
sa1 particle indicating grammatical relations. short form: s. 1 preceding a phrase referring to a place. Niadtu sa ManÍlÀ, Went to Manila. Sa ibabaw, Up on top. Lakaw ngadtu sa unÁhan, Walk up ahead. IhÁtag sa bÁtÀ, Give it to the child. NahÚlug sa pangpang, Fell off the cliff. AmÍhan sa kanÁway, Northwind from a westerly direction. 1a following a word meaning ‘be in a place’. Nia dinhi sa Sibu, It is here in Cebu. Didtu siya sa ManÍlÀ iskuyla, He went to school in Manila. WalÀ sa lugar, Not at the right time or place. 2 preceding a phrase referring to time. Muanhi sa alas dÚsi, Will come at twelve. MalÍgÙ ta sa sunud Duminggu, Let’s go swimming next Sunday. Sa kÁda Ámut mutugbang pud siyag hÁtag, Each time they contribute, he gives an equal amount. 2a preceding a sentence referring to past time. Sa pag-abut na nÍya didtu, When he arrived there. Sa nagalakat ang panahun, As time went by. 3 indicating gen. relations. 3a possession or analogous concepts. Ang balay sa Ákung amÍgu, My friend’s house. Ang mga pagtulun-an sa Bibliya, The lessons given in the Bible. Ang sa Ákung mga igsÚun, The ones belonging to my brothers and sisters. Usa sa Ákung mga sÁkup, One of my people. Ang kamahal sa palalÍtun, The high cost of things. BÚlan sa MÁyu, The month of May. 3b agent of a passive verb. Gihambat sa liyun, Was devoured by the lion. KaÚnun sa mga bÁtÀ, The children will eat it. 3b1 preceding the agent of a nominalized verb. Ang pagkamatay sa bÁtÀ, When the child died (lit. the dying of the child). KÁda kanÁug sa pasahÍru, Each time a passenger got off. (Lit. Each getting off of the passengers.) 3c following an exclamation to mark the thing exclaimed over. Kamahal gud sa Ímung gibÁyad! What a high price you paid! DakÚa sad sa balay! What a huge house it was! 4 indicating dat. relations. 4a specific goal of an action. NakabunÙ sa Íyang kaÁway, Killed his enemy. Akuy gitagÁan sa libru, The book was given to me. 4b in comparisons: than. DÁtÙ pa sa Ákung amahan, Richer than my father. 4c — ÁkÙ, Ímu, Íya, ÁmÙ, ÁtÙ, inyu, Íla = kanÁmÙ, kanÍmu, kanÍya, kanÁmÙ, kanÁtÙ, kaninyu, kanÍla. 5 indicating causal, instrumental, or concomitant relations. MihÍlak sa kapungut, Cried out of anger. Sa tantung paningkÁmut, milampus, He succeeded after trying so hard. Íyang gisuntuk sa walang kamut, He hit him with his left hand. Sa minaayug sa dinautan, By hook or by crook. SapÁtus nga naghilÍra sa kadaghan, Rows and rows of shoes, there were so many of them. MitandÙ sa walay lÁngan, He agreed without delay. 5a following a word which expresses these relationships. BÁhin sa Ákung hangyÙ, As for my request. Tungud sa kalÚuy, On account of his mercy. Uban sa Íyang amahan, Together with her father. Para ni sa NÁga? Is this bound for Naga? Human sa klÁsi, After class. 6 optionally preceding an infinitive with pag-. Arun sa pagpauswag sa lungsud, In order to develop the town. MisÚgud na sad siya sa pag-inum, He began to take to the bottle again.

sa2 1 short for unsa used at end of phrases. see unsa, 5. 2 short for unsa gÁnÌ. see gÁnÌ, 5a.

sa = sÁla2.

short for ÍsÀ, ÚsÀ.

= salÀ.

sÁa 1 where (past or present tense)? SÁa man tu paingun ag bÁtÀ? Where could the child have gone? SÁa man ang inyung balay? Where is your house? 2 which of the several. SÁa Áning duha imung palitun? Which of these two are you going to buy?

sÁad v [AC; c] promise. NagsÁad siya nga mubÁlik, He promised to come back. DÍlÌ ku makasÁad nÍmu ug trabÁhu, I cannot promise you a job. n 1 promise. TumÁnun ba nÍmu ang sÁad? Will you keep your promise? YÚtÀ sa mga sÁad, The Land of Promise (Mindanao). 2 s.t. promised. Diyis pursyintu ang Ákung sÁad sa GinÚu, I promised to give ten percent to the Lord. Bag-ung, DÁang — New, Old Testament. paN- v [A2; c6] make a promise or vow to oneself. NanÁad si Supru nga dÍlÌ na siya mubÁlik, Sofro vowed that he would never go back. n vow, solemn promise to do s.t. if s.t. is fulfilled. PanÁad ku nga dÌ ku muusab, basta lang maluwas siya, I made a vow never to do it again, if only she would get better. sinaÁran n 1 s.t. spoken for. DÌ na ni mabaligyÀ kay sinaÁran, I can’t sell it because it has been spoken for. 2 a betrothed girl that has never been married. ka- n one with whom s.o. made a promise of love or marriage. masaÁrun a promising. MasaÁrung kaugmÁun, A promising future. pakig- n covenant, mutual giving of promises.

saag (from salÁag) a stray, not in the usual course or passage. Usa ka saag nga huyÚhuy mipakÍtuy sa mga dÁhun, A stray breeze stirred the leaves.

sÁag = salÁag.

saang n spider conch.

sab = usab.

sÁb = sÁlab.

sÁbÀ a noisy. SÁbÀ kaÁyu ang tyanggihan, The marketplace is very noisy. n noise. Ang sÁbÀ abut diri nÁkÙ, The noise reaches me here. — dihÀ 1 shut up! (said in anger). SÁbÀ (sabÀ) dihÀ, nagrawraw ka lang, Shut up! You’re talking nonsense! 2 Oh, come on, you’re kidding. SÁbÀ (sabÀ) dihÀ uy, gipalÁhan na pud ku nÍmu, Oh come on. You’re just flattering me. See also bÀ dihÀ. v 1 [A; b6] make noise. NgÁnung nÍa man mu magsÁbÀ sa huspital? Why are you making noise here in the hospital? GisabÁan ka ba nÁmung nagdÚlÀ? Do you find it too noisy if we play here? 2 [A3; c] tell s.t. to s.o. Ayaw isÁbÀ ang Átung rilasiyun ha, Don’t breathe a word about our affair, O.K.? -an(?) a 1 given to making noise or talking. 2 given to divulging secrets. v [B12] be, become noisy or tending to divulge secrets. ka- n 1 din, noise. 2 scolding. Ang kasÁbang Ákung nadÁwat dÍlÌ makÁun ug irÙ, I got a scolding not fit for a dog. v [AN; b(1)] scold. Ayawg ihagpak ang sira kay kasab-an kang MÁma, Don’t slam the door because Mom will scold you. hinga-, hinga-(?) a fond of scolding. kalasab-an a 1 always scolded. 2 worthy of a scolding.

sab-a n 1 variety of cooking banana with rectangular fruit similar to but smaller than the kardÁba, with 7–12 or more hands in the bunch. The fiber can be made into cloth: Musa sapientum var. compressa. 2 cloth made from the sab-a.

sabad a restless, unsteady, always moving. Sabad kaÁyu ang tabÁnug, The kite was very unsteady. n propeller, blade of a fan, windmill. v 1 [B] be, become annoyingly restless, unsteady. Musabad ang mga bÁbuy ug gutÚmun, Pigs get restless when they are hungry. 2 [A13; a12] attach, make into a propeller or fan, windmill blade. 3 [A; c1] whiz closely by, moving fast. WÀ gÁnÌ makasabad sa Íyang gipusil ang bÁla, The bullet did not even go near the target. 4 [A; c1] go near s.t. for a purpose. Gisabaran nÍya kanÚnay ang asÁwa nga nagsugal, He kept hanging around his wife who was gambling. Isabad (sabara) ang bÁtÀ kun tÚa ba sa iskuylahan, Go by the school for a moment and see if the child is there.

sabadista n Seventh-day Adventist. v [B15] be, become a Seventh-day Adventist.

Sabadu n 1 Saturday. — iglurya, Santu the Saturday of the Holy Week. 2 one point short of winning. Sabadu na ang Ílang iskÚr. Usa na lay kuwang pÁra mudaug, They are one point short of winning. They only need one more point to sew up the game. see birnis for verb forms. -in- v 1 [A; b5] use s.t. sparingly or in little amounts. Musinabadu lang ku ug pangagwa basta lang mahumut ta, I will use the perfume sparingly just enough to smell sweet. 2 [A13; a12] preserve fish with a small amount of salt. Magsinabadu ta kay daghang bulinaw ug dÌ nÁtÙ mahurut, Let’s make fish preserves because we’ve got lots of anchovies and we can’t consume them all. n fish preserved with a little salt.

sab-ag1 v [A; c] hang s.t. light over the shoulders or a projection. Isab-ag ang tualya sa abÁga, Drape the towel over your shoulders. Isab-ag ang bukag sa lansang, Hang the basket on the nail.

sab-ag2 = sabwag, 1.

sÁbak1 v 1 [A; c1] put s.t. in one’s lap to carry it. DÌ ku musÁbak nÍmu kay dakÙ ka, I will not allow you to sit on my lap because you’re too big. Ákung sabÁkun (isÁbak) ring bÁtÀ arun makalingkud tang tanan, I will put the child on my lap so that all of us can sit down. 2 [a12] hit s.t. squarely. Usa ka suntuk nasÁbak sa Íyang apapÁngig, A blow with the fist struck him squarely in the jaw. 3 [A13; a12] sponsor a bill, espouse a cause. Ang bag-ung urdinansa gisÁbak sa tanang mga kawÁni, The new ordinance is supported by all the employees. 4 [A13] having a certain property (literary). HÁngin nga nagsÁbak sa madulÚtung kabugnaw, A wind that brought penetrating coolness. — ug bitÚun v [A3; a12] for a crescent moon to have a star just above it—a sign of good luck for courtship. Ug musÁbak gÁnÌ kunu ang bÚlan ug bitÚun, dalÌ sugtun ang lÁking mangulitÁwu, They say that a man will easily win the hand of a woman he courts when the moon is carrying a star in its lap. (?) v [A3; c] be pregnant. KalÚha tingÁli ning Ákung gisabak, I must be pregnant with twins. -an(?) n 1 lap or s.t. analogous to it. Nag-ulun sa Ákung sabakan, Resting her head on my lap. Sa sabakan sa dakung bÚkid, At the base of a big mountain. 2 the mother’s womb (literary). GÍkan sa sabakan ni MarÍya, From Mary’s womb. 2a one’s parents. Anak sa pubring sabakan, A child from poor parents. 2b -an sa yÚtÀ the bosom of the earth (literary). 3 female genitalia (euphemism). 4 small basket with an open mouth, usually rounded, made of rattan or bamboo, used as a container for the seeds when sowing or for harvested rice. v [a12] hit in the genital region.†

sÁbak2 n area of a field assigned to a particular person to work on.

sÁbal a 1 offering resistance to motion. SÁbal kaÁyu ning maggÚyud ta ug gÁkit, It’s slow-going if you tow a raft. 2 entailing encumbrance, a burden. SÁbal kaÁyu ang bÁtÀ sa lakaw, The child is a nuisance to take with you when you go out. Kining mga lÚun sa balay sÁbal kaÁyu, It’s a burden to have other people live with you. 3 obstructing the vision. SÁbal kaÁyu sa Átung panan-aw ang mga kÁhuy, The surrounding trees obstruct our view. v [B46; b6] be, become a drag to forward motion, burden, or obstruction.

sabana = gwayabanu.

sabang, sÁbang n area on or near the mouth of a river.

SÁbas a name of a person, not much respected, who is a smart aleck who makes cheap puns and wisecracks. -in- v 1 [A1; b6] make foolish jokes and wisecracks. Ayaw kug sinabÁsi, Don’t try to ridicule me. 2 [a12] treat s.o. the way one would treat Sabas (without proper deference). SinabÁsun man ku nÍya Ábig dÍlÌ musÚkul, He treats me like Sabas as if I wouldn’t stand up to him.

sabat v 1 [A23] speak after s.o. has spoken. UnyÀ misabat pud ang usang tÁwu bÍsag walÀ sultÍhi, And then the other man spoke in turn, though he hadn’t been spoken to. 1a answer. NgÁnung dÌ man ka musabat ug tawgun ka? Why don’t you answer when you’re called? 1b repeat words after, as in prayer. 2 [A2] attend a novena. DÍlÌ Ángayng itambung ug kumbira ug walÀ makasabat ug pangadyÌ, You shouldn’t attend the banquet if you did not attend the prayer. — amin a always agreeable to another’s viewpoint. Ang tÁwung sabat amin pirmi lang Úyun, A yes-man always gives his approval. panabtan v [A2; b6] lead the novena. manalabtan, mananabtan n one who leads the prayer in the novena.†

sabaw n 1 soup, gravy, juice given off by s.t. cooked. Sabaw sa manuk, Chicken soup. 2 water in coconut. 3 water that has gotten into a boat. 4 queer character trait, quirks. LÁin nÍmug sabaw À, You sure are a strange sort. Magkauyun mu kay parÍhu mu ug sabaw, You two will hit it off nicely because you have the same quirks. waw — exclamation of admiration for a sexy woman. v 1 [A3; b] cook s.t. with extra water or juice. Sabwi ug diyÚtay ang Útan, Add a little water to the vegetable stew. 2 [b4] for a ship or boat to take in water. Nasabwan ang sakayan kay dagkung balud, The boat took in water because the waves are high. lÁin ug — v [A23] take a different tack in a conversation. MulÁin ka man ug sabaw ug mag-isturyahÁnay ta sa Ímung kaÁgi, You change the subject when we talk about your past.

sabay1 n hand net used for scooping small fish out of water. v [A13; a12] make, make into such a net.

sabay2 often, usually. Sabay ingun niÁrung urÁsa siya malÍgÙ, She usually takes a bath at this time.

sÁbay1 v 1 [A2C; bc3] walk with, beside. MisÁbay siya paglakaw sa Íyang giulitawhan, He walked beside the girl he was courting. 2 [A2; b(1)] go by, around s.w. Unsa man tung mananÁpang misÁbay sa Ákung Úlu? What k.o. insect is this that is darting around my head? GisabÁyan nÁkÙ ang Ákung kuntra arun maglÁgut, I purposely went by my enemy’s house to provoke his anger.

sÁbay2 n k.o. jellyfish with stinging cells in the tentacles.

sab-ay v [AN; c] let s.t. dangle over the edge of s.t. or over one’s shoulder. Kinsay nagsab-ay sa tualya diri sa kurdÍsu? Who hung the towel over the window sill? Ayawg sab-Áyi ning Ákung abÁga sa Ímung buktun, Don’t hang your arms over my shoulder.

sabdyik n subject in school.

sabid n encumbrance, s.t. making action laborious. Way sabid nga mulakaw ang way anak, S.o. with no children can go out unencumbered. v [AB12; c5] become encumbered, cause encumbrance. Makasabid ning Ákung pagsabak sa Ákung trabÁhu, My pregnancy is a terrible encumbrance to my work.

*sabikil (from bikil) v [b(1)] accidentally nudge s.t. with the elbow. Ayawg yapayapa kay sabiklan nÍmu ang butilya, Don’t wave your hands around because you might knock the bottle with your elbow.

sabilay, sab-ilay = sambilay.

sabin v [A; b6] do s.t. in addition to one’s main task. Musabin kug pangutaw samtang maglung-ag, I’ll do some ironing while I’m cooking the rice. Isabin ta kag palit ug sigarilyug manmirkÁdu ku, I’ll buy your cigarettes when I go shopping.

sab-it v [A; c] 1 put s.t. small around s.t. that holds it or pierce it with a hook. Nasab-itan ang Ákung karsÚnis sa alambring tunukun, I snagged my pants on the barbed wire. Isab-it lang nang Ímung baskit sa halÍgi sa kural, Just hang your basket on the fence post. 2 decorate with a medal hung from a ribbon put around the neck. Gisab-Ítan siyag midalya, He was decorated with a medal. 2a attribute credit to s.o., give him the honor due him. 3 put a curved thing around s.t. to pluck or bring it down. Sab-Ítan lang nÍmu ang bÚnga ug kaw-it, DÌ na mistil sak-un, Just pull the fruit down with a hook on a pole. You don’t have to climb up for it. -anan n s.t. onto which s.t is hooked.†

sablag = sabwag, 1.

sablaw v 1 [B1256] for the strings to be out of tune. UnsÁun nÍmu pagkuskus Ánang sistÁha nga nasablaw man nÀ? How can you play that guitar when the strings are not tuned? 2 [B1256] be somewhat off, crazy. Uy nasablaw ka nga nagswÍtir ug mudtung dakÙ, Hey, have you gone crazy, wearing a sweater at high noon!

sablay v 1 [A1; c] put s.t. on top of s.t. else going beyond its edge. Kinsay nagsablay Íring kawÁyan sa kural? Who placed the bamboo pole across the fence? DÌ tÀ nÍmu sablÁyan nang alambri sa iliktrisidad, You should not hang anything from the electric wire. 2 [a12] for a boxer to totter (lean on the ropes). Nasablay sa ring ang buksidur dihang nagrÚgi siya, The boxer leaned on the ropes when he became groggy. — sa luwag state of development of the coconut where the meat is firm enough to hold together (lit. will hang over the edge of the ladle) but not stiff. -an(?) n longitudinal beams under the roof running along the posts on which the rafters (salagunting) rest.

sabli n saber. v [a12] make, make into a saber. (?) v [a12] stab with a saber.

sablig v [AN2; a12] throw or splash water on. GisablÍgan nÍyag tÚbig ang nagbagang puthaw, He splashed water on the glowing steel. n action of splashing or throwing water. paN- v [A2; c6] splash water on oneself in bathing, -ay v [C23] for politicians to engage in mudslinging.

sabluk n intense desire to eat s.t. one hasn’t eaten in a long time. v [A123P; a4] have an intense desire to eat s.t. Gisabluk kug mangga sa didtu ku sa IstÍts, I conceived an intense craving for mangoes when I was in the States. hiN- v [A] eat s.t. in great quantity to satisfy one’s intense desire to eat it. Makahinabluk tag kÁun ug mangga karung swildu, We can eat mangoes to our heart’s content on payday.

sabnit v [A; a2] snatch s.t., esp. in stealing. Nasakpan ang nagsabnit sa Íyang pitÁka, The man who snatched her bag was apprehended.

sabsab v [AN; a2] graze. TÚa sa lagÚna nanabsab, It’s in the pasture grazing. HÁin Áning kandÍnga nagsabsab sa misÍtas? Which of these goats ate the ornamental plants?

sabud1 v 1 [A2; b(1)] catch s.t. against an obstruction. Bantay kay musabud ang Ímung tiil sa tiil sa lamÍsa, Watch out or you will hit your foot against the table. Nasabdan ang misitÍra sa Íyang sÁya, Her skirt accidentally caught against the flower pot. 2 [A; a12] trip, cause s.o. to stumble. Kinsay nagsabud sa Ákung tiil? Who tripped me (lit. my foot)? 2a [A23] make a slip, trip up. Bisag unsÁun nÁtug amping sa Átung trabÁhu, musabud giyud ta usÁhay, No matter how careful we are, we can’t help making a mistake once in a while. 3 [a12] be delayed. Didtu na pud ka masabud sa bilyaran! You’re late again because you played billiards. walay — without offering obstruction. Way sabud nga pagkasyÁt, A basketball shot that went in without touching the ring. PilipÍnu, apan way sabud ang Íyang dÍlang musultig Ininglis, He’s a Filipino, but he can speak English with the greatest of fluency. (?)1 a cumbersome, giving hindrance to movement. Ubang bÁtÀ, dÌ layhan ug taas nga karsÚnis kay sÁbud kunu, Some children don’t like long pants because they’re cumbersome.

sÁbud2 v [A; c] 1 sow, sprinkle seeds on a bed. Ang dÁwang Ákung isÁbud, The millet I am going to sow. 2 feed chickens by sprinkling grains on the ground. n action of throwing grains. ÁkÙ rung sÁbud sa manuk, It’s my turn to feed the chickens. (?)2 1 grain to strew to fowls. 2 = saburan. saburan n seedbed where seeds are sprinkled for germination.†

sabug, sÁbug usually, most commonly [so-and-so] rather than s.t. else. Sabug siyang muanhi sa upisÍna maalas utsu, He usually comes to the office at eight o’clock. Sabug sa Ákung midiyas putÌ, Most of my socks are white. ma- = sabug.

sÁbul = bulsa (slang).

sabÚlag (from bulag) v [A; c] strew, scatter out. NahisabÚlag ang mga libru nga Ákung gikaptan dihang gipakuratan ku, The books I was carrying fell in all different directions when s.o. frightened me.

sabÚlak v [A; c] strew, sprinkle s.t. small. Kinsay nagsabÚlak ug pasÌ sa mais sa Ákung gardin? Who strewed corn grains in my garden? SabulÁki ug kinudkud kÍsu ang sud-an, Sprinkle grated cheese on the food.

sabun n 1 soap. 2 intense scolding. v 1 [A; b(1)] soap s.t. Sabnig maÁyu ang kamisin kay nagkagrÁsa, Soap the undershirt well because it is smeared with grease. 2 [A; b5] be severely scolded. Nasabun (nasabunan) ku. Ikaw man gud, I got a good scolding because of you. -in-an n s.t. onto which soap has been rubbed.

sÁbung n cockfight, usually without gaffs. v [AC; a] 1 fight cocks. SabÚngan ku nang Ímung ugis sa Ákung pula, I will try out my red cock on your white one. 2 pair off people, usually in a love match. pa-a let [subject] have a light from a burning cigarette. PasabÚnga ku bi, Let me have a light. -Íru, maN-r-(?) n one who fights cocks.

sab-ung v [A; c6] 1 hang s.t. by passing it around s.t. else. Kasab-Úngan nang Ímung simud ug baskit, You’re pouting. (Lit. A basket could be hung from your mouth.) Isab-ung lang nang sista sa halÍgi, Just hang the guitar over the post. 2 decorate with a pendant medal hung from a ribbon. -anan n hook or nail from which things are hung.

saburnu = suburnu.

sabut v 1 [A2] understand. WalÀ ka makasabut kay dÍlÌ man ka musabut, You didn’t understand because you don’t want to understand. Ayaw ug sabta ug lÁin ug dÌ ku muadtu sa inyu, Don’t take it wrong if I do not go to your place. 2 [A12] sense, be vaguely aware of s.t. MidÁgan ang irÙ kay nakasabut nga ihÁwun siya, The dog ran away because he sensed that he would be slaughtered. Hingsabtan ming MÁma nga manan-aw mig sini, Mama became aware that we were planning to go to the movies. 3 [A23] obey, do what one was told to do. BÍsag sÁun nÍmug ingun dÌ giyud nÀ siya musabut, No matter how much you tell him, he won’t obey. n one’s way of understanding. Sa Ákung sabut, dÌ na tu mubÁlik, As I understand it, he won’t come back. interjection 1 I don’t know (giving a curt tone). ‘KahibÁwu kag hÁin si Tatay?’—‘Sabut,’ ‘Do you know where Father is?’—‘Nope.’ SabÚt uruy nÍya ug mukÚyug ba siya, I don’t know about him, if he is going. 2 understand? (short for nakasabut ka?) (?) v 1 [C; ab4] make, come to an agreement with s.o. MagsÁbut tag unsÁun nÁtÙ pagbÁyad sa Útang, Let’s agree on how to pay the debt. NagkasÁbut na ba mu si Pidru bÁhin sa pagbÁhin sa yÚtÀ? Have you come to an agreement with Pedro about how the land is to be divided? Ikay makigsÁbut ni Binut kay kamuy amÍgu, You make the agreement with Benot because you two are friends. Unsay inyung gikasabÚtan? What agreement did you make? Lisud kang igkasÁbut kay dÌ ka mutÚman, It’s impossible to have an agreement with you because you don’t stick to your promises. 2 [C; abc3] talk s.t over to reach s.t. mutually agreeable. MagsÁbut lang unyÀ ta ug pilay bayranan, We’ll come to an agreement later on the price. MahÍmÙ pang sabÚtun ang inyung gikasungÍan, You can still talk your quarrel over. SabÚti siya ug musugut ba, Have a talk with him to see if he is amenable. DÌ siya ikasÁbut kay dÌ mamÍnaw ug rasun, You can’t come to terms with him because he doesn’t listen to reason. 3 [C; a12] conspire, be in cahoots, make special arrangements with s.o. NagsÁbut ning duha kay parÍhu ug pamasÁngil, The two are in cahoots because they have the same alibi. SabÚtun nÁkÙ ang gwardiya arun mu paagÍun, I will make arrangements with the guard so that you will be allowed to pass. 4 [C13] hit it off. NagkasÁbut dÁyun ning duha kay parÍhu sila ug sabaw, The two hit it off nicely because they are both of the same ilk. n agreement reached. pa- v 1 [A3] show, give indications of doing s.t. DÌ ka mupasabut nga nangÍsug ka, Don’t show that you are angry. 2 [A2; a2] explain to make s.o. understand s.t. Pasabta ku ngÁnung kining sumÁhay miguwÀ, Explain to me why this sum appeared. Unsa may Ímung ipasabut ÁnÀ? What do you mean by that? -in-(?), sinabtanay, sinabtÁnay v [C3; c3] understand each other’s viewpoint. ka-(?) n person with whom one has an agreement. ka-an(?) n agreement, pact. Ang kasabÚtan bÁhin sa nigusyu nakahÁtag ug dakung pabur sa PilipÍnas, The trade agreement gave the Philippines a big advantage. -l-an(?) n mind, intellect. HÁit ug salabÚtan si MÍri kay hÚmuk siya makasabut, Mary has a keen mind because she easily understands. paN- = sabut, n. salabtunun a meaningful, giving hidden meaning. Mau tuy Ímung nadungug apan sabtunun (salabtunun) tu kaÁyu, That’s what you heard but it was full of hidden meaning. masinabtÁnun, masinabÚtun a considerate, understanding.

sabutÁhi v [A; a12] sabotage. SabutahÍun nÁtÙ ang baskit arun mudaug ang pusta ni Pidru, Let’s sabotage the game so that Pedro will win his bet. n sabotage.

sabÚwak = sabÚlak.

sÁbuy v [A; b6] pass by close to a place. MisÁbuy lang mi sa Sikihur padÚlung sa DumagÍti, We just went by Siquijor on the way to Dumaguete. sabuysÁbuy v [A; b6] pass back and forth. NagsabuysÁbuy lang ang ulitÁwu sa Íla kay naÚlawng mamisÍta, The young man just walked back and forth in front of the house because he was too shy to go in.

sab-uy v [A; a] throw hot liquid at s.o. Sab-Úyig Ínit tÚbig nang nanghangad, Throw hot water at the peeping tom under the house.

sabwag (from bulag) v [AN2; c] 1 throw liquid or s.t. in grains. Kinsay nagsabwag nÍmu ug tÚbig? Who threw water on you? SabwÁgi ug balas ang dÁub kay misilÁub, Throw sand on the fire because it flared up. Isabwag ang sinsilyu sa mga bÁtÀ, Throw the coins out to the children. 1a supply in abundance. DÍlÌ makadaug ang pulitikung way kwartang isabwag, The politician who doesn’t have money to spread out can’t win. 1b emit, send forth s.t. in extensive or intensive degree (literary). BÚlan nga nagsabwag sa Íyang kasÍlaw, The moon that was sending forth its rays. 2 [A13; c6] spread news, make s.t. known to many. Isabwag ang balitÀ nga nakadaug kita sa burÚka, Spread the news that we have won the court case. 3 [A2] spread. Misabwag sa Íyang lÁwas ang hanggÀ, The smallpox spread all over her body. -ay n a version of jackstones where the player throws a number of stones on the ground and flips them against each other. v [AC; c1] play sabwagay.

sabyag v 1 [A; c6] throw water, sand. Akuy misabyag ug tÚbig sa kÁyu, I threw water on the fire. Kinsa man tung nagsabyag ug balas sa Ákung nawung? Who was it that threw sand in my face? 2 [A13B; c6] spread, cause to spread. Isabyag ang balitÀ, Spread the news. Misabyag ang hanggÀ sa Íyang kalawÁsan, The chicken pox spread over his body.

sabyu a wise and deeply experienced, often with prophetic abilities. Ang sabyung tigÚlang nakatagnÀ sa gÚbat, The wise old man foretold the Second World War. v [B12] become wise.

sabyuk = sabluk.

sad = usab.

sÁd = sÁlad1.

sad-ang1 n in cockfighting, when a larger cock fights a smaller one, a manner of attaching the gaff on the larger one to offset his advantage: the gaff is placed higher than usual and the ring holding the gaff is not tied around the cock’s hind toe. v [c1] attach the gaff in this way.

sad-ang2 v [A; b6(1)] hook, snag s.t. s.w. Kinsay misad-ang sa sudlay sa Ákung Úlu? Who stuck the comb on my head? Gamay nga sanga ang Íyang gisad-Ángan sa kawit, He hooked the palm toddy container over a small branch.

sad-ay v [A; c] rest s.t. over s.t. else. Nagsad-ay siya sa Íyang sÍku sa kurdÍsu, He rested his elbows on the window sill. Hisad-ayan sa Ákung kamut ang Íyang pÁa, I accidentally rested my hand on her thigh.

sadiyÀ a lively and gay. v [B; a2b6] be, become, make lively, merry. MagsadiyÀ ta kay midaug ang Átung kandidÁtu, Let’s be merry because our candidate won. Sa nagkahubug sila nagkasadiyÀ pud, The drunker they got the gayer they became. ka- n liveliness, state of being merry. ma-un a gay, lively.

sadlayin = sayid layin.

sadsad v [A; a2] dance, with the feet (rather than with the hands or some other part of the body). Hala! Panadsad mung tanan, All right! Everybody dance! n dancing. DÚgayng wÀ makatilawg sadsad, Hadn’t danced for a long time.

sadsarun = sitsarun.

sadtu 1 = niadtu. see kadtu. 2 = kaniadtu (dialectal).

saduk = saruk.

sad-ung1 = sab-ung.

*sad-ung2 -in- n close stitches for sewing buttonholes. v [A; ab] sew a buttonhole stitch. Akuy nagsinad-ung sa sidsid, I sewed the hem with buttonhole stitches. -in-an n trimmed with lace.

sadyap n k.o. twill weave of cloth done in the same way as amÁkan (cf. amÁkan). -in- v [A13; a12] weave s.t. in this way.

sag = sÁlag.

sÁgÀ n 1 portion or group from a larger quantity, esp. of things for sale. TagpÍla ang sÁgÀ sa kÍk? How much is the cake per portion? 2 portion of things strung. Usa ka sÁgang isdÀ, A string of fish. v 1 [A; a] apportion things. Akuy musÁgÀ sa dakung isdÀ, I’ll divide the big fish into several portions. 2 [A; a12] string things into groups, usually for sale.

sagÁbal a hindering, restricting movement, esp. in the achievement of s.t. SagÁbal kaÁyu sa Átung panghunÀhunÀ nga adÚnay daghang atimanun, It’s difficult to think straight when there are too many details to attend to. n hindrance, s.t. that prevents achievement. v 1 [A; b6] constitute a hindrance. Ang Íyang pagkaiks kumbik nagsagÁbal sa Íyang pangimplÍyu, His record was an obstacle to his getting a job. SagabÁlan ka bag dala Áning malÍta? Will it be a burden for you to bring this suitcase? 2 [B46; b6] be unwieldy. MusagÁbal gawÍun ang prakul ug tas-un ang pul-an, The hatchet will be unwieldy if the handle is made too long.

sagÁbay (from gÁbay) n friend, comrade with whom one has common interests and sympathies. AdÚnay mga prupisur nga sagÁbay sa kumunista, There are professors who are communist sympathizers. v [B256C; a12] be friends with, stick together as friends. MusagÁbay kahÀ ka nÁkÙ ug tinuntuhan ku? Would you stick by me if s.o. tries to do s.t. to me?

sÁgad1 1 — sa most, all. SÁgad sa muanhi taganurti, Most of those that come here are from the North. SÁgad sa mga tÁwu dinhi, Most of the people here. Ang sÁgad gibug-atun, The usual weight. 2 with verbs: usually. SÀgad mulikÌ ang bÁsu ug huwarag Ínit tÚbig, Glasses usually crack if hot water is poured into them. 3 common, usual thing. Ang sÁgad nÍmung buhÁtun mau ang pagtug-an nÍmu sa inyung dakÙdÀkÙ, The usual thing for you to do is for you to report (it) to your immediate superior. v [A13] be, become usual, commonplace. NagsÁgad na ang pangÁwat diri sa ÁmÙ, Stealing is rampant in our place. kasagÁran = sÁgad, 1, 2, 3. 4 ordinary. Ispisiyal ni, dÍlÌ ingun sa ubang kasagÁran nga bulpin, This is special, not like other ordinary ball point pen.

*sÁgad2 sagdi short for pasagdi. see pa-(?), 2a. pa- v [A2S; b6] 1 do s.t. without adequate preparation or forethought. MipasÁgad ka lag tubag bisag wÀ masÁyud, You just went and gave any old answer, even though you didn’t know. NgÁnung magpasÁgad (magpasagad) ka man ug yabu ug tÚbig sa bintÁnÀ? Why do you throw water carelessly out of the window? PasagÁri lang ug pusil. MakaigÙ tingÁli kag usa, Just shoot at random. You might hit one. pa-(?) v 1 [A; b(1)] neglect, fail to give s.t. its proper attention. TibÍhun ka ug magpasagad ka sa lÁwas, You’ll contract T.B. if you neglect your health. Nahagbung siya kay nagpasagad lang sa pagtuun, He flunked because he neglected his studies. 2 [A12; b(1)] ignore, not heed, disregard. Makapasagad ka sa Íyang mga abÚsu? Could you ignore his abuses? 2a [b(1)] let be, don’t do anything to s.t. Pasagdiku. Lakaw lag Ímu, Let me be. Go by yourself. Sagdi (pasagdi, pasagdahi) lang, Never mind, forget it. 2b [b8] be disregarded. Ang kalagmÍtan nga ang mamumÚnÙ nÍa pa sa syudad dÍlÌ kapasagdan, The likelihood that the killer is still in the city cannot be disregarded. pinasagdan n s.t. neglected. mapinasagdÁnun, mapinasagÁrun a neglectful. 3 [A] live, stay unconcerned or resignedly (come what may). Magpasagad lang ku dinhi kay wÀ na kuy mga paryinti, I’ll stay here to rot for I have no more family.

sagadsad a shuffling. v [A13; a2b6] walk with shuffling steps. -in- n shuffling noise. Ang sinagadsad sa Íyang sinÍlas, The shuffling of his slippers.

sagahid1 v [B6; c1] drag one’s legs in moving from one place to another, usually because of an injury or defect. Magsagahid nang Íyang mga tiil kay gipulyu man siya, She drags her feet when she walks because she is a polio victim. Ayaw sagahira (isagahid) ang Ímung sapÁtus arun dÌ magubÀ ug dalÌ, Don’t drag your feet when you walk or your shoes will wear out right away.

sagahid2 = saghid.

sagÁkang = sagÁkay.

sagÁkay v [A; a12] carry or support s.o. with both arms under him. Amahan nga misagÁkay sa patayng lÁwas sa bÁtÀ, A father carrying his child’s dead body in his arms.

sagalak v [B2S46; c1] for liquid to flow with a noisy bubbling or slurping sound. Nagsagalak ang tÚbig sa tubud, The water in the spring is flowing with a bubbling sound. Ayaw sagalÁka (isagÁlak) paghÍgup ang sabaw, Don’t sip your soup noisily.

sagalsal a rough with small bumps. v [B; c6] be, become rough. Nawung nga nagsagalsal sa bugas, A face dotted with pimples. -un a a rough, bumpy sort. v [B12] become rough. Nasagalsalun ang karsÁda pag-ulan, The road became rough when it rained.

sagang v 1 [A; a12] fend off, ward off or block a thrust or blow. WÀ siya makasagang (makapanagang) sa Ákung hampak, He wasn’t able to ward off my blows. 2 [A; a12] support, keep weight up. Kining parÚlus mauy musagang sa mga busaug, This crossbeam is what supports the joists. n 1 protection. Tambal nga muhÁtag sab ug talagsaung sagang sa mga sakit sa pÁnit, Medicine that gives unusual protection against skin diseases. 2 the action of fending off a blow. paN- v [A] answer, respond to a query. WÀ ku makapanagang sa kinalisdang tuksÙ sa banggÀ, I was not able to answer the hardest question in the contest. n s.t. magical (charm, medicinal concoction, prayer) worn on the body as a defense against evil spirits or influences. sagangsÁgang v [A; c] ward off hunger, difficulty temporarily. MakasagangsÁgang giyud ning lagutmun sa kagÚtum, We can depend on root crops for food during the lean months.†

sag-ang1 a thin and emaciated. Sag-ang siya kaÁyu human masakit, He was very thin after his sickness. v [B; b6] become thin and emaciated.

sagangat n a barb of a hook, spear, arrow, harpoon. v [A; a12] hit with a spear having several tines. (?) n spear with several tines for fishing. v 1 [AB6; a1] hook s.t. on a barb, be hooked. MisagÁngat (nasagÁngat) ang angkla sa dakung batu, The anchor got hooked on a big stone. SagangÁta ang isdÀ, Spear the fish. 2 [A2SP; a12] make, make into a spear with several tines.

sagangsang v [B] be rough with sharp projecting edges. Nagsagangsang ang Íyang nawung sa buti, His face is rough with smallpox. -un a rough, not smooth. Sagangsangun ang ngilit sa dÁhun sa magay, The edge of a maguey leaf is sharp and thorny.

sagansal = sagalsal.

sÁgap v [A123S; a3b2] 1 catch a whiff by accident. Nakasagap kug bÁhÙ sa patayng ilagÀ, I got a whiff of the dead rat. 1a catch some gossip. DalÌ siyang makasagap ug tÁbÌ, She is good at sniffing out gossip. 2 come upon suddenly, become aware of the existence of s.t. Nasagapan sa mga sundÁlu ang tinabÚnang masinggan, The soldiers came upon the hidden machine gun nest. 3 [A; a] search for s.t., covering an area. GisÁgap nÍla ang kabukÍran sa pagpangÍtÀ sa pÚga, They covered the mountains looking for the fugitive.

sagapsap1 a 1 fibrous and dry to chew. Sagapsap kan-un ang lÚtung way sabaw, Rice with no soup is very dry to try to eat. GiluwÀ na nÁkÙ ang tubu kay sagapsap na, WÀ nay dugÀ, I spit the sugarcane out because it was all pulp and didn’t have any more juice. 2 rough to the touch. Sagapsap na siyag nawung kay napunÙ sa bugas, His face is rough because of the pimples. n sound made by a pig eating. v 1 [B; b6] be, become pulpy or dry to chew. Masagapsap ang humay ug dÌ baghÁsan, Rice is hard to eat if it isn’t well-polished. 2 [B; b6] for a surface to be rough to the touch. 3 [B1; a12] make the noise of a pig eating.

sagapsap2 n k.o. fish.

sagarat, sagÁrat = lagarat.

sagÀsÀ1 v [A] make the hollow cracking sound of s.t. splitting. MisagÀsÀ ang sag-ub nga natumba sa batu, The bamboo container went crack when it fell on the stones.

sagÀsÀ2 n k.o. small tree of second growth forest, commonly used as firewood. -un(?) a wood resembling sagÀsÀ which has grains that do not run straight and parallel, such that splitting it lengthwise is difficult.

sagatÀ = sugatÀ.

sagay a matured coconuts at the stage when one can hear the water but the husk is still green. v 1 [B5] reach the mature, but not brown, stage. 2 [A; a] gather mature coconuts.

sÁgay v [B2456] for s.t. highly fragile to break into pieces. MisÁgay ang bangÀ nga natumba, The earthen jar broke to pieces when it toppled over.

sagÁyad v [A2S; c1] drag, trail behind. Nagsagayad ang Íkug sa bÚda, The train of her gown was trailing behind her.

sagaysay v [AB3(1); c1] make stones skip over the surface of the water, for a stone to do so. DÍlÌ makasagaysay ang batu nga lÍngin, A round stone can’t skip over the surface of the water. n action of skipping a stone over the surface of the water.

sagbat = sakbat.

sagbay = sablay.

sagbuk = sabluk.

sagbut n 1 weeds or grasses: any herbaceous plants growing wild. — sa dÁgat n seaweeds. 1a leafy vegetables (humorous). SÍgi lang tang mangÁun niÍnig sagbut, We always have to eat weeds. 2 trash, rubbish. v [A; b6] put rubbish s.w. Kinsa may nagsagbut diri sa tugkaran? Who strewed rubbish all over the yard? ka-an(?) n place where there are weeds. -un(?) a full of weeds, trash. v [B1256] get to be full of weeds or trash.

saghid v [A; b4(1); c6P] brush, come into light contact. NapÁsÙ ku kay nasaghiran sa kamut ku ang Ínit nga plansa, I burned myself when I touched the hot iron. Ayawg isaghid (ipasaghid) ang alambri sa atup, Don’t let the wire come into contact with the roof.

sÁgib1 v [A; a12] go about a place covering it thoroughly. Ang mga mananagat misÁgib sa dÁgat pagpangÍtÀ sa nalumus, The fishermen combed the sea searching for the drowned man. SagÍbun nÁtug panaygun ang tanang tindÁhan, Let’s carol at every store.

sÁgib2 v [A; a12] transport firewood by letting it float from the place it was gathered to its destination. n this method of transporting firewood. mag-r-(?) n one who gathers firewood and transports it this way.

sagÍbu v [A; a] scythe down weeds and small bushes. Ákung sagibÚhun ang mga tanum nga wÀ kinahanglana, I’ll cut down the useless plants. n s.t. used to cut down weeds. sagibunhun n thicket of weeds. v [B2; a4] get overgrown with weeds. Nagkasagibunhun ang tugkaran nga way bungaybÚngay, The yard hasn’t been weeded in ages and is getting overgrown. Gisagibunhun na ang plÁsa, The plaza is all overgrown.

sagidsid v [A3; b4(1)] move too close to the edge of a pathway or passageway. Nagpasagidsid pagpadÁgan ang awtu mau nga nasagidsiran usab ang tÁwu nga dihÀ sa daplin nagtindug, The car was too close to the edge of the road, so the man standing by the roadside was sideswiped. pa- v [A; c1] get close to the edge of a pathway. Nagpasagidsid kus kabalayan nga galakaw kay gaulan man, I walked close by the houses because it was raining.

sag-ilay v [A13; c6] carry on or sling s.t. over the shoulder. Ang mananagat nagsag-ilay sa bugsay paÚlÌ sa Íla, The fisherman was carrying his paddle over his shoulder as he walked home. Isag-ilay ang bÁg arun sayun dad-un, Sling the bag over your shoulder so that it will be easy to carry.

sagÍlit v [A2S] move forward swiftly over the water. MusagÍlit ang sakayan basta kusug ang hÁngin, The boat will move swiftly if the wind is strong.

sÁging n banana tree, fruit. v [b6] put bananas in s.t. Sagingan ba nÁtÙ ang linat-an? Shall we put bananas in the stew? -in-(?) n sweet made from mashed, ripe tungdan bananas mixed with rice flour, wrapped in young coconut leaves and boiled. v [A; a] make, have sinaging. sagingsaging n k.o. ornamental tuberous plant, the general name for members of the genus Canna.

sagiput v [A2; a2] get away, moving through s.t. with great agility. DalÌ rang nakasagiput ang mangunguut sa daghang mga tÁwu, The pickpocket easily eluded capture by running through the crowd.

sagip-ut = hagip-ut, a1, v1. see gip-ut.

sagÍrit v [A2S; b6] speed away from s.t., whizz by s.t. NagsagÍrit (nagsagirit) siyang nagsakay sa mutur, walÀ manumbÁling ug hiabugan mi, He sped by on his motorcycle not caring that he was getting dust all over us.

sagÍsag n 1 name taken by a person as a pen name, stage name, or given as a representation of his character. Hitlir ang sagÍsag ni SikilgrÚbir, The world knew Schicklgruber as Hitler. 2 object used as a symbol. Pati ang sagÍsag sa kalÍnaw, The dove is a symbol of peace.

sagisi = bil-is. sagisihun n k.o. fish, a type of lagaw.

sagitsit v [A] speed on the surface of water or skip over the surface. Lisud ig-un ang tambasÁkan ug musagitsit sa tÚbig, It is hard to hit the mudskipper when it races over the surface of the water. Spidbut nga nagsagitsit sa tÚbig, Speedboat rushing over the water. — gu words uttered to start a race. Únu, dus, sagitsit, gu, Get ready, get set, go!

sagiwsiw v [A] for blood to flow profusely. Misagiwsiw ang dugÙ sa gisubÁan, Blood flowed profusely from the woman that had a hemorrhage.

sagka = saka, in all meanings and with all affixes except -da.

sagmukÙ v [B1456; b3] be in low spirits. NagsamukÙ siya, may gikagul-an tingÁli, She is in low spirits. S.t. must be bothering her.

sagmÚkuy v [A3; c1] be crestfallen, have a downhearted look. NagsagmÚkuy ang Íyang nawung kay wÀ hatÁgi sa gipangÁyÙ, She had a crestfallen look because she wasn’t given what she had asked for. hi-/ha- v [B1256] have a crestfallen, downhearted look. NahasigmÚkuy si TÁtay sa pagkahibalu nga nahagbung ku sa bÁr, Father became silent in disappointment when he learned I failed the bar exam.

sagmun1 n cloth or clothes used to wrap a baby. v [A13; a] wrap a baby up in s.t. SagmÚni ang bÁtÀ kay tugnaw, Wrap up the baby because it’s cold.

sagmun2 = salÚmun. see sÁlum.

sagmuyÙ (from puyÙ) v 1 [B156] be, become pensive and quiet. NagsagmuyÙ siya sa paghinunÀhÚnÀ sa nawÁlang kwarta, She was pensive and silent thinking about the money that had disappeared. 2 [B26] be, become silent and dejected as if in disappointment, defeat, embarrassment. NasagmuyÙ ang ulitÁwung gibalibÁran, The young man was dejected when she turned him down. hi-/ha- v [B1256] be struck dumb with surprise. NahisagmuyÙ ang amahan pagkabatÌ sa nutisya, The father became speechless upon hearing the news. kahi- n silent, speechless surprise.

sagnunut see nunut.

sagpÀ v [A; a2b2] slap, strike the face with the open palm. mu rag gi- ug wala deeply insulted (as if slapped in the face with the left hand). Mitalikud si Pidru mu rag gisagpag wala kay gigahutan ni Ansay, Pedro turned away very much embarrassed because Ansay shouted at him. n 1 slap in the face. 2 insult. SagpÀ sa Ákung pagkatÁwu ang Íyang gipamÚlung, What he said was an insult to my honor. — bahÀ n a k.o. freshwater shrimp about 1½ long which has one claw broader than its body. paN- v [a1] for s.t. to boomerang on one such that he becomes the very thing that he scorns. Kusug kaÁyung manaway nang bayhÁna kaniadtu sa mga lalÁking turÚtuy, apan gipanagpÀ kay inÁnu giyud hinÚun ang nabÁna, That woman used to laugh at short men, but it boomeranged on her because she got a midget for a husband.

sagpang = sikuhan. see sÍku1.

sagpÙ v [A; a12b2] 1 catch birds in the nest by putting the cupped hands over the top. 2 touch parts of s.o.’s body with the whole hand, esp. private and other delicate parts. Ayawg apil ug dÚlÀ sa mga lÁki kay hingsagpuan Ímung tÚtuy, Don’t join in the boys’ games because s.o. might touch your breasts. paN- v [A2] go hunting for birds to catch them in their nests.

*sagrÁda — iskritÚra n the Holy Scriptures. — Pamilya n The Holy Family.

sagrÁdu a sacred. SagrÁdu kaÁyu ning dapÍta kay dinhi mahÚgas ang kasundalÚhan, This place is very sacred because here the soldiers were annihilated. v [B125; b6] be, become, consider s.t. sacred. NasagrÁdu Álang sa mga bitirÁnu ang singgit nga BatÁan, The cry ‘Bataan’ has become sacred to the veterans. — Kurasun di Hisus n The Sacred Heart of Jesus.

sagu1 n starch obtained from palm trunks, esp. the sago palm (lumbiya) and the buri palm (buli).

sagu2 n dead man’s saliva.

sag-u = sag-Úlu. see Úlu.

sagu` v [A23] produce a sudden but prolonged groaning sound. Misagu` siya dihang naigÙ sa kutukutu, He let out a groan when he received a blow in the solar plexus. PagdusÙ nÍya sa tukun dihÀ sa tÚbig misagu` kini, The water produced a rushing sound when he thrust a pole into it.

sag-ub n a bamboo 6–7' long with the nodes removed except at the bottom, used to fetch liquids. v 1 [A; a] haul liquid in this container. Sag-Úbun ta lang ning tubÀ, Let’s haul this palm toddy in a bamboo tube container. Sag-Úban tikag tÚbig, I’ll fetch you some water. 2 [A3; a12] make into such a container. maN-r- n one who carries water.

sagubang v [A; a1] face responsibilities, difficulties and endure them. Akuy musagubang sa Ímung galastÚhan, I will take care of your expenses. Nagsagubang tag daghang suliran, We are faced with many difficulties. Sagubangun ku ang kamÍngaw, I will endure the loneliness.

sagud v [A; a1] 1 take over the responsibilities for the expenses or care of s.t. Akuy nagsagud sa mga galastÚhan sa balay, I’m shouldering the household expenses. Sagura ang Ílu, Take care of the orphans. 2 take the blame. Ang nakasalÀ mauy musagud sa tanang pagbÁsul, The culprit must take all the blame.

sÁgud v [B12; b6] for a rope or string to be worn out by friction. NasÁgud na ang Ákung pasul, My fishline is all worn out.

sagudsud n noisy sound of shuffling feet. v [A; c] walk with a shuffling sound. Ayawg isagudsud ang sapÁtus kay dalÌ mahÍlis, Don’t drag your shoes when you walk or they’ll wear out fast.

saguksuk n :triggerfish which grow the size of a man’s hand and which have a long projecting dorsal spine.

sagÚkum v [A; a1] 1 take s.o. in the arms and :embrace him tightly. Ákung gisagÚkum ang bÁtang naghilak, I took the child that was crying and embraced him. 2 assume :responsibility for. Ang uyuan mauy misagÚkum sa mga Ílu, The uncle took on the responsibility of taking care of the orphans. 3 incorporate into. Mga katungud nga gisagÚkum sa Batakang BalÁud, Rights incorporated into the Constitution. 4 harbor feelings within oneself (literary). KasilÙ nga gisagÚkum sa kinahiladman, The disappointments he harbored deep within him.

sagukuy v [A2] leave a group or gathering surreptitiously. Musagukuy ta arun dÌ ta hitawgan ug pakanta, Let’s sneak out of here so we won’t be called on to sing.

sÁgul v 1 [AC; ab2] mix s.t. with s.t. else, be mixed. Kinsay nagsÁgul ug asin Áring asÚkar? Who mixed the salt and the sugar together? SagÚlun ta ning sibin-ap ug ram, Let’s mix seven-up and rum together. Bitsuylas ang isÁgul sa linat-ang bÁbuy, Put beans in the pork stew. 2 [AC] go, mix with a group. NagsÁgul ang hayiskul ug tagakÁlids sa bayli, The high school and college students were together in the dance. n 1 thing added or mixed in. May sÁgul nga ram ang kÚk, The coke has rum added. 2 mixed, interspersed with. GibatbÁtan ku nÍya sa nahitabÙ sÁgul bakhÙ, She told me what happened interspersed with sobs. (?) 1 = sÁgul, n1. 2 fresh coconut palm toddy which has old toddy mixed into it. Ang tubÀ nga sagul daling makahubug, Fresh coconut palm toddy mixed with old toddy makes you drunk quick. -in- n things mixed or used in mixing. saksak -in- a mixture of all different things. Ang Ílang sud-an saksak sinÁgul nga karni: may bÁbuy, bÁka, kanding ug irÙ pa, The dish was a mixture of various kinds of meat: there was pork, beef, and dog’s meat as well. v [B145] be a varied mixture of all kinds. Nagsaksak sinÁgul ang Íyang sinultihan—Tinagawug, BinisayÀ, Ininglis, Her speech is a hodgepodge of English, Tagalog, and Visayan. sagulsÁgul varied in profusion. v [C] be varied and profuse. SagulsÁgul ang mga baligyÀ sa Tabuan, There’s all different things for sale in the market. ka-(?) n a different one each time. KasÁgul lang nang Ímung pamalÍbad, You have no end of excuses. (You make a new one each time.) v [A13] come up with a different one each time.

sag-Úlu see Úlu.

sagumÁyun n k.o. freshwater fish with a flat head, the size of a man’s finger.

sagum-ut a 1 unsmiling. Sagum-ut ug nawung ang mga pildÍru, Losers in gambling have unsmiling faces. 2 for the hair to be disheveled, uncombed. Panudlay kay sagum-ut kaÁyu ang Ímung buhuk, Comb your hair because it’s all disheveled. v 1 [A; b6] get an unsmiling expression. 2 [B; c1] get disheveled. ka- n facial expression depicting a feeling of unhappiness.

sagungsung v [B; a12] speak through the nose. Magsagungsung ang Átung sinultihan basta sip-unun ta, You speak through the nose if you have a cold.

sagÚngut (from Úngut) v [B246] pierce into s.t. and stick fast. MisagÚngut ang tagÀ sa hÁsang, The hook got stuck in the gills.

sagunsun (from sunsun) v [A; a2] do s.t. in rapid succession or several times in a row. Misagunsun siyag ubu, He coughed repeatedly. Ug makasagunsun kag igÙ sa buls-ay, If you can hit the bulls-eye repeatedly. a done repeatedly. Sagunsun ang Íyang panganak, She had babies in rapid succession.

sagunting = salagunting.

saguntÙ v [A2] 1 hit s.t. and jounce. MisaguntÙ ang dyÍp sa batsi, The jeep bounced when it hit the hole in the road. 2 grunt, esp. when hit in the pit of stomach. MisaguntÙ ang pubring naigus kutukutu, The poor fellow groaned when he was hit in the pit of the stomach.

sagup v [A; a12] 1 adopt or take s.o. under one’s care. Ug sagupun ta ka, dad-un mu ang Ákung apilyÍdu, If I adopt you, you will take my surname. 1a harbor, give temporary shelter. SalÁud ang pagsagup ug pÚga, It is a crime to shelter an escaped convict. Ang Ákung kandidatÚra gisagup sa partÍdu, My candidacy was under the aegis of the party. 2 accept an idea, belief. Ang pagsagup sa binag-ung paÁgi sa pag-uma, Adoption of the modern methods of farming. Ang kumunismu sayung sagupun sa mga pubring nagkalisudlisud, It is not hard for the poor people who have a hard life to embrace communism. -in- n an adopted person.

sagÚran n cloth woven of fiber taken from the unopened leaf of the buri palm, similar to raffia, used for curtains, blankets, and the like. v [A; b6] weave this material.

sÁgut v [B3(1)4] for a trawling net to drag on the bottom when it should just skim. NagsÁgut ang palakÁya kay daghang bagal ug batu nga nadala, The trawl net is dragging on the sand because we took in lots of rocks and shells.

sagutsut (from sutsut) n 1 slurping sound. 2 = sagadsad. v [AP; c16P] slurp, eat or drink with a sucking sound. Insik nga nagsagutsut sa Íyang nilÚgaw, A Chinaman slurping his rice soup. ka-an n place where grasses or bushes are tall and dense and hard to get through (so called from the rustling sounds one makes in going through this sort of land).

sagutsutun1 a stunted of growth. Sagutsutun kaÁyu ang mga tanum nga mahawngan, Plants growing in the shade are stunted in growth.

sagutsutun2 a rough-surfaced, not smooth. Sagutsutun kaÁyu kag pÁnit, You have very rough skin. v [B; b6] for a surface to be rough.

saguy 1 = gaguy. 2 = buguy.

saguysuy n continuous, persistent cough that sounds resonant, vibrating against the back. v [B; a] have a persistent, continuous, dry cough. Akuy lisdan ug magsaguysuy na ang bÁtÀ, I am the one who feels uneasy when the child coughs continuously.

sagÚyud (from gÚyud) v [A2S; c1] be trailing along behind with one end being pulled at an elevation and the other end being dragged. MusagÚyud ang kawÁyan nga gikarga sa karumÁta, The bamboo loaded on the cart will drag on the ground. Ug mulÚun ka sa bisiklÍta, dÍlÌ saguyÚrun (isagÚyud) ang Ímung tiil, If you ride on the back of the bicycle, don’t drag your feet.

sagyad v [A; c6P] hang down and touch a lower level. DÍlÌ makasagyad sa salug ang Íyang tiil iniglingkud nÍya, His feet don’t touch the floor when he sits.

sÁhÀ 0n shoot, a plant that comes up from the root. v [A2N2] grow shoots. Ug musÁhÀ (manÁhÀ) na nang sÁging, mudaghan, If the banana grows shoots, it will multiply. paN- v [A2; b6] gather shoots. manggi-un a giving or growing abundant shoots.

sahÌ a different from the others. v [B6] come out different from the rest. MisahÌ ang Íyang tÚnu sa ubang nanganta, He sang in a different key from everyone else. Sa parti siya ray misahÌ kay ang tanan nag-amirkÁna, He was different from everybody else in the party because everybody wore a coat except him.

sÁhÌ 1 similar to, same as. Nagtindug siya sa prÚwa sÁhÌ sa usa ka arÁyis sa sakayan, He stood at the bow like the skipper of a boat. 1a — pa could it be any different! SÁhÌ pa? Mau ra nÀ ang duha! Could it be any different? The two are the same. 2 as though. Naghigwaus sila sÁhÌ nga may nakÍtÀ sa gawas, They were uneasy as though they saw s.t. outside. v [C3] be the same. NagsÁhÌ ang inyung taras, You have both the same sort of character. -um-, -ay it is exactly the same. Ayawg pasakiti ang bÁtÀ kay sahÍay (sumÁhÌ) ra bang panÍta! Don’t inflict pain on the child because (his) skin is no different from anybody else’s. NgÁnung aku may pangutan-ung sumÁhÌ (sahÍay) sa usa ka ignuranti? Why are you asking me, as if I were a fool?

sÁhid = salahid.

sahÙ (from unsay ÁhÙ. see unsa, 1d.) SahÙ bag dÌ ka mangasÁwa nÁkÙ. MaÁyug nahÚngut ang kalibÚtan, Who gives a damn if you don’t marry me? You’re not the only fish in the ocean.

sÁhÙ v 1 [A; ac] mix things well into each other. SahÚa ang harÍna ug ang asÚkar, Mix the flour and the sugar together. Íyang gisahÚan ug gamay nga putÌ ang lugum nga manikyur, She mixed a little light-colored nail polish into the dark polish. 2 [A; b6] be, move about in profusion and confusion. NagsÁhÙ ang mga kutsig dyÍp sa Kulun, The cars and jeeps were in vast profusion on Colon Ave. Íyang panghunÀhÚnÀ gisahÚan sa mga pagdÚda, All manner of suspicions presented themselves to his mind. a full of all different things moving in confusion. SÁhÙ kaÁyu ang MagalyÁnis ug mapasku, It’s a bustling confusion downtown at Christmas time.

sÁhug v [AC; ac] be mixed together. MisÁhug ang kawatan sa punduk sa tÁwu, The thief mixed with the crowd. NagkasÁhug ang asÚkar ug asin, The sugar and the salt got mixed together. DÌ ka makasÁhug sa labadÚra ug wÀ ang igbabatil, You can’t mix the dough without the mixer. -in- n mixture.

sahuy n k.o. striped fish of reefs, growing to 6.

sÁi, sÁin 1 which of the two or several. SÁin man nÍlang mga tawhÁna ang nagsumbag nÍmu? Which of those persons struck you? 2 which place is it, was it. SÁin ka ba trabÁhu run? Where do you work? SÁin kahÀ nÁkÙ tu ikabutang? Where (which of the various possible places) could I have put it?

saka v 1 [A; ac] climb, bring s.t. up. Nagsaka sa hagdan, Going up the stairs. Kinsay nagsaka sa Ákung malÍta? Who brought my suitcase upstairs? Sak-un ku nang hinug nga kaimÍtu, I will climb to get that ripe star apple. Isaka ning antÍna sa ibabaw sa atup, Put this antenna up on the roof. 1a [b(1)] work off a debt by gathering coconuts. Sak-an ku ang Ákung Útang nÍmu, I’ll work off my debt to you by gathering coconuts. 2 [A; a2b2] break into the house. Gisaka na mig kaduha, Our house has already been broken into twice. 3 [A; b6] lodge, stay in. Mu nay Ákung gisak-an sa istudiyanti pa ku, That’s where I stayed when I was a student. n 1 yield of coconut trees. Pilay saka ning Ímung kalubian? How much does your plantation yield? 1a action of climbing or gathering coconuts. 2 action of coming to stay at s.o.’s place. KÁda saka nÍya sa ÁmÙ magdala giyud siyag sinugÁtan, Every time he comes to stay with us he brings a present. 2a one who is staying at s.o.’s place temporarily. — kanÁug v [A; a2] go in and out of a house. Mga bÁtang nagsaka kanÁug ug dÚlÀ, Children running in and out of the house playing. 2 go up and down. — lugsung n going up and down. DÁlang saka lugsung, A road that goes up and down. (?) v 1 [A; ac] go, bring uphill. Tuktuk nga bungtud nga dÌ masÁkag trÁk, A steep road that a truck cannot negotiate. 2 [A2S] rise to a high degree. GasÍging sÁka ang prisyu, The prices keep rising. 3 [A2] formally ask permission to marry. UgmÀ musÁka na sila si Pidru sa ka MarÍya, Tomorrow Pedro and his family will ask for Maria’s hand. 4 [A2; c] gain stones in a game of sungkÀ (putting them in the home base). 5 [A12; c6] carry numbers in adding or multiplying. Singkuwinta idus. Ibutang ang dus ug isÁka ang singku, Fifty-two. Write down two and carry your five. 6 [A2; b6] for a school of fish to go near the shore. Ang mga bansÍkul musÁka sa bÚlan sa MÁyu, The mackerel come near the shore in the month of May. 7 [A2; c] for a boat to put into shelter. MusÁka ang mga barku ning luÚka basta magdÁut ang tyimpu, The boats put into this cove when the weather is not good. 8 [A] for cards to come to one. 8a [A12; b4] draw cards. Kun sakÁan kug maÁyung barÁha, If I get good cards. n 1 set of cards coming up. 2 rental for a gambling device. 3 bag-ung — s.o. who has just recently become popular. Bag-ung sÁka pa siya sa buksing mau nga sikat kaÁyu, He is a new boxing star so he is very popular. 4, 5 = saka, n. — kanÁug = saka kanÁug. — us-us = saka kanÁug, 2. pa-(?) v 1 [A; c] file a charge, application, petition. KÁsung Ákung gipasÁka bÁtuk nÍya, The case I filed against him. 2 [A; c56] file, pass a law. WÀ pa ikapasÁka ang balaudnun, The bill hasn’t been passed (or filed). 3 [A1; b6] rent out a gambling device. paN-(?) v [A2] climb up to pick. TÚa, nanÁka ug lubi, He’s picking coconuts. sakaan n in a sungkÀ game, the hole nearest the home base (balayan)—so called because that is where the stones go into the home base from (sÁka, 4). -da(?) n group of people recruited to work in another place. AdÚnay sakÁda sa mga trabahadur sa asyinda, They are recruiting labor for the plantation. v [A; a] recruit workers. sinak-an a 1 amount paid to a person picking coconuts. 2 gift of the groom to the bride following the marriage ceremony. 3 amount paid by a parent of children enrolled in a public school to pay for minor projects. 4 food and drinks stored up in a house one has moved into, enough to last for three days, usually including a slaughtered animal. The purpose of doing this is magical: it assures that the owner will not run out of anything while he lives there. mag-r-(?), maN-r-(?) n coconut picker. sakaun a s.t. one has to climb if he is to reach it. LayÙ ang Íla ug sakaun pa, Their place is far away and you have to climb to get there.

sakÁang v 1 [A2S3P] totter under a heavy weight with the legs spread far apart for balance and foothold. PÁra usa ka tÁrung tÚbig, nagsakaang ka na! All you are carrying is a can of water and you are tottering! 1a [B28; b6c1] walk with the legs wide apart due to some ailment. MusakÁang ang tÁwung danlÁkan, A person who has a hernia walks with his legs wide apart. 2 [A2S3P] undergo great hardship. Nagsakaang ku adtung pangutanÁha, I sweated out that question.

sakab n k.o. fishing trap of shallow waters put directly over the fish to be trapped. v [A; a] fish with a sakab.

sak-absurbir n shock absorber.

sak-ang v [A; c] 1 sit down, set s.t. on s.t. that fits the bottom. Nagsak-ang sa inudÚru, Sitting on the toilet. Gisak-ang nÍya ang kÚlun sa dagang, He put the rounded pot on top of the holder. 2 sit, set s.t. down carelessly without noticing whether it is in the proper place. Ayawg sak-Ángi nang kartun kay mahulbÀ, Don’t just plunk yourself down on that box because it will collapse.

sakapi, sakapÌ instead of (doing s.t.). SakapÌ nga magtrabÁhu natÚlug siya sa landung, Instead of working, he slept in the shade.

sakar a fitting exactly. Sakar kaÁyu nÍya ang sinÍnÀ sa Íyang kalÚha, Her twin-sister’s dress fit her perfectly. v [B26; c6] fit exactly. Musakar kahÀ ning yawÍha sa Ímung aparadur, I wonder if this key will fit the lock in your chest.

sakat v 1 [A2; b4(1)] take hold by piercing. DÍlÌ kaÁyu musakat ang tagÀ sa gÁhing paun, The hook doesn’t easily pierce hard bait. Nasaktan ang kabli sa angkla, The anchor caught the cable. 2 [A2; c6] for a gear to mesh. Ang kambiyu dÍlÌ musakat sa primÍra, The transmission doesn’t mesh in first gear. 3 [A2; a1] be on time to do s.t. Musakat ku sa primÍrung byÁhi sa trÁk, I want to catch the first bus trip. 4 [B246] believe s.t. obviously not true. Ug musakat ka Ánang isturyÁha, tuntu ka, If you believe that story, you’re a fool. a falling exactly on a certain time. Sakat giyud ang Íyang kasal sa Íya pung adlaw, Her wedding day falls just exactly on her birthday.

sakÁti n a slender perennial grass of waste places: Paspalum conjugatum.

sakay v 1 [A; ac] put s.t., ride, get on a vehicle. DÌ ku musakay Ánang Ímung awtu, I will not ride in your car. WÀ ku makasakay dÁyun, I couldn’t find transportation right away. Taksing Ákung gisakyan, The taxi I took. Isakay ring bÁtÀ sa taksi, Get this child on the taxi. 2 [A2] for a vehicle to accommodate a certain amount. Ang sakayan nÍya musakay ug lima, His boat takes five. 3 [A2; b(1)] join in with other people. DÌ ku musakay sa inyung hantak, I will not join your coin-tossing game. DÍlÌ nÍmu Ángay sakyan ang panagsultisulti nÁmÙ, You should not butt into our conversation. HungÍhung nga isakay run sa Libiral si Pilayis, Rumor that Pelaez would cross over to the Liberal party. 3a [c6] include s.t. together with a list that has been made up. Ikasakay pa ba ni sa badyit rung tuÍga? Can this be included in this year’s budget? Ikasakay pa ang Ímung ngÁlan sa lista kay dÌ pa ulahi, We can still add your name to the list because it’s not too late. 4 [A2] believe or react favorably to s.t. not true. DÌ ku musakay Ánang Ímung ulug-Úlug, I will not believe your flattery. n 1 passenger, cargo. Pila may sakay sa dyip? How many passengers did the jeep have? Blu sil ang sakay sa bangkÀ, The boat was carrying smuggled cigarettes. 2 load capacity. Pilay sakay sa Ímung sakayan? How many passengers does your boat hold? 3 aboard. Sakay na ang tanang pasahÍru, The passengers are all aboard. Milarga ang trÁk sakay ang Íyang asÁwa, The bus left with his wife aboard. (?) v [C; c6] ride together. TÁwung Ákung gikasÁkay, The man I rode together with. a for there to be lots of people wanting rides. Kay ulan man, sÁkay kaÁyu run, Since it is raining, there are lots of people who are looking for transportation. -an n wooden boat of any size, with or without a sail. v [A1; a1c] go, take by boat. paN-an v 1 [A2; b6] engage in hauling or passenger business with boats. Sa nanakayan pa ku abut kug MasbÁti usÁhay, I sometimes went as far as Masbate with my ferrying business. 2 [A2; c6] go boating. Manakayan ta ug mangalÍgÙ ta sa TalÍsay, We will go boating when we go swimming at Talisay. 3 [A2] man a boat. Duha ka tÁwu ang nanakayan niÍni, Two people were manning this boat. -anun(?) n 1 crew on a sakayan. 2 fisherman. ka-(?) n fellow passenger. Mangunguut ang Ákung kasÁkay, The other man in the vehicle was a pickpocket. salakyanan, salakyan n passenger vehicle. -um-r-(?), mag-r-(?), maN-r-(?) n passenger.

sakbang a across, on the opposite side. Ang naglingkud sakbang nÁkÙ, The one sitting across from me. v 1 [C] be across from each other. Nagsakbang mig balay, Our houses are across from each other. 2 [AC; a] be contenders, opponents. Akuy musakbang kanÍya sa pulitika, I’ll run against him in politics. Makigsakbang ku bÍsag dakÙ, I’ll take him on, big as he is. 3 [A1; c6] push s.t. concave into s.o.’s face. Isakbang ku ning usa ka hulmahang litsi plan sa Ímung simud, I will push this dish of custard on your snout. ka- n rival.

sakbat v [A; a1c] say s.t. after s.o. else has spoken, butting in or not. Way batÁsan tung nagsakbat sa panagsultiÁnay, The one who cut in on the conversation has no manners. n thing said in response or butting in. ‘Muadtu pud ku,’ sakbat nÍya, ‘I’ll go, too,’ said he.

sakbit a adjacent, very near. Ang Ákung lamÍsa sakbit sa kang Abil, My table is beside Abel’s. v 1 [C; ac] be near, next to each other. Nagkasakbit sila paglingkud sa sini, They happened to sit beside each other in the movies. 2 [AC; b] touch lightly, brush against. Ang Ílang gipanagsultÍhan misakbit sa Kumunismu, Their conversation touched on the subject of Communism. Nasakbitan ang bÁtÀ sa naghagurus nga awtu, A speeding car brushed the child. 3 [A; a] snatch s.t. from s.o. Gisakbit ang Ílang kalubihan kay wÀ makabÁyad sa Útang, They lost their coconut lands because they couldn’t pay their debts. Nakasakbit kug pila ka pÚlung sa Ílang panagsulti, I caught a few snatches of their conversation.

sakbut v [A; ab2] 1 scoop, get by cupping in the hand. Musakbut kug usa ka kumkum bugas, I will scoop out a handful of rice. 2 snatch, grab s.t. from. Gisakbut nÍya ang kwarta nga gibitbit sa tÁwu, He snatched the money the man was holding. 3 get fruits with a sakbut. n fruit picker made of a blade to which a basket or bag is attached, tied to a pole.

sakdap v 1 [A; b6] swoop down at, on. GisakdÁpan ku sa dakung banug, A big hawk swooped down at me. 2 [A2; cP] touch swiftly and lightly with one’s hand. Kamut nga kugihang musakdap sa mga sangput sa dalÁga, A hand that readily touches young girl’s buttocks. -ay(?) n game with kites where the kites are made to battle each other. v [AC; c6] have a kite fight.

sakdaw v 1, 2 = sakgaw. 3 [A; a] divert s.o.’s hands or arm. Misakdaw ang Ákung anak sa Ákung kamut arun ku muundang, My daughter held my arm to stop me. NanuyÙ nÀ siya nga nakasakdaw lang ku nÍyag gamay, She got angry at me when I happened to nudge her arm lightly.

sakdup v [A; b(1)] swoop down on. Ug musakdup ang ayruplÁnu, butangi dÁyun, If the airplane swoops down, let him have it. Gisakdupan ku sa langgam pag-ÚlÌ nÁkÙ sa kuyabug, The bird swooped down on me when I put the nestling back in the nest.

sakgaw v 1 [A2; ab2] butt in on a conversation. Ug magsulti ku, dÌ ka musakgaw, If I talk, don’t interrupt. Ayawg isakgaw nang Ímung mga hingÌ ug dÚnay bisÍta, Don’t interrupt with your whimpered requests when I have visitors. 2 [A; ab2] snatch, grab at s.t. WÀ ku kitÀ kinsay nagsakgaw sa Ímung bÁhin, I did not see who snatched your share.

sakgum v [A; a1] 1 hold s.t. in both hands. Íyang gisakgum ang inÁgas arun imnun, He caught the flowing water in his hands to drink it. 2, 3, 4, 5 = sagÚkum. n the amount held in both hands. Usa ka sakgum nga utanun, The amount of vegetables one can hold in both one’s hand.

sÁkir n soccer. v [B3C; b6] play soccer.

sakit a 1 painful. Sakit nga samad, A painful wound. 2 hurting, causing wounded feelings. Sakit kaÁyung musulti si Pidru, Pedro speaks in a hurting way. 3 violent death or way of dying. Naimpas siya sa usa ka sakit nga kamatÁyun, He expired in a violent death. n 1 physical pain. Sakit nga dÍlÌ maagwanta, A pain that can’t be endured. Sakit sa tiyan, Stomachache. — sa kalyu, pus-un, tÍyan, tungÀ, tÚngul s.t. that bothers one intensely (used sarcastically). Sakit ba nÀ sa Ákung kalyu ug dÌ ka pahulam? What do I care if you don’t lend me any (lit. you think it hurts my corns)? 1a ache, emotional pain. Ang sakit sa Ákung kasingkÁsing, The ache in my heart. 1b — sa buut hurt to one’s pride or feelings. Sakit sa Ákung buut nang pagsaway mu nÁkÙ, It hurts my pride the way you criticized me. 2 ailment, sickness. Ang sakit mikaylap sa kabaryÚhan, The disease spread through the countryside. Sakit sa kasingkÁsing, Heart disease. binulang — menstruation. — sa babÁyi a venereal disease. b menstruation. — sa lÁwas injury. NagpakÚsug siya sa Íyang mutur kay nangÍtag sakit sa lÁwas, He rides fast on his motorcycle because he must want to get injured. v 1 [A; ab4] become, make painful. Nagsakit ba ang Ímung tangu? Does your tooth hurt? Gisakitan kug maÁyu, It hurts like hell. — ang dughan, kasingkÁsing [B46; b4] a be heartsick. b be very harrassed. Nagsakit ning Ákung dughan pagpahÍlum ning mga bÁtÀ, I am going crazy trying to keep these children quiet. c be deeply worried over s.t. Nagsakit ang Íyang dughan kay mikÚyug ang Íyang trÁtu ug lÁin, She is deeply worried because her boy friend went out with s.o. else. 1c — ang kalyu, pus-un, tÍyan, tungÀ, tÚngul v [A3P; b6] bother s.o. intensely (sarcastic usage). 2 [AB1256] be, become ill. 3 [b4] for plants to bear less because of damage. Gisakitan ang agbÁti nga gipanglabnut lang pagpangÚhÀ kay dÚgay nga nangudlut, The leaves were not taken off carefully from the agbÁti vine and it took it long to develop new buds. sakitsakit v [B16] be sick now and then. Mamalhin kami ug lÁing puy-anan kay kanÚnay lang kung magsakitsakit (masakitsakit) dinhi, We have to move to another place, as I always get sick here. n miscellaneous diseases. Sakitsakit sa pÁnit, Various skin ailments. (?) v 1 [A13; a12] torture, inflict unnecessary pain. GisÁkit ÚsÀ patya, Tortured before being put to death. 1a [A; ac5] inflict emotional pain. GikasÁkit ku kanang Ímung gibÚhat, I was deeply offended by what you did. 1b [A13; a12] ask insistently, as if torturing. Ayaw ku sakÍta sa Ímung bÁlun, Stop nagging me for your spending money. 1c [A3; b6] for children to put up a crying fit. MusÁkit na pud ning bÁtÀ kay kÚlang ug tulug, The baby will put up a crying fit again because he didn’t sleep long enough. pa- v [b(1)] inflict several small cuts on the trunk of trees to make them bear more fruit. pa-(?), paka-(?) v [A13; b6] make sacrifices. MagpakasÁkit ku arun mulampus ang Ímung pagtuun, I will sacrifice to see you through your studies. -in-(?) n martyr. ka- n pain, physical or emotional. ka-(?) n 1 crucifix. mistiryu sa — the Sorrowful Mystery of the Rosary. 2 severe suffering. -l-an(?) a 1 susceptible to diseases. SalakÍtan kaÁyu bÚsÀ dÌ maÁyu ang biyÁhi pÁra nÁkÙ, I easily get sick so I shouldn’t travel. 2 infested with organisms that cause diseases. SalakÍtan kaÁyu ning dapÍta kay sunaup, This place is infested with disease-giving organisms because it is low and dark. ma-un n patient, an ill person. v [A13] be, become gravely ill. Magmasakitun ka ug magsÍgi kag kaguul, You will become gravely ill if you always worry. paN- n pains, aches, characteristics of a sickness. Kining banyÚsa Álang sa panakit sa labad sa Úlu, This compound is for pains that accompany a headache.

sÁkit n socket for an electric light. — tayip nga tigib k.o. chisel in which the handle is set into a socket instead of having a tang.

sakÍyu v [A; a2] get money or valuables belonging to s.o. else by stealing or swindling. GigÚkud sa pulis ang nagsakÍyu sa Ákung bÁg, The policeman ran after the man who snatched my bag. GisakÍyu ni Huwan ang kuliksiyun sa buhatan, John embezzled the office money.

saklaw v [A; ab2] snatch at s.t., grab s.t. away from s.o. SukmÁgun ta ka ug saklawun mu ning Ákung ayiskrim, I’ll hit you if you try to snatch my ice cream from me. aN-r- see ananaklaw.

saklit (from kalit) v 1 [AN; ab2] snatch with suddenness. Misaklit ang bÁtag dulÁan pag-Ági nÍya sa tindÁhan, The child quickly snatched a toy as he passed the store. Kamatayun, ngÁnung gisaklit mu ang bugtung kung kalÍpay sa kalibÚtan, Death, why did you snatch my only source of happiness in this world? 1a commandeer on the sea. Ang Ílang sakayan nasaklitan sa Hapun, The Japanese commandeered his boat. 1b grab s.o.’s land. 2 [A; a] take a short time off from what one is doing to do s.t. else, do s.t. quickly. Musaklit kug higdÀ ug magtrabÁhu ku, I will take a few minutes off from work to lie down. a sudden.

saklub1 n 1 sheath, holster. 2 wife (humorous). Bisag Ásas Timyung uban giyud ang Íyang saklub, Wherever Timyong goes his wife tags along. v 1 [A13; c6] put, put in a sheath, holster. Isakub na nang Ímung ispÁda, Sheathe your sword. 2 [A13; c1] make into a scabbard. -an n = saklub, n.

saklub2 n lid, s.t. put over s.t. else as a cover. v [A; b6(1)] cover s.t. over with a lid or a loose covering. Saklubi ug maÁyu ang sud-an kay arun dÍlÌ sungkÁbun sa iring, Cover the dishes well so that the cat can’t get at them. DÍay tualya isaklub sa Ímung Úlu, Here’s a towel to cover your head with.

saklut n sack cloth.

sakmal v 1 [A; a2b2] snatch at s.t. to hold it, grab at as if to hold. Manakmal siyag tutuy, He’ll grab for your breasts. Nakaikyas ang bÁbuy kay tiil ray Ákung hingsakmalan, The pig got away because I only got hold of its feet. 2 [A; c1] put s.t. in the mouth, usually big enough to fit in it. Sakmala (isakmal) kunu ang Ímung kinÚmÙ sa Ímung bÀbÀ, Try putting your fist into your mouth.

sakmit v [A; a2] 1 snatch s.t. away from s.o. Gisakmit Ákung rilu, S.o. snatched my watch. 2 confiscate. SakmÍtun sa maistra ang kÚmiks, The teacher will confiscate the comics. 3 take s.o. into custody from his home. Gisakmit sa Hapun ang gidudÁhang girilya, The Japanese arrested the man they suspected of being a guerrilla. maN-r- n snatcher.

sakna, saknÀ v [A; a12] 1 ask s.o. whether he wants to do s.t. or is willing for s.t. to happen. NagsaknÀ si NÍtuy nÍmu ug muuban ka ba, Nitoy is asking you whether you would like to go along. Saknaa si MÁma mu ug pakuyÚgun ka ba, Ask your mother if she’s willing to let you go. 2 challenge s.o. to a fistfight. Saknaag musÚkul ba, Challenge him and see if he fights. — ug pamalÁyi v [A23] for a young man to notify his parents of his intensions of getting married. Misakna nag pamalÁyi ang anak kung ulitÁwu, Our son notified us of his intention of getting married.

saknib v [AC; c1] lay two things out flat so that the one is partly over the other. Nagkasaknib ang Ámung mga banig kay gamay ra man ang kwartu, We spread our mats with the edges overlapping one another because we were in a small room. SaknÍba ang duha ka hapin arun dÍlÌ mutagpas ang ÍhÌ sa bÁtÀ, Let the child lie on two pieces of cloth so the urine won’t seep through.

saknit = sakmit.

sakpaw a for a broad container to be too shallow. DiyÚtay rang masÚd Áning baskit kay sakpaw, You can’t get very much in this basket because it is too shallow. v [B1; a12] be, become, make s.t. shallow. Nasakpaw ang panaksan kay gimasÁhag simintu, The basin became shallow because they mixed cement in it.

sakramintu n Sacrament, one of the seven sacred rites of the Roman Catholic Church. anak sa — n legitimate child.†

sakrilihiyu n sacrilege.

sakripisyu a requiring an extraordinary expenditure of time, effort, or money. Sakripisyu kaÁyu nÁkÙ ning Ákung pag-iskuyla kay magtrabÁhu pud ku, It is a great effort for me to study because I must also work. n sacrifices made. — sa mÍsa Sacrifice of the Holy Mass. v 1 [A; c] expend unusual effort or money or deprive oneself for some end. Magsakripisyu ÚsÀ kami arun sa ngadtungadtu makapalit mig balay, We’ll sacrifice ourselves so we can eventually buy a house. Unsay dÍlÌ nÁkÙ isakripisyu pÁra nÍmu, What wouldn’t I sacrifice for you? 2 [a12] put s.o. to an extraordinary expenditure. NgÁnung sakripisyÚhun man ku nÍmu ug paadtu ug dÍlÌ nÀ impurtanti? Why do you make me go there to no purpose if that is not important? 3 [A13; c1] sacrifice one’s principles. SakripisyÚhun (isakripisyu) man nÍmu ang Ímung kadunggÁnan sa pagkÚyug Ánang mga tawhÁna? Why do you sacrifice your honor so you can go around with those people? 4 [A13; c] sacrifice s.t. for a future advantage. Isakripisyu ku ning tÚri arun mabÁbuy ang rayna, I’ll sacrifice my rook to checkmate your queen. 5 [A13; c1] mortify one’s body. Magsakripisyu ang mga madri sa Ílang lÁwas pinaÁgi sa bÚnal inigka Byirnis Santu, The nuns mortify their bodies on Good Friday by lashing themselves.

sakris n sack race. v [A1; b] hold a sack race.

sakristan n sacristan, the priest’s helper in performing various chores connected with religious duties. v [A3; c1] become, serve as a sacristan. — mayur n senior acolyte or assistant to the priest.

sakristÍya n sacristy.

saks n sax. altu — alto sax. tinur — tenor sax.

saksak1 v [A; ac] 1 mix solids up or one solid into another. Akuy musaksak sa barÁha, I will shuffle the cards. Ayawg saksÁkig balas ang kupras, Don’t mix sand into the copra. 2 chop s.t. into pieces, usually to mix into s.t. else. Akung saksÁkun ning sagÍnga, I’ll chop these bananas into pieces. 3 [A; a] cook rice or corn mixed with chunks of sweet potatoes. Musaksak mi ug wÀ miy sud-an, We mix in chunks of sweet potatoes in cooking corn or rice when we don’t have anything to go with it. n cooked cereals mixed with tubers, usually sweet potatoes. — sinÁgul see sÁgul. -in-an n corn or rice cooked with chunks of sweet potatoes.

saksak2 v [A; a] stab (slang). Nakasaksak siya apan wÀ mamatay, He has stabbed a person but he didn’t die.

saksak3 n 1 = lumbiya. 2 the starch taken from this tree.

saksak4 n k.o. small bird.

saksi v 1 [A2; b2] see, witness. Gustu kang musaksi ug bahugbÁhug? Would you like to see a free-for-all? 2 [A2; c6] testify, say s.t. in evidence. Ayawg isaksi nÀ sa hukmÁnan kay makadÁut nÀ nÍmu, Don’t make that declaration in court because it can harm you. 3 [A; c1] ask s.o.’s opinion about s.t. Nakasaksi ka na ba sa Ímung mga ginikÁnan mahitungud niÍni? Have you asked your parents about this? — ug pamalÁyi for a man to notify his parents of his intentions of marrying. Andam na mi ug musaksi ug pamalÁyi ang Ámung ulitÁwu, We are prepared if my son signifies his intention to get married. n witness. Bungbung ray saksi sa Ílang gibÚhat, Only the walls bore witness to what they had done. — ni HiyÚba a religious sect, Jehovah’s Witnesses.

saksupun n saxophone. v [AN] play the sax.

saktu short for iksaktu.

sÁku1 n 1 sack of cloth. 2 sackful. Usa ka sÁkung humay, A sack of rice. v [A13; a12] put into a sack. -in-(?) v [A; a] do by the sackful. n by the sackful.

sÁku2 = sÁkÙ.

sakÙ v [A; b6] thrust the buttocks forward with a jerk. Panagsaan ug sakÙ sa istriptis ang Íyang sÁyaw, The stripteaser jerks her buttocks forward every so often as she dances. a busy, having intense activity. SakÙ kaÁyu mi sa tindÁhan matÁbÙ, We are busy at the store on market days. (?) v [A13] be intensely busy. NagsÁkÙ mi sa upisÍna kay duha ra ming katÁbang, We are busy as heck at the office because there are only two of us helpers. sakÙsakÙ v [A; b6] push the buttocks forward to and fro in rhythmic fashion. Pastilang nakasakÙsakÙ sa irÙ, My! How the dog is pumping away at it.

sÁkÙ v [A; b6] refuse, not give s.t. Ug sakÚan ku nÍya sa pagpaiskuyla, unsay ÁkÙ? Who cares if he refuses to send me to school? DalÙ giyud kay isÁkÙ pa ang paggÁwÌ sa Íyang libru, He’s selfish because he denies me the use of his books. hiN- v [A; b6(1)] begrudge, fail to give s.o. s.t., esp. s.t. abstract. DÌ siya muhinÁkug bÍsan unsay Ímung pangayÚun, He will not begrudge you, whatever you ask. NaghinÁku siyag hÁtag sa Íyang gugma kang Pidru, She refused to give her love to Pedro. -an(?) a greedy, selfish. -in- v [A] act selfish, ungiving. DÌ mi musinÁkÙ sa Ámung kusug ug musampit ka nÁmÙ, If you call on us, we will not begrudge an ounce of our strength.

sakub = saklub1.

sÁkul n k.o. pÚtu, a sweet made of fine corn flour, cassava flour, and shredded or squeezed coconut and steam-cooked. v [A; a] make, make into sÁkul. -in- = sÁkul, n.

sakum n clearing in a forest or thicket for planting crops. v [A; b5] make a clearing for crops.

sakung a bent downwards more than it should be. Sakung kaÁyu ning Ímung sundang, bakikaw ug huyad, Your bolo is bent too much downwards. It is awkward to use. v [B6; a12] get to have too much of a downward curve. Musakung ang tulawug ug palabihan ug banting, The spring pole will get a curve in it if you weigh it down too much.

sakup1 v [A12; b4(1)] 1 catch, capture. WalÀ ku makasakup sa bÁbuy, I was not able to catch the pig. Hingsakpan ta gihÁpun kang limbungÁna ka, I’ll catch you yet, you cheater, you. 2 come upon s.o. doing s.t. Nasakpan ku sila nga naghÁluk, I caught them kissing. 3 come to understand s.t., esp. for the first time. Sakpan ku na ngÁnung dÍlÌ muandar ang makina, Now I understand why the engine won’t start. (?) v [C3] meet each other. DÌ mi magsÁkup kay sayu man kung mulakat sa trabÁhu, We do not meet each other because I go to work early.

sakup v [A; b5c1] do s.t. for s.o. else at the same time as he is doing it for himself, include another action together with an action one is performing. Sakpa (sakpi, isakup) kug paniudtu, When you fix lunch, fix me some, too. n 1 included. Ayaw na lang pagbÁyad kay sakup nang Ímu sa ÁkÙ, Don’t pay because what I gave already includes yours. 2 interior, the inside of a house or any enclosure. Dayun diri sa sakup, Come on in. (?) n 1 member, part of a group. SÁkup ka ba sa Ílang kapunÚngan? Are you a member of their organization? SÁkup pa sa Kabisay-an ang Sikihur, Siquijor is a part of the Visayan Islands. DÍlÌ ni sÁkup sa Átung liksiyun, This is not included in our lesson. 2 member of a group subject to s.o. 3 household help. GihiyÁan mig bÍyÀ sa Ámung mga sÁkup, All of our household help left us at one time. v 1 [A23B; c1] make, become a member of s.t. Kining lungsÚra nagsÁkup (gisakÚpan) ug tulu ka baryu, This town includes three barrios. 2 [A13] have a household servant. DÌ ta magsÁkup arun trabÁhu ang tanan, We won’t get a maid so that everybody works. gin-an(?) n member of a group subject to s.o. Ang ginsakÚpan ni Sultan Ramil, Sultan Ramil’s men. pa- v [A; ac] hire oneself out, be hired as household help.

sakup3 v [A; b5c1] close s.t. Ang maulahig lakaw mauy musakup sa pulta, The last to leave the house will close the door. Sakpa (sakpi, isakup) ang Ímung libru, Close your book. a closed.

sÁkut = sÁgul. paN- n spice. v [A; b] put in spices. PanakÚtig tÁngad ang tinÚwa, Put some lemon grass in the boiled fish.

sakuting n folk dance which portrays a mock fight between the Chinese settlers and native Filipinos. v [A13] dance the sakuting.

sakÚung v [A2S; a12] bend forward when walking as if in pain. Nagsakuung ang tÁwung bag-ung giupirahan sa apindisÍtis, The man had been recently operated for appendicitis and bent forward in walking.

sakwat v [A; a12] lift s.t. up to carry it, putting the hands underneath it. SakwÁta ang bÁtÀ ug ibutang sa katri, Lift the child and put her on the bed. n action of lifting, amount carried at one time. Usa na lang ka sakwat ug dÁ na ang tanan, You can carry everything in your arms in one trip.

sakyab v [A; c] 1 spread out a blanket with a flinging motion, cast a net. Gisakyab nÍya ang basang kurtÍna sa ibabaw sa lamÍsa, She spread out the wet curtain on top of the table. DÌ makasakyab ang usa lang ka tÁwu Ánang dakung bÁling, One man cannot cast that huge net alone. 2 scatter, throw in a similar motion. Misakyab ku sa sabud sa mga manuk, I threw the chicken feed to the chickens.

sakyud v [A; b6] move, push one’s buttocks forward and backward with the rest of the body stationary. Nagsakyud siya sa pagpanghilÁwas, He was working his buttocks back and forth in the coital act. NgÁnung gisakyÚran man ku nÍmung walay batasÁna ka? Why did you nudge me with your lower region, you shameless man? panakyuran n the hip joints. see also ananakyud and bangkiyud.

sÁla1 (not without l) n 1 living room. 2 dakÙ, lapad ug — one who wears house slippers outdoors (making the area outdoors as an extension of his living room—humorous).

sÁla2 v [A; a12] strain, filter liquids. SalÁhun (salÁun) nÍmu ÚsÀ ang asÍti ÚsÀ itibul, Filter the oil first before pouring it in. salahan, salaan n filter, strainer. v [A13; c] make, use as a strainer.

salÀ n 1 sin. 2 fault. WÀ kuy salÀ nÍmu, I haven’t done anything wrong to you. v [A12; b(1)] commit a sin, fault. NakasalÀ ka sa Ímung pagbiaybÍay, You have committed a sin in ridiculing him. Siyay Ímung gikasad-an, He is the one you wronged. paka- v 1 [A13] be committing a sin. NagpakasalÀ kag pÚyÙ Ánang minyÙ, You are committing a sin living with that married man. 2 [a12] impute a fault on s.o. NgÁnung pakasad-un man ku nÍmu nga wÀ man gÁnÌ ku makahikap ÁnÀ? Why do you blame me when I didn’t even touch it? sad-an a guilty. v [B1256] be found guilty. Ug masad-an ka, ipaprÍsu ka, If you are found guilty, you will be put in prison. kasal-Ánan n wrongdoings or guilt. Ang kasal-Ánan Ímung gibÚhat dÍlÌ mapasaylu bÍsan anus-a, Your wrongs can never be forgiven. maka-r-(?) n sinner. GinÚu, pasaylÚa ning mapaubsÁnung makasasÁlÀ, Lord, forgive this humble sinner. masalad-un a sinful, inclined to commit faults or sins. tag- n one who committed a specific fault.†

*sÁlÀ1, salÀ — tÚud, gud just as I expected. SÁlÀ ra gud tÚud. DÌ wÀ mabakak ang Ákung panagnÀ, See, my guess turned out true. SalÀ gud. WÀ lagi kapasar, Just as I thought. He didn’t pass.

sÁlÀ2 = sÁla2.

salÁag v [B1256] lose one’s way. NalÁngan mi kay nasalÁag mi sa MagalyÁnis, We were delayed because we lost our way downtown. (?) v [B46; c1] be off the topic, incoherent in speech, conversation. Musalaag ang Ímung tubag ug dÌ ka mamÍnaw sa diskasyun, You’ll be speaking off the topic if you don’t listen to the discussion. Nagsalaag ang diskursu sa pulitiku. WÀ maÁyu pagkahan-ay, The politician gave an incoherent speech. It was not well planned.

sÁlab v [A; b6(1)] singe, pass a flame over. GisÁban ku ang katring may kuting, I passed a flame over the bed that was infested with bedbugs.

salÁban (from sÚlab) v 1 [A1; a12] for an unglÙ to pass on the force that possesses him by inserting it in the food of the victim who then also becomes an unglÙ. Kunu makasalÁban ang pagkÁun sa salin sa usa ka unglÙ, They say that eating the leftovers of an unglÙ will make you one. 2 [a12] be won over to and become crazy for s.t. GisÁban na giyud ka sa madyung, You have gone crazy for mahjong.

salabat (not without l) = tahu.

salÁbay (not without l) n k.o. longline fishing for small fishes where several hooks are attached to a line with leaders spaced six feet apart, one end anchored to the sea bottom and the other end attached to a float. paN- v [A2; b6] go fishing with a salÁbay line.

sÁlad1 = sanggut, n, v.

sÁlad2 tsÍkin — n chicken salad. saladsÁlad v [A; c1] hide poor quality products underneath or between things of good quality. Ang mga tindÍra sa tabÁkÙ maÁyung musaladsÁlad sa mga iskuhÍdu ug barut, The tobacco sellers are adept in mixing the first class leaves with the poor ones.

sÁlag n 1 nest. 2 the home (literary). 3 source, place where s.t. or s.o. comes from. Ang PÁsil kunu mauy sÁlag sa mga butangÍru, Pasil is where the toughs come from. — sa kaminyÚun state of being married (literary). Bayinti anyus ang Ílang Ípun sa sÁlag sa kaminyÚun, They have been living together in wedded bliss for twenty years. v [A; b6] nest. DÍlÌ musÁlag ang langgam dinhi kay duul sa agiÁnan, The bird will not nest here because it is near a pathway.

salagmÀ = sulagmÀ.

salagsag n matting placed between layers of objects: 1 used in packing. 2 placed above boiling water to act as a double boiler. 3 in thatched roofing, the thin slat around which the cogon of the thatching is wound, tied to secondary rafters. v [A; a] install, pack s.t. with salagsag.

salag-un n the class of starchy foods consisting of plantains and root crops. v [A13] have root crops as staple food.

salagunting n principal rafters of a roof. v [A; a2b6] put, make, make into a principal rafter.

salahid v [A3S; ab2] 1 drag, search the bottom of water for s.t. with a net or grapnel. Ang pulis musÁhid sa lÍnaw pagpangÍtÀ sa patay, The police will drag the bottom of the lake to look for the body. 2 dig up information. SahÍrun mu ang tanang kasayÚran bÁhin sa disgrasya, Dig up all the information about the accident. Mau ning tabÍa Ákung nasahiran, I stumbled across this little piece of gossip. (?) n general term for fish net, grapnel dragged along the bottom. paN- v [A2; b6] go fishing with the sÁhid. n fishing with the sÁhid.

salak v [A; a12] catch s.t. in the hands. Salka ang bÚla, Catch the ball.

sÁlak n k.o. nonfatal sickness which is characterized by the yellowing of the white of the eyes, thought to be caused by stepping over certain plants or by walking at the back of s.o. who is believed to be a salakan. v [A123P; b4] get this disease. -an(?) n one who causes this disease if people walk behind his back. A person gets this supernatural power involuntarily and often may not realize he has it. He can also cure it by rubbing the patient’s clothing and saying puyra sÁlak.

sal-ak v [A; c] intersperse, insert in between. Sal-Ákan tag sÁyaw ang Átung prugrÁma, We will insert a dance number every now and then in our program. Isal-ak ning kartun sa libru, Insert this cardboard between the pages of the book. n s.t. interspersed or inserted. sal-aksal-ak v [A; b6(1)] place alternately, do s.t. at intervals. Sal-aksal-Ákan tag kamÚti ning Átung bugas kay layÙ pang tingsanggÌ, We’ll eat meals of sweet potatoes alternately with rice because the harvest is still a way off.

salakut (not without l) n 1 = saruk, 1. 2 name of a folk dance which uses the saruk hat. v [A; c] dance this dance.

salamÀ v 1 [A12; a12] mispronounce a word so that the resulting mispronunciation will mean s.t. else. BÚtÙ na man. BÚtu diay. NasalamÀ lang ku, I don’t mean vagina. I mean votes. I just misspoke. 2 [B1256] miss a step in walking. MasalamÀ man gÁning kÁbaw nga upat ang tiil, kita pa! If a water buffalo with four legs can miss its step, how much more can we!†

salamabit, salamabits = salumabits.

salamangka (not without l) n sleight of hand. v [A1; a12] 1 do sleight of hand tricks. 2 steal. Ayawg isayÀsayÀ nang kwarta kay salamangkÁhun unyÀ, Don’t display your money carelessly. S.o. might just magic it away. salamangkÍru n magician.

salÁmat (not without l) thanks, thank you. daghang — thanks a lot. — na lang thank heavens! WÀ miy uban sa balay. Salamat na lang kay miabut si Bidung pagkahÁpun, There wasn’t anyone in the house. Thank heavens Bidong arrived by that afternoon. pa- v [A; b6] thank, give thanks. Ángay kang mupasalÁmat nÍya, You ought to thank him. n thanksgiving, thanks. mapa-un a grateful, thankful.

salÁmi n salami.

salamin, salaming n 1 mirror. 2 s.t. made of glass: windshield, lens, spectacles. 3 paragon, example of s.t. good. Salamin sa kakÚgi, A paragon of industry. paN- v 1 [A2; b6] look at oneself in the mirror. Manalamin ta arun makÍtÀ ug bulingun ba tag nawung, Let’s look in the mirror so we can see if we have dirty faces. 2 [b6] look at [so-and-so] and draw a lesson therefrom. PanalamÍni lang ang anak ni Nang LÚling. Mu nay mahitabÙ ug maglaaglaag, Look at Loling’s daughter. That’s what happens if you go out. PanalamÍni siya kay gustu kung mag-iningun ka, Look at her. That’s what I want you to be like. sulu-, salaminsalamin, -an n k.o. pomfret: Apolectus niger.

salampÁti (not without l) n 1 general term for pigeons. 2 prostitute (euphemism). — nga mubÙ ug lupad = salampÁti, 2.

salan n varnish. v [A; b6] apply varnish on s.t.

sÁlan = unsingÁlan.

salÁnap (from lÁnap) v [A2; b6] 1 flood or spread over an area. Huy, siradÚhi ang grÍpu kay musalÁnap ang tÚbig diri sa kwartu, Hey, turn off the faucet because the water will flood the room. 2 affect the emotions intensely (literary). Nawung nga gisanÁpan sa tÚmang kalÍpay, Face flooded with joy.

sal-ang v 1 [A2; b6] skip over, leave out s.t. Si Pidru dÍlÌ musal-ang ug adtu sa sini kÁda adlaw, Pedro doesn’t fail to go to the show every day. Muihap ka gÍkan sa iskÍna, musal-ang kag tulu ka balay, ang ikaupat mau nay ÁmÙ, From the corner, skip three houses. The fourth is ours. Nakasal-ang ang taypist ug duha ka linya, The typist skipped two lines. Ayaw sal-Ángi ang sunud yugtÙ, Don’t miss the next chapter. 2 [C; c1] be placed in alternate sequence. Nagsal-ang ug lingkud ang mga lÁki ug bÁyi, The boys and the girls were seated alternately. n 1 miss, the instance one fails. KÁda kablit usa ka butu. Walay sal-ang, Each time you squeeze the trigger, one shot fires. It never misses. 2 amount of time or space intervening. DakÙ ang sal-ang sa Ámung pangidarun, There’s a great interval between our ages. sal-angsal-ang v 1 [A12; c1] mix in two different ingredients alternately in small amounts. Isal-angsal-ang (sal-angsal-Ángun) nÍmug lÚnud ang harÍna ug asÚkar, Put in the flour and the sugar alternately in small portions. 2 [A; c1] do s.t. at intervals. Isal-angsal-ang (sal-angsal-Ánga) ang Ímung pag-anhi dÌ kay kÁda adlaw, Come here every other day, not every day.

salÁnga = pantÍhan.

salangÁsag a for the teeth to be overlapping and protruding. v [B] for the teeth to get to be crooked and protruding. Maung misalangÁsag (nasalangÁsag) ang Íyang ngÍpun kay mahadluk man magpaibut, Her teeth are crooked because she was afraid to have her baby teeth pulled.

salangÁsang = salangÁsag.

salangkap = langkap.

salantÀ v 1 [A2; b6] stop by, stay for a while. InigbiyÁhi nÁkÙ sa ManÍlÀ, musalantÀ sÀ kug duha ka adlaw sa Rumblun, When I take my trip to Manila I will stay for two days in Romblon. 2 [A; a12] put a stop to s.t., prevent s.t. Kapakyas nga makasalantÀ sa mga panganduy, Failures that foil one’s ambition. SalantÁun ku ang Íyang laksut nga batÁsan, I will put a stop to his bad habits.

salapang n spear that is thrown or a harpoon. v 1 [A; a12b2] hit with a spear, harpoon. Salapangun ku nang irÚa ug mubÁlik diri, I will spear that dog if it comes back here. 2 [A13; a12] make into a spear.

salapat v [B1256] for s.t. not to go directly into a hole but get splattered around the edge. Kinsa may diri sa kasilyas nga nasalapat man ang tÁi sa bankÍyu? Who used the toilet that there’s feces on the seat?

salapÁti = salampÁti.

salÁpi (not without l) n corn stalks, esp. the younger ones. v [AN; a] gather corn stalks as feed.

salapÌ n 1 money. 2 fifty-centavo coin. 3 silver. paN- n source of income. Sa alkabÁla may panalapÌ ang lungsud, The market fee provides a source of income for the town. kalÍhim sa — Secretary of Finance. maN- n fifty centavos each. see also sÁpÌ.

salÁpid = sulÁpid.

salapsap n collective term for various k.o. tiny fish that are found in large schools.

salapwang v 1 [A; a12] carry s.o. with the arms underneath. Nagsapwang sa patay nÍyang lÁwas, Carrying her dead body in his arms. 2 [A3; a12] support that is placed on top of it. Ang usang halÍgi sa balay sapwÁngun Áning lapad nga batu, This flat stone will support one of the posts.

salapyaw n dip net with a light mesh weight or a butterfly net. v [A; a] get with a dip net. SalapyÁwa ang pitupitu, Dip out the pollywogs.

sÁlas = sÁla1.

salasa1 v [A; a] cut the leaflets from the fronds of the nipa palms for shingles. -in- n nipa palm frond leaflets cut and prepared for making into shingles.

salasa2 n k.o. garfish: Ablennes hians.

sÁlat v [A; a] catch s.t. by surrounding it, keep s.t. entrapped or confined. Kural ang nakasÁlat sa mga manuk, The fence kept the chickens penned. Ang gagmayng isdÀ dÍlÌ masÁlat niÁnang balÍnga kay dagkug mata, That net has too large of a mesh to catch small fish.

salÁtan n strong wind coming from the south during storms.

salÁud (coined from salÀ and balÁud—not without l) n crime against persons and property. Ang salÁud sa pagpatay, The crime of murder.

salawÁkÌ = saluwÁkÌ.

salawÁsid = saluwÁsid.

salay v 1 [A; c6] lay s.t. over s.t. else so that part of it hangs over. Isalay lang ang tualya sa kurdÍsu, Just hang the towel over the window sill. 2 [a3b8] for s.t. that fell to be caught atop s.t., not reaching the ground. Ang gilÁbay nÁkung sinÍlas didtu masÁy sa atup, The slipper that I threw landed on the roof. -an(?), saylanan n 1 drying rack. 2 boat rack made of two forked sticks. 3 wooden support for a stone mill.

salaysalay n k.o. fish, name given to various crevallies.

salba n shot fired into the air. Kadtung salba pÁra pagpahÚnung sa kawatan nga midÁgan, That shot fired into the air was to make the thief that was running away stop. v [A; b6] fire a warning shot into the air.

salbabÍda n lifesaver or life jacket. v [A12; a12] wear, make into a lifesaver.

salbadur see salbar.

salbÁhis a cruel or incorrigibly ill-mannered. Ang salbÁhis nÍyang bÁna nanagmal na pud sa mga bÁtÀ, That beast of a husband of hers is beating the children again. v [B12] be, become a beast. -in-(?) v [A; b6] behave like a beast. ka-anan n atrocities. Ang mga kasalbahisÁnan nga nabÚhat sa mga HapÚnis, The atrocities that were inflicted by the Japanese.

salbar v [A; a12] save from defeat, ruin, or dishonor. Aku may nagsalbar sa Íyang nigusyu, I saved his business. Ug dÚnay kalÁyu salbaha ang mga mahalung mga butang, If there’s a fire save the things of value. salbadur dil mundu n one who saves the honor of an unmarried woman whom s.o. else made pregnant. v [B56] be, become a woman’s saviour.

salbÁru1 n k.o. round thin, baked wafer, big as a dinner plate (or nowadays also in other shapes), made from a mixture of flour, sugar, and shredded coconut. v [A; a] make salbÁru.

salbÁru2 n euphemism for salbÁhis.

salbasiyun n salvation of the soul from sin and hell.

salbid, salbids n 1 salvage from s.t. destroyed, saved for later use. 2 used clothing sold cheaply. v 1 [A; a] salvage s.t. from s.t. destroyed. Salbidyun ku ning mga butilya. MahÁlin ra ni, I will salvage these bottles. We can sell them. 2 [c1] donate used things as relief. Bag-u pa ning sapatÚsa, apan salbidyun (isalbids) ku na lang, These shoes are still new, but I’ll donate them for relief.

salbu n style of fighting of a cock in which it leaps, slashing with its feet and moving backward at the same time to evade the blows of its opponent.

salga v [A2; b6] 1 put in one’s word in a conversation. Íya ra tanang sulti. DÌ ku makasalga, She does all the talking. I can’t get a word in edgewise. 2 enter in a game or some collective activity. Way bÁtang makasalga Áning sÚgal sa barÁha, No child may participate in this card game.

salgu n in carom billiards, the opening shot of a round. v [A; c16] do the opening shot. salguhan n fixed points on the table where the three balls are placed for the opening shot.

sÁli v [A; abc] [do] constantly. NagsÁli ka lag pangÁyÙ, You are always asking me for s.t. Ayaw isÁli ug dukduk ang rÚlir sa lamÍsa, Stop tapping the ruler on the table all the time.

saliabgaw = adgaw.

saliat v [A] leave off what one is doing for the moment to do s.t. else. KÁda anhi nÍya sa syudad musaliat giyud sa rÍlis, Every time he comes to town he stops in at the red light district.

saliay = sag-ilay.

salibadyaw = salibagyaw.

salibag v [A; c] 1 throw s.t. with force. PagkabanggÀ sa mutur nasalibag siya sa kanal, When his motorcycle crashed, he was hurled into the canal. 2 throw s.t. away so as to have it out of one’s way. Isalibag na nang mga butilya, Throw those bottles away. -anan(?) n place where garbage and rubbish is thrown.

salibagyaw a 1 annoyingly noisy. Gustu tÀ kung mutuun, piru salibagyaw ka kaÁyu dihÀ, I would like to study, but you are disturbing me with your noise. 2 having the head awhirl, not knowing what to do. n noise that is disturbing. v [B; b6] 1 be, become annoyingly noisy. 2 be confused with the head awhirl. Nagsalibagyaw ang Ákung Úlu karun Ása kug ipalit ug bugas, I’m at a loss now as to where to get my next meal. Nasalibagyaw ang Ákung Úlu tungud sa pagpamabÁyi sa Ákung bÁna, I’m very disturbed because my husband is fooling around with women.

salibagyu = sulaybagyu.

salibay = salibag.

salib-ay v [A; c] carry s.t. slung over on the shoulder. Isalib-ay ang kamira, Sling the camera on your shoulders.

salÍbu v 1 [A; b] sprinkle water on live embers. GisalibÚhan ku ang dÁub ÚnÀ mulakaw, I doused water on the fire before I left. 2 [A23; b6] for rain to be blown in by the wind. Ug musalÍbu, tabÚnig plastik ang mga pÍsa, If rain comes in the window, cover the spare parts with a plastic sheet. 3 [A; b6] for it to drizzle lightly. n 1 rain blown into a sheltered area from outside. 2 light drizzle. SalÍbu ra man ni. DÌ na lang ta musÍlung, All this is is a light drizzle. Let’s not bother taking shelter.

salibut (from lÍbut) n dip net with a light weight mesh, used mainly in sea fishing. v 1 [A; a] get with a dip net. 2 [a1] catch s.o. by means of a ruse or trick; be caught by means of trickery. Nasalibut giyud ang kawatan sa gipan-an ug kwarta, They finally caught the thief when they baited him with money.

salibutbut n k.o. shrub, the leaves and milky sap of which have medicinal uses: Tabernaemontana pandacaqui.

salÍda1 n 1 appearance on stage. Ikapila na ni nÍyang salÍda sa drÁma? How many times has she appeared in the play? 2 showing of a movie. 2a movie shown. 3 exit sign in a public place. v 1 [A; b] appear on stage. 2 [A23; c] show, expose s.t. conspicuously before. MangalÁwat musalÍda giyud sa atubÁngan, Making herself prominent when she goes to take communion. Ayaw isalÍda kanang gisiun nÍmung sinÍnÀ, Don’t display your torn shirt.

salÍda2 a for sales to be brisk. Way salÍda ang nigusyu, Business is no good. v [B1] for sales to be brisk. MasalÍda ang tinda basta Pasku, Sales are good during Christmas.

salid-ay v [A; c] carry s.t. with a sling or strap, dangling it over the shoulder. Misalid-ay siya sa ripli, He slung the rifle over his shoulder. Nagsalid-ay si Santa KlÁwus ug sÁku nga punÙ sa dulÁan, Santa Claus was carrying a sack filled with toys over his shoulder.

salidsid (from sidsid) v 1 [AN; c] go, take s.t. along the edge of s.t. Nanalidsid ang sakayan sa baybÁyun, The boat followed the coastline. 2 [A; b6] skid, slide in doing a curve. Musalidsid ang trÁk kay danglug ang karsÁda, The truck will skid because the road is slippery.

sÁlig v 1 [A2S; b6] trust, rely. DÌ ku musÁlig nÍya kay bakÁkun siya, I don’t trust him because he is a liar. Nagsalig ku nga muanhi ka apan wÀ diay, I was depending on you to come but you didn’t. 2 [c] entrust, leave s.t. in s.o.’s care. IsÁlig ku ning Ákung kabtÁngan nÍmu ug wÀ ku dinhi, I will entrust my property to you while I’m gone. n trust in s.o. WÀ kuy sÁlig nÍya, I have no trust in him. (?) v [A13; b6] depend on s.o. for s.t. Nagsalig ka nÁkÙ sa Ímung iskuyla, You are depending on me for your schooling. pa- v [A; b6(1)] assure, give assurance. MupasÁlig ku nÍmu nga buhÁtun ku nÀ, I assure you that I will do that. ma-un a confident. Milakaw siya nga masalÍgun nga kabayran siya, He went away confident that he would be paid. pag- = sÁlig, n. -in-an n 1 person left s.w. entrusted to run the affairs in the owner’s absence. 2 a team member considered the best on whom the rest put their hopes of success. Napildi mi kay nadiskuwalipÁyid ang Ámung sinalÍgan, We lost because our star player got disqualified. saligsalig v [A13P] give assurances of doing s.t. when one has no plans to do it. Nagsaligsalig (nagpasaligsalig) ka mag bÚhat nga hÍnay ka man, You assured us that you could do the job, when you’re so slow.

sal-ig v [A; c] for s.t. standing to be leaning against s.t. Nagsal-ig siya sa lubi, He leaned on the coconut tree. Isal-ig lang nang pÁla sa halÍgi, Just lean the spade against the post.

salig-ay = sag-ilay.

saligbay = salib-ay.

salihukngaw (coined word from sakayan, lÍhuk and hungaw) n steamboat.

salÍid v 1 [A2S; ac] move very close or alongside. MusalÍid ang adlaw sa kasadpan inigsawup, The sun sinks down close to the horizon at sunset. MisalÍid kug lakaw sa daplin sa karsÁda, I walked very close to the side of the street. GisalÍid nÍya ang Íyang kamut sa hubÙ nga lÁwas sa babÁyi, He ran his hand lightly over the woman’s naked body. 2 [A2S3P] reel, leaning to one side due to a heavy load. Nagsaliid ang trÁk tungud sa kapunÙ, The truck is leaning to one side under the load.

salÍit v [A23] sound shrilly, shriek. MisalÍit ang bumbÍru samtang nagbagrung padulung sa kÁyu, The fire engine roared towards the fire with sirens screaming.

salik v [A; a2] 1 wind thread on a frame in a criss-cross fashion to determine its quantity. 2 for the water buffalo to wind its tether rope around its horns in an analogous fashion. 2a [A; a1b2] for a water buffalo to gore using the analogous motion with its head. saliksÁlik v [A; b6] pass by frequently near s.o. or s.t. Ang tÁwung nagsaliksÁlik sa Ákung luyu mangunguut, The man who was going back and forth in back of me was a pickpocket. -an n 1 H-shaped frame around which the thread is wound. 2 hammerhead shark, the head of which resembles this sort of winding frame. 3 horn.

salÍku n sleeveless sweater or vest. kamisin di- sleeveless undershirt. v [A; ab] wear, make a vest or sleeveless sweater.

salikubkub a for the back to be bent in a curve. v [B; c1] for the back to become bent. Musalikubkub (masalikubkub) ang tÁwung matigÚlang pag-Áyu, A man’s back gets bent when he gets very old.

salikwaut a 1 improper, lacking in tact and timeliness. Salikwaut tung Ímung pag-imbitar sa MÚrus ug litsunÁda, It was very tactless of you to invite the Muslims to the roast pig feast. 2 awkward, lacking in grace. Salikwaut ang pagkahan-ay sa mga pÚlung, The words were awkwardly put. v [B4; b6] be, become awkward or improper.

salikway v [A; c] 1 push s.t. aside to show dislike or gain passage. Makasalikway ka ba Ánang sanga nga nagbalabag sa dÁlan? Can you push aside the branch that’s in the way? Salikwayi mig diyÚtay diri, Toss some of that stuff you don’t want this way. Ayaw isalikway ang Ímung pagkÁun, Don’t push your food aside. 2 reject, spurn. Ikaw nga nagsalikway sa Ákung gugma, You, who spurned my love. Ang maung hukum sigÚrung isalikway sa kurti suprÍma, The Supreme Court will surely set that decision aside. -in- n s.o. rejected. Gugmang sinalikway, Spurned love. Sinalikway sa pÁlad, Unfortunate (lit. spurned by fate).

salikyat = dalikyat.

salikyaub a having a deep bow, shaped and curved like a half sphere. Ang salikyaub nga kÁhuy gihÍmung sakayan, The curving tree trunk was made into a banca. (?) v [B2P; a1c1] become curved, arc-shaped. Bumba ang nakasalikyÁub (nakapasalikyÁub) sa yÚtÀ, The bomb made holes in the ground. IsalikyÁub (salikyÁuba) ang papil arun sudlan nÁtÙ sa bugas, Fold the paper into a deep bowl to put the rice in. -un nga bÚlan n crescent moon.

salÍli = alÍli.

salimagaw, salimÁgaw a for the vision to be blurred. SalimÁgaw ang Íyang panan-aw tungud sa katigÚlang, His vision is blurred from old age. v [B; a4] for the vision to become blurred. GisalimÁgaw (misalimÁgaw) ang Íyang panan-aw sa asu, Smoke made his vision blurred.

salimbÁgat n k.o. vine.

salimbÁngun n k.o. erect, branched, smooth shrub of waste places, the leaves of which have medicinal uses and are used for bathing babies, coming in two species or varieties: — nga pula a variety with maroon-tinged stems and leaves, and — nga putÌ a variety with green stems and leaves: Pseuderanthemum sp.

salimbung v [A; b6(1)] 1 cover s.t. as a protection from view or the elements. Dakung kÁhuy ang misalimbung sa Ílang balay, A huge tree hid their house. Úlung gisalimbÚngag piryudiku, Head protected from the sun (or rain) by a newspaper. 2 hide, conceal from s.o.’s knowledge (literary). Ang Íyang mik-ap mauy misalimbung sa mga tÚig nga Íyang gilukdu, Her make-up concealed her age. GisalimbÚngan nÍyag katÁwa ang kaguul nga Íyang gibÁtÌ, She laughed to cover the sadness she felt. n screen, protection from view, the elements, or public knowledge.

salimpÚkut see pÚkut.

salimuang v [A13P; a4b] be delirious, talk in a delirium. Nagsalimuang (gisalimuang) ang tigÚlang tungud sa hilÁnat, The old man is delirious due to his fever. Unsa may gisalimuangan sa pagsulti sa masakitun? What is the delirious patient saying? n 1 delirium. 2 random thoughts in one’s musing (literary), Kadtu mga salimuang lÁmang sa balaknun nÍyang hunÀhÚnÀ, Those were the random thoughts of his poetic mind.

salin n 1 leftover, leftovers. Ang salin ipasaw sa bÁbuy, Feed the leftovers to the pigs. ImÚha ang usa ka dusÍna ug ang salin ihÁtag kang Bituy, One dozen goes to you, and the rest give Bitoy. 2 s.o. left behind or abandoned by s.o. else. Salin siya sa KanÙ kay ang Íyang amahan suldÁdung AmirkÁnung mipaÚlÌ na, He is a war baby left behind by an American soldier that went home. 3 s.t. or s.o. that survived a disease or accident. MisÁnay ang Íyang manuk nga salin sa Átay, His chickens that survived the chicken cholera multiplied. — sa gÚbat 1 war veteran. 2 s.o. born during the war. — sa Úwak 1 a fallen woman. MangasÁwa ka Ánang bayhÁna nga salin sa Úwak? You’re going to marry that disgraced woman? 2 one who has lots of round scars on his head where the hair won’t grow. v [A; c] set aside, leave s.t. for s.o. Salinig sud-an ang kasÍra, Set aside some food for the boarder.

salindÁnaw = alindÁnaw.

salindrun n mouth organ. v 1 [A2N2] play the mouth organ. 2 [A2N; c6] eat corn on the cob as if playing a mouth organ. paN- n action of playing the mouth organ or eating corn on the cob.

salindut v 1 [A; c6] shove s.t. away with force to make it slide. Isalindut ngari nang bangkÍtu, Shove the stool this way. 2 [A1; c6] cast or put aside, disregard. Ug dÌ nÍmu palitun nÀ, nagsalindut ka sa talagsaung higayun, If you don’t buy that, you are casting aside a rare opportunity. Isalindut lang nÍya nang Átung pagmulÙ mu rag walÀ tay bili, He just disregards our complaints as if we were nothing.

salindyir n challenger to a sports title or record holder.

sal-ing n k.o. bird resembling the starling, the coleto: Sarcops calvus.

salingawa a annoying, making one feel uneasy. Salingawa kaÁyung paminÁwun ang kanÚnayng panag-Áway sa mga silÍngan, It’s an annoyance to hear my neighbors constantly quarreling. v [b4] feel ill at ease, bothered. Mubalhin kug puyÙ. Gisalingawhan kaÁyu ku niÍning dapÍta, I’ll move s.w. else. I feel ill at ease here.

salingay1 v [A; c6] put s.t. to one side or at some distance to get it out of the way. Ang tinÚla isalingay lang arun ka makalung-ag, Put the stew off to the side so you can cook the rice.

salingay2 v [A; ac] carry s.t. on the shoulders. Salingaya (isalingay) ang kahun, Carry the box on one shoulder.

saling-ay v [A; c1] sling s.t. over the shoulders, hanging. Isaling-ay (saling-Áya) lang ang mga butung, Just carry the young coconuts slung over your shoulders.

salinggÁay n k.o. shrub of waste places and under coconut trees: Desmodium pulchellum.

salinggÁway = gawaygÁway.

salinggÚkud n k.o. lined snapper.

saling-it v [A; c6] lodge s.t. firmly into s.t. V-shaped. Kinsay nagsaling-it sa bÚla diri sa sandayung? Who lodged the ball in the roof gutter? Isaling-it ku ning munyÍka sa luyu sa aparadur arun dÍlÌ makit-an, I will lodge this doll behind the locker so they won’t find it.

salingkÁpaw1 a superficial, not heartfelt. PagdÁyig nga salingkÁpaw, Insincere praise. SalingkÁpaw nga imbitasiyun, An insincere invitation.

salingkÁpaw2 = mangÁgaw.

salingsing n 1 new branch growing out from a mature branch. 2 one’s offspring (literary). 3 outgrowth, outcome of s.t. (literary). v [AN2] 1 grow new branches. Musalingsing ang sanga sa san pransiskug itanum, A croton branch will send forth shoots if you plant it. 2 produce results (literary). Manalingsing ang Ímung kakÚgi, Your efforts will bear fruit.

salingtuud (from tÚud2) v [A1P; b6P] show s.t. around which one can see readily enough to draw people’s attention to it. Nagsalingtuud (nagpasalingtuud) siya sa Íyang bag-ung rilu, He was showing his new watch around.

saling-uwang (from ulang) n scorpion.

salinrun = salindrun.

salintuud = salingtuud.

salinyÁsi n k.o. sardine.

salip-ang v [A; c1] carry a child astride the hips. Ayaw salip-Ánga (isalip-ang) ang bÁtÀ arun dÍlÌ mabakang, Do not carry the baby astride your hips or he will get bow-legged.

salipÌ v [AP; b8P] stay close beside or behind s.t in order to hide oneself. MusalipÌ (mupasalipÌ) ku Áring dakung batu arun dÌ ku makÍtÀ nÍla, I will stay close beside this big stone so they won’t see me.

saliping, salÍping v [AB56C; ac] go, put s.t. next to s.t. MusalÍping ku sa kiliran sa Ákung asÁwa, I will lie down next to my wife. Si NÁnay ang nagsalÍping sa kÚlun tupad sa takuri, Mother put the clay pot beside the teakettle. SalipÍnga nig butang, Put these things down side by side. (?) n twins. v [C23] be twins. 2 [B2356] for a pregnancy to turn out to be twins. ka- n one’s twin.

salip-ing v [AB; c] put s.t. next to or in between s.t., be put in this position. Musaliping pa lang ka sa luyu sa balay, dÍlÌ ka hikitan, If you just keep close to the back of the house, no one will see you. Nagsalip-ing kug kwarta sa libru, I placed some money in between the pages of the book. Makasalip-ing ba kug Ínit tÚbig sa dinung-ag? May I put a kettle of water next to the cooked pot of rice to heat it?

salip-it v [A1P; c6P] wedge s.t. in between. Kinsa kahay nagsalip-it (nagpasalip-it) ug diyisun sa Ákung libru? Who could have placed a ten-peso bill in the book? Isalip-it (ipasalip-it) ang lÁpis sa dalunggan, Put the pencil behind the ear.

salipnÙ v [A2; b6] duck down behind s.t. Didtu ku musalipnÙ sa luyu sa batu mau nga wÀ ku makit-i, I ducked behind the rock so they didn’t see me.

salipud (from lipudlÍpud) a completely or partially hidden behind s.t. Salipud kaÁyu ang Íla gÍkan sa karsÁda, You can’t see their house very well from the road. n s.t. that obstructs the view. v [A; b(1)] obstruct the view. PangÁnud nga nagsalipud sa bÚlan, Clouds that are hiding the moon. (?) a very well hidden. pa- v [A; b8] hide behind s.t. paN-, paN-(?) v [A2; b(1)] defend, protect s.o., oneself from danger. Akuy manalipud (manalÍpud) nÍmu sa mga piligru nga maghulgÀ sa Ímung kinabÚhÌ, I will protect you from the dangers that threaten your life. n defense, protection.

salip-ut a narrow, having little room for motion. Salip-ut nga sayal nga lisud ilÍhuk, A narrow skirt that is difficult to move in. Salip-ut nga dÁlan, A narrow road. v 1 [B; c1] be narrow, get to have too little space. Masalip-ut (musalip-ut) gÁnÌ ang kwartu, alimÚut kaÁyu, If the room gets too crowded, it will be very hot. 2 [A; c] wedge s.t. in between s.t. Isalip-ut nang papil sa pultahan arun dÌ maabli, Stick a piece of paper into that door so it won’t come open.

salir1 v [A23] do, be useful, come out successful. DÍlÌ musalir nang Ímung paÁgi, Your procedure will not do. Misalir ang Ákung bulÁda. Misugut siya, My flattery worked. She accepted me.

salir2 v [A2] engage in naughty behavior when there is some encouragement. Musalir ra ba dÁyun ning batÁag pangÁyug kwarta ug nÁay Átung tÁwu, The child comes out to ask for money when there are visitors around. Misalir ang hubug nga giabibÁhan, The drunk started acting wild when the others egged him on.

salÍrap = sulÍrap2.

salÍring v 1 [A] swerve, travel in a curve. Pagbutu sa ligid, ag awtu misalÍring ngadtu sa kanal, When the tire blew, the car swerved into the ditch. 2 [A; b6] pass by near s.t. for a purpose. MusalÍring ang bÁtÀ sa lamÍsa kay nakakitÀ sa dulsi, The child will veer over toward the table because he saw the candy.

salisi, salÍsi n 1 drizzle. 2 rain or drops blown into a sheltered area. Salisi ang nakahumud sa salug, The rain that was blown into the house wet the floor. v [A3; b6] 1 drizzle. BuklÁsa ang binlad nga humay ug magsalÍsi, Take in the rice we’re drying if it drizzles. 2 for the rain to be blown into a sheltered area. 3 sprinkle water on s.t.

salÌsÌ (from sÌsÌ) v [A; a] cut into strips or slats. GisalÌsÌ ang kawÁyan, The bamboo was cut into strips. n slat, strip. TagÁi kug usa ka salÌsÌ, Give me one strip.

salit = tsalit.

salitri n saltpeter, potassium nitrate in crystal form. v [A; b] use, put saltpeter on s.t.

salÍut = sulÍut.

saliut-ut v 1 [A; c6] force one’s way through a crowd or bushes. Musaliut-ut ÚsÀ ka ug pÚngut ÚsÀ ka muabut sa baul, You have to force your way through a thicket before you reach the field. 2 [A] force oneself into an overcrowded place to get accommodated. Misaliut-ut giyud siya sa dyÍp bÍsag kargÁdu na, She squeezed herself into the jeep even though it was full.

salÍyab v [A; c] 1 flap a cloth. IsalÍyab ang alpumbra pagtaktak sa abug, Shake the rug to get the dust out. 2 scatter dust or water with a motion flinging it in the air. Íyang gisalyÁban ug ÍhÌ ang nangharÁna, She threw urine on the serenaders. 3 [A3P; c6P] scatter news, gossip. IsalÍyab (ipasalÍyab) sa kayutÁan ang malipÁyung balitÀ, Spread the glad tidings to all the lands.

salmu n psalm. -s n the Book of Psalms.

salmun n 1 canned fish in large cylindrical cans. 1a k.o. herring. 2 the large cylindrical can, about 5 tall, used as a measure. 3 orange-colored. v [A13] wear s.t. orange. -an(?) = salmun, n2.

salmunÍti n k.o. small goatfish, reddish in hue.

salmut v [A2; b6] 1 enter, participate in a group activity. DÌ ka musalmut sa rÍpa? Won’t you participate in the raffle? DÍlÌ ka makasalmut sa lumbÀ, You cannot participate in the race. 2 engage oneself in some occupation. Unsang nigusyÚha Íyang gisalmÚtan? What business did he engage in? n entry in a contest, contestant: participant in a play or game. Ipadala ku ning Ákung salmut sa banggÀ, I’ll send my entry.

salpÙ n k.o. edible sea cucumber, brownish in color and measuring up to 3 long.

salsa n thick sauce made to eat with s.t. v 1 [A; a] make into a sauce. 2 [A; b6(1)] add sauce to.

salsag v 1 [A; a12] break into several pieces, usually in slivers or fragments. Ikay nagsalsag sa sag-ub, You broke the bamboo tube water container into slivers. SalsÁgun ku nang kÚlun sa Ímung Úlu, I will break that clay pot on your head. 2 [A; a] flatten s.t. cylindrical. Misalsag siyag kawÁyan nga ibungbung, He flattened bamboo poles for walling. Gisalsag nÍya ang lÁta sa litsi, He flattened out the milk can.

salsal v 1 [A; c1] forge. Gisalsal na sa tigÚlang ang Ímung sundang, The old man has already forged your bolo. 2 [A; a] pound, hammer out metal that has not been heated. Nasalsal ang puluan sa tigib sa pagdinukduk, The handle of the chisel is all flattened due to constant hammering. 3 [A; c2] masturbate (slang—from the notion of moving the arms as in pounding steel). 4 teach, train. MakugÍhun siyang misalsal sa Íyang tÍm, He trained his team with zeal. -an(?), -anan n 1 blacksmith shop. 2 anvil. 3 one’s wife (the one on whom one forges his children—humorous). -Íru a fond of masturbating. maN-r- n 1 blacksmith. 2 one who trains.

salsitsas = surÍsu.

salta v 1 [A2; b6(1)] get loose, out of position, but not disengaged. Ug musalta ang tabla ilansang ug bÁlik, If one end of the floorboard gets loose and comes up, nail it back down. Nasalta ang tikud sa sapÁtus, The heels of the shoes got loose. 2 [B; c1] rise, raise. Nasalta ang Íyang tÍngug sa kahikugang, His voice rose in surprise. Isalta (saltÁha) ang Ímung tiil, Raise your feet.

saltu1 n style of fighting of a cock in which it leaps, at the same time lashing out with the feet and moving backward to evade the thrust of its opponent.

saltu2 v 1 [A2; b] skip, miss doing s.t. DÌ siya musaltu ug simba maduminggu, She attends mass every Sunday and never misses. 2 [A; c1] stop doing s.t. Misaltu nang tawhÁna sa Ínum sa dihang giulsir na, That man stopped drinking when he developed ulcers. Nagsaltu ang trabÁhu sa mÍna nga Ákung gitrabahÚan, The mine where I was working has stopped operations.

sÁlu v 1 [A2C; b6] eat together with s.o. from the same plate. AbÚga ang irÙ kay gisalÚan ang bÁtÀ, Drive the dog away because it’s eating off the child’s plate. IsÁlu ring bÁtÀ dihÀ arun Ímung maatiman, Have this child eat with you so that you can attend to him. 2 [A; c6] share a place with s.o. for any action. NagsÁlu mig kamarÚti sa pagpaingun nÁmÙ sa ManÍlÀ, We shared the same cabin when we went to Manila. 3 [C; c] go through s.t. together with s.o. Ang asÁwang gikasÁlu ku sa kalÍpayg kasÁkit, The wife with whom I shared my sorrows and joys. 4 [A12] be born in the same period of time. Ang duha nÁkÙ ka bÁtÀ nagsÁlu ug tÚig, My two children were born in the same year. salusÁlu n get-together where food is served informally. v [A 13] hold such a party.

salÙ v 1 [A; a1] catch s.t. thrown or falling. Saw-a (sal-a) ang butilyang Ákung ilÁbay, Catch the bottle I’m going to throw. 1a [A3; a12] accept, receive s.t. from s.o. Ang mÚda gisalÙ sa mga batan-un sa madaling panahun, The youth took to the fad in short order. 2 [a12] for an ailment to develop into s.t. worse. TinÚud ba nga ang sip-un sal-un ug hÚbak? Is it true that colds will develop into asthma? 3 [A2; a12] talk or answer right away after s.o. has spoken. Sal-un dÁyun nÍmu ug tubag ang Íyang sukut arun dÌ ka dudÁhan, Answer his questions immediately so he won’t doubt you. salÙsÁlÙ v [A13; a12] for several agents to do s.t. in succession. LahÌ na kaÁyu ang isturya ug salÙsalÚun sa pipila ka bÀbÀ, The story changes when it is repeated by several mouths.

sal-ub v [A; a] 1 place, fit s.t. bigger over s.t. smaller. DÌ ku gustung musal-ub nÍmug sapÁtus arun ka makakat-un, I won’t put your shoes on you so you’ll learn to do it yourself. Sal-Úbig iprun ang sinÍnÀ ug maghÍkay, Wear an apron over your dress when you cook. Isal-ub (sal-Úba) ang hapin sa makinilya, Put the cover on the typewriter. 2 catch a bird with a sal-ub trap. n bird trap set above a bird’s nest with three open sides through which the bird must pass in order to enter the nest. Each side is provided with a noose.

sÁlud v 1 [A; a] catch s.t. falling or thrown in s.t. SalÚra ang tulÙ ug salÚri (isÁlud) ring palanggÁna, Catch the dripping water and use this basin to catch it in. 2 [a12] catch s.t. by being in its path. Usa ka dakung kÚmÙ ni Tasyu nasÁlud sa nawung ni Piduy, Tasio’s fist landed in Pidoy’s face. Sa bÚkid, ang hÚni ra sa mga langgam mauy masÁlud sa Átung dalunggan, In the mountains, all we hear is the songs of the birds. (?) n 1 a vessel used to catch falling liquids, e.g. the container for catching the dripping toddy. 2 a unit of liquid measure equalling one toddy container full.

saludar (not without l) v [A; b6] 1 bow. 2 greet s.o. on meeting by nodding one’s head. 3 [A2; b6] pass by s.o.’s place to say hello. KÁda anhi nÍyas syudad musaludar siya sa ÁmÙ, Every time he comes to the city, he drops by my place to say hello.

salÚdu (not without l) v [A; b(1)] salute. Kinahanglan musalÚdu ka sa bandÍlÀ ÚsÀ musaylu, You must salute the flag before going by it. n salute. — militar military salute.

salug n 1 floor. 2 storey. Ikaupat nga salug, The fourth floor. v [A; b6(1)] put, construct a floor. panalganan n 1 storey of a house. 2 floor joist. 3 floor clearance from the ground. DÍlÌ kahuktan ug kanding ang sÍlung kay mabÀ ug panalganan, We can not tie goats under the house because the floor is close to the ground.

sÁlug (not without l) n river, any body of flowing water.

salugsug n splinter sticking into the skin. v [A123P; a4] get a splinter in the skin. Makasalugsug ug tiil nang tablÁha kay way sipilya, You can get a splinter from that piece of wood because it wasn’t planed.

salukgu = salugsug.

saluksuk1 v [A; c] give s.t. small, e.g. small farm animals, in exchange for a part of a bigger animal. Nisawuksuk kug baktin niÁnang inasÁla, I gave a piglet in exchange for a part of the roast pig.

saluksuk2 n k.o. cricket living in fields.

salukut (not without l) = saruk, 1.

sÁlum v 1 [A2S; ac] swim under water. MisÁlum ang submarÍnu pag-abut sa bapur digÍra, The submarine dove when the battleship arrived. SalÚmun (sadmun, sagmun) ku tung imbaw, I will dive for that clam. IsÁlum ang Úsuk, Bring the stake to the bottom of the water. 2 [A2S] for the sun to set (literary). Sa nagsalum na ang adlaw, As the sun was setting. 3 — sa lubug [A12S3] be doubtful (lit. swim under murky water). Way kasigurÚan kun madÁwat ba ku. Nagsawum pa ku niÍni sa lubug, It’s not sure that I’ll be accepted. I’m still unclear. paN- v [A2; b6] go diving for fish, shells. maN-r- n diver.

salÚma (not without l) n 1 song, melodious music (literary). Ang dinagayday sa sapÀ salÚma sa Íyang pamÁtÌ, The rippling of the river is music to his ears. 2 an improvised courtship song sung by a man and a woman (balÍtaw) and performed at social gatherings, accompanied by improvised dancing. v 1 [A; a] sing a melodious song. Walay makasalÚma ug sÁma kanÍya, Nobody could sing like him. 2 [A; c1] hold a salÚma session. MagsalÚma sila ug makainum na, They’ll start the salÚma after they’ve had s.t. to drink.

salumabit, salumabits (not without l) exclamation of mild anger shouted at s.o.

salumsum n dusk. v [A23; b4(1)] be dusk, for the sun to sink. Inigsumsum sa adlaw, When the sun sets.

salun (not without l) dance hall where a man goes to dance with girls employed by the management. -ira(?) n taxi dancer. v [B156] be, become a taxi dancer.

salundung v [A2; a2b2] gore. Ayawg dÚul kay salundÚngun ka Ánang bÁka, Don’t go near that bull because he will gore you.

sÁlung n 1 dammar resin in a soft state or as an ingredient of the balaw used to caulk boats, esp. from the almasÍga tree. 2 = almasÍga. — lÚnay dammar resin in a soft state. salngan = almasÍga.

salunggat n sliver, splinter, or anything that pierces the skin at an angle. v [A12; a3] for a sliver or splinter to lodge in the skin. Ayawg dalus-us Ánang buungun kay ang tunuk makasalunggat (makapasalunggat) sa Ímung lÁwas, Don’t slide down the orange tree because the thorns can stick into your body.

salungsung (from sungsung) v [AN2; c6] 1 go directly against the current or wind. LÚgus na mi makairug dihang nagsalungsung mi sa sulug, We could hardly move when we went against the current. 2 brave adverse weather conditions or a battle. Isalungsung nÍya ang ayruplÁnu sa nag-atak-atak nga bÁla sa kaÁway, He braved the hail of enemy bullets, driving his airplane directly into them. 3 bravely face s.o. difficult to approach. Misungsung (nanungsung) siyag atÚbang sa mga ginikÁnan sa babÁyi, He faced the parents of his girl friend bravely. -un(?) a adverse, coming from the opposite direction.

salup v [A; c1] skim or scoop s.t. off from a surface or from the upper portion. Misalup siya ug tipasÌ unyÀ gisÁbud, She scooped a handful of kernels and threw them. Isalup (salupa) sa kutsÁra ang ayiskrim, Scoop the ice cream with a spoon. n = salÚpan. -an(?) n unit of dry measure equivalent to one-sixth of a ganta.

sÁlup v 1 [A2S; ab8] for the sun to set. Ug musÁlup ang adlaw pasigÁa ang sugÀ, When the sun sets, light the lamp. Sa nagsalup ang bÚlan miinÁnay ug lÍngay ang anÍnu, As the moon was setting the shadows moved slowly. NasÁlup na ang adlaw ug namÁtug na ang mga manuk, The sun has set and the chickens have gone to roost. 2 [B2S] for one’s life to come to an end in old age (literary). Sa nagsalup na ang kinabÚhÌ sa tigÚlang, As the old man’s life was reaching its end. kasaladpan, sadpanan n west. tali-(?), -um-r-(?) n about to set.

salÚpan see salup.

salÙsÙ v [A12; c6] move s.t. scheduled ahead to an earlier date or time. GisawÙsÙ ang kasal sa Sabadu imbis sa Duminggu, The wedding was moved ahead to Saturday instead of Sunday.

salut v [A; b] salute with the hands. Gisalutan nÍla ang bandÍra, They saluted the flag. han — n a hand salute. v [A] execute a hand salute. gan — n gun salute.

sÁlut1 v 1 [A2P; a12] cause stunted growth. Ang taas nga hÚlaw musÁlut (mupasÁlut) sa tinubuan sa tanum, The long drought will stunt the growth of the plants. MasÁlut ang bÁtÀ ug kÚlang ug tulug, The child will be stunted if it lacks sleep. 2 [B126] get sick, esp. for s.t. that brings general body weakening and loss of weight. NasÁwut ka ba nga minÍwang ka man kaÁyu? Were you sick? You lost so much weight. (?) a stunted or checked growth. Salut kaÁyug tinubuan ang lubi, The coconut tree is stunted in growth.

sÁlut2 n the south of Cebu (humorous—from sÁwut, so called from the fact that the dialects in the south of Cebu retain l where the city dialect has w. Cf. Section 5.211 of the Introduction). taga- one from the south of Cebu. v [B1256] become like the Southerners.

sal-ut v 1 [A23] butt in on a conversation. DÌ ka musal-ut sa Ámung panaglÁlis, Do not butt in in our argument. 2 [A2] cut in on a queue or force one’s way into a crowd. DÌ ka untÀ musal-ut sa tungÀ sa linya, adtu ka sa ulahi, You should not have butted into the middle of the line. Go back to the end. 3 [A2; b6] take part, participate in a game or group activity. Gustu kang musal-ut sa abat-Ábat? Would you like to participate in a game of tag? 4 [A; c6] include s.t. in a group or batch. Kinsa may nagsal-ut sa imung papÍlis adtung grupÚha? Who included your documents in that batch? Isal-ut ra ni dihÀ ug hÍlum, Put this in there with the others secretly. Nasal-ut ku sa kasÁbÀ bÍsag wÀ kuy salÀ, I got scolded as well even though I hadn’t done anything wrong. 4a [b6] be interspersed with. Ang Íyang diskursu gisal-Útan pud ug kumidiya, His speech was interspersed with jokes. sal-utsal-ut v [B1456; c1] be arranged alternately, do s.t. alternately. Gisal-utsal-Útan ug mga Áwit ug sÁyaw ang prugrÁma, The program had song and dance numbers inserted into it.

salutaturyan (not without l) n salutatorian in a graduating class. v [B156; a12] be, become the salutatorian.

salutsut v 1 = sagutsut, n1, v. 2 = sutsut, v1.

saluwÁkÌ n k.o. sea urchin with short, non-venomous thorns and edible meat (tihÌtihÌ).

salÚwal n 1 pants. 2 woman’s panties. v 1 [A; b6(1)] put on, wear pants. 2 [A2; a] sew, make into pants.

saluwÁsid n k.o. halfbeak with greenish coloring: Hemirhamphus georgii.

salÚyut n commercial name for a wild vegetable: kukug banug. see kuku.

salwag n k.o. ornamental palm similar to the areca palm: Adonidia merrillii.

salwÁkÌ = saluwÁkÌ.

salya v 1 [A; b(1)] overflow, spill over. Musalya ang mga manan-Áway kun nindut ang salÍda, There is an overflow of moviegoers when the picture is good. Nagsalya ang sinakung bugas sa budÍga, Sacks of rice are spilling out of the door of the warehouse. 2 [B26; b2] be thrown off, splashed off from impact or pressure. Misalya (nasalya) ang mga tÁwu sa trÁk pagkaigÙ niÍni sa bumba, The people were thrown from the truck when it was hit by the bomb. Hingsalyahan ku sa bawud, I was splashed by the water from the waves. 3 [A3; c] throw s.t. over into. Akuy musalya sa mga kÁhuy ngadtu sa trÁk, I will throw the firewood up into the truck. Ayaw isalya sa Ílang kural ang mga sagbut, Do not throw the garbage over their fence.

salyÁda v [A; c1] in trawl fishing, pull in the net from the sea.

sÁma 1 like, same as. SÁma sa miÁging iliksiyun, napildi siya pagkasinadur, Just as in the last election, he lost in the race for senator. 2 similar. Tan-Áwa nang irÚa, sÁma kaÁyu sa Ímu, Look at that dog. It is very similar to yours. — ug balhÍbu birds of a feather. SÁma silag balhÍbu. PÚru sila sugarul, They’re birds of a feather. Both of them are gamblers. v 1 [AC; b] be like, similar to. Ug musÁma ka nÍya, primyÚhan ta ka, If you can be like him, I’ll give you a reward. SamÁhi ang Íyang tanyag ug Ákung ibaligyÀ, Match his offer and I’ll sell it. 2 [c6] treat, consider s.o. as, or similar to. NgÁnung isÁma man ku nÍmu ni Pinduy nga dÍlÌ man ku nÍmu sulugÚun? Why do you treat me like Pindoy when I am not your servant? samasÁma v 1 [C2] be fair, not taking undue advantage of one another. MagsamasÁma ta ug wÀ lay pamintahÁay, Let’s be fair to each other and let’s not take advantage of one another. 2 [C12] be in a spirit of good fellowship with s.o. DÍlÌ siya makigsamasÁma nÁtÙ kay pubri ta, He doesn’t want to mix with us because we are poor. paka- = sÁma, v2. ka- n s.o. or s.t. that is similar to s.t. else. KasÁma nÁkÙ siya ug dugÙ, He has my type of blood. kasamÁhan n equity, fairness. UsÁhay sa pagpahamtang sa balÁud mu rag walay kasamÁhan, Sometimes in the application of the law there seems to be no justice.

samÀ n mistake. Ákung usbun ang mga samÀ sa Ákung trabÁhu, I’ll correct the mistakes in my work. v [B126; c1] make mistakes.

sÁmad v 1 [A; b(1)] wound, hurt. Ayawg dÚlÀ Ánang bildu kay makasÁmad nÀ, Don’t play with that glass because it can hurt you. SamÁri (samdi) ug diyÚtay ang pÁnit arun makaguwÀ ang nÁnÀ, Make a little incision in the skin so that pus can go out. 1a [A123S; b8] manage to inflict a wound. Ang Íyang manuk walÀ makasamad sa ÁkÙ, His cock wasn’t able to wound mine. 2 [A; b(1)] hurt s.o.’s feelings. PÚlung nga makasÁmad sa kasingkÁsing, Words that can hurt one’s feelings. (?) n 1 wound, cut. 2 — nga walay pagkaÁyu vagina (lit. the wound that never heals—humorous). samaran, samarun, samdan n the wounded. Ang dinunggÁbay misamput sa tuluy samarun (samaran, samdan), Three were wounded in the stabbing. dughang samaran n heart bleeding in sorrows (literary). Kanus-a pa nÍmu kaluy-a ning dughang samaran? When will you take pity on this bleeding heart?

samÁgaw = salimÁgaw. see salimagaw.

samalabit, samalabits = salumabits.

samalÚna = simalÚna.

sam-ang n 1 cemetery. 2 grave. MamÍngaw kung sam-ang, My lonely grave. v [a12] make into a burial place or cemetery. Ang kanhi basakan sam-Ángun sa gubyirnu munisipal, The former marshland will be converted into a cemetery by the municipal government.

SÁmar n Samar, an island in the Eastern Visayas. -inyu, -nun n one from the island of Samar.

samÀsamÀ v [A; b] dare do s.t. lightly, not in the proper place or time. NagsamÀsamÀ mag sÚkul sa pulitikung tang-an, dÌ namunbun, He had the nerve to take on a seasoned politician, so of course he was trounced. DÌ ta makasamÀsamÀ ug pangÁyÙ ug kwarta ni MÁma ug sapÚtun, We can’t just ask Mother for money like that when she is in a bad mood.

samaw, sÁmaw a glaring due to too much brilliance or light. Magsan-glas ta kay samaw, Let’s wear sunglasses because it’s glaring. v [B12; b6] be dazzled or temporarily blinded because of glare.

*samay -in- n cloth woven from abaca fiber, used for stiffening parts of a dress that are meant to be stiff or for the lining of native bags and for other kinds of native costumes.

samba1 v [A12; b8] 1 do s.t. or hit the correct answer by luck. Hingsambahan nÁkÙ ang tubag, I hit on the right answer by luck. 2 get a chance to do s.t. that one isn’t likely to get. MaÁyu gÁnÌ kay nakasamba kug sakay sa Ímung dyÍp. Maglakaw lang untÀ ku, Luckily I had the chance to get a ride on your jeep, because otherwise I would have had to walk. n s.t. done correctly by pure luck. Samba lang tung pagkaigÚa, It was pure luck that you hit it.

samba2 n samba music or dance. v [AC; c1] dance the samba.

sambÀ v [B; c1] for plants to grow lush with plentiful leaves. MusambÀ ang tanum ug abunÚhan, The plants will grow lush if you fertilize them. a having lush leaves.

sambag1 = tambag.

*sambag2 -un(?) n k.o. mackerel (tulÍngan).

sambag3 n tamarind: Tamarindus indica. sambagsambag n k.o. bush with leaves similar to tamarind leaves and which are used to bring a fever to a head.

sambara = pÍk.

sambat = sakbat.

sambil = sumbil, v1.

sambÍlat n small loop at the end of a rope. v [A; a1] make a loop at the end of a rope. SambilÁti ang tumuys pÍsÌ arun sayun nga kaw-Ítan, Make a loop at the end of the rope so it will be easy to put a hook to it.

sambilay v [A; c6] carry s.t. draped or slung over the shoulder. Isambilay nang bag arun makahayun ka sa Ímung buktun, Sling the bag over your shoulder so you can swing your arms.

sambÍngay = sumbÍngay.

sambiri n machine embroidery over the edges of cloth to prevent them from getting frazzled. v [A; a2] embroider the edge of a piece of cloth.

sambud = sangbud.

sambug v [AC; c] 1 mix things together. Isambug ring pipsi sa tubÀ, Mix this Pepsi into the toddy. 1a mix rice and corn together. 2 for emotions to have a tinge of s.t. else mixed. KalÍpayng gisambÚgan ug panganduy, Happiness tinged with a feeling of desire. n 1 mixture. 2 added ingredient. Tambal sa ubu nga may sambug nga makapakatÚlug, Cough medicine that has an ingredient that will put you to sleep. 3 mixture of rice and corn. Unsay Átung lung-Águn, sambug u lunlun? What shall we fix for dinner. Pure rice or the mixture of rice and corn?

sambul a sensitive, readily susceptible to pain if touched. Sambul ug masabdan ang uluk sa bag-ung gitÚlÌ, The head of a newly circumcised penis is highly sensitive. Sambul kaÁyu ning puling ug kipÁtun ning Ákung mata, The particle in my eye gives me discomfort when I blink my eyes. v 1 [A3] being sore and sensitive to pain if touched. 2 [A1; b6] be an eyesore. Kanang barungbÁrung makasambul sa nindut nga parki, These hovels are an eyesore in that beautiful park.†

sambÚlak = sabÚlak.

sambÚnut n a rough scuffle with scrambling and no holds barred. Sa sambÚnut nahuslut ang Íyang karsÚnis, In the scuffle his trousers came off. v [C; a2b3] have a rough scuffle with s.o. MagsambÚnut ta run ug dÍlÌ nÍmu iÚlÌ ang Ákung rilu, We will have a real fight if you do not return my watch. -ay = sambÚnut.

samÌ v [AB56; ac] smudge, smear s.t. by not having s.t. hit the area intended. MisamÌ (nasamÌ) ang lipstik sa Íyang ngÁbil, The lipstick smeared her lips. Ayawg samia iniglitiring nÍmu, Don’t let it smudge when you print the letters. Ayawg isamÌ inyung tÁi sa bangkÍyu, Don’t let your feces smudge the toilet seat.

sam-id v [A; c1] 1 hone, sharpen s.t. to a high degree. Sam-Íra (isam-id) ÚsÀ nang labÁha, Sharpen that razor first. 2 sharpen, refine one’s ability. Sam-Írun ku ang Ákung ininglis, I’ll sharpen my ability in English. sam-iran n s.t. to sharpen s.t. with. -in- n s.t. sharpened to gleaming sharpness.

samilya = similya.

sÁmin1 = salamin.

sÁmin2 = ispÍhu, n3.

saminsÁmin1 (from salamin) n eardrum.

saminsÁmin2 = salaminsalamin. see salamin.

sÁmir n summer school. v 1 [A; b56] take summer classes. Unsang sabdyÍka Ímung samÍrun (samÍran)? What subject are you going to take this summer? 2 [A2; c] take the ball used in practice shooting to the other goal for a short time, making a shot or two and bringing it back (slang).

samkun v 1 [A3N2] be in the early stages of pregnancy. Ug musamkun (manamkun) ku, kasukaun ku, If I get pregnant, I feel like vomiting. DÍlÌ makasamkun (makapanamkun) ang Íyang asÁwa kay dipiktÚsu siyag matris, His wife cannot conceive because she has s.t. wrong with her uterus. 2 [A13; c6] conceive an idea in the mind. DÍlÌ mulibkas sa ngÁbil nang mga pulÚnga ug wÀ pa na isamkun sa hunÀhÚnÀ, Those words would not have come out from the lips, if they had not been conceived in the mind. paN- v 1 [A2] develop a craving or dislike in early pregnancy. Ang mabdus nanamkun ug manggang hilaw, The pregnant woman craved for green mangoes. 2 [A23; c] for a conceiving mother to have her child be like s.t. she has a liking or craving for. Gipanamkun siyag iring maung kusug mulayat, When his mother was in her first few months with him, she took a liking to a cat. As a result he can jump high. Ayawg panamkÚni ang bÁbuy, Don’t conceive a fondness for pigs or your baby will be like one. n the cravings or dislikes one feels in early pregnancy.

sampablu = kardÁba.

sampaday = sampiray.

sampÁgÀ n k.o. deadly chicken ailment characterized by swelling on all parts of the body.

sampagÍta n jasmine, spreading and ornamental bush, grown for its fragrant flowers: Jasminum spp.

sampak v 1 [A23BN; c6P] be stuck or pushed all the way into s.t. else. Misampak (nanampak) na ba ang gÍtung sa pul-an? Is the tang stuck all the way into the handle? Kinsay nagsampak (nagpasampak) Áring lipak diri sa tÚbu? Who stuck this stick all the way into the tube? Isampak (ipasampak) ang pidal arun muhÁwid ang brÍk, Push the brake pedal all the way down so that the brakes will hold. 2 [B256] for s.t. moving to come into contact with s.t. stationary. Sa Íyang pagtÍra misampak ang tÁku sa tÁwu sa Íyang luyu, He hit the man in back of him with his cue when he was making his shot.

sampÁka = tsampÁka.

sampal1 v [A; a1b2] slap s.o. with the hand on any part of the body, but esp. the face. Akuy nagsampal sa Ímung abÁga, I slapped your shoulder hard.

sampal2 n k.o. magic charm tied to the branches of fruit trees to prevent the fruit from being stolen. Stealing the fruits causes the victim to suffer swelling of the stomach and sometimes death. v [A13; b6] attach this charm to a tree.

sampaling = sagpÀ.

sampalita = sagpÀ.

sampalung v [A; a2b2] slap s.o. in the face. Sampalungun ku nang mutsatsÁha ug dÍlÌ mutÚug sugÚun, I will slap that maid if she does not do what she’s told to do. n 1 slap in the face. 2 an act or situation causing deep embarrassment.

sampan n a flat-bottomed, square-ended barge usually with no engines. v [A13; a1c] 1 go by, take a barge. 2 make into a barge.

sampangkung -in- a done poorly, shoddily. Sinampangkung kaÁyu ning pagkalutÚa sa kÍk kay dinalian, This cake is no good because we baked it hurriedly. Sinampangkung ning Ákung ininglis kay gamay ra man kug grÁdu, My English is poor because I didn’t go far in school. v [A2; c1] do s.t. shoddily.

samparay = sampiray.

samparing humorous pronunciation of sampaling ‘slap in the face’ in imitation of Japanese soldiers.

sampay v 1 [A; c] hang laundry out. Isampay ang linabhan sa hayhayan, Hang the laundry on the clothesline. 2 [A; c] put up in s.o. else’s place, cause one to do so. Musampay unyÀ mi sa inyug higabin-an mi, We’ll put up at your house if it gets to be night. Mga disgrasyÁda nga nagsampay sa Ílang mga anak sa asÍlu, Unwed mothers who put their children in the orphanage. Nasampay siya sa ÁmÙ pagkaÍlu nÍya, He came to our place to live when he got orphaned. sampaysampay v [B; c] be shoved around from home to home as a dependent. Nasampaysampay sa kaparyintÍhan ang mga Ílu, The orphans were shoved around from one relative to another.

sampayna n 1 dish made of pig’s innards and blood. 2 menstrual flow (humorous). v 1 [A; a] make sampayna. 2 [a4] menstruate.

sampid = sampig.

sampidru = san pidru.

sampig v [A; c] put s.t. right next to s.t. else. Isampig ang kaldÍru sa kalÁyu, Put the pot next to the fire.

sampil1 a moving with a limp. Sampil kaÁyung mulakaw si Badung kay balÌ siyag tiil, Badong walks with a limp because he has a broken leg. v [B126] get a limp.

sampil2 v [A; a1b2] touch or brush against s.t. lightly. WÀ may nagsampil sa plurÍra. NahÚlug lang nag Íya ra, Nobody touched that flower vase. It just fell by itself. SampÍla ra nang tÁwu sa Ímung duul arun mulÍngÌ, Please touch the man next to you so he turns around.

sampilÀ v 1 [A; c16] carry s.t. astride the hips. Ayaw sampilaa (isampilÀ) nang bÁtÀ kay tingÁlig mabakang nÀ, Don’t carry the child on your hip because she might become bowlegged. 2 [A; c1] sit on one’s buttocks with the legs crossed. BinhÚrun ka ug Ímung sampilaun (isampilÀ) ang Ímung paglingkud, You will get cramps if you sit on your buttocks with the legs crossed.

sampilay v [B; a12] be drooping over the shoulders. Misampilay ang Úlu sa bÁtÀ, The child’s head was drooping on its shoulders. Gisampilay nÍya ang tualya, She drooped the towel over her shoulders.

sampiling v [A; a2b2] swat on the cheeks.

sampÍling n 1 sideburns, the hair growing on the face under the ears. 2 the back part of the jawbone under the ears or the analogous structure in animals. paN-(?) v [A2; b6] rest one’s head by propping his cheeks in his hands. Naglangkaw ka lang sa trabÁhu kay sÍging nanampiling, You’re just sloughing off on the job because all you’re doing is resting with your cheeks in your hands. -un a having thick sideburns.

sampÍnit n a thorny vine with compoundedly pinnate leaves of a yellowish, green color profusely armed. Several leaves, tied to the end of a stick, are used as a swatter to catch fruit bats in flight: Caesalpinia nuga. paN- v [A2; b6] catch fruit bats with sampÍnit leaves.

sampiray v [A3] stagger or wobble in motion. Magsampiray ang tinday nga bag-ung nahimugsÙ, A newborn colt is wobbly. Nagsampiray siya sa kahubug, He was tottering because he was drunk.

sampit = sangpit.

sampiyad v [A3] walk with the abdomen well forward. Ang mabdus musampiyad ug lakaw, A pregnant woman walks with her abdomen well forward.

sampiyun n champion, the most superior of all competitors. v [B1; a2] be, become a champion.

sampul n sample given away to prospective users as a trial. v [c] give samples. — bÁlut n sample ballot.†

sampung v 1 [A; b(1)] cover or obstruct an opening or passage. Akuy musampung ug tabla Ánang bangag arun walay ilagÀ nga makaÁgi, I will cover the hole with a board so no rats can come in. SampÚngi ug nuug arun dÍlÌ mutÚlÙ, Plug it with a rag so it won’t drip. 2 [A12; a12] reach the highest part of s.t. ÍgÙ ming nakasampung sa bungtud mau say pagdulhug nÍla, They were descending just as we had reached the summit. n = -an(?). paN- v [A] cover an opening in one’s body. Panampung ug muatsi ka, Cover your nose and mouth when you sneeze. -an(?), paN-an(?) n the triangular portion in the upper part of the wall at the end of a ridged roof, from the level of eaves upwards. kina-an(?) n the highest part of s.t., apex. -un(?) n small part of the rice in the field left to be harvested. Aku na lay tiwas ug Áni sa sampungun, I’ll just finish up harvesting this remaining portion of the rice field.

sampÚngut (from pÚngut) n thicket of intertwining bushes, vines, and branches of trees. Didtu ang langgam magbatug sa sampÚngut, The bird was perched in the thick growth of branches. v [A1] form a thick tangle of branches and growth.

sampura = sampurÁdu2.

sampurÁdu1 n a mixture of salt and fresh water or tasting thereof. Ang tÚbig sa bukÁna sa subÀ sampurÁdu, The mouth of a river is a mixture of salt and fresh water.

sampurÁdu2 n rice porridge with chocolate and sugar. v [A13; a12] make sampurÁdu.

sampurÁwu = sampurÁdu1.

samput = sangput.

samsam v 1 [A; c1] move the lips in speaking without making a sound. Musamsam siya sa Íyang urasiyun ug ang irÙ dÍlÌ makapaak nÍya, He mumbles his magic formula and the dog can’t bite him. 2 [A13; c1] eat light food to keep the mouth occupied while doing s.t. else. Magsamsam giyud nÀ siya kanÚnay ug biskwit sa Íyang trabÁhu, He keeps eating crackers idly while he is at work. -un(?) n 1 in folk belief, a magic charm chewed so that one does not get hit in battle. 2 k.o. wild vine which tastes like betel leaves and chewed to treat toothache.

samsuy n k.o. hood made of woven palm leaflets covering the entire head and back, worn as a protection against rain. v [A; a] wear, make this sort of hood.

samtang while, at the same time as. PagbÁsa samtang nagpaÁbut ka, Read while you are waiting. ka-an n 1 time in the meanwhile. Sa kasamtÁngan, siya ang intsards, For the meantime, he is in charge. 2 person acting in temporary or substitute capacity. KasamtÁngan nga mamahandÌ sa kapunÚngan, The acting treasurer of the organization. ka-an(?) n temporary. HatÁgan kag kasamtangan nga kagawÁsan kun magbinuutan, You will be given temporal liberty if you behave well.

samu short for sa Ímu it doesn’t matter to me. Samu ug madÁut, maÁyu man ug ÁkÙ nang mutur, I don’t care if the motorcycle gets broken; it is not mine anyway. — lang 1 never mind, don’t take it to heart. Samu lang ug wÀ iÚlÌ ang libru, ÁkÙ man tÀ tung ihÁtag nÍya, Never mind if she didn’t return the book. I was going to give it to her anyway. 2 it doesn’t matter. I accept the situation with good grace. Samu lag pagawpaw ang yÚtÀ. DÌ ku man nÀ tamnan, It doesn’t matter if the land is barren. I wasn’t going to plant anything on it anyway.

sÁmÙ n k.o. brown seaweed that grows rooted, with small nodules scattered over its branches. It is hung on plants to rid them of worms.

samÚal v [A3P] talk unintelligibly due to a cold or when the mouth is filled with food. NagsamÚal ka dihÀ. BÚsÀ tunla ang kan-un nga Ímung giÚsap, I can’t understand a word you’re saying, so swallow the food you are chewing.

samÚhan n farm tenant. v [B56; a2] be a tenant. SamuhÁnun nÁmÙ ang Ímung igÁgaw, We will employ your cousin as a tenant. pa- v [A; b(1)] have one’s land be taken care of by tenants.

sÁmuk a 1 bothersome. SÁmuk kaÁyu ning batÁa nga galmun kay kanÚnayng mangÁyÙ ug tÚbig, This child is a nuisance to take care of because he’s constantly asking for water. 2 crowded and chaotic with activity. SÁmuk kaÁyu ang Tabuan ug malÚnis, Taboan market is very busy on Mondays. SÁmuk kaÁyu ang upisÍna kay namalhin mi, The office is in an uproar now because we just moved. v [A; a] disturb, bother. Latiguhan ang bisag kinsay musÁmuk dinhi, I’ll whip anybody that makes noise here. DÚna kuy isÁmuk nÍmu kadiyut, I have a favor to ask of you (lit. s.t. to disturb you with). n 1 fight, disturbance. Dinhay sÁmuk sa Ámung klÁsi; nagsumbagay, There was trouble in the class. S.o. was fighting. 2 that which bothers, annoys. MaÁyu puy-an sa bÚkid kay way sÁmuk, The country is a nice place to live because there are no annoyances. ka- n 1 trouble, bother. Ang Ímung pagkapalahÚbug makahatag ug dÍlÌ gamayng kasÁmuk, Your drinking causes us no end of trouble. 2 war, esp. the Second World War. NatÁwu siya sa miÁging kasÁmuk, He was born during the recent war. -an(?) a given to causing trouble or giving inconvenience. -in(?) a endearing way of referring to s.o. that is troublesome. Samukin giyung bat-Ána, This kid is a cute little troublemaker. †

samÚk n k.o. fish: Gerres spp.

samung n top shells. samungsamung n small top shells.

samut v [A23P] become more so, do all the more. PagkabatÌ nÍya sa balitÀ, misamut siya ug hÍlak, After hearing the news, she cried all the more. Misamut kaguul, She got all the more worried. Ug dÍlÌ ka mupahÚway musamut ang Ímung hÚbak, If you do not rest your asthma will get worse.

samuyaw, samÚyaw n k.o. citrus tree 6–10' tall, with marble-sized fruit, very juicy and sour, tasting like limes: Citrus hystrix var. microcarpa.

san1 n title of address of most male saints.

san2 = sa1 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (dialectal).

sÁn = sÁlan.

sana1 short for unsa na.

sana2 = sanasÁna.

sanad (from anad) usually [do]. Sanad siyang muanhi sa may mga alas trÍs, He usually comes at about three o’clock. a 1 doing s.t. skillfully. Sanad na kaÁyu kung mumanÍhug awtu, I now drive the car very well. 2 being very familiar with s.t. MagpahagÍyus lang kus dÁlan sa TulÍdu kay sanad na kaÁyu ku ÁnÀ, I just whizz over the road to Toledo because I am very familiar with it. v [B12] be, become expert in doing s.t. or familiar with s.t.

sanag a cheerful of countenance. v [B; a12P] be, become, make cheerful. Karung balitÁa makasanag (makapasanag) sa Átung buut, This piece of news can get us in a cheerful mood. ma-un(?) a 1 characterized with cheer. 2 giving intimation of a bright outcome. MasanÁgun siyag kaugmÁun, He has a bright future.

sanan, sÁnan and (dialectal).

sÁnap = salÁnap.

sanasÁna v 1 [A; a12] practice, rehearse a particular skill or act. NagsanasÁna ku sa Ákung pakigpÚlung, I am practicing my speech. 2 [A; c6] try s.t. on before actually wearing it. IsanasÁna ang sinÍnÀ ug angayan ka ba, Try that dress on and see if it becomes you.

sanaturyum n sanatorium.

sÁnaw1 v 1 [A; a] make a very watery porridge. MagsÁnaw ta pÁra pamÁhaw, Let’s make watery porridge for our breakfast. 2 [A; b6(1)] stew food in coconut juice. GisanÁwan nÍya ang kinhasun, He stewed the seashells in coconut juice. -in- n very watery porridge. -in-an n food stewed in coconut juice.

sÁnaw2 a for heights to give a dizzy feeling. PagkasÁnaw tan-Áwun sa ubus, How dizzying it is to look below. v [B2; b6] give a dizzy feeling. GisanÁwan ku sa ubus gÍkan sa kampanaryu, I felt dizzy looking down from the bell tower.

sÁnay v [A2; a12P] multiply, procreate. Ug musÁnay nang Ímung Ítik, baligyÁi kug usa ka pÁr, If your ducks multiply, sell me a pair. manggi-un, ma-un a prolific in reproducing.

sanaysÁnay = sanasÁna.

sanburn n sunburn. v [B12] get sunburned.

sandak v [B; b4] for the stomach to be distended with gas. GipanÚhut siya, maung nagsandak ang tiyan, He has had gas pains, and so his stomach is distended.

sandal = sandalyas.

sandalyas n sandals. v [A; b6(1)] wear or use sandals.

sandanan = sandanun.

sandÁnaw = alindÁnaw.

sandanay, sandanun n a name close friends or relatives call each other mutually. v [C; c6] call each other by a special name mutually. Nagsandanay ang mga mag-Ágaw ug ‘prÍmu’, The cousins call each other ‘primo’.

sandaw a for s.t. that normally produces a certain amount, to have a small yield. Sandaw ang lubi kay dÚgay ang hÚlaw, The yield of the coconut trees decreased considerably in the long drought. v [B12; a4] come to give a low yield. Nasandaw (gisandaw) ang kadagÁtan dinhi sa pagdininamÍta, The yield of the seas in this area has become considerably reduced because of all the dynamite fishing.

sanday v [A; c] lay or rest s.t. on and across s.t. else. Kanang trÚsu nga nagsanday sa kural mauy makapahugnÙ niÁnÀ, The log that is laid across that fence will make it collapse. Isanday ang sumbuhan arun makatÍun kag maÁyu, Rest the barrel on s.t. so that you can take good aim.

sandayung n 1 roof gutter. 2 gutter, usually made of a large bamboo tube, used to channel water from an elevated position. GihimÚag sandayung ang tubud, A gutter was made for the spring. v [A; a2] make into, attach a roof gutter.

sandig v 1 [AB6; c] lean against s.t., cause s.t. to do so. Ayawg sandÍgi ang kural kay matumba, Don’t lean on the fence because it will topple. Isandig ang sag-ub sa kÁhuy, Let the bamboo water container lean against the tree. 2 [A2; b(1)] rely on, depend on s.t. one can avail himself of. Mudaug ang Ímung kandidatÚra ug musandig ka sa partÍdu, You will win if you rely on the party. 3 [c6] pin one’s hopes on s.t. AnhÀ nÁkÙ isandig ang Átung kaugmÁun sa Ímung kalampÚsan, I pin our hopes for the future on your success. — sa kalÍwat take after a forebear’s characteristic or peculiarity. PalahÚbug siya kay sandig man sa kalÍwat, He is a drinker, because he takes after his forebears. pa- v [A; c1] 1 cause to lean. 2 base on. SugilÁnung gipasandig sa BiblÍya, A story based on the Bible. -anan n back rest.

sandi skul n 1 Sunday school. 2 gambling games and cockfights held Sundays (humorous). v [A13] hold a Sunday-school class.

sandÍya n 1 watermelon. 2 watermelon seeds, dried and salted.

sandu n 1 sleeveless undershirt worn by women. 2 men’s sleeveless undershirt of similar shape. v [A1; b6(1)] wear this garment. NÁa nay brÁ. Magsandu pa giyud, Are you going to wear chemise over your bra?

sandÚgÙ (from usa and dugÙ) n blood compact. v [C; b6] make a blood compact. NagsandÚgÙ sila si Ligaspi ug SikatÚna, Legaspi and Sikatuna made a blood compact.

sanduk v [A; ab2] scoop s.t. out or off of. SandÚkun ta ning lÁpuk sa kanal arun makaagi ang tÚbig, We will scoop out the mud from the ditch so the water can pass through. n 1 scoop. 2 utensil used to scoop rice from the pot. 3 a scoopful. Butangi ug tulu ka sanduk balas, Put in three shovelfuls of sand. ig-l- = sanduk, n1, 2.

sandul = sindul.

sanduluy n cooked cereals, usually corn, with sweet potato mixed in. v [A13; b(1)] cook rice or corn with sweet potato. -in- v = sanduluy.

sandÚrut a intimate. SandÚrut kaÁyu silang amigÚha, They are very intimate friends. v [C1] be, become intimate with s.o. DÍlÌ ku makigsandÚrut ug tabian, I don’t want to become intimate with gossipmongers. ma-in-un, ma-un a friendly, done as would be done to a friend. MasinandurÚtun nga pagabiÁbi, Entertaining in a most friendly manner. maki-un a friendly, tending to treat people amiably. Sayun ra siyang pakigsabÚtan kay makisandurÚtun man, It is easy to make an agreement with him because he is amiable. ka- n one with whom one is on intimate terms.

sandÙsandÙ v [B6; b6] scurry about in all directions. MisandÙsandÙ ang mga humÍgas pagpangÍtag makÁun, The ants scurried about looking for food. NagsandÙsandÙ mig dÁgan paglÍnug, We ran every which way when the earthquake struck.

sang = sa1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (dialectal).

sÁng v [B1; c1] be strewn all over, be in disarray. NagsÁng ang mga butang sa Íyang lamÍsa, The things on his table are all in disarray.

sanga n 1 branch, limb of a tree. Ang langgam nagbatug sa sanga, The bird perched on a branch. 2 lateral extension of a road or path. Sa tuung sanga sa dÁlan, On the right branch of the path. 3 fork of a slingshot. 4 bamboo or wooden hook attached to a rope used to draw up a fish trap from the water. 5 an extra finger or toe in addition to the normal five. — nga buhatan branch office. v [A] 1 have or grow a branch. Ang mais dÍlÌ musanga, Corn doesn’t grow branches. 2 for the road to fork. Inig-abut sa nagsangang karsÁda, disilya, When you get to the fork in the road, take the left. — ang dÍlÀ v [B1456] be fierce and violent (like a snake with a forked tongue). MusÚkul giyud ku nÍmu bÍsag nagsanga pa nang Ímung dÍlÀ, I’ll fight back against you even if you are fierce and violent. — ang tinggil a for a woman to have sexual appetite (lit. have a forked clitoris). (?) v [A13] = sanga, v. sangasanga v [A; a12] fell a tree branch by branch. sanghan a having an extra finger or toe branching off. kinasang-an n 1 the place where the road forks off. 2 crotch of a tree branch.

sÁnga = pantÍhan.

sÁngab n 1 swath or a long rectangular area designated as an area to be worked. MaggÁlab ta ug kÚgun, kining sangÁba ÁkÙ, ang pÍkas Ímu, We will cut down the cogon. This swath is mine and that one is yours. SÁngab nga Ági sa Ílang panggÚna, The swath that was left when they cut grass. 2 k.o. fish trap of shallow waters with a broad mouth tapering towards the bottom, set in the path of the fish. a right in the path. v 1 [A2; b5] 1 do s.t. in swaths. SangÁbun (sangÁban) nÁtÙ nag sanggÌ ug tagurha ka dupa, We will harvest it in swaths two fathoms wide. 2 [A; c] put s.t. right in the path. NasÁngab sa Íyang mata ang pÁa sa dalÁga nga atbang nÍyag lingkud, He couldn’t help seeing the thighs of the girl sitting directly across from him. IsÁngab nang sugung sa tÚbud, Put the mouth of the bamboo tube to the spring. 3 [AN; c] catch fish with a sÁngab fish trap.

sÁngad = sanglad.

sÁngag = sanglag.

sÁngan = pantÍhan.

sÁngat = sang-at.

sang-at v [A; c] 1 put s.t. up s.w. Isang-at ni dihÀ sa paril arun dÍlÌ maabut sa irÙ, Put this on top of the fence so the dog cannot get at it. 2 file a suit or complaint in court or petition with the proper authorities. Ang piskal mauy nagsang-at sa kÍha imbis ang tagtÚngud, The district attorney filed the complaint in place of the aggrieved party. hi-/ha- v [B1256] 1 be put up high. 2 for success or s.t. that one desires to be located s.w. (literary). AnhÀ sa paningkÁmut mahisang-at ang Ímung kalampÚsan, Your success rests on hard work. -anan n shelf, usually higher than shoulder-level.

sangay n people having the same first name. Ang santus kung sangay, The saint I’m named after. (?) v [C3] have the same first name.

sÁngay = sanglay1.

sang-ay v [A; c1] carry s.t. on or sling over the shoulders. Nagsang-ayg bÁtÀ, Carrying a child on one shoulder. Isang-ay (sang-Áya) ang malÍta, Carry the suitcase on your shoulder.

sangbat = sakbat.

sangbud v [B1; b8] for the tether rope of an animal to get tangled on itself or around s.t. else. Nagsambud ang pÍsÌ sa kÁbaw ug diriyut matuuk, The water buffalo’s rope got tangled and the animal nearly choked. sangburan n length of tubing made of a piece of bamboo 7–8 long, used for storing yarn.

sangga1 v [A2; a12] barge in on a conversation, games. NgÁnung musangga man ka nga wÀ ka man mahibalu sa Ámung gisultÍhan? Why do you barge in when you don’t know what we are talking about? NgÁnung sanggÁhun man nÍmu ang dÚlÀ ug dÌ ka paapilun? Why do you force your way into the game if you are not supposed to participate?

sangga2 n 1 in children’s games involving bets (of rubber bands and the like), one’s partner with whom one pools his bets. PangÁyÙ ug sigay sa Ímung sangga ug mapildi ka, Ask for some more cowries from your partner if you lose. 2 close friend. Kaila ku kaÁyu nÍya kay sangga ku siya sa Ámung pagkabÁtÀ, I know him very well because he has been my chum since childhood days. v 1 [A2C; ac3] make s.o. his partner for games. 2 [C1] be friends with s.o. ka- = sangga, n.

sanggÀ v 1 [A13; a12] be underneath s.t. so that it supports or protects it. Kanang lÍngin nga nagsanggÀ sa misitÍra plastik, That round thing the flower pot is resting on is plastic. 2 [A3; a12] put s.t. under s.t. else. SanggÁa ug batu ang halÍgi arun dÍlÌ suphun sa umug, Place a stone slab under the post so moisture can’t penetrate. 3 [A; a] catch s.t. dripping or falling with a container. NagsanggÀ siya sa inÁgay nga tÚbig sa Íyang kamut, He cupped his hands to catch the dripping water. n saucer.

sanggab1 v 1 [A; a] catch a liquid that is dripping or falling by sticking s.t. under it. SanggÁba ang gÁtas nga nagtulÙ sa lamÍsa, Catch the milk that is dripping off the edge of the table. 2 [a12] be caught by the ear. Ang huhungÍhung sa pagwilga mauy nasanggab sa Íyang dalunggan, The rumors of the strike caught his ears. 3 [A13; a12] make a palm toddy container sanggab. n a bamboo tube container for palm toddy, the length of one node, the bottom of which is the lower node.

sanggab2 n k.o. fishing net used in bays, attached to fish corrals, set such that the current hits them broadside at certain seasons of the year. v 1 [A] set the sanggab. Magsanggab rung bulÁna, The sanggab will be set this month. 2 [a12] catch fish with a sanggab.

sanggabun a 1 gamecocks of a kind that are killed during the first match. 2 woman that easily gets pregnant out of wedlock.

sanggÁkÀ a for plants to spread out in the branches or roots. v [B] be, become outspreading. Ug musanggÁkÀ kunu ang sanga, diyÚtay ang bÚnga, If the tree has lush and spreading branches, they say it will bear few fruit.

sanggarÁyung = singgurÁyung.

sanggat v [Ab6; b8] catch or snag when being pulled; cause s.t. to do so. Lagmit musanggat ang tagÀ sa mga batus ilÁlum, Most likely the hook will snag on the stones on the bottom. Ikay nagsanggat sa tagÀ; karun ikay tangtang, You let the hook snag so you get it loose.

sanggÌ v 1 [A; a] rip, break off s.t. stiff at the place of attachment. NasanggÌ ang palwa pagtunub nÍya, The coconut palm frond broke off when he stepped on it. Misalingsing ang gisanggÍan sa sanga, The place where a branch was broken off grew new shoots. 2 [AN; a12] harvest corn. MananggÌ ta rung simanÁha. LayÀ na ang mais, We harvest the corn this week because it is ready now. n 1 action of harvesting. Ang sanggÌ pagahimÚun sunud bÚlan, The harvest will be held next month. 2 output realized from a specific harvest. DakÙ mig sanggÌ, We had a big harvest. -l-un(?) n mature, ready for harvest. maN-r-/l- n harvester.

sanggÍkit v [AC; c1] for people, vegetation to be close to each other. NagsanggÍkit ang mga kÁhuy sa anut, The trees in the second-growth forest are growing thick. DÍlÌ ku makatulug ug dÍlÌ makasanggÍkit sa lÁwas sa Ákung bÁna, I cannot sleep if I am not close to my husband’s body. NasanggÍkit ang pagbÁtÌ sa duha ka bihag, The captives developed a close feeling for one another. Ayaw sanggikÍta (isanggÍkit) pagbutang ang mga bangkÙ, Don’t put the benches close to each other.

sanggra n 1 vaccinate by pricking with a needle, not with a shot. 2 the wound caused by vaccination or the scar left. v [A; b(1)] vaccinate. SanggrÁhan ka ÚsÀ ka makalangyaw, You have to be vaccinated before you can go abroad.

sangguli n drink made of palm toddy, chocolate, and eggs. v [A; c1] make, have a toddy shake.

sanggurÁyung = singgurÁyung.

sanggut n sickle. v 1 [AN2; b(1)N] get palm toddy from a coconut tree. 2 [a12] make into a sickle. -an(?) n coconut tree from which one obtains palm toddy. -in-an(?) n pidgin (lit. s.t. just picked up as toddy from a coconut tree). v [A; c] speak pidgin. maN-r- n palm toddy gatherer.

sangguwar n k.o. white, somewhat round-grained rice.

sanghid v [AN; b6N] ask permission. Misanghid (nananghid) siyang MÁma nÍya nga muadtu siya sa sini, He asked his ma to let him go to the show. Ninyung tulu kinsay nananghid? Which one of you three asked permission to go? Ug nakasanghid (nakapananghid) kang PÁpa, dad-a nang kabÁyÙ, If you have asked Dad, you may take the horse. Kinsay Ímung gisanghÍran (gipananghÍran) pagkÚhÀ nÍmu sa mutur? Who did you ask when you took the motorcycle? n permission. Kini si Pidru kanÚnayng mulakaw nga walay sanghid (pananghid), Pedro always goes out without asking permission. paN- = sanghid, n.

sangÌ v [AB6; a] break a piece off s.t. at its attachment or edge. Kinsay nagsangÌ sa sabungÁnan sa kÁlÙ, Who detached the thing to hang the hats on? DalÌ ra ning Ákung kuku musangÌ (masangÌ), My nails break easily.

sÁngÌ n road intersection.

sangig n k.o. erect, hairy, aromatic herb, widely used as a spice. v [A; b(1)] season with sangig.

*sÁngil pa- v 1 [A; b(1)] blame, impute s.o. with a fault. Siyay nagpasÁngil nga akuy naglÁbay sa irÙ, He is accusing me of stoning the dog. Ang hÚlaw gipasanginlan sa kangihit sa bugas, Drought was blamed for the scarcity of corn. Ug nÁay pyansa ang gipasanginlan makaguwÀ sa prÍsu, If bail is posted, the accused party can get out of jail. 2 [A; c6] make excuses, pretend to do s.t. for a purpose. MupasÁngil ka ug pamisÍta, sa tinÚud nanÍid ka nÍla, You make a pretense of visiting them when in truth you are observing them. Ug mupalta ka, ipasÁngil lang sa labad sa Úlu, If you want to be absent, just say you had a headache. n 1 charge, accusation. 2 excuse for not doing s.t. -um- v [A23] make or offer an excuse. WalÀ siya katubag ug misumÁngil nga gidukÀ siya, He was not able to answer and made the excuse that he was drowsy. pasumÁngil = pasÁngil, v2.

sÁngit v 1 [A2; b8cP] be in the way and hold s.t. in place, snag, catch. Kining tungguytungguy mauy musÁngit sa pinsÚti, This lug is what holds the firing pin back. KuhÁa nang mga lipak dihÀ kay makasÁngit sa muÁgi. Get those bamboo slats out of there because they might snag people that go by there. Way kasangÍtan ang antiyÚhus kay mubÙ siyag ilung, The eyeglasses won’t hold because her nose is so short. 2 [B125; b4(1)] be delayed by s.t. which ordinarily should not have caused the delay. Naulahi mi kay nasÁngit mi didtu sa bilyaran, We are late because we were delayed at the pool hall.

sangkÀ1 n a contest matching skill, wit, strength or a quarrel. v 1 [C; b8] have a contest of strength, wit, skill. MagsangkÀ tag makatulu. PÍhu giyud ug kinsay pildi, We will play it off three times. Then it should be clear who is the loser. Unsa may inyung gikasangkaan? What did you two quarrel about? 2 [a12] pair off two contenders in a match. SangkÁun nÁtÙ ang Átung isig ka sunuy, Let’s pair off our gamecocks.

sangkÀ2 a for the crotch to be too tight. ApÍking ilakaw ning karsunÍsa kay sangkÀ rag pundÍyu, It’s hard to walk in these pants because the crotch is too tight. v [B12] have a crotch that is too tight.

sangkad a broad, having ample width. Sangkad nga panaptun, Cloth that is of ample width. v 1 [B1256] be completely covered with s.t. Ang Íyang nawung nasangkad ug bugas, Her face is all covered with pimples. 2 [a12] do s.t. to the entire area of s.t. SangkÁra ug pÁhid ug asÍti ang kÁhuy, Smear oil all over the wood. 3 [A12; c16] be enough for everybody. Ang lima ka buuk tinÁpay ni Hisus nakasangkad sa gatusan ka mga tÁwu, Jesus’ five loaves of bread were enough to feed hundreds of people. 4 [b4(1)] have one’s fill of s.t. Nasangkaran sa bunal ang mga bÁtang nag-Áway, The quarreling children got a whipping such that they decided they never wanted to do it again. ka-, gisangkarun, kasangkarun n width, breadth. Ang lamÍsa may kasangkad (gisangkarun, kasangkarun) nga duha ka mitru, The table is two meters wide.

sangkap (from salangkap) a complete, having the necessary equipment. KusÍna nga sangkap sa galamitun, A kitchen completely equipped. Sangkap kaÁyu siya sa pangÁyu sa awtu, He is completely equipped to repair cars. v 1 [B2] for equipment to become complete. Ug musangkap na ang balhÍbu, ang kuyabug makalupad na, The nestling can fly once he gets his complete feathers. Nasangkap na ang tangu sa bÁtÀ, The child has all of his teeth now. 2 [A; b6] equip with needed things. Akuy sangkap nÍmug galamitun sa pamanday, I will equip you with carpentry tools. 3 = salangkap. ka-an n equipment, tools. GihÍmÙ ka lang kasangkÁpan arun mulusut ang kuntrabandu, They are only using you as a tool to smuggle in their goods.

sangkay1 n friend (slang). v [A3PC; a12] make friends, befriend, be close to each other (slang). ka-an n group of friends, gang.

sangkay2 v [A; c] throw s.t. with moderate force in an underhand motion. Kinsay nagsangkay ug sinilhig diris asÍras? Who threw the sweepings on the sidewalk?

sangkayud v [B6; a12] walk slowly with halting steps and a slight forward thrust of the hips. Nagsangkayud paglakaw ang babÁying nagbatÌ, The woman who was in labor walked haltingly with a thrust of the abdomen. a walking in this way.

sangki n k.o. aromatic Chinese spice. v [b(1)] spice with sangki.

sangkÍguy v [AC; a] have sexual intercourse (humorous). Bisan sa banyu nagsangkÍguy sila, They do it anywhere, even in the bathroom.

sangkiig v 1 [A3P; c1] totter as one walks under a burden or because of difficulty in getting one’s footing. Nagsangkiig ang kargadur, The stevedore is tottering under the heavy load. 2 [B146] be heavily burdened financially. Nagsangkiig ku sa pagpaiskuyla sa mga bÁtÀ, I am staggering under the burden of sending my children to school.

sangkil v 1 [A; a2b2] touch or brush s.o. or s.t. lightly. Ug musangkil ang alambri sa iliktrisidad sa linya sa tiligrama, nÁay hikurintihan, If the electric line touches the telegraph wire, s.o. will be electrocuted. SangkÍla sa kuhit arun matambug nang kartun, Touch the box with the stick so that it will fall. 2 [AN; a1b2] gore with the horns. Ayaw pagpaduul niÁnang kabÁwa kay musangkil (manangkil) ra ba giyud nÀ, Don’t go near that water buffalo because it gores. 3 [A; a12] for an unpleasant feeling to bother one. Ang pangabubhu nga nagsangkil sa Íyang dughan, Jealousy which pricks his heart. -aN-r- see ananangkil.

sangkirÍbut = singkirÍbut.

sangkis = sankis.

sangkiyud = sangkayud.

sangkÙ v 1 [A2; ac] reach, arrive at a point in time or place. Kining dalÁna musangkÙ sa subÀ, This path reaches the river. MakasangkÙ sa lÁngit ang Ákung kasukÙ, My anger knows no limits (reaches the high heavens). Unsay gitas-un ang gisangkÚan sa Íyang pagluksu? How high did he manage to jump? 2 [A23; b6] end up, result in. Ang Ílang dÚlÀ misangkÙ sa Áway, Their game ended up in a quarrel. Ang Ílang panaghigÁla misangkÙ sa panaghigugmaay, Their friendship eventually led to love.

sangkung = sakung.

sangkurÁyung, sangkuriyung = singgurÁyung.

sangla n leprosy. v [a4] be afflicted with leprosy. sanglahun n leper.

sanglad v [AB2; c] run aground, stranded on the sand; cause s.t. to do so. Mangluksu ang mga sundÁlu sa dÌ pa musanglad ang bards, The soldiers jump off before the barge hits the beach. Ang barku nasanglad sa bÀbÀ sa subÀ, The ship is stranded at the mouth of the river.

sanglag v [A; a2] roast s.t. in a pan with little or no oil. MaÁyung pagkasanglag sa kapi, The coffee was well roasted. n action of roasting in a pan. -in- n thing roasted. Sinanglag mani, Roasted peanuts.

san-glas n sunglasses. v [A13; a12] wear, make into sunglasses.

sanglay1 v [A; a2] carry things tied to both ends of a pole over one’s shoulder. SanglÁyun (sinanglÁyun) ku lang ang duha ka tÁru nga tubÀ, I will carry two cans of palm toddy on a pole over the shoulder. -in- = sanglay. -in-an n a pole on which things are carried.

sanglay2 n 1 variety of wild tomatoes having red, oval-shaped fruits, less than ½ in diameter and about 1 long. 2 [name] nga — Chinaman [so-and-so]. Nagpalit ug bugas sa Ílang Singking Sanglay, Buying rice at the Chinaman Sing King’s store. mistÍsu — person of half Chinese, half Filipino blood.

sanglit since, for the reason that. Sanglit siya may amahan ni Husi, Íya nang tulubÁgun, Since he is JosÉ’s father, it is his responsibility. paN- n example, supposition. Íning Ímung pangatarÚngan, kanang Ímung pananglit dÍlÌ musalir, In your argument, your example won’t serve. a for example. Pananglit, kining librÚha dÍlÌ na mapalit ug dÚsi, This book, for example, cannot be had for twelve pesos. b if assuming that [such-and-such] a probable thing happens. Pananglit muanhi si Tasyu, siyay mudala sa sulat, Assuming Tasio comes, he will bring the letter. v [A; c6] give an instance as an example. Ipananglit ku nÍmu ang usa ka langgam nga Ímung gipusil: mamumÚnÙ ka ba? Let me give you as an example a bird you shot. Are you a murderer for that? paN-an = pananglit, n. -anan n 1 s.o. made into an example, reference. Si Hub nahÍmung sanglitÁnan sa paÍlub, Job became an example of patience. 2 story or saying made as an example. Ang nahitabÙ sa Truy usa ka sanglitÁnan sa nagsubrang kumpiyansa, What happened to Troy is an example of overconfidence.

sangpit v [A; a12] 1 call s.o. to come or attract his attention. SangpÍtun ta ka ug manihÁpun na, I will call you when supper is ready. Gisangpit ku siya, apan wÀ siya mulÍngÌ, I called to him, but he did not turn his head. 2 ask a favor or help from s.o. SangpÍta ang amÍgu nÍmu sa kustum, Call on your friend in the customs for help. paN- v [A2; c] 1 invite s.o. to partake in s.t. lami nga dÍlÌ ikapanangpit coitus (the delicious feeling one cannot invite s.o. to share). 2 in the bÚhat ceremony, to invoke the spirits and invite them to partake of the offering. n the invocation in the bÚhat ceremony.

sangput v [A23; b(1)] result in, become. Kanang inyung lantÚgÌ musamput unyÀ sa Áway, Your discussion will end up in a quarrel. n 1 buttocks. 2 = -an(?). -an(?) n seat of a pair of pants. -anan n outcome, result. Laksut ug sangputÁnan nang Ímung hingÁrig Ínum ug Álak, You will come to a no good end the way you drink all the time. paN-an(?) n seat of pair of pants as reckoned for measurement.

sangsang1 v [A; a12] blunt s.t., bending the tip backward or spreading out the fibers at the tip. Ang batuun nga yÚtÀ makasangsang (makapasangsang) sa tumuy sa bÁra, Stony ground can blunt the tip of the bar. SangsÁngun ta ning tumuy sa lipak arun walay masÁmad, Let’s blunt the tip of the bamboo slat so nobody will get hurt.

sangsang2 v [A; b6(1)] stuff a hole, cavity, or opening. Siyay nagsangsang ug papil nga kinÚmut sa lÌliÁnan, She stuffed a piece of crumpled paper into the peephole.

sangÙ v 1 [B256; cP] for s.t. pulled, pushed, or thrown to get caught on an unmovable obstacle. WÀ masulud ang bÚla kay misangÙ (nasangÙ) sa bÚrd, The ball didn’t get into the loop because it hit the board. Átung isangÙ (ipasangÙ) sa tuud ang kangga abir makabira ba giyug kÁbaw, We will let the sled hit a stump and see if the carabao can pull it out. 2 [B1256] hit one’s jaw while moving. NasÁmad Ákung dÍlÀ kay nasangÙ ku sa kurdÍsu, I hurt my tongue because I hit my jaw on the window sill. 3 [B1256] be stuck with s.t. hard to solve. NasangÙ ku sa Ákung paghÚbad sa isturya, I was stuck in the translation of the story. 3a [B2456] stammer, speak or sing haltingly. MaÁyu nga dÍlÌ ta musangÙ ug mudiskursu ta, Better not to speak haltingly in giving a speech. 4 [B126] be frustrated, foiled. Ang Íyang pamalÍbad nakasangÙ sa Ákung mga plÁnu, His refusal foiled my plans.

sÁngud1 n nickname intimate friends call each other. ‘Way uyab’ Ílang sÁngud kay pÚrus sila way trÁtu, They call each other ‘no girl’ because neither of them has a girl friend. v [C2] call each other with a common nickname.

sÁngud2 n an amulet which gives the owner an unusual chance for financial success or unusual power and strength. (?) v [A12] possess such a charm. Nakasangud kunu nÀ si Sisuy kay sÍging makadaug sa bÚlang, They say Sisoy has a charm because he always wins in cockfights. sangÚran n s.o. who possesses a sÁngud.

sanguhal = sangÚwal.

sÁngun v 1 [A; b] hitch up, harness an animal. KÁbaw sÁgad sangÚnan ug dÁru, They usually hitch a water buffalo to the plow. IsÁngun na ang yÚgu sa kÁbaw, Put the yoke over the water buffalo now. 1a [A2] go out to earn money with a horse and rig or draft animal hitched to a cart. MusÁngun ka ba rung buntag? Are you going out to get passengers this morning? 2 [b(1)] be entrusted with a responsibility or onerous burden. Ayaw kug sangÚni Ánang buhÁta kay dÌ ku suluguun nÍmu, Don’t burden me with that work because I’m not your servant.

sangÚwal v [A13; c1] speak or talk indistinctly because the mouth is full or because of difficulty in articulating. NagsangÚwal ka kay punÙ man nang Ímung bÀbÀ, You’re talking indistinctly because your mouth is full. (?) a indistinct of speech. Sanguwal na kaÁyu ang sinultihan sa nagpinal, The dying man’s speech is very unclear now.

sangyad = sanglad.

sangyag = sanglag.

sangyaw v 1 [AP; c6P] disseminate news, information. Ang balitÀ nasangyaw na sa tibuuk gingharÍan, The news has spread throughout the kingdom. 2 [A; c6] proclaim, declare officially. Ang partÍdu nagsangyaw nga si RÚsis kandidÁtu upisiyal, The party proclaimed Roces an official candidate. n proclamation. ka-an n group of proclamations. mag-r- n preacher.

San Huwan n 1 St. John. 2 the twenty-fourth of June celebrating St. John’s Day where people go to the sea to bathe. paN- v [A2; b6] celebrate St. John’s day by swimming.

sani1, sÁni (from unsa ni) 1 pause word used when one cannot recall what is to be said. Arun dÍlÌ mukÁngÙ ang makina hinÁyig bÚhÌ ang sani, klats diay, So that the motor won’t stall, slowly release the watchamacallit, um, the clutch. 2 particle expressing discomfiture or dislike at what s.o. is doing or is happening. Sani gud nga bisitÁha! MupaÚlÌ man lang ug way panamÍlit, What kind of a visitor is he anyway! He just goes home without saying goodbye. 3 = unsa (dialectal).

*sani2 kasanÍhan n department of health. sanidad n department of health.

sÁnib v [AB16; c1] arrange in tiers, neat pile; be so. NagsÁnib siya sa mga papil, She is stacking the papers in a neat pile. NagsÁnib ang mga tabla, The boards are piled on top of one another. n layer. May tulu ka sÁnib ang playwud, Plywood is composed of three layers. (?) v [A; b6(1)] 1 insert into or in between. Gisanib nÍya sa sakuban ang sundang, He inserted the bolo into its scabbard. 2 support, give assistance. Ang mga tinun-an misanib sa punduk sa mga mamumuu, The students gave their support to the labor union. Ang Íyang sÚhul dÍlÌ makasanib ug lima ka tÁwu, His salary cannot support five persons. n layer situated or inserted in between. May sanib nga karni ang pÁn, There was a layer of meat in between the pieces of bread.

*sanib pa- v [A; b] court s.o.’s favor by showing exaggerated concern, giving lavish gifts, and the like. DalÌ ra siyang miusbaw kay maÁyung mupasanib, He quickly got promoted because he is great at boot-licking.

sanidad see *sani2.

sanÍlas = sinÍlas.

sanÍnÀ = sinÍnÀ.

sanÍpa n 1 edging similar to an eaves board which trims a roof. 2 a short curtain across the top of a window, framework of a bed, and the like. 2a design in series at one side or around the edges of the cloth. 3 folding room divider. 4 lamp shade to concentrate light. v [A; a] install, use, use as, make into a sanÍpa.

sanit v [A; a] 1 pull with a jerk. Ímung sanitun ang pasul ug dÚnay isdÀ nga mukubit, Pull the line with a jerk if a fish bites. 2 snatch, grab. MaÁyung musanit ug pisÙ ang banug, Hawks are good at snatching chicks. 3 [B6; c] snag, pierce and get caught in s.t. Musanit ang tagÀ sa bÀbÀ sa isdÀ, The hook will snag in the fish’s mouth. Nasanit sa gamut sa kÁhuy ang dÁru, The plow got caught in the roots of a tree.

sanitÁri inspiktur n sanitary inspector. v [B126; b6] be a sanitary inspector.

sankis n sweet, juicy orange similar to the Valencia oranges (so called from the brand Sunkist). v [b6] put orange into s.t. as flavoring.

sanla = sangla.

San Markus n 1 St. Mark. 2 reference to marriage. Naliug siya sa bitik ni San Markus, She was hooked into marriage (lit. caught by the neck in Saint Mark’s trap). Nagpainrul siya sa Unibirsidad di San Markus, She enrolled in the University of Marriage (i.e. got married).

San Pidru n 1 Feast of St. Peter and St. Paul (June 29). 2 gatekeeper (just as St. Peter is the keeper of the Gates of Heaven). SirÁdu man ang pultahan. HÁin kahÀ ang san pidru dinhi? The gate is closed. Where could the gatekeeper be? v 1 [A13N] celebrate St. Peter’s Day by going swimming. 2 [B156] be a gatekeeper. — San Pablu = san pidru, n1.

sanpÍpar n sandpaper. v 1 [A; b(1)] rub or smooth s.t. with sandpaper. 2 [a] use a certain k.o. sandpaper on.

san pransisku = kalÍpay, n2.

sansan v 1 = sangsang2. 2 [A2; a12] in weaving, force the woof threads close to each other by swinging the beater hard. SansÁnun nÍmu ang hulug arun singpun ang panaptun, Force the woof threads close to one another so that the cloth will be tightly woven, -in- n cloth made of abaca fiber tightly woven, as distinguished from the kind used as fish netting where the warp and woof are spaced far apart. †

sansiyut, sansut n sunsuit, playing suit for children, usually backless and sleeveless. v [A12; ac] make into, wear a sunsuit.

sansuy n collarless, short-sleeved shirt. v 1 [A; b6] wear a sansuy. 2 [a12] make into a sansuy.

santa n 1 exclamation: short for Santa MarÍya (see 3b). 2 title for female saints. Santa KatalÍna, Saint Catherine. 3 in phrases: — bÚla the Papal Bull granting special indulgence to Spain and her colonies. — iglisya the Holy Church. — KlÁwus Santa Claus. — krus a the Cross. b Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, celebrated in the Philippines in May, a novena culminated with feasting and merry-making. v [A1] offer a devotion to the Holy Cross. — KrÚsan n the celebration of the Holy Cross as practiced in Luzon with a Rayna IlÍna. — lÁna a holy oil. b extreme unction. — MarÍya a Holy Mary. b exclamation of sudden surprise or worried fear. Santa MarÍya, mahÚlug ang bÁtÀ, Christ! The child is going to fall! — santÍta see santÍta. simÁna — The Holy Week preceding Easter. — sÍna communion given by Protestants as part of their church service (as opposed to the Catholic communion—kalÁwat or kumulga). v [A] 1 administer communion. 2 take communion.

santÀ = salantÀ.

santak v [A; a12] pull a fishing line with a jerk to hook a fish that nibbled at the bait. Tandugun gÁning Ímung pasul santÁka dÁyun, If a fish tugs at your line, pull it up with a jerk.

santÁku v [A; a12] strike or beat heavily with the fist. Hala, santakÚhun man kunu ku nÍmu, sigi, O.K. you said you would beat me. Let’s see you do it.

santal n k.o. ornamental bushes: Ixora sp.

santa lusÍya n k.o. ornamental crawling vine grown in pots: Zebrina pendula.

santan = santal.

santas n female saints. v [B1; a12] be, become a saint.

santÍban (short for San IstÍban) exclamation denoting helpless, sudden surprise. SantÍban ning batÁa, gikablit ang gÁtu, Heavens this child! He pulled the trigger!

santik1 v [A; a2] 1 build a fire by rubbing two dry bamboo sticks together. 2 build a fire by rubbing flint and steel together. n 1 method of producing fire by friction. 2 k.o. flint used in building a fire by friction. -an(?) n stone used for building fires by rubbing steel over it.

santik2 n slingshot. v [A; c] hit with a slingshot. paN- v [A2; b6(1)] go hunting birds with a slingshot.

santik3 = amimitas.

santilmu n light seen at night moving over swamps or the sea caused by natural phenomena but thought to be the soul of a dead person coming back to the world. v [A13; b(1)] for this wandering light to appear. Magsantilmu gÁnÌ, ayawg dÁgan, Don’t run if a will-o’-the-wisp appears.

santing v 1 [AN] swell with a pricking, burning sensation. Musanting (mananting) ang tÚtuy ug punÙ sa gÁtas, The breasts swell with a pricking sensation when they are full of milk. Nagsanting ang hubag nga wÀ pay buthanan, The boil has not come to a head and is swelling with a pricking, burning sensation. 2 [A3] for s.t. to penetrate the ear and stay there naggingly. Nagsanting pa sa Ákung dalunggan ang Íyang mabiaybiÁyung talidhay, Her derisive laughter keeps resounding in my ears. 3 for s.t. to appear suddenly to evoke recognition. Misanting sa Ákung hunÀhÚnÀ nga dÍlÌ maabli ang pultahan, It suddenly struck me that the door couldn’t be opened. — ang dunggan v [B46] flare up in excitement or anger upon hearing s.t. Ang pagtubagtubag sa anak mauy makasanting (makapasanting) sa dunggan sa ginikÁnan, Parents flare up when their children talk back to them.

santisima exclamation denoting sudden surprise at s.o.’s behavior. Santisima, ning batÁa, mulabang lang ug kalit bÍsan ug nangÁgi ning mga awtu, Heavens, this child suddenly rushes into the street even though there are so many cars passing. — Trinidad The Holy Trinity.

santisimu n the Blessed Sacrament. — sakramintu = santisimu.

santisiyam euphemism for santisimu. — nga karÁan humorous expression of sudden surprise.

santÍta n fake saint. santa — a pretending to be saintly in behavior. Santa santÍta silabun maldÍta, She pretends to be a saint, but she’s naughty. santitasantÍta v [A] pretend to be saintly.

santÍtu, santÍtÙ1 = santÍta (male).

santÍtÙ2 n children’s game played with marbles, shells, stones in which the pieces are thrown on the ground and a lead piece is flicked to hit a designated piece and no other. v [A2C; b6(1)] play this game.

santu n 1 title for male saints. Santu Tumas, St. Thomas. 2 in phrases: purdiyus pur- exclamation denoting deep agitation at the gravity of a situation. Purdiyus pursantu, Bidung, ibutang nang pusil! God have mercy, Bedong! Put that gun down! — IntiyÍru image of the dead body of Christ carried in a procession on Good Friday. — Kristu a the crucified Christ. b a small crucifix. — lÁna holy oil. — Ninyu a the Christ Child. b the image of the Christ Child thought to have been brought by Magellan. b1 the church which houses it. — PÁpa The Pope. — Rusaryu the Holy Rosary. — santÍtu = santa santÍta (male) see santÍta. istÍgi — see *istÍgi. pasantusantu v [A13P] put on a pretense of good behavior. Magpasantusantu siya ug nÁa si PÁpa nÍya, He puts on a pretense of good behavior if his father is around.

santul1 n medium-sized tree cultivated for its deep-yellow fruits, the size and shape of a tennis ball, sour and juicy with a seed in several sections in the center: Sandoricum koetjape.

*santul2 -un(?) a unsociable: tending to be quiet, keep to oneself and cranky if approached. KasagÁran santulun kaÁyu ang mga dalÁgang gÚlang, Usually old maids are very cranky. v [B12] be, become cranky.

santup v [A2; c1] come to one’s mind. Misantup sa Íyang buut ang usa ka sayun nga paÁgi, A simple method of doing it came to his mind. Isantup (santÚpa) sa Ímung hunÀhÚnÀ ang mga tambag, Implant the advice firmly in your mind.

santus n 1 saint, one like a saint in character. Kanhi mu ra ka ug santus, karun dakÙ kang salbÁhis, You used to be like a saint, but now you’re a brute. 2 the sanctus of the Holy Mass. — Diyus Holy God. — nga MÍsa the Holy Mass. — nga Rusaryu Holy Rosary. tÚdus lus — All Saints’ Day. v [a3] 1 be successful. DÌ ka masantus Ánang Ímung pagiskuyla kay daghan kag absin, You will not be successful in your studies because you are always absent. 2 get a benefit from s.t. DÍlÌ ka masantus Ánang Ímung hubughÚbug, You will not reap any benefits from being drunk all the time. 3 [A3] get to the Sanctus of the Holy Mass. 4 [A13P; c16] make holy. Magsantus ta sa adlaw nga igpapahulay, Let us keep the Sabbath holy.

sanu = unsa nu. see unsa, 4.

san-u when, at what time (dialectal).

sanung v [A23; a12] 1 agree, consent to s.t. WÀ musanung si Bin sa Ákung hangyÙ nga muhulam ku sa Íyang awtu, Ben did not consent to my request to borrow his car. 2 obey, comply with a request. BuÚtan ning batÁa kay musanung dÁyun sa Ákung sÚgÙ, This child is obedient because he at once obeys my command. 3 [A13] verify that s.o. agrees to do s.t. Kining risibÚha nagsanung sa Ímung bÁyad, This receipt acknowledges your payment. n agreement to do s.t.

sanÙsanÙ v [A; c1] be in rapid succession. MisanÙsanÙ ang mga bala sa atumÁtik, The bullets from the machine gun came in rapid succession. NagsanÙsanÙ ang mga pangutÁna sa nag-intirbiyu, The interviewer’s questions came in rapid-fire succession.

san-ut a 1 for clothing to be baggy or crumpled from having been subjected to unusual strain at one spot. 2 worn-out from having been subjected to unusual strain at one spot. v [AB; a12] wear out or crumple s.t. by subjecting it to heavy wear; become so. Musan-ut (masan-ut) ang sangput sa karsÚnis ug idalus-us, The seat of the pants will wear out if you slide in them. Ang Íyang karsÚnis nasan-ut sa tÚhud, His trousers became baggy at the knees.

sanÚud (from suud) a intimate, close in relationship as friends. (?) a close in physical space. Sanuud ra mu kaÁyung pagkalingkud, You are sitting too close to each other.

sanuuy v [A] 1 give the appearance of being weighted down under a heavy load. Misanuuy ang sakayan sa kadaghan sa kuhÀ, The boat is weighted down under the load of a great catch. 2 look enervated, without life. Nagsanuuy ang bÁna pagkabuntag human sa kasal, The groom looked enervated the morning after the wedding.

sanwit, sanwits n sandwich. v 1 [A1; a12] make, make into a sandwich. 2 [c6] use as sandwich filling. 3 [A3P; a3] situate s.o. in between s.t. Nasanwits ku pagkalingkud sa duha ka dalÁga, I was seated between two ladies.

sÁpa n 1 washer; disc with a hole or flattened ring. 1a a rounded piece of coconut shell with a hole in the middle through which a tether rope is passed into to prevent it from slipping through the water buffalo’s nose. 2 a flat piece of s.t. wedged between two things to prevent looseness. v [A13; a] make, make into, put a washer or wedge.

sapÀ n brook or creek.

sapak a 1 apt, exact, just the right one. Ang Ímung tubag sapak giyud kaÁyu, You gave just the right answer. Sapak nga pagpangasÁwa, dÁtÙ, A perfect marriage—a rich wife. 1a timely, well-timed. Sapak ang pagabut mu kay tingkaun, You arrived just at the right time. It’s time to eat. 2 having just the right qualities. Sapak sad ug lÁwas si Iyay ug magbÁting sut, Iyay has a beautiful body when she wears a bathing suit. v 1 [A12; a4b8] do s.t. at just the right time. Nakasapak sad kag baligyÀ sa Ímung mga ipiktus—subÍdu ang prisyu, You sold your things at just the right time—when the prices went up. Ug muadtu ka karun masapak (masapakan) nÍmu ang pista, If you go there now, you’ll be just on time for the fiesta. 2 [B2; b5] become perfect, having just the best qualities.

sapal v 1 [A; b1] back up s.o.’s obligations. Kinsa guy musapal sa Ímung alkansi sa nigusyu, Who is going to cover your losses in business? 1a [A; a2] take charge or care of another person’s needs. Akuy musapal sa Ímung kÁun ug muuban ka nÁkug paniudtu, I’ll treat you if you go to lunch with me. Saplan ku sa Ákung tiyÙ sa gastu sa iskuylahan, My uncle will shoulder my school fees. 2 [A12; a3] be enough to cover expenses. Ang Ákung swildu dÌ makasapal sa tanang galastÚhan, My salary cannot cover all the expenses.

sÁpal n the pulp residue of grated coconut meat after the juice has been extracted. -un a having more pulp than what is ordinary. Tam-is ang buÚngun apan sapÁlun, The pomelo is sweet, but it is pulpy.

sÁpang = salapang.

sap-ang = salip-ang.

sapar = sapal.

sÁpat1 n 1 an animal or insect. Kurali ang silinganan arun dÍlÌ makasulud ang sÁpat, Fence off the yard so the animals cannot get in. Tan-Áwag unsang sapÁta ning misulud sa Ákung mata, Look to see what k.o. insect got into my eye. 2 a brutal, cruel person. Ang sÁpat nga hubug nanagmal na pud sa asÁwa, The drunken beast is maltreating his wife again.

sÁpat2 = salapat.

sapatilya n open-heeled shoes or slippers with low heels. v [A; a] wear, make sapatilya’s.

sapÁtus n 1 shoes. — sa kabÁyÙ horseshoe. 2 part of the plow analogous to the landside of steel plows. Sa dÁrung kÁhuy ang sapÁtus mauy hal-Úpan sa punta, In wooden plows the share is fitted over the landside. 3 presser foot, a piece on sewing machines that presses the cloth against the feed. v [A; b6(1)] 1 wear, make into, get a pair of shoes. 2 shoe a horse. sapatÍru n shoe repairman. v [A12] be a shoe repairman. sapatirÍya n shoe repair shop.

sÁpaw v 1 [A13; ac] wear two things one on top of the other. MagsÁpaw ku ug midiyas, I will wear two pairs of socks. SapÁwi lang nang Ímung amirkÁna ug rinkut, Just wear a raincoat over your jacket. 2 [AC; b6] be in the same place as s.o. else at the same time. NgÁnung musÁpaw man mug dÚlÀ nga kami may nahauna? Why do you want to play in the same place as we are playing when we were here first? NgÁnung magsÁpaw man mung duha ug lingkud sa sÍya? Why do you two sit on the same chair? Sa maÁyung radiyu ang usa ka istasiyun dÍlÌ makasÁpaw sa lÁin, With a good radio one station doesn’t overlap another. 2a drown out a voice with another voice. Ang Ákung tÍngug gisapÁwan sa Íyang danguynguy, My voice was drowned out by her wailing. 3 [A13; a] place s.t., usually flat, over s.t. else. SapÁwi ug sÍn ang kinÁma nga playwud, Just cover the stacked plywood with a sheet of galvanized iron. n layer, esp. of cloth. Nagsul-ub ku ug tulu ka sÁpaw, I am wearing three layers (of clothing). (?) v [B1456] for teeth to be overlapping. Magsapaw ang ngÍpun ug dÌ ibtun ang tay-ug, The teeth will overlap each other if the loose ones aren’t extracted. n 1 s.t. worn or laid over s.t. else. 2 overlapping teeth. paN- v [A2] commit adultery. DÍlÌ ka manapaw, Thou shalt not commit adultery. maN-r-, maN-r-(?) n one who practices adultery. †

sapay v [A; a12] in weaving with straw or the like, terminate the run of the weave by folding the ends of the strands at a right angles under and over the next two parallel strands.

sapayan v [A13; c4] mind, consider s.t. a bother or appreciate s.t. WÀ lang ka magsapayan sa bili sa kahÁgÙ ug panahun, You just don’t appreciate the value of effort and time. DÍlÌ ku igsapayan (isapayan) ang Ákung sakripisyÙ, I will not mind the sacrifice. in phrases: — sa as recognition for s.t. bad done to s.o. who pays it no heed. Sapayan sa Ímung pagtÁmay nÁkÙ, Diyus ray magÍgÙ, God will repay you for the way you scorned me. walay — 1 you’re welcome (reply to salÁmat ‘thank you’). 2 it doesn’t matter. Way sapayan ug kasab-an ku, It’s all right if I’m given a scolding.

sapÁyan = pasÁyan.

sapda v [A; a2b2] knock off s.t. being held or placed s.w. with a quick motion of the hand. SapdÁha ang Íyang sÍku inigsiyÁt nÍya, Knock his elbow to the side when he shoots the ball. Nabuak ang bÁsu kay Ákung nasapdahan, I accidentally brushed my hand against the glass and broke it.

saphag v [A; a] 1 penetrate through a forest or thicket. SaphÁgun sa mga bÁtÀ ang kalibunan sa pagpamayÁbas, Children will penetrate thickets to gather guavas. 2 roam around with a purpose. DÚnay mga tÁwu nga magsaphag pa sa pagpangÍtÀ sa Ílang pagkÁun, There are people who roam around looking for their food.

saphid = saphig.

saphig v [A; c1] 1 remove s.t. by brushing against it. Balud nga nagsaphig sa hÚgaw sa baybÁyun, Waves which washed away the dirt on the seashore. 1a brush against. Ayaw isaphig ang Ímung kamut sa pintal, Don’t brush your hand against the paint. 2 level off grains heaped up over a measuring container. 2a level a cleaned rice paddy prior to planting. -in- n levelled off.

sapi v [A; a12] 1 ward off, brush away with the hand. Akuy misapi sa Íyang kamut nga isagpÀ untÀ sa bÁtÀ, He was about to strike the child, but I warded off his hand. WÀ ku makasapi sa bÚla nga gilÁbay sa Ákung nawung, I was not able to ward off the ball that was thrown in my face. Hisapihan nÁkÙ ang tÁsa sa kapi, nayabu hinÚun, I accidentally brushed the cup of coffee, and it spilled over. 2 level off s.t. heaping. Sapiha ang bugas sa gantangan, Level the rice in the ganta measure. exclamation: word uttered to brush s.t. away. Sapi! PahawÀ dihang irÍnga ka, Scram! Get out of there, cat.

sapÌ = saplÌ.

sÁpÌ (from salapÌ) n = salapÌ, n. v 1 [A23; a12] earn money from s.t. Kining gidaghanÚna musÁpig mga mil pÍsus, This quantity will derive some thousand pesos. 2 [a12] be sufficient for a purpose. MasÁpÌ nang Ímung tÍngug sa nayitklab, Your voice will do in a nightclub. (?) v [A12; b8] get hold of money. NakasapÌ kug utsinta pÍsus adtung baligyÁa, I earned eighty pesos from that sale. paN- v [A2; a12] make, squeeze money out of s.o. or s.t. Tu, nanÁpÌ na pug pulis ug pangubrag tung, There, the cop is making money collecting his protection money. n capacity for earning money. Ang kahibalu mupauswag sa panÁpÌ sa usa ka mamumÚu, Knowledge can increase a worker’s earning capacity. -an a wealthy. v [B12] be, become wealthy. hiN-, maki- a too fond of money.

sÁpid = sulÁpid.

sapidpid v [A; c] move, be close to s.t. Nagsapidpid siya sa bungbung kay nag-ulan, He was walking close to the wall because it was raining. Isapidpid ni sa bungbung kay mapatiran unyÀ, Put this by the wall, for s.o. might stub his toe on it.

sap-ig = sampig.

sapÍgad v [A; b6] move close to s.t. so as to be touching it. Magkabalhibu ka ug musapÍgad ang iring sa Ímung bitÍis, You’ll get hair all over you if the cat rubs itself against your leg. NatÚlug ang ituy nga nagsapÍgad sa inahan, The puppy slept snuggled close to its mother.

sapil v [A12; b8] brush against s.t., usually accidentally. Nataltag ang gihay sa buwak nga Íyang hisapilan, He brushed against the flower and knocked the petals off.

sapilis = sipilis.

sapilya = sipilya.

sapilyu = sipilyu.

sapin n 1 footgear: shoes, slippers, boots, but not socks. 2 diaper.

sapinday v [A13] stagger, walk weaving from side to side. TingÁli hubug ka kay nagsapinday man ka nga naglakaw, You must be drunk because you are staggering. †

sapinit = sampÍnit.

*sapÍnu dÌ — v [b8] be trusted with s.t. DÍlÌ masapinÚhan ug kwarta nang tawhÁna, That man cannot be trusted with money.

sapÍpid = sapidpid.

sapiray = sampiray.

sapiring n k.o. hairy worm with very itchy hair. v [b4(1)] be stung by the itchy hair of this worm.

sapiru1 n k.o. sapphire.

sapiru2 n variety of cultivated guava with fruit sweeter and more reddish than the wild varieties.

sapisÁpi n 1 a simple kite constructed of a cross with string strung around the edge to which paper is attached. 2 general name for small slipmouths, less than 3 long: Leiognathus spp. v [A13; a12] make, make into this k.o. kite.

sapiti v [A; a12] trip, block s.o.’s feet so as to make him stumble. Siyay nagsapiti nÁkÙ pagbaskit nÁmÙ, He tripped me when we played basketball.

sapla1 a 1 slightly bitter in taste with an astringent effect, as unripe bananas. 1a get this taste in one’s mouth. 2 for unpolished cereals to be rough on the tongue when eaten. v 1 [B126] become slightly bitter and astringent in taste or get this taste in the mouth. 2 [B16] for cereals to be rough to eat.

sapla2 v [a12] for branches to break off at the crook under weight or other force. Nasapla ang sanga nga gitumban, The branch broke at its juncture when he stepped on it.

saplag1 v [A; a1c] throw s.t. into s.o.’s face or hit s.o.’s face with the open hand, but not much force. KaÁyu rang saplÁgun nang nawung mu Áring usa ka plÁtu nga nilÚgaw, How I’d love to throw this plate of porridge into your face. 2 [A; ab2] brush, knock s.t. out of or off of s.t. that holds it. Abtik siyang misaplag sa bÚla nga Ákung gikaptan, He quickly knocked the ball out of my hands.

saplag2 v [A; a2] go about with or without a purpose. DÍlÌ makasaplag ang mga batan-un human sa kurpyu, Young boys don’t go around after the curfew hour. Gisaplag nÁmÙ ang kabyabsan ug pamayÁbas, We wandered about among the thick growths of guava trees gathering fruit.

saplÌ v [A; a2] 1 pluck off a leaf, break off a branch at its point of junction with a downward pull. NagsaplÌ kug sanga pÁra itanum, I broke off a branch to plant. 2 [AN] harvest corn. ManaplÌ mi sunud simÁna, We will harvest the corn next week. n harvest. Pilay abut kÁda saplÌ? How much do you get each harvest?

saplÍna (from disiplÍna) n whip or lash, esp. reserved for disciplinary purposes. v [A13; a12] discipline with a whip. Arun ka mabut-an maÁyung saplinÁhun ka ug sÍgi, I should whip you constantly so that you will learn to behave.

saplÙ = salpÙ.

saplud a slightly bitterish in taste. v [B1; a2] get a bitterish taste. GisaplÚran ku sa sirbÍsa, I found the beer somewhat bitter.

saplung n sling, an instrument for throwing stones and the like consisting of a pair of strings fastened to a strip of leather or cloth. The missile is hurled by whirling it (lambuyug) and releasing one string. v 1 [A; a1] hit with this instrument. 2 [a12] make s.t. into a sling.

saplut v [A; c] 1 put a rope with a noose or loop around s.t. or ring s.t. Bi, akuy musaplut ug pÍsÌ Ánang naglutaw nga bÁtang, Here, I will lasso that floating log. Iitsa ang argulya nga musaplut sa butilya, Throw the metal ring over the bottle. SaplÚti ang halÍgi makaduha, Put a double loop over the pole. 2 encircle s.t. with a rope or s.t. analogous. GisaplÚtan nÁkÙ siya sa lÍug, wÀ makalÍhuk, I put my arm around his neck, and he couldn’t move.

sapnay v 1 [A; a12] carry s.t. laid across one’s arms. Nagsapnay sa binughÀ, Carrying the firewood over the arms. 2 [A13; a12] for s.t. to cradle or support s.t. smaller placed on it. Usa ka tablun nga batu nagsapnay sa usa ka dakung baril, A slab of stone supported the big barrel. Ang sulang gisapnay sa duha ka kamut, His jaw was cradled in his hands. 3 [A13; a12] carry, have s.t. as an attribute. Kining katungdanÁna nagsapnay sa daghang mga pribilihiyu, This office carries with it many privileges. Kining kapangakuhÁna gisapnay sa Ímung katungdÁnan, This is a responsibility that pertains to your office. n an armful. Usa ka sapnay nga dagÁmi, An armful of corn stalks.

sapnig v [A; c1] 1 strike off, level off s.t. heaping. 2 gather small things piled on s.t. flat towards the center by bringing up the sides. Aku ray musapnig sa bugas arun dÌ mayabu, I’ll pile up the rice at the center of the mat so that it won’t spill over the edges. 3 [C3; c1] for a sheet to overlap s.t. Isapnig (sapnÍga) ang isig ka daplin sa papil, Let the edges of the paper overlap. 4 [A; c] put s.t. right next to s.t. else. Isapnig ang kaldÍru sa kalÁyu, Put the pot next to the fire.

sapnut a for a surface to be rough or tacky. Sapnut ang salug kay nagkabÁlas, The floor is rough because it is covered with sand. v [B1; a12] be, become rough or sticky. Ubang sabun makasapnut (makapasapnut) sa pÁnit, Some soaps make the skin rough. Masapnut ang buhuk ug dÍlÌ syampÚhan, The hair will become sticky if you don’t shampoo it.

sapsap1 v [A3; b(1)] trim down a piece of wood by chipping pieces off. SapsÁpi ang usuk kay dÌ masulud, Trim down the stake because it won’t go in. -in- n chips of wood which result from this process.

sapsap2 v [B1] be rough, not smooth to chew, esp. unpolished, unhusked corn.

sapsap3 n k.o. fish, general name for slipmouths: Leiognathus spp.

sapsing a 1 lean, scrawny. Sapsing ning batÁa, mau ra ug gÍkan sa dapit nga may gÚtum, This child is scrawny, as if he comes from a place where they had a famine. 2 for an amount to be too meager to meet the need (euphemism). Mau ra nay kwarta mu pÁra Átung ipanini? Sapsing ÁnÀ uy! Is that all you have for the movies? What a meager amount! v 1 [B1; b6] be, become lean or scrawny. LÁyug ta ug gisapsÍngan ka nÁkÙ, Let’s wrestle if you consider me scrawny. 2 [b6] consider an amount meager for the need.

sapsiyÚtir n sharpshooter. v [B12] be, become a sharpshooter.

sapsuy n Chinese dish of mixed vegetables. v [A12; a12] make, have chop suey.

sapu v [A; a] wipe, put s.t. back in place using the hands. AyÚhag sapu ang tipasÌ nga muaslay sa lusung, Scoop the spilled rice back to the mortar carefully. Sapuha kanang buhuk mu nga nagyungyung, Put your loose strands of hair back in place. paN- v [A2] cover one’s genitalia from view. Panapu dihÀ uy. KÍtÀ Ímung antitirhi, Pull the back of your dress up between your legs so people can’t see your hoosy.

sapud1 n the first few mature leaves of the tobacco plants. v 1 [B23; b6] for the first few leaves of the tobacco plant to develop. 2 [AN; a] gather the first few matured leaves of tobacco plants.

sapud2 a next. Akuy sapud nÍmu sa linya, I am next to you in line. v 1 [A23; c6] do next after s.o. does it. Musapud ku nÍmu ug bÁsa ug mahuman ka, I will read it after you when you’re all done. Isapud ku ikaw ug latigu, I will whip you next. 2 [b(1)] be followed by another event. WÀ pa gÁnÌ matÚig ang bÁtÀ nasapdan dÁyun, Another baby followed even before the first was a year old.

*sÁpul1 pa- v [A; b(1)] bring oneself to do or undertake s.t. NgÁnung nagpasÁpul ka man ug dÁru nga nagdaut pa man ka! Why do you undertake to plow when you’re still sick! n sponsorship. Kining amatyÚra ubus sa pasÁpul sa Akmi TrÍding, This singing contest is under the sponsorship of Acme Trading.

sÁpul2 = syÁpul1, 2.

sapun1 v 1 [A12; b2] catch s.o. doing s.t. Hisapnan sila sa amahan sa dalÁga, They were caught redhanded by the girl’s father. 2 [A12; a12b2] be on time to catch s.t. before it leaves. Makasapung pa ta sa byÁhi, We can still catch the bus.

sapun2 = sapud2.

sapung n k.o. river fish trap, usually cylindrical in form with an opening at one end, placed facing downstream to catch fish or shrimps going upstream. v [AN; a] catch fish with this trap.

sap-ung v [A; b] cover or block an opening. TingÁli papil ang nakasap-ung sa tÚbu sa hugasan, Probably a piece of a paper has blocked up the drainpipe. Sap-Úngi ug tabla ang bangag arun walay mabulasut, Cover the hole with a piece of wood so no one will step into it accidentally. paN- v [A] cover one’s nose, mouth, ears with s.t. Nanap-ung ku kay nanimÁhÙ, I covered my nose because it stank.

sapunir v [A23; a3] for an idea to pop into one’s mind. Misapunir sa Ákung alimpatakan nga gibinuÁngan ku, It suddenly occurred to me that I was being made a fool of. Nasapunir sa Ákung hunÀhÚnÀ ang pagpanimalus, The idea of revenge came to my mind.

sapÚpu v 1 [A; a12] have, pick up s.t. in one’s arms. NgÁnung misapÚpu man tu siya sa Íyang mga sinÍnÀ ug milakaw? Why did she gather up her clothes in her arms and go away? SapupÚha (sapupÚa) ang masusu arun dÌ tugnawun, Hold the baby in your arms so it won’t feel cold. 2 [A12; a12] receive, get hold of what is there. Ang bugtung anak mauy makasapÚpu sa tanang kabÍlin, The only son gets all of the inheritance. Mauy nakasapÚpu sa tanang kasÁbÀ, The one who received all the scoldings.

saput n clothes. v 1 [A13] wear clothes. Kadtung nagsaput ug putÌ, The one wearing white. 2 [A; c1] cloth s.t. in s.t. Saputan ang nangkÀ arun dÍlÌ tamasÚkun, Cover the jackfruit so the worms can’t get at it. paN- n 1 attire, the k.o. clothes one wears as opposed to the type worn by other classes or on other occasions. Panaput sa tugnaw, Winter clothing. 2 the way one dresses. MaÁyu siyag panaput ug wÀ ilhing makalilÍmus, He dressed well, and no one recognized him as a beggar. panaptun n 1 cloth, ready to make into clothing. 2 piece of cloth, rag.

sÁput n bad temper or mood. v [B146; a4] be in a bad mood. Ayaw siya ug pangutan-a kay nagsÁput (gisÁput) siya rung buntÁga, Don’t ask him questions because he is in a bad mood this morning. -un(?), salaptun a easily given to bad moods. v [B12] be, become cranky.

sapÚti v [A; a12] do s.t. in a secret, dishonest way. Abtik nga misapÚti sa barÁha ang dÍlir, The dealer stacked the cards deftly. Ang inyu ra pud nga mga diligÁdu ang nagsapÚti sa kumpirinsiya, It was your delegates that worked to undermine the conference. Ug Ímung saputÍhun ang buksing, wÀ nay mupusta nÍmu, If you throw the boxing match, no one will bet on you again. n thing done in a secret and dishonest manner.

sapwang = salapwang.

sapya v [A; c1] for the waves to lap gently at. SapyÁhun (isapya) sa mga balud ang mga lÚsay ngadtu sa baybÁyun, The waves gently carry the seaweeds to the seashore.

sapyÀ a 1 flat, said of s.t. which is normally full and bulging. SapyÀ siyag dughan, She is flat-breasted. SapyÀ nga batu ang Íyang gilingkÚran, He sat on a flat stone. 2 for a plate or bowl to be shallow. n a flat liquor bottle containing about 375 cc. v 1 [A3B; b6c1] flatten, become flat. MusapyÀ (masapyÀ) ang Úlu sa bÁtÀ nga pirming maghayang, The head of an infant will get flat in the back if it is always laid on its back. HÍlum. NagsapyÀ lang nang ilung mu, Shut up! You and your flat nose. 2 [B] for s.t. rounded to become flattish.

sapyag = sabyag, 1.

sapyaw v [A; a] cup, scoop s.t. using both hands. Musapyaw kug bugas sa sÁku, I will scoop up rice from the sack with my hands. n = salapyaw.

sapyur n driver of an automobile vehicle. v [A13; b(1)] drive a vehicle, be a driver.

sapyut a 1 ungainly posture characterized with hips too far forward. 2 for the buttocks to be flat, not full. v [B; a12P] having the hips too far forward or flat buttocks.

sarÀ = karun (dialectal).

sarabya 1 = gwayabanu. 2 = kardÁba.

saragÁti a having a bad character, heartless, cruel, arousing resentment (euphemism for salbÁhis). SaragÁti kaÁyu nang maistrÁha, dÌ malÚuy muhagbung, That teacher is a real s.o.b. She has no qualms about failing people. SaragÁti ning batÁa, kahÚgaw, What a nasty child you are. You’re so dirty.

sarahintu = sarhintu.

sarang 1 adequate. MangÍtÀ kag trabÁhu nga sarang nÍmu nga pangabuhÍan, Look for a job that will give you an income adequate for you to live on. Kaanyag nga sarang ikapanghambug, Beauty that is worth bragging about. 1a be up to doing. NalunÚpan ang Átung bÁy. Unsa may sarang nÁtung mabÚhat niÍni? Our house is all flooded. What can we do about it? 2 properly and justly. Mau nay sarang kung ikasulti Áning kahimtÁnga, That is what I can properly and with justice say about this situation. v [A12; c5] be up to doing s.t. properly or adequately. Makasarang kag bÁyad sa binulang balayranan? Are you able to keep up with the monthly payments? (?) n k.o. bamboo tray made of loosely woven bamboo strips, usually hung above the kitchen stove. -in-(?) n a simple weave of wide bamboo strips or palm leaflets. ka-an(?) n average, moderate. Mau niy kasarÁngang gidak-un sa pÚsÙ, This is the usual size of the corn ear.

saranggat (from sanggat) n 1 a sharp barb which is pointed in the opposite direction from a point at the tip of a dart, hook, or the like to prevent easy extraction. 2 group of four or more fishhooks tied together so that the hooks are facing in different directions, used for catching squid or any fish that come in masses. v 1 [A; b(1)] attach a barb. 1a [AN; a] fish, catch with a saranggat. 2 [B6; b5c] lodge, take hold like s.t. with a barb. Misaranggat sa Íyang tutunlan ang bukug sa isdÀ, The fish bone stuck in his throat. 3 [A; a] scratch with a sharp, pointed instrument. Lansang nga tayaun ang nakasaranggat sa Íyang lapalapa, It was a rusty nail that scratched the sole of his foot.

sarap1 a delicious, said only of food. Kasarap sa sud-an, What delicious food. v [B2; a] for food to be or become delicious.

sÁrap v 1 [A; a12] go over a place in fine detail so as not to miss anything. SarÁpun ta ang kakahuyan arun kit-an ang bÁtÀ, Let’s search the woods thoroughly to find the child. 2 [c6] move one’s line of sight in a different direction. IsÁrap ang Ímung mata sa wala arun mu makÍtÀ ang sakayan, Point your eyes to the left so you can see the boat. 3 [A; cP] dive and make a pass at s.t. MisÁrap ang ayruplÁnu sa bapur sa kaÁway, The airplane buzzed the enemy ship. GisarÁpan sa lÁngaw ang sabaw, The fly made a pass over the soup. paN- v [A13; b6] go fishing with the sarap. (?)2 n finely woven fish net dragged by two or more people walking in shallow water.

sarÁsay v [B26; a3] move in a waving, zigzag manner. MisarÁsay ang hubug, The drunk zigzagged as he walked. Usa ka kusug nga suntuk nakasarÁsay (nakapasarÁsay) nÁkÙ, A strong blow made me stagger. wÁtir — n coconut palm toddy, or, by extension, any alcoholic drink.

sardÍnas n 1 fish in oval cans. 2 any fish canned whole. v [A2S; b6] have canned fish. -in-(?) a closely packed, like sardines. v [A13; a12] be packed tight in a place for few people. Nagsinardinas ang mga tÁwu ug sakay sa trÁk, The people were packed in the bus like sardines.

sargÁti = saragÁti.

sarguylas = siriguylas.

sarhintu n sergeant. v [B36; a12] be, become, make one a sergeant. — dimÍsa n desk sergeant. v [B36; a12] become a desk sergeant.

saril = salir1, 2.

saring n class in school. -an n place where classes are held. ka-(?) n classmate.

sarÌsÁrÌ n 1 all different types of things sold in one place. 1a category of store which sells miscellaneous items in small quantities. DÌ ka na mulukat ug lisinsiya kay sarÌsÁrÌ ra man nang tindÁhan mu, You don’t have to get a license for your dime store. 1b be of all different types. SarÌsÁrÌ Ílang pÍsang gibaligyÀ, They sell spare parts of various brands. 2 dish made of pork with various vegetables and liver and sautÉed. 2a dish made of various greens mixed with diced squash and eggplants and stewed. v [A13; a12] be varied or of different kinds. SarÌsarÍun nÁtÙ ang klÁsi sa prÚtas arun nÁay Átung kailin-ilÍnan, Let’s serve fruits of different kinds so we can have a choice.

sarlistun n Charleston dance. v [A12; a12] dance the Charleston.

sarsa1 = salsa.

sarsa2 n bottle cap.

sarsaparilya n k.o. sweetened carbonated beverage similar to root beer.

sarsuyla n 1 zarzuela, a form of musical comedy. 2 the second part of the pastÚra (shepherd’s play) wherein each lady participant renders a song and dance number. v [A; b6c1] present, stage a zarzuela.

sartin n an enamel-plated metal plate or drinking cup. v [A; a2] provide, use such a utensil.

sÁru n 1 goblet. 2 the heady wine of love in sexual pleasure (literary). MalipÁyun kaÁyu ang nanaghigugmaay nga nagdimdim sa sÁru sa gugma, The two lovebirds are happy drinking the wine of love.

saruk n 1 a wide-brimmed hat with a sharp metal point at the center, tapering to the brim, usually made of buri palm leaves and black climbing fern (nÍtÙ), used as a protection against the sun. 2 hat in general (usage in areas which call the sun hat salukut). v [A; a] wear, make into a hat of this sort. saruksaruk n k.o. edible limpet, from 1–3, so called because of its resemblance to the saruk.

sarul1 n hoe with a short handle used for breaking up soil. v [A13; a12] loosen the soil with a hoe.

sarul2 = tsarul.

sarung, sÁrung n sarong, worn by Muslim men and women. v [A; c1] wear, make into a sarong.

sarunsuy n sweet made of white rice cake wrapped in banana leaves, steamed and shaped like a canoe. v [A; a] make into sarunsuy.

sÁsa = salasa2.

sÀsÀ v [A; a12] crack and flatten bamboo stems so as to make them resemble and serve as boards for walling. n sheet of cracked and flattened bamboo for walling, or the walling of this sort of material.

sasag n k.o. exterior walling made of bamboo slats and palm thatch, nailed to wooden studs.

sÁsing n k.o. edible, white worm of the mud near the seashore.

sasirdÚti n priests of other religions than the Roman Catholic. labaw nga — High Priest. v [A13; a12P] be a priest.

sastri n 1 seamstress, dressmaker. 2 tailor. v [B156] be, become a tailor or seamstress. paN- v [A2; b6] go into the tailoring or dressmaking business. -rÍya n dress or tailor shop.

sÁtan = salÁtan.

satanas n 1 Satan. 2 devil.

satgan n shotgun. v [a12] fire at with a shotgun.

satin n satin.

satispitsu a 1 satisfied with the way s.o. does s.t. Satispitsu ku sa Íyang Ági, I’m satisfied with his work. 2 satisfied, convinced by an argument or explanation. v [B12] be satisfied with work or an explanation. Kadtung Íyang iksplikasiyun walÀ makasatispitsu (makapasatispitsu) ug diyÚtay kanÁkÙ, His explanation did not convince me a bit.

satsat v 1 [A12; c1] slurp, eat or drink in a noisy sucking way. 2 [A; c3] gossip, engage in idle talk. Ayawg isatsat ang Átung gisultÍhan, Don’t go blabbing around what we have been talking about. n idle talk, esp. gossip. -ay v [c] engage in idle gossip. -Íra n gossip.

sÁtu, sÁtum n children’s game played with two sticks, in which one is flipped in the air and struck a distance. The one who hits his stick the shortest way is punished by being made to run a certain distance shouting sÁtu (sÁtum). v [A1; b6] play this game.

satung v [A2; c1] 1 rush off and do s.t. NapÁwul ang rÁnir nga misatung ug dÁgan sa wÀ pay butu, The runner who started before the go-signal was declared foul. 2 do s.t. straight without pausing for breath. DÌ ku makasatung ug inum ug usa ka bÚl tubÀ, I cannot drink a whole jarful of palm toddy straight.

sÁtung (from satung) = sÁtu.

saud v 1 [B256C3; c] press s.t. hard against s.t. WalÀ nay kasibÚgan ang lamÍsa kay misaud (nasaud) nas bungbung, You can’t move the table any further because it is already pressed against the wall. NagsÁud ang katri ug ang sÍya, The bed and the chair are pressed against each other. 2 [A; c] knock s.t. hard against s.t. Ákung gisaud ang lubi sa batu, I knocked the coconut against the stone.

saudsaud v [A; c1] do, occur one after another in rapid succession. Misaudsaud ang dimÁlas nÍya, He was hit by bad luck without letup. Labihang nakasaudsaud sa mga pumapÁlit niÁnang buntag, The buyers came steadily all morning long.

saudsÁud v [A23C] be on friendly, cooperative terms, help each other when help is needed. NagsaudsÁud ang mga managsÚun sa buluhatun sa balay, The brothers and sisters cooperated with one another in doing the household chores.

sÁug v 1 [A; c1] drag a boat ashore or back to the sea. Tabangan tag sÁug ang barÚtu, Let’s all help drag the boat ashore. 2 [A3; a12] move, carry away by an emotion (literary). GisÁug siya sa usa ka tawhÁnung pagbÁtÌ, She was carried away by an ecstatic feeling. -l-an(?), -l-anan n place where one usually drags a boat in going ashore or back to the sea.

sÁul n highest point of pain in labor when the baby is expelled. v [b4] reach this point in labor. GisaÚlan na ang babÁying nagbatÌ, The woman in labor is in acute pain now.

saulÌ see ulÌ.

saulu = sag-ulu. see Úlu.

saÚlug v [A; b5] celebrate the memory of some event. DÍlÌ ku musaÚlug sa Ákung adlaw, I will not celebrate my birthday. MagsaÚlug mi sa Ámung pyista rung dÚsi ning bulÁna, We will celebrate our fiesta on the twelfth of this month. n celebration.

sÁun short for unsÁun. see unsa.

saup1 n sharecropper. DÍlÌ ni Ákung yÚtÀ, saup lang ku dinhi, This is not my land. I’m just a sharecropper here. v [A; b6] work a piece of land by sharecropping. paN- v [A2; b6] earn one’s living as a sharecropper. n sharecropping.

saup2 v [b4] be in an angry mood. Gisaupan ku kay gilabtan ag Ákung butang, I was in a bad mood because s.o. touched my things.

sÁup v 1 [A; ac] for a liquid or water level to be above the surface of s.t. Kinahanglang musÁup ang tÚbig sa karning lat-an, If you boil meat, the water level should be above it. GisaÚpan (gisÁup) sa tÚbig ang dakung pÁtag, The vast plain was flooded with water. 2 [A; b(1)] flood with feelings. MisÁup sa Íyang dughan ang hilabihang kamÍngaw, She was overwhelmed with feelings of loneliness. GÚtum nga misÁup sa balÁngay, A famine which overwhelmed the village.

sÁuy v [A13] for all sorts of people to move around in all directions in a certain place. sauysÁuy v [A; b(1)] go back and forth over a place. May tÁwu nga misauysÁuy tungud sa ÁtÙ, There was a man who was going to and fro in front of our house. Mga mamistÁhay nga nagsauysÁuy sa kadalÁnan angat sa pyista, People passing back and forth in front of our house during the fiesta.

sawa n 1 large snake. 2 python. — nga baksan banded python.

saw-a a feeling uneasy when one stops doing things he usually does. Saw-a kaÁyu ug dÌ ku maggirdul, I feel uneasy if I don’t wear a girdle. v [b4] get this feeling of uneasiness.

sawad n the measure of corn (usually basketful) left over after the crop has been divided. Sawad nga tungÀ sa bukag, A remainder of half a basketful after the crop had been divided.

sawÁli = amÁkan.

sÁwan a giving a dizzying feeling from looking down from heights. SÁwan ang walug gÍkan sa tumuy sa bÚkid, It is dizzying to look down into the valley from the top of the mountain. n intense fear or shock. v 1 [b4] get a dizzy feeling. 2 [A123P; a4] be intensely frightened. GisÁwan ku sa butu sa bumba, I was terribly frightened by the explosion of the bomb. -anan(?) a prone to intense fright.

sÁwang n town proper, the part of the town where the people are concentrated.

sawÁsid = saluwÁsid.

saway v 1 [AN; a1c] speak disparagingly about s.t., mention bad qualities of s.t. Kadtung magsaway Áning panaptÚna dÍlÌ swÍtu sa panaptun, Whoever speaks disparagingly of this cloth doesn’t know anything about cloth. WalÀ kuy ikasaway (ikapanaway) sa Íyang panglÍhuk, I have nothing to criticize about his deportment. 2 [A12] disapprove, consider s.t. improper. Nakasaway ku sa Íyang gisulti sa Íyang diskursu, I think it’s improper what he said in his speech. hiN- v [B1256; b4(1)] disapprove, consider s.t. as improper. Unsa may nahinawayan nÍmu nÍya? What do you disapprove of in him? -l-un(?) a worthy of condemnation. Ang paglibak usa ka bÚhat nga salawÁyun, Speaking ill of others is a contemptible act. v [B1256] become contemptible. hiN-un(?) a fond of criticizing or disparaging. v [B1256] be given to criticizing.

sawi a giving a feeling of uneasiness when s.t. is new. Sawi kaÁyu ang antiyÚhus basta bag-u pa, One doesn’t feel comfortable wearing glasses for the first time. v [b6] feel uncomfortable with s.t. new. Sawihan kaÁyu kus marpil, I don’t feel comfortable with my new false teeth.

saw-id v [A23C3; a2] join two strands by winding them around each other, hook the fingers together. ‘Matay pa, tinÚud lagi,’ nanumpÀ siya nga gisaw-id ang duha ka tudlÙ, ‘So help me it’s true,’ she insisted, hooking her two fingers together. Nagkasaw-id ang hukut sa duha ka bÁbuy, The tether ropes of the two pigs got tangled up in each other.

sÁwil n children’s game wherein objects are placed in a circle for the players to hit out of the circle using a piece designated to hit other pieces. v [AC; a2] play this game.

sawilik (from wilik) v 1 [A13; c] flick s.t. away with the back of the hand. Ayaw ug isawilik ang Úlud diri nÁkÙ, Do not flick the worm off on me. 2 [c] push or move aside or away, as if flicking. Isawilik lang unyÀ ang hÁbul ug galhaan ka, Just push the blanket aside if you feel warm.

saw-it v [b8] be caught or snagged by s.t. WalÀ masaw-iti ang kabli sa sÁhid, The grapnel did not catch on the cable.

sawpan = salÚpan. see salup.

sawsaw v [A13; c6] dunk s.t. into s.t. else and shake it around. Kinsay nagsawsaw Áring tÚbig nga nahÚgaw man? Who dunked (his hand) into the water (and swished it around)? It is dirty. Karing sukÁa sawsÁwi sa sinugbang bÁbuy, Dunk your roast pork and swish it around in this vinegar. Isawsaw ang nuug sa tÚbig, Swish the rag around in the water.

sawsyung n 1 a player who inadvertently gets more cards than the required number. 2 a player who announces mahjong on a false alarm, penalized if the other players have displayed their hands.

sawu- for words with sawu- see also salu-.

sÁwun n 1 sound system of a movie. KlÁru ug sÁwun nang sinihÁna, That movie house has a clear sound system. 2 way — saying nothing in a group conversation (humorous). TÍngug bay, wÀ ka may sÁwun dihÀ, Say s.t., pal. You haven’t said a word yet. — sirbis, sistim public address system.

sÁwut = sur.

sawuy v [A13] feel weak and sickly from bad health. Magsawuy giyud ku ug musakit ang Ákung ngÍpun, I feel ill whenever I have a toothache.

sÁya n skirt of the native dress, usually ankle-length and generally having a tail, wound around and tucked in front. di- see abab and andir. v [A; a12] wear, make into a skirt of this sort. Ayaw kadispirÁdu. Siya ra bay nagsÁya? Don’t get desperate. Is she the only fish in the sea (lit. only one wearing a skirt)? — sa bÚnga v [A13] for trees to bear fruit in abundance. NagsÁya sa bÚnga ang mangga nga maÁyung pagkagalam, A mango tree that is well taken care of bears fruit in abundance.

sayÀ1 a 1 being in a merry or joyful mood. Ang dag-an sayag panagway, The winner had a joyful expression on his face. 2 engendering good feeling. HÍlum ug sayÀ nga kabuntÁgun, Quiet and pleasant morning. v [A13B1] be, make merry. MagsayÀ ta kay Pasku run, Let’s be merry because it’s Christmas. ka- n mirth, gaiety. ka-an(?), kasayÁhan n entertainment. KasayÁhan (kasayÁan) sa karnabal, Entertainments at the carnival. ma-un(?) a gay and lighthearted.

*sayÀ2 pa- v [A; c6] leave, expose s.t. carelessly for others to be able to see or touch it. NagpasayÀ silag hÁluk sa parki, They kissed openly for all the world to see in the park. Ayaw ipasayÀ nang sundang sa agiÁnan, Don’t just leave that bolo carelessly in the passageway. sayÀsayÀ v [c6] expose s.t. carelessly or for public view. Musamut ang Ímung ubu kun isayÀsayÀ mu ang Ímung lÁwas sa tun-ug, Your cold will persist if you expose yourself in the draft.

say-a1 v 1 [B1256; b6] for s.t. that fell to be caught atop s.t. Nasay-a sa sandayung ang bÚlang gilÁbay, The ball that was tossed landed in the gutter. 2 [A; b8] wind up s.w. Ang tÁwung maantÍgung mutrabÁhu makakaun bisag Ása musay-a, A man who knows how to work can eat wherever he winds up. 2a stay in s.o. else’s home temporarily. Makasay-a kahÀ mi sa inyu ug magabin-an mi? Can we stay at your place if we are overtaken by night? KamurÚsan ang nasay-ahan sa mga bakwit, The evacuees happened to stay among the Muslims. say-asay-a = say-a, 2, 2a.

say-a2 v [B3(1)6; b6] overflow from a container. Nagsay-a ang isdÀ sa Íyang sakayan, His boat is filled to overflowing with his catch. NapÁwung ang kÁyu sa abÚhan nga gisay-ahan sa sabaw, The fire went out when the soup spilled over on it.

sayab n k.o. disease affecting chicks making them droop. v [A13P] get this sickness. Magsayab ang mga pisÙ basta tinginit, During the hot season the wings of newly-hatched chicks droop.

sayad v [A; c1] for the hem of a dress or robe to touch the ground. Ang sidsid sa sutÁna mauy Únang mabuling kay mau may musayad sa yÚtÀ, The hem of a soutane gets dirty first because that is what touches the ground.

sayag a cheerful or bright of countenance: bright and clear. Sayag na ang lÁngit kay gipÁlid na man ang dag-um, The heavens are bright again because the clouds have been blown away. v [B; c1] be, become cheerful or bright and clear. Musayag ang dagway sa mga maistra ug muabut ang tsÍki, The teachers get a bright look on their faces when their paychecks arrive. -un a having a happy and cheerful countenance or disposition.

sayal n skirt. Sayal ug blÁwus ang Íyang sinÍnÀ, She wore a skirt and blouse. v 1 [A; c] wear a skirt. 2 [a12] make into a skirt.

sÁyang expression of regret at s.t. wasted or an opportunity missed. SÁyang lang ang Ákung pag-anhi kay wÀ mi magkÍtÀ, I came for nothing because we didn’t meet. SÁyang wÀ nÁkÙ madÁ ang Ákung bÁting sut. MangalÍgÙ tÀ ta, Too bad I didn’t bring my bathing suit. We could have gone swimming. v [B1256; b6] for s.t. to be a waste, consider it so.

sÁyans n 1 science. Tungud sa sÁyans nakaabut ang tÁwu sa bÚlan, Science has allowed man to reach the moon. 2 science course.

sayantis, sayantist n scientist. v [B156] be, become a scientist.

sayaw n general name for swifts: Collocalia spp. -in- a having the form of a swift in flight or of its tail.

sÁyaw v 1 [AC; c] dance. DÌ ku makigsÁyaw ug hubug, I won’t dance with a drunk. IsÁyaw ta kag makaduha ug mamaÚlÌ na ta, I will dance with you twice, and then we’ll go home. 2 [A23] by extension, any movement likened to dancing. MisÁyaw ang mga dÁhun sa hÁngin, The leaves danced in the breeze. — ang kasingkÁsing v [A23] be gladdened (literary). MisÁyaw ang Íyang kasingkÁsing dihang gisugut siya, His heart danced when the girl accepted him. n dance. SÁyaw sa mga karÁan, The dance of the old-timers. Pistang way sÁyaw, A fiesta with no dance. sayawsÁyaw n dance presentation, esp. folk dance. -an(?), -anan n dance hall, dance floor. hiN-(?) a fond of dancing. -in-an(?) n way of dancing. maN-r-(?) n dancers.

sayhanan n rack or anything flat on to which or over which s.t. can be laid. Gibutang nÍya ang awditÍbu sa sayhanan, She put the receiver down on the cradle.

sayid-Áwut n in volleyball, the situation where the serving team makes an error and loses the serve.

sayid bit n an extra bet with an individual in addition to the main bet of the game. v 1 [AC; c] make a side bet. 2 [A; a1] for a husband to play around with other women. Daug kaÁyu siya sa asÁwa. DÌ giyud makasayidbit, He is such a hen-pecked husband he can never fool around.

sayid layin n 1 sideline, s.t. one does in addition to his usual occupation. 2 a married man’s mistress (humorous). DÍlÌ nÀ asÁwa uy, sayid layin lang nÀ, That’s not his wife. That’s his mistress. v 1 [A; c] have a sideline. 2 [A13] maintain a mistress.

sayid tru n throw-in in basketball. v [A; c] make a throw-in.

sayidwuk n sidewalk, as the place where things are sold. Didtu nÁkÙ palita sa sayidwuk, I bought it from a sidewalk vendor. — bindur n one who sells items displayed on the sidewalk or the stand or stall selling things on the sidewalk.

sayin1 v [A; b6] shine, polish the shoes. — syÚs expression uttered by shoeshine boys in asking s.o. if he wants his shoes shined. — syu buy n shoeshine boy.

sayin2 v [A; b6] sign. Gisaynan na nÁkÙ ang tsÍki, I have signed the check.

sayinburd n 1 billboard. 2 sign indicating where a vehicle is going.

sayintist = sayantis.

sayin-up v [A; c6] terminate a broadcast, sign off for the day. n action of signing off for the day.

sayis1 number six. see tris for verb forms.

sayit1 v [A; a] cite s.t. in reference or evidence. Musayit ka sa urdinansa pabur sa Ímung pitisiyun, You quote the ordinance in favor of your petition.

sayit2 v [A; a2] sight, aim a firearm. n sight of a weapon.

sayit3 n eyesight (humorous).

saylÀ = suylÀ.

saylinsir n silencer, muffler of a combustion engine or silencer of a weapon.

saylu v 1 [A2C3; c] pass, bring by beyond s.w., pass s.o. by. Musaylu ka man lang, mu rag dÌ ta kaÍla, You just pass me by as if we didn’t know each other. Musaylu ning karsadÁha sa TalÍsay? Does this road go beyond Talisay? Atras. Nasayluan nÁtÙ ang ÁmÙ, Back up. We passed by our house. Isaylu lang ku sa unÁhan sa taytÁyan, Just drop me a little way beyond the bridge. 2 [A2; c6] do s.t. beyond a certain point in space and time. Ug musaylu sa alas utsu Ímung pagpaÚlÌ, dÍlÌ ka ablÍhan sa pultahan, If you come home after eight o’clock, they won’t open the door for you. 3 [A1; b(1)] omit, leave s.t. out. Ayawg saylui ang rÚsas ug magtubig ka sa mga tanum, When you water the plants, don’t forget the rosebush. a farther up, beyond, or into. Ang Íla saylu pa kaÁyu sa ÁmÙ, Their place is way beyond my place. saylusaylu v 1 [A3C] pass s.w. or each other repeatedly. Musaylusaylu ka man lag Ági sa balay. DÌ ka man giyung kahapit, You just keep going by our house, but you never drop in. Nagsaylusaylu ang mga trÁk, The buses kept passing each other. 2 [c1] overlap each other in alternating motion. SaylusaylÚa (isaylusaylu) ang mga tiil igsÁyaw nÍmu, When you dance make your left go over your right and then your right over your left. 3 [b] bypass. GisaylusaylÚan lang ang Ákung mga papÍlis kay wÀ man ku muhÁtag ug bigay, My papers were just bypassed, because I didn’t give any grease money. pa- v [A; a12] forgive, pardon. Ang prisidinti nagpasaylu ug dÚsi ka binilanggÙ karung Pasku, The president pardoned twelve prisoners this Christmas. n forgiveness. mapa-un a forgiving.

saylub v [A3C3; aP] 1 overlap. Ang duha ka tumuy nagsaylub ug mga dus purgÁdas, The two ends overlap by about 2. 2 = saylu, but not with pa-.

saynus n sinusitis. v [a4] have sinusitis. -un(?) a having sinusitis.

saysay v [A; c] narrate, relate. SaysÁyan ta ka unsay tinÚud nga nahitabÙ, Let me tell you what really happened. Isaysay nÍya nÍmu ang mga paÁgi sa pag-aplay, He will tell you the procedure for applying. n narration, declaration. Nakumbinsir siya sa mga saysay sa mga bakÁkun, He was convinced by the false declarations. lakbit — n synopsis. sagbat — v [A23] relate s.t. by cutting in on a conversation. ka-an n 1 history, chain of events. Mau tuy talagsaung hitabÙ sa kasaysÁyan sa ikaduhang gÚbat, That was an unusual event in the history of the Second World War. 2 legend, story handed down by tradition. KasaysÁyan sa amÙ ug sa bau, The tale of the monkey and the turtle. -l-un a eventful. Ang Ílang kasal usa ka salaysÁyung hitabÙ sa Ámung baryu, Their wedding was an event of great moment in our village. maka-anun a historic, full of history. ManÚaw sila sa makasaysayÁnun nga pulÙ sa Kurihidur, They will visit the historic island of Corregidor.

saysinta numeral sixty. see disiutsu for verb forms.

sayu a early. Sa sayung kabuntÁgun, In the early part of the morning. Sayu ming mÍabut. DÚgay pa ang prugrÁmang magsÚgud, We arrived early. The program won’t begin for some time. v [AB5; c1] be or do s.t. early. Sayuhun (isayu) nÍmu ug hÍkay ang pamÁhaw arun makasayu ka sa iskuylahan, Prepare breakfast early so you can get to school early. sayusayu v [A2; c1] do s.t. a little early, or a little too early.

sÁyud v 1 [B1256; b4(1)] know; have cognizance or awareness of s.t. NasÁyud aku nga usa ninyu namutbut, I know that one of you is telling a lie. WÀ ku masÁyud kun hÁin ang Ílang balay, I don’t know where their house is. 2 [b(1)] tell s.o. about s.t., give information, news, etc. Sayran ta kang dÁan nga si Binduy usa ka minyÙ, Let me inform you beforehand that Bendoy is a married man. 3 [A; b] hold the sÁyud ceremony. Human na mi makasÁyud. Kasal na lay kÚwang, We have already held the formal betrothal ceremony. Now only the wedding is left. n the ceremony held after the pamalÁyi (in which the marriage proposal is made) in which the prospective groom returns to the bride’s family to find out whether or not they accept. In this ceremony all formal agreements and terms are stated, and the couple is engaged. a be thoroughly acquainted with s.t. SÁyud aku sa mga kinaÍya sa mga tÁwu dinhi, I’m thoroughly acquainted with what the people here are like. paki- v [A13; b(1)] ask information about s.t. MagpakisÁyud tag unsay nahitabÙ, Let’s ask what happened. n request for information. sinayÚran n a girl who is engaged and has gone through the sÁyud ceremony. v [B1256] be formally betrothed. kasayÚran n information. masinayÚrun a informative.

sayukmÙ v [B5; c1] for the chin and lower jaw to jut out, esp. when one is pouting or sulking. Musamut kag kangil-ad ug musayukmÙ ang Ímung suwang, You look more ugly if you let your chin protrude. Ug way marpil musayukmÙ ang suwang, If you do not have false teeth your chin will jut out. a 1 for the chin to be sticking out. 2 for the face to be squat and wide.

sayun a easy. Sayun kaÁyu ang iksÁmin, The test was very easy. Sayun man gung bayhÁna maung pirming paangkan, That woman is easily had. She has had several children out of wedlock. v 1 [A12B125; a2] be or make s.t. easy. Sayun nÀ siya patuhÚun, It’s easy to make him believe s.t. Ug gisayunan ka sa iksÁmin, handrid giyud ka, If you consider the test easy, you must have made a hundred. 2 [b(1)] be too familiar with s.o. so as to take him for granted. NgÁnung manggÁwÌ ka man sa Ákung mga butang? Mu rag gisayunan ka nÁkÙ, Why do you use my things? It seems as though you take me for granted. sayunsÁyun v [a12] 1 do s.t. with great ease or facility. GisayunsÁyun lang nÍya ug hÚbad ang ‘Ultimu Adiyus,’ He just translated the ‘Last Farewell’ with the greatest of ease. 2 take s.o. for granted. SayunsayÚnun (sayunsayunun) lang ku ninyu nu, Ábi kay minsahÍru ra man ku, You give me orders just like that just because I’m a mere messenger here. paka- v [A13; a12] take s.o. or s.t. for granted. Nagpakasayun ka lag kÚhÀ sa Ákung kinawus, You just help yourself to the water I fetched. Gipakasayun lang nÍla ang kaminyÚun, They think marriage is such an easy thing. ka- n ease, facility of doing s.t.

sayup a wrong, erroneous. Sayup kaÁyu tung Ímung tubag, Your answer was wrong. n error, mistake. NÁay sayup sa Ímung lista, There is an error in your list. v 1 [B12; a2b2] be wrong, make a mistake. Nasayup ku sa Ákung kalkÚlu, I am wrong in my calculation. Ug masayup ka bÍsag kas-a, payir-awtun ta ka, Make just one mistake and you are out. Mau ning prublimÁha Ákung nasaypan, This is the problem I made the mistake in. 1a [b8] mistake s.o. for s.o. else. Hisaypan ka unyÀ sa pagkapampam ug mau nay Ímung isul-ub, If that’s what you wear they’ll mistake you for a prostitute. 2 [a12] fail to avail oneself of an opportunity. Ayaw ug saypa ang sunud nga yugtÙ sa maung isturya, Don’t miss the next installment of the story. 3 [A23] escape, avoid a trap. Kanang lagsÁwa dÍlÌ na giyud musayup Áning balag-Únga, That deer will not escape this trap for sure. masalaypun, masaypÁnun a erring. Ang Íyang masalaypun (masaypÁnun) nga bÁna nangÁyÙ na pug pasaylu, Her erring husband is now asking for forgiveness. kasaypÁnan, ka-an(?) n wrong, moral infractions. Ang kasaypÁnan nga Ímung gihÍmÙ sa Ímung asÁwa, The wrongs you have done to your wife. see also istÍping.

sayÚti, sayÚtis n k.o. vegetable, similar in appearance to a pear, cooked and eaten like squash, growing on a climbing vine with squash-like leaves: Sechium edule.

si1 particle before names or titles of persons used in constructions which require the nominative. Si Pidru Ákung ig-Ágaw, Pedro is my cousin. Si TÁtay, Father. — kinsa who does he think he is? Si kinsa ba siya nga musulti sa ingun? Who does he think he is to say that? Nagmandarmandar siya nÁkÙ mau ra ug si kinsa, He was ordering me around as though he were s.o. see also ni1 and kang1.

si2 n letter C.

yes, used only in response by people who are influenced by Spanish or jokingly by people who know a smattering of Spanish.

n sound used to drive away dogs and other small animals, but not fowls and pigs.

sÍad v 1 [B; b6] become distended or burst, as from internal pressure. MisÍad ang ligid human bumbÁhi, The tire became inflated after air was pumped into it. NasÍad na ang tiyan sa burus, The pregnant mother’s abdomen has become distended. 2 [B2; b6] be, become luxuriant or lush in growth. MisÍad ang tÚbÙ sa tanum nga nating-ulan na, The plants have become lush in their growth now that the rainy season has set in.

siak v 1 [A; a12] split s.t. along the grain. Masiak ang tabla ug ibulad sa Ínit, The board will crack if you leave it under the sun. 1a — sa Úlu v [A12B1256] be a great mental burden. Suliran nga makasiak sa Ákung Úlu, A problem that can crack your head. 2 [A3; a12] disturb violently as if to crack. Singgit nga misiak sa kahÍlum sa kagabhÍun, A shout that rent the stillness of the night. 3 [b3(1)] be worried, angry, sad. MasukÙ lang nÀ siya bÍsag way gikasiakan (gikasik-an, gikasilik-an), He gets angry even without cause. kasilik-an n enmity, misunderstanding.

siÁkÙ short for unsa bay ÁkÙ. see unsa, 1d.

siang v [B34] 1 come out partly. Misiang na ang adlaw, The sun is partly out now. Nagsiang na ang bÁtÀ, The child is now coming out. 2 for the vaginal opening to dilate. Sa dÌ pa makasiang ang pwirtu, tawga na ang midwayip, Call the midwife before the vaginal opening dilates.

siÁtab see Átab.

siaw a 1 mischievous, given to doing irresponsible but harmless fun. Siaw kaÁyu ning batÁa kay Íyang gihuktan ug pÍsÌ ang Íkug sa irÙ, This child is very mischievous because he tied a rope to the dog’s tail. 2 misbehaving. Siaw batÁa, way disiplÍna, A misbehaving, undisciplined child. — sa babÁyi philandering. v [B123; b6] be, become mischievous, misbehaving. (?) v 1 [A23] get worse; grow more [adj.]. Ug pahilÚmun siya, musÍaw siya hinÚun, If he is told to keep quiet, he gets noisier instead. 1a be, become worse, more intense. MisÍaw ang ilagÀ sa Mindanaw, The rats are getting worse and worse in Mindanao. 2 [A13; b6] joke, play a prank on. NagsÍaw ka tingÁli kay lÁin ang nutisya nga Ákung nadunggan, You must be joking because I heard a different story. pa- v [A1] engage in mischief. Ug magpasÍaw ka, mabanhÀ ang klÁsi, If you are mischievous, the class will be noisy. ma-un a characterized with jocularity.

siawan = awayan. see Áway.

sÍay v 1 [A3PC3] for different smells, tastes, atmospheres to be mixed together in one place. Ang tÁnang bÁhÙ nagsÍay sa simbahan, All different odors are mixed together inside the church. 2 [A23C3] for different smells or atmospheres to mix and contradict each other. MagkasÍay ang ginamus ug kÁmay ug dungÁnun pagkÁun, Fish paste and brown sugar do not go well if you eat them together.

siay-is n acronym for the Criminal Investigation Service.

siba v [A; c] 1 add fuel to a fire to increase it or keep it going. 2 incite, get s.o. to do s.t. bad. Siyay nagsiba sa mga istudiyanti pagdimunstrÍt, He incited the students to demonstrate. †

sÍbÀ v [A2; b6] sip nectar from a flower. Mau niy klÁsi sa bÚlak nga sibÁan sa mga alibangbang, This is the class of flowers the butterflies sip nectar from. -un(?), -l-un(?) n flowers that are attractive to birds and insects.

sibakung v [A; c] cook a mixture of rice and corn grits.

sÍbang v [A; b6] nick a blade. (?) a nicked. n nick in a blade.

sibÁsid = saluwÁsid.

sibat1 v 1 [A2; b6] get out of s.w., usually without leave. Musibat ta sa prugrÁma arun dÍlÌ ta hingtawgan ug pakanta, Let us get out of this place before we are called upon to sing. WÀ ka kinahanglÁna dinhi. Hala, sibat! You are not wanted here, So, scram! 2 [A1; c1] take s.t. without permission. Sibatun (isibat) ku ning libru ug walay magtan-aw, I will take this book when nobody is looking. †

sibat2 n small fishing spear, usually made of wire as thick as a man’s finger or bamboo pointed at one tip. v 1 [A; a] spear using the sibat. 2 [a12] make into a sibat.

sÍbaw v 1 [A2; b2] bounce from s.t. towards s.t. MisÍbaw nÁkÙ ang bÚla nga gilÁbay sa bungbung, The ball was thrown against the wall and bounced toward me. 2 [A3] for a sound to reverberate and be noisy so as to rise above other sounds. MisÍbaw ang butubutu sa mga ribintadur, The explosion of firecrackers resounded. 3 [B246] rise to an alarming proportion. MisÍbaw karun pag-Áyu ang pangÁwat, Robberies have increased to alarming proportions. ka- n turmoil, confused noises, tumultuous sounds.

sibay n an extension room added to an already existing dwelling, with the floor raised some distance from the ground. v [A13; b6] add an extension to a house. sibaysÍbay n woman maintained by a married man. Ang sibaysÍbay sa Íyang bÁna hustis, Her husband’s woman is a night-club hostess. v [A; abc] for a married man to maintain a woman.

sibÁya = kisibÁya.

*sibika, *sibiku kapunÚngang — n civic organization. hinÁbang nga — civic aid.

sibil n 1 civil, not by the church. Sa sibil lang ta magpakasal, Let’s make it a civil marriage. Sibil nga mintiryu, Public cemetery. 2 = gwardiya sibil. v [c1] have a civil wedding. gÍra — civil war. gwardiya — Civil Guard of the Philippines during Spanish times. -in- v [A; c1] punish s.o. heavily or make s.o. do a lot of work rapidly (as the Spanish civil guards do). MaÁyung musinibil ug sÚgÙ sa mga sinuhÚlan apan dÍlÌ maÁyung mupakÁun, Knows how to make farmhands work hard but doesn’t give them enough food to eat. DÌ na run magsinibil ug kastÍgu ang mga maistra sa klÁsi kay manÚkul na man run ang mga istudiyanti, Teachers do not inflict heavy punishments in class any more because nowadays the students fight back.

*sÍbil — sirbis n civil service. — sirbis tist Civil Service test.

sibilisar v [A; a12] civilize. sibilisÁdu a civilized, well-mannered. v [B12] be, become civilized. sibilisasiyun n civilization.

sibilsÍbil n game of hide-and-seek played in pairs. v [A12C; c1] play hide-and-seek in pairs.

sibilyan n 1 civilian. 2 ordinary clothes as opposed to a uniform or frock. v 1 [A1] wear civilian attire or ordinary clothes as opposed to a uniform or frock. DÌ giyud mailhan nga pÁrÌ kay nagsibilyan man, You’d never know he was a priest because he was wearing ordinary clothes. 2 [a3] become a civilian.

sÍbin1 v [A; b6] 1 wipe s.o.’s face or any other part of the body with a moist cloth. 2 shave hair on the body. paN- v [A2; b6] 1 wipe one’s face with a wet cloth. 2 shave one’s body hair.

sÍbin2 v [b4] be a hermaphrodite. GisibÍnan ang anak ni MarÍya, Maria’s child had both male and female genital organs. -an a hermaphrodite.

sibin-ilÍbin n k.o. dice game. v [A; c1] 1 play this game. 2 for males to masturbate (slang).

sÍbin pirs = sÍti pÁris. see sÍti.

sÍbins grÍd n seventh grade of elementary schools. Karun wÀ nay sÍbins grÍd, They have abolished the seventh grade of elementary schools. v [A3] be or get to be in the seventh grade.

sibintiit n 78 rpm record.

sibinti pÁak n grade of seventy-five, the lowest passing grade (humorous slang). v [A12] get seventy-five.

sibinti siks n k.o. rice introduced by the PACD.

sibit n 1 safety pin. 2 = pÁlud. v [A; b5] 1 fasten in with a safety pin. Sibta (sibti) ang lampin, Pin the diapers. 2 = pÁlud. -in- = pÁlud, n.

sibsib v 1 [A; a2b2] for animals that graze to nibble at plants. Hingsibsiban ang rÚsas sa kanding, The goat nibbled at my rosebush. 2 [AN; a] nibble at s.t. boney to get at the meaty parts. Ákung sibsÍbun ang mga bukug kay nÍa man dinhi ang lamÌ, I’ll nibble at the bones, for that is where the delicious parts are. paN- v [A2] graze. Didtu sa lagÚna nanibsib ang kabÁyÙ, The horse was grazing in the meadow. -anan n pasture.

sÍbu n fat of bovine and other animals with hooves, except pigs. v [B1245; b6] put beef fat. NagkasÍbu ang linat-an, The stew is full of fat. SibÚhi ang Ímung hiraminta arun dÍlÌ tay-an, Smear beef fat on your tools so they won’t get rusty.

sÍbÙ a 1 fitting precisely, of exact dimension. Kining twirkÁha sÍbÙ kaÁyu sa pirnu, This nut fits precisely into the bolt. 1a exactly [so-and-so] long, at [such-and-such] a time. SÍbung duha ka tÚig, Exactly two years. SÍbung alas dÚsi, At exactly twelve o’clock. 2 timepiece synchronized with another, musical instrument tuned to another. DÍlÌ sÍbÙ ang Ákung rilu sa Íyang rilu. Alas dus nas Íya apan walÀ pa diris ÁkÙ, My watch isn’t running at the same time as his. He has two o’clock, but I don’t. 3 harmonizing with, fittingly with the personality. Ang Íyang papil sa drÁma sÍbÙ kaÁyu sa Íyang pagkatÁwu, His role in the drama fits his personality perfectly. 4 commensurate, proper in kind. Kadtung Ímung tratamyintu nÍya sÍbÙ sa Íyang nabÚhat, What you did to him is just appropriate for what he did to you. 5 for the moon to be full. v 1 [A2] fit into s.t. 1a [B56; a12] be exactly [such-and-such] a time. 2 [A1C3; ac] tune a musical instrument to another, synchronize a watch with another. SibÚun ta ning duha ka sista, Let us tune the two guitars to each other. 3 [B2C23; c6] harmonize with, fit a personality or style. Kining kalÚa musÍbÙ sa bÍsan unsang kurti sa nawung, This hat goes nicely with any face. 4 [A; a2] borrow a quantity of s.t. and return the same amount or multiples thereof. MusÍbÙ ku ug walu ka gantang mais. UlÍan ta ka ug dubli sa tingsanggÌ, I will borrow eight gantas of corn, and I will pay you back double during harvest time. 5 [B245] for the moon to become full.

sÍbug v 1 [AB3(1); c1P] back s.t. up, move back. Ug musÍbug ka, matambug ka sa kanal, If you step backward, you will fall into the ditch. Kinsay nagsÍbug sa lamÍsa? Who moved the table back? 1a [A23; b6] back down from s.t. DÍlÌ ta ka sibÚgan ug sumbagay, I will not back down from you in a fight. 2 [A2; b6] back out of an agreement. 2a [A; c6] withdraw an application, candidacy, case in court. DÍlÌ ku musÍbug sa Ákung kandidatÚra, I will not withdraw my candidacy. Ug musÍbug ka sa Ímung kÍha, ariglÚhun ta lang ni, If you withdraw your case, we will settle it amicably. IsÍbug ku ang Ákung aplikasiyun, I will withdraw my application. 3 [A1; c] move an event to an earlier or to a later date. Átung isÍbug ang kasal ug tulu ka adlaw arun tukmÀ sa pyista, Let’s move the wedding ahead (or postpone it) three days so that it will coincide with the fiesta. 4 [A2] visit (dialectal). MusÍbug mis inyu rung pila ka adlaw, We’ll visit your place one of these days. n action of moving back, backing out, retreating. PagsÁbut nga way sÍbug, An agreement you can not back out of.

sibÚkaw n small tree with scattered prickles, the wood of which is used for nails in boat building: Caesalpinia sappan.

sibul = subul.

sibut n k.o. very small dip net made of finely meshed cloth. v [A13; a2b2] pick out with a small dip net. Sibuta ang isdÀ. Ayaw ug kab-a sa panaksan, Catch the fish with a dip net. Don’t scoop it out with a cup.

sÍbut v [A3P; a1] inspire s.o. with enthusiasm to do s.t. Ang kanindut sa kahigayÚnan sa Amirika mauy nakasÍbut (nakapasÍbut) nÁkÙ paglangyaw, I was inspired to go to America by the attractive opportunities that are available there. GisÍbut mi sa Ámung ginikÁnan pag-iskuyla, Our parents inspired us to study. ka- n enthusiasm. ma-un a full of enthusiasm to do s.t.

sibÚyas n 1 general name for various kinds of onions and leeks. 2 humorous name given to Union cigarettes (where Union is pronounced homophonous with onion in the Philippines). — amirikÁnu leeks with a slightly larger bulb than the bisayÀ. — bisayÀ leeks with tiny red or white bulbs, the tops of which are used. — bumbay onions with large bulbs. -un ug tÍngug a squeaky-voiced.

sibuying n k.o. small onion or leek, smaller than sibÚyas bisayÀ, with a small white bulb and a flavor differing from ordinary leeks.

sibya v 1 [AN; c] peddle fish. SibyÁhan kug lab-as nang mga bÁy dihÀ, I peddle fresh fish around to those houses. 2 [A; c6] broadcast. Isibya ang anunsiyu sa tÍbi, Broadcast the announcement on T.V. 3 [A13; c6] announce, give notice of. Hinagtub nga nagsibya sa Íyang pag-abut, Footfalls that announced his arrival. mag-r- n radio announcer.

sibyÀ = sibya, v2, 3.

sÍda n silk cloth. sidasida n name given to several grasses with silky tufts.

sidbaks n box used as a seedbed for germinating seeds. †

sidhawus n shed providing shade for seed beds. v [A; b6] construct such a shed.

sidi v [b(1)] receive favorably, approve. WÀ sidihi sa huwis ang diklarasiyun sa sinumbung, The judge didn’t receive the allegations of the accused favorably.

sid-ing v 1 [A; a12] look closely at s.t. by bringing one’s face to it or putting it near the face. Nagsid-ing ku Áring pÍnung litra, I am looking closely at this fine print. 2 [A1; a12] look at s.t. out of the corner of the eyes. Nasakpan ku siya nga nagsid-ing kang Marta, I caught him regarding Martha out of the corner of his eyes.

sidlak a sparkling, glittering. v [A] 1 sparkle. Diyamanting nagsidlak, A sparkling diamond. Hingsidlakan aku sa adlaw, I woke up after the sun had risen. 2 be glittering in prominence. Misidlak ang Íyang kabantug, He reached glittering fame. n ray, beam. -an(?) n east. Layung sidlakan, The Far East. Duul nga sidlakan, The Near East.

sidlit v 1 [A; b2] squirt out in a stream. Misidlit ang nÁnÀ sa dihang gipislit ang hubag, The pus squirted out in a stream when I pressed the boil. Hingsidlitan ku sa ÍhÌ sa bÁtÀ, The little boy urinated on me. 2 [A23] for the sun to shine (literary). Sa walÀ pa musidlit ang primÍrung bidlÍsiw sa adlaw, Before the first rays of the sun shone.

sidlut = sidlit, v1.

sidsarun = sitsarun.

sidsid n 1 hem, lower edge of dress, curtain, or the like. 2 edge, border (literary). Ang sidsid sa kapunawpunÁwan, To the outer reaches of space. sidsiran = sidsid, 2.

sid-uk n hiccup. v [A2; a4] have the hiccups. Misid-uk si LÚlu, unyÀ miyupyup sa Íyang kwÁku, Granddad hiccuped and then puffed on his pipe. Inum ug usa ka bÁsung tÚbig ug sid-ukun ka, Take a glass of water if you have the hiccups.

sidula n 1 the head tax of the Spanish time and now, the residence tax. 2 the residence certificate, evidencing the payment of this tax.

sÍga1 a 1 bright, giving off intense illumination. SÍga kaÁyu ang sugÀ, The lamp is very bright. 2 bright-eyed or having big round eyes. SÍga ug mata kining batÁa parÍha sa Íyang uyuan, This child has big, round eyes like his uncle’s. n flame, light given off. v 1 [A2S; a2Pb7] burn bright. Nagsiga pa ba ang dÁub? Is the fire still burning? SigÁi ang linung-ag, Turn up the fire under the rice. 1a for the lights to be on. SigÁha (pasigÁha) ang sugÀ kay ngitngit na, Put the lights on because it is dark now. 2 [A2S; b6] for the eyes to be big or bright. MisÍga ang mga mata sa kahikugang, Her eyes grew wide in astonishment. 2a for the eyes to be wide, glaring at s.o. GisigÁan ku nÍya sa kapungut, He glared at me in anger.

sÍga2, sÍgÀ n notorious tough guy. v [B12; b6] be, become a tough. sigasÍga = sÍga2.

sigabu n continuous, thudding sound. v [A3] be thudding, give a thudding sound. Musigabu ang balud ug ting-amihan, Strong waves dash against the shore when the northwind blows. Unsa may nagsigabu sa tÁas? Mga bÁtang nagdÚlÀ? What is it that is thudding upstairs? Children playing?

sigamnu v [A3; a12] care, give attention or concern to s.o.’s welfare or needs. WÀ siya magsigamnu sa idukasiyun sa Íyang mga anak, She doesn’t concern herself with her children’s schooling. SigamnÚa ang Ímung lÁwas arun dÌ ka masakit, Take care of your body so you won’t get sick.

sig-ang1 v [A; c1] put the pot on the fire. Nagsig-ang na siya sa paniudtu, She is preparing lunch now.

sigarilyu1 n cigarette. v [a12] make into a cigarette. paN- v [A2; b6(1)] smoke cigarettes, ask s.o. for cigarettes or cigarette money. Kamau na diay ka nga manigarilyu, So, you already know how to smoke. PanigarilyÚhan nÁtÙ si Iduy kay nakadaug sa sÚgal, Let us ask Edoy for cigarette money because he won in gambling.†

sigarit kÍs n cigarette case.

sigaw v [A; c] confess or tell s.t. which s.o. wants to be kept secret (slang). Nadakpan ang tanan kay misigaw ang usang nadakpan, All of them were caught because one of them sang. Íyang gisigaw ang tinagÚan sa Íyang inahan, She revealed her mother’s secrets.

sÍgaw a noisy, making a disturbance. n shouts and noise. Ang sÍgaw sa nagsÚgal dungug sa ÁmÙ, You could hear the shouts of the gamblers as far as our house. v [B1; b6] be noisy. NagsÍgaw ang mga istudiyanti kay way maistru sa klÁsi, The students are all in uproar because the teacher is not in the room. ka- v [A13] be very noisy.

sig-aw v [A; b3] make a loud noise at the top of one’s lungs. WÀ siya makasig-aw kay Ákung gikasab-an, He did not dare make noise because I scolded him.

sigay n general name for small cowries.

sigbaw formula uttered to prevent one from being struck by lightning when making fun of animals. Ang ungguy mu ra sigbaw ug tÁwu, The monkey looks like man, may I not be struck by lightning. Sigbaw ug parÍha ang tÁwu sa irÙ nga magpungutay, May lightning not strike me, how would it feel if people had intercourse like dogs.

sigbin n animal possessed by and at the service of s.o. It has the power of making itself invisible to a person other than the owner. The sigbin can do good to the owner, transport the owner, and will inflict fatal bites on whomever the owner commands it to. It cannot be killed as long as the owner can see it. It is said to have long hind legs and walks with the head looking back in between the legs. Ownership is handed down to relatives when the owner dies. A person who refuses a sigbin is said to go mad. -an n possessing a sigbin. v [B1256] get a sigbin handed down to one.

sÍgi v 1 [A; b5c1] continue or go on doing s.t.; do s.t. always. Ug magsÍgi ning ulÁna hÁyan mubahÀ, If this rain keeps on, it’s likely to flood. SigÍhun (sigÍhan, isÍgi) nÍmu ug tÚyuk ang twirka hangtud muhugut, Continue turning the screw until it gets tight. NgÁnung sigÍhan man ku nÍmu ug tan-aw? Why do you always look at me? 1a [A23] walk or go on or forward. Inig-abut nÍmu sa iskÍna, musÍgi ka ug mga bayinti mitrus, When you reach the corner, go ahead for about twenty meters. 1b [A2; a12P] proceed with one’s studies. DÍlÌ ku makasÍgi karung sunud tÚig kay wÀ kuy kwarta, I cannot proceed with my studies next year because I have no money. exclamation: 1 urging s.o. to do s.t. SÍgi, kÁun na, Come on, eat! 2 expressing acquiescence. Ug walay lÁin sÍgi na lang ta Áning nÍa, If there is no other, we will just have to make do with this. 2a O.K. Bye. ‘Adtu na ku.’ ‘SÍgi,’ ‘I’m going now.’ ‘O.K., Bye-bye.’ 3 always. SÍgi ka lang ug sulti, way bÚhat, You’re always talking. You never do anything. — lang 1 never mind, it doesn’t matter. SÍgi lang ug pubri, basta malipÁyun, Never mind if I’m poor as long as I am happy. 2 Oh, please. SÍgi lang, tagÁi lang ku, Oh, please. Let me have some! (?) = sÍgi, exclamation.

sig-id n k.o. vine used for tying purposes: Malaisia scandens.

sigÍdas n 1 successive, frequent. LÁpuk kaÁyu sa ÁmÙ kay sigÍdas ang ulan, My place is very muddy because it keeps raining. 2 automatic, rapid-firing weapons. 3 freewheeling, such that the chain that links the pedal gear to the wheel gear engages only in the forward direction, and not in the backward direction. SigÍdas ang bisiklÍta nga rÍsir, A racing bicycle is freewheeling. 3a racing bicycle. v [A; a12] become frequent or successive; do s.t. successively or frequently. NagsigÍdas ang Ákung mga sulat rung mga adlÁwa, I keep getting letters one after another these days. SigidÁsun nÍmu ug tindak ang pidal arun magsÍgi ug tÚyuk ang ligid, Keep pumping the pedal so the wheels will keep turning.

sigidilyas = karabansus.

sÍgin n k.o. net designed for taking out catch from the fish corral. (?) v [A; a] get the fish out of the corral with a net.

sigingsiging an exclamation uttered together with shaking s.o. emotionally upset by the shoulders. v [A; a12] 1 shake s.o. and say sigingsiging. Sa nagsigingsiging ku sa bÁtÀ, mihÍnay ang Íyang paghÍlak, After I had shaken the child and said sigingsiging to him, he began to stop crying. 2 make s.o. hurry in doing s.t. Kinsa mang kustumÍra ang nagsigingsiging ug pagpakÚha nÍmu ug tÚbig? Who was the customer that made you hurry in getting a glass of water?

sigisÍgi n name of a notorious gang of Tagalog hoodlums as opposed to the uksu (OXO) of the Visayans. — gang = sigisÍgi.

sigkat = siklat.

sigking = sikging.

sigkit = sÍkit.

siglu n century. Sa Siglu Katursi, In the Fourteenth Century.

sigmit v [A; ab2] 1 seize by the arms or legs, usually in a stealthy manner. Nakasigmit kug manuk, I managed to catch a chicken by the legs. MisÁwum siya ug gisigmit ang tiil sa dalÁga, He swam under the water and seized the woman’s legs. 2 arrest s.o. wanted by the law. Mga sikrÍta mauy nagsigmit sa isnatsir, Plainclothesmen nabbed the snatcher.

sigmuk1 v [AN; a12] swipe or lift things of small value. DÚnay nagsigmuk sa Ákung bulpin, S.o. swiped my ballpoint pen.

sigmuk2 v [A123P; a4] crave for food that one has not eaten for a long time. Gisigmuk na kug kinÍlaw tangÍgi, I crave for raw Spanish mackerel.

signal n signal. v [A; b6(1)] give a signal. SignÁli ku sa busÍna, Blow your horn as a signal to me.

signit = sigmit.

signus n 1 in folk belief, the preordained agent through which one meets his death as revealed by fortune-telling. PagkalÚnud sa barku wÀ siya mamatay kay kalÁyu may Íyang signus, When the boat sunk he didn’t die because his fate was to die by fire. 2 = agnus. v [A12; b8] be saved from unexpected death because it is not one’s signus to die that way.

sigpat v [b8] get a glance stolen at one. Nasigpatan ku siya nga nangupya sa iksÁmin, I glanced at him copying during the test. pa- v [A; b6] steal a glance. Ayaw ug pasigpati ang babÁyi kay masakpan ka, Don’t steal glances at the woman because you might get caught.

sigpaw n a small dip net around 4–6 in diameter with a handle used for scooping up wrigglers, small bait, butterflies. v [AN2; a12] gather, scoop up with this k.o. net.

sigpit (from sipit) a narrow, not affording easy passage. Sigpit kaÁyu ang mga kalyi sa Ámung lungsud, The streets in my town are very narrow. v [B125; b6] be, become narrow.

sigsag a zigzagging, winding road or course. Sigsag kaÁyu ang karsÁda paingun sa bÚkid, The road into the mountains is zigzag. n zigzag stitches; fancy stitches made at the edge of cloth to keep it from getting unravelled. v 1 [A; a12] run a zigzag course. Nagsigsag ku ug dÁgan sa dihang gitirÚhan ku, I ran in a zigzag course when they shot at me. 2 [A; c1] make zigzag stitching. — nga makina n a k.o. sewing machine that can make zigzag stitching. -in-an, -in-an(?) n having zigzag stitching sewn in it.

sÍgu a tight or precise in fit. GÁhing ablÍhan ang pulta kay sÍgu kaÁyu, The door is hard to open because it is very tight in fit. Ang sÍgu nga sinÍnÀ sa mga babÁyi dÍlÌ Ángay nga isimba, Clothes that fit the body too tightly are not appropriate for church. v [B] be, become tight or precise in fit, cause s.t. to be so. SigÚhun (pasigÚhun) nÍmu ang sungsung ngadtu sa bangag arun dÍlÌ muhunub ang tÚbig, Make the stopper fit precisely so the water won’t seep through.

sÍgÙ a 1 fitting appropriately as words, action, attire. Ang Íyang pakigpÚlung sÍgÙ kaÁyu sa ukasiyun, His speech fits the occasion. 2 exact. SÍgÙ na kung usa ka tÚig sa Ákung trabÁhu, I’m exactly one year in my work. v [AC; c1] be appropriate or exact. DÍlÌ musÍgÙ ag singsing sa Ákung tudlÙ, The ring doesn’t fit my finger. SigÚa (isÍgÙ) ang Ímung linihukan sa Ímung idad, Act your age.

*sigun1 — sa 1 according to. Sigun sa Ákung hibatian dÍlÌ nÀ mau ang Íyang gisulti, According to what I have heard, that is not what he said. 2 in conformance with. Kining Ákung gÁsa kanÍmu sigun sa Ákung gisÁad, This gift of mine is just what I have promised you. 3 depends on. Sigun lang sa unsay nÁa, It depends on what is available. Mu ra ug dÍlÌ nÀ ikatÚgut, apan sigun lang nÀ sa pagkumbinsir nÍya, It seems as if it is not allowed, but actually it is just a matter of convincing him.

sigun2 n a breed of chicken raised for meat purposes, referred to for their quality of developing feathers on the neck, thighs, and wings late in life.

sigunda n 1 second gear. 2 the second player in group games played by individuals in succession. 3 the second voice in group singing. — mÁnu a second hand. Pridyidir nga sigunda mÁnu, A second-hand refrigerator. b a woman that has had sexual experiences prior to marriage. Nakaasawag sigunda mÁnu ang lalÁking himilÌ, He was so choosy in the end he had to settle for a second-hand woman. v 1 [B26; b6] do, happen after the first thing happened, was done. Ang pagkasÚnug sa Ílang balay nasigunda ang Ílang Birtu, After their house burnt, the same thing happened to Berto’s. Gisigundahan siya ug pÁtid human siya matumba, After he fell, they kicked him. 2 [A; c6] put in second gear. Isigunda ang makina ug dulhugun, Put the car into second when you are headed downhill. -rya = sikundaryu.

sigundu n 1 second to perform in group games performed by players in a series. 2 second, one-sixtieth of a minute. — anyu second year of college or secondary school. — upisyal second mate.

sigurÁdu sure, [so-and-so] is true without a doubt. Ug mugÍkan ka ug alas sayis, sigurÁdu nga tÚa ka sa mga alas unsi, If you leave at six, you are sure to be there at about eleven o’clock. DÍlÌ katuhÚan nutisyÁha! SigurÁdu ka? That’s unbelievable news! Are you sure? ‘Muadtu kas bayli rung gabÍi?—‘SigurÁdu!’ ‘Will you go to the dance tonight?’—‘Sure!’ v [B156] be sure. Nakabayad kug sitinta apan nasigurÁdu na ang Ákung aplikasiyun, I paid seventy, but my application is a sure thing.

siguridad n 1 security, freedom from danger. Ang gikasabÚtan naglakbit sa siguridad sa Átung nÁsud, The agreement included the security of our country. 2 assurance of compliance. Kadtung panagsabÚta way siguridad sa pagtÚman kay walay mga papÍlis, There is no assurance that they will comply because there are no documents.

sigurista a inclined to take the greatest possible advantage from an agreement. Sigurista kaÁyu ka kay dÌ ka mupahulam ug kwarta nga dÍlÌ kinuhÁan dÁans pÁtung, You drive too hard a bargain because you take out the interest in advance when you lend money. v [B12; b6] inclined to take undue advantages.

sigÚru 1 sure. ‘Muadtu ka sa bayli rung gabÍi?’—‘SigÚru!’ ‘Will you go to the dance tonight?’—‘Sure!’ Uu, sigÚru kaÁyu ku nga mau nay Íyang gisulti, Yes, I am very sure that that is what he said. Way sigÚru ang Ímung kaugmÁun, Your future is uncertain. 1a butang sa — make sure of s.t. Ug makig-Áway ka, ibutang sa sigÚru nga nÁa ka sa bintÁhÀ, If you pick fights, make sure you have the upper hand. 2 most likely, probably. DÌ lang ku musulti apan muanhi sigÚru tu siya, I won’t say for sure, but he probably will come. v 1 [A; a2] do s.t. without fail; be sure of doing or obtaining s.t. MusigÚru (manigÚru) ka ug anhi sa may mga alas unsi, Come without fail at about eleven o’clock. SigurÚun ta ni ug bÁwÌ kay makalimut siya nyÀ ug ÚlÌ, Let’s be sure to take this back because he might forget to return it. 2 [A12; a12] take for granted, that s.t. will happen. Ayaw kug sigurÚa, kay wÀ ka kahibÁwu sa Ákung abilidad, Don’t be too sure of me because you don’t know my ability. 3 [A2N] be sure to do s.t. for oneself not minding or considering others. MisigÚru (nanigÚru) siyag lingkud kay daghang pasahÍru, He made sure to get himself a seat because there were lots of passengers. 4 [A] insure s.t. Way kumpanÍya musigÚru sa Ímung balay nga dÁan kaÁyu, No company will insure your house. It’s so old. n 1 insurance. Sitinta pÍsus mÁtag tÚig ang Ákung balayran sa sigÚru, My insurance is twenty pesos a year. — dibÍda life insurance. 2 insurance company. Ang Pil-am usa sa mga dagkung sigÚru dinhi sa PilipÍnas, Phil-Am is one of the big insurance companies in the Philippines. kasigurÚhan, kasigurÚan n 1 assurance. Walay kasigurÚan tung Átung hangyÙ, There’s no assurance that our request will be granted. 2 protection, safety from s.t. Álang sa kasigurÚan sa panglÁwas mu, inum sa Tunikun, For the protection of your health, drink Tonicon.

sigwÁlu (from walu) n a deadly snake of shallow sea water. A victim is generally given only eight hours to live. If he survives he is given another eight days, then eight weeks, and so forth. Cf. tagiwÁlu under walu.

*sigwar pa- v [A; c1] show s.t. off. MapagarbÚhun kaÁyu siyang mipasigwar sa Íyang singsing brilyanti, She is proudly showing off her diamond ring.

sihag a 1 transparent or translucent. Sihag kaÁyu siyag blÁwus, She has a blouse on you can see through. 2 clearly visible through s.t. Sihag na ang kadaÚgan, The glow of victory is visible at the end of the tunnel. v [A; a12] 1 be, become transparent or translucent. Musihag ang papil ug duhÍgan ug asÍti, Paper becomes translucent if oil is smeared on it. 1a [B5; a] be, become apparent, clear, understandable. Kalit nga misihag sa Ákung panumdÚman ang buut nÍyang ipasabut, It suddenly dawned on me what she meant. 2 be visible through s.t. Misihag ang lÁngit sa buslut sa atup, The sky shone through the hole in the roof. paN- v 1 [b5] read the past, present, or future through some magic article or power. KahibÁwu man kung muabut mu kay gipanihag (gipanihagan) man nÁkÙ, I knew that you were coming because I saw it in my crystal ball. 2 [A23] wear s.t. people can see through. Uy nanihag ka kay wÀ ka tingÁli magkamisun, People can see right through your clothes because you are apparently not wearing a slip. n crystal ball or power by which one can read the past, future, or a person’s thoughts. panihagsÍhag ang tutunlan v [A23] be very beautiful (lit. for the throat to be white and transparent). Daghang mga lalÁki ang nabatubalÁni sa babÁying nanihagsÍhag ang tutunlan, Many men became magnetized by that beautiful woman. sihagsÍhag, sihagsihÁgan n k.o. very tiny fish made into salted preserves.

sihÌ, sÍhÌ n nerite snails.

sihud n k.o. small fish trap made of flexible vines, used to scoop small fish from shallow waters. (?) v [AN; a] fish with the sihud. Kalita pagkabÙ ang isdÀ ug magsÍhud ka, Pull the trap up with a jerk when you fish with a sihud.

sii = ugud, except after ra.

siin 1 where did or does? Siin man paingun ag irÙ? Where did the dog go? Siin man siya iskuyla? Where does he go to school? 2 which (of several)? Siin man Íning duha Ímung gustu? Which of the two do you like?

sik. abbreviation for sikritaryu, secretary.

sikÀ = sikÀsikÀ. sikÀsikÀ v [A; b6] talk harshly and loudly in giving commands. GisikÀsikaan ang suluguun sa dunya, The lady shouted at the maid, giving her one order after another. sikÀsikaun a disrespectful in speech.

sÍkad v 1 [A; b(1)] propel s.t. with the feet, bending the knees and kicking the legs. SikÁri ang sÍya arun dÍlÌ na lang nÁkÙ kuhÁun, Kick the chair over here so I don’t have to get it. 2 [A; b] pedal. KumpÁsa ug sÍkad ang makina, Pedal the sewing machine rhythmically. 3 [AC2; ac] have two fighting cocks spar by holding them by the tail and allowing their legs to scratch or kick the ground. KanÚnayng isÍkad ang manuk arun lig-un ang tiil, Always have the cock spar to make its legs strong. 3a [A] — ang manuk for a candidate for a woman’s hand to say his piece. DÍlÌ maÁyung musÍkad ang Ákung manuk kay wÀ sugta, My man doesn’t know how to talk to women because he was unsuccessful. (?) = aninikad. pa- v [A; bc] base an argument or belief. Ayawg ipasÍkad ang Ímung hukum sa mga tabÌtÁbÌ, Don’t base your decision on gossip. pina- n based on. PanglÍhuk nga pinasÍkad sa maÁyung pamatÁsan, Behavior that is based on good manners. paN- v 1 [A; b6] push with the feet exerting effort. 2a kick the ground, as if eager to fight. Ag tÚru nagpanikad kay gustu nang muhasmag nÁkÙ, The bull is pawing the ground because it wants to charge me. 2b [A13] be very eager to do s.t. Nagpanikad siya ug adtu sa ManÍlÀ, He is very eager to go to Manila. -um-(?) v [A13] originate, start from. Ang Ílang Áway nagsumikad sa pagbÁhin sa irinsiya, Their quarrel started from the apportioning of the inheritance. sikadsikad, aN-r-(?) see aninikad.

sÍkan n 1 second in rank, prize, sequence. Akuy sÍkan, bayinti ang Ákung prayis, I was the second. I got twenty pesos as a prize. — bis second base of baseball. — grid second grade. — han second hand. — hap second half of a game. — plÍs second place. — plÍsir one who placed second. — rawun second round in boxing. — yir second year of high school or college. v [A2] obtain, get to be the second place. — dimusyun v [A; b(1)] second the motion.†

sikandir n a boxer’s second.

sikÁpat (from upat) n a coin of Spanish times originally worth a quarter of a peso, but ten centavos in the 1900’s.

sikat1 = siklat.

sÍkat a cocky, showing off one’s good looks or posture. SÍkat kaÁyu siya nga mulakaw, He walks in a very flippant and cocky manner. (?)2 a worthy of praise or envy. Sikat kaÁyu siyag kutsi, He has a flashy car. pa- v [A; c] show off. MupasÍkat dÁyun siya ug nÁay mga dalÁgang nagtan-aw, He shows off if there are girls around.

sÍkaw a being in large numbers and moving about noisily. SÍkaw kaÁyu ang mga tÁwu didtu sa tabuan, There is a noisy, bustling crowd in the market. v [B6] be noisy and moving about in different directions.

sikawalu n coin worth half a sikÁpat.

sikaysÍkay v 1 [A2; c1] strive to make a move. MisikaysÍkay (nanikaysÍkay) pagbÁngun ang hubug, The drunk strove to get up. 2 [A2N] strive, struggle for existence. Basta musikaysÍkay (manikaysÍkay) ang tÁwu, mabÚhÌ giyud, If a man struggles, he will survive. 3 [AN] buzz about in some activity. Sayu sa buntag nagsikaysÍkay (nagpanikaysÍkay) nag mga kumpradur, Early in the morning the dealers in produce were already buzzing about.

sikbat v [AN; a12b2] for a fierce animal or an angry person to snarl at s.o. suddenly. Gisikbat ang iring nga midÚul sa irÙ nga nagkaun, The dog snarled at the cat that came near him while he was eating. Hingsikbatan ku siya kay midÚul man nÁkÙ ug nangÁyÙ ug itan-aw sa sini, I snapped at him when he came to me asking for money to go to the movies.

sikbit n contiguous, located next to. Sikbit siya nÁkug lingkud, He sat next to me. Nagsikbit ang Ámung lÚti, Our lots are adjacent. ka- s.o. who is located next to s.t.

sikbut v 1 [A; a12] cut s.t. with a single stroke toward the agent, esp. with a sickle. Sikbuta lang ang pÍsÌ arun maputul dÁyun, Just cut the rope to get it loose quickly. 2 [AN; a12] swipe. Nanikbut ang bÁtag lumbuy sa tindÍra, The little boy swiped a lumbuy from the fruit seller. 3 pick out with a small dip net. n 1 sickle. 2 small dip net. paN- v [A2; b1] finagle s.t. out of s.o. without much fuss and bother. Manikbut siya ug plÍti sa mga amÍgu, He gets his friends to pay his fare for him.

sikdu1, sikdÙ1 v [A; a12] scoop s.t. up quickly by tossing, flipping up a container. SikdÚha ang binlud. Ayawg iÍpun sa bugas, Remove the fine meal by scooping it off as you flip it. Don’t put it together with the grain. n scoop. (?), ig-l- = sikdu, n.

sikdu2, sikdÙ2 v [A; a1b2] jab, nudge. SikdÚun ta lang kag makigpamaÚlÌ na ku, I’ll just nudge you when I want to get home.

sikdÙ3 = sid-uk.

sikdul = sikdu2.

sikging v [A; a12] snatch at s.t. live suddenly to catch it. Biktun pa, pÁra ituy! SikgÍnga lang, You don’t have to trap a puppy! Just grab it!

siki n fetlock, a thumb-like projection above the foot in the legs of animals.

sikil v 1 [B3(1)46; bP] for s.t. long to jut out. Misikil ang bukug sa Íyang sÍku sa Íyang pagkahug, The bone in his elbow stuck out when he fell down. 2 [A; a2b2] nudge s.o., esp. with the elbow. Musikil giyud siya nÁkÙ inig-Ági nÍya nÁkÙ, He nudges me every time he passes by me. 2a pierce with a horn or tusk. Ang tÚru nga misikil sa mag-uÚma, The bull that gored the farmer. n protuberance, s.t. that juts out.

sÍkit a close, with least distance. SÍkit kaÁyu siya nga mubayli, He dances very close. Didtu magtÁgÙ ang ilagÀ, sÍkit sa busaug, The rat hid close to the floor joists. SÍkit silang mga higÁla, They are close friends. v [AC; ac] be or get close to each other. SikÍta ug butang ang mga misitÍra, Put the flower pots close to each other.

siklahun a scarce. Lisud makatrabahu ang tÁwung siklahun ug ininglis, It’s hard for people whose English is limited to find work. v [B] be scarce. Nagkasiklahun na run ang bÁbuy ihÁlas, Wild pigs are getting scarce now.

si-klam n C-clamp.

siklap v [b4(1)] take a quick glance at. Nasiklapan ku siya nga nagbaylu sa barÁha, I caught him switching the cards around. pa- v [A] take a glance at. Mupasiklap siya nÁkÙ matag karun ug unyÀ, She takes a glance at me now and then.

siklat n 1 fence or wall made of bamboo slats woven through or nailed to two or more horizontal slats. 2 one of the vertical slats of such a fence. v [A1; b5] put siklat fencing. Siklatun (siklatan) ku ang mga manuk, I will enclose the chickens with a fence of bamboo slats.

siklib n sick leave. Way siklib ang Ámung gitrabahÚan, There’s no sick leave in the company I’m working for. v [A2] take sick leave.

siklista n cyclist, bicycle rider.

siklit v [A12; b4(1)] 1 get a glimpse of. Nakasiklit ku sa Íyang gisulat, I got a glimpse of what he wrote. 2 come to notice by chance. Hingsiklitan nÁkung dihay mihÍkap sa Ákung bulsa, I was suddenly aware of s.o. touching my pocket.

siklut n = balinsay. v 1 = balinsay, v1. 2 [A; c6] flip s.t. with the fingers by holding the middle finger with the thumb and letting it go with a snap. 3 [A12; b8] obtain s.t. with ease. UsÁhay makasiklut siyag mamisus sa pamantayg awtu, Sometimes he gets a peso for watching cars.

sikma v [A2N2; b6] blow one’s nose. — ug dugÙ [A1] have a nosebleed. Nagsikma intÁwun ug dugÙ ang alÁut sa kakusug sa sukmag nga Íyang nadÁwat, The poor fellow was hit so hard he had a nosebleed. — ug kusÁhus [A13] get a good punch in the nose (lit. blow jerked meat out of the nose). — ug manintimus, trÍn blow a long column from the nose after crying. Tan-Áwa lang unyÀ ninyu dÌ ba manikmag manintimus kining bÚang nga asÁwa, Just watch if that crazy wife of mine doesn’t blow her nose from crying.

sikmat v [A2N; b6] snarl at suddenly and without warning. TakwÁhaw lang kung gisikmÁtan sa irÙ, The dog just suddenly snarled at me.

sikmul v [A; ac1] 1 touch s.t. lightly to the mouth or the mouth lightly to it. IgÙ lang misikmul sa kan-unun ang irÙ ug milakaw, The dog just sniffed at the food and walked away. SikmÚla (isikmul) ang imÁhin sa santus, Touch the image of the saint lightly to your lips. 2 touch s.t. to a child or baby animal’s mouth just before he begins to eat or talk, an action which is thought to influence the child’s or animal’s behavior for life. SikmÚla (isikmul) ug hulmÍgas ang mga ituy arun maÍsug, Give ants to the puppies before you wean them to make them become fierce. 3 hone s.t. by rubbing it back and forth lightly over a sharpener. n the thing put to a child’s or young animal’s mouth to influence its future behavior. Ang sikmul nga tamalÀ makapalistu sa paniil sa bÁtÀ, A small octopus is a good inauguratory feed for the child because it will make him quick on his feet.

sikpaw = sigpaw.

sikrit = sikrit kang. see kang2. — pÁkit 1 watch pocket. 2 pocket sewn in the side of a dress, esp. uniform at the seam. v [A; c] in blackjack, take an additional card. Musikrit ku kay layÙ ra sa bayntiÚnu ang ÁkÙ, Hit me because I’m miles away from twenty one.

sikrÍta n plainclothesman. v [A13; a12] be, make one a plainclothesman.

sikritÁri n 1 secretary in an office. 2 an officer of the government who administers a department. v [A13; a12] be, appoint s.o. as secretary.

sikritarya n lady secretary in an office. v [A13; a12] be, make s.o. a secretary. -l n secretarial course.

sikritaryu n = sikritarya (male).

sikrÍtu n 1 secret. 2 watch pocket. 3 = sikrit kang. see kang2. v [A; a] do s.t. secretly. SikritÚhan ta kag ingun arun ikaw ray mahibalu, I will tell you secretly so that you will be the only one to know.

sikrÍtu diamur = amur sikrÍtu.

siksbay siks n k.o. six-wheeled motor transport with six driving wheels, used by the armed forces. v [A13] travel in a six-by-six.

siksi a sexy, stimulating erotic feelings. Si Ikang siksi kaÁyu nga mamustÚra, Ikang is very sexy when she dresses up. Kanang pilikulÁha siksi kunu kaÁyu, That is supposed to be an erotically stimulating film. v [B12; a2] be, become sexy.

siksik v [A; a] 1 go over an area in systematic detail to search for s.t., ignoring no inch. Ang kanipÁang Ílang gisiksÍkan sa bÁtang nawÁlÀ, The nipa swamps they combed in search of the lost child. 2 screen applicants for a post. Átung siksÍkun sila ug maÁyu arun mapÍlÌ nÁtÙ ang kinamaayÚhan, We will screen them carefully to get the very best. 3 = hiN-. paN- v [A] for birds and fowls to preen their feathers. n research, detailed investigation. hiN- v [AN2; b6] search for nits in the head by running the strands of hair between thumb and forefinger. maN-r- n researcher.

siksirÍkay = sitsirÍka1.

siksiyun n 1 section of a certain grade in school. Duha ka siksiyun ang tirsÍru grÁdu, There are two sections in the third grade. 2 section in an article, chapter, law, and the like. v [A13; a12] set up sections in school.

siksrawundir n boxer who fights in six-round bouts preliminary to the main event. v [B126] become a six-rounder.

sikstinÁyin n the sixty-nine position in sexual intercourse. v [A; a12] do the sixty-nine.

sikstin kards n a manner of playing mahjong using sixteen pieces.

sikstring n 1 k.o. guitar with six strings. 2 the particular tuning of such a guitar (D or E, A, D, G, B, E). v [a12] tune a guitar in this way.

sikstu grÁdu n sixth grade.

siks-uklÁk n aim at six o’clock—i.e. slightly below the target.

sikswa a sexy, said in humorous reference to effeminate boys.

siktur n sector, area appertaining to a certain armed force.

siku = gwayabanu. — karabaw = siku. — kapÚti = tsÍku.

sÍku1 n 1 elbow. 2 a unit of measurement reckoned from the tip of the middle finger to the elbow, used to measure yarn. (?) v [AN; a2] nudge with the elbow. Ug dÌ ku nÍmu paagiun sikhun ta ka, If you do not let me pass, I will hit you with my elbow. sikÚhan v [C] nudge each other with the elbows. sikuhan n a needle used for mending nets, made of a flat piece of bamboo about 6–10 long with a pointed end that has a U-shaped slot and notch at the opposite end. maN-(?) n = sÍku1, n2.

sÍku2 (from risÍku) v 1 [AP; a12P] boil off water from s.t. as in making syrup. Ikay musÍku (mupasÍku) sa dugÀ arun maispÍsu, Boil the water off from the juice so that it will get thick. 2 [B2] for s.t. to be cooked until it is thick and hard. IlÚnud ang pilit kun musÍku na ang latik, Put in the rice when the syrup gets sticky. LamÌ ang humay nga sikÚhun paglung-ag, Rice tastes good when boiled hard. n s.t. cooked hard or thick.

sÍku3 a rigidly strict with an air of superiority and unapproachability. v [B] be haughty. Nagkasiku siya sukad makabana ug KatsÍlÀ, She has become strict and haughty since she married a Spaniard. sikusÍku v [AP; b6] act haughtily strict towards people. Ayaw kug sikusikÚhi kay suhÍtu ku sa Ímung kaÁgi, Don’t try to be haughty and stand-offish to me because I know where you came from.

sikulÁti = sikwÁti, n, v1.

sikuluhÍya n 1 psychology. 2 the knack of dealing with people to get them to perform in a desired way, read their feelings. Ug may sikuluhÍya ka pa wÀ lang untÀ nÍmu palita arun itanyag ug barÁtu, If you’d had a better knowledge of human behavior, you wouldn’t have bought it right away so that you could have gotten it cheap.

sikundarya n secondary school (grades seven through ten).

sÍkund grid = sÍkan grid. see sÍkan.

sÍkup1 v 1 [AN; a12] catch fish or shellfish by running a net or hands along the bottom of the water. 2 [A1; a12] arrest, usually after a dragnet operation. Ug sikÚpun ka sa ipbiay walÀ kay iskapaturya, If the FBI institutes a dragnet to find you, there is no escape. 2a trap an elusive bachelor into marriage. sinikpan n fish or shellfish caught by hand.

sÍkup2 n k.o. bird of prey. mata ug — a hawk-eyed.

sikuy v [A; a] steal s.t. not of great value (slang). Kinsay nagsikuy sa Ákung bulpin? Who swiped my pen?

sikwa n k.o. squash: Luffa cylindrica.

sikwalu = sikawalu.

sikwÁti n chocolate, a beverage made of sugar and ground roasted cacao beans, served hot and thick. v 1 [A13; a12] make, have chocolate. 2 [A123P; a12] defeat decisively. Sa baskit nasikwÁti mi, We were trounced in the basketball game. 2a punish severely. Bantay ka lang ug sakpan kang PÁpa kay masikwÁti ka giyud, Watch out if Daddy catches you. You will get it. 2b perform badly. Pisti tung prublimÁha. Mau tuy nakasikwÁti (nakapasikwÁti) nÁkÙ, That damn problem was my downfall in the exam. 2c be erotically stimulated to a high degree. Ug muuban nang bayhÁna nÁkÙ sa sini, masikwÁti giyud, If that woman goes to the show with me, I’ll get her all hopped up.

sikway v [A; ab2] shove to the side with a sweeping motion of the arms. SÍgi siyang sikway sa mga bugang pagsÚut nÍya sa kalibunan, He kept shoving away the weeds to the sides as he went through the thicket. Hisikwayan nÁkÙ ang bÁsu maung nahÚlug, I happened to knock my arm against the glass, and it fell.

sikyuriti n security guard. — gard = sikyuriti.

sÍl v [A13; c] hold a bargain sale. NagsÍl karun sa Wayitguld, They’re having a sale at the White Gold. Krismas, prumusiyun, payir dÁmids, watir dÁmids — Christmas, promotional, fire, water damage sale.

sila they. Muadtu sila sa MandÁwi, They will go to Mandaue. — si, -ng [name] [name] and his friends or family. TÚa na sila si (silang) Prid, Fred and his friends have left. silahÁnun n 1 townmates. MutÁbang giyud si Pidru kang Husi kay silahÁnun ra, Pedro will surely help JosÉ because they are townmates. 2 distant relatives. SilahÁnun si Piduy ug Baldu kay mag-Ágaw Ílang isig ka apuhan, Pedoy and Baldy are distantly related because their grandfathers are cousins. nÍla 1 gen.: of them, by them. Ang awtu nÍla bag-u, Their car is new. GibaligyÀ nÍla, They sold it. 2 short for kanÍla. kanÍla dat.: them. WÀ ku kakitÀ kanÍla, I have not seen them. KanÍlang duha, kinsay mas taas? Of the two of them, which one is taller? Íla, ilÁha preposed gen.: their, by them. Ang Ílang amahan, Their father. Ílang gipalit, They bought it. 2 thing that’s theirs. Ang Ákung awtu bag-u, ang Íla (ilÁha) dÁan, My car is new. Theirs is old. 3 their home, place. HÁin man ang Íla? Where is their house? Adtu ku sa Ílang (Íla ka) Husi, I’m going to JosÉ’s house. silasÍla n related to each other. Si Anuy ug si Badung? Ah, silasÍla ra nÀ, Anoy and Badong? Oh, they are related to each other. v [A13] do s.t. by themselves. NagsilasÍla ra sila ug pangÁun, walÀ manawag, They just ate by themselves. They did not invite us. ilaÍla = silasÍla, v. ilahÁnun = silahÁnun.

silab1 v [A; b6] set fire to, put s.t. burning close to s.t. else. Ayawg silabi ang Ákung balay, Don’t set my house on fire. Silaban ku Áring sulÙ nang nawung Ánang irÚa, I will put this burning torch to that dog’s face.

silab2 n blade, the sharpened edge of a cutting tool. v [A; a] put a blade on, make into a blade. Gisilaban ni Ingku ang kawÁyan, Ingko made a cutting edge on the piece of bamboo.

sÍlab v [B12] for the leaves of plants to become reddish. Ang taas nga hÚlaw mauy nakasÍlab (nakapasÍlab) sa dÁhun sa lubi, The coconut leaves became reddish because of the long drought.

silaba n syllable.

silabi = sulÁbi, 2. see labi.

silabun = labun, 1.

sÍlag v [B1256; b8] 1 be, become envious. KasilÁgan ka sa mga tÁwu ug ikaw ray mag-awtu, The people will be envious of you if you are the only one who drives a car. 2 have an intense hatred for s.o. NasÍlag siya sa nagpildi nÍya, She came to hate the man who stole her chastity. GikasilÁgan ku ang tanang KatsÍlÀ, I hate all Spaniards. ka- n enmity, hatred. KasÍlag nga lubngÁnan ray kinutÚban, A hatred that will end only in the grave. ma-un a envious.

silÁhis n low-hanging, light-gray clouds, the movement of which indicate the velocity of the wind. Basta kusug ang silÁhis may bagyung muabut, Fast-moving clouds indicate an approaching storm.

silak, sÍlak1 n shellac. v [A; b6] shellac s.t.

sÍlak2 a for the sun to be shining clear and bright. SÍlak na, ay na lang pagpÁyung, The sun is out now. You don’t need your umbrella. v [A2] for it to be clear and bright. MasilÁkun ang kaugmÁun sa tÁwung buÚtan, One who behaves well has a bright future.

sÍlang v 1 [A2S; b4(1)] for heavenly bodies to rise. Hingsilangan mi sa adlaw kay dÚgay mi nga nangatÚlug, We went to bed late and got up after the sun rose. 2 [A23] appear, become known with fame and honor. Usa ka bantÚgan nga magbabalak misÍlang kanÁtÙ, A famed poet is born among us. pa- v [A; b6(1)] peep, peer through. NagpasÍlang sa largabista ang kapitan, The ship captain is peeping through the binoculars. -an(?) n east, general direction where the sun rises. halayÙ, layÙ nga — Far East. kinatung-an nga — Middle East. duul nga — Near East.

silangga n body of water separating neighboring islets.

silanis n celanese.

silÁub (from dÁub) v [A2S; b6] 1 burst into flame, flare up and burn brightly. TayhÚpa ang mga bÁga arun musilÁub, Blow on the live coals so they will burst into flame. 2 for emotions to flare up. HinÁya lang ug sulti. MusilÁub ka man lang dÁyun, Say it calmly. Don’t just flare up suddenly. 3 [B246] for war to break out. MisilÁub ang ikaduhang gÚbat sa kalibÚtan sa 1941, The Second World War broke out in 1941.

sÍlaw n 1 ray, beam of emitted light. Ang sÍlaw sa adlaw, The sun’s rays. Ang sÍlaw sa sugÀ sa trÁk, The glare from the headlights of the truck. v [A2S; b6] shine, emit rays of light. Nagsilaw ang ispat sa Íyang nawung, The flashlight was shining into his face. ka- n brilliance.

silbÁtu = sirbÁtu.

silbi, silbidur, silbidÚra = sirbi, sirbidur, sirbidÚra. see sirbi1.

silda n cell of a prison or convent.

silhig v 1 [AN2; a] sweep or rake a surface to remove dirt. SilhÍgun mu ang ginabas, Sweep away the sawdust. SilhÍgan nÁtÙ ang tugkaran, Let’s rake the grass. 2 [a12] remove from office in numbers. Kadtung walÀ mubutar nÁkÙ silhÍgun sa katungdÁnan, Those who did not vote for me will be removed from office. n broom. — sa ngÍpun toothpick (humorous). maN-r- n sweeper.

sÍli n pepper: Capsicum spp. — nga amirikÁnu a large yellow variety. — nga ispÁda long variety: Capsicum anuum var. longum. — nga kagÙkÙ the large sweet pepper which turns red when ripe: Capsicum anuum. — kulikut tiny, hot, red peppers: Capsicum frutescens. (?) v [A; b6] use, put hot peppers to, into s.t. Musili ka ba? Do you use pepper in your food? — kay gihÁngan [A13] for s.o. to get hurt by some indirect hints which refer to what he was actually doing (if the shoe fits, put it on). Nahimangud si LÍta sa Ákung sulti. Nagsili tingÁli kay gihÁngan man, Lita was hurt by what I said. It probably was true. (Lit. She must be putting pepper in her food if she feels it is too spicy.) sinilian, sinilihan a spiced with hot peppers.

silib n 1 sunray 2 place where rain can come in. Silib dihÀ sa bintÁnÀ kun mag-ulan, The rain comes in the window when it rains. v 1 [A2; b2] for the sun to shine from behind s.t., for rain to come in. MahÁyag ang kwartu ug musilib ang adlaw gÍkan sa kakahÚyan, The room will become bright when the sun appears from behind the trees. 2 [A23] appear as if coming out from hiding. PahÍyum nga misilib sa Íyang nawung, A smile that appeared on her face. 3 [a12] go and take a look. Ákung silbun ang kÁbaw nga Ákung gitugway, I will go and see the carabao I put out in the pasture. pa- v 1 [A; b] peep, look at while remaining hidden. NgÁnung nagpasilib man ka dihÀ luyu sa kurtÍna? Why are you peeping from behind the curtain? 2 [A3; c] look furtively out of the corner of the eyes. DÍlÌ siya mutÁrung ug tan-aw. MupasÍlib lang, He doesn’t look straight at you. He just looks furtively from the corner of his eyes.

silibrar v [A; b5] celebrate, observe the memory of an event. DÍlÌ siya musilibrar sa Íyang adlaw, He will not celebrate his birthday. silibrasiyun n celebration.

silid n degree, a course of study or career. Silid sa pagkaduktur, Medical course.

sÍlid n bedroom, room.

sÍlik n 1 dorsal fin of fishes. 2 analogous growth on reptiles. 3 crease along a trouser leg. 4 in a hip roof, the junction of the lateral and end slope which forms linear edges somewhat in appearance like a dorsal fin. v [B2456] for a crease to form along a trouser leg. -an a crested, having a crest.

silik-an see siak, 3.

silin n k.o. one-stringed musical instrument, played with a bow, resting on the ground, high in pitch. The sound is produced by a trumpet at the bottom.

silindru n cylinder of an engine.

silindrun = salindrun.

silindrus = silindru (plural).

siling = ingun2 (dialectal).

sÍling v [A; a] fire shells, bombard. n act of shelling out.

sil-ing v 1 [A; a] look at s.t. closely to study it. Gisil-ing nÍya ang tÍtik nga milakra sa papil, He studied the letters that appeared on the page. 2 peep, look hard through a small opening. Gisil-ing nÍya sa bungbung kung kinsay nahiabut, He peeped through the slit in the wall to see who was coming. -an(?), -anan n opening one can peep through.

silÍngan n neighbor. v [A2C; c3] 1 be, have one for a neighbor. Lisud ikasilÍngan ang palaaway, It’s difficult to happen to have a quarrelsome person for a neighbor. 2 [A23] border, verge on. Ang Ílang kinataw-an musilÍngan sa biaybÍay, Their laughter borders on derision. -an(?), ka-an(?) n 1 yard, area surrounding the house. 2 neighboring. Kasilinganan (silinganan) nga lungsud, The neighboring towns. ka-an n neighborhood, group of people composing a neighborhood.

silinsiyu a silent, quiet. Silinsiyu kaÁyu ang kurti pagpakanÁug sa hukum, The court became very silent when the decision was handed down. -su(?) a for machines to be noiseless. SilinsiyÚsu kaÁyu ning makinÁha, This machine is noiseless. v [B; b6] for machines to become noiseless.

sÍlip, sil-ip v [A; a] peep through a small hole or opening. MisÍlip si Husi pagsÚsi kun kinsay nÁa sa gawas, Joseph peeped to see who was outside. (?) n k.o. device in box form with one side covered with glass, used to look at s.t. under the water, held with the bottom in the water while the user peers into it. v [A; a1] look at or for s.t. using this device. pa-(?) v 1 [A; b6(1)] peer slyly or secretly; take a hasty furtive look. Nagpasilip siya sa Ákung barÁha, He snuck a look at my cards. 2 = sÍlip, v.

siliri n celery.

silÍsi = salÍsi.

sÍlit v 1 [A2S; b26P] flow in a continuous stream from where it is pent up. MisÍlit ang tÚbig sa grÍpu, The water flowed from the faucet. 2 [A23P; a12P] drive, move swiftly forward. Unsa tung awtÚha, misÍlit (mipasÍlit) man lang? What car was that? It just whizzed on by. 3 [A2S; a12P] for firecrackers to fizzle or sputter. UsÁhay ang ribintadur dÍlÌ mubutu. ÍgÙ ra nga musÍlit, Sometimes the firecracker won’t explode. It just simply fizzles. (?) a leaky. Silit kaÁyu ning tangkÍha, This tank is very leaky.

sil-it v [B3(1)6; c1] come partly into view, be seen or exposed partly. Misil-it na ang adlaw sa Ákung pagmata, The sun had already started to rise when I woke up. WÀ pa makasil-it ang ngÍpun sa bÁtÀ, The baby hasn’t gotten any teeth yet. Ayaw sil-Íta (isil-it) ang Ímung kwarta sa bulsa, Don’t let your money stick out of your pocket.

silsil n cold chisel, a chisel for metal, stone. v 1 [A; a] inscribe, work s.t. with a chisel. Kinsay nagsilsil aring mga litra sa simintu? Who carved these letters into the concrete? 1a [A13; c6] fix in one’s mind, inculcate. Mga sulti nga nasilsil sa Íyang kaisÍpan, Words that were chiseled into his mind. 2 [A; a] remove s.t. with a chisel. Átung silsÍlun ning kabilyÁha, We will remove this reenforcement bar with a cold chisel.

silstuk n 1 sales talk. 2 glib talk to win over or convince s.o. v [A13; b6] give s.o. a glib line. SilstÚkan na man pud ku sa Íyang bakak, mu rag mutÚu ku, He is giving me his line again, as if I could be taken in by it.

sÍlu n cello. v [A] play the cello.

silÙ v [B126C23; a2] have hurt feelings. NasilÙ ku kay aku ray wÀ imbitaha, I was hurt because I was the only one not invited. Mga biaybÍayng makasilÙ (makapasilÙ), Words of derision that can hurt the feelings. NagsÍlÙ ang managtrÁtu, The lovers are on bad terms.

silulÚsa n bagasse, sugar cane pulp left after the juice has been extracted.

sÍlung n 1 downstairs. May duha ka kwartu sa sÍlung, There are two bedrooms downstairs. 1a space underneath the house and including the surrounding yard. Didtu nÍya ihukut ang kanding sa sÍlung, He tethered the goat under the house. taas ug — a standing with the crotch comparatively high above the ground (humorous). KasagÁran sa mga AmirkÁnu taas ug sÍlung, Most of the Americans are tall. 2 protection, care. Lisud ikÍha ang usa ka tÁwu nga nÁa sa sÍlung sa usa ka pulitiku, It is difficult to press charges against a person under the aegis of a politician. 3 building where domestic animals, esp. cocks are kept. v 1 [AN; b] take shelter under. Anhi ku musÍlung (manÍlung) sa ilÁwum sa kÁhuy, I’ll take shelter under the tree. 1a [A; c] put into shelter in the shade. IsÍlung ang kanding ug muulan, Take the goat to shelter if it rains. IsÍlung pagtanum ang mga kakaw sa lubi, Plant the cocoa under the shade of the palms. 2 [A23] put oneself under s.o.’s influence or protection. Ang Ílu misÍlung sa Íyang uyuan, The orphan was put under the care of his uncle. (?) v [A; b6(1)] plant a crop between the rows of another crop that is taller. Musilung kug mais sa kalubihan, I’ll plant corn between the rows of s.t. taller. pa- = sÍlung, v1. 1a paN- v [A23] 1 for cocks to go to another chicken yard, not the owner’s. ManÍlung ang sunuy kun way mungÀ sa Íla, A rooster will go to another house if there are no hens in its own place. 2 for an adolescent to begin or start visiting girls. ManÍlung na ang Íyang anak lalÁki, His son has started visiting girls. -anan n shelter or shade.

silungsilung n minor recurrence of measles or chicken pox eruptions following a period of quiescence. v [A23N; b4] for measles or chicken pox to have a minor recurrence or eruption. Natural giyud nÀ sa hanggÀ nga silungsilungan (musilungsilung, manilungsilung), Chicken pox rash normally recurs in a mild way.

silupin n cellophane.

sÍlus v [A1; b3] feel jealous, esp. of a beloved one. GisilÚsan sa asÁwa ang sikritarya sa Íyang bÁna, The wife was jealous of her husband’s secretary. -a a jealous (female). v [B12] become jealous. -u1 a jealous (male).

silusÍya n venetian blinds. v [c] put up venetian blinds.

silÚsu2 a for machine parts to be loose and have too much free play. Piligru ning Ímung taksi kay silÚsu kaÁyu ang manabÍla, Your taxi is dangerous because it has a very loose steering wheel. v [B123] get to be too loose.

sÍlut1 n 1 penalty for a crime. Ang sÍlut sa pagpatay kinsi anyus, The penalty for murder is fifteen years. 2 penalty in a game for an infraction of the rule. v [A; b(1)] impose a penalty for a crime or in sports.

sÍlut2 n young coconut, the meat of which is harder than the ‘butung’ stage but softer than the ‘ungul’.

silÚwid n celluloid.

sÍluy = asusÍluy.

silya n chair. v [a12] make into a chair. — iliktrika electric chair. di- see disilya. silyÍta n 1 saddle of a motorcycle or bicycle. 2 small bamboo or rattan stool. v [b6] put, attach a saddle. -dur(?), -dura n leader of a group of ten Roman Catholic lay people organized for a devotion to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. v [B36; a1] be, become the silyadur.

silyu n 1 postage or revenue stamp. 2 seal, put on s.t. to show that it has been inspected. 3 seal to close an envelope. v [A; b6] seal or put a postage or revenue stamp on s.t. GibÁlik ang suwat kay wÀ silyÚhi, The letter was returned because there was no stamp on it.

sÍmÀ n 1 barb. 2 glans penis (euphemism). v [A; b6] make, attach a barb. -an a barbed.

sÍmag v [A; b6] glow, brighten up. MusÍmag ang mga aninÍput inigkagabÍi, Fireflies glow in the evening. NagsÍmag siya sa kaputÌ, She is very fair. GisimÁgan ang bÁtÀ sa maistra, The teacher glared at the child.

simalÚna a happening in an alternate fashion. SimalÚna ang hÁrÌ sa hantak gabÍi, In the coin tossing last night it was alternately heads and tails all night long. SimalÚna ang Úlan sa miÁging simÁna, Last week the rains came on alternate days. v [A3; c16] do s.t. alternately.

simÁna n week. v 1 [B2] get to be a week. MusimÁna na lang wÀ mahiulÌ ang amahan, A week passed, and the father had not returned. 2 [a12] do s.t. by the week. Simanahun ta ikaw ug suwildu, I will pay you by the week. 3 [A; b] earn [so-and-so much] every week. GisimanÁhan (nagsimÁna) akug singkuwinta, I earned fifty a week. — Santa n Holy Week. v [A13N] spend one’s days during the Holy Week. Ása ka man magsimÁna Santa (manimÁna Santa)? Where are you going to spend Holy Week? -in-(—), -l-(—), tag-(—) a weekly, by the week. Ang Ámung swildu sinimana (simanal), Our salary is on a weekly basis. v [A; a12] do s.t. on a weekly basis. Culu- every week. DuÁwun tika sulusimÁna, I will visit you every week. v [A13; b5] do every week.

simang v 1 [A; b6] change a course, turn off. Inig-abut nÍmu sa iskÍna musimang ka sa tuu, Upon reaching the corner, turn off to the right. 2 [A23] deviate from a previous course, track of conversation. DÍlÌ usÁhay siya masabtan kay musimang siya sa unsay gipanagsultÍhan, Sometimes you can’t understand him because he deviates from what he was talking about. -l-an, -an, -anan(?) n fork of a road or path.

simanÍya n chimney of a house, smokestack.

simÀsimÀ = simÙsimÙ.

simba v [A; b] 1 go to attend church services. Musimba ku ugmÀ, I will attend church services tomorrow. 2 adore, regard with respect and affection. Ang babÁying Ákung gisimba, The woman I adore. 3 [A12; a3] know s.o.’s innermost thoughts. Nasimba ku na unsa ang Ímung pagtan-aw kanÁkÙ, I can read your thoughts of what you think of me. n worship service. Unsang urÁsa ang simba? What time is the service? simbasimba n praying mantis. simbahan n church, church building. simbahan ni PilÁtu n female genitalia (humorous). -ku exclamation uttered upon remarking about s.t. bad to keep it from happening to the speaker. Simbaku ikaw lang untay mabÚang, dÍlÌ aku, God forbid that I go crazy, too. -ku lagung humorous exclamation: May it not happen to me! Simbaku lagung, paÚlÌ sa namÚlung, I’m rubber, you’re glue. Everything you say to me bounces back and sticks to you. (Lit. May it not happen to me, but go to the one who said it.) panimbaku v [A2] say simbaku. ig-l- n 1 what one wears to church. 2 special girl friend. Daghan kug trÁtu, apan usa ra giyuy igsilimba, I have lots of girl friends, but I have only one special one. -um-l- n about to go to church. maN-r- n churchgoers. silimbÁhun a worthy of adoration.

simbal1 v [A; c] add a piece of cloth or paper to another piece to make it larger. ÁkÙ lang simbÁlan ang dapit sa Íluk kay kÚlang ang panaptun, I’ll add a piece of cloth to the armpits because there isn’t enough cloth.

simbal2 n cymbal.

simbu a pubescent youngsters, esp. girls who bloom into adulthood, developing curves and stoutness. v [B12; b6] be strong and healthy as a result of pubescence. hiN- v [B46] grow stout and healthy as one enters adulthood. Maghinimbu na gÁnÌ ka dÌ na madÚgay nga madÁga ka na, If you grow stout and healthy, it won’t be long before you’re grown up.

simbug = sambug.

simbulu n symbol. v 1 [A13; c6] have or use as a symbol. 2 [B1456] symbolize. Ang pula nagsimbulu sa pakigbÍsug, The red symbolizes struggle.

simburyu n domed roof. v [A13; b6] construct a dome.

simhut v 1 [A; a2] smell, take a whiff. 2 [A12; b2] be aware, get wind of. NÍa tus Baldu ug makasimhut tus Átung kumbira, Baldo will be here if he gets wind of the party. paN- v [A] smell, sniff. DÍlÌ nÀ mamÁak irÚa. Manimhut lang nÍmu, That dog doesn’t bite. He will just sniff at you.

simik v [A2] for any of a group to fail (usually negative). Way misimik sa Ákung kandidÁtu. Lusut tanan, None of my candidates lost. They all won. Way misimik sa Ákung antug. PÚlus hÁrÌ, None of my tosses of the coin failed. They all came out heads. pa- v [a12] allow a single failure or miss. Ádik nÀ siyag sini. Way pasimikun Ánang salÍda, He is a movie addict. He won’t let a single picture go by.

similya n 1 seedling, esp. for transplantation. 1a seeds used for propagation as opposed to those used for consumption. Ayaw ni ipagaling kay similya ning lisÚha, Don’t have these seeds milled because we’ll use them for planting. 2 fingerlings. 3 breed of domestic animals used for food. MaÁyu ug similya ning babÚya kay dagkuun, This pig is of good breed because it is the big kind. v 1 [c1] reserve seeds for planting purposes. 2 [A; b6] plant seeds in a seedbed. similyahan n seedbed. similyahun ug lÁwas a for a woman to be healthy (lit. a body fit to bear children).

siminar n seminar. v [A13; b6] hold a seminar.

siminarista n student in a seminary. v [B156] be, become a seminarian.

siminaryu n seminary.

simintiryu = mintiryu.

simintu n 1 cement, concrete. Balay nga simintu, A concrete house. 2 the dikes around a rice paddy. v 1 [A; a2] cement s.t. SimintÚhun ang mga karsÁda sa prubinsiya, They will cement the highways in the province. 2 [A; a] put s.t. in plaster cast. SimintÚhun ang Íyang buktun arun dÍlÌ makalÍhuklÍhuk, His hand will be put in plaster cast so he can’t move it around. 3 [A13; b5] construct a dike for a rice paddy. 4 [A; a] fill the teeth cavities. Gisimintu ang lungag sa Ákung ngÍpun, I had my cavity filled. simintÁdu a 1 cemented, concrete. 2 plaster-casted.

simirÍsir n 1 medium-sized bicycle tire, larger than a racer but smaller than the wide-tired bicycle. 2 bicycle with a medium-sized tire.

simistir, simistri n semester. v [b8] get to be a semester.

simpatika = simpatiku (female).

simpatiku a charming, having an attractive personality. Ang Ímung anak simpatiku (simpatika) kaÁyu nga mupahÍyum, Your daughter smiles very charmingly. v [B12; b6] be, become charming.

simpatÍya n 1 sympathy, the capacity to feel the problems of others. DÚna giyud na siyay simpatÍya sa mga tinun-an nga nagtrabÁhu, He has sympathy for working students. 2 feeling of loyalty and tendency to favor s.t. Ang mga hurnal usÁhay may simpatÍya sa mga kumunista, Day laborers often are sympathetic to communism.

simpÌ = singpÌ.

simpig a close to. v [AB6; c] go, put s.t. s.w. near s.t. Musimpig ku sa bungbung arun musulud ta sa katri, I’ll keep close to the wall so we can all sleep on the bed. Kinsay nagsimpig Áring parul diri sa baril sa gasulÍna? Who put the lantern near the barrel of gasoline? Isimpig ang Ímung dunggan sa bungbung, Put your ears next to the wall.

*simpin see sinimpin.

simpÍs, simpiyis n k.o. ornamental fern: Nephrolepis biserrata var. furcans.

simplan v [B246] be thrown to a distant place after being hit by a strong blow. Musimplan ka run ug butangan ta ka Áring kÚmÙ ku, You will find yourself thrown to a distance if I strike you with my fist.

simpli a 1 simple, without ornament, artifice, or ostentation. Ang Ílang kasal simpli kaÁyu, They had a simple wedding. 2 easy to do, solve. Simpli kaÁyung buhÁtun, It is very easy to do. v [B; a] make s.t. simple, become simple. Magsimpli tag kÁun arun makadagÍnut, Let’s eat simply so we can save.

simpul a 1 simple, without affectation and ostentation. Simpul ang Ílang kasal, They had a simple wedding. 2 easy, uncomplicated to do. Simpul ra ang suliran sa Ámung tÍst, We were given simple problems in the test. v 1 [B2; c1] do s.t. simply, without ostentation. SimpÚla ra nang Ákung sinÍnÀ, Just make it a simple dress. 2 [A; c1] make s.t. simple to do. — lÍbing n a simple way of living. v [A; c1] live simply. Magsimpul lÍbing na ta run kay mahal na ang palalÍtun, We’ll have to live simply now that everything is so expensive.

simpun = singpun.

simput = singput.

simsim1 n k.o. low herb similar in appearance to purslane but with white axillary flowers, soft pilose leaves, and a woody stem.

simsim2 n a k.o. reed found in marshes, used for decorative purposes.

simsim3 v [A; b] taste a liquid in small sips. Ang mga buyug nagsimsim sa dugus, The bees are sipping the nectar. DÌ ku makasimsim ug Ínit nga sabaw sa luwag nga aluminum, I can’t sip hot broth from an aluminum ladle.

simtum, simtÚma n symptom.

simÚaw v [A; c] sound boisterously. Sayu pa gÁning buntag nagsimÚaw nas MarÍya, nakamata lang kug ahat, Maria was talking loudly when it was still early in the morning and I woke up. Unsa man say gisimÚaw ni Pidru? What is Pedro going on about again?

simud n 1 snout of an animal. 2 the analogous structure in a person (the lips and the area adjacent that can be pushed forward). Ayaw pabudlut sa Ímung simud, Don’t pout (stick out your lips).

sim-ung a dark and dreary. v [B] become dark and dreary. Musim-ung ang kalibÚtan basta magdag-um, The world becomes gloomy when there is a heavy overcast.

simÙsimÙ v [A; a12] eat a little, esp. enough to stave off hunger, but not be fully satiated. MusimÙsimÙ lang ta ÍgÙ nga isustinir hasta paniudtu, Let’s take a little of s.t. enough to sustain us until lunchtime. paN- v [A2] nibble at grass leisurely.

simyat = sipyat.

sin = ug, 1, 2a, b, 4a, b (dialectal).

sÍn n 1 galvanized sheet-iron roofing. 2 house with sheet-iron roofing. Balay nga sÍn, A house with sheet-metal roofing. v [A13; a12] put, construct with galvanized sheet-iron roofing.

sÍna1 v [B126; b3(1)] be envious. NasÍna si DÚdung sa Ákung dulÁan, Dodong is envious of my toy. Ang pagkaadunÁhan lagmit kasinÁhan sa uban, Other people are likely to envy your wealth. sinahan a tending to be envious. ka- n envy. masinÁhun, manggisinÁhun a envious.

sina2 see miryinda and santa.

sinÁdu n the senate. -r(?) senator. v [B156; a12] be, become a senator. -ra n lady senator.

sinagÚga n synagogue.

sinaguylas = siriguylas.

sinamay see *samay.

sinampangkung see *sampangkung.

sinamun n cinnamon. v [A2; b6(1)] flavor with cinnamon.

sinaryu n scenery as a background for a stage. v [b6] use scenery. sinaryuhan n stage.

sinÁtÌ a 1 familiar. Daw sinÁtÌ nÁkÙ kaÁyu nang tingÚga, It seems that I am very familiar with that voice. SinÁtÌ ku sa trabÁhu dinhi, I am very familiar with this job. 2 well-known. Ang paghÍngus mauy usa ka sinÁtÌ nga tilimad-un sa sip-un, Sniffling is a well-known sign of colds. v 1 [B1236] be familiar with s.t. 2 [A12] experience. NakasinÁtÌ kug kagÚtum sa gÍra, I experienced hunger during the war. 3 [C13] be acquainted with each other. WÀ pa kami magkasinÁtÌ kaÁyu mau nga dapÍtun ku siya karun, We are not acquainted with each other so I am going to invite her now. ka-an n 1 knowledge. WÀ kuy kasinatÍan bÁhin sa panglÚtÙ, I have no knowledge of cooking. 2 experience. HalandÚmung kasinatÍan, Memorable experience.

sÍnaw a shiny, glossy. — ug Úlu bald-headed or head with the hair shaved off. v 1 [B26; aP] be, become shiny. MusÍnaw (masÍnaw) ang salug ug bagnÚsan ug waks, The floor will become shiny if you wax it. 2 [A; b(1)] give an opponent zero. Ang Ámung tÍm nagsÍnaw sa ilÁha, Our team gave theirs a zero. n 1 zero score. 2 = ispÍhu, 3. pa- sa lingkurÁnan v [A] keep sitting, not doing any work. Ang tapulang asÁwa pirmi lang magpasÍnaw sa lingkurÁnan, A lazy wife does nothing but sit idly.

sindÀ n 1 k.o. illness which involves pain in a local area, esp. a spot on the back which may move to another area; or a migraine, a k.o. recurrent headache that affects the side of the head. 2 k.o. eye ailment in which the eyes become red and sometimes swollen from too much work. v [A123P; a4b4] have sindÀ. Pagpalit ug aspirÍna kay gisindÀ (gisindÁan) ku, Buy some aspirin because I have an attack of sindÀ (headache or eye fatigue).

sindalan see dÁlan.

sindi v [A; b] light a pressure lantern. Nagsindi si TÁtay sa hÁsag kay ngitngit na, Father is lighting the pressure lantern because it’s getting dark. -dur(?) n container from which alcohol is poured to fire up the pressure lantern.

sindikÁtu n syndicate, a group of people banded together for business or criminal purposes. v [B1256] become a crime syndicate.

sindul v 1 [A; a2b2] kick away, nudge s.t. with the toe of one’s foot. Akuy musindul sa lÁta, unyÀ manÁgÙ mu, I will kick the can, and you all go hide. 2 [A12; b8] find, come across s.t. UnsÁun nÁkÙ pagbÁyad ug dÌ ku makasindul ug kwarta, How can I pay if I do not happen to find some money. TabÌ nga Ákung nasindulan sa tyanggihan, Gossip I ran across in the market.

sindÚrut = sandÚrut.

sing-al v [A; b6] 1 talk harshly. Ayaw kug sing-Áli, Don’t shout at me. 2 sing loudly. Mananaygun nga nagsing-al sa gawas, The carolers singing loudly outside. 3 [A; b3] cry loudly, bawl. HimÌ ka kay musing-al dÁyun ug gutmun, You’re a cry-baby because you bawl as soon as you’re hungry. n harsh talk, loud singing.

sing-aling n shing-a-ling, a k.o. dance. v [A] do the shing-a-ling.

singÁn = unsingÁlan.

singÁni = unsa (dialectal).

singÁri v [A; abc] keep on [do]ing, always do. Ug singarÍhun nÍmu nÀ ug dukduk mabuak nyÀ nÀ, If you keep pounding that, it will break. Ayawg isingÁrig usar ang bag-u, Don’t always wear your new clothes.

sing-aw = sing-al.

singba = simba.

singdalan = sindalan. see dÁlan.

singgÁak v 1 [A2S; b6] shout, cry. PÁra gamay rang samad musinggÁak ka dÁyun! For such a small wound you scream bloody murder. 2 [A; bc1] shout, snarl loudly at s.o. in anger. SinggaÁkan nÍya ang bÁtÀ kun kasab-an, He shouts at the child when he scolds him.

singgalung n k.o. brownish civet.

singgapur = kamÚting kÁhuy. see kamÚti.

singgarÁyung = singgurÁyung.

singgil n strong wire made of an alloy of copper, tin, and some other metals.

singgit v [A; b6] shout, yell at s.o. Gisinggitan siya sa pulis nga pasurindÍrun, The police shouted at him to surrender. n shout. Ang — sa Balintawak n the Cry of Balintawak, the signal for the Philippine Revolution of 1896. — awhag goading and urging done by shouting. — pakitÁbang cry for help. tubag — answer given by shouting. ka-un(?) a feel like shouting. Kasinggitun ku sa kalÁgut, I felt like shouting in anger.

singgul a single-sized, good for one occupant as opposed to a double one. Singgul nga katri, Single bed. v 1 [a12] make s.t. a single rather than double size. 2 [C2; ac3] play singles, make it singles instead of doubles. 3 [A; c1] goose. Ilang singgÚlun ang mutuwad, They will goose you if you bend over.

singgurayung, singgurÁyung n k.o. large Cerith shell, 4–5 long.

singhag v [AN; c] snarl, talk harshly to. NgÁnung singhÁgan man ku nÍmu nga dÍlÌ man ku bÁtÀ? Why do you snarl at me? I’m no longer a child. Ayawg isinghag ang Ímung gustu, Don’t say what you want with a snarl. n harsh talk, s.t. said snarlingly. -in-an n goods or articles acquired from inferiors by virtue of one’s influential position. Kanang Íyang mga ilimnun pulus sininghÁgan sa mga Insik, All those drinks were donated free by Chinese businessmen.

singhir n 1 Singer brand sewing machines and other appliances. 2 sewing machine. bÁyad nga -in- n installment payments.

singÌ v [A; a2] separate or take one piece off from a bunch of fruit. Kinsay nagsingÌ ug pipila ka dawin sa bÚlig nga sÁging? Who took several pieces from the banana bunch? n space between the fingers and toes.

singil v 1 [AN2; a2N] ask for payment. Singlun (paninglun) na ba nÍmu ag Ákung Útang? Are you going to make me pay my debt? 2 [A13N; a2N] exact payment for what one has done, collect on a promise. Magsingil na ku sa Íyang gibÚhat nÁkÙ, I will now collect for what he has done to me. Maningil na ku nÍmu sa Ímung gisÁad nÁkÙ nga pinaskÚhan, Now I will ask for the Christmas gift you promised me. maN-r- n bill collector. singlunun, paninglunun n amount collectible.

singilugun = ilugun. see Ílug.

sÍngin n 1 fruits, ordinarily separate, joined together in growth with a common continuous skin. 2 Siamese twins. v [C3] for fruits to be joined as one.

sÍngir n singer, crooner. v [B156] be a singer.

sÍngit1 n 1 hand in mahjong and the analogous situation in rummy where a single number is missing to obtain a siyÀ. 2 the missing number. paN- = sÍngit, 2. bÚnut paN- n drawing of the panÍngit.

sÍngit2 v 1 [A2; c] include one’s small amount together with a larger amount belonging to s.o. else. MisÍngit kug pÍsus sa Íyang pusta, I put in one peso together with his bet. NakasÍngit kug lung-ag nÍla, I put my small amount of rice together with the rice they were cooking. 2 [A2; b] go in with a group or with s.o. important to share with their food, fun, etc. without sharing in the expenses. MisÍngit ku nÍla sa sini, I tagged along to the movies with them.

sing-it = saling-it.

*singit pa-, pa-(?) v [A3; a12] give s.o. cause to goad him into a course of action. Pasingitun ka lang nÍya arun magkaÁway mu, He will simply do s.t. to give you cause to quarrel with him. n goading.

singka v [A; c] speak harshly to s.o. Ayawg isingka ang Ímung tubag kay nangutÁna lang ku, Don’t shout your answer at me because I was just asking. n s.t. said in a curt and harsh way. siningkÁhan n things s.o. obtains from people under him by virtue of his position.

singkamas n k.o. vine cultivated for its fleshy and juicy turnip-shaped root, widely eaten raw and cooked: Pachyrrhizus erosus.

singkÁmut (from kamut) v [AN; b5] do one’s best, strive. MusingkÁmut (maningkÁmut) ku paglingkawas, I will strive to escape. SingkamÚtan (singkamÚtun) kung mabalhin ka, I’ll do my best to have you transferred. paN- n striving, earnest, hard work. Milampus siya pinaÁgi sa Íyang kaugalÍngung paningkÁmut, He succeeded through his own efforts. mapaN-un a diligent, industrious.

singkaw n 1 scythe. 2 have the arms bent bow-shaped at the elbow like a scythe. v [B126] for the elbow to get to be this way. (?) v [a12] hit with a scythe.

singkirÍbut n sexual intercourse (coarse slang). v [AC; c1] have sexual intercourse.

singkit v 1 [A; a12] tie two coconuts together by their husks partly stripped off. SingkÍtun ta ning duha ka lubi arun dÍlÌ magbÚlag, We will tie these two coconuts together with their husks so they won’t be separated. 2 [C3] for two separate things to be physically joined. Gitawag ug sayamis twins kanang kalÚha nga magsingkit, Twins that are joined in flesh are called Siamese twins. n two separate things joined in flesh. Usa ray ihap sa sÁging nga singkit, Joined bananas are counted as one.

singku number five. n a nickle. TagÁi kug singku, Let me have a nickle. v see trÍs.

singkul n hard growth on the skin covering bony parts, esp. on the ankles and elbows. v [b4] develop a singkul. Sigun sa karÁan, singkÚlan ka ug musÚkul kag ginikÁnan, In folk belief, one gets singkul if one talks back to his parents.

singkulyÁgas n k.o. sweet table banana much stouter than the tundan, with dark red peelings and yellow-orange meat when ripe.

singkurÍbut = singkirÍbut.

singkurung v [A; a12b2] strike, knock the head hard in a sweeping motion. Tungud sa kalÁgut Íyang gisingkurung ang bÁtÀ, He smacked the child on the head in anger.

singkurÚyung = singgurÁyung.

singkuung a 1 well-curved on the sides. Singkuung nga sanggut, A sickle with a well-curved edge. 2 for the roof or the bottom of a boat to be curved so that it affords little room. v [B; c1] for the sides, roof, or bottom to become well-curved.

singkuwinta number fifty. v see disiutsu.

singkuy a having the defect of horses where the hocks knock against each other as they move. DÍlÌ maÁyu nga mudÁgan ang Ímung kabÁyÙ kay singkuy kaÁyu, Your horse doesn’t run well because its hocks knock against each other. v [B156] get this defect.

singpÌ n clay cover for clay pots, roughly conical in shape with a knob for a handle. v [a12] make into a cover of this sort.

singpun a tightly woven, with the threads close together. Nipis ang panaptun kay dÍlÌ singpun ang mga hÍlu, The cloth is thin because the threads are not tightly woven. v [B156; a12] get to be tightly woven.

singput a closely woven or fastened together, not sparsely. Simput nga pagkatÁgik ang Ámung salug nga kawÁyan, The bamboo slats in our floor were put down very close to each other. v [AB; a12] be closely woven, put down; cause it to be so.

singsing n 1 ring. Singsing nga ingkantÁdu, kahibulÚngan, An enchanted, magic ring. 2 any metal band resembling a ring or small hoop. 3 short rope connecting the whippletree and the plow. v 1 [AN2; a] wear, put a ring on s.o. 2 [A; a] make into a ring. 3 [A; b] firmly hook an orifice with a finger. MisÚkul siya piru dihang gisingsÍngan nag iyÁha, nagpuyÙ lagi, She fought back, but when I got my finger hooked into her vagina, she stopped moving. paN-an n ring finger.

sÍngu v [A12; a2b2] inhale a smell or aroma. SingÚha ning kan-un ug maÁyu pa ba, Smell this food whether it is still good. Mu rag gÁs tung nasinguhan nÁkÙ dinhÀ sa butilya, I smelled s.t. like gas in the bottle.†

sÍngud v [A; a12] observe intently. NagsÍngud siya kun nagtrabÁhu ba mi, He was watching us to see if we were working. WÀ ku makasÍngud sa uma sa bÚkid, I did not visit my field in the mountain to see how they were doing. paN- v [A; a2] listen intently. MupanÍngud (manÍngud) siyag sultÍhan apan dÌ lagi mutÚman, He listens intently to what you say, but he won’t do it. paningudsÍngud v [A2; a2] go get some news. PaningudsÍngud ug unsay nahitabÙ sa nakrÁs, Go get some news about what happened to the plane that crashed.

singulu (from Úlu) v [A] for the child’s head to crown in childbirth. Sakit sa ngatanan kun musingulu na ang bÁtÀ, The pain is most intense when the child’s head crowns.

singut n 1 perspiration, sweat. 2 condensation on an object cooler than the atmosphere. bÚngag — prickly heat. a annoying, irritating to one’s nerves. Gipul-an ku sa Íyang mga isturya, singut kaÁyung paminÁwun, I’m bored with her stories. They’re so annoying to hear. Singut kaÁyu nÀ siyang manÚgÙ nÁtÙ mu rag hÁrÌ, It really irritates me the way she gives orders like a queen. v 1 [B26; a4N] perspire, sweat. Ug musingut ang kabÁyÙ papahuwÁya, If the horse sweats, let it rest. MupahÚway ku ug singtun (singutun) ku, I will stop working if I perspire. 2 [A; a4] gather condensation. 3 [C123P] have a hard fight. Ug gustu kang makigsÍngut (makigpasÍngut), hala andar, If you want to have a fight, o.k. let’s get to it. paN- v [a4] 1 sweat profusely. 2 for a sick person to break out in cold sweat. Mukunhud ang hilÁnat ug paningtun ka, The fever lowers if you break out in cold sweat. ka-(?) v [A13] be all covered with sweat. pa-(?) v [A13] do s.t. to make oneself sweat. WÀ mi magdÚlÀ, nagpasÍngut lang mi, We didn’t play, we just had a little workout. kadu-, du-(?) v [A13] sweat profusely. Undang na ug dÚlÀ kay nagkadusÍngut ka lang ug dÁgan, Stop playing now because you are sweating profusely from running around. singtÁnun a given to sweating easily with the slightest exertion.

sini n 1 movie house. 2 motion picture. 3 showing of motion pictures. Way sini run kay Birnis Santu, There are no movies today because it’s Good Friday. 4 love-making sight, as seen by peeping (humorous metaphor). Pirmi ming kakitÀ ug sini inigpamisÍta sa Íyang uyab, We always see a ‘movie’ every time her boy friend comes. v 1 [A13] show a movie. Ang Yuis-ay-is magsÍni (magsini) sa iskuylahan karung gabÍi, The USIS will show a film in the schoolhouse tonight. 2 [a12] convert into a movie house. (?) v [A13] 1 show a movie. 2 display lovemaking. NakakitÀ ang mga bÁtÀ nga nagsÍni sila gabÍi, The children peeped at them necking last night. paN- v [A2] go to the movies. Manini ta, Let’s go to the movies. sinihan n movie house. kasinihan n 1 movie houses collectively. 2 movies, as a source of entertainment and as an art form. maki-, maki-(?) a fond of movies. sinisÍni n 1 slide-show. 2 free outdoor movie offered by advertisement panels or mobile units.

siniguylas = siriguylas.

sinÍlas n slippers. v [A; a] wear, make into slippers. (?) v [a12] hit with slippers.

sinimaskup n cinemascope or wide-screened movie. v [B156] be in cinemascope.

sinimpin n k.o. plain finger ring with no gems.

sinÍnÀ n 1 dress. 2 shirt. 3 = gÍnit. v 1 [A; a] wear a shirt or dress. NagsinÍnag pula, Wearing a red shirt, dress. SininÁi ang bÁtÀ, Put a shirt on the child. 2 [A12] get a shirt. -un(?) n cloth to be made into a shirt or dress.

sinÍpit see sÍpit.

sinisÍru n ash tray. Sa sinisÍru ninyu ibutang ang inyung upus, Put your cigarette butts in the ash tray.

siniyal = sinyal.

siniyur n title of address for men of high station. short form: nyur 1 Mr., sir. Si Nyur Pidru muabut rung hÁpun, Mr. Peter will arrive this afternoon. Andam na ang Ímung awtu, nyur, Your car is ready, sir. 1a form of direct address between intimate male friends. Kumusta, nyur! How are you, man! 2 in set usage for names of saints (not shortened). — San Pidru St. Peter. — San Bisinti St. Vincent. — Santu Ninyu the Holy Child. pista sa — Feast of the Holy Child. -un a detesting manual work. SÁgad sa mga dÁtÙ mga sinyurun ug kusug musÚgÙ, Most rich people are too good to do manual work and tell people to do things for them.

sinkuwÍnta = singkuwinta.

sinsilyu n 1 small change. WÀ kuy sinsilyu diri, I don’t have any change on me. wÀ kuy — humorous way of answering a compliment (implying one has no money to pay the person for his flattery). 2 change given back for a bill. DÚna kay sinsilyu Áring pÍsus? Do you have change for this peso? 3 washer. 3a metal rings found inside the hub of wheels. v 1 [A; b(1)] give change or break s.t. into change. Makasinsilyu ka Áring singkuhun? Can you change this five peso bill? WÀ ku nÍmu sinsilyÚhi (sinsilyÚi), You haven’t given me my change! 2 [B1256] be broken into fragments. Nasinsilyu ang bÁsu nga natambug sa simintu, The glass was broken to pieces when it fell onto the concrete. pa- v [A] have children (humorous). Agad pay tibuuk, nagpasinsÍyu giyud, You were doing o.k. single (lit. a whole bill). What did you have to go and have children for (lit. make yourself into small change)?†

sinsÍru a sincere.

sinsitib, sinsitÍbu a 1 sensitive, easily offended. 2 for electric equipment to be sensitive. v [B12] be sensitive or easily offended and irritated.

sinsiya n science.

sinsÍyu = sinsilyu.

sinsu n census, an official enumeration of population or some other statistics of an area. v [A1; a12] have or hold a census.

sinsur n censor. v [A; a12] censor s.t. presented to the public. Gisinsur ang bÁhin sa salÍda nga dÚnay naghÚbÙ, The part where there was a nude scene was censored out. -s censors (plural).

sinsÚru n large, deep-sea fishing net which encircles the fish. v [A; a] fish with this sort of net, esp. in harvesting fish from under the pÁyaw. sinsuradur n one who operates this sort of equipment.

sinsus = sinsu.

sinta v [A; b6] 1 for horses to rear up. Pagbantay kay musinta ang kabÁyÙ! Watch out! The horse will rear. 2 flare up in anger, raising the head. NgÁnung musinta ka man pÁra sa usa ka gamayng hangyÙ? Why do you flare up for such a tiny request? — libanta n a dog’s trick where the dog can sit or stand on its hind legs on command. v [A] perform this trick. hi-/ha- v [B1256] be taken aback so as to jerk one’s head back. Nahasinta ku sa Íyang tinubagan, I was taken aback by the way he talked back.

sintÀ n pieces of wood or bamboo slats nailed horizontally across posts as fence railings, to which small vertical slats are attached. v [A; a] put up, make into this sort of fence railing.

sintÁbu = sintabus (singular). Usa ka sintÁbu, One cent.

sintÁbus n centavo. Singku sintÁbus, Five centavos. maN-(?) n 1 one centavo coin. 2 s.t. costing one centavo apiece. Kining gidak-Úna sa agridulsi manintabus, This size of calamondin is one centavo apiece. v [A13; a12] be one centavo apiece.

sintak v [A; a12] pull a fishline or a line attached to a trap with a jerk. SintÁkun nÍmu ang pasul inigkubit sa isdÀ, The moment the fish bites, pull the line with a jerk.

sintas n 1 strip of silken ribbon or cord with a religious medal worn around the neck as an indication of one’s devotion to a particular saint. 2 film-strip. 3 story. Nagsulat siyag sintas nga kawbuy, He wrote a cowboy story. 4 shoe laces. 5 — nga balÁtung n variety of very long balÁtung. v 1 [A13; b6(1)] wear a ribbon with a saint’s picture. 2 [A; c] lace shoes.

sintÍdu n 1 meaning, implication of. Laksut ug sangputÁnan ang sintÍdu sa Íyang pÚlung, His words carried the implication of unhappy things to come. 2 final decision. v 1 [A13] have a meaning. Tambag nga nagsintÍdug kasÁbÀ, Advice that was meant as a scolding. 2 [A; c1] hit squarely or fatally. Nakasintidu siya sa katapÚsan nÍyang tÍra, He made a hit on his last shot. 3 [A; c] give one’s final, fixed decision or answer. GisintidÚhan na ang ginikÁnan bÁhin sa kasal, The parents have given their decision regarding the wedding. 3a [A; a12] ask, find out one’s answer or word. NagsintÍdu ku kun mahinayun ba ta, I want to get the final word from you as to whether we are going as planned. 3b [C13] come to an agreement. NagkasintÍdu na ang isig ka ginikÁnan bÁhin sa kasal, Both parents have come to an agreement about the wedding. — kumun n common sense.

sintimintal, sintimintal a 1 sentimental, arousing tender sensibilities. Pilikulang sintimintal nga nakapahÍlak, A sentimental picture that made me cry. 2 having a sad expression on the face. v 1 [B1256; b6] be, become sentimental. 2 [B456] put on a sad face. Nagsintimintal siya kay napildi sa madyung, He is wearing a long face because he lost in mahjong. -ista a characterized by being sentimental.

sintimintu, sintimyintu see sintir.

sintimitru n centimeter.

sintimus n one centavo. BÍsan sintimus dÌ ka makaabut? You can’t even afford a penny? maN- costing one centavo. see also sikma.

sintinaryu n centenary. v [A1; b6] have or celebrate a centenary.

sintinil = sintinÍla.

sintinÍla n sentinel. v [A; a2] act as sentinel.

sintinsiya n 1 sentence in court. Ang sintinsiya sa kurti nagpahamtang ug sÍlut nga lima ka tÚig sa prisuhan, The judgment of the court imposes a penalty of five years in prison. 2 obvious thing to do under the circumstances. Usa ray sintinsiya Ánang bÁtang maldÍtu. Latiguha, There is just one thing to do to a mischievous child. Whip him. v 1 [A; b6] impose a sentence. GisintinsiyÁhan siya ug kamatÁyun, He was sentenced to death. 2 [A23] have one’s way as to how s.t. is to be done. PritÚhun lang nÀ ug akuy musintinsiya ÁnÀ, If I am to have the say, we’ll just fry it. -du n one who has been sentenced.

sintinyal n centennial. v [B2456] be a century. Musintinyal nÁkung panguyab nÍya ÚnÀ mi magkatrÁtu, I courted her for nearly a century before we became engaged.

sintir n center player in games like baseball, soccer, basketball, tubigtÚbig. v [A; a1] play center.

sintir v 1 [B2; b3] feel offended and hurt, take offense. Unsa may Íyang gisintiran, ang Ákung gisulti u ag Ákung gibÚhat? What did he feel offended at? Was it what I said, or what I did? 2 [A23] rise to the bait. Gidakup ang asÁwa ug anak bÁsun musintir ang pÚga, The wife and the child were arrested in the hope that the fugitive would come out of hiding. sintimintu, sintimyintu n feeling of hurt, offense. Naghambin siya ug sintimintu mahitungud sa pagtratar nÍya, She is nursing a hurt because of the way she was treated. v [A13; b6] harbor a hurt feeling, without rancor. SubÙ siya kay nagsintimintu sa Ímung pagkasÁbÀ nÍya, He is sad because he was hurt by your scolding.

sintral n 1 central school of a town. 2 mill for sugar cane. 3 [noun] sintral the dominant, central [noun]. Bangku sintral, Central Bank.

sintripugal, sintripyugal n light brown sugar obtained from sugar cane, lower in quality than the white refined sugar, but more refined than the muskubÁdu.

sintru n 1 center, point in the very middle. 1a central portion of an area. 2 place where certain activities are concentrated. Sintru purikultÚra, Puericulture center. Ang Sibu sintru sa kumirsiyu sa BisÁyas, Cebu is the center of commerce in the Visayas. 3 = sintir. v [A1PB2; a1] be, put at the center.

sintu- (combining form) one hundred. Sintudyis, One hundred ten.

sintÚn v [A; b6] push work off on one another. DÌ sila makasintÚn sa pagtrabÁhu ug tagÁag asaynmint kÁda usa, They can’t push the work off on each other if each of them has his own assignment.

sintunÁdu, sintunÁwu a for a voice to be flat, lacking in tonality and pitch. v [B; a2] be, become, make flat. MusintunÁwu Ákung tÍngug ug musÁka ang tÚnu, My voice goes flat when the song rises.

sinturiyun n centurion.

sinturun n belt to hold trousers up. v 1 [A; a12b2] whip s.o. with a belt. 2 [A; c] wear a belt.

sin-u = kinsa (dialectal).

sinulug n ritual dance performed at the altar in fulfillment of a vow made to a saint or the Holy Child. v [A; c5] do or dance the ritual sinulug. MaÁyu nang sakÍta ug isinulug, That disease will be cured if you vow to dance the sinulug for it.

sinuylas = sinÍlas.

sinya, sinyas = plurdilis.

sinyadur (from sinyal) n in logging, the person who signals the directives of the foreman to the hauling machine operator.

sinyal n 1 sign or mark thought to have significance. Ang alum sa ngÁbil sinyal sa pagkatabian, A mole on the lip is a sign of being a gossip. 1a storm signal. 2 a scheme of scale arrangement on the legs of gamecocks which is thought to indicate the fighting ability. 3 birthmark. -an a 1 having a freakish or odd physical characteristic. SinyÁlan nang batÁa kay unsiy tudlÙ, That child is a freak because he has eleven fingers. 2 having an odd or unusual characteristic (slang). SinyÁlan tawhÁna kay mau ray ituun ug way iksÁmin, That man is really odd because he studies only when there are no exams.

sinyas n the movement of a part of the body as a sign to indicate s.t. v [A; b6(1)] signal with the body. SinyÁsan ta lang ka. PaÁbut lang, I will give you a signal. Just wait.

sinyÚra n 1 short form: nyÚra. term of address for a married woman of high position: Mrs., madam. Si NyÚra Pilang, Mrs. Pilang. 2 in set usage before names of saints (not shortened). Nwistra — sa Patima Our Lady of Fatima. Nwistra — sa Lurdis Our Lady of Lourdes. a for a woman to demand solicitous service. SinyÚra kaÁyung bayhÁna kay patÁgay pag tÚbig, She thinks herself a grand dame. She even has to have s.o. come to pour her water. v [A13; a12] call s.o. sinyÚra. v 1 [A1] move with measured and unhurried steps. MakasinyÚra nÀ siyag lakaw kay daghan mag masÚgÙ, She can afford to move leisurely because she has lots of servants. 2 [A] not do any work. Ayawg pakan-a ug magsinyÚra sila, Don’t feed them if they don’t do any work. sinyurahun, sinyuranhun a of the sinyÚra type.†

sinyÚris n term used in direct address: ladies and gentlemen or gentlemen. Atinsiyun, mga sinyÚris, Attention, ladies and gentlemen.

sinyurÍta n 1 short form: nyurÍta. term of address to an unmarried lady of high station. Si NyurÍta MarÍya, Miss Mary. 2 lady’s pistol, small pistol made esp. for ladies to use, usually of .22 caliber. pistula, ribulbir nga — = sinyurÍta, n2. a wanting solicitous attention, considering oneself too classy to do any sort of work. SinyurÍta kaÁyu siya. PaÍpis pa giyug kapi, She is very high class. She even has to have s.o. pour coffee for her. v [A13; a12] call s.o. sinyurÍta. sinyuritahun a of the sinyurÍta sort.

sinyurÍtu n short form: nyurÍtu. term of address for young boys of high standing. NÍa tu run si NyurÍtu Haymi, Master James will be here presently. a considering oneself too good for any sort of physical work. v [A13; a12] call s.o. sinyurÍtu. sinyurituhun a of the sinyurÍtu type.

sÍp a safe in games. v [B1256] be safe. NasÍp ku kay nabuhian ag bÚla, I was safe because he dropped the ball. sipsÍp n hide-and-seek. v [A] play hide-and-seek. -anan(?) n home base in hide-and-seek.

sÍpÀ1 a 1 for a voice to be loud and resonant. Ang magsisibya kinahanglan sÍpÀ ug tÍngug, An announcer must have a resonant voice. 1a loud and piercing. Mu rag mukulÍkut sa dunggan nang tÍngug nga sÍpÀ, The loud and sharp voice seems to pierce the ears. 2 ear-*splitting, resounding and sharp. Ang sÍpang butu, The earsplitting explosion. SÍpang sagpÀ, Resounding slap. v 1 [B26S; a12P] be, become loud, resonant. 2 [A2; a12] give a loud, sharp sound. MusÍpÀ ka run ug sagpÁun ta ka, You will resound with a crack if I hit you. ka- n loudness, resonance. Ang kasÍpÀ sa sista, The resonance of the guitar. ma-un a characterized with loudness, resounding. MasipÁung haluk, A resounding kiss.

sÍpÀ2 n a game played usually with a woven rattan ball by participants standing in a circle. The ball is kicked with the instep and directed to another player, who in turn passes it on, and so forth. The player who misses the ball incurs a penalty. v [A; a12] kick s.o. with one’s instep as one would do in a game of sÍpÀ.

sipak v 1 [A2N] for plants to multiply by developing bulbs, shoots, spreading tubers, and the like. Ayaw kuhÁi ang sibÚyas nga wÀ pa musipak (manipak), Don’t harvest the leeks that haven’t developed new bulbs. 2 [A; a] remove new growths, or pieces of tubers. Sipakun mu ang mga sÁhÀ sa sÁging, Split off the banana shoots. n shoots, bulbs, pieces of tubers. -in- n shoots, bulbs that have been gathered.

sip-ak v 1 [A; a12] split s.t. lengthwise along the grain. Sip-Ákun nÁkÙ ning uwÁya ug tulu, I will split this piece of rattan into three. 2 [A2; a12] disturb or destroy s.t. as if rending it. Kadtung mga pulÚnga makasip-ak (makapasip-ak) sa Ákung pagtagad nÍya, Those words can destroy my regard for him. n s.t. that has been split lengthwise from a bigger piece.

sÍpan n betel nut husk used as a toothbrush. v [A; b6(1)] brush the teeth with this material.

sipat a naughty, mischievous, making a nuisance. Sipat kaÁyu ning batÁa kay maghingÁri ug pabuyag, This child is very naughty because he always makes a nuisance of himself. Sipat ang mga lamuk dinhi kay mamÁak bÍsan ug adlaw pa, The mosquitoes are a real nuisance here because they bite even at daytime. v [B12] be, become naughty or a nuisance. (?) v [B6] become rampant. MisÍpat ang panÚlis kay krÍsis sa kwarta, Thievery is becoming rampant because of the scarcity of money.

sÍpat v [A; a2b] look with a sharp, piercing look. GrÁbi siyang makasÍpat mu rag mudulut ang mata, My, how fiercely he looked at me, as if his eyes were piercing through me.

siphag v [B5; a12] for a group to disperse by running in different directions or for s.t. in a piece to break into smithereens and be thrown in all directions. Sa dihang mibutubutu misiphag ang mga dimunstrÍturs, When the shots rang out the demonstrators dispersed. Nasiphag ang mga parti sa awtu pagbutu niÍni, The car parts flew in all directions when it exploded. SiphÁgun nÁkÙ nang Ílang punduk, I am going to break their group up. -ay v [c] = siphag.

sipi interjection used to drive away cats. Sipi! SÁmuk ning irÍnga, Scat! What a bothersome cat.

sipÌ n hand of bananas, a group of bananas growing in one line in the bunch. v [A; a12] separate into hands. Sip-a ang bÚligs sÁging, Separate the banana bunch into hands.

sipii n acronym for CPA, Certified Public Accountant. v [A13] be a CPA. — lÚyir one licensed as a CPA and as a lawyer.

sipilin n zeppelin. v [A13] do s.t. using a zeppelin.

sipilis n syphilis. v [A123P; a4] be affected with syphilis.

sipilya n plane for smoothing wood. v [A; ab] smooth wood with, make into a plane. SipilyÁhan nÁtÙ ning tablÁha arun mahÁmis, Let us plane this board to smoothen it. -in- n shavings.

sipilyu n toothbrush. v [A; b6] brush s.o.’s teeth. paN- v [A2; c] brush one’s teeth. Manipilyu giyud ta kÁda human ug kÁun, We should brush our teeth after every meal.

siping v 1 [AN; b] gather small bulbs, small shoots for harvest or replanting. Magsiping ku sa sibÚyas, I’ll get some onions. 2 [A2N; b(1)] reproduce by growing new shoots or bulbs. Misiping (naniping) na ang mga sibÚyas, The onions are multiplying. n new shoots or bulbs growing from a plant.

sÍping1 v [AC; ac] stay, put close by the side. MusÍping ku nÍmug lingkud inigtÍs, I will sit close to you during the exam. IsÍping ning takurÌ sa linung-ag arun maÍnit ning kapi, Place the kettle next to the pot of rice to make it warm.

sÍping2 n rudimentary genital organ of the opposite sex in addition to one’s own genital organ. -an n hermaphrodite.

sÍping3 n shipping line.

sÍpir n zipper. v 1 [A13; b6] put or attach a zipper. 2 [A; b6] zip s.t. up. SipÍri ra ring Ákung likud, Please zip my back. paN- v [A2] zip oneself up.

sipit1 n 1 earwig, a shiny black bug abounding in coconut trees about 1 cm. long with large mandibles. It does not bite. 2 k.o. small, blackish, scorpion-like insect about ½ long which bites, found on furniture.

sÍpit v 1 [A; b6] carry s.t. between the arm and body. 2 [A; b6] hold firmly between the legs. GisipÍtan ku nÍya sa duha nÍya ka pÁa, She held me firmly between her legs. — ug diplÚma v [B1346] be a degree holder. NagsÍpit na ku ug diplÚma pagkaminyÙ nÁkÙ, I already had my degree when I married. (?)2 n pincer of a crab or lobster. -in- n a simple anchor made from a forked branch in between which a stone is tied.

siplÀ v 1 [A; c1] knock down s.t. s.o. is holding. Kalita pagsiplÀ ang gikaptan nÍyang bÚla, Knock the ball out of his hand suddenly. 2 [A; a1] slap with the palm or an open hand. ÁkÙ siyang gisiplÀ kay nagsubÌsubÌ, I slapped her when she talked back.

siplÁag v [APB6C3] scatter over a wide area, cause to do so. Kinsay nagsiplÁag (nagpasiplÁag) Áring mga pasÌ diri sa kwartu? Who scattered the corn all over the room? NatigwalÁan ku siya dihang nagsiplÁag ang mga tÁwu, I lost sight of him when people ran away in every direction. NagkasiplÁag ang mga magsÚun pagkamatay sa inahan, The children were scattered when the mother died.

siplÁgay = suplÁgay.

siplat v [AP2N; b] glance, take a furtive look. Nasiplatan (hisiplatan) ta ka nga nanglÌlÌ sa lyabihÁnan, I caught you peeping through the keyhole. Ákung gipasiplatan siya ug mulÍngÌ ba nÁkÙ, I glanced at him to see if he would look my way.

siplin n seaplane. v [A13; a12] travel by, make into a seaplane.

siplit = siplat.

sipra n 1 monogram, a mark showing ownership. 2 sign, label. Sakay sa dyip nga dÚnay siprang Lahug, Take a jeep which is marked Lahug. v [A; c] 1 put a monogram on s.t. 2 mark a sign, label.

sipris n cypress tree.

sipsÁyid v [A; c] dock on the side of another ship. MusipsÁyid na lang ang barkug wÀ nay lunang kadunggÚan sa pÍr, A ship docks on the side of another ship if it can’t find any other berthing place.

sipsip1 v [AN; a12] cut s.t. with long sweeping strokes with a bladed implement. MaÁyung kasab-an ang nagsipsip sa Ákung mga misÍtas, How I’d love to scold whoever cut down my ornamental plants.

sipsip2 v [A2N; b6N] polish the apple (euphemism for supsup). Mupasar siya kay musipsip (manipsip) man sa Íyang maistru, He will pass because he licks the teacher’s boots. n one who polishes the apple. bÚtÙ apple polisher.

Sipt. n abbreviation for Siptiyimbri, September.

sipti v [c6] put s.t. in a place for safekeeping. Isipti nÀ sa sulud kay tingÁlig sibatun, Put it inside for safekeeping because s.o. might make off with it.

Siptimbri n September. v see abril.

siptimu grÁdu n seventh grade. v [B56] be in the seventh grade.

siptinaryu n a seven-day devotion, the Septinary for the Holy Ghost.

sipu v [A; b] clean or clear an area of grasses, bushes, and small trees, usually at the borders of a cultivated area to prevent the plants from being in the shade or to afford a good view of the field.

sÍpuk v 1 [A; b] gather around s.t. MisÍpuk ang mga tÁwu sa lamÍsa nga gibutangan sa pagkÁun, The people gathered around the table where the food had been set. 2 [B6; a12P] for the head to be awhirl with too many problems. SipÚkun (pasipÚkun) mu ang Ákung u ning Ímung mga binÚang, You are driving me mad with your foolishness. (?) a having the head awhirl and being short-tempered on that account. Ang tÁwung daghag prublÍma sipuk kaÁyu ug Úlu, A person who has many problems is short-tempered. -un a of a short-tempered sort.

sipukar v [B16] for work to be fast-paced. MaÁyung hinayhinÁyan ang trabÁhu arun dÍlÌ magsipukar kun hÁpit na kinahanglÁna, Do the work little at a time so that you won’t have to do it in a great rush when the need arises. sipukÁdu, sipukÁwu a 1 short-tempered. SipukÁdu ang tÁwung daghag prublÍma, A person with many problems gets to be short-tempered. 2 requiring a fast pace of work. SipukÁdu na kaÁyu ning Ámung trabÁhu kay dÚna man miy didlayin, We are working as fast as we can because there is a deadline to meet. v 1 [B1; a12] be, become short-tempered. 2 [B12; c1] for work or a person to require a fast pace.

sipul n a knife 3–5 long with a somewhat humped back used to cut threads and fibers in weaving. Instead of a handle it has a long tang curved at the end forming an eye. v [a12] make into, hit s.o. with a weaving knife.

sipulkru n sepulcher.

sipultÍru n caretaker of a cemetery. v [B156; c1] be the caretaker in a cemetery.

sip-un n 1 head cold. 2 nasal mucous. PahÍri nang sip-un mu, Wipe your nose. v [A123P; a14] 1 have a cold. Ug sip-unun ka, inum Áring tambal, If you have a cold, take this medicine. 2 have a runny nose. Gisip-un ku tungud sa abug, I have a runny nose from the dust. sip-unun a 1 having a runny nose. 1a tender in age, at the age when one has a runny nose. 2 awkward and ignorant.

sÍpung v 1 [A; a12] draw s.t. together, as a net or mouth of a sack. DÍlÌ ku makasÍpung sa bÀbÀ sa sÁku kay punÙ kaÁyu, I cannot gather the mouth of the sack because it is very full. SipÚngun nÍya ang buhuk, unyÀ pangkÚun, She gathers up her hair and ties it into a knot. 2 [A; c1] join two ends or sides together. Sulda ray makasÍpung sa isig ka tumuy sa alambri, Only solder can join the two pieces of wire. 3 [A; b] finish a weave, terminating it. MagsÍpung na ku sa kÁlÙ, I’ll finish weaving the outer edges of the brim of the hat. 3a [A; c1] finish harvesting the rice, usually the little remaining part of the last part near the end of the field. -un(?), -unun n last small remaining part of the rice in the field to be harvested.†

sÍpur n C-4 rice, a recently introduced variety of white rice.

sip-ut a narrow and tight, affording little space or freedom of movement. Sip-ut kaÁyu ang agiÁnan, The passageway is very narrow. Sip-ut nga sayal, A tight skirt. v [B2] be narrow and tight. ma- a crowded, thick with vegetation. Masip-ut nga kalibunan, Thick underbrush.

sipuy = sipul.

sipya n sepia in photography. v [A12] make a print in sepia.

sipyat v 1 [A23] make a mistake. Musipyat ka lang ug kas-a, papahawÁun ta giyud ka, Just commit one mistake, and I’ll fire you. 2 [B26] miss an aim, fail in a plan. DÍlÌ ku musipyat ug akuy patirÚhun sa langgam, If I shoot the bird, I won’t miss. PlÁnung dÍlÌ masipyat, A plan that cannot fail. 3 [A23] overlook, fail to do s.t. Ug akuy pabasÁhun walay sayup nga musipyat, I won’t overlook a thing if I read it. Ayaw sipyÁta pagbÁsa ang sunud gulÀ, Don’t fail to read the next issue. n 1 error committed. Way sipyat siyang muantug, He never misses in his shots. 2 failure to do s.t.

sÍr n term of address for male teachers and other men of high status. Si SÍr GabÚtin dÍlÌ makaanhi sa iskuylahan run, Mr. Gabutin cannot come to school today. NÁay nagtawag nÍmu sa tilipunu, sÍr, S.o. is calling you on the phone, sir. n [gen.] my, your, etc. teacher. Giingnan mi sa Ámung sÍr, Our teacher told us. v [A; a12] address s.o. sir.

sira v 1 [A; b5c1] close a window or door. Sirhun (sirhan, isira, sirahun, sirahan) ta ning pwirta, ha? Let me close the door. May I? 2 [ABN2] close, cease to operate, cause s.t. to do so. Anus-a musira (manira) ang klÁsi? When do classes close? Una lang kay magsira (manira) pa ku sa tindÁhan, Just go ahead, because I will close the store. 3 [A2; a12] wind up, make complete. Átung sirhun ang nigusyu kay muadtu mi sa Amirika, We will wind up the business because we are going to America. 4 [A; b(1)] lock s.o. or oneself in s.t. Ug magpabuyag ka, akuy musira nÍmu sa kwartu, If you make a nuisance of yourself, I will lock you in your room. 5 — ug dugÙ v [b4(1)] miss several menstrual periods, usually for a long span of time. NagmulÙ siya kay nasirhan siya ug dugÙ, She is worried because she has missed several menstrual periods. 6 [AB12; c1] plant fully with; be fully planted. DÌ makasira (makapasira) ning tagÚra sa basakan, These rice seedlings aren’t enough to fill all the rice paddies. n 1 door. 1a gate or anything that closes. 2 window shutter. 3 end of school. Kanus-a inyung sira sa klÁsi? When do your classes end? — gÁna dessert. v [A; c1] have for dessert. paN- v [A2] 1 = sira, v2. 2 lock oneself in a house or room. Manira ta kay nÁay pÚsil sa gawas, Let’s close up because there is a gunfight outside. Nanira ku kay naglÁgut ku, I locked myself in my room because I was angry. 3 zipper or button up one’s clothes. WalÀ ku makapanira sa Ákung karsÚnis, I did not zipper my trousers. karga sirÁda see karga. sirÁdu a 1 tightly closed. SirÁdu kaÁyu ang kwartu kay walay hÁngin makasulud, The room is closed tight, and no air can get in. 2 full, filled to capacity. DÌ ta makasakay kay sirÁdu kaÁyu ang trÁk, We can not get on because the truck is completely full. v [B1256; b6] 1 be tightly closed, close s.t. tight. 2 filled to the last seating capacity. panirÁdu = panira, 2. siradÚra n 1 device to close a door. 2 a lock for closing jewelry or anything to close wearing apparel.

sÍrÀ n venereal disease infection. v [B126] be infected with a venereal disease (slang).

sirÁli n k.o. fruit similar in appearance to cherries, green or dark red when ripe, with a single pit, growing in bunches on a small wild or cultivated tree: Flacourtia jangomas.

sirÁmiks n ceramics.

sirapÍnis n seraphim.

sirbandu n servant (sarcastic usage). Sirbandu ba ku nÍmu nga Ímu kung sugÚun niÁnÀ? Am I your servant to make me do what you command?

sirbÁtu n 1 whistle producing a high shrill noise. 2 horn on a vehicle. 3 notification, word of intimation for an important event (humorous). Nakasal na diay mu? WÀ man lang muy sirbÁtu! Why, you got married without even giving us the slightest hint! v 1 [A; b6] sound a whistle or horn. GisirbatÚhan ka. Padaplin, He blew his whistle at you. Go to the side. 2 [A] give word or notification for an important event (humorous).

sirbi1 1 is considered, reckoned as. Kining kwartÁha sirbi swildu nÍmu, This money is considered as your salary. 2 by way of. Sirbi ug pasalÁmat nÍay Ákung gÁsa Álang nÍmu, By way of thanks I have a present for you. walay — useless. Way sirbing pagkaanÁka! Tapulan, What a useless son! He’s so lazy. v 1 [A3] make do, serve. Magsirbi kahÀ ni pÁra halÍgi? Will this do for a post? 1a [A13] be of use, service. Ang Ákung kahibalu sa ininglis nagsirbi nÁkÙ sa Ákung trabÁhu, My knowledge of English stood me in good stead in my work. 2 [A; b6] serve in a household. Adtung nagsirbi pa ku sa Íla, At the time when I was serving in their place. 2a work off a debt by rendering menial service or serve time for a penalty. Sa ÁtÙ pa, musirbi pa ku sa bayinti pÍsus, In other words, I will work off the twenty pesos by serving you. 2b care, attend to. Ikaw ba tu ang nagsirbi nÁkÙ sa huspital? Were you the one who attended to me in the hospital? 2c serve in the mass. 3 serve food. Isirbi na ang panihÁpun, Serve supper now. -dur(?), -yinti n waiter. v [A13] be, become a waiter. -dÚra, -yinta n waitress. v [A13] be, become a waitress. mag-l- n 1 waiter or waitress. 2 one who assists in saying the mass. -syu n 1 service, performance of a job in one’s line of duty. Sa dinhÀ pa ku sa sirbisyu sa pulis, When I was working on the police force. 2 function, purpose which s.t. serves. Unsa may sirbisyu Áning pidÁla? What is the purpose of this pedal? 3 church service. Sa alas dyÍs ang sirbisyu, The service starts at ten o’clock. -syu Sibil Civil Service. v 1 [A13] serve, perform a job or duty in line of duty. 2 [b] serve or work to pay one’s debt. SirbisyÚhan ku lang ang Ákung Útang, I will just work my debt off. 3 [A; b6] hold a church service. -syÁwu a having rendered a great service, served well. GisÌ na ning payÚnga apan sirbisyÁwu kaÁyu ni kanÁkÙ, This umbrella is torn, but it has served me well.

sirbi2 v [A; c] serve in tennis and other games played with a net. n turn to serve, action of serving the ball. Kinsa rung sirbi (sirbisyu)? Whose serve is it? -syu n = sirbi, n.

sirbilyÍta1 n napkin. v [a] make into, provide with napkins.

sirbilyÍta2 n k.o. compact, seedy cooking banana, yellow-orange when ripe.

sirbis n 1 s.t. set aside for a certain specific use. Sirbis ning awtÚha pÁra sa mga bisÍta, This car is for the special use of the visitors. MaÁyug sirbis tung ristawrÁna, That restaurant gives good service. v 1 [b6(1)] make s.t. available for a specific use. Ayaw ug kabalÁka kay sirbÍsan ta mu ug dakung amplipÁyir, Don’t worry because I will have a big public system available for you. 2 [A] service, provide maintenance for. Kinsa may musirbis sa mga awtu? Who will service the cars? — diluks n service in a de luxe manner. Gihatdan man giyug pamÁhaw. Sirbis diluks man giyud, She was served breakfast on bed. De luxe service, I should say.

sirbÍsa n beer. sirbisahay v [A1; a12] play a game with beer as bets.

sirbisyÁwu see sirbi1.

sirbisyu see sirbi1 and sirbi2.

sirbyinta = sirbidÚra. see sirbi1.

sirbyinti = sirbidur. see sirbi1.

sirguylas = siriguylas.

siriguylas n small tree cultivated for its sweet and juicy fruits, yellow or reddish, similar to plums: Spondias purpurea. paN- v [A2; b6] gather siriguylas.

sirikinya n k.o. flying fish with a long nose.

sÍril v [A3; a12] look all around s.w. to find s.t. NagsÍril mi sa mga kasilingÁnan pagpangÍtÀ sa bÁtÀ, We were searching all over the neighborhood looking for the child. hasirilsÍril v [B1256] go frantically looking for s.t. everywhere.

sirimunyas n 1 ceremony, prescribed procedure. Ang sirimunyas sa pag-inugurar sa tulay, The ceremony for the inauguration of the bridge. 2 fuss, ado. Way daghang sirimunyas gipapuyra siya, He was fired without much ceremony. v [A; b6] hold a ceremony.

sirÍna1 n siren. SirÍna sa bumbÍru, Fire engine siren. v [A; b6] sound a siren.

sirÍna2 n a mythical sea creature said to be a woman of some sort.

sirinÁta n an open air concert. v [A; b6] have, perform an open air concert.

sÍring = syÍring.

siringsÍring v [A; a] go about in a circular motion seeking or watching s.t. MisiringsÍring ang iruplÁnu ÚsÀ mutugpa, The plane circled before landing.

sirÍnu n night watchman. v [A13] be a night watchman.

sirip1 n sheriff. v [A; a12] 1 attach property for nonpayment of a debt on it. Ang bangku mauy musirip sa yÚtÀ ug dÍlÌ kabayran ang lÚn, The bank will attach the land if the loan is not paid. 2 confiscate. Ákung siripun ang barÁha kay dÌ mu magtuun, I will confiscate the playing cards because you don’t study.

sirip2 = silip.

siripinti = sirpinti.

sÍris n 1 Christmas tree lights. 2 series connection of bulbs or batteries. v [A; a] connect several batteries or electric bulbs in a series.

sÍrit v 1 [A2P; a12P] rush swiftly with a whooshing noise. MipasÍrit (misÍrit) ug padÁgan sa awtu, Zoomed away in the car. 2 [A2] do s.t. fast and with ease. MisÍrit siya sa iksÁmin kay maÁyu mang pagkaribyÚ, He answered the examination easily because he had reviewed well. n hissing noise of s.t. released under pressure. (?) v [A13] make a hissing noise. Nagsirit nga kalÁyu, The hissing flame.

sirku v 1 [A3] fall headlong, tumble down into s.t. Misirku siya sa kanal pagkabanggÀ sa mutur, He fell headlong into the ditch when the motorcycle crashed. 2 [A; b6] flip, do tumbling. Human siya mudÁgan misirku siya didtu sa tÚbig, He ran and then somersaulted into the water. 3 [A13] for there to be a circus. Magsirku didtu sa Ámung lungsud karung pista, There will be a circus in our town this coming fiesta. n circus. sirkÍru, sirkadur n trapeze artist, acrobat. sirkÍra, sirkadÚra n a lady trapeze artist, acrobat. v [A13] be, become an acrobat.

sirkul n 1 circle. 2 the mahjong piece having the design of a circle. v 1 [AC23; c1] encircle, form a circle. Magsirkul na ta, Let’s form a circle. Nagsirkul ang mga girilya sa kampu sa Hapun, The guerillas encircled the Japanese camp. Gisirkulan ang mga sayup, The mistakes were encircled. 2a [A12; b] draw a circle in mahjong. 2b [B126] for the piece drawn to turn out a circle.

sirkular n circular, a directive distributed from a head to lower ranking departments.

sirkulasiyun n periodical circulation.

sirkulu = sirkul.

sirkumpirinsiya n circumference.

sirkumstansiya n specific situation in which s.t. happened. Kining hitabÙ usa ka sirkumstansiya sa pangÁgaw sa katungdÁnan, The happening is a specific instance of usurpation of authority.

sirkus n circus. v [A13] hold a circus.

sirmun n 1 sermon delivered by a clergyman. 2 scolding. v [A; c] 1 deliver a sermon. 2 give a scolding. GisirmÚnan siya ni MÁma kay tagdugay nga mupaÚlÌ, Mom gave him a scolding because he comes home late.

sirpinti n 1 a mythological dragon or serpent of stories. 2 a treacherous and malicious person. v [B1256; b6] become, consider one a serpent.

sirta = sirtu.

sirtipay v [A; b6(1)] certify, make a written declaration concerning s.t.

sirtipikar v [A; b6] attest to the state or verity of s.t. Musirtipikar ku sa pagkatinÚud sa Íyang diklarasiyun, I will attest to the truth of his declaration. Gisirtipikahan na ba ang Ímung tsiki? Has your check been certified? sirtipikÁdu n s.t. certified as true, valid. v [B1256] be, become certified.

sirtipÍku n 1 certification of having finished a certain course or elementary grades. 2 a formalized declaration of thanks. 3 a document evidencing ownership of stock. — sa kandidatÚra certificate of candidacy.

sirtu v 1 [A1; a12] ascertain. Nakasirtu ka ba unsay Íyang sÚgÙ nÁkÙ? Have you ascertained what it was he wanted me to do? 2 [C; a12] come to final terms on an agreement. Nagkasirtu na mi sa prisyu, We have come to an agreement about the price. n 1 having come to an agreement. 2 expression in an auction sale indicating that the bid is closed. Dusintus! Ala Úna! Alas dus! Alas tris! Sirtu! Two hundred! Going once! Going twice! Going thrice! Gone!

sÍru n 1 zero. 2 situation of having gotten nothing. DimÁlas ang Ámung pangisdÀ run kay sÍru, We had bad luck in our fishing because we got nothing. 3 exactly in round figures, no more, no less. SÍru giyung kinsi pÍsus ang hÁlin, The sales was exactly fifteen pesos. SÍru nga siyam ka bÚlan ang Íyang pagmabdus way subrang adlaw, Her pregnancy was exactly nine months, not a day more or less. v 1 [A; b6] give a zero, make s.o. come out with zero. Pagtuun kay musÍru giyud nang maistrÚha, Study, because that teacher will really give a zero. GisirÚhan mi sa Ámung kuntra, Our opponents made us come out with zero. 2 [B256; c16] put into round figures. Hustu nang anÍhun ug masÍru nang duha ka tÚig, It’s time to be harvested when it gets to be exactly two years.

sirÙ1 v 1 [A; c] feed s.o. who is weak from childbirth or disease. DÌ ku makalakat kay nagsirÙ kug masakitun, I can’t leave the house because I’m feeding s.o. that is sick. Sabaw sa bÁka ang isirÙ sa nagpatÚtuy, Give the nursing mother beef broth. 2 [A; b] give a dole or handout (deprecatory). DÌ mu mauwaw nga gubyirnu ang magsirÙ ninyu? Are you not ashamed to receive handouts from the government?

siruhÁnu n surgeon. v [A13; a12P] be, become a surgeon.

siruk a 1 greedy, having a strong desire for food. Siruk kaÁyu ning irÚa kay walÀ makakaun ug tulu ka adlaw, This dog is very greedy because it hasn’t eaten for three days. 2 fond of, having a strong liking for. Siruk ug bayli ni si Pidru, Peter is crazy about dancing. 3 one who is present at any event where food is served, invited or not. v [B12] be, become greedy or fond of s.t. (?) v [A; b6] attend a party or feast uninvited, just to eat the food prepared. Mga bagÀ ug nÁwung nga misÍruk sa hÍkay, Those nervy people who went to the party uninvited. paN- v [A2; b6] go s.w. to scrounge for food. Adtu sa mga basÚra magpaniruk ang mga irÙ ug iring, The dogs and the cats scrounge for food in garbage cans. — buy a 1 attending banquets uninvited. 2 one starved for food, entertainment, or sex without scruples. v [B12] become a person of this sort.

sÍruks n 1 xerox machine. 2 a xerox copy. SÍruks lay ihÁtag, dÍlÌ ang uridyinal, Just turn in a xerox, not the original. v [A; b6] xerox s.t.

sirul n stomach cramps. v [A123P; a4] get stomach cramps. DiyÚtay ray kan-a sa hilaw nga mangga arun dÍlÌ ka sirulun, Don’t eat so many green mangoes so you don’t get cramps.

sirumsirum n k.o. goby.

sirung v [B26; c1] for the eyebrows to be knitted. Masirung (musirung) ang Ímung kÍlay ug masukÙ ka, You knit your eyebrows when you are angry. a knitted eyebrows.†

sÍrung = sinulug.

sirutsu n hand saw. — pÁra lÁras ripsaw. v [A13; a12] cut with a saw.

siryal n installment in a serialized movie, radio program, published stories. v [c6] have s.t. appear in installments.

siryal nambir n serial number.

siryus a 1 serious, earnest in one’s attitude to things. Siryus siya kaÁyu sa Íyang trabÁhu, He is very serious in his work. 2 seriously ill. Siryus na kaÁyu ang masakitun, The patient is very serious. v 1 [B1; b6] be serious and earnest. 2 [B12; b6] for an illness to get serious. -in- v [A13] take things seriously.

siryÚsa a serious-minded, not easy-going. DÌ siya katiÁwan kay siryÚsang pagkababÁyi, You can’t fool around with her because she is the serious type. v [B2] become serious-minded.

siryÚsu a serious and earnest about what one does, not joking. SiryÚsu kaÁyu ning Ákung ig-Ágaw, panagsa ra mupahiyum, My cousin is serious. He rarely smiles. SigÚru kang maÁnur ug siryÚsu ka sa Ímung pagtuun, You will get honors if you are serious with your studies. v [B1] be serious.

sÍs 1 short for MÍsis, term of address for a married woman. 2 term of address to a sister.

sisariyan n caesarian section. v [A; a12] perform or have a caesarian section.

sisi n k.o. small oysters.

sÌsÌ v 1 [A; a] make an incision on s.t., rip s.t. open with a long tear. SÌsÍun ta ning Ímung dintru arun maabut ku ang samad, We’ll have to rip your shirt so I can get at your wound. Arun makÚhÀ ang bÁla sÌsÍan ang dughan, We’ll have to make an incision in the chest to get the bullet out. 2 [B126; a] for the edge of s.t. hard to have a tear in it. NasÌsÌ ang kÍlay sa buksidur, The boxer got a cut on his eyebrow. SÌsÍun mu nang kÍlid sa silya nga ablÍhan mu nang kÚk? Are you going to rip the edge of the chair by opening a coke on it? 2a [b4(1)] have a vaginal laceration. Ang bÁtÀ nga gilÚgus nasÌsÍan, The child that was raped had a vaginal laceration.

sisig = alig-ig, v1.

sisik, sÍsik n carapace of a sea turtle, or similar material from a carabao horn, used for making combs. sudlayng — turtle-shell comb.

sisinta = saysinta.

sisip n s.t. tapered and thin, used as a wedge to hold s.t. tightly in place. Ayaw ug nipsa ang sisip arun dÍlÌ mahalÙ dÁyun ang pul-an, Don’t make the wedge thin so the handle will not come loose easily. v [A; a] put, make into a small wedge.

sista n guitar. v [A23N; a12] play a guitar. KaantÍgu kang musista (manista)? Do you know how to play the guitar? maN-r- n guitar player. paN- n art of guitar playing.

sisti what really makes it bad is... WalÀ lang untÀ tuy kÁsung gigisÌgisÌ. Ang sisti (nakasisti) kay gisÚnug man sab, It really wouldn’t have mattered if it had only been torn to pieces, but the thing that really is bad is that it was burnt too. Way kÁsu kanang samÁra, ang sisti (nakasisti) lang, ug Ímung pasagdan, Don’t worry about that wound. It’s only s.t. to worry about if you don’t take care of it. v [A12] = sisti.

sistÍma n system, way in which s.t. is done. Bag-ung sistÍma sa pagtudlug ininglis, A new system for teaching English. v [a12] do s.t. in a sensible or systematic way. SistimÁha nÀ ug bÚhat, unÁhun ri, isunud tu, Do it in a systematic way: This first, next that, and so forth. -tiku(?) a done in a systematic, sensible way.

sistu = sistusumyÁsis.

sistusumyÁsis n schistosomiasis. v [A123P; a4] be afflicted with schistosomiasis.

sÍsu n see-saw. v [A1; a2] play on, make into a see-saw.

sisyun n session, the meeting of members of a body to transact business. v [A1; b6] hold a session.

sÍt1 v [A; c1] set the hair. RÚla ang Ímung buhuk usÀ isÍt (sÍta), Roll your hair on curlers before you set it.

sÍt2 n 1 set of dishes, furniture, mahjong, and the like. 2 in mahjong a set of three consecutive numbers (siyÀ) or a set of three pieces of the same number (trÍyu). v [A12] obtain a set of s.t.

sÍt3 v [A; c] adjust the time of a timepiece. IsÍt ang rilu inigpÍtu, Set the clock when the siren sounds.

sÍta n letter z.

sitar v [A; c] express or cite s.t. Nausab ang Íyang hunÀhÚnÀ human ku makasitar sa Ákung tÚyÙ, He changed his mind after I had expressed my purpose. Bi, sitari ku ug usa ka higayun diin walÀ ka mapildi, All right, give me an instance where you did not lose. Hala, isitar ang prisyu ug pila man gÁling nÀ, All right, tell me the price. How much could it be.

sitasiyun n summons, an official order to appear in court.

sithaw v [B] be embarrassed to the point of blushing in shame. Musithaw ta ug hisakpan tang mamakak, It is embarrassing to be caught cheating. Nasithaw ang duha ka managtrÁtu nga hinsakpang naghÁluk, The couple blushed with shame because they were caught kissing.

sÍti number seven. Used only with words of Spanish origin: dates, prices, time of day. v see tris. n k.o. white rice with long and slender grains that ripens in seven months. — Birnis n aged palm toddy. — duktÚris n Christmas pageant concerning the life of Christ, especially focusing on the debate between Christ and the seven learned rabbis in the temple. — palabras n 1 the seven last words of Christ before He died on the cross. 2 a Good Friday ritual commemorating the seven last words. v [A] perform this ritual. — pÁris n a mahjong hand containing seven pairs (see karnabal2). v [B36; c6] make, get seven pairs.

sitihul n City Hall.

sitinta numeral seventy. v see disiutsu.

sitlayit n man-made satellite. v [b6] have a satellite s.w.

sitru n sceptre. Ang sitru mauy timailhan sa gahum, The sceptre is a symbol of power.

sÍ tru n see-through cloth, k.o. lace cloth which one can see through. v [A; b] wear s.t. of see-through cloth.

sitsaru n commercial name for peas or pea pods. The plant (or the vegetable) is called gisantis.

sitsarun n a tidbit made of hog skins fried crisp. v [A; a12] prepare, have sitsarun.

sitsirÍka1 a gay, vivacious, and friendly. Lagmit makatratu ning bayhÁna kay sitsirÍka kaÁyu, This girl will likely get herself a boy friend because she is very vivacious and friendly. 2 dressing with verve, somewhat wildly. v [B12; b6] get to be vivacious and friendly.

sitsirÍka2 = kumintang.

sitsirÍku a being vivacious and friendly with the opposite sex, but not necessarily loose.

sitsirÍya, sitsirÍyas n miscellaneous goods for everyday use. NamaligyÀ mi ug sitsirÍyas ingun sa asÚkar, linata, panaptun, ug uban pa, We sell various goods for everyday use such as sugar, canned goods, cloth, and the like.

sitsit v [AN; b(1)] attract s.o.’s attention by hissing in short bursts: sst, sst. MupatÚu nÀ siya ug akuy musitsit, He’ll stop if I go sst, sst to him. SitsÍti si NÍtu kay nabyaan ang Íyang libru, Call Nito back because he left his book behind. n a hissing call to attract attention. paN- v [A13] hissing at s.o., call done in this way.

situn this, that (nom. and dat.—dialectal).

sitwasiyun n 1 state of health or well-being. Sa Ímung sitwasiyun dÍlÌ ka pa makalakaw, In your delicate state of health you should not walk. 2 situation, the circumstances that pertain at a given moment. Ang sitwasiyun sa pamulitika sa IlÚkus, The political situation in Ilocos.

sityu n a territorial subdivision of a barrio, having no political signification.

sÍug v [A; b] press the abdomen downward in childbirth. GisiÚgan sa mananabang ang babÁying nanganak, The midwife pressed down on the abdomen of the woman who was giving childbirth.†

sÍut a 1 crowded. SÍut didtu sa sini kay maÁyu ang pilikula, It was crowded in the movie house because it was a good film. 2 full of weeds or grasses that obstruct. Bungayi ang gardin kay sÍut na kaÁyu, Weed the garden because it is full of weeds. 3 littered with trash. n trash, weeds. v 1 [A2; ac] force one’s way with difficulty through a crowd or thicket. GisÍut nÍya ang katawhan pagpaduul sa intablÁdu, He forced his way through the crowd to get near the stage. 1a for a sound to penetrate. Ang kabanhÀ musÍut sa Ákung dalunggan, The noise penetrates into my ears. 2 [B2] become full of weeds. 3 [B126; a12] become full of litter. Ginunting papil ang nakasÍut (nakapasÍut) sa sÁla, Cut up pieces of paper littered the living room. siutsiut v [A; b6] scatter litter.

siwag a jutting out inconveniently. Siwag kaÁyu nang rÚlir ilukluk sa bulsa, The ruler protrudes inconveniently if you stick it in your back pocket. v [A2S; c6] be, become protuberant and inconvenient.

siwagkang v [B6; c1] stick out or be crookedly placed. DakÙ ang intrÁda sa Ákung sapÁtus kay nagsiwagkang ang Ákung kumagkÙ, I take a shoe with a very wide vamp because my big toe sticks out to the side. Ayaw siwagkÁnga (isiwagkang) ang Ímung tiil kay malukÁpa ta, Don’t stick your legs out because we’ll stumble over them.

siwakug v [B3(1)6] be cumbersome and difficult to carry due to its long length. Magsiwakug dad-un ang tag-as nga mga lipak, Long bamboo slats are cumbersome to carry. a cumbersome to carry because of length.

sÍwang v [A; b6] cut or split the lips. SiwÁngun tikaw run ug dÌ ka magtÁrung, I’ll split your lips open if you don’t behave. (?) a harelip. DÁan na nÀ siyang siwang sukad sa gamay pa, She has been a harelip since childhood.

siwÁsid = saluwasid.

siwil v [A] for long slender things to stick out. Misiwil ang lansang sa pÍkas bungbung, The nail stuck out through the other side of the wall. Punyal nga nagsiwil sa bulsa, A dagger sticking out of the pocket.

siwit n clitoris.

siwitsiwit n gossip. v [AN; c1] gossip; bear tales. DÌ ta makasiwitsiwit ug daghan tag bÚhat, We can’t gossip if we’re busy.

siwsiw v [A] for blood to flow profusely. Misiwsiw ang dugÙ sa dakÙ nga samad, Blood flowed profusely from the wound.

siya he, she. AkÙ siyang igsÚun, He is my brother. She is my sister. kanÀ, kini, kadtu — 1 him, her (used when speaking about s.o., usually saying s.t. unpleasant). Tabian nÀ siya, She is a gossip. 2 this, that thing. Kari siya indÁngan. KanÀ siya mamsÀ, This is a surgeon fish. That is a crevally. 2a that umm... (used when one can’t think of the name of s.t.). Kanang instrumintu, kanÀ siyang ibÁngag sa puthaw gÁnÌ, That instrument, that thing they make holes in iron with, you know... siyasÍya v [A13] do s.t. all by himself, herself. Way mitÁbang nÍya ug nagsiyasÍya lang siya ug tuun, Nobody helped him out and he studied all by himself. nÍya 1 gen.: his, her. Ang libru nÍya, Her book. 2 dat., short for kanÍya. kanÍya dat.: him, her. Adtu kanÍya ihÁtag, Give it to her. see also Íya.

sÍya n chair, seat. v [a12] make into a chair.

siyÀ n 1 in mahjong, a set of three consecutive pieces of the same design. 2 act of obtaining siyÀ. v [A; a12] get siyÀ. — ditirminÁlis a siyÀ which has a terminal (tirminÁlis). — minay a winning hand which has one of each of the winds (bintus), dragons (drÁgun) and terminals (tirminÁlis).

siyam numeral nine. v see tulu. — pa sa kamut not completely certain. (Lit. There are still nine when you count it on the fingers of the hand—from the notion that a newly conceived baby is not certain because much can happen in nine months). BÍsag hinug nag humay, siyam pa gihÁpun ni sa kamut kay nÍa pa man sa yÚtÀ, Our rice is ripe, but we can’t be sure of the harvest because the harvest hasn’t been done yet. ka-an n ninety.

siyap1 v [A] peep, chirp. Musiyap ang pisÙ ug walÀ dihÀ ang mungÁan, The chick will peep if the hen is not there.

siyap2 n shop, an establishment devoted to repairing things or making things. — sa makina machine shop.

siyatsÍyat n shooting of the ball in basketball for practice or for leisure. Sa siyatsÍyat hingÍgÙ siya, piru sa dÚwÀ, sus lagyÚa, In practice shooting he is a good shot, but when it comes to the actual game, his shots are way off the mark. v [A; c] do practice shooting, usually leisurely. MagsiyatsÍyat ÚnÀ ang mga magduduwÀ sa dÌ pa sugdan ang baskit, The players do practice shooting before the game starts.

siyin one hundred, used only before words of Spanish origin referring to measurements or quantities. Siyin mil, One hundred thousand. Siyin anyus, One hundred years. v see disiutsu.

sÍyuk2 v 1 [A2S] sputter. ÍgÙ rang nakasÍyuk ang ribintadur ug walÀ makabutu, The firecracker just sputtered and didn’t explode. 2 give a continuous hissing or screeching sound. Ang hÁngin misÍyuk sa mga alambri, The wind hissed through the wires. 3 have the sensation of being filled with a humming sound, ring. MisÍyuk ang Ákung dalunggan human sa butu, My ears rang after the explosion. n 1 k.o. stone found in chunks which crackles and sputters when put into a fire. 2 hissing, sputtering sound. -in-(?) n = sÍyuk, n2.

siyun n a way of determining magically who stole s.t. v [A; a12] practice this sort of magic. maN-r-(?) n shaman who can help find things that have been stolen.

siyung n a nickname, often used in address to a hypothetical person in an exclamation to indicate disbelief. Ámut siyung! Ipalit nÍya ug dulsi sa iskuylahan unyÀ, My foot he wants the money for school. He wants to buy candy, that’s all. TuntÚha siyung. MaÁyu mag karun pa ku ÁnÀ, Don’t you fool me, buddy roe. You think I haven’t heard that one before?

siyut1 a lacking in good judgment or prudence. Siyut kaÁyu ning tawhÁna kay magswÍtir bÍsan ug galhÀ, That man hasn’t got a brain in his head because he wears a sweater no matter how hot it is. v [B12] be, become lacking in good sense.

siyut2 = syÚt2.

siyutsiyut = batiwtiw.

stÁbus short for sintÁbus.

sts. abbreviation for sintÁbus centavos.

1 word used to drive chickens away.

2 n zoo.

su = sÚlÙ.

sÚag v [B46; b4] feel nauseated. MusÚag ang Ákung ginhawaan ug makabahÙ kug kanal, I feel nauseated if I smell a ditch. MakasÚag (makapasÚag) sa Ákung ginhawaan ang tambuk sa bÁbuy, Pork fat nauseates me.

sÚb n substitute teacher.

sÚba = sÚbak.

subÀ n river. (?) n uterine hemorrhage. v 1 [b4] have a uterine hemorrhage. Ang babÁying gisubÁan sa dugÙ namatay, The woman who had a uterine hemorrhage died. 2 [A2] go upstream or to the hinterland. KadaghÁnan sa mga tÁwung nagpuyus ubus misÚbÀ sa panahun sa gÚbat, Most of the people living along the coast went to the mountains during the war. WalÀ makasÚbÀ ang mga uwang sa pagkagÁmay sa tÚbig, As the water receded the shrimps could no longer proceed upriver. suban-un n 1 person living near the river. 2 the Subano, a non-Christian tribe of Western Mindanao. a having dirty habits, like the Subano’s.

subad v [A; a12] 1 devour a prey and swallow it. Subarun ka sa dagkung isdÀ ug mahÚlug ka sa dÁgat, The big fish will devour you if you fall in the sea. 2 eat (said humorously of oneself or contemptuously of others). MaÁyu ka lang musubad ug pagkÁun apan tapulan ka, You’re good at eating, but when it comes to work you’re no good. Musubad kug bisan unsa, I’ll eat anything. 3 [A23; a12] be gullible enough to swallow s.t. Musubad dÁyun nÀ siyag hambÚgan, She believes any tall story told to her. — nga way paun = kubit nga way paun. see kubit. n fish caught by hook and line. (?) n the period when fish bite. SÚbad run sa nÚkus, This is the time the squids are biting. subadsÚbad v [A3; b6] for fish to start to bite. MisubadsÚbad na ang isdÀ run, The fish are starting to bite now. paN- v [A2] 1 for fish to be biting. DÌ pa manubad ang isdÀ kay dÌ patay ang bÚlan, The fish are not biting yet because the moon is still out bright. 2 prey on, upon. Unsa may manubad sa pisÙ, sawa u iring? What was preying on the chicks? A snake or a cat? maN-r- n wild animal that preys for its food. see also manbad.

sÚbak v [A; c] give a flavor to vegetables by adding fish or meat. MaÁyung isÚbak ang bulad sa munggus, Mung beans taste good if cooked with a little dried fish. (?) n meat or fish used with vegetables for flavor.

subang v 1 [A; b8] for heavenly bodies to rise. Pagsalup sa adlaw misubang ang daktul, When the sun set, the full moon rose. 1a [A] for it to be the first quarter. MutÁri sila sa Ílang manuk inigsubang, They will wait for the first quarter to fight their cocks. 2 [A] appear, become known as s.o. distinguished. IlÁdu na siya sa nakasubang na siya sa pamÁlak, He was well-known after he had distinguished himself in poetry. 3 [A23] appear as if to rise. Usa ka pahiyum misubang sa Íyang dagway, A smile appeared in her face. n moon of the first quarter. PrimÍrung subang, First day after the new moon. -an n east. subangsÚbang = subang, n.

subasku n 1 squall. 2 a surge of emotion. Mu ra siyag malumus adtung subasku sa kamÍngaw, It seems as though he would drown in that wave of loneliness. v [A; a2] squall. NabalÍan mi ug pÁlu kay hingsubaskuhan mi, We had a broken mast because we were caught in a squall.

subasta v [A; c6] auction s.t. off. Isubasta ang mga rilu nga walÀ malukat, They will auction off the watches that were not redeemed. n auction.

sÚbaw n head cold. v [A12; b4] catch a cold. Gisip-un ku kay gisubÁwan ku, I have a runny nose because I have a cold.

sÚbay v 1 [A2S; a2] follow, go along a certain way. MusÚbay ka sa dÁlan ug likÙ sa tuu sa may mangga, Follow the path and turn right near the mango tree. Ang karsÁda musÚbay sa baybay, The road goes along the beach. SubÁya ang alambri arun hibaw-an nÍmug hÁin ihukut, Follow the wire up so you will know where it is tied. 2 [A2; a12] imitate s.o. MaÁyu siya nga musÚbay sa sinultian sa maistru, He is good in mimicking the way the teacher speaks. 3 [A; a12] go through the details of an event to learn about it more clearly. MagsÚbay ta unsay nahitabÙ adtung gabhiÚna, Let’s discuss what happened that night in detail. 3a trace a family tree. SubÁya ang kagÍkan sa kaslÚnun kay tingÁlig paryinti, Trace the engaged couple’s family tree, for they might turn out to be related. 3b go through accounts in detail. SubÁyun ta ang nakÚhÀ gÍkan sa Hulyu, Let us review how much you took, starting from July. 4 [A12S3; a12] follow rules, customs, manners. Nagsubay ka ba sa balÁud? Are you observing the law? 4a be in accordance with. Ug subÁyun ang balÁud sad-an siya, Under the law, he is guilty. n 1 along, following a path. Lakaw sÚbay sa karitÍras, Go along the feeder road. 2 in accordance with. Ang Ákung gibÚhat sÚbay man sa balÁud, What I did was in accordance with the law. hiN- v [A12S] 1 relate in detail. NaghinÚbay (naghinubay) si Pidru sa Íyang mga kaÁgi, Pedro related his past experiences. 2 trace relationships. pina- according to. PinasÚbay sa balÁud dakÙ tÀ kag buhis, According to the law, you should pay a big tax.

subdibÁyid v [a12] subdivide an area of land into housing lots for commercial purposes.

subdibisyun n housing development. v [A; a12] make, make into a housing development.

*sÚbid paN-, subidsÚbid n trolling with a swiftly paddled one- or two-man boat. v [A2; b6(1)] fish by trolling. subiran n a small and narrow outriggered boat used for trolling of this sort.

subÍda n upgrade. v [A] go uphill, on an upgrade. Ug musubÍda ang karsÁda, isigunda, When the road goes into an upgrade, shift into second. NangÍnit ang makina samtang nagsubÍda ang trÁk, The motor overheated while the truck was negotiating the upgrade. subidahun a 1 steep. 2 difficult, hard to solve. Subidahun kaÁyu ning sulirÁna, This problem is very difficult. v [B1256] be, become difficult or steep.

subing1 n individual stalks of rice not ripe during the harvest and left to be gleaned. v [AN; b6] glean rice that was left to ripen.

subing2 n a one-string musical instrument made of bagÁkay bamboo. v 1 [A] play the subing. 2 [c1] make a subing.

subir v [A] increase in price or intensity. Misubir ang prisyu sa mais, The price of corn went up. Misubir ang Íyanq hilÁnat, His temperature went up. subÍdu a for prices to be high or s.t. else to be high in numerical quantity. SubÍdu ang Íyang grÁdu, He got high grades.

subirbÍya = subirbÍyu (female).

subirbiyu, subirbÍyu a difficult to discipline, insistent on doing as one likes. v [B12] be, become recalcitrant. Masubirbiyu ang prÍsu ug Ímung lugaklugÁkan, A prisoner will become unmanageable if you show him leniency. pubring — a financially hard-up, but insisting on one’s wants. Pubring subirbiyu kaÁyu nang tawhÁna. GitagÁan gÁnig trabÁhu, dÍlÌ kay gustung magmanidyir siya, That man is a beggar but he won’t work except as manager.

subÌsubÌ v [AN; b5] answer back when reprimanded. HÍlum! Ayaw kug subÌsubia (subÌsubii), Shut up! Don’t you talk back to me.

sublÌ v 1 [A; a12] do s.t. twice, again for the second time around. MusublÌ ku ug kÁun kay gigÚtum pa ku, I will eat again because I am still hungry. 1a [a12] repeat, say s.t. again. SublÍun ku lag kas-a ug pamÁtig maÁyu, I will repeat once. Now listen carefully. 2 [A; a12] go over s.t. for errors. SublÍun nÁkÙ nÀ ug makatulu arun walÀ giyuy mga sayup, I will go over it three times so there will be no mistakes. 3 [A13; b] reelect s.o. SublÍan nÁtÙ si Anduy pagkamÍyur, Let us reelect Andoy for mayor. n repeated term in office. ka-an n reelection aimed at.

submarÍnu n 1 submarine. 2 bedbug (humorous). UnsÁun pagkatÚlug nga ayruplÁnu sa tÁas submarÍnu sa ubus, How can you sleep with lots of airplanes (mosquitoes) above and submarines (bedbugs) underneath you? v 1 [A12] travel by submarine. 2 [A13; a12] sabotage an activity. WalÀ mulampus ang Ákung paÁgi kay Ímu man nga gisubmarÍnu, My procedure did not succeed because you sabotaged it.

submasinggan n submachine gun. v [A13; a12] shoot with a submachine gun.

submit v [A; c] hand in or over. Kinsay nagsubmit Áring blangku nga papil? Who submitted this blank piece of paper? WalÀ pa ku makasubmit sa ripurt, I have not yet handed in the report.

submitir = sumitir.

subpÍna n subpoena. v [A; b6] serve s.o. with a subpoena.

subra a in excess, too many, too much. Subra ra kaÁyu ang tÚbig nga Ímung gibutang sa linat-an, You put much too much water in the stew. Subra ra kaÁyu ang Ímung pag tabakÙ, You smoke much too much. v 1 [B46] be excessive. 2 [A] be more than a certain amount. Ang Íyang swildu musubra ug gatus human ug bÁyad sa mga Útang, His salary will be a bit more than a hundred after he pays off his debts. 2a [A12] get a little extra. Sa Ákung pangisdÀ makasubra ku ug diyÚtay nga ibaligyÀ human kuhÁi sa pagkÁun, I get a little extra from my fishing after taking out what we use for food. 3 [A; b(1)] set aside a bit for s.o. SubrÁhi (subrÁi) ku ug diyÚtay nga dulsi, ha? Leave some candy for me, will you? n the remainder left over after what is needed has been taken, the excess. Ang subra gibÁlik human ku mukÚhag tulu, I returned the remainder after I took three. IÚlÌ ang subra kay kini ray Ákung gikinahanglan, Return the extra ones because I only need this one. — ibasta a done in excess. v [B; c1] be given, done in excess. DÌ na hinÚun makamaung manikaysÍkay ang tÁwu ug magsubra ibasta ra ang Átung tÁbang kanÍya, A man won’t know how to shift for himself if he is given more help than necessary. BÍsag unsay buhÁtun basta masubra ibasta makadÁut, Anything done in excess is harmful. hiN- v [A13; b6P] be excessive, too much. Naghinubra ang Ímung pag-inum, You are drinking too much. pa- v [A; b6] exaggerate a story. WÀ ra tuy kÁsu piru gipasubrahan ug sugÍlun, It was nothing serious but he exaggerated when he recounted it. subraÁnay a excessive, beyond the bounds of good taste. SubraÁnay pud nga nakapamulbus si Pilang, Pilang powders her face excessively.

subri n envelope. v [A13; c1] place s.t. inside an envelope.

subrikÁma n bedspread.†

subrikargu n purser on a vessel. v 1 [B156; a2] be, become a purser. 2 [A1; c1] make s.o. a purser.

subsik. abbreviation for subsikritaryu undersecretary.

subsub a frequent. Kasubsub nÍmu nga mutan-aw ug sini! How often you go to the show! v [A; a12] do s.t. often. SubsÚbun nÍmu ug tÚbig ang tanum, Water the plants frequently.

subu v 1 [B23(1)46; b8] for s.t. boiling to overflow. Ukbi ang kardÍru kay misubu ang inÍnit, Take the cover off of the pot because water is overflowing. 2 [A; b] douse water onto live embers. Subhi ang bÁga ÚsÀ ta manglÁkaw, Pour water on the embers before you leave. 3 [A; b(1)] temper, harden iron or steel by heating it and then immersing it in oil or water. 4 [A; b(1)] initiate a series of activities or wear s.t. for the first time. Ang prisidinti mauy musubu sa bayli, The president will start the dance. Siyay nakasubu ug sakay sa ayruplÁnu, He rode the inaugural flight of the airplane. n temper of metal. walay — inexperienced. Ayawg patugatuga ug pangulitÁwung MarÍya kay wÀ kay subu, Don’t try to court Mary because you are inexperienced.

subÙ a sad. SubÙ ug nawung, Having a sad countenance. SubÙ nga palandÚngun, Sad to think about. v [A1; c5] be sad. GikasubÙ ku ang dÍlÌ kalikayan nga hitabÙ, I very much regret the unavoidable incident. paha- [A; b6] extend one’s condolences. n condolences. ka- n sadness. kasub-Ánan n grief, sorrows. Kasub-Ánan nga way katapÚsan, Sorrows without end. masulub-un a 1 characterized with grief, mournful. Usa ka masulub-un nga bakhÙ, A mournful sob. 2 grieving. Ang masulub-ung kapÍkas, The grieving wife. v [A13] be, become sad. maka-r-(?) a saddening. MakasusÚbung hitabÙ, A saddening event.

sÚbuk n pith. subuksÚbuk sa mais n 1 pith of cornstalks or pith-like substance in the middle of a corncob. -un a mostly pith. DÍlÌ lig-un ning kahÚya kay subÚkun kaÁyu, The piece of wood is not strong because it is mostly pith.

subul n sprout from the ground, sprout of hair or feathers. v [A2; b6] sprout. Makasubul na sab ang mga balÍli ug uwanun, The grass will sprout if it rains. Gisubulan nag balhÍbu ang Íyang Íluk, Hair has sprouted in his armpits.

*subung see sumban.

sÚbung1 v [AC; c] light a cigar or cigarette from s.o. else’s cigarette or cigar.

*sÚbung2 -in- n gold alloyed with other metal. SinÚbung ning singsÍnga, This ring is not pure gold. v [B126] be gold alloy.

suburnu n 1 bribe. MadÚgay ang papÍlis ug way suburnu, The papers will take forever if there is no bribe. 2 crime of bribery. Ang suburnu nabÚhat sa panahun sa prisidinti pa si Makapagal, The bribery was done when Macapagal was president. v [A; c] give a bribe.

sÚbut v [B126] be pricked, get a splinter in one. NasÚbut siya pagpapha nÍya sa Íyang gisapilyÁhan, He got a splinter in him when he rubbed his hands over the board he was planing.

subwak v [B3(1)4; b6] 1 for water to burst out of a hole. Misubwak ang tÚbig sa tuburan, The water gushed out of the source of the spring. 2 for the contents to overflow a container. Misubwak ang mga pasahÍru sa trÁk, The bus is overflowing with passengers. Nagsubwak ang mga tÁwu sa sinihan, The moviegoers spilled out of the movie house.

sÚd = sulud.

sÚda n 1 soda water. 2 soda crackers. v [b(1)] mix s.t. with soda. — krÁkirs = sÚda, n2.

sud-an see sulÀ.

sud-ip v [B1246; b8] choke on s.t. that went into the respiratory passage. Hingsud-ipan ka ug muinum ka ug dalÌdalÌ, You will choke if you drink too fast. -an n k.o. sweet potato with reddish peelings and white meat, so called because the meat is moist and tends to stick in the throat.

sudiyÀ v [AN2; b(1)] point out to a person that he was wrong or that he failed to do s.t. WalÀ pa ku makasudiyÀ (makapanudiyÀ) nÍya bÁhin sa Íyang gisÁad nÁkÙ, I have not reminded him about what he promised me. SudiyÁi ku ug mahustu ka kay sigÚru ku nga sayup giyud tu, You may point it out to me if it turns out you were right, because I am sure that you are wrong. ma-un a characterized with a remonstrating attitude. Mitan-aw siya nÁkÙ sa usa ka masudiyÁun nga pagtan-aw, He looked at me with a remonstrating look. paN- n the action of pointing it out to a person that he was wrong. adlaw sa paN- Judgment Day.

sudiyang1 n a cone-like, tapering structure used as an animal or fish trap into the smaller end of which the animal enters with ease, but which has tines, such that the animal cannot back out. v [A; b6] catch or make into this sort of trap.

sudiyang2 n large tree of the primary or secondary forest producing hard, dark red lumber: Ctenolophon philippinense.

sudlay n 1 comb. 2 harrow, a raft-like device with toothed undersides pulled by a water buffalo, used for raking off weeds and breaking up the lumps of soil. v [A; a12] 1 comb s.o.’s hair. 2 harrow. 3 [a12] look at s.t. from one point to the other with deliberate care. Gisudlay nÍya pagtan-aw ang babÁyi gÍkan sa Úlu ngadtu sa tiil, She scrutinized the girl from head to foot. paN- v [A2] comb one’s hair. WÀ ka makapanudlay, You haven’t combed your hair!

sudlut v 1 [A; b2] spurt, squirt out. Misudlut ang dugÙ sa samad, Blood spurted out of the wound. 2 [B46; b6] bulge or come partially out of an opening. Nagsudlut na ang bÁtÀ sa pag-abut sa mananabang, The infant’s head was already out when the midwife arrived.

sudsud1 a close together. Sudsud kaÁyu ang kamÁtis nga pagkatanum, The tomatoes are planted very close together. v 1 [A13; c1] place, or plant close together. Isudsud (sudsÚrun) nÍmu ug butang ang mga silya, Place the chairs close together.

sudsud2 v 1 [A; a] dig up or turn up the earth by shoving with the tip of an instrument or (by animals) with the snout. SudsÚra ning mga balÍli, Clear off this grass (with a pushing motion). Ang gisudsÚran sa bÁbuy nga yÚtÀ nangalÚngag, The place where the pig had dug out the earth with its snout is full of holes. 2 [AN; a] push sand lightly with the feet in search of crabs. 3 [A; a] catch fish with a sudsud. n 1 bladed instrument with a blunt end used to remove weeds by shoving under the roots. 2 k.o. small one-man fishing net made of coarse sinamay mounted on two poles, pushed through shallow water to catch shrimps or small fish. paN- v [A2] go fishing with the sudsud.

sud-uk = sid-uk.

sud-ung v [A13; a] look at s.t. or s.o. with interest or intent. Sud-Úngun ku ang Ímung ritrÁtu ug abutun ku ug kamÍngaw, I will gaze at your picture if I feel lonesome. pa- v 1 [A; ac] allow s.o. to see. 2 [a12] live long enough to see the fruit of one’s labor, foolishness. Gipasud-ung ang amahan nga nagsÍpit ug diplÚma ang tanan nÍyang mga anak ÚsÀ siya mamatay, The father lived long enough to see all his children graduate before he died. 2 [A13] live only long enough to be seen. ÍgÙ lang nagpasud-ung tung batÁa kay usa ra ka bÚwan sa mahÁyag, That child lived only long enough to be seen because it died a month after birth.

sÚduy = sÚruy.

suga v [A; a] repolish rice that still has some unhusked grains. Sugaha ang bugas arun hanglas kan-un, Repolish the rice so that it is smooth to eat.

sugÀ1 n 1 lamp. alambri sa — electric wire. -ng dikumbÁti barn lantern. 2 electric lights. Way sugÀ karung gabÍi, There will be no electricity tonight. v 1 [A; b(1)] light lights. Sug-i ang altar kay mangadyÌ na ta, Light the altar because we’re going to pray. 2 [A13; b(1)] use s.t. for light. NagsugÀ mi ug kandÍlÀ pagblak-Áwut, We used candles during the blackout. 2a ika- ang ÍhÌ for a woman to be very beautiful (lit. such that her urine could be used to light a lamp). IkasugÀ ba ang ÍhÌ sa naasÁwa sa Ímung anak? Is your son’s wife beautiful? paN- v [A2; b6] go fishing using lamps. ManugÀ mi rung gabÍi sa hunÁsan, We will hunt shellfish in the tidal flats tonight with a lamp. sugÀsugÀ n 1 k.o. marine crab usually found inhabiting rocks and shallow water, 3 across and round with a thick shell. 2 name given to dried lagaw.

sugÀ2 v [A] for corn plants to develop or grow tassels. MalÍpay ku kun magsugÀ na ang Ámung mais, I am happy when our corn plants begin to grow tassels.

sugabin v 1 [A; bc] add s.t. to the principal thing. Sugabini ug kamÚti ang kan-un, Supplement the rice with sweet potatoes. Isugabin sa Ímung sulat ang Ákung pangumusta kanÍla, Give them my regards in your letter. 2 [A; a] have a sideline. Nakasugabin kug tudlÙ magabÍi gÍkan sa upisÍna, I got a job part-time teaching at night after office hours.

sugÁbu v [B26; b6] dive or fall with a splashing or thudding sound. MisugÁbu sa lunangan ang hubug, The drunk splashed into the mud puddle.

sugÁkud v 1 [A2] be up to doing s.t., keeping up with s.t. DÍlÌ ku musugÁkud Ánang trabahÚa, I am not up to that job. DÌ ku makasugÁkud sa instulmin, I cannot keep up with the installments. 2 [A12] bear, endure. DÍlÌ siya makasugÁkud sa katugnaw, He cannot bear the cold.

sÚgal n gambling. Ang sÚgal mauy nakapÚtu nÍya, Gambling made him bankrupt. v 1 [AC; c] gamble. Ug isÚgal nÍmu ang Ímung kwarta, nÁa ra nÀ nÍmu, If you want to gamble your money away, it’s up to you. 2 [C3] click, be in position to come to an understanding with one another (humorous). UlitÁwu ku ug dalÁga ka, magsÚgal giyud run ta niÍni, I’m single and you are unmarried. We would make an ideal pair. DÌ ta niÍni magkasÚgal kay nagkalainlÁin ang Átung mga iduluhÍya, We can’t have a meeting of minds because we hold to different ideologies. (?) v 1 [A23; b6] go ahead with s.t. come what may. Musugal kag larga bÍsag bagyu? Are you going to take the risk and sail even though there’s a typhoon? 2 [A13; c6] risk, expose s.t. of value to loss. Nagsugal ka sa Ímung kinabÚhÌ Ánang trabahÚa, You are risking your life in that work. 3 [b6] pretend s.t. to serve as an excuse or to mollify s.o. Gisugalan nÍya si PÁpa ug hilakhÍlak arun dÌ siya hilatiguhan, She treated Daddy to her crocodile tears to escape a spanking. Ayaw kug sugali Ánang barÁhang dunut, Don’t give me those phoney excuses. -an n gambling den. sugarul n gambler. v [B123] be, become a gambler.

sugÁla v [AN; b] bother or annoy by doing s.t. at a most inopportune time. Musuga (manuga) ug sakit ang Ákung riyÚma ug tingtugnaw, My rheumatism bothers me terribly when the weather is cold. NgÁnung magsuga ka bag pangÁyug kwarta ug wÀ tay kulirÙ? Why do you have to annoy me by asking me for money at a time when I’m broke?

*sugamak hi-/ha- v [B1256; b8] 1 run into, collide. Ug didtu mahisugamak ang awtu sa paril, And the car ran smack into the stone wall. 2 run into s.t. to experience, meet. Ug dÍlÌ ka mag-amping mahisugamak ka sa kasÁmuk, If you are not careful, you will run into trouble. Patrulyang Íyang hisugamakan, The patrol he ran into.

sug-ang n wood burner composed of three stones triangularly arranged or a heavy metal ring or a clay burner onto which pots are set. v 1 [A13; a12] put, make, make into such a burner. 2 [A1; c6] set the dinner on the burner. Nagsug-ang ku ug paniudtu kay alas unsi na, I am putting the dinner on the stove because it is eleven o’clock. -in- v [C; a12] be placed in a triangular arrangement like the sug-ang. Nag-atÚbang silang tulu ug lingkud, nagsinug-ang, The three sat in a circle facing each other. -an(?) = sug-ang, n.

sugapÀ v [A12; a3b4(1)] encounter s.t. by accident. NakasugapÀ mig bangkÍti paglabay nÁmÙ sa Íla, When we went by their house we came upon them having a banquet. DÍlÌ ka untÀ masugapÀ sa kadaÚtan, I hope you don’t meet danger.

sugarul see sÚgal.

sÚgat v 1 [AC; ac3] meet, approach from opposite directions. DÍlÌ ka musÚgat samtang maglatay na ku sa tabla, Don’t come across in the opposite direction while I am still walking along the plank. NagkasÚgat kami sa MagalyÁnis, We happened to meet downtown. SugÁta siya sa istasyunan, Meet him at the bus terminal. 2 [a1] welcome, greet heartily. SugÁtun nÁtÙ siya sa usa ka masipÁung pakpak, Let’s welcome him with a resounding applause. 3 [A23] meet the senses. Usa ka hÍnay nga hagÍyus misÚgat sa Íyang dalunggan, A low hissing sound met his ears. n the Roman Catholic ritual on Easter dawn which represents the meeting of Christ and the Blessed Virgin. Two groups start out from different houses, one group of women, carrying the image of the Holy Mother veiled on a cart, and the other, a group of men carrying an image of Christ on a cart. The two groups meet where an arch has been erected in which a child or several children dressed as angels (alilÚya) are suspended. Upon the meeting of the two groups the angels are lowered and white pigeons are released, and one of the angels lifts the veil of the Holy Mother. The decorations used in this ceremony are gathered by the spectators for their magical properties. -in-an n presents brought by a visitor.†

sugatÀ v 1 [A12; b4(1)] meet accidentally, run into. Ayaw ug sÚruy magabÍi kay makasugatÀ ka ug Áway, Don’t go around at night because you may just run into a fight. Nasugat-an nÁkÙ sila sa may taytÁyan, I happened to meet them near the bridge. 2 [a12] experience, be met with difficulties or misfortune. NasugatÀ siya sa usa ka pait nga katalagman, He was met with bitter calamity.

sugba v [A; c] 1 broil over hot coals. Isugba na ba ring karni? Shall I broil this meat now? 2 put or throw into the fire to burn. Akuy musugba sa Ímung dulÁan ug dÌ ka maghÍlum, I will throw your toys into the fire if you aren’t quiet. aN-r- n moth. sugbaÁnan n 1 an open fire where meat is broiled. 2 forge. -in- n broiled meat or fish.

Sugbu1 n name of the island of Cebu. syudad sa — Cebu City. SugbuÁnun n Cebuano, from the island of Cebu. sinugbuanun n Cebuano. v [A] speak Cebuano.

sugbu2 v [A2; a3] dive or jump into water. DÌ ku musugbu dihÀ sa mabaw, I won’t dive where it’s too shallow. Nasugbu siya sa lunangan sa kÁbaw, He fell into the puddle where the water buffalo wallowed. pa- n k.o. fishing with a hand line for fishes that feed on the bottom, composed of a line, sinker, and a hook with a long leader. The equipment is lowered, and when the sinker touches the bottom, it is raised so that the hook is a couple of inches off the bottom, and the line is held until s.t. bites.

sugi n k.o. halfbeak with very fine scales.

sÚgid v 1 [AN2; c6] tell, relate. Kinahanglan nga musÚgid ka sa tinÚud nga nahitabÙ, You must relate what really happened. 2 [AN; c] confess one’s sin to a priest to obtain absolution. Human siya makasÚgid (makapanÚgid) gimaymÁyan siya sa pÁrÌ, After he confessed his sins, the priest gave him words of advice. 3 [c3] be heard of. WÀ na igsÚgid ang nangalÚnud sa barku, The passengers of the ship that sank were never heard of again. IkasÚgid ka pa kahag nakauban ka pa sa Byitnam? Do you think you would still be alive if you had been sent to Vietnam? paN- [A2] = sÚgid, v1. walay paN- wiped out, annihilated (lit. nobody was left to tell the story). Way nanÚgid sa inasal nga gidÁ sa piknik, The roast pig that was brought to the picnic was wiped out. hiN- v [A12S; b(1)] tell stories at length. Naghinugid siya sa mga primyu nga Íyang nadaug, He related in great length the prizes he won. sugilÁnun n short story. magsusugilanun short story writer. ig-r- n confession. kasugÍran n 1 history, a related series of past events. 2 legend, s.t. handed down by tradition. see also sugÍlun.†

sugÍgi n large basket woven out of thin bamboo slatting, used for storing large amounts of grain. v [A12; a12] make, make into a storage basket.

sugilagming n very short story (coined from sugilÁnun and gagming).

sugilakbit n story in a summarized version of a longer story (from sÚgid and lakbit).

sugilambung n novel.

sugilÁnun see sÚgid.

sugÍlun (from sÚgid) v [AN2; c] 1 tell, report. Hilatiguhan ta ug musugÍlun (manugÍlun) kang PÁpa nga nangÁun ta ug mangga, We’ll both get whipped if you tell Daddy that we ate mangoes. Gisuginlan ka na ba sa balitÀ? Have you been told the news? 2 enumeration of pertinent facts. May mga sugÍlun nga midagsang diri nga minyÙ ka, The story is going around that you are married. pÍla may — to make a long story short. PÍla may sugÍlun gipangasÁwa nÍya ang babÁyi, To make a long story short, he married the woman. paN-(?) v [A2; c6] tell s.t. around. Nanugilun si Tasyu nga uyab na kunu mu, Tasio is telling people that you’re his girl now. hiN- = hinÚgid. see sÚgid.

sugkay v [A; a] 1 stir a mixture that contains some solid. SugkÁya ang linÚgaw, Stir the porridge. 2 for the emotions to be stirred up. Galamhan nga gisugkay sa tÚmang pagbÁsul, Thoughts that were disturbed by extreme feelings of repentance.

suglib = sugnib.

sugmat v 1 [A2; b4] for a quiescent disease to recur, act up. Misugmat na sab ang Ákung riyÚma, My rheumatism is acting up again. 2 [A2] for criminality to recur or be on the rise. Misugmat na usab ang kÚut karun, Pickpocketing is on the rise again. n recurrence of an ailment.

sugmaw v [A3PB26; c1] 1 for a body to plunge into liquid, as a fly in coconut palm toddy, hot metal in water. Kinsay nagsugmaw sa Ákung sapÁtus sa tÚbig? Who threw my shoes into the water? Misugmaw ang lÁngaw sa tubÀ, The fly plunged into the coconut palm toddy. 2 plunge into s.t. unpleasant. Nasugmaw siya sa mga Útang, She plunged herself into debt.

sugmuy a dejected, with a slumping body. Sugmuy kaÁyung kandidÁtung napildi, The candidate who lost was quite dejected. v [B126] 1 become crestfallen. Nasugmuy ang ulitÁwu kay gibastid, The young man was dejected because he broke up with his girl. 2 be assuaged. Nasugmuy ang Ákung kabalÁka dihang nakÍtÀ ku siya, My worry was relieved when I saw him.

sugnib v 1 [A; b(1)] set s.t. on fire or touch a flaming brand to it. ÁkÙ na ba ring sugnÍban ang sagbut? Shall I set fire to the trash? 2 [A3P; b(1)] incite s.o. into action, enthuse s.o. for s.t. Usa ka suliran nakasugnib nÁkÙ sa pagsulat kanÍmu ning pila ka pÚlung, A great problem goaded me to write you these few lines. GisugnÍban nÍya ang mga istudiyanti pagdimunstrÍt, He goaded the students into demonstrating.

sugnud n 1 wood for fuel. 2 fuel for propulsion. v 1 [A; b] use s.t. as firewood or fuel. DÍlÌ mi makasugnud ug bunut kay kusug muasu, We cannot use coconut husks as fuel because they give off too much smoke. 1a use fuel in an engine. 2 [A1; b(1)] add fuel to s.t. to increase the problem. Ang Ímung sulti nagsugnud sa Ílang Áway, Your statement added fuel to their quarrel.

sugpÀ n vomitting or spitting of blood. SugpÀ ang namatyan sa gikulÁta, The mauling victim died of internal hemorrhage. v [B1463; b3(1)] vomit or spit blood. NagsugpÀ si Tiryu, ang tibÍhun, Terio, the TB patient, is spitting blood.

sugpÙ v [AB12; a1] put an end, cut short s.t. that is flourishing. Akuy musugpÙ sa Íyang dautang batÁsan, I will put an end to her ugly habits. MasugpÙ ang tÚbÙ sa bÁtÀ ug pukÁwun ug sayu, A child’s growth gets stunted if he is made to get up early.

sugpung v [A; a] tie two ends together, add a span or length to s.t. Aku ray musugpung sa hayhayan nga nabugtÙ, I’ll tie the clothesline that snapped back together. Ákung sugpÚngan ang sidsid sa Ákung sinÍnÀ nga mubÙ, I’ll add a piece of cloth to the bottom of my skirt because it is too short. n knot formed in a joint. ka- ug tinÁi n one’s sibling. Kining batÁa kasugpung ku ug tinÁi, This child is my brother. ka- ug kasingkÁsing n one’s lover. -in-an n s.t. made at the end of things to join them to s.t. else.

sugput (from suput) v [B26; b8] squirt or pop out. Misugput ag kitsup dihang gipikpik nÁkÙ ang samput sa butilya, The catsup squirted out when I tapped the bottom of the bottle. Nasugput ang sungsung sa syampÍn, The cork popped out of the champagne.

sugpuy1 v 1 [A; a1] calm s.t. down. Mga pÚlung nga makasugpuy sa kaÍnit sa Úlu, Words that can calm one’s anger. Masugpuy ang hilÁnat ug butangag yÍlu ang Úlu, It will lower his fever if you put ice on his head. 2 [B126] stunt the growth. KakÚlang sa sustansiya ang nakasugpuy (nakapasugpuy) sa tinubuan sa bÁtÀ, Undernourishment stunted the child’s growth.

sugpuy2 n feverish feeling in which the temperature of the upper part of the body is warm and the lower part is cold, esp. of children during teething. v [A123P; a4] have such an affliction.

sugpuy3 = sugmuy.

sugsug = salugsug.

sugsÚg = sulugsÚlug.

sÚgÙ v 1 [A; a1c] tell s.o. to do s.t. SugÚun ta ka ug pagpalit ug gasulÍna, I will send you to buy gasoline. Unsa may isÚgÙ nÍmu nÁkÙ? What do you want me to do? Aku si Husi dila Krus ug dÚnay isÚgÙ, I am JosÉ de la Cruz at your service. -a ku ninyu forgive me for leaving the table while you are eating (lit. tell me to go fetch s.t. so I may leave the table). 2 [a12] in pool, hit a target ball in such a manner that it knocks another ball towards the pocket. SugÚa nang nuybi arung masÚd ang kinsi, Knock the number nine ball towards the number fifteen ball to knock it into the pocket (lit. order the number nine ball to make the fifteen go in). 3 [A; a12] use a water buffalo for plowing. DÌ pa masÚgÙ ang turÍti, You can’t use a young water buffalo for plowing. n 1 things one was told to do. GitÚman ba nÍmu ang Ákung mga sÚgÙ? Have you done the things I told you to do? — sa Diyus napÚlÙ the Ten Commandments. 2 specific duties in an organization, group activity. Unsa may Íyang sÚgÙ Ánang kapunungÁna? What are his duties in that organization? 3 in phrases: — sa lÁwas things one has to do out of biological necessity and cannot avoid: urinate, sleep, and the like. — sa panahun exigency resulting from a state of weather. — sa pÁlad decree of fate. — sa papil according to the script. — sa pagbÁtÌ needs arising from some emotion. pa- v [A13; b6] send s.o. s.w. to convey a message. PasugÚan ta ka ug magsÚgud na ang dÚlÀ, I will send s.o. over to notify you when the game starts. balin-an(?) a fond of giving orders, not liking to do things oneself. Balinsuguan bayhÁna dÌ mulÍhuk sa Íyang kaugalÍngun, She is fond of giving orders to other people. She does not do things for herself. v [B12] be fond of giving orders. -in- n one sent on an errand. ka-an n orders, set of regulations. -l-un(?), -l-un household help, servant. pa-l-un, pa-l-un(?) v [A13] hire oneself out as a servant.

*sug-u pa- v [A; b6] 1 do s.t. with dark looks in order to hurt or put to shame s.o. who ought to do it or at least help do it. Nagpasug-u ang agÁlun pagpanglaba, The mistress is doing the laundry to put her servant to shame. 2 do s.t. bad for oneself in order to spite s.o. and make him feel he was the one that led the agent into doing it. Nagpasug-u siyag inum-Ínum sukad nÍmu bulagi, He started drinking for spite since you left him. pahiN- = sug-u, v2.

sugub1 v [B3(1)6; b6] sprout from the earth or skin. Misugub (nagsugub) na ang Ákung pugas mais, The corn I sowed has sprouted. Gisuguban na ang Íluk nga Íyang giibtan sa balhÍbu, Hair has sprouted in her armpit where she had pulled it out. n new growths of hair, feathers, or sprouts from the earth.

sugub2 = sugud.

sugud n sting of an insect. v [A; b5] for poisonous insects to bite leaving a stinger in the thing bitten. TÁnga ang misugud sa Ákung bÁbuy, A scorpion bit my pig.

sÚgud v [A; b5] start, begin s.t.; begin doing s.t. NagsÚgud ug kapakpak ang pintal, The paint is starting to flake off. Sugdun (sugdan) nÁtÙ ug limpiyu dinhi, Let us start cleaning here. n start, beginning. Ang hagwÀ mauy sÚgud (sinugdÁnan) sa Áway, Horseplay is the beginning of a quarrel. SÚgud ugmÀ wÀ nay byÁhi sa Buhul, Starting tomorrow there will be no more trips to Bohol. sugudsÚgud v 1 [A13; b6] start s.t. with no intention of finishing it. NagsugudsÚgud ka man ug tÚkud ug balay nga walÀ ka may kwartang ikagastu, You are starting to construct a house when you don’t have money to finish it. 2 [b6] begin s.t. with a slow start. sinugdan, sinugdÁnan n 1 start, beginning. 2 beginning from which s.t. results.

sÚguk v 1 [A; c1P] for liquid to rush and gather s.w. Ang tÚbig sa mga sapÀ musÚguk ngadtu sa dÁgat, The water from the streams rushes into the sea. GipasÚguk (gisÚguk) nÍla sa lungug ang tÚbig, They let the water rush into the hole and gather there. 2 [A2; b4] for blood to rush to the heart or head. Ang mamatay sa alta prisiyun ingnun nga gisugÚkan sa dugÙ sa u, If a man dies of high blood pressure, it is said that he suffered from a rush of blood into the head. 3 [A2; ac] go, bring through a dense growth of vegetation. DÌ ta makasÚguk niÁnang kalibunan, We can not pass through that underbrush. n — sa dugÙ rush of blood.

sugung1 n a liquid container fashioned out of a section of a bamboo stem, the node of which serves as the bottom. v 1 [A; a12] make, make into this sort of container. 2 [A; b] get a cutting for propagation and put it in a bamboo section with rooting medium. -in- 1 cuttings propagated in this way, ready for planting. 2 style of cutting trousers with narrow legs.

sugung2 v [B246] become more, grow worse. Misugung siyag kasukÙ pagsugsÚg nÁmÙ, He got angrier when we teased him. KakÚlang sa kÁun ang nakasugung (nakapasugung) sa Íyang sakit, Lack of food made his illness worse.

sugut v 1 [A2; a12] agree to do s.t., acquiesce. Musugut siya ug akuy mupakÚhÀ nÍya sa libru, He will agree to do it if I will send him to get the book. Ug sugtun nÍmu nang matÁnga sa pagbÁhin, maalkansi ka, If you accept that division, you will be at a disadvantage. 1a [A23] agree to let s.o. do s.t. Musugut ba si MÁma mu nga mutan-aw ka ug sini? Will your mother agree to let you go to the show? 2 [A2; a12] accept as one’s fiancee. DÌ siya musugut ni Pidru kay sugarul, She will not say yes to Pedro because he is a gambler. a willing to accept or comply. Sugut kag dÌ ka bahÍnan? Are you willing not to take a share? masinugtÁnun a amenable to requests.

sÚgut n edges all around s.t. Gitamnan ug lubi ang sÚgut sa uma, The farm had coconut trees planted all around the borders.

sugwak v 1 [A; b6] gush out in large quantities. Misugwak ang asu pag-abli nÍya sa pultahan, Smoke gushed out when he opened the door. NagyÁnang ang dÁlan human sugwÁki sa tÚbig, The path is flooded after the water gushed out on it. 2 [A] spread beyond bounds, spill over. Sa amatiyur misugwak ang mga tÁwu didtu sa karsÁda, The audience of the singing contest spilled over into the streets. 3 [A13] for emotions to appear with suddenness and intensity. Nagsugwak ang Íyang kalÍpay, He was overflowing with happiness.

sugyut v [A; c] 1 mention s.t. in a casual manner. Musugyut lang kung Pidru bÁhin sa Ímung tanyag, I will just mention your offer to Pedro casually. 2 suggest, put an idea into the mind. GisugyÚtan ku siya sa paglÚn sa bangku, I suggested that he get a loan at the bank. n 1 thing mentioned casually. 2 suggestion.

sÚhÀ v 1 [C; c1] for objects having length to be in disarray, with the ends pointing in different directions. NagsÚhÀ ang mga bÁtÀ nga nangatÚlug sa katri, The children were asleep on the bed with their heads in all different directions. 2 [A2D; ac] go against, disagree. MakasÚhÀ ka ba sa gustu sa Ímung ginikÁnan? Could you go against your parents’ wishes?

suhÌ a 1 contrary, opposite. SuhÌ sa Ímung pagtÚu siya hinÚuy mitÁbang kanÁkÙ, He helped me, contrary to what you think. 2 for babies to be born feet first. SuhÌ nga pagkatÁwu ang bÁtÀ, The baby was born feet first. v [A1C; c1] put s.t. the wrong way around. Kinsay nagsuhÌ Áning bangkÙ? Who put the bench the wrong way around? NagsÚhÌ ang Ímung sapÁtus, You have your shoes on backwards.

suhid n oil extracted on Good Friday from a coconut growing as the only fruit on a tree. It is said to possess magical powers for curing various kinds of skin diseases. v [c1] treat with suhid. Suhira (isuhid) nang bun-Íha, dÌ ba muhÚnung nag lakaw, Try treating that ringworm with suhid. See if it doesn’t stop spreading.

sÚhid v 1 [A; a12] copy, mimic. SuhÍra ang mÁpa sa libru, Copy the map in the book. Sayun ra ning baylÍha ug suhÍrun lang nÍmu ang Ákung lÁkang, This dance is easy if you follow my steps. 2 [A1; a12] watch s.t. intensely while it recedes out of view. SuhÍra giyud siya arun hibaw-an nÁtÙ hÁin balÁya siya misulud, Watch him carefully so we will know what house he went into. 3 [A3; a12] retrace a course one has just passed. NagsÚhid ku sa Ákung giagian kay nahÚlug ang Ákung pitÁka, I am going back the way I came because I dropped my wallet. 4 [A; a12] scan, search thoroughly. Pulis ang nagsÚhid sa Ílang kalawÁsan, The police searched their bodies thoroughly. Ílang suhÍrun ang mga lasang sa Mindanaw, They will explore the forests of Mindanao. suhiran a given to copying or imitating.

suhildu = swildu.

suhÍtu1 = swÍtu.

suhÍtu2 n unmarried member in a group of brothers and sisters. Tulu nay naminyÙ. Usa na lay suhÍtu, Three are married now. Only one is left unmarried.

sÚhul v [A; c] hire for wages, pay a certain wage. MusÚhul ku nÍmu ug pÍsus matag adlaw, I will pay you a peso a day. NagsÚhul ku ug panday, I hired a carpenter. n wages. PÍlay Ímung sÚhul adtung trabahÚa, How much were you paid for that work. -in-an n workers paid on a wage basis. pa-(?) v [A] work on a hired basis. Kay wÀ ka may grÁdu ÍgÙ ka lang magpasuhul, Because you don’t have an education, all you can do is unskilled labor.

suhung, sÚhung v [B12; b6] for charms and magical powers to become ineffective. Napildi ku kay nasuhung (nasÚhung) ang Ákung bangil, I lost because my amulet has become ineffective.

suhup v 1 [APB; a12] for liquids to penetrate or percolate into s.t., cause them to do so. MawÁlÀ ang lim-aw ug musuhup (masuhup) na ang tÚbig sa yÚtÀ, The pool will disappear when the water seeps into the ground. TintÀ nga suphun dÁyun sa barut nga papil, Ink that is readily absorbed by cheap paper. 2 [A2; a12] for feelings to get into one’s being. Dakung kalÚuy nga misuhup sa Ákung dughan, Great pity that permeated my heart (lit. permeated into my heart). suhupsuhup v [A3N; b(1)] permeate throughout. Ang Íyang dugÙ misuhupsuhup (nanuhupsuhup) sa Íyang Áping, The blood in her vessels penetrated through to the skin so that you could see them in her cheeks. Ang lÁla sa uhÍpan nakasuhupsuhup na sa Ákung lÁwas, The poison of the centipede has penetrated through my body.

suhut v [A; a] clean an area by cutting down trees and weeds. Suhutun ku ning mga tanum nga nakaÁwung sa gardin, I’ll clear off the plants that are shading the garden. -anan(?) n place to be cleared.

sÚhut v 1 [A; a12] go into or pass through a place, esp. with tall trees or grasses. Pagbantay sa limÁtuk ug musÚhut mu sa lasang, Watch out for leeches when you go through the forest. 2 [A2; b6] enter a trap under water. GisuhÚtan ang bÚbÙ ug pawÍkan, The fish trap caught a sea turtle. n catch from a fish trap. kusug, walay — (ang bÁling) having a brisk (slow) business (lit. having lots of [no] catch in the net). NagmÍngaw Ílang tindÁhan. Way sÚhut ang bÁling, Their store is deserted. Business is slow. Kusug kaÁyu ang sÚhut. NagkapulÍkÌ siyag atindir sa Íyang kustumir, Business is good. She is very busy attending her customers. (?) bÁgun n 1 s.o. whose origin is not known. 2 vagabond, one who just roams about and does nothing. v [B1] be, become an idle wanderer. Nagsuhut bÁgun nang tawhÁna kay tapulan man mangÍtag trabÁhu, That man became a vagabond because he’s too lazy to look for work. suhutsÚhut v [A2N; b(1)] for odors to diffuse, be present in a diffuse way. Alimyun sa bÚlak nga musuhutsÚhut (manuhutsÚhut) sa huyÚhuy, The fragrance of flowers diffused by the breeze. Karning may tambuk nga nanuhutsÚhut sa unud, Meat with fat running throughout it. paN- n muscular ache resulting from exposure to damp or draft, esp. during sleep. v [A23P; b5] get muscle ache. Lagmit makapanÚhut ang pagkatÚlug nga dÍlÌ maghÁbul, Sleeping without a blanket can cause muscle ache.

suik a diagonal, oblique thrust. v [A; a12] execute a stroke or throw from an angle. Suikun nÁkÙ pagbundul arun maigÙ ang bÚnga, I will poke at the fruit from an angle so it will fall.

sÚka v 1 [A2S; c] vomit. GisÚka sa pasyinti ang tambal, The patient vomited out his medicine. 2 [A2] squeal, divulge a secret. MisÚka na ang mangunguut ug nahibalu ta ug kinsay Íyang kaÚban, The pickpocket squealed and we know who his companions were. n vomit, the contents expelled from the stomach. — kalÍbang n intestinal disorder of vomiting combined with diarrhea. v [A13P] be affected with this disorder. kasukaun a feel like vomiting.

sÚkÀ n vinegar. v [A12B12; a12] become, make into vinegar. NagkasÚkÀ na ang tubÀ, The palm toddy is becoming vinegar. (?) [A; b6] season s.t. with vinegar. ka- v [A13] get vinegar all over it.

sukad — sa [dat.] 1 from s.w. Sukad sa Íla nganhi may mga dusintus mitrus, It’s about two hundred meters from their house to here. 2 since, from [dat.] on forward. Sukad karun dÌ na giyud ku makigsulti nÍmu, From now on I will never speak to you again. Sukad niadtu, From that time on. Sukad pa sa alas utsu kung hinulat nÍmu, I have been waiting for you since eight o’clock. — mabakÌ since birth (humorous). — masukad 1 in negative statements: never ever. WÀ pa giyud ku makakitÀ ug babÁyi ingun kagwÁpa sukad masukad, I have never, in all my born days, seen a woman so beautiful. 2 since, far back beyond the reach of memory. Dinhi na ang Ílang katigulÁngan sukad masukad, Their ancestors have been here since the beginning of time. v 1 [A13N; b6N] start, originate from. Tan-Áwa ug unsang kuniksiyÚna ang gisukaran (gipanukaran) Áning alambrÍha, See where this wire originates. 2 [AN; b6] rest on, be based on a certain support. DÍlÌ untÀ muun-un ang balay ug didtu pa makasukad (makapanukad) sa batu nga tiÚnay, The house would not have sagged had it rested on bedrock. 2a [A13N; cN] base, found. Tubag nga gisukad (gipanukad) sa usa ka katarÚngan nga dÍlÌ malÁlis, An answer based on an indisputable reason. paN- v 1 [A2; b6] start movement from a certain point. Ang prusisiyun adtu manukad sa kapilya, The procession will begin at the chapel. 2 have a foothold on s.t. DÍlÌ ka makadusÙ kay balas ang Ímung gipanukaran, You can’t push because you are standing on sand. 2a [A2] get a good foothold, steady oneself. Nanukad siya ÚsÀ muluksu, He steadied himself before he leapt. n 1 poise, standing posture. Ang trÁtu ni Iyay may panukad labi na kay taas ug gwÁpu, Eyay’s boy friend has poise, esp. because he is tall and handsome. MaÁyu ug panukad ning manÚka hÁyan maÁyung muÁway, The cock has a good posture. Most likely it fights well. 2 way of placing one’s feet while standing, action of gaining a foothold. sukarÁnan, panukarÁnan n 1 base, s.t. which supports or sustains s.t. immaterial. Ang Ímung pangatarÚngan walay sukarÁnan (panukarÁnan) sa balÁud, Your reasoning has no basis in law. 2 runway for airplanes.

sÚkad v 1 [A; a2] take food out of a container or pot and set it on the table. NagsÚkad na si MÁma sa pamÁhaw, Mother is putting the breakfast on the table now. 2 [b6] proffer. GisukÁran siya nÁkÙ sa usa ka madanÍhung pahiyum, I gave her a very engaging smile. sukaran, sukarÁnan n round platter to hold rice and corn. — nga bastus = sukaran.

sukalsukal v [B1456] be overflowing in fulness. Nagsukalsukal sa kapunÙ ang hÚngut sa tubÀ, The toddy glass is overflowing with toddy.

sukalu n 1 cement foundation under a house. 2 low cement fence surrounding a yard, made to prevent the water from getting inside. v [A; b6(1)] make a cement foundation or low walling around a house.

sukam-ag v [B1236; b8] walk or fall forward onto. Nasukam-ag ku nÍya kay napandul ag Ákung tiil sa batu, I fell forward onto him because my foot tripped on a stone. Mau ning siyÁha Ákung nasukam-Ágan sa ngitngit gabÍi, This is the chair I bumped into last night in the dark.

sukÁmang (from kÁmang) v [B126; b6] fall forward sprawled on the stomach. NasukÁmang siya sa kusug nga sumbag, He fell forward under the impact of the blow he received.

sukÁmud v [B12] fall forward on the ground. NasukÁmud ku kay nakatunub ku ug pÁlut sa sÁging, I fell down on my nose because I stepped on a banana peel.

sukÁrap v 1 [B1216] stagger and then fall. Didtu siya masukÁrap sa suuk dihang nabunalan ang Íyang Úlu sa ulÍsi, He was pummeled by a cane and he staggered and fell into the corner. 2 [B12S6] grope around. Nagsukarap ku nga nagsaka sa hagdan sa ngitngit, I groped my way up the stairs in the dark. 2a [B12S6; b8] bump into s.t. in the dark. Silyay Ákung hisukarapan sa ngitngit, I bumped into a chair in the dark.

sÚkat v [AN; b] confront s.o. to make him prove or disprove s.t. which he previously said. Mu ra tag mabastus ug musÚkat (manÚkat) tag tabÌ, It makes you cheap when you confront a gossipmonger to prove or disprove his allegations.

sukbut v [A; c1] join by letting the edges touch each other. Nagsukbut kug upat ka sÍya nga katulgan, I put four chairs together to sleep on.

sukdip v [B6; c1] for the eyes to roll upward so that only the white can be seen. Misukdip ang mata sa bÁtang gihilantan, The eyes of the child with high fever were turned upward into his head.

sÚki v 1 [A; b6] for horses to prance and refuse to pull or be ridden. 2 [A2; b(1)] defy a command or authority. MisÚki ang mga kadÍti kay istriktu ra kaÁyu ang sarhintu, The cadets rebelled because the commandant was too strict. MisÚki na giyud kining Ákung lÁwas sa tambal, My body seems to be rebelling against the medicine. masukÍhun a of a disobedient, rebellious sort. sukihan a 1 given to prancing and refusing to pull. 2 rebellious in behavior. 3 for hair to be unmanageable. v [B1256] be, become given to rebelliousness.

sÚkÌ n steady customer or seller. short form in address: . Ákung sÚking butÍka, The drug store I always buy at. v [A2C; a2] be in the sÚkÌ relation, i.e. that of a seller and buyer. MagsÚkÌ na ta. DÌ ku mupalit sa lÁin, From now on I’ll be a steady customer of yours and I won’t buy from anyone else.

sÚkib a lower in elevation than the surroundings. Anhi magtÍgum ang tÚbig kay sÚkib kaÁyu ning lugÁra, Water collects here because this place is very depressed. v [B1; a12] be, become depressed.

sukip v 1 [A; c] include s.t. together with s.t. sent. Isukip ring dukumintu sa Ímung aplikisyun, Enclose this document with your application. 1a [A13] for a legal document to include a special clause. Ang kuntrÁtu nagsukip sa mÁtang sa pagbÁyad, The contract stipulates the manner of payment. 2 put closely in between two things or inside s.t. Sukipi nang bulsa ug sÁpÌ, dÌ ba mulusut ang papÍlis, Put a little money in his pocket and see if the papers don’t get processed immediately.

sukit v [A; a1] ask a question that requires a specific answer. Sukita siya kun hÁin ang kwarta, Ask him where the money is. sukitsukit v [A; a12] interrogate, pester with questions. Sukitsukitun nÁtÙ siya bÁsin ug mutug-an sa kadugÁyan, Let’s keep pestering him with questions in hopes that in the end he talks. hiN- a inquisitive. Hinukit ning batÁa mu ra ug sayun tubagun ang Íyang mga pangutÁna, This child is very inquisitive as though his questions were easy to answer.

suklat v [b4(1)] be struck accidentally with the end of a stick or finger. Nasuklatan ang Ákung tuu nga mata sa Íyang tudlÙ, He accidentally poked his finger in my eye.

suklay = sudlay, n, v1, 2, paN-.

suklÌ n change given after paying for a purchase with a larger bill. v 1 [A; c] give s.o. his change. 2 [A2; b6] answer back, give back talk. MusuklÌ ka man ug kasab-an, You talk back when you are scolded. 3 [A23; c] do s.t. in return. GisuklÍan kug kidhat ang Íyang pahiyum, I winked at her when she smiled at me. -in-ay v [C] do back and forth to each other. n action of doing back and forth. SinuklÍay sa binutubutu sa mga pusil, The exchange of gunfire.

sukmag v [A; a12b2] box with the fist. Hingsukmagan ang Íyang apapÁngig ug nawad-an siya sa panimÚut, He was hit in the jaw and lost consciousness. n blow with the fist. -ay(?), -in-ay(?) n fistfight. v [C] have a fistfight.

sukmat v [AN; b5] 1 confront s.o. asking him about s.t. SukmÁtan (sukmÁtun) ku siyag tinÚud ba, I’ll confront him and ask him if it is true or not. 1a ask s.o. whether or not he intends to do s.t. Nagpanukmat siyag muadtu ba giyud ku, He kept asking me if I would really go. Ug sukmÁtun kag sumbagay, ayaw ug sÚkul, If s.o. challenges you to a fight, don’t take him on. n act of confronting s.o. with a question or challenging s.o.

sukmil = sikmul, n, v2.

suknÀ v [A; a2] press a person for an answer on whether or not he intends to do s.t. Ayaw kug suknÁa. Ingnun ta ra kag mupalit ku, Don’t press me. I’ll tell you if I intend to buy one. n question ascertaining the permissibility or feasibility of s.t.

suknib v 1 [A; b6(1)] set s.t. on fire. Akuy misuknib sa mga sagbut sa baul, I set fire to the pile of grasses in the field. 2 [A; b] incite s.o. to do s.t. bad. Ikaw bay nagsuknib sa Íyang kalÁgut? Did you incite him to anger?

suksuk v [AB; c] go or put s.t. into or in between s.t. else. Misuksuk ang bÁtÀ sa bilahan sa Íyang inahan, The child snuggled between her mother’s legs. Kinsay nagsuksuk sa kÁlÙ luyu sa pyÁnu? Who stuck the hat behind the piano?

sukÙ a angry, mad but not such that one is impelled to take action. Labihang sukÚa nÍya pagkadungug sa balitÀ, He got real mad when he heard the news. v [B12; ab3(1)c5] be, get angry. MasukÙ ku ug mamakak ka, I will get angry if you tell a lie. Gikasuk-an ku ni PÁpa kay nawÁlÀ ang libru, Daddy got mad at me because I lost the book. masuk-Ánun a full of anger. v [A13] be angry. ka- n anger. DÍlÌ magdÚgay ang Íyang kasukÙ, His anger won’t last.

sÚkub v [C12] for s.o. who ought to receive less to try to get an equal share. Ang anak sa gawas nakigsÚkub sa mga tinÚud anak bÁhin sa irinsiya, The illegitimate child wanted to have a share of the inheritance equal to that of the legitimate children.

sukud v 1 [A; a2] take measurements. Nagsukud kug pila ka dupa ring pÍsÌ, I am measuring how long this piece of rope is. Gisukdan akug karsÚnis, I had the measurements taken for my pants. 2 [A13C; a12] test ability against each other. Nagsukud lang tu siya sa Ímung pasyinsiya, He was just trying you to see how patient you were. MagsÚkud ta ug kinsa giyuy Ísug nÁtÙ, Let’s have it out which of us is the bravest. Sukdun nÁkÙ ang Ímung ginhÁwa ug muagwanta ka ba, I will test your mettle to see if you can take it. 3 [A12SN; b6] distribute land grants. Nanukud ang gubyirnu ug yÚtÀ Álang sa mga bitirÁnu, The government is distributing parcels of land to the veterans. 3a [A12] receive a land grant. 4 [C3; b6] be of the same size of fit. NagsÚkud ang Ámung sapÁtus, Our shoes are of the same size. n 1 the measurements of s.t. Unsay sukud sa Ímung sapÁtus? What size of shoes do you wear? 2 extent to which s.t. is done (literary). Way sukud sa bÁwus, Revenge that knows no limit. 3 land grant distributed by the government. sukdanan n 1 thing on the basis of which other things are measured: stick, cup, and the like. Ang kaangÁyan mau untay sukdanan sa Átung panglÍhuk, We should use fairness as the yardstick for our actions. 2 = sukud, n2. mag-r-(?), maN-r-(?) sa yÚtÀ n land surveyor. paN- n meter of verse. Ang Íyang mga bÁlak kanÚnay nga naghambin sa panukud, His verses are always with meter. -in- a measured, slow and deliberate. Sa sinukud nga lÁkang, With measured steps. hiN-, kahiN- v [A13] for s.t. to be properly done. DÍlÌ magkahinÚkud ang Ákung kÁun ug nÁay maghilak, I can’t eat properly if there is s.o. crying.

sukul n young mushroom that has not opened yet. v [A2; b6] 1 gather young mushrooms. 1a add or mix young mushrooms to s.t. 2 [AN] have body growths protruding on the skin. Nanukul na ang Íyang dughan, Her breast has developed now. Gisuklan ang Íyang nawung sa dagkung bugas, She has big pimples on her face. Way limpiyu ang nakasukul (nakapasukul) nÍmu, Your unsanitary habits caused you to have pustules.

sÚkul v 1 [A2; b] fight back against, stand up. Sa sumbagay musÚkul siya kang bisan kinsa, He will stand up to anyone who challenges him to a fight. PagsÚkul sa ginikÁnan kanang pagtubagtubag, You are rebelling against your parents when you talk back. 1a [A23] react, snap back into place as if offering resistance. BÍsan ug unsÁun ug dukduk musÚkul, No matter how much I pound it, it snaps back into place. 1b play against or engage in any activity where people are pitted against each other. Suklan ta kag tÍnis bisan anus-a, I’ll take you up on tennis any time. 1c tackle s.t. to be accomplished. Way misÚkul sa tambuk, No one had the stomach to take the pork fat. 2 resist, endure. MusÚkul sa Ínit sa adlaw ning pintÁla, This paint resists the heat of the sun. 2a endure and do the same in return. Ayaw siya ug kumidiyÁhi kay dÌ siya musÚkul ug kumidiya, Don’t rib him because he can’t take jokes. 3 — sa kÁbu [A2] be rebellious. HÚnit ang prumusiyun sa magtutudlung musÚkul sa kÁbu, It takes a long time for a rebellious teacher to get promoted. — dÁgan n guerrilla warfare. SÚkul dÁgan ang gigÁmit nga inawayan sa mga sundÁlung Pilipinhun bÁtuk sa Hapun, The Filipino soldiers used guerrilla warfare against the Japanese. v [A2] employ guerrilla warfare. paN- v [A23] for gamecocks to be in a state ready to contend in a cockfight. BÍsan ug tulu pa ka bÚlan nga sunÚya manÚkul na, This rooster is only three months old, but he is ready to contend in a cockfight.

sukut v 1 [A; a12] ask a question regarding s.t. specific. Misukut ang maistra, The teacher asked. Suktun ku siya bÁhin sa Ímung hangyÙ, I will ask him regarding your request. 2 [AN; b5] ask to collect payment. Akuy musukut (manukut) sa Íyang Útang, I’ll ask him to pay me his debt. 3 [A; c] ask a certain price. Gisuktan kug mahal sa tindÍra, The salesgirl charged me a very high price. 4 [A; b5] challenge to a fight. Gisuktan aku nÍyag Áway, He challenged me to a fight. sukutsukut v [A; a12] make inquiries in great detail. Dinhay mga imbistigadur nga misukutsukut bÁhin sa buhis, There were investigators that made inquiries regarding the taxes. maN-r- n bill collector. masuktÁnun a questioning.

sukwahÌ contrary. SukwahÌ sa Ímung pagtÚu, ang anak sa gawas may bÁhin sa irihinsiya, Contrary to what you believe, the illegitimate child gets a share of the inheritance. Ang Ímung gibÚhat sukwahÌ kaÁyu sa maÁyung pamatÁsan, What you did is very much against good manners. v 1 [B56] be contrary, backwards. NagkasukwÁhÌ ang Ámung mga hunÀhÚnÀ, Our ideas are opposed to one another. Ang pÍsa nasukwahÌ nÍmu ug butang, You put the piece in backwards. 2 [B5; a12] be in error. NasukwahÌ ang katapÚsan mung tubag, Your last answer was in error.

sul1 n name of a dance or music for it. v [A] do this dance.

sul2 n the note sol.

sÚla n unopened terminal stem of plants that are sharp, e.g. of cogon or lagnub. sulÁhan n k.o. nose fish, a delicious fish with a sharp projection in front of the eyes: Naso spp.

sulÀ1 v [A; b6(1)] eat s.t. together with the staple. Asin ray Ámung gisuwÀ, The only thing we had to go with our rice was salt. n = sud-an. sud-an n s.t. eaten with the staple. v [A; a12] use to eat with one’s staple. Laming sud-Ánun ang sikwÁti, Chocolate is good to eat with your rice. panud-an v [A2] search for or obtain s.t. to eat with one’s food. Ari mi sa tyanggi kay manud-an mi pÁra sa panihÁpun, We’re off to the market to look for s.t. to go with the rice for supper. n action of searching for food to go with the rice. sud-anun n things to be cooked for the food to go with the rice. ig-l-(?) = sud-an, n.

sulÀ2 v [B1456] stare blankly. NagsulÀ lang ang mata sa tÁwung nasakit ug amnisya, The amnesia victim is staring blankly.

sÚlÀ = sÚla.

sulab n blade, cutting edge of an instrument. v [A13; b6] put or make a blade.

sÚlab v [A3P; b4] cause one to be addicted or crazy over s.t. Ang madyung makasÚlab (makapasÚlab) sa tÁwu, It is easy to get addicted to mahjong. GisulÁban ka na sa pagtabakÙ sa upyum, You are already addicted to smoking opium.

sulÁbi see labi.

sulad, sÚlad n hell, a place of much wickedness and turmoil. v [B126] wind up in hell. -nun a evil. Suladnun kang pagkatÁwu, You are a devilish man. v [B12] become devilish.

sulagmÀ (not without l) a chance, coincidence. Usa lang ka sulagmÀ nga nag-Ábut mi karun dinhi, It is a coincidence that we met each other here today. v [A12; b8] do s.t. correctly by coincidence. SalÁmat nga nakasulagmÀ ku sa pagtubag sa pangutÁna, Thank heavens, I chanced to answer the question correctly.

sulambÌ n 1 an extension to a house, appended to a side or end, usually used for storage. 2 paramour. v [A; c1] make an extension room for the house.

sulaminti (not without l) 1 one’s very own, [so-and-so] oneself. Sulaminting mga ginikÁnan nÍya nagpakabuta bungul sa Íyang kalisud, His very own parents turned a deaf ear to his needs. 2 the only one. Sulaminti nga anak, An only child. 2a walÀ — not even a single one. Way sulaminting usa ka dÍyut ang Íyang gitÁbang nÁkÙ, He didn’t give me a bit of help, not a half a cent. Way sulaminting paryinti nga midÚul sa minatay, Not a single relative came to stay by the corpse.

sulampatid (from pÁtid) v [B6; a12] walk snagging one foot on the other. Nagsulampatid si Duruy kay hubug siya, Doroy kept catching his feet on each other because he was drunk.

sulang n chin and jaw bones. -un(?) a having a prominent jaw and chin bones.

sulanggÀ = kalamantÍgÌ.

sulÁpid v 1 [A; a12] braid, plait. 2 [B2S] walk crossing the feet over each other. Íning dÁpit sa sÁyaw ang lÁkang magsulÁpid, In this part of the dance the feet cross over in front of each other. 3 — ang dÍlÀ [B] be inarticulate in speech. Sa nagkahubug ku nagkasulÁpid (nagkasulapid) Ákung dÍlÀ, The drunker I got, the more inarticulate my speech became.

sular n yard or lawn immediately contiguous to the house. v [A12; a2] have an open space next to the house for a lawn. Makasular kag dakÙdakÙ niÍning gidak-Úna sa lÚti, With this size of a lot you can have a good-sized space for a yard.

sulat v 1 [A; c] write s.t. NgÁnung gisulatan man nÍmu ang bungbung, Why did you write on the wall? PagkÚhÀ ug papil ug isulat ri, Get a piece of paper and write this down. 2 [A; a] write a letter, story. ÁkÙ pang sulatun ring Ákung humwurk, I still have to write out my homework. Gisulatan siya nÁkÙ, I wrote him a letter. n 1 letter, mail. 2 written or printed message. (?) n entry of the parties’ name into marriage records. pa-(?) v [A1] have entries made for marriage records. -anan(?) n writing desk. ka-an(?) n 1 collection of writings. balÁang — Holy Scriptures. 2 set of written records. mag-r-(?) n writer. paN- n writing as an avocation or profession. tag-, tag-(?) n author.

sulatuk v [A13] stare blankly without blinking the eyes. Nagsulatuk lang ang bÚang nga wÀ kasabut, The idiot just stared blankly because he didn’t understand.

sulaw a 1 glaring, shining with a harsh and uncomfortably bright light. Sulaw kaÁyu ang sugÀ sa awtu, His car has glaring headlights. 2 disconcerting, causing loss of composure. Sulaw kaÁyu nga ikÚyug nÁtÙ ang usa ka higÁla nga Átung gikaÁway, It is very disconcerting to have s.o. we just had a quarrel with come along with us. n glare, intensely shining light. Ang sulaw makadÁut sa mata, Glare can damage the eyes. v 1 [A; b6(1)] give off a glare. Musulaw ang lÍnaw inigsÍlang sa adlaw, The pool gives off a glare when the sun shines. Nagsulaw diri nÁkÙ ang ispÍhu ug kasilingan sa adlaw, The looking glass is giving off a glare from the sun. 2 [A123P; b4c5] feel bad about s.t. bad s.o. else did to a third party. Akuy gisulawan sa gibÚhat sa Ákung asÁwa. Siya walÀ magpakabanÀ, I felt bad at what my wife did, but it didn’t bother her. (?) v [C; b3] be on bad terms with s.o., glaring at each other. BÍsan ug nagkasÚlaw ta wÀ man kuy pagdumut nÍmu, Though we have been on bad terms I don’t harbor a grudge against you. ka- n 1 = sulaw, n. 2 bad relationship.

sulay v 1 [A; b6(1)] try doing s.t. Sulayan ta ug paandar ang makina, Let us try starting the engine. Isulay ring sapatÚsa ug maarang ba, Try putting these shoes on to see if they fit. 1a put s.t. to a test. Ang Diyus dÍlÌ musulay nÁtÙ labaw sa Átung maantus, God doesn’t try us beyond what we can bear. Gisulayan ta lang kag kahibÁwu ba giyud ka, I was only testing you whether you really were good at it. 2 [a3] get s.t. distasteful, e.g. a beating. Hala, balÍa lang nÀ arun masulay kang pÁpa mu, Go ahead and break that so you can get hell from your father. n 1 try. Sulay lang tung ÁkÙ ug mahÍmÙ ba giyud, I just tried it out to see if I could really do it. 2 expression challenging s.o. in a taunting way to see if he has the guts to do s.t. bad for him or try to prevent him from doing it. MukÁun giyud ka Íni? Suway man ug magkalÍbang, You sure you want to eat it? Watch if it doesn’t give you diarrhea. (?)1 v [C; a12] have it out, clear a matter of contention with a fight. SulÁyun nÁtÙ ug kinsay Ísug nÁtung duha, Let’s have it out to see which of us has guts. paN- v 1 [A23] tempt s.o. to do s.t. he won’t ordinarily have done. DÌ tÀ ku mupalit ÁnÀ apan nanulay siya nÁkÙ pagpalit ug usa lang, I would not have bought it, but he tempted me to buy one. 2 [b6] be possessed of a devil. Gipanulayan nÀ siya dihang patÁbug na siya ug pamusil sa mga tÁwu, He must have been possessed of a devil to shoot indiscriminately at the people. 3 [a12P] get a dose of disciplinary action. Panulayun ta ka nyÀ ug Ímu nang daÚtun, I’ll give you hell if you break that. n devil. Ug luwasa kami sa mga panulay amin. And deliver us from evil. Amen. pag- n 1 trial of one’s virtue. Kining mga hitabÚa mga pagsulay lang sa Átung pagsÁlig sa Diyus, These events are but trials of our faith in God. 2 experiment, testing out of s.t. maN-r-(?) n 1 = paN-. 2 a person who tempts s.o. into doing s.t. bad.

sÚlay2 v [AN; a1] brace, prop s.t. standing to prevent it from collapsing. SulÁyun nÁtÙ ang sÁging arun dÍlÌ matumba sa kabug-at sa Íyang bÚnga, Let’s brace this banana tree before it falls from the weight of its bananas. n brace, prop placed against s.t. vertical.

sulaybagyu n 1 k.o. dwarf banana growing to 4', with a large bunch of fruit similar to the bÚngan, eaten when ripe. 2 hornfish.

sulbad v [A; a12] 1 solve, find a solution or answer. Átung sulbÁrun ning kahimtÁnga kay dÌ ni madala nÁtÙ ug hilakhÍlak, We will find a solution because we cannot get it over with by crying. 2 undo a knot. Nasulbad ang baligtus sa pÍsi, The knot of the rope came undone. n solution to a problem. DÌ siya manug-an sa sulbad sa tanghÁgÀ, He won’t tell us the solution to the puzzle. a solved. sulbaran n swivel in a fishline, a revolving link placed between the line and leader to prevent kinking. kasulbÁran, kasulbarun n solution reached. Walay kasulbÁran ning sulirÁna, There’s no solution to this problem.

sulbar v [A; a12] solve a personal problem or puzzle. DÍlÌ ku masulbar king mga prublÍma ku, I can’t find a solution to my problems.

sulbung v [A; b8] splash up, rise rapidly. Pagbutu sa bumba sa dÁgat misulbung ang daghang tÚbig, When the bomb exploded in the sea, a lot of water splashed into the air. Nagsulbung pa ang asu sa sÚnug pag-abut nÁmÙ, The smoke of the fire was still gushing upwards when we arrived. a for the voice, fever to rise. Singgit sa kahadluk misulbung gÍkan sa nanan-aw, A cry of fear rose from the spectators. Pastilang nakasulbung sa prisyu! My, how the prices have risen!

sulda v [A; a12] solder. n solder. -dur(?) n soldering iron or gun. maN-r- n solderer.

suldÁdu n soldier. v [A13; a12] be, become a soldier.

sÚli v [A; a2b2] 1 look at s.t. to find s.t. out. SulÍha ang pitÁkag dÚna bay kwarta, Look into the wallet to see if there is any money. Hisulihan siya nga patay na, He was found dead. 2 look for s.t. NagsÚli ku sa Ákung kÁbaw nga nakabuhÌ, I’m looking for my carabao which got loose. sulisÚli v [A; a2] peep. Hilabihan nÍyang nakasulisÚli nÍmu sa lyabihÁnan! How he peeped at you through the keyhole!

sulÌ = suhÌ.

sulib v [A; b6(1)] put fire to s.t. Nasakpan na ang nagsulib sa katubhan, They have apprehended the man who set the sugar cane field on fire.

sulibag a crooked, not straight, askew. Sulibag kaÁyu ang Ákung gibadlis, The line I drew is too crooked. v [AB; c1] come out crooked, cause s.t. to do so. Ikay nagsulibag sa linya, You made the line crooked. Musulibag (masulibag) giyud ning Ákung sinulatan ug way linyang subÁyan, My writing comes out all crooked when I don’t have lines to follow. (?) = sulibag, v.

sÚlid1 n small twine, thread of two or more strands twisted together. v [A; a2] make a thread of this sort. -in- = sÚlid, n.

sÚlid2 n name given to fish of the genus Caesio which are rounded (but not so broad as the bilÁsun).

sulÍkat v 1 [A; c1] glare at s.o. with the eyes wide open. MusulÍkat gÁnÌ ku, pahÁwÀ dÁyun, If I glare, better beat it at once. 2 [A2S; c] for the eyeballs to roll up into the forehead. MisulÍkat ang mata sa bÁtang nagkumbulsiyun, The child’s eyes rolled up into his forehead when he had convulsions. (?) a for the eyes to be rolled up into the forehead. Ang tÁwung sulikat ug mata mu rag pirming maghangad, A person with rolled-up eyes always seems to be looking up. n 1 a defect of the eyes where the eyelids don’t close from disease or injury. DÌ siya ilhan ug natÚlug ba kay sulikat siya ug mata, You never know whether he is asleep or not because his eyes don’t close. 2 one with such an eye defect. v [B1256] get this defect.

sulimaw a having one eye looking off in a direction it shouldn’t, e.g. when one has one weak eye which fails to move. v [B; c1] develop this defect.

sulimbad a having the eyes in the wrong position in the head: crossed, rolled upwards, one eye out of focus, and the like. v [B; c1P] get this defect. Musulimbad ang Íyang mata ug makuyawan siya, She becomes cross-eyed when she gets scared. Gisulimbad nÍya ang Íyang mga mata timÁan nga wÀ siya makaayun, He rolled his eyes up as a sign that he did not like it.

sulimni a solemn ceremony or event. v [B126; c1] for an event to be made solemn. Masulimni giyud ang ukasiyun sa paghandum sa Átung mga bayÁni, It should be a solemn occasion when we remember our heroes. mÍsa — see mÍsa.

sulindir = surindir (colloquial).

sÚling v 1 [AN2; a12] peep. Ang tÁwu nga musÚling (manÚling) sa lyawihÁnan way batÁsan, A person who peeps through keyholes has no manners. 2 [A; a12] peer, look closely at s.t. to examine it. SulÍnga ang Ágig kang kinsa nÀ, Look at the handwriting to see whose it is. sulingsÚling v [A13] look with careful attention from a distance. TÁwung nagsulingsÚling sa gÍt, A man standing at the gate, peering inside.

sulÍnga v [AN; c1] 1 look askance with contempt or anger. NasukÙ tu siya nÍmung nanulÍnga man? Why did she look at you with scorn? Was it that she was angry with you? 2 make faces at s.o. jokingly. MisulÍnga siya nÁkÙ dihang giingnan nÁkÙ siyang gwÁpa, She made a face at me when I told her she was pretty. 3 [A; b6] growl in distrust or disobedience. MusulÍnga siya ug pakab-un ug tÚbig, He will growl if he is told to fetch water. masulingÁhun a having a scorning or disbelieving look on the face. Hilum, apan masulingÁhun kaÁyu siyang namÁtÌ sa diskursu, He was quiet, but he listened to the speech with disbelief all over his face.

sulÍpat1 v [A; c1] glower at s.o. to show anger or disapproval. ÁkÙ siyang gisulipÁtan kay nagsÁbÀ man, I glowered at her because she was being noisy.

sulÍpat2 v [A; c] blink the eyes in the water to remove a foreign body lodged in it. Ákung gisulÍpat ang Ákung mata sa tÚbig arun pagkÚhÀ sa puling, I blinked my eyes in the water to remove the speck in them.

suliping, sulÍping 1 = salipÌ. 2 = saliping.

sulip-it = salip-it.

sulÍrab v [A2P; c] glower, stare fiercely with an angry frown. GisulirÁban sa kapatas ang mga kaminÍru nga nagpataypÁtay, The foreman glowered at the street cleaners that were dilly-dallying on the job.

suliran n problem, an unsettled condition or situation that requires a solution. Suliran nÁkÙ ang pagpakÁun sa Ákung pamilya, It is a problem for me to feed my family. v [A13] have a problem.

sulÍrap1 v [A23] for the eyeballs to move up so that they are almost hidden by the upper eyelid. Basta taas ang hilÁnat, musulÍrap ang mata, If the fever is high, the eyeballs move up into the forehead.

sulÍrap2 n matting made out of woven coconut palm fronds. v [A; a12] weave coconut fronds into matting.

sulÍrat v [AB6; c1] for the eyes to open wide in anger; cause them to do so. MihÍlum ang mga bÁtÀ dihang Ákung gisulirÁtan, The children kept quiet when I glared at them.

sulisilit v [A13; a12] solicit contributions (humorous—from sulisit).

sulÍsit v [A; a12] solicit contributions, donations. Nagsulisit ang maistrag hinÁbang sa nasunÚgan, The teachers were soliciting contributions for the fire victims.

sulisitadur a prying or maliciously inquisitive. Sulisitadur kaÁyung bayhÁna, nangutÁna kun pilay Ákung swildu, What a nosey woman. She asked me how much I earn.

sulisitur hiniral n Solicitor General, an officer of the Justice Department that handles government cases.

sulit v [A; b] set s.t. afire or ablaze. Sulitan nÁkÙ ang kakugnan, I’ll set the grass field on fire.

*sÚlit pa- n test, examination. v [A13] hold an exam.

sulitaryu n 1 solitaire card game. 2 solitaire ring with a single gem. v [A1] 1 play a game of solitaire. 2 wear a solitaire ring.

suliut n k.o. giant clam with yellow coloring around the edges of the mouth.

sulÍut (from lÍut) v [A2; b6] force oneself through a crowd or s.t. similar. MisulÍut siya sa katawhan arun makadÚul sa intablÁdu, She forced her way through the crowd to get near the stage.

sulÍyaw v [A; b6] for a crowd to shout either in applause or derision. MisulÍyaw ang mga tÁwu pagdiskursu sa pulitiku, The people booed when the politician delivered a speech. MisulÍyaw ang mga tÁwu pagkabatÌ sa balitÀ sa kadaÚgan, The people shouted upon hearing the news of victory. n shouts of a crowd.

sulpa n sulfa drugs.

sulpÀ n container for jewelry or important documents used in former times, made of a short bamboo tube, 1–2' long, having another cover of bamboo which fits over it and reaches its base. v [c1] place s.t. in a sulpÀ.

sulput v 1 [A2; b6] issue forth suddenly, pop out of. Misulput ang sungsung ug miÁgay ang sÚkÀ, The stopper popped, and the vinegar flowed out. Misulput lang ang bÁtÀ pag-anak nÍya, The baby just popped out when she gave birth. 2 [A23] leave suddenly, move with speed. NÂy, misulput siya ug mipaÚlÌ nga way tingugtÍngug, Well! He got up and went home without saying a word.

sulsul v [A; b] urge, egg s.o. into doing s.t. bad. GisulsÚlan sa mga iyaan ang mga bÁtÀ sa pagpasÚkul sa Ílang inaÍna, The children’s aunts incited them into rebelling against their stepmother. n urgings, incitement.

sultÁda n a match in cockfights. v [A13] for there to be a cockfight match. Ug magsultÁda ug bayinti sa hÁpun, dÌ na hÍnay ang tÁrÌ, If there are twenty matches in the afternoon, cockfighting is doing all right. sultadur n handler who releases fighting cocks in a match.

sultan n sultan, the name given the chief of some Muslim groups.

sultÁna n a sultan’s wife.

sulti v 1 [A1; c] tell, speak. Way lÁin nga makagsulti bÁhin nÍya kun dÍlÌ ang amahan, No one can say that about him but the father. SultÍan ku pa siya ug musugut ba, I still have to tell him to see if he would agree. Ayaw nag isulti nÍya! Don’t tell him that! 1a [C; abc3] talk s.t. over together. DÚnay makigsulti nÍmu sa tilipunu, S.o. wants to talk to you on the telephone. SultÍun (sultÍhun) nÁtÙ ni. DÌ ta mistil maglÁlis, Let’s talk this out. We don’t have to fight. GipanagsultÍhan pa nÁmÙ ang nahitabÙ, We are still discussing the events. GipakigsultÍhan mu na ba siya? Have you gone to see him to talk it over? Gikasulti ku na si PÁpa, I’ve already talked it over with Dad. 2 [A2] utter s.t., speak. Makasulti na ang Ákung anak, My daughter knows how to talk. 3 [A23] deliver a speech. MaÁyu musulti tung kandidatÚha, That candidate speaks quite well. n 1 word of caution or advice. Usa ka sulti hustu na, One word is enough. 2 thing said as news, gossip. Unsa man nang sulti nga nabÁtÌ ku nga wÀ ka na mutunghÀ? What is that talk I hear that you are not attending classes? 3 speech or talk delivered. Daghang nakasaway sa Ímung sulti, A lot of people criticized your speech. sultisulti v [A13; b6] chat, converse. Nagsultisulti mi bÁhin sa Ámung gradwisyun nga umaÁbut, We are conversing about our forthcoming graduation. n gossip, rumor. Mga sultisulti nÀ nga dÍlÌ katuhÚan kay gÍkan sa mga tabian, That is gossip not worth believing because it originates from the gossipmongers. paN- v [A23] 1 circulate gossip or news. Ikaw may nanulti Ánang tabÍa, You were the one who spread that gossip. 2 speak in a certain way. Sakit kaÁyu siya nga manulti, He speaks in a very hurting way. sultiÁnay, sultihÁnay v [C; c3] have a conversation. n conversation.

sultiÁnan n subject of conversation. Ang nahitabÙ nahÍmung sultiÁnan sa mga tÁwu, What happened became a subject of conversation for the people. hinultihun a talkative. DÌ siya hinultihun ug dÌ pa nÍya sinÁtÌ ang tÁwu, He doesn’t say much if he does not know the person well. v [B12] be, become talkative. ka- n person with whom one is talking. sinultihan n manner of speech, language. panultihun, sultihÚnun n 1 saying, proverb. 2 thing usually said or spoken. Kanang mga pulÚnga mauy panultihun ug tÁwung buangbuang, That is the k.o. thing crazy people say.

sultid bins n canned salted beans. v [A1] have salted beans for food.

sultÍra = sultÍru (female).

sultÍru n single, unmarried male.

sÚlu (not without l) v [A; a12] 1 sing a solo. SulÚhun ku lang ang kanta, I will make this song a solo. 2 do s.t. alone by oneself. MusÚlu lang ku ug trabÁhu kay aku ra may nÍa, I will just work by myself because I am the only one around. 2a sulÚha expression of harsh rejection when s.o. asks for one’s company. ‘Manan-aw tag sini.’—‘SulÚha!’ ‘Let’s go to the movies.’—‘Go by yourself!’ n vocal solo. sulusÚlu v [A1; b5] do s.t. alone. MagsulusÚlu lang kag adtu sa parti? Are you going to the party alone? — plÁyit v [A1] go s.w. alone. MagsÚlu plÁyit siya ig-adtu sa Mindanaw, He will go to Mindanao alone. -wist, -wista n soloist, lead singer or player of a group. v [a12] be, be made the soloist.

sulÙ n torch made of a dry palm frond bound tightly at regular intervals along its length to make it burn slowly. v 1 [A; a12] make into a torch of this sort. 2 [A13; a12] use a torch in doing s.t., or illuminate one’s way with a torch. Sul-un ku tung langgÁma rung gabÍi, I will catch that bird tonight lighting my way with a torch. paN- v [A2; b6] go hunting or fishing at night with torchlight.

sÚlÙ v [A2S] make a sizzling, hissing sound. Ug musÚlÙ ang mantÍkÀ ilÚnud ang sibÚyas, When the fat sizzles, put the onions in. BasÀ ang pabÍlu kay sÍging nagsulÙ, The wick must be wet because it keeps sizzling.

sul-ub v [A; c] 1 insert s.t. into s.t. that it fits into. PalÍhug rag sul-ub ug bÁlik Ánang hÚnus sa lamÍsa, Please put the drawers back into the table. Isul-ub ring argulya sa usuk, Insert this metal ring over the stake. 2 put on, wear. Sul-Úbi ang bÁtÀ sa putÌ nÍya nga sinÍnÀ, Let the child wear her white dress. Isul-ub ang Ímung singsing, Wear your ring. n wedding dress. Malagmit dÍlÌ mahinayun ang kasal ug isukud ang sul-ub, It’s likely that the wedding won’t go through if the bride tries on the gown beforehand.

sulud v 1 [A2; a12] go in, into. DÍlÌ ta makasulud sa sini saylu sa alas nuybi, We cannot get into the movies after nine o’clock. GuwÀ dihÀ sa kwartu kay ug dÍlÌ ka, sudlun ku ikaw, Get out of the room because if you don’t I will go in after you. 1a — sa Úlu [ac] for s.t. to have entered the head. Unsay nasulud sa Ímung Úlu sa pagbÚhat sa ingun? What got into your head to make you do such a thing? Isulud nis Ímung Úlu, ayaw giyud ug lisÚa ning twirkÁha, Get this into your head. Don’t ever turn this screw. 1b [a3] understand s.t. DÍlÌ masulud sa Ákung Úlu ang liksiyun, I cannot understand the lesson. 1c [b8] be pregnant, esp. in the early stages. Sa pagkasal nÍla nasudlan na ang babÁyi, When they were married, the girl was already pregnant. 1d [b8] be under the influence of alcohol. NanghÁgit nas Pidru ug Áway, nasudlan na tingÁli, Pedro was challenging people to a fight. He must be drunk. 1e [A2] for the gears of an engine to engage. Musulud (makasulud) ang primÍra apan dÍlÌ mulyamar, The first gear will engage, but it won’t function. 1f [A2; c6] be sent into a game. MisÚd si Basilan pagkasÍkan hap, Basilan was sent into the game in the second half. 2 [A; b6] enter, take a job as. Musulud siya sa pagkapÁrÌ, He will enter the priesthood. Unsang trabahÚa Ímung sudlan? What k.o. job are you going to take? 3 [A; c] put s.t. inside s.t. else. Nagsulud ku aring mga linata sa kahun, I am putting the canned goods in the box. Isulud ni sa kumÚda, Put this in the drawer. 3a — sa bulsa see bulsa. 3b [A; c6] in weaving: sley, arrange the threads of a warp in a reed. 4 [A2] accommodate, hold. Kining barÍla musulud ug nuybinta ka litru, This barrel will hold ninety liters. n 1 contents. Way sulud ang pitaka, The wallet was empty. 1a capacity to hold. 2 place within. TÚa siya sa sulud sa awtu, He is inside the car. 2a within, inside a period of time. Sulud sa tulu ka tÚig mupaÚlÌ ku, Within three years I’ll go home. Lat-i sulud sa tulu ka Úras, Boil for three hours. — sa bÚyut in the bag, absolutely assured. Sulud sa bÚyut ang Ímung kadaÚgan, Your victory is already in the bag. 2b an extra room in a house: a bedroom or a storeroom. sulud guwÀ v [A; b6] 1 go in and out. NgÁnung nagsulud guwÀ ka man? WÀ kay lÁing lingaw? Why do you keep going in and out? Have you nothing else to do? 2 shift one’s allegations in one’s tack of reasoning. Nagsulud guwÀ kas Ímung sulti maung dÌ ka katuhÚan, You keep changing your story. That’s why no one can believe you. pa- v [A; a2] give a job or recommend s.o. for a job. Pasudlun ta kag trabÁhu iggradwar nÍmu, I’ll arrange for you to get a job when you graduate. suludsÚlud n small room for storage. sudlanan n container. suluran n the reed in weaving, which has the purpose of slamming the weft threads tightly together, so called from the fact that the warp threads go through it. sinudlan n having a filling. Pan nga sinudlan, Bread with a filling baked inside. sudlunun a way back off the road or usual route (lit. a place you have to go into to get to). Sudlunun kaÁyu ang Ílang balay gÍkan sa karsÁda, Their house is far back from the road. v [B1256] be way back from the usual route.

sÚlud n fine-toothed comb with two parallel rows of teeth, used to rid the hair of lice. v 1 [A; a12] comb with the sÚlud. 2 [a12] make into a sÚlud. paN- v [A2] comb one’s own hair with the sÚlud.

sulug n 1 current. Ang kabÁyÙ naÁnud sa sulug, The horse was swept away by the current. 2 onrush of s.t. as if brought with the current. Usa ka sulug sa pagbÁtÌ mikÁnap kanÍya, An onrush of emotion engulfed him. a 1 flowing with a swift current. Sulug kaÁyu ang tÚbig sa subÀ, The water in the river is swift. 2 flowing copiously. v 1 [B2] be, become swift. Masulug man lang ning subÁa sa ting-ulan, This river only becomes swift during the rainy season. Ang musulug nga kasukÙ, The onrush of anger. 2 [b4] have a copious blood flow. Gisulgan siya kay nakuhÁan, She had profuse bleeding because she had a miscarriage.

sulugsÚlug v [A; a1] 1 tease, harass s.o. by irritating actions or remarks, or by poking fun at him. Ayg sugsÚga si MarÍya kay pikun, Don’t tease Maria because she easily cries. 2 annoy, bother with persistence. Sa kahapÚnun ang lamuk na puy musulugsÚlug nÁkÙ, The mosquitoes annoy persistently in the evening. n action of teasing. -an(?) a given to teasing.

suluksuluk n = kutukutu. see kutu.

sulum = pala.

sulumilyu (not without l) n loin of beef or pork, esp. the upper portion.

sulung v 1 [A] see, look at. Musulung ku sa Ímung baligyÀ, Let me take a look at the things you are selling. 2 [cP] show s.t. Isulung (ipasulung) nÁkÙ ninyu ang Ákung bag, I will show you my bag. pa- v [A; ac] show. Íya kung pasulÚngun sa Íyang bag-ung sapÁtus, She’ll let me see her new shoes.

sÚlung1 v 1 [A; a12] set against, attack. SulÚngun nÁtÙ ang Hapun rung gabÍi, We will attack the Japs tonight. 2 [AN2; a12] go s.w. to look for trouble. Ug sulÚngun (sulngun) ka nÍya sa iskuylahan, itug-an siya sa maistru, If he goes to school to pick a fight with you, report him to the teacher. 3 [A2N; a12] go s.w. to do s.t. MusÚlung (manÚlung) ta ug baskit sa TalÍsay, We will go to Talisay to play basketball. n attack. Ang sÚlung idungan sa bumbardÍyu, The attack will be synchronized with the bombardment. dasmag — n rush attack or assault. maN-r-(?) n attacker, invader.

sÚlung2 v [A2] stare directly at s.t. dazzling. Mu ra kag mahÁlap ug musÚlung kas adlaw, You get blinded if you stare directly into the sun. sulnganay, sinulnganay v [C] communicate by looking at each other without exchanging words (literary). Nagsinulnganay (nagsulnganay) si Hisukristu ug ang Íyang Mahal nga Inahan kay dÍlÌ matÚkib sa pÚlung ang Ílang gibÁtÌ, Jesus Christ and His Blessed Mother looked at each other with emotions words could not express.

sul-ung v [A2; b4] for an illness or some personality quirk that recurs ever so often to make its appearance. Musul-ung ang Íyang sÁput kun magdugÙ, She gets her tantrums when she menstruates. sul-ungsul-ung v [A3] recur in intervals.†

sulup a dark, lightless. WÀ kuy nakÍtÀ sa lÁngub kay sulup kaÁyu, I did not see anything in the cave because it was very dark. n 1 early evening, just after the sun has gone down. Sulup na sa paggÍkan nÁkÙ sa bÚkid, It was already dusk when I started home from the mountains. 2 jungle, thicket. bÁbuyng — wild pig. v 1 [B] become dark. Misulup ang lawak sa pagkapÁlung sa sugÀ, The room became dark when the lamp was put out. 2 [A; b6] disappear into the forest or tall grass. Duha ka tÁwu ang misulup sa bagang lugut, Two men disappeared into the thick brush. 3 [b6] be overgrown with brush.

sulusiyun n 1 solution, answer to a problem. Ang sulusiyun sa prublÍma sayun ra, The solution to the problem is very simple. 2 a drug or chemical solution. GipailÍsan nÁkÙ ang sulusiyun sa batirÍya, I had the battery solution changed.

sÚlut1 a giving a piercing look, staring hard. Sulut kaÁyu ug tinan-awan ang Íyang mga mata, His eyes gave a piercing look. v [A2S; b6] look at piercingly. GisulÚtan Ákung bÁtÀ kay nagpabuyag, She stared hard at my daughter because she was being naughty.

sÚlut2 a tightly wound rope. v [a12] be, become, make tight. SulÚtun nÁkÙ pagpÍsÌ arun dÍlÌ dalÌ nga mabugtÙ, I will make the rope tight so it cannot break easily. sutanan n a device used in rope-making having two or three cranks which impart an appropriate degree of twist to the individual strands after which the strands are twisted collectively into the rope.

sul-ut v 1 [A; c6] fit s.t. precisely over, around, or into s.t. else. Sul-Útag plastik ang alambri dikuryinti, Encase the electric wire in plastic. 2 [c6] put s.t. on, wear. Isul-ut ang sapÁtus ug maarang ba, Try on the pair of shoes whether they fit. Kanang putÌ isul-ut sa parti, Wear your white dress to the party. sul-utsul-ut = sal-utsal-ut. see sal-ut.

suluwist, suluwista see sÚlu.

sulyÀ = suylÀ1,2.

sÚm = sulum.

sÚma v [A; a12] total up, reckon the final amount. Kinsay nagsÚma sa pÁtung sa mga sÁpÌ nga gihulaman? Who is reckoning the interest on the money we lent? n figure arrived after calculation. Ang sÚma diri nÁkÙ mil syitisyintus, The sum total I get is one thousand, seven hundred. -da = sÚma.

suma` = sumÁlÀ.

sÚmad n 1 the day exactly one year after a certain event. Ang sÚmad sa kamatÁyun sa Ímung amahan mahiatul ug Byirnis Santu, The day exactly one year after your father’s death will fall on Good Friday. SÚmad niÁ run tÚa na ku sa Amirika, A year from now I will be in America. 1a — nga LÚnis, usa ka simÁna, etc. it was exactly one Monday, one week, etc. after a certain event. SÚmad nga usa ka bÚwan rung pitsa dÚs sukad sa Íyang paggÍkan, On the second it will be exactly one month since he left. 2 anniversary. Ang sÚmad sa Átung kagawÁsan saulÚgun karung Duminggu, The anniversary of our independence will be celebrated this Sunday. v 1 [A2; b8] get to be a week, month, etc. after s.t. MusÚmad na karung LÚnis ang Ákung pagkasakit, It will be exactly one week on Monday since I got ill. 2 [A1; c] celebrate an anniversary. sumadsÚmad v [A; a12] do s.t. yearly. MusumadsÚmad siya ug palit ug awtu kay dÁtÙ siya, He buys a new car every year because he is rich. kasumÁran n birthday. Ása man ta magsaÚlug sa Ímung kasumÁran? Where will we celebrate your birthday?

sumagang n second-class tobacco leaves somewhat smaller than the first class, not perfectly mature, and having minor tears.

sumÁlÀ1 1 according to. NÁa kunuy bagyu sumÁlÀ sa balitÀ, According to the news there’s going to be a storm. 2 [gen.] it’s up to [gen.]. SumÁlÀ gud nÍmu ug muadtu ka ba, It’s up to you whether you go. 2a it is up to you. ‘MangalÍgÙ ba ta?’—‘SumÁlÀ!’ ‘How about going swimming?’—‘It’s up to you.’

sumÁlÀ2 v dÍlÌ mag- regret not doing s.t. which one had been warned to do. Padad-un kag bÁlun, dÌ ka. DÌ ka magsumÁlÀ ug gutmun ka, I told you to bring your lunch, but you didn’t. Now you will regret it if you go hungry.

sumalabit, sumalabits = salumabits.

sÚman n = budbud, v3; n3. v [A1; a12] cook, make into sÚman. — nga hilaw the penis (humorous).

sumÁngil see *sÁngil.

sumarÍnu = submarÍnu.

sumat1 v [A; c] 1 ask for one’s answer. Misumat ang dalÁga sa lalÁki kun kanus-a sila pakasal, The girl asked the man when they would get married. WÀ pa ku makasumat nÍya kun muuban ba siya nÁtÙ, I have not yet asked him whether he would go with us or not. 2 remind s.o. of s.t. Sumati siya sa Íyang sÁad, Remind him of his promise.

sumat2 v [A23N] for an unpleasant characteristic to be due to inheritance from forebears. Kanang kangil-ad sa batÁsan Ánang batÁa tÚa musumat (manumat) sa apuhang babÁyi, That child’s nasty character is inherited from her grandmother.

sumatin n policeman.

sÚmay v [A; a12] repeat what s.o. said. SumÁya ug makadaghan hangtud larÍnu ka na nga mulituk, Repeat it over several times until you can say it fluently. sumaysÚmay v [A; a12] ape, mimic. Ug musumaysÚmay ka sa Ákung sinultian, sukmÁgun ta ka, If you ape my way of speaking, I will strike you.

sumbag v 1 [AN; a12b2] strike with the fist, box. Nagpanumbag siyas bungbung sa kapungut, He banged his fist against the wall in anger. 2 [C; a12] have a fistfight with s.o. n blow with the fist. -ay v [C] 1 = sumbag, v2. 2 — ang kwarta (humorous) have plenty of money. Nagsumbagay ang kwarta Ánang tihÍka, That miser has loads of money. -in-ay(?) n fistfight. Ang sinumbagay dÍlÌ makasulbad sa inyung panagbÁngÌ, Your differences cannot be resolved by fisticuffs. sumbagsumbag v [b5c] dunk, dip food in s.t. to add more flavor to it (humorous). PagkÚhÀ ug unÀ nga Átung sumbagsumbÁgun (sumbagsumbÁgan) sa sÁging, Get some fish paste sauce to dip the cooked bananas into.

sumbalihuk (coined from sumbalik and lÍhuk) n reaction.

sumbalik (from bÁlik) v 1 [A2; ac] bounce back on, boomerang. Misumbalik kanÍya ang batung Íyang gilÁbay, The stone he threw bounced back at him. Ayaw ug bugtawg irung bÚang kay sumbalikun ka, Don’t chase a mad dog because he will turn back on you. Kanang Ímung pangutÁna Ákung isumbalik ug pangutÁna nÍmu, I’m going to turn around and ask you the same thing you asked me. 2 [B26] turn out to be the exact opposite. n the exact opposite. Ang Íyang nawung sumbalik sa linawas kay sa larÁwan, In real life his face is the exact opposite of what it is in the picture. — dasdas n counterattack. v [A; a1] counterattack. Gisumbalik dasdas sa mga Aliman ang atÁki sa mga RÚsu, The Germans counterattacked the Russians.

sumbaling = tumbÁling.

sumban (from *subung) gisumban/sumban/sumbi v make s.t. modelled after s.t. else. RitrÁtu ray Ákung gisumban paggamÀ nÁkÙ Áning dulaÁna, I made this toy by copying a picture. pa- v [b(1)] allow s.t. to go on without doing anything about it, happy that it is being done or resigned to it. Ikaw ray madÁut ug pasumban mu ang Ímung kaliguy, You will suffer if you just allow yourself to drift along doing nothing all the time. Gipasumban lang sa babÁyi ang pagpanghikap sa Íyang hinigugma, The girl just allowed her boy friend to keep on caressing her. -an(?) n 1 model, pattern. Sumbanan ni paghÍmÙ ug mga kartun, This is the pattern in making cardboard boxes. 2 code, regulations on which actions are based. Ang kaangÁyan mauy sumbanan sa Íyang pakigdÁit, He bases his personal relations on fairness. Sumbanang balÁud, Civil Code. 2a basis on which one acts. Panimalus mauy sumbanan sa Íyang panglÍhuk, His actions are motivated by a desire for revenge. -un(?) n s.t. that runs in a family. Ang pagkabÚang sumbanun Ánang pamilyÁha, Insanity is hereditary in that family.

sumbil v [A; c] 1 make a piece of cloth larger by sewing another piece to it. TinÁbas lay isumbil sa ubus arun mataastaas, Just add some remnants to the bottom to make it longer. 2 light one’s cigar or cigarette from s.o. Lisud nga sumbÍlan ang mubÙ nga sigarilyu, It’s difficult to light one’s cigarette on a shorter one.

sumbÍngay n 1 parable, allegory. Ang sumbÍngay sa magpupÚgas, The parable of the sower. 2 hint, s.t. said in asking for s.t. indirectly. v [AP; cP] give hints for s.o. to do s.t., ask for s.t. indirectly. Ákung gipasumbingÁyan (gisumbingÁyan) ang tÁwu nga dÌ na pabalÍkun sa balay, I gave the man hints not to come back to the house again. pa- = sumbÍngay.

sumbrÍya n culvert. v [A13; b6] put or construct a culvert.

sumbuhan n barrel of firearm or ordnance.

sumbung v 1 [A; c] tell on s.o., report. Isumbung ta kang PÁpa, I will tell Father on you. 1a [A2; c] tell s.o. about oneself in private. Ug makasumbung pa lang untÀ ku nÍya ning Ákung gugma, If I could only tell her how much I loved her. 2 [A; b] accuse s.o. in court, file a complaint. Isumbung ta ka ug pangÁwat, I will accuse you of theft. n 1 report, tale s.o. tattled. WÀ panumbalÍnga sa supirintindinti ang sumbung, The superintendent did not heed the report. 2 complaint filed in court. -in- n the accused person. -Íra = sumbungÍru (female). -Íru, mag-r- n tattle-tale, informer.

sÚmil n sawmill.

sumitir v 1 [A; c6] turn in for consideration, submit homework. Unsa mang upisinÁha sumitihan sa aplikisyun? What office will the application be submitted to? Isumitir ang Ímung humwurk run, Submit your homework now. 2 [A23] submit, yield to a stronger force. Dinhay pila ka tÁwu nga walÀ musumitir sa gahum sa kaÁway, There were a few persons that did not submit to the power of the enemy. 3 [A2] agree that a certain thing is right. Walay but-an nga makasumitir Ánang Ímung paÁgi, No sane person could accede to that procedure of yours. 4 [B26; b3] be immensely impressed with s.o.’s ability. a be impressed by s.o.’s ability. Sumitir kaÁyu ku nÍmung mudiskursu, I take my hat off to you for your oratorical ability.

sumpÀ n s.t. to counteract s.t. evil before it happens, usually of a magical nature. SumpÀ sa ulan, S.t. to keep it from raining. SumpÀ sa dÁpaw, S.t. to keep itchy trichomes from affecting one. SumpÀ sa tunglu, S.t. to render a curse ineffective. v [A; a1] render s.t. ineffective, counteract some evil before it happens. SumpÁun ang bÁbuy arun dÍlÌ mahurut sa mamistÁhay, They will put a special charm on the pig so that it won’t be all eaten up at the fiesta. paN- v [A; c] swear, make an oath to do s.t. or that s.t. will happen. ManumpÀ kung tinÚud kini, I swear this is true. GipanumpÀ nÍya nga manimalus siya, He swore he would get revenge. Ayaw ipanumpÀ ang ngÁlan sa Diyus sa pasipÁla, Don’t take God’s name in vain (make oaths in God’s name for light situations). n oath, solemn declaration of truth or one’s intention. ig-l- n = sumpÀ, n.

sumpÁkÌ n disagreement, dispute. DÌ ta na lang painÍtun ang Átung mga sumpÁkÌ, We won’t let our disagreements get heated. v 1 [A23C; b3] contradict, disagree. MusumpÁkÌ giyud nÀ siya sa bÍsan unsay Ákung isulti, He contradicts whatever I say. NagkasumpÁkÌ ang Ámung hunÀhÚnÀ, Our ideas are not in agreement. 2 [C; b3] have a disagreement, small argument.

sumpay v 1 [A; ac] join things together to make them larger. SumpÁyun ta ning duha ka mubung pÍsÌ arun mataas, Let us join these two short pieces of rope together so it will be long enough. Nagsumpay mi sa pantalan ug mga bayinti mitrus, We are adding about twenty meters to the wharf. 2 [A2; b6] add, saying s.t. to s.t. previously said. SumpÁyan pa giyud nÍya ug kumidiya bÍsan ug unsay Ákung isulti, He always adds jokes to whatever I say. n 1 the additional span or length added. 2 succeeding installment of a serial. Ápas — n sequel. Kining sugilanÚna Ápas sumpay sa isturya sa bau ug ungguy, This story is a sequel to the story of the monkey and the turtle. ka- ug tinÁi n brother or sister. ka- sa kasingkÁsing n s.o. close to one’s heart. -in-an(?) n joint, place s.t. has been added or tied to s.t. else.

sumpit = sungpit.

sumpÙ v [A; a12] 1 put an end to s.t. bad. SumpÚun ku nang Ímung pagkatabian, I will put an end to your gossiping. 2 check development. Tambal nga musumpÙ dÁyun sa ubu, Medicine that checks a cough instantly. Kanang bisyÚha makasumpÙ sa tÚbÙ, That vice stunts the growth.

sumpung v [B246; a4] be in one of one’s bad moods, have one’s sickness or fit come over one. Misumpung na sag sÁput ni LÚla kay nagyawyaw man, Grandma must be in one of her ugly moods again because she is grumbling. Gisumpung siya sa Íyang kabÚang, She had her fit of madness again.

sumput = sungput.

sumsum v 1 [A; c2] eat s.t. with drinks. Isumsum (sumsuman) nÁtÙ ning surÍsu ug bÍr, Let’s have sausages with our beer. 2 [b6] be the subject of gossip. Aku na puy gisumsÚman ninyu ug tabÌ, This time I am the subject of your gossip. n 1 thing eaten along with drinks. 2 action of having food with liquor. DÚnay sumsum sa ka Kardu rung gabÍi, There’s going to be drinks with eating at Cardo’s tonight. -ay(?) n eating and drinking spree. -an n 1 = sumsum. 2 subject of gossip. v [A13] have an eating and drinking spree.

sumu1 a for tobacco to burn poorly. Sumu kaÁyu ning tabakÚa ug mabÁlaw tag yupyup, This tobacco is so hard to get to burn, and you go crazy trying to suck on it. v [B126; b6] be slow-burning.

sumu2 a boring, tired of s.t. due to its frequency and repetition. Sumu kaÁyu ning kinabuhÍa! What a boring life this is! Sumu paminÁwun ang sirmun nga gabalikbÁlik. It’s boring to have to listen to the same lecture over and over again. v [b4] be fed up with s.t. Gisumhan ku sa Íyang pangatarÚngan, I was bored with his reasoning. Gisumhan na kug kinÁun ug bÁbuy, I am sick of eating pork.

sum-uk v 1 [A; a2b2] go into a mass of s.t. Nakasum-uk na ang ayruplÁnu sa mga pangÁnud, The plane disappeared into the clouds. Ayaw ug sum-Úka ang kasagbutan kay nÁay sawa dihÀ, Don’t go into the undergrowth because there are snakes. 2 [A2; a12] try, venture into s.t. WÀ ku makasum-uk Ánang mga mÁtang sa panarbÁhu, I have not tried my hand at that k.o. work.

sum-ul a 1 for food to be unpalatable from having been served too often. Sum-ul ang bÁbuyng isÍgig sirbi, You can get fed up with pork if you have it all the time. 2 boring, tiresome. Sum-ul kaÁyung pamatÍun nang isturyÁha, I’m fed up with hearing that story. — ug nawung a having a nice face, but not one so beautiful people can’t get enough of looking at it. v [B1; b6] 1 be, become repulsive and unpalatable. 2 become boring. ka- n feeling of repulsive dislike for food eaten too often.

suna v [A; a12] inquire of s.o. whether he is amenable to s.t., but without putting pressure on him, esp. asking for a second time. Nagsuna si Husi ug mahinayun ba ang piknik, Jose is asking whether the picnic will go on as scheduled.

sÚna n zone, area particularly designated. Ang Sibu gihÍmÙ nga sÚna libri, bisag kinsang tawhÁna makalansar, Cebu has been made a free zone. Anyone may launch his candidacy. v [A13; a12] divide into zones.

sun-ad v [A; c1] 1 boil young corn on the cob. 2 boil root crops or staple food. -in- n 1 boiled young corn on the cobs. 2 any starchy food boiled. sun-arun n the young corn ready for boiling.

sunÁnuy = sunÍtu.

sunÁta n musical number, usually instrumental. Mau rag nakadungug na ku Ánang sunatÁha, It seems as if I have already heard that song. Pagtukar ug sunÁta. Ayaw nang mga bag-ung sunghit, Play a classical number, not one of those new song hits. v 1 [A] play an instrumental number. 2 [A13] for a baby to cry (humorous). NagsunÁta na pud ang anak ni Iska, Eska’s baby is crying again.

sunaup a low, dark, and damp places. v [B12] for an area to be, become depressed and watery. Nasunaup ang Ámung yÚtÀ kay naunlud human sa lÍnug, Our land became depressed and watery because it sank after the earthquake.

sunda1 v [A; a1] insert s.t. having length into a hole or cavity. Gisunda nÍya sa Íyang tudlÙ ang Íyang ilung, He inserted his finger into his nose. Masunda giyud ka ug dÌ ka makaihÌ, You’ll be catheterized if you can’t urinate. n s.t. of any size but with length to insert into s.t., e.g. a catheter.

sunda2 = sÁyud, n, v3.

sundalÍsa n a letter sent by a boy’s parents requesting an audience with a girl’s parents for the formal marriage proposal (pamalÁyi). v [A; b] send this letter.

sundÁlu n 1 soldier. 2 worms found in salted fish preserves (humorous). NÁay daghang sundÁlus ginamus, There are lots of worms in the salted fish. kasundalÚhan n group of soldiers or soldiers in general. Ang Átung kasundalÚhan giila pud nga Ísug, Our soldiers have also shown themselves to be brave.

sundang n bolo, the general name for large knives, machetes, and swords used for heavy cutting work and as weapons. v [a12] make into a bolo. (?) v [a12] strike with a bolo.

sundanun = sandanun. see sandanay.

*sunding see pasunding.

sundug v [AN; a2] copy, follow s.o.’s way of doing s.t. DÌ ku musundug (manundug) sa bag-ung alut, I will not follow the new style of cutting the hair. -in- n s.t. copied or adapted from.

sÚng = sÚlung.

sungad n 1 the upper snout of animals. Sungad ang ikÁlut sa amÚti sa bÁbuy, The pig uses its snout to dig up sweet potatoes. 2 the area around the mouth of a person from the nose to the chin (humorous and derogatory). 3 the point of s.t. Sungad sa dÁru, The tip of the plow.

sungag v 1 [A; a1] horn, strike or butt with the horn. Sungagun ka Ánang kanding ug mudÚul ka, That goat will butt you if you go near it. 1a [C; ac3] for animals to fight with their horns. NagkasÚngag ang duha ka kÁbaw, The two carabaos are goring each other. 2 [A; ac3] ram against s.o. with the head. NapÁwul ang usang buksidur kay misungag sa kuntra, One of the boxers was penalized because he butted his opponent. 2a [A; a1] bulldoze s.t. Sungagun sa buldÚsir ang pangpang human dinamitÁha, After they dynamite the cliff, they will bulldoze it. 3 [AN; a12] hit the jaw with the fist. Makasungag giyud ku run ug magbinÚang ka, I’ll hit you in the jaw if you do anything foolish. 4 [A; a12] go against the wind or current. Ug musungag ta sa hÁngin, dÚgay ta muabut, If we go against the wind, it will take us a long time to arrive. 5 [A12; a12] plane against the grain in wood. DÌ ka makasungag ug sipilya kay dÍlÌ hÁmis ang Ági, You cannot plane against the grain because it won’t come out smooth. (?) n fight between horned animals.

sung-ag = lung-ag.

sungasung v [A; a12] brave adverse weather or conditions to do s.t. or get s.w. NgÁnung misungasung ka mag anhi nga ulan kaÁyu? Why did you brave the downpour to get here? Aku ang misungasung sa mga kasukÙ sa mga ginikÁnan sa babÁyi, I had to face the anger of the girl’s parents.

sÚngay1 n horn. v [AN; ab2] butt, gore. Ug mudÚul ka sa kÁbaw sungÁyun giyud ka, If you go near the water buffalo, you will be gored. -an a 1 animal with horns. 2 the devil. 3 one like a devil. Ag sungÁyan nagpabuyag na sab, The little devil is making a nuisance of himself again.

sÚngay2 n one’s lineal or collateral descendants of the fifth generation: grandchild, grandnephew, or grandniece of a great grandchild, grandnephew or grandniece. apu sa — = sÚngay. apuhan sa — grandparent, granduncle or grandaunt of a great-grandparent, uncle, or aunt.

sung-ay v [A; c16] 1 carry s.o. on one’s shoulder, esp. with legs astraddle the neck. DÌ ku makasung-ay nÍmu kay sakit ang Ákung abÁga, I cannot carry you on my shoulders because they are sore. 2 assume a financial burden, esp. for a political candidacy. Sung-Áyun nÍya ang kandidatÚra ni Kabaybay, He will support Kabaybay’s candidacy.

sungban = sumban.

sunggal v [A; a12] come to disturb or harass s.o. KanÚnayng musunggal sa Íyang kunsinsiya ang dakÙ nÍyang kasal-Ánan, The wrong he had done always disturbs his conscience. Hawu ang nagsunggal sa Íyang manukan, A monitor lizard raided his chicken yard.

sunggat = salunggat.

sunggaw = sunggal.

sunggu n nosebleed. v [B16; a4] suffer nosebleed. Nagsunggu (gisunggu) ang buksidur pagkaigÙ sa ilung, The boxer got a bloody nose when he was hit in the nose.

sunghan n a very itchy k.o. scabies with tiny scales on top. see also sungu.

sunghit, sunghits n booklet in which the words to popular songs are printed.

sÚngÌ1 v [A1; a12] for the teeth of a comb, nails, and other projections that are somewhat flexible to break off. (?) having teeth broken off. IlÁbay nang sudlay nga sungÌ, Throw away that comb with the broken teeth.

sÚngÌ2 v 1 [B126] for the feelings to be hurt. NasungÌ ku sa Ímung gisulti, I was hurt by what you said. 2 [C13; b3(1] have bad feelings toward one another. GikasungÍan nÍla ang pagbÁhin sa yÚtÀ, They had a misunderstanding about the division of the land. a having hurt feelings. SÚngÌ kaÁyu Ákung buut kay wÀ ku imbitaha, My feelings were badly hurt because I wasn’t invited. ka-an n misunderstanding.

sÚngil = sikmul, v2.

sungisuk a bulldog-faced: snub-nosed, having pudgy cheeks, and overhanging bones on the brow.

sungkÀ n a game for two played with a board and pieces, the object of which is to get as many pieces as possible. The board consists of two rows of five or seven holes each, each row assigned to one of the two players, and a hole at either end, each assigned as a home base (balay or balayan) of one of the players. One player picks up a given number of the pieces and distributes them on the board, one piece in each hole. At whatever hole the last piece is dropped, the player picks up all the pieces in it and continues on dropping pieces until he runs out, picks up the pieces in the hole where he ran out, and so forth until he comes to a hole with nothing in it, in which case the opponent gets the turn. Pieces are gained in three ways: (1) a stone is gained each time the home base is passed; (2) when the pieces run out in the player’s row opposite a hole in the opponent’s row with pieces in it, they go to the player (hantuk); or (3) when the throw ends in the hole immediately before the home base the pieces in that hole revert to the player (sÁka, 4). v [A12] play sungkÀ. -an(?) n board for playing this game.

sungkab v [AN; a 12] get at food by breaking open the place where it is kept. -an(?) n an animal that steals food by forcing open the place in which it is kept.

sungkad a exact in fit. Ang Íyang bistÍdu sungkad kaÁyu nÁkÙ, Her dress fits me perfectly. v 1 [A2C] fit, fit into. 2 [A12; b(1)] make s.t. according to certain measurements. Unsang gidak-Únag Ímung gisungkaran, What size box did you take the measurements from? sungkaran n s.t. from which s.t. can be copied, from which the measurements can be taken.

sungkil n growth on the body resembling ginger roots, esp. on the joints, which appear after an infection of yaws. v [B246N; b4] get these growths.

sungkip v [A; c] patch a thatch roof. PÁra mantinil, kartun lay Átung isungkip sa atup, We will use cardboard as a make-shift patch for the roof.

sungkit n pole or stick, usually with a hook at the end used to get s.t. out of reach. v [A; a] get s.t. out of reach with a sungkit. SungkÍtun nÁkÙ ang mga prÚtas nga dÌ maabut, I’ll get the fruits that are out of reach down with a pole.

sungkiub = singkuung.

sungkÙ v 1 [A2; c] reach up to a point. MusungkÙ ang Krismas tri sa pisami, The Christmas tree touches the ceiling. IsungkÙ ang kural sa kÍlid sa balay, Have the fence reach the side of the house. 1a [a3b2] bump one’s head against s.t. above. Gi! NasungkÙ ang Ákung Úlu sa sanga, Ouch! I bumped my head against the branch. 2 [A; a12] go to see s.o. for a purpose. Akuy musungkÙ sa mga tÁwu arun sila mahibalu nga may trabÁhu ugmÀ, I will go notify the people that there will be work tomorrow. GisungkÙ ku ang Ákung inahan arun papuy-un dinhi sa Sugbu, I went to fetch my mother to have her live here in Cebu. — sa reaching as far as. SungkÙ sa lÁngit ang Ákung kalÍpay, My happiness knows no bounds (lit. reaches the heavens).

sungkud1 n cane, crutch. v 1 [A; b6] use a walking stick or crutch. 2 [A; a1] make into a cane. 3 [a12] hit with a cane.

sungkud2 n great-grandchild, nephew, or niece. apu sa — = sungkud2. apuhan sa — great-grandparent, granduncle, or aunt. v [b6] have a great-grandchild. sungkuran n great-grandparent (uncle or aunt) or great-grandchild (nephew or niece).

sungkudsungkud n auger shells and other long stick-shaped shells.

sungkul n k.o. smooth herb coming in two varieties or species: — putÌ, with green leaves, and — pula with purple bottom surface: Clerodendron sp.

sunglug v [A; a12] 1 tease, provoke to anger with words or actions. DÌ siya musunglug nÁkÙ kay dÌ man ku masukÙ, He does not tease me because I don’t get mad. 2 for circumstances to mock one, as if teasing. NaplÁt pa ta, giulan pa giyud. GisÚngug giyud ta sa panahun, We had a flat and got caught in the rain. Circumstances were conspiring against us. -an(?) a given to teasing.

sungpit n blowgun or s.t. used to squirt liquid. v [A; b5] squirt liquid or blow pellets with a blowgun. Kinsay nagsungpit nÍmu ug tÚbig? Who squirted water on you?

sungput v 1 [AC; ac] put things in line, end to end. Isumput ning lamisÁha sa usa arun Ímung kahigdÁan, Put this table next to the other one so you can sleep on it. 2 [A2] join a queue. NgÁnung musumput ka man dihas tungÀ sa linya? Why do you butt in at the middle of the line? 3 [A23; b2] appear from nowhere. Misumput lang siya, wÀ gÁnÌ magtiligrÁma, He just appeared suddenly. He didn’t even send a telegram. -ay n tailgating.

sungsung1 v [A; b6] stop up or stuff s.t. into a tube or mouth of a bottle. Nagsungsung ku ug tabÁkÙ sa Ákung hunsuy, I am stuffing tobacco into my pipe. Nasungsungan ang labÁbu, The washbasin got stopped up. SungsÚngi ang bÀbÀ sa butilya, Put a cork into the mouth of the bottle. n 1 stopper. 2 pinch of pipe tobacco, enough to put in the pipe. 3 k.o. posthole digger made of a bamboo pole which is forced into the ground and then pulled out with the dirt stopped up inside it.

sungsung2 = salungsung.

sungu n 1 bill, beak of fowl or birds. 2 similar structure in other animals: trunk of elephants or the proboscis of mosquitoes. 3 the whitish triangular lower structure of a grain of corn that attaches it to the cob. 3a by extension, the tough, somewhat transparent covering of the corn kernel. (?) v [C; a12] in cockfighting, set the cocks and let them peck at each other before fighting them or determining the winner. n action of having cocks peck at each other. sungusÚngu sa mais = sungu, n3a. sunghan = sulÁhan. see sÚla.

sÚngug = sunglug.

sung-un see suung.

sungut, sÚngut a acrid in smell. Sungut kaÁyu ang bÁhÙ sa purmalin, Formaline smells acrid. (?) a irritating, irksome. SÚngut kaÁyu ning tawhÁna kay samukan, This man is very irritating because he always meddles in my affairs. v [A3P; b4] be, become irritated or irked. -an(?), masungtÁnun a irritable, easily irritated.

sÚnguy v [A; b5] for an illness, bad trait, public disorders, and the like to make their appearance in large quantities. MusÚnguy ang Ákung ubu ug hitun-ugan ku, My cough sets in when I get exposed to damp. NagsÚnguy ang panÚlis run, Robberies are rampant now. GisÚnguy (gisungÚyan) ug balatÍan ang Ákung manukan, A chicken epidemic attacked my poultry.

sunÍtu n sonnet.

sunluk n sprain or dislocation caused by bending the limb backwards or knocking the bone on its end. v [AP; ab3(1)] sprain or dislocate bones in this way. Sunlukun ku nang Ímung lÍug pinaÁgi sa pagbunsÙ, I’ll dislocate your neck by banging you down onto the ground head first. BÚla ang nasunlukan sa Íyang tudlÙ, He sprained his finger when it was knocked backwards with a ball.

sunlut v [A; b5] peel off, draw off the skin or skin-like covering. ÁkÙ nang gisunlut (gisunlÚtan) ang mga tiil sa manuk sa mga pÁnit, I have taken the outer skin off the legs of the chickens. -an(?) n the sea cucumber stripped of its skin and innards, ready for consumption.

sunsun a close together or to each other. Sunsun kaÁyu ang pagtanum sa mga lubi, The coconuts are planted very close to each other. Sunsun nga pag-ubu, Coughing fits in rapid succession. v [A; a12] be close to each other or together. BagÀ ning panaptÚna kay nagsunsun ang mga hulug, This cloth is thick because the weft threads are close to each other.

sunting = asunting.

suntuk v [AN; a] strike with the fist, box. Nagpanuntuk siya sa bungbung sa kalÁgut, He banged his fists on the wall in anger. -ay(?) n fistfight.

sÚnÙ n k.o. medium-sized, red grouper (pugÁpu).

sunub v 1 [A2; b6] for liquids to penetrate, seep into or through. GÁhÌ musunub ang tÚbig sa yÚtang kÚnun, Water doesn’t seep easily into clay soil. DÌ makasunub ang uwan Íning pÁyung, The rain can’t penetrate this umbrella. 2 [A; b] add a small amount of juice pressed from coconut meat to a stew of meat, fish, or vegetables and cook it. (?) = sunub, 2. -in-an, -in-an(?) n food cooked with coconut juice.

sunud v 1 [A; ab26] follow, go behind s.o. Sunda tung awtÚha! Follow that car! 1a [A23; c] do s.t. later as the next thing. PamÁhaw na mu kay musunud ra ku, Eat your breakfast now because I’ll eat next. SilhÍgi ang salug kay akuy musunud ug lampÁsu, Sweep the floor because I will follow it up with scrubbing. Isunud ni pagmakinilya, Type this the next thing. 1b [A; a2P] do s.t. right after having done s.t. else. 2 follow, imitate. DÍlÌ siya musunud sa bag-ung mÚda, She doesn’t imitate the new styles. Ayaw ug sunda nang batasÁna, Don’t imitate that sort of manners. Ayawg sunda Ímung maguwang nga balirÚsu, Don’t be headstrong like your elder brother. 3 [A2N] inherit. Siyay musunud (manunud) sa Ákung kabtÁngan, He will inherit my property. 3a [A2; b6] succeed in office. Ang bÍsi mauy musunud ingkÁsug mamatay ang prisidinti, The vice-president succeeds in office if the president dies. — ug kasal [AN] sponsor a wedding. Gubirnadur ang nagsunud sa Ámung kasal, A governor sponsored our wedding. n 1 the next, the one following. Sunud simÁna, Next week. Sunud ugmÀ, The day after tomorrow. 1a the next thing done. Sunud ilÚnud ang balÁtung human sa karni, After the meat, put the beans in next. 2 following, according to the. Sunud sa naandan nga batÁsan, Following the usual custom. 3 next. Sunud simÁna, Next week. Sunud gulÀ, Next issue. Siya ang sunud nga prisidinti, He will be the next president. (?) v [C; a12] be close to each other in a series, line or succession. SunÚra ang mga misitÍra nga pÚlus pula, Put the red pots next to each other in line. sunudsunud v [A] do s.t. one after another, following each other in rapid succession. Musunudsunud ug pangalÁyÀ ang dÁhun sa tinghulaw, The leaves withered one after another during the drought. sunudsÚnud v [A; a12] keep following, tagging along after. Kining irua musunudsÚnud bisan Ása ku mulakaw, This dog keeps following me around wherever I go. pa- v [A] set an example. Ikaw kay magulang, ikay mupasunud sa Ímung mga manghud, You are the elder brother, so you should set an example for your younger brothers and sisters to follow. n in consecutive order. Hinganlan nÁkÙ pasunud ang ngÁlan sa mga tÁwu sa larÁwan gÍkan sa wala ngadtu sa tÚu, I will name the people in the picture in order from left to right. pa-(?) = pa-, n. sundÁnun a tending to have offspring closely spaced. masunÚrun, masundÁnun, masinundÁnun a obedient. maN-r-(?) n heir. -um-r- n the following, as enumerated. -um-r-(?) 1 = maN-r-. 2 followers of a certain leader, belief, or religion. sulundun a exemplary, worth imitating. panulundun n s.t. which is inherited. PagtÚung panulundun sa katigulÁngan, A belief inherited from one’s ancestors. Panulundun sa Ílang pamilyang pagkaunglÙ, The curse of needing to suck human blood is passed down from generation to generation in their family. salang panulundun 1 original sin. 2 act of coitus (euphemism).

sunug1 n small room added to a house, usually to a small shack. v [A; a] make such a small room.

sÚnug v 1 [A; a] burn s.t. up. SunÚgun nÁtÙ ning mga sagbut, Let us burn these weeds. Ang mga nasunÚgan, The people whose houses burnt down. 2 [A] be burnt, destroyed by heat. GisÚnug man nÍmu ang dukut, You burnt the rice. NasÚnug ang tanum sa Ínit sa hÚlaw, The sun burnt up the plants in the drought. 2a roast s.t. that one uses slightly burnt. SunÚga ang dÁhun, kupÚga, ug ibutÍbut sa samad, Burn the leaves, pulverize them, and spread them over the wound. n fire, conflagration. (?)2 n 1 s.t. slightly burnt. Sunug man ning mani, These peanuts are burnt! 2 in a game of sungkÀ, any of the lateral holes which do not have pieces in them. -an2 = sunug, n2.

sunugan2 n flathead fishes.

sun-uk v 1 [A; c] insert, dump s.t. under s.t. to hide or protect it. Gisun-uk nÍyag ribulbir ilÁwum sa unlan, He hid the revolver under the pillow. 2 [A2; b2] push through an area with obstacles. DÌ ka makasun-uk dihÀ kay tunukun, You can’t pass through that thicket because it is thorny. 2a go s.w. through great difficulty. Hisun-ukan ku ang tanang kalisud sa kinabÚhÌ, I have gone through all kinds of difficulties in life.

sun-an, sun-un see suun1.

sun-ut n width of the opening around the hem of a skirt. v [b5c1] add to the opening of the skirt. Sun-Úti (sun-Úta, isun-ut) ang Ákung sayal arun dÌ ku maglisud ug lÍhuk, Add to the opening at the bottom of the skirt so I can move without encumbrance.

sunuy n rooster, cock.

supa n sofa.

sÚpa n soup. v [A; a] have, make soup. supÍra n soup tureen.

supÀ v [A; b6] feed s.o. pre-chewed food. Ug ubhun ang inahan hitakdan ang bÁtang gisup-an, If the mother has cough the baby is likely to get it if he is given pre-chewed food. n pre-chewed food. -in- = supÀ, n.

sÚpak v 1 [A; a12] go against, violate. DÍlÌ ku musÚpak sa sÚgÙ sa maistru, I will not disobey the teacher’s orders. 1a [B1256; a1c] cut against the grain in wood working. Ayaw ug isÚpak ang tumung sa tigib arun dÍlÌ gÁhÌ nga ihandus, Don’t chisel against the grain or it will be hard to push. 2 [AC2; a12] oppose, be contrary to each other. MusÚpak ku sa Ímung plÁnu, I will oppose your plans. NagsÚpak ang Ámung mga paminsar, Our opinions are contrary to each other. n 1 person opposed. Kadtung sÚpak muÍsa sa Ílang kamut, Those who are opposed, raise their hands. 2 s.t. contrary, against. Supak sa Ákung kabubut-un nga mulakaw ka sa walay pananghid, It is against my will if you go without asking my permission first. paN- n rebuttal. rigla sa paN- rebuttal technique. ma-in-un, -iru a disobedient, tending to oppose. -ira = supakÍru (female).

sup-ak v [A; a12] split s.t. lengthwise, esp. along the grain. ÁkÙ Úsang sup-Ákun ang kÁhuy arun masulud sa pugun, I will split the wood first so it will go into the stove. n the long piece split off from a bigger piece. Tulu ka sup-ak nga kawÁyan, Three slats of bamboo.

sÚpan = salÚpan. see salup.

sÚpang a fat and healthy. v [B2N; b6] be, become fat and healthy. MusÚpang (manÚpang) ang bÁtÀ ug sÍgi siyang inum ug gÁtas, The child will become fat and healthy if he keeps drinking milk. ka- n state of being fat and healthy.

sÚpas1 n crackers or cookies. v [A13; a12] make, have crackers or cookies.

sÚpas2 = sÚpa.

sÚpat n grain in wood that is irregular and intertwined. Ang sÚpat makapalisud sa pagsipilya sa kÁhuy, The irregular grain makes the wood difficult to plane. -un a 1 full of irregular grains. 2 be hard to split because of irregular grain. KÁhuyng supÁtun kaÁyung bughÁun, Wood that is very difficult to split. v [B1256] be wood of this sort.

supbul n softball. v [A13; b6] play softball.

sup dringk n soft drinks. v [A1] have soft drinks.

sÚpi n a peso (slang).

sÚpil v [A23; b6] go against what s.o. wants one to do. Ug supÍlan mu ang tambag sa Ímung amahan, gabÁan ka, If you disobey your father’s advice, you will get your just desserts. ma-un a rebellious, disobedient. v [A13] be, become rebellious.

supÍra see sÚpa.

supirbaysing n teacher in charge of the administration of a whole school, one rank above the principal.

supirbaysur = supirbisur.

supirbisar v [A; b6] supervise, superintend. Supirbisahi (supirbisari) ang mutsatsang nagdigÁmu, Supervise the maid while she is preparing dinner.

supirbisur n supervisor of a school district. v [A13; a12] be made, become the supervisor.

supirbisÚri n supervisory position. v [A13; c1] hold a supervisory position. DalÌ rang magsupirbisÚri ang mga inhinyÍru sa mÍna, It’s easy for mine engineers to get supervisory positions in the mining company.

supirbisiyun, supirbisyun n supervision.

supirintindint, supirintindinti n superintendent of the public schools in a city or in a whole province.

supir istÁr n superstar of the movies. v [B1256] be, become a superstar.

supiriyur a of a high quality. Supiriyur kaÁyu ning panaptÚna sa Ímung napalit, This cloth is very much better in quality than the cloth you bought. n one’s superior in an organization or in rank.

supirmarkit n 1 name of one of the public markets in Cebu. 2 supermarket.

supiryÚra n mother superior. v [A13; a12] be, be made the mother superior. madri — = supiryÚra.

supla v 1 [A; a12] arrest the motion of dice or coins that have been thrown. Ákung suplÁhun (suplahun) ang dayis ug dÍlÌ maÁyung pagkalÁbay, I will arrest the dice if they are not thrown properly. 2 [A; a2] interrupt s.o.’s speech, usually with a question. Makasupla ba ta sa nagsulti? May I put a question to the speaker? 3 [A; a12] check vice, bad manners. Ángay nga suplÁhun nang tarÁsa nga laksut, That bad trait should be put to a halt. n violation of the rules in certain games. Sa dÁma ubligÁdu ka pagkÁun sa Ákung batu. Ug dÌ ka mukÁun, supla ka, In checkers you are obliged to take my piece. If you do not, you violate the rules. suplÁdu a 1 curt, laconic to the point of rudeness. SuplÁdu kaÁyu siya ug sinultihan, He is very curt in speech. 2 characteristically bent on going against advice, orders, or instructions. DÌ masÁpÌ ang suplÁdu sa siminaryu, A disobedient person doesn’t fit in the seminary. v 1 [B125] be rudely laconic. 2 [B2] become characteristically inclined to disobey. suplÁda = suplÁdu (female).

suplÁgay v 1 [A; a3] be dispersed into various directions, cause s.t. to be dispersed. Kinsay nagsuplÁgay sa mga hÚlin diri sa kwartu? Who scattered the marbles all over the room? NasuplÁgay na mi human mamatay ang Ámung inahan, We were scattered after our mother died. 2 [B2; a12P] disperse, run in every direction. Pagbutu sa pusil, misuplÁgay ang mga tÁwu, When the gun fired, the people scattered in all directions.

suplimintu n supplement to a publication, to a diet. v [A13; c] take or add s.t. as a supplement. PagkÁung gisuplimintÚhag bitamÍna, Food supplemented with vitamins.

suplir = suprir.

suplÍti n blowtorch. v [A13; b6] use a blowtorch.

suprÍmu n title of the leaders of some organizations. Si SuprÍmu Luis Taruk pangÚlu sa Kumunista kanhi, Supreme Chief Luis Taruc was the leader of the communists formerly.

suprir v [A; c] substitute for s.o., substitute s.t. for s.t. else. Ug mupalta ka sa trabÁhu dÚna bay musuprir nÍmu? If you’re absent from work do you have s.o. to substitute for you? Way hingpit nga makasuprir sa gÁtas sa inahan, There is nothing that can substitute perfectly for mother’s milk.

supsup v 1 [A; a] suck, take s.t. in by sucking. Ang bÚwak sa antuwÁngang dinukduk kusug musupsup ug nÁnÀ sa hubag, Crushed hibiscus flowers suck the pus from boils. SupsÚpun sa limÁtuk ang dugÙ, Leeches suck the blood. 1a [A; b5] suck s.o. off. 2 [A2N] fawn, suck up to (somewhat coarse). Musupsup (manupsup) siya sa mga tÁwung Íyang kapangayÚan ug pabur, He sucks up to people he wants to ask favors from. — bÚtÙ n apple polisher (coarse).

supsupun n saxophone (word play on supsup and saksupun—humorous).

supu v 1 [A; a12] embarrass s.o. by proving his allegations false. DÍlÌ ka makasupu nÁkÙ kay tinÚud ang Ákung gisulti, You cannot prove me wrong because what I said is true. 2 [A12; a3] discard a card or mahjong piece that allows an opponent to win the game. DÌ ku masupu kay magbantay man ku sa mga karta nga ilÁbay, I don’t discard pieces that would allow anyone to go mahjong because I keep an eye on the pieces that have been discarded.

supurtar v [A; b6] 1 provide s.o. with sustenance, support. Pila ka kirÍda ang Íyang masupurtaan? How many mistresses can he support? 2 provide support to an attacking unit. Ang atÁki sa dÁgat supurtahan ug tulu ka bapur digÍra, The sea assault will be supported by three battleships. 3 [A13; b6] support a certain weight. Unum ka halÍging simintu nagsupurtar sa taytÁyan, Six concrete columns supported the bridge. 4 [A; b6] endorse, support a candidate. DÌ siya musupurtar sa Ákung kandidÁtu, He would not support my candidate.

supurtir n athletic supporter. v [A; b6(1)] wear, use an athletic supporter.

suput v [A; a12] 1 shoot with a blowgun. Kinsay nagsuput sa Ákung manuk? Who killed my chicken with a blowgun? 2 force s.t. out from a tight hole by hammering in s.t. in its place. Supta nang lansang ug lÁing lansang, Force out the nail by banging in another nail on top of it. 3 [A23; c] soar up as if shot from a blowgun. Mu rag misuput ang Íyang kalÍpay ngadtu sa kawanÁngan, It seemed as though his happiness soared up into space. 3a do s.t. with speed, as if shot from a blowgun. Misuput siyag dÁgan pagkakitÀ sa Ákung pistÚla, He ran like all get out when he saw my gun. Misuput siya ug usa ka pangutÁna sa tsirman, He shot a question at the chairman. n blowgun or a dart shot from a blowgun.

sÚput n general name for bags, esp. paper bags. v [c6] put in a bag. IsÚput lang nang kÁmay, Place the sugar in the paper bag.

sup-ut v [A; c] 1 fit s.t. tightly over, in, or around s.t. else. Nagsup-ut ku Áring plastik nga tÚbu sa bÁra, I am fitting this plastic tube over the iron rod. 2 put on a piece of clothing wear. Nagsup-ut siya ug bag-ung bistÍdu, She was wearing a new dress.

sur1 n 1 mahjong, the south piece, one of the winds (bintus). 2 the player at the right of the dealer. 3 the second round (rÁwun) in a game.†

sur2 title for nuns. Sur Matildi, Sister Matilde.

sÚra1 v [A; b5] 1 tease, ridicule a person for a defect. SurÁhi (surÁha) siya nga pisut, Tease him for being uncircumcised. 2 bother, annoy. NgÁnung inyung gisÚra ang bÁtÀ nga natÚlug? Why did you bother the child? She was sleeping so nicely. 3 ask a person to buy one s.t. MusÚra na pud ning Ákung bÁtÀ ug sapÁtus kay gradwisyun na, My son will ask me to buy him a pair of shoes because it will be graduation. masurÁhun a teasing.

sÚra2 v [A] dance with the hands, feet, and body. Pwirting nakasÚra sa bÁtÀ arun hatÁgan siyag singku, How the child danced to earn a nickle.

sÚrab v [AP; c1P] flash a fierce look of anger, hate. SurÁbun (isÚrab, pasurÁbun, ipasÚrab) nÍya ang Íyang mga mata ug masukÙ, She flashes her eyes when she is angry.

suraban a greedy eater that eats another’s share as well as his own. Gipaulahi pagpakÁun ang suraban nga baktin, The greedy piglet was fed last. v [B12] become a greedy grabber of food.

surambaw n 1 double-cross, tamper with a game so that the outcome is fixed. Way dalag-an ang Átung pusta kay surambaw kaÁyu tung dulÁa, We didn’t have a chance with our bet because the game was completely fixed. 2 name of a child’s game played with rubber bands knotted tightly together. v [A; a12] throw a game, double-cross. Kadtung nagsurambaw sa baskit dÍlÌ na paapilun unyÀ, Those who threw the basketball game will not be allowed to participate next time. DÍlÌ gihÁpun ku mapildi sa iliksiyun bÍsag imu kung surambÁwun, I will not lose in the election anyway, even if you double-cross me.†

surangsurang v [A; a12] pester, annoy s.o. that is in a bad mood to start out with. Ayaw bayÀ ku surangsuranga kay Ínit ning Ákung Úlu, Don’t anybody pester me because I’m in a bad mood as it is.

surbi v [A; a12] 1 survey land. 2 inspect a place to see how it is. Musurbi ÚsÀ ku Ánang yutÁa ÚsÀ ku mudisidir, I’ll inspect that land first before making any decision. 3 make a survey or poll. n 1 survey of land, inspection of how s.t. is. 2 survey, poll. -yur(?) n land surveyor. v [B156] be a surveyor.

surbÍti n ice cream. v [A13; a12] make, make into ice cream. paN- v [A2; b6] have ice cream. -ru n ice-cream vendor. -s = surbÍti.

surihir v [A; c] make a suggestion. Sa mÍting karun musurihir ku nga multÁhan ang dÍlÌ mutambung, At the meeting today I will move that absentees be fined.

suriksurik v [AN; b5] inquire searchingly, search for s.t. meticulously. Ug musuriksurik (manuriksurik) kag trabÁhu, makakitÀ ka giyud, If you’re serious in looking for a job, you’ll surely find one. Ang sikrÍta nagsuriksurik ug pangutÁna sa kasilingÁnan sa mamumÚnÙ bÁhin kanÍya, The detective inquired in great detail about the criminal from his neighbors. Ang Ákung maistra pwirting makasuriksurik (makapanuriksurik) ug buling sa suuk, My teacher searches the corners meticulously for dust.

surindir v 1 [A2; b6] surrender, give oneself up to proper authorities or a stronger power. Misurindir ang mga Hapun sa mga AlyÁdu, The Japanese surrendered to the Allies. 2 [A23] yield, concede defeat. Ug Áway lang, dÌ ku musurindir nÍmu, I will never surrender to you in a fight. 3 [A23; b6] stop eating due to satiation. DihÀ ku sa ayis krim musurindir, When we got to the ice cream, I had to stop eating.

suringiw a one who never does a thing right when sent on an errand. Suringiw kaÁyu ning batÁang sugÚun tungud sa kalinga, This child never does a thing right when he is sent on an errand because he is so inattentive. v [B] fail to follow instructions. NgÁnung musuringiw ka mag sugÚun? Why don’t you follow instructions when you are sent on an errand?

surÍsu n Spanish sausage made of pork. — di Bilbaw k.o. imported Spanish sausage. — sa Insik Chinese sausage. v 1 [A; a2] make sausage. 2 [A13; b6] cook s.t. with sausage as a spice.

sÚrit n home-made rifle that uses empty bullet shells reloaded with broken nails and gunpowder. suritsÚrit n bamboo squirt gun.

surku v [A; a12] plow between rows of corn to loosen the soil and remove weeds (done usually once about halfway to the harvest time). surkuhÚnun n corn plants at about 2–3' high, ready for weeding.

surpan = surtpan.

surplas n leftover military supplies and equipment sold to the civilian population.

surprÍsa n surprise, surprise gift. DÚna kuy surprÍsa pÁra nÍmu, pÍyung ÚsÀ, I have a surprise for you, close your eyes (first). v [c6] give s.t. as a surprise gift.

sursi v [AN2; b6] darn, mend by darning. SursÍhan nÁtÙ ang samput sa Ímung karsÚnis, Let us stitch over the seat of your pants. — tÁpak v [A; a1] put a piece of cloth under a tear and run stitches over it to strengthen the mend. n method of mending in this way. sinursihan n place that has been darned on a garment having been mended with darning stitches.

surtÍdus a of different sorts. SurtÍdus ang kulur sa pintal sa balay, The house is painted with all different colors. n 1 a k.o. folk dance performed by at least six pairs of male and female dancers. Each dance figure is to a different tune. 2 assorted sweets sold packaged.

surtpan n short pants. v [A3; a12] wear, make into short pants.

sÚrÙ1 n young of freshwater shrimp. paN- v [A2; b6] gather small freshwater shrimps.

sÚruk v [A2S] for the blood to boil in anger. Nagsuruk pa ning Ákung dugÙ sa kalÁgut, My blood is still boiling in anger.

surup, sÚrup v [A2; b5] 1 for air to penetrate through the body causing gas pains. Musurup (manurup) ang tun-ug, Draft causes gas pains. Surupun (surupan) ka ug dÌ ka maghÁbul nga matÚlug, You will have gas pains if you sleep without covering yourself. 2 for feelings to flow through one (literary).

surusÚru n k.o. spiny shrub with fleshy tongue-shaped leaves of strong astringent effect, the young leaves of which are used to spice paklay: Euphorbia neriifolia.

sÚruy v 1 [A2; ac] go about, stroll. Diin ka musÚruy gabÍi? Where did you go to last night? IsÚruy ang bÁtÀ sa parki, Take the child for a stroll in the park. 1a ika- presentable (lit. can be worn for strolling). DÍlÌ ku mauwaw sa Ákung uyab kay ikasÚruy man pud, I am not ashamed to be seen with my girl friend because she is pretty. 2 [A; c1] bring s.t. around. NagsÚruy siyag isdÀ, She peddles fish. IsÚruy ang mga ilimnun sa mga bisÍta, Bring the drinks around to the visitors. libud — a given to wandering about with no useful purpose. v [B1] become a vagabond. (?) bagduy = libud sÚruy. suruysÚruy v [A13; b6] 1 promenade, take a pleasure stroll. MagsuruysÚruy ta sa baybÁyun, Let’s take a walk by the beach. 2 roam about uselessly. NagpÚnay lang siyag suruysuruy ug way nahÍmÙ, All he ever did was roam about and never accomplished anything. sinurÚyan n 1 s.t. gained as a result of going about. 2 a woman’s child born out of wedlock (lit. s.t. obtained as a result of reckless wandering). 2a one’s eldest child (humorous). maN-r-(?) n peddler.

sus = hisus, n2. — maryusip = hisusmaryusip.

sÚsa n sodium hydroxide in white powder form used for making laundry soap.

susÁyid v 1 [A3; b3] commit suicide. NagsusÁyid siya kay dispirÁdu, He committed suicide because he was disappointed in love. 2 [A23; bc] do s.t., gamble against very great odds (lit. commit suicide). MususÁyid lang kug kÚhÀ sa tist bÍsag wÀ ku katuun, I’ll just take a long chance on the examination, even if I didn’t study. IsusÁyid kug siyut ning tanan kung kwarta, I’ll bet all my money, come what may. 2a in rummy, pick up a card one needs but for which must also pick up a large number of other cards which will be a burden.

sÚsi v 1 [A; a2] look into s.t., go and see to find s.t. out. NagsÚsi mi sa mangga human sa bagyu, We went to see what became of the mango tree after the storm. WÀ ku makasÚsi ug dÚna pa bay tÚbig ang bangÀ, I have not gone to see if there is still water in the jar. 1a [a12] look into, investigate. SusÍhun sa InbÍay ang anumalÍya sa IltÍsi, The NBI will look into the LTC anomalies. (?) v [A12; b2] 1 come across s.t., inadvertently find s.t. out. Hingsusihan nÁmÙ sila nga nagtabakÙ ug ampiyun, We discovered them smoking opium. 2 come into information about s.t. Nakasusi giyud ku Ánang mga makina kay dÚgay kung trabÁhu sa taliyir, I got to learn s.t. about engines because I worked in a shop for a long time. susisusi v [A3N; a12] make inquiries about s.o.’s life, doings, habits, and the like, usually maliciously. pa- v [A13; c6] have a medical examination. IpasÚsi ang bÁtÀ sa duktur, Have the child examined by the doctor. paki- v [A13; b6] ask for information, inquire. Didtu mi ni Kaduy magpakisÚsi bÁhin sa yÚtang ibaligyÀ, We asked for information from Cadoy about the land for sale. n investigation, inquiry.

suskribir v [A] subscribe to a periodical. Gustu ka bang mususkribir sa Tayims? Do you want to subscribe to the Times?

suskrisiyun n subscription.

suskritur n subscriber.

susmarÍya (from Hisus and MarÍya) interjection 1 expressing helpless frustration at s.t. which happened or about which nothing can be done. SusmarÍya ning batÁa! Giyabu na pud ag gÁtas sa lamÍsa, Goodness, this child! He spilled the milk all over the table again. 2 expressing reaction to fright. SusmarÍya, pwirting kurÁta nÁkÙ, Heavens! I sure was frightened.

suspi n peso or one peso (slang).

suspindir v 1 [A; a12] suspend from office or privilege. Suspindihun ka ug makÍtÀ ka nga sad-an, You will be suspended if you are found guilty. 2 [A1; a12] cause an action or practice to cease for the time being. Suspindihun ang klÁsi sa LÚnis ug Martis, The class will be suspended on Monday and Tuesday.

suspinsu n suspension from office, school. v [A3P; a12] suspend s.o. from office, school. Ang prisidinti mauy mususpinsu nÍya sa Íyang katungdÁnan, The president will suspend him from office.

suspÍru, suspÍrus n sugar candy. — dimani k.o. sugar candy into which peanuts have been thrown. v [A; a12] make sugar candy.

suspitsa, suspitsar v [A; b(1)] suspect. Walay mususpitsar nÁtÙ Áning kawÁta, Nobody will suspect us of this robbery.

suspitsu v [A13; b6] suspect, regard s.t. in a certain way without proof. Nagsuspitsu ku nga walÀ ning batÁa magtunghÀ karun, I am beginning to suspect that this child is not attending school. Siyay gisuspitsuhan nga mauy nagkÚhÀ sa kwarta, I suspect him of being the one who took the money. n suspicion. -sa = suspitsÚsu, 2 (female). -su a 1 arousing suspicion. SuspitsÚsu ug lÍhuk ang istranyu, The stranger’s behavior is suspicious. 2 suspicious of others. AsÁwang suspitsÚsu sa Íyang bÁna, A wife suspicious of her husband.

sustansiya n nutriment. Daghang sustansiya ang Útan, Vegetables are very nutritious. ma-, masustansiyÁhun a nutritious. Ang ayis krim nga Magnulya masustansiya (masustansiyÁhun) kaÁyu, Magnolia ice cream is very nutritious. v [A13] be nutritious.

sustinÍdu1 n 1 sharp, a note one-half step higher. Pa sustinÍdu, F sharp. 2 a sharp cord.

sustinÍdu2 see sustinir.

sustinir v 1 [A2; b6] last, manage to keep up with some work. Musustinir ka nÁkÙ ug buksing ug mga lima ka rÁwun? Can you last five rounds boxing against me? Sustinihan ku nang trabahÚa, I will keep on with that work. 1a [A; c] withstand weight or pressure, sustain. Ang sanga dÌ na makasustinir sa gibug-atun sa mga bÚnga, The branch cannot withstand the weight of the fruits. 2 [A3; b6] stick to a line of reasoning or allegation. Musustinir ka sa Ímung gisulti? Will you stick to your story? 3 [a2] make do with s.t. less in quality or quantity. Gisustinihan ku nÍya ug sulti sa Íyang kinawayan nga ininglis, He made do, speaking to me in broken English. SÁging nga isustinir sa tinggutum, Bananas which we make do with in times of famine. sustinÍdu2 a 1 assiduous, sticking to s.t. Kadtung sustinÍdu sa Ílang trabÁhu pag-usbÁwan ug swildu, Those who are assiduous in their work will be given a raise in salary. 2 having the capacity to endure, carry on with work. SustinÍdu kaÁyu siya ug kÁlut ug kanal kay dagkÙ siyag buktun, He has the capacity to dig ditches because he has muscular arms.

sustintu n money for one’s sustenance. Ang sustintu nga ipadala sa Íyang bÁna ÍgÙ ra sa pagkÁun, The sustenance her husband sends is enough for food. v [A; b6] give money for sustenance. DÌ na ku musustintu nÍmu ug magminyÙ ka, I will not support you any more if you get married.

sÚsu n 1 breast, the mammary gland or its analogous formation in males. 2 angular corners of pillows, sacks, and the like which can be taken hold of. -g agtÀ n hornet’s nest hanging from a tree (lit. an agtÀ’s breast). v 1 [A2S; b(1)] suckle. Ang tÚtuy nga walÀ sus-i dÍlÌ bitay, Breasts that have not suckled a baby do not sag. 2 [a12] hit in the chest, underneath the breasts toward the arm. Ug sushun (susuhun) ug dunggab ang tÁwu, matigbak, If a man is stabbed on the side next to his breast, he will die right away. pa- v [A; ac] feed with the breast or bottle. Ayaw ni ipasÚsu sa bÁtÀ kay dÁan ning gatÁsa, Don’t give the baby this milk because it is not fresh. sus-an a having a mammary gland or s.t. like it. Bitin nga sus-an ang gipakÍtÀ sa karnabal, They showed a snake with mammary glands in the carnival. 2 mother with a nursing infant. Úmang sus-an see Úmang. ma-(?) n infant.

susÙ n k.o. smooth cerith shell of fresh waters, black, dark green, or brown. paN- v [A2; b6] gather susÙ.

sÙsÙ v [A; a1b2] 1 pound s.t. usually with short and moderately heavy strokes. SÙsÚun nÍmu pag-Áyu ang pÁnit arun mahÚmuk, Pound the leather well so it will get soft. 2 knock s.t. on the surface and bruise it without breaking the surface. SÙsÚun ku nang ngÁbil mu ug mutubag ka pa, I’ll bruise your lips if you answer back again.

susun a close together, in rapid succession. Susun ang mga balay sa syudad, The houses in the city are close to each other. v [B3(1)6; b6c1] do, situate in rapid or close succession. Misusun siya sa Íyang inahan ug kamatay, She died soon after her mother died.

susut a 1 stunted in growth. Pulus susut ang mga tanum, The plants are all stunted. 2 scarce. Susut ang taksi Árung urÁsa, Taxis are scarce round about this time. v [B; b6] 1 be, become stunted or runty. Mususut ang mga bÁtÀ kun paalsÁhun ug bug-at, Children will grow up to be stunted if they are made to carry heavy loads. Nagsusut ang mga tanum tungud kay wÀ abunÚhi, The plants were stunted in growth because they weren’t fertilized. 2 be, become scarce. Nasusut ang mga isdÀ tungud sa dinamÍta, Fish have become scarce because of the dynamite fishing.

susyÁdu (from susyu2) a having a defect on the surface. DÌ na mahÁlin ang mga prÚtas nga susyÁdu, Fruit with defects on the skin is hard to sell. DÌ na siyang patabak-un kay susyÁdu nag bÁgÀ, He is not allowed to smoke any more because he has defective lungs. v [B126] be, become defective.

susyal a fond of attending social functions. v [B12] be, become fond of attending social gatherings. Burung niadtu si Lurna, karun nasusyal na, Lorna used to be shy but now she has become fond of parties.

susyalayit n socialite. v [B1] be, become a socialite.

susyidad n 1 society. Susyidad nga maut, Hypocritical society. 2 society, club. Susyidad sa mga kababayin-an, Women’s society. alta — see *alta.

susyu1 n partnership. v 1 [C; b6] be partners with, make a partner of s.o. Magsusyu mi si Inting ug ristawrant, Inting and I are partners in a restaurant. 2 [A13; a1c] organize, contribute to a partnership. ka- n partner in business.

susyu2 n 1 defect or imperfection in a fruit. Kining mga mangga nga may susyu laina kay dÍlÌ ibaligyÀ, Separate these mangoes with imperfections because we won’t sell them. 2 mark, imperfection in s.t. that is supposed to be smooth. Kutsing way susyu, A car without a scratch.

sÚt = sÚlut1,2.

sÚta1 n a coat coloration of animals consisting usually of half black and half white fur.

sÚta2 n 1 stable boy, groom. 2 the jack of the Spanish cards (number 10). v 1 [B156; a12] be, become a groom. 2 [A12; b8] draw a jack.

sÚtÀ v 1 [A13; a2b2] go to find out or verify s.t. SutÁa didtu ug pilay baligyÀ sa Íyang kabÁyÙ, Go and see how much he wants to sell his horse for. 2 [C; a1c3] have it out with s.o. to find out who is really who. SutÁun nÁtÙ ug kinsay talawan nÁtung duha, We will have it out and see which of us two is a coward.

sutÁna n 1 priest’s cassock, the soutane. 2 the priestly office. Ánang Ímung gibÚhat wÀ lang gÁnÌ ka maghunÀhÚnÀ sa Ímung sutÁna, When you did that you completely forgot that you were a priest. v [A; a12] wear, make into a soutane.

sutanghun n bean threads or dish made of bean threads. v [A; b6] make sutanghun.

sutil1 = limunsÍtu.

sutil2 a rebelliously stubborn. Layhan kung mulatigu Ánang sutil kaÁyu nga bÁtÀ, I’d like to whip that stubborn child. v [B12; b6] be, become rebelliously stubborn.

sutsut v [A12; c1] 1 slurp, eat or drink noisily in a sucking way. Íya lang gisutsut ang usa ka panaksang sabaw, He simply slurped down one bowl of soup. 2 [AN; b6] attract s.o.’s attention with a low interrupted hissing sound, either to call him or reprimand him. n the hissing or slurping sound of this sort. paN- n act of hissing at s.o.

sutuy v [A2] 1 leave immediately without looking back or saying anything. Misutuy siya ug lakaw kay nangÍsug tu nÁkÙ, He walked straight away without looking back because he was mad at me. 2 zoom or shoot off like a projectile. 3 for a child to slip out easily on delivery. Misutuy lang ang bÁtÀ sa pagsakit sa Íyang tiyan, The mother had a pain in her stomach, and the baby just slipped out.

suub1 n 1 pointed stake made of a length of thinnish species of bamboo (bagÁkay) put in the bottom of pit traps. 2 a spear fashioned in the same way. v [a12] make into a stake or spear.

sÚub = sul-ub, v. (?)2 = sul-ub, n.

suud a 1 close in space or time. Suud na kaÁyu ang adlaw sa kasal, The wedding day is near. Ang baril sa gasulÍna suud ra kaÁyu sa dapug, The gasoline barrel is a bit too near the stove. 2 intimate. Suud kaÁyu ming amÍgu, We are very intimate friends. v [ABC; a] place, be set closely. SuÚrun ta nig butang arun dÍlÌ magkabulagbulag, Let’s place these close together so they won’t get separated. 2 [BC; a12] be, become intimate, close to. DÍlÌ ku makigsÚud sa tabian, I don’t want to be intimate with a gossip. ka- banay n close relative. ÁkÙ gihÁpun siyang kasÚud bÁnay kay mag-Ágaw mi, He is still a close relative because we are cousins.

suudsÚud v [A; a12] mimic s.o. usually to make fun of him. NagsuudsÚud ang bÁtÀ sa nagdiskursu, The child is mimicking the man delivering a speech. SuudsuÚrun ku siya arun manuyÙ, I’ll mimic her so she’ll get angry.

suuk n 1 corner, the inside space. Suuk sa kaban, Corner of a trunk. 2 a remote secluded place. Suuk tung Íla sa iskwÁtir, They live deep in the squatter area. 3 in recesses of one’s thoughts. Sa mga suuk sa Ímung kunsyinsiya, In the recesses of your conscience. 4 foul smell characteristic of a dank, dirty corner. Pag-Ílis gÁnig sinÍnÀ, nanimÁhÙ ka lang suuk dÀ, Change into s.t. clean. You smell like a dank and dirty corner. v [c] be put at the corner or in a remote secluded place. paN-(?) n wisdom tooth. v [b4] grow a wisdom tooth. ka-an n remote out-of-the-way places of s.t. Íyang gisangyaw ang balitÀ sa kasuukan sa ginharÍan, He spread the news to the remote corners of the kingdom.

suul v 1 [A2; b4] for an illness or bad behavior that recurs at intervals to recur. Misuul na pud ang Íyang kabÚang, His foolishness is showing itself again. Gisul-an na pud siya sa Íyang hÚbak, He is having an attack of asthma again. 2 [A; b4] have a stomach ache. Ug magsuul pa nang Ímung tiyan, tumar Áning tambal, If your stomach still hurts, take this medicine. n stomach pain. — sa irÙ very painful stomach cramps believed to be a kabÚhÌ which has found its way into the pit of the stomach. sulul-an, sul-Ánun a prone to having recurring sicknesses or emotional derangements.

sÚul v [A; c] wear, put s.t. on. NgÁnung nagsÚul ka mag bulingun? Why are you wearing dirty clothes?

suun1 v 1 [A; a2] imitate, adopt a fad or mannerism. DÍlÌ ku musuun sa mga bag-ung mÚda sa pamisti, I will not follow the new dress styles. Sayun ra ning baylÍha, sun-a lang ang Ákung lÁkang, This dance is easy; just follow my steps. 2 [A; c16] wear s.t. belonging to s.o. else. Sun-un ang Ákung sinÍnÀ sa Ákung manghud, My younger sister will wear my dress.

suun2 v [A; c] 1 fill up a hole, cavity with solid objects. Siyay misuun ug balas sa Ímung sapÁtus, He filled your shoes with sand. Sun-ig batu ang mga lÁta, Fill the cans with stones. 2 = sul-ut, 2.

*sÚun ig- n brother or sister. ig- sa inahan, amahan n half-sister or brother on one’s mother’s or father’s side. ig- sa ngÁlang ig- a brother in the real sense of the word. v [A123S] have as a brother or sister. paN- v [A2; c1] consider s.o. as a brother or sister. Ug ang Muslim na gÁniy makapangigsÚun nÍmu, unÚngan ka giyud, When a Muslim considers you a brother, he is loyal to you. mag-, manag- n siblings. v [A13; c] do s.t. together as siblings. Imagsuun nÍla ang Ílang nigusyu, The siblings will do business together. mag- sa lamÍsa apan dÍlÌ sa bulsa each must pay his own way, whether or not they are brothers (lit. brothers at the table but not with the pocketbook). Bayran giyud nÍmu ang Ímung Útang nÁkÙ kay bÍsan tÚud ug magsÚun ta sa lamÍsa, dÍlÌ man sa bulsa, You should pay me what you owe because though we are brothers, we have different pocketbooks. inig-(?) n in a brotherly, sisterly fashion. Inigsuung tambag, Sisterly advice.

suung v [A; b5] go, swim under s.t. that is not far above one’s head. Misuung siya sa awtu pagtan-aw ug wÀ ba mabÁlÌ ang mwilyi, He crawled under the car to see if the spring hadn’t broken. DÍlÌ ka makasuung sa pantalan kay daghang sisi didtu, You can not swim under the wharf because there are lots of sharp shellfish there. sung-anay n method of punishing the losers in a group game by making them crawl between the legs of the winners standing in a line. v [A1] impose this punishment on the loser. suungsÚung = sung-anay. sung-unun a for s.t. to be so low one has to bend his head passing under it.

sÚung = sul-ung.

suup v [A23N; b6N] look and hear covertly to gather information. Hadluk ka nga musuup (manuup) sa Ímung asÁwa, You’re scared to spy on your wife. Unsay Ímung gipanupan dihÀ? What are you spying on there?

suut n arthritic pains, usually in the finger joints. v [b4] have arthritic pains, esp. in the finger joints.

sÚut1 v 1 [A; a12] pass or force one’s way through tall objects. DÍlÌ ta makasÚut dihÀ kay bagÀ ang mga bÁgun, We cannot get through there because the vines are very thick. 2 [A2; a12] penetrate, pass through pores. Ang bulÀ sa Rinsu musÚut giyud sa lugas sa panaptun, Rinso suds really penetrate the fibers of the cloth.

sÚut2 = sul-ut.

sÚuy n 1 the edible flesh of the jackfruit (nangkÀ) which encloses the seed. 1a name given in some localities to the jackfruit itself. 2 the inedible pulp of the jackfruit which surrounds the edible flesh. 2a undeveloped seed of fruit which is small and flat, and analogous to the inedible pulp of the jackfruit.

suwa n word to drive away chickens.

suwÀ1 n general term for various sour, fragrant citrus fruits with a taste similar to lime and thick peels that adhere to the flesh, varying in size from the tiny samuyaw to the byÁsung. suwÀsuwÀ n bush bearing leaves with an odor like citrus and small mucilagenous berries, red when ripe: Triphasia trifolia.

suwÀ2 = sulÀ1.

suwa- for words with suwa- see also sula- and swa-.

sÚwal v [A2] for a sickness to recur (said of sicknesses for which it is possible to prevent recurrences). NakasÚwal ang Íyang pamutu kay nag-abusar man siya sa babÁyi, His skin disease came back because he indulged in women.

suwat1 a remark uttered by s.o. upon hearing s.o. else sneezing, as a way of preventing s.t. worse from happening (said as a sumpÀ).

suwat2 = sulat.

sÚwat v [A; a] pull up s.t. lightly rooted on the ground. Átung suwÁtun ang mga tag-as nga sagbut, We’ll just pull up the tall weeds.

suway bagyu = sulaybagyu.

sÚwing gam n chewing gum.

suwits n switch; a device for opening or closing an electric circuit. v 1 [A; c6] switch s.t. on. Isuwits ang sugÀ bi, Switch the lights on please. 2 [A23] shift from one course of study to another.

sÚyÀ v [B126; b3] feel dislike towards s.o. out of envy or because of an overbearing, braggart sort of personality. MakasÚyÀ man nang Ímung pagkahambugÍru, Your bragging makes people resent you. NasÚyÀ siya nÁkÙ kay dÍlÌ man giyud siya makalupig, He resents it that he can never beat me.

suyÁgit = syÁgit.

sÚyak v [A; c] put a spike, thorn, or anything pointed on a path to pierce a foot or tire. SuyÁkan nÁtÙ ang kadaplÍnan sa gardin, Let’s put pointed stakes all around the edges of the garden. n = suyak. (?) n nail, tack or the like, to pierce the foot.

suylÀ v [A; ab7] 1 overflow, spill over. Kun mag-ulan, ang tÚbig musuylÀ sa kanal, When it rains, the water spills out of the ditch. Sa prugrÁma ang mga tÁwu misuylÀ ngadtu sa karsÁda, The people who attended the program spilled over into the street. GisuylÀ nÍla ang mga prÚtas sa lamÍsa, They put fruit on the table until it spilled over the edges. 1a splash up as a result of pressure or impact. DÍlÌ makasuylÀ ang tubÀ kay gamay ug bÀbÀ ang sudlanan, The palm toddy cannot splash out because the container has a small mouth. 2 [A3] for an emotion to be extremely great. MisuylÀ ang Ákung kalÍpay pagkadungug nÁkÙ sa balitÀ, I was overflowing with happiness when I heard the news.

suylan = kamÚning.

suylas n 1 small tacks of the sort used to nail the straps of clogs to the wooden sole. 2 side of the heels of men’s shoes. v [b] nail with suylas.

suysuy v [A; a] pound a small amount of rice with a pestle. Magsuysuy lang kug pÁra lugÁwun, I’ll pound just enough rice for porridge.

suyud n bee stinger. v [A2N; b8] sting. DÍlÌ makasuyud (makapanuyud) ang buyug ug kuptan sa pakÙ, Wasps can’t sting if you hold them by the wings.

sÚyup v [A2S; a12] 1 suck in, draw in air or liquid. Ug suyÚpun ang tÚbig sa bumba, maÁyu pa nang bumba, As long as the pump sucks in the water, it is still good. 1a absorb, draw by capillary action. Ang naylun kÚlÌ musÚyup ug singut, Nylon does not absorb sweat well. 1b for magnets to draw. Ang lansang mutaput ug suyÚpun sa batubalÁni, The nail will stick if it is attracted by the magnet. 2 [A3; a12] use up money as if it were sucked away. Ang gastu sa gasulÍna musÚyup ug dakÙ sa Ímung kÍtÀ, The cost of gasoline just sucks away a large portion of your earnings. n action of sucking, absorbing, pulling by a magnet.

swÁ n acronym for the SWA, Social Welfare Administration.

swÁbi1 a 1 bland, not irritating. Sa mga tambal sa ubu, kiniy swÁbi, Of all the cough medicines this is the one that is blandest. 2 socially graceful, smooth. SwÁbi kaÁyu siya ug binaylihan, He dances very smoothly. 3 slow but perceptible in effect or outcome. MaÁyu ning tambÁla kay swÁbi ug ipiktu, This medicine is good because it has a slow but perceptible effect. v [B2] be, become bland, smooth, not so harsh in effect.

swÁbi2 = sulÁbi. see labi.

swÁgir n k.o. loose blouse used by pregnant women. v [A; b6] wear, make into a blouse of this sort.

swÁgit = syÁgit.

swakan a eating anything that comes one’s way. Nagsakit ang tiyan sa bÁtÀ kay swakan man kaÁyug bÀbÀ, That child has a stomachache because he eats anything and everything that he can get his hands on.

swÁkÌ = saluwÁkÌ.

swÁngit (from swÁpang and pÁngit) a greedy and ugly.

swÁpang a oppressively opportunistic, taking advantage. SwÁpang insÍka. MaÁyu lang manghuwam, piru dÍlÌ magpahuwam nÁkÙ, That Chinese is a no good opportunist. He’s great at borrowing, but when it comes to lending, forget it. SwÁpang nÍmu uy. Ikay nagswildu, akuy mubangka, You are so inconsiderate. You get the salary and I have to pay the bill.

swÁsid = saluwÁsid.

swÍbil n a joint that pivots freely and is attached between two lengths of line or chain to prevent kinking. v [A13; a2] make into, attach a swivel.

swildu n salary, fixed compensation paid regularly for services done. v 1 [A3N2; c] pay a salary. Ug siyay nagswildu nÍmu adtu ka magsirbisyu nÍya, If he pays your salary, you work for him. 2 [A; b] get a certain salary. AnhÀ na ku mangasÁwa ug magswildu na kug mÍl, I will get married when I have a salary of a thousand a month. swilduÁnan n persons who are to receive their salary. di-, swildÁdu n having a salary, wage earner. Sa pÚlÙ ka magsÚun, walu ang swildÁdu (diswildu), Of the ten brothers, eight are wage earners. Kusug kaÁyu kang mugastu. Mu ra kag diswildu (swildÁdu), You sure do spend, as if you were earning money. v [B1256] be a wage earner. ting-, tingpaN- n payday. LamÌ pud ta ug pagkÁun sa tingswildu (tingpanwildu), We have delicious food on payday.

swiltu a free to do anything. Swiltu kaÁyu nÀ siya sa paglakawlÁkaw kay daghan mag masÚgÙ, She’s free to go anywhere she wants to because she has lots of servants. v [B123(1); b6] be, become free to do anything. Ang kadakÙ sa alÁwans sa istudiyanti mauy makaswiltu (makapaswiltu) niÍni ug gastu, A student spends money freely if he gets a big allowance.

swing n swing music. v [B1235; a12] play in swing time.

swÍng n swing to swing on.

swÍpir n sweeper, the child assigned by the teacher to sweep. v [B156; a12] be the sweeper. -unun n one’s turn to be the sweeper.

swipstik n sweepstakes, the national lottery, the winners of which are usually determined by horse races. v [A13] hold the sweepstakes.

swirti n 1 luck, good fortune. Ug may swirti ka makahÁlin ka ug tulu ka tÍbi ang simÁna, With luck you can sell three TV sets a week. Swirti nga nahitabÙ tu kay nahibaw-an ang Íyang binÚang, It was a good thing that that happened because I found out what he had been doing. 2 fate, fortune. Íyang swirti nga maminyÙ ug bÁlu, It is her fate to marry a widower. Swirti nga naabut ang amahan ug naabtan sila, Unfortunately the father arrived and they were caught in the act. v 1 [A12; b8] do s.t. lucky by chance. Nakaswirti ku ug pÍlÌ sa Únang ganti, By luck I picked the one that won first prize. 2 [A23; a4] be, get to be lucky. Muswirti usÁhay pud ang Ákung pangisdÀ, Sometimes I turn out lucky in my fishing. swirtiswirti a chancy, a matter of luck. Swirtiswirti kanÚnay ang panÁgat ug maÁyu nga mangÍtÀ ka ug trabÁhu, Fishing is a chancy occupation, and you would do better to look for work. v [A13; a4] be, get to be lucky at times.

swis lÍnin n k.o. finely woven imported cloth.

swÍt n slow music. v [A2; b6] dance to slow music. swit myÚsik = swÍt.

swÍtik a clever, smart and mischievous at the same time. SwÍtik kaÁyung batÁa, kay mangÁyÙ nÁkÙ bisag natagaan na siyang MÁma, What a clever rascal. He asks me for money when his Mother already gave him some. v 1 [B125] be clever and haughty. 2 [A; a12] deceive with sleight of hand, esp. in cards. Ug wÀ pa tu switÍka sa nagbangka, alas untÀ tuy Ákung madÁwat, If the dealer hadn’t cheated, I would have gotten an ace.

swÍtir n sweater, sweatshirt. v [A12; a12] wear, make into a sweater or sweatshirt.

swÍtu a 1 know how to do s.t. SwÍtu kaÁyu siya sa panÁgat, He knows all about fishing. 2 familiar with a place. SwÍtu kaÁyu siya ug Ásang pampaman, He knows where all the bawdy houses are. v 1 [B125; b8] come to know s.t. NaswÍtu na ku sa inyung sikrÍtu, I have found out your secret. 2 [a12] go s.w. to find out s.t. SwitÚha didtu ug naunsa nang Ílang Ámut, Go and find out what happened to their contribution.

syÁgit v [A2S; b6(1)] shout. WalÀ siya makasyÁgit kay gitiÚnan ug pusil, She wasn’t able to shout because a gun was pointed at her. IsyÁgit ang Ímung tubag, Shout out your answer. n shout.

syÁkuy n tidbit made of flour, and optionally eggs, formed into long slender pieces and deep fried in fat. v [A13; a12] make, make into syÁkuy.†

syÁlan = unsingÁlan.

syampu n hair shampoo. v [AN; c] shampoo. DÌ ku musyampu (manyampu) kay manglarut ang Ákung buhuk, I don’t use shampoo because I am losing my hair.

syÁnga = pantÍhan.

syÁping v 1 [A1; b6] go shopping for dry goods. MagsyÁping ka sa Wayit Guld? Will you go shopping in the White Gold (department store)? 2 [A; b6] window-shop.

syapirun = tsapirun.

syÁpÙ n k.o. shrub of waste places, the bark of which makes a weak rope.

syÁpul1 v [A; c1] shuffle cards, mahjong pieces.

syÁpul2 v [A2C23; b5] for a cock to fight by making thrusts with the feet. SyapÚlun (syapÚlan) dÁyun nang inyung manuk sa akÚa, My cock will attack yours with his feet instantly. n action of fighting, making thrusts with the feet. -in-an(?) n manner of fighting in this way.

syÁrap shut up! SyÁrap! DÌ giyud ka pul-an ug sulti! Shut up! You never get tired of talking, do you!

syarpsyÚtir n 1 sharpshooter. 2 one who consistently puts the ball into the goal or hole. v [B12] be, become a sharpshooter or consistent scorer.

syÁru — ug expression of disbelief: it’s impossible. SyÁru ug mahÚbad ning pagkabaÁta, It is impossible that it should come undone the way it was tied. WÀ giyud kay ikahÁtag? SyÁru ug wÀ kay diyis! You can’t give a penny? Surely you can let me have ten!—[name, pronoun] How could [noun or pronoun] do such a thing! SyÁru sab ka Tina. WÀ na lang makapakÁun sa bÁtÀ! Tina, how could you! You haven’t even thought of feeding the child!

syÁt v [A; c1] 1 shoot the ball into the basket or hole to score a point. 2 take a still photograph. n 1 point or goal scored by shooting the ball. 2 a shot of liquor. 3 shot, single exposure on a roll of film. -ir a one who is a good shot or good at throwing in games that require aiming. v [B12; b6] become a good shot. maninÍyat n photographer (humorous). -gan n shotgun. v [A12; b2] fire a shotgun at.

syÁtir a see syÁt. n shutter of a camera.

syÁuk v [A2S; b6] long, drawn out shout, shriek. MisyÁuk ang bumbÍru sa pagpaingun sa kalÁyu, The fire truck went to the fire with screaming sirens. IntÁwun ang bÁtÀ nagsiyauk sa kasakit, The poor boy was shrieking in pain. n loud, long-drawn sound, shriek.

syÁwir n 1 shower for bathing. 2 shower bath. v 1 [a2] install a shower. 2 [A] take a shower.

syÁwir parti n shower for brides. v [A; b(1)] give a bridal shower.

syÍding n shading of s.t. drawn or letters. v [A; a1b] shade s.t. drawn.

syÍlak = sÍlak1.

syimpri expression indicating an obvious and unavoidable consequence. Syimpri, Ímu giyud tung bayran kay ikay mikÁun sa mangga, Of course you must pay for the mango because you ate it.

syinsiya = sinsiya1.

syintipiku n scientist. a done in a scientific way. GigamÀ ni sa syintipiku nga paÁgi, This was made in a scientific way. v 1 [A1] be a scientist. 2 [a12] do s.t. scientifically.

syintu combining form for counting one hundred between 101 and 199. Syintu diyis, One hundred ten. -s hundreds, used only after the numbers of Spanish origin except singku ‘five’. Dus syintus, Two hundred. v see tris.

syÍring v 1 [A; c1] sew s.t. with shirring. 2 [A; b6] wear s.t. with shirring. n s.t. sewn with shirring.

syirtu = sirtu.

syista n siesta, a brief nap after lunch. v [A] take a siesta.

syÍti = sÍti.

syÚap v 1 [A23] show up as expected. DÌ na tingÁli musyÚap ang Ímung dÍt kay lawum nang gabÍi, Your date is probably not going to show up any more because it is already quite late. 2 [A2] shine in a field of activity. Ingun ug brÁyit. WÀ man lagi siya musyÚap sa klÁsi, They say she is very bright. Why didn’t she show up in class?

syudad n 1 city. 2 pubic region (humorous). Ug daghang tÁwu sa baryu, labi na sa syudad, There are plenty of people in the village (i.e., hair in the beard). How many more there must be in the city (i.e., hair in the pubic region)! v [B12; a12] be, become, make into a city. -nun n city resident. a like one from the city. v [B125] become citified in one’s ways.

syukang kaw n action of winning in mahjong where a player has obtained an Úpin kang (see kang2) and the fourth piece which made the kang2.

syuktung n k.o. cheap commercial alcoholic drink, called after the brand name Se Hoc Tong.

syÚmuy n 1 k.o. game of marbles in which the marbles are thrown toward five small holes such that only one marble gets in. If none does, the player hits a marble designated by the opponent without hitting any of the others. Hitting more than one marble or putting more than one marble in the hole nullifies the play. 2 action of putting the marble in a hole. 3 intercourse (humorous). v [A; c] 1 play syÚmuy. 2 shoot the marbles into the hole. 3 [AC; c] have intercourse (stick it in—humorous).

syÚpaw n snack made of rice flour filled with meat, eggs, and spices, and cooked in steam. v [A; a12] make, have syÚpaw.

syurtkat n short-cut route, shortest way to reach a place. Kining karsÁda mauy syurtkat sa TalÍsay, This road is a shortcut to Talisay. v [A2; a2] take a shortcut. Nagsyurtkat mi sa baul, We took a shortcut through the field.

syurt pants, syurts = surtpan.

syÚt1 go ahead ask the question. Ug andam ka na sa Ímung pangutÁna, syÚt! If you are ready with your question, go ahead, shoot!

syÚt2 v [A; c6] put all the money one has on one bet. IsyÚt ang Ímung pusta, daug lagi, Shoot your money. We’ll win, you can count on it.

syÚting n filming of a motion picture. wÀ pa mahuman ang — a humorous phrase used in referring to a man with long hair, from the notion that actors wear long hair throughout the duration of the filming of s.t. v [A1; b6] 1 film a motion picture. 2 take pictures. MagsyÚting mi sa baybay, We’ll take pictures at the beach.

syÚtis 1 = asyÚtis. 2 = sayÚti.



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