
i1 1 — midiya half past. Alas tris i midiya, Three-thirty. 2 particle between Spanish numbers: [number1] i [number2] n [so-and-so many] pesos to [so-and-so many] pesos. Gilugruhan ku nÍyag tris i dus, He offered me three pesos to my two pesos.

i2 1 expression uttered upon making an error or inadvertently breaking s.t. I, sayup mang numirÚha ang Ákung nadÁyal, Oops, I dialed the wrong number. I, nabuy-an nÁkÙ ang bÁsu, Oops, I dropped the glass. I, nÁa man diay ka sa sulud, Oops, I didn’t know you were inside (the toilet). 2 pause word used when speaker does not know what to say next. I, walÀ pa tingÁli muabut, Er, perhaps they haven’t gotten here yet. 3 exclamation expressing surprise at s.t. unexpected which s.o. did. I, sÚkul diay ka nÁkÙ? You mean to say you will stand up to me? 4 particle expressing disgust. I, sÁmuk ning batÁa, Humph, this child is a nuisance. I, lÚpig pay hinÚgas ning kapÍha, Ugh, this coffee is worse than dishwater. 5 exclamation asserting that s.t. seems to be the case though the interlocutor might not be aware of it. I, pÁla na man run, Oh, come on! You’re flattering me. (You may not have meant it as flattery but that is what it was.) I, lÍnug man tu, That was an earthquake, wasn’t it?

i3 n letter E.

Í 1 teasing exclamation over s.t. one might envy a person for. Í, bag-u man lagi tag tÍbi, Hey, you’ve got a new TV set. Í, pasar man diay ta sa bÁr, Hey, I didn’t know you passed the bar. 2 exclamation of fright.

i-1 instrumental passive verb affix, future. (past gi-, subjunctive -i. Potential forms: past na-, or, alternatively, gika-; future and subjunctive ma-2 or, alternatively, ika-.) Ibutang nÍya ang kwarta, He will put the money down. Gibutang nÍya ang kwarta, He put the money down. WalÀ nÍya ibutang ang kwarta, He didn’t put the money down. Diin kahÀ nÁkÙ mabutang (ikabutang) ang kwarta? Where could I have put the money? Ang kwartang nabutang (gikabutang) sa lamÍsa, The money that was put on the table. 1 put, bring, convey s.t. DÌ ku ihÁtag, I will not give it away. Iadtu kanÍya ang kwarta, Bring the money to him. Isaka ang malÍta sa tÁas, Bring the suitcase upstairs. 1a with verbs of saying, asking, and the like: say [so-and-so]. WÀ kuy isulti nÍya, I have nothing to say to him. Unsay ipangutÁna nÁkÙ? What shall I ask? 1b with verbs containing pa-: have s.o. [do] to. (Cf. -un1). IpalÚtÙ ku ang isdÀ, I will have s.o. cook the fish. Ipasaka nÁtÙ ang butung, Let’s have s.o. climb up to get the coconuts. IpahÁtag ang kÍk, Have s.o. give the cake away. Ipaadtu ang kÍk didtu, Have s.o. bring the cake there or Have s.o. go get the cake. 1c with adjectives or words referring to a state: bring into the state. Iandam na ang mga butang, Prepare the things now. 2 [do] with. WÀ kuy kwartang ipalit ug bugas, I have no money to buy rice with. DÍay martilyung ibuak sa alkansÍya, Here is a hammer to break the piggy bank with. IsapÁtus ang Ímung bag-u, Wear your new shoes (use your new ones as shoes). 3 [do] for (confined, for the most part, to the imperative). IkÚhÀ ra kug tÚbig, Please get me some water. 4 [do] at [such-and-such] a time (confined to the future). Hustu na rung iadtu, Now would be a good time to go. 4a prefixed to verbs following adj.: it is [adj.] to [do]. Ínit rang itrabÁhu run, It is too hot to work now. KaÁyu rang ipuyÙ dinhi, How nice it would be to live here! 5 become in [such-and-such] a state because of. Ayaw ipamintÌ ang Ímung kasukÙ, Don’t gnash your teeth because of your anger.

i-2(?) prefix added to roots referring to a place or direction to form nouns meaning ‘place of [so-and-so]’. IbÁbaw, Place up above. IlÁlum, Place below, beneath. IlÁwud, Place toward town (lit. out to the sea).

-i see -an1.

-i(?) short for hi-i(?). see hi-an.

iba = uban, 2 (dialectal).

ÍbÀ1 n 1 k.o. sour fruit used in sour stews: Averrhoa bilimbi. — sa insik the fruit of the bangkiling. way — ug dÌ maaslum everything ugly, esp. a woman’s appearance, is disagreeable (lit. all ÍbÀ’s are sour). GarbÚsa mu rag gwÁpa. Way ÍbÀ ug dÌ maaslum, She’s proud, as if she were beautiful. Anything ugly is disagreeable.

ÍbÀ2 n Eve, the first woman of God’s creation. anak ni — n woman. Ang mga anak ni ÍbÀ ang gitaryÁhang mauy manganak, Women were given the role of bearing children.

ibabaw, ibÁbaw see bÁbaw.

ibakwisyun n evacuation.

ibakwit = bakwit.

iban = uban, 2 (dialectal).

Íban v [AP; b] reduce, take s.t. away. Ang bahÀ kusug mupaÍban (muÍban) sa yÚtÀ, A strong flood will carry away the earth. (?) n deduction, amount taken away. Way iban Ákung swildu, There have been no deductions from my salary. -in-an(?) n having had s.t. taken away from it.

ibang n slit in the cover of the pressure lantern (pitrumaks) into which the screw which holds it is inserted.

ibanghilista n 1 evangelist.

ibanghilyu n 1 Gospels of the Bible. 2 part of a church service where the gospel is read. v [A1] read the gospel.

ibapurÁda n evaporated milk.

ibat a = libat.

Íbay n 1 woman (slang). 2 lesbian (slang).

ÍbÌ = tÍbÌ.

ibid n k.o. large agamid lizard with a crest on the back and tail, reaching 3½' in length.

ibid-Íbid v [A; c] sidle up to s.o. sweetly to get s.t. n action of sidling up to s.o. maibid-ibÍrun a flirting, sidling up to get s.t.

ibidinsiya n evidence, proof of a crime. v [A12; b(1)] obtain evidence of guilt. Naibidinsiyahan siya kay didtu man siya, He was proven guilty because he was there.

ibÍngan n a k.o. short, crested, poisonous snake that makes a crowning noise.

ibinrud n outboard motor boat (so called from the brand name).

ibis1 n 1 k.o. small bony fish found close to shores: Ambassis spp. 2 small fry, one of little importance.

ibis2 v [A; b5] slice or cut off a small portion from s.t. Kinsay nag-ibis sa Ákung mangga? Who sliced a piece off my mango?

Íbit v [A; b(1)] get a share of s.t. s.o. has (usually used in negative sentences). Ayawg tagÚa nang Ímung gikaun kay dÌ ku muÍbit ÁnÀ, Don’t hide the food you’re eating because I won’t take any of it from you.

ibud v [A; b6(1)] 1 put grain before fowl to feed them. 2 feed grains into a stone mill. 3 put grains into a hole in the ground to plant them. n grains, feed for fowls.

Íbug a attracted. Íbug ku sa Íyang sinÍnÀ, I am very much attracted to her dress. v [B12; b3(1)] 1 be attracted. NaÍbug aku sa Ímung sapÁtus, I am attracted to your shoes. Gikaibgan (naibgan) ku ang Íyang kagwÁpu, I was attracted to his handsomeness. 2 [a] = paÍbug. ibug-ibug v [A2; b(1)] tempt. Nag-ibug-ibug ka lang nÁkÙ niÁnang manggang hilaw, You’re tempting me with those green mangoes. pa-(?), pa- v [A] 1 entice s.o. to do s.t. by showing him s.t. Paibgi (paibÚgi) nÀ siyag linÍkit, Entice him with a roll of bills. 2 [A; a] cause s.o. to want s.t. Paibgun ka lang. DÌ ka tagÁan, I’ll just entice you. I won’t give you any. paN- v [A2; b(1)] for pregnant women to have an intense liking for s.t. Naliwat sa munyÍka ang Ílang anak kay mau may gipangibÚgan sa Íyang asÁwa, Their baby looked like a doll because the wife had developed a strong fondness for it during her pregnancy. ka- n attraction to s.t. kailibgan = maka-r-, 2. kailibgun n thing that arouses desire. Daghang kailibgun sa MagalyÁnis, There are lots of things to arouse your desire downtown. ma-un, maibgÁnun, mailibgun a attracted to. MaibÚgun (maibgÁnun, mailibgun) kaÁyu siya sa mga malahÁlung alÁhas, She is strongly attracted to expensive jewelry. maka-r- a 1 capable of causing attraction. Ang Íyang kaanyag makaiÍbug, She has a magnetic beauty. 2 capable of causing envy.

ibul = kibul.

Íbus1 n winged insect shaped like an ant.

Íbus2 v [A13; a1] cook food wrapped in coconut leaves in long sticks. n food so cooked, most frequently a tidbit consisting of sticks of sticky rice with coconut and sugar.

ibut v 1 [A; a] pull out s.t. rooted, stuck into s.t. Nag-ibut siya sa Íyang bÚngut, He is pulling out his whiskers. Giibut nÍya ang lansang, He pulled the nail out. 2 [C] for copulating things to get apart. Ang duha ka irÙ nag-Íbut, The two dogs are stuck after copulating. 3 [b6] draw a weapon on one. Giibtan ku nÍyag pusil, He drew a gun on me. a pulled out. -in- n rice seedlings.

ibyuk n sugar palm, a k.o. palm resembling the coconut, the frond fibers and midribs of which are made into brooms. Toddy and vinegar are also obtained from it: Arenga pinnata.

ibyus a tapering at the top like a cone or funnel. Ibyus ug tudlÙ, Having long tapering fingers. v [B1; a12] be tapering. Mag-ibyus ang dÁhun sa sÁging basta dÍlÌ pa mabukhad, The young leaves of the banana are narrow at the top before they spread out into a leaf.

Ída see bwilta.

idad n age. Pilay Ímung idad karun? How old are you now? mayur di- of legal age. minur di- under legal age. may — be quite old. May idad na ang Ákung inahan, My mother is quite old now. — nga makalilÍnga adolescence, so-called because it is the age in which the child is confused as to whether he is an adult or a child. idad-idaran a middle-aged. Idad-idaran na ku kay kwarinta na, I am middle-aged now because I am forty. v 1 [B] be [so-and-so] old. Sa nag-idad kug syÍti anyus, When I was seven years old. 2 [BN] become, be made aged. Ang Íyang nawung miidad kaÁyu tungud sa nahitabÙ, Her face aged terribly because of what happened. 2a keep a borrowed thing too long (have them grow old on one). IÚlÌ na nang Ímung hinuwaman, nangidad na lang nÀ dihÀ, Return it to the person you borrowed it from. You’ve had it too long. 3 [A13; b8] be [so-and-so] long, last. Nag-idad na run ug pitu ka tÚig sukad sa Ámung panagbÚlag, It has been seven years since we separated. WÀ pa gÁnÌ maidari ug tulu ka bÚwan ang Íyang panirbisiyu, His service did not even last for three months. paN-, pangidarun n = idad n, v1. idaran, maidaran a old. Idaran (maidaran) na ang Íyang napangasÁwa apan sapÍan, The woman he married is old but well-to-do.

idag v [A2; b(1)] dodge to avoid being hit by s.t. moving swiftly. Idagi ang Íyang tuu, Keep out of the way of his right hand.

idang n 1 title for a girl (dialectical). 2 bawdy house so called from a woman called Idang, who ran a notorious bawdy house before the war.

idar-idar v [B1245] be hard-pressed to keep up with lots of work. Nagkaidar-idar siyag sirbi sa mga bisita, She’s going crazy trying to serve all the visitors.

idibul n cooking oil. — Úwil = idibul.

id-id v [A; c] rub oneself on s.t. Iid-id ang Ímung bukubuku sa sandigÁnan, Rub your back against the chair.

idintipikasiyun n identification card.

idipisyu n building.

idisyun n edition.

iditing n editing.

iditur n editor. v [B6] become an editor.

idituryal n editorial. v [C] write an editorial.

idÍya n idea. v [A12] get an idea. Ang mga istudiyanti nakaidÍya pagkinaugalingun, Students had the idea of cooking their own meals. 2 [a12] plan. IdiyÁhun ta ni ug maÁyu arun ta makaganansiya, Let’s plan it well so that we can make a profit.

idiyuluhÍya n ideology.

idlas a 1 shy, wary of being approached. 2 elusive, hard to catch. v [B] 1 become wary. Nangidlas ang mga manuk sa Ímung tinuntu, The chickens have lost their tameness because of your foolishness. 2 become elusive. Miidlas si HusipÍna human mangÚtang, Josephine became hard to find after she borrowed money. Ang kadaÚgan mau rag miidlas kanÍya, Victory seemed to elude him.

idlut (from dulut) a 1 piercing, having a sharp point. Idlut nga tunuk ang gipakurÚna ni Hisus, Jesus was crowned with sharp thorns. 2 biting, hurtful. Gipadungug kug mga pÚlung nga maidlut, They upbraided me with biting words. v [a] be, become piercing. pina- a make sharp, painful. Pinaidlut nga kusÌ, A painful pinch.

idru n airplane. — nga bÁyut light plane. v [A13; ac] go, bring by airplane. idruidru n children’s game of hopscotch played with lines drawn in the shape of an airplane.

idruhÍna n hydrogen. v [c] fill with hydrogen.

idruplÁnu = idru.

ids n edge ball, the situation in which the pingpong ball hits the edge of the table, flying off at an angle. v [B1256] be an edge ball.

idukar v [AP; a] 1 educate. Idukahun sa gubyirnu ang mga wÁy alÁmag, The government will educate the illiterates. 2 cause s.o. to become sophisticated. Ang mga parti muidukar (mupaidukar) nÍmu, Parties can make you sophisticated. idukÁda = idukÁdu (female). idukÁdu a 1 educated, sophisticated. IdukÁdu siya kay swÍtu sa bag-ung urug, She is sophisticated, because she is right up to date. 2 educated, well-mannered. IdukÁdu siya kay mangÁyug katahÚran, He is educated because he greets you. v [B12] become educated. idukadur n educator. v [B16; a] be an educator. idukasyun n education.

idukasya n k.o. ornamental arum: Anthurium crystallinum.

idulu n idol. v [A3; a12] idolize. Daghan ang miidulu ni NÚbu BÚnu, Many people idolize Novo Bono.

idung = dÚdung.

idyaidya (from Íya—humorous.) Short for idyaidya ahÙÁhÙ, so called from the Bohol pronunciation of Íya ‘his’ and ÁkÙ ‘mine’. a paying close attention to what belongs to one and making sure that no one else gets benefit from it. Ang Ákung bag-ung bayaw idyaidya kaÁyug batÁsan, My new sister-in-law watches what belongs to her very closely. v [A; b(1)] put great importance to one’s own things and make sure no one else gets benefit from them. DÌ mi makaidyaidya sa amÙ kay kumunal ang tanang butang gawas sa tutbras, We don’t pay attention to who owns what in our family because we own everything in common except our toothbrushes. — ahÙÁhÙ 1 what’s his is his and what’s mine is mine, i.e. = idyaidya.

idyap a 1 brisk and lively in motion. 2 trim and smart in dressing. v 1 [B1; c1] for one’s gait to be brisk and lively. Muidyap ang linaktan basta maghayhil, If you wear high heels you have to walk smart and briskly. 2 [B1456] be trim and smart in dressing. Mag-idyap giyud ang mga asÁwa arun dÍlÌ hibyaan sa mga bÁna, Wives should keep themselves trim and smart so that their husbands won’t leave them.

idyaw = ayaw (dialectical).

idyuk = ibyuk.

idyukisyun n teacher training course.

idyus = ibyus.

ig-1 1 prefix, alternant of the future and subjunctive nonpotential instrumental prefix i-1, used with some verb bases referring to mutual actions referring to the person with whom the action is done. DÚgayng wÀ ku siya igkÍtÀ, I haven’t met him for a long time. 1a prefix used in Biblical language with certain roots as an alternant of i-1 in all of its meanings. Birhin MarÍya, ig-ampÙ mu kami, Virgin Mary, pray for us. 2 affix added to roots referring to relationship, referring the person with whom one is in that relationship. IgsÚun, One’s sibling. Ig-Ágaw, One’s cousin. DÍlÌ ku siya iglÁin, I am related to him.

ig-2 = inig-.

Ígad v [A; ac] brush against s.t. or stroke s.t., usually said of pigs. MiÍgad ang bÁbuy sa halÍgi, The pig rubbed against the post. IgÁrun ku ang tiyan sa bÁbuy, I will stroke the pig’s stomach.

ig-Ágaw see agaw.

igaiga, igÀ igÀ v [A; b6] for a pig to make a low grunting sound. Ang anay nga magpatÚtuy mag-igaiga, A sow feeding its young makes a low grunting sound.

Ígang a warm air or a body. Ígang pa ang lÁwas sa patay, The body is still warm. n = ka-. v [B2; b6] warm. MiÍgang (naÍgang) ang kwartu pagsÚd sa daghang tÁwu, It got warm in the room with all the people. (?) v [a4] feel warm. ka- n warmth.

igat a 1 flirtatious, lacking in feminine modesty. Igat ang Íyang tinan-awan ngadtu sa gwÁpung lÁki, She gave a flirtatious look at the handsome man. 2 snobbish. Igat siya kay dÍlÌ makigsÁyaw ug pubri, She is stuck up because she won’t dance with a poor person. v [BN; a] 1 be a flirt. Muigat (maigat, muÍgat) ang Ímung nawung ug palabihan nÍmug mik-ap, Your face will look meretricious if you put on too much make-up. 2 act snobbish. -in- 1 in a flirtatious or snobbish manner. -un a given to immodest behavior.

igbaw n 1 at the top of s.t. Sa igbaw sa kÁhuy, At the top of the tree. Sa igbaw sa lamÍsa, On top of the table. 2 upstairs. TÚa sa igbaw ang Ákung kwartu, My room is upstairs. 3 uplands, mountains.

igbÍtir n eggbeater.

igdal v [B; c1] protrude to form a sharp outline. Nag-igdal nga gamut, A root sticking out of the ground. -un(?) a protruding.

igham v [AN; b6] clear the throat. Miigham (nangigham) siya arun pagdÁpit sa Ákung pagtagad, He cleared his throat in order to attract my attention. n sound or action of clearing the throat.

Ígi1 v [AN; b] drive s.o. away from the place he is staying. MangÍgi bÍsan ug kaugalÍngung anak, He would drive even his own son out. Kun dÍlÌ mu makabayad sa Ábang karung buwÁna, igÍhan mu na nÁkÙ, If you don’t pay the rent this month, I will evict you. igihan a fond of driving people out.

*Ígi2 paN- v [A2; b3c5] 1 for a person to feel bad because s.o. else is shown more affection than he is, especially by being given s.t. which he did not receive. NangÍgi ang manghud kay ang magÚlang ray gihatÁgan, The younger brother is jealous because he wasn’t given any but his older brother was. 2 be jealously possessive of s.o. NangÍgi ang amahan sa dihang gipangulitawhan ang Íyang anak, The father grew intensely possessive because s.o. was courting his daughter. igihan a possessively jealous. Igihan ang Ákung irÙ. Bisag kinsay mudÚul nÁkÙ manuyÙ, My dog is intensely possessive. He gets angry if anyone comes near me.

ig-ig v [A; c1] shake grains or s.t. similar back and forth to separate the fine and the coarse particles or separate impurities. Ig-Íga (iig-ig) ring Ákung linubuk, Shake out this pounded grain for me.

igÍik v [B235; c] creak, squeak, squeal. MiigÍik ang sira kay tayaun, The door creaked because it was rusty. Nag-igiik ang bÁbuy, The pig is squealing. n high-pitched creaking, squeaking, or squealing sound.

Ígik v [A2S; b3] for pigs to squeal. MiÍgik ang bÁbuy kay wÀ hilawgi, The pig squealed because no one had fed it yet. n squealing of a pig.

igip v [A3; a12] take pains to get s.t. not worth going after. DÚgay silang manira kay nag-igip sa pila ka sintÁbus nga hÁlin, They close up shop late because they don’t want to miss out on the few pennies they can make by staying open late.

Ígit v 1 [A13S; a4c] have a watery diarrhea. Nakaigit ku, Ábi kug utut lang tu, I thought I was just going to break wind, but I actually had a watery bowel movement. GiÍgit (nag-Ígit) ku kay wÀ kahilÍsi, I have diarrhea because I have indigestion. 2 [A123S] do s.t. physical with difficulty. Makaigit man lang ta sa kabug-at niÍni, We’re going to have a rough time (literally, defecate water) lifting this thing. (?) n 1 soft feces. 2 stick-in-the-mud. Igit kaÁyu nÀ siya uy. DÌ mukÚyug nÁkÙ sa parti, She is a stick-in-the-mud. She won’t go to the party with me. 3 — ra insignificant, nothing as compared with. Igit ra ka nÍyang mutayip, You’re nothing (lit. watery feces) compared to her when it comes to typing. 3a expression of derision or contempt. Ábi nÍyag mahaylu ku sa Íyang awtu. Igit! He thought I would be lured by his car. Shoot! IgÍt, wÀ na pud kaigÙ, You’re full of it! You missed again. kaigit-igit v [A13] have extreme difficulty with s.t. Nagkaigit-igit mi adtung iksamÍna, We had a hell of a time with that exam.

igka- 1 = inigka-. 2 alternant of the future and subjunctive inflectional affix ika-, added to the same verbs to which ig-1 is added (meaning 1). WÀ ku siya igkakÍtÀ, I didn’t happen to meet him.

igkam = igtam.

igking v [B236; b3] jerk with a start, be taken aback. Miigking (naigking) siya sa dihang nahikapan ang Íya samput, She was startled when s.o. touched her buttocks.

ig-l- affix added to verb bases to form nouns which are parallel in meaning to the instrumental passive verb affix (i-1). 1 thing to be conveyed, brought, etc. Mau kini ang mga saput nga ighalatag sa mga pubri, These are the clothes to be given to the poor people. 1a thing to be asked, said, etc. DÚna tÀ kuy igpalangutana, apan natubag na man, I had some questions to ask, but you answered them already. 2 thing to be used for. SinÍnang igtalarabahu, Working dress. IgbalÁtil sa itlug, Eggbeater. 3 time to do s.t. Taknang igpalahÚlay, The siesta hour. 3a being good, bad, hot, etc. to [do]. Ig-aladtu giyud ning Ákung ginhÁwa, I felt very much like going.

iglisya n 1a Christian Church as a whole. Sa katapÚsan mubarug nga madaÚgun ang Iglisya, In the end, the Church will stand triumphant. 1b local church or congregation. Mga pruyiktu sa Átung iglisya, Our church’s projects. 2 a member of the Iglisya ni Kristu, a religious sect. — ni Kristu n a religious sect or member thereof. v [b16] become a member of the Iglesia ni Cristo. — PilipÍna n the Philippine Independent Church (Aglipayans), or a member thereof.

igmat a alert: being able to move rapidly, readily noticing things. Way musipyat sa igmat nÍyang mata, Nothing can escape his alert eyes. Igmat siyang milihay, He ducked cleverly. v [B; c1] 1 be rapid in one’s motions, alert with the eyes. 2 be alert to what is happening. IgmÁta ang inyung mga mata sa mapait nga katinuÚran, Open your eyes to grim reality. 3 [b2] be outsmarted. Naigmatan ku sa mÚrus, I was defrauded by the Muslim peddler. paN- v [A2; c] defraud. Ubang matansÍru kusug mangigmat sa timbangan, Some butchers cheat on the weight. n defrauding.

ignu v [A; b] take good care of s.t. to save it from damage or dirt. DÌ siya mag-ignu sa Íyang sinÍnÀ kay dÌ man siyay manglaba, He does not try to keep his clothes clean because he doesn’t do the washing. Ug dÌ nÍmu ignÚhan ang Ímung lÁwas, maamin ka giyud, If you don’t take care of yourself, you’ll end up in the grave.

ignÚdul n egg noodles. v [A] cook egg noodles.

ignurÁmus = ignuranti, a 1.

ignuranti a 1 ignorant, uneducated. Ignuranti siya. Way kabangkaÁgan, She is completely uneducated. She has no education. 2 ignorant of, unfamiliar with. Ignuranti ku sa mga dÁlan dinhi, I am unfamiliar with the streets here. v 1 [B12; b6] be ignorant. 2 [a12] put s.t. over on one. IgnurantÍhun man ku nÍmu nga nakabasa man ku niÁnÀ, Don’t fool me. I read that myself. paka- v [A12; a12] treat as, consider ignorant.

ignuy a euphemism for ignuranti.

igput v [B23; b3] be severely startled, jump back with surprise. Miigput (naigput) ku sa dihang may mibutu sa Ákung luyu, I was startled at the explosion in back of me. igput-igput v [A3; c1] hop up and down. Nag-igput-igput ang mga bÁtÀ nga naglumbÀ sa sÁku, The children were hopping up and down in the sack race.

ig-r- = ig-l-.

igsaktu = iksaktu.

igsirsÁyis = iksirsÁyis.

igsÙ n 1 children of one’s godparents (sponsors at wedding or baptism). ÁkÙ siyang igsÙ kay nÍnung nÁkÙ ang Íya amahan, He is my god-brother because his father is my godfather. 2 term of address for one’s god-brother or sister. 2a term of address commonly used between Muslim traders and Christians. v [B126; c] be, become god-brothers or sisters.

igsÚun see sÚun.

igtam v [B] be wary after having experienced s.t. bad. Kun mamatyan ang ilagÀ dihÀ, muigtam sila pag-anhÀ, If any mouse gets killed in that place, the others will be wary of going there.

ÍgÙ a 1 enough, big enough. ÍgÙ ba ang sapÁtus nÍmu? Are the shoes big enough for you? ÍgÙ na ning kwarta nÁkÙ, This money is just the right amount for me. — na man more than enough. ÍgÙ na man ang Ímung pamalÍbad, You’ve refused too often. 2 [dat.] serves [dat.] right. ÍgÙ kanÍmu ang nahitabÙ kay balasÚbas man ka, What happened serves you right because you are a wicked man. 3 — ra, lang can do more than. Ang mga dinaugdÁug nga kabus ÍgÙ lang manghupaw (sa pagpanghupaw), All the poor folks who are abused can do is sigh. 4 — nga just in time. ÍgÙ giyung natÁpus ang lubung pag-abut nÍya, He arrived just as the funeral was about to end. v 1 [B2P; c1P] be, become sufficient, be big enough. MuÍgÙ (mupaÍgÙ) kahÀ ning pagkÁun nga daghan ra bag bisÍta? Will this food be enough since we have so many visitors? IÍgÙ (igÚa) ug tahÌ ang sinÍnÀ kanÍya, Sew the shirt big enough for him. 2 [B] fit into s.t. DÍlÌ tang tanan muÍgÙ (maÍgÙ) sa dyip, We won’t all fit into the jeep. 3 [c1] make s.t. come at the right moment. IgÚa (iÍgÙ) giyud ang pagguwÀ sa lamÌ nga magkadÚngan giyud mu, Time your orgasm so you both come at the same time. 4 [A13C; b3(1)] decide on s.t. Ikaw lay mag-ÍgÙ ug muadtu ta, You decide if we go. 4a [C3; c3] agree in ideas or tastes. NagkaÍgÙ sila dÁyun, They hit it off instantly. (?) a 1 for a mark to be hit, be just the right thing. IgÙ ba ang buls-ay? Did he hit the bull’s-eye? IgÙ ba ang tambal? Did the medicine hit the nail on the head? 2 be drunk. IgÙ ku gabÍi, I was drunk last night. v 1 [A; ab2] hit a mark. WÀ makaigÙ ang tambal nga girisÍta sa duktur, The medicine the doctor prescribed was not the right one. Hiig-an ang Íyang nawung sa sÍga sa ispat, The rays of my flashlight hit his face. 1a make a point in a game where one aims at s.t. NakaigÙ na si Pidrug daghan, Pedro has already made many points. 1b [a1c] aim s.t. in a certain direction of. GiigÙ ni MagalyÁnis ang kasadpan, Magellan aimed in a westward direction. IigÙ ang sakayan sa nurti, Head the boat northwards. 1c [A2; a2b4(1)] win a prize in a lottery or the like. MiigÙ ang Íya tÍkit sa rÍpa, His ticket won a prize in the raffle. NakaigÙ siya sa karÍra, He won at the races. 1d [A2; a2b4(1)] for a business venture to turn out very successful. Unsay Ímung naig-an nga daghan kag kwarta? What did you make a killing in, since you have so much money? 1e [A3N; a2b2] allude unpleasantly. Aku ang giigÙ sa insultu, I was the one alluded to by the insult. 1f [AN2; bc] swindle (slang). Anak ra nÍya ang miigÙ kanÍya, It was her own son that swindled her. 1g [a3b2] have lost one’s virginity. NgÁnung gipangasÁwa man nÍya nang bayhÁna nga naigÙ na man nÀ? Why did he marry that girl when she is no longer a virgin (lit. has been hit)? 2 [B12] get drunk. NaigÙ tingÁli nÀ sa tubÀ, I’ll bet that man is drunk from the palm toddy. n 1 good shot that hit the mark, points in a game. 2 part of the body which was hit. MidugÙ ang igÙ sa baksir, The boxer bled in the place he was hit. pa- 1 = ÍgÙ, a1, v1, 2. v 3 [A12] make s.t. last. DÍay singku pÍsus. PaigÚa ni sa Átung kumpra, Here’s five pesos. Make it do for the shopping. pahi-/paha- v [A1; c1] make s.t. coincide in time with some other time. PahaigÚa (ipahaÍgÙ) ang paglÚtÙ nga alas dÚsi andam na ang tanan, Time your cooking so that everything will be ready at twelve. hiN- a crack shot. ka-an n 1 sufficiency. Dipindi sa kaigÚan sa ibidinsiya, It depends on the sufficiency of the evidence. 2 agreement reached. TumÁnun giyud ang kaigÚan, The agreement should be carried out. panÍgÙ n the piece used in certain games to hit other pieces, e.g., a marble in shooting marbles. v [A; c1] use s.t. as a panÍgÙ.

Igurut n Igorot, name given to the natives of the Mountain Province, Luzon. †

Ígut1 v [A; c1] creak. MiÍgut ang kawÁyang sawug pagsulud sa kawatan, The bamboo floor creaked when the thief entered. Kasab-an ka sa maistra ug Ímu nÀ iÍgut (igÚtun) ang bangkÙ, Your teacher will scold you if you let your chair creak. pa- v [A; c] reveal s.t. slowly, little at a time, to create suspense. GipaÍgut nÍya ang Íyang barÁha, He looked at his hand slowly (lit. let the cards creak). Ayaw siya tug-Ánig diritsu. IpaÍgut ÚsÀ ang sikrÍtu, Don’t tell her right off. Let out the secret a bit at a time.

Ígut2 v [A; b] scrape s.t. by rubbing a knife which has been fixed into s.t. immovable up and down against it. IgÚti ang kasing. Lisud sapsÁpan kay lisud kaptan, Chip off the top with a fixed knife. It’s hard to whittle because you can’t hold it easily.

igut-igut n the area on the inside of the cheeks of the rump.

igwad a having protruding buttocks. Igwad siyag lubut, She has a big ass. v [BN] have prominent buttocks, stick out the buttocks. NaigÙ ang Ákung itlug, nangigwad man gud nang tawhÁna, The man hit me in the testicles with his rump. igwad-igwad v [A; c1] move in a wavy, rolling motion with the rump going up and down, wiggle the buttocks. Ang Íyang sakayan nag-igwad-igwad nga naglutaw sa dagkung balud, His boat tossed up and down riding on the huge waves. Nindut kaÁyu siyang tan-Áwun nga nag-igwad-igwad samtang nagsÁyaw, She is beautiful to watch, wiggling her buttocks as she dances. -in- n action of wiggling the buttocks.

igwÁlis a 1 equal in score. IgwÁlis tag puntus, We tied. 2 giving exactly the same result. TintÀ ug Úling igwÁlis ang buling, Whether it is ink or charcoal, it’s all the same—dirty. v 1 [B; a12] for a score to become tied. 2 [A12] manage to tie s.o. Kun makaigwÁlis lang kita karun dÌ ta malayug biyÀ, If we manage to make it a tie, we won’t be so far behind.

igwit a coquette, flirt. v [AN] flirt around. Nangigwit man, dÌ gipaburusan, She was a flirt, so she got herself pregnant. -ira = igwit, a.

Íha term of address for one’s daughter, or anyone young enough to be his daughter. — dibastarda = Íhu dibastardu (female).

ihÁda = ihÁdu (female).

ihÁdu n godson in baptism or confirmation. v [B126; a12] be, become one’s godson.

ihÁlas a 1 of the jungle. BÁbuyng ihÁlas, Wild pigs. PalÍyang ihÁlas, Wild ampalaya. 2 ignorant. IhÁlas pa man siya sa syudad, She is ignorant of the city. She doesn’t know the city well yet. v 1 [B2] become wild, ignorant. 2 [A; a12] take for an ignorant person. WÀ giyuy muihÁlas nÍmu dinhi sa syudad ug ispÚting ka pirmi, Nobody will take you for an ignorant person in the city if you always dress up. IhÁsa ku, tits, (Don’t) take me for a fool, buddy. -un a of the wild, ignorant type.

ihap v [AC; a] count. Makaihap siya hangtud sa usa ka gatus, He can count to a hundred. Nag-Íhap ang duha ka sugarul sa daug nga Ílang gibakÁsan kay nakig-Íhap man ang usa, The two gamblers are counting the winnings of the money they had put in together because one insisted on counting it. Ipha (ihapa) kun hustu ba ang gidaghanun, Count it to see if it is enough. Maihap ang Ímung mga adlaw, bastus, Your days are numbered, you s.o.b. — sa lÁkang walk slowly. MipaÚlÌ siyang nag-ihap sa lÁkang, He went home slowly. — sa tudlÙ be few in number. n 1 count, action of counting. NagkalahÌ ang Ámung ihap, His count came out different from mine. 2 things counted in preparing s.t. for a number of people. Mikaun ang bisÍta bÍsag way lÁbut sa ihap, The visitor ate with them even if he hadn’t been counted for when they were preparing. (?) intense counting, canvassing. Inigkahuman sa iliksiyun sugdan dÁyun ang Íhap, Right after the voting the canvassing of ballots will take place. †

ihÁs = ihÁlas.

Íhaw1 v [A3S; a] 1 slaughter an animal for food. IhÁwa ang manuk karun, Slaughter the chicken now. 2 murder a person with a knife. Ayawg sÚkul Ánang tigas, nakaÍhaw (nakaihaw) na bayÀ nag tÁwu, Don’t pick a fight with that thug. He has already killed a man. 3 beat badly. GiÍhaw mi sa Ílang tÍm, We were slaughtered by their team. 3 abuse a woman sexually. Dad-un nÁtÙ siya sa util ug adtu nÁtÙ siya ihÁwa, Let’s take her to a hotel and abuse her there. -anan n 1 slaughterhouse. 2 house that women are taken to for sexual intercourse. maN-r-(?) n butcher. paN- n butchering animals as an occupation.

Íhaw2 v [A; a] broil. Mag-Íhaw tag bangus, We will broil some milkfish. -in- n broiled food.

ihÁyup (from hÁyup) v [AB12; a12] tame. Ang kawbuy nag-ihÁyup ug kabÁyung ihÁs, The cowboy is breaking in a wild horse.

ihi 1 expression of surprise: so, is that so! Ihi, nÁa ka diay dihÀ, So, there you are. Ihi, aku diay sugÚun, Is that so! You’re going to give me orders, are you? 2 expression of warning. Ihi, paghinayhÍnay, Watch out, better go slow.

Íhi n axle, rod which holds a wheel which turns. Íhi sa rilu, Crown stem of a watch. Íhi sa manubÍla, Steering column, the part holding the steering wheel.

ÍhÌ n urine. — ug irÙ k.o. toadstool, dirty white in color, about 2½ tall with a flat top about 2 in diameter. v [A3S; c] 1 urinate. NakaihÌ ang bÁtÀ sa karsÚnis, The child wet his pants. 2 [A123P; a4] have too frequent urination. GiÍhÌ mi pagininum ug sirbÍsa, We kept having to urinate because we drank so much beer. paN- v [A13] urinate. Adtu ta sa gawas mangÍhÌ, Let’s go outside to urinate. ihÌihÌ v [A13] 1 urinate too often. 2 for a woman to get all wet from heavy petting (slang, euphemism). Nag-ihÌihÌ ang Ákung uyab dihang Ákung gikulkug, My girl got wet because I got my finger into her. ka-un(?), kahid-un a feel like urinating. pala-(?) a urinating frequently. †

ihid1 n 1 the smallest in a litter. Ang ihid nga baktin giumbÁwan sa Íyang mga igsÚun, The runt in the litter was much smaller than his brothers and sisters. 2 youngest or smallest in a group. Sa mga bÁtÀ sa kasilingÁnan si DyÁniy ihid, Johnny is the smallest kid in the neighborhood. v [B1] be small for one’s age, stunted in growth.

ihid2 v [A; bc] go or bring s.t. away unnoticed. Giihiran nÁmÙ ang mÍting, We sneaked away from the meeting. Iihid ning Úlu sa inasal ngadtu sa gawas, Bring this head of the roasted pig stealthily outside.

ihikutÍbu n executive.

ihim the sound of clearing the throat 1 exclamation calling attention. Arun mulÍngÌ ang babÁyi, ang lalÁki muingun ‘ihim!’ The man says ‘ehem’ to make the woman turn to look at him. 2 exclamation expressing satisfaction after eating. n sweetheart (humorous). Gimingaw ka sa Ímung ihim, nu? You miss your sweetheart, don’t you?

ihimplu n 1 example, model. 2 a part of the novena which is optionally read after the supplicatory prayers just before the gÚsus and gives a proof of the power of the saint. v [A; c] give, make an example. IhimplÚhan ta ka, I will give you an example. pur — for example.

Ihiptu n Egypt.

ihirsisyu1 n exercise, training. v [A; c1] 1 exercise. Iihirsisyu (ihirsisyÚun) sa pulyuhun ang Íyang tiil, The polio victim exercises his feet. 2 [A; a] practice, train. Nag-ihirsisyu sila unsÁun paglanguy, They are practicing swimming. IhirsisyÚha pag-Áyu ang Ímung parti, Learn your part well.

ihirsisyu2 n spiritual retreat. v [A] hold a spiritual retreat. paN- v [A2] attend a spiritual retreat.

ihirsitu n one’s own children. Nag-alinupung ang Ákung mga ihirsitu, My children come one next to the other. -s = ihirsitu (plural).

Íhu1 term of address for son or s.o. whom one considers his son. — dibastardu illegitimate child. — dipÚta mother-fucker, a vulgar appellation for a person at whom one is very angry. GisÚnug sa Íhu dipÚta ang Ákung karsÚnis, The mother-fucker burnt my pants.

Íhu2 n shark.

ihud-ihud v [B56] for children or young animals to differ in height by small intervals, be like stairs when lined up. Mag-ihud-ihud giyud ang inyung mga anak ug dÍlÌ mu magbirt kuntrul, Your children will be like steps lined up if you don’t practice birth control.

Íhuy (from Íhu) n Mr. Shark (personalized appellation in stories). PalÁwum arun kan-un kang MÁnuy Íhuy, Go to the deep so Mr. Shark can eat you.

ii 1 particle showing disbelief. Ii! TinÚud kahÀ run, Aha! Can that be right? 2 = i2, 1.

Ì Ì n child’s word for urine. v [A; b(1)] urinate. Gustu kang muÌ Ì? You want to make wee-wee?

iÍtu = Ítu.

Ík v 1 [A2] get what one wants to say out. Ug dÌ ka muÍk dÍlÌ ka makabungat sa Ímung tÚyÙ, If you don’t get it out, you can’t let her know why you came here. 2 [A12] dÍlÌ, walÀ — not stand a chance in a game. Sa baskit bul ang mugbÙ dÌ giyud makaÍk kun kuntrÁhag dagkÙ, In basketball, short players don’t stand a chance against tall players.

ika- 1 inflectional affix, the potential future and subjunctive of the instrumental passive. See i-1. 2 affix forming ordinal numbers. The ordinal is linked to a noun with which it is in construction by nga or, alternatively, but less frequently, with ka. Ikaduha nga (ka) tÁwu, The second man. Ikapila man ni ninyung (ninyu ka) anak? This makes how many children for you?

Íkag v 1 [B12; c] become concerned, worried. MakaÍkag ang Ímung kahimtang, Your situation worries me. 2 [B12; ac] inspire interest in s.t. Kinsay nag-Íkag nÍmug tuug sista, Who interested you in learning how to play the guitar? WÀ ku maÍkag sa madiyung, I have no interest in mahjong. 3 [B1256; b8] like s.t. with the thought of possessing it or becoming like it. NaÍkag siyang Kulas, She has a crush on Kolas. NaÍkag siya sa Ákung bisiklÍta, He liked my bicycle. ma-un a enthusiastic, filled with interest.

Íkat v [A13B; a12] for the threads of cloth to be displaced when one of the threads is pulled, cause cloth to get such a defect. Ug muÍkat (maÍkat) nang panaptun, dÌ na maÁyung sininÁun, If the cloth has a defect, it is no good to use for a dress. Kinsa may nag-Íkat sa Ákung panaptun? Who pulled the threads in this cloth?

ikaw you (singular). Ikaw ang Ákung tÚyÙ, You are the one I want to see. — karun, kini, bayÀ oh you! (You’re so foolish, terrible, bad). Ikaw giyud kini. DalÌ ra giyung maÍlad, Oh you! It’s so easy to cheat you! — lang 1 you be the one. Ikaw lay bÁyad, You pay. 2 it’s up to you. Ug gustu kang mubÁyad, ikaw lang, If you want to pay, it’s up to you. 2a it’s up to you, don’t say I didn’t warn you. Ug hilabtan nÀ nÍmu ikaw lang, If you touch that don’t say I didn’t warn you. — ra = lang, 2, 2a. ka short for ikaw used in constructions requiring the nom. except the predicate. Kumusta ka? How are you? Mau ka ba giyud? Is that the way you are? nÍmu 1 gen. form. Si MÁma nÍmu tÚa sa simbahan, Your mother is in the church. Ábi — 1 you know. Ábi nÍmu, si Saning maÁyung muÁwit, You know, Saning sings beautifully. 2 Ábi — ug so you presumed. Ábi nÍmu bÚang ku, Do you think I’m an idiot? 2 short for kanÍmu. mu short for nÍmu. kanÍmu dat. form. Álang ni kanÍmu, This is for you. Way nakagustu kanÍmu, Nobody likes you. Ay, purbÍda kanÍmu, Oh my! Ay, kanÍmu Tasyu! Mag-unsa ka man lang ug wÀ na ku! Oh my, Tasio! What will you do when I’m gone! Ímu 1 preposed gen. Ang Ímung kabÁyÙ, Your horse. Ímu bang ihÁtag? Are you giving it away? 2 yours, the one belonging to you. ÁkÙ ni, Ímu nÀ, This belongs to me. That one is yours. Unsa may — kang [so-and-so], What do you have against [so-and-so]? — na you may have [subject]. Ímu na ni, You may have this one. pag-[verb] ug — do [verb] by oneself. Pagkaun lag Ímu, ayaw kug tawagtawÁga ug panihÁpun, Just eat by yourself. Don’t call me to supper. [noun] pay — My what a [noun]! Bat-ang pay Ímu nga makalÍbat, Her hips can make you cross-eyed. (Lit. If you want the hips, too (to see), they’ll make you cross-eyed.) v [a12] be, become yours. MaÍmu ni ug magbinuutan ka, This will be yours if you behave. ImÚhun lang diay nang tanang kindi? So you want to have all the candy to yourself? imÚha = Ímu. imuÍmu all by yourself, yours alone. — lang of your own creation. ImuÍmu man lang ning minugnÀ, You just made this up. ImuÍmu nang Ímung gidangÁtan. WÀ kay kapasanginlan, What happened to you is your own doing. You have no one to blame but yourself. v [A; a12] do s.t. all by yourself. MuimuÍmu ka man lag kÁun dihÀ nga walay pulupanampit, You eat all by yourself without inviting anyone to join you. tikaw, tika, ta ka, ka nÁkÙ, ku ikaw I did [verb] to you, you are my [noun]. AmÍgu ta ka (tikaw, tika, ka nÁkÙ, ku ikaw), You are my friend. Patyun ta ka (tikaw, etc.), I will kill you.

ikgam = igtam.

ikging = igking.

ikibÁli n equivalent. Ang tulu ka tiil ikibÁli ug usa ka yarda, Three feet is equivalent to one yard.

ikid v 1 [A; a12] jump over s.t. or up in the air. Ikdun (ikirun) ku ang kural, I’ll jump over the fence. 2 [A; c1] stand on one’s tiptoes to reach s.t. MutÚpung ka nÁkÙ ug iikid (ikirun) mu ang Ímung tiil, You will be as tall as I am if you stand on your tiptoes. 3 [A; ac] run fast, gallop. Miikid siya pagkakitÀ sa latigu nga gibitbit sa inahan, She ran away fast when she saw the whip in her mother’s hand. Ikda si Papa nÍmu, Run after your father. Iikid ni sa Íla, Run bring this to their house. ikid-ikid v [A; c1] walk a distance in a hurried pace.

ikid-Íkid1 n name of a children’s game in which they see who can jump farthest.

ikid-Íkid2 v [APB3(1)6; c1] for the hips to sway from side to side in walking. Nagpaibug giyug maÁyu nang babayhÁna nga nag-ikid-Íkid (nagpaikid-Íkid) sa Íyang samput, That woman is swinging her hips to attract their attention. Muikid-Íkid ang Íyang samput iglakaw niya, Her hips sway when she walks.

ik-ik1 v [B; c1] for the upper lip to be drawn up. Giik-ik sa irÙ ang Íyang ngÁbil ug mingÚb, The dog exposed his fangs and snarled.

ik-ik2 v [A] squeak like a mouse. MunyÍka nga muik-ik, A doll that squeaks. n squeak of mice. Ik-ik sa ÍlagÀ, The squeaking of the mouse.

ik-ik3 n the isti piece of mahjong.

ikipÁhi n luggage.

ikÍpu n equipment, tools.

Íkis n letter X. a zigzagging, winding. Ang dÁlan paingun sa Bagyu Íkis, The road leading to Baguio is winding. v [B; c1] be, become, make zigzag. DÌ ka ig-un sa pusil ug ikÍsun (iÍkis) nÍmu ang Ímung dinaganan, You won’t be hit if you run zigzag.

Íkit a close together, usually people. v [A2C1; ac] be close to each other. Nag-Íkit silag katÚlug, They slept close to each other. Ayaw siya ikta (iÍkit) ug bayli, Don’t dance close to her. IkÍtun nÁtÙ ug butang ang mga sÍya, Let’s put the chairs close together. ikit-Íkit v [A; ab6] stay around close to s.o. else. DÚna gÁnÌ pangayÚun muikit-Íkit (mag-ikit-Íkit) dÁyun nÁtÙ, If there is s.t. he wants to ask for, he will hang around you all the time.

iklas n first grader. KadakÙ na nÍmu unyÀ iklas pa gihÁpun ka? How big you are, yet you are still in the first grade! v [B56; b6] be a first grader.

iklipsi = iskalipsi.

iklisyastiku a ecclesiastical.

ikmat = igmat.

iknat v [B; c1] 1 raise the eyebrows. Miiknat (naiknat) ang kÍlay sa tÁwu tungud sa tÚmang kahibung, The man raised his eyebrows in bewilderment. 2 = Ínat. 3 [BN; c1] stitch wrinkles into a piece of cloth. Ayawg iknÁta (iiknat) pagtahÌ ang panaptun, Don’t stitch the cloth in such a way that it becomes wrinkled. a stitched with wrinkles.

iks n 1 one’s ex-boy friend or girl friend. WÀ na tagda si NÍta sa Íya iks, Nita’s ex- (boy friend) no longer cares for her. 2 ex-, former. Iks kambik (kanbik, kumbik), Ex-convict. Iks prisidinti, Ex-president. Iks suldyir, Veteran, esp. of the old American soldiers who settled in the Philippines in the early 1900’s.

iksahirÁda = iksahirÁdu (female).

iksahirÁdu a 1 over-demanding of oneself or others. IksahirÁdu siyang nagpatiwas sa Íyang bÁy, He demanded too much from the people who were finishing up work on his house. 2 doing s.t. to too great an extent. IksahirÁdu siya sa Íyang pamisti, He overdresses. IksahirÁdu siya nga mugÁmit sa mantÍkÀ, He uses much too much cooking oil. v [B; c1] overdo s.t.

iksaktu a 1 correct. Pulus iksaktu ang tubag nÍya, His answers were all correct. 2 be the right size, amount. Iksaktu giyud nÁkÙ ning sapÁtus, These shoes are just right for me. Iksaktu giyud ang pagkalÚtÙ sa isdÀ, The fish was cooked just the right amount of time. 3 just at [such-and-such a time]. Iksaktung alas utsu ang sÚgud sa prugrÁma, The program starts exactly at eight o’clock. Iksaktu na run ipaÚlÌ, Now is just the time to go home. v [B3; c1] 1 be correct. 2 be just the right size, amount, degree. 3 be exactly on time.

iksam = iksÁmin, n, v1.

iksÁmin n exams in school. v [A; a] 1 give, take an exam. Kanang maistrÁha mauy muiksÁmin nÁmÙ, That teacher is going to test us. MuiksÁmin ku ugmÀ, I’m going to have an exam tomorrow. 2 give a physical examination. IksamÍnun sa duktur ang Ímung kasingkÁsing, The doctor will examine your heart.

iksaminÁdu n 1 eligible for the civil service by having passed the exams. 2 a woman who has acquired through experience without formal training a knowledge of assisting in childbirth, and is allowed to practice her trade after having passed some practical tests. v [B156; c1] be, become a midwife of this sort. a being very familiar with s.t. IksaminÁdu aku niÍning dalÁna, I am very familiar with this street.

iksaminadur n examiner.

iksaminisyun n examination. v [A1; b6] take an examination.

iksampul n example. v [A; c1] take as an example. Miiksampul siya ni Risal nga usa sa mga bantÚgang bayÁni, He cited Rizal as an example of a great hero. KastigÚhun tikaw kay iksampÚlun (iiksampul) tikaw, I’m going to punish you to make an example of you.

iksibisiyun n 1 exhibition. 2 display. 3 certain hand in mahjong which one gets at the first deal and which is exhibited for extra payment. v [A; c] 1 exhibit s.t. in public. 2 show off one’s skill. Mitindug siya sa mutur nag-iksibisiyun kunÚhay, nabanggÀ lagi, He was showing off driving his motorcycle while standing on it, so he crashed.

iksÍbit n exhibit. v [A; b6(1)] exhibit, show s.t. or display.

iksihir v [A; a12] 1 force or oblige one to do s.t. Iksihirun ka giyud pagpaÁmut, You will be forced to contribute to it. 2 [A; a2] inquire, investigate to get complete information about s.t. DÌ ka mag-iksihir sa kinabÚhÌ sa uban, Do not pry into other people’s lives. Iksihia ug unsa giyuy nahitabÙ, Find out what really happened. 2a [A] be solicitous about s.o., care for. DÍlÌ kaÁyu siya muiksihir niÁnang mga batÁa kay Ábi dÍlÌ man Íyang anak, She doesn’t concern herself about those children because they aren’t hers anyway. iksihÍdu a solicitous about s.o.’s needs and well-being. IksihÍdu siyang pagkamaistra, mu rag tinÚud inahan sa mga bÁtÀ, She is a solicitous teacher as if her pupils were her own children. v [B126] become solicitous about s.o.’s well-being.

iksilinti a excellent, perfectly done. Iksilinting pagkahÍmÙ Íning lamisÁha, This table was excellently made. v [A12; c1] get a mark of excellent in school.

iksilsiyur n excelsior, long fine wood shavings used as stuffing or as packing material.

iksÍma n eczema.

iksimtid n exempted from some obligation. v [B12; c1] exempt, be exempted. Iksimtid ku sa pÍi, I’m exempted from Physical Ed.

iksirsÁyis n 1 bodily exercise. 2 exercise in school. v [A; c1] engage in physical exercise.

iksit n exit. v [b8] exit, pass to an exit. -an n = iksit.

ikskiyus excuse me. Ikskiyus ÚnÀ ha kay naghilak ang bÁtÀ, Excuse me for a moment because the baby is crying. n excuse. NangÁyÙ siyag ikskiyus sa maistra kay mugawas siya, He asked to be excused because he wants to go out. v [A; b6c(1)] excuse s.o. or oneself for being absent.

ikskambik see iks.

ikskursiyun n excursion. v [A3; b6(1)] go on an excursion. -ista n one who goes on an excursion.

ikspan v [B6; c1] expand the chest. Ayaw ikspÁna (iikspan) Ímung dughan, Don’t expand your chest. -dir n expander, a chest muscle building device.

ikspidisyun n expedition. v [A1; b6] make an expedition. Mag-ikspidisyun sila ngadtu sa bÚlan, They will make an expedition to the moon. WÀ pay nakaikspidisyun sa Mars, No one has made an expedition to Mars.

ikspild expelled from a school or organization. v [a12] get expelled. Maikspild ka unyÀ ug maghinÚbug ka, You’ll get expelled if you get drunk all the time.

ikspirimin n experiment as a school problem.

ikspirimintu n experiment. v [A; c] conduct an experiment. KanÚnayng ikspirimintÚhan ang ilagÀ, They always experiment on rats.

ikspirinsiya n experience, things one has lived through. v [A12] have experienced. Nakaikspirinsiya na ku sa kinabÚhÌ sa dÁgat, I have experienced life on the sea. -du(?) a experienced. v [B12; b6] be experienced. Ikspirinsiyadu ku ÁnÀ, tits, Listen, buster, I know all about that.

ikspirmin = ikspirimin.

ikspirmintu = ikspirimintu.

ikspirtu a expert. Ikspirtung mangunguut, An expert pick-pocket. v [B1; b6] be an expert.

ikspiryinsÁdu, ikspiryinsyÁdu = ikspirinsiyÁdu. see ikspirinsiya.

iksplikar = isplikar.

iksplurasiyun n exploration for natural resources.

iksplusÍbu n explosive.

ikspris n express bus, train, or the like. dawuntawun — jitneys with no fixed routes.

ikspurtadur n exporter. v [B156] be an exporter.

ikspÚs v [A; c6] expose films.

ikspusisiyun n exposition.

iksri n x-ray. v [A; b] x-ray. pa- v [A; c] have s.o. x-ray one.

ikstin v 1 [A2; c1] extend the time allotted for s.t. or the size. Kining salidÁha ikstÍnun (iikstin) giyud, This movie film will surely be extended. 1a put an extension on s.t. Ikstinan ang balay, The house will be added to. 2 [A; b(1)] extend assistance. Giikstinan kug tulu ka bÚlan nga salari lÚn, I was extended a three months’ loan on my salary.

ikstinsiyun n 1 extension of time, addition to a building. 2 branch, unit of an organization located apart from the main location of the organization. 3 extra telephone connected to the same line as the main line. 4 extra class section to accommodate an overflow enrollment. 4a teacher assigned to such a class. v [A; b6(1)] give, add an extension, make a branch or extra telephone, add on an extra class section. DÍlÌ kaikstinsyunan ang Ímung lÚn, kining balÁya, kining iskuylahÁna, inyung tilipunu, kining klasÍha, We cannot extend your loan, put an extension on your house, build a branch of this school, give you a telephone extension, put in an extra section to this class.

ikstiriyur n 1 exterior portion of s.t. 2 tire.

ikstra n 1 shorts in a movie. 2 bit player in a movie. 3 one who pinch-hits for s.o. on a blue-collar job. 4 s.t. extra which isn’t being used. WÀ ka bay ikstrang papil dihÀ? Don’t you have any extra paper there you’re not using? v 1 [c] show shorts with a movie. 2 [A; a2] be an extra in a movie. 3 [A; b6] pinch-hit for s.o. in his absence. Muikstra ku sa mga draybir nga nasakit, I pinch-hit for drivers who are sick. 3a use s.t. belonging to s.o. while he is not using it (slang). Muikstra ku sa Ímung bisiklÍta ha? May I play with your bicycle? 4a [c] add s.t. extra. Ang pÚlu nga Ákung gidÁ giikstrÁhan ug duha sa Ákung asÁwa, My wife added two extra shirts to the one I took with me.†

ikstriyul, ikstriyur = ikstiriyur.

iktarya n hectare. v [B256] be a hectare. Gamay ra ang Íyang yÚtÀ. WÀ ra muiktarya (maiktarya), The parcel of land he owns is very small. It hardly reaches a hectare.

iktin a having an up and down bouncing gait. Iktin kaÁyug linakwan ang tagabÚkid, The mountaineer bounces up and down when he walks. v 1 [B; c1] bounce up and down. 2 [A; b6] jump up and away slightly. Miiktin kug kalit pagkatunub nÁkÙ sa hÁlas, I jumped back quickly when I stepped on a snake. -in- v [c1] done in a bouncing way.

Íku1 n echo chamber. v [B23(1)6] for a sound to echo in the echo chamber. pa- v [b5] make an echo effect in a song. PaikÚhun (paikÚhan) ang kanta sa kumbu, The songs of the combo are recorded with an echo.

Íku2 (short for tagÁi ku) let me have some. Íku bi, Let me have some, please.

ikud v [A; b5] follow immediately behind s.o. Giikud (giikuran) siya kanÚnay sa kapulisan kay mu ra man siyag kawatan, The police shadowed him constantly because he seemed to be a thief. ikud-Íkud v [A; b] move around in a circle in a limited space. Pwirting nakaikud-Íkud sa irÙ nga gikatlan sa lubut, The dog with an itchy rump is turning round and in discomfort.

Íkud = Íkug2.

Íkug1 n 1 tail, or analogous structure. MidÁgan pinabahag ang Íkug, He ran off with his tail between his legs. Ang Íkug sa ayruplÁnu, The tail of the airplane. 2 penis (humorous). 3 train of a dress (in the traditional skirt [sÁya], usually tucked in the front). v [A2; a] put a tail on. GiikÚgan sa bÁtÀ ang yÁwÀ nga Íyang gidrÚwing, The child put a tail on the devil he was drawing. ikug-Íkug sa iring n k.o. ornamental bush bearing small flowers in dense purple, hanging spikes. ikug-ikug sa iring n k.o. ornamental aerial plant consisting of long branches with fine leaves resembling a cat’s tail. paN- v [A23; c6] put, be at the rear. NangÍkug siya sa lumbÀ, He was last in the race. Mauy nahimÁmat sa mga tÁwu ang nangÍkug nga asu, The people noticed the smoke trailing behind the plane. paN-(?) n crupper, thing to hold the saddle in place. v [b6] put a crupper on. -an a devil, devilish (lit. the tailed one). GisÁkit na pud ku Íning bÁtang ikÚgan, The little devil is bothering me again.

Íkug2 v [B12; b3(1)c5] feel hesitant to approach s.o. for s.t., feel embarrassed to refuse. MaÍkug ka bang mubalÍbad? Are you embarrassed to refuse them? WÀ ku mangasÁbÀ kay gikaikgan ku ang tigÚwang sa pÍkas, I didn’t scold them because I was embarrassed to do so with the father right next door. NgÁnung ikaÍkug man nÍmu ang pagpatÁbang kanÁkÙ? Why are you embarrassed to turn to me for help? paN-(?) v [A13] be feeling embarrassed. Nagpangikug siyang misaka sa bÁy, He felt terribly embarrassed as he went into the house. ilikgan, ikgÁnun a easily feeling hesitation. ka- n feeling of shyness to ask or refuse a favor.

kailikgan n person whom one hesitates to approach or refuse. Kailikgan ku nÀ siya kay bugtung igsÚun sa Ákung MÁma, I can never turn him down, for he is my mother’s only brother. ma-un(?) a characterized by hesitation. NangÁyÙ siya sa maikÚgung tÍngug, He asked me in a shy voice.

ikunumika n economy, economics.

ikunumÍya a economical. IkunumÍyang gamÍtun ang sabun nga dÚgay mahÍlis, A soap which doesn’t easily dissolve is economical to use. v [A13; a12] 1 economize. Mag-ikunumÍya ta sa Átung pagkÁun, Let us be economical with our food. IkunumiyÁha paggÁmit ang pumÁda, Use the pomade economically. 2 [A13] masturbate (slang—from the idea of saving money by not hiring a prostitute).

Íkus = Íkut.

Íkut v [A2; b(1)] for animals that leave their stingers to sting. Ayawg samÚka nang lampÍnig kay ikÚtan ka, Don’t disturb the yellowjackets because they will sting you. (?) n stinger. iniktan n place stung.

ikut-Íkut = ikit-Íkit. see Íkit.

ikwadur n equator.

ikyas v [A2; b6] slip away, get away after planning to do so. Miikyas ku sa bÁy kay daghang buhatun,- I slipped out of the house because there was a lot of chores to do. Nakaikyas ang prÍsu, The prisoner escaped.

ikyut = ukyut.

ila1 v 1 [A; a12b2] identify, distinguish which is which. Ang tistÍgus mauy nag-ila kinsa ang sad-an, The witness identified the culprit. Lisud ilhun kung babÁyi u lalÁki ba kanang taas ug buhuk. DÍlÌ giyud maila (mailhan), It’s hard to tell if it’s a boy or girl when they have long hair. You can’t tell. 2 [A12; a3b2] recognize who a person is. WÀ ku siya maila (hiilhi) sa ngitngit, I did not recognize him in the dark. 3 [A12; b(1)] know a person. Nakaila aku kanÍya, I know him. 4 [A3; a12b2] acknowledge, consider s.o. as s.t. WalÀ sila muila sa Íyang kinaadman, They did not recognize his wisdom. Siya ang giilang hÁrÌ sa mga matun, He is the acknowledged king of the thugs. 4a [A23; a12] acknowledge s.o. as arousing fear or awe. WÀ siyay giilang tÁwu, He’s afraid of no one. 4b — ug GinÚu call on God’s help when one is in distress. Makaila ka ug GinÚu ug nÁa ka sa kalisud, You will call on God when you are in trouble. 5 [A12] experience, taste. PaminyÚa lag sayu arun makailag unsay kalisud, Let them marry young so they can experience hardship. n birthmark. pa- v [A; ac] 1 make s.t. known, introduce oneself as s.o. WÀ siya magpaila nga anak sa hÁrÌ, He did not let it be known that he was the king’s son. Ipaila ku kanÍmu ang tinÚud, I’ll make the truth known. 2 indicate. Ang kusug nga ulan usÁhay nagpaila nga dÚnay bagyu, Heavy rain sometimes indicates that there is a storm. ilaÍla v [A2C; acP] introduce, get acquainted. Nakig-ilaÍla siya sa mga lÍdir sa pulitika, He introduced himself to the political leaders. IlailÁha ang Ákung kasÁring, Meet my classmate. IilaÍla (ipailaÍla) aku Ánang Ímung kÚyug, Introduce me to your companion. pailaÍla v [A; ac] introduce s.o. to s.o. else. PailailÁha sila, Let them get acquainted with each other. ka-(?) n acquaintance. v [C; c5] become acquainted with one or more persons. Didtu sila magkaÍla sa barku, They became friends on the boat. GikaÍla ku siya sa barku, I made his acquaintance on the boat. ilhÁnan n identifying mark or sign. ÁkÙ nang rilÚha kay dÚnay ilhÁnan, That watch is mine because there is an identifying mark. -in- n recognized as s.t. good, well-known. -du a 1 well-known. IlÁdu siya sa Íla, He is well-known in their town. 2 notorious. Ang mga ilÁdung mangunguut, The notorious pickpockets. v [B12] be, become well-known, notorious. timailhan see timailhan. †

ila2 a shy, afraid to approach s.o. unfamiliar. Ila kaÁyu ang bÁtÀ, dÍlÌ padÚul nÁkÙ, The child is very shy; he doesn’t want me to go near him. v [B; b6] become shy. Maila ang manuk ug sÍging pakuratan, It makes the chickens shy if you keep scaring them. ilahan = ila2.

Íla see sila.

ilab v [APB; a4] catch fire, cause s.t. to do so. Miilab (nailab, giilab) ang sidsid sa Íyang sinÍnÀ sa dihang naduul sa kÁyu, The hem of her dress caught fire when it came near the fire. Ang pagdagkut sa puspuru mauy miilab (mipailab) sa gasulÍna, When he lighted the match, it caused the gasoline to catch fire.

Ílad v [AN; a12] 1 swindle. IlÁrun giyud ka kay dalÌ ka ra mutÚu, I’m sure you’ll get swindled because you are easily deceived. 2 fool s.o. Siyay niÍlad ni Huwan nga may iskuyla kunu karun, He fooled John telling him there was school today. n action of swindling. paN- n business of swindling. Magsilbi ka sa pangÍlad kay maÁyu kang mupatÚu ug tÁwu, You will do well as a swindler because you can make people believe you. maN-r-(?) n swindler.

ilÁda = hilÁda.

ilÁdu 1 see ila1. 2 = hilÁda.

iladur = hiladur, see hilÁda.

ilag, Ílag v [A2; c] dodge. Iilag lang ang Ímung lÁwas ug labÁyun ka, Move your body quickly to the side if s.o. throws s.t. at you.

ilagÀ n 1 rat, mouse. 2 by extension, hamsters. TimÁwÀ pa sa ilagÀ, Poor as a church mouse. — sa UrÚpa white mouse. ilagÀilÁgÀ n a game of chance at carnivals or fiestas involving hamsters which are let loose and have a choice of several holes to take shelter in. Bets are placed on which animal enters which hole.

ilahÁnun see sila.

ilaid v [A13] 1 lie in intense suffering. Duha ka bÚwan nga nag-ilaid siya sa banig, He suffered intensely in his bed for two months. 2 stagger under a load. Nag-ilaid siya sa kabug-at sa Íyang dala, He was staggering under the weight of what he was carrying. — sa kawad-un suffering extreme poverty.

Ílak = damagan1.

ilang-Ílang = alangÍlan.

ilap, Ílap v [A2; c1] 1 for flames to lick at s.t. Ang kalÁyu ÍgÙ lang miÍlap sa balay, The flames just licked at the house. 2 touch lightly. MiÍlap ang tÚbig sa bÀbÀ sa barÚtu, The water touched the top of the boat gently. GiÍlap sa hÁngin ang Íyang buktun, His arm was touched lightly by the wind.

Ílas n Job’s tears, a coarse grass growing to 2 m. with smooth and large grains, used for ornamental beads: Coix lachryma-jobi.

ilÁwud see lawud.

ilaya, ilÁya n area away from the coast or town. pa- v [A] go inland. ilayanhun a hill-*billy, one from the remote interior regions.

ilbu n elbow joint of pipes.

Íli1 n letter L.

*Íli2 see ilÍhan.

ilibÍtur n elevator. — buy n elevator boy. v [A13; a] go by, make into an elevator.

ilidyibul a 1 qualified for the civil service. Ilidyibul ang tanang nagtrabÁhu sa adwÁna, All the workers in the Customs have passed the civil service qualifications. 2 for a man to be eligible for marriage (usually highly eligible). v [B12] 1 make, become a civil service eligible. 2 be eligible for marriage.

Ílig v [A; b6] for a large number to move s.w. where conditions are more favorable. Sa tingtugnaw muÍlig ang mga langgam sa Ínit nga dapit, During the cold season birds migrate to hot places. BÚkid nga giilÍgan sa mga bakwit, The mountains where the people took refuge. -an(?) n place where a large number flock for refuge.

ilÍgal a illegal. †

iliganti a elegant in looks. Iliganti kang tan-Áwun Ánang sininÁa, You look elegant in that dress. v [B12; b6] be elegant in looks.

ilÍhan n remote area, thinly populated, usually forested and inaccessible to vehicles. Ayaw pagsÚut sa ilÍhan, tingÁlig mawa` ka, You might get lost if you wander into the woods.

Ílik v [AP; c1] turn the body right and left gracefully in dancing or to view oneself better in a mirror. Mag-Ílik (magpaÍlik) gÁnÌ kag dÚgay sa sÁmin, byÁan ta ka, If you spend so much time primping yourself up in front of the mirror, I’ll leave you. KlarÚha lang nag sÁyaw, ilÍkun (iÍlik) pa man, You’re wiggling your body so much, why don’t you go ahead and dance? n action of turning left and right.

iliksiyun n election. v [A1] hold elections.

iliktrik a electric. — Áyurn n electric iron. — istub n electric range. — tsir n electric chair. v [c6] be sent to the chair.

iliktrisidad n electricity, electric current. v [b6] have electricity.

iliktrisyan n electrician. v [B16] be an electrician.

iliktruniku n electronics.

iliktur n voter. v [B126] become a voter.

ilikturÁda n the electorate, the voting public.

iliktural n electoral.

ilimintÁri, ilimintarya n elementary school. v [A1] study in a certain elementary school.

ilimintu n element, component.

iling = sal-ing.

ilin-Ílin v [A12; b8] have a variety of things to choose from. Makailin-Ílin kag pagkÁun, There’s a tremendous variety of food to choose from. Daghan ang pagkÁun nga kailin-ilÍnan, There’s lots of food one can choose from. pailin-Ílin v [A; ac2] be given a variety of things to choose from. Nagpailin-Ílin lang siyag puyÙ sa mga paryinti nÍya sa siyudad, He has a large number of relatives to choose from to stay with when he comes to the city.

ilipanti n 1 elephant. 2 k.o. herb with a spike of white or blue flowers that curls like the tusk of an elephant. The leaves are applied to boils and wounds: Heliotropium indicum. — nga laki plant similar in appearance to ilipanti and with similar medicinal use: Stachytarpheta jamaicensis or australis.

ilipant wuk n the elephant walk, a k.o. dance. v [A] dance this dance.

Ílis v 1 [A23C; ab1c] give s.t. in lieu of s.t. received. Kinsay muÍlis ug rilu Áring Ákung singsing, Who will give me a watch for my ring? Mag-Ílis tag lingkurÁnan, Let’s exchange seats. NapÚlÙ ka gip-istam ilÍsan ug takurÌ, You get a teakettle for ten gift stamps. 2 [A; b1c] replace s.t. with s.t. else similar. Kamau kang muÍlis ug batu sa singsing? Do you know how to change the stone in a ring? GiilÍsan si Pidru sa kuts, The coach replaced Pedro. 2a [A; bc] break money into smaller denominations. IlÍsi ra kinig mamÍsus, Please change this bill into one-peso notes. 3 [AB13; c] put clothes on s.o., change s.o.’s clothes. Kinsay muÍlis sa bÁtÀ, Who will change the child? Nag-Ílis si PÍpi, Pepe is changing clothes. 3a [B13; c] be dressed up. MaÁyu untÀ nÀ siyag hitsÚra ug mag-Ílis, He looks pretty good if he is dressed up. 4 [A2; c] pay back s.t. borrowed, replace s.t. lost or consumed. MaÁyu siyang manghulam ug kwarta apan dÍlÌ muÍlis, He’s good in borrowing money but never pays you back. IlÍsan ku tung dulÁan nga giwÁlÀ sa bÁtÀ, I’ll replace the toy the child lost. 5 [A12S3] come and go, happen one after the other. Mag-Ílis ang suluguun sa ÁmÙ kay daghanan ra sa trabÁhu, Our helpers do not stick with us because we make them work too hard. Nag-ilis lag pangamÁtay ang Íyang mga anak, His children died one after the other. 6 muÍlis nga simÁna, bÚwan, etc. next week, next month, etc. n replacement, thing given in exchange, shift of workers. Siyay Ílis nÁkÙ sa trabÁhu, He is my replacement at work. Kini Ílis sa Ákung gibuak, This is in exchange for the one I broke. -an(?) n clean clothes.

ilisdan/ilisdi v [b1] 1 exchange, replace s.t. Ákung ilisdan ug duha ka buuk kabÁyÙ nang Ímung kÁbaw, I’ll give you two horses for your carabao. 2 pay s.o. back or replace s.t. Ilisdan tika sa LÚnis, I’ll pay you back Monday. Ímu giyung ilisdan tung Ákung pawuntinpin, You should replace my pen. 3 replace s.t. that was s.w. by s.t. else. Giilisdag baratuhung batu ang singsing, He substituted a cheap stone in the ring.

ilÍsi = Ísi2.

ilitirit n illiterate. v [B126; b6] end up an illiterate.

ilitsu dibilin n a k.o. small club moss used as an indoor ornamental plant: Selaginella umbrosa.

Íliw1 v 1 [AN3; a2] long for s.t., miss s.t. that one loves. Ang bÁtÀ wÀ giyud mangÍliw sa inahan nÍyang namatay, The child did not miss its dead mother. Ang mabdus nag-Íliw ug hilaw mangga, The pregnant woman is longing for green mangoes. GiÍliw kang MÁma nÍmu, Your mother is looking for you. 2 [b8] take a liking to s.t. Nailiwan uruy nÍya nang bataÁna, He has come to take a liking to that child. n k.o. poisonous snake, so called because it is believed that the snake and victim long for each other after the victim has been bitten, and the victim loses his mind, forgetting to have his wound treated.

Íliw2 n sergeant fish or crab eater: Rachycentron canadus.

iltur n variety of cholera called El Tor. v [A123P; a4] get El Tor.

Ílu1 n 1 one who has lost a parent. Ílu siya sa inahan, She has no mother. — nga tulÁpus orphan. 2 having lost a relative or s.o. close, deprived of s.t. one needs. NamaldÍtu ang Íyang anak kay Ílu sa pagtagad, His son became delinquent because he is wanting in care and affection. v [B126] 1 lose a father or mother. 2 deprived of s.t. one needs.

Ílu2 v [A; b] wipe s.o. after a bowel movement. (?) n s.t. used to wipe oneself after a bowel movement. MaÁyung ilu ang pÁkaw, Corn cobs are good to wipe with. pa- v [A; ac] have s.o. wipe one’s anus. paN- v [A; b] wipe oneself after a bowel movement. iluhan n anus.

Ílu3 ka-, ka-(?) Poor thing! KaÍlu nÍya, byÀbyÁan lang sa inahan, Poor thing, he’s just neglected by his mother.

*Ílub see paÍlub.

Ílug v 1 [A3S; a2] take away from s.o.’s possession. Nakailug kug bÚla, I managed to get a ball away from him. IlÚgun nÁkÙ basta dÌ ihÁtag, I will take it away from you if you do not give it to me. 1a — ug lugar 1a1 occupy more space than necessary. 1a2 for a moving vehicle to run another vehicle out of its lane by cutting in on him or coming against him. 2 [C2; b3] fight for possession of s.o. or s.t. Bukug nga giilÚgan sa duha ka irÙ, The bone the two dogs were fighting over. 3 [A2; a12] overcome. Bisag unsÁun kug tuun, muÍlug giyud ang katulÚgun, No matter how hard I study, sleep overcomes me. 3a — sa bandÍra v [A123S; a3] manage to marry a man who has a large number of sweethearts. Ayaw na lang ug pangabubhu Ánang mga karÁang trÁtu sa Ímung bÁna. Tutal ikaw may nakailug sa bandÍra, You need not get jealous about your husband’s former sweethearts. After all, you were the one he married. 4 [A23; c] cut in on a conversation. ‘DÌ nÀ mau,’ miÍlug si Pidru, ‘That is not the one,’ Pedro broke in. 4a include s.t. s.w. where it wouldn’t normally be included. IÍlug ra kinig pasa, While you’re ironing would you touch this up quickly? 4b take time out to do s.t. IlÚga ra gud ni ug laba, Take off a minute to wash this. 5 — sa yÁwÀ [a12] completely forget s.t. important which one was about to say. WalÀ giyud kuy nabungat nga mga maÁyung rasun. GiÍlug ug hurut sa yÁwÀ. Napildi hinÚun kus kÁsu, I never did get my good arguments out. I completely forgot what I was going to say, so I lost the case. n action of grabbing. (?) = Ílug, v 4a, b. -an(?) a tending to grab things from others. -in-, -in-(?) n 1 odds favorite in gambling. Adtu ku pusta sa inÍlug, I’ll bet on the favored cock. 2 popular, sought after. Si NÚra Unur inÍlug sa mga prudyÚsir, The producers fight each other to get Nora Aunor. -in-an n merchandise which is highly popular (things which people fight with each other to get). InilÚgan kaÁyu ang pÁn ni TÍnung, Tinong’s bread is very popular. -un(?) a be in short supply. Ilugun kaÁyu ang Ákung panahun, I have very little time. n the upper part of the small intestines which are rolled up. siN-un(?) a = ilugun, a.

Íluk n armpit. (?) v 1 [A; c1] carry under the arm. Iiluk (iluka) kanang putus, Carry that bundle under your arm. 2 [A; a12] hit in the armpit or at the point where the leg or fin of a beast joins the body. Nailuk ang ihu sa Ísi, The harpoon hit the shark at the base of the fin. 3 [A1; a3] acquire a degree or other distinction. Si Huwan nakailuk sa Únang ganti, John won first prize. paN-an(?) n place where the armpits are.

IlukÁnu n Ilocano, person from the Ilocos region or his language. -in- n the Ilocano style or language.

ilÚku n k.o. thread of several strands made from low-grade cotton, finer and whiter than the tingkal.

IlÚkus n Ilocos region, Northwestern Luzon.

ilung n nose. gÁhÌ ug — a for domestic animals which have a tether rope attached to the nose to be intractable, disobedient. b for a person to be contrary, not amenable to suggestions. hÚmuk ug — for domestic animals to be tractable, obedient or person to be acquiescent, amenable. taas ug — a long-nosed. b blind to s.t. right under one’s nose. walay — flat-nosed. -an, -an(?) n having a nicely-shaped nose. paN- n rope passed through the water buffalo’s nose to which the tether rope is attached.

Ilungga = ilunggu (female).

Ilunggu (from IluÍlu, the principal city of the Hiligaynon region). n 1 one from the Hiligaynon region. 2 Hiligaynon language.

ilun-Ílun n variety of lowland rice reaching a height of about 5' and with longer and bigger leaves than most other varieties, maturing in eight months. It has heavy yellow grains and is not much planted, as more productive varieties have been introduced. v [A3; a2] plant this variety of rice.

ilustrÁda a an illustrious woman or family, one who has done deeds worthy of emulation and respect.

ilustrÁdu n illustrious persons.

ilut v [A; b6(1)] induce a rooster to fight with another rooster in order to catch him. DÍlÌ madakpan kanang sunÚya kun dÍlÌ ilutan, You cannot capture that rooster if you don’t lure him.

imÀ = ingÀ.

imabaw = ibabaw, see babaw.

imÁhin n religious image.

imakulÁda kunsipsiyun n immaculate conception.

imas added to, plus. Upat imas sayis mahÍmung napÚlÙ, Six plus four makes ten.

imat a 1 ugly: a in a messy way. b in action. 2 poor in quality. Imat ning bulpÍna. DÌ muÁgi, This pen is of poor quality. It doesn’t write well. v [B12] become ugly. Naimat ang Íyang nawung sa tantung pangulurÍtis, Her face was a mess with all that make-up.

imbahÁda1 v [A; b6] pace back and forth in anger. MuimbahÁda ku ug masukÙ, I pace back and forth when I’m angry.

imbahÁda2 n 1 embassy. 2 an announcement of s.t. to come, esp. the announcement sent by the groom’s family to the house of the prospective bride that they will come to ask for the bride’s hand formally (pamalÁyi). 3 messenger of a king or s.o. sent to announce the courtship ceremony. v [A; b] notification of s.t. to happen. Nag-imbahÁda ang Ákung anak nga dÚna siyay mga bisÍtang dad-un sa ÁmÙ, My son notified us in advance that he was bringing visitors to our house. WÀ makaimbahÁda ang gubyirnu sa kalit nga pag-usbaw sa prisyu sa bugas, The government did not have a chance to notify the people about the sudden rise in the price of rice.

imbahadur n ambassador. v [B156; a12] be an ambassador.

imbalidu, imbalÍdu n 1 invalid, null and void. ImbalÍdu ang kuntrÁtu kay way pirma, Their contract is invalid because it has no signature. 2 invalid, ill person. v [c16] 1 invalidate. 2 [B12] become an invalid.

imbalsamar v [A3P; a] embalm. imbalsamadur n embalmer. v [B156] be an embalmer. †

imbargu v [A; a2] 1 confiscate. Ang maistra miimbargu sa kÚmiks, The teacher confiscated the comic books. 2 foreclose on a loan, repossess. Maimbargu unyÀ ang Ákung makinilya, They might repossess my typewriter.

imbasyun n invasion.

imbaw n k.o. grey lucene clam with concentric ridges running along the width but with no vertical lines, 2 to 3 in width. Most types of the imbaw are similar in shape, color, and size to the American quahog, but with more pronounced ridges and no blue on the inside of the shell. — sa bunbun a small k.o. imbaw found on the shore. paN- v [A2; b(1)] gather imbaw.

imbay1 a moving slow with stiff legs like a crab. v [B; a] be slow and dragging in movements or work. Nag-imbay na ang Íyang linaktan tungud sa kakÁpuy, His pace became very slow from fatigue. Giimbay nÍya paghungit ang bÁtÀ, He is feeding the child slowly bit at a time. GiimbÁyan nÍya ang Íyang trabÁhu, He dilly-dallied on the job.

imbay2 n name given to the women kept by Japanese soldiers as mistresses. v [A; c1] become an imbay.

imbintu n invention. v 1 [A; a] invent. Bag-ung bumba na puy imbintÚhun sa Rusya, Now the Russians are going to invent another bomb. 2 [A; a2] make up a lie, story. MaÁyu kang mangimbintu ug katarÚngan, You are great at making up excuses.

imbis instead of. Si MarÍya ang giminyÚan imbis si IlÍna, The man married Maria instead of Elena. Imbis mutrabÁhu magpÚnay lang siyag tÁbÌ, Instead of working, she would sit around blabbing.

imbistigar v [A; a2] investigate. Imbistigarun (imbistigahun) ang hinungdan sa pagkabagsÀ, The cause of the crash should be investigated. imbistigadur n investigator. v [B156; a12] be an investigator.

imbistigasyun n investigation.

imbitar v [AN; a12] invite s.o. to go to an affair or a place. WÀ siya mangimbitar nÁkÙ uy, He didn’t invite me. Imbitarun (imbitahun) ta ka sa Ámung pista, I am inviting you to our fiesta celebration. imbitÁdu n one invited to an affair. imbitasiyun n invitation.

imbraimatsu n k.o. joint in which a tongue or rib at the edge of the board fits exactly into a groove in another. v [c1] use boards with tongue and groove joints for walling or flooring.

imbÚdu n funnel. v [A; c] 1 put a funnel. ImbudÚhi ang butilya inighuwad, Put a funnel in the bottle when you pour. 2 funnel, divert s.t. Daghang humay giimbÚdu ngadtu sa blakmarkit, Lots of rice was funnelled into the black market.

imbukar v [A; b5] start, begin. Miimbukar ang ikaduhang kagÚbut sa kalibÚtan mga katluan na ka tÚig gÍkan karun, The Second World War started some thirty years ago. Ug naimbukar (naimbukahan) pa ug sayu ning trabahÚa human na untÀ ni pagkakarun, Had this work been started early, it would have been finished by now.

imburnal n culvert. v [c] put a culvert.

imbÚru = imbÚdu.

imbus = ibyus.

imbuyis n invoice. v [A; b6(1)] make an invoice of goods bought. Ang tindÍru mauy muimbuyis sa mga pinalit ku, The sales clerk makes the invoices for the things I buy.

imbyirnu n winter.

Ími n letter M.

imigrant n s.o. who emigrates abroad. v [B126] become an emigrant.

imirdyinsi n emergency. — mÁni the money issued by the provincial governments after the outbreak of World War II before the Japanese occupation.

imirhinsiya = imirdyinsi.

imiri — bag, burd emery bag, board.

imit v [AN; a2] 1 desire to have things of little value or which one can’t use. Nangimit (nag-imit) ka man diay niÁnang mga pitsipitsi, Do you really want to have that junk? 2 be after s.t. WÀ siya mahigugma nÍya. Nag-imit lang sa Íyang yÚtÀ, He doesn’t love her. He’s just after her land. a stingy, possessive.

imitasiyun, imitisyun n imitation.

imnu n hymn.

impÁki v [A; c1] pack up, put in a container for carrying or storing. ImpakÍhag (iimpÁkig) maÁyu ang dad-unun, Pack up the things we will take with us carefully.

impaktu n 1 supernatural being which causes evil and may be called into the service of a sorcerer. If he shows himself it is usually in the form of s.t. ordinary with an extraordinary characteristic: animal of an unusual age, color, or shape; banana trunk blocking the way where there had been no bananas growing, and the like. 2 by extension, s.o. who does evil without scruples. v [B26; b6] be devilish, without scruples.

impanÁda n pastries consisting of meat wrapped in dough and fried. v [A1; a2] make impanÁda.

impantil — biribiri, paralisis n k.o. children’s disease.

impantirÍya n infantry.

impas a 1 paid off, up. Impas na ang Ákung Útang, My debts are paid off. 2 be done for, finished off, dead. Impas na ang manuk, The cock is finished off. Impas na ang Ákung puhÚnan. DÌ na ku makasÚgal, My money is all gone. I can’t gamble any more. Impas ka ug hibuthan ka ug dinamÍta, That’ll be the end of you if dynamite explodes on you. v 1 [A3P; b5] pay off, up. 2 [B126; ab3] be done in, finished, dead. — tÚdas = impas, 2.

impÁti 1 for antagonists to be even in gains and losses. ImpÁti na ta kay pÚlus ta way tÚri, We are even now because we both lost our rooks. 2 having no more debts. ImpÁti na ta. WÀ na kuy Útang, We’re square now. I don’t owe you a thing. v 1 [a3] come to a tie. NaimpÁti ang Ílang dÚlÀ, Their game ended in a tie. 1a [A12; c3] get a tie. 2 [AC; a1] settle up accounts between people that have debts to each other or between mortgager and the holder of a mortgage. Arun magkaimpÁti ta, pun-an nÁkug tris mil ang Ímung prinda, ug ÁkÙ na, To settle up, I’ll give you three thousand and pay off your mortgage, and the land is mine. 3 [A12] for an amount to be sufficient to meet some obligations. DÌ makaimpÁti ang Ímung swildu sa Ímung taplanan, Your salary isn’t enough to pay your debts to me. 4 [B126] be finished off. NaimpÁti sa mananaygun ang Ákung katapÚsang sinsÍyu, The carolers finished off all of my change.

impatsu n indigestion caused by eating things that don’t go together. v [B126; a4] have indigestion. Naimpatsu (giimpatsu) ang bÁtÀ kay nagkaug buÚngun ug butung, The child suffered from indigestion because he ate pomelos and young coconut. — sa sabun v [a3] for clothes that have been put out in the sun to bleach to be allowed to dry out such that the soap will not come out.

impi n 1 acronym for MP (military police). 2 wife in her capacity as her husband’s watchdog (slang). v 1 [B156; a12] be an MP. 2 [A3; b6] check upon husband. DÌ makaguwÀguwÀ si Dindu kay nÁay muimpi nÍya, Dindo is not free to go out because there is a watchdog checking upon him.

impiksiyun n infection.

impiktu = ipiktu.

impilya n leaf lard, a thin layer of fatty tissue around the outside of the stomach of large animals or persons. impilyÁhun a fat, obese.

impiradur n 1 emperor. 2 name formerly given to the brightest student in the class, who was given a special place in front. v [B16; a12] 1 be an emperor. 2 be the best student in class.

impiratris n empress. v [B126; a12] become an empress.

impirdibli n safety pin. v [A; b6] fasten s.t. with a safety pin.

impirmarÍya, impirmarya n infirmary.

impirnu n 1 hell. Impirnu ning Ákung kinabÚhÌ uban nÍmu, My life with you is hell. 2a hain, Ása, diin nga impirnÚha whatever place it is, I couldn’t care less. Ambut kun hÁin siyang impirnÚha, I don’t know where she is, and I don’t give a damn. v 1 [B12] become a hell. 2 [a3b4(1)] go to hell. Ang mga dautan maimpirnu, Bad men go to hell. Ang palÁbi nga pagsugal ray kaimpirnÚhan mu, You’ll go to hell because of your gambling. 3 [B16] be blazing with anger. HÍlum kay nag-impirnu ning Ákung Úlu, Shut up. My head is blazing with anger.

impiryu n empire.

impisar v [A; c16] start, begin. Impisahun (iimpisar) na nÁtÙ ang trabÁhu, Let us start working.

impÍsi = inpÍsi.

impitu n height of one’s anger. v [B6; b4] be at the height of anger. Ayaw siyag duÚla ug mag-impitu ang Íyang kasukÙ, Don’t approach him if he is fuming mad. Naimpituhan ku siyag latigu, I whipped him in a burst of rage.

impiyirnu = impirnu.

implimintar v [A; c] implement, put a procedure into effect. Iimplimintar na ang bag-ung balÁud sa pangampanya sa pulitika, They are going to implement the new law regarding campaigning.

impliyar v 1 [A2; b(1)] get employment. Nakaimpliyar siya sa gubyirnu, He was employed in the government service. Mauy impliyari ang dagkung kumpanÍya, Get employed in a large company. 2 [A; b6c1] hire, employ. DÌ siya muimpliyar ug minur diidad, They do not employ minors. 3 [A; c] employ, put into practice what one has learned. Giimpliyar nÍya ang diyÚtayng kaÁlam sa dyÚdu, He employed the little judo he knew. impliyÁda n female employee. impliyÁdu n employee. v [B16; a2] get employed in a job. SÍgi lag pangÍtag trabÁhu hangtud maimpliyÁdu ka, Don’t quit looking for work until you get employment. Ang tÁwung way ambisyun mag-impliyÁdu lang hangtud sa pagkamatay, A man who has no ambition will work as an employee forever. Ang upisÍna giimpliyadÚhan nÍyag upat, He employed four people in his office.

implÍyu n employment, job. v [A; a2] employ. Gustu kung muimplÍyu ug kugihan nga bÚy, I want to employ an industrious houseboy. paN- v [A2; b6] work as an employee. NangimplÍyu ang asÁwa kay dÌ paigÙ ang swildu sa bÁna, The wife took a job because the husband didn’t make enough.

impluwinsa n influenza. v [B126; a4] get influenza. Ábi kug labad sa Úlu lang, naimpluwinsa man nÚun, I thought it was only a headache, but it turned out to be the flu. ImpluwinsÁhun ka, You will get influenza.

impluwinsiya n influence. v [A; a1] influence.

imprinta n printing press or an establishment in the printing business. v [A; a] print. ImprintÁhun giyud ang imbitasiyun, The invitation card should be printed. imprintahan = imprinta, n.

imprisaryu n impresario. v [B15; b6] be an impresario.

imprumtu n impromptu. v [c1] be impromptu. Naimprumtu ang prugrÁma kay way nakapangandam, The program was made impromptu because nobody prepared for it.

*impuntu alas [number] — at [such-and-such a time] on the dot. Alas utsu impuntu, Eight o’clock sharp.

impurmal a informal gathering, affair. v [a12] make an affair informal.

impurmasiyun n information.

impurtansiya n importance. pa- v [A; b6(1)] be given, give oneself importance. Mupaimpurtansiya giyud nang bayhÁna. DÌ giyud mulingkud sa luyu, That woman pretends she’s important. She never takes a seat in the back.

impurtanti a important, having a bearing on a situation. v [B12; b6] be important for s.t. Nagkaimpurtanti ang tÚbig nga nagkaduul na ang tinghulaw, Water is once more becoming important because the dry season is approaching. Palita dÁyun kun impurtantihan ka Ánang librÚha sa Ímung pagtuun, Buy that book if you consider it important for your studies.

impurtasiyun n importation.

impurti n value. Pilay impurti sa Ímung singsing? How much is your ring worth? KÁhuy nga impurtig trisyintus, Wood worth three hundred pesos. v [B456] be worth [so-and-so] much. Kadtung lÚhung awtu nag-impurti ug trayinta mÍl, That luxurious car is worth thirty thousand.

impurtid n imported.

impusibli a it is impossible, very unlikely. Impusibli pug dÌ ka muganansiya, It is impossible that you won’t make a profit. v [B12; c1] be implausible, impossible to happen. Maimpusibli ang dÁgan sa isturya ug pasubraag kakulbÀ hÍnam, The story will be implausible if there are too many suspenseful details.

impuy n title of respect for old folks, male or female.

impyirnu = impirnu.

imraimatsu = imbraimatsu.

imsi n emcee. v [A; a2] emcee.

Ímu see ikaw.

imulsiyun n emulsion of cod liver oil. v [b] give s.o. this preparation.

Ímung v [AN; c1] 1 forget to pay a debt or return s.t. borrowed (from Ímu [see ikaw] as used in an expression referring to the thing borrowed, e.g., DÚna man tuy Ímung dus pÍsus diri nÁkÙ nu? I still have two pesos of yours, don’t I?) Ayaw imÚnga ang Ákung bayinti pÍsus, Don’t k.o. forget to pay me my twenty pesos, will you? 2 cheat s.o. out of s.t. small. Siyay miÍmung (nangÍmung) sa kwarta sa tigÚwang ignuranti, He gypped the ignorant old man out of his money.

imurahiya n hemorrhage from the womb. v [A13P; a4] have a hemorrhage in childbirth or miscarriage. Nag-imurahiya (giimurahiya) siya dihang gikakuhÁan siya, She had a hemorrhage when she had her miscarriage.

imuralidad n immorality. v [a3] be dismissed from the teaching service for getting pregnant out of wedlock. Ug dÍlÌ siya pakaslan maimuralidad giyud siya, If he doesn’t marry her, she will be sacked for immorality.

imut-imut v [B12] be financially hard-up on a long-term basis. Pirmi giyung magkaimut-imut ang gastadur, A spendthrift is always in financial straits.

imyus = ibyus.

in grammatical particle (dialectal). 1 = y. 2 subject marker for an indefinite subject (standard Cebuano: ang). DÍlÌ hingpit ang altar kay dakÙ pa man in kÚwang, The altar is not complete. There is a good deal lacking.

Ín1 v [A12; c] be accepted as a teacher in the public schools. WÀ pa siya maÍn sa pagkamaistra kay way bakanti, She hasn’t been accepted as a teacher because there’s no vacancy. n one who is ‘in’ in the school system.

Ín2 a for a ball to be in bounds. v [A; c6] in billiards, move the cue ball perpendicularly a certain distance from the edge of the billiard table to make it easier to shoot.

-in-1 derivative affix added to adjectives or nouns to form adjectives which mean ‘in the manner of [such-and-such]’ and verbs that mean ‘do in [such-and-such] a manner.’ Usually, there is shift to the left with the addition of this affix. Ug dÍlÌ mahÍmÙ sa minaayu, buhÁtun nÁtÙ sa dinautang paÁgi, If it can not be done in a nice way, we’ll do it in a bad way. Inigsuung tambag, Sisterly advice. 2 by the ... Giswilduan silag sinimana, They were paid by the week. Ginagmayng pagkapalit, Bought a little at a time.

-in-2 affix added to verb bases to form nouns which are parallel in meaning to the direct passive inflectional affix (-un1) and the instrumental inflectional passive (i-1), meaning 1. 1 the thing [verb]ed. HinÁtag ba ni u pinalit ba? Was this a present (s.t. given) or just s.t. you bought? 2 s.t. put s.w. or in s.t. Inasin nga karni, Salted meat. Kinahun ug linata, Things in boxes and things in cans.

-in-3 derivational affix. 1 added to verbs forming nouns which refer to the continuous action of doing and verbs which mean ‘[do] continuously’. Sa tantu nÍyang hinÍlak, From crying so much. DÚru nÁkung pinangÍtÀ, I looked for it for all I was worth. 2 added to words which refer to sounds to form nouns which mean ‘the sound of’. TinÚlÙ, The sound of dripping. KinasÍkas, Rustling sound.

ina old word for ‘mother’ that is confined to set phrases. bilat sa — see bilat. — nga [vegetable] variety of [vegetable] that is larger, softer, and inferior to the ordinary. Inang palawan, Large, soft variety of palawan. inahan n mother. inahan nga buhatan main office of a firm with branches. v [AN; c1] be a mother to. Siyay miinahan (nanginahan) sa Íyang mga humagbus, She was mother to her stepchildren. panginahan v [A2; a2] recognize or treat as s.o.’s mother. Naguul si Pilar kay wÀ manginahan kanÍya ang Íyang humagbus, Pilar is worried because her stepchild doesn’t treat her like a mother. pakainahan v [A13; a12] act, treat like a mother. inaÍna 1 stepmother. 2 foster mother. v [A; c1] be a foster mother, stepmother to. Ákung manghud Ákung iinaÍna (inainÁhun) sa Ákung mga bÁtÀ, I’ll make my younger sister the foster mother of my children. 2 [A12] get a stepmother, foster mother. inaan n mother hen. inaun, inÁun n godmother. v [B3; c1] act as godmother, be a godmother. paN-(?) n in games like marbles, the piece the player uses to strike other pieces.

ÍnÀ (short for ayaw ÚnÀ) 1 just a moment, a minute. ÍnÀ pa, dÚna pa kuy gipangÍtÀ, Just a moment (a minute) I’m still looking for s.t. 2 particle used to change the subject: by the way. ÍnÀ pa ra gud, kinsa tu ka? By the way, who did you say you were?

inagurar v [A; b(1)] hold a celebration in honor of an accomplishment, having reached a certain stage, having finished s.t. Makainagurar ka giyug mupasar ka sa bÁr, You’ll have to hold a celebration if you pass the bar. Ang bÁy inagurahan ugmÀ, There will be a celebration for the new house tomorrow. inagurasiyun n celebration. v [A13; b(1)] = inagurar.

inÁmil n 1 enamel of teeth. 2 enamel paint.

-in-an affix added to verb bases to form nouns which are parallel in meaning to the local passive inflectional affix (-an1). 1 s.t. from, at, on, to which s.t. was done, place at which s.t. was done. KinutÚban sa Ákung yÚtÀ, The boundary of my land. (Lit. The place to which my land reached.) 2 the thing or person [verb]ed. NakahibÁwu ku sa Ímung tinagÚan, I know your secret. 2a s.t. caught by [such-and-such] a method of fishing, hunting, etc. Pinaslan, Fish caught with a line. DininamitÁhan, Fish caught with dynamite. 3 reason for [do]ing. Mu ra nay Ímung hinilÁkan? Is that all you’re crying about?

-in-an(?) affix added to verbs to form nouns meaning manner of doing. Linakwan, Way of walking. Kinataw-an, Way of laughing.

-in-Ánan alternant of -in-an added to some roots where the final vowel of the root is dropped. SinugdÁnan (sinugdan), Beginning. KinuptÁnan sa Átung panaghinigugmaay, Keepsakes betokening our love.

inÁnay v [AB; c1] do or become s.t. in stages gradually, little by little. MiinÁnay pagbÁkud ang masakitun, The sick man rose slowly. MiinÁnay (nainÁnay) ug kalÁwum ang sapÀ, The brook is gradually getting deeper. InanÁya (iinÁnay) pagsira ang pultahan, Close the door slowly. InanÁyan ta lang kag bÁyad sa Ákung Útang, I’ll just pay you my debt little by little.

in-anay = -ay1.

inÁnu n dwarf, midget. v [B6; b6] be a dwarf or midget.

Ínat v 1 [AB23(1); c1] stretch, cause to extend farther in length or time. Akuy miÍnat sa dawunggan sa bÁtang badlÚngun, I pulled the naughty child’s ears. MuÍnat (maÍnat) ang tisyirt, The T-shirt will stretch. InÁtun (iÍnat) paggastu ang kwarta, Stretch the money to make it go a long way. 1a [A; a] stretch a grade so that the student can pass. InÁtun na lang ni nÁtung grÁdu, kay gradwÍting ka man, We’ll stretch your grade because you’re graduating. 2 [B26] for the voice or brows to be raised. MuÍnat (maÍnat) na gÁnÌ nang Íyang kÍlay napikal na nÀ, When he raises his brows, that means he is irked. n 1 amount s.t. stretched. 2 stretching.

Ínaw n name given to a k.o. sigay (small cowry) which is shiny.

inawgura = inagurar.

inay1 n 1 short for NÁnay mother. HÁin man si inay mu (ang Ímung inay)? Where’s your mother? 2 exclamation expressing great emotion. Inay, bitin, Mama! A snake! -an n mother hen or mother of other k.o. fowl. v [A1; a2] raise a mother bird.

inay2 instead of [doing so-and-so]. Inay magtuun nagpÚnay man hinÚug liguy, Instead of studying he was always truant.

inay3 I don’t know. Inay diin kahÀ nÁkÙ tu ikabutang ang lÁpis, I don’t know where I must have put the pencil.

-in-ay = -ay1.

inbÍay n acronym for the NBI National Bureau of Investigation, the Philippine analogue to the FBI. v [B156] be a member of the NBI.

inbitisyun kard n invitation card.

inburd n a marine motor mounted inboard or a small boat with an inboard motor.

inbuyis = imbuyis.

indÁk v [A; c6] induct into an organization. indaksiyun n induction into an organization. — bul n induction ball. v [A1; b(1)] hold an induction. indakting upisir n inducting officer.

indÁngan n surgeonfish: Acanthurus spp.

inday1 short form: day. n 1 title or term of address for a female the same age or younger than the speaker, often adopted as the informal first name. Ása ka Day (Inday)? Where are you going, Miss? NagkasÍra si Inday Úping sa ÁmÙ, Miss Oping boards in our house. 2 female, girl. Tulu ka inday nga hidakpan sa balay sa kahilÁyan, Three girls were arrested in the bawdy house. v [A13; a12] call s.o. inday. inday-inday a 1 light and continuing wind or rain. DÌ man ni bagyu, inday-inday pa man ni, This is no storm. It’s only a playful breeze. 2 slow and easy in gait. 2a a slow easy bouncing game of table tennis, as between beginners. 3 k.o. flowering weed resembling a poinsettia: Euphorbia heterophylla. v [B456] for wind or rain to be weak, be slow in gait. Nag-inday-inday siyang naglakaw, He’s walking slowly and leisurely.

indÍbi n acronym for NDB, the National Development Board.

indig v [A12C; b6(1)c1] compare two things to see which is better. WÀ makaindig ang Íyang mga pinintal sa ubang salmut, His portraits could not compete with the other entries. Mag-indig ta kun kinsay maÁyug tÍngug, Let’s compare our voices to see which is better. IndÍgun kunu nÁtÙ ang Átung buktun ug kinsay dakÙ, Let us compare our arms to see whose is bigger. IndÍgan nÍmu siya sa kabrÁyit, Are you going to compete with him to see who is more intelligent? Iindig ku ning Ákung sinÍnÀ sa iyÁha, I’ll compare my dress with hers to see which is nicer. ka- n rival, competitor. Daghan siyag kaindig sa Íyang gugma ni Ispir, He has lots of rivals for Esper’s love. -ay n competition, contest, comparison. v [A13] hold, have a competition.

indihistiyun n indigestion. v [A13P; a4] have indigestion. Nag-indihistiyun (giindihistiyun) siya tungud sa kadaghan sa gikaun, She got indigestion from eating too much.

indikasiyun n reading on a meter.

indilibli n India ink.

indimunyÁdu a a mild cuss word referring to a person who has incurred one’s ire. Ikawng indimunyadÚha ka, mubÁlik ka lang ngari, You, devil! Just try coming back here.

inding1 n last digit of the sweepstakes number that won. Tickets ending in that digit win the purchase price. Dus ang inding sa bÚla karung bulÁna, Two is the last digit number in this month’s sweepstakes. v 1 [A3] have [such-and-such] as the last digit. 2 [A12] get a ticket that ends the same as the winning number.

inding2 n joke which one makes in back and forth banter by which one saves face by turning criticism into praise. v [A12; b] succeed in making this sort of joke. Sa dihang giingnan siya nga giinÍtan siyang Rus, nakainding siya pag-ingun nga mau man giyud ning gwÁpu, pirming inÍtan, When they told him that Rose was angry (Ínit) at him, he saved face with the joke that that’s the way it is with handsome men. Women always get hot (Ínit) for them.

indipindinsiya n national independence.

indipindinti, indipindiyinti a independent from colonization or political party. v [B12] for a nation to become independent or a politician to free himself from a party.

indipirinti a not giving the expected attention to s.t. Indipirinti kaÁyu nÀ siyang pamisitÁhan, dÌ managad, She is indifferent to her guests. She pays them no mind. Bisag nagdaut ang anak, indipirinti ang inahan, Even though the child is sick, the mother is completely indifferent to it. Indipirinti kaÁyu siya sa Ákung mga hangyÙ, She was completely indifferent to my pleas. v [B12; b6] be, become indifferent towards.

indiriktaminti a indirectly, in an indirect manner. GidÍlÌ sa maistru ang pagpamulitika bisag indiriktaminti, It is forbidden for teachers to engage in politics, even indirectly. GihangyÙ ku siya indiriktaminti, I asked him for some indirectly. v [c16] say or communicate s.t. indirectly.

indispÍr a desperate. IndispÍr kaÁyu tu si Husi kay wÀ sugta, Joseph is desperate because she turned him down. IndispÍr ku kay wÀ na kuy huwaman, I’m desperate because I don’t know who to borrow from. v [B126] be desperate.

Indiya n India. — ingk n India ink.

indiyan1 n American Indian. — pÁnÀ n dart propelled by a sling. v [A; a12] shoot with a dart propelled by a sling.

indiyan2 v [AN; a12] stand one up. Giindiyan ku sa Ákung trÁtu, wÀ siya mutunghÀ, My boy friend stood me up. He didn’t come. a standing s.o. up.

indiyan hÍd n k.o. strong, but not tightly woven cloth used mainly for uniforms. v [A13C12; b6] use, wear clothing made from this k.o. cloth.

indiyu n Indio, a term given by Spaniards to native Filipinos during the Spanish times.

indulhinsiya n indulgence in the Church. v [A12] obtain indulgence.

indung1 n 1 title or term of address for man older than speaker. 2 nickname of Pedro.

indung2 n k.o. moray eel.

indÚnu v [A; c] give, donate. MuindÚnu ku sa yÚtÀ pÁra sa iskuylahan, I’ll donate the lot for the school. DÌ nÁkÙ iindÚnu ang Ákung kahÁgÙ, pabÁyad giyud ku, I won’t give my services free. I want to get paid. prinda — n mortgage in which the use and revenue of the thing mortgaged goes to the holder.

indur n 1 softball. 2 leather ball with bladder for volleyball. v [A; b1] play softball.

industriya n industry, manufacturing enterprises.

industriyal n 1 industrial. Ribulusiyun — Industrial Revolution. 2 Industrial Arts, a subject in school. 2a project in industrial arts. 3 one’s kids (humorous metaphorical). Pila na karuy Ímung industriyal? How many children do you have now? v [A1; c1] make a project in industrial arts.

indyiksiyun v [A; b6(1)] inject into the body or perform an analogous action on containers. Giindyiksiyunan ning agwag tÚbig, They diluted this perfume by injecting water into the bottle.

indyuy v [A2; b3] have a good time. WÀ siya musÁyaw didtu sa parti maung wÀ muindyuy, She did not dance in the party. That’s why she did not have a good time. Ang kartun mauy indyuyan sa mga bÁtÀ, The children will enjoy seeing a cartoon show.

ing = y.

ingÀ n lowing, mooing sound of cows and buffalos. v [B3] low, moo, bawl as if mooing.

ingÁhay = kanyÁhay.

ingat n an ear infection characterized by a smelly pus secretion. v [a4] have this sort of ear infection.

inggansa v [A; c1] 1 shift gears. Mag-inggansa gÁnÌ ka tumbi ang klats, If you shift gears step on the clutch. 2 insert one’s finger into the woman’s vagina (slang). Pag-abut sa ngitngit miinggansa dÁyun ang lalÁki sa babÁyi, When they came to a dark place, the man immediately inserted his finger into the woman’s vagina.

inggarasya humorous euphemism for disgrasya.

inggasti n setting of a gem. v 1 [A; a] make a setting for a gem. 2 [A; c] use as a setting for a gem.

inggit a for the voice to be shrill and high-pitched. Inggit ug tÍngug si Lusing, Lucing speaks with a shrill voice. v [B2; c1] for the voice to become shrill and high-pitched. ka- n shrillness, sharpness.

ingglis = inglis.

inggrandi = in-grandi.

inggrasya humorous euphemism for disgrasya.

inggrÁta = inggrÁtu (female).

inggrÁtu a ingrate, ungrateful. Mu ba niy Ímung ibÁlus nÁkÙ, ingratÚha ka, Is this how you thank me, you ungrateful wretch. v [B12; b6] be, become an ingrate.

inggrÍsu v [A; b6(1)] turn in revenue or goods collected. WÀ niya iinggrÍsu ang tanan nÍyang halin, He didn’t turn over all the revenue. n revenue.

inggwintu n ointment.

ing-iÍng, ing-ing-Íng onomatopoetic word to represent the sound of the music to suspenseful portions of movies, used by children in recounting s.t. to indicate the part that is suspenseful.

ingit v [a12] disappoint s.o. by not giving him what he expected. Ayaw ug tÚu nga hatÁgan ka kay ingitun ka lang, Don’t believe that you will get any because you will be disappointed.

ingkÁhi n fine lace. v [A; b6(1)] decorate clothing with lace. IningkahÍang sinÍnÀ, A shirt trimmed with lace.

ingkantu1 n supernatural beings that may show themselves in human form, usually handsome, European in appearance. They are said to live in dÁkit (banyan) trees or other natural features, and are harmless, but may take a liking to a human, having intercourse with him or kidnapping him. One can obtain the release of a kidnapped person by annoying the ingkantus, but if he has partaken of their food, he is unrecoverable. They inflict illness on anyone who disturbs their dwelling place. anak sa — albino person (thought to be the offspring of an ingkantu father and a human mother). ingkantuhÁnun = ingkantu. ingkantÁdu, ingkantÁda n 1 belonging to an ingkantu. 2 having special, magical properties.

ingkantu2 n name given to the weapon belonging to the giant in a moro-moro play, represented by fireworks.

ingkarga n materials or provisions issued to personnel. v [A; a] supply materials or provisions. IngkargÁhan (ingkargadÚhan) ug yunipurmi ang mga witris, The waitresses are provided with uniforms. -da1, -du1 = ingkarga.

ingkargÁda2 = ingkargÁdu2 (female).

ingkargÁdu2 n person who is in charge of an enterprise or household in the absence of the owner; the overseer. Si Simyun ang ingkargÁdu ni Dun ManÚlu sa Íyang asyinda, Simeon is the overseer of Don Manolo’s plantation. v [B16; c1] be put in charge.

ingkÁrids v [A; a1] encourage.

*ingkÁsu — ug in case. IngkÁsug wÀ siya, ibÍlin lang, In case he’s out, just leave it. paN- v [A2] prepare for some eventuality. PagdÁ ug pÁyung pangingkÁsu bag muulan, Bring an umbrella in case it rains. pur- = ingkÁsu.

ingkib v [A; ab2] bite s.t. off. IngkÍba lang nang tansan kay way abridur, Just bite off the bottle cap because we don’t have an opener. n bite.

ingkit1 v [A; a2b2] bite off a small piece with the front teeth. n bite.

ingkit2 a fingers which are joined congenitally together. Upat ray Íyang tudlÙ kay ingkit man ang kumingking sa paningsÍngan, He has only four fingers because his little finger is joined to his ring finger.

ingkitadur see ingkitar2.

ingkitar1 v [AN; a12] talk s.o. into doing s.t., usually bad. Miingkitar (nangingkitar) siya sa Ákung mÍd sa pagpabalhin sa Íla, She lured my maid to move to her house.

*ingkitar2 paN- v [A] inquire. — ug tabÌ look for s.t. to gossip about. NanumbÁlay na sad ang tabian arun mangingkitar ug tÁbÌ, The tattler went visiting the neighbors to look for s.t. to gossip about. ingkitadur a inquisitive, fond of asking questions. Ingkitadur kaÁyu nang tawhÁna mu rag imbistigadur, That man is so full of questions as though he were an investigator. ingkitadÚra = ingkitadur (female).

ingku n title or term of address for a man considerably older than the speaker, usually used to related persons. v [A; a12] call s.o. by this term of address.

ingkud = lingkud (dialectal).

ingkurdun v [A; b(1)] 1 go s.w. in a file. Nag-ingkurdun ang mga baktin sunud sa anay, The piglets walk in file following their mother. 2 come in huge number as though in a file. GiingkurdÚnan sa hulmÍgas ang kÁmay, Ants swarmed over the sugar.

ingkuwintru v [AC; c3] 1 meet on the way. DÌ kaingkuwintrÚhan ning karsadÁha kay apÍki, If you meet another vehicle on this road, you can not pass each other because it is too narrow. 2 meet to fight. Kuntra nga Ámung gikaingkuwintru, The enemy we ran into. 2a have a run-in. Nagkaingkuwintru mig ang Ákung asÁwa, My wife and I had a little run-in. 2b go to have sex. Makig-ingkuwintru giyud siyag dunsilya, He wants to have an encounter with a virgin. n 1 s.o. or s.t. one meets. WÀ muhÁtag lugar ang ingkuwintru, The truck we met on the way would not move over to let us by. 2 action of meeting. HalandÚmun nga ingkuwintru, A memorable meeting. 3 encounter with an enemy.

ingkuy = ingku.

InglatÍra n England.

ingli n k.o. locally made salt obtained by dissolving ashes in seawater and evaporating it. v [A; b6c1] make rock salt of this sort.

inglis n 1 Englishman. 2 area in Cebu City (so called from an Englishman that used to live there). -in- n English language, spoken or written in English. v [A; c1] speak or write in English. †

in-grandi a for a social affair to be on grandiose scale. v [B26; c1] be grandiose. Muin-grandi ang piging kun gastÚan, The party will be grandiose if you spend a lot. In-grandÍhun giyud ang kasal, The wedding must be on a grand scale.

in-grÁtu = inggrÁtu.

in-gridiyinti n ingredient.

in-grÍsu = inggrÍsu.

Íngug1 a piercing and persistent in sound. Íngug kaÁyu ang hadiyung sa radiyu, The humming in the radio is very annoying. v [b3] find s.t. unpleasant to hear. IngÚgan na ku Ánang pagbalikbÁlik nÍyag isturya sa Íyang pag-adtu sa Amirika, I’m bored constantly hearing her tell the same old things about her trip to the States.

Íngug2 v [b4] have an uneasy feeling when doing s.t. private in the presence of s.o. ÍngÚgan kug nÁay tÁwu sa duul ug malibang ku, I feel ill at ease when people are around while I’m defecating.

ingun1 1 like, similar. Ingun niÍni ang Íyang libru, His book was like this. dÍlÌ — nÁtÙ supernatural beings (lit. ones not like us). walay — incomparable, second to none. Usa siya ka magsusÚlat nga walay ingun, He is a writer second to none. 1a — sa [sentence] as though. Ingun sa nahugnÙ ang kalibÚtan, It was as though the world had collapsed. 2 sa — in such a way. NgÁnung gibuhÁtan man ku nÍmu sa ingun? Why do you treat me like this? 2a accordingly, in like manner. Sa ingun matawag pud nÁtÙ ug langgam ang kabug, In like manner we can also call bats birds. 2b sa — niÁnÀ 2b1 accordingly. Sa ingun niÁnÀ, nadÁtÙ siya sa pamaligyÀ ug isdÀ, Accordingly, she became rich from selling fish. 2b2 in that case. Sa ingun niÁnÀ, dÌ na lang ku mupaÚlÌ rung hÁpun, In that case I don’t have to go home this afternoon. 3 — man as well as. Kini suliran sa mga magbabalaud, ingun man sa mga lungsurÁnun, This is a problem for the lawmakers as well as for the citizens. MidalÌ ku ug tindug ingun man ang duha ka babÁyi, I immediately stood up, and so did the two women. 4 — ka-[adjective] sa as [adjective] Ingun Íni kadakÙ, It was as big as this. 5 — ngari, nganhÀ, nganhi, ngadtu with this (that) much distance. Naglingkud siya ingun ngadtu, ug diri pud ku, He was sitting that far away, while I was over here. v 1 [B126] be like. Maingun ka ug bÚang Ánang sininÁa, You will look like a madman in those clothes. Nag-ingun niÍni ang patayng lÁwas, The dead body was like this. Naingun ka niÍni tungud sa Íyang sÁad, You have become like this because of his promises. 2 [c1] do s.t. in [such-and-such] a way. Ug ingnun nÍmu siya Íni pagkuput, dÌ siya makabuhÌ, If you hold him like this, he cannot escape. Giingnan ku nÍya ÁnÀ, He did like this to me. 3 [A12; b4(1)] give cause so as to result in s.t. Unsa may nakaingun sa inyung Áway? What caused your quarrel? Unsa may naingnan (gikaingnan) sa inyung panagbÚngul? What caused your quarrel? 4 [ma-, pagka-, inigka-] — ugmÀ on the following day, more or less. Pagkaingun ugmÀ u sunud ba hinug na nÀ, Tomorrow or the next day, it will be ripe. ingun-Íngun somewhat like. Ingun-Íngun ug bÁhÙ sa rÚsas ning bulÁka, This flower smells somewhat like a rose. bÁhung ingun-Íngun smells like the you know what (vagina) (humorous). v 1 [B25] be, become somewhat like or similar to. 1a be rather bad. Bantug na lang nagkaingun-ingun ku, daugdaÚgun lang ku, Because I’m reduced to this, people walk all over me. 2 [A13; a12] act, be like s.t. needlessly. NgÁnung nag-ingun-ingun ka man niÁnÀ? Why are you acting that way? -in- v [A13] do likewise. Ábi kay magbinÚang sila dÌ ka mag-iningun, Just because they are doing foolish things, that doesn’t mean you have to do the same. paka- v 1 [A13] cause oneself to be like. Ug muy Ílang buhÁtun, dÌ ka magpakaingun, That’s what they might do, but don’t put yourself in the same category. 2 [a12] be thought to be. Pakaingnun kang bÁgis, They’ll think you’re a thug. gipaka- ug [gen.] ug (short forms: pakaingun, kaingun, ingun) it seemed to [gen.]. Gipakaingun ku (ingun ku) ug si Husi ka, I thought you were Joe. ingung ku, ingkug = gipakaingun ku. panag-, panig- v 1 [A2; b6] imitate: do like s.o. or make oneself like s.o. DÍlÌ ta manig-ingun sa mga dÁtung mudagmal ug binatunan, We should not imitate the rich and mistreat our servants. MaÁyu nga panig-ingnan (panag-ingnan) nÍmu si Isku kay buÚtan, You should emulate Esco because he is well-behaved. 2 [A; bc] compare one with s.t., consider him to be like s.t. Ayaw ku ipanag-ingun sa buÁya, Don’t liken me to a crocodile. Si Risal ang Ákung gipanag-ingnan sa maistru, I compared the teacher to Rizal. 3 [c] do s.o. the same way he did to s.o. else. Ayaw kug ipanag-ingun sa Ímung anak, Don’t do me the same way you did your son. ka- n peer, one like s.o. else. DÍlÌ ka manlimbung sa Ímung isig ka ingun, Don’t cheat your fellow men. pagpakig-ingun-ingun n congenial relationship. Angay untÀ ang pagpakig-ingun-ingun nÁtÙ sa Átung isig ka tÁwu, Each one of us ought to have good relations with our fellow men. tag-(?), tag- each one like. Ang bansÍkul tag-ingug buktun, The tuna were each as big around as your arm. v [B1256] for each to turn out to be like.

ingun2 v [A; b5c] 1 say, tell. Ingnun (ingnan) ta ikaw dÁan sa dÌ pa ka maÍlad, I will tell you beforehand, before you get swindled. Mauy pagaingnun nga pÍling pÍlÌ sa pinilian paÚlÌ, As the saying goes, be too choosy and get what s.o. else didn’t want. Ang ginaingun nga Insik mikÁgiw sa lÁing nÁsud, The aforementioned Chinese escaped to another country. 2 [a12] said to be s.t. Ingnun ka unyang maut, You will be said to put on airs. NagpadaladÁla siya ug libra arun ingnun siya nga istudiyanti, He carries books around so people will think he’s a student. pakaarun ingnun v [A13] 1 pretend. Apan siya nagpakaarun ingnun nga walÀ makakitÀ nÁkÙ, But she pretended that she hadn’t seen me. 2 pretend, put on a front. Nagpakaarun ingnun siyang dÁtÙ, She pretends to be rich. n — sa pag-unsa s.t. said to hurt s.o.’s feelings. DÍlÌ ni ingun sa pag-unsa, apan tinÚud, I’m not saying this to hurt your feelings, but it’s true.

*ingun3 pa- toward. MidÁgan siya paingun sa gawang, He ran toward the door. v 1 [A; c] head for. Ug mupaingun ang barku sa mabaw, masÁngad, If the boat heads for the shallows it will run aground. Ipaingun ngadtu ang sÍlit sa hÚs, Direct the water from the hose over there. 2 [b8] go to for help, resort to. WÀ tay lÁing kapaingnan, We have no one else we can turn to.

Íngus1 v [A2S; b3] whimper. MuÍngus ang ituy ug byÁan, The puppy whimpers when you leave it alone.

Íngus2 a having the smell of urine. Íngus kaÁyu ang banyu kay anhÀ mu sa salug mangÍhÌ, The bathroom stinks because you urinate on the floor. v [B126] be, become ill-smelling.

ingus-ingus n k.o. peppery dish made from chicken intestines.

inhÍlir n inhaler.

inhinirÍya, inhinyirÍya n engineering.

inhinyÍru n engineer. — minÍru, sibil mining, civil engineer. v [B16; c1] be, become an engineer.

Íni1 be here (dialectal). Íni aku kay manghuwam untÀ kug kwarta, I am here to borrow money.

Íni2 n letter N.

inidÚru = inudÚru.

inig- prefix added to active verbs to form an abstract form meaning ‘when [so-and-so] happens’. Inig-abut nÍya, tawga ku, Call me when he arrives. Inigpalit nÍmu sa pÁn, When you buy the bread.

inigka- prefix added to stative verbs to form words meaning ‘when [so-and-so] happens to s.t.’. InigkalÚtÙ sa kÍk, When the cake gets done. InigkahÚlug nÍya, When he falls.

iniksiyun = indyiksiyun.

inilus = hinilus. see hilus.

inÍma n enema. v [A; b6(1)] give an enema.

Íning n baseball inning.

InÍru n January. v see abril.

inislagan see islag2.

Ínit a 1 hot, warm to the touch. Ínit ang pÁn, The bread is still warm. Ínit kaÁyu sa kwartu, It was very warm inside the room. Ay kug samÚka kay Ínit ang Ákung u run, Don’t disturb me. I’m rather hot-tempered today. 2 enthusiastic, heated, with vigorous concern. Ínit kaÁyu ang piliay dinhi sa PilipÍnas, The elections here in the Philippines are hotly contested. Ínit kaÁyu ang Ílang pagtinubÁgay, They had a heated argument. Ínit siyag tinagdan nÁkÙ, She entertained me with great warmth. 3 sunny and clear. PagpÁyung kay Ínit, Use a parasol because it’s hot. — ang kwarta a money is so irresistible it will tempt people to get themselves into trouble for its sake. Ínit ang kwarta mau nga ang tÁwu nga mabuyu niÍni kalagmÍtan mabanlud sa kadÁut, Money is irresistible so that whoever succumbs to its temptation will likely be carried to misfortune. n 1 heat. Ang hinungaw sa Ínit malagmit mauy nakadÁut sa Ímung mata, The sudden evaporation of heat from your body seems to have ruined your eyesight. 2 sun, as opposed to shade. Ayaw ihayhay sa Ínit kay mulubad, Don’t hang it in the sun because it will fade. v 1 [AB; ab2] heat s.t., become hot. Nag-Ínit na kug kapi, I’m heating some coffee. MuÍnit ang kwartu ug dÌ abrÍhan ang bintÁnÀ, The room will get too warm if you don’t open the windows. Imna ning litsi arun mainitan Ímung tiyan, Drink this milk to warm your stomach. 1a [B; b3] be in a bad mood about s.t. Nagkainit ang Íyang buut nga nagkapildipildi sa sÚgal, He’s getting in more and more of a bad mood because he has been losing steadily in his gambling. GiinÍtan ku nÍya, He’s P.O.’d at me (I’m the reason he is P.O.’d). 1b = paN-. 2 [B; ab3(1)] be heated up with enthusiasm. Sa nag-Ínit na ang dÚlÀ, Just as the game was getting exciting. GiinÍtan ku nang awtÚha, I got all fired up about that car. 3 [B36; b6] for it to be a sunny day. DÚgay nang wÀ makaÍnit, The sun hasn’t shone for some time. 4 [AN] — ang kwarta sa kamut for money to remain in one’s possession for long. DÌ muÍnit (mangÍnit) ang kwarta sa mga tÁwung diswildu, If you get a salary, you don’t keep your money for long—you spend it as you earn. paN- v [A2] get hot from some internal source. WÀ mangÍnit ang makina, The machine didn’t heat up. Gitapin-an ku ang nagpanginit nÍyang lÁwas, I felt his feverish body. Adtu ka na? WÀ pa gÁnÌ makapangÍnit ang Ímung lubut, You’re leaving already? You haven’t even warmed your fanny (lit. your fanny hasn’t even had a chance to warm up yet). NangÍnit Ákung dalunggan pagkadungug sa insultu, My ears burned when I heard the insult. -ay v [C3] compete or fight in a heated manner. BahÁlÀ nang magkumpitinsiya mu basta dÌ lang mag-initay, You may compete with each other, but not too heatedly. pa- n 1 s.t. one warms oneself with. 2 snack, usually in the afternoon. 2a = ipa-. v [A; b6(1)] take one’s afternoon snack. ipa- n small tip (lit. s.t. to buy a snack with). DÍay ipaÍnit nÍmu, dung, Here’s a tip for you, son. (?) v [A; b(1)] expose s.o. or oneself to the sun. Painiti ang bÁtÀ mabuntag, Expose the child to the sun every morning. pa-an(?) n place one can get snacks. ka- n 1 enthusiasm. 2 = Ínit, n, 1. 3 = ka-un(?). ka-un(?) n degree of heat. -un(?) a easily angered. Initun ang tÁwung hayblad, A person with high blood pressure is short-tempered. v [B12] become short-tempered. ma-un 1 warm, affectionate. 2 enthusiastic, avid. MainÍtun nga pagsÚgat, Warm welcome. 3 heated, conducted with vigor. ting-(?) n hot season. v [B56] be the hot season.

inkÁhi = ingkÁhi.

inkargÁdu = ingkargÁdu1, 2.

inklinar v [A; c1] tilt to one side. Niinklinar ug gamay dapit sa wala ang balay human sa lÍnug, The house tilted a little to the left after the earthquake. DÌ ku makainklinar sa Ákung Úlu kay nagtikig Ákung lÍug, I can’t let my head tilt to the side because I have stiff neck.

inklÚsu v 1 [A; b5c1] wall, put a fence around s.t. InklusÚha (iinklÚsu) nang inyung gardin, Fence your garden. 2 [A; c1] include with the others. InklusÚha (iinklÚsu) siya sa kÍha, Include him in the lawsuit. 3 [A; b6c1] insert in a letter. Mahadluk kung muinklÚsu ug kwarta sa subri, I’m afraid to enclose money in an envelope.

inkuwintru = ingkuwintru.

inkyubÍtur n incubator. v [c] put s.t. in an incubator.

inlards v [A; a] enlarge a photograph. -ir n photograph enlarger.

InpÍsi n acronym for NPC, the National Press Club.

inpuntu = *impuntu.

inpurmir n informer, one who tips off the police. v [B16] be, become an informer.

inri n INRI, an inscription at the head of the cross.

inruk, inrÚki v [A; c6] castle in chess. IinrÚki ang hÁrÌ kay namiligru, Castle the king because he is endangered. n castling.

inrÚl v [A; c1] enroll s.o. in school. Ug makainrÚl ug dÚsi ipadÁyun ang klÁsi, This course will be given if at least twelve students enroll. pa- v [A; c] enroll oneself in a school, course. -min, -mint n 1 action of enrolling or registering in school. 2 number of people enrolled in a certain period. v [A13] hold an enrollment period.

insalÁda (not without l) n salad. a meddling in other people’s affairs. InsalÁda kaÁyung pagkababÁyi ang Ákung ugÁngan, My mother-in-law is a meddlesome person. v 1 [A; c1] have, make a salad. 2 [A13] meddle in others’ affairs.

insayid n in bounds in a game. v [B126; c6P] be in bounds. Puntus na untÀ ug nainsayid pa tung bÚla, That would have been good if it had landed in bounds.

insayid dyab n inside job, robbery committed by s.o. employed in the place robbed.

insayklupidya n encyclopedia. v [A13; c16] make an encyclopedia.

insaymÁda = insumÁda.

insÁyu n 1 rehearsal. 2 murumÚru play. v 1 [AC12; c1] rehearse, cause s.o. to rehearse. Nag-insÁyu siya sa Íyang ipakigpÚlung, He is rehearsing his speech. Ang maistra nag-insÁyu sa mga bÁtÀ sa Ílang sÁyaw, The teacher is rehearsing her pupils for the dance. 2 [A; c1] stage a murumÚru play. insayuhan, insayuhÁnan n place one rehearses or stages a murumÚru play.

insi term of address to a related female older (usually much older) than the speaker. v [A; a12] call a woman insi.

insigniya n insignia. v [A; b6(1)] wear an insignia.

Insik n Chinaman, Chinese. Insik (insikun) kaÁyu siyag mata, She has Chinese eyes. Pruduktu ni sa Insik, This is a Chinese product. -in- n 1 Chinese language. 2 anything done in Chinese style. v [A; c1] speak Chinese. ka-an 1 China. 2 Chinatown. 3 the Chinese as a group. -un a Chinese-like.

InsÍka n Chinese woman.

insiktu n insect (used only in writing).

insÍma v 1a [B2C3] for two things to fail to be directly aligned or opposite each other. NagkainsÍma ang butÚnis ug uhÁlis, The buttons and the buttonholes are not directly opposite each other. 1b [B456] for the eyes or line of vision to veer off. MiinsÍma ang Ákung tinan-awan paglabay sa siksing babÁyi, My eyes veered to a sexy girl who passed by. 2 [AC; ab] exchange, interchange. InsimÁha na ang inyung mga papil arun makakurihir na kamu, Exchange your papers so you can correct them. InsimÁhan ku ning Ákung sapÁtus ug lÁin. MangÍtÀ pa kug iinsÍma niÍni, I will change these shoes for another. I will look for a pair to exchange them for.

insimÁda = insumÁda.

insinsaryu n censer, incense holder.

insinsu n 1 incense. 2 censer. v [A; b6(1)] burn incense.

insistir v [A2; b6(1)] insist. Ayawg insistiri ang ripiri nga nasayup siya, Don’t insist that the referee was wrong. Iinsistir giyud nÍya ang Íyang sugyut bÍsag wÀ uyÚni sa kadaghanan, He insists on following his idea although the majority did not favor it.

insiyur v [A; c1] issue or sell insurance. MaÁyu giyug insiyÚrun (iinsiyur) nang inyung balay sa sÚnug, It would be a good idea to have your house insured against fire. -d a 1 insured, covered with insurance. 2 for a woman to be no longer available, having a boy friend already. 3 sure shot in basketball. maN-r-, tig- n underwriter. paN- n selling insurance as an occupation.

inspiksiyun n inspection. Inspiksiyun na run sa mga timbangan sa mirkÁdu, They will inspect the scales in the market today. v [AN; a12] make an inspection or careful examination. Inspiksiyunun sa maistra ang kwadirnu, The teacher will inspect our notebooks. Hiinspiksiyunan sa prinsipal ang tinagÚang mariwÁna, The principal came across the marijuana in his inspection.

inspiktur n inspector, official examiner. — sa sanidad sanitary inspector. v [B16; c16] be, become an inspector. Mag-inspiktur ku sa kustum, I’ll become a customs inspector.

inspirar v [A; a] give inspiration. Inspiraha siya sa pagpaningÚhÀ, Inspire him to strive hard. Ang Bibliya giinspirahan sa Diyus, The Bible is inspired by God. inspirÁdu a inspired. inspirasiyun n inspiration.

instalar v 1 [A; c] install, fix s.t. in position for use. WÀ pa mi instalahig tilipunu, Our telephone hasn’t been installed yet. 2 [A; c] install officers in clubs or some office not of high rank. instalasiyun n 1 installation of officers into office. 2 military installation.

institusyun n institution, an organization having a social, educational, or religious purpose.

institiyut n small private school on any level.

instruksiyun n instructions, directions. Sunda ang instruksiyun arun mahustu ang paggÁmit nÍmu, Follow the instructions so that you use it correctly. v [A; b6(1)] give instructions to.

instrumintu n 1 instrument. 2 instrument, means for bringing s.t. about. Akuy gihÍmÙ nÍlang instrumintu sa paghangyÙ sa mayur, They used me as a means for approaching the mayor. 3 musical instrument.

instul v [A; ac] 1 buy s.t. on installments, pay installments. Instulun (instulmÍnun) ngÁnÌ nÍmu, mas dakÙ kag mabÁyad kay sa kÁs, If you buy it on installments you are going to pay more than if you had paid cash. Pilay Ímung iinstul run? How big of an installment are you going to pay this time? 2 = instalar. -min, -mint n installment paid. v [c16] buy s.t. on installments.

*insular gubyirnu, kagamhÁnan — National government (from the usage in Spanish times when the government of the Philippines was called Gobierno insular to distinguish it from the Spanish government at home.

insultu v [AN; b5c] insult. n insult. †

insumÁda n k.o. sweet, soft bread rolled into a spiral and covered with butter and powdered sugar. v [A; c1] make insumÁda.

insumniya n insomnia.

insuriktu n insurgent against the Spanish government. v [B16; b6] be, become an insurgent. -s = insuriktu (plural).

insuy v [A123P; b4] 1 get sick from taking a bath after sexual intercourse. 2 for a wound to get infected from bathing. GiinsÚyan ang Ákung samad, My wound got infected.

intablÁdu n stage. v [c1] build a stage.

intap a afraid of s.o. for his superiority. Intap kaÁyu ang mga buguy nÍya kay Ísug siya, The thugs are very much afraid of him because he is fierce. v [B26; b3(1)] fear s.o. for his superiority. GikaintÁpan nang Ílang tÍm dinhi. WÀ nay manÚkul, Their team is most feared here. No one dares compete with them.

intÁwun short form: tÁwun. 1 particle expressing or asking for pity. 1a in statements. Daghan tÁwun ang namatay didtu, A lot of people died in that place. Mu man nÀ tÁwuy Ákung panginabÚhÌ, That’s what we live from, poor us. 1b with imperatives: please, have mercy. IÚlÌ intÁwun nÀ sa labing madalÌ, Please return that at the earliest possible time. 2 expressing humility: I don’t necessarily deserve s.t. good. Nahinumdum tÁwun siya nÁkÙ, He remembers me (though I am not important enough to be remembered). Nakadaug tÁwun ku, I won just by luck. 2a with statement praising oneself, expressing humility. Kamau tÁwun ku ÁnÀ uy, I know how to do that. (I don’t think I’m great guns, but I do know how to do it.) 2b with statements that a catastrophe hasn’t happened: through the mercy of the Lord. WÀ tÁwun mi hitabuig iltur, We haven’t been hit by El Tor, thank God. 3 with a sharp denial, taking the sting out of the denial. ‘Anak nu ka sa gawas ni Pidru.’—‘DÍlÌ, tawun uy,’ ‘They say you’re Pedro’s illegitimate son.’—‘Good heavens, no! (Have mercy, don’t think of that.)’ paN- v [A2S; b6] say intÁwun. Nagpangintawun siya nga nanghulam nÁkÙ ug kwarta, He kept on saying ‘poor me’ as he was borrowing the money.

intil1 v [B126; b6] for one’s growth to be stunted. Basta maintil ang tÁwu, hÍnayg tÚbÙ, A person whose growth is stunted does not grow fast.

intil2 n clitoris.

intilhinti, intilihinti a intelligent. v [B12; b6] be, become intelligent.

intimÁnu = antimÁnu.

intinsiyun n intention, plan. WÀ kuy intinsiyun nga mubakasiyun kay musÁmir man ku, I have no plans for taking a vacation because I’m planning to take summer classes. v 1 [a12] do s.t. intentionally. 2 [b4] do s.o. harm intentionally in basketball. MihagbÀ si Panir kay giintinsiyunan man sa Íyang paglusut, Paner hit the floor because s.o. tripped him as he drove into the basket.

intirbinir v [A; b(1)] interfere, get oneself involved in others’ affairs. Ayaw pag-intirbinir sa mga sulti sa dagkÙ, Don’t break in when grown-ups are talking. NahÚnung ang mainÍtung panaglÁlis sa dihang giintirbinihan sa pulis, The quarrel came to a halt when the policeman intervened.

intirbintur n poll watcher.

intirbiyu v [A; a] interview s.o. Intirbiyuhun ka sad sa manidyir, The manager will interview you, too. n interview.

intiris1 n interest, a feeling of concern or curiosity. WÀ siyay intiris sa sabdyik, He has no interest in the subject. v 1 [A12; a] look at s.t. with an ulterior motive. Kwarta ray Ílang giintiris nÁkÙ, Their only interest in me is my money. 2 [A23N; b] steal, do malicious damage. Ayawg byÀbyÁi nang Ímung radiyu. Daghan ra bay mangintiris dinhi, Don’t leave your radio around because there are lots of people that steal around here. Giintirisan ang Ílang awtu, S.o. did malicious damage to their car. 2a [b4] abuse s.o. sexually. Giintirisan pa giyud ang babÁyi sa mga kawatan, The robbers also abused her sexually. -adu(?) a 1 interested, enthusiastic, feeling or showing interest or curiosity. IntirisÁdu kaÁyu siyang mahibaw-an ang Ákung sikrÍtu, She is very interested in knowing my secret. IntirisÁdu ka sa Ímung pagtuun? Are you interested in your studies? 2 having an ulterior motive on s.t. IntirisÁdu kaÁyu siya sa yÚtÀ kay patadlasag karsÁda, He’s very interested in that land because they’re going to put a road through it. v [B126; b6] interested in s.t., or interested in acquiring s.t. -is(?) n property, holdings. Mugamut ang usa ka tÁwu sa usa ka lugar kun nÁa ang Íyang mga intirÍsis, A person stays rooted in a place if he has property there.

intiris2 n interest on a loan.

intiriyur a away from roads. Lisud pangitÁun ang Ílang bÁy kay intiriyur kaÁyu, It is very difficult to locate their house because it is situated in the interior, away from the road. Ang intiriyur nga mga baryu, The barrios that are located away from the highway. v [B126; c1] be located far from the highway. n 1 inner tube. 2 bladder of an inflatable ball.

intir kurs n k.o. dance with sexual intercourse-like movements. v [A] dance this dance.

intirmidiya n grades 5, 6, 7 in school. v [B6; b(1)] be in the intermediate grades.

intirmidiyu situated halfway between two. Ang Ámung balay intirmidiyu sa iskuylahan ug sa simbahan, Our house is located halfway between the school and the church.

intirmisyun n intermission, break. v 1 [A; b(1)] be intermission. Kinahanglang intirmisyunan nÍmu ang iskidyul nÍmu sa buntag, You have to take a break in the morning. 2 [A; b6(1)] give a number during the intermission of a performance.

intirn n medical intern. v [B16; b(1)] be an intern.

intirna n female student staying in a ritzy boarding school, finishing school. v [B36; c1] board in a finishing school.

intirnal a internal, esp. s.t. to be taken or applied inside the body. v [B126; c1] become, make s.t. internal. Intirnalun (iintirnal) ang pagtambal, Treat the patient with medicines to take internally. †

intirnasyunal a 1 international. 2 woman having had several children from different fathers, usually of different nationalities (humorous). Íya ra intÁwun dÌ manakud, intirnasyunal kaÁyu nang bayhÁna, God forbid it happen to anyone else. That woman has children from all different fathers. v [B12; b6c1] be, become international.

intirnu v 1 [A1; c1] keep in seclusion. Nag-unsa ka sa Ímung lawak, nag-intirnu? What are you staying in your room for? Hiding? Iintirnu (intirnÚhun) tika sa Ímung kwartu kun magbinÚang ka, I will lock you in your room if you fool around. 2 [B36; c1] be a boarder in school. Kung sa siminaryu ka mag-intirnu, dÌ ka giyud kaguwÀgÚwÀ, If you board in the seminary you aren’t allowed to leave the grounds. n 1 male student who boards at school. 2 medical intern.

intirpriti, intirpritir n interpreter. v [B16] be, become an interpreter.

intÍru whole, complete, completely. WÀ hikan-i ang kÍk kay intÍru pa man, No one ate any of the cake because it is untouched. DÌ giyud mairug ug hihunasag intÍru, You can’t budge if you’re completely caught by the low tide. — adlaw, gabÍi, bÚlan, etc. the whole day, night, month, etc. WÀ siyay pahÚlay intÍru adlaw, He had no rest the whole day. — kwirpu a whole body length (said of a mirror glass). v 1 [B126] turn out to be whole. 2 [a] do s.t. to a whole of s.t. Ayawg intirÚhag pula ang balay, Don’t make the whole house red. 3 [A; c1] do s.t. the whole length of a unit of time. Mag-intÍru adlaw lang nÀ siyag bÁsa, He reads the whole day. IntirÚhun (iintÍru) nÍya pagpatukar si Prank Sinatra sa Íyang prugrÁma, He plays Frank Sinatra records throughout his radio program.

intiyÍru see santu.

intiw = intil2.

intra v 1 [A2; b6(1)] participate in a game, contest, and the like; indulge in, engage in s.t. DÌ ku muintra sa inyung dÚlÀ, I won’t join your game. Miintra siyag pamabÁyi, He started to take up with a mistress. Nakaintra na kug pangutsÍru, I’ve tried my hand driving a rig. Kining lÁbil Ákung iintra sa Ílang bunutbÚnut, I’ll submit this label as an entry in their contest. 2 [A13; b] for s.t. to be taken up or indulged in as s.t. additional. Sukad muintra ang pamabÁyi sa Íyang nigusyu, sÍgi siyang nagkaalkansi, He’s been losing in his business ever since he started taking up with women as a sideline. IntrÁhig dagandÁgan ang Ímung kuntra arun dÌ ka manak-Áwut, Try taking to hit-and-run tactics against your opponent so that you won’t get knocked out. 3 [A; c] enter down in a record, list, diary, and the like. Ayaw iintra sa libru ang risÍbung nawa`, Don’t enter the lost receipts into the book.

intrabudyus = intrudyus (humorous).

intrÁda n 1 opening, beginning portion of. Ang intrÁda sa Únang simistri Hulyu 15, The first day of classes for the first semester will be on July 15. Ang pasiuna nÁa sa intrÁda sa libru, The preface is in the first few pages of the book. 2 the front part of the foot, starting at where the foot widens before the toes. 2a vamp, part of a boot or shoe covering the intrÁda. 3 area at the nape of the neck where one begins making the haircut. 4 entrance fee. — hiniral general admission in places of entertainment. 5 area that serves as an entrance. SalÍda ni. TÚa sa pikas ang intrÁda, This is the exit. The entrance is on the other side. v 1 [a3b6(1)] be at the beginning. Ang simistri muintrÁda sa LÚnis, The semester starts on Monday. GiintradÁhan ni PilÍta ug kinatsilang Áwit ang Íyang pasundÁyag, Pilita started her show with a Spanish number. 2 [b6] put a vamp in a shoe. 3 [A; b] make the beginning cuts in a haircut. †

intrans n entrance fee in a school, portion of the fee students must pay upon registering. v 1 [A3] for a school to impose an entrance fee. 2 [A3; c] pay the entrance fee in school. — iksaminisyun n entrance examination. v [A13] hold an entrance examination.

intranti n persons who take part in a performance or contest. Ang mga intranti sa sÁyaw, The participants in the dance program. Mga intranti sa karÍra, Entrants in the horse race. v [B126; c1] be, become an entrant or participant.

intri for matters to be between, among. Ayawg apil adtung Ílang lÁlis kay intri ra kadtu nÍlang duha, Don’t mix into their quarrel because it is only between the two of them. Intri sa mga salmut sa banggÀ siya ang kinagwapahan, Among the contestants she is the most beautiful.

intribinir = intirbinir.

intribista n interview. v [A13] hold an interview. Mag-intribista run hÁpun sa mga aplikanti, They’ll hold an interview for all of the applicants this afternoon.

intribudyus = intrudyus (humorous).

intrÍga n intrigue. KasÍna ug intrÍga mauy naghÁrÌ sa Ílang punduk, Jealousy and intrigue dominate their group. v [A13] intrigue against s.o.

intrigar v [A; b6(1)] hand over or turn s.t. to s.o. personally, giving the responsibility of it. Way lÁing intrigahan kun dÍlÌ ang ginikÁnan, Don’t turn it over to anyone but the parents. Karun iintrigar nÁtÙ ang prugrÁma sa imsi, Now I turn the program over to your host. intrigÁdu a s.t. handed over and entrusted to s.o. IntrigÁdu ku tanan ang Ákung swildu ngadtu sa Ákung asÁwa, My entire salary is handed over to my wife. IntrigÁdu ang Ákung kalag ug lÁwas sa gugma nÍmu, Because of my love I have entrusted my body and soul to you.

intrÍgu = intrigar.

intrimitir v [A; b(1)] meddle in s.o. else’s affairs. DÌ ta muintrimitir sa mga magtiÁyung mag-Áway, We should not meddle into a married couple’s quarrel. intrimitÍda, -u a meddling in others’ affairs.

intripiti = intirpriti.

intrisÁdu = intirisÁdu. see intiris1.

intrisÁli v [A13P; b(1)] for many people to go s.w. and leave again. Natural, mag-intrisÁli giyud ang tÁwu dinhi kay tindÁhan man, Of course, people come and go to this place because this is a store. IntrisalÍhan sa tÁwu ang tindÁhang hingusÚgan sa pÁlit, People flock in and out of a store that does a brisk business.

intriyul, intriyur = intiriyur.

intru v [c6] throw the basketball from the end courts. n a throw in basketball from the end courts.

intrubudyus = intrudyus (humorous).

intrudyus v [A; c] introduce s.o. to s.o. else. Iintrudyus ku Ánang Ímung amÍga bi, Introduce me to your lady friend.

intrunisar v [A; b(1)] carry out the ceremony of blessing and installing an image in a home or another building. intrunisasiyun n the enthronement of an image or statue in a place of honor in the house. v [A; b6(1)] do the enthronement.

intsards n person in charge of a class, enterprise, or any other group activity. Siya ang intsards dinhi sa klÁsi, He is the one in charge in this class. v [B126; c] be in charge.

intunsis 1 therefore, consequently, the inescapable outcome is ... Intunsis, kay nakÁun na man nÍmu, bayran giyud, Consequently, since you ate it, you have to pay for it. Intunsis magtuun ka arun dÍlÌ ka mahagbung, Therefore, you must study if you are not to flunk. 2 the conclusion we draw is ... Intunsis, wÀ diay ka sa klÁsi ug wÀ ka kakitÀ nÁkÙ didtu, So, you must not have been in class if you did not see me there. v [B1256] 1 go to waste: for an outlay to give no return, be put to useless effort, be damaged to the point of being useless. Naintunsis ang Ákung tris mÍl adtung nigusyÚha, In that venture I lost three thousand. Naintunsis kug bÁyad ug mahal sa Ímung pagpasakitsÁkit, Because you pretended to be ill, I was made to go to a lot of needless expense. 1a end up miserable. Naintunsis ang babÁying gibyÁang burus, The poor woman was ruined because she was made pregnant and abandoned. 2 ang — [A12] the only thing wrong is ... Ang nakaintunsis nÍmu kay gÁhÌ kag Úlu, The thing that’s wrong with you is that you are stubborn.

intus v [A; a] mill sugarcane. Kining intusÁna muintus ug lima ka iktaryang katubhan matag adlaw, This sugar mill can mill five hectares of sugarcane every day. -an(?) n 1 sugar mill. 2 cane crusher.

intuy = undÙ.

inudÚru n toilet bowl. v [A; a] install, make into a toilet bowl.

inugurasiyun = inagurasiyun. see inagurar.

inuÍnu v [AP; a12] ingeniously devise ways to make s.t. do. Labihan nÁkung makainuÍnu nga ang singku muabut giyug usa ka adlaw, How I tried to devise ways to make five pesos last for one day. GiinuÍnu sa sastri nga muÍgÙ ang panaptun, The dressmaker devised ways to make the cloth go far enough.

inum v 1 [A; a2] drink. 2 [A2; a] drink liquor. Nagwandugwandug ang linaktan nÍya, nakainum tingÁli, He’s wobbling. Maybe he had one too many. 3 [A; ab2] take medicine with water. Muinum siyag tablÍtas arun makatÚg, He will take sleeping pills so that he can go to sleep. n action of drinking. (?) 4 [AC; c1] have a drinking spree. Ang dispirÁdu tÚa mag-Ínum sa sÚd sa Íyang kwartu, The despondent man is drinking heavily in his room. n drinking spree. imnanan v [A13] drink s.w. habitually. imnanan, ilimnan, ilimnanan, inÚman n 1 drinking container. 2 place where one habitually drinks. hiN-(?) a 1 fond of drinking. DÌ ku hingÍnum ug tubÀ, I don’t care too much for toddy. 2 drunkard. ma- n s.t. to drink, esp. alcoholic. pala-(?) a = hiN-, 2. ilimnun, imnunun n 1 alcoholic liquor or beverage. 2 any liquid for drinking. 3 folk medicine consisting of boiled herbs and roots taken orally. v [A; b] treat with boiled herbs or roots. Giilimnunan lang ang Íyang hilÁnat, His fever was just treated with boiled herbs and roots.

inun-an = inun-Únan. see un-un1.

inunay see unay.

inÚnay = kanyÁhay.

inupung = alinupung.

inusinti, inusintis a 1 naive, innocent of the ways of the world. Inusinti ka sa palÍpat, pildi ka giyud, You’re not wise to thimblerig gambling, so you’ll lose. Inusinti pa siya sa mga babÁyi, He’s innocent when it comes to women. 1a harmless, not likely to think of doing misdeeds. DÌ giyud siya muy nangÍriw. Inusinti nÀ siya, She didn’t steal it. She’s a harmless sort. 1b innocent of a joke played on one. Nasugamak sa binÚang ang inusinti, The innocent fellow walked right into the trap. 2 people having no involvement but brought to harm through no fault of their own. Daghang mga inusinti ang naamung, Many innocent people were caught up in the catastrophe. 3 innocent, not guilty. 4 Innocents’ Day (December 28), The Philippine equivalent of April Fool’s. v 1 [B12; a2] be, become innocent. 2 [A; a12] fool s.o. on Innocents’ Day.

inut a close-fisted to the point of not spending for the barest necessities. v [B12; b6] get to be close-fisted. inut-Ínut v [A; b5c1] spend money or use s.t. sparingly. Ug kamau ka muinut-Ínut sa Ímung kwarta, dÌ ka giyud kahutdan, If you know how to spend your money sparingly, you won’t run out. Inut-inÚti (inut-inÚta) ang pagtabakÙ kay wÀ ka ra bay swildu, Go easy on the smokes. You aren’t earning any money. -an = inut.

inÚtil n 1 invalid, disabled. InÚtil siya human sa aksidinti, He was disabled after the accident. InÚtil ang Ákung buktun, My arm is completely disabled. 2 worthless person. LÍhuk mung mga inutÍla mu, Get a move on, you worthless bums. 3 wash-out, one who passed his peak. InÚtil na nang artistÁha, That actress is a has-been. v [B126; a] be, become disabled. InutÍlun ba nÍmu ang Ímung anak ug kinastÍgu? Do you want to cripple your child with that punishment?

inyam n k.o. tree.

inyiksiyun = indyiksiyun.

inyu see kamu.

ipak v [A; a] split, break a piece off of s.t. hard, divide into pieces. Mag-ipak kug kÁhuy, I’ll chop off a piece of firewood. Giipak ang kamÚti kay dakÙ kaÁyu, She broke the yam into pieces because it was too big. Íyang ipakun ang mga kawÁyan nga isalug, He’ll split the bamboo poles to use for flooring. n a piece chopped, split or broken off from.

Íp buy an expression uttered when lifting s.t. heavy. Íp buy, kabug-at na niÍning batÁa, Uup, how heavy this child has grown.

Ípi = Ígi1, *Ígi2.

ipidimya n epidemic of some disease. v [B16] be, become an epidemic disease.

ipikasint n efficascent oil, patent medicinal oil. — Úwil = ipikasint.

*ipik way — ineffective (humorous).

ipiktar v [A; b4(1)] effect an outcome on s.t. Miipiktar na sa lungsud ang subrang gastu sa iliksiyun, Spending too much on the elections is now having its repercussions on the country. Nag-ipiktar na ug sÚgud ang anistisya, The anesthesia is beginning to take effect now. ipiktÁdu be adversely affected by. IpiktÁdu ang Átung ikunumÍya sa kangil-ad sa pamunÚan, The economy suffers the consequences of a corrupt administration.

ipiktÍbu a 1 effective, having results. IpiktÍbu nga tambal, Effective medicine. 2 effective, taking effect at a specified time. IpiktÍbu karung adlÁwa, wÀ nay mga hÁyup nga buhÍan, Effective today, no animals will be permitted to wander loose. v [B12; c1] come to have effect. MaipiktÍbu ning tambÁla ug tumarun kÁda adlaw, This medicine will be effective if you take it daily.

ipiktu n effect. Way ipiktu nÁkÙ ang mariwÁna, Marijuana has no effect on me. v [A2; b4] take effect. Ang tambal muipiktu usa ka Úras human sa pag-indyiksiyun, The medicine takes effect one hour after the injection.

ipiktus n 1 personal belongings. 2 various goods or commodities for sale. 3 various cargoes or load.

ipil n k.o. large hardwood tree of the primary or secondary forest, furnishing yellowish lumber and a dye from the bark: Intsia bijuga. ipil-Ípil = byatilis.

ipiliptiku a epileptic. v [B126] be, become an epileptic.

Ípis v [A; b6(1)] pour liquid into a container, esp. for drinking. IÍpis ring payn-Ápul dyus sa mga bÁsu, Pour the pineapple juice into the glasses. n action of pouring. -anan n glass into which drinks are poured and passed around in drinking sprees. tig-(?) n one who does the pouring for the others esp. in a drinking spree.

ipistula n Epistle of the Bible, section of the mass where the Epistle is read. v [A1] read the Epistle. WÀ pa mag-ipistula sa pag-abut nÍya sa simbahan, They hadn’t gotten to the Epistle when he arrived in church.

ipit, Ípit v 1 [A; ab2] jam, wedged in between two things. Ipitun ang linidgid nga kamÚting kÁhuy arun pagkÚhÀ sa dugÀ, They press the cassava to get the poisonous liquid out. Naipitan (naipit) ang Íyang kurbÁta sa hÚnus, His tie was caught in the drawer. 2 [a3] be caught and be forced into marrying a girl (slang). ÁkÙ lang siyang giduwÀduwÁan hangtud naÍpit nÚun ku, I was just playing around with her, but I got cornered into marrying her.

Íp lay = Íp buy.

iplÌ = hiplÌ.

iprun n apron, garment worn to protect one’s clothing. v [A; a] wear, make an apron.

ipsut v [A2; b6] 1 escape from a guard through inattention on his part. Miipsut siya sa magbalantay, He escaped from his guard. WÀ makaipsut sa Íyang mga mata ang sayup nga ispÍling, The spelling error did not escape his attention. 2 get out of doing s.t. DÌ ta makaipsut sa amutan, We cannot get out of paying our share. 3 slip out of s.t. that is holding it. Nakaipsut ang isdang Ákung gigunÍtan, The fish I was holding slipped out of my hand. Gamayng lungag sa bulsa ang giipsÚtan sa Ákung kwarta, My money slipped through a small hole in my pocket.

ipÙ1 v [A; a] break off from an attachment without using much force. NaipÙ ang gunitÁnan sa tÁsa, The handle broke off the cup. MahÍmung ipuun ang mais bÍsan anagun pa, You can pick corn even before it is mature. n s.t. picked from the tree. Tagak kahÀ nÀ? DÌ kahÀ nÀ ipÙ sa punÚan? Are you sure you just found that fruit on the ground? Didn’t you pick it from the tree?

ipÙ2 v [c1] be driven, sink all the way in. MuipÙ (maipÙ) nang hasuk sa yÚtÀ kun Ímung tumban, The peg will be driven all the way into the ground if you step on it. Kinsay nag-ipÙ sa sundang sa punÚan sa sÁging? Who stuck the bolo all the way into the trunk of the banana plant?

ipukrita = ipukritu (female).

ipukritu a hypocrite. v [B1; b6] be, become a hypocrite.

ipun v [A2C; c] 1 do s.t. together with s.o. as he does it. MuÍpun ku sa inyung dyip, Let’s go together in the same jeep. MuÍpun ku ninyug kÁun, Let me bring my lunch over to sit with you while you eat. 1a put things together. IÍpun ra ang Ákung bÁlun sa Ímung bag, Let me stick my lunch in your bag. 2 live or stay with s.o. MuÍpun ang bag-ung minyÙ sa Ílang ginikÁnan, The newly-weds will stay with their parents. 2a live as man and wife without being married. Ang babÁyi nga makig-Ípun ug lalÁki nawad-an na sa kaÚlaw, A woman who asks a man to live with her has lost all feelings of shame. 3 mingle with. DÌ ta makaÍpun sa Ílang punduk kay mga asyÚsu, We cannot mingle with their group because they are snobs.

Ípus n k.o. small cockroach ¼ to ½ long with an orange-brown color.

ipus-ipus n 1 name given to various coral fishes similar to burayburay. 2 k.o. white and brown edible rock shell.

iputÍka v [A] mortgage. DÍlÌ ka makaiputÍka sa yÚtÀ nga balahinun pa sa mga iridÍru, You cannot mortgage land that is to be divided by the heirs.

IR5 = ay-ar payib.

-Íra 1 = -Íru (female). 2 affix added to nouns referring to s.t. kept and dispensed regularly to form nouns referring to the container. HabunÍra, Soap dish. KapitÍra, Coffee pot.

irad a having a stomach that sticks out very much. Irad ang kasagÁran sa mabdus, Most pregnant women have a stomach that sticks forward. v [B] getting a stomach that sticks out.

irag v [A; b6(1)] lean back on. KanÚnay nÁtung makÍtÀ ang MiksikÁnu nga mag-irag sa punÚan sa kÁhuy, We always see Mexicans leaning back asleep on a tree.

irÁid n delicacy made of finely grated cassava or sweet potatoes with coconut juice and sugar, wrapped in banana leaves, shaped into sticks, and cooked in steam. v [A; a] make irÁid.

Íras v [A; c1] germinate seeds before planting them in their permanent place. IrÁsa (iiras) usÀ nang mga lÍsu ÚnÀ luyÚnga, Germinate the seeds first, then transplant them. -an(?) n seedbed used for germination. -in- n seedlings grown from small seeds.

*Íray nag-/magdala sa — spoil an otherwise perfect performance by ineptness. Nindut untÀ musÁyaw ang kadaghÁnan, apan nagdÁ lang tu sa Íray ang usa, The dancers put on a good performance, only one spoiled it all with his awkward steps.

irbabuyna = hirbubuyna.

irbras n k.o. atomizer operated by compressed air and used for spraying paint. v [A; c1] paint with an airbrush.

irbubuyna = hirbubuyna.

irbularyu = arbularyu.

irgat a 1 for a woman to be pretentious in actions, putting on airs and showing contempt for ordinary people. Irgat kaÁyu nang bayhÁna, dÌ giyud musul-ub ug sapÁtus nga baratuhun, That woman is haughty. She won’t wear cheap shoes at all. 2 forward and immodest in behavior toward men. Irgat kaÁyu nang bayhÁna. MagduuldÚul ug lÁki, That girl is forward. She makes advances to men. v [B; c1] be, become haughty or immodest in behavior.

irgu1 v [A2C; ab3] argue, debate heatedly. Makig-irgu ka man sa tindÍra nga Ímu man tung sayup, Why do you argue with the sales clerk when it was your fault? n heated argument.

irgu2 therefore, as a consequence we may conclude that. Miingun ka wÀ ka mulakaw. Irgu, dihÀ ra ka sa balay, You said you did not leave. Therefore, you were in the house.

irgutÍna n k.o. medicine to prevent hemorrhage after childbirth.

irgu trit n ergot, k.o. drug to make the muscles contract.

Íri n letter R.

Írid n air-raid shelter. — syiltir = Írid. v 1 [A; b] build an air-raid shelter. 2 [cP] put in an air-raid shelter. pa- v [A; c] go to, put in an air-raid shelter.

iridar v [AN2; a12] inherit property. Kinsay muiridar (mangiridar) sa yÚtÀ ug wÀ muy anak? Who will inherit the land if you have no children? iridÍra = iridÍru (female). iridÍru n heir. v [B126] be, become an heir.

irigar v [A; b(1)] 1 administer a vaginal douche to oneself or s.o. else. 2 irrigate the sinuses. irigasiyun n irrigation.

irigular a 1 uneven in occurrence or succession. Irigular ang Íyang rigla, Her menstruation is irregular. 2 irregular in school, not taking the usual prescribed subjects. Irigular ku nga tird yir kay dÚna pa man kuy bÁlik sa sikan yir, I’m an irregular third year student because I have to repeat a course in the second year. v 1 [B; c1] be, become irregular. Ug iirigular (irigularun) nÍmu ang instulmin, lagmit maimbargu, If you are not regular in paying your installments, it might be repossessed. 2 [B16; b6] be, become an irregular student.

irihinsiya = irinsiya.

irÍhis a 1 infidel or s.o. who does not believe in Christ. 1a unbaptized person (humorous). 2 not having attended service during a Sunday or a holiday of obligation (slang). IrÍhis pa ni si Nituy kay wÀ pa kasimba, Nitoy is still a heretic because he hasn’t gone to church yet. 3 ignorant of the ways of the world. IrÍhis gud nÍmu dÌ ka man mukÁug kÍsu, What an ignoramus you are. You don’t eat cheese. v [B12; c1] 1 be, become an infidel. 2 be, become ignorant.

iring n cat. iring-iring n = kandingkanding. see kanding. -un cat-like. Íhung -un k.o. shark with a broad and rounded head: Rhina ancyclostoma.

irinsiya n inheritance. v [A2N; a] receive an inheritance.

iris v [A; a] erase. Irisa ang blakburd, Erase the blackboard. -in-an n 1 erasure. 2 place an erasure was made. -ir(?) n eraser. v [A23; b6(1)] use an eraser.

irisipilas = paylas.

irispunsabli a irresponsible, lacking a sense of responsibility. v [B12] be, become irresponsible.

iritar v [B126] for a wound to get infected. Nairitar ang Ákung samad kay wÀ tabÚni, My wound was not covered, and it got infected. iritasiyun n irritation at a particular spot on the skin or in the body.

irkun n 1 air-conditioner. 2 = irkundisyun.

irkundisyun a air-conditioned. Irkundisyun ang sinihan, The movie theater is air-conditioned. v [A; a] air-condition s.t. -ir = irkun.

irmad = irmat.

irmÁna n 1 female member of a religious group of devotees to a particular saint. 2 woman who is in charge of raising the funds for a religious celebration and who makes up the difference between the amount collected and the costs. v 1 [B156] become a member of a religious sorority. 2 [B3(1); c1] become the sponsor of a religious celebration. — mayur n 1 mother superior. 2 = irmÁna, 2. v [a3] 1 be made the mother superior. 2 = irmÁna, 2.

irmÁnu = irmÁna, n2, v2 (male). — mayur = irmÁnu.

*irmÁnus [proper name] [name] and Co. Limbumping IrmÁnus, Lim Bonfing and Co.

irmat n mother (slang). v [A12; b2] have a mother (slang).

irmil n air mail. v [c1] send by air mail.

irmitanyu n hermit. v [B16; b6c1] be, become a hermit.

irniya = hirniya.

irpad = irpat.

irpÁkit n air pocket. v [B46] for there to be an air pocket.

irpat n father (slang). v [A12; b2] have a father (slang).

irpun n earphones. v [A; a] use earphones.

irpurt n airport.

irsisyu = ihirsisyu2.

irÙ n dog. suul sa — stomach spasm. Nagligidligid siya sa kasakit kay dÚna siyay suul sa irÙ, He was doubled up in pain because he had stomach cramps. dÍlÌ makÁun ug — treating people in an unacceptable and completely obnoxious way. KasÁbÀ nga dÍlÌ makÁug irÙ, A scolding not even acceptable for a dog (harsh and ranging far beyond the alleged offense). a greedy to the point of eating food which people ordinarily wouldn’t eat. Kay irÙ ka man mukÁun ka sa ransiyung karni, Because you are so gluttonous, you’ll even eat rancid meat. b greedy over s.t. one loves very much. IrÙ kaÁyu siyag sini, She loves movies very much. — nga daug a cowardly, yellow. v 1 [B12; b6] be, become gluttonous. 2 [B126] become a slave to an overpowering emotion (become oblivious to shame, like a dog). Gugma mauy nakairÙ (nakapairÙ) sa alÁut nga babÁyi, Love had made the poor woman a slave to her passions. (?) v [A; a12] make notions of giving s.t. but actually not doing so. Ayaw kug irÚa. Ug ihÁtag, ihÁtag. Ug dÍlÌ, ayaw, Don’t you make pretenses of giving. If you want to give it to me, give it. If not, don’t. -in- v [A; a12] do s.t. like a dog. GanÁhan siya muinirÙ, silbing palain, She wants to do the dog position for variety. irÙÍrÙ v [A; b5] court a woman by hanging around her. Nag-irÙÍrÙ nÀ siya nÁkÙ sa dÁga pa ku, He used to hang around me when I was still single. n broken-off piece of white coral, roughly resembling a dog in shape. irÙirÚay n k.o. game in which the players throw a stone at a can in a circle and try to knock it out.

-Íru 1 affix added to words referring to an action not approved of to form adjectives meaning ‘one who is fond of engaging in [such-and-such] an action’. SalsalÍru, One who is fond of masturbating. HambugÍru, Braggart. 2 added to words referring to things with which one can make his living to form nouns which mean ‘one who engages in [such-and-such] an occupation’. Lab-asÍru, Fish vendor. LabandÍru, Laundryman.

irug v 1 [AB3; c1] move, cause s.t. to do so. Akuy miirug sa bangkÙ dapit sa bungbung, I moved the chair towards the wall. Nag-irug ba nang barku sa lawud? Is that ship in the ocean moving? Iruga (iirug) ug diyÚtay ang sud-an ngari, Move the plate of food over here. 2 make progress, move ahead in time. SÁma lang sa wÀ muirug ang Íyang idad, She looks as though she hasn’t gotten any older. WÀ giyud muirug ang Ámung kahimtang, Our financial condition has made no progress. 3 budge from one’s belief. DÌ ni giyud siya mairug sa Íyang disisiyun, He cannot be moved from his decision. n progress, advancement. Gamay rag irug ang kauswÁgan sa lungsud, The town has undergone little progress.

iruk v [A; a12] squeeze nits, lice on the head with the thumbnail or perform a similar action to relieve itching. Igka giyud ang lusÀ arun dÌ mamusÀ, Squash the nits so they won’t hatch. Igka ring katul sa Ákung u, Squeeze this itching spot on my head.

isa1 = usa1 (dialectal).

isa2 short for iÁsa. see Ása1.

Ísa v 1 [APB3; a] raise, rise. Ang kadÍti mauy nag-Ísa sa bandÍlÀ, The cadet raised the flag. MiÍsa ang Íyang kÍlay sa kahingangha, She raised her brows in surprise. IÍsa (isÁha) na ang bÁling, Hoist the nets. 2 [AB2; c1] increase in value, amount. MuÍsa (maÍsa) na sad ang prisyu, The price is going up again. 3 [A2B26; c1] increase in degree, intensity. MuÍsa (maÍsa) dÁyun nang Íyang tÍngug ug masukÙ, His voice rises when he is angry. 4 [A2B2; c1] rise, raise in position. Nagkaisa ang Íyang ranggu kay maÁyu mang mutrabÁhu, He is gradually rising in rank because he works well. n increase in degree, quantity, value.

isÀ v [B3(1)46] for a wound or skin ailment to develop water or watery pus. DÍlÌ makaisÀ ang nÚka basta kanÚnayng hunÁran, The sore won’t secrete water if it is cleaned and dressed regularly.

ÍsÀ short form: . 1 wait a second. ÍsÀ pa kay pangutan-un pa nÁkÙ si Lurdis, Just a minute. I’ll ask Lourdes first. ÍsÀ pa ha kay Ákung tawgun, Just a second. I’ll call her. 1a — ka run, You just wait. I’ll get you! 2 expression used upon changing a subject: by the way. ÍsÀ pa, tagadiin tu ka? By the way, where did you say you come from?

isab = usab (dialectal).

isang dakut na bigas n k.o. branched, spreading herb found in damp places and grown as an ornamental in hanging pots: Pilea microphylla, var.

isdÀ (from sulÀ) n fish. v [A12] have fish. paN- v [A2; b6(1)] go fishing. n 1 fishing as a means of livelihood. 2 fishing equipment. pinaN-an n catch of fish. Ang Ílang gisuwÀ pinangisdÁan sa amahan, They’re eating the father’s catch for dinner. -an n fishpond. a having fish. IsdÁan si Husi kay nakapangisdÀ man gabÍi, Jose has lots of fish because he went fishing last night. -Ánun a teeming with fish. IsdaÁnun kaÁyu ang kadagÁtan sa PilipÍnas, The Philippine seas are teeming with fish. maN-r- n fisherman. — sa batu fish found in rocky places. — sa hapun name given to the bilÁsun, a fish formerly widely sold by Japanese fishermen. †

isdug = irug.

isdyi n ten, ten centavos or ten pesos (slang). v 1 [A12] get ten centavos or pesos. Nakaisdyi ku sa madyung, I won ten pesos in mahjong. 2 [B26] be, become ten centavos or pesos.

isi, Ísi1 = Ási.

Ísi2 n harpoon. v 1 [A; a12] catch with, make into a harpoon. IsÍhun ku ang sÁnga, I’ll harpoon the manta ray.

Ísi3 n letter S. †

Ísi4 take it easy. Ísi lang bay, ayg kasukÙ, Take it easy. Don’t get angry. isiÍsi1 v [A; c1] take things or people for granted, lightly. À, mag-isiÍsi man lang nga muiskuyla. WÀ mang gÁniy nutbuk, He goes to school without even a notebook. He’s taking his schooling for granted. IsiisÍhun (iisiÍsi) lang ang mga linibulibug pildi sa bÚlang sa mga sugarul nga tahur, Big time gamblers don’t mind losing by the thousands in the cockpit.

Ísi riturn n an easy return to the server.

*isig 1 — ka [noun] one’s fellow [noun]. Ang isig nÍmu ka mananagat, Your fellow fisherman. 2 [verb base] each do [verb] to his own. Isig paÚlÌ ang mga tÁwu, They each returned to their respective homes. v [A13] each [do]. Nag-isig paÚlÌ (nagsigpaÚlÌ) ang mga tÁwu, They each returned to their respective homes.

isig-isig v 1 [A; a12] rush s.o. into doing s.t. DÌ siya gustung magpatÚlÌ apan giisig-isig siya sa mga biaybÍay, He didn’t want to get circumcised, but he was goaded on by the taunts of his playmates. 2 order s.o. about and put him down at the same time. ‘Unsay kalibÚtan mu ÁnÀ. TumÁna lang Ákung sÚgÙ,’ nag-isig-isig ang inaÍna, ‘What do you know about that? Just do what you’re told,’ said the stepmother in her high-handed way. 3 treat cruelly. Giisig-isig sa inaÍna ang mga bÁtÀ, The stepmother treated the children cruelly. isig-isigun, maisig-isigun a tending to rush or push around, characterized by doing so.

isiisi = isig-isig.

isiÍsi2 v [A3; b] play hard to get when one intends to agree. Ayaw isiisÍhi nang nangulitawu nÍmu kay makabuhÌ, Don’t play hard to get. He might just slip away.

isÍna n scene in a play, motion picture.

ising-ising v [A; c15] avoid the company of s.o. from whom one feels one can get nothing, discard a friend or relative whom one finds no longer useful. Íla na lang ku nga ising-isingun (iising-ising) kay wÀ na man kuy kapuslÁnan, They’ll avoid me now, for I’m no longer of any use to them.

Ísip v [A; a2] 1 count s.t. IsÍpa ang suklÌ kun hustu ba, Count your change to see it’s correct. 1a count and remember favors one does for s.o. IsÍpun pa giyud nÍya hasta ang dunut nga sinÍnang gihÁtag, He remembers his favors, even the ragged shirt he gave me. 1b consider, treat s.t. or s.o. as s.t. GiÍsip ku siyang anak, I treat him like a son. n 1 in the role, function of. MutÁbang giyud ku sa Ákung ginikÁnan Ísip usa ka anak, I have to help my parents as a good son. Muhawuk aku sa kamut ni LÚlu Ísip usa ka pagtÁhud, I kiss my grandpa’s hands as a sign of respect. NangÁyÙ siyag kinhasun Ísip Íyang sud-an, He asked for shells as food. 2 [number] number [so-and-so]. MisÚd siya sa lawak Ísip katursi, He entered room number 14. -an a one who compares his favors done with those he received to see if anyone got advantage over him. v [B12; b6] get to be a sort who counts and weighs favors. ka-an n mind, seat of consciousness, intellect. Daghan kaÁyung mga hitabÙ nga misÁmuk sa Íyang kaisÍpan, Many events are troubling his mind. ma- a 1 wise, learned. Tulu ka maÍsip nga hÁrÌ, Three wise kings. 2 prudent, thinking before acting. v [B16; b6] be, become wise, prudent. MagmaÍsip ka na untÀ karung dakÙ ka na, I hope you will be prudent in your ways now that you are old enough. -l-an n mind. Itisuk sa inyung ilisÍpan ang gitudlÙ kaninyu, Bear in mind what you have been taught. paN- n sense, way of thinking. May pangÍsip ka na man, You’re old enough to have common sense. Ang Íyang pangÍsip bÁtÀ pa bisag dakÙ na siyag idad, He has a child’s mentality even though he is chronologically old.

is-is a having a fine and smooth complexion. v [A2PB; c1] become fine and smooth in complexion, cause it to be so. Muis-is (mais-is) ang pÁnit mug kanÚnay kang hustug tÚg, You will develop a good complexion if you always get sufficient sleep. ka- n whiteness. MiÁmag pag-Áyu ang kais-is sa mga batu nga gidan-Ágan sa mabugnawng sÍlaw sa bÚlan, The stones glowed with whiteness under the pale moonlight.

iskabitsi n escabeche, fried fish with a sour sauce. v [A; c1] make escabeche.

iskÁla n stop-over. v [A; b6(1)] make a stop-over. MuiskÁla ang barku sa Kagayan sa dÌ pa muadtu sa IlÍgan, The boat makes a stop-over in Cagayan before proceeding to Iligan.

iskalanti = kardÁba.

iskÁlar n recipient of a scholarship. v [B16; b6] be, become a scholarship awardee.

iskalarsyip n scholarship.

iskalipsi n eclipse. v [B; b4] be an eclipse.

iskalÍra1 n staircase.

iskalÍra2 n in mahjong, a set of consecutive pieces of the same design, numbered from 1–9. — plÁsis hand in mahjong consisting of an iskalÍra plus two dragÚnis or bintus. — ruyal n hand in mahjong consisting of an iskalÍra plus an eye (ay4) of the same design as the iskalÍra and two other pieces of the same design.

iskalÍtur n escalator. v 1 [A13] ride the escalator. 2 [b(1)] install an escalator.

iskandalu a scandal, scandalous, s.t. that shocks the moral feelings of a community. v [A13B12; b6] become a scandal, make a scene. Mag-iskandalu kug musyÁgit kang bayhÁna ka, I’ll make a scene if you scream, woman. Maiskandalu nang inyung transaksiyun ug hisakpan, Your shady transactions will be a public scandal if you get caught. -sa(?) a scandalous (female). -su(?) a scandalous (male).

iskapadur a one who gets out of responsibility. Si LÍtu iskapadur kaÁyu sa trabÁhu sa bÁy, Lito bugs out of household chores. Iskapadur siya sa klÁsi, He cuts classes. v [B12; b6] be, become an evader.

iskapal, iskapar = iskÁpu, v1, 2, 3.

iskaparÁti n display window, showcase. v 1 [b6(1)] install a showcase or display window. 2 [A; c] display s.t. in a showcase.

iskapaturya n way of escape. WÀ kay iskapaturya ug gipangitÀ kang Al Kapun, There’s no escape if Al Capone is looking for you.

iskÁpu v [A2; b(1)] 1 escape. Gustu siyang muiskÁpu sa bilangguan, He wants to escape from prison. 2 escape by artful or slippery dodges. MuiskÁpu giyud siya ug pit-un nag pangutÁna, He knows how to get out of it if you press him with questions. DÍlÌ ka makaiskÁpu sa Ákung suntuk, You can’t evade my blows. 3 evade responsibilities. DÍlÌ ta makaiskÁpu sa mga amutan, We can’t evade making our contribution. 4 cut s.t. one is supposed to attend. Kung iskapÚhan nÍmu ang inyung klÁsi suspindirun giyud ka, If you cut classes you’ll be suspended. n escapee.

iskapularyu n two images worn on one’s front and back suspended by pieces of cloth or string, worn as a token of religious devotion. v [A; c6] wear such images.

iskarp n scarf. v [AC12; c6] wear a scarf.

iskats n scotch whisky. — tÍp n scotch tape. v [b6(1)] use scotch tape on.

iskÁwut n 1 member of the Philippine Scouts, an outfit composed of Filipinos under the command of the U.S. Army, during World War II. 2 boy, girl scout. buy, gil, kab — Boy, Girl, Cub Scout. — lÍdir, wik Scout leader, week. v [B16; c16] be, become a member of the Philippine Scouts or a boy or girl scout.

iskay is da (di) limit a s.t. for which one spends with no limits. v [A; c1] consume without any limit. Iiskay is da lÍmit ba nang Ímung pangumpra? What are you going to do? Buy, the sky is the limit?

iskidyul n schedule. v [A; c1] schedule s.t.

iskilibinti = iskribyinti.

iskilipsi = iskalipsi.

iskilitun n 1 sandals or shoes consisting of straps with no sides. 2 framework of a house. v [A13] wear skeleton-like shoes.

iskÍna n 1 corner. IskÍna lang dung, Let me off at the corner, driver. Ang iskÍna sa kahun, The corner of the box. 2 block, one side of a city square. Duha ka iskÍna gÍkan dinhi, Two blocks from here. babÁyi sa — n a cheap woman. Kanang puwa kaÁyu nÍmu nga lipistik mu ra kag babÁyi sa iskÍna, With that red lipstick you look like a cheap hussy. v 1 [b(1)] make a rectangular corner on the edge, end of. 2 [c16] do s.t. at the corner. IskinÁha paglansang ang kwadru, Nail the picture frame on the corners. paN- v [A2; b(1)] negotiate a route by going around instead of taking a more direct route. NangiskÍna siya sa Íyang pagpadÚng nganhi kay ngitngit sa lakturÁnan, He went round about in coming here because the straight route is too dark. -du a rectangular. Kanang tambal nga binisayÀ, maÁyu lang nÀ niadtu sa iskinÁdu pa ang ligid, Visayan folk medicine was only good long ago, when they used square wheels. v [B124; c1] be, become rectangular.

iskinÍta n the place where two small paths meet.

iskiping rup n skip rope, the game or rope. v [AC] skip rope.

iskir a brisk and alert in movement. Iskir siyang milihay, He ducked cleverly. Iskir pa bÍsag tigÚwang na, He is still spry, even at his age. v [B; c] be quick and brisk in movement. Nagkaiskir na ang irÙ nga nagluya human indiksiyuni, The sick dog grew slowly more active after he was given a shot.

iskirÍma = iskrÍma.

iskirul n 1 scab, a worker who refuses to strike, or who takes the place of a striking worker. 2 prostitute. v 1 [B36; c1] be, become a prostitute. paN- v [A2; b6(1)] 1 patronize prostitutes. 2 work as a prostitute.

iskiyus = ikskiyus.

isklibinti = iskribyinti.

isklimintar = iskrimintar.

isklipsi = iskalipsi.

iskrab v [A; b5] scrub, rub clean with a brush. IskrÁbig (iskrÁbag) maÁyu ang Ímung salug, Scrub the floor hard.

iskrÁbul n game of scrabble. v [AC; b(1)] play scrabble.

iskram1 v [A] cram for an exam.

iskrats1 n scratch paper. — pÍpar = iskrats1.

iskrats2 n in pool, the situation when a cue ball gets into one of the pockets. The shot is not counted as the player loses the ball. v [B26] for this situation to obtain in pool.

iskrÍba n scribe.

iskribÁnu n clerk of court. v [B1256; a12] be, make into a clerk of court.

iskribinti, iskribyinti n clerk, esp. a government clerk. v [B16; c1] be, become a clerk.

iskrÍma n native fencing, using two canes or a cane and a pointed bolo or dagger. v [AC; b(1)] 1 fence. 2 [A; c] gesticulate while talking. MuiskrÍma ang Íyang kamut samtang mag-isturya, His hands gesture wildly while he talks. 3 [A3] struggle to make s.t. do against odds, contrive to deal with a difficult financial situation. Ang mga kabus sÍging nag-iskrÍma sa panginabÚhÌ, The poor constantly struggle through life. IskrimÁhun ku lang arun muÍnat ang gamay kung swildu, I will contrive means to make my meager salary go a long way. -dur(?) n native fencer, esp. a skilled one. v [B16; c1] be, become a skilled native fencer.

iskrimintar v [A; b(1)] feel sorry for one’s sins or mistakes. MapatumbayÁun kaÁyu nang inahÁna sa Íyang mga anak. UnyÀ ra nÀ muiskrimintar ug mamatyan, That mother is very careless with her children. She will be taught a lesson if one of them dies. Giiskrimintahan ku na ang Ákung mga salÀ, I have already repented my sins.

iskrin n 1 screen for a home. 2 movie screen. v 1 [A; c1] screen in. 2 [A; b(1)] block in games to afford a good shot for the teammate. IskrÍnan giyud ang gwardiya arun lugar kaÁyu sa pagsiyut ang Ímung kaÚban, Block the guard so your teammate is free to shoot the ball. 3 [A; a12] screen applicants. IskrÍnun ÚsÀ ang tanang aplikanti usÀ pakuhÁa sa iksÁmin, All applicants are screened before being allowed to take the exam.

iskrip n script of a movie or play.

iskrÍpir n rubber scraper used in scraping out the dough that sticks to the mixing bowl and spoon. v [a] get s.t. out with a scraper. IskripÍra ang namilit nga mÁsa sa miksing bul, Get the dough out with the scraper. gÚma nga — = iskrÍpir, n.

iskrituryu n escritoire.

iskru n screw. v [b6(1)] screw, fasten with a screw. IskrÚhi ang bisagra arun dÌ matangtang, Fasten the hinge with a screw so that it won’t come off. — draybir n screw driver. v [A13] use a screw driver.

iskÚba1 n 1 hair or shoe, clothes brush. 2 mustache (humorous slang). v [A; c] brush s.t. IskubÁhan nÍya ang kabÁyÙ, He’ll brush the horse. paN- v [A2; b6] brush oneself, one’s hair.

iskÚba2 n name given to various woody erect herbs of waste places. — nga kilÁyan: Sida acuta.

iskuhir v [A; a] sort s.t. according to class or kind. Akuy muiskuhir sa tabÁkÙ, I’m going to sort the tobacco leaves. Iskuhirun ang bulad ÚsÀ ibaligyÀ, The dried fish is sorted before it is sold. iskuhÍdu n 1 the finest quality tobacco or abaca. 2 choicest k.o. anything. MukÁun lang siyag iskuhÍdung isdÀ, He eats only the choicest fish.

iskÚlar = iskÁlar.

iskulbus n 1 school bus. 2 admirer, friend or boy friend who accompanies a girl, usually home from school (slang). DÚna siyay iskulbus sa Íyang pag-ulÌ gabÍi, She had an escort in going home last night. v 1 [A13] go by school bus. 2 [A; b(1)] escort a girl friend home from school (slang).

iskulsuplayis n school supplies.

iskultur n sculptor. v [B16; a12] be, become a sculptor.

iskupidur n cuspidor. v 1 [b6] provide with a cuspidor. 2 [a12] make s.t. into a cuspidor.

iskupÍta n 1 shotgun. 2 air rifle. (?) v [a12] shoot s.t. with an air rifle or shotgun.

iskÚr n score, mark to keep tally of. IskÚr sa baskitbÚl, Basketball score. Pilay iskÚr nÍmu sa iksÁmin? What is the mark you got on the examinations? — burd n scoreboard. v 1 [A; b6(1)] mark the score. 2 [A] make a point or score. WÀ siya makaiskÚr sa pÁwul siyÁt, He didn’t score a point in the foul shot. -ir(?) n 1 scorer in a game. 2 third party who tags along on a date (taken from the notion that he has nothing to do but tally the number of kisses—slang). v [B1256] 1 be the scorer. 2 be the third party on a date. MaiskÚrir lang kag ang kÚyug mu managtrÁtu, You’ll just be an observer if your two companions are lovers.

iskurÍya n tiny chocolate cups for a thick chocolate drink.

iskursiyun n excursion, outing. v [A1; b6] hold an excursion.

iskurt n escort, one who accompanies for protection, company, or honor. WÀ kuy iskurt sa bayli, I have no escort for the dance. v [A; c1] act as an escort. Duha ka mutursiklu ang nag-iskurt sa kutsing gisakyan sa artista, Two motorcycles escorted the car the actress was riding in.

iskusya n finely-woven, silky cotton thread, used commonly for undershirts. v [A13] wear an escocia undershirt.

iskutinyu n counting of votes. v [A1; b6] count the votes.

iskÚtir n child’s scooter or motor scooter. v [A; a12] ride a scooter.

iskuwadrun n squadron, unit of military aviation. v [A13] fly by squadron.

iskuwÁla n try square. v [A; b6(1)] mark s.t. off with a try square. — nga balay an L-shaped house.

iskuwat1 v [A; b6] squat with the buttocks not resting on anything and standing on the toes. — dyamp n squat jump. v [AC12; c16] do the squat jump.

iskuwat2 v [A2N] attend a class section one is not supposed to. WÀ ku makatambung sa klÁsi sa buntag maung miiskuwat (nangiskuwat) ku sa hÁpun, I missed the morning lecture so I attended the same lecture in the afternoon. -ir(?) n 1 squatter: a person who stays on land in urban areas which does not belong to him. 2 squatter areas in the city. 3 s.o. occupying s.o. else’s seat (humorous). v 1 [B16; b6] be, become a squatter. 2 [B12; b6] for a place to turn into a slum area. MaiskuwÁtir unyÀ nang plÁsa ug dÍlÌ nÀ anamug papahÁwÀ nang mga nagbarungbÁrung dihÀ, The plaza will soon become a squatter area if the shanties are not removed as they are put up. 3 [A; a12] oust squatters and demolish their houses. IskuwatÍrun mi sa tag-Íya Íning yÚtÀ, The owner of the land is planning to oust us.

iskuwir a 1 square. 2 being angular, squarely built. Iskuwir kaÁyug abÁga nang tawhÁna, That man is square-shouldered. 3 fighting fair and square. Way dÚmut tung Ílang sinumbagay kay iskuwir man, Their fist fight left no ill will between the protagonists because it was a square fight. 4 square brush cut. — bab bobbed hair, cut evenly at the bottom. v 1 [APB; c1] be, become square. 2 [A12C; c1] make a fight a square one, hold a square fist fight. 3 [a12] make a haircut a brush cut. 4 [A; a2] square up accounts, pay debts. Iskuyrun ku na ang Ákung Útang nimu, I’ll square off my debt to you.

iskuyla n 1 school, holding of classes. Way iskuyla basta pista upisiyal, There is no school on an official holiday. 2 pupil, student. Iskuyla siya sa San Husi, She is a student at San JosÉ. v [A; b6(1)] 1 attend classes. Iiskuyla nÀ nÍmung gisiun mung pÚlu? Are you going to school in that torn shirt? 2 study in a certain school or a certain school year. DÌ siya muiskuyla sa sÍkan simistir kay way kwarta, He can’t attend school during the second semester because he has no money. 3 [A2] go to the cockpit to bet or see a cockfight (slang). KÁda Duminggu muiskuyla siya sa TipÚlu, Every Sunday he goes to the cockpit at Tipolo. pa- v [A; a] send s.o. to school. PaiskuylÁhun ku ang Ámung mutsatsa, We’re going to send our servant to school. iskuylahan n 1 school. 2 cockpit (slang).

isla n island. Tulu ka isla ang naglangkub sa KamÚtis, The Camotes consist of three islands.

islag1 v 1 [B2; b3] scatter in all directions. Muislag nang duut sa isdÀ ug Ímung labÁyug batu, The school of fish will scatter if you throw a stone at them. 2 [B126] get scattered out such that it is impossible to gather. Naislag ang Íyang mga anak sukad nÍyang gibyÀbyÁan ang panimalay, His children have taken to roaming ever since he abandoned his home. 3 [A] run away from, flee from. Miislag sa syudad ang mga kawatan sa siya pay hÍpi sa kapulisan, The thieves fled from the city when he was the chief of police. 4 [A; a] drive away. IslÁga ang mga mÁya sa humayan, Drive the birds away from the rice field. 5 [B126] drive away lonely feelings. NangÍtÀ siyag trabÁhu arun maislag ang mga kalÁay sa Íyang pag-inusÁra, She looked for a job to drive away loneliness.

islag2 v [A; b] pound rice, coarse corn grits for a second time. Islagi (islÁgi) ring tipasiun, Pound this partly husked rice. -in-an(?) n 1 coarse particles of ground or milled corn grits. 2 the portion of sifted rice left after winnowing out the husked grains. -an(?) = inislagan.

islaks n slacks worn by women. v [A; b6] wear slacks.

islang a speaking with unclear articulation. v [A2B2; c1] speak with unclear articulation, for speech to become unclear. Muislang (maislang) ang Íyang sinultihan ug makainum, His speech becomes unclear when he gets drunk.

islaw n k.o. spotted snapper, esp. Lutianus fulviflamma. -an n = islaw.

islayding n a violation in basketball where a player moves while holding the ball.

islayid rul n slide rule. v [A; b5] use a slide rule.

islÁyid1 v 1 [B26; b8] slip, lose one’s footing by slipping. MuislÁyid (maislÁyid) ang tÁwung makatamak ug pÁnit sa sÁging, A man will slip if he steps on a banana peel. 2 [B3(1)6; b6(1)] slide down on s.t. MuislÁyid ku sa pasamÁnu, I will slide down the bannister. n 1 sliding ramp. 2 slide on a trombone.

islÁyid2 n 1 photographic slide. 2 microscope slide. v 1 [A13] show slides. 2 [c6] put a slide under a microscope.

islÁyis v [A; a] slice off, cut into slices. Akuy muislÁyis sa pÁn, I’ll slice the bread. Islaysan ta kag kÍk, I’ll slice a piece of cake for you. n slice, piece cut off. a sliced.

isliblis a sleeveless dress or blouse. v [A13; c1] wear, make into a sleeveless dress or blouse.

islindir a slender, slim in figure. v [B; c1] be, become slender. Muislindir (maislindir) giyud kag magdÁyit ka, You will become slender if you go on a diet. pa- v [A] make oneself slender.

islÚ drag n slow drag, a dance with a slow tempo music.

islÚput a slowpoke, person who acts or moves slowly. v [B12; b6] be, become a slowpoke.

ismagling n smuggling.

ismaglir n smuggler. v [B16; a2] be, become a smuggler.

ismÁgul n 1 smuggled goods. 2 rubber slippers (so called because the first rubber slippers sold were smuggled). v 1 [AC12; c1] smuggle. 2 [A; b6(1)] wear rubber slippers.

ismart, ismarti a for women to be well-groomed, neat, and stylish. v [B12; b6] for a woman to get to be stylishly dressed.

ismayling see burnay.

ismilir, ismiril n emery wheel. v [A; a] grind on an emery wheel.

ismiringhuy n paramour (slang). Taggabii na muabut ang Íyang bÁna kay muhapit pa man sa Íyang ismiringhuy, Her husband arrives home late every evening because he drops by his mistress’s. 2 the unpleasant smell of body odor (indirect allusion). 3 genitalia (humorous). v [B126; c16] be, become a paramour (slang).

ismÚgul = ismÁgul (colloquial, humorous).

ismul batÍri bul a small but capable of big things. IsmÚl batÍri bul Ílang mutsatsa. Kusug mamalansa, Their maid may be small but she’s very capable. She irons like a ball of fire.

isnatsir n snatcher of bags, etc. v [A12] be a snatcher.

isnÍkir n sneakers. v [A; b6(1)] wear sneakers.

isnÚ n snow. v [A; b6] for it to snow.

ispÁda n 1 sword. NagsingkÌ ang Ílang duha ka ispÁda, Their two swords clanged against each other. 2 the best swordsman in a place. Sila ang upat ka ispÁda sa Kastilya, They are the four swordsmen of Castille. 3 the sword in Spanish cards. 4 variety of large, bland pepper shaped like a sword, about 4 long. -in- a 1 like a sword. InispÁda nga dÁhun, Sword-shaped leaf. 2 = ispÁda, 4. — diÚru ornamental reed-like herb consisting of long, green, spear-shaped leaves with a yellow edge and white splotches in the middle: Sansevieria trifasciata var. Laurentii. — disambuwangga variety with no splotches. — nga isdÀ = dÍwit.

ispadil = ispÁda, 1.

ispaghÍti n spaghetti. v [A13C12] make, eat spaghetti.

ispaltu = aspaltu.

IspÁnis n Spanish class, language, person. Nindut kaÁyu paminÁwun ang IspÁnis gitar, The Spanish guitar is pleasant to listen to. v [A; c1] communicate in Spanish. — lÍs n k.o. lace fabric, usually made into veils.

Ispaniyul n 1 Spaniard. 2 Spanish language.

ispansbat v [A; b] wash oneself off with a washcloth. IspansbÁti ang bÁtÀ, Wash the child with a cloth. n action of washing s.o. with a cloth.

ispanta v [A3B12; c1] prevent s.t. from happening, s.o. from doing s.t. Ang pinaangkan miispanta sa kasal sa nakapaanak nÍya, The wedding was stopped by the woman whom the groom had made pregnant. Naispanta sa bakÚna ang pagkaylap sa buti, Vaccination kept the smallpox from spreading.

Ispanya n Spain.

IspanyÚla = ispaniyul (female).

IspanyÚlis n Spaniards. Kanhi sa mga IspanyÚlis pa giulÍpun lÁmang ang mga PilipÍnu, During the Spanish times the Filipinos were treated like slaves.

ispÁring n 1 sparring session. 2 sparring partner. v [A2C; b(1)] engage in a sparring session. — partnir, ka- n sparring partner.

ispark plag n spark plug.

ispasyu n outer space.

ispat n flashlight. v [A; b6(1)] shine a flashlight on. IspÁti nu diri dapit kay nahug ang Ákung sinsÍyu, Shine your flashlight over here because I dropped my money.

ispat1 n spot on the lungs that indicates tb.

ispat2 v 1 [A; a2] in pool: shoot a target ball to a designated spot on the table. 2 [A2; b] in basketball: take pot shots from a distance. n this sort of shot in billiards or basketball. -ir(?) n one who throws the ball accurately in basketball.

ispatlayit n 1 = ispat. 2 spotlight. v [A; b6(1)] shine the spotlight on.

ispÁyik n shoe spike. v [A; b6(1)] fasten a spike on a shoe.

ispayral a hair waved without being cut. v [A1; a12] wear, have hair that has been waved.

ispÍd n spades in playing cards. v [A12] get spades.

ispidbut1 n speedboat.

ispidbut2 v [A1; b6(1)] cook more rice or corn hurriedly in a small pot because what was cooked earlier was not enough for everyone (humorous—so called from the small speedboats that accompanied Japanese warships). Bisitahun kaÁyu mis ÁmÙ. KanÚnay lang ming mag-ispidbut ug lung-ag, We keep having visitors, so we always have to prepare extra rice.

ispidnu = impirnu.

ispÍhu n 1 mirror, looking glass. 2 glass. Ang ispÍhu sa iskaparÁti, The glass of the display case. 3 name of one of the dragons (drÁgun), the white dragon which has the black outline of a mirror-like design. v [A2N; b6(1)] look at oneself in the mirror. MangispÍhu ÚsÀ ku, I’ll look at myself in the mirror.

ispÍking n 1 the act of proposing to a girl (colloquial). 2 line handed to convince s.o. v [A; c] 1 propose to a girl (colloquial). SÍgi lag bisÍta, wÀ pa giyud makaispÍking, He keeps visiting her but he hasn’t proposed. 2 hand s.o. a line. GiispikÍngan nÍya ang Íyang NÁnay arun hatÁgan siyag kwarta, He handed his mother a line so that she would give him money.

ispÍkir1 n loudspeaker. v [b6] use, put in a loudspeaker.

ispÍkir2 n Speaker of the House, the presiding officer of the House of Representatives. gist — guest speaker. v [B16; a12] be, become the speaker.

ispiksiyun = inspiksiyun.

ispÍling n spelling. v 1 [A; a12] spell a word. IspilÍnga ang Ímung ngÁlan, Spell your name. 2 [A12; a12] make s.t. out, explain s.t. to oneself. Lisud giyud ispilÍngun unsay Íyang nagustuan Ánang karÁang kwanggul, I can’t understand what he sees in that old coot. 3 explain, describe in words. DÍlÌ maispÍling ang nÁwung nÍya pag-ingkib nÍya sa aslum nga mangga, You can’t imagine what she looked like when she bit into the sour mango.

ispÍr n spare in bowling, the act of knocking down all the pins with two consecutive balls; a score so made. v [AB6; c1] make a spare in bowling, for a throw to be a spare.

ispiragus = asparagus.

ispiraltima = ispÍra ultima.

*ispiransa may, walay — 1 for there to be a (no) possibility or probability that s.t. desirable happen. WÀ ka nay ispiransa Ánang bayhÁna, You haven’t got a chance with that girl. DÚna pay ispiransa nga mabÚhÌ ang bÁtÀ, There is still hope that the child will survive. 2 way — hopelessly bad. Way ispiransa nÀ siyag nÁwung, She’s hopelessly ugly. Way ispiransa ang Ági, Your work is hopeless.

ispÍra ultima n a flowering plant cultivated for both ornamental and medicinal purposes: Chrysanthemum sinense.

*ispÍrit — ab amunya n k.o. liquid used like smelling salts. — ub di glas n a method of contacting the souls of the departed with a medium using a glass. v [A; a12] hold such a session.

ispiritista n 1 medium in a sÉance. 2 one who believes in spiritualism. v [B1; a12] become a spiritualist.

ispiritu n 1 spirit, human soul. — malignu soul, in folk belief, that roams over the face of the earth doing penance. — santu n Holy Ghost. 2 spirit, volatile substances. — dilimun lemon oil. ispirituhÁnun a spiritual. Ang pangalÁwat usa ka ispirituhÁnung bangkÍti, Communion is a spiritual feast. †

ispirma n 1 paraffin. 2 paraffin candles. v [A; b6(1)] rub paraffin on the floor. IspirmÁhi nÀ arun musÍnaw, Rub floor wax on the floor so that it shines.

ispisiyal a 1 special, particularly good. LutÚan nÍyag sud-an nga ispisiyal ang Íyang bisÍta, She will fix special food for her guests. 2 especial, out of the ordinary. v 1 [APB12; c1] be, become special, particularly good. 2 [A; c1] do s.t. special, out of the ordinary. Ispisyalun (iispisiyal) ta kag tawag, I’ll mention your name especially, apart from the others. 2a [A] do a particular dance at a ball where only certain people are invited to dance. Mag-ispisiyal run ug bayli, pÁra sa mga upisyÁlis, The next number is a special number for the officers only. — dilibiri n special delivery. v [A13; c6] send s.t. special delivery. †

ispÍsu a 1 for liquids to be thick, of great density. IspÍsu kaÁyung sikwÁti kay gidaghan nÍyag tablÍya, The chocolate drink is thick because he put lots of chocolate on it. 2 for colors to be intense as if thickly laid on. IspÍsu kaÁyu ang kaitum sa balhÍbu sa Ákung iring, My cat’s hair is a deep black. 3 — nga [noun] a diehard, fanatic follower or believer of. IspÍsu giyud nang Katuliku, He is a devout Catholic. IspÍsung Usminyista, Diehard follower of OsmeÑa. 4 in phrases: — ug apdu brave (lit. having thick bile). — ug dugÙ a having guts. b heartless, merciless. — ug hambug laying bragging on thick. v [AB; c1] for liquids to become thick, cause them to do so. MuispÍsu (maispÍsu) ang sabaw ug butangag Úbi, The soup will become thick if you add yams.

ispisyalista n specialist, esp. a doctor. Ang buta nagpahiling sa usa ka ispisyalista sa mata, The blind man consulted an eye specialist. v [B16; a2] 1 be, become a specialist. 2 [A3; c6] specialize in a particular field of medicine.

ispÍya n 1 spy, secret agent. 2 one who spies on others. v [AN; b] 1 spy, spy on s.o. GiispiyÁhan na ku sa Ákung asÁwa, kay nagdÚda, My wife is spying on me because she has suspicions. 2 [B16; a12] be, become a spy.

isplikar v 1 [A; c] explain. 2 [A; b] state one’s purpose, esp. proposing marriage. WÀ ku kaisplikar nÍya kay dihÀ man si MÁma nÍya sÍgi, I couldn’t broach the question because her mother never left us a minute. 3 give s.o. a line to convince him. n 1 explanation. 2 a line handed to s.o. WÀ ku madÁ sa isplikar sa ahinti, I wasn’t taken in by the salesman’s line. isplikasiyun = isplikar, n. isplikÁtut n explanation, excuse one isn’t inclined to believe (colloquial). Ay na lang ku Ánang Ímung isplikÁtut. DÌ ku mutÚu ÁnÀ, Don’t hand me that line again. I don’t believe it.

isplit1 a palsy-walsy, very close friends (colloquial). Napildi ku sa madyung kay isplit ang Ákung mga kuntra, I lost in mahjong because my co-players were palsy-walsy. Makasulud ta kay isplit nÁtÙ ang gwardiya, We can get in because the guard is our man. v [A2C1; ac5] be on palsy-walsy terms. Nagkaisplit sila kay parÍhug balhÍbu, They became palsy-walsy because they’re birds of a feather. Lisud isplitun (ikaisplit) nÀ siya, It’s difficult to get on palsy-walsy terms with him.

isplit2 n extra piece which the dealer in mahjong gets as a privilege. He starts the game by discarding a piece without drawing another.

isprÍ v [A; b6(1)] spray. IsprÍhi ang rÚsas, Spray the roses. — nit hair spray. v [A; b6(1)] spray the hair.

ispringpild n Springfield rifle.

ispuksib n spokeshave, a tool for trimming and smoothing rounded surfaces. v [A; b6(1)] use a spokeshave.

ispÚku 1 -y, nga can you imagine that! IspÚku muy (mung) mupalit ug kadilak nga way muinstulmin, Imagine! He bought a Cadillac with no installments. Nagdawat ug kinyintus unyÀ mugastug sitisintus, ispÚku mu nÀ? He receives five hundred and spends seven hundred. Can you beat that? 2 — ug imagine what would happen if. IspÚku ug tabangan kag tulu. WÀ kay dalag-an, Imagine if three people were to gang up on you at once. You wouldn’t have a chance.

ispungha n 1 sponge or sponge-like substance. 2 powder puff.

ispunghar v [A2; c6] 1 for odors to rise. Muispunghar giyud ang bÁhÙ sa kasilyas, The toilet exudes a terrible odor. 2 for volatile substances to evaporate. Miispunghar ang agwa kay wÀ tabÚni, The perfume evaporated because no one covered it. ispunghÁdu, ispunghÁwu a for s.t. to have given off its volatile constituent. WÀ na kaÁyuy bÁhÙ ang agwa. IspunghÁwu na man, The perfume doesn’t have much odor any more because it weakened from evaporation.

ispunghÁwu a for hair to be wavy and soft. Nindut ning ispunghÁwu tag buhuk kay dÌ na lang kinahanglan ang pagpakulung, It’s nice to have soft and wavy hair, because we don’t need to have permanents. v [B12; b6] for hair to be, become soft and wavy.

ispunsur n 1 sponsor of a program or social affair. 2 the girl escort (muse) who accompanies a man in official functions. 3 one who sponsors an immigrant abroad. v 1 [A; b(1)] sponsor s.t. 2 [AB16; c16] take as one’s muse, become a muse. 3 [A; b6(1)] act as sponsor for an immigrant abroad. †

ispurt1 a 1 good sport or sportsmanlike. Ispurt giyud tu si KusÁka kay bÍsag pildi, mapahiyÚmun lang gihÁpun, Kosaka was a good sport, for even if he lost, he was still all smiles. 2 fight that is fought on the basis that there should be no bad feelings. v [B1; b6] 1 be, become a good sport or sportsmanlike. Kung mag-ispurt lang ang tÁwu wÀ giyuy gubut, If a man fights fairly there won’t be any trouble. 2 hold a fight on condition that no one have hard feelings.

ispurt2 = ispÚting.

ispurts kar n sports car. v 1 [A13C12] travel, go by sports car. 2 [A12] get a sports car.

ispÚsa n wife. v 1 [B126] be, become a wife. Kung naispÚsa pa kang Markus, kanindut kahÀ nu? If you had become Marcos’ wife, it would have been nice, wouldn’t it? 2 [A12] happen to have as a wife. Naka-ispÚsa kug bagÌbian, I got a nag for a wife.

ispÚsu n husband. v see ispÚsa.

ispÚting a smartly dressed, dressed up. MamisÍta tingÁli si Usting kay ispÚting man, Maybe Osting is paying his girl a visit, for he is dressed up. v [B3; b6] get all dressed up.

ispÚwil v [A; a] spoil a child. IspuwÍlun man nÍmu ang bÁtÀ, ayg hatÁgig kwarta pirmi, You are spoiling the child. Don’t constantly give him money. -d a for a child to be spoiled. v = ispÚwil.

IsraylÍtas n Israelites.

ist = isti2.

istabiyin expression indicating approval: fine, good.

istablisar v [A; a] found, establish s.t. Muistablisar kug kaugalÍngung nigusyu ug makagraduwar na ku, I’ll establish my own business when I graduate. istablisimintu n business establishment.

istadista n statesman. Si KlÁru Riktu mauy usa sa mga bantÚgang istadista sa PilipÍnas, Claro Recto is one of the famous statesmen of the Philippines.

istÁdiyum n stadium.

istÁdu n 1 situation. Ang istÁdu mau ni: pagsulud nÁkÙ sa lawak dihay babÁyi nga naghigdÀ sa katri, The situation was this: when I entered the room there was a woman lying on the bed. 2 state, condition s.t. is in. Pag-abut nÁkÙ nagkayamÚkat na ang istÁdu sa mga mwiblis, When I arrived, the furniture was in a state of disarray. WÀ na sa istÁdu ang Ákung Ámu, My master is acting strangely. 2a civil status. Unsay Ímung istÁdu, minyÙ u ulitÁwu? What’s your civil status, married or single? 3 married, settled, and thus not free to run around. NgÁnung mangulitÁwu pa man ka nga istÁdu na man ka? Why do you run after women when you are married?

IstÁdus UnÍdus n United States.

istÁk n 1 stock merchandise on hand. 2 stocks in a corporation. v [A; b6(1)] stock up on s.t., stock s.t. with. IstÁkan nÍyag mga linata ang Íyang tindÁhan, She will stock her store with canned goods. — huldir n stockholder. v [B16; a12] be, become a stockholder. uld — old stock, leftover merchandise. Mga uld istÁk ang bulad Ímung gipalit, You bought old, leftover dried fish.

istÁka n stake or peg to hold s.t. v [A; a2] make, drive or use a stake. 2 [A; a] arrange stones in a pile for some purpose. Dagkung batu ang giistÁka sa mananagat sa Íyang balirung, The fisherman piled up big stones to make his fish trap. MaÁyung istakÁhan ang bakilid arun dÍlÌ ibanlas ang yÚtÀ, We should pile stones on the sloping land so that the soil will not be washed away.

istak-ap v [B23(1)] become stuck, plugged up. Naistak-ap ang tÚbu sa labÁbu, The drainpipe in the sink got plugged up.

istÁking, istÁkings n 1 stockings. 2 condom. v [A; b6(1)] wear stockings, a condom.

Ístakul 1 a word used to heighten the suspense, said while performing some suspenseful action. ÁkÙ nang bunÚtun paghÍnay ang barÁha. Ístakul! I’ll take the card out slowly. Here goes! 2 particle used after giving a series of commands: fine, that’s good now. Atras pa, diyÚtay na lang. Ístakul! Back it up some more, a little more. O.K., fine.

istalar = instalar.

istalasiyun = instalasiyun. see instalar.

istambay 1 one standing by waiting for business or work. Daghang mga istambay nga trÁk didtu sa pÍr nga paabangan, There’s lots of trucks sitting at the pier to rent. 2 one who has nothing to do and hangs around s.w. 3 out of service. Istambay ÚsÀ ang trÁk kay way pÍsa, The bus is out of commission now because it’s lacking a part. v [A; b(1)] 1 stand-by for business or work. 2 hang around. 2a [B16; a] become an idle loafer. 3 [A4; c] for a machine to be out of service. -an(?) n place loafers hang out.

istampa1 n religious picture, usually colored and framed.

istampa2 n patched, torn clothing. v [c] torn clothes.

istampar v [A; b6(1)] put a notice or picture up in a conspicuous place. Ayawg istampahi (istampari) nang bungbung ug law-ayng litrÁtu, Don’t put dirty pictures on that wall. Mga ngÁlan sa kaslunun mauy giistampar sa bulitin burd, The names of the couples planning to get married are posted on the bulletin board.

istampÍta n small religious picture, usually colored.

istan n stand to hold s.t.

istanbay = istambay.

istandar, istandard n k.o. small kerosene lamp with a metal body and tall with a glass chimney, similar to a hurricane lamp. v [A13] use this type of kerosene lamp.

istandarti n religious standard or emblem consisting of an image painted on a pennant or piece of wood mounted on a pole and used in processions.

istanding1 a having standing room only in theaters. Istanding kaÁyu, wÀ giyud ku kalingkud, It was very crowded. I couldn’t get a seat. v [B6; b6] for a theater to have standing room only.

istanding2 n 1 standing position in sexual intercourse (humorous slang). 2 erection of the penis (slang). v 1 [B256] do s.t. in a standing position. Nag-istanding kung nagkaun kay walÀ na may lingkurÁnan, I ate standing because there were no more seats. 2 [B1256] for penis to be erect (humorous slang).

istansa n stanza of a poem. v [c] write, add a stanza. Ang makapahinuklug nga panÁpus ang iistansa sa katapÚsan, Write a sorrowful ending for your last stanza.

istanti n 1 glass showcase. 2 shelf. v 1 [b6(1)] add a glass showcase or shelf. 2 [c16] put in a showcase or shelf. IstantÍha (iistanti) nang inyung baligyÀ, Put your merchandise inside a showcase.

istanyu n solder of tin and lead.

istÁp1 v [A; a12] receive the serve in volleyball and slow down the impetus to set it up for a return.

istÁp2 n traffic sign ordering a stop. v [B236] for a traffic signal to be red. ManghÚnung ang mga sakyanan ug muistÁp, The vehicles will stop when the light is red.

istÁpa n embezzlement of funds entrusted to one. -dur(?) n embezzler. v [B126] be, become an embezzler of funds.

istapbul n in billiards, the method of shooting the cue ball hitting it near the base, causing it to stop or go backwards upon hitting another ball. v [A2; c1] make one’s shot a stop-ball.

istar v [A; b36] stay, reside in a certain place. Unsay istaran (istahan) nÁtug dÚgay dinhi? Why should we stay here long? MaÁyung istahan ang BanÁwÀ kay dÍlÌ Ínit, It’s good to stay in Banawa because it’s cool.

istar dansir n starring dancer. v [B16; a12] be, become a starring dancer.

istarim n a variety of yautia (bisul) having a reddish-pink rootstock, as opposed to the more common white variety.

istÁring a 1 star in a film. 2 be prominently mentioned or conspicuous in a picture, talk. IstÁring ka man sa wÁli sa pÁrÌ, You were conspicuously mentioned in the priest’s sermon. 3 be conspicuously important or significant in an activity. IstÁring mi sa parti kay kami nangÚlu sa dÚlÀ, We were important persons in the party because we led the games. v [B126] 1 star in a film. 2 be conspicuous. 3 be prominently mentioned, conspicuous in a picture. 4 be an important person in some activity.

istartir n starter of an engine.

istasiyun1 n 1 radio, gas, police station. 2 railroad or bus station (not common usage). -an 1 station for vehicles, gas station. Istasyunan sa gasulÍna, trÁk, Gasoline, bus station. 2 police, radio station (not common usage).

istasiyun2 n station, way of the cross: 14 pictures of Christ’s sufferings placed around the sides of a church for the worshippers to visit. v [A] make the way of the cross, visiting each of the 14 pictures and praying before each one.

istÁtik n 1 static on the radio. 2 hoarseness in the throat when singing. v [B26] 1 for the voice to get hoarse in singing. 2 have static.

istatistika n statistics.

istatÚwa n statue. v [a2] make into a statue. Íyang istatuwÁhun kanang kÁhuy nga Íyang gisugdag silsil, He will make a statue out of that piece of wood.

istÁyil n style of doing s.t. BÍtuls ang istÁyil sa Íyang buhuk, He wears his hair in the Beatles style. Si Ilurdi dÚnay kaugalÍngung istÁyil sa pagbuksing, Elorde has his own boxing style. a stylish in doing s.t. IstÁyil kaÁyug kinantahan si Sami DÍbis dÀ, Sammy Davis has a stylish way of singing. v [c16] make s.t. stylish. MaÁyu giyung istaylun (iistÁyil) nÍmu ang Ímung mga bisti kay batan-un ka pa, You should dress stylishly because you are still young.

istaylis a adopting the latest fads.

isti1 1 expression of pause when speaker can’t think of the right word or is embarrassed. Buy, itÚnul ang kuan, isti, ang piryudiku, Boy, pass the whatchamacallit, umm, the newspaper. 2 expression to correct or take back what one has just said. Si Imil, isti, si LÚkas paanhÍa, Emil, I mean, Lucas, have him come here. paistiisti v [A; b6] put on a pretense of indifference to s.t. one really likes. NgÁnung nagpaistiisti kang gustu ka man diay? Why do you pretend you don’t like it when you really do?

isti2 n the east piece, the name of one of the winds (bintus). 2 the dealer in a mahjong game. 3 the name given to the first round in a mahjong set until all four players have had a chance to be the dealer. It is followed by a second round which is called sur. v 1 [A12; b4] draw an east piece. Giistihan aku ug mau na lay Ákung giwÍting, I drew an east wind and that was what I needed to go mahjong. 2 [B1256] be the dealer in a mahjong game.

istibidur n stevedore. v [B16; c12] be, become a stevedore.

istÍdi n 1 steady girl or boy friend. 2 prostitute one patronizes on a regular basis. v 1 [B12C; a12] be, become sweethearts, go steady. DÚgay na nÀ silang naistÍdi, They have been going steady for a long time. NagkaistÍdi ming LurÍna sa Úna, Lorena and I used to go steady formerly. 2 [A12; b8] get as a sweetheart. WÀ sukad aku makaistÍdi, I have never had a sweetheart.

*istÍgi — santu expression used by an elder for blessing a younger person who has just kissed his hands. The sign of the cross is made at the same time the blessing is given.

istikin ap, istikinap expression uttered when pulling a hold up: ‘Stick ’em up!’ v [A; a] pull a stick-up. SÍging giistikin ap nang tindahÁna, They keep holding that store up.

istÍkir n sticker. v [b6(1)] paste a sticker on s.t.

istilÍtu n stiletto, a small dagger-like instrument used for making holes in cloth to be embroidered. v [c6] use s.t. as a stiletto.

istilmÁting n steel sheets laid on soft ground for vehicles or temporary airstrips. v [A13; b6] surface with steel matting.

istilmit n stalemate in chess. v [B126; c16] come to a stalemate in chess.

istÍlu = istÁyil.

istilwul n steel wool.

istima, istimar1 v [A; a2] take care, look after s.o. DÌ kamaung muistimar sa mga bisÍta, Doesn’t know how to take care of the visitors. IstimÁha ang inyung katigulÁngan, Take care of your old folks.

istimar2 v [A; c1] 1 estimate, calculate. Istimaha (iistimar) kunu ang magastu, Figure out the expenses. 2 treat, consider s.o. as. IstimÁha (iistimar) nga inyung igsÚun ang mga Ílu ninyung ig-Ágaw, Consider your orphaned cousins your own brothers and sisters. n estimate, rough calculation. istimasiyun n 1 estimate. Untup-untup ang Ákung istimasiyun (istimar), My estimate is almost exact. 2 the way one regards s.o. Taas ang Ákung istimasiyun nÍya, I have a high regard for him.

istimit v [A; c1] estimate. MaÁyu muistimit sa gibug-atun sa usa ka butang, He is good at estimating weights. n estimate. Pilay Ímung istimit sa galastÚhan? How much do you estimate it will cost?

istinsil v [A; c16] mark s.t. with a stencil, reproduce s.t. by stencil. n 1 typed stencil, stencil from which a design or lettering is made. 2 design, lettering done by a stencil.

istinugrapir n stenographer. v [B156] be, become a stenographer.

istip n word asked by a player in hopscotch asking whether he had stepped on the line. Istip, nu? Did I step on the line or not?

istipburd n narrow board under the passenger bus running along the chassis on either side between the front and rear wheels, where cargo is placed.

istip-in n open-heeled shoes or slippers for women, with or without high heels. v [AC12; b6(1)] wear step-ins.

istÍping n 1 step in dancing. Lisud kaÁyu ang istÍping sa kinabag-uhang sÁyaw karun, The steps for the latest dance are very complicated. 2 a violation in basketball, making steps not allowed. sayup ang — v [a12] for s.o. to make a mistake in an important move. Nasayup lang ang inyung istÍping ug dÌ mu mudÚul ug pulitiku nga mangaplay ug trabÁhu, It is a wrong move for you to apply for a job without a politician’s help. v [B126; c1] commit the violation of stepping in basketball.

istiplir, istÍpul v [A; b5] fasten with staples. Mas maÁyung Ímung istipÚlun (istipÚlan) ang mga papil arun dÌ magbÚwag, It’s necessary that you staple the pieces of paper together so that they won’t get separated. Lisud na ni buwÁgun ug Ímung istipÚlun (istipÚlan), It will be difficult to get these apart after they have been stapled. n 1 stapler. 2 staples.

istÍril a sterile, incapable of procreation. v [B6] be, become sterile.

istirilÁyis v [A3P; a] sterilize, free from germs.

istiryu n stereo phonograph or tape recorder. — pÚnu n stereo phonograph. a stereophonic in sound reproduction. v 1 [B126; c16] reproduce a sound stereophonically. DÌ maistiryu ang ipiktu ug usa lang ka ispÍkir ang gamÍtun, You don’t get a stereophonic effect if you use only one speaker. 2 [A13] do s.t. with stereo music on. Mag-istiryu giyud nÀ siyag magtuun, He always studies with stereo music on.

Istits n the States, U.S.A. pa- v [A; c] go, bring to the States.

istitsÁyid a 1 coming from the States. Kanang Íyang sapÁtus istitsÁyid, His shoes are imported from the States. 2 a person in the Philippines who originates in the States. 3 being like s.t. American. IstitsÁyid siyag linihukan, She acts like an American. v [B126] be from the States or like s.t. from the States.

istituskup n stethoscope. v [A; b6(1)] use a stethoscope.

istityu n children’s game of freezing or keeping still when the leader shouts istityu. — dans n statue dance, a dance in which the participants freeze every time the music is stopped. v [A1C2; b(1)] play ‘statue’ or do the statue dance.

istranghÍru n 1 a foreigner. Barku nga istranghÍru, A foreign ship. 2 foreign ship. v [B126; b6] be, become a stranger in another land.

istranyu n stranger, newcomer to a place. v [B12] be a stranger to a place. Naistranyu na ku dinhi tungud sa daghang kausÁban, I have become a stranger in this place because of the changes that have taken place here.

istrÁp n strap. v 1 [A; b6(1)] put, fit a strap on. IstrÁpi ang rilu, Put a strap on the watch. 2 [a12] make into a strap.

istrÁyik1 n 1 strike: a in baseball. b the pins in bowling knocked down in one ball, or the score so made. 2 unpleasant allusion made against s.o. v 1 [B126] be, become a strike in baseball or bowling. 1a [A12] make a strike in baseball or bowling. 2 [A2; a12] make unpleasant allusions about s.o. Ug istraykun ku nÍya, dÌ lang ku manumbÁling, If he makes unpleasant allusions about me, I won’t pay any attention.

istrÁyik2 v [A; b3] for students or workers to strike. Giistraykan ang YÚbi sa mga maistra, The teachers at U.V. are striking. n strike of students or workers.

istri n three, esp. three pesos (slang). Manan-aw tag sini, dÚna kuy istri diri, Let’s go and see a movie. I have three pesos here. v [A12] get three pesos.

istribilyu a cross-eyed. v [B; c16] be cross-eyed. Muistribilyu ang iyang panan-aw ug masukÙ, He becomes cross-eyed when he gets angry.

istrÍbu n 1 stirrup of a saddle or anything one steps on to mount with. 2 running board. v [A; a] attach, make a stirrup, mounting step, or running board.

istribur n starboard of a vessel. v [A; c1] turn to the starboard. Istribura (iistribur) ug diyÚtay arun dÌ ta mabanggÀ, Turn the boat to the right so that we will not collide.

istrikta = istriktu (female).

istriktu a strict in demanding obedience. Istriktu na run ang balÁud sa pagbÁyad sa buhis, The law is very strict about paying your taxes. v [B; a2] be, become strict, do strictly. DÍlÌ istriktÚhun pag-inspiksiyun ang malÍta sa tÁwung kuniktÁdu, They aren’t strict in inspecting baggage which belongs to s.o. with connections.

istrilya n s.t. which has the shape of a star. Istrilyang parul, A star-shaped lantern. -du, -wu eggs fried sunny side up. v [A; a] fry or serve eggs sunny side up.

istrilyÍta n s.t. shaped like a small star.

istrimlayin a streamlined, built without excess corners or structures. v [c1] build s.t. in a streamlined style.

istrit1, istrÍt1 a 1 upright. Istrit kaÁyu nang huwÍsa, dÌ nÀ madÁg bagsak, He’s an upright judge. He doesn’t accept bribes. 2 frank. Istrit ra kaÁyu nang manulting tawhÁna, mahilaw ka lang usÁhay, He’s so frank that sometimes he embarrasses you. 3 fluent in speech. Istrit kaÁyu nang maistrÁhang muininglis. Way kunÙ, That teacher speaks fluent English. She doesn’t stammer. v 1 [A2; b] tell, do frankly. 2 [A; a12] go, walk straight on a road.

istrit2, istrÍt2 n 1 straight blow in boxing. 2 straight in poker. v 1 [A; c] deliver a straight blow. IstrÍti siya arun mutagam, Deliver a straight blow to teach him a lesson. 2 [A12] get a straight hand in poker. 3 [A2; c1] vote a straight ticket. Ayaw istrita (iistrit) pagbutar ang Libiral, Don’t vote straight Liberal. 4 [A2; c1] drink all the contents down without a break.

istrit3, istrÍt3 n street. HÁin tang istrÍta na, What street are we on now?

istritbul a the situation in billiards where the cue ball and the target ball are directly in line to the hole.

istritsabul, istritsibul a stretchable cloth. v [A12; b(1)] wear s.t. of stretchable cloth.

istritsir n stretcher. v [c1] carry s.o. on a stretcher.

istrÚ n 1 straw used in weaving. — bag bag made of straw. 2 straw to drink through. v [A; b5] drink with a straw.

istrubÍri n strawberry.

istrÚk n good way of doing a particular thing, esp. unusual or unconventional. LahÌ sab siyag istrÚk mangumidiya kay dÌ mukatÁwa, He tells jokes in an unusual way. He doesn’t laugh. MaÁyug istrÚk siya nga mangÁyug kwarta, He has a smart way of asking for money.

istrÚki = istÚki.

istrÚking = istrÚk.

istruksiyun = instruksiyun.

istrungkar v [A; a12] take apart, disassemble. istrungkadur n screw driver. v [A; a12] use, make into, hit with a screw driver.

istrÚpa n stanza of a sort.

istÚb n gas, electric stove. v [A12] get a stove. gas, iliktrik — gas, electric stove.

istudiyanti n student. v 1 [B16; b(1)] be, become a student. 2 [A1; b26] have as a student. Mag-istudiyanti gÁnÌ kag tarung, hayÁhay kaÁyung dad-un ang klÁsi, If you have good students, it is no problem to handle the class.

istudiyu1 n 1 artist’s or photographer’s studio. 2 motion picture studio. 3 broadcasting studio. v [A13; a] make, make into a studio.

istudiyu2 v [A; b(1)] 1 study s.t. GiistudiyÚhan pa sa duktur ang Íyang sakit, The doctors are studying his disease. 2 take a certain course. LÚ ang Íyang giistudiyÚhan, He’s taking up law.

istukÁda v [A12C; a2] fence or make motions like fencing. Miibut siya sa Íyang sundang ug miistukÁdang nagpaninggit, He pulled out his sword and raised it in the air shouting.

istÚki v [B12C; b3c15] have a heated argument, make an argument heated. MaistÚki giyud nÀ madÚgay ang Ílang isturya, I bet their conversation is going to end up in an argument. n heated argument.

istula n stole worn by a priest. v [A; c6] use, wear a stole.

istumagu n stomach viewed medically or physiologically. Ang istumagu sa bÁka duhay hut-ung, A cow’s stomach has two chambers. PagkÁung makadÁut sa istumagu, Food which can ruin the stomach.

istÚpa v [A; c] stuff s.t. into seams to make them watertight. n material stuffed into seams to make them watertight.

istupÁdu n 1 k.o. dish made of thinly sliced meat stewed and served with gravy. 2 food with a filling. IstupÁdung pÁn, Bread with a meat filling. — nga lansang n dried anchovies (humorous). v [A; a] have istupÁdu.

istupida = istupidu (female).

istupidu a stupid, doing stupid things. Istupidu! NgÁnung gipainum man nÍmug gÁtas nga bahÙ ang bÁtÀ? Stupid! Why did you give the child spoiled milk to drink? v [B12; b6] be, become stupid.

isturbu n 1 nuisance, bother. Isturbu kaÁyu ning batÁa sa Ákung pagsuwat, This child is a terrible nuisance to me while I’m writing. 2 public disturbance. v [A3P; a1] make a nuisance or public disturbance. Siyay miisturbu sa bayli, He created a disturbance at the benefit dance. Ayawg isturbuha (isturbÚha) si Istir kay natÚlug, Don’t disturb Esther. She is asleep.

isturya v 1 [A; c] tell a story. Iisturya didtu sa kurti ang tinÚud nga nahitabÙ, Tell the court what really happened. 1a tell s.t. untrue. Ayaw kug isturyÁhi! Don’t tell me! 1b tell s.o. about s.t. Ayawg iisturya ning sikritÚha, Don’t tell the secret. 2 [A2C; bc3] converse, talk to s.o. Unsay inyung gipanag-isturyÁhan? What are you discussing? Kinsa tung Ímung gikaisturya? Who were you conversing with? 3 [C1; a12] talk s.t. out with s.o. to reach an understanding. Nagkaisturya na mi ug ang Ákung trÁtu, ug nagkaÚlÌ na mi, I have already talked it out with my girl, and we’re on good terms again. Mas maÁyung inyu nang isturyÁhun arun dÌ mu magdinumtanay, You should thrash out your differences so that you won’t end up hating each other. n 1 story. Daghan siyag isturya bÁhin sa gÚbat, He has lots of war stories to tell. 1a plot of a story. Unsay isturya sa sini? What was the movie about? 1b s.t. told. MutÚu ka ba sa isturya nÍyang namatay ang prisidinti? Do you believe his story that the president died? 2 conversation. Taas kaÁyu inyung isturya sa tilipunu, Your telephone conversation lasted a long time. 3 talk, useless talk. Daghan nÍmug isturya. BuhÁta lang nÀ, You talk too much. Just go ahead and do it. isturyahÁnay, isturyahay v [C] converse, tell each other stories. -dur(?) a 1 fond of telling stories. 2 fond of engaging in conversation. Hilumun nÀ. DÌ kaÁyu isturyadur, He’s a silent sort. He doesn’t like to talk very much. v [B12; b6] become a good conversationalist.

*istiyÚdint wurking — n student working his way through school.

isud, isug = irug, v 1.

Ísug a 1 brave, full of guts. Ísug kaÁyu si DyÚ kay dÌ mahadluk muatubang ug mikrupunu, Joe is full of guts. He doesn’t hesitate to get up before the microphone. 2 quick to anger, getting fuming mad at the slightest provocation. Pagmatngun sa Ímung trabÁhu kay Ísug ra ba kaÁyu ang manidyir, Be careful with your work, for the manager is short-tempered. 3 fierce. Ísug ang irÙ. DÌ mudÁgan, It is a mean dog. He won’t run away. 4 strong in odor, taste, etc. Ísug tabak-un ang SÁlim, Salems are strong cigarettes. — ug dugÙ 1 having highly smelly blood in menstruation. 2 having characteristics that tend to be inherited. Ísug ug dugÙ nang rasÁha. MaÁyung paliwatan, That breed has characteristics which tend to appear in the children. It would be good to use for breeding stock. v 1 [B12; c1] be, become brave. Unsang tambÁla ang makaÍsug (makapaÍsug) sa manuk, What medicine can make a fighting cock brave? 2 [B2; b6] be, become quick to get angry. 3 [B] get fierce. 4 [B2; c1] for a smell, taste to get strong. (?) v [A13N] be in a bad mood, continuously angry. Nag-isug (nagpangisug) siya kay dakug pildi sa tÁrÌ, He’s in a bad mood because he lost heavily in the cockfight. paN- v [A; b(1)] 1 be fuming mad. Ug mangÍsug na gÁnÌ ang maistra, mahÍlum dÁyun ang klÁsi, Once the teacher starts to bark, the class becomes quiet. 2 for meteorological phenomena to be violent. Gihampak sa nangÍsug nga balud, Beaten by the violent waves. 3 for the penis to erect. NangÍsug ang Íyang buhÌ sa dihang nakakitag pÁa, His penis grew erect when he saw a woman’s thigh. 4 insist, strive hard to do s.t. Ug wÀ pa giyud ku mangÍsug nga muuban, dÌ untÀ ku makaanhi, Had I not insisted on coming along, I wouldn’t have gotten here. ÁkÙ gayung pangisgan nga magmalampÚsun aku sa Ákung mga gimbuhÁtun, I will strive hard to be successful in my undertakings. papaN- v [a12] get s.o. angry. Papangisgun (papangisÚgun) ku siya, I’ll get his goat. ka- n bravery. 2 nerve to do s.t. May kaÍsug ka pa uruy nga misulti nÁkÙ nga gihigugma mu pa aku, You’ve got a nerve to tell me that you still love me. ma- a very brave, fierce, quick to anger, for a smell to get strong. v [B1456] be strong in spirit, courageous. Kinahanglang magmaÍsug kita sa pagpakig-atÚbang sa matÚud, Let us be brave enough to face reality. ma-un a 1 in a brave, courageous way. MaisÚgun siyang miasdang sa mga kaÁway, He faced his enemies courageously. 2 in an angry way. MaisÚgun siyang namÚlung, He spoke angrily.

Ísul1 v [A; cP] move backwards without turning around. IÍsul (ipaÍsul) ang trÁk ngadtus iskÍna, Back the truck up to the corner. n the triangular structure of a fowl or bird from which the tail feathers grow. (?) = Ísul1, n.

Ísul2 = irug, v1.

iswag = irug, v1.

iswid = giswid.

iswim1 n k.o. dance characterized by motions similar to swimming. v [A] dance this dance.

iswim2 [A12] drink, esp. in a spree (slang). Nakaiswim tingÁli si RupÍnu kay puwa man ang tÁpay, Rufino must have drunk again because his ears are red.

iswis exclamation expressing that s.t. has been put in just the right place. Iruga pa. Hustu na. Iswis, Move it a bit. Enough. That’s it.

isyu1 v [A; b] issue a license, permit, or the like. GiisyÚhan ka na ba ug bag-ung lisinsiya? Have you been issued a new license?

isyu2 n 1 issue of a periodical. 2 political issue. v [B126; c1] be, become a political issue. NgÁnung isyuhun (iisyu) pa man giyud sa kaatbang ang kamahal sa palalitun? Why does the opposite camp have to make a political issue of the high cost of living?

Íta1 short for tagÁi ta. please give me some.

Íta2, itÀ = ayta1.

itad-itad v [AB26; a] stretch s.t. to make it go a long way, for s.t. to be stretched out. Muitad-itad ang kwarta ug buut giyud, If you really want to make the money stretch, you can. Itad-itarun nÁmÙ ang bugas kun dÚna miy kamÚti, We will make the rice go further if we have sweet potatoes.

itay n Father.

itbi n 8-B, a recently introduced variety of rice.

itgam = igtam.

iti v [B2; b6] 1 dry up, evaporate to dryness. Muiti (maiti) na sad ang mga sapÀ ning inÍta, The rivers will dry up again in this heat. Giithan (hiithan) ang linung-ag kamÚti, The water in the cooked sweet potatoes has boiled away. 2 for s.t. that is prepared by evaporation to come out powdery and not good. Muiti ang sabun ug palabian sa sÍga, Soap turns into powder if the flame is too high. 3 [AN; b6(1)] for fowls and birds to excrete their bodily wastes. BugÁwa ang manuk dihÀ sa hawanan kay tingÁlig mangiti (muiti), Shoo the chickens out of the living room because they will make a mess. hunsuy nga mu- ug mani n small caliber firearm (lit. tobacco pipe that excretes peanuts—slang). 4 [b4] get inside a woman, esp. in an extra-marital affair (slang). n 1 what results when the process of boiling off is not properly done. 2 excrement of birds, fowl, lizards, crabs. 3 — ug langgam k.o. sweet potato with white-colored flesh and red skin.

Íti eighty (usually said of scores, grades). v [A12; c1] get eighty, make s.t. eighty. Ug makaÍti ka, pasar ka, If you get an eighty, you pass. Kinahanglan nga itÍhun nÍmu ang Ímung grÁdu, You must get a grade of eighty.

itÌ n term of address for a male much younger than the speaker.

itiÍti v [A; b] run at a slow pace with short steps. Mag-itiÍti na lang ku kay kÁpuy na ikusug ug dÁgan, I will just trot because I’m too tired to run fast.

Ítik1 n 1 white duck. 2 pimp (slang). v [B16; a2] be, become a pimp. paN- v [A2] work as a pimp. -an(?) n duck farm. v [A1C12; c6] raise ducks. itik-itik n 1 name of a folk dance characterized by an imitation of the movements of a duck. The dancers wear balintawak costumes. 2 k.o. ornamental vine: Aristolochia elegans. v [AC12] dance the itik-itik.

*Ítik2 pa- n a game of chance where a coin is spun and covered with a cup or s.t. similar and players bet on heads or tails.

itikÍta n tailor’s tag sewn into the article. v [A; b6(1)] sew or put a tailor’s tag on s.t.

Ítip v [A; c1] clip, crop s.t. very close. MuÍtip kaÁyug putul ang lunmÚwir sa sagbut, The lawn mower cuts the grass very short. Kinsa kahay nag-Ítip ug gunting ning kuku sa bÁtÀ? Who cut the baby’s fingernails so short? ItÍpun (iÍtip) ba nÁtÙ pagputul ang mga sanga sa kamunggay? Shall we cut these kamunggay branches very short? a cropped short.

Ítir n ether.

itirinaryu n itinerary.

itlib v [AN; a2] 1 bite gently with the front teeth. Miitlib (nangitlib) siya sa Íyang ngÁbil arun dÍlÌ mahikatawa, He just bit his lips to keep from laughing. 2 nibble at. ItlÍbun lang sa isdÀ ang paun apan dÍlÌ ang tagÀ, The fish just nibbles at the bait but not the hook. — ug asin v [A13] be so hard up as to have barely anything to eat (lit. bite salt). Nag-itlib mig asin sa kapait pagkapapha sa Ákung bÁna, We can barely eat now since my husband got fired.

itlug n 1 egg. 2 testicles. putÌ ug, ang — cowardly. v 1 [AN; b6(1)] lay an egg. Muitlug (mangitlug) na tingÁli ang himungÁan, The hen is probably going to lay eggs. 2 [A13C13] serve, eat eggs. Mag-itlug lang ta sa pamÁhaw, Let’s just have eggs for breakfast. 3 [a12] hit in the testicles. NikÚum si KusÁka kay naitlug, Kosaka doubled up in pain because he was hit in the testicles. paN- n laying of eggs. Ang mga manuk nga Íyang gipamalit Álang sa pangitlug, The hens he bought are for laying eggs. -Ánan n nesting place. -in- a 1 egg-shaped. 2 yellow in color.

itnib (from binti) n twenty (slang).

itsa v 1 [c] throw, toss s.t. towards; be thrown off from a position due to impact. Didtu siya mag-itsa sa Íyang lÁya sa may lawumlawum, He cast his net in the deep part of the sea. Naitsa sa layÙ ang tÁwu dihang mibutu ang mÍna, The man was thrown a long way when the mine exploded. Iitsa ra ngari nÁkÙ ang Ákung kÁwÙ, Toss me my hat. 2 [A; b6(1)] shoot the ball in basketball. Tagsa ray sipyat ug siyay muitsa, He rarely misses when he shoots the ball. — ug tualya v [A; b6(1)] in boxing, throw the towel to a boxer to signify surrender. ItsÁhi nag tualya ang Ímung buksidur kay gihÍmu na lang nang pantsing bag, Toss your boxer a towel. He is being turned into a punching bag. — puyra v [A; c1] remove s.o. from a job, position, dwelling without ceremony. Itsa puyrÁhun (iitsa puyra) nÁtÙ nang mga iskuwÁtir, Let’s kick those squatters out. — sa kÁlÙ throw one’s hat in the ring, enter a political race. itsaitsa n shooting of the ball into the basket for fun and practice. v [A; c] do some practice shooting in basketball.

itsar v 1 [A123P; b] cause to move the bowels. Giitsaran (giitsahan) siyag dalÌ sa purga, The purgative caused her to have a B.M. in no time. 2 [A13; a4] have loose bowel movements. Nag-itsar (giitsar) ang bÁtÀ, Her child has loose B.M. 3 excrete s.t. from the body. Miitsar ang Íyang dugÙ pag-alsa nÍyag bug-at, She had a profuse discharge of menstrual blood when she lifted s.t. heavy. DÚgay kang itsahan (itsÁhan) ug mugÁmit kag ritardiks, It will take you a long time to come if you use retardex.

itsas1 = hitsu.

itsas2 a one who has completed the fixed number of points for winning in pool billiards. v [B23(1)6; a2] wrap up the game in pool.

itsay n 1 mistress. 2 girl friend. v [A2; a12] keep a mistress.

itsiban n medicinal plaster applied to sore places (from the brand name Itchiban).

itsu diritsu = hitsu diritsu. see hitsu.

itsus v [AC; a2] have sexual intercourse (slang). Nag-itsus ang managtrÁtu sa sulud sa mutil, The two sweethearts made love in the motel.

itsuy n 1 male lover. 2 chum, buddy (slang). Short form: tsuy. Itsuy, padagkÚta ku, Let me have a light, pal. 2a term of address between intimate male friends. Ása ka, tsuy, Where are you going, pal? v [A; c16] have a male lover.

Ítu n general name for catfish. itÚhun a coloration of chicken feathers, variety of a talisÁyun or lambuhun type: dark green feathers interspersed with black or grey feathers, esp. on the breast.

Ítuk v [A23; a1b3] 1 provoke s.o., make s.o. angry. NaÍtuk ang bÁna kay dugayan mag-Ílis ang asÁwa, The husband was irritated because his wife took so long to get dressed. Hikaiktan (giitÚkan) ku sa Ákung inahan kay dÚgay kung mipaÚlÌ, My mother got angry at me because I came home late. 2 stimulate interest in s.t. ItÚkun ku siya sa pagpanulat, I’ll stimulate his interest in writing. ka- n anger. ma-un a done with annoyance.

itum a black. — ug dÍlÀ a having a black spot on the tongue, a sign that a person is a buyÁgan. — ug kasingkÁsing, tanlag cruel, heartless. Way kalÚuy ang itum ug tanlag, The heartless fellow has no mercy. v [AB; a] become black, make s.t. black. Akuy miitum sa sapÁtus mung putÌ, I dyed your white shoes black. Muitum (maitum) ang Ímung Úban ug Ímung tinÁun, Your grey hair will turn black if you dye it. (?) v [B14] be very black. Nag-Ítum na lang ang Ákung buktun sa mga bun-ug, My arms were black with bruises. itman n k.o. large, black, fresh-water shrimp. -un a somewhat dark or black-colored. DÌ siya angayang magsul-ub ug pula kay itumun, She doesn’t look good in red because she is dark-complexioned.

it-un a intelligent. Ang bÁtang it-un dalÌ rang musabut, An intelligent child easily understands. v [B12] become intelligent.

*Ítung pa- v [A; b6] 1 stay put and do nothing when told to do s.t. or when there is a clear need. NagpaÍtung nÀ siya bÍsan ug walay tÚbig ilung-ag, He just sits there doing nothing even though there is no water to cook with. 2 endure s.t. without moving. NagpaÍtung sila sa katugnaw nga nagpaÁbut sa trÁk, They sat around shivering waiting for the bus.

Ítus v [A; a] evaporate or boil off liquid from a mixture until it reaches a certain consistency. ItÚsun nÁkÙ ang arnÍbal arun maispÍsu, I’ll boil the syrup so that it will become thick. -an(?) n evaporating dish.

itus-Ítus v [A; a12] bear intense hardships or sorrow alone. Masakit ka ug muitus-Ítus lang ka sa Ímung kaguul, You’ll get sick if you bear your sorrow in silence. Itus-itÚsun nÁmÙ ang kalisud arun mu makatunghÀ, We will go through hardships so that you can have an education.

Ítut v [AC; a12] have sexual intercourse (coarse slang). ItÚtun nÍya ang Ílang binatunan, He will screw their maid.

ituy n puppy, kid of goats, baby of monkeys and some other animals. ituy-Ítuy v [AP; b(1)] kowtow to, behave obsequiously to. Muituy-Ítuy (mupaituy-Ítuy) siya sa mayur arun hatÁgag pabur, He will fawn on the mayor to get a favor. Nagpaituy-Ítuy siya sa dalÁgang Íyang gihalÁran, He fawned on the lady he courted. Ituy-itÚyi (paituy-itÚyi) ang Ímung Ámu ug gustu kang umintÚhan, Serve your boss obsequiously if you want to be promoted. n 1 young of a squash, esp. the climbing variety. 2 shill, one employed in gambling to act as a customer and attract bettors to the game. 3 one who kowtows.

Íwa n wet nurse. v [A; c1] act as a wet nurse, be made wet nurse. NakaÍwa kug bÁtang hilak, I have nursed a baby that tends to cry.

iwad = igwad.

Íwag v [AN; b] illuminate with a moveable source of light. IwÁgi sa ispat ang dan nga Ímung agian, Light your way with a flashlight. (?) n 1 moveable light used to illuminate s.t. 2 light, source of inspiration or guidance. Ang Ákung hinigugma mauy gihÍmÙ kung iwag sa Ákung kinabÚhÌ, My sweetheart is the light of my life. paN- v [A2C12; b(1)] go fishing using a light to attract the fish. -in-an, in-an(?), pinang-an n fish caught using a light.

iwang-Íwang v [A3PB5; b6c1] walk with the legs apart due to pain in the groin or fat legs. Nag-iwang-Íwang siya paglakaw kay may hubag ang Íyang bÚgan, He’s walking with his legs apart because he has a boil in his groin.

iwas, Íwas v [A; b(1)] 1 slip away from, get out of the way. Miiwas siya sa Íyang mga kÚyug nga pulus hubug, He slipped away from his companions who were all drunk. Kun wÀ pa makaiwas, igÙ na untÀ siya, Had he not dodged, he would have been hit. 2 avoid doing s.t. Ubligasiyun nga dÍlÌ maiwasan, Obligations one cannot avoid. 3 [A3] miss a mark. Miiwas ug diyÚtay sa Íyang Úlu ang bala, The bullet missed his head by just a little bit. MiÍwas hinÚun ka sa Ámung pista, You missed our fiesta (came after it).

Íway v [A2; ab2] move out of the way, cause s.t. to do so. MiÍway ang mga tÁwu pag-Ági sa bumbÍru, The people moved aside when the fire truck passed by. Pag-Íway sa pangÁnud, nakÍtÀ ang bÚlan, When the clouds drifted away, you could see the moon. Mga pulis ang miÍway sa mga tÁwu nga nag-ali sa agiÁnan, The police cleared the people who were blocking the route out of the way. IwÁya ang mga kÚgun, Push the saw grass out of the way. — sa kadÁut v [AP; c6] spare s.o. from a mishap or danger. ÁkÙ ta kang iÍway sa kadÁut kay gimahal ta ka, I’ll keep you from danger, for I love you.

iwÍgik v [A2S; b3] for pigs to squeal. MiiwÍgik ang babuy pagkadungug sa hugangkul sa baldi, The pig squealed when it heard the clatter of the pail.

Íwik = iwÍgik.

iwit a last in a race, class, or anything where things are compared. Iwit siya sa klÁsi, He’s the dumbest in the class. v [B126; b] come out last. Naiwit (nangiwit) siya sa banggÀ sa lÁnguy, She came out last in the swimming race. DÍlÌ siya maiwit sa hitsuraay lang, If you consider looks, she doesn’t come out bad (lit. the last). pa- v [A13] allow oneself to be outdone. WÀ siya magpaiwit. Mitindug ug mibayli pud, He did not let himself be outdone. He got up and danced too.

Íya preposed gen. form from siya. Iyang libru, His book. Íyang gibÁsa, He read it. sa -ng lagay, luslus (or any part of the body) strong expression of disbelief (coarse, if a coarse word is used; not coarse, if a mild word is used). MangasÁwa sa Íyang tÚngul, unsay ibuhÌ, Get married, my foot (lit. stomach)! What will they live on? — ra, — ra dÌ manakud phrase uttered when discussing s.t. bad that happened to s.o. to forestall the possibility that it should happen to anyone else. KadakÙ sa Íyang kabahung, Íya ra dÌ manakud, My, what a huge ulcer! God forbid that anyone else should get it. v [a3] be his, hers. MaÍya ni ug Íyang bayran, It will be his if he pays for it. iyaÍya, iyÁhay v [A13] 1 each one did [so-and-so]. Nag-iyÁhay silag panghÍlak pagkadungug sa balitÀ, Each one of them cried upon hearing the news. 2 each do alone for himself. Nag-iyaÍya (nag-iyÁhay) silag lung-ag, Each cooked his own dinner. sig- [A13] each one [does, did] to his own. Nagsig-Íyag pamaÚlÌ ang mga tÁwu dihang nag-ulan, All the people returned to their own homes when it rained. tag- n owner. Siyay tag-Íya sa sini Uryinti, He is the owner of the Oriente theater. v [B1256] 1 become the owner of. Ug siyay matag-Íya sa tindÁhan, wÀ nay mupalit didtu, If he is the owner of the store, nobody will buy there. 2 [A12] have acquired possession. PÁra nakatag-Íya ug usa ka taksi garbÚsu na siya kaÁyu, Just because she acquired a taxi, she has become very haughty. paN- v [A2; b5] own s.t. GastÚsu kaÁyu ning manag-Íya ta ug awtu, It is expensive to own a car. tag-iyÁhan a having an owner. DÍlÌ ni ikabaligyÀ kay tag-iyÁhan na ni, I cannot sell it because s.o. owns it. see also idyaidya, kadaÍya, and kinaÍya.

iyÀ n title or term of address for women, much older than the speaker. v [A; a12] call s.o. by this title. -an n aunt. v [A12; b8] have an aunt. -an sa pag-agÁwan n cousin (of any degree) of one’s father or mother.

iyÁgak v [A2S; b3] 1 for a chicken to squawk in pain. 2 for a child to cry upon being punished. MuiyÁgak ka man lagi ug hibunalan, You’ll cry if I hit you. 3 cry out in pain like a chicken, squawk. n squawking of fowl, cry of a naughty child, or similar sound.

Íyak v [A; b3] chirp, cheep. MuÍyak ang mga pisÙ, The chicks will cheep. n chirping, cheeping.

iyak-iyak n k.o. bird, the barred graybird: Coracina striata.

iyÁsa = iÁsa1.

iyat a 1 snobbish, unwilling to mix with people deemed inferior. Iyat na siya kay naidukar man sa syudad, She is snobbish now because she went to school in the city. 2 choosy, unwilling to take s.t. one deems not up to his class. IyÁta nÍmu uy, dÌ ka man musakay ug parÁda, My, how choosy you are. You won’t ride on a rig. v [B2] become snobbish or choosy and particular.

iyawan = awayan. see Áway.

iyÁwat for s.t. small to be of some use. DÍay diyis iyÁwat na lang ning ikapugung sa gÚtum, Here’s ten cents. Perhaps this might help stave off hunger. DÌ ku ibaligyÀ ning yÚtÀ. IyÁwat ra ni sa Ákung mga anak, I won’t sell this piece of land. It will surely be of use for my children. v [AN; a12] make good use of s.t. one has little of or can only get in limited quantities. Mag-iyÁwat ka sa dÁan mung sapÁtus, Wear your old shoes to economize. IyawÁta ang Ímung panahug tuun, Make good use of your limited time by studying. (?) 1 = iyÁwat. 2 [AN; a12] do s.t. in order to save on s.t. or get s.t. not readily available. MikÚyug siya nÁkÙ kay nangiyawat nga malibri sa plÍti, He came along with me because he could save by having me pay the fare. Miapil siya sa tÍm kay giiyawat ang unipurmi, He joined the team to get a free uniform.

iyÙ n term of address or title for a man much older than the speaker. v [A; a12] call s.o. by this title. IyÙ Hantuy Uncle John, the imaginary character representing the Filipino people (s.t. like the American Uncle Sam). Gituntu si IyÙ Hantuy sa mga pulitiku, Politicians are taking advantage of Uncle John.

*iyukaristiku KunggrÍsu — Eucharistic Congress.

IyurÚpa = urÚpa.

Íyut v [A2SC; a2b2] have sexual intercourse with (avoided word). Ikay nag-iyut sa mÍd? Did you screw the maid? Íyut ta, yuta coarse interjection of disbelief. Yuta! Mu nay Íyang gisulti apan dÌ ku mutÚu, My foot! That’s what he says, but I don’t believe it. pala-(?) a having great appetite for screwing.



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