I. Waste not, want not 1
II. Looking for a needle in a haystack 2
III. All’s well that ends well 3
IV. Faint heart never won fair lady 5
V. Truth is stranger than fiction 7
VI. A rose by any other name 10
VII. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing 12
VIII. Two wrongs do not make a right 14
IX. Business is business 16
X. Let sleeping dogs lie 19
XI. It’s never too late to mend 20
XII. Ars longa, vita brevis 24
XIII. Sunt certi denique fines 30
XIV. Heaven helps those that help themselves 35
XV. “You never can tell” 37
XVI. United we stand 41
XVII. Ici-GÎt 44
XVIII. Silence is golden 45
XIX. Look before you leap 48
XX. Liberty, Equality, Fraternity 52
XXI. Quis separabit? 53
XXII. Men, not measures 55
XXIII. You cannot have your cake and eat it 62
XXIV. In vino veritas 66
XXV. Tantae religio 71
XXVI. On entertaining angels unawares 73
XXVII. Tempus fugit 77
XXVIII. You can take a horse to the water 78
XXIX. Half a loaf is better than no bread 80
XXX. In for a penny, in for a pound 84
XXXI. Quantity is better than quality 89
XXXII. Charity begins at home 95
XXXIII. Dis aliter visum 99
XXXIV. Parallel lines do not meet 109
XXXV. Cherchez le juif 111
XXXVI. ????? ??????? 119
XXXVII. E pur si muove 120
XXXVIII. The game and the candle 124
XXXIX. Once bitten twice shy

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