Obvious errors of punctuation and diacritics repaired. The lists of names have not been changed even when they are not in lexicographic order. Hyphen removed: fellow[-]men (pp. 63, 467), land[-]owner (p. 468), law[-]giver (p. 493), re[-]organized (p. 242), re[-]inforced (P. 37), Sabbath[-]day (p. 460), Sharp[-]shooters (p. 215). Hyphen added: co[-]religionists (pp. 445, 446, 454, 536). Both "battlefield" and "battle-field" appear and have not been changed. P. 7: abusing the privilige -> abusing the privilege. P. 13: a succint statement -> a succinct statement. P. 20fn: nothwithstanding -> notwithstanding. P. 32: bids fair to be perpetuatad -> bids fair to be perpetuated. P. 38: April 18, 1871 -> April 18, 1781. P. 42: Commitee on Claims -> Committee on Claims. Pp. 45 (twice), 130, 227, 245, 337: In unit designations, 3rd -> 3d. P. 46: Subsistance and Support -> Subsistence and Support. Pp. 48, 388: aid-de-camp -> aide-de-camp. P. 58: throught the events -> throughout the events. P. 61: generosity ond good breeding -> generosity and good breeding. P. 63: Levy famliy -> Levy family. P. 79: 1st Lieutant George J. Newgarden -> 1st Lieutenant George J. Newgarden. P. 91: cabable of great speed -> capable of great speed. P. 92: Confaderate ports -> Confederate ports. P. 95: especicially as communication -> especially as communication. P. 95: the registed were required -> the registered were required. P. 101: atttribute suited to the soldier -> attribute suited to the soldier. P. 104: businesss of war -> business of war. P. 107 (twice): New Hamshire -> New Hampshire. P. 107: he was addresesd -> he was addressed. P. 107: Shiloh, Tennesee > Shiloh, Tennessee. P. 108: apppointed escort -> appointed escort. P. 115: assigneds to duty -> assigned to duty. P. 120: 1st Artilery -> 1st Artillery. P. 122: 2nd Infantyy -> 2nd Infantry. P. 142: Goldsmith, Geroge -> Goldsmith, George. P. 143: Goldsmith, Beujamin -> Goldsmith, Benjamin. P. 147: Cemtery Hill -> Cemetery Hill. P. 156: Leopold, Wiliam 8th Cavalry -> Leopold, William 8th Cavalry. P. 164: Major Saloman ultimately became Colonel -> Major Salomon ultimately became Colonel. P. 166: Respecfully forwarded -> Respectfully forwarded. P. 166: Lieutenant Colonel Solomon has won the good opinion -> Lieutenant Colonel Salomon has won the good opinion. P. 168: thirteeenth day of March -> thirteenth day of March. P. 177: 86nd Infantry -> 82nd Infantry. P. 185: Lilled at Richmond, Kentucky -> Killed at Richmond, Kentucky. P. 246: Davis, Benjamim -> Davis, Benjamin. P. 299: Weil, Josfph -> Weil, Joseph. P. 322: Klein, Franx 82nd Infantry -> Klein, Frank 82nd Infantry. P. 337: Schwarz, Adodph -> Schwarz, Adolph. P. 367: Rowland, Adolphus Major 5th Cavarlry -> Rowland, Adolphus Major 5th Cavalry. P. 373: Murfreesboro, Tennnessee -> Murfreesboro, Tennessee. P. 374: close of the the war -> close of the war. P. 386: Gains' farm -> Gaines' farm. P. 386: 2nd C2valry -> 2nd Cavalry. P. 424: North Corolina -> North Carolina. P. 428: Ottowa -> Ottawa. P. 428: Mr. Pexiotto was selected as Consul -> Mr. Peixotto was selected as Consul. P. 429: Cincinnatti -> Cincinnati. P. 429: Fort Sumtner -> Fort Sumter. P. 430fn: Eminent Isralites -> Eminent Israelites. P. 432: He never fargot -> He never forgot. P. 432: obstrusive flashing -> obtrusive flashing. P. 436: happy reminisences -> happy reminiscences. P. 448: chronicle the the timely intervention -> chronicle the timely intervention. P. 458: took care to harrass them -> took care to harass them. P. 459: brave resistence -> brave resistance. P. 465: afer his above detailed victory -> after his above detailed victory. P. 468: parly in command of -> partly in command of. P. 469: Nassy himsely -> Nassy himself. P. 473: if his abilities -> of his abilities. P. 473fn: soon in the orginal -> soon in the original. P. 479: the goverment defrayed -> the government defrayed. P. 486fn: liberty and eqality -> liberty and equality. P. 488: public villifications -> public vilifications. P. 490: energies of yonr intellect -> energies of your intellect. P. 491: political enfanchisement -> political enfranchisement. P. 491: Irael's bosom -> Israel's bosom. P. 491: Republicans by virture -> Republicans by virtue. P. 492: family hiearchy -> family hierarchy. P. 494: Jean-Jaques Rousseau -> Jean-Jacques Rousseau. P. 495: trom the head of the State -> from the head of the State. P. 496: administration of jusiice -> administration of justice. P. 498: If thou afflct -> If thou afflict. P. 499: persecution aud oppression -> persecution and oppression. P. 504: class of citizens excells -> class of citizens excels. P. 505: anti-Semic -> anti-Semitic. P. 509: ihe glowing affection -> the glowing affection. P. 511: morality and and sublime virtues -> morality and sublime virtues. P. 512: voicc of greed -> voice of greed. P. 512: Narbornne -> Narbonne. Pp. 527, 531: St. Petersburgh -> St. Petersburg. P. 532: instructon in the Talmud -> instruction in the Talmud. P. 535: wtth the foregoing -> with the foregoing. P. 538: control of Israelities -> control of Israelites. P. 539: Great Britian -> Great Britain. P. 540: representatations by such philanthropists -> representations by such philanthropists. P. 541: respeatedly been manifested -> repeatedly been manifested. P. 541: expicit and minute instructions -> explicit and minute instructions. P. 542: forbids any oppresion -> forbids any oppression. P. 547: Asiastic herdsman -> Asiatic herdsman. P. 547: decendants of the first -> descendants of the first. P. 547: preceeding pages -> preceding pages. P. 551: It would be superflous -> It would be superfluous. P. 552: make it np -> make it up. P. 554: Let us for a momemt -> Let us for a moment. P. 554: pursuaded to study -> persuaded to study. P. 555: steadly employed -> steadily employed. P. 557: been fullfilled -> been fulfilled. P. 560: revelant to our present subject -> relevant to our present subject. P. 561: Baron de Hirsh -> Baron de Hirsch. P. 568: refered to -> referred to. P. 571: Brevet-Brigidier-General -> Brevet-Brigadier-General. P. 572: Loyalty, Sketches ef -> Loyalty, Sketches of. P. 575: named in Introdnction -> named in Introduction. P. 576: Texas .. 382-283 -> Texas ... 384-388. Endpaper for "The Dinner Horn": seperate -> separate. Endpaper for "Around the World": accurracy -> accuracy. Endpaper for "Obra de Rafael Montoro": lujosamenta -> lujosamente. Footnotes [30]-[104] contain extensive quotes in Dutch from H. J. Koenen. _Geschiedenis der Joden in Nederland_. The text reflects the scan, except for the following corrections that were made on the advice of native speakers of the language. Nevertheless, additional errors may remain, either because of errors made by the author in copying from the source, or because of decisions not to change what may be archaic spelling and grammar. [30] dat het den Joden voortan -> dat het den Joden voortaan. [33] on qui rÉcemment y avaient ÉtÉ attirÉs -> ou qui rÉcemment y avaient ÉtÉ attirÉs. [39] eigenschappe -> eigenschappen. [39] ongelookige -> ongelukkige. [39] de Hollanders onstaan -> de Hollanders ontstaan. [42] Frankfort o. M. -> Frankfort a. M. [69] menigvaldige feestdagen -> menigvuldige feestdagen. [72] hij goedvond de nieuw wereld -> hij goedvond de nieuwe wereld. [78] p. 294-495 -> p. 294-295. [78] dat ire opkomende welvaart -> dat die opkomende welvaart. [78] en trachte de rivier Commawine -> en trachtte de rivier Commawine. [81] om up hunne -> om op hunne. [82] dan eenmaal net goed gevolgdan -> dan eenmaal met goed gevolg. [82] een belankrijken post -> een belangrijken post. [85] fierlijke -> sierlijke. [87] standen de Negers -> stonden de Negers. [87] vermoorden hunnen meester -> en vermoorden hunnen meester. [87] zeven-een-veer-tig -> zeven-en-veertig. [87] (three times) Jeder -> Iedere. [87] elk gewapende Neger -> elke gewapende Neger. [89, 93] Kuenen -> Koenen. [89] onvermoeide Israelit -> onvermoeide Israeliet. [89] viertien krijgssgevangenen -> veertien krijgsgevangenen. [89] een hij, door gebrek aan de noodige -> en hij, door gebrek aan de noodige. [89] neemt op zich om terug de keeren -> neemt op zich om terug te keeren. [89] ven deen Raad af te wachten -> van den Raad af te wachten. [90] en nieuw gevaar -> een nieuw gevaar. [93] de blanken zich nog stande -> de blanken zich nog staande. [93] groote dapperheid aan een dag -> groote dapperheid aan den dag. [93] deze wreede barmhartigkeid -> deze wreede barmhartigheid. [102] dinhuldig -> inhuldig. [103] Gezongen door den Erwaarden -> Gezongen door den Eerwaarden. |