na1 particle following the first word of the predicate. 1 now [so-and-so] is the case by now, will be the case by a certain point of time. Ang Ákung kinamagulÁngan sayis anyus na, My eldest son is six years old now. 1a with commands and exhortations: [do] now! Mag-agwÁda na ta ug tÚbig, Let us fetch water now. Lakaw na, Go on now! ayaw — stop [do]ing! enough! Ayaw na! DÍlÌ na ku muusab! Stop! I won’t do it again. 1b adtu, ari — ku, mi good-bye. Adtu na ku, Ma, Good-bye now, Mom. 1c Ása, diin, hÁin — where is [subject] now? HÁin na kahÀ si BÍbut? Where can Bebot be now? 1d unsa — 1d1 how are you now? Unsa na, Ping? GanÍha ka ra? How are you, Ping? Have you been here long? 1d2 how did it go? Unsa na ag Ímung iksÁmin? How was your exam? 1d3 what is it this time? Unsa na, kapi gihÁpun? What is it this time? Coffee again? unsa -ng urÁsa what time is it now? 1e tÚa — answer given when called: coming! (Lit. He is gone.) ‘Pidung, dÁlÌ.’—‘TÚa na!’ ‘Pete, come here.’—‘Coming!’ 2 other phrases with na: see the first word of the phrase. 3 — lang, lÁmang see lamang. 4 — man particle correcting oneself when one has misspoken. Pidru! A Pidru na man, Husi! Pedro! I don’t mean Pedro. JosÉ! BÚtÙ na man. BÚtu diay, I don’t mean vagina, I mean votes. tagad ka — man don’t worry about it. AdÁ, tagad ka na man Ánang mga tabÌ, Nonsense. Don’t worry about that gossip. 5 — pud, sad, sab 5a again. NÍa na pud ang sabaan, Here comes that loud-mouth again! 5b in turn. Si Tunyu na pud ang miluslus sa bisiklÍta, This time Tonio was the one who broke the bicycle. na2 particle preceding a sentence. 1 all right, I give assent. Na, Ímu na tung Ákung kabÁyÙ, All right, you can have that horse of mine. 1a particle terminating a conversation: well, all right. Na, adtu na lang ku, Well, I’ll be going now. 1b before exhortations or commands to begin as action: well, O.K. Let’s get on with it and [do]. Na, adtu na lang mi, All right, we’ll be going now. 2 particle preceding a statement that concludes a conversation: well, all right, I give up. Na, ikaw ray mahibalu ÁnÀ, Well, it’s all up to you. 2a in narrations: now anyway, that’s the way it was. Na, mau tu nga ang amahan ug anak kaÚban sa klÁsi, Well, the situation was that the father and the son were in class together. 2b word expressing exasperation or helplessness in coping with a situation. Na, dÌ na man giyud muhÍlum ning batÁa uy, My, the baby is not going to stop crying. 3 — — expression comforting s.o. who has hard feelings. Na, na, hÍlum na, Now, now! Stop crying! na3 word following an apodosis (‘then’ clause) which precedes the protasis, giving the tone of a veiled threat. DÌ ta man nÚun ka paubanun sa sini na, ug magpadugaydÚgay kag Ílis, Well, if you take so long to get dressed, I’m not going to take you along to the movies. nÀ see kanÀ1. na- see ma-1. nÁa = anÁa. naÁka n expression of mild displeasure at s.o. with a note of affection. Ag naÁka! Muamin ra nÁkÙ kay mangÁyÙ ug singku! You little devil! You are only kissing my hand because you are asking for a nickel. na-an see -an1. nÁba = unsa ba (dialectal). nabal see bÁsi. nÁban n husband (slang). nabdus = mabdus. nabigar v 1 [A; c] navigate, sail. 2 [a12] cover distance in sailing. Nabigarun (nabigahun) ang Pasipiku sa usa ka bÚlan, The Pacific can be navigated in one month. 3 [A] roam around. Unsa bay singarÍhan ninyug nabigar magabÍi? What do you roam around at night for? nabu = anabu. nÁda n nothing, naught. WalÀ siya hatÁgi ug swildu sa Íyang trabÁhu. NÁda lang ang tanan nÍyang kahÁgÙ, She wasn’t paid for her work. All her efforts amounted to nothing. walay — 1 no good, inferior. Way nÁda ning klasÍha kay baratuhun, This kind is no good because it is cheap. 2 nothing, of no importance. DÌ ka mutagad nÁkÙ kay wÀ man kuy nÁda nÍmu, You don’t notice me because I am nothing to you. 3 good for nothing. WÀ kay nÁda pagkabanÁha ka kay palahÚbug ka, You’re a good-for-nothing husband because you’re a drunkard. v [c1] make s.t. insignificant, go for naught. GinadÁhan ka lang ning Ákung trabÁhu nga dakung panahun ang naÚsik ku niÍni? You just dismiss this work as nothing when I’ve spent so much time on it? Unsa? DÌ ku nÍmu suhÚlan? NadÁhun (inÁda) lang nÍmu ang Ákung kabudlay? You won’t pay me? You mean you’re going to make all my efforts go for naught? nadtu = ngadtu (dialectal). nag- durative active verbal affix, past. see mag-. naga- alternative form for nag- in meanings 2, 2a, 3, 3a, 4. see mag-. nÁga n narra, a large forest tree yielding a hard, red wood, highly prized for furniture-making: Pterocarpus indicus. v [a12] make s.t. of narra. nagiknik n light and continuous rain. Magbuntag ning ulÁna kay nagiknik, This rain will last the whole night because it is light and continuous. v [B456; b4] for rain to fall slowly but continuously. nagmÙ = nÁmÙ, kanÁmÙ (dialectal). nagnag v [A; b6] in preparing a field for planting, separate lumps of earth from roots and break them up. Ang mga bÁtÀ munagnag sa daruhan, The children will break up the lumps of earth in the field. nagumnum a having a nutty flavor. v [B; a2] get a nutty flavor. Butangi ug mani arun managumnum ang bingka, Put peanuts into the rice cake so that it will get a nutty flavor. nagutnut a miserly. Nagutnut (nagutnÚtan) kaÁyung tawhÁna. Mugastu lang ug diyis pÁra kÁun kÁda adlaw, That man is such a miser. He spends only ten centavos a day for his meals. v [B12] become miserly. -an = nagutnut. nagwas n ankle-length petticoat. Nindut ug tÍras ang Íyang nagwas, Her petticoat has a beautiful lace-edging. v [A1; a] wear, obtain a nagwas. nÁhÙ = nÁkÙ (dialectal). see aku. nahut n leavings from the abaca stem after the fibers have been stripped off. walay — penniless, extremely poor. Ayaw pangÁyÙ nÁkÙ kay wÀ kuy nahut, Don’t ask me for anything because I’m penniless. v [b6] be considered poor. Giwaynahutan ka uruy nÁkÙ nga anak ug mag-uÚma, You consider me a nothing just because I’m the son of a farmer. paka- v [A13; a12] pretend to be, treat as penniless. nÁit (from dÁit) v [c3] be contiguous to each other. Ang Ámung mga parsÍla nagnÁit, Our lots are contiguous. ka- n the adjacent one. Sa kanÁit nga lawak bÁtÌ kaÁyu siya, He can be heard clearly in the adjacent room. nak-Áwut v 1 [AP; a] knock out in boxing. Ginak-Áwut ku nÍya sa usa lang ka sumbag, He knocked me out with just one blow. 2 [B126] get knocked out from drinks, fatigue, drugs. Nanak-Áwut giyud ku human sa Ákung trabÁhu, I was knocked out after my work. n knockout. nakdÁwun v [AN; a12b3(1)] knock down in fighting. Si PrÍsir pa giyuy baksir nga nakanakdÁwun (nakapanakdÁwun) ni TsubÁlu, Frazier is the only boxer up to now who has been able to knock Chuvalo down. n knockdown in boxing. nakig- past volitional active of bases with pakig-. see pakig- and makig-. nakinnÁkin v 1 [A; c1] let the feet swing back and forth. Ayawg nakinnakÍna (inakinnÁkin) ang Ímung tiil kay matay-ug ang lamÍsa, Don’t swing your feet back and forth because the table will shake. 2 [A; b5] do s.t. with ease (from the notion that letting the feet dangle is a manifestation of ease). Kasayun sa iksÁmin À, ÁkÙ man lang ginakinnakÍnan (ginakinnÁkin), How easy the test was! I just breezed through it. naknak v 1 [AC; c1] knock s.t. lightly against s.t. else. Kinsay nakanaknak niÍning bÁsu nga nabalanÁan man? Who knocked this glass against s.t. to make it crack? 2 [B] for fish to be plentiful and spread over a wide area (so called because the fish are attracted by a banging sound—Cf. dagukduk). Nagnaknak ang mga tugnus karun maung daghang nanlampara, There’s millions of anchovy fry around, so everybody is out catching them. a for a school of fish to be so plentiful they are easy to catch. nÁkÙ see aku. *nalam, *nÁlam hi- = higÁlam. see *gÁlam. namarku n 1 Namarco, acronym on the abbreviation of National Marketing Corporation, a now-defunct organization set up to stabilize food prices. 2 commodity sold by nambir v [A; b] put a number on. Kun nakanambir na mu, sugdan na nÁtÙ ang tis, When you have numbered your papers, we will begin the test. n number put on s.t. baydi — a slow in doing things, as if counting the steps. Baydi nambir bayÀ nÍyang maglakaw, You sure take long when you walk. v [A1; c1] do things very slowly. Ug baydi nambÍrun (ibaydi nambir) ang lÍhuk dÌ mahuman ang trabÁhu, We can’t finish the work if we don’t move. — wan a 1 one’s favorite friend or sweetheart. NadÚgay ang Íyang trÁtu. NiÁgi pa tingÁli sa nambir wan, Her boy friend is late. He probably passed by to see his number one girl friend. 2 the one who is the best. Ikay nambir wan sa klÁsi, You’re the best in the class. nÁmÙ see kami. namuk n mosquito. v [a4] 1 be bothered by mosquitoes. 2 be kept waiting too long. PagkadÚgay nÍmu mag-Ílis, namukun man lang tag paÁbut, You sure take long to change. I have been kept waiting till mosquitoes have eaten me up. nan1 1 = dan. 2 in narrations, particle preceding a statement that is off the subject but important for the course of the story. Nan, kadtu si Antunyu, palainan ta lang, ÁkÙ tung Ámu, Now, this Antonio, to change the subject, was my employer. nan2 = ug, 1 (dialectal). nana meaningless syllables used in humming out a tune. nÁna n title for a related female: 1 for grandparents or women of an older generation. 2 for one’s elder sister. v [A; a12] call s.o. nÁna. nÁnÀ n pus. v [b4] be filled with pus. (?) v [A] give off pus. MunanÀ nang Ímung hubag, Your wound will exude pus. hi- v [A; b] take out pus. panghi- v [A2] remove the pus from one’s wound. Ambi tung dÁgum kay manghinÁnÀ ku, Hand me that needle because I’ll remove the pus from my wound. nÁnak n sleep personified (literary). Si NÁnak nga maluluy-un mauy nakaluwas sa bÁtÀ, Merciful sleep saved the child. sabakan ni — n sleep personified (literary). Ang kagabhÍun nahinÁnuk sa sabakan ni NÁnak, The night slept soundly in NÁnak’s womb. nanam a for prepared foods to contain s.t. to make them unusually tasty. Nanam ang bibingka kay gibutangag itlug, The rice cake is delicious because it has an egg in it. v [B2] be, cause to be tasty. Ang mantÍkÀ sa bÁbuy makananam (makapananam) sa pÁn, Lard will make bread tasty. nÁnang n term of address or reference for one’s mother or grandmother. nÁnaw v [A; a2b2] 1 gaze over a wide area. GinÁnaw sa mamumulung ang mga nawung sa nanambÚngay, The speaker looked at the faces of the audience. 2 scan an area to look for s.t. MinÁnaw siya sa dÁgat pamÁsin nga dÚnay mga isdÀ, He scanned the sea in hopes of finding fish. nÁnay n mother. HÁin man si NÁnay mu? Where is your mother? v 1 [A; a12] call s.o. mother. NanÁyun lang ka nÁkÙ kay sÁma ka sa inahan nÁkÙ, I’ll call you Mother because you are like a mother to me. 2 [B1256] become a mother. (?) voc. short form: nay. nang see manang. nangkÀ n jackfruit, a medium-sized tree cultivated for its large spiny fruit, which may reach 70 lbs. and is eaten unripe cooked and raw when ripe. The seeds are eaten as a vegetable, roasted or boiled: Artocarpus heterophyllus. nahulugan ug — for a face to have smallpox scars (lit. a jackfruit fell on it). v [A13; b6] cook s.t. with unripe jackfruit. Nangkaan nÁtÙ ning bulad, Let’s cook the dried fish with jackfruit. nangnang v [B] be badly infected and festering (more severe infection than ngasngas). Ug magbulad ka, munangnang (manangnang) giyud nang hubag mu, If you keep staying in the sun your inflammation will worsen and fester. nanhi = nganhi (dialectal). naniw = laniw. nÁnu1 = ngÁnu, unsa (dialectal). nÁnu2 n = nÁna (male). nÁnuy a soft and sweet, melodious. NÁnuy nga sunÁta sa tipanu, The soft and sweet melody of the flute. napkin n sanitary napkin, table napkin. v [A1; a] use a sanitary or table napkin. napta n horoscope. naptalÍna n naphthalene. v [b6] put naphthalene. napÙ n fertile, flat land. napÚlÙ = pÚlÙ. nÁra = nÁga. naranghÍta n a variety of small orange. narkutiku n narcotic. nars n nurse. v [B156] become, work as a nurse. Adtu ku magnars sa kabukÍran diin way mga duktur, I’ll work as a nurse in a rural place where there are no doctors. -is n nurses (plural). -ing n nursing course. nasiyunalismu n nationalism. nasiyunalista n name of a political party, or a member thereof. v [B156] become a nasnas v 1 [B] for a wound, tear to enlarge, spreading little by little, and growing worse and worse. Munasnas (manasnas) ang Ímung samad kun mukÁun kag parat, Your wound will grow worse if you eat salty foods. Nagkanasnas na ang gisÌ sa karsÚnis, The tear of the trousers is getting larger and larger. 2 [B12; b6] wear off and become thin, weak, and about to be torn. Nanasnas ang samput sa karsÚnis sa sÍging liningkud, The seat of his trousers got worn out from constant sitting. naspu (from Tagalog pÚnas) v [A; b6(1)] wipe oneself with a wet towel or face cloth (slang). DÌ na lang ku mugÚli kay nakanaspu na ku, I will not take a bath because I have already wiped myself with a wet towel. nÁsud n nation. v [B1256] become a nation. Pag-abut sa mga KatsÍlÀ wÀ pa ta manÁsud, When the Spaniards came we were not a nation yet. maki-nun a nationalistic. KasagÁrang makinasudnun mga antiamirikan, Most of the nationalists are anti-American. -nun a national. Si Risal mau ang Átung nasudnung bayÁni, Rizal is our national hero. kanasÚran n group of nations. TinÍpung KanasÚran, United Nations. nasyunalisar v [A; a12] nationalize, put under government control. nÁtad (for lanÁtad) n 1 yard of a house or building. Gitamnan ug mga bÚlak ang nÁtad (nataran) sa Ílang balay, There are flowers planted in the yard of their house. 2 sphere of work or activity. Sa nÁtad sa pulitika giila siyang ikspirtu, He is considered an expert in the field of politics. nataran = nÁtad. nati n young of a pasture animal, calf or kid. natibidad n nativity of Jesus Christ. nat kawuntid see kawuntid. nÁtÙ see kita. natuk n powdery starch of any sort that has been obtained by soaking the source in water and letting it settle. v 1 [A; c1] make starch this way. 2 [A; b6] mix natuk into s.t. nÁtun = nÁtÙ (dialectal). see kita. natural a 1 normal, natural. DÚnay trÁtu ang Ímung anak. Natural kanÀ, Your daughter has a sweetheart. That’s normal. 2 short form: tural of course. Natural muhÁtag ku kay mahal ka nÁkÙ, Of course, I’ll give you some because you’re dear to me. n person’s real character. NagpaayuÁyu siya apan bantayi kun mugulÀ ang Íyang natural, He is pretending to be nice, but watch out when his real character comes out. v [A23] for one’s real nature to come out. † naturalÍsa n 1 the natural thing to do. NaturalÍsa sa tÁwung mamakak basta dÍlÌ sakpan, It’s only natural for people to lie if no one ever catches them. 1a inborn characteristics or behavior especial to one. Ang Íyang naturalÍsang mangil-ad mulutaw giyud, His disagreeable character will sooner or later show itself. 2 whitish fluid secreted by women. Ang babÁying naughan sa naturalÍsa nagkaluspad, The woman who failed to secrete white blood corpuscles was getting pallid. 2a menstruation. DalÁga ka na inig-abut sa Ímung naturalÍsa, You’ll be a full-grown girl when you have had your first menstruation. naturalya n menstruation. *nÁug ka- v 1 [A3SB; ac] climb, bring down; go, bring out of a house; get off, unload from a vehicle. NanÁug (nikanÁug) ang mananggÍti gÍkan sa lubi, The toddy gatherer climbed down from the coconut. Ang kuliktur ray mukanÁug ÁnÀ, The bus conductor will unload it. KanaÚga ra ang silya sa sÍlung, Go get the chairs downstairs. Ayaw ikanÁug ang bÁtÀ kay nag-ulan, Don’t bring the child downstairs because it is raining. 2 [A23] resign, abdicate. NanÁug ang hÁrÌ sa trÚnu arun pagpangasÁwa, The king abdicated the throne in order to marry. pa- v [A; c6] 1 hand down a decision. Ang hukum nga ipakanÁug sa maghuhÚkum dÍlÌ na mausab, The decision the judge hands down is irrevocable. 2 pass, promulgate a law. kalanaugun a situated below a certain level. Ang balay kalanaugun pa gÍkan sa karsÁda, The house needs to be reached by descending a way from the road. naugnaug = nuugnuug2. nawÁsa n 1 acronym for the National Waterworks and Sewerage Authority. 2 plain drinking water (humorous slang). WÀ man tay ikapalit ug supdringk, mag-agwanta lang tag nawÁsa, We don’t have any money for soft drinks, so we’ll just have to put up with plain water. — dyus n (lit. Nawasa juice) drinking water from the tap (humorous slang). nÁwi n strip of rattan. v [A; a] cut rattan into strips. Dagkung buuk sa uway ang Ámung nawÍhun, We cut big stems of rattan into strips. nawihan n a device for cutting rattan into strips. nawnaw v [A; c] put s.t. in a liquid and swish it around. Munawnaw ka Áring patis? Will you dunk it in this sauce? Inawnaw ang sinabnan sa tÚbig, Swish the soapy clothes around in the water. hi- v 1 [A; a] rinse. HinawnÁwi ang mga plÁtu arun matÍluk nawug n 1 fine sediment that settles at the bottom of a container. 2 youngest child in the family (humorous). nawung n 1 face. 2 giving the impression of being. Nawung ka man ug bÚang, You seem to be crazy! 2a k.o. s.t. NagkalainlÁing nawung ang galÁhan sa karnabal, There were various kinds of amusements at the carnival. 3 the right side of s.t. Nawung sa panaptun, The obverse side of the cloth. 3a — sa dÁgat, lÁngit the surface of the sea, the face of the sky. Nagbusing-ut ang nawung sa lÁngit, The skies are somber. 4 nerve, shamelessness. DÚna ka pa uruy nawung, nu, mangÁyu human sa Ímung nabÚhat, You sure have a lot of nerve, don’t you, to ask for s.t. from me after what you did. 4a — [gen.] the nerve of [gen.]. Nawung nÍmu À! Some nerve you’ve got! 5 other phrases: duhay — unfaithful in love (two faces). — ug kwarta, sÁpÌ greedy. HÚgaw ang gubyirnu kay ang mga upisyÁlis nawung ug kwarta, The government is corrupt because the officials are greedy. hÍlas nang — nÍmu derisive interjection showing disbelief. NanugÍlun man kang gisugut kang Tirya. HÍlas nang nawung mu! You told everyone that Terya accepted you. You don’t look like it! see also bagÀ, bug-at. v 1 [a12] hit in the face. Ákung nawngun arun mablak-ay, I’ll hit him in the face so he’ll get a black eye. 2 [A; b5] tell bluntly. Ginawung (ginawngan) ku siyag sulti nga wÀ siyay batÁsan, I told him bluntly that he had no manners. 2a [C] come face to face with s.o. to settle s.t. MagkasÁbut tingÁli mu ug magnÁwung mu, Maybe you’ll see eye to eye if you confront each other. 3 [a12] sew or iron with the obverse side up. -anay v [C] = nawung, v2a. -an a good-looking. nawungnÁwung v [A1; a12] obtain, be consisting of various kinds. MakanawungnÁwung ka sa Útan ug nÁay daghang utanun, You can have all different kinds of vegetables to eat if we have lots of vegetables. ka- v [B1456] be of various kinds. MagkanawungnÁwung ang tambal nga gidÁpat sa masakitun, All sorts of medicines were given to the patient. nÀy short for kanÀy. nayanÁya v [A; c1] take sorrows easily. Ikaw na lay maantÍgu munayanÁya sa Ímung kaguul, Try to dispel your gloom. nayintinÁyin a moronic, simple-minded (from the notion that a simple-minded person is somewhat lacking [kulangkulang] and 99 is slightly lacking to make 100). nayitklab n night club. v [A13; a12] make, make into a night club. -ing v [A1; c6] go night clubbing. n action of going to night clubs. nayitlÍtir n night letter telegram. v [c6] send a night letter. nayits ab kulumbus n Knights of Columbus. nayitskul n night school. v [A13] attend night school. Magnayitskul lang ku kay trabÁhu man ku maadlaw, I’ll just attend night school because I work days. naylun n nylon. nÁyun (from dayun) a adjacent, in line with. Ang Ákung balay nÁa nÁyun ra sa mirkÁdu, My house is just adjacent to the market. v [A13; c1] straight-lined. WalÀ giyuy purma ang Íyang lÁwas. NagnÁyun lang, Her figure is without curves. It’s just formed straight way down. NayÚnun (inÁyun) ku lang pagtÁbas ning Ímung bistÍda, I’ll cut your dress straight down. NBI see inbÍay. NDB see indÍbi. ng 1 short form for ni1 and kang1. 2 short form for nga. nga grammatical marker. short forms: ng after vowels, n, ?; zero after consonants. 1 following preposed gen. Íya kung gilÍpay, He made me happy. Ang Íyang payag, His hut. 2 following demonstratives and interrogatives. Taw-an kanang kahÚya, That tree is inhabited by spirits. Unsang adlÁwa run? What day is it today? 3 between members of a two-headed endocentric construction. Nindut nga sinÍnÀ, A beautiful dress. Plawtang kawÁyan, A bamboo flute. Usa ka hÚngut nga tubÀ, A coconut shell full of palm toddy. Ang Ákung gihulaman nga bulpin, The ball point pen that I borrowed. GihilÁsan ku nga namÁtÌ sa Íyang hambug, I was disgusted listening to his boasts. 4 preceding a clause: that. Nahadluk siya nga mapugus pagminyÙ sa Insik, She feared that she would be forced to marry the Chinaman. HuhungÍhung nga daghan kag babÁyi, Rumors that you have many mistresses. 4a when [such-and-such] a thing is the case. UnsÁun man nÍmu pagpanghimakak nga nÁa may nakakitÀ? How can you deny it when so many people saw it? 5 linker between a word that expresses manner or mode and a ngÀ = ingÀ. ngÁab v [A; b6] cry loudly. Kanang batÁa mungÁab dÁyun kun dÌ tagÁan sa gustu, That child yells right away when he is not given what he wants. n loud crying. ngÁan = ngay-an, dialectal for diay. ngab = ngÁlab. ngÁba = unsa ba, ngÁnu ba (dialectal). ngÁbil n 1 lips. 2 brim of a container. Pun-a ang bangÀ hangtud sa ngÁbil, Fill the jar up to the brim. v [A; b6] put a brim to a container. ngabngab v 1 [AB; c1] for the wound or an opening to become big or wide. Mingabngab ang Íyang samad kay wÀ tambÁli, His wound grew big because he did not have it treated. Ang kalihuk nÍyang matÚlug mauy nakangabngab (nakapangabngab) sa gisÌ sa muskitÍru, The tear in the mosquito net grew because he kept moving in his sleep. 2 [A; b3c] shoot off one’s mouth, say things that are nonsensical and that one doesn’t know anything about. Nagngabngab ka lang sa Ímung pagdÚda sa mga butang nga wÀ nÍmu makÍtÀ, You are shooting off your mouth doubting things you haven’t even seen. DÌ nÍmu Ángayng ingabngab ang Íyang pagkatÁwu, You should not gossip about his real character. a gaping, wide open. ngadtu going to over there (far from speaker and hearer). GÍkan dinhi mupaingun siya ngadtu sa pÍkas, From here he goes to the other side. v = adtu. — nganhi v [A; a2] go back and forth. Nigusyanti siya maung magngadtu nganhi sa ManÍlÀ, He is a businessman, so he goes back and forth to Manila. pasi- v [A3] be on way to, headed for (literary). Daw pagalantawan ku nga nagpasingadtu ikaw sa dakung kapildÍhan, I can see that you are heading for a great failure. ngadtungadtu in the long run. Kun naglÍsud ka karun, sa ngadtungadtu makakat-un ka ra, If you find it hard this time, you’ll learn how to after a while. ngalab = ngÁab. ngÁlab n dividing line between the sea and the shore at lowest tide. Daghang batu ug kinhasun sa ngÁlab, There are plenty of stones and sea shells at the edge of the shoreline. pa-(?) v [A] to go to the edge of the shoreline. Nagpangalab sila bÚsÀ naabtan sila sa taÚbun, They went to the edge of the shoreline so the tide caught up with them. ngÁlan n name. sa — 1 in the name of, on account of. Sa ngÁlan sa Átung panaghigalaay buhÁtun ku kanÀ, I’ll do that for the sake of our friendship. 2 concerning. Sa ngÁlan sa Ímung gugma dÍlÌ na aku mamÍnaw pa niÁnÀ, As far as your love is concerned, I don’t want to hear any more about it. — nga being, as. NgÁlan nga managsÚun Ángay untang magpinasayluay, Being brothers, we ought to forgive each other. NgÁlan nga mauy nagpadakÙ nÁkÙ may katungud siyang mangÁyÙ, Being the one who raised me, he has the right to ask me for favors. v [A; c] 1 call, give a name. Ginganlan siyag baklÀ kay bÁyut kaÁyu, She calls him ‘quebo’ because he is a fairy. Dyunyur ang ingÁlan sa bÁtÀ, Call the child Junior. 2 mention, enumerate. MakangÁlan kug bayinti ka langgam, I can name twenty kinds of birds. hi- = ngÁlan, v. ngalngal v [A; c1] make thoughtless, extravagant demands. Ningalngal ang mga ginikÁnan sa babÁyi ug mga pangÁyÙ, The girl’s parents made such fabulous demands for their daughter’s hand. Gustu kag iskÚtir? Nagngalngal ka lang! You want a scooter? You’re making an unreasonable request! Bisag unsa lay Ímung ngalngÁlun (ingalngal), You demand whatever comes to your head. ngÁmig (from kÁmig) a cold, lacking in heat. NgÁmig na ang sabaw, The soup is already cold. v [B2S3P; a12P] be, become cold. MangÁmig ang minatay, The corpse will get cold. ngan (from dungan) and (dialectal). ngan = ngÁlan. nganga, ngÁnga v [A; c1] open the mouth. MingÁnga siyag dakÙ pinakÍtÀ ang lingagngag, He opened his mouth wide showing the back of his mouth. (?) v [A13] be unable to speak, usually out of not knowing what to say. NagngÁnga lang ku adtung Ílang giisturyÁhan. Pulus man tu bÁhin sa sÁyans, I stood there like a dummy while they talked about science. (?) v [B36] for things that have edges to gape. Minganga (nanganga) ang samad nga dakÙ, The wound gaped ngÀngÀ a stuttering. MaÁyu kaÁyung musuwat nang tawhÁna apan ngÀngÀ kaÁyung musulti, That man writes well but he stammers terribly when he talks. v [B; c1] stutter. MungÀngÀ nÀ siya ug makuyawan, He stutters when he is scared. ngangha v [B1256; b3(1)] be open-mouthed with sudden surprise. Nangangha (nahingangha, nahangangha) aku sa nutisya, I was left open-mouthed by the news. hi-/ha- = ngangha. nganhÀ going there (near hearer). MuanhÀ ku nganhÀ karun dÁyun, I’ll go there right away. v = anhÀ. pasi- v [A3] be on the way there. nganhi here (near speaker and hearer). Anhi nganhi ku mulingkud, I will sit over here. ngadtu — see ngadtu. v = anhi. pasi- v [A3] be on the way here. Nagpasinganhi sila, They are on their way here. ngÁnÌ = gÁnÌ. ngÁnu 1 why? NgÁnung nangutÁna ka? Why are you asking? 2 what is the matter with, what has happened to? Nagmugtuk man ka. NgÁnu ka? You are sulking. What’s the matter with you? 3 — ug who cares? NgÁnug mabÁlÌ nÀ? Who cares if that breaks? NgÁnu ba uruy ug mahagbung ku sa bÁr, basta dÌ mabÚang, Who cares if I fail the bar, as long as I don’t go crazy. ngari to, towards me (nearer me than to you). Ngari lingkud sa wala, Sit over here on my left. pasi- v [A3] be on the way here. ngasngas1 v [B] for wounds to fester. Ang pasÁyan mauy nakangasngas (nakapangasngas) sa Ákung mga katulkatul, The shrimps caused my eczema to fester. ngasngas2 v [A; a] damage by scraping. Kinsay nagngasngas sa tapalÚdu? Who scraped the fender? Nangasngas ang Ákung sÍku pagkadagmÀ nÁkÙ, My elbow got scraped when I fell. n abrasion, scratches. ka- v [A13] be covered with abrasions. ngatanan n all (Biblical). [adj.] sa — very [adj.]. NakakitÀ kug barkung dakÙ kaÁyu sa ngatanan, I saw a very big boat. ngatngat v [A3P; a12] separate two or more things clinging to each other. Kinsay nagngatngat sa duha ka nagsinumbagay? Who separated the two people who were fighting? NgatngÁta ang babÁying migakus sa namatay nÍyang bÁna, Try to get the woman to let go of her dead husband. ngawngaw1 v [A; b3] cry loudly. Ang bÁtÀ nagngawngaw kay gigÚtum, The child cried hard because he was hungry. ngawngaw2 = ngalngal. ngayÀ (from mungayÀ) a cheerful in appearance or feelings. NgayÀ siyang pagkatÁwu, He is a cheerful person. v [B; b3(1)] cheerful. NagngayÀ ang Ílang mga hitsÚra kay Pasku, Their faces are cheerful because it’s Christmas. ngÍ word of derision used by children, equivalent in meaning to sticking out the tongue (which has the same nuance as sticking out the tongue in the States). NgÍ! ManghÁtag ba gud ku nÍmu? Nma, do you think I’d give you any? ngÍaw1 a lonely and deserted. NgÍaw kaÁyu ang kulisÍyum kun way gÁmit, The coliseum is very lonely and deserted when it is not in use. v [B; b6] deserted, lonely. MungÍaw (mangÍaw) ang kadalÁnan basta kaadlÁwun, The streets become deserted in the morning. ngÍaw2 v [A; b6] laugh in a mocking way. DÍlÌ maÁyung mungÍaw sa mga dipiktu sa Átung isig ka tÁwu, It is wrong to laugh at a person’s defects. ngibingibi n edge of a precipice, tall structure, or deep ravine. ngidlis a a sharp, high-pitched sound, as of the screeching of brakes. Ang kuku nga mahakarwas sa hugasan ngidlis kaÁyung paminÁwun, If you scratch your nails against the galvanized iron of the sink, you will make a screeching sound. ngidngid = nidnid. ngigngig a be fatty, greasy. Ngigngig kaÁyu ang Ímung bÍkung hinÍmÙ, The sticky rice you made is very greasy. v [B; c1] be, become greasy. ngihit = nihit. ngil-ad a bad, ugly, evil. Ngil-ad ug dungug ang usa ka hustis, A night club hostess has a bad reputation. v [B; ac5] become bad. Nangil-ad ang Íyang dagway kay napÁsÙ sa asidu, Her face became ugly because it was burned with acid. Sukad ta maminyÙ nagkangil-ad ang Ímung kinaÍya, Ever since we got married your disposition has been getting worse. Gingil-ad ku pagsabut ang maÁyu nÍyang tÚyÙ, I construed her good intentions the wrong way. Ngil-aran aku sa Ímung pagpakaÚlaw nÍya, I consider it bad the way you embarrass her. ngilbit a part of material near the edges or ends. Ngilbit ra pagkalansang ang tabla maung milutak, The wood was nailed too close to the edge so it cracked. v [A13; c1P] attach to, put s.t. down on top of the edge of s.t. Kun ngilbÍtun (ingilbit, ipangilbit) paghikut ngili a causing a chilling sensation in the spine (said of worms, snakes, and the like). Ngili kaÁyu hikÁpun nang wati, It is spine-chilling to touch a worm. v [b4] have a chilling sensation. Gingilihan kung nangÚhÀ sa mga lintÀ sa Ákung batÍis, I had a chilly sensation taking the leeches from my leg. ngilit n edge. Milingkud siya sa ngilit sa katri, He sat at the edge of the bed. v [C1P] put s.t. at the edge. Nangilit nÁkug butang sa lamÍsa ang bÁsu maung nahÚlug, I put the glass at the edge of the table, so it fell. Ayawg ingilit (ngilita) paghÁwid kay mahiplus, Don’t hold it at the edge because it might slip out of your hands. pa- v [A3] go to the edge. Ayaw ug pangilit sa pangpang kay mahÚlug ka, Don’t stay at the edge of the cliff. You might fall. ngÍlit v 1 [A2; b(1)] grin. Pwirti siyang nakangÍlit sa pagkakitÀ nÍya kanÁkÙ sa layÙ, How he grinned at me upon seeing me at a distance. 2 [A3] bare the teeth in anger. Ayaw pagdÛul sa magngÍlit nga irÙ, Don’t go near a dog that has bared teeth. ngilngig a 1 gruesome, stirring revulsion. Ngilngig tan-Áwun ang naligsan, The man who was run over by a truck was a gruesome sight. 2 terribly good. 2a very skillful. Ngilngig siya musista, He is very skillful in playing the guitar. 2b big shot, prominent. Ngilngig siya run. Tag-Íya nag lÁging, He is a big shot now. He owns a logging concession. 2c excellent. Ngilngig kaÁyu siyag trabÁhu, Nilibu ang swildu, He has an excellent job. He has a salary in four figures. 3 greasy, fatty. Ang mantikÁun nga kalan-un ngilngig kan-un, Food with lots of fat is greasy. v [B12; b6] 1 be, become horrible. 2 be excellent, skillful. 3 make greasy. Ayaw ngilngÍga paglÚtÙ, Don’t cook it with too much fat. ngilu a setting the teeth on edge, causing the spine to tingle (said of eating sour things, shrill noises, having teeth filed). Ayaw kagÍsa nang puthaw kay ngilu kaÁyu paminÁwun, Don’t scratch that metal because it makes my spine tingle to hear it. v [B; b4] have a tingling sensation in teeth. Mingilu (nangilu) ang Ákung ngÍpun ug kinÁug hilawng mangga, It set my teeth on edge to eat unripe mangoes. ngÍlu a yellow color (humorous). ngÍpun n 1 teeth. 2 teeth of saws, gears, and the like. (?) v [A; b4] for a baby to cut teeth. MagdautdÁut ang bÁtÀ basta magngipun na, A child tends to be sickly if it is cutting its teeth. ngipnan a 1 having serrations or teeth. 2 litter born with teeth. ngÍsi v 1 [A2S; c1] grin. Nagngisi man ka mu rag gihadlÀ sa anghil, You’re grinning as if an angel were titillating you. 2 [B12S456] be slit, lacerated. IpatahÌ sa duktur kanang nagngisi nÍmung samad, Have a doctor sew up that gaping wound. n grin. ngisingisi n name given to various things that cause one to screw up his face: 1 k.o. small fish with poisonous spines. 2 other sea creatures which exude poisonous matter. 3 young head lice (kuyamad). 4 k.o. skin infection characterized by intense itching and scattered sores. v [A123P; a4] 1 be beset with young lice. 2 get this skin infection. † ngislit v [A; a2] smile in an ugly way, showing the teeth. Ningislit siya sa dihang hindiskubrihan ang Íyang kabÚang, She grinned sheepishly when her stupidity was discovered. Gingislit nÍyag lÚgus ang Íyang nawung pagdismular sa kaÚlaw, He forced himself to grin to cover his embarrassment. ngislÙ v [A; a2] grimace, distort the face upon experiencing s.t. disagreeable. NakangislÙ siya sa kasakit, He grimaced in pain. ngisngis1 a very pale-skinned, like tissue paper. Ngisngis kaÁyu ang pamÁnit kay anak sa ingkantu, He is white as tissue paper because he is an albino (the son of an encanto). ngisngis2 = alingisngis. ngitngit a for the atmosphere to be dark. v [B; ab] get dark, be out of the light. PanÁig mu kay nagngitngit lang ang balay, Light some candles because the house is dark. WÀ maklÁru ang Íyang nawung kay nangitngitan, We couldn’t make out his face because it was in the dark. pa- v [A; b] be in a dark place. Nagpangitngit sila arun dÌ himatikdan, They stayed in the dark in order not to be noticed. ka-an n place where there is darkness. Ang panulay mauy hÁrÌ sa kangitngÍtan, Satan is the ruler of darkness. ngitungitu n the part of the sea with the deepest hue indicating great depth. Didtu siya mangisdÀ sa ngitungitung dÁpit, He fished where it was very dark because of the depth. v 1 [B] having its deepest hue. Nagngitungitu sa kalawum ang dÁgat, The sea is deep blue due to its depth. 2 [B] for the night to be very dark. Magngitungitu sa kangitngit ang kagabhÍun kay dÚnay dag-um, The night becomes very dark when there are rain clouds. a for the night to be very dark. ngÍub a 1 dark and eerie with no human noise. Sa mga hilit nga dapit mangÍub ang ngiwngiw n k.o. grass owl: Tyto capensis. ngiyan = unyÀ (dialectal). ngiyaw, ngÍyaw n mewing of a cat or a similar sound. v [A; b6] 1 mew. 2 screw up the face at an unpleasant sensation. NingÍyaw ang Íyang nawung kay naasuhan ang Íyang mata, He grimaced because he got smoke in his eyes. ngual n 1 manner of speaking characterized by inadequacy in pronouncing some consonants. 2 s.o. with a short tongue causing such a speech defect. Unsay gisulti Ánang ngual? What’s that man with a speech defect talking about? v [B; c1] for speech to be badly pronounced. Nagngual sÍyang nagsulti kay punÙ ang bÀbÀ, He speaks unintelligibly because his mouth is full. ngugngug = alingugngug. nguhal a thick, speaking with indistinct articulation like a drunk. Nguhal ang sinultihan sa himatyun, A dying man speaks indistinctly. (?) v [B; c1] talk thickly and indistinctly. MungÚhal (mangÚhal) ang sinultihan ug mahubug ka, Your speech will become thick if you get drunk. nguhÙ a talking through the nose. v [B; c1] become nasal in speech. NagnguhÙ siya kay gisip-un, He is talking through his nose because he has a cold. ka-(?) v [A13] be nasal in speech. pa- v [A; c1] make one’s speech nasal. ngulngul v [B46] deep-seated pain over a wide area. Mingulngul ang Ákung mga buktun sa pagpanglaba tibuuk adlaw, My arms ached because I washed all day long. a having deep-seated pain. PahÍlut ku kay ngulngul kaÁyu ang Ákung kalawÁsan, I will get a massage because my whole body aches. ngÚlub v [A; b6] growl. Ayaw pagdÚul sa irÙ nga nagngÚlub kay mamÁak nÀ, Don’t get near a growling dog because it will bite you. Ayaw kug ngulÚbig masukÙ ka, Don’t growl at me if you are angry. n growling. ngÚlut v [A; b6] growling in defiance or complaint. Ug mungÚlut ang irÙ ayawg duÚla, If the dog growls, don’t go near it. -an(?) a given to growling. ngÚmiks n comics section or magazine (humorous). NagbÁsa ug ngÚmiks, Reading a comics magazine. ngÚngÙ n monster referred to in scaring children. ngurk word used to represent the sound of snoring in writing. ngusngus v [A; a] scour, rub s.t. hard to remove s.t. DÍlÌ ku mungusngus ng adyaks sa awtu kay makadÁut sa pintal, I will not rub Ajax on my car because it destroys the finish. NgusngÚsa ang hÚgaw, Rub off the dirt. ngutngut a pulsating, throbbing pain. Ngutngut kaÁyu ang Ákung bunul, My boil is very painful. v [B46] be in pain. Nagngutngut ning Ákung dughan kay gibulagan ku, My heart is aching because I was jilted. nguwal = nguhal. nguynguy = danguynguy. nguyunguyu n larvae of mosquitoes. ngyÁwÀ particle expressing discomfiture when one is put on the spot (euphemism for yÁwÀ). NgyÁwÀ ni si Angkay! NakumprumÍsu ku Áning Íyang pakig-Áway, Darn! Angkay sure has put me on the spot the way she picks fights. ngyÍlu = ngÍlu. ni- = mi-. ni1 1 gen. marker before names or titles. Ang kangga ni Tasyu, Tacio’s sled. Ang gibÚhat ni Tasyu, What Tacio did. 1a — kinsa of whom, whoever. GikÚhÀ ni kinsa? It was taken by whom? 2 dat. marker = kang. ni2 nor. Sukad karun dÌ na ku makigsulti ni magpakÍtÀ nÍmu, From now on I will not talk with you nor will I show myself to you. 2 preceding a subject in sentences with a negative predicate: nor did [subject] do. Ni aku walÀ pud kakitÀ kanÍya, Nor did I see him either. Ni siya ni ikaw way katungud pagbadlung nÁkÙ, Neither you nor he has a right to reprimand me. ni3 see kini. nÍa = anÍa. niadtu 1 see kadtu. 2 = kaniadtu. niÁnÀ see kanÁ1. nÍbi n navy or one in the navy. v [B156] become a navy man. — blu n navy blue color. nibil n level, device for establishing horizontal lines. v [A; b5] use the level. Ubus-ubus ang pÍkas tumuy kay wÀ nibila (nibili), The other end is lower because no level was used on it. -adu(?), -awu(?) a flat. Lunang nibilÁwu, A flat lot. *nÍbir — gayud that will never be. ‘MagminyÙ ka nÍya?’—‘NÍbir gayud,’ ‘Will you marry him?’—‘Never.’ ayil — giyud I won’t ever. Ug nahibalu pa lÁmang aku, ayil nÍbir giyud, If only I had known, I’d never have done it. — mayin v [B1256] become disregarded, become s.o. about whom no one cares. Ug musugut ka Ánang palikÍru nibÍra n refrigerator. nidnid v [A; c1] grate. NidnÍra (inidnid) ninyu ang kamÚti kay maglidgid ta, Grate the sweet potatoes because we’ll make sweet potato fritters. nidniran n grater or shredder. nidnirun n s.t. to be grated. nigar v [A; c6] deny having done s.t. Inigar giyud ang Ímung kalabÚtan sa krÍmin, Just deny that you had anything to do with the crime. nigatib1 n having negative indications of a disease. Sa iksÁmin sa duktur nigatib ku sa tÍbi, The doctor’s exam showed me negative for TB. nigatib2 n negatives of film. nigra a dark-skinned (female). n negress. v [B12] become dark-skinned. nigru a dark-skinned. Aku ray nigru nÁmung managsÚun, I’m the only one who has dark skin among my brothers and sisters. n Negro. v [B126; b6] for the complexion to become dark. nigrus n k.o. plow (so called from the commercial name). nÍgu n rattan winnowing tray. v [A; a12] make, make into a winnowing tray. nigusiyar v [A; c] 1 negotiate a sale. Siyay munigusiyar (magnigusiyar) sa Ámung yÚtÀ, He will handle the sale of our land. 1a sell a person as a prospective marriage partner. Inigusiyar ku si Birting kang Siling, I will sell Berting to Celing. 2 engage in the business of selling s.t. Nakanigusiyar kug bÁbuy sa syudad, I sold pigs in the city. nigusyabul a available for marriage (slang). Nigusyabul pa nÀ siya kay bÁlu, He is available for marriage because he is a widower. nigusyanta = nigusyanti (female). see nigusyu. nigusyu n business. may, dÚnay — court a woman (slang). NagpagwÁpu man si LÁlit, may nigusyu (magnigusyu) tingÁli dÀ, I wonder why Lalet is dressed up. He must be courting s.o. v 1 [A; c1] put up a business. Magnigusyu kug uway kay halinun, I’ll go into the rattan business because it sells. 2 [A; a12] play a trick on s.o. by leading him to believe or do s.t. MaÁyu siyang nigusyÚhun kay dalÌ mutÚu, It is easy to play a trick on him because he is gullible. 3 [A13] court a woman (slang). nigusyanti n businessman. v [B156] be, become a businessman. nihit a 1 scarce. Nihit kaÁyu ang tÚbig kun hÚlaw, Water is very scarce during dry periods. 2 scarcely, rarely. Nihit ka na nÁkung ikatagbÙ sa dan, I rarely meet you on the street any more. Nihit na nÍya mabÁtÌ ang mga pÚlung sa pagmahal, She rarely hears words of affection. (?) v [B; b6] become scarce. Kun magnÍhit ang humay, mapugus pag-impurt ang gubiyirnu, If the supply of rice is scarce, the government is forced to import it. nihitnÍhit v [A1; c1] use s.t. sparingly. MagnihitnÍhit tag gÁwÌ niÍning bugas kay mahal kaÁyu, We have to use rice sparingly because it is so expensive. niÍni see kini. niÍri see kiri. niÍtu the gen. and dat. of kitu. 1 = niÍni. see kini. 2 = niadtu. see kadtu. nikilÁdu, nikilÁwu a nickel-plated. v [a12] be nickel-plated. nikinikinu a simple-minded. Ang tÁwu nga nikinikinu dÍlÌ makasabut dÁyun, A simple-minded person will not understand readily. v 1 [A; a] tease s.o., do foolishness. Munikinikinu siya sa mga babÁyi, He teases the women. Ug nikinikinuhun ka, ayawg tagda, If he teases you, pay him no mind. 2 [B] be simple-minded. Munikinikinu siya kun higutman, He becomes simple-minded when he is hungry. nikruluhÍya n necrological service, services honoring a dead person after his death but before he is buried. v [A1; b6] hold a necrological service. niktay n necktie. v [A; a] wear a necktie. nikutin, nikutÍna n nicotine. nÍla see sila. nilkÁtir n nail cutter. v [A; a12] clip one’s nails with a nail cutter. NilkatÍra lang ang kuku ug ayawg abisag kurta, Trim your nails with a nail cutter and don’t cut them with a knife. nimpa n female supernatural being thought to inhabit streams, not considered very dangerous but capable of doing mischief or good. nÍmu see ikaw. nindut = anindut. ning- = mi-. ninu n a small tree similar to bangkÚru but with smaller and lighter-colored leaves: Morinda sp. ninyu1 n the Holy Infant Jesus, a small image of the Holy Infant brought from place to place to be kissed during the Christmas season. Inighawuk nÍmu sa ninyu muhÚlug sab kag kwarta, When you kiss the image of the Holy Infant, you also have to give some money. — bunÍtu n person being idolized. Si Sirhing mauy ninyu bunÍtu sa Sibu, ninyu2 see kamu. nÍpÀ n palm of great commercial importance growing along tidal streams and in dense stands in brackish swamps. The leaves are used mainly for thatching, but also for bags, hats, and handicrafts. The sap is fermented into toddy and distilled into a stronger liquor called manyan. It also is used as vinegar: Nypa fruticans. v [a12] make s.t. out of nipa or nipa thatch. nipay, nÍpay = anipay. nipis a 1 thin, not thick. Nipis kaÁyu ang mga pÁnid sa BiblÍya, The Bible’s pages are very thin. 2 thin, scanty. Nipis siyag buhuk, He has thin hair. 3 in billiards, shot hitting the target ball at an angle so that it goes off at right angles to the hole. v 1 [AB; c1] become, make thin. Minipis (nanipis) ang dalunggan sa bag-ung bÁna, The ears of the newly-wed husband became thin (from the notion that sexual indulgence causes one’s ears to become thin). Kun magnipis kag puthaw makmÁkag kusug, When you flatten metal, hammer it hard. 2 [A; b7c1] do s.t. on a scanty scale, thin s.t. out. Nipsa (inipis) pagpulbus sa Ímung nawung, Just apply a little powder to your face. Nipsan nÁtÙ ang Ímung buhuk, Let’s thin out your hair. 3 [A3P; b5] hit a target ball so that it goes off at right angles to the target. pa- v [A; b6] come too close to another vehicle. Ayaw pagpanipis sa ingkuwintru, Don’t drive too close to the oncoming traffic. tag-(?) n name given to various kinds of long and slender sardines and herrings. nipul n small nipple-like projection on glass or metal. nirbiyus n nervousness, easy excitability. Mitukar ang Ákung nirbiyus pagtan-aw nÁkÙ sa sirkus, I got nervous when I watched the circus. v [B126; a4] get nervous. Makanirbiyus (makapanirbiyus) ang pagpÚnay ug inum sa kapi, Too much drinking of coffee can set your nerves on edge. Ginirbiyus kung nagpaÁbut sa iksÁmin, I got the jitters waiting for the exams. -a, -u a nervous, tending to get nervous. nislagan = inislagan. see islag2. nisnis v [A; ab] clean or smooth s.t. by rubbing s.t. back and forth over it. NisnÍsa ang almirul nga mitaput sa plansa, Rub off the starch that is sticking to the iron. NisnÍsi ang kÁhuy ÚsÀ nÍmu pintÁli, Rub the wood smooth before you paint it. nÍt1 n net (in games). v [a12] hit the ball in the net. GinÍt man nÍmu. Sayid-Áwut na sad, You hit the ball in the net. Now it’s their serve. nÍt2 a neat, well-groomed, clean. MaÁyung pagka-ariglar kining Ímung kwartu. NÍt kaÁyu, Your room is well-arranged. It looks very neat. NÍt siyang mamisti, She dresses neatly. nitbul n net ball in a game. v [a12] hit a net ball. Kun wÀ pa manitbul, puntus na untÀ, Had it not been a net ball, it would have been a point. nitruhÍnu n nitrogen. nitsu n vault in a cemetery big enough to accommodate a coffin or two, built against a wall or above the ground. v [A12; c1] have s.o. buried in a nitsu. nÍtÙ n scrambling ferns, the stems of which are used in weaving baskets, hats, boxes: Lygodium spp. -ng putÌ species of nÍtÙ that does not turn black when it grows old. nÍwang a thin, not stout. NÍwang ang sibÚyas nga way bÙbÙ, The onions are undersized. They haven’t been watered. v [B2S] become thin. NagnÍwang ka kay kÚlang kag maÁyung kÁun ug katÚlug, You are thin because you lack good food and sleep. niwniw v [AN; c] swish s.t. around in water. Nagniwniw kug anyil sa tÚbig, I’m swishing bluing about in the water. Ang usa ka tÁsang Ínit tÚbig nga niwniwan ug gamayng ampiyun, A pinch of opium swished around in a cup of hot water. nÍya see siya. niyan = unyÀ (dialectal). nÍyun n neon lamp, neon light. NÍyun nga bilburd, Neon billboard. v [A1] have neon lights. NPC see inpÍsi. nu1 1 isn’t that right? ‘Muinum man ka, nu?’—‘Mu lang’, ‘You drink liquor, don’t you?’—‘I sure do’. 2 so it is, isn’t it? Martis man diay run, nu? Today is Tuesday, isn’t it? 3 particle asking the hearer if he understands: You know what I mean? ÁkÙ siyang giablÁhan. UnyÀ nu, mihÍlak siya, I proposed to her. And then, you know what? She cried. sa — = sa. see unsa, 5. nu2 = kunu. Nub. n abbreviation for Nubimbri, November. *nubÁli — [number of Spanish origin] in billiards, the amount of handicap a player gives his opponent, the amount he must reach before giving up the cue if his score is to be counted. Way kwinta tung nakuhir nÍmung singkwinta kay nubÁli siyin may Ímung gihÁtag nga bintÁhÀ, The fifty points nubÁtu, nubÁtus a inexperienced, neophyte. Kumaw siya kay nubÁtu pa Ánang trabahÚa, He does it awkwardly because he is inexperienced in that job. nÚbi n decoration representing clouds used in the background of the representation of the nativity scene in church at Christmas. nubÍla n novel. nubilista n novelist. nubimbri = nubyimbri. nubÍna n novena. — nga bug-us n special novena for one person or soul. — sa kumun n novena offered for all souls on All Souls’ Day or on the nine days before. v [A; b6] hold a novena. Nakalingkawas tu siya sa purgaturyu kay nanubinÁhan, He has probably been saved from purgatory because a novena was held for him. — ug sugung, almanÁki v [A12; b6] I’ll eat my hat, do the impossible (lit. read a novena from a bamboo tube, almanac). MagnubÍna kug sugung ug makapasar kas sÍbil sirbis, I will eat my hat if you pass the Civil Service exams. nubinahan n book used in praying the novena. nubinaryu n the nine-day period in which a novena is held. v [A13] hold this feast. nubinta number ninety. see disiutsu for verb forms. nubÙ = mubÙ. nÚbÙ (from lanÚbÙ) v [a2] make s.t. go far. NubÚag gÁmit ang sabun, Use the soap sparingly. nubya n 1 fiancee. 2 bride. v [B1256; a12] become, be one’s bride. Kun akuy manubya, kuntÚdu giyud ang Ákung kasal, When I become a bride, my wedding will be on a grand scale. nubyimbri n November. v see abril. nubyu n 1 fiance. 2 bridegroom. nudnud v 1 [A; a] rub on with moderate pressure. NudnÚrig kandÍlÀ ang utaw, Rub wax on the iron. 2 [c6] impose a discriminating burden or imposition. Mau pay pubri ku, inudnud pa giyud tag palukat ug lisinsya, Poor as I am, I still have to pay for a license. nÚdul sup n noodle soup. nugbÙ = mugbÙ. see mubÙ. nuÍsu n in billiards, points not counted. NuÍsu ang tirÁda kay walÀ makarambÚla, The shot doesn’t count because it wasn’t a carom. — karambÚla n shot that is not a carom. nÚka n 1 sore, infection on the skin, not of great size. 2 north wind pieces in mahjong (slang for nurti). v [B; b6] become a sore. MinÚka (nanÚka) ang Íyang samad, His wound became a sore. (?) v [a4] be affected by sores. Ginuka siya kay dÌ manghimatÍis, He has sores on his legs because he doesn’t wash them. nukaun a infested with sores. nukanuk a 1 for rain to be steady and continuous, but light. 2 for a war or battle to be off and on, light and dragging. Nukanuk ang inawayan sa girilya, Guerrilla warfare is not steady. It drags on and with heavy fighting interrupted by periods of calm. 3 for persons to be bothersome, pestering, with repeated requests. Nukanuk siya. KÁda adlaw tÚa sa upisÍna arun paghulam ug kwarta, He is a pest. He comes to the office every day to borrow money. nukliyar n nuclear. nÚkus n squid. — sa Ípil n k.o. small squid with a caudal fin running the length of the body. — tarÚrut = tarÚrut, n2. nukusnÚkus v [A13] keep changing one’s mind about agreeing to s.t. DÌ ku gustung magnukusnÚkus ka. Muuban kag dÍlÌ, Make up your mind once and for all. Are you coming or not? paN- v [A2; b6] go fishing for squids. nÚli n Rizal’s novel Noli Me Tangere. nÚlu n null and void. v 1 [A; a12] nullify. GinÚlu sa huwis ang Ílang kasal, The judge annulled their marriage. 2 [a12] turn to nothing. NulÚhun lang ang Ímung salapÌ kun muapil ka niÁnang klasÍha sa nigusyu, Your money will disappear into thin air if you engage in that k.o. business. numbrar see numrar. numbramyintu = numramyintu. numbri = numri. numinar v [A; b5c1] nominate. Numinahun (inuminar, numinahan) ta siya pagkasarhintu, Let’s nominate him sergeant-at-arms. numinasyun n nomination for voting. numirÁwu a numbered for easy identification or guidance. NumirÁwu ang mga lingkurÁnan sa awdituryum, The seats in the auditorium are numbered. v [B1256] for s.t. to be numbered. numiru n number. — Únu n 1 number one, greatest in degree. Siya ang numiru Únung ismaglir sa nÁsud, He is the number one smuggler in the country. Siyay numiru Únu numrar v 1 [A; c] appoint. Makalingkud ka na sa katungdÁnan kay ginumrahan ka sa prisidinti, You can assume office now because the president appointed you. 2 [A; b] nominate. Ginumrahan aku pagkaprisidinti, I was nominated president. numramyintu n appointment to public office. numri n 1 name. Ang titulu sa yÚtÀ anÁa sa numri ni NÁnay, The title of the land is in Mother’s name. 2 family name. 3 signature. Gikinahanglan ang Ímung numri sa dukumintu, Your signature is needed in the document. v 1 [A; c] have or give a name or family name. 2 [A; b] affix a signature, sign a name. Kinahanglan nga munumri ka sa pÍrul, You have to sign the payroll. -nun = -anun. nung short for mÁnung. see mÁnung. nungka 1 it will never happen. Muampu ku nÍya? Nungka! Me, bow to him? Never! Nungka nga muhÁtag ku nÍyag danyus, I will never pay him for the damages. 2 rather than [so-and-so], which is worse. Mas bÁli pag mamatay nungka nga makigminyÙ Ánang animal, I’d rather die than marry that beast. nunut 1 together with. Natundag ang karyir nunut sa daghang ayruplÁnu nga gidala niÍni, The carrier sank together with the planes it was carrying. 2 with [subject] as accompaniment. Nag-Áwit kami nunut ang singgit sa hudiyÁkÀ, We sang and shouted in merriment. 3 for hair or fibers to be easily workable, amenable, doing others’ bidding. Nunut ang Íyang buhuk bÚsÀ sayun sudlÁyun, His hair is easy to work. That’s why it’s easy to comb. Nunut kaÁyu kanang kabÁwa. BÍsan bÁtÀ makabalhin, That is a very complaisant water buffalo. Even a child can lead it. v [A2; ac] 1 follow along. Kun mulawig ka, ingun sa mununut usab ang mga pangÁnud, When you sail, the clouds seem to follow along. Nunta didtu ang libru, Go along with him to get the book. 2 accompany with. Ang kakÚgi kinahanglang nuntan ug kaÁlam, Industry must be accompanied by wisdom. 3 follow a new faith, idea, custom. MakaminyÙ lang ta kun mununut ka sa Ámung rilihiyun, We can get married only if you embrace our religion. pahi-(?) v [A; b6] go along with an idea, submit oneself to an outside force. WÀ siyay dugÚkan kay magpahinÚnut lang kanÚnay sa Ámung hukum, He is spineless because he always agrees with our decision without any objections. Gipahinuntan siya sa gustu, She is given her whims. sag-/sig-(?) v [A23; b6] go along with, follow. MisagnÚnut ang Ákung panan-aw sa milabay nga dalÁga, My eyes followed the woman who passed by. pasig-/pasag-(?) v 1 = pahinÚnut. 2 = sagnÚnut. nu puydi see puydi. nuranti short for ignuranti. nurmal1 a normal. Nurmal na ang bÚang human katambÁli, The insane man is normal now after he has been treated. v [B] become normal. Minurmal (nanurmal) ang Íyang timpiratÚra human sa indiksiyun, His temperature went back to normal after the injection. nurmal2 n 1 normal school, a training school for elementary teachers. 2 elementary teaching course. Nurmal ang Ákung gikÚhÀ, I’m taking elementary teaching. nurt = nurti 2, 3, 4. nurti n 1 north. 2 north wind piece, the name of one of the winds (bintus) in mahjong. 3 the player to the left side of the dealer. 4 the name given to the fourth round (cf. rÁwun, 1a). karni — see karni. nÚrul n simple way of polishing shoes without bothering to rub the polish in well. DÌ kaÁyu sÍnaw ang sapÁtus kay nÚrul pagkalimpiya, The shoes are not very shiny because they were polished in a simple way. v [A3; a] polish in a simple way. NurwÍgu n Norwegian. nusnus v [A; ac] rub s.t. back and forth on s.t. else with pressure. Siyay nagnusnus ug tinÚnawng ispirma sa salug, He applied (lit. rubbed on) melted wax on the floor. NusnÚsi ug abu ang kutsÁra arun musÍnaw, Rub ashes onto the spoons so they’ll get shiny. nÚsul n nozzle. nÚta1 n 1 rating grade. 2 notes in music. di- n played looking at the music. v [A; c1] play looking at the music. nÚta2 n stain, blemish on one’s character. v 1 [A; b5] put s.t. on record, note down. 2 [A; b6] note s.o. down as s.t. GinutÁhan nang istudyantÍha nga aktibist, That student is marked as an activist. -du a notorious. NutÁdung mangingilad, A notorious embezzler. v [B12] be, become notorious. nutaryu n notary. v [A; b] notarize. NutaryÚhan nutbuk n notebook. nutikal n nautical course. nutisya n news. May nutisya ku bÁhin nÍya, I have some news about him. v 1 [A; c] give information. Nutisyahi (nutisyai) siya bÁhin sa nahitabÙ, Inform him about what happened. 2 [A12] receive information. Nakanutisya ku nga minyÙ na ka, I heard that you are married. nutrisyunista n dietician. v [B1456] be a dietician. nÚts n notes taken for future study or reference. NÚts sa PÍsiks, Physics notes. v [A; c] take notes. *nutsi — buyna n 1 the night of Christmas Eve or the repast prepared for eating at midnight or after mass on Christmas Eve. 2 New Year’s Eve. v [A; c6] prepare a Christmas Eve meal. Magnutsibuyna lang tag pinubri, We’ll have a simple meal at midnight on Christmas Eve. paN- v [A2; c6] spend Christmas Eve. dÁma di- see dÁma. midiya — = nutsi buyna, 1. nÚud (from tÚud) v [A13] prove true. NagnÚud ang Ákung katÁhap, My suspicions proved true. nuug n 1 cloth. MaÁyung pulÚhun ning nuÚga, This cloth will make a good sport shirt. 2 discarded clothes for rags. PagkÚhag nuug arun himÚung pahiran, Get some discarded clothes for rags. v [B1256; c1] be made into rags. nuugnuug1 n k.o. hairy shrub bearing globose fleshy green or yellowish fruits, the leaves of which are used to clean dishes instead of soap: Solanum verbascifolium. nuugnuug2 n name given to various kinds of small fish with stinging spines. nÚun = hinÚun. nuy short for mÁnuy. nuybi number nine. v see tris. nuybinta = nubinta. nwistra see sinyÚra, 2. nyÀ see unyÀ. nyÍbi n snow. nyur see siniyur. nyura, nyÚra see sinyÚra. nyuralhiya n neuralgia. nyurÍta see sinyurÍta. nyurÍtu see sinyurÍtu. nyÚs n 1 news. 1a newspaper. 2 in mahjong, a four-piece combination consisting of the nurti, isti, wisti, and sur which gets extra winnings. v 1 [A; c6] release news. PatingÚgag radiyu kay nagniyÚs na, Turn the radio on because the news is on. 2 [A12] receive news about s.t. NakanyÚs ka ba bÁhin sa katalagman? Have you read the news about the disaster? — pÍpar = nyÚs, 1a. nyusbuy n newsboy. v [B156; a12] become a newsboy. nyutral n 1 neutral in an argument. 2 neutral gear. v 1 [A13] stay neutral. 2 [A13; c6] shift into neutral. |