Imperfections, our, the secret of, 306, 22
Impious to be feared, 166, 6
Importance, airs of, deceptive, 7, 38;
effect of imagination on, 565, 15;
in matters of, trust unsafe, 184, 19
Impossibilities, created by idleness, 202, 28;
faith laughs at, 100, 21
Impossible, everything at first, 92, 11;
no binding to the, 8, 34;
possible only to man, 261, 47;
proof of certainty, 38, 32;
the, 540, 10
Imposture, evils of, 9, 46;
probably for good, 357, 34
Impression, moral, when strongest, 338, 36
Impromptu test of wit, 223, 16
Improvement, means of, 531, 14;
not every, virtue, 298, 70;
secondary to invention, 98, 44
Improvements, resistance to, as innovations, 480, 16
Improvidence of life, 550, 42
Impudence, a god, 466, 24;
how to avoid imputation of, 461, 26;
mistaken for confidence, 289, 30;
the acme of, 440, 41
Impulse, the inner, power of, 475, 44
Impunity, evil effect of, 184, 6
In and out, in spiritual world, 191, 19
Inability, moral, and guilt, 283, 13;
suspends law, 183, 48
Inaction, accursed, 292, 6
Inanimate, the, to speak and reason, 265, 9
Inanity, alone endless, 314, 44
Incapable aping capable, 194, 39
Incapacity, the first proof of, 428, 33
Incense, a little, effect of, 505, 32;
ashes, and burning of, 301, 9;
on altar, obscuring effect, 421, 1
Incivility, from a superior, 506, 38
Inclination, and will, in the matter of virtue, 6, 42;
conquering, benefit of, 503, 8;
determining power of, 480, 39;
natural, to be controlled, 212, 7;
undue regard for one's own, 467, 16;
with habit, impossible to conquer, 491, 22
Incomprehensible, comprehensible, 61, 9
Incongruous, the, displeasing, 314, 31
Inconstancy man's one fault, 320, 35
Increase, the end of, 94, 40
Incredible, how to treat, 538, 43
Incredulity, a religion like the others, 223, 36
Independence, apostrophe to, 486, 10;
commended, 11, 28;
evil of loss of, 277, 4;
fruit of injustice, 224, 2;
rebellious, painful, 340, 45;
the best, 417, 40;
the glorious privilege of, 491, 17;
the secret of, 204, 24
Independent mind, Burns to, 483, 43
Index, an, a saving, 487, 1
Indian, the poor, faith of, 252, 12
Indies, wealth of the, 461, 41, 42
Indifference, prevalence of, now, 317, 42;
two kinds of, 131, 10
Indigence, man in, 542, 10
Indigestion, cause of dreams, 41, 52
Indignation, source of inspiration, 390, 24;
that makes verses, Carlyle on, 436, 27;
weaker than love, 255, 9
Individual, always moving, 436, 28;
as a private door to the divine, 125, 35;
first period of, 428, 28;
most important period in life of, 444, 1;
no, for his own sake, 91, 45;
no bridge between one and another, 472, 12;
the measure of an, 210, 28;
the, in society, 396, 17
Individualism, absolute, 2, 20;
adverse to welfare of the whole, 95,14;
preservative of power, 75, 18
Individuality, at a discount, 526, 22;
one's, his limit, 303, 26;
one's, sacred, 304, 43;
planted in instinct, power of, 174, 32
Individuals, easily dispensed with, 522, 42;
singly and corporately, 212, 11
Indolence, a perpetual holiday, 177, 48;
an end of, 334, 37;
king for life, 325, 9;
mistaken for patience, 330, 44;
our mental, 524, 33;
that voluntary debility, evil of, 414, 23
Indolent man, in love, 202, 55
Indulgence, how we learn, 205, 20;
rarer than pity, 187, 11
Industrious, first need of, 471, 20
Insinuations, Devil's rhetoric, 73, 38
Insolence from contemptible people, 471, 10
Inspiration, contrasted with insanity, 255, 14;
from above time, 486, 38;
from indignation, 99, 4;
in the dullest, 190, 26;
necessity for, 326, 24;
of the Almighty, 206, 21;
possibility of, 471, 5;
the word, 463, 25;
to be enjoyed while it lasts, 243, 31;
to be waited for, 503, 2
Inspired, the truly,
417, 4
Instability, cause of, 540, 37;
of things, 19, 35
Instant, the, to be taken by forward top, 244, 18
Instinct, as substitute for reason, 111, 11;
contrasted with reason, 369, 35, 42;
mere, no guide for a man, 212, 7;
our, most sacred, 54, 2;
to be trusted, 501, 11
Instincts, who speaks to the, 553, 35
Institutions, aim of all, 440, 26;
ancestral, to be respected, 289, 25
Instructed, the, a time coming for, 501, 13;
the half and the wholly, Goethe on, 151, 17
Instruction, divers agents of, 557, 34;
effect of, 70, 30;
even from an enemy, 102, 27;
methods of, 462, 30;
of merely clever men, 437, 2;
the only solid, 446, 19;
valuable as life, 409, 17
Instrument mistaken for agent, 73, 43
Instruments that boast, 399, 14
Insult, harder to bear than wrong, 432, 3;
how to treat, 538, 35; 540, 24;
polite, its keenness, 453, 46
Insurrection, how to foment, 90, 1
Insurrections, dangerous, 204, 25
Integrity, Cromwell on, 405, 24;
reputation for, forfeited, 542, 6;
sayings about, 357, 37, 38
Intellect, a large, mark of, 14, 23;
a man's, measure of his worth, 163, 20;
all, moral, 10, 27;
and experience as lights, 94, 32;
and heart, connection of, 520, 16;
better than Nature, 291, 41;
different forms of, and their relation to the ridiculous, 61, 30;
dweller in, lonely, 472, 19;
endowments of, 392, 49;
error of, measure of, 190, 15;
function of, 458, 42;
heroism of, 100, 17;
inflexible, 233, 4;
life of, 75, 26;
man of, his proper place in affairs, 440, 26;
man of, lost without energy, 440, 27;
men of great, not of the world, 276, 3;
occupied in splitting hairs, 416, 31;
our ideal of, 416, 5;
sayings about the, 437, 4-6;
superior, always self-conscious, 305, 49;
march of, 441, 28, 29;
timid, loss to world from, 550, 45;
without energy, 12, 32
Intellectual men, when at their best, 202, 48
Intelligence, a man of large, 37, 52;
as a social bond, 32, 49;
characteristic of, 1, 31;
clear, the great point, 240, 27;
dependence of, on misfortune, 136, 33;
educating, 492, 6;
men of limited, censure of, 238, 14;
movements of, characterised, 404, 41;
natural, power of, 292, 44;
self-conscious, illusory, 162, 44;
without energy, 31, 1
Intelligent, the, right of, 437, 7
Intemperance in feeling, 199, 50
Intent, secret, betrayed by outward act, 3, 44
Intention, a pure, 272, 30;
evil, guilt of, 140, 41;
fixed upon God as end, 413, 17;
of things never clear, 451, 19
Intercourse, our social, 339, 9;
social, good effect of, 396, 2
Interest, as a teacher, 64, 30;
lessening fatigue, 178, 25;
limit of, in people, 274, 43;
minus self-interest, 94, 15;
power of, in settling doubts, 111, 43;
private, no such thing as, 172, 44
Interests, great, apt to clash, 189, 45;
man's, an augury of him, 411, 41;
renounced, not tastes, 275, 35
Intimacies, to be sparing in, 526, 23
Intolerable things, three, 468, 29
Intolerance, fierce, as a symptom, 412, 22
Intolerant man, the, 437, 8
Intoxication, habitual, criminality of, 138, 23
Intrepidity, commended, 243, 39
Introspection, no, 483, 46
Intrusion, prying, 551, 22
Invent, how to learn to, 200, 43
Invention after truth, 105, 33;
and memory, 273, 20;
highest, characterised, 434, 38;
the difficult achievement, 98, 44
Inventions, adding to, 179, 1;
and society, 396, 32;
daughters of humanity, 121, 56;
perfection of, slow, 299, 18
Inventor, a borrower, 334, 46
Investigators, quibbling, 444, 4
Invisible, embodied in visible, 266, 11;
the, garment of, 457, 24;
world, in and about us, 437, 11
Iron, hand, in velvet glove, 15, 44;
striking the, 527, 2
Irregularities as signs, 184, 40
Irremediable, not to be lamented over, 37, 28
Irresolute man, pitiable, 475, 37
Irresolution, a proof of weakness, 474, 32;
effect of, 201, 10;
rebuked, 161, 37
Irretrievable, the, how to treat, 114, 44
Isolation, no such thing as, 188, 24;
of man from man, impossible, 274, 41;
to be avoided, 527, 30
Italy, seasons in, 156, 17
Jack and gentleman, 392, 19
Jackdaw, the Welshman's, 484, 14
Jackdaws, how to escape the scream of, 397, 31
Jargon, dogmatic, 70, 34
Jealous, with what possessed, 437, 16
Jealousy, cancer of, 419, 24;
how to get rid of, 176, 14;
ineradicable, 49, 19;
its malignant nature, 437, 17;
love of self, 181, 14;
that may make better, 480, 28;
the fruit of, 78, 28;
the green-eyed monster, 29, 63
Jean Paul of his early poverty, 449, 27
Jehovah, Jove, or Lord, 103, 7
Jeer, effect of one, 332, 43
Jericho, go to, 125, 2
Jest, a, expected, 437, 18;
and earnest, treatment of, 172, 34;
rather lose, than friend, 29, 31;
preferring, to friend, 148, 51;
sundering, from earnest, 151, 26;
the prosperity of a, 7, 40, 41
Jester, little short of fool, 146, 45;
to be shunned, 108, 3
Jesting, danger of, with the great, 98, 28;
not understood by nature, 292, 30
Jests, he, at scars, 144, 6;
made and repeated, 108, 56;
wanton, 518, 36
Jesuit order described, 224, 3
Jesus, always with His own, 252, 9;
and Socrates, difference between, 423, 33;
His own sole witness, 1, 52;
of Himself as Son of man, 454, 9;
religion of, 451, 9;
the heart of, unpenetrated, 42, 50;
the teaching of, 529, 12
Jew, hath not a, eyes, 141, 16
Jewels, God's, how polished, 126, 12;
hid, lost, 156, 21;
merely to look at, 115, 2
Jews, the, Goethe on, 437, 15
Job, afflictions of, the record of, 447, 19
Job's faith, 169, 33
John Bull, advice to, 241, 22;
the vis inertiÆ of, 312, 24;
the pride of, 424, 26
Johnny Pigeon's epitaph, 155, 12
Joke, a, love of, 124, 24;
among whom to risk a, 333, 49;
the worst, 474, 49
Jokes, laughter at one's own, 545, 5;
risk incurred by, 109, 34
Joking, incompatible with malignity, 497, 24;
rule in, 4, 16;
with ladies, 281, 2
Jollity and tranquillity, 499, 1
Journal, the learned, Emerson on, 207, 38
Journalist, Bismarck's definition of, 569, 22;
to whom he owes tribute, 498, 34
Jove, prayer to, 380, 56
Joy, amid misfortune, 22, 24;
and grief, in measure, 371, 25;
and pain, relative amount of, 471, 36;
and sorrow, 114, 48;
and weeping at, 162, 5;
as a teacher, 334, 47;
concealment of, 145, 30;
deep, awe in, 9, 20;
each present, absorbing, 75, 22;
effect of, as compared with that of grief, 136, 34, 35;
effect of excessive, on reason, 54, 1;
effect of imparting, 473, 24;
effect of, on mind, 133, 32;
effect of reflection on, 417, 3;
fellowship in, 460, 32;
great, after great change, 133, 45;
great, how earned, 133, 36;
how to find, 567, 41;
how we part with, 527, 45;
in Heaven, 532, 5;
man's, only in building up, 312, 36;
meaning of, 91, 37;
not in joys, 64, 18;
our face of, 529, 40;
profound, 357, 53;
seen only in a beautiful face, 379, 37;
shared, 20, 7; 92, 22;
shared, joy doubled, 122, 12; 385, 28;
sympathy with, 548, 40;
the greatest, 474, 14;
three parts pain, 28, 18;
true, 500, 12, 13;
true, a character of, 374, 26;
true, its origin, 499, 35;
unfelt, hard to feign, 154, 32;
vanishing, 519, 25
Joyousness, essential to all useful effort, 77, 37;
mother of virtues, 64, 19
Joys, concealment of, 149, 36;
connection of, with sorrows, 191, 41;
each condition its own, 82, 55;
highest, source of, 434, 44;
killed with love, 154, 1;
little and great, 251, 21;
not unmingled, 508, 11;
participation in another's, 152, 2;
purest, how obtained, 452, 20;
too high, not to be sought, 527, 33;
unfelt, hard to feign, 154, 32
Judas, equal to Jesus at the ballot-box, 33, 45;
even a, among the apostles, 89, 21
Judge, a lax, 310, 27;
a good and faithful, 31, 60;
an incompetent, 175, 6;
and jury, their functions, 4, 50;
and law, compared, 259, 4;
appeal to the heart of, 125, 4;
duties of, 214, 30-33;
duty of, 390, 19;
not, and reason why, 112, 6;
of others, how to, 527, 31;
others, how we, 523, 33;
our, he who made the heart, 552, 14;
who acquits a criminal, 214, 1;
who cannot punish, 6, 37
Kin, a little more than, 8, 46
Kind, only the, fair, 311, 9;
words, healing power of, 15, 27
Kindly spirit, a, the human element, 332, 16
Kindness, according to the Hitopadesa, 143, 31;
a sudden blaze of, 406, 1;
breaks no bones, 137, 35;
commended, 243, 47;
deeds of, how repaid, 440, 22;
defined, 536, 23;
exemplar in repairing, 189, 29;
how to recompense, 370, 32;
little deeds of, effect of, 251, 9;
prevalency of, 524, 19;
requiting, hard, 522, 41;
soon forgotten, 50, 51;
the joy of doing, 106, 21;
to grateful and to ungrateful, 132, 40;
to the good, not wasted, 31, 35
Kindnesses, misplaced, 531, 26;
the best, 408, 31
Kindred, love of, 107, 38
King, a clown at heart, 33, 46;
a good, 6, 44;
a, the look of, 430, 38;
attribute of a, 553, 23;
an anointed, no deposing, 312, 19;
and kingdom, relation between, 375, 39;
contrast between, and a father, 86, 10;
every inch a, 25, 34; 179, 25;
fitness of the name, 89, 48;
good, value of, 127, 11;
his limits, 80, 55;
morality of a, 443, 5;
not a creature of chance, 296, 35;
of England, legal mercy of, 438, 35;
Popinjay, 35, 15;
sayings about the, 375, 40-45; 437, 31-38;
the (see Rex);
what most becomes, 301, 17
Kingdom, a man's, 313, 23;
of God, condition of entering, 554, 40;
of God, in what it consists, 437, 39
Kings, a world of, 172, 11;
and people, 534, 38;
and people, relation of, 447, 23;
anger of, 132, 50;
bands of, 15, 46;
contrasted with shepherds, 123, 43;
courts of, composition of, 22, 1;
divine right of, 451, 36;
divine right of, settled, 479, 7;
eyes and ears of, 286, 2;
heaven-chosen for us, 35, 15;
knowledge of, 493, 31;
last argument of, 505, 1;
not without good qualities, 38, 36;
not without their virtues, 190, 2;
only eloquence in behalf of, 233, 15;
only privates plus ceremony, 535, 24;
powerlessness of, to kill or cure, 162, 30;
the art of, 381, 11;
the curse of, 206, 6;
the, of modern thought, 437, 37;
the politeness of, 223, 12;
the true, 478, 50;
the wealth of, 335, 34;
their misdeeds and the penalty, 57, 53;
wise, and their councillors, 557, 33
Kinship, spiritual, test of, 73, 44
Kiss, echo of the sound of a, 454, 28
Kissing, full of sanctity, 157, 1
Kitchen, fundamental institution, 45, 22;
vital part of the house, 555, 27
Kite, a carrion, 2, 37
Knave, a crafty, 3, 32;
a, how to win, 45, 1;
an old, 15, 57;
and fool, 5, 58;
found out, 81, 5;
one thoroughly, 91, 38;
once, 331, 21;
wit needed by, 109, 11
Knavery, and folly, excuse for, 102, 29;
baseness of, 200, 17;
defined and developed from cunning, 51, 28;
no, if no fools, 174, 47
Knaves, first of nine order of, 428, 27;
honourable in the mass, 238, 33
Knight, lying, in dark ages, 302, 49;
scarce a, 145, 7
Knights of chivalry, 42, 35; 260, 41
Know, seeking to, 40, 59;
three things to, 199, 27;
to, as an act, 493, 44
"Know thyself," as a precept, 76, 42; 183, 43
Knowing, and doing, 525, 7;
compared with doing, 557, 49;
condition of, 525, 14;
difficult, 165, 6;
easier than doing, 175, 23;
meaning of all, 535, 41;
people, 99, 6;
the step from, to doing, 305, 13;
worth, not always knowable, 297, 51
Knowledge, a forbidden, 383, 48; 384, 47;
a burden, 506, 27;
a question of use, 203, 31;
a rare, 477, 28;
a steep, 110, 12;
all in all of, 415, 50;
all, useful, 166, 47;
and doubt, 482, 38;
and knowing it, 147, 34;
and thought, 485, 1;
as a helpmate to virtue, 515, 1;
as a test, 147, 31;
as a treasure, 324, 42;
benefit of, in use, 204, 26;
by rote, 493, 29;
by travelling and by reading, 413, 37;
Comte's stages of, 39, 53;
contentment in regard to, 199, 49;
contrasted with ignorance, 178, 7, 8;
crediting, to others, 62, 1;
death, 319, 12;
definition of, 547, 17;
diffused, 68, 5;
dissembling, not safe, 176, 37;
divorced from justice, 383, 5;
effect of, on faith, 504, 23;
essence of, 425, 43;
excellency of, 557, 6;
exclusively one's own, its value, 540, 48;
for imparting, 385, 32;
from enterprise, 269, 41;
from others' folly and wisdom, 413, 24;
gaining, a delight, 280, 8;
grades in, 469, 32;
great, an effect of, 431, 44;
great, without vanity, effect of, 133, 46;
growing in, happiness of, 413, 41;
highest, 493, 40;
how to acquire, 243, 10; 381, 25;
how to seek, 405, 55;
human, Goethe on, 320, 29;
in a disciplined mind, 508, 22;
in the purest sense, 469, 10;
increased, sorrow increased, 146, 59;
intimacy better than extent of, 102, 6;
irreverent, 15, 45;
its flowers and seed, 453, 5;
its price the drawback, 312, 9;
its quality main thing, 204, 31;
little, who has, 42, 25;
man of, mark of, 146, 49;
natural, how attained, 290, 14;
no, lost, 302, 40;
no, without thinking, 481, 24;
not enough, 203, 40;
obstacle to, 383, 17;
of causes, happiness in, 104, 24;
of wise and ignorant contrasted, 30, 13;
origin of, 73, 22;
our, at best, 521, 18;
our highest enjoyment, 489, 27;
our, often worthless, 539, 26;
our, an illusion, 319, 13;
possession of, a right, 308, 22;
question in regard to, 522, 44;
real, the nature of, 369, 14;
ripening and flowering of, 229, 38;
rising in, effect of, 546, 40;
sayings about, 493, 28-44; 494, 1;
seat of, 452, 37;
source of, 393, 20;
strength, 147, 35;
that is worth, 142, 4;
that suffices, 201, 31;
the beginning and end of, 100, 11;
the beginning of, 254, 50;
the best part of, 417, 52;
the condition of acquiring, 12, 24;
the desire of, an effect of, 423, 10;
the key of, 392, 5;
the only, we possess, 358, 7;
the pearl of the faith-sea, 23, 8;
the tree of, 136, 36; 458, 24;
thirst for, 443, 29;
thorough, test of, 445, 37;
three stages of, 90, 38;
to be heralded by reverence, 260, 28;
to be reverenced, 241, 24;
to many too costly, 269, 36;
true, 500, 14, 15;
true, defined, 374, 14;
true, for life, not debate, 547, 13;
vain pursuit of, 145, 43;
versus practice, 162, 18;
we need not travel to acquire, 496, 33;
when alone accurate, 525, 6;
when no longer a pleasure, 331, 28;
with limits of satisfaction in, 93, 58;
without energy, 12, 54;
without God 110
, 11;
without integrity, 195, 16;
without knowing it, 147, 33;
without practice, 553, 5;
without religion, 371, 44;
without sense, 43, 17;
without virtue, 515, 1;
worth of, though others know it not, 510, 6
Know'st thou the land, 218, 28
Knox, John, Earl of Morton on, 144, 19;
gospel of, to the Scotch, 241, 39
Labour, a physician, 227, 37;
and health, 153, 36;
and rest, 478, 22;
as a teacher, 220, 22;
associated with pleasure, 125, 52;
but not soul, saleable, 568, 23;
captains of, to be honoured, 273, 39;
clamorous at gate of morning, 43, 44;
contrasted with luck, 257, 37;
cultivated, effect, 51, 6;
daughter of pain, 485, 5;
division of, division of men, 204, 38;
employed or unemployed, 544, 12;
endurable only in youth, 74, 21;
everlasting law of, 405, 49;
evil of, not regarding, 175, 11;
for other men, 167, 35;
habit of, lost, man lost, 253, 27;
hard, virtue of, 475, 23;
honest, face of, 159, 29;
how made happy, 205, 13;
how made light, 12, 65;
law of, 441, 27;
mostly skilless, 431, 31;
no disgrace, 84, 29;
no living without, 174, 20;
omnipotence and indispensability of, 314, 41;
prescribed by Christianity, 241, 7;
problem, the real, 565, 48;
relieving power of, 235, 24;
results of rising by, 387, 13;
sayings about, 228, 23, 24;
teachings of, 62, 13;
the end of, 425, 12;
to be loved, 255, 37;
to organise work for the wise, 547, 20;
vain, 96, 24;
virtue in, 17, 23;
we delight in, 437, 42;
when unavailing, 59, 5
Labourer, Jesus on rights of, 437, 43;
the true, and his hire, 458, 47
Labours, lingering, 336, 24;
path of, and power of, 326, 11;
permanence of, 85, 26;
power of, 514, 47;
powerlessness of, to kill or cure, 162, 30;
proper tendency of, 457, 6;
relation of, to penalties, 443, 17;
Ruskin's advice as to reform of, 28, 40;
strict, value of, 403, 36;
the object of, 237, 13; the purpose of, 193, 7;
too severe, worthless, 222, 33;
when useless and when broken, 544, 24;
without morals, 365, 42
Lawsuit, agreement better than, 28, 28
Lawsuits, issue of, protracted, 331, 7;
why avoid, 118, 13
Lawyer, Brougham's definition of, 438, 30;
profession of, 107, 11
Lawyer's, business, 205, 15;
fee, the cheapest, 208, 49
Lawyers, by whom enriched, 108, 40;
experience of, 424, 8
Laziness in individual and in mass, 7, 65
Lazy man, the, 1, 21
Leader, should know the way,
86, 5
Leaf, the two lobes of, 302, 33
Leal, in the land o' the, 478, 10
Learned, in his infidelities, 504, 8;
man, a truly, 413, 43;
man, Aquinas' definition of, 158, 27;
man, rich, 159, 14;
men, Goethe on, 188, 6;
men, more numerous than wise, 526, 9;
men not always liberal, 443, 48;
soon, learned long, 38, 16;
the business of, as compared with the ignorant, 193, 30
Learner, advice to, 318, 16;
his gratitude, 532, 17
Learning, a little, dangerous, 8, 44;
a little, hard to gain, 208, 21;
according to quality of man, 276, 11;
and play, 288, 28;
by observation and experience, 413, 37;
by seeking and blundering, 34, 14;
chief part of, 383, 15;
doting on scraps of, 398, 10;
earthly, end of, 540, 3;
ever, and never knowing, 89, 45;
evil of its apparent facility, 222, 24;
from living, 251, 48;
great school for, 431, 35;
has its value, 229, 18;
how to advance, 187, 40;
inferior to creating, 200, 22;
limitation of, 79, 18;
living by, 308, 20;
loving, 175, 16;
man who does not use his, 151, 32;
matter of quality, 450, 26;
men of great, generosity of, 276, 4;
men of, like ears of corn, 198, 9;
mere, 148, 45;
much, a weariness, 285, 14;
much, much ignorance, 285, 15;
no, without labour, 177, 21;
not wisdom, 304, 20;
of antiquity, venerable, 225, 10;
only to forget, 118, 52;
philosophy as regulating regard for, 347, 24;
possible, every day, 318, 10;
rule in, 237, 41;
rule of, 141, 37;
sayings about, 525, 12-15;
Solon on his, 121, 49;
the condition of, 303, 15;
the source of all, 138, 9;
to be used like a watch, 530, 39;
to last with life, 410, 15;
vanity of fortifying one's self with, 492, 9;
without commonsense, 208, 24;
without discretion, 559, 28;
without morals, 364, 32;
without nature like a maimed man, 292, 35;
without sense, 148, 45;
worth anything, how to acquire, 305, 44
Leaven, power of a little, 8, 45
Legality, risk of, 226, 2
Legend, wedded to history and fancy, 519, 12
Legislation, ancient, wisdom of, 117, 17;
and administration, mistake about, 198, 17;
foolish, a rope of sand, 108, 37
Legislator, aim of the, 415, 47;
should be moderate, 213, 43
Leibnitz's optimism, Voltaire's version of, 498, 33
Leisure, and solitude, Scipio Africanus on his, 168, 1;
dependent on business, 443, 27;
value of, 211, 4;
without literature, 336, 48
Lending, caution against, 294, 36;
rule of, 141, 37
Leniency at times a crime, 107, 8
Lenity, evil effect of too much, 535, 4
Leonidas at ThermopylÆ, 397, 12
Leopard, spots of, not seen, 184, 16
Lesson, first, to be learned, 444, 2;
the best, for many, 417, 49
Lethe, a stream of, in every breath, 558, 25
Letter, a, does not blush, 251, 1;
and spirit, opposite effects of, 250, 33;
long, reason for a, 210, 46;
what we look for in a, 187, 41
Letters, as memorials, 32, 41;
devotion to, a regret, 117, 26;
mirror of a man's breast, 184, 18;
not to be carelessly written, 438, 47;
qualities, good and bad, in, 402, 46;
style of, 456, 2;
the invention of, 206, 18;
the love of, 440, 1
Levellers, their aim, 568, 25;
their failure, 483, 1;
two, 219, 10
Lever, power of, Archimedes on, 169, 15
Levers that move men, 468, 36
Levity, unpardonable, 509, 8
Liar, a swearer, 8, 9;
and his oaths, 505, 30;
needs good memory, 8, 10
Liars, how to be treated, 71, 44;
no legislation for, 473; 13;
to have good memories, 277, 36
Libel, a, in a frown, 47, 51
Liberal, the, sayings about, 438, 45, 46
Liberalism, modern, the follies of, 429, 4
Liberality, defined, 226, 3;
grounds of, to be weighed, 28, 11
Liberties, from the devil, 245, 26;
the basis of all, 153, 35
Liberty, a form of true, 35, 46;
and justice, effect of separating, 547, 29;
as desired by Milton, 123, 19;
child of the north, 56, 52;
civil, defined, 245, 12;
civil, utmost bound of, 481, 47;
crowing about, by slaves, 315, 17;
dearer than country, 343, 24;
destroyed by gifts, 53, 6;
effect of, on man, 396, 3;
free and at her ease, 226, 5;
growth of tree of, 222, 26;
headstrong, 153, 30;
how to forfeit, 27, 60;
how to preserve, 68, 37;
in harmony with law, 435, 1;
in nations, 226, 4;
in relation to taxation, 185, 41;
inspiring power of, 112, 46;
lean, and fat slavery, 235, 36;
limit of, 266, 39;
Mme. Roland at statue of, 321, 12;
no such thing as, 474, 30;
of ancient date, 226, 6;
opening of, 27, 10;
passion for, 235, 10;
political, where only found, 352, 12;
possibility of, 440, 37;
safeguard of, 77, 12;
spirit of, Burke's deference to, 288, 20;
the first to strive for, 324, 18;
the only valuable, 446, 8;
the true, of a man, 458, 49;
tree of, how it grows, 458, 26;
true and false, 500, 16;
defined, 471, 13;
turbulent, versus quiet slavery, 261, 24;
under a pious king, 100, 34;
value of, 436, 3;
when once lost, 526, 1;
without deserving it, 454, 13
Libraries, large, by whom not needed, 451, 33
Library, a witness against its owner, 450, 22;
browsing in, 167, 48;
circulating, 3, 12;
enough, 271, 36;
luxury of revelling in, 148, 13
Licence, an enemy to liberty, 245, 22
Licentiousness, after reformation, 6, 67
Lie, a double-distilled, 35, 28;
a flattering, contrasted with a bitter truth, 529, 14;
a half true, 8, 16, 29;
a, like a snowball, 8, 14;
a, sure to be unmasked, 27, 49;
a, to be crushed, 8, 28;
a, uncalled for, 53, 18;
deformity of, 315, 42;
essence of, 425, 30;
inexcusable, 314, 4;
one, in the heart, evil of, 28, 56;
task involved in telling, 152, 26;
what it wants, 457, 17
Lies, abhorrent to nature, 290, 20;
all, will be dishonoured some day, 302, 45;
and the belief of them, 473, 15;
destroyer of, our gratitude to, 206, 15;
doomed to vanish, 506, 10;
establishing one's self on, 475, 22;
great, great as great truths, 133, 47;
how to overcome, 240, 16;
man born enemy of, 262, 17;
respect implied in telling, of one, 533, 4;
scorned by the upright, 46, 32;
self-productive, 332, 46, 47;
that ruin humanity, Ruskin on, 206, 15;
tolerance of, effect of, 548, 9;
white, lead to black, 550, 33
Life, a bark against the tide, 242, 14;
a battle and a march, 263, 10;
a becoming, 462, 14;
a blessed, 470, 3;
a blossoming and a withering, 62, 16;
a chamber being frescoed with colours, 339, 39;
a conscious half, impossible, 303, 16;
a constant want, 163, 23;
a faint link between us and our hereafter, 29, 62;
a galling load, 321, 15;
a good, time enough for, 32, 30;
a greeting and a parting, 265, 36;
a happy and an unhappy, equalised, 390, 21;
a heroic, 434, 37;
a higher, how to earn, 522, 25;
a law of, 443, 9;
as led, a riddle, 538, 20;
a little gleam of time, 332, 48;
a loathed, compared with death, 461, 45;
a long sigh, 320, 15;
a long, the secret of, 568, 1;
a merry, how to live, 556, 31;
a mistake about, 409, 19;
a mystery, 547, 26;
a new, beginning of, 526, 3;
a new, with every budding bosom, 109, 32;
a, not worth living, 166, 19;
a peaceful, how to ensure, 492, 42;
a progress, 266, 41; a pure and true, how to attain, 384, 38;
a quiet, specific for, 275, 34;
a reality, and all one has, 481, 13;
a really long, 413, 38;
a rule in, 212, 7; 311, 2;
a satisfied, 380, 61;
a school, 310, 36;
a sign of, 183, 31;
a simple, benefit of, 286, 27;
a state of endurance, 163, 24;
a steady self-control, 266, 45;
a stern reality, 266, 46;
a short, advantage of, 453, 25;
a useless, 23, 45;
a voyage under sealed orders, 284, 19;
a well-written, rare, 24, 55;
a wise, 516, 53;
according to nature or opinion, 389, 46;
ascent of green mountain of, 266, 3;
advancing in, 144, 48;
aim of, 415, 46;
all a cheat, 543, 41;
all, as death, 399, 46;
always a hope, 527, 22;
amid doubt, 538, 2;
among men, 16, 53;
among men, breaking or
05@48105-h@48105-h-56.htm.html#page_526" class="pginternal">526, 26;
no, without perplexity, 395, 35;
not to be bartered, 272, 25;
not judged, before death, 214, 9;
not to be trifled with, 57, 5;
nobility of, 445, 2;
noble, eternal in its action, 93, 3;
nothing that has, perfect, 316, 42;
obscure, not therefore worthless, 289, 26;
of man, collective, 205, 19;
of poor and rich, small difference between, 448, 28;
on moderate means, 182, 2;
one's own, sacred, 75, 19;
only a hope, 317, 14;
ordained law of, 206, 22;
our, a thousand-stringed harp, 338, 23;
our chief want in, 337, 25;
our, control over, limited, 340, 22;
our first ideas of, 338, 2;
our, a mutual hostility, 338, 26;
our mode of, characterised, 339, 9;
our, not what it might be, 338, 27, 28;
our true, 64, 16;
our waste of, 529, 39;
our whole daily, of spirit birth, 395, 24;
out of the ruins of life, 53, 24;
outward details of, insignificance of, 534, 6;
past, and help that lies in it, 230, 31;
pathos and sublime of, 494, 18;
peaceable, commended, 173, 8;
perfect, attribute of, 345, 49;
perfected in death, 220, 19;
postponing, 364, 34; power of fortune over, 163, 25;
primitive and frontier, advantage of, 208, 40;
problem of, 449, 29;
prospective, 520, 39;
purpose of, 521, 26;
query regarding purpose of, 520, 17;
quiet continuity of, 366, 21;
ragged line of, 439, 18;
reality of, without fancy, 442, 7;
resignation of, motive for, 480, 15;
rising on life, 509, 15;
river of, and its ferries, 524, 23;
river of, how to drink out of, 566, 23;
rule of, 182, 27; 237, 3; 519, 14;
ruled by fortune, 516, 29;
saved, by losing it, 554, 42;
sacrificed to reasoning about it, 550, 24;
sayings about, 54, 12-18; 517, 1, 2;
scorn of, revered, 209, 50;
secrets of, how revealed, 453, 4;
servile to skyey influences, 172, 35;
severe condition of knowing, 505, 9;
shadow-hunting or shadow-hunted, 550, 4;
Shakespearean rules of, 253, 40;
significance of, 453, 34;
signs of, 184, 40;
simple, happiness of, 26, 10;
simplicity of, gain in, 189, 20;
sincere, required, 100, 13;
sojourn in an inn, 98, 15;
source of its value, 371, 2;
sporting with, 551, 33;
state of, alone suitable for a man, 414, 10;
still beautiful, 320, 31;
struggle of, question of, 191, 40;
stuff to try soul's strength, 165, 34;
subordinate to something higher, 265, 25;
sunshine of, 456, 24;
tediousness of, 407, 34;
text and commentary, 428, 18;
that is merely breathing, 153, 8;
we praise, 43, 22;
the chief condition of, 224, 30;
the dearer, the longer, 443, 23;
the course of, destructive, 569, 24;
the cup of, to be drunk, 422, 24;
the dark spot in, 11, 39;
the end of a man's, 52, 32;
the end of, Sophocles on, 336, 53;
the essence of, 200, 22;
the first problem in, 428, 32;
the fluctuations of, 94, 42;
the fountain of, 217, 34;
the fruition of, 429, 31;
the fullest, 528, 25;
the gate and way to, 403, 23;
the great felicity in, 431, 20;
the happiest, 83, 45;
the interpreter of, 334, 45;
the lot of, 94, 42;
the longest half of, 251, 50;
the meaning of, 338, 34;
the noblest, 144, 32;
the observation of, 448, 39;
the one meaning of, 256, 38;
the only sign of, 533, 33;
the only wealth, 474, 44;
the price of, life, 179, 28;
the stuff of, 487, 7;
the sure way to, 215, 28;
the true, of man, 458, 51;
the true question in, 95, 11;
the use of, 537, 20;
the way of, its secrets, 64, 21;
the web of, 462, 2;
the, which renews a man, 439, 8;
things essential to, 468, 26;
three epochs in, 467, 8;
time's fool, 33, 29;
to be believed before book, 165, 20;
to be enjoyed as it passes, 503, 4;
to be in the whole, 18, 51;
to be still prayed for, 300, 5;
to genius, 492, 37;
to happy and unhappy, 433, 16;
to miserable and to happy, 321, 13, 15;
transitions of, 517, 24;
tree of, ever green, 132, 42;
true beginning of, 205, 30;
true enjoyment of, 197, 14;
true, how to live a, 503, 7;
time of, to be wise, 179, 15;
two ways out of, 23, 40;
uncertainty in, source of, 205, 48;
under a poor roof, 117, 10;
up and down tendencies of, 186, 37;
use we may make of, 522, 37;
waste of, 365, 26;
wasted, 269, 20;
waves of, and strand of death, 452, 15;
way of, 516, 26;
way of, in sere yellow leaf, 288, 25;
web of, heaven-woven, 79, 13;
what has, power of, 531, 41;
what it consists of, 525, 24;
what makes, poor, 204, 27;
what survives wreck of, 191, 31;
while digestion lasts, 550, 14;
who would love, 148, 52;
wilderness of, springs in, 191, 26;
wisdom of, 244, 7; 462, 27;
with art and deception, 566, 24;
with its enmities, to be faced, 60, 31;
with some, like a sleigh-drive, 558, 45;
without a purpose, 516, 21;
without God, 559, 22;
without hope, 335, 17;
without labour, 300, 4;
without learning, 516, 20;
without love, 249, 28;
without self-denial, 133, 39;
without superior, inferior, or equal, 493, 10;
without use to others, 536, 34;
without women, 33, 9; 538, 32;
woven of old and new, 10, 3;
woven of wind, 316, 50;
wrecked, cause of, 385, 35
Life's, blessings, how taught to value, 458, 3;
end, 255, 3;
rewards, 255, 5;
wealth, 255, 5;
young day, love of, 168, 48
Light, a curtain, 439, 10;
a ray of, when seen, 450, 36;
and fire, 197, 18;
and shadow, 560, 14;
by which we see, 439, 9;
by whom shunned, 311, 37;
dry, 439, 14;
dry, best, 73, 26;
for the million, 508, 1;
in a clear breast, 146, 32;
in darkness, 439, 13;
in nature and man, 417, 21;
indispensability of, 105, 51;
intense, beautifying effect of, 473, 35;
loving, hating, 146, 5, 6;
new, burst of a, to the unprepared heart, 419, 19;
new, distrusted, 545, 44;
new, dread of, 89, 54;
new, elevating power of, 89, 54;
new, spiritual, effect on soul of, 70, 8;
no, without eyes, 559, 32;
our boast of, 522, 31;
perfect, how to attain, 439, 12;
perfect, too dazzling, 346, 1;
self-evident, 330, 11;
shadow of God, 502, 8;
sovereign in the physical world, 246, 1;
spiritual, and its source, 116, 33;
spiritual, never entirely extinguishable, 303, 8;
the true, defined, 413, 32;
too much, effect of, 548, 48;
which we reject, 439, 15
Light, and heavy, different fortunes of, 235, 27;
things compared, 288, 23
Light-minded men, improvident, 244, 32
Lightning, and thunder, God's harbingers, 249, 30;
as an alternative, 249, 22;
heaven's (in a man), not to be caressed, 332, 7;
in the collied night, 32, 40;
spiritual, 439, 15, 16;
to godlike and godless men, 128, 18
Lights, broken, and shapes, 243, 8
Like, not look upon his, again, 149, 21;
to like, 9, 30; 19, 39; 39, 28; 124, 8; 489, 20
Like-minded and of unlike-minded, the fortunes of, 345, 7
Likeness, family, 101, 35;
in nature more than difference, 75, 3
Liking, power of, 498, 53
b>Likings, a man's, a test of him, 411, 39;
significance of our, 539, 32
Lilies, the, consider, 46, 50
Limbs, too large, a weakness, 202, 39
Limit, the real definition of a thing, 21, 35;
to progress, 87, 26
Limits, every man has, 304, 17
Line, a straight, in morals, 20, 61;
crooked and straight, 205, 8
Linen, dirty, to be washed at home, 179, 27
Link, importance of a, 332, 49
LinnÆus, the sexual system of, 517, 3
Linnet's song, feeling that inspires, 553, 3
Lion, not asleep, though silent, 52, 28;
or sheep, as commander, 200, 28
Lion's share, 78, 8
Lions with stag for leader, 112, 35
Lips, that give a right answer, 92, 26;
to be guarded as palace doors, 131, 12
Listener, a good, rare, 208, 22;
a good, worth listening to, 89, 7
Listening, at keyhole, 85, 23;
the faculty of, 426, 47;
to some more pleasant than talking, 533, 14
Literary, ages, taste of all, 477, 21;
career, a thorny path, 224, 25;
composition to be kept nine years, 244, 9;
man, the true, 458, 52;
men of the present, 187, 47;
work, characteristic of, 530, 9
Literature, a discovery to be made in, 469, 40;
a noble profession, 168, 8;
a silent, 262, 24;
a talent for, a snare, 409, 42;
a, when classical, 302, 46;
and humanity, 523, 37;
compared with the conversation of a grandly simple soul, 47, 48;
decline of, as a sign, 422, 45;
done for money, Ruskin on, 540, 40;
false, 564, 1;
first lesson of, 428, 25;
glorious doom of, 206, 16;
highest problem of, 435, 8;
how concocted, 185, 17;
its, test of a nation, 541, 20;
life in, 206, 23;
modern, minus its metaphysics, 175, 36;
modern, temporary nature of, 284, 25;
on oatmeal, 523, 21;
our esteem for, 338, 16;
proper task of, 449, 44;
sentimental, inferiority of, 387, 4;
what one wants in, 207, 2
Litigant unlike the goo
="c4">and admiration, 525, 34;
and ambition, wings, before rejection, 243, 35;
blessedness of unbroken, 104, 17;
blind, 25, 9;
burden of, 249, 19;
Christian, 257, 2;
common as light, 45, 10;
compared with admiration, 4, 33;
compared with friendship, 114, 49;
compared with hatred, 141, 21;
compared with passion, 65, 21;
compared with severity and justice, 285, 13;
composition of, 130, 12;
condition of, 556, 29;
contrasted with admiration, 63, 54;
cooling, effect of, 544, 13, 14;
courage in, 104, 25;
course of true, 109, 19;
credulous, 49, 51;
cruel power of, 183, 54;
daring of, 537, 34;
deep as the sea, 287, 41;
defined, 546, 4;
delight of, in tormenting, 17, 36;
described, 11, 44;
determining power of, 480, 39;
different kinds of, 34, 43;
direst disaster in, 476, 27;
disappointed, poison of, 218, 27;
discovery of estranged, 475, 5;
divine, described, 70, 70;
divine power of, 424, 6;
doubt of, 72, 20, 27;
early, yearning after, 320, 18;
educative power of, 222, 11, 14;
effect of, on man, 11, 51;
effect of absence on, 221, 44;
effect of different kinds of, 319, 3;
effect of, on life, 85, 14;
effect of looks on, 253, 15;
effect of, on a man's thinking, 543, 15;
effect of, on broken hearts, 498, 8;
effect of, on temper, 74, 15;
effect of time on, 487, 18;
effect on partisanship, 141, 13;
end of existence, 312, 30;
endures no tie, 108, 34;
enjoyed, 122, 23;
ennobling power of, 25, 59;
enslaving, 419, 27;
entire, a worship, 83, 44;
essential to intelligence, 202, 31;
everywhere, 190, 20;
evil of want of, 548, 44;
excess of, deprecated, 321, 18;
excessive, to be avoided, 15, 48;
excitement of, 187, 52;
expanding power of, 542, 11;
fate of, 568, 40;
first, alone infinite, 75, 9;
first consciousness of, 475, 21;
first, recurrence to, 331, 2;
first sigh of, 234, 36;
following or fleeing, 108, 10;
forced, 101, 53;
forced, not lasting, 112, 7;
genesis of, hard to date, 201, 9;
gifts of, 511, 24;
God's training of, 125, 45;
greatest miracle of, 432, 24;
happiness in, 242, 5;
heaven-revealing power of, 173, 3;
honoured, and why, 9, 65;
hope in, spite of reason, 311, 42;
hottest, 432, 12;
how kept out, 135, 10;
how to be won, 73, 53;
how to reap in, 175, 20;
idleness, 364, 15;
ignorant of, 144, 15;
impossible to conceal or express, 172, 45;
impossible to Mephistopheles, 86, 38;
indefinable by language, 399, 35;
indefinable to a true lover, 144, 26;
in man and in woman, 352, 33;
in the heart, a spur, 41, 27;
in the purest sense, 469, 10;
incompatible with dignity, 68, 6;
intelligence of, 116, 23;
invincible, 534, 24;
its coming and going, 222, 15;
killing joy, 384, 39;
lad's, saying about, 229, 9;
life, 488, 15;
magic power of, 440, 13;
master of all arts, 69, 53;
might of, 279, 13;
miraculous power of, 325, 34;
moderation in, commended, 31, 58;
money powerless to buy, 457, 9;
mystic art of, 326, 5;
no cure for, 271, 33;
no explaining, 527, 19;
no fear in, 472, 37;
no habitant
of earth, 326, 6;
no, lost, 19, 12;
no, no true pain, 144, 43;
no reason for, 308, 51;
no retreat from, 537, 8;
no struggling against, 178, 54;
no, without love, 241, 48;
not binding lover, 172, 41;
not perfect in, 146, 13;
not the sole, or even chief object of any, 294, 50;
not to be scorned, 383, 20;
not to be spoken of with scorn, 296, 66;
of a father, 103, 8;
of God, no falling out of, 217, 1;
old and new, 489, 11;
old, changing, for new, 479, 38;
old-fashioned, dead, 330, 2;
one thing needful, 414, 35;
one's first, 88, 23;
only known to mother, 319, 18;
only victory over, 446, 25;
our first, 527, 23;
our, to others, 525, 31;
pain of, a mystery, 212, 5;
pain from, 72, 32;
pains of, 340, 46;
pangs in, many, 251, 46;
partiality of, 269, 27;
passion of, effect of, on the tongue, 545, 27;
perfect, sayings about, 346, 2-4;
power of, 64, 11; 319, 27; 325, 34; 457, 25; 525, 20; 558, 30;
power of, on fools and clever people, 226, 36;
power of, over hatred, 141, 17;
power of, over sorrow, 86, 34;
power of, over the gods, 544, 15;
power of, in poet, 296, 19;
prevalency of, 524, 19;
principle of, 521, 2;
pure, might of, 360, 7;
rapture and pain of, 221, 40;
reconciling power of, 268, 16;
reflects thing beloved, 165, 23;
relieving power of, 27, 29;
risk of forswearing, 382, 10;
room enough everywhere for, 368, 39;
satisfying, 237, 22;
sayings about, 13, 56-67; 14, 3; 65, 22-25; 187, 50-53; 246, 5-12; 494, 13-16;
season, the, 440, 3;
separated in life, 504, 29;
sigh of, 555, 9;
sorrowing after hope, 479, 25;
specific against, 37, 31;
strength of, 403, 19; 404, 10;
successful, 405, 41;
sudden, 406, 2;
suppressing, 407, 22;
sympathy of, blessing in, 483, 34;
test of, 539, 44;
test of citizenship, 240, 42;
test of power of, 66, 25;
that can be reckoned, 478, 1;
that descends, 440, 6;
that lets itself be known, 479, 12;
the best, 482, 46;
the centre of, 78, 13;
the chaste blossom of, 391, 37;
the deceptive power of, 329, 33;
the double bliss in, 320, 17;
the faith of, 218, 22;
the fire of, not quenchable by words, 484, 4;
the first, 428, 26;
the first sigh of, 428, 35;
the heart's romance, 222, 13;
the hottest, 435, 33;
the key to vision, 265, 7;
the monstrosity in, 481, 46;
the offer or refusal of, 302, 48;
the only equaliser, 119, 27;
the point of, 427, 3;
the range of, 381, 38;
the rights of, 527, 42;
the true season of, 413, 33;
the truth about, 537, 7;
the universal sway of, 222, 20;
those who can animate, 335, 20;
thy, seek not to tell, 296, 61;
to be paid in love, 128, 28;
to be yielded to, 328, 35;
to doubt, 491, 47;
to God, condition of, 371, 40;
to project itself as an arrow, 47, 52;
to reason about, 367, 49;
transposing power of, 480, 38;
true, 413, 34; 500, 17-22;
true, unconcealable, 80, 14;
true, course of, 422, 1;
true, ever the same, 54, 8;
true, not to be hid, 544, 46;
true, sweet, 408, 25;
typified by colour, 44, 32;
unconcealable, 290, 31;
universal, described, 507, 36;
unquenchable, 270, 4;
unquenchable by words, 63, 43;
unwisely directed, 528, 17;
versus wealth, 208, 4;
waywardness of, 106, 4;
who shuts out, 552, 31;
when deep, 83, 57;
when ripening, 377, 25;
when satisfied, 7, 58;
who alone obtain, 482, 37;
who hath, in his heart, 554, 14;
who knows, 552, 8;
wise in, advice to, 550, 34;
without esteem, 19, 52
Love's young dream, 478, 28
Love-letter, how to write good, 497, 5
Loved, and lost, to have, 487, 54;
how to be wholly, 490, 45;
not lost, 176, 3;
not wisely, but too well, 400, 48
Lover, a, for everything, 75, 21;
accepted and betrothed, 415, 30;
engaged in war, 279, 23;
fine trait in character of, 198, 12;
loved, 9, 56;
no deceiving, 366, 28;
senses of, 537, 7;
the desire of, 452, 28;
unconscious of space and time, 402, 3;
sayings about, 440, 4, 5
Lover's, doubts and suspicions, misery of a, 33, 21;
the, privilege, 495, 33
Lovers, easily entertained, 473, 18;
a minnow, in the All, 496, 10;
a wise, according to the Hitopadesa, 143, 15;
a wise, according to Xenophon, 143, 16;
a, worth of, 204, 42;
ability of, 537, 46;
affected by time, 240, 13;
after God's or another's pattern, 200, 14;
aim of, compared with woman's, 288, 44;
akin to God in spirit, 173, 19;
all a prey to, 314, 27;
all-relatedness of, 476, 9;
all the sphere, 314, 27;
an actor in a drama, 373, 5;
an exception, 464, 30;
an individual, mature fruit of time, 15, 40;
an interest to man, 473, 19;
an inventor, 334, 46;
and animal, contrast between, 416, 9;
and ape, distinction between, 346, 30;
and beast, moral difference of, 443, 4;
and citizen, 440, 19;
and his age, inseparable, 11, 49;
and his circumstances, 440, 21;
and his defects, how to regard, 253, 1;
and his expression 440, 20;
and his God, 96, 50;
and his inseparable attendants, 566, 26;
and misery, twins, 109, 36;
and nature, distinction between, 424, 1;
and other animals, the distinction between, 202, 24;
and world, 464, 40;
angel as well as devil in, 174, 41;
apprentice to pain, 223, 24;
as a piece of work, 533, 36;
as great or small, 473, 16;
as his works, perishable, 35, 31;
as regards knowledge and practice, 162, 18;
as subject of art, 60, 19;
as weary and heavy laden, Carlyle's apostrophe to, 352, 41;
aspiring to be an angel, 223, 26;
assurance of a, 3, 19;
at the best, 550, 4;
attitude of, to truth and falsehood, 223, 21;
bad, the fair words of, 137, 53;
basest thought about, 416, 47;
below himself, 143, 21;
best served, 143, 22;
bachelor, betrothed, wedded, 25, 39;
by nature and art, 18, 45;
call no, happy before death, 241, 45;
central part in, 453, 12;
centre of all beauty and worth, 312, 35;
characteristic function of, 241, 25;
characteristic of, known only to God, 415, 3;
chief fault of, 60, 14;
child of nature, 26, 60;
compared to a clock, 44, 4;
contrasted with woman, 560, 45;
dear to man, 58, 22;
dear to the gods, 36, 18;
defined, 352, 19;
despised by world, 465, 4;
distinctive mark of, 489, 29;
distinguishing qualities of, 76, 54;
effect of favour and a fall on, 225, 18;
either god or devil, 159, 23;
either god or wolf, 159, 17;
end of, 425, 12, 13;
ever in need of man, 154, 17;
ever wrestler rather than believer, 84, 47;
either born king or fool, 24, 23;
every, a potential madman, 91, 49;
every, a quotation, 92, 12;
every, a reflex of the All, 92, 35;
every, a special vocation, 91, 28;
every, a suggestion, 92, 16;
every, at birth, 150, 29;
every, dupe to himself, 92, 15;
every, exceptional, 92, 14;
every, his own valuator, 92, 27;
every, knowledge of, special, 92, 20;
every, in a sense alone, 92, 19;
every, rule for, 240, 39;
every, to follow his own star, 212, 7;
every, when sick, 92, 13;
extraordinary, without root in life, 205, 43;
feeling one's self a, 217, 36;
final destiny of, 91, 29;
folly in, 471, 32;
folly of, in having and not using faculties, 126, 5;
foolishest thought about, 416, 47;
formed to be a husband, 291, 8;
free at first, 164, 35;
God in, 174, 19;
God in, a birth of faith, 100, 16;
god or devil, 367, 41;
God's creature, 93, 18;
God's proper treasure, 128, 34;
good, sign of a, 418, 15;
great, by conviction, 312, 32;
greatest, a son of man, 60, 6;
greatest crime of, 111, 17;
hard to persuade, 265, 10;
has a good and a bad angel, 92, 8;
has still all the faculties he ever had, 297, 6;
highest, brother to his contemporaries, 435, 2;
highest glory and highest disgrace of, 493, 40;
his body and soul, 159, 13;
his destiny, 482, 18;
his nature the rule for, 81, 27;
his own enemy, 91, 48;
his own portion, 12, 26;
his vitality, 461, 5;
how to estimate a, 370, 29; 505, 10;
how to know a, 177, 23; 493, 28;
how he knows himself, 334, 47;
how to influence a, 177, 45;
how to study, 495, 52;
human element in, 533, 45;
hungry, to be alone, 87, 32;
if alone, a terror to himself, 533, 13;
ignorant of himself, 316, 51;
ill to advise, 161, 34;
in a series, 521, 27;
immensity of his possibilities, 26, 62;
in contrast with nature, 291, 4;
in God's image, 125, 24;
in himself, 522, 11;
in his deed a precedent to man, 9, 68;
in his self-delusion, 119, 22;
in presence of Nature, 292, 23;
in prosperity, 90, 32;
in relation to his defects and talents, 12, 27;
in relation to instinct, 522, 26;
is what he is, 387, 48;
interest in, 163, 31;
is sincere, when alone, 91, 44;
just and resolute, Horace on, 216, 42;
key to every, 437, 27;
knowing, and men, different, 201, 18;
knowledge of, 437, 40;
known by his company, 312, 7;
known by what he honours, 389, 39;
left to his passions, 236, 44;
life of, a diary, 439, 3;
life of, how led, 488, 36;
life of, its course, 439, 4;
like Ulysses, 182, 30;
limit of evil in, 218, 13;
lord of himself, and his resources, rare, 151, 11;
lovable through his errors, 65, 6;
lowest, life of, 439, 7;
Luther's definition of a, 554, 8;
made for society, 521, 33;
master of his fate, 329, 34;
measured by his own standard, 278, 45;
most essential fact about, 443, 44;
nearest God, 143, 35;
new always in a new time, 444, 44;
no bad, happy, 295, 12;
no, born for himself, 295, 24;
no, born without faults, 289, 33;
no, but has his time, 473, 22;
no, compelled to be compelled, 218, 15;
no, entirely a devil, 303, 8;
no, extraordinary, without a mission, 212, 1;
no, friendless, 473, 20;
no longer a temple, 95, 10;
no, the man prayed for, 242, 3;
no, the one waited for, 58, 38;
no, wise at all moments, 295, 15;
no, wise by himself, 295, 25;
noble, attractive power of, 78, 43;
not easy to transplant, 313, 7;
not hindered by society, 396, 8;
not his own guide, 204, 6;
not men, God-made, 128, 4;
of celestial descent, 551, 34;
of decision, 441, 11;
of action, the chief concern of, 58, 32;
of genius and other men, difference between, 462, 7;
of genius, his view of things, 297, 21;
of genius, sayings about, 440, 23, 24;
of noble deeds, in trouble, misjudged, 208, 18;
of pluck, 477, 43;
of sound brain and his knowledge, 92, 20;
of the world, how to be, 413, 48;
oh for a, with heart, head, hand, 325, 52;
on the confines of two hostile empires, 95, 13;
one, with a higher wisdom, worth of, 332, 56;
of only one subject, 66, 44;
only point in regard to, 446, 13;
original, and the world, 464, 13; 465, 17
our obligations to, 527, 41;
only sleeping and feeding, 535, 38;
overwhelmed with misfortune, 374, 19;
part of a whole, 489, 7;
peculiarity of, 426, 4;
piped to by fortune, 20, 23;
Plato's definition of, 15, 24;
poor, if not raised above self, 507, 51;
power looked for in, 221, 29;
preacher to woman, 460, 43;
presence and passion of, 465, 17;
presence of absence of, a difference, 548, 11;
presumption of, rebuked, 125, 7;
proof of a, 204, 29;
proper study of man, 220, 2;
pure, in this world, 441, 10;
qualities to possess to make, 488, 14;
real science and study of man, 228, 20;
regarded as end of creation, 203, 17;
religiously viewed, 91, 46;
sayings about, 60, 32-38; 61, 1-13; 91, 44-55; 92, 1-44;
science of, obscure, 267, 30;
self-ruined, 127, 15;
separated from his circumstances, 371, 23;
small, surveying great, 19, 54;
something in, as yet unnamed, 178, 30;
something of all in every, 476, 40;
soul of the whole, 559, 15;
spirit of, indomitable, 504, 18;
strange contradictions in, 162, 16;
subject to his power, 12, 12;
summary history of, 261, 44;
substantiality in a, 443, 19;
taught only by himself, 146, 30;
test of, 489, 34;
that hath no music in him, 440, 31;
that stands by himself, 440, 33;
the, and the hour, 440, 29;
the arch-machine, 196, 14;
the beauty of, 65, 1;
the best, 289, 33;
the faÇade of a temple, 12, 11;
the fatal, 427, 16;
the first, significance of, 422, 11;
the foundations of, 494, 14;
wish of, collectively, 89, 50
Manliness, commended, 366, 36
Mannerism, how produced, 139, 20
Manners, a probity in, 470, 20;
artificial, effect of assuming, 469, 26;
authors of, 238, 32;
cannot be imparted, 137, 37;
caught as diseases, 200, 50;
composing, more than composing books, 141, 42;
defended by ceremony, 38, 20;
effect of pride on, 194, 40;
effect on, of liberal arts, 194, 14;
everywhere to be respected, 76, 14;
fine, inventor of, 120, 26;
fine, mantle of fair minds, 106, 28;
fine, support of, 106, 29;
good, 129, 48-51;
good, and love of country, 439, 48;
good, to attain to, 490, 5;
good, not communicated, 128, 52;
good, the basis of, 417, 1;
good, the element of, 454, 5;
how learned, 478, 83;
importance of, 181, 17; 204, 46; 559, 8;
men's evil, 277, 24;
once vices, 538, 16;
people of, distinguishing trait of, 424, 4;
pleasing, effect of, 283, 50;
refinement of, how attained, 216, 19;
regulated by the king, 45, 47;
root of defect in, 56, 61;
striking, bad, 403, 43;
strange, disconcerting, 281, 5;
that speak well of the man, 469, 27;
the power of, 406, 21;
the supreme power in, 187, 56;
to be studied, 313, 31
Manual labour, the value of, 305, 44
Manufacture, contrasted with art, 550, 16
Manufactures, our, 525, 38
Many, men, many minds, 332, 58;
the, no pleasing, 123, 24; 258, 30
Maria Theresa's epitaph, 388, 2
Mark, missing the, 416, 15
Market-place, training of, 450, 13
Marksman, a good, 6, 49
Marriage, a happy, 249, 41;
a query prior to, 36, 33;
a way to repentance, 118, 30;
a suitable, 390, 30;
according to luck, 93, 31;
advice regarding, 175, 21;
an open question, 197, 19;
an unhappy, 280, 25;
as birds in cages, 198, 8;
before and after, 217, 44; 276, 29;
before, evil, 147, 56;
concern of others in one's, 324, 17;
contentment in, 187, 57;
early, advantage of, 117, 2;
extremes in, 64, 7;
fascination of, 118, 36;
for money, 148, 1;
in despair, 341, 24;
in opinion and reality, 191, 29;
inducements to, 451, 26;
kills or cures, 80, 20;
may mar, 23, 22;
rule in, 82, 63; 270, 23;
saying on, 568, 7;
significance of, 326, 14;
Socrates on, 550, 10;
the happiest, 124, 6;
true, union in, 192, 15;
unfortunate, evil of, 202, 43;
well-matched and ill-matched, 531, 27;
with an old person, in hope of his death, 479, 44
Marriages, unequal, 496, 41; 507, 9;
why few happy, 451, 1
Married, in haste, 485, 45;
life, who fit for, 335, 7;
people, their mutual interest, 548, 24
Marry, times not to, 192, 40
Marrying, anticipated and experienced, 36, 34
Martyr, a, to live harder, than to die, 203, 5;
blood of the, 436, 39;
what makes a, 206, 1
Martyrdom, ennobled by Christianity, 42, 54;
to bystanders, 458, 14
Martyrdoms as seen at the time, 9, 58
Martyrs, accepted by nature, 292, 18;
the blood of, 418, 42;
the modern, 359, 33
Masses, effect of giving power to, 123, 33;
judgment of the, 518, 11
Master, a fellow worker, 446, 42;
a good, 152, 17;
and his affairs, 71, 6;
and servant, unhappy relation of, 395, 14;
being without a, 491, 1;
careless, 2, 35;
early, 75, 34;
effect of presence of, 80, 53;
every one finds his, 85, 27;
eye of, 426, 34;
finding, a first duty, 428, 15;
measure of, 441, 41;
minds, rare, 292, 38;
no one born, 295, 45;
of whole world, 150, 13;
presence of, eye of house, 327, 39;
qualification for, 175, 3;
spirits, 56, 54;
the, and the mansion, 293, 34;
true, 145, 36;
who fears his servants, 279, 47;
who will not serve one, 42, 17
Master's eye, worth of, 53, 28
Masterhood, and servanthood, correlative, 107, 7;
restriction necessary to, 152, 39
Masters, accustomed, not easily dispensed with, 239, 17;
and their domestics, 105, 9;
change of, to the poor, 189, 18;
no serving two, 303, 24; 305, 22;
not all, 523, 2;
real, importance of, 559, 43;
serving two, 41, 15;
the great, the subject of all, 324, 34
Mastership and servantship, value of, 96, 19
Mastery, empty claim of, over others, 10, 1;
essence of, 492, 48;
of a subject, how to attain, 117, 32;
how to attain to, 390, 36;
mistaken for egoism, 65, 29;
thorough, how possible, 303, 25; 305, 22
Material things essential to life, 468, 26
Mathematics, our, 524, 34
Mathesis, a fundamental, 494, 11
Matrimony, the state of, 234, 22; 405, 46
Matter, spirit-informed, 277, 43;
subject to mind, 279, 32
Maturity, law of, 445, 5
Maxim, the grand modern, 38, 45;
the, of maxims, 491, 38
Maxims, by themselves, 12, 33;
good, value of, 129, 52;
sound, the value of, 400, 23;
their helpfulness, 356, 1;
their, show men, 239, 4;
too high, to be reserved, 529, 2
Mazes, in wandering, lost, 336, 43
Me, our, the only reality, 482, 12
Mean, a, in all things, 87, 14;
deed, debasing, 150, 2;
the proper course, 98, 5
Meaning well, 495, 24
Meanness, debasing, 16, 16;
more hopeless than wickedness, 166, 44
Means, and end, 5, 50;
I'll husband, 110, 25;
must be at hand, 3, 32;
to do ill deeds, 162, 39
Measures, nothing to men, 273, 41
Meat, and stomach for it, matter of thanks, 398, 14;
one man's, not another's, 5, 7;
where mouths, 127, 30, 42
Medal, and its reverse, 40, 3;
reverse of, thought on, 333, 3
"Meddle not," as a maxim, 413, 31
Medea, her method of reform, 305, 28
MediÆvalism, chief moral agent of, 453, 11
Medical skill, profession of, universal, 106, 36
Medicine, contrary effects of, 84, 35;
Mephisto on the study of, 59, 58
Mediocrity, aiming at, 489, 32;
helpful to make wise, 189, 56;
in power, 314, 35; 376, 46;
naturally pleasing to us, 308, 1;
respectable, inoffensive, 374, 50;
the ascendency of, a sign of the times, 429, 45;
to be cheerfully accepted, 172, 19;
when unendurable, 466, 32
Meekness, power of, 405, 25;
true, faces of, 398, 12
Melancholy, and mirth, correlated, 482, 27;
charm in, 125, 9;
contrasted with cheerfulness, 40, 46;
how to prevent, 81, 41
Melanchthon's rule, 188, 25
Melodies, of the everlasting chime, 467, 10;
the sweetest, 408, 30
Melody, in the heart of everything, 9, 47;
sphere, 435, 3
Member, suffering in one, 110, 13
Memorial, more durable than brass, 96, 47
Memorials, enduring, 99, 20
Memory, and judgment compared, 21, 3;
dependent on forgetfulness, 495, 18;
dependent on oblivion, 176, 16;
independent of will, 338, 33;
necessity of exercising, 273, 11;
not to be dragooned, 565, 45;
pleasures of, 546, 21;
Themistocles on his, 273, 6;
the dark background of, 323, 23;
the faculty of, 426, 45;
wise, the condition of, 176, 16;
with little judgment, 26, 11
Men, a little breed, 523, 6;
a thousand kinds of, 275, 25;
after modern or ancient model, 124, 13;
all conditioned by circumstance, 138, 29;
all, play-actors, 286, 31;
ambitious, like tallest trees, 456, 40;
and the law, 438, 24;
and their vices, how to treat, 340, 32;
and women of right sort, 35, 2;
angels or slugs, practically no matter, 339, 42;
anvil as well as hammer, 92, 32;
argumentative, 398, 19;
as individuals, and their belongings, 521, 3;
as measured of God, 125, 29;
as the generation of leaves, 326, 37;
as they are born, 398, 16;
at birth and death, 9, 60;
at their best, 289, 49;
blindness of, 65, 33;
born for others, 310, 13;
born too soon, 116, 32;
bubbles on stream of time, 111, 40;
but three classes of, 466, 29;
by what standard to weigh, 333, 19;
childless, progeny of, 445, 10;
collective beings, 521, 3;
collectively, respect for, despised individually, 16, 1;
common, apologies for men, 45, 15;
compared with plants, 349, 16;
dangerous, 149, 13;
differences among, 110, 20;
dream of a shadow, 393, 16;
driven as turkeys, 521, 14;
effect of, ignorance of, 65, 32;
evil, characteristic of, 95, 32;
evil of shunning, 65, 31;
false estimate of, 162, 22;
far-observant, often unknown to themselves, 529, 23;
for certain brothers, 556, 41;
glorious, Bacon on, 124, 23;
god-devils, 357, 35;
God's versus devil's, 128, 10;
good, value of, 129, 53;
good, mercy in, 187, 18;
graded from birth, 21, 15;
great (see Great men);
greatest, sayings about, 432, 16-23;
greatest, simplest, 432, 41;
happy, full of present, 140, 23;
how misknown, 65, 31;
how ruined, 9, 69;
how to be weighed, 507, 13;
how to govern, 492, 47;
how to make true or great, 501, 14;
how to treat, 510, 14, 15;
how treated by the gods, 68, 36;
hypocrites when talking of themselves, 535, 28;
in love, philosophy of, 542, 15;
in one respect all alike, 188, 39;
in the eye of God, 127, 23;
inconstancy of, 391, 24;
inequality among, 239, 10;
known when in misfortune, 544, 2;
knowledge of, advantage of, 60, 34;
lenses, 336, 41;
like chameleons, 520, 42;
like fishes in sea, 107, 3;
like nails and like rivets, 462, 37
Migrate, why men, 276, 23
Mildness, power of, 261, 39
Military life, fascination of, 286, 18
Milk of human kindness, 166, 7
Mills, God's, grind slow, 128, 11, 12
Millstone, a, collects no moss, 79, 29
Milton, characteristic of, 419, 44;
music of, 445, 29;
on his blindness, 485, 50;
some mute inglorious, 399, 10
Mind, a degraded, lowest state of, 368, 29;
a diseased, tender, 277, 56;
a kingdom, 288, 10;
a moodiness of, how to treat, 543, 3;
a small, sign of, 202, 2;
a vacant, 2, 13;
a well-cultivated, 24, 53;
a willing, 24, 58;
alone old, 315, 31;
an incomplete, 468, 20;
and body, intimate connection of, 266, 28;
and heart, methods of, different, 222, 45;
as related to body, 122, 42;
base, mark of, 488, 1;
change of, mark of wisdom, 180, 41;
character of, to what due, 461, 20;
celestial and divine, 541, 17;
collision of, with mind, good, 202, 9;
conceiving and bringing forth, 442, 14;
creative power of, 442, 13;
dark depths in, 1, 26;
diseased, not to be ministered to, 35, 21;
dormant without inspiration, 326, 24;
dupe of heart, 223, 5;
effect of, on the body, 488, 3;
elation of, to be restrained, 80, 15;
elevation of mind, without justice, 413, 7;
fastened to a clog, 551, 43;
fields of, to be cultivated, 51, 7;
good, wealth of, 277, 44;
grandeur of, condition of, 490, 9;
greatness of, proofs of, 259, 23;
guilty, effect of, 432, 51;
human, march of, 441, 30;
human, sayings about, 435, 46; 436, 1, 2;
in suspense, easily swayed, 74, 9;
little, always, 25, 26;
little, conversing with great, 439, 25;
dislocated movements of, 69, 45;
lofty, good, 79, 9;
made-up, not to be advised, 47, 55;
makes the body rich, 111, 28;
maturity of, and bodily decay, 507, 21;
must be stimulated, 44, 19;
noble, contrasted with vulgar, 79, 30;
noblest, character of, 445, 8;
our better, 337, 17;
power of, on body, 202, 46;
presence of, test of a man, 200, 47;
sayings about the, 442, 15-28;
strong, unconscious, 455, 33;
the form of forms, 264, 15;
the gentle, mark of, 429, 50;
the great, 144, 51;
the, in the face, 478, 12;
the, its power of persuading itself to see what it chooses, 333, 27;
the man, 277, 46; 533, 5;
the true and sound, 459, 11;
the truly strong, unconscious, 459, 17;
to be kept bent, 243, 18;
to be kept in hand, 217, 35;
under too large obligations, 442, 12;
without education, 510, 11;
without, of one's own, 150, 39;
who knows the, 552, 7;
young and advanced, 465, 45
Minds, different pursuits of different, 67, 23;
excellent, levity in, 471, 4
fearless, success of, 103, 58;
great, characteristic of, 419, 42;
great contrasted with little, 251, 24-26
great, (see Great minds);
greatest, when they generally appear, 487, 28;
ill at ease, 397, 32;
little, how caught, 342, 13;
magic of action and reaction of, 477, 1;
occupied with small matters, 39, 24;
old, to be kept in exercise, 327, 25;
our, how we furnish, 524, 7;
our, when unoccupied, 338, 34;
strongest, unknown, 404, 11;
the finest, 427, 43;
thoughtful, love colour, 9, 32;
weak, weakness of, 530, 13, 14
Minister, defined in the Hitopadesa, 143, 8;
to live by ministering, 148, 19
Ministers, how judged, 465, 3
Ministry, a, advantage of opponents of, 480, 11;
test of a, 490, 3
Minnow, an emblem of man, 496, 10
Minor, the desire of, 452, 28
Minorities, rights of, to protection, 131, 26
Minute, every, how to fill, 240, 41
Minuteness, reverence for, in estimate of greatness, 135, 38
Mirabeau, last words of, 241, 29;
the greatness of, 413, 49;
to the Marquis de BrÉzÉ, 317, 15
Miracle, a, in quest of, 547, 32;
man the, of miracles, 522, 23;
pet child of faith, 55, 10;
the great indestructible, 53, 44;
the true, 533, 7
Miracles, age of, 415, 41;
all, how achieved, 157, 43;
cause of, 201, 11;
faith required for, 353, 51;
futility of, without spiritual sense, 175, 2;
how wrought still, 32, 3;
no longer, 3, 2;
of Christ, 442, 29;
the source of, 340, 7
Mirror, objects in a, 86, 37;
the best, 417, 47
Mirth, and melancholy, correlated, 482, 27;
hard to feign, in sorrow, 67, 30;
most, only apparent, 284, 28;
power of, 114, 9;
string attuned to, 478, 23;
unfelt, hard to feign, 154, 32;
unreasonable, 508, 23;
violent, 514, 34
Misanthropist at forty, 554, 17
Mischief, joy in, 294, 35;
not to be spoken, 271, 52;
origin of all, 10, 4;
past and prosper'd, 243, 6;
past, mourning, 494, 36
Misconception, purposed, evil of, 488, 28
Miser, and his losses, 13, 44;
Dryden to the, 124, 48;
his only right act, 24, 36;
mind of, 538, 34;
passion of, joyless, 222, 34;
sayings about the, 442, 30, 31;
the, his wants, 410, 14;
who dies rich, 13, 23
Miserable, apology for being, 487, 15;
only medicine of, 442, 32
Miseries, cure for all, 562, 42;
happiness at others', 181, 27;
our greatest, 340, 1;
past, recollection of, 213, 58
Misers, compared with moles, 282, 12;
greedy, rail at sordid, 136, 8;
that gloat over their money, 483, 4
Misery, a cause of, 200, 42;
a man's, from within, 485, 34;
a widespread cause of, 284, 30;
always exaggerated, 330, 5;
another's, no matter of sport, 474, 23;
cause of all, 494, 5;
enduring, 370, 16;
fatal prevailing source of, 333, 26;
in, God's help seen, 205, 17;
inconsistent with occupation, 307, 27;
not to be laughed at, 180, 8;
of man, the source of, 442, 33;
our own making, 314, 36;
plaint of, to be listened to, 116, 28;
sacred even to gods, 111, 4;
to-morrow's, not to be forestalled, 529, 5
Misfortune, a second master, 259, 1;
and wisdom, 54, 33;
as a school, 68, 45;
badge of innocence, 87, 38;
blessed, 27, 54;
Burns under blows of, 167, 23;
but one, for man, 110, 18
effect of, on understanding, 192, 6;
greatest, 432, 25;
how to face, 293, 2;
indispensable to man, 136, 33;
never alone, 298, 27;
not to be thy maid, 296, 40;
one, vigil of another, 333, 7;
one's own, and others', 171, 40;
others', admonitory, 31, 57;
scene of a, avoided, 88, 26;
self-caused, 41, 16;
suggestion of, in joy, 22, 24;
sure to come some day, 36, 47;
talked of not disagreeable, 59, 32;
temptation of, 186, 48;
the greatest, 318, 25;
the one, for a man, 471, 16;
the parent of, 368, 16;
a misnomer, 476, 25
Misfortunes, another's, easily borne, 168, 10;
as a source of talk, 7, 33;
best to forget, 181, 8;
how lightened, 17, 20;
in spite of, enough, 477, 2;
not always evil, 386, 38;
not believed in, till they come, 317, 10;
not to be repined over, 112, 41;
of others, easy to bear, 317, 6;
our greatest, source of, 338, 9;
our own and other's, 433, 18;
our own, not the heaviest, 176, 6;
our worst, 340, 1;
to be boldly faced, 502, 52;
variable, 281, 13;
when to bewail, 569, 20;
women's, self-made, 165, 33
Misgovernment, evil of, 261, 10;
sophistical, dilemma on which it rests, 139, 18
Misled, the, what is due to, 496, 8
Mismanagement, doomed, 374, 24;
not for ever, 480, 41, 46
Mist, how to escape a, 193, 52
Mistake, a general, 417, 38;
throttling of one, inconsiderable, 550, 18;
Wellington's protestation against, 473, 27
Mistakes, and discovery, 525, 15;
every one makes, 180, 19;
hard to correct and sift, 553, 34;
root of all great, 187, 12;
to be eschewed, 296, 11
Mistrust, treason, 414, 18
Misunderstanding, inevitable, 395, 11
Misunderstood, to be, a bitterness, 490, 29
Mob, described, 27, 40;
Emerson's definition of, 13, 50;
in a civilised nation, 420, 32;
sentiments of, 300, 9;
suffrages of, Horace on, 309, 25;
the, a scare to poet, 322, 8;
the fickle, 67, 7;
the, sayings about, 442, 36-39
Mob-tumults, Goethe's uneasiness at, 164, 33
Mode, set, tendency to, 205, 45;
the origin and character of, 65, 36
Moderation, an impregnable fortress, 112, 54;
exceeding, 492, 45;
in living, 334, 44;
the good in, 23, 48;
with a clear sky, 270, 50
Modern society versus Christianity, 43, 5
Moderns, and ancients, teachings compared, 416, 7;
the, contrasted with Greeks, 432, 45
Modes, ridiculous, 376, 42
Modesty, a virtue of the low-born, 319, 17;
as a virtue, 48, 55;
as an ornament, 432, 33;
as covering self-conceit, 168, 24;
commended, 27, 48;
contrast with loquacity, 253, 17;
dead, 7, 34;
divorced from truth, 536, 31;
false, 100, 44, 45;
in youth, 4, 41;
misconstrued, 350, 1;
more majestic than strength, 249, 14;
necessity of, 484, 22;
genesis of, 267, 42;
good-will everything in, 60, 9;
in youth, moulding, 97, 1;
our teacher in, 521, 20;
rooted in fear, 188, 17;
straight in, alone right, 534, 21;
the new, 189, 43;
to be made attractive, 523, 11
More, Sir T., fruitlessness of his teachings, 314, 34
More's "Utopia," 331, 27
Morn, advancing, with rosy steps, 317, 36;
in russet mantle, 253, 4;
the breath of, 408, 23
Morning, a fresh, frosty, exercise in, 534, 16;
how to use the, 401, 38;
only a, in all things, 180, 28;
summons of every, 212, 8;
the first hour of, 428, 22;
the value of, 191, 8, 9
Mortality never taken home by us, 9, 70
Mortals, fate of, Virgil on, 335, 58
Moses compared with Galen and Justinian, 55, 15
Moth, the, desire of, for the star, 423, 11
Mother, a priestess, 252, 46;
among children, Goethe on, 475, 33;
as teacher limited, 383, 8;
busy, and daughter, 259, 43;
devotion of a, not thrown away, 305, 25;
effect of scream of, on child, 333, 45;
fondness of, 3, 4;
in the home, effect of 548, 35;
Lord Langdale on his, 174, 39;
love of a, 321, 8;
one good, value of, 332, 25;
the good, 430, 40;
the power of, 429, 38;
venerableness of a, 333, 9;
who feels ennui, 415, 19
Mother's, care, despising, 494, 19;
heart, 444, 13, 14;
kiss, power of a, 219, 29;
secret hope, 568, 40
Mother-grace, the, 444, 11
Mothers, good, value of, 537, 30;
knowledge peculiar to, 319, 18;
sad-hearted, while we sleep, 550, 17
Mother-tongue in a foreign land, 322, 9
Mother-wit, and false theology, 422, 26;
better than learning, 15, 66
Motive, everything, 163, 7;
the principal thing, 243, 1
Motives, essential to man, 127, 14;
human, the two great, 459, 26;
man sure of his, 551, 38
Motley, the, in every one, 524, 21
Mountain, a, in labour, 342, 9;
beyond every, 27, 11;
every, has its valley, 325, 45;
scenery, impressiveness of, 485, 27
Mountains, high, a feeling, 167, 39;
never meet, 115, 9
Mourning, the most demonstrative, 318, 18
Mouth shut, but eyes open, 43, 50
Move, one false, effect of, 332, 15
Movement, the principle of, 375, 7
Movements, all great, enthusiastic, 91, 12;
backward, advance, 470, 15
Multitude, difficulty in teaching, 423, 36;
faith of the, 509, 29;
not to be followed, 108, 16;
sayings about the, 444, 20, 23, 24
Murder, one, versus millions, 333, 10;
punishment of, a necessity, 95, 6;
sacrilegious, 46, 27;
will speak, 110, 24
Muses, the, power of, 444, 25
Mushrooms, lowly, cared for, 146, 55
Music, a becoming, and vehicle of emotion, 249, 47;
a characteristic of, 507, 52;
all-relatedness of, 244, 31;
compared with poetry, 351, 6;
dependent on tone, 39, 6;
effect of, 543, 43;
effect of words on, 546, 45;
elevated sensation of, 443, 41;
everywhere in nature, 384, 29;
good, effect of, 424, 38;
hard to collect into a distinct idea, 445, 7;
health to soul, 215, 33;
human, 265, 23;
in all things, 478, 9;
in orchestra, interpreter of, 206, 29;
in the heart, 444, 26;
key to female heart, 287, 25;
like softest, to attending ears, 162, 33;
Luther's esteem for, 297, 45;
Luther on skill in, 554, 16;
marching to, 332, 42;
mediocre, 466, 32;
moral effect of, 548, 38;
of men's lives, 162, 35;
Plato's definition of, 444, 17;
pleasure we feel in, 448, 7;
possibility of, 471, 5;
power of, 543, 36;
power of, to change nature, 317, 2;
quickening power of, 277, 27;
spiritual, how produced, 401, 46;
sweet, effect of, 164, 47;
the demonic in, 423, 3;
the food of love, 173, 23;
the most heaven-affecting, 324, 21;
the sphere of, 81, 33;
the sweetest, 456, 32;
the true universal speech, 287, 26;
true, 500, 26;
nobly non-utilitarian, 226, 22
"Must," God's, youth's answer to, 395, 19
Must, hard nut to crack, 287, 27
Mysteries, Divine, not to be meddled with, 204, 1;
made matters of reason, 525, 4
Mystery, a higher, wise man unwilling to unveil, 507, 17;
a, not to be spoken of mysteriously, 402, 4;
abode of faith, 100, 24;
and vice or roguery, 548, 26;
fascination of, 284, 22;
for whose benefit, 53, 35;
significance of, 506, 3;
supposed a sign of evil, 548, 39
Mystics, enthusiastic, 443, 43
Myth, a, not a lie, 296, 10
Mythology, significance of, 296, 10
Myths of fables, the, 492, 34
Nae luck aboot the hoose, 111, 20
Nail, worth of a, 187, 8
Name, a, better make, than inherit, 169, 32;
a good, 6, 50;
a good, security of, 44, 12;
a good, worth of, 31, 46;
a great, magic in, 470, 7;
a, too soon famous, 533, 24;
ambition for a, 14, 20;
but sound and smoke, 119, 26;
good, in man and woman, 129, 55;
good, loss of, 105, 56;
ill, easily got, 289, 15;
my good, he that filches, 146, 15;
virtuous, prized, 24, 44;
what's in a, 540, 11
Namelessness of many things, 284, 11
Names, and virtues, different sources of, 116, 15;
great, what they stand for, 134, 38
Naming, difficulty of, 532, 7
Naples, Bay of, Mme. de StaËl on, 173, 14
Napoleon, Carlyle on, 440, 37;
of his generals, 167, 50;
tired of Europe, 223, 11
Napoleon III., career of, 180, 35
Narrow, circle, effect of, on mind, 184, 20;
way, to be chosen, 305, 5;
world, bestriding like a Colossus, 555, 12
Narrowing, a necessity for both God and man, 127, 24
Narrowness, a, not possible now, 201, 53
Narrow-souled people, like narrow-necked bottles, 207, 35
Nation, a rich and happy, 14, 32;
a, strength of, 482, 50;
a talkative, 345, 16;
a truly free, 414, 1;
and its honour, 444, 30;
Bible of a, 492, 4;
biography of, 418, 26;
character of, not in its fine folks, 419, 39;
civilised, constituents of a, 420, 32;
composed of actors, 289, 44;
first period of, 428, 28;
genius of, 471, 29;
history of, a Bible, 418, 24;
how governed, 444, 29;
life of, Ruskin on, 438, 51;
narrow stand for a great, 414, 27;
no reforming, by "tremendous cheers," 305, 28;
proverbs of a, 450, 2;
a, secret of destiny of, 319, 23;
that can't defend itself deserving of being destroyed, 175, 32;
that does not stake its all on its honour, 298, 24;
that is indestructible, 305, 26;
that cannot retrograde, 421, 38;
the first and second power of a, 428, 30;
treatment by, of its greatest men, 239, 20;
true mind of, how to know, 459, 1;
wealth without intelligence ruin to, 305, 27;
what creates a, 193, 26;
what determines destiny of, 423, 13;
whence the good of a, 117, 40
National, character found among the peasantry, 266, 9;
good, self-derived, 314, 48;
greatness, condition of, 477, 35;
life without epoch, 475, 3
Nationality, characteristics of, 7, 35;
compared with individuality, 193, 24
Nations, and their most eminent men, 176, 4;
basis of, character of, with posterity, 541, 20;
cause of hostility of, 229, 28;
distances and divisions of, how to measure, 423, 48;
effect of modesty on, 193, 27;
glory of, 443, 37;
great, characteristic of, 133, 18;
in, head before heart, 13, 54;
law of welfare of, 232, 45;
leprosy in, Church source of, 544, 29;
that navigate most, 443, 34;
to ingraft new ideas on, 491, 11;
vicissitudes of, 81, 37;
wisdom of, 462, 28
Native, land, a man's connection with, 288, 33;
land, its fascinating power, 295, 39;
land, love for, 32, 25;
land, want of love for, 168, 41;
soil, dear, 343, 29
Natural, as source of good, 298, 16;
effect of desiring to appear, 316, 36;
graceful, 92, 50;
never shameful, 337, 3;
symbolic, 92, 51;
the, a mark of, 541, 1;
things, without shame, 290, 17
Naturalist, requirements in, 262, 2
Nature, a great, development of, 142, 55;
a whole, 173, 25;
against, against God, 535, 40;
all, unknown art, 10, 7;
an enigma, till solved in and by man, 94, 27;
and art at one, 290, 3;
and her secrets, 508, 20;
and man, 549, 13;
and man, distinction between, 424, 1;
and necessity barriers, 170, 7;
and wisdom at one, 318, 47;
as a judge, 389, 11;
as felt by experience, 94, 32;
as regards God, 66, 2;
aims of, 66, 3;
as seen by intellect, 94, 32;
at bottom, 482, 12;
at heart, music, 384, 29;
be, your teacher, 44, 44;
cheerful lesson of, 564, 20;
circular power in, 472, 7, 31;
cruelty in, 20, 44;
cursed, as breeding ingratitude, 403, 40;
diseased, oftentimes breaks forth, 69, 13;
effect of contact with, in our city estimates, 21, 30;
errorless, 18, 44;
everything in, of one stuff, 94, 24;
fashioned him, then broke the mould, 290, 5;
filling the sails, 544, 30;
full of milk of human kindness, 486, 5;
gave sign of woe, 75, 46;
gift of, to man, 264, 9;
God's body, 9, 6;
her carefulness and her carelessness, 394, 47;
her gifts out of love, 528, 7;
her means, 249, 31;
how perfected, 404, 12;
how to regard our, 523, 16;
5, 16;
in smallest things, 498, 1;
in the smallest, untameable, 5, 49;
inanimate, way from, to spirit, 198, 45;
inferior to grace, 131, 34;
inferior to spirit, 454, 35;
infinite vastness of, to the wisest, 89, 5
Nets, useless where no fish, 82, 28
Nettle, how to handle, 121, 40;
stroking a, 484, 37
Never, a long while, 38, 5
New, a precedent some day, 328, 27;
age, a, want of, 426, 22;
and old, discretion in regard to, 28, 16;
and old, the conflict of, characterised, 421, 24;
its appearance and effects of, 541, 2;
foil, to old, 183, 13;
in science and morals, 189, 43;
nothing, in life, 315, 29;
reproduction of old, or forgotten, 180, 15, 16;
seldom good, 183, 12;
the, and the valuable, 537, 29;
the, how to employ, 243, 44;
the, still but in birth pangs, 424, 15;
unexpected quarter it comes from, 430, 46;
year's, a, greeting, 240, 29
News, good and bad, 402, 44;
only teller of, 446, 21
Newspaper, literature, Goethe on, 333, 41;
the influential, Emerson on, 207, 38
Newspapers, Napoleon's dread of, 114, 1;
our fortresses, 191, 35
News-writer, highest reach of, 435, 9
New Testament, revelation in, 375, 13
Newton, on his own worth, 172, 26
Nicknames, good, effect of, 306, 25
Niggard, always poor, 159, 5;
contrasted with generous, 24, 7
Night, a long, 370, 18;
and morning, rule for, 406, 28;
cause of, to man, 76, 4;
counsel by, 226, 30;
deeds of, 536, 4;
last in the train of, 99, 53;
sayings on the, 444, 45-49; 445, 1;
sober-suited matron, 44, 39;
the darkest, followed by day, 55, 24
Nightingale, the, Milton on, 408, 21
Nights, drowsy, how to have, 176, 31
Nimbleness, contrasted with haste, 141, 5
Nimrod, the, of this era, 450, 40
Nineteenth century, the enthusiasm of, 245, 18
Nirvana, 313, 15;
road to, 444, 40
"No," a surly, honest fellow, 302, 37;
from merely saying, no good, 116, 18;
power of saying, as a sign, 309, 16;
to be deliberate, 337, 1
No, man indispensable, 180, 3;
one called happy before death, 63, 34;
the way to yea, 319, 22;
value of learning to say, 236, 6
Noah's ark, mouldy rolls of, 308, 15
Nobility, a man's, a test of, 368, 14;
a sure mark of, 234, 34;
and virtue, of kin, 242, 6;
appendix to, 170, 35;
at its origin, 10, 8;
source of, 308, 7;
in mind, 76, 53;
mark of true, 425, 17;
of race, mark of, 184, 21;
of soul, and of birth, 55, 28;
our old, to be preserved, 244, 1;
oldest and only true, 445, 33;
the beginning of, 190, 22;
the only, 488, 39;
true, essence of, 426, 2;
true, its origin, 500, 27
Noble, and vulgar, self-estimates of, 461, 10;
birth, proof of, 391, 21;
blood, humble, 213, 4;
descent, value of, 171, 11;
heart, attractive power of, 385, 22;
how men become, 190, 31;
man, and danger, 532, 15;
man, defined, 60, 22;
mind, mark of, 491, 44;
only, to be good, 163, 5;
people, loyalty of, 15, 52;
qualities, non-transferable, 484, 10;
silent ones, of world, 465, 10;
soul, proved in difficulty, 186, 3;
souls, power of, 508, 112;
the, appreciation of, 53, 31; 489, 36;
the, defined, 484, 26; 536, 38;
the, great, 309, 48;
the, in death, 445, 4;
to keep with noble, 203, 1;
words for shield of, 116, 36
Nobleman, a definition of, 360, 39;
a degenerate, 505, 25;
defined, 143, 38;
qualities of a, 380, 27
Nobleness, attribute of all, 10, 32;
its derivation, 319, 29;
refining power of, 16, 16;
test of, 76, 52;
the idea of, 184, 25
Nobles, born, 304, 9
Nod versus rod, 15, 55
Noise, music in distance, 268, 37;
not might, 14, 31;
of things deafening, 232, 51
Noises, encourager of, 431, 6
Nomadism, evil of, 346, 29
Non-being, no step in nature to, 517, 24
Non-existent rather than ignoble, 29, 35
Nonsense, consecration of, 523, 18;
daring, 53, 19;
in rhyme, 235, 43;
no objection in, 167, 31;
refreshing, 166, 9
No-progress men to be debarred public highways, 450, 8
Northern star, constant as, 164, 39
Nose, big, and handsome face, 210, 20
Noses, counting, to ascertain truth, 398, 27;
long, Napoleon's partiality for, 544, 1;
the length of, 472, 14
Nothing, absolute, 2, 21;
blessed in every respect, 299, 3;
extenuate, 400, 48;
for ever, 510, 29;
for nothing, 330, 1;
from nothing, 58, 34; 97, 16;
of nothing, 24, 3;
only once in the world, 476, 8;
perishes, 328, 17;
they that do, 479, 39
Novel, every, debtor to Homer, 93, 5
Novels, their unreality, 378, 1;
writers of, and double wrong they do, 563, 42
Novelty, charm of, 87, 28;
desire for, 179, 35;
love of, a ruling passion, 324, 36;
man's itch for, 87, 16;
people's delight in, 205, 12;
undue charm of, 536, 37
Now, the, 445, 12
Numbers, I lisp'd in, 21, 18;
round, 378, 17
Nurse, influence of, 3, 13
Nursery, training in, 443, 50
Oak, felled by blows of little axe, 269, 44;
when it falls, 445, 14
Oak-tree, when it falls and when it is planted, 545, 45
Oarsmen and steersman, 567, 27
Oath, powerless in domain of reason, 324, 26;
that does not bind, 305, 35
Oaths, but straws, 110, 29;
oracles, 157, 19;
straw to passion, 455, 39
Obedience, blind, 55, 9;
for those who can't rule, 243, 7;
imperative, 541, 27;
must be free, 204, 12;
not sacrifice, 45, 48;
Shelley on, 354, 46;
source of all virtues, 116, 14;
that is easy, 207, 20;
the key to freedom, 96, 22;
the virtue in, 364, 8;
to heaven, how learned, 449, 1;
true, 500, 28;
true, virtue of, 306, 44;
two kinds of, 490, 13;
value of, 10, 42;
virtue of Christianity, 403, 34;
when to be enforced, 171, 33
Obeisance, time for, 207, 11
Obeyed, how to be cheerfully, 176, 32
Obeying and governing, 203, 15
Obeys, who, and who commands, 151, 49
Object,and expression, 527, 26;
greatest in universe, and a greater, 432, 26
Objects, all, windows into the infinite, 10, 9
Obligation, haste in discharging, 490, 25;
limit to, 505, 7
Oblivion, the condition of memory, 176, 16;
the cormorant, 421, 35
Obscure, the, defined, 445, 23
Obscurity, cause of, 209, 45;
cause of, in writer, 205, 2;
contentment with, commended, 236, 1;
in an author, relative, 149, 8;
patience of, a duty, 343, 13
Obsequiousness, advantage of, 323, 32
Observation, Burns on lack of, 464, 42;
much, effect of, 285, 23;
to precede judgment, 27, 47;
vigilant, effect of, 92, 31;
want of, 109, 49; 143, 23;
width of, commended, 242, 30
Observed of all observers, 322, 32
Observer, a fine, characteristic of, 541, 4;
an acute, 144, 49;
great, a, 7, 3
Obsolete to the pot, 169, 42
Obstacles, glory in overcoming, 443, 20;
also stepping-stones, 418, 39
Obstinacy, 1, 12;
slavery, 15, 54
Obvious, the, ignorance of, 536, 45
Occasions, great, source of, 133, 7
Occupation, absence of, 2, 13;
blessing of, 307, 27;
constant, moral effect of, 46, 57;
necessity, duty, and pleasure, 291, 7;
sharpening effect of, 90, 3;
want of, a plague, 461, 16
Occupations, mechanical, 441, 42
Ocean, beating of, 445, 24
Offence, an, which we pardon, 330, 34;
and punishment, disproportionate effect of, 547, 31;
every, at first, 93, 6;
giving and appeasing, 201, 28;
inclination to give, 124, 16;
none free from, 304, 14;
not soon forgotten, 50, 51;
pardon of, bringing under obligation, 446, 45;
rising above, 543, 6;
taking, 21, 27
Offences, at my beck, 467, 22
Offender, and offended, as regards memory of offence, 42, 19;
never forgives, 146, 4;
the, unforgiving, 42, 18-32
Offers, extravagant, denials, 325, 27
Office, a kind, natural to one, 331, 47;
effect of, on character, 259, 5;
high, slavery of, 554, 1;
just pride of, 212, 2;
testing power of, 17, 32;
unfitness for, 179, 19;
without pay, a temptation, 14, 10
Official, duty of, 170, 3
Officious, the, mischievous, 161, 35
Offspring, unworthy, boast of, 509, 12
Old, and new, discretion in regard to, 28, 16;
and new, the conflict of, characterised, 421, 24;
few know how to be, 105, 17;
harness, better die in, 29, 21;
how first appreciated, 183, 13;
I love everything that's, 167, 42;
idolatry of the, 523, 13;
maid's tongues, 64, 5;
man, an, just beginning to live, 365, 39;
man in a house, 15, 58;
man, one misery of, an, 333, 29;
man, only old despicable, 299, 22;
man, sayings of, 118, 35;
men, and their good advice, 239, 33;
men, beauty of, 430, 14;
men, errors of, 425, 29;
men, failing of, 198, 18;
oak, twist out of, 209, 3;
people, borne with, 265, 32;
people, talk of, 238, 39;
people, who forget their age, 234, 30;
superseded by new, 445, 30;
the, death of, 445, 29;
the, extolled, 513, 38;
the, once new, 289, 42;
resource of, that want depth, 38, 12;
that always convince, 239, 13
Oratory, first and last thing in, 428, 41;
how to train for, 179, 21;
mediocre, 466, 32;
the aim of, 336, 5;
the main point in, 313, 20;
the seat of, 188, 40
Orb, the smallest, thou behold'st, 478, 25
Ordeal, that may be faced, 218, 21
Order, gain of time, 119, 14;
good, importance of, 61, 33;
man's law, 264, 16;
our limit, 567, 3;
social, without liberty, 396, 3;
the power of, 410, 42;
the teacher, 287, 22
Orders, no shame in obeying, 469, 13
Organ, inscription on, 156, 48
Organisation, closing of individual, 27, 10;
military, foundation of, 58, 28
Origin, pride of, 356, 39
Original, how to be, 461, 27;
man, and popular, contrasted, 448, 33;
the, still here, 130, 52
Originality, in authors, 444, 3;
merit of, 442, 8
Origins, the question of, insoluble, and for idle people, 243, 37
Orphaned, the truly, 298, 2
Orpheus, represented in poet, 459, 5
Others, bondage to, 385, 1;
often a burden to us, 8, 56;
trust not to, what one's self can do, 166, 42
"Ought," God in the word, 126, 42
Ounce, the last, 438, 5
Our own, before another's, 526, 30
Ourselves, to see, as others see us, 322, 24
Ourselves, to be accepted as we are, 526, 23, 24
Outer and inner, 446, 32
Outward, the, a garment of invisible within, 541, 14
Outwitted, the easily, 564, 38
Over-consideration, vanity of, 149, 48
Over-curious, the, 446, 33
Overfeeding, mortality from, 57, 19
Over-happiness no happiness, 140, 12
Overpraise, evil of, 472, 26
Ovid, on his muse, 63, 33;
on his rhymes, 36, 22;
on his works, 210, 23;
to his muse, 132, 21
Own, one's, devotion to, 166, 17;
one's, right to, 168, 18
Owner, foot of, 429, 12
Ownership, conquest, 155, 31;
exclusive, theft, 227, 20
Ox, a strange, 32, 10;
a tired, 32, 14;
an old, steady, 32, 55;
that works, not to be muzzled, 483, 47
Oyster, the first to eat an, 149, 20
Pactolus river, the blind and the seer at, 511, 5
Paganism, virtue of, 403, 34
Page, a, sparkling with points, 334, 24
Pain, a nether-fire, 544, 45;
and joy, relative amount of, 471, 36;
and pleasure, companions, 349, 30;
and pleasures, revolutions of, 545, 9;
as urging to labour, 95, 35;
avoidance of, the aim of wise man, 321, 36;
birth of higher natures, 23, 46;
compensation in, 328, 2;
consecrated in Christ, 524, 42;
felt, the worst, 446, 38;
flying, 524, 16;
from happiness, 2, 62;
great agent in march of world, 431, 9;
how to beguile, 435, 17;
how to eschew, 177, 34;
ill to bear, 364, 42;
man's master, 223, 24;
not imaginary, 10, 13;
not to be given, 431, 16;
one, lessened by another, 332, 18;
positive, 380, 62;
risk of shirking, 382, 10;
seductive power of, 88, 15;
shared, divided, 385, 28;
sympathetic, 242, 31;
three parts in joy, 28, 18;
which we give ourselves for others, 527, 43
Pains, forgotten after gains, 112, 29;
too much, bad, 300, 12
Painstaking, too much, a disease, 497, 43
Painter, effect of love of gain on, 439, 49;
genius necessary to, 489, 40;
his own colour-grinder, 446, 42;
what a, should paint, 93, 41;
licence conceded to, 348, 25
Painters and poets, common licence to, 351, 36
Painting, before, blackening behind, 41, 14;
does not feed men, 294, 44;
in old and in later times, 188, 35;
mediocre, 466, 32;
moral effect of, 383, 32;
that attracts by mere verisimilitude, 533, 42;
with a big brush, 566, 38
Pallas, the birth of, 301, 27
Pantaloon, lean and slippered, 438, 32
Paradise, a moment in, cheap at the price of death, 78, 36;
in, alone, 280, 6
Parasite, nothing without its, 73, 21
Pardon, never and always, 127, 29;
nothing in yourself, 178, 23;
term of, 527, 44
Pardoning, sometimes an evil, 278, 13, 15
Parent, authority of, how forfeited, 506, 20
Parents, and children, in great states and vile, 187, 19;
and children, as regards mutual support, 79, 40;
and children, how they regard each other, 41, 54;
death of, to child, 489, 22;
respect for, as a duty, 374, 43;
their joys, griefs, and fears, 437, 20
Parliament, member of, difficult to choose, 203, 44
Parnassus, the elect of, 234, 18;
the poor man's, 287, 12
Parsimony and frugality, 558, 39
Pars magna, 88, 36
Parsons, cobblers, 279, 46
Part, acting a, long, difficult, 201, 5;
inexplicable, if whole is so, 554, 33
Particles, significance of, 425, 20
Particular, in art, to represent universal, 448, 16;
the, the universal limited, 446, 46
Parties, all work together, 244, 4;
how formed, 276, 15;
the weakness of, 206, 32
Parting, an image of death, 180, 39;
ordained of God, 85, 42;
the pain of, 382, 1;
the pangs of, 555, 41
Partington, Mrs., and the Atlantic, 416, 32
Partisanship, effect of, on truth, 382, 22
Parts, men of great, 276, 5
Party, a sacrifice to, 550, 36;
animosities, effect of, 424, 40;
best service to, 145, 8;
government, evil effect of, 276, 15;
in England, habit of, 433, 4;
leader, his difficulties, 145, 17;
man, no convincing, 144, 17;
spirit, evil of, 457, 7
Passion, a disappointed, the wound of, 201, 43;
a god, 404, 51;
a malignant, 189, 57;
being without, 491, 2;
easier to inspire than faith, 203, 14;
employment of, apart from reason, 144, 47;
extreme, folly of, 314, 16;
fit of, an exposure, 145, 14;
function of, 329, 43;
in the soul, 562, 20;
infinite, everywhere, 334, 54;
latent in every heart, 186, 35;
long-cherished, 67, 26;
moral power of, 226, 35;
never decides aright, 297, 22;
no, can be hid, 93, 42;
not to be bought, 32, 21;
ruling, the power of a, 542, 2;
susceptibility to, 545, 37;
the power of, 559, 39, 40;
unsteadiness of, 341, 51;
versus reason, 20, 20;
volatile, 65, 20
Passionless, man, as regards evil, 143, 28
Passions, and feelings, contrasted with reason, 369, 23, 31;
as orators, 239, 13;
contrasted with conscience, 224, 32;
effect of absence on, 2, 11;
exaggerations, 10, 15; 65, 19;
general and particular, 439, 48;
gentle, fruits of, 121, 28;
great, incurable diseases, 136, 47;
hard to conceal, 363, 1;
how to treat our, 461, 25;
like rivers in their course, 249, 51;
man great by his, 263, 43; man without, worthlessness of, 92, 36;
man's, saddening, 264, 1;
our, abuse of our, 529, 31;
our, in frenzy and under reason, 338, 43;
our, like convulsion fits, 338, 44;
our, masters rather servants, 276, 34;
our, the true phoenixes, 338, 45; 556, 3;
power of the, 38, 37;
private and public, 239, 12;
Rousseau on his, 39, 2;
sayings about, 446, 47-51; 447, 1;
strong, life of manly virtues, 404, 7;
subduing, a work, 207, 8;
their duration, 225, 12;
their use and nobleness, 306, 31;
transmuted by music, 287, 1;
violent, how formed, 514, 35;
voice of the body, 46, 39;
why implanted, 291, 15;
winds of the vessel, 239, 15;
without, without principle and motive, 1
50, 40.
See Les passions.
Past, a form of present, 519, 5;
and future, our relation to, 521, 8;
cold dead hand of, curative of egotism, 475, 29;
court of the, 422, 5;
events, to be ignorant of, 295, 41;
great spirits of, 431, 39;
grief over, natural, 274, 28;
how to appropriate, 454, 8;
how to treat, 501, 15;
key to future, 404, 22;
lamenting, vain, 494, 2;
no concern to us, 180, 9;
no erasing the, 294, 40;
not to be lamented, 103, 47;
not to be undone, 23, 11;
not wasted if we rise on its ruins, 311, 46;
our yearning after, 15, 37;
present, and future, compared, 429, 37;
present, and future, how to regard, 252, 58;
the barbaric, study of, 264, 1;
the hours of the, 302, 22;
the, sayings about, 447, 2-7;
the soul of, in books, 185, 15;
unalterable, 312, 33
Pastime, the dearest, 65, 8
Pastor, profession of, 107, 11
Pastors, ungracious, conduct of, 71, 25
Pastures, good, 130, 3
Patch rather than a hole, 28, 27
Paternity in law, 87, 23
Pates, lean, fat paunches make, 102, 45
Path, a best, for every man, 471, 13;
the beaten, safe, 513, 43, 44;
the best, through life, 417, 53;
the direct, 61, 33;
sure and honest heart, all, 215, 28
Pathetic, the, its elements, 447, 14
Pathway, a, to be made where none visible, 548, 18
Patience, a lesson in, 75, 12;
a prayer, 432, 35;
abused, 343, 20;
against fortune, 484, 33;
an alleviator, 74, 34;
and faith, 449, 24;
and its fruit, 226, 37;
and perseverance, power of, 180, 25;
as a passion, 82, 24;
as a remedy, 15, 32;
as an antidote, 226, 39;
attained no small feat, 124, 3;
being out of, 553, 24;
better than learning, 119, 19;
commended, 558, 40; 145, 40;
desire of, a disease, 423, 9;
dumb, 544, 19;
easily dispensed with, 333, 28;
end of, 540, 3;
from trifles, 499, 23;
greater, dispensable, 520, 41;
how to arrive at, 489, 37;
in art, demand for, 302, 9;
in heaven's regard and man's, 517, 18;
in one's self to be aimed at, 28, 12;
law of, 227, 3;
sought in another, 75, 4;
supreme, 537, 9;
the three sources of, 468, 30
Perfumed, like a milliner, 114, 43
Perhaps, a great, in quest of, 210, 36
Perishable, to be made imperishable, 521, 26
Perjuries, lovers', 72, 6
Perjury, the punishment of, 346, 27;
when a virtue, 234, 20
Permanence, the condition of, 354, 36
Perplexity, moral, 1, 39
Persecution, better than being shunned, 29, 15;
history of, 435, 19
Perseverance, effect of, 496, 31;
gain of, 34, 10;
law of, 438, 21;
power of, 80, 54; 96, 54; 135, 29;
rarer than effort, 227, 8;
reward of, 496, 12; 553, 26;
virtue of, 56, 38; 346, 30;
want of, 142, 34
Persistence, merit of, 346, 30, 31
Persistency, attracts confidence, 89, 27
Person, a third, annoyance to two, 82, 4;
a worthy, respected by the good, 143, 17;
mystery of a, 444, 28
Personality, great, how to respect, 492, 23
Persons, and things to be taken as they are, 276, 13;
criticising of, 476, 29;
great, behaviour towards, 498, 45;
interesting, the only, 335, 8;
the emphasis of, 425, 4;
universally treated ill, 526, 5;
who please us, 443, 14
Persuasion, and faith, power of, 279, 32;
law of, 241, 16;
power of, 104, 57; 312, 23;
susceptibility to, the rule, 336, 5
Perversion, last stage of, 438, 8
Perversities, greatest of all, 432, 29
Pervert, no, fit for kingdom of God, 303, 47
Perverted minds, effect of things on, 328, 22
Pestilence, evil of, 101, 31
Peter more feared than respected, 117, 29
Petition to God, a precept, 93, 48
Petticoat government, 32, 47
PhaËton, epitaph on, 156, 14
Phariseeism intolerable, 468, 29
Pharmacopoeia, Napoleon's, 520, 28
Philanthropic, the, mistaken occupation of, 417, 31
Philanthropy, a vain, 536, 5;
mere, not the aim of life, 256, 38;
true, 482, 3;
with a flaw, 414, 5
Philina on her days and nights, 212, 13
Philip II. of Spain's boast, 170, 5
Philistinism, instance of, 203, 3
Philosopher, and the toothache, 477, 37;
and trifles, 150, 17;
characteristics of, 489, 42, 43;
content with being, 177, 16;
contrasted with peasant, 436, 15; 460, 4;
defined, 447, 34, 35;
dejection unseemly in, 56, 45;
his first business, 428, 8;
most aspiring, his proudest boast, 449, 50;
object and duty of, 445, 20;
should not swear, 324, 26;
the, and practical interests, 558, 33;
the, characteristic of, 419, 43;
true, character of, 419, 41;
without good-breeding, 452, 27;
work for a, 495, 36
Philosopher's, stone, a, 21, 23;
stone, the, 343, 60;
stone, the true, 47, 18, 23; 177, 1
Philosophers, a trouble to the world, 278, 37;
in talk, fools in art, 269, 45;
Rousseau on, 409, 18;
their opposite views of man, 398, 42
Philosophic study, the condition of, 421, 39
Philosophical, act, the true, 459, 3;
systems, worthlessness of, 550, 8
Philosophies, man's supplements of his practice, 267, 5
Philosophising, true, 383, 41
Philosophisings, cold, in presence of heart, 444, 37
Philosophism, fruit of, in France, 310, 4
Philosophy, a deliverer and a defender, 227, 5;
a genuine, 494, 11;
a test of a man's, 315, 23;
according to Plato and to Bacon, 189, 6;
after defeat, 333, 6;
and adversity, 4, 71;
and Christianity, 42, 52;
and divinity, 70, 12;
and misfortune, 227, 7;
as deceptive, 227, 6;
beginning of all, 459, 3;
best part of, 221, 12;
compared with poetry, 350, 41;
compared with religion, 372, 7, 17;
defined, 537, 3;
divine, 161, 7;
effects of little, and of depth in, 8, 48;
effect of, on one in fear, 449, 5;
existence and necessity of, 442, 6;
first qualification for, 61, 14;
function of, 516, 23;
glory of, 430, 13;
importance of, 81, 40; 559, 41;
misapplied, 521, 25;
motive to, 207, 9;
not enough, 26, 2;
permanent, 550, 7;
politics harmful to, 313, 47;
power of, 70, 9;
problem of, 449, 30;
sayings about, 447, 37, 38;
small draughts of, and large, 394, 23;
temple of, qualification for entering, 508, 3;
the beginning and end of, 192, 33;
the one, 471, 17;
the first cause of, 561, 44;
the sign of a ripened, 13, 51;
the two objects of, 423, 40;
too austere, 497, 30;
vanity of fortifying one's self with, 492, 9;
visible, 426, 17
Phocion to Demosthenes, 271, 37
Phoenix, a symbol of progress, 106, 20;
the, burning of, 190, 11
Phoenix-bird in the fire, 545, 46
Physic, hated, yet helpful, 484, 32;
the best, 533, 31;
to the dogs, 485, 42
Physician, a, to be old, 212, 48;
dispensed with, 559, 1;
must be humane, 78, 35;
no perfect, 334, 25;
profession of, 107, 11;
those who need, 479, 33;
to be honoured, 159, 50;
who has never been sick, 303, 48;
wise, usefulness of, 25, 1
Physicians, I die by the help of too many, 165, 41;
many, bad sign of a state, 226, 16;
the two best, 411, 48;
two real, 227, 37
Physiognomists, the best, 348, 24
Physique, effect of, on estimate of self, 278, 5
Picture, good, a sermon, 91, 10;
poem without words, 287, 37;
to ensure a genuine, 240, 27
Pictures, attraction of, 174, 23;
by nature, 72, 7;
good, shades and lights in, 468, 9;
importance of arrangement in, 323, 20;
pleasure in, 519, 31
Piece, a, how to compose, 119, 15
Piety, among the ruins of Iona, 413, 44;
and reason to be combined, 526, 39;
ascetic, 120, 27;
but a means, 116, 38;
defined by Cicero, 216, 30;
how best displayed, 334, 38;
real, 334, 1;
the, of a reformed man, 24, 56;
to be kept distinct from art, 345, 22
Pig, every, scrubbing, 152, 12
Pigeons, no, ready roasted, 119, 12, 13
Pilate, jesting, without eye for truth, 212, 34
Pilgrimages, profitlessness of, 148, 6
Pilgrims, few, saints, 105, 19
Pillow, a sibyl, 447, 40
Pills, sugared, 16, 56;
to be swallowed, 348, 42
Pilot, of Galilean Lake, 447, 41;
vigilance required in, 39, 41
Pilotage, in calm, 184, 8;
in storm, 184, 10
Pilots, skilful, reputation of, how gained, 393, 17
Pindar, passion of, mine, 542, 30
Pious, honoured by gods and men, 51, 38; 447, 44
Pipe, that is not played on, 540, 16
Pity, akin to humour, 164, 9;
ere charity, 36, 7;
how to show, 389, 40;
human, power of, 283, 26;
no, without rigour, 12, 46;
not hatred, 71, 44;
object of, 425, 22;
often more becoming than envy, 383, 36;
our, measure of, 527, 47;
rather than envy, 29, 27;
through severity, 396, 44;
virtue of law, 110, 38
Pitying better than condemning, 201, 26
Place, a consecrated, 46, 43;
a man below his, 152, 30;
dignified by deed, 116, 13;
preparation for a, 488, 37;
trodden by a good man, 447, 46
Places and place-holders, 63, 45
Plagiarism, Kingsley on, 301, 37
Plagiarists, honest, 10, 45
Plain, blunt man, a, 164, 49;
the perfectly, 381, 37
Plain-dealing, exceptional, 313, 37;
in disfavour, 107, 30
Plain-spokenness, an eccentricity, 177, 22
Plan, the divine, no need to understand, 155, 16
Planet, rather than moon, 166, 23;
sceptre of the, 458, 30
Plant, often removed, 16, 39
Plate, enjoyed as earthenware, 133, 37
Plato, as a thinker, 453, 7;
father of thought, 340, 10;
fruitlessness of his teachings, 314, 34;
the greatness of, 349, 19;
thought of, mine, 542, 30;
treatment of, 349, 20;
wrong with, rather than right with others, 84, 45
Plato's "Republic," 331, 27
Plausibility and truth, 355, 15
Player, and the times, 253, 6;
might teach parson, 169, 49
Playfulness after exertion, 151, 26
Playing, too much, 492, 5
Pleasant, mingled with bitter, 271, 55;
and unpleasant, matter of habit, 316, 25
Pleasantry, must be spontaneous, 101, 43;
with whom to risk, 528, 37
Please, others how to, 510, 20;
to, as a wish, 89, 4
Pleasing, art of, 416, 22;
every one pleasing none, 151, 20;
many a vain attempt, 217, 5;
no, every one, 117, 6;
pleasure of, 520, 37
Pleasure, a man of, 12, 34;
after pain, 376, 5;
and fear of the penalty, 65, 26;
and pain, 32, 35; 340, 42;
and pain, cousins german, 229, 6;
as a moralist, 474, 24;
at expense of pain, 308, 29;
blinding power of, 223, 22;
cost of, 10, 16;
diving for, 186, 9;
effect of indulg
admiration of, 182, 8
Poetasters, conceit of, 218, 23
Poetic, art, destiny of, 508, 31;
genius, the test of, 457, 13;
pains, a pleasure in, 470, 16
Poet-priest still waited for, 465, 14
Poetry, ancient and modern, contrasted, 448, 20;
and prose, defined, 358, 20;
and words, 562, 12;
as an educator of children, 411, 14;
at bottom, 313, 4;
attractive power of, 24, 39;
averse to reasoning, 71, 32;
born of pain or sorrow, 350, 33;
by a bad man, 389, 37;
compared with painting, 340, 51;
contrasted with science, 382, 37; 383, 2;
elements or subjects of, 425, 3;
essence of, 426, 1;
from an engineer, 566, 27;
good, personification, 130, 5;
how to understand, 565, 19;
if nonsense, when reduced to prose, 200, 2;
in common lives, 476, 20;
inferior, denounced, 193, 47;
its dwelling-place, 372, 27;
its relation to philosophy, 345, 8;
its sadness objected to, 535, 34;
lyric, 258, 26;
mediocre, 466, 32;
mistaken test of, 198, 13;
must be of ideas, 184, 22;
not dead, 372, 27;
not the thing now wanted, 358, 11;
nursed by wrong, 284, 42;
of eighteenth century, 339, 2;
old-fashioned, character of, 327, 13;
organic, 377, 19;
popular, fault of, 448, 13;
second-rate, condemned, 558, 42;
surpassed by music, 286, 47;
the elevating power of, 200, 44;
the essence of, 369, 19;
the kingdom of, 54, 24;
the life of, 562, 12;
the only, 335, 11; 446, 12;
transporting, 315, 35;
true, in the fields, 567, 33;
true, truer than science, 500, 29;
value and dignity of, 559, 42;
value of, 565, 19;
who has no ear for, 532, 10;
without taste for, 150, 38
Poets, at first and at last, 528, 2;
a question about, 487, 45;
and poverty, 354, 16;
but two orders of, 503, 48;
contrasted with orators, 289, 42;
good, inspired interpreters, 130, 6;
great, and their readers, 310, 22;
great, best qualities in, 10, 30;
great, how their works have been read, 464, 3;
great, of slow growth, 315, 12;
great (see Great Poets);
make witty, 157, 22;
mediocrity in, 272, 2;
modern, Goethe on, 281, 29;
nature-made, 291, 50;
our, Emerson on, 339, 3;
sensitive, 121, 48;
their wish, 24, 21;
three, of Greece, Italy, and England, 485, 23;
to be fed, not pampered, 84, 16
Poison, slow, dangerous, 16, 48; 79, 12;
those that need, 479, 14
Polarity, our own, our law, 521, 30
Policy, and incidents, 192, 55;
object of all true, 445, 15;
the best, 35, 9
Polish, what is alone susceptible of, 335, 22
Polite people, excessively, designing, 347, 5
Politeness, benefit of, 28, 19;
defined, 227, 16;
estimable, 376, 51;
morally rooted, 301, 46;
of wise and fools, 462, 31;
only source of, 446, 24;
true, 38, 19;
value of, 474, 6;
wise and foolish, 21, 61
Political, economy, real science of, 450, 43;
watchword, highest, 435, 5
Politician, object and duty of, 445, 20
Politicians and statesmen, contrasted, 455, 10
Politics, as gambling, 472, 41;
bungling in, hateful, 166, 30;
philosophy harmful to, 313, 47;
sayings about, 189, 8-10;
subject to circumstances, 475, 24;
too rigorous, 497, 30
Polonius, advice of, to LaËrtes, 123, 30
Pomp, insignificance of, 123, 13
Poniards, she speaks, 389, 14
Poor, and rich, 126, 15, 16;
and sins of rich, 59, 29;
compared with rich, 451, 24-27, 32;
considering, 30, 49;
fate of devourer of the, 37, 54;
giving to, 123, 46; 146, 21;
ignorance of, Carlyle on, 203, 35;
in purse, 18, 17;
man, a, 137, 46; 141, 23; 147, 53;
man, a, and a liar, 423, 8;
man, a really, 441, 5;
man, according to Emerson, 143, 53;
man, despised, 343, 47;
man, how, may become rich, 34, 1;
man, put to shifts, 158, 29;
man who is, 304, 12;
mercy to, blessed, 146, 50;
not to be robbed, 377, 43;
once, poor always, 386, 30;
man, become rich, pride of, 180, 2;
spectres that accompany, 203, 35;
spirit, mark of, 489, 5;
the alone truly, 319, 14;
the, obsequious to rich, 63, 50;
the, pity for, in a storm, 352, 37;
the poverty of, 423, 14;
the, sayings about, 448, 23-27;
the tillage of, 285, 12;
the uncomplaining, 59, 28;
the wretchedness of, 328, 40;
who think themselves so, 304, 10
Poorest, in his cottage, safety of, 448, 31;
place, plenty of, 448, 10
Pope, not born for high life, 169, 2;
of his religion, 408, 33;
on his verses, 173, 24
Pope's prayer for charity, 411, 12
Populace, the, insolence of, 129, 2
Popular, man and original contrasted, 448, 33;
the, characterises the people, 94, 48
Popularity, defined, 227, 17;
evanescence of, 124, 28;
fleeting, 181, 18;
sudden, 406, 4;
to be shunned, 51, 31
Portion, the best, 409, 31
Portraits, ancestral, in a mirror, 13, 43;
the best, 417, 54
Position, contentment with one's, commended, 566, 17;
filling of, main thing, 125, 36
Positive, as legible as negative, 483, 45;
and egative, universal in nature, 94, 26;
and negative universal, 174, 42, 43
Possess, how to, 39, 12;
who deserve to, 479, 53
Possessing and possessed, 519, 13
Possession, a permanent, 166, 34;
an acknowledged title, 385, 25;
as justifying right, 27, 22;
by right, 79, 33;
condition of true, 316, 43;
not mere fame, 206, 38;
of good things, effect on us of, 559, 5;
the only real, 167, 34;
thorough, a test of, 539, 44;
true, condition of, 520, 4
Possessions, a blessing or a curse, 138, 48;
of which one has more than he knows, 324, 47;
our, and wishes, 331, 18;
inherited, to be employed, 82, 56
Possible, ever possible, 415, 2
Post, a vacant, effect of filling, 498, 44;
our, not to be deserted, 527, 32
Posterity, our duty to, 527, 40;
our obligations to, 535, 21;
the judgment of, 47, 7
Posture-maker, the best, 291, 52
Pot, a little, 77, 30;
of ale, fame for, 169, 24
Poultry, world peopled with, 291, 48
Poverty, a calamity, 18, 17;
a drawback in life, 490, 34;
a hindrance to virtue, 1, 34;
a master, 467, 27;
and love, incompatible, 544, 10;
and reproach, 490, 23;
and vice, 518, 33;
a teacher, 150, 44;
better than cowardice, 197, 28;
better than vice, 29, 16;
chill air of, 3, 5;
condition of, without freedom, 88, 38;
contentment with, commended, 236, 1;
contrasted with avarice, 62, 43;
craft of, 18, 18;
cramping effect of, 141, 25;
direct road to, 397, 40;
discredit of, 24, 42;
disgrace of, 259, 36;
effect of, 394, 15;
effect of, on native character, 314, 11;
from sloth, 103, 14;
hard to bear, 78, 31;
hard to gild, 208, 11;
honest, 159, 32;
how so galling, 299, 41;
key to, 394, 5;
measure of, 148, 3;
national, incompatible with national prosperity, 334, 9;
no evil to a genuine man, 109, 3;
of spirit, God's delight, 18, 15;
real, 17, 4; 358, 4;
sayings about, 343, 50-52;
security of, 149, 17;
shame of, 388, 33;
standard of, 93, 21;
stronger than wealth, 26, 5;
the evil of, 530, 32;
the sixth sense, 18, 16;
the worst kind of, 55, 23;
to be hidden, 227, 2;
when one is down, 547, 3;
which oppresses a nation, evil of, 132, 44
Power, a, over and behind us, 470, 19;
a test of character, 474, 25;
always jealous, 318, 13;
an unseen, shadow of, 416, 38;
and fate, 102, 48;
and impotence, what determines, 533, 34;
arbitrary, how established, 17, 27;
constraining, how to be free from, 517, 27;
earthly, when likest God's, 14, 41;
everywhere, 247, 13;
excessive, end of, 19, 8;
how retained, 183, 37;
innate lust for, 88, 35;
lawless, weakness of, 121, 57;
love of, a childish passion, 256, 9;
our absolute, limited to ourselves, 340, 23;
over others, condition of, 211, 47;
pains and pleasures of, 446, 40;
persuasiveness of, 122, 13;
possessor of, 60, 12;
responsibility in relinquishing, 297, 40;
royal, firm as a rock of iron, 170, 9;
sovereign, the secret of, 386, 13;
the arrogance of, 299, 6;
the basis of all, 10, 18;
the desire of, an effect of, 423, 10;
the impression of, due to mass, 4, 56;
the secret of, 319, 7;
true, silent, 11, 33;
unjust, to be let fall, 323, 27;
unlimited, a risk, 304, 23;
when apparent, 10, 17;
wielded with violence or moderation, 514, 36;
with age, 549, 23;
without justice, 231, 42
Price, nothing without, 539, 42
Pride, a, commended, 470, 2; a noble, 469, 28;
a passing flower, 75, 51;
a shameless liar, 391, 19;
abhorrent, to gods, 86, 16;
always injurious, 303, 36;
and debt, 224, 13;
and ingratitude, combined, 566, 39;
angry, folly of, 325, 36;
as a tax, 170, 33, 34;
characteristics of, 147, 16;
commended, 27, 48;
debasing power of, 209, 22;
effect of subdued, 542, 19;
enraged, as a counsellor, 266, 23;
extreme, ignorance, 60, 18;
followed by shame, 242, 34;
from ignorance, 446, 34;
gifts of, 511, 24;
Highland, 409, 9;
how to lessen one's, 176, 14;
in man, 261, 50;
less, nobler the blood, 213, 4;
matter of shame, 527, 36;
misery of, 444, 8;
reasoning, evil of, 189, 17;
the food of, 107, 28;
with the mask off, 194, 52
Priest, a Christian, Chaucer's idea of, 33, 4;
lying, in dark ages, 302, 49;
his love for his flock, 61, 16; 449, 19;
the world's, 458, 52
Priestcraft, the support of, 277, 26
Priesthood, all men's vocation, 524, 20;
of father and mother, 252, 46
Priests, effect of their conduct on church, 239, 26;
false, St. Augustine on, 286, 6;
real and sham, 18, 59
Prime Minister, no, explicit, 302, 51
Primrose, by river's brim, 16, 64
Prince, born a, a misfortune, 390, 16;
first servant of state, 59, 56;
greatest merit of, 357, 1;
how to forfeit favour of, 150, 16;
manners of, effect of, 239, 7;
qualities of a, 393, 8
Princes, and their subjects, 519, 8;
and wise men, 61, 35;
false praise of, insult, 253, 36;
hands and ears of, 118, 7;
fault in, 199, 24;
the clemency of, a lure, 224, 28
Princes' favours, wretchedness of depending on,
321, 2
Principle, a new, value of, 15, 4;
steadfastness to, 167, 22
Principles, developed apart from men, 104, 42;
our, in frenzy and under reason, 338, 43;
right, knowledge of, versus love of, 151, 28;
righteous, principal thing, 275, 38;
steadfastness of, 104, 12;
where no, whims, 151, 7
Printing-press, power of, 535, 16
Prisoner and free man contrasted, 449, 26
Private, affairs, talking of, 469, 38;
soldier in France, 498, 39
Privilege, defined, 357, 15;
our pride in, 538, 6
Probabilities, a thousand, short of one truth, 279, 26
Problem, a palpably hopeless, 123, 41;
our first, 206, 11
Problems, soluble and insoluble, 263, 5
Procrastination, danger of, 162, 34;
evil of, 540, 14
Prodigal compared with miser, 449, 31
Prodigals, as regards money, 49, 14
Production, greater than expansion or decoration, 449, 32;
law of, 252, 2
Profane, negatively defined, 315, 36
Profanity, no, where no fane, 469, 12
Profession, a man's, his master, 167, 17;
no, without its troubles, 174, 31;
one, enough for a man, 493, 38
Professions, five great intellectual, 107, 11
Professors, great, 483, 16
Profit, contrary views of, 284, 31;
late, better than none, 58, 45;
no, except through pleasure, 306, 47
Profitable things, the casting away of, 419, 29
Profits, moderate, 166, 18;
slender, but often, 219, 39
Profundity to be avoided, 11, 29
Progress, delight in sense of, 513, 32;
dependent on man's energy, 446, 14;
due to grumblers, 549, 2;
human, great steps in, not due to reason, 521, 46;
no pause in, 292, 6;
no, retrogression, 150, 5;
no, with half a will, 12, 53;
no, without grumbling, 566, 42;
often backward, 72, 43;
often illusory, 273, 28;
or retrogression, 10, 31;
social, a degeneracy, 17, 2;
symbolised by burning of Phoenix, 106, 20;
the secret of, 312, 24;
steps of, 94, 9;
when we make most, 330, 30; 333, 22
Prohibition, as a charm, 225, 7
Projecting to accomplishing, a long road, 232, 53
Prometheus, fire of, dangerous to handle, 267, 3;
rather than Epimetheus, 221, 34
Prometheus Vinctus, the unregenerate, the misery of, 496, 15
Promise, a debt, 17, 3; 152, 6;
a gift, 495, 7;
a, unfulfilled, 473, 1;
a, we may trust, 501, 8;
and performance, 10, 20;
disappointment of, 161, 36;
given and broken, 449, 34;
versus performance, 14, 15
Promised Land, the, 449, 35
Promises, extravagant, 148, 10;
lavish, evil of, 231, 26
Promising, and fulfilling, between, 570, 9;
and hoping, 357, 60;
and performing, rule in, 528, 3;
at death, 566, 9;
slow in, faithful in performing, 151, 12
Propensities, evil, subduable, 301, 44
Propensity, natural, stubborn, 541, 8
Proper and honourable, inseparable, 56, 41
Property, bequest of, 547, 18;
defined by Proudhon, 227, 19;
got dishonestly, fate of, 58, 13;
ill got, 261, 11, 12;
in others, right of, 527, 42;
our own, small, 521, 3;
parting with, before death, 152, 3;
pleasure in, how spoiled, 312, 10;
right of, 289, 14;
right to, and the sanction, 306, 48;
right to, Xenophon on, 480, 31;
who should hold, 479, 22
Prophecies, belief in, most pernicious of superstitions, 324, 39
Prophecy, our gift of, whence, 522, 8;
voice of, 461, 7;
wisely denied us, 122, 35
Prophet, a, not less a man, 127, 56;
among every people, 93, 43;
distinguished from poet, 449, 46;
not honoured at home, 17, 5;
to every people, 125, 54
Prophets, armed and unarmed, 10, 37;
false, 29, 68; 560, 29;
the art of, 287, 6;
the teaching of all, 220, 5;
unconscious, all, 520, 43
Propriety sacrificed to pleasure, 289, 27
Prose, and verse, difference between writing, 497, 7;
of seventeenth century, 339, 2;
speaking, without knowing it, 99, 50; 181, 23;
writer, ranked as sage, 202, 25;
writing, ancient and modern, 445, 31
Proselytes, man's pleasure in making, 262, 30
Proselytising, a natural ambition, 494, 21
Prosperity, a comparison, 395, 16;
and friendship, 227, 21;
behaviour in, 89, 11;
condition of beholding, 302, 53;
continuous, hard to bear, 94, 28;
different effects of, 171, 32;
effect of, on temper, 104, 18;
effect of sudden, 259, 15;
forgetful, 224, 24;
in our own hands, 277, 29;
its attendant languor, 471, 24;
man's, the secret of, 302, 49;
moral effect of, 258, 12;
national, incompatible with national poverty, 334, 9;
no, above discouragement, 303, 38;
no, by falsehood, 302, 49;
no, enjoyable without adversity, 303, 44;
of another, to rejoice in, 495, 17;
past, memory of, 110, 31;
road to, 140, 34;
temper in, 5, 13;
the rule for, 189, 22;
to one unaffected by adversity, 390, 20;
unhinging, 295, 38;
virtue of, 460, 42
Protestantism, effect of, on the character, 37, 1;
modern, and the cross, 281, 30
Protestation, to be distrusted, 265, 14
Protesting, evil of, 423, 37
Proud, man, in authority, 33, 15;
man, in the eye of angels, 324, 35;
inwardly a beggar, 414, 6;
man, often mean, 449, 49;
the, appeal to, 409, 28;
the, compared with the vain, 511, 3;
the, their affectation, 50, 32;
the, their humiliation, 455, 25;
the truly, 440, 36;
thought for the, 111, 41
Proudhon's ideal of society, 288, 5
Proverb, defined, 17, 8;
described, 17, 9;
good, ingredients of, 386, 48;
Lord J. Russell's definition of, 463, 33;
the spiritual force of, 476, 13
Proverbial sayings, 467, 35
Proverbs, convincing power of, 415, 9;
of the wise to be studied, 62, 26;
significance of, 429, 49;
William Penn on, 462, 28
Providence, a frowning, 27, 8;
an inference from history, 291, 2;
and an inert people, 486, 24;
and one's wish, 566, 41;
and things as they are, 168, 5;
faith in, not to slacken effort, 550, 27;
faith of men of thought, 284, 12;
God's, the measure of, 128, 6;
no freezing, 301, 56;
those who watch, 480, 22;
to be trusted 390, 14;
trust in, Mahomet on, 486, 17;
watching, 148, 57;
ways of, our knowledge of, 207, 22;
with the intelligent, 128, 13
Prudence, a guardian angel, 318, 29, 30;
a virtue of old age, 411, 44;
and fortune, 202, 54;
as guide, 65, 12;
contrasted with genius, 120, 9;
defeated by tenderness, 450, 4;
defined, 113, 12; 432, 27;
from time, 486, 38;
in matters of, the rule, 187, 58;
the first to forsake the wretched, 280, 28;
the one, 445, 39;
the part of, 450, 5;
the sanctuary of, 382, 20;
want of, 518, 33
Prudent, favoured by chance, 39, 39;
man and his time, 431, 24;
people, how they profit, 37, 17
Psyche's one word, 453, 47
Public, as judges, 569, 42;
as master, 152, 18;
as patrons of genius, characterised, 139, 10;
calamity, the chief, 485, 8;
composition of, 234, 39;
how caught, 330, 42;
men, wise character of, 359, 27;
opinion, hard to defy, 277, 14;
opinion without a sovereign, 449, 23;
servant to, poor animals, 151, 19;
spirit, ages of, 415, 42;
the, described, 54, 22;
the judgment of, 295, 32;
the sayings about, 450, 7-12;
the servant of, 42, 26;
who serves, 554, 23
Pudding, cold and love, 44, 27
Pulpit, teaching of, and training of the marketplace, 450, 13;
-60.htm.html#page_565" class="pginternal">565, 24;
John Morley on, 433, 1;
misceto doubt or scorn, 14, 39; 139, 34;
twice, the benefit of, 537, 28;
value of, 77, 7;
what is not worth, twice, 536, 43;
without reflecting, 495, 11;
worst kind of, 17, 56
Real, and Ideal far apart, 115, 33;
as contrasted with possible, 234, 40;
man, a, defined by Mencius, 153, 9;
rational, 520, 20;
the, for ever, 219, 54;
the, how to measure, 271, 43;
the, to be idealised, 539, 33
Realities, hard to discern, 391, 26
Reality, always nobler than fancy, 90, 49;
and fancy, the provinces of, 101, 48;
and imagination, the worlds of, 465, 7;
behind appearances, 481, 34;
better than imagination, 14, 14;
importance of, 205, 21;
minus appearance, 61, 23;
only, supportable, 316, 18;
the only, 482, 12;
the product of, how to regard, 241, 47;
truth of, why unrecognised, 105, 12
Reaping, more difficult than sowing, 495, 45;
the rule in, 510, 28
Reason, a misuse of, 207, 18;
a rare guide, 162, 20;
against a crowd with stones, 535, 37;
agreeableness to, as a test, 298, 19;
and contingency, 462, 1;
and knowledge, 513, 10;
and necessity, 462, 1;
and instinct contrasted, 172, 46;
and piety, to be combined, 526, 39;
and prudence, in conduct, 241, 44;
and religion, 372, 6;
and spirit, two aspects of one thing, 414, 37;
and understanding, objects of, 67, 2;
being without, 491, 2;
compared with fancy, 526, 20;
elevating power of, 68, 20;
every man's, his oracle, 92, 42, 44;
functions of, 329, 43; 504, 2;
its rank, 435, 4;
like drunk man on horseback, 163, 29;
like sweet bells jangled, 317, 38;
loss compared with deprivation of, 458, 15;
misapplied, 468, 22;
no, upon compulsion, 123, 38;
not to fust unused, 407, 29;
once passion, 537, 4;
origin of, 102, 3;
our chart, 46, 35;
our delight in, abuse of, 337, 37;
relation of, to revelation, 375, 12;
sacredness of, 148, 33;
service under, advantage of, 152, 19;
sound and sufficient, the lot of few, 400, 22;
sovereign with the noble, 15, 52;
the function of, Cicero on, 368, 31;
the pilot, 239, 15;
the use of, 53, 39;
those who have no, 127, 6;
true, its power, 500, 36;
truths of, not dependent on facts, 421, 32;
versus blind force, 350, 24;
versus faith, 20, 20;
without the light of divine truth, 352, 6;
worse appear better, 157, 15, 16
Reasonable, or unreasonable, asking what is, 194, 33;
the, open to every one, 217, 7
Reasoner, a wise, 551, 7
Reasoning mule, obstinacy of, 17, 41
Reasons, nothing to the chaff, 133, 5;
our own, our satisfaction in, 331, 4;
strong, effect of, 404, 8
Rebellion, no equity under, 471, 37
Rebels, treatment of, 47, 38
Reckoning, when banquet's o'er, 394, 48;
without host, 41, 21
Reckonings, short, 389, 31
Recollection, a happy, 505, 39;
inferior to pertinency, 139, 14
Recompense, 381, 19;
FÉnelon on his, 284, 18;
rule of, 21, 19
Reconciliation, desire for, as a prognostic, 238, 30
Recreation, necessity of, 111, 12
Redress, the surest way to, 456, 30
Refined man, characteristic of, 452, 12
Refinement, what contributes to, 540, 34
Reflection, commentary on experience, 97, 28;
noble, 34, 19;
they who practise not, 479, 21;
value of, 77, 7
Reform, evil of unsuccessful attempts at, 22, 10;
not joyous, but grievous, 305, 28
Reformation, attended by a great licentiousness, 6, 67;
salve of, in ignorance of the sore, 452, 23;
the, egg of, 84, 24;
the only solid, 495, 15;
unconscious, 528, 9
Reformers, error of our, 206, 17
Reforming a world or a nation, 495, 15
Reforms, great, negative as well as positive, 91, 19;
history of, 435, 20;
how far effective, 9, 59;
necessary, how helped, 127, 8;
our, not radical, 539, 22
Refusal, a friendly, 28, 30;
less than nothing, 17, 46
Refusing, in, the "no" only heard, 266, 1
Regard, how to win, 42, 13
Regeneration accompanied with travail, 12, 7
Regimenting men, importance of, 202, 44
Regret, no, no amendment, 147, 38
Reign, to, worth ambition, 495, 16
Rejected of man, accepted of God, 112, 1
Relations, hard to discern, 391, 26;
hatred among, 2, 53;
our, character of, 339, 9;
our, and our friends', how chosen, 339, 10
Relationships, one's, requirement in, 10, 28
Relatives, by chance, 235, 16
Religion, a bigotry, 524, 29;
a cloak, 165, 5;
a fruit of time, 486, 32;
a God, 398, 40;
a necessity to great minds, 76, 27;
a new, not the thing wanted, 297, 31;
and liberty in Catholic and Protestant countries, 185, 23;
and love, strength of, 253, 48;
and morality, divorce between, 427, 18;
and wise men, 11, 5;
anything but living for, 277, 17;
characteristic of, 64, 8;
Cicero's definition of, 216, 30;
contrasted with beliefs, 85, 38;
contrasted with morality, 467, 13;
contrasted with superstition, 407, 6, 7, 12, 13;
dead letter of, fate of, 422, 44;
defined, 537, 5;
definition and power of, 452, 45;
dependence of, on prayer, 306, 43;
display of, 547, 21;
disputing about and practising, 423, 45;
done for money, Ruskin on, 540, 40;
essential to education, 77, 4;
effect of, 489, 8;
effect of first sense of, 2, 56;
effect of too deep study of, 497, 36;
errors in, 464, 43;
errors in, sanction of, 189, 34;
essence of all, 425, 34;
every established, once a heresy, 90, 43;
fancy in, 101, 51;
felt as a slavery, 12, 47;
first object, whole object, 151, 44;
first element in, 379, 8;
flower of, when perfect, 447, 24;
Frederick the Great on, 174, 48;
from habit, 398, 37;
fruit of age, 536, 16;
gentilising power of, 566, 28;
heartfelt, the source of all, 392, 31;
how to persuade men to, 553, 33;
in relation to art, 18, 50;
inconsistency of our zeal for, 197, 10;
indispensable to society, 307, 14;
living, root of, 252, 6;
made secondary, 541, 7;
matter of feeling, 121, 43;
Monday, 282, 27;
mongers, and their dupes, 284, 36;
much, no goodness, 285, 24;
much profession in, 189, 32;
murdered by bigotry, 30, 18;
national, now no test of a people, 306, 36;
no living, till dead own itself dead, 106, 54;
no teaching, without having, 305, 43;
no, without humanity, 142, 44;
not credited, excesses for, 496, 43;
not professed, 538, 25;
of all sensible people, 168, 27;
of one age in the next, 451, 10;
of present time, 114, 22;
only guide of life, 549, 42;
only one true, 476
a>, 19;
origin of, in society, 340, 20;
our abuse of, 339, 13;
our, and treasure to be one, 508, 4;
our, Emerson on, 339, 12;
power of, 174, 44;
rooted in fear, 188, 17;
soul of, 100, 18;
sum of, 493, 15;
sympathy with Nature, 408, 43;
talk against, suspicious, 547, 28;
temple-step of, 456, 5;
the all in, 189, 33;
the only foundation of, 189, 36;
the performance of duty, 375, 29;
though undefined, no chimÆra, 138, 34;
to be one's own, 240, 37, 38;
too hard, 497, 30;
true, 500, 31-33;
true, object of, 445, 21;
upon mere authority, 493, 14;
vestibule of, 283, 17;
vital, first condition of, 481, 44;
with suffering, no wonder, 203, 28;
without morality, 305, 11; 522, 39;
without personal immortality, 559, 21
Religions, all once true, 451, 12;
Goethe's three, 468, 28;
of world, 451, 11;
only two possible, 466, 27;
the essence of all true, 375, 28;
the genesis of, 372, 34;
transient, but not religious sense, 333, 42
Religious, a, not less a man, 7, 26;
enthusiasm, hollowness of, 215, 26;
men at their beads, 543, 39;
passion, the, and art, 451, 13;
principles, Hume on, 96, 1;
revival, the ground on which to hope for, 422, 44
Religiousness, true, condition of, 357, 12
Relish in one's self, 310, 1
Remedies, extreme, for extreme evils, 98, 9;
imaginary, for imaginary diseases, 269, 30;
our, in ourselves, 339, 13;
sayings about, 470, 23;
slower than diseases, 410, 51
Remedy, of remedies, 514, 14;
where sure, 504, 30;
worse than disease, 5, 2
Remembrance our inalienable paradise, 64, 13
Reminding may cause forgetting, 273, 9
Remorse, as punishment, 473, 21;
not imaginary, 10, 13
Removals, quick, and fear contrasted, 492, 21;
and love, objects respectively of, 110, 21;
as an element in thought, 484, 6;
compared with fear, 291, 43;
due to gods, 58, 41;
not innate, and its importance, 334, 21;
the first object, 21, 29;
to herald knowledge, 260, 28;
value of, 189, 37;
with knowledge, 241, 24
Reverie, losing one's self in, 494, 12;
under reflection, 371, 4
Revolt, the promoters of, 335, 13
Revolution, and its martyrs, 549, 38;
by whose fault it arises, 7, 5;
dangerous classes in a, 344, 51;
French, meaning of, 429, 25;
French, described, 122, 4;
modern, merely dissolution, 281, 31
Revolutions, aim of all,
440, 26;
cause of, 451, 22;
fear herald of, 103, 39;
great, as movements, 135, 2;
great, cause of, 431, 13
Rewarding, rule in, 203, 32
Rhetoric, for, he could not ope, 111, 1;
god of, ceased from, 546, 36;
spiritual, the law of, 241, 16;
two rules of, 459, 24;
use of rules of, 109, 6
Rhyme, excellence in, a defect often in, 411, 32;
the powerful, enduring power of, 312, 43;
rudder of verses, 111, 2;
without purpose or thought, 235, 43
Rhythm, enchanting power of, 38, 13
Rich, art of getting, 530, 27;
business of, 119, 11;
dependence of, 431, 10;
ghost of the, and his wealth, 299, 39;
hastening to be, 147, 55;
how to become, 136, 43; 171, 26;
making, or poor, 477, 4;
man, a, 211, 19;
man, a, that is great, 414, 6;
man, according to Emerson, 143, 53, 54;
man, ready made, 208, 47;
man, the only, 144, 52;
man who is, 304, 12;
man's happiness, 528, 12;
men, weary of themselves, 237, 24;
mistake to seem, 265, 15;
none, by himself, 306, 12;
none so, as he should be, 304, 49;
not to be flattered, 107, 19;
partnership of poor with, risky, 99, 1;
secrets of, can't be kept, 320, 11;
that shall come to want, 148, 7;
the, benefactors to, 513, 27;
the, discontent of, 110, 35;
the right to be, 308, 24;
the, sayings about, 70, 1-3; 451, 24-32;
the truly, 19, 21;
what it is to be, 490, 37;
what makes us, 191, 42;
who would grow, 41, 29
Richard's himself again, 154, 46
Richelieu, Corneille, on, 360, 43;
on his deathbed, 211, 1
Riches, a bar to felicity, 161, 30;
a burden unloaded by death, 175, 4;
a test of a man, 14, 46;
accessible to man of common sense, 440, 25;
acquisition of, no end to misery, 286, 14;
affected despite of, 269, 43;
all, from heaven, 219, 51;
as a good, 18, 17;
as excluding from heaven, 204, 22;
baggage, 165, 21;
best effect of, 237, 24;
cause of ennui, 173, 40;
chains, 307, 52;
dependent on poverty, 171, 43;
fascination of, 74, 13;
fatal to happiness, 160, 48;
first approach to, 428, 4;
great, only by taxing labour of others, 303, 9;
great, sole use of, 325, 2;
great, source of all, 405, 27;
grow in hell, 242, 7;
how dispensed, 338, 29;
how to acquire, 243, 10;
how to increase, 140, 3;
incentives to evil, 77, 36;
Jean Paul's contempt for, 169, 24;
mistakes about, 128, 27;
motive in coveting, 97, 47;
never enough increased, 183, 53;
no guarantee for digestion, 174, 30;
passion for, restlessness of, 257, 43;
power of, 70, 14; 530, 20;
profession without possession of, 449, 33;
real, 17, 4; 358, 4;
the greatest, 474, 14;
true, how procured, 359, 4;
unenjoyed, 175, 28;
we can and cannot carry, 281, 21;
who delights in accumulating, 151, 2;
who has enough, 20, 24
Richest, man, the, 143, 45; 406, 35
Rider, a good, on good horse, 6, 53
Ridicule, if instructive, bearable, 166, 27;
settling power of, 376, 43;
that benefits, 29, 45;
the test of, 369, 38;
unbearable, 331, 43
Ridiculous, appreciation of, test of a man, 34, 8;
being, hard to avoid, 202, 45;
easy to recognise, 496, 34;
from affectation, 330, 7;
how we become most, 521, 38;
sense of, dependent on intellect, 61, 30;
sense of, test of character, 276, 31;
side, our, 522, 10;
step from, to sublime, 334, 12
Right, and might identical, 279, 12; 184, 30;
and wrong, Goethe's test of, 306, 16;
as founded on possession, 27, 22;
assertion of, 211, 12;
at whatever cost, 71, 51;
before might, 370, 23;
champions for, 92, 32;
consciousness of, 150, 22;
divine, divine might, 70, 10;
following, as right, 386, 13;
Hobbes on, 215, 18;
how to assume one's, 368, 23;
keep to the, 548, 30;
knowledge of, enough, 171, 20;
man, the, 59, 47;
of man, first, 490, 19;
of man, most indisputable, 324, 30;
of slow attainment, 567, 15;
power of, 12, 1;
sometimes in abeyance, 71, 52;
sure to win, 111, 3;
that is born with us, 517, 23;
the, and no fear, 170, 12;
the one thing to be done, 485, 43;
the, to be anxious about, 455, 23;
to look into blots of, 167, 13;
way, how never to miss, 58, 46;
with the strongest, 233, 26
Right-about-face, a brave word, 32, 54
Right-doing, the key to, 177, 11
Righteous man, mercy of, 18, 1
Righteousness, effect of, 424, 39;
fruit of, 429, 32;
overmuch condemned, 28, 15
Righting, of things in time, 480, 48;
one's self without right, 315, 22
Rights, how forfeited, 96, 44;
of men not worth discussing, 451, 44;
permanence of, 85, 26;
transmitted, 231, 43
Rigour often less effective than lenity, 237, 35
Ring gone, but not finger, 166, 48
Rings, uses of, 61, 20
Ripe moment, the, to be seized, 4, 1
Ripeness, all, 275, 37
Rising, in the world, rapid, how to esteem, 276, 39;
sun, homage paid to, 272, 19
Risk, the charm of, 94, 36;
to be run to save all, 9, 4
Rivalry, effect of, on talent, 194, 8;
foiled, effect of, 542, 21
River, a, a guide, 513, 45;
brink of that mighty, 103, 45;
every, leads to the sea, 108, 14
River-courses, the great, 431, 33
Rivers, roads, 239, 25
Road, a long, 48, 22;
any, a world-highway, 16, 18;
common, safe, 217, 28;
good, and wise traveller, different, 6, 54;
how to make long, short, 474, 16;
every, leads to an inn, 108, 15;
right in the end, 212, 14;
the, who knows, 42, 24
Robb'd, yet not robb'd, 147, 17
Robert of Doncaster's epitaph, 535, 31
Rocks, lessons they teach, 523, 35
Rod, the, sparing, 148, 24
Rogue, a, defined, 18, 20;
resemblance of, to honest man, 377, 5
Rogues, not always punished, 85, 35;
not to be pitied, 177, 6
Roman citizen, Cicero on punishing, 198, 31
Romance, age of, transition into that of science, 431, 5;
ages of, 300, 40;
everywhere, 90, 55; 191, 1;
the only, for grown-up persons, 446, 5
Romances compared with history, 255, 10
Romans, Emerson on, 335, 8
Romantic, the, contrasted with the classical, 43, 49;
the, defined, 452, 7
Rome, Augustus CÆsar's boast in regard to, 509, 23;
better first elsewhere than second in, 166, 22
Rooks, how to get rid of, 68, 31
Room, ample, and verge enough, 122, 51;
the, required, 368, 38
Root, condition of taking, 488, 13
Rose, brief life of, 505, 42;
scent of, enough, 61, 21
Rosebuds, gather, while ye may, 118, 56
Roses, contrasted, 33, 5;
who would gather, 152, 53
Roughness, effect of, 387, 54
Rousseau, Joubert on pathos of, 178, 53
Rousseau's last words, 210, 37
Routine, cramping to life, 437, 39;
fatal effect of, 423, 43
Roving, profitlessness of, 218, 30
Rude, breast, not without inspiration, 22, 32;
man, the, characteristic of, 452, 12
Rudder, or rock, 152, 43; 460, 33
Ruin, going to, 128, 26;
how the gods bring about, 363, 4;
how we come to, 346, 21;
of everything, source of, 206, 44;
of men, 276, 36;
source of our, 522, 15;
sources of, 568, 36;
the broad road to, 69, 29;
the road to, 452, 4;
what underlies all, 506, 22
Ruins, grey, beams of day on, 111, 16;
no cause to mourn over, 311, 44
Rule, how to, 364, 11;
the desire to, 51, 34;
the sovereign, 297, 48;
what can and cannot, 301, 35
Ruler, a, friendless, 320, 21;
a good, test of, 305, 50;
as such, 17, 35;
duty of, 390, 19;
positive and negative qualifications of, 153, 1;
qualification of, 148, 14;
quality in a, 324, 10;
test of a, 181, 37;
to regard his people's voice, 389, 35
Rulers, limit of their authority, 239, 1;
many, not good, 337, 2
Ruling, art of, 431, 11;
men, and amusing them different, 8, 8;
passion, power of, 452, 14;
safe, the condition of, 303, 28;
the art of arts, 218, 20
Rumour, growth of, 101, 5;
often converse of truth, 233, 9;
spread of, 281, 14
Running, the, not enough, 39, 10;
vain, if on wrong road, 519, 26
Ruskin on his teachings, an exchange of ignorances, 220, 44
and Christianity, 420, 19;
and the theologians, 97, 59;
and thought, law of, 484, 38;
as truth, 500, 29;
at bottom, 313, 4;
children not to be taught, 527, 34;
compared with conscience, 46, 40;
condition of any, 526, 35;
contrasted with religion, 372, 30
defined, 383, 3;
dictionary and grammar of, 236, 28;
falsely so called, 532, 38;
its value to the race, 521, 5;
men of, controversy unworthy of, 276, 8
modern, Ruskin on, 281, 32;
no, patriotic, 473, 44;
not in bulk, 162, 24;
physical, a lesson of, 348, 19;
pride of, an evil, 275, 41;
prosecuted for its own sake, 81, 40;
the faculty of, 426, 46;
the fathers of, 247, 34;
the home-making power of, 535, 36;
the new in, 189, 43;
the want in, 399, 18;
two things to consider in, 189, 44;
without poetry, 559, 42;
work of, 464, 2
Sciences, advantages of study in, 157, 22;
functions of the several, 131, 48;
history of, a fugue, 64, 23
Scipio, Africanus, saying of, 319, 1
Scoffer, fate of, at the resurrection, Mahomet on, 331, 10
Scolding, folly of continual, 225, 4;
vanity of, 304, 50
Scorning, futility of, 145, 43
Scotch, drink, Burns on, 108, 30;
drink, Burns on the power of, 237, 8;
the, temper of, 346, 11
Scotchman, the, Goldsmith on, 558, 23
Scoundrel, no, without his apology, 218, 17
Scoundrelism, course of, 421, 44
Scoundrels, guiding, by love, 492, 51;
just hatred of, backbone of religion, 215, 37
Scribbling, incessant, evil of, 192, 53
Scripture, demand for, 22, 36;
how to interpret, 93, 60;
no jesting with, 296, 46
Scruples, to be guarded against, 241, 38
Scylla shunned, 485, 49
Sea, sayings about, 452, 30-35;
secret of, how to learn, 563, 31;
the, a harper, 564, 26;
treacherous, 23, 19
Searchable and unsearchable, wise treatment of, 54, 26
Searching commended, 22, 11
Season, things in, 162, 1
Secrecy, and vice, 548, 26;
once whispered, 168, 12;
recommended by Burns, 25, 32;
recommending, 370, 31;
to be kept, 141, 48
Secret, a, hard to keep, 485, 22;
a, imparted, 17, 13;
between two or three, 360, 10;
blame of disclosing, 498, 43;
how to keep a, 177, 13;
how to lose command of, 150, 25
keeping and disclosing, 199, 18;
kept and revealed, 19, 5;
knowing and revealing, 207, 30;
of a friend, his, not mine, 536, 30;
power of a, 486, 8;
the great, 550, 5;
trusting, to a servant, 152, 35;
weight of a, 377, 3;
who would wish to keep, 553, 32;
woman cannot keep, 25, 7
Secrets, all, to be laid open, 315, 40;
keeping of, 11, 53;
revealing, 496, 4;
why coveted, 311, 13
Sectarian bigotry, Ruskin on, 514, 31
Sectary, the, mistake of, 191, 38
Sects, founders of, 307, 32;
the, and reason, 93, 61
Security, insecure, 144, 45;
often near ruin, 325, 33
Seducer, no, happy, 295, 12
See, they that won't, 148, 20;
to, but not be seen through, our wish, 525, 19
Seed, and flower, relation of, 428, 49;
and tree, interval between, 469, 35;
sown by God, 379, 1, 2
Seed-corn not to be ground, 107, 48
Seed-field, man's, 288, 6
Seeing, an object, necessity of, 508, 5;
and looking, different, 2, 38;
before overseeing, 242, 56;
believing, 41, 12;
culminating in dimness of vision, 395, 22;
followed by contemplation, 20, 37;
for one's self, a great moment, 15, 3;
in part, 539, 46;
musically, 384, 29;
rarer than thinking, 164, 13;
thing beautifully done, pleasure of, 471, 26;
through, but not being seen through, 329, 15;
through, preventing seeing, 274, 37;
truly, condition of, 176, 2
Seeking, compared with finding, 125, 18;
or not and finding, or not, 152, 10
Seemly, the, permitted, 84, 38
Seen, compared with heard, 480, 47
Seer, a, beguiling, 218, 19;
and seen, alike punished, 127, 55
Seers and thinkers compared, 453, 7
Selection, natural, defined, 290, 15;
saved, trouble saved, 85, 12;
the art of, importance to author, 151, 6
Self, admiration of, 127, 19;
admirer or lover of only, 334, 31;
alone interesting, 313, 38;
an eternal entity, 483, 29;
as a mirror of truth, 10, 2;
as one's enemy, 79, 16;
concentration on, fruits of, 10, 40;
conquest of, 146, 48;
estimation of, 79, 14;
evaluation of, to be rigorous, 79, 14;
harmony with, 543, 7;
how best to shun, 167, 38;
how to know, 465, 15; 556, 34;
how to live to, 483, 40;
how to regard, 323, 34; 523, 16;
ignorance of, 175, 5;
instance of love of, 88, 33;
left to, good at times, 205, 38;
Luther's fear of, 164, 45;
man's, his worst blind, 324, 19;
oneness with, oneness with God, 532, 27;
one's, as a miracle and monster, 167, 2;
one's truest and deepest, 519, 32;
our estimate of, 93, 26;
pious and just honouring of, 447, 42;
respect only for, 201, 12;
saying good or bad of, 381, 24;
thinking modestly of, 150, 11;
to be overcome, 324, 14;
trust of, and distrust of, 105, 36;
unbelief in, 427, 30;
undervaluing, and others, 148, 40;
where to be sought and found, 384, 46;
worship of, dreary, 86, 7;
dead, a stepping-stone, 167, 19
Self-abasement, effect of, 83, 11
Self-assertion and self-denial, 340, 37
Self-censure, a fishing for praise, 9, 17
Self-commendation, a legitimate, 471, 14
Self-conceit, a source of darkness, 445, 35;
cause of ruin, 163, 12;
how to lessen, 176, 14;
not to be obtrusive, 301, 34;
the first sin, 428, 36
Self-concentration, man's, his fatalest disease, 423, 42
Self-confidence, its attestation, 522, 38;
the power of, 395, 38
Self-confident, the, to beware, 241, 8
Self-conquest, victory, 227, 11
Self-control, man without, 551, 33
Self-culture and study of history, 304, 31
Self-deception, 523, 23;
the greatest, 305, 1
Self-denial, greatness of, 133, 39;
how judge a life of, 303, 41;
importance of teaching, 465, 30;
Scott on the power of, 411, 13;
superseded, 544, 31;
the benefit of, 362, 23;
the gain of, 385, 9;
want of, 518, 32
Self-dependence, 8, 40;
happiness of, 161, 24
Self-endeavour, the key to success, 34, 11
Self-esteem, due, a necessity, 171, 16, 21;
grounded on just and right, 325, 40
Self-forgetfulness, the best, 418, 1
Self-help, alone owned by nature, 292, 25;
as an acquisition, 190, 23;
Heaven's help, 7, 32
Self-helping man, welcome, 531, 21
Self-knowledge, a necessity, 312, 6;
a, not bad, 304, 21;
an effect of, 418, 19;
difficult, 178, 51;
how attained, 161, 6; 334, 55;
index of, 382, 23;
limited, 525, 11;
never perfect, 306, 3;
rare, 517, 5;
source of, 276, 16;
sum of wisdom, 117, 31;
Thales on, 443, 40;
span class="c4">the condition of, 296, 8;
value of, 151, 25; 218, 26
Self-love, a balloon, 222, 18;
and debt, 224, 13;
blinding, 78, 29;
excess of, 552, 11;
function of, 504, 2;
greatest flatterer, 222, 17;
offended, 222, 19;
to be cut out, 52, 17
Self-lovers, the nature of, 206, 31
Self-made men, our, 339, 15
Self-maintenance, no hardship, 494, 17
Self-neglecting, a sin, 386, 7
Self-praise offensive, 231, 24
Self-reformation, a contribution to national, 152, 9;
a labour, 419, 38
Self-regard a right, 470, 10
Self-reliance, after failure, 346, 44;
the virtue in, 417, 1
Self-respect, effect of, on morals, 493, 1;
importance of, 24, 10
Self-restraint, necessity of, 305, 5;
the virtue of, 266, 24
Self-reverence, 2, 2;
as a virtue, 451, 21
Self-satisfied man, the, 505, 27
Self-subdual as a conflict, 301, 24
Self-sufficiency, law of, 443, 8
Self-taught, a merely, man, 532, 35
Self-trust, its comprehensiveness, 189, 47;
the value of, 506, 14
Self-will to be subdued, 142, 4
Selfish, like sympathetic, 408, 36;
no happiness to, 162, 43
Selfishness always a failure, 90, 47
Selling, the rule in, 176, 13
Semblance versus substance, regard for, 150, 14
Sense, as deceptive, 473, 5;
and dreams, 337, 41;
and thought, their partitions, 373, 9;
better than loquacity, 261, 23;
common, contrasted with fine, 106, 30;
compared with learning, 236, 28;
good, relation between, and good taste, 83, 51;
higher, ennobling power of, 131, 3;
in confronting evil, 86, 4;
men of, and wit, 467, 5;
native, to be respected, 509, 29;
objects of, not there, 539, 5;
strength, 146, 53;
true, its power, 500, 36;
want of, 3, 20;
want of, and crime, 173,
ic@vhost@g@html@files@48105@48105-h@48105-h-49.htm.html#page_459" class="pginternal">459, 9
Shell, delight in the, 186, 31;
lure to kernel, 333, 18
Shelter, the only storm-proof, at present, 66, 28;
though given, to be wrought for, 125, 40;
under an old hedge, 209, 1
Shepherd, a good, duty of, 31, 31
Shepherds, contrasted with kings, 123, 43
Sheridan, a witticism of, 451, 38;
to a creditor, 566, 19
Sheridan's self-confidence, 167, 32
Shiftlessness, poverty of,
474, 51
Shine, how one may fail to, 566, 32
Ship, the best captain of a, 551, 39;
with most sail, 453, 23
Shoe, benefit of wearing, 197, 11
Shoes, old, till new ones, 71, 48
Shooting, often, effect of, 325, 31
Shop, opening and keeping open, 201, 29
Short-cuts, circuitous, 45, 40
Shortcomings to be overlooked, 320, 7
Shot, a good, 144, 33
"Should" and "would" contrasted, 414, 28
Showy, the, and the true, 453, 29
Shrew, how to chastise, 145, 48
Shrewdness, power of, 328, 7
Shyness, meaning of so-called, 536, 47
Sibyl, impersonation of the prophetic in nature, 291, 26
Sick with too much, 109, 18
Sickness, amendment after, rare, 105, 19;
mental, how relieved, 65, 15;
poor-spirited, 428, 43
Sighing, plague of, 16, 38;
vanity of, 72, 31
Sighs, the Bridge of, 300, 28
Sight, effect on, of bodily anguish, 558, 24;
great, first impression of, 315, 21;
partial, better than none, 26, 9;
people vainest of their, 202, 52;
point of, not within, 427, 37;
requisites of, 300, 27;
the sense of, 2, 54
Significant, and insignificant, diverse estimate of, 55, 5
Silence, a, commended, 547, 14;
a necessity, 477, 6;
a preacher, 468, 31;
a Pythagorean, benefit of, 345, 21;
a temple, 457, 5;
a test of sagacity, 20, 26, 30;
a, to be imitated, 243, 27;
to maintain, ability, will, and obligation, 382, 21;
and speech, prompters of, 205, 23;
better than irrelevancy, 29, 40;
better than discourse, 129, 4;
better than propagating error, 170, 8;
confession, 42, 31;
compared with speech, 401, 2; 402, 2;
contrasted with unrestrained talk, 488, 4;
essential for peace, 23, 6;
expressive, 74, 19;
great empire of, fascination of, 253, 13;
in these days preferable to speech, 256, 28;
incapacity for, a misfortune, 39, 17;
its significance, as induced, 490, 2;
misconstrued, 350, 1;
never recorded, 180, 45;
of fools and wise, 235, 12;
often safe course, 235, 14;
or saying better, 28, 24;
power of, 382, 20;
reaping, 152, 20;
rebuke for, 26, 51;
safety of, 19, 27;
sometimes offensive, 526, 10;
tact required for, 378, 45;
the significance of, 144, 8, 13, 14;
the wish of the strong, 397, 27;
tree of, fruit of, 458, 27;
value of, 171, 35; 185, 14;
virtue of, 367, 40;
virtue of the foolish, 227, 35;
virtue there is in, 26, 56;
when a duty, 535, 29
Silent, men, and objects to be guarded against, 29, 64, 65;
the noble, 253, 13
Siller, want of, 3, 20
Silver, love of, 147, 54
Similes, always imperfect, 318, 32
Simple, more difficult than the complex, 201, 40;
reasonings of, 498, 48
Simpleton, a, advice of, 505, 22
Simplicity, advantage of faith in, 333, 14;
and beauty, 507, 34;
as a grace, Ben Jonson on, 123, 11;
excellence of, 185, 26;
power of, 360, 11;
rare, 5, 24;
seal of truth, 54, 29; 392, 7
Sin, a, confessed, 344, 21;
and misery, 209, 23;
and repentance, experience of, 93, 14;
sundry attitudes to, Fuller on, 146, 12;
burnt into the blood by practice, 453, 40;
each, God-annihilating, 75, 23;
essence of, 425, 33;
evil of, 272, 47;
forsaking all, 148, 39;
found out, 28, 41;
guilt of, dependent on knowledge, 326, 31;
how to avoid, 149, 32;
how to save men from,565, 41;
how to treat, 509, 37;
natural to man, 13, 9;
of hot heart and of cold, 471, 28;
source of all, 116, 14;
that hero atones for, 204, 4;
the unpardonable, 446, 18
thinking about, waste, 481, 21;
truth of, not to be known, 527, 18;
without limits, 375, 18
Sincerity, as a virtue, 100, 28;
how to constrain, 55, 33;
simple, commended, 87, 20, 21;
the happiness of, 171, 25;
without simplicity, 269, 33;
years of, 215, 35
Sing, how learn to, 252, 1;
I, because I must, 165, 42
Singer, the business of, 66, 19
Singers, business of, 489, 39;
the general fault of, 328, 37
Singing, according to gift, 93, 31;
as an accomplishment, 374, 17;
at work, Carlyle on, 123, 36;
true, worship, 500, 38
Singularity, and fashion, 102, 30;
none without, 307, 33;
sign of genius, 133, 22;
taste for, how induced, 222, 40
Sinned, more, against than sinning, 164, 29
Sinner, a worn out, most denunciatory, 25, 25;
repentance of, joy of gods over, 532, 5
Sinners, faintly condemned, 476, 3;
mercy of heaven to, but not fools, 154, 14
Sinning, and bearing with the sin different, 105, 6;
occasion for pardon, 384, 24
Sins, denied, 310, 30;
Emerson's advice in regard to, 438, 42;
the root of all, 68, 22
Situation, to every, its own pleasures, 187, 44
Sixpence, virtue in, 553, 19
Skeleton, the, our mortal companion, 525, 16
Skies, attempt to scale, vain, 322, 7
Skill, and exertion, economy of, difficult, 201, 40;
and labour, value of, 94, 35;
compared with strength, 221, 45;
mead of, 497, 19;
not an estimable quantity, 358, 10;
not visible, 516, 16;
power of, 300, 8;
the greatest, 432, 36
Skin, a living, blessedness of having, 473, 31;
a, natural to all living, 9, 54
Sky, who aims at the, 392, 51
Slackness breeds worms, 243, 18
Slain, the, thrice he slew, 399, 37
Slander, comfort under, 547, 6;
lives upon succession, 111, 6;
not to be believed, 27, 31;
provocation under, 490, 36;
to good man, 395, 30;
world's delight in, 226, 15
Slave, a, defined, 150, 39;
a freedom allowed, 62, 2;
a heaven-made, irredeemable, 553, 38;
as regards reason, 148, 53;
at heart, not free, 180, 4;
born to be, 25, 58;
fetters of, 427, 34;
if I'm designed yon lordling's, 172, 42;
none, with will free, 306, 6
Slave-driving, two kinds of, 399, 1
Slave-holding, effect of, 51, 52;
enslaving, 177, 8
Slaves, all, 522, 17;
master of, 441, 34;
men who are, 478, 52;
the greatest, 311, 14;
virtue of, 103, 43
Slavery, act of will, 114, 17;
bitter, 69, 19;
but one, 476, 23;
defined, 471, 13;
in the heart, 560, 11;
not abolishable by Parliament, 565, 28;
only deliverance from, 96, 19;
our, self-imposed, 339, 21;
spiritual, 8, 26;
the distinguishing sign of, 424, 3;
the greatest, 387, 36;
the one intolerable, 445, 38
Sleep, a gentle thing, 322, 5, 6;
a palliative, 246, 45;
and his brother Death, 163, 2;
at midday, 281, 10;
death's counterfeit, 388, 6;
gift of God to His beloved, 142, 33;
in smoky cribs, 555, 14;
inventor of, blessed, 30, 47;
no, where care, 36, 4;
of rustic men, 399, 24;
of the labouring man, 453, 43;
our, when deepest, 162, 44;
rule for, 387, 8;
Shakespeare on, 258, 28;
tired Nature's sweet restorer, 487, 34;
when I am drowsy, 165, 22
Sleepers, and awake, alike watched over, 125, 41;
the, to whom life is a dream, 531, 24
Sleeping, the, and the dead, 453, 44
Slippery places, standing on, 148, 28
Sloth, a thrall to, 147, 24;
and poverty, 103, 14;
evil of, 107, 36;
misery entailed by, 117, 22
Slothful and waster, 142, 5
Sluggard in his own conceit, 453, 48
Sluggishness and stupidity, 103, 15
Slugs, men once, 526, 13
Small, connected with great, importance of, 394 34;
people, the talk of, 65, 11;
things, man who scorns, 441, 20;
things, not to be despised, 342, 14
Smallest space, fruitful, 556, 9
Smile, a, a test of character, 399, 19;
a broad, after a frown, 19, 61, 62;
from a superior, 566, 38;
or laugh, effect of, on a man, 542, 16;
the virtue in a, 94, 56
Smiles, characters of, 466, 41
Smiling in self-mockery, 385, 33
Smith, a poor, 143, 9
Smoke, and flame, interchangeable, 203, 10;
consuming one's, a first lesson, 491, 24;
convertible power of, 307, 13;
to be emitted only as fire, 472, 48;
when to consume and when to emit, 456, 14;
where fire, 107, 18
Snail, the, in its shell, 454, 3
Sneer, malicious, 440, 17
Snob, Thackeray's definition of a, 567, 35, 37
Snow, statues of, 522, 32
Soaring, no, without wings, 180, 11
Sobriety, how secured, 81, 42;
the virtue of, 403, 33
Sociability, how produced, 344, 49;
risky, 199, 23;
source of, 483, 35
Social, evils, nature of, 215, 32;
hive, drones and busy bees of, 531, 25;
12.htm.html#page_104" class="pginternal">104, 27
Sorrows, a fire at which we warm our hands, 249, 37;
all, healed by heaven, 75, 48;
associated with pleasure, 409, 11;
desperate, 100, 35;
each condition its own, 82, 55;
how they come, 545, 18;
lighter than cares, 36, 9;
little and great, 251, 19;
never wanting, 212, 20;
not to be complained of, 543, 28;
of earth, in eye of heaven, 474, 5;
of yesterday, to-day, and to-morrow compared, 454, 11;
our, like thunder-clouds, 339, 18;
part of the divine plan, 89, 23;
small and great, effect of, 19, 55;
soothed by friendship, 319, 10;
source of, 11, 13;
true easing of, 503, 31;
vanished, soul-quickening, 48, 59;
we must bear, 468, 18
Soul, a fresh, breeding, 491, 10;
a great, 184, 13;
a man's, his mightiest possession, 297, 42;
a noble, to the vulgar, 421, 12;
a precious, 168, 19;
a reality, 262, 25;
a strong, mark of, 346, 30;
a strong, to be prayed for, 112, 47;
a strong, works of, 307, 16;
a sweet and virtuous, never gives, 334, 43;
a true, first trial questions of, 141, 34;
a, with unsubdued passions, 535, 22;
active, the one thing of value, 445, 40;
an enigma to itself, 361, 30;
an inmate, 551, 37;
and body mutually helpful, 9, 35;
and love, co-operating or disjoined, 253, 50;
as God, unchangeable, 75, 45;
beautiful, finding, a gain, 79, 5;
black speck in every, 469, 21;
cannot be killed, 402, 6;
independent of counsel, 62, 37;
depth of, approved, 430, 19;
depths in, 466, 36;
effect on, of chastening, 48, 5;
elevation of, 537, 14;
excellence and greatness of, in what seen, 223, 13;
fiery, effect of, on body, 5, 44;
frequent contrast of body and, 8, 41;
gives form to body, 325, 14;
immortality of, Goethe's faith in, 164, 43;
great, invulnerable but for compassion, 506, 39;
greatness of, a mark of, 81, 2;
greatness of revelations of, 26, 63;
his, entrusted to each man, 127, 52;
how it regards all it loves, 325, 6;
how rendered great, 162, 9;
human, a bird born in a cage, 436, 4;
immortality of, proof of, 494, 26;
in sick body, 533, 21;
indispensable, 179, 23;
individual, union it should seek, 436, 30;
indolence of, evil of, 107, 30;
its greatness, 482, 25;
its integrity, sacred, 314, 37;
its palace, 6, 63;
its spiritual position, 95, 13;
largest, of a country, 438, 1;
life of, 75, 26; 487, 3;
like a star apart, 486, 9;
man's, an unspeakable subject, 162, 14;
man's, like water, 385, 11;
man's mightiest possession, 324, 37;
mystery in connection with, 263, 20;
no kindling of, without soul, 162, 26;
noble and ignoble, in prosperity contrasted, 171, 32;
noble, fairest fortune to, 61, 5;
of man, presence-chamber of Highest, 202, 40;
one's anxiety about, 13, 46;
one's own, 94, 12;
our, our own, 94, 12;
poorest, wishes of, 448, 30;
sad, in merry company, 379, 14;
salvation of, sole motive of religion, 152, 31;
sayings about, 454,14-27;
secret of, inexpressible by words, 308, 3;
sick, its physician, 65, 14;
sickness of, common cause of, 325, 30;
so situated that it may emancipate itself, 126, 8;
sanctuary of, 18, 36;
source of events, 472, 33;
strength of, true to its high trust, 133, 42;
strength without greatness of, 385, 12;
strenuous and success, 21, 2;
that strives and sins, misery of, 539, 13;
the, no coercing, 33, 36
the, everything, 352, 39;
the, great and plain, 133, 41;
the, indivisible, 413, 5;
the, mirror of, 426, 29;
the sole reality, 446, 20;
the window of, 426, 31;
the true strength of, 459, 10;
thrift of having, 2, 55;
unbelief in the richness of, 523, 13;
virtuous and sensuous, 461, 3;
want of the, 233, 8;
without fixed purpose, 222, 8;
without reflection, 20, 9;
youth of, 466, 3
Soul's, grandeur, in what revealed, 312, 32;
the, emphasis right, 540, 1
Souls, all, forfeit once, 554, 43;
at work in stinted body, 194, 13;
the, Cicero on, 284, 6;
common, contrasted with nobler, 45, 21;
dear to God, 33, 25;
feeble, how they fail, 104, 4;
fine, versus fine society, 488, 51;
generous, weakness of, 120, 6;
godlike, forbidden fleshly gratification, 128, 21;
great, characterised, 238, 23;
great, endurance of, 136,48;
great (see Great souls);
hard to discern, 391, 26;
lessons taught to, incommunicable, 484, 42;
little, shifty, 251, 36;
men's, the poles of 277, 30;
noble, do nothing by halves, 298, 17;
our chief concern, 568, 27;
our, far-seeing, 339, 19;
privileged, Frederick the Great on, 237, 45;
pure, crushed to death, 468, 19;
related, division among, a sad riddle, 414, 8;
sad, Dante's, 222, 22;
small, authors of great evils, 276, 19;
strong, related, 10, 25;
to be saved, and souls not, 154, 15;
to whom God manifests Himself, 127, 20;
twin, 467, 39;
yearning, appeal to, 518, 14
Sovereigns, a weakness of, 407, 48
Sovereignty and learning, 236, 35
Sowing, and reaping, 8, 32;
compared with reaping, 379, 19;
necessary to reaping, 149, 5
Space, and time, a dream, 402, 3;
and time, as interests, 424, 41;
and time, but creations of God, 486, 26;
and time, do not belong to the eternal world, 293, 24
Spared, better, a better man, 165, 32
Sparing and spending, in due measure, 557, 32
Spark, neglected, 20, 10
Sparks, and the light they give, 14, 12
Sparrow, providence in fall of, 477, 47
Spartan mother to her son, 87, 35
Spartans, the, Emerson on, 335, 8
Speak, injunction to, 523, 7;
well, advantage of ability to, 198, 34;
well, how to, 565, 26
Speaker, fine, who does not speak the truth, 555, 30
Speaking, a master of, 93, 56;
a rule of, 567, 11;
condition of, 305, 23;
evil from, 116, 7;
good, condition of, 506, 4;
in childhood, 190, 17;
man, contrasted with silent, 42, 20;
men, soul of all worth in, 189, 27;
much and to the point, 205, 9;
much or seldom, significance of, 151, 17;
rule in, 381, 18;
rule of, 141, 37; 274, 45
sowing, 152, 20;
well, 362, 6;
what is implied in, 334, 40;
what is wanted in, 313, 20;
what one likes, 152, 11;
without thinking, 138, 24
SpÉcialitÉ, a, desirable, 141, 32
Species, Cuvier's definition of, 20, 11
Speck, black, in every soul, 469, 21
Spectacles, behind which is no eye, 441, 3;
ugliest of, 506, 26
Speculation, among practical men, 189, 14;
contrasted with practice, 355, 2;
Goethe on the man of, 5, 34;
limit of, a wise man's, 199, 48;
no, in those eyes, 307, 18;
not man's end, 266, 18;
our proneness to, 331, 6;
tendency of, 174, 5
Speculations, effect of time on, 486, 33
Speech, a knavish, by whom entertained, 7, 47;
and fact, gulf between, 401, 1;
and silence, 370, 44, 45;
and thought, 484, 42;
as a sign, 437, 29;
combined with song, 10, 22;
compared with action, 402, 42;
contrasted with silence, 391, 28, 33;
corruption in, bad sign, 549, 17;
discretion of, 69, 10;
disguise of thought, 182, 22;
effect of, to a soul holy and true, 545, 19;
fair, 1, 9;
flattering, 273, 2;
freedom of, risky, 341, 2;
Goethe's rule in regard to, 519, 30;
good, what underlies all, 506, 23;
hour of, 253, 18;
indiscreet, 148, 25;
kind, power of, 150, 13;
like a tangled chain, 157, 12;
modern, theme of, 38, 17;
motive of most, 330, 35;
not safe, when one would be silent, 303, 29;
often matter of regret, 224, 9;
pungency of, how to attain, 177, 29;
rarer than song, 79, 2;
right naming, 313, 4;
rule of, 308, 23; 519, 14;
rule for, 244, 14; 382, 19; 481, 4;
rules for, 400, 39-45, 50, 51, 55; 401, 1;
subservient to action, 553, 36;
the best, contrasted with thought, 392, 26;
the bond of society, 317, 12;
the dial-plate of thought, 320, 33;
the greatest virtue of, 336, 9;
to be sparing, and good, 100, 29;
to be weighed, 42, 45;
to conceal thought, 226, 34;
to purpose, tact required for, 378, 45
Speeches, fine, of knaves or fools, 106, 31;
long, a bore, 92, 26
Spenser, characteristic of, 419, 44
Spending, before earning, 148, 27;
economy in, 165, 13;
more difficult than earning, 76, 45;
much, and gaining little, 495, 46;
the use of, 376, 12
Spendthrift, the, 357, 47;
with others' property, 201, 25
Sphere, chosen for one, 295, 32;
limit of one's view, 241, 26
Sphinx-riddle, of the day, to whom insoluble, 150, 14
Spinoza, Novalis on, 131, 4
Spirit, a drop of, not water, the thing wanted, 534, 14;
a man of, 511, 34;
a soaring, 2, 63;
a worthy and generous, sign of, 199, 38;
and nature, 454, 34;
and reason, two aspects of one thing, 414, 37;
architect of body, 86, 2;
confining power of, 94, 7;
constructive power of, 94, 6;
debauchery of, 85, 30;
tm.html#page_020" class="pginternal">20, 13;
high, when appreciated, 156, 33
Stations of eminence, 81, 28, 29
Statue, a, without tongue, 246, 32;
the light on, no anxiety, 71, 36
"Steal, thou shalt not," comprehensiveness of, 331, 27
Stealing, akin to lying, 258, 17;
sayings about, 148, 29, 30; 152, 23
Steel, true as, 287, 50
Step, a false, effect of, 171, 48;
a man's greatest, in life, 60, 7;
first difficult, 38, 2;
first expensive, 180, 29;
one wrong, 334, 36;
the hardest, 432, 17
Stepping-stones, rising on, of dead selves, 167, 19
Stewards, heaven-elected, 273, 35
Still, people dangerous, 238, 21;
waters, danger of, 241, 37
Stoic, sayings about, 455, 13, 14
Stoicism, sayings about, 455, 15, 16
Stomach, a hungry, not fastidious, 212, 24
Stone, a rolling, 18, 21;
a white, 7, 67;
refused by builders, 455, 18
Stones thrown only at fruit-loaded trees, 330, 15
Stoning, different kinds of, 197, 30
Stoop to rise, 395, 37
Stores, best of, 403, 20
Stories, gulling power of, 298, 3
Storm and a master-spirit, 441, 35
Story-telling, mark of mediocrity, 224, 16;
the habit of, 199, 11;
the least supportable, 324, 22
Straightforward, hard to walk, 190, 38
Straightforwardness, effect of, 498, 16
Strain, it had a dying fall, 414, 11
Stranded, nothing ever, 314, 28
Strange better than troublesome, 29, 33
Straws, knotting, rather than nothing, 29, 30
Stream, prudence before crossing, 42, 16
Streams, shallow, run dimpling, 88, 2
Strength, admired by women, 67, 8;
assurance of, 386, 2;
cause of loss of, 56, 62;
course of, 443, 31;
innate, 10, 23;
not equal to desire, 65, 13;
not to be divided, 526, 36;
one's, ignorance of, 11, 31;
our, measure of, 200, 51;
our, secret of, 339, 24; 522, 2;
popular estimate of, 55, 1;
property in the, we have overcome, 520, 32;
superior, with right, 407, 3;
the secret of, 46, 4; 190, 39;
the determining element of, 313, 24;
varieties of, sources of, 455, 27;
without wisdom, 537, 8
Strife, anti-Christian, 242, 28;
genders strife, 250, 31;
more interest in, than victory, 184, 33;
to be left off, 417, 23
Stringed instruments, sayings about, 455, 28, 29
Striving, and forgetting, 111, 42;
eager, from ignorance, 317, 8;
praying, 28, 7
Stroke, a transmitted, still a stroke, 455, 30
Strokes, power of repeated, 155, 5
Strong, and unsound contrasted, 450, 44;
for the weak, 455, 34;
men, the faith of, 388, 25;
not independent of help, 399, 33;
the, love life, 10, 24
Stronger, contending with, 424, 41
Strongest, right with, 61, 26
Stubbornness, how to meet, 18, 52;
how to treat, 4, 65
Student, brooding, Wordsworth to, 509, 16;
diligent, solitary, 397, 24;
the life of a, 378, 42;
the one virtue of a, 68, 27
Students, ill-behaved, as preachers, 63, 49
Studies, for ornament, 496, 38;
how regarded by different classes, 49, 33;
learned, the value of, 139, 1;
what of our, we retain, 528, 10
Study, ennobling, 467, 21;
evermore overshot, 395, 26;
how to enter on a, 186, 31;
importance of, 200, 48;
much, a weariness, 327, 7;
the effect of, 394, 9;
the use of, 407, 2;
what should be our chief, 324, 31;
without genius, 78, 7
Stuff, we are made of, 522, 18
Stumbling-block, man must have a, 111, 37;
not to be laid, 384, 33
Stupid, class, the, 471, 15;
the, no novelty, 532, 24
Stupidity, and indolence, 193, 31;
and sluggishness, 103, 15;
deadening effect of, 161, 8;
dreadful, 434, 28;
invincible to the gods, 281, 1;
our one enemy, 445, 35;
penalty of, 412, 43;
with sound digestion, power of, 558, 46
Style, a fine, characteristic of, 541, 4;
a natural, our pleasure in, 362, 7;
a noble, condition of, 554, 30;
a rugged, 166, 29;
after a model, 94, 11;
copy of mind, 119, 43;
dependent on mind, 456, 1;
every man has his, 92, 4;
fastidiousness about, 543, 2;
how to write a grand, 119, 43;
how to write a lucid, 119, 43;
master of, mark of, 211, 52;
Swift's definition of, 358, 5;
the man, 235, 17;
two great faults of, 358, 15
Subject, adherence to, 217, 38;
the power of the, 33, 32;
will of, wanton restraint of, 95, 9
Subjects, difficult, novel and profound, how to treat, 528, 34
Sublime, an instance of, 72, 46;
from, to ridiculous, 74, 40;
moment in man's life, 12, 31;
nature of, 167, 29;
of man, the, 489, 7;
sayings about, 456, 4-9;
step from, to ridiculous, 334, 12;
the truly, 459, 18
Sublimest spectacle, the, in the world, 405, 19
Sublimity, contrasted with humour, 164, 7;
in child and maiden, 249, 14
Subordinates, need of, 329, 11
Subsistence, man's sure, 265, 35;
Mirabeau on three means of, 211, 6
Substance, discriminated from accident, 2, 45;
for shadow, 36, 53;
my, is not here, 305, 31;
the only real, 446, 20
Substitute in absence of the king, 21, 9
Succeeding, best way of, 565, 7
Success, a condition of, 5, 39; 209, 35;
a diagnosis required for, 495, 53;
a dream, 72, 49;
a result, 159, 33;
a secret of, 271, 57;
by failure, 99, 27;
condition of, 12, 36;
conditions of, 149, 7;
Danton on the secret of, 38, 11;
desert of, thing to aim at, 488, 27;
encouragement from, 160, 37;
ever tinged with sadness, 210, 21;
failure of, reason of, 201, 46;
first essential of, 495, 44;
first secret of, 386, 15;
great secret of, 493, 34;
honoured, 89, 10;
how missed, 456, 26;
how to attain, 177, 43;
how won, 330, 25;
in need of consolation, 89, 30;
nothing succeeds like, 316, 39;
secret of, 452, 46, 48, 49; 476, 6;
the effect of, on our judgment, 138, 32;
the greatest, 432, 39;
the parent of, 193, 36;
two ways to, 468, 3;
worldly, glare of, 469, 36;
worldly, Queen Elizabeth on, 479, 24
Successes often disappointments, 277, 23
Succour, angelic, 162, 12;
from above, when sure, 563, 24
Suddenness, the shock from, 88, 14
Suffer, to, and be strong, sublime, 219, 52
Sufferance, badge of Jew, 111, 8
Sufferer, the greatest, not always best, 298, 6
Suffering, acute, of short duration, 520, 6;
compulsory, 381, 22;
contrasted with happiness, 139, 40;
effect of, on native character, 314, 11;
general, a sign of general immorality, 119, 40;
human, cause of, 267, 31;
human, root of, 134, 39;
law of, 443, 9;
necessary to being, 489, 45;
nothing singular in, 326, 39;
often in apprehension, 350, 8;
our lot, 206, 25;
protection from, 517, 31;
remembrance of, 361, 9;
sole remedy for, 111, 9;
the effect of, 335, 9;
vicarious, 428, 24
Sufferings, another's, judging of, 202, 32;
light, test of, 244, 33;
our, tutors, 342, 52;
superiority to, 475, 2
Sufficiency, a moderate, 27, 55
Suffrage, universal, questionableness of, 507, 38
Sullenness, an attribute of things, 480, 34
Summit, of power, man at, 116, 30;
the, reached by climbing, 34, 11
Summons, the, that arouses a man, 284, 16
Sun, a type of Jesus, 483, 33;
and shadow it casts, 546, 6;
beautifying power of, 26, 21;
-clear, the, no arguing against, 4, 72;
down, while yet day, 155, 3;
extinction of, effect of, 415, 10;
looks on all alike, 453, 8;519, 38;
false, Gen. Gordon on, 544, 48;
the mourning, 456, 44;
witchcraft in a, 533, 25
Tears, a debt, 406, 50;
a necessity for man, 239, 9;
causes of, 399, 4;
expression of tenderness, 282, 16;
expressiveness of, 195, 42;
joyful, oh for a bosom in which to shed, 322, 21;
lent by nature, 291, 10;
motive powers, 231, 14;
Nature's, 292, 42;
obscuring power of, 478, 18;
of penitents, 456, 45;
often a bad sign, 151, 13;
sacredness in, 470, 25;
safety-valves, 452, 22;
sometimes for show, 349, 53;
soothing power of, 87, 27;
sowing in, 479, 49;
tender, power of, 482, 41;
the cause of, 205, 18;
the channels of, 394, 38;
to be secret, 335, 24
Teeth without bread, and bread without teeth, 41, 25
Telegraph, electric, no substitute for face of a man, 425, 1
Teleology, question of, 450, 30
Telescope versus eye, 360, 36
Telescopes and eyes, 98, 21
Tell-tale, harm one, does, 332, 20;
out of school, 457, 1
Temper, an even and cheerful, benefit of, 426, 9;
and circumstance, accord between, 143, 29;
fate, 12, 59;
the, how to treat, 198, 39
Temperaments, our, diversity in, 339, 25
Temperance, a physician, 227, 37;
and health, 153, 32, 37; 260, 36;
as a virtue, 460, 42;
defined, 113, 12; 432, 27;
in cold latitudes, 435, 11;
incompatible with love of pleasure, 303, 5;
true, a part of, 199, 49
Tempers, unsociable, 508, 26
Tempest, sorest, issue of, 454, 10;
the objects it attacks, 457, 4
Temple, but one, in world, 471, 19;
no, easily reared, 565, 40;
reared on ruins of churches, 125, 19
Temptation, a, merely fled from, 527, 6;
anxiety to avoid, a snare, 269, 25;
common, 469, 17;
effect on us of resisting, 524, 9;
enduring, blessed, 30, 53;
flight from, 117, 11;
no guard against, 306, 26, 40;
object of, 106, 43;
our desire, 525, 18;
power of victory over, 565, 5;
resisted, not known, 540, 5;
resisting, serving God, 126, 33;
to sin in loving virtue, 284, 12;
virtue unequal to overcome, 162, 32;
when under, 547, 9
Temptations, and trials, our own, thought hardest, 91, 50;
beginning of all, 417, 20;
only skin deep, 268, 15;
teaching of, 525, 9
Tenants, poor, in the factor's hands, Burns on, 352, 38
Tendency, present, of things, 429, 45
Tenderness, defeating prudence, 450, 4;
thought of, at death, 543, 18;
throne of, 75, 49;
want of, 518, 34;
weakness of, 395, 21
Tennyson, rank as poet, 503, 48
Term of things, God-appointed, 480, 32
Territory, loss of, 439, 46
Terror, a life-long, horror of, 27, 46
Terrors, men amidst, 161, 8;
most, illusory, 284, 39
Testament, framed with injustice, 472, 51
Testimony, written, value of, 250, 34
TeufelsdrÖckh, as a rejected man, at the centre of indifference, 111, 14
Thanks, at all enough, 544, 4;
exchequer of poor, 89, 46;
fed on, 287, 42
Thanksgiving, God-glorifying, 126, 35
Theatre, and pulpit, 457, 14;
private, of great account, 262, 5
Theft, contrasted with carelessness, 36, 6;
proscribed by Christianity, 241, 7
Theme, a common, hard to treat freshly, 67, 28
Theologian, experience of, 424, 8
Theologians slain by science, 97, 59
Theological absurdities embraced by the greatest men, 307, 26
Theology, and philosophy, Carlyle on, 347, 38;
compared with religion, 372, 22;
false, the cure for, 422, 26
Theorists, crotchety, 444, 4
Theory, all, gray, 132, 42;
how to test a, 397, 38
There, never here, 457, 15
Thief, and anvil, 8, 60;
and opportunity, 77, 27;
saving a, 381, 8;
the greatest, 324, 41
Thieves, and their chains, 251, 38;
little and great, how treated, 219, 35, 36;
more, than are hanged, 52, 23
Thing, a, how defined, 21, 35;
that most needs to be done not easy, 414, 31
Things, all, co-operative, 11, 3;
all, only halves, 75, 25;
are as regarded, 233, 12;
best at their sources, 238, 8;
how to know, 377, 19;
more, in heaven and earth, 467, 23;
often misconstrued, 33, 16;
the path of, 447, 12;
to be done decently and in order, 240, 20;
with more spirit chased, 552, 23
Think, how to learn to, 200, 43
Thinker, accurate, compared with accurate observer, 110, 34;
arrival of, an epoch, 186, 32;
earnest, no plagiarist, 301, 37;
fairest fortune to a, 54, 26;
great, test of, 305, 37;
peril to things caused by advent of, 545, 35;
the, and the public, 486, 18;
the light he requires, 457, 28;
the, want of, 529, 38;
to be guarded against, 29, 73
Thinkers, and seers compared, 453, 7;
relation of, to workers, 482, 47
Thinking, a disease, 333, 31;
abortiveness of always, 42, 8;
acting, 496, 21;
and having ideas compared, 493, 9;
and living, contrasted, 40, 12;
and saying, 344, 42, 43;
any, rather than none, 266, 19;
as wishing, 320, 8;
before writing, 241, 2;
clear, and ardent loving, 230, 32;
contrasted with doing, 50, 42;
defined, 339, 26;
effect of, 475, 15;
evil of too much, 559, 7;
faculty, Goethe's thrift of, 334, 18;
free-, a vain boast, 523, 26;
how alone possible, 205, 14;
leaving off, evil of, 427, 17;
less harm from, than speech, 269, 6;
man a terror to the devil, 21, 39;
man, fairest portion of, 493, 4;
man, not appreciated, 161, 16;
no, no wisdom, 148, 4;
often no thinking, 161, 16;
power of, 485, 2;
powerful and bold, 264, 30;
rare, 164, 13;
rule of, 274, 45;
that is none, 149, 15;
the rule of, 481, 16;
the value of, 369, 6;
too much, 152, 32;
too much, effect of, 569, 8;
what is implied in, 334, 40
Thirty, without sense at, 364, 5
Thomson, Littleton on the muse of, 110, 3
Thongs, from others' leather, 32, 45
Thorn, but a changed bud, 21, 41;
near the rose, 529, 34
Thorns, when to trample on, 550, 22
Thought, a good, a boon, 6, 56;
a good, power of, 75, 7;
a great, news of, 145, 1;
a monarch of, the thought of, 518, 47;
a noble, effect on us of, 547, 27;
a single, significance of, 20, 15;
a sudden, 21, 10;
a true, mark of, 414, 17;
accompaniments of, 559, 6;
and action, the worlds of, 465, 8;
and diction, propriety of, conjoined, 358, 15;
and its relation to world, 484, 30;
application of, merit in, 473, 14;
as expressed in action, 3, 48;
compared with speech, 401, 10, 12, 13, 16, 17;
constant, unconscious overflow of, 46, 58;
contrasted with action, 61, 25;
contrasted with will, 556, 20;
dependence of, on character, 161, 5;
every, once a poem, 94, 54;
good, dependence of, on good cheer, 126, 35;
grandeur of, 162, 11;
greatness of, 311, 51;
he, as a sage, 149, 14;
high, rhythmic, 525, 2;
how made healthy, 205, 13;
how to test, 149, 47;
intense, fatiguing, 280, 3;
its activity, 315, 10;
justice of, how attained, 216, 19;
less, more talk, 282, 11;
moment to seize a, 90, 44;
mustard-seed of, its vitality, 444, 27;
nature of, 432, 9;
no, contented, 307, 29;
no curbing, 264, 29;
norm of, 253, 18;
of ages, crystallised in a moment, 89, 38;
on the sea of passion, 508, 29;
one, inclusive of all, 334, 23;
one's own, to be entirely credited, 220, 3;
one's, to be trusted, 184, 45;
original, preciousness of an, 169, 31;
parent of deed, 457, 34;
power in, 474, 34;
power of, 94, 55; 206, 39;
prior to fact 457, 33;
profound, 443, 21;
property in, 484, 24;
pure, independent of time, 486, 46;
relation of, to action, 58, 37;
revelation of its power, 451, 20;
sin of stifling, 496, 2;
slave of life, 33, 29;
tendency of, 203, 25;
that cannot be simply expressed, 542, 29;
the aim of every, at its origin, 94, 53;
the atmosphere of, 81, 32;
the analogue of, 44, 30;
the generous, 125, 17;
the, to him who cannot think, 421, 18;
the well of, effect of drawing from, 565, 30;
the world-process, 279, 33;
true and precise, superior to cloudy fancy, 500, 37;
undying, 26, 16;
want of, effect of, 521, 15;
when beautiful or just, 307, 28;
wicked, impress of, 555, 34;
withering, hid in smiles, 117, 24
Thoughtfulness, a medium in, 477, 46
Thoughtlessness, cause of
_364" class="pginternal">364, 2;
things done in, 192, 1-3;
to be economised, 81, 45;
to be honoured in passing, 392, 23;
to be occupied, 510, 32;
to be seized, 176, 49;
to be taken by the forelock, 158, 20;
to be valued, 85, 41;
two different attitudes to, 336, 21;
value of, 72, 5;
waste of, 432, 10;
wasted on others, 4, 2;
wasted, 269, 30;
wasted and wasting, 169, 4;
well or ill used, 483, 13, 14;
well used, 332, 40;
whiled away, a burden, 544, 42;
who have no, 345, 19;
wishing for too much, 176, 13.
See Il Tempo.
Times, as representing the eternities, 457, 47;
bad, but compensations, 67, 20;
now babbly, now dumb, 58, 42;
past, a seven-sealed book, 67, 19;
spirit of the, 67, 19;
spirit of the, defined, 535, 49;
the, a fatal trait of, 427, 18;
the, a tendency of, 429, 45;
the, always mean and hard, 35, 2;
the, and our duty to them, 567, 29;
the background of, dark, 322, 30;
the, unjust complaint of, 275, 42;
the, insoluble by us, 521, 30;
these naughty, 322, 18
Time-shadows, only, perishable, 219, 54
Timid, man, in love, 202, 55
Timing of things, 458, 1
Tiresome, secret of being, 452, 43
Tit for tat, 1, 45
Title-page, as index of book, 265, 38
Titles, and men, 204, 36;
high, effect on weak minds, 238, 28;
noble, alone transferable, 484, 10
Titus, saying of, 65, 39
Toady, a, defined by Disraeli, 408, 28
To-day, and to-morrow, 155, 42, 43; 283, 45, 46;
Carlyle on, 395, 3;
happiness of owning, 140, 26;
sayings about, 491, 27-30;
value of, 107, 12;
value of insight into, 123, 14;
why we lose, 529, 32;
worth of, compared with to-morrow, 334, 26
Toe, light fantastic, 44, 38
Toil, a necessity, 526, 26;
effect of change of, 482, 8;
effect of, on native character, 314, 11;
sons of, Carlyle's apostrophe to, 323, 2;
vain, without heaven's grace, 323, 5
Toiler, only, to have, 169, 10
Toleration, our, 529, 25;
rule and limit in, 395, 9
Tomb, before death, or none, 171, 13
To-morrow, gone and coming, 340, 2;
not to be cared for, 409, 24;
pupil of to-day, 68, 52
Tongue, a killing and a quiet sword, 142, 41;
and its issues, 520, 25;
an evil persuasive, 33, 2;
as a traveller's outfit, 41, 28; 42, 5;
compared with fire and sword, 106, 38;
cowards with the, 45, 14;
evil, an evil mind, 250, 14;
evil, bite of, 307, 22;
evil, its owner, 188, 26;
holiday to, 123, 39;
instrument of good and evil, 153, 41;
readiness with the, 510, 25;
restraining, as a virtue, 250, 18;
sayings about, 258, 5-11;
to be confined, 46, 25;
power of, 55, 36; 191, 33; 174, 36;
venom of, 474, 43;
want of eloquent, a misfortune, 39, 17;
worst part of bad servant, 250, 15
Tongues, compared to clocks that run on striking, 398, 9;
evil, pain of, 482, 23;
in trees, 408, 20
Too much, a defect, 516, 35
Tools, a necessity for all, 294, 49;
all man's invention, 262, 22;
and the man, our modern epic, 449, 40;
to him that can handle them, 224, 26;
use of, confined to man, 262, 47
Top, attempt to reach, at a leap, 200, 42
Topic, lovingly and thoroughly treated, effect on us of, 542, 17
Torrents, strong, their charge, 455, 36
Touch, a sure, a rare gift, 380, 17
Towers, lofty, and their fall, 37, 49
Town and country, 127, 17
Towns, contrasted with rural retreats, 228, 17;
great, a sort of prison, 135, 22;
immorality of, 239, 36
Trade, a, an estate, 146, 43;
a useful, value of, 23, 44;
as a means of life, 275, 3;
no, without its enjoyments, 504, 44;
two of a, 186, 22
Trader, what he first barters, 428, 5
Tradition, magnifying power of, 534, 1;
only one thing better than, 476, 18;
the god of, broken, 546, 36;
the source of all, 476, 18
Tragedies, why compose, 535, 1
Tragedy, true end of, 458, 38
Tragic and comic side by side, 421, 9
Train, the lackeyed, for others' pleasure, 110, 37
Training, mere, versus spirit, 169, 44;
superior to teaching, 411, 15;
the best, 77, 20;
time for, 513, 46
Traitor, the greatest, 474, 36
Traitor's, a, weapons, 334, 35
Traitors, no legislation for, 473, 13
Traits, family, how deepened and intensified, 314, 11
Tranquillity, condition of, 282, 53;
divine, 322, 20;
incompatible with idleness, 67, 34;
virtue in, 187, 56
Transcendental, the, in a book, 315, 30
Transcendentalism, Carlyle on, 201, 30
Transition, every, a crisis, 94, 58
Transitory, the, but an allegory, 8, 63;
study of, as such, 168, 16
Translation, need not be verbal, 294, 2
Translators, traitors, 498, 49
Trappist, and his body, 315, 23
Traveller, a wise, and his country, 505, 41;
who is a philosopher, 441, 17;
who is only a vagabond, 441, 17;
wise, and a good road, 6, 54;
with an empty purse, 510, 45;
without observation, 458, 19
Travellers, licence to, 21, 60;
unregarded, 176, 4
Travelling, alone or with another, 150, 26;
railway, Ruskin on, 367, 44;
safe and not unpleasant, 149, 17;
that profits not, 152, 34;
use of, 460, 14;
without effect on nature, 171, 44
Treachery, deliberate, penalty of, 57, 44;
due to weakness, 274, 17;
evil in, 204, 23;
the price of, 400, 29;
what is dreadful in, 192, 13
Treasure, a, hard to guard, 179, 6;
coveted, hard to guard, 259, 30
Treasures, accumulated, purpose of, 123, 45;
by a lying tongue, 430, 3;
heavy with tears, 399, 8
Treatment according to desert, 509, 33
Tree, bearing bad fruit, 95, 2;
with both fruit and shade, 458, 28;
without blossoms, 507, 50
Trees, ability to root up, 334, 32;
harm of transplanting, 32, 5;
large, give more shade than fruit, 124, 11;
old, hard to bend, 213, 14;
short of the sky, 36, 3
Trencherman, a very valiant, 143, 12
Trial, a, that is not dangerous, 307, 30;
the glorifying effect of, 319, 25
Trials, past, not to discourage, 242, 21
Trifles, as felt, or not felt, 12, 23;
different estimates of, 150, 17;
holy and a base care for, 469, 24;
how to treat, 527, 4;
making an amusement of, 480, 12;
not to be despised, 481, 6;
significance of, 202, 42;
significance of treatment of, 201, 32;
well habited, 468, 17
Trinity, the, according to Emerson, 459, 38
Triumph, after victory, 16, 10;
without glory, 529, 28
Triumphs and sorrows, our, 529, 21
Tropes, everywhere, 291, 27
Trouble, best remedy for, 15, 32;
eased by talking of it, 86, 40;
past, memory of, 405, 1
Troubles, being chased by, 565, 23;
cure for, 393, 41;
due to God dragging us, 269, 29;
effect of slight and great, 239, 16;
how to face, 497, 54;
light and deep, contrasted, 51, 36;
little, worry of, 162, 13;
no guard against, 306, 26;
none without, 304, 26;
of others easily borne, 524, 24;
one's, how to soften, 459, 16;
one's, how to treat, 167, 51;
one's own, heaviest, 2, 58;
that must not be told, 467, 38
Troy, no more, 117, 16, 18;
site of, 210, 14
True, and false, price of, when paid, 111, 24;
and good, how reconciled, 518, 17;
being, always possible, 474, 35;
not always verisimilar, 235, 31, 32;
once, true always, 331, 30;
the, alone beautiful, 376, 50;
the, as a spirit in the atmosphere, 203, 33;
the, harder to find than false, 510, 35;
what is considered, same as true, 536, 13;
what is not, advantage of, 536, 42
Trust, and distrust an error, 183, 16;
and distrust, foresight necessary for, 112, 18;
and distrust, Goethe on, 11, 40;
and love, soul's nourishment, 253, 51;
and trust not, 105, 37;
effect of, 483, 21;
experience before, 26, 64;
founded on love, 27, 24;
objects to, 329, 40;
power of, 502, 44
Trusting every one, 149, 33
Truth, a distasteful, profitable, 368, 49;
a genuine follower of, 553, 21;
a new, receiving, 370, 19;
a new, the effect on us, 21, 47;
a, pushing, too far, 360, 18;
a test of, 90, 12; 487, 14;
abstract, importance of, 119, 38;
an insult to many, 466, 43;
an offence, 180, 27;
and error, 85, 2, 3, 5, 8, 9;
and goodness, how to travel the path of, 563, 34;
and its expression, 331, 49;
and purity, 360, 12;
and reality, the tap-root of life, 244, 3;
and the imitation of it, 188, 36;
and the utterance of, a necessity for man, 9, 67;
arguing deceitfully for, 148, 34;
at any cost, 29, 43;
at heart, effect of, on character, 542, 7;
awful, of things, 47, 50;
beauty of, 315, 42;
being alone with, 207, 21;
beholding, after being lost in metaphysics, 201, 3;
belief of, 436, 41;
best way to, 418, 8;
better than consistency, 345, 17;
better than wit, 537, 35;
by count of noses, 398, 27;
by doubting, 73, 30;
by poetry, 565, 19;
characteristic of, 531, 13;
commended, 243, 46;
consolation from, 421, 30;
dearer than a friend, 13, 39;
discernment of, 553, 8;
discernment of, a revelation, 546, 35;
devotion to, effect of, 563, 23;
duty towards, done when told, 543, 42;
duty with regard to, 67, 4;479, 51;
world's light, 202, 47
Two, souls in one breast, 570, 5;
things, to require, 495, 20
Type, less valuable than time, 487, 1;
Nature's carefulness of, 394, 47
Tyranny, and law, 548, 8;
intolerable, 468, 29;
limited, 306, 27;
law and justice under disguise of, 180, 26; worst sort of, 25, 42
Tyrant, always in fear, 152, 24;
and serf, not God-made, 168, 5;
his fear, 364, 49;
kiss of, admonitory, 207, 12
Tyrants, plea of, 558, 37;
Burns against, 232, 26;
not for ever, 103, 45;
who wear no crown, 388, 37
Ugliness, the root of, 369, 16
Ulysses, bow of, bending, 203, 45
Unanimity in a council, 259, 14
Unascertainable, the, how to regard, 492, 4
Unbaptized, the, with clean hearts, 506, 35
Unbelief, Carlyle on, 471, 20;
contrasted with belief, 27, 30;
effect of, 415, 14;
foundation of, 27, 16;
founded on blind belief, 559, 4;
in man, 84, 47;
our age of, not without hope, 173, 34;
prevalent among men of ability, 293, 27;
the battle against, 417, 2;
the fearful, 427, 30;
the, that torments us, 339, 30
Unborn, rather be, than untaught, 29, 17;
the, blessed, 550, 39
Uncertain, the, how to treat, 192, 49, 50
Uncle Toby, ways of Sterne's, 121, 39
Unconquerable man, an, 153, 5
Unconscious, the, region of, 304, 33;
the, value of, 459, 32
Unconsciousness, commended by Christ, 242, 24;
sign of health, 453, 32
Unction, flattering, 110, 15
Understanding, and expression, 87, 29;
and reason, objects of, 67, 2;
and wit, 558, 1;
candle of, in heart, 168, 32;
compared with fantasy, 459, 33;
contrasted with reason, 369, 28, 33;
defined, 513, 14;
dulness of, how to treat, 349, 5;
end of, 433, 29;
error essential to, 176, 39;
evil of abuse of, 167, 27;
forgiving, 45, 52;
fortitude of, 499, 50;
healthy, defined, 433, 29;
high source of, 436, 44;
its rank, 435, 4;
judgments of, Goethe on, 437, 23;
man's best candle, 266, 27;
no, without love, 522, 47;
of people better than censure, 29, 53;
one thing well, 496, 32;
perfect, value of, 432, 39;
power of, 485, 40;
sound, the dread of, 434, 28;
source of, 206, 21;
the condition of hearing, 11, 62;
the condition of, 12, 38;
the modern god, 431, 5;
the, pursuing its rightful course, 486, 48;
things, condition of, 496, 35;
two conditions of, 496, 14;
value of, 153, 11; 162, 4;
way for, 100, 22;
without, without purpose, 79, 28
Undertaking too much, 66, 24
Undertakings, great, distrusted, 410, 47;
great, the requisite to, 385, 38
Undiscovered, the, country, 553, 4
Uneasiness, the cause of our, 201, 36
Unemployed, the, a burden, 82, 56
Unexpected, the, happens, 195, 2
Unfortunate, blessing an evil to, 496, 26;
man, an, according to Goethe, 143, 20;
the, unwise, 253, 9
Ungrateful, man, an, 194, 21;
men, different kinds of, 143, 57;
service to, 194, 16;
to do good to, 491, 40
Unhappiness, cause of, 521, 22;
cause of all our, 498, 37;
imaginary, 521, 43;
man's, cause of, 267, 9;
source of, 303, 11;
the one, for a man, 445, 41;
the true, 175, 18
Unhappy, the, 447, 17;
the, a comfort of, 326, 33;
the, always wrong, 459, 36;
the, and their time, 433, 14;
the, cared for by God, 125, 51;
the, on earth, 466, 37
Unhelpful, the, 305, 7
Unimaginative, the, defects of, 459, 37
Uninquisitiveness, man's, 359, 14
Unintelligible, how to interpret, 384, 37
Union, power of, 11, 50; 15, 39; 89, 41;
motive for, and the power of it, 559, 44;
strength, 224, 17
Unity, in a work, test of, 542, 36;
not uniformity, 103, 46
Universe, a, in each man, 559, 19;
a man's, how determined, 407, 47;
a thought of God, 54, 34;
and particles that compose it, 475, 4;
as seen from England, contrasted from that as seen from Judea, 539, 4;
divine-infernal, 316, 21;
each man to adjust himself in, 202, 4;
ever in transformation, 249, 32;
great soul of, 431, 37;
how bound together, 21, 5;
laws of, mistake regarding, 355, 1;
nature of, 467, 30;
the, no wronging, 311, 35;
the, sayings about, 459, 38-46; 460, 1, 2;
the, out at sea, 340, 5;
those who love the whole, 480, 6;
to him who thinks he can swallow it all, 533, 43;
under government, 92, 49;
versus the spirit of God, 462, 15
University, the true modern, 459, 13;
years, importance of, 2, 32
Unjust, in little, 147, 8;
thing, doomed, 316, 46
Unkindness, not of nature, 292, 16;
pining effect of, 283, 25;
small, 19, 56
Unlearn, who needs not, 161, 19
Unlearned man, the, ignorance of, 460, 3
Unlearning, a slow business, 56, 48;
not right, 141, 24
Unlooked-for, the, 509, 7
Unnatural, imperfect, 94, 51
Unnecessary, the, dear, 81, 6
Unprosperous, the, suspicious, 328, 2
Unpunctuality, loss in, 139, 15
Unreality, never patronised long, 316, 18
Unseen and unknown, power over us of, 199, 21
Unsettling, times of, needed, 565, 2
Unsophisticated man, the, 176, 17
Unsought, those that come, 482, 43
Unthinking persons, their speech, 193, 2
Untruth, an, that has the start, 314, 5
Unused, the, a burden, 519, 15
Up and doing, 243, 45
Upholstery, for whom, 508, 2
Upright, highway of, 435, 13;
subject to hatred and envy, 141, 3
Uprightness, a sure card, 148, 43;
commended, 539, 34
Urn, storied, hollowness of, 35, 20
Use, constant, effect of, 104, 43;
effect of, on strength, 184, 32;
essential to possession, 316, 43;
power of, 111, 33;
what we do not, 539, 26
Useful, but part of important, 520, 13;
encourages itself, 460, 15;
only to be gloried in, 300, 34;
with agreeable, mingling of, 327, 52;
regard of the ancients for, 208, 30
Usefulness, condition of, 144, 38;
incompatible with baseness, 186, 16
Useless, nothing, to sensible people, 180, 5;
people, 460, 16;
to self, useless to others, 151, 15
Usurer and his plough, 460, 17
Utmost, the, who does, 535, 3
Utopia, Emerson's, 169, 10;
the true, life in, 191, 22
Utopias, premature truths, 239, 29
Uttered, the, and unuttered, part of life, 460, 19
Vagabonds, nature-made, 292, 9
Vain, man, folly of, 489, 41;
men, how to treat, 243, 48
Vainglory, anti-Christian, 242, 28
Vale of life, cool, sequestered, 102, 10
Valetudinarians like misers, 345, 12
Valiant, and his sufferings, 460, 20;
as compared with cowards, 49, 26;
the most truly, 153, 26;
valour of, 3, 17
Valour, against adversity, 4, 69;
contrasted with endurance, 460, 22;
definition of, 103, 53;
in distress, 69, 48;
mean of, 441, 39;
of just man, 460, 21;
power of, 540, 29;
sad, wise, 379, 15;
the better part of, 418, 18;
the truest, 198, 14;
true, defined, 500, 41
Valours, our, our best gods, 339, 31
Value, in men and things, 460, 23, 24;
the one thing of, 445, 40
Vanity, a mark of humility, 490, 42;
a preservative against, 437, 41;
a source of, 40, 33;
a, which is deadly, 470, 2;
application to, of truth, 476, 1;
as lack of understanding, 92, 7;
as regards fashions, 477, 10;
compared with pride, 356, 34, 36;
corrupting power of, 507, 2;
desecrating power of, 476, 10;
difficult to manage, 474, 40;
in rags, 168, 28;
inherent in mankind, 92, 48;
masterpiece of, 100, 44;
our, versus dignity, 339, 32;
why insufferable, 537, 42
Vanquished, he could argue still, 89, 36
Vapour, floating, subject to gravity, 428, 48
Variety, source of pleasure, 278, 36;
the zest in, 315, 34
Vase, a bungled, 14, 6
Veil, a, of the gods, not to be lifted, 242, 11; 506, 7
Veils, the moral value of, 289, 21
Venerate, the untrained to, 507, 20
Veneration, deep and great affection, incompatible, 201, 8;
secret of, 460, 26;
that is godlike, 191, 43
Vengeance, deep, begotten of deep silence, 56, 55;
gods of, their action, 66, 6;
nature of, 375, 22;
noblest, 445, 9;
sacrifices from, 269, 39
Venturing, warrant for, 176, 36
Venus, the cruel pleasure of, 391, 10
Veracity as a duty, 445, 22
Verse that wounds, curst by Pope, 52, 2
Verses, writing, no special craft, 367, 11
Vesture, colour of, 422, 32;
cut of, 422, 32
Vexations not to be aggravated, 294, 39
Vice, all, under a guise of virtue, 474, 42;
an emancipator of the mind, 414, 21;
and virtue, methods of, contrasted, 45, 41;
dignified by action, 515, 18;
every, brink of a precipice, 327, 47;
evil of, 66, 31;
eradicable with time, 75, 27;
forsaking, 361, 45;
in the form of example, 512, 3;
only antidote for, 171, 19;
Roman, Juvenal on, 299, 38;
under disguise of virtue, 100, 33
Vices, attacking, in the abstract, 489, 38;
how regarded, 50, 11;
insinuating power of, 516, 22;
not all our own, 294, 43;
often from good qualities, 268, 26;
that have banished virt
8105-h-33.htm.html#page_304" class="pginternal">304, 37;
measure of our, 539, 20;
now, through a glass darkly, 110, 28;
the, of visions for a man, 422, 40
Visionaries, all, 521, 6
Visions, the, we see, 521, 6
Vitality, fate of what has no, 540, 33
Vocation, a peculiar, to every one, 75, 14;
apt to mistake our, 521, 10;
chosen for one, 296, 32;
of man, primary, 449, 22
Voice, as index of character, 473, 12;
human, power of, 436, 5;
is in my sword, 167, 7;
inner, to be trusted, 519, 10;
of man, general and perpetual, 429, 44;
soft, gentle, and low, 155, 4;
wisest, no longer divine, 463, 25
Void, in things, 321, 42
Voltaire, impotency of his logic, 197, 24;
in relation to his time, 82, 34;
on his life, 258, 27
Volubility different from pertinency, 42, 49
Volume, flesh-bound, the only revelation of God, 428, 46
Vote, of a slave, a nuisance, 307, 11
Votes, should be weighed, 265, 37;
worthlessness of decisions by, 520, 15
Voting, decision by, Cromwell's protest against, 517, 36
Vow to heaven to be first paid, 321, 11
Vows, unheedful, 507, 23
Vox populi, vox dei, falsehood of, 414, 15
Vulgar, incapable of pure truth, 289, 20;
people, mark of, 403, 12;
respect of, for wealth, 136, 42;
sayings about, 461, 10-12;
working on, with fine sense, 492, 10
Vulgarity, and fashion, 102, 30, 34;
condemned, 64, 9;
essence of, 425, 35;
marks of, 69, 30;
or solitude, 465, 12
Vulnerable, point, our, 522, 10;
point, the, 164, 20
Wages, God's business, 279, 38;
never to be angrily demanded, 304, 5;
our claim of, 260, 43
Waggons, creaking, 49, 39
Wailing, no remedy, 311, 24;
over the dead, ineffectual, 230, 29
Waiting, advantage of, 94, 16;
in vain, 20, 14;
not Goethe's way, 160, 24
Walking, a falling forward, 461, 14;
a series of falls, 13, 2
Wallets, our two, 345, 41
Wanderers o'er eternity, 33, 27
Wandering, think of, 171, 37
Want, caused by haste, 141, 7;
effect of, on heart, 538, 18;
full satisfaction of, 493, 2;
prayer of, to be listened to, 116, 28;
that man has to dread, 204, 40
Wants, four material, 287, 5;
knowledge and effort necessary for supply of, 152, 38;
man's, 266, 17;
source of our, 203, 48;
which we are insensible of, 12, 30
War, a game which subjects might veto, 33, 32;
an iron cure, 60, 27;
and peace, Schiller on, 221, 32;
art of, Napoleon on, 567, 13;
art of, Wellington on, 462, 5;
begun, hell let loose, 137, 19;
conquest by cruelty in, 50, 33;
conquest in, 201, 1;
epithets of, 27, 33, 41, 44, 45;
evil, 181, 38;
evil of, 101, 31; 191, 30;
for war, 155, 8;
final aim of, 59, 54;
glorious, pride, pomp, and circumstance of, 102, 22;
hell enlarged, 122, 31;
honour of, 382, 13;
horror of, 506, 26;
how to look on, 27, 43;
how to still, 288, 48;
legitimate object of, 27, 42;
man in time of, 188, 52;
mistakes in, inevitable, 150, 36;
murder, 98, 28;
no second blunder in, 30, 30;
once business, 112, 34;
right form of, 106, 6;
ruin to thousands, 280, 32;
sacrifices in, 209, 48;
sign of injustice, 549, 24;
sources of, 116, 11;
success in, 405, 31;
success in, right earned by, 150, 1;
three things required in, 569, 37;
when just, 216, 41
Ware, bad, never cheap, 329, 45;
no, without the money, 565, 32
Warfare, the greatest, 391, 12;
the spiritual, of these days, 191, 35
Warlike people, vices of all, 119, 42
Warmth, great, at outset, an evil sign, 135, 23;
in winter, 191, 27
Warning, comparative worthlessness of, 334, 22;
word, not heeded, 23, 10
Warnings, earth full of, 75, 47
Warrior, an old, 15, 59;
and war-horse, but a vision, 414, 24
Warriors, great, why remembered, 135, 24
Wars and mothers, 27, 35
Waste, caused by haste, 141, 7;
where no enjoyment, 544, 35
Waster, after an earner, 77, 40
Watching, vain, 96, 24
Water, afar, and fire, 3, 32;
and blood, different destinations of, 425, 2;
and wine as mirrors, 192, 30;
as servant and master, 106, 39;
drinking, 73, 8;
not to be quarrelled with, 522, 5;
pure, to be sought at the fountain, 42, 38;
smooth, to be guarded against, 57, 34;
spilt upon the ground, 21, 13;
that has passed the mill, 45, 54;
where the brook is deep, 394, 40
Waters, still, deadliest, 313, 27
Wattle, Captain, 63, 44
Wave, the longest, 439, 37
Waves, tainted with death, 103, 45
Way, a, fashioning, through the impassable, 331, 8;
best, to be chosen, however rough, 42, 43;
good, to be inquired after, 402, 16;
how to make, 312, 24;
noiseless tenor of their, 102, 10;
seeing one's, 168, 26;
that seemeth right, 470, 42;
truth and life, importance of the, 560, 2;
wrong in one's own, rather than right in another, 45, 2
Ways to end, many, 10, 44
Wayside, building by, 145, 22
Weak, man, every, under a tyrant, 325, 43;
the, concessions of, 421, 19;
the, moderation of, 226, 14;
the, strength of, 323, 41;
when united, 512, 49
Weakest, the, 386, 2;
spot, the, in every one, 461, 38
Weaklings must lie, 443, 31
Weakness, and ignorance, how to treat, 349, 5;
born vanquished, 403, 29;
every man his, 92, 5;
how not to expose a, 176, 45;
innate and acquired, 398, 29;
man's, God's respect for, 125, 28;
mischief of, 58, 7;
misery of, 490, 44;
not so dependent as strength, 403, 30
Weaknesses, concealment of our, 564, 4
Weal, every, has its woe, 90, 34;
human, the sum of, 187, 37
Wealth, a burden, unless understood, 553, 7;
a dubious gain, 415, 8;
a form of, 357, 8;
a man's, the measure of, 533, 29;
a spring of, 220, 30;
accompaniments of, 49, 56;
amassing, 178, 51;
and freedom, effect of, 548, 56;
and place, get, 122, 6;
and poverty, 354, 11;
and poverty, connection of, with moral qualities, 152, 21;
Butler's definition of, 111, 39;
by mere labour and economy, 303, 30;
condition of possessing, 522, 45;
deference to, 329, 3;
effect of, 194, 37;
essence of, 426, 3;
evanesence of, 238, 5;
first, 428, 43;
for sake of independence, 118, 55;
gaining versus guiding, 119, 10;
gathering, 118, 57;
powerless to give happiness, 35, 30;
gotten before wit, 146, 19;
hidden, here, 243, 13;
how to save men from, 565, 41;
ill-acquired, 238, 4;
ill-gotten, not lasting, 181, 43;
in relation to man and woman, 124, 14;
instability of, 77, 44;
its destination nowadays, 53, 14;
limit to want, 250, 11;
loss of, misery of, 200, 35;
lust of, evil of, 345, 43;
man's best, 6, 58;
man's true, 91, 7;
material, of a country defined, 441, 37;
moral condition of the power of, 508, 35;
much, little enjoyment, 285, 15;
natural, according to Socrates, 47, 21;
not a source of pleasure, 513, 23;
not quickly won, 132, 5;
not happiness, 209<
/a>, 14;
of Indies, who would bring home, 152, 50;
or want, children of, common fate of, 41, 53;
people of, 460, 7;
poor, keeping up appearance of, 311, 30;
poor man's, 41, 45;
parted with before death, 41, 13;
power of, 189, 16;
rapidly accumulated, 319, 2;
ruinous to a nation without intelligence, 305, 27;
sayings about, 461, 39-44;
source of, no question, 506, 18;
the only, 474, 44;
the substantial, of a man, 456, 12;
the world's, 465, 25;
to men of sense, 276, 9;
true veins of, 459, 15;
unjust, fate of, 145, 27;
versus men, 181, 40;
way to, 461, 32;
without enjoyment, 559, 31;
which is wealth, 166, 3;
without rich heart, 559, 23
Weapon, murderous, dangerous to carry, 119, 23
Weapons of war, Luther's estimate, 35, 19
Wearing out, compared with rusting, 105, 14
Weary, stale, flat, and unprofitable, 162, 45
Weathercock, like a, 211, 16
Weathers, something good in all, 478, 32
Web, a tangled, 322, 33;
begun, sure of thread, 109, 20
Wedded people, most, one couple more, 284, 15
Wedge, to be effectual, 462, 3
Wedlock, an awakening, 275, 14;
humble, 163, 43;
perfect, man and woman in, 189, 1;
state of sorrow, 78, 19
Weeds, as a sign of the soil, 13, 49;
native to fattest soil, 284, 38;
noisome, 308, 36;
showiness of, 23, 43;
to be weeded out in time, 317, 40
Weep, women appointed to, 33, 17
Weeping, as king, and not weeping as father, 86, 10;
beauty, the image of, 476, 41;
eyes turned to heaven, 553, 10;
in children rather than men, 29, 8
Weights, greatest, how God hangs, 125, 49
Weighty, willing to be weighed, 151, 23
Welfare, human, source of, 562, 43; 563, 2;
national, condition of, 144, 7;
of the whole, importance of, 86, 1
Well, a bad, 32, 11
Well, or ill, matter of feeling, good (see Good wine);
no, if drunk like water, 142, 22;
no, no love, 326, 40;
power of, 16, 29; 514, 28;
revealing power of, 182, 35;
sweet, vinegar from, 112, 44;
sweet, when sour, 408, 11;
tasting of, 428, 20;
treacherous friend, 413, 19;
women, and song, who loves not, 532, 30
Wine-cup, more fatal than the sea, 182, 26
Wings, brave, gift of, 125, 37;
people vainest of their, 202, 52;
without feet, 150, 32
Winking with the eye, 148, 58
Winter in lap of May, 33, 37
Wisdom, a mark of, 391, 28;
a point of, 199, 47;
aim of, not happiness, 81, 22;
and gray hairs, 136, 15;
and her charge, 484, 34;
and misfortune, 54, 33;
and wit, 558, 2, 13;
and wit, natural gifts, 304, 20;
appeals of, disregarded, 112, 4;
at another's expense, 104, 19;
before gold, 29, 49;
beginning of, 417, 24;
better than valour, 221, 33;
bird of, her flight, 418, 27;
condition of, 153, 34;
constancy in, 479, 18;
contrasted with knowledge, 220, 15, 20, 23, 47; 221, 5;
dependent of, on courage, 139, 13;
discernment of, 557, 33;
divine, effect of belief in, 161, 27;
effect of, 548, 20;
essential to justice, 216, 27;
fair, to rule, 243, 16;
first and second point of, 428, 29;
first order of, 20, 46;
first step of, 515, 38;
first step towards, 356, 54;
forms in which we love, 525, 35;
from ability, 308, 49;
function of, 197, 41;
great, a mark of, 199, 37;
great point of, 198, 38;
greatest, 473, 4;
hallmark of, 164, 2;
high, allied to insanity, 434, 34;
high value of, 133, 44;
highest, 435, 11;
highest heaven of, near, 434, 42;
how gained, 12, 21;
how recognisable, 207, 29;
how to learn, 236, 7;
how we learn, 525, 15;
human, honour due to, 123, 34;
in deeds, 310, 8;
in keeping golden mean, 400, 38;
in mouth of fanatic, 531, 19;
infused into everything, 92, 46;
invariable mark of, 437, 9;
knowledge involved in practice of, 150, 18;
Lavater's definition of, 473, 32;
learning rules of, without conforming to them, 151, 33;
lesson in, to be welcomed, 176, 15;
lessons of, 240, 7, 8;
main lesson of, 198, 48;
man of, 440, 28;
master-work of, 493, 32;
matter of years, 55, 27;
men's, 522, 28;
mile-stones on road to, 300, 28;
not always wise, 65, 2;
not self-derived, 295, 25;
not to be too wise, 86, 15; 477, 26;
of the wise, 462, 38;
only one, avails, 319, 20;
oracles of, 285, 21;
power of, 485, 40; 514, 9;
price of, 449, 18;
profession versus practice of, 93, 37;
road to, how measured, 442, 25;
seat of, 452, 37;
shown in sense of follies, 225, 35;
simple, our love for, 144, 3;
source of, 194, 6;
striving after, in the eyes of fools, 543, 44;
sublimity of, 456, 9;
superiority of, 548, 58;
talking and acting, two things, 201, 23;
taught by age, 21, 14;
taught by Nature, 329, 36;
test of, 276, 13;
that is too late, 532, 16;
that would win men, 563, 25;
the greatest, 190, 5;
the prime, 493, 39;
those who follow, 480, 23;
three paths to, 34, 19;
throughout life rare, 242, 36;
to be husbanded, 175, 7;
to them that hold her, 389, 1;
too early or too late, 66, 20;
too late, 344, 50;
too much, 569, 34;
travelling in quest of, 480, 19;
truest, 465, 20;
unmarketable if for sale, 533, 17;
value of, 162, 4;
versus fortune, 141, 15;
versus learning, 484, 6;
wellspring of, 463, 43;
which one is forbidden to impart, 533, 16;
who findeth, 554, 15;
whom to thank for, 175, 30;
wish to be alone in, 39, 16;
without self-respect, 295, 36;
world's treatment of, 206, 34;
worth of, 332, 56
Wisdom's root, 369, 3
Wise, always few, 234, 19;
and fool, as regards speech, 235, 5;
and foolish, contrasted, 80, 58; 197, 22; 462, 32, 34; 463, 2, 9;
and foolish, difference between, 10, 39;
and their defect of zeal for converts, 320, 16;
and their words, 67, 10;
as serpents, 30, 4; 399, 27;
be, to-day, 30, 1;
be, with speed, 30, 2;
cautious, 162, 17;
ears and tongues of, 61, 34;
everything, already thought, 8, 62;
few to be followed, 108, 16;
for saying nothing, 165, 43;
in time, 153, 29;
learn from their enemies, 16, 51;
life of, compared with that of poor, 558, 44;
man, a mark of, 478, 24;
man, a, reticencies of, 307, 49;
man, a very, 286, 26;
man and fool, 362, 40;
man and poet, 448, 11;
man and the state, 492, 7;
man and the world, 151, 37;
man, as distinct from learned, 8, 1;
man, characteristic of, 151, 26; 197, 42;
man, contrasted with sagacious, 566, 36;
man, his rule in action, 380, 31;
man, latter part of his life, 438, 11;
man looks ahead, 380, 32
man, lordship of, 380, 30;
man, mouth of, 434, 1;
man, progress of, compared with that of fool, 522, 3;
man, strong, 531, 18;
man, that is esteemed by world, 438, 40;
man, the keeper of his secrets, 459, 19;
man, the reflections of, wisely limited, 199, 48;
man, the strong, 455, 32;
men and fools, 5, 54, 57, 60, 61, 62, 64, 65; 108, 54;
men and poverty, 354, 16;
men, folly in, 467, 20;
men, indispensable to God, 126, 21;
men rarer than learned, 526, 9;
men, the little foolery of, 439, 23;
not independent of advice, 311, 40;
nothing insipid to, 315, 6;
prone to doubt, 162, 17;
saws and modern instances, full of, 267, 21;
sayings about, 462, 30-38; 463, 1-17;
the, blessedness of, 479, 34;
the constancy of, defined, 224, 33;
the, folly in, 469, 34;
the, guide of, 65, 12;
the, law of, 438, 22;
the, should confer together, 328, 3;
the only, 479, 20;
the only, sad, 151, 18;
the only wretched, 116, 10;
their aversion to society, 235, 4;
thoughts of, how expressed, 296, 10;
thoughts of, value of, 85, 32;
to be, and to love, impossible, 490, 46;
when compelled into silence, 378, 25;
who to be called, 34, 45;
wise to himself, 144, 2;
words of, 463, 46;
words of, in troublous times, 192, 7
Wisely worldly, be, not worldly wise, 29, 75
Wisest, content with destiny, 67, 11;
man, the, 68, 47; 532, 20;
man, often not wise at all, 143, 44;
sayings about, 463, 19-28;
who thinks not himself so, 234, 32
Wish, an unfulfilled, pain
of, 446, 37;
effect of, gratification of every, 533, 2;
father to thought, 104, 38;
one's, when in love, 544, 44;
an ungranted, lesson in, 535, 30
Wishes, and powers, chasm between, 140, 13;
God's, versus man's, 62, 11;
how our, lengthen with years, 249, 56;
youthful, 520, 3
Wishing, and possessing, 521, 37;
to be despised, 62, 24
Wishing-gate, the, 463, 31
Wit, affectation of, 480, 29;
and folly, balanced, 109, 33;
and judgment, at strife, 469, 7;
and sense, 467, 5;
and wisdom, natural gifts, 304, 20;
at a nonplus without folly, 12, 37;
at the expense of memory, 330, 38;
best, 32, 17;
contrasted with genius, 223, 4;
contrasted with humour, 164, 8;
defined, 513, 14;
disturbance of equipoise, 185, 27;
given in vain, 399, 7;
how developed, 396, 7;
how it comes, 510, 2;
how spoiled, 223, 7;
how to reply to, 373, 43;
in conversation, 223, 1;
its most brilliant flashes, 443, 35;
kind of, to be bridled, 469, 9;
like a coquette, 223, 8;
little, weary feet, 251, 44;
men of, fools necessary to, 505, 26;
men of, two classes of, 468, 14;
must be spontaneous, 101, 43;
never at home, 157, 18;
news only to ignorance, 231, 10;
not confined to one, 10, 49;
not to be arrested, 223, 6;
not to be importuned, 565, 20;
not to be too refined, 71, 45;
one's, matter of self-complacency, 318, 8;
of language and of ideas, contrasted, 463, 32;
preferring, to good sense, 495, 2;
relation of, to talent, 83, 50;
sparks of, not enough, 488, 25;
the body and soul of, 32, 36, 37;
the highest order of, 373, 30;
thrown away, 10, 50;
too much, evil effect of, 497, 47;
touchstone of, 223,
tongue of, 226, 1;
tow, 263, 14;
true, value of, 376, 8;
unjustly accused, 565, 9;
virtues becoming in, 391, 27;
virtuous, described, 551, 1;
vision and world of, as contrasted with man's, 55, 6;
wakes to love, 262, 15;
what makes a, a queen, 488, 41;
what the word contains, 59, 51;
who does not inspire love and reverence, 533, 37;
who wears the breeches, 542, 35;
why misunderstood, 451, 2;
wise and foolish, 95, 17;
wisest and elegant, contrasted, 463, 28;
wish of every, 212, 17;
wit in, 307, 50;
with brains tackled to a geck, 549, 6;
with dowry enough, 74, 12;
word of a, in love, 285, 33;
word of, to be respected, 170, 4;
worth in, 218, 11;
worth wooing, lover who wins, 559, 12;
worthy of love, 389, 5.
See Mulier.
Woman's, a, reason, 167, 5;
advice, how to treat, 356, 13;
eye, eloquent, 467, 18; 111, 44;
judgment, 267, 34;
life, 538, 18;
looks, books, 288, 14;
lot, Schiller on, 323, 12;
love, 266, 48;
love, preciousness of, 218, 16;
will, 548, 6;
will, the power of, 38, 9;
wisdom, 417, 5;
wit, not to be confined, 260, 22;
work, 267, 12
Womanhood, genius in, 120, 23
Women, a blessing and bane, 104, 33;
and others' opinions of them, 275, 25;
as haters, 483, 8;
as mystics, 443, 43;
as talkers, 345, 16;
best medicine for, 446, 10;
brain-, compared with heart-women, 419, 9;
burden they are born to, 496, 22;
business of, 244, 6;
characteristic of, 238, 17, 19;
cause of their errors, 275, 6;
dependence on, of honesty in men, 176, 18;
differences among, 110, 20; 274, 31;
discreet, characteristic of, 69, 5;
education of, not to be committed to men, 71, 23;
effect of beauty on, 487, 51;
effect of government on, 487, 51;
effect of virtue on, 487, 51;
fair, know it, 173, 16;
fate of, 206, 9;
finer than men, 27, 39;
foolish, 168, 2;
given to dissimulation, 168, 43;
good, power of, 78, 42;
good, Romilly's obligations to, 475, 11;
good, the only grudges of, 130, 32;
grace in, better than beauty, 131, 33;
great, characteristics of, 135, 28;
higher worth of, its risk, 450, 17;
how to choose, 566, 2;
in England and in Italy, 82, 45;
inextinguishable passion of, 448, 4;
influence of, on manners, 61, 29;
invention among, 513, 28;
love of, 275, 26, 28;
middle-aged in England, 188, 14;
most, without character, 284, 41;
nature in, allied to art, 291, 21;
nature of, Terence on, 317, 25;
parts they play, 477, 36;
peculiar badges of, 286, 28;
power of, 238, 18;
power of kindness in, 218, 46;
proper province for, 427, 12;
pursuits of, and men's, 10, 47;
sayings about, 64, 14, 15; 67, 8, 9;
seduced, 477, 15;
services of, 78, 23, 24;
so-called nature of, 536, 44;
society of, value of, 454, 5;
sole precious good for, 24, 44;
that are serviceable, 442, 40;
that inspire the greatest passion, 37, 57;
the book of, 234, 10;
their power to govern, 479, 6;
to be praised, 114, 14;
to what appointed, 33, 17;
two faults of, 275, 14;
two passions in, 188, 10;
use of knowledge to, 460, 13;
virtue in, contrasted with that of men, 536, 12;
who grill, fate of, 273, 31;
who love their husbands, their reward, 451, 6;
why they dislike one another, 238, 35;
wit in, 223, 2;
worth of, 11, 6;
writings of, 566, 22
Women's, eyes, books, arts, academies, 116, 34;
fancies less giddy than men's, 242, 39;
tongues, 59, 53
Won, the, never lost, 314, 26
Wonder, and fear, effect on the spirits of, 192, 34;
deemed vulgar, 299, 25;
inevitable, 35, 23;
refraining from, 299, 26;
significance of, 441, 3
Wonderful, not affected by time, 197, 23
Wonders, all alike, 307, 54;
man amidst, 161, 8
Wood, not seen for the trees, 142, 14
Woods and fields, senses of, 31, 12
Wooed, women should be, 523, 10
Wooing, and winning, 172, 28;
of prudent men, 219, 40;
Scotch, 30, 35;
time, favourite, 64, 3
Wool, gathering and weaving, 202, 22
Word, a living, value of, 29, 38;
a man's, distrust by the pedant of, 22, 36;
a profitable, 336, 57;
an immortal seedgrain, 36, 39;
enough to wise, 63, 39;
every idle, to be accounted for, 91, 31;
fit, prosperity of, 125, 17;
free, 55, 9;
from the Lord, effect of, 533, 33;
God's, man's true bread, 265, 33;
idlest, a seed, 314, 13;
ill, effect of, on liking, 332, 9;
in a twisted ear, 53, 43;
in season, pregnancy, of, 25, 19, 20;
incarnated, 263, 47;
its abiding meaning, 11, 34;
known by context, 312, 7;
man's, weight of, 267, 11;
of an hour, significance of, 333, 43;
of God, its obscurity, 456, 43;
of God, not to be sold, 344, 14;
once vulgarised, 25, 17;
power of a, 80, 5;
saddest, 110, 30;
significance of a, 110, 36;
single, often a poem, 19, 36;
spoken and written, 517, 45;
the, he that spake it, 149, 28;
to wise man, 512, 48;
truly spoken, lasting, 316, 33;
unspoken, contrasted with spoken, 325, 19;
uttered, effect of, on self-will, 212, 16;
uttered, irreclaimable, 88, 43; 295; 43;
when it flows free, 65, 27;
why the, became man, 321, 16;
winged, power of, 329, 13;
with two meanings, serviceableness of, 334, 35
Words, a man's, significance of, 235, 44;
a mist of, 280, 46;
air-castles of, 156, 28;
and secrets of the soul, 308, 3;
and the soul, 563, 17;
at hand, with something to say, 87, 29;
big, not associated with good deeds, 403, 21;
bonds, 157, 19;
cheerful, from the living to the living, 171, 37;
choice of, 85, 22;
comparative insignificance of, 85, 21;
compared with thoughts, 485, 12, 16;
contentment with, 464, 29;
contrasted with deeds, 166, 4;
corruption of, 161, 42;
deeds, 330, 10;
deeds rather than, 281, 8;
definition of, called for, 57, 9;
dress of, 424, 22;
empty sound, 534, 8;
fine, and fit, 107, 10;
fine, without deeds, 106, 32;
gentle and quiet, effectiveness of, 121, 29;
good (see Good words);
hasty in, 385, 17;
immodest, unjustifiable, 183, 18;
impotency of, in sorrow, 54, 27;
in pain, 546, 44;
inadequacy of, 417, 43;
kind (see Kind words);
less expressive than actions, 3, 50;
like leaves, 463, 45;
like sunbeams, 207, 37;
magic wrought by, 281, 7;
many, involving lies, 87, 5;
men of few, 275, 45;
of breath, 28, 47;
of earnest men, 301, 36;
of great men, weight of, 133, 23;
of others to be weighed, 270, 25;
only words, 165, 23;
perfect, to be respected, 466, 1;
persuasive power of, 122, 16;
power of, 33, 38; 77, 8; 512, 37; 534, 9;
power of, over us, 339, 38;
readiness of, condition of, 512, 40;
right, value of, 161, 18;
saddest and sadder, 173, 27;
safest, 452, 21;
sense of, dependent on usage, 199, 26;
their shortcoming, 67, 18
taking, for things, 100, 31;
that are thunderbolts, 51, 2;
that live for ever, 213, 3;
that please, 534, 31;
to be few, 242, 23;
usage in, 285, 48;
vagueness in use of, 315, 38;
valuable, 469, 8;
waste of, 2, 39;143, 55;
material without the spiritual, 560, 1;
men born to command, 300, 39;
men debtor or creditor to, 345, 3;
mistake of the young soul about, 191, 34;
most finished man of, 443, 44;
necessity of knowing, 151, 27;
new, with every dawn, 109, 32;
no better seen, 64, 4;
no conformity to, when wrong, 518, 23;
"no" to the, significance of, 70, 17;
noisy inanity of, 253, 13;
not dumb to the capable, 496, 5;
not meant only for the few, 168, 5;
not ruled by blind chance, 89, 35;
not to be tutored, 457, 2;
not to be wooed for rest, 550, 30;
nothing without Greece, 326, 25;
one half, and the other, 78, 46; 332, 30, 31;
only fence against, 446, 3;
our dependence on, 330, 41;
population of, 448, 34;
promises of, 449, 37;
quarrelling with, to amuse it, 488, 34;
quicksands of, 208, 33;
rational, how to regard, 67, 1;
real sun of, 264, 20;
rhythmic order of, 111, 25;
sayings about, 67, 14-17; 464, 4-47; 465, 1-25; 482, 17-22;
scorn of, how to treat, 241, 40;
secret of, 206, 43;
selfishness of, 104, 15;
servant to him above it, 395, 29;
slave of, 143, 55;
solidarity of, instance of, 312, 15;
spiritual, not closed, 455, 2;
sign of, as still young, 111, 45;
suffrages of, how to gain, 314, 37;
system of, one, 456, 38;
the, dispensing with, 526, 8;
the forsaken of, but seemingly so, 477, 13;
the only habitable, 95, 12;
the, want of, 396, 30;
this, no home for a man, 156, 24;
this present, Carlyle on, 482, 10;
this unintelligible, 434, 21;
this working-day, 161, 20;
thorns and dangers of, 164, 34;
to a resolute man, 496, 9;
to be taken as it is, 300, 22;
to be understood, not judged, 29, 53;
to every man as to the first man, 150, 29;
to know, 493, 43;
to the child and to the grown man, 140, 8;
to the Hindu, 496, 7;
to the liberal, 496, 23;
to the wise man in retreat, 151, 37;
too much respect to, 566, 16;
tragic embarras, 462, 16;
two ways of rising in, 468, 4;
under power of a lie, 546, 11;
unseen, alone real, 313, 5;
wags, 162, 40;
wax, to a firm will, 151, 8;
we live in, 525, 22, 23;
weary, 208, 46;
web of, 53, 39; 462, 1;
who looks, in the face, 144, 24;
whole, not deceived or deceiving, 306, 4;
wide, for wandering in, 217, 24;
wishes to be deceived, 286, 32;
without and within, relation of, 75, 8;
working, necessity of being regimented, 565, 35;
worshipped or despised, 147, 32;
would be deceived, 63, 25
World's, ills, to run away from, 495, 23;
joy, 478, 21;
masters, 170, 24;
reward, the, 506, 16;
sovereigns, Byron on, 529, 41;
the, mine oyster, 555, 31;
work, by whom forwarded, 418, 36
World-epoch, great event in, 186, 32
World-revolutions, great, far-reaching effects of, 431, 43
World-spirit, the, 465, 13
World-traveller, a, 458, 18
Worldly people and their riches, 461, 18
Worlds, imagined new, 75, 2
Worm, no god dare wrong, 103, 48
Worries, who has no, makes worries, 42, 11
Worry, not work, killing, 204, 45
Worse, appear the better reason, 33, 2
Worship, easier than obedience, 201, 20;
its beginning, 187, 16;
no true, now-a-days, 275, 41;
significance of, 441, 3
Worst, the, we can see, 568, 3;
things at the, 546, 12;
when not at the, 552, 1
Worth, a thing's, measure of, 21, 36;
all, in man, 312, 35;
definition of, 94, 38;
determining element in, 313, 24;
felt by loss, 30, 10; 42, 48;
hidden, worthless, 343, 44;
how determined, 486, 1;
irrespective of looks, 112, 37;
known after loss, 539, 30;
man's, how rated, 330, 31;
man's, measure of, 533, 30;
man's reverence for, 389, 41;
man's, test of, 545, 30;
measure of, 212, 3;
of thing, test of, 519, 19;
or unworth, what determines, 533, 34;
real, 369, 17, 18;
revealed by life, 488, 16;
sterling, mark of, 226, 33;
substantial, before ornament, 106, 47;
test of, 482, 26;
the achievement of, 17, 39;
to be distinguished from unworth, 290, 30;
undying, 308, 6;
who can recognise, 335, 14
Worthless, always worthless, 25, 26;
man, a, defined, 59, 1
Worthy, men, at odds, the blame, 546, 46;
people, a misfortune of, 505, 18
Would and shall compared, 497, 31;
and should, compared, 497, 31;
must yield to can, 42, 14
"Would" and "should" contrasted, 414, 28
Wound always leaves a scar, 25, 28; 88, 17
Wrath, as dealt by God, 125, 25;
nursing her, 118, 58;
sun not to set upon, 242, 22
Wreath easier to find than find wearer, 79, 21
Wreck, a beacon, 25, 29;
of life, secret of, 520, 36
Wren, the poor, pluck of, 448, 26
Wren's monument, 390, 23
Wrestling, strength from, 149, 9
Wretch, concentred all in self, 62, 28
Wretched, comfort to, 73, 49; 397, 7;
in heart, unhelpful, 305, 7;
learned to succour, 141, 27;
presence of, to happy, 449, 8;
regard for, a duty, 87, 9;
the most, 239, 21;
weakness of the, 87, 13
Wretchedness, from fancy, 298, 42;
intentional, impious, 143, 30;
must complain, 25, 30;
source of, 303, 11;
that is voiceless, 415, 20;
to be pitied by man, 30, 32
Write, how to, 364, 10;
rule for one who intends to, 333, 48;
where to learn to, 177, 38
Writer, best part of, 413, 30;
book for a, 252, 56;
good, mark of, 91, 11;
good, rare, 6, 52;
great, mark of, 7, 10;
original, and the taste to appreciate him, 91, 13;
sure of many readers 441, 23;
wise, 25, 2
Writers, all great, writers of history, 91, 20;
all immortal, source of inspiration of, 9, 45;
clear and turbid, 43, 57;
great, and their words, 135, 30;
who have genius, 504, 5
Writing, advantage of, 369, 9;
art of, secret of, 53, 9;
benefit to few, 469, 6;
clear, condition of, 554, 30;
condition of, 305, 23;
ease in, how acquired, 499, 45
easy, Sheridan on, 568, 6;
fine, the root of, 452, 10;
for eternity, hard, 161, 28;
for money, 302, 54;
friends, delay in, 21, 28;
good, allegorical, 130, 38;
good, condition of, 506, 4;
good, source of, 383, 27;
insincere, 503, 19;
itch for, 412, 27;
master of, 93, 56;
men, soul of all worth in, 189, 27;
of fools, harmful, 540, 35;
passion for, 383, 29;
plainest, in dusk, 190, 27;
rule in, to the public, 11, 55;
rules for, 297, 17-19;
slovenly, uncourteous, 394, 10;
styles of, 456, 3;
ultimate rule in, 459, 30;
well, and writing readily, 192, 37;
well, merit of, 324, 43;
well, requisites for, 497, 8;
without purpose, 244, 10
Writings, ancient, folly of controversy about, 508, 33
Written, what is, remains, 184, 4;
worthless, so long as dead, 535, 19
Wrong, and God, 3, 55;
and the law, 3, 56;
as regards right, 6, 3;
avengement of, 331, 20;
by rule and by caprice, 200, 20;
difficult to avoid, 86, 9;
doing, a disgrace, 319, 19;
forgetting of, a revenge, 112, 22;
going, always harmful, 381, 51;
going, and turning back, 201, 16;
going, result of, 545, 6;
in the place of truth, 501, 34;
instruction from finding we are, 476, 22;
knowledge of, dispensable, 171, 20;
matter of consciousness, never right, 325, 17;
possible to be, 165, 14;
suffering and paying for, 202, 19;
to know, the first essential thing, 445, 36;
to one threatening to many, 286, 13;
with many, 29, 57
Wrongs, little, 251, 45
Wrong-doer never pardons, 112, 27
Wrong-doing punished on earth, 8, 61
Yea, the everlasting, 256, 3
Years, a man's, counting, 523, 30
"Yes" to be deliberate, 337, 1
Yesterday and to-morrow, both are, 422, 31
Yielding commended, 37, 32, 34
Yoke, an easy, 288, 27
Young, idea, to teach, 57, 51;
in age, advantage of being, 490, 38;
in youth happy, 124, 38;
man, best rules for, 417, 57;
man, growing virtue of, 428, 13;
man's life, happiness and virtue of, 425, 18;
men, and their command in affairs, 297, 8;
men, conservativeness in, a bad sign, 524, 1;
men, errors of, 425, 29;
men, glory of, 430, 14;
men, love for, 122, 46;
men, our, 340, 3;
men, Professor Blackie to, 295, 13;
men, task of, 214, 46;
men, the conceit of, 305, 24;
talk of, 238, 39;
the, Goethe's tolerance with, 411, 37;
to be dealt gently with, 169, 21;
what it is to be, 491, 4
Younger, the wish to be, 307, 48
Youth, a lesson to teach, 508, 40;
ambitious schemes of, at mid-age, 466, 2;
and age, respective liveries of, 112, 5;
and hope, 225, 38;
and its knowledge of world, 203, 47;
and old age, as regards impressibility, 227, 9;
and wine, 556, 36;
as evil time, rather than age, 200, 31;
beautiful, 160, 50;
bridge from, to manhood, 300, 28;
characteristics of, 22, 33;
conceit in, misery of, 560, 23;
conceit of, 93, 7;
confidence of, 190, 19;
contractedness, of, 140, 9;
dalliance, evil of, 177, 2;
education of, 95, 20;
eternal, how attained, 95, 39;
excesses of, 426, 20;