
The Southeast Asia Program takes particular pleasure in helping to make this Cebuano dictionary available. The language is, of course, of importance in itself, not only because of its wide use in the Philippines, but also because of its value to linguists and historical research.

In addition, we are especially pleased that this dictionary is a joint publication of the Southeast Asia Program and the Linguistic Society of the Philippines. We owe a special debt of gratitude to the Rev. Teodoro Llamzon, S. J., president of the Linguistic Society of the Philippines, for his gracious help and cooperation in attending to the many details involved in such a cooperative venture. We are also grateful to the Asia Foundation, which provided a partial subsidy to make publication possible.

We are confident that Professor Wolff’s research on Cebuano and the compilation of this work, covering a period of eleven years, has resulted in a useful reference work and in an important contribution to our knowledge of Philippine languages and cultures and to linguistics in general.

Robert B. Jones

Ithaca, New York
December, 1971


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