#8212; negrita, Woll., perhaps an ultimate state of D. glabratus, 85. —— obscuroguttatus, Dufts., its changes in Madeira, 36, 37, 38; apterous in Madeira, 84. —— sigma, Rossi, its colour affected by isolation, 88, 89. Elevation, sometimes corresponds with latitude, 35, 114. Ellipsodes glabratus, Fabr., singular variety of, on one of the Madeira Islands, 88, 109. Elytra, connateness of, a variable character, 96. 'Endemic,' to what species the term is applicable, 118. Entomology, the study of, does not necessarily cramp the mind, 111. Ephistemus, apterous in Madeira, 82. Eucalypti, their concentration in Australia, 142. Eunectes sticticus, Linn., unaffected by climate, 31. Euphorbias, their concentration in Southern Africa, 142. Eurygnathus Latreillei, Lap., variety of, on one of the Madeira Islands, 88, 109. Exceptions, not be allowed to negative a law, 72, 73. Extinction of species, as indicated in the Madeiran Helices, 131; the only cause by which genera may be abruptly defined, 176. Forbes, Prof. E., on the origin of the British animals and plants, 130; his epochs of migration of the British animals and plants, 136; on the existence of a former Atlantic continent, 137. Forests, the hindrance which they offer to insect-diffusion, 154. "Fortunate Islands" of the ancients, probably the Canarian group, 141. Galapagos, fauna of, 23. Genera, the nature of, often misunderstood, 160; a familiar explanation of, 160, 161, 162; cannot be abrupt except from accident, 169; how to be defined, 169; the types of, usually situated towards the centres of the several groups, 170; the types of, usually evenly balanced in their structural characters, 171, 172; may be abruptly defined from accidental causes, 176, 177. Generic areas, an important feature throughout Nature, 130, 141, 184. Geology, a necessary item in the study of insect-diffusion, 113. Germanic plains, the, probably a primary area of diffusion, 130. Gerris, on the development of the wings of, 100. Gould, Mr., on the Swallows of Malta, 102. GymnaËtron, blood-red dashes characteristic of, 62. —— CampanulÆ, Linn., its smallness on the Cornish coast, 58. —— VeronicÆ, Germ., a variety of G. niger, 62. Hadrus illotus, Woll., perhaps a form
ref="@public@vhost@g@html@files@38584@38584-h@38584-h-3.htm.html#Page_142" class="pginternal">142. Malta, Mr. Gould on the birds of, 102. Malthodes Kiesenwetteri, Woll., perhaps a state of M. brevicollis, 66. Man, agency of, in the destruction of species, 179. Mantura Chrysanthemi, Ent. H., variability of, in Lundy Island, 59. Marsupialia, their concentration in Australia, 142. Mesembryanthemums, their concentration in Southern Africa, 142. Mesites, a modification of Cossonus, 144. —— Maderensis, Woll., its near relationship to the M. Tardii, 141. —— Tardii, Curtis, its variability near the coast, 58. 'MÉthode Mononomique,' the unsoundness of, 164-168. Migratory powers, slowness of, in the Madeiran Helices, 130-132. —— progress, direction of, in the Madeiran animals, 120, 135. Mimosas, their concentration in Australia, 142. Mollusca, Terrestrial, often present two distinct states, 106. Moluris, its concentration in S. Africa, 143. Monochelus, its concentration in S. Africa, 143. Mountain-chains, their hindrance to insect-diffusion, 145. Mountain-tops, either very prolific in insect life, or else barren, 115. Mus Rattus, almost exterminated in England, 178. Mycetoporus pronus, Erichs., two distinct states of, indicated, 106. Myrtles, their concentration in Australia, 142. Naturalist, the, what his province to investigate, 158. Nature, not irregular because presenting occasional anomalies, 94. Naupactus, its concentration in S. America, 143. Nebria complanata, Linn., unusually pale near Bordeaux, 33; pallid hue of, 64. New World, some of its insects perhaps but states of those of the Old, 37. Nomenclature, a binomial system the only true one, 164, 168. Notaphus, the capture of, out at sea, 150. Notiophili, extremely variable, 40. Notiophilus geminatus, Dej., large size of, on one of the Madeira Islands, 88. Observation, indispensable in natural science, 20, 159, 192. Ocean, the, its hindrance to insect-diffusion, 145. Ochthebius marinus, Payk., lurid hue of, 64. Olisthopus, apterous in Madeira, 82. —— Maderensis, Woll., large state of, on one of the Madeira Islands, 88, 89. —— rotundatus, Payk., very small in the Scilly Islands, 58, 73; subapterous in the Scilly Islands, 102. Omaseus nigerrimus, Dej., a form of O. aterrimus, 33. Omias Waterhousei, Woll., large state of, on one of the Madeira Islands, 88, 109. Oncocephalus griseus, development of the wings of, 101FINIS.Printed by Taylor and Francis, Red Lion Court, Fleet Street. Lately published, by the same Author, in large 4to (with Thirteen Coloured Plates), price £2 2s., INSECTA MADERENSIA;