Preface 13
Introduction 17
Removal of Hyaloid Membrane with Contents and Attachments Intact 25
Canal of Petit, The 35
Interior of the Eye, The 38
Posterior Half, The 40
Optic Nerve, The 47
Anterior Half, The 49
Iris, The 51
Cornea, The 52
Crystalline Lens, The 53
Choroid, The 62
Retina, The 74
Sagittal or Vertical Section of the Eye, The 86
Papilla, Puncta Lacrimalia, and Nasal Duct, The 92
Meibomian Glands and Ducts, The 96
Enucleation of the Orbital Contents, The 97
Ophthalmoscopic Examinations 106
Lacrimal Ducts, The 112
Lacrimal Gland, The 114
Capsule of Tenon, The 115
Superior Oblique Muscle and its Pulley 117
Other Extrinsic Muscles, The 118
Three Tunics of the Eye, the Hyaloid and its Attachments, The 120


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