
[1] Though it is also derived from one Dr. Omerus, who lived on the spot in the thirteenth century.

[2] The above paintings are illustrated in Dart’s “History of Canterbury,” 1726, and in “ArchÆologia Cantiana,” vol. xviii.

[3] Diocesan Histories: “Canterbury,” by R.C. Jenkins, M.A. 1880.


  1. Full page photographs in the original text were sometimes placed so as to split paragraphs. These have been moved to immediately before or after the paragraph that was split.
  2. Some page numbers are missing, as there were often blank pages before or after full page photographs.
  3. Obvious printer’s errors have been corrected without note.
  4. Inconsistencies in hyphenation or the spelling of proper names, and dialect or obsolete word spelling, has been maintained as in the original.


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