



In considering the languages of Netherlands New Guinea it is convenient to divide the territory into six geographical divisions. These are:—

1. The North-western Coast and Islands (Waigiu, Salawati, and Misol).

2. The Western shore of Geelvink Bay and the islands adjacent (Mefor, Biak, and Jobi).

3. The Peninsula of Kumava (Orange Nassau) with the islands between Ceram and the KÉ group.

4. The Southern and Eastern Shores of Geelvink Bay.

5. The North Coast from Kurudu Islands to Humboldt Bay.

6. The South-eastern Coast from Kamrau Inlet to the Bensbach River on the boundary between Netherlands and British territory.

The present notice only refers to languages in the three last of these divisions.

At the Western end of the South shore of Geelvink Bay is the district of Wandammen, of which the language is fairly well known. For this we have a vocabulary with grammatical examples (9),26 and also for Windessi, which is the same language, a mission text-book. Eastward from Wandammen the numerals only are recorded (7), but at the Southern point of the Bay, in the district around Jamur Lake we have the collections made by Van der Sande during the Wichmann Expedition of 1903 (8). He gives a vocabulary of Angadi, an island in the Jamur Lake, some words of the Nagramadu dialect on the North-west, and the numerals of Goreda on the South of the lake. The languages of the Western Shore of Geelvink Bay are represented only by numerals (7) but there is more information of the language of Pauwi at the mouth of the Wamberam or Amberno or Mamberamo River, where F. van Braam Morris collected a vocabulary published by RobidÉ van der Aa in 1885 (6). This was considered faulty by de Clercq.27

Westward along the Northern coast very little linguistic material is available, and the few words recorded show great differences. The places of which the speech is known are, on the mainland: Takar, Tarfia and Tana Merah, and on the islands: Liki (in the Kumamba Group), Moar (called also Wakde), Masimasi and Jamna (4, 5).

For the region about Humboldt Bay we have short vocabularies of Jotafa by various collectors, and a fuller one by G. L. Bink (2), also Sentani lists by P. E. Moolenburg (3) and van der Sande (8). Moolenburg also gives a list from Seka, West of the Bay.

For the Southern shore of Netherlands New Guinea, we have nothing but vocabularies, none of very large extent, the most extensive being that of Merauke in the extreme West (15) which has also been ably discussed by Dr. N. Adriani.28

Commencing at Kamrau Inlet, the languages of the shore and islands are illustrated by the Kowiai vocabularies of Miklucho-Maclay (13), the papers of G. W. Earl29 and the lists of S. Muller (10), the last two being derived from the collections made during the voyage of the Triton under Lieut. Modera in 1828. The following languages are named:—

Lobo at Triton Bay (including Namatote, Aiduma, Mawara, and Kaju-Mera).
Wuaussirau, inland on the Kamaka-Wallar Lake.
Mairassis, inland from Lobo.
Lakahia, on Telok Lakahia.
Kiruru, on Telok Kiruru.
Utanata, on the Utanata River.

Westward of the Utanata a vocabulary of the language spoken on the Mimika River people was obtained by Mr. Wollaston in 1910-11. A list of the same language is given also in the account of the South-west New Guinea Expedition of the Royal Netherlands Geographical Association.30 The latter work contains a few words of the language used at the mouth of the Kupera Pukwa River.

The language of Merauke has been recorded by J. Seijne Kok (15), and by J. C. Montague and E. F. Bik,[C] that of Toro by S. Bik.31


Of the three languages in the northern part of Eastern Netherlands New Guinea that of the Jotafa of Humboldt Bay has been ably discussed by Dr. Kern,32 who decides that in phonology, construction, numeration and word store it presents many points of agreement with the Mefoor or Nufor of the North-west. But it undoubtedly also contains many words which are of non-Indonesian origin. The Sentani and Pawi languages seem to have very few or no words similar to the Indonesian, and may probably be found to be Papuan languages. But nothing is known of the grammar. The language of Wandammen presents agreements with the Mefoor (or Nufor) in vocabulary and also in some points of grammar. It will probably be found to fall into the same class as the Nufor and Jotafa. The languages of the north coast and islands also show a mixture of Indonesian with other words. So little is known of the structure of the languages in the Kumava Peninsula that their place cannot be determined with certainty. The numerals and much of the vocabulary appear to be Indonesian,33 but there are Papuan forms in the Grammar.

The Lobo languages of the Kowiai district on the south coast appear to be Indonesian, but those inland and south of Geelvink Bay have a distinct connection with those on the south coast west of the Kowiai district, and with those at the Utanata River and beyond the Mimika, at least as far as the Kupera Pukwa River. Beyond this point nothing is recorded until Princess Marianne Strait is reached, and here of two words known, one is Merauke.34 The latter language extends to the Boundary. All west of the Lobo appear to be Papuan.

Using the scanty means available, the languages of the Eastern part of Netherlands New Guinea may be thus provisionally classified:—


Papuan. Seka West of Lake Sentani.
Sentani Lake Sentani.
Moki (?) Hinterland of Tana Mera Bay.
... Tana Mera.
Tarfia (?) Coast West of Tana Mera Bay.
Takar Mainland East of Mamberamo R.
Wamberan ? Mamberamo R.
Pauwi Villages on Lower Mamberamo R.
Angadi Island in Jamur Lake.
Goreda South of Lake Jamur.
Nagramadu North-West of L. Jamur.
Manikion North of McCleur Inlet (Telok Berau).
Indonesian35 Jotafa Humboldt Bay.
Jamna Island opposite Takar.
Masimasi Island West of Jamna.
Moar Islands West of Masimasi.
Kumamba Islands and Coast West of Moar and Takar.
Waropin East shore of Geelvink Bay.
Mohr Island opposite Waropin.
Tandia Coast South of Waropin.
Jaur South-West shore of Geelvink Bay.
Dasener West of Jaur.
Wandammen North of Dasener.


Papuan. Mairassis Inland from Lobo.
Wuaussirau On Kamaka Wallar Lake.
Lakahia On Telok Lakahia.
Kiruru On Telok Kiruru.
Utanata Inland from Utanata River.
Mimika Inland from Mimika River.
KuperaPukwa Kupera Pukwa River.
Merauke Coast between the Kumbe River and the British Boundary.
Toro Bensbach R.
Indonesian. Onin North of Kumava Peninsula.
Kapauer North-West of Kumava Peninsula.
Karufa South of Kumava Peninsula.
Lobo Kowiai Coast and Islands of Namatote, Mawara, Aiduma, and Kaju-mera.


This group consists of the Angadi, Nagramadu, Goreda, Utanata, Lakahia, Mimika and Kupera Pukwa dialects, and perhaps also Kiruru.

1. Sound changes.36

A comparison of vocabularies shows a certain amount of sound change between the dialects. Thus Angadi m becomes b in Utanata and Mimika and vice versa.37

Ex. Angadi muti, Mimika and Utanata buÏti, bamboo.
Angadi mopere, Nagramadu mobere(bu), Mimika bopere, navel.
Angadi mirimoi, Utanata birimbu, Mimika birim, nose.
Angadi mau, Utanata mouw, Mimika bauwe, foot.
Angadi tohoma-pare, Mimika to-mari, arm.

The Angadi m is represented sometimes by mb in Mimika, but is retained in Lakahia and Kiruru. Utanata examples are not found.

Ex. Angadi mi, Lakahia mu, Kiruru mi, Mimika mbi, mbu, water.
Angadi metaho, Mimika mbatau, spit.
Angadi imiri, Mimika imbiri, shin.
Mimika amuri is Kupera Pukwa ambori.

Angadi in some words loses k or g which appears in Mimika and Lakahia.

Ex. Angadi irea, Mimika ireka, Utanata eriki, fish.
Angadi kauwa, Mimika kaukwa, woman.
Angadi maare, Mimika makare, armlet.
Angadi mae, Mimika mbage, Utanata make, cry, weep.
Angadi hehe, Lakahia eika, finger-nail.
Angadi (nata)pairi, Mimika pigeri, skin.

A few words show an interchange of r and n between Mimika and Lakahia.

Mimika mare, Lakahia mana, finger. (Utanata to-mare, Angadi mahare, hand.)
Mimika iribu, Utanata and Angadi iripu, Lakahia ini-fa, knee.
Mimika amuri, Utanata amure, Angadi amore, Lakahia amuno, bow, Kupera Pukwa ambori.

2. Vocabulary.

The great likeness of the dialects may be illustrated by the following examples:—

Angadi. Utanata. Mimika.
Arm. to (in compounds) to to Lakahia esu-rua (?)
Arrow. ka-tiaro (in bundle) tiare tiari
Boat. ku ku ku
Chin. kepare .. kepare
Coconut. utiri uteri uteri Kupera Pukwa otiri.
Dog. uwiri wuri wiri Lakahia iwora, Nagramadu iwora, Kupera Pukwa uweri.
Ear. ihani iÄni ene
Eye. mame mame mame
Fire. utamai uta uta Lakahia usia, Kiruru uta, Nagramadu uha.
Give. kema .. kema
Hair. rup-ere uiri viri Kupera Pukwa, uÏri
Hand. mahare tu-mare mare Lakahia, mana (finger).
Head. rupau upauw kapa-ue Lakahia uwua.
House. kame kami kame
Iron. jau (pot) (puruti) tau
Laugh. oko oku oko
Lip. iri iri (mouth) iri Kiruru uru (mouth).
Moon. pura uran pura Lakahia bura.
Mountain .. (pamogo) pukare Lakahia bugura, Wuaussirau
Neck. amoiÏ ema ima Lakahia umia, Nagramadu umeke.
Paddle. po poh Lakahia boa.
Pig. oho u u Lakahia u(fa), Nagramadu oha, Kupera Pukwa uwe.
Rain. keke komak ke Lakahia ge(fa), Kiruru ke.
Sago. amata (kinani) amota Lakahia ama, Nagramadu ema, Kupera Pukwa ameta.
Sleep. ete ete ete Kupera Pukwa ete.
Sugarcane. .. mone moni Lakahia moni(fa).
Sun. jau youw yau Lakahia aya.
Tongue. mere mare mali Lakahia mara.
Tooth. titi titi titi Nagramadu si.
Wind. kimiri lowri kimire Kiruru kemuru.

3. Pronouns. These are given only in Mimika for the singular number, and in Utanata for the first person singular, but the words for “I,” Mimika doro and Utanata area are unlike. In Mimika the possessive is shown by the suffix -ta, which is used also with other words. Dorota, mine, oro-ta, yours, amare-ta his, wehwaÍda-ta of another man. WehwaÍda is compounded apparently of uwe () man and awaÍda other. In Mairassis “I” is omona.

4. Numerals. No numerals are given by MÜller or Earl for Utanata. “People of Utanata had very little knowledge of counting. When wishing to make known any number, they made use of the word awerÍ and counted on their fingers and toes.”38 In Angadi, Nagramadu, Goreda, Lakahia and Mimika, the numbers appear as follows:

Angadi. Nagramadu. Goreda. Lakahia. Mimika.
1. janauwa nadi unakwa onarawa inakwa
2. jaminatia abÅma jamanini aboma yamani
3. jaminati-janauwa abÅma-nadi .. (torua) yamani-inakwa
4. awaitama-jaminatia abama-bÅmo .. (fat) ama-yamani
5. mahare-ajaherauri mama-riba maheri-herori (rim) ..
6. mahare-janauwa mariba-nadi .. rim-onarawa ..
10. mahare-jaminatia mama rabÅma taoru .. ..

These show a numeration only as far as two. “Three” and “four” are made by additions, 2 + 1 = 3 and 2 + 2 = 4, except in Angadi where awaitama-jaminatia means “another two” with which cf. the Mimika awaida, other. Mahare, maheri, mari in the words for “five” also mean “hand,” abbreviated to ma in mama of Nagramadu. The Goreda taoru given for “ten,” is the Angadi taÖru, much, Mimika takiri, many. In Lakahia the words for “three,” “four,” “five,” “six” have the Ceram numerals which are also used in Lobo and Namatote. The Mairassis and Wuaussirau numerals agree with one another, but differ entirely from those of the Angadi-Mimika group.

One Two Three Four Five Six Ten
Mairassis tangauw amooi karia ai iworo iwora-moi werowa-moi
Wuaussirau anau amoi karia aiwera iworo iwor-tanau iwor-toki-tani

The low numeration in all these languages may be regarded as an indication of their Papuan character.

5. Construction.

A few grammatical forms which appear to be indicated in the vocabularies may be noted here.

a. The possessive with pronouns and pronominal words is indicated by a suffix -ta. Mimika, doro-ta, of me, mine; oro-ta, thine; amare-ta, his; wehwaÍda-ta, of another man. In Angadi several compound words end in nata, which thus appears to be a noun, na (thing?), with the possessive suffix; and it seems possible to explain such words as uta-nata, firewood; kara nata, head of javelin—i.e. fire-thing-of, javelin-thing-of. Cf. also nata pairi given by v. d. Sande for “skin,” with Mimika pigiri, skin, which suggests that nata pairi means skin of something.

b. The adjective follows the noun. Utanata warari napetike, water big, river.

c. A noun in the genitive relation precedes its substantive. Mimika bau mame, leg’s eye, ankle; iwau makare, belly’s band. Angadi mahare hehe, finger nail; mau hehe, toe nail; mirimoi ipa, nose hole, nostril; ihani ipa, hole in ear lobe; amore eme, bow’s rattan, bowstring.

d. The subject precedes the verb. Angadi jau hinau-mara, sun rises (?), morning; jau emapojemia, sun sets (?), evening.

e. The object also precedes the verb. Angadi ihani aimeri, ear pierce; mirimoi aimeri, nose pierce.

These five points indicate a Papuan structure of the languages.

6. Comparison with Merauke and the Languages of British New Guinea West of the Fly River.

The Papuan languages usually show so few agreements in vocabulary that the likeness of words, unless frequent, cannot be held to establish relationship. In the comparative vocabulary, words and numerals are added from the languages on British Territory.39 These show a few likenesses, which may, however, be accidental.

Arm. Mimika to, Dungerwab tond, Dabu tang, Miriam tag, Kiwai tu

Arrow. Mimika tiari, Kiwai tere.

Arrow barb. Mimika imari, Kiwai were.

Basket. Mimika temone, Kunini diba, Jibu dimba, Mimika eta, Kiwai sito, Mowata hito.

Bird. Mimika pateru, Bugi pa (?), Dabu papa (?).

Earth. Mimika tiri, Bangu tiritari.

Eat. Mimika namuka, Bangu jamukwa.

Elbow. Mimika to-mame, Mowata tu-pape.

Fire. Mimika uta, Miriam ur.

Forehead. Mimika metar(re), Bangu mithago, Miriam mat.

Head. Mimika kapane, Bangu kambu.

Iron. Mimika tau, Dungerwab tod.

Nose. Mimika birim, Dabu murung, Saibai, Miriam pit.

Pig. Mimika ap, Meranke sapi.

Rat. Mimika kemako, Bugi makata, Saibai makas, Miriam mokeis.

Shore. Mimika tiri, Dungerwab tredre.

Sleep. Mimika ete, Bangu ete-betha, Dungerwab eda-bel, Miriam ut-eid.

Tree. Mimika uti, Kiwai ota.


In a discussion of the languages of the south-eastern shores of Netherlands New Guinea, the extent of Malay influence in that region must be taken into account. Mr. William Churchill has lately put forward a theory that the Polynesian people entered the Pacific not only by coasting along the northern shores of New Guinea to the Solomon Group, but also by a passage through Torres Straits, and thence along the south-eastern coast of British New Guinea to the New Hebrides.40 On tracing the languages westward from Polynesia, it is an indisputable fact that many words which are identical with Polynesian are found in use along the shores of British New Guinea, though they are not used in a Polynesian syntax, or in the simplified forms usual in the Eastern tongues. It is also a fact that many of these same words are current also in the western islands of Indonesia. For example, hua, fruit; ina, mother; lala, blood; lau, leaf; au, I; ruma, house; inu, drink; utu, louse; tohu, sugar cane, and many other words are identical in the south-east of British New Guinea and in Ceram. But in British New Guinea the languages which show likeness to Polynesian end abruptly at Cape Possession, and are not found west of that point.41 Hence it becomes important to inquire how far the similar tongues of Amboyna and Ceram have influenced the New Guinea languages to the east of them. That there is such an influence is plain from the vocabularies of the languages. Indonesian words, such as the Onin (10) kayu, wood; tanigan, ear; nifan, tooth; fenu, turtle; mani, bird; afi, fire, are of common occurrence in the islands of the Arafura Sea, and on the coast of the mainland. But these words are more common in the west, and gradually disappear towards Torres Straits, and are not found beyond. In Rosenberg’s Karufa list (12) we find such characteristically Indonesian words as ulu, hair; mata, eye; uhru, mouth; taruya, ear; nima, hand; ora, sun; uran, moon; niyu, coconut. Words of this kind are found also in Lobo (10) and Namatote (13), as, for example, wuran, moon; labi, fire; nima, hand; nena, mother; rara, blood; metan, black; tobu, sugar cane; wosa, paddle; matoran, sit; mariri, stand. Some of these words seem to have passed into Utanata (10) and Lakahia (13), and apparently, though not so freely, into Wuaussirau (13), Mairassis (10), and Mimika (14). The Kiruru vocabulary of Maclay does not appear to show any words of this kind. The following are examples of Indonesian or Ceram words in the Utanata-Mimika group of languages.

Utanata uran, Lakahia bura, Mairassis furan, Mimika pura, Ceram wulana, moon. The Angadi has also pura.

Lakahia bugura, Wuaussirau wara, Mimika pukare, Ceram uhara, mountain. Utanata has pamogo.

Utanata po, Lakahia boa, Mimika poh, Ceram wosa, paddle.

Utanata kai, Ceram kai, wood. For this the Mimika is uti.

A word of much interest in this region is turika or turi. This is given by Muller in his Ceram list as turika, knife, in Lobo turi, Onin tuni. Maclay gives the Ceram (Keffing) as turito, Namatote and Wuaussirau turi, also for “knife.” The word does not appear in Angadi or in the list of Ekris (19). Though not apparently used in Merauke turik has travelled eastward as far as Torres Straits and the Fly River, and even to the borders of the Papuan Gulf. Thus Bangu turik, Dabu turikata, Sisiami (Bamu R.) turuko, and Tirio turuko mean “knife” (i.e. iron knife). In Bugi, Saibai, Mowata and Kiwai, turika and in Murray Island tulik mean “iron.”42

Dr. N. Adriani has pointed out some words adopted from Malay in Merauke and also some apparent agreements between that language and Indonesian languages generally,43 but there is no evidence of any language from Ceram having passed through the Torres Straits. Agreements between the Merauke and Papuan languages to the east are also pointed out by Dr. Adriani44 but these are no evidence of the passage of a Polynesian fleet, as they are not Polynesian words, and the languages using them have no Polynesian syntax. Mr. Churchill’s theory of the Polynesian entry into the Pacific by way of Torres Straits cannot therefore be maintained.


The following vocabulary is arranged strictly in Geographical order. The North Eastern Languages follow from East to West, from Seka to Manikion, and the South Eastern from Onin to the Boundary and thence along the South Coast of British Territory to the Western or Right Bank of the Fly River.

The following authorities have been quoted:—45

1. Seka. P. E. Moolenburg. Tijd. v. Indische Taal xlvii. 1904.

2. Jotafa [and Sentani in ( )]. G. L. Bink in ibid. xlv. 1902.

3. Sentani. P. E. Moolenburg. Bijdragen. t.d. Taal. Ned IndiË (7) v. 1906.

4. Tanah Merah, Tarfia, Takar, Jamna, Masimasi, Moar (i.e. Wakde) and Kumamba. G. G. Batten. Glimpses of the Eastern Archipelago, 1894.

5. Arimoa. A. B. Meyer. Über die Mafoor’sche, 1874.

6. Pauwi. P. J. B. C. RobidÉ v. d. Aa. “Reisen van Braam Morris.” Bijd. t.d. Taal. Ned. IndiË. (4) x. 1885.

7. Wamberan, Waropin, Mohr, Tandia, Dasener, Jaur. Fabritius. Tijd. v. Indische Taal. iv. 1885.

8. Angadi, Goreda, Nagramadu, Manikion. G. A. J. v. d. Sande in “Nova Guinea.” Vol. III. 1907.

9. Wandammen. G. L. Bink. Tijd. v. Indische Taal. xxxiv. 1891.

10. Onin, Lobo, Mairassis, Utanata. S. Muller. Reisen, 1857.

11. Kapaur. C. J. F. le Cocq d’Armandville. Tijd. v. Indische Taal. xlvi. 1903.

12. Karufa. H. v. Rosenberg. Der Malayische Archipel. 1878.

13. Namatote, Wuaussirau, Lakahia, Kiruru. N. v. Miklucho Maclay. Tijd. v. Indische Taal. xxiii. 1876.

14. Mimika. MS. Dr. A. F. R. Wollaston.

15. Merauke. J. Seijne Kok. Verband. v. h. Batav. Genootsch. v. Kunsten lvi. 1906.

16. Bangu, Bugi, Dabu, Mowata, Kunini, Jibu, Tagota. Reports of Cambridge Anthropological Expedition. Vol. III. 1907.

17. Parb, Saibai, Kiwai, and Tirio. MSS. S. H. Ray.

18. Nufor. J. L. v. Hasselt. Hollandsch. Noefoorsch Woordenboek, 1876.

19. Ceram. A. v. Ekris. Woordenlijst v. Ambonsche Eilanden. Mededeel. v. h. Ned. Zendings Genoots, viii. 1864-65.

20. Tuburuasa, Karas. (Islands between Ceram and Onin.) P. J. B. C. RobidÉ v. d. Aa. Reisen naar Ned. Nieuw-Guinea, 1879.


Seka ... ... subi rutja re
Jotafa tante moi rabunadu windu teni
Sentani doh mi farem,
yorÅ, (yeroh anggei,
Arimoa kabun
... dabro masamana seroro
Pauwi maomba nedba ... kikia kniperemba
Angadi were kauwa rupau mame ihani
Nagramadu ... ... yabima ... ehara
Wandammen mua babien rupai rene tatelajau
Onin marara matapais onimpatin matapatin tanigan
Kapaur nemÉhar tombohar kenda kendep per
Karufa mutangki maisoida umuh mata taringa
Namatote murwana merwine umu matatungu zingangu
Lobo marowana mawina monongo,
matalongo tringango
Mairassis fatakowa ewei nanguwu nambutu newirana
Wuaussirau taturobu ewei kotera obiatu obiru
Lakahia odacira yama uwua managa yawana
Kiruru ... ... ... ... yawatsha
Utanata marowana kurani upauw mameh iani
Mimika uweri kaukwa,
kapane mame ene
Merauke amnangga bubti, save,
isus(?) iwoge
pa kinde kambit
Bangu ... ... kambu ti taroba, tarup
Parb ar temarb mor taramb tongal
Bugi la mala beneqet kalye laandra
Dabu rabu mure bunkut ikapa ran, ika
Saibai garakazi ipÖkazi kuikÖ dan, purka kaura
Mowata auana orobo epuru damari hepate, gare
Kunini binam, ima magebi, ule mope ireu tablame
Jibu vientete, rega konga mopu yere yekrom
Kiwai dubu orobo epuru damari sepate, gare
Tirio amiami kinasu yapuru pariti pamata
Tagota ... moream kana pari tuap
Nufor snun bien rewuri mgasi knasi
Ceram malona,
bina, leuto
uru, ulu mata, maa tarina, talina
Tuburuasa maruana mapata unin matanpuon taningan
Karas kianam paas nakalun kangiri kulokeim

Seka ha ... ... na (nabera,
Jotafa su meriki Ñoh tibimi tap
Sentani yoi feuw je, (tje megeragera,
Arimoa sirino mataro umata ... ...
Pauwi kimparia kimsiba kabrua kibawia (arm) tebia
Angadi mirimoi mere titi mahare yau
Nagramadu ... yamanarai si ... ...
Wandammen swonÊ taperÊ derenesi waraba wor
Onin wirin eri nifan nemien rera
Kapaur kanomba,
gengabu mehien-tab tan kemina
Karufa sikai ... ... nimang-uta ohra
Namatote iyaongu yaeiyongu zwiutiongu siusiongu oro-matawuti
Lobo sikaiongo kariongo ruwotongo nimango-uta orah
Mairassis nambi nenegun sika okorwita onguru
Wuaussirau ombi onsabi oras uadu unguru
Lakahia onoma mara ifa esurua aya
Kiruru unuga ... uru ... yauburawa
Utanata birimbu mare titi mareh dyauw
Mimika birim mali titi mare yau
Merauke anggip unum manggat sangga katoni
Bangu ... thamina ter tambia epotha
Parb mebele penji tol tond abiard
Bugi wede dangamai lenge trang-qab yabada
Dabu murung dogmar ngui, ngoia tang-kor yabada
Saibai piti nÖi dang get goiga
Mowata wodi watotorope ibuanara tu-pata (palm) iwio
Kunini keke weta giriu imwe bimu
Jibu soku vrate orkak yema loma
Kiwai wodi wototorope iawa tu-pata (palm) sai
Tirio norose ima su tikiri uainea
Tagota miu uo kam ... dari
Nufor snori kaprendi nasi rwasi ori
Ceram hiru, inu,
ninu, ili
mei, me, ma niki, niri,
nityi, nio
rima, lima,
Tuburuasa niring kweri ... tangan nera
Karas bustang belein ... taan Ïon

Seka ... ... ... ... ...
Jotafa sembi endor tab at aijari
Sentani ara, (aroh ... (ya tuga, (duwa i
Arimoa ... ... ... fati ...
Pauwi ... ... ... ... ...
Angadi pura ... kehe ... uta-mai
Nagramadu ... ... emoya ... uha
Wandammen sembai siberere rama rebuki adia, adyat
Onin punono apatin-no-farere unano pati api
Kapaur koba, keba,
mbab keri war tom
Karufa uran oma kama langerah lawi
Namatote wuran omoma omo ... labi
Lobo furan komakoma komah ... lawi
Mairassis furan waniwani yamo ... iworo
Wuaussirau angane onburi yamu ... iworo
Lakahia bura mawena gefa ... usia
Kiruru ... imaru ke ... uta
Utanata uran ... koma ... uta
Mimika pura mako ke omani uta
Merauke mandau ovom, uvum hee katare takave
Bangu ... ... narunjar tan meni
Parb tugiu ... nou ... pend
Bugi kak qatai yugula dader iu
Dabu qar, qak piro igurai dadar yu, dumbrel
Saibai mulpal, kizai titui ari kula mui
Mowata ganume zogubo wiari nora-api era
Kunini mabie wale ngupe magezuli muie
Jibu mobi guje piro nora para
Kiwai sagana gugi mauburo,
kuraere era
Tirio korame apapa iouko kuma suze
Tagota mano durupa ... tamaga jau
Nufor paik ataruwa,
mekem, keru for
Ceram huran, ulano,
marit, kolomali,
kamali, umalio
uran, ulan,
hatu, batu hau, au
Tuburuasa puna finma unang pati lawi
Karas pak masseer kekal jaar dien

Seka ... ... ... ... pa
Jotafa nanu por igeh nino duma
Sentani bu (yoku ka koh ime
Arimoa dano ... ... niwi ...
Pauwi memba ... ... ... husia
Angadi mi oho irea utiri kÃme
Nagramadu ... oha ... magrabe ya
Wandammen kambu pisai diya ankadi anio
Onin weari papio sairi ruroh rumaso
Kapaur kera ndur, kalapaji,
heir no’ur wuri
Karufa ualar ... dohndi niyu tsaring
Namatote walar boi dondi niu (?) sarin
Lobo walar boi donde niu sarin
Mairassis wata bemba kuratu owah watara
Wuaussirau kai wembe kuratu obo wata
Lakahia mura ufa nema wuina yafa
Kiruru mi ... ... ... ...
Utanata warari uh erika uteri kami
Mimika mbi, mbu u, api ireka uteri kame
Merauke daka basike parare,
mise, onggat,
sava, aha
Bangu tauqar rougu thaua nangar boot, munka
Parb nou kimb angur argh, kwogh,
Bugi ngi simbel galba nge mae
Dabu ine mule,chimela,
pudi ngoi, guvi ma
Saibai nguki burum wapi urab mud
Mowata obo boromo arimina oi moto
Kunini nie blome ibu ia mete
Jibu nia woroma waji u meta
Kiwai obo boromo irisina oi moto
Tirio opa sepera kopoma sapu-mutira turie
Tagota mauka minao ... ... ...
Nufor war beyen iyen srabon rum
Ceram waer, wael,
hahu, apal ian, iano niwer, niwel,
nimel, nikwel,
ruma, luma
Tuburuasa wÊre ... se ... kapalla
Karas pere ... soor ... kawe


One. Een. Two. Twee. Three. Drie. Four. Vier.
Seka ahi (ari?) hitjun hetun nabu
Jotafa the ros for au
Sentani imbai be name guri
Tana Merah ogosarai saibona ondoafi soronto
Tarfia tukse arho tor fauk
Takar afateni nawa nawa-jengki nawa-nawa
Jamna tes ru tau fau
Masimasi kis ru tou fo
Moar hibeti ru tou fau
Kumamba tÈs lu taur fau
Pauwi pa-sari pa-ri pa-rosi pa-rasi
Wamberan tenama bisa ... ...
Waropin wo-sio wo-ruo wo-ro wo-ako
Mohr tata ruru oro ao
Angadi janauwa jaminatia jaminati-janauwa awaitama-jaminatia
Goreda unakwa jamanini ... ...
Nagramadu nadi abÅma abÅma-nadi abÅmo-bÅmo
Tandia nei rusi turusi attesi
Dasener joser suru toru ati
Jaur rebe redu reÜ rea
Wandammen siri mondu toru atÊ
Manikion hom hoai homoi hoku
Onin sa nuwa teni fat
Kapauer here-wo here-rik here-teri hÈre-ngara
Karufa simoksi rueiti tohru bahdi
Namatote samosi rueiti toru fat
Lobo samosi rueti tuwru fat
Mairassis tangauw amoi karia ai
Wuaussirau anau amoi karia aiwera
Lakahia onarawa aboma torua fat
Mimika inakwa yamani yamani-inakwa ama-yamani
Merauke zakod iena iena-zakod iena-iena
Bangu nambu, nambi yethombi,
yetho asar
Parb ambiur tumbi lambi tutubiar
Bugi tarangesa metakina gingi-metakina topea
Dabu tupi-dibi kumi-rivi kumi-reriga kumi-rivi-kumi-rivi
Saibai wara, urapon uka, ukasar uka-modobigal uka-uka
Mowata nau netoa ... ...
Kunini iepa neneni nesae neneni-neneni
Jibu yepa kuraiepa
kuraiepa kuraiepa
Kiwai nau netewa netewa-nau netewa-netewa
Tirio oroka miseka misorako miseka-miseka
Tagota uradaga mitiga nan mitiga-mitiga
Nufor sai, oser dui, suru kior fiak
Ceram isa, sa rua, lua,
dua, roti
teru, telu,
tolu, toru
haa, hata,
ata, fat

Five. Vijf. Six. Zes. Ten. Tien. Twenty. Twintig.
Seka naplan naplahi amplahari amplanaplan
Jotafa mimiam mandosim ronduminaros manisayam
Sentani mehembai mehinimbai mehinmehembai megohri
Tana Merah ogosarai demean ... ...
Tarfia rim mana-tuksi mafarufaru ...
Takar nawa-nawa-jengki ... ... ...
Jamna jim, rim ... sinafui ...
Masimasi rim ... sanafu ...
Moar rim ... ... ...
Kumamba lim ... sanafun ...
Pauwi pa-rinisi ponensi putaonsi ...
Wamberan ... ... ... ...
Waropin rimo ... ... ...
Mohr rimo ... ... ...
Angadi maharÈ-ajahe-rauri maharÈ-jana-uwa mahare-jami-natia ...
Goreda mahÈre-hÈrori ... taÓru ...
Nagramadu mama-riba mariba-nadi mama-rabÅma ...
Tandia marasi ... ... ...
Dasener rimbi ... ... ...
Jaur breiare ... ... ...
Wandammen rim rimi-siri sura snun-tupesi
Manikion sirkem ... ... ...
Onin nima nem pusua puti-nuwa
Kapauer here-tembu here-tembu-here-wo pra’a to mdijowo
Karufa rimi rom-simoksi putja siÚmput-rueiti
Namatote rim rim-samoti futsa ombutueti
Lobo rimi rim-samosi wutsya sekumat-rueti
Mairassis iworo iwora-moi (? 7) werowa-moi yauw-nat-makia
Wuaussirau iworo iwor-tanau iwor-toki-tani toki-amoi
Lakahia rim rim-onarawa ... ...
Mimika ... ... ... ...
Merauke iena-iena-zakod ... ... ...
Bangu tambothoi nimbo ... ...
Parb tumbi-tumbi-yambia ... ... ...
Bugi manda gaben dala ...
Dabu tumu ... ... ...
Saibai ... ... ... ...
Mowata ... ... ... ...
Kunini imegube matemate (wrist) dare (breast) ...
Jibu kuraiepa ribenda (wrist) mua (breast) ...
Kiwai ... ... ... ...
Tirio miseka-miseka-oroka ... ... ...
Tagota uradaga (?) moti-taba-nan moti-tatan ...
Nufor rim onem samfur samfur-di-suru
Ceram rima, lima, dima ne, nena, no, onam husane, husa, utsya huturua

of the
Eastern Part of Netherlands New Guinea
Sidney H. Ray


Above Opo
Acid { Tite
Animal Ireka (also
Ankle Bau-mÁme
Ant WÁmÉ
Arm { To-mari
Arm-band Maka-re
Arrive MainaumÀ
Arrow Tiari
(barb of) Imari
Atap Wuri
Axilla Emmabu
Back (of man) Ata
Bamboo BÚiti
Banana Kau
(plantation of) Kauti
Band (of rattan worn round middle) Iwau-mÁkare
Bandicoot PÚruga
Bark (of tree) Piki
Basket { Temme
Beads Kamburi
Bean Kaweti
Beard { Keparise
Kepa bÍri
Bed (mat) KÁpiri
Bee Imoho
Beetle Buruta
Belch Mbau
Belly Iwau
Big { Atwa
Bird { PÁteru
(of Paradise { Yamuku
Bitter { Tite
Black Ikako
Blood MarÉte
Blunt YamenÀ
Boat Ku
Bodice (of woven fibre) Paite
Body Nata
Bottle KÁrepa
Bow AmÚri
Bow-string Kima
Breast (of woman) Auwe
(of man) Piti
Breathe TÚa
Broken TÁka
Butterfly Wiri
Buttock AtabÚ
Calf (of leg) Ewambugu
Canoe Ku
Cap (worn by widows) Ubauta
Carve (to) Maramu
Cassowary Tu
Centipede Arowi
Coconut Uteri
Cheek AwÁr(re)
Child Aidru
Chin KepÁre
Cicada WÉako
Cloth Piki
Club MoÁnne
Clouds Apu
Cockatoo Puki
Cold Yu
Comb Ta
Copulate Ipe
Cough Otah
Crab { Peja
Crayfish Bi
Crocodile Timaku
Cry (weep) MbÁge
Cut (to) Embe
Cuscus (Phalanger) Apui
Dance Dirin-dirin
Deep EmÚku
Dog Wiri
Drink Tomagu
Drum Emme
Ear Éne
Ear-ring Tirawone
Earth (sand) Tiri
Eat NamÚka
Eel MbatarÚbia
Egg TaretÉ
Elbow To-mÁmÉ
Exchange AkÓra
Eye MÁmÉ
Eyebrow Mambiri
Far AwakopÍre
Fat Atwa
Feather Idi
Finger MÁre
Finger-nail Mare
Fire UtÁ
(stick) Utamau
Fish Ireka
Fly (insect) OboÖ
Flying-fox IÉa
Foot Bauwe
Forehead MÉtÁr(re)
Ghost NÍniki
Give KÉma
Grass Umetir(re)
Grasshopper Atoko
Green Otopu
Hair Viri
Hand Mare
He AmÁrepa
Head Kapa-ue
Heavy Ikiti
Heel Mbautep(e)
His Amareta
Hiccough Urri
Hornbill Kumai
Hornet Imoko
House KÁme
I Doro
Ill NamÚti
Image (carved) Betoro
Iron Tau
Knee Iribu
Lance Uruna
Laugh Oko
Leaf E
Leg Atiri
Lightning Marapiti
Lips Iri
Little Mimiti
Lizard Inamo
Lizard (frilled) Wago
Loins YaÏmi
Man Uweri
Many TÁkiri
Mat (of pandanus) Au
Melon Anete
Mine Dorota
Moon Pura
Mosquito Itji
Mountain PÚkare
Mouth Ba
Moustache Mbu-tiri
Navel Bopore
Neck Ima
New Aigu
Nod Kiparu
Nose Birim
(secretion of) Bindi
Old man of village Natu
One Inakwa
Orchid Idarone
Other Awaida
Other man Wehwaida
Other man’s Wehwaidata
Paddle Poh
Palate Tibanne
Papaya TenÀ
Parrot Akima
Pearl Omab(e)
Penis KamÀre
(case) Kamare-po(ko)
Pig { U
Pigeon ParÚa
Pillow (wooden) Yamate
Pine-apple Makadete
Prawn Mbi
Pumpkin Nabru
Python Pimi
Rain Ke
Rainbow Paraketa
Rapids KamÁwa
Rat Kemako
Rattan Kima
Red EperÓ
Ribs PÁrero
Rice WÁte
Ripe Pu
River Iuata
Road (track) Mako
Rope TemmÀ
Sacrum Wagamau(e)
Sago Amota
(beater) WapÚri
Sago-bowl PÁmagu
Sap Nami
Scorpion PurumbaÄ
Sea Takari
Shallow Tapari
Sharp YÁnako
Shell Parau
Shell-fish Uwo
Shin Imbiri
Shore Tiri
Shoulder Ta-ri
Shoulder-blade To-babu
Skin Pigeri
Skull Upau
Sleep EtÉ
Snail Tapoko
Snake Apako
Sneeze Yaie
Spear Uruna
(wooden) Potaku
Spit Mbatau
Star Mako
Steal Otemu
Stick (of club) Wu
Sting-ray Kau
Stone Omani
Suck Au
Sugar-cane Moni
Sun Yau
Sweat Papiti
Sweet potato Pamu
Swim Timago
Tear (a) BÁgumbÚ
Thigh I
Throat KimÁri
Thumb } Ipau
Thunder Uraki
Tired Toh
Tobacco Kapaki
To-day WauwÀ
Toes Bauwe
To-morrow KaÚmuta
Tongue Mali
Tooth Titi
Tree Uti
Turtle Mbiambu
Two Yamani
Upset Piro
Viper MÁgu
Vomit Mbau
Water Mbi
(make) Gigi
Wet Nata
Whistle Wiramogo
White NaputiÀre
Wind Kimir(e)
Woman Kaukwa
Wound Natu
Wrist Marapume
Yawn MbÁpoh
Yellow Taier(re)
You Oro
Your Orota


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