"You think the food is unwholesome, then?" said the headmaster after dinner that night. "Unwholesome!" said the school doctor. "It must be deadly. It must be positively lethal. Here we have six ordinary, strong, healthy boys struck down at one fell swoop as if there were a pestilence raging. Why——" "One moment," said the headmaster. "Come in." A small figure appeared in the doorway. "Please, sir," said the figure in the strained voice of one speaking a "piece" which he has committed to memory. "Mr. Seymour says please would you mind letting the doctor come to his house at once because Linton is ill." "What!" exclaimed the doctor. "What's the matter with him?" "Please, sir, I believe it's buckwheat cakes." "What! And here's another of them!" A second small figure had appeared in the doorway. "Sir, please, sir," said the newcomer, "Mr. Bradfield says may the doctor——" "And what boy is it this time?" "Please, sir, it's Brown. He went to Ring's Stores——" The headmaster rose. "Perhaps you had better go at once, Oakes," he said. "This is becoming serious. That place is a positive menace to the community. I shall put it out of bounds tomorrow morning." And when Dunstable and Linton, pale but cheerful, made their way—slowly, as befitted convalescents—to Cook's two days afterwards, they had to sit on the counter. All the other seats were occupied.