I. Three Palaces 1
II. Among Old Streets 22
III. The Neighbourhood of the Great Markets 35
IV. The Palais de Justice 45
V. The Neighbourhood of the BibliothÈque Nationale 51
VI. Round about Arts et MÉtiers (the Arts and Crafts Institution) 62
VII. The Temple 70
VIII. The Home of Madame de SÉvignÉ 81
IX. Notre-Dame 86
X. L’Île St-Louis 92
XI. L’HÔtel de Ville and its Surroundings 94
XII. The Old Quartier St-Pol 112
XIII. La Place des Vosges 119
XIV. The Bastille 123
XV. In the Vicinity of Two Ancient Churches 126
XVI. In the Region of the Schools 137
XVII. La Montagne Ste-GeneviÈve 144
XVIII. In the Valley of the BiÈvre 149
XIX. Rue St-Jacques 152
XX. Le Jardin des Plantes 155
XXI. The Luxembourg 162
XXII. Les Carmes 168
XXIII. On Ancient Abbey Ground 170

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