| PAGE | Preface | 13 | Introduction | 17 | Removal of Hyaloid Membrane with Contents and Attachments Intact | 25 | Canal of Petit, The | 35 | Interior of the Eye, The | 38 | Posterior Half, The | 40 | Optic Nerve, The | 47 | Anterior Half, The | 49 | Iris, The | 51 | Cornea, The | 52 | Crystalline Lens, The | 53 | Choroid, The | 62 | Retina, The | 74 | Sagittal or Vertical Section of the Eye, The | 86 | Papilla, Puncta Lacrimalia, and Nasal Duct, The | 92 | Meibomian Glands and Ducts, The | 96 | Enucleation of the Orbital Contents, The | 97 | Ophthalmoscopic Examinations | 106 | Lacrimal Ducts, The | 112 | Lacrimal Gland, The | 114 | Capsule of Tenon, The | 115 | Superior Oblique Muscle and its Pulley | 117 | Other Extrinsic Muscles, The | 118 | Three Tunics of the Eye, the Hyaloid and its Attachments, The | 120 |