A. - Abou Hannes, 4
- Accipiter nisus, 365.
- Acridium peregrinum, 598.
- Acronotus bubalis, 144.
- Adas, 143.
- Addax, 141.
- Adder, 554.
- African Elephant, 311.
- Akas, 143.
- Akbar, 91.
- Ako, 207.
- Alpine ibex, 204.
- Ammoperdix Heyii, 427.
- Ammotragus, 186.
- Anakah, 69.
- Annelida, 644.
- Ant, 616. Agricultural, 618. Mound-making, 618. Stinging, 618.
- Aoudad, 186.
- Ape, 1.
- Aphaniptera, 636.
- Apis fasciata, 612. mellifica, 606.
- Aptera, 636.
- Aquila chrysaËtos, 354. mogilnik, 355.
- Arachnida, 640.
- Ardea cinerea, 470.
- Ariel, 136.
- Arnebeth, 97.
- Arvicola arvalis, 93.
- Asinus hemippus, 280.
- Ashkoko, 316.
- Ass, 264. Domesticated, 264. Wild, 279.
- Athene noctua, 371. Persica, 371.
- Atta barbara, 621. malefaciens, 618.
- Ayzal, 208.
- Ayzalah, 208.
- Azel, 203.
B. - Bactrian Camel, 244.
- Badger, 70.
- Barbel, 567. Long-headed, 567.
- Barbus longiceps, 566.
- Bat, 11.
- Bear, 75.
- Beden, 203.
- Bee, 605. Banded, 606. Honey, 605.
- Behemoth, 318.
- Bhunder, 3.
- Bison, 131.
- Bittern, 80, 462.
- Black Vulture, 336.
- Blue Thrush, 398.
- Bog-bleater, 464.
- Bonasus, 131.
- Bonnet Monkey, 10.
- Boomah, 371.
- Botaurus stellaris, 462.
- Bubale, 143.
- Bubalus buffelus, 114.
- Bubo ascalaphus, 373. maximus, 374. Virginianus, 374.
- Buffalo, 114.
- Bull, 101. Wild, 119.
- Butter, 203. bump, 464.
C. - Caccabis saxatilis, 429.
- Calf, 101.
- Camel, 216. Arabian, 244.
- Camelus Bactrianus, 216. dromedarius, 216.
- Capistrated SphÆnops, 533.
- Capra Angorensis, 202. Mambrica, 202. Nubiana, 203. Syriaca, 202.
- Caprovis Musimon, 188.
- Caspian Emys, 569.
- Cat, 36.
- Cattle, 101.
- Cerastes, 559.
- Chameleon, 534.
- Chamois, 185.
- Chasidah, 478.
- Chephor-peroth, 88.
- Chetah, 29.
- Choled, 68.
- Cicigna, 533.
- Ciconia nigra, 483.
- CircaËtus gallicus, 355.
- Circus Æruginosus, 368. cyaneus, 369.
- Climber, 203.
- Cobra, 544.
- Cockatrice, 554.
- Columba Ænas, 419. livia, 418. palumbus, 419. Schimperi, 418.
- Coney, 312.
- Cora, 136.
- Coral, 647.
- Corine Antelope, 135.
- Corinna, 135.
- Cormorant, 490.
- Corvus agricola, 447. corax, 447. monedula, 447. umbrinus, 447.
- CoryphÆna hippurus, 571.
- Coryphene, 571.
- Cow, 101.
- Crane, 474.
- Cricetus frumentarius, 94.
- Crocodile, 514.
- Crow, Hooded, 447.
- Cuckoo, 405.
- Culex, 635. Great Spotted, 405.
- Cyprinus, 531.
- Cypselus affinis, 389. melba, 389.
D. - Daboia xanthica, 555.
- Dasypus, 97.
- Deer, 208.
- Deloul, 229.
- Deror, 384.
- Dhubb, 512.
- Diadem Staircase Shell, 588.
- Dibs, 611.
- Dipsas plicatus, 593.
- Diptera, 632.
- Dipus, 95.
- Dishon, 141.
- DÔb, 76.
- Dog, 39. Periwinkle, 586. Whelk, 586.
- Dor-hawk, 379.
- Dormouse, 96.
- Dove, 408. Barbary, 421. Blue Rock, 418. Egyptian Rock, 418. Ring, 419. Stock, 419. Wild Rock, 419.
- Duck, Hawk, 369.
E. - Eagle, 354. Fishing, 356. Golden, 354. Imperial, 355. Short-toed, 355.
- Echis arenicola, 552. carinata, 553.
- Echeneis remora, 570.
- Egyptian Mastigure, 512.
- Elephant, 302.
- Elephas Indicus, 311.
- Emys caspica, 509.
- Entellus, 3, 4.
- Epheh, 552.
- Ephialtes Scops, 377.
- Erinaceus, 83.
F. - Falco lanarius, 362. peregrinus, 362.
- Fallow-Deer, 143, 208.
- Fan-foot, 69.
- Father John, 489. Sickle-bill, 489.
- Felis maniculatus, 37.
- Fern Owl, 378.
- Ferret, 69.
- Fichtall, 186.
- Field-mouse, 92.
- Fish, Sucking, 570.
- Fishes, 563.
- Flea, 638.
- Fly, 632. Camel, 635.
- Fowl, Domestic, 421.
- Fox, 55.
- Francolin, 430.
- Frog, 557. Edible, 559. Green, 559.
G. - Gazella Dorcas, 133.
- Gazelle, 133.
- Gecko, 534.
- Gier-Eagle, 339.
- Glass Snake, 531.
- Glede, 361.
- Gnat, 635.
- Goat, 189.
- Goatsucker, 379.
- Grayling, Syrian, 631.
- Great Shearwater, 407.
- Greyhound, 49.
- Griffon Vulture, 345.
- Groaner, 69.
- Grus cinerea, 476.
- Gyps fulvus, 345.
H. - Halicore hemprichii, 72.
- Hamster, 94.
- Hare, 96.
- Harier Hawk, 367. Hen, 369. Marsh, 368.
- Hart, 208.
- Hawk, 364. Blue, 369. Dove, 369. Ring-tailed, 369. White, 369.
- Hedgehog, 80.
- Heifer, 101.
- Heirie, 229
- Heron, 468
- Herpestes, 68.
- Hind, 208.
- Hircus Ægragus, 202.
- Hirundo cahirica, 388. rufula, 388.
- Homoptera, 622.
- Honey, 609.
- Hoonuman, 3.
- Hoopoe, 392.
- Hornet, 613.
- Horse, 248.
- Hunting Leopard, 29.
- Hyacinthine Gallinule, 486.
- HyÆna, 62.
- Hydrosaurus niloticus, 539.
- Hymenoptera, 605.
- Hyrax, 312.
- Hystrix, 86.
I. - Ibex, Arabian, 203.
- Ibis, 488. falcinellus, 489. Glossy or Green, 489. religiosa, 488. White or Sacred, 488.
- Insects, 596.
- Izab, 506.
J. K. - Kaath, 497.
- Kalong, 12.
- Kestrel, 365.
- Kevel, 136.
- Kevella Antelope, 135.
- Khopash, 15.
- KippÔd, 80.
- Kite, 357. Black, 359. Common, 358. Egyptian, 360. Red, 358.
- Klip-das, 315.
- Kophim, 2.
L. - Lacerta viridis, 530.
- LÄmmergeier, 334.
- Lanner Falcon, 362.
- Lapwing, 392.
- Leech, Horse, 646.
- Leopard, 29.
- Lepidoptera, 624.
- Lerwea, 186.
- LetÂÂh, 529.
- Leviathan, 514.
- Lion, 18.
- Lizard, 529. Green, 530. Jersey, 530. Scaly, 529.
- Locust, 596. Migratory, 596.
- Long-horned Gazelle, 136.
- Louse, 636.
M. - Macacus Rhesus, 3.
- Macaques, 3.
- Magpie, 448.
- Maharik, 229.
- Makur, 3.
- Manx Shearwater, 407.
- Martin, 388. House, 388. Sand, 388.
- Meleagrina margaritifera, 595.
- Milvus atra, 358. Egyptiacus, 360. regalis, 358.
- Mohair Goat, 200.
- Mole, 86.
- Molluscs, 585.
- Monitor, 534. Land, 539. Nilotic, 539.
- Monoceros, 123.
- Moor Buzzard, 369.
- Mosquito, 635.
- Moth, Clothes, 624. Grain, 626. Silkworm, 627.
- Mouflon, 188.
- Mouse, 91.
- Mule, 285.
- Mullus sur muletus, 552.
- MurÆna, 567.
- MurÆna helena, 566.
- Murex brandaris, 586. trunculus, 586.
- Mygale, 69.
N. - Naja haje, 544. tripudians, 545.
- Nates niloticus, 581.
- Nectarinia OseÆ, 384.
- Neophron percuopterus, 341.
- Netz, 364.
- Night-hawk, 377. -jar, 379.
- Nil-Bhunder, 6.
- Nile Perch, 581.
- Nubian Wild Goat, 204.
O. P. - Pandion haliaËtus, 356.
- Parash, 248.
- Partridge, 426. Black, 430. Desert, 427. Greek, 429.
- Passer Cisalpinus, 402. montanus, 403. salicarius, 404.
- Peacock, 425.
- Pearl, 592. Mussel, 593. Oyster, 595.
- Pelican, 495. Crested, 502.
- Pelicanus cristatus, 502.
- Petrocossyphus cyaneus, 398.
- Pigeon, 418. House, 419. Rock, 418.
- Plestiodon auratum, 531.
- Porcupine, 85.
- Porphyrio veterum, 339, 486.
- Poultry, 421.
- Presbytes entellus, 4.
- Protozoa, 647.
- Psammosaurus scincus, 539.
- Pseudopus pallasii, 531.
- Pteropus, 16.
- Puffinus Anglorum, 407. cinereus, 407.
- Purpura hÆmastoma, 586. lapillus, 586.
- Pygarg, 141.
Q. - Quail, 430.
- Quercus coccifera, 623.
R. - Radiata, 647.
- Rana esculenta, 559.
- Raven, 439. Ashy-necked, 447. World-wide, 447.
- Red Deer, 208.
- ReÊm, 121.
- Rhinopoma microphylla, 18.
- Rhesus, 3.
- Rock Rabbit, 315.
- Roe, 133.
- Rook, 447.
S. - Sand-rat, 96.
- Satyr, 10.
- Scalaria diadema, 588.
- Scheltopusic, 531.
- Scincus officinalis, 531.
- Scorpion, 640.
- SelÂv, 534.
- Seps, 533.
- Serpents, 540.
- ShÂlÂk, 490.
- Sheat-fishes, 565.
- Sheep, 146.
- Shephiphon, 554.
- Shrew-mouse, 69.
- Silenus veter, 6.
- Silurus macracanthus, 566.
- Skink, 531.
- Snail, 589.
- Snake, Dart, 543. Horatta-pam, 553.
- Solomon's fleet, 1.
- Spalax, 88.
- Sparrow, 395. -hawk, 365. House, 404.
- SphÆnops sepsoides, 543.
- Spider, 443.
- Sponge, 647.
- Stannel Hawk, 365.
- Star-gazer, 581.
- Starling, 449.
- Steinbok, 203.
- Stork, 478. Black, 483.
- Strix flammea, 373.
- Surmullet, 582.
- Sus, 248.
- Swallow, 381. Oriental, 388. Rufous or Russet, 388. -tail, Syrian, 631. White, 391.
- Swan, 485.
- Swine, 292.
- Swift, 388. Alpine, 389. Galilean, 389. Marsh, 404. Spanish, 404. Tree, 403.
- Syrian Goat, 200. Grayling, 631. Orange-tip, 631. Swallow-tail, 631.
T. - Tabanus marocanus, 635.
- Tachash, 70.
- Testudo GrÆca, 507.
- Thynnus thynnus, 570.
- Tinea granella, 626.
- Tinnunculus alaudarius, 365.
- Tinshemeth, 87, 488.
- TÔ, 116.
- Tones, Sacred, 175.
- Tortoise, 505.
- Toxicoa, 552.
- Trumpet, Ram's-horn, 175.
- Truxalis, 598.
- Tsebi, 133.
- Tunny, 570.
- Turtle Dove, 419. Collared, 421. Palm, 421.
- Turtur risorius, 421. Senegalensis, 421.
- Tzippor-deror, 391.
- Tzirah, 612.
U. - Unicorn, 121.
- Unio margaritiferus, 593.
- Upupa epops, 392.
- Uranoscopus-scaber, 581.
- Ursus Isabellinus, 76.
- Urus, 127.
V. - Vespa orientalis, 616.
- Viper, 552. Horned, 551. Sand, 552. Yellow, 555.
- Vulture, Arabian, 348. Bearded, 36. Egyptian, 339. of Scripture, 357.
W. - Wall-lizard, 69.
- Wanderoo, 6.
- Weasel, 68.
- Wheel-bird, 379.
- Wild Bull, 116. Goat, 203. Ox, 116.
- Wind-hover, 365.
- Wing-shell, 590.
- Wolf, 50.
- Worm, 644. Canker, 630. Crimson, 622. Palmer, 630.
X. - Xantharpya Ægyptiaca, 16.
Y. Z. - Zamar, 186.
- ZeËb, 50.
- Zootoca vivipara, 529.
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