Table of Contents.

Dedication v
Editor's Preface vii
Introduction 1-11
Jewish Patriots of the Revolutionary Period
(Introductory) 12-13
A Sketch of Haym Salomon 14-26
Other Jewish Contributors to the Colonial Treasury 26
Incidents Illustrative of American Jewish Patriotism 27-43
Jewish Soldiers in the Continental Armies 44-52
Correspondence between George Washington
and Hebrew Citizens, etc. 53-61
"Exegi Monumentum Aere Perennius" 62-66
Jewish Soldiers in the War of 1812 and the
Mexican War 67-75
United States Regular Army 76-80
United States Navy 81-86
A Page from the Secret History of the Civil
War (Introductory) 87-90
A Remarkable Episode 91-97
Jewish Soldiers in the Civil War (Introductory) 98-105
Medals of Honor 106-108
Families of "Brothers-in-Arms" 109-111
Jewish Staff Officers in the Union Army 112-113
Jewish Staff Officers in the Confederate Army 114-115
Jewish Officers in the Confederate Navy 116
Lists of Jewish Soldiers in the Union and
Confederate Armies during the Civil
War, Classified according to States and
Alphabetically arranged 117-409
Soldiers of the Civil War, Unclassified as
to Commands 410-422
Addenda to Lists of Soldiers 423
Statistical Data


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