
Aboab, Ishac, de Fonseca, 446, 450, 451, 452, 453, 454
Abraham, Lewis, two papers by, 53-66
Accoignes, Moise, 447
Adams, Charles Francis, 91-96
Adams, Hannah, referred to, 462 (note 51)
Adams, Professor Herbert B., paper by, 14-26
Adams, John, 61
Adams, John Quincy, 64
Addenda to Lists of Soldiers, 423
Adler, Dr. Cyrus, referred to, 475 (note 78)
Adler, Rabbi Liebman, 425
Aguilar, Moses Raphael de, 446, 453, 454
Ainsworth, Colonel F. C., referred to, 11
Alabama, List of Jewish Soldiers from, 117-122
Alexander I, of Russia, 533
Alexander II, of Russia, 528, 530, 535, 539, 540
Alexander III, of Russia, 519, 543
Alliance, Jewish, of America, 559, 560
American Committee for Ameliorating the Condition of Russian Refugees, 559, 560
American Party, 552, 553
Antokolski, Russian sculptor, 536
Appel, Alexander M., Sergeant Major, 187
Appleton, William, 63
Arias, Isaac, 465
Arkansas, List of Jewish Soldiers from, 123-124
Argentina, Emigration to, 538, 550
Baltimore Jewish Patriots, 38-40
Bamberger, Dr. Ludwig, 536
Barrios, Don Miguel Levi de, 449, 455, 456
Beaulieu, M. Anatole Leroy, quoted, 515-522
Beecher, Henry Ward, quoted, 439
Belmonte, Benvenida, 464
Benedix, Robert, quoted, 510-511
Benjamin, Judah P., 102
Berndt, Dr. J. D., 440-441
Bismarck, Otto von, quoted, 503

Blaine, James G., letter to John W. Foster, on rights of American Israelites in Russia, 525-527
Bliss, Cornelius N., quoted, 439
Bloom, Nathan, 429
Blumenberg, Leopold, Brevet Brigadier-General, 199-200
Brackenridge, H. M., quoted, 67 (note)
Brewster, Hon. F. Carroll, quoted, 506
Brito, Abraham de, 465
Bromet, H. L., 460
Brothers-in arms, 109-111
Cohen (6), North Carolina, 109
Jonas (5), Mississippi and Illinois, 109
Moses (5), South Carolina, 109
Moses (4), Georgia, 110
Cohen (3), Arkansas, 110
Goldsmith (3), Georgia and South Carolina, 110
Levy (3), Virginia, 110
Moses (3), Alabama, 110
Wenk (5), New York, 111
Feder (3), New York, 111
Levy (4), New York, 111
Emanuel (3), Pennsylvania, 111
Koch (3), Ohio, 111
Bryant, William Cullen, quoted, 509-510
Bunker Hill Monument, 63-64
Bush, Isidor, 429
Bush, Mathias, 13
California, List of Jewish Soldiers from, 125-126
Carey, Henry C., quoted, 554-556
Carmoly, Dr. E., referred to, 456 (note 34), quoted, 460 (note 47)
Carvalho, Isaac, 467
Carvalho, Sebastian, 447
Castanho, Isaac, 450
Catharine II, of Russia, 526, 527
Chase, Miss Kate, 89
Chase, Hon. Salmon P., 89, 97
Chittenden, L. E., 87, 90, article by, 91-97
Civil Life, Jewish Patriotism in, 425-441
Clinton, Sir Henry, 16
Coen, Abraham, 449, 451
Coen, Jacob, 449
Cohen, Abraham, Captain, 244-245
Cohen, Benjamin, 44
Cohen, Dr. Marx E., 374
Cohen, Brothers (six), 374
Cohn, Abraham, Adjutant, 106 (medal of honor), 224-226

Colonies, Jewish Agricultural;
in America, 549;
in Argentina, 550;
in Palestine, 549;
in Russia, 533
Colonization, the Jewish, Association, 550
Commission to investigate condition of affairs in Russia, 524-525
Connecticut, List of Jewish Soldiers from, 127
Confederate Army, Jewish Staff Officers in the, 114-115
Confederate Navy, Jewish Officers in the, 116
Continental Armies, Jewish Soldiers in the, 44-52
Cooper, General, 103
Cordoso, Daniel, 482
Coronel, David Senior, 450
Costa, Isaac de, referred to, 449, 451 (note 20), 452 (note 21), 453 (note 25), 458 (note 42), 460 (note 46), 461 (note 50)
Cullum, General George W., referred to, 35
Cummings, Representative Amos J., introduces a resolution about the Jews in Russia, 543
Curtis, George William, quoted, 506-508
Daly, Hon. Charles P., referred to, 33, 41, 444 (note), 446 (note)
D'Angers, David, 62
Daniels, A. C., referred to, 430 (note)
Davidson, Solomon, 125
Davis, Jefferson, 93
Davis, Ex-Judge Noah, quoted, 436-437
De Candolle, Alphonse L. P. Pyrame, quoted, 490-491
Depew, Hon. Chauncey M., quoted on Russian Jews, 562-563
Dexter, Franklin, 64
Dillon, Hon. John F., letter on Russian Jews, 561-562
District of Columbia, List of Jewish Soldiers from, 128
Dyer, Isidor, 440
Ebron, David, Letter to Philip II, 473-176
Einhorn, Dr. David, 425
Einstein, Max, Colonel, 349-350
Eliot, George, quoted, 499-500
Etting, Solomon, 44, 67
Europe, Jews in the Armies of, 485-487
Everett, Edward, 64
Field, Rev. Dr. Henry M., quoted, 494-498
Fish, Hamilton, Secretary of State, letter by him to Consul General Peixotto, of Roumania, 542-543
Florida, List of Jewish Soldiers from, 128
Forsyth, John, Secretary of State, letter by him to David Porter, Minister to Turkey, on outrages on the Jews, 541
Frank, Mayer, Captain, 141
Frankel, Dr. Zachariah, referred to, 447 (note 9), 449 (note 13), 451 (note 20), 456 (note 36), 462 (note 51)

Franklin, Benjamin, 30, 65
Franks, David, 13
Franks, David S., 15, 27-32
Franks, Rebecca, 27
Frederic, Harold, referred to, 525
Frederick III, of Germany, 535
Friedenwald, Dr. Herbert, referred to, 25, 27, 30
Friedheim, Herman, 191
Friedman, Max, Colonel, 351
Fuerst, Dr. Julius, 456 (note 34)
Gans, Isaac (medal of honor), 107
Garfield, President James Abram, 429
Georgia, List of Jewish Soldiers from, 129-135
Gibbons, Cardinal, about the Russian Jews, 560
Goldsmid, Sir Francis H., referred to, 483
Goldsmith, M., 103, 104
Gordon, General J. B., referred to, 11
Gradis Family, enterprise and influence of, in the West Indies and during the Canadian Wars, 476-482
Grant, General U.S., referred to, 6, 429, 430;
official paper by, 542
Graetz, Professor Dr. H., quoted, 447, 451, 452, 477 (notes 79 and 80), 480 (notes 81 and 82)
Gratz, Barnard, 13
Gratz, Michael, 13
Greenebaum, Henry, 425
Greenebaum, Michael, 425-426
Greenhut, Joseph B., Captain, sketch of and address by, 143-149
Gregoire, AbbÉ, 482
Gross, Charles, Ph.D., referred to, 442 (note)
Grunwalt, Abraham (medal of honor), 107
Hackenburg, William B., referred to, 6
Hahn, Dr. A., referred to, 449 (note 13), 450, 452, 453 (note 25), 461 (note 50), 466 (note 59)
Hancock, John, 63
Harby, Isaac, 67
Harper, E. B., quoted, 438
Hart, Abraham, Captain and Brigade Adjutant-General, 354-355
Hart, Isaac, 33-34
Hart, Jacob, 38
Heilprin, Michael, 425
Heller, Henry (medal of honor), 106
Hendricks, Herman, 35
Herrera, Abraham Cohen, 450
Hewitt, Hon. Abram S., quoted, 438, 505-506

Hirsch, Baron Maurice de, 535, 549
Hirsch, Baron de, Trust, in the United States, 559
Historical Society, American Jewish, referred to 430 (note)
Hollander, Dr. J. H., annotations by, 14-26
Horwitz, Dr. James, 425
Howe, General William, 41, 46
Humboldt, Alexander Von, quoted, 490
Hyacinthe, PÈre, quoted, 492-493
Hyneman, Elias Leon, Sergeant, sketch of, 356-357
Illinois, List of Jewish Soldiers from, 136-171
Immigration, Historical and Economic Aspects of, 544-564;
from British Isles, 557;
Chinese, 551-552;
German, 548, 557;
Polish, 547;
Report of Commissioners on, 427-428
Medals of Honor, Jews who received, 106-108
Menken, Nathan D., Captain,

Mercado, Dr. Abraham de, 450
Mexican War, Jewish Soldiers in the, 72-75
Michelbacher, Rev. M., 102, 103
Michigan, List of Jewish Soldiers from, 209-214
Mississippi, List of Jewish Soldiers from, 214-220
Missouri, List of Jewish Soldiers from, 220-223
Mohammedan Outrages on the Jews, 541
Montefiore, Sir Moses, 534, 549
Morais, the Rev. Dr. Sabato, 425
Morais, Henry S., referred to, 11, 20 (note 6), 430 (note)
Mordecai, Alfred, Major, 78-79
Mordecai, Alfred, Jr., Colonel, 79
Mordecai, Moses, 13
Morris, Robert, 17, 22, 30, 38
Morton, Governor Marcus, 64
Morwitz, Dr. Edward, 425
Moses, Isaac, 26
Moses, Isaac, Adjutant-General, 279
Moses, Israel, Lieutenant-Colonel, 74, 281
Moses, Jacob, 34
Moses, Five Brothers, 378
Mucate, Jahacob, 450
Muhr, Simon, 441
Myers, Rev. E. M., referred to, 453, 469 (note 63)
Myers, Isaac, 44
Myers, Jacob, 34
Myers, Nathan, 35
Naar, Moses, 468, 469
Napoleon III, 88
Nassy, David, 454, 463, 465, 466, 468
Nassy, Isaac, 469
Nassy, Samuel, 454-459
Nations, Israel Among the, 515-522
Navy, Jews in the United States, 81-86
Negro Revolts, Suppression of, by the Jews of Surinam (1690-1772), 462-473

Netscher, Pieter Marinus, 444 (note 2), 445 (note 4), 446 (note 5), 447, 448
Nevada, List of Jewish Soldiers from, 224
New Hampshire, List of Jewish Soldiers from, 224-226
New Jersey, List of Jewish Soldiers from, 226-236
Newman, Leopold, Lieutenant-Colonel and Brigadier-General, 285
New Mexico, List of Jewish Soldiers from, 236
New York, Jewish Patriots, 34-35, 38
New York, List of Jewish Soldiers from, 236-301
Nicholas I, of Russia, 533, 540
Nicholas II, of Russia, 519
Noah, Manuel Mordecai, 26, 35
Noah, Mordecai M., 14, 59, 60
Noah, Samuel, 35-38
Non-Importation Resolutions, Signers of, 13
North Carolina, List of Jewish Soldiers from, 301-305
Obranski, David (medal of honor), 106
Official dispatch of Ambassador White to Secretary of State, Gresham, 527-540
Ohio, List of Jewish Soldiers from, 305-344
Osterman, Rosanna, 440
Pale, the Russian-Jewish, 523, 528, 548, 550
Palmer, John W., referred to, 39
Patriots aided by Hyam Solomon, 17
Peixotto, Hon. Benjamin Franklin, 428, 542
Pennsylvania, List of Jewish Soldiers from, 344-372
People, The Jewish, before the World, 488-522
Pereira, Manuel, 465
Peter the Great, 539
Phillips, Miss Ellen, 440
Phillips, Henry M., 440
Phillips, Jonas, 34
Pinto, Isaac, 452
Polack, Cushman, 41
Porter, General Horace, 437
Powderly, Terrence V., quoted, 511-512
Preble, Rear Admiral George Henry, quoted, 426-427
Pulaski, General, 15, 547
Question, The Jewish, quotation, 512-514
Rabbi, Jacob, 448
Randolph, Edmund, 18 (note)
Reese, Michael, 440
Regular Army, Jews in the United States, 76-80
Religious Liberty, Statue, 65-66
Rhode Island, a List of Jewish Soldiers from, 372

Rosecrans, General, referred to, 7
Rothschild, Baron Edmond de, 549
Rothschild, Baron James de, 534
Rothschild, Baron Nathan de, 534
Roumania's Oppression of the Jews, 542
Rudelson, S. J., referred to, 472
Russia, Instances of foreign Jews who were maltreated in, or expelled from, 525, 526, 529, 530, 531
Russia's Crime Against the Jews and Civilization, 523-543
Russian Jewish Refugees in America, 544-564
Sachs, Max, Lieutenant, 184
Salomon, Edward S., Brigadier-General, a Sketch, etc., 164-170, 425
Salomon, Haym, 13, 14-26, 39, 43, 87, 439, 547
Salomon, Haym M., 15, 20 (note), 21 (note), 23, 24, 25, 39
Sarfati, Joshua, 453
Schurz, Hon. Carl, quoted, 165, 430-435, 439, 503-505
Scott, General Winfield, 36
Seddon, Mr., 103
Seixas, David G., 71
Seixas, Isaac, 34
Seixas, Moses, 56
Seligman, Jesse, tributes to, 430-439
Seligman, Joseph, 430
Seligman, Professor, 537
Sheftall, Levi, 54
Sheftall, Mordecai, 40-43
Sheftall, Sheftall, 41
Sherman, General, William T., referred to, 6
Sigel, General Franz, 487
Snowberger, Albert Leopold, a sketch, etc., 369
Sola, Rev. Meldola de, 27
Soldiers named in Introduction, 2-5
Solomons, Hon. Adolphus S., 429
South Carolina Jewish Patriots, 40
South Carolina, a List of Jewish Soldiers from, 372-381
Sparks, Jared, 15, 54
Spiegel, Marcus M., Colonel, 340
Stahel, General J., letters by, 99, 486
Stanton, Hon. Edwin M., 167
Statistical, 424
Steinschneider, Dr. M., referred to, 456 (note 34)
Story, Joseph, 64
Stowe, Harriet Beecher, quoted, 499
Straus, Hon. Oscar S., referred to, 450 (note 16)
Sumner, Hon. Charles, 62
Sumner, Professor, 22 (note)

Sun, New York, about the Jews, 563-564
Surinam, defense of the Jews in, against the French, in 1689 and 1712, 459
Swift, General Joseph G., 36
Texas, List of Jewish Soldiers from, 384-388
Touro, Judah, 63, 64, 71, 439-440, 534
Ullman, Captain, 371
Unclassified List of Soldiers in Civil War, 410-422
Union Army, Jewish Staff Officers in the, 112-113
United Hebrew Charities, of New York, 560
Vale, Fernando, 447
Valentine, Jacob, Captain, 380-381
Vermont, List of Jewish Soldiers from, 388
Virginia, List of Jewish Soldiers from, 389-394
Vogt, Professor Carl, quoted, 491
Wallace, Mackenzie, 533, 538
War of 1812, Jewish Soldiers in the, 67-72
Washington, President George, 16, 23, 26, 46, 63
Correspondence between him and Hebrew Citizens, 61-65
Washington Territory, List of Jewish Soldiers from, 394
Watson, Robert G., referred to, 444-445, 446 (note)
Waul, General T. N., letter by, 100-101
Weber, J. B., Chairman of Commission on Immigration, 524, 525, 529
Webster, Daniel, 64
Wertheimer, Edwin, Captain, 299
West Virgina, List of Jewish Soldiers from, 395
Wheaton, Henry, letter by, 17 (note)
White, Andrew D., official dispatch to Secretary of State, Gresham, 527-540
Wisconsin, List of Jewish Soldiers from, 396-409
Wolf, Simon, 8, 11, 20 (note), 22 (note), 66 (note), 89, 90, 99, 428-429;
letters to, 486, 487, 542
Wolkonsky, Prince Sergius, 536
Wood, William P., a letter by, 200
Worthington, Colonel W. G., 67 (note)
Wyoming Territory, List of Jewish Soldiers from, 394

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