0. Brain showing eyes with muscles removed, optic nerves, and chiasm Frontispiece
1. Glassware and tools 22
2. The first cut 28
3. How the point of the scissors is kept away from the underlying tissues 29
4. Half of the sclerotic separated 30
5. Picking up the choroid 31
6. Emptying the eye of its contents 32
7. Isolated hyaloid, contents and attachments intact 33
8. Petit’s Canal 36
9. Cutting eye into anterior and posterior sections with safety-razor blade 39
10. Posterior half showing retinal vessels and choroid 40
11. Showing network of vitreous 42
12. Tearing retina away from posterior half of eye 44
13. Posterior half of eye with retina removed 45
14. Excavated posterior half of eye 46
15. Split optic nerve 47
16. Ciliary processes and the lens 48
17. How to pull off vitreous 50
18. Processus Zonuloe 54
19. Onion-like layers of lens removed 56
20. Cross section of lens 57
21. Lenses showing the results of different kinds of treatment 60
22. Puncturing the cornea 63
23. Removing the cornea 64
24. How to separate the choroid from the sclerotic 65
25. Cutting away the separated sclerotic 67
26. Scraping the choroid free from the sclerotic 68
27. The isolated choroid 69
28. Inserting scalpel to loosen lens and cut through vitreous 70
29. Taking out lens and “core” of vitreous 71
30. Squeezing out remaining part of vitreous 72
31. Cutting through the iris 75
32. Cutting around the ciliary ring 76
33. Lens, iris, and part of vitreous removed 77
34. How to force blowpipe into the vitreous 78
35. Bulging out of vitreous caused by blowing air through glass blowpipe 79
36. Showing vitreous removed 80
37. Folding the retina by blowing a


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