Page_171" class="pginternal">171, 179, 194, 233 H Habbema, Lieut., 169 Half-castes, 6, 223 Halley’s Comet, 81 Head-rests, 152 Herwerden, Captain, 13 Hindu Temple, 259 Hornbills, 86 Houses of the natives, 96; Humboldt Bay, 33 I Ibis, 1 Iguanas, 75 Intoxication of natives, 99 Incense, smell of, 238 Island River, Dutch Expedition, 60; Iwaka River, 231 J Java, prosperity of, 5; Javanese soldiers, 62 Jew’s harp, 203 Jungle, clearing the, 46 K Kaiserin Augusta River, 24, 28 Kalff, Mr. E., 227 Kamura River, 175, 248 Kapare River, 82 KÉ Islands, 15, 51, 257; Kingfishers, 59 Kloss, C. B., 253 Kolff, 220 Kris, abolition of, 7 L Language, difficulty of, 103 La Perouse, 32 La Seyne, wreck of, 3 Leeches, 177 Le Maire, Jacques, 28 Lombok, 258 Lorentz, H. A., 2, 13, 33, 34, 169, 172, 241 Lories, 75 M Macassar, 14 MacCluer Gulf, 42 MacCluer, John, 32 Macgregor, Sir W., 33 Malays, 185; - food of, 65;
- music of, 143
Mangrove, 42 Marianne Strait, 220 Marriage, -5, 195, 219, 248 Relationship, 105 Reptiles, 168 Retes, Ynigo Ortiz de, 27 Rice, 65; Rifle bird, 159 Rijst-tafel, 7 Rivers, branching, 83; - crossing, 236;
- in New Guinea, 24
Robinson, H. C., 194 Roebuck, voyage of, 31 Ruwenzori, 2, 238 S Sago, 65, 89-92 St. Nicholas, feast of, 6, 228 Sandpiper, 86 Sarawak, H. H. the Raja of, 253 Sarong, 10 Schouten Islands, 27 Schouten, Willem, 28 Screw-pines, 10, 243 Sea, depth of, 19 Sea-snakes, 215 Seasons, 79; Shackleton Expedition, 67 Sharks, fishing for, 46 Shortridge, G. C., 2, 172, 194, 210 Sickness, 171-192 Sindanglaya, 11 Skulls, preservation of, 139 Smith, Stamford, 90 Snakes, 167 Snow Mountains, 1, 23, 33; - discovery of, 29;
- first sight of, 35;
- distant view of, 43;
- attempt to reach, 229
Social system, 128 Soldiers, native, 92 Songs, 142 Spanish navigators, 27 Spears, 151 Spices, Dutch monopoly of, 31 Spiders, tameness of, 58 Stalker, W., 2, 14, 51; - death of, 47;
- funeral of, 49
Steam-launch, 52, 170 Stone Age, 151 Stone implements, 150 Stones, gifts of, DUTCH NEW GUINEA PART OF DUTCH NEW GUINEA drawn by Captain. C. G. Rawling, C.I.E. and Mr. E. Marshall, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. to illustrate the explorations of THE BRITISH EXPEDITION 1909-11. —Note— This map is based on a plane table survey, adjusted to points fixed by theodolite angles, and astronomical observations for latitude and azimuth. Heights of peaks are from theodolite vertical angles. THE END PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, LONDON AND BECCLES.