Among authorities consulted in the preparation of this volume, the author desires to name specially Prof. Willis’s “Architectural History of Canterbury Cathedral” (1845), Dean Stanley’s “Historical Memorials of Canterbury” (Murray, 1855, and fifth edition, 1868), “Canterbury,” by the Rev. R.C. Jenkins (1880), and the excellent section devoted to Canterbury in Murray’s “Handbooks to the English Cathedrals, Southern Division,” wherein Mr. Richard John King brought together so much valuable matter, to which reference has been made too often to be acknowledged in each instance. For permission to use this the publishers have to thank Mr. John Murray. For the reproduction of the drawings of the various parts of the Cathedral, and the arms on the title page, by Mr. Walter Tallent Owen, the editors are greatly indebted to the artist, from whose volume, “Bits of Canterbury Cathedral,” published by W.T. Comstock, New York, 1891, they have been taken. Others are taken from Charles Wild’s “Specimens of MediÆval Architecture,” and from Carter’s “Ancient Sculpture and Paintings.” The illustrations from photographs in this volume have been reproduced from the originals by Messrs. Carl Norman and Co. H. W. |