Portrait | EFFIGIES GEORGII WITHERI POETÆ. Effigies Georgii Witheri poetae Portrait of the poet George Wither |
Ill 1 Bk 1 | VIVITVR INGENIO CÆTERA MORTIS ER?T Vivitur ingenio; caetera mortis erunt We live by our genius; the rest will belong to death |
Ill 2 Bk 1 | SAPIENTIA CONSTANS Sapientia constans Wisdom is constant |
Ill 3 Bk 1 | LEX REGIT ET ARMA TVENTVR. Lex regit et arma tuentur Law directs and arms protect |
Ill 4 Bk 1 | NE TENEAR Ne tenear Lest I be held back |
Ill 5 Bk 1 | LABORE VIRTVS, VIRTVTE GLORIA PARATVR Labore virtus, virtute gloria paratur Virtue is acquired through labour, glory through virtue |
Ill 6 Bk 1 | NON OBEST VIRTVTI SORS. Non obest virtuti sors Chance is no hindrance to virtue |
Ill 7 Bk 1 | NON SCEPTRO SED PLECTRO DVCITVR Non sceptro sed plectro ducitur She is led by the plectrum, not by the sceptre |
Ill 8 Bk 1 | IN HVNC INTVENS PIVS ESTO In hunc intuens pius esto Look on this and be pious |
Ill 9 Bk 1 | IN NOCTE CONSILI? In nocte consilium Deliberation at night |
Ill 10 Bk 1 | SPERNIT PERICVLA VIRT[VS] Spernit pericula virtus Virtue scorns danger |
Ill 11 Bk 1 | AD SCOPVM LICET ÆGRE ET FRVSTRA Ad scopum licet aegre et frustra Towards the goal, but painfully and unsuccessfully |
Ill 12 Bk 1 | ????? ??????? p??ta ?????pa I have left all things |
Ill 13 Bk 1 | REMIGIO VENTISQ[VE] SECVNDIS Remigio ventisque secundis By rowing and favourable winds |
Ill 14 Bk 1 | QVID SI SIC3dots Quid si sic What if so? |
Ill 15 Bk 1 | DVM NVTRIO CONSVMOR Dum nutrio consumor As I nourish I am consumed |
Ill 16 Bk 1 | CONCVSSVS SVRGO Concussus surgo When struck I rise |
Ill 17 Bk 1 | DVM EXTENDAR Dum extendar Until I am stretched |
Ill 18 Bk 1 | MATVRA Matura Hurry! |
Ill 19 Bk 1 | LENTE SED ATTENTE Lente sed attente Slowly but carefully |
Ill 20 Bk 1 | TRANSEAT Transeat Let it pass |
Ill 21 Bk 1 | MORS VITÆ INITIVM. Mors vitae initium Death is the beginning of life |
Ill 22 Bk 1 | QVO ME VERTA NESCIO Quo me vertam nescio I know not where to turn |
Ill 23 Bk 1 | PATIOR VT POTIAR Patior ut potiar I suffer to obtain |
Ill 24 Bk 1 | CONSEQVITVR QVODCVNQ[VE] PETIT Consequitur quodcumque petit She attains whatever she aims at |
Ill 25 Bk 1 | NON QVAM CREBRO SED QVA BEE3dots Non quam crebro sed quam bene Not how often, but how well |
Ill 26 Bk 1 | DVRABO Durabo I shall endure |
Ill 27 Bk 1 | VBI HELENA IBI TROIA Ubi Helena, ibi Troia Where Helen is, there is Troy |
Ill 28 Bk 1 | VICTRIX PATIENTIA DVRI. Victrix patientia duri Patience victorious over hardship |
Ill 29 Bk 1 | NON VNO STERNITVR ICTV. Non uno sternitur ictu It is not felled with one blow |
Ill 30 Bk 1 | NVDRISCO IL BVONO ET SPENGO IL REO Nudrisco il buono et spengo il reo I nourish the good and destroy the malefactor |
Ill 31 Bk 1 | SAPIENS DOMINABITVR ASTRIS. Sapiens dominabitur astris The wise man shall rule over the stars |
Ill 32 Bk 1 | EX VTROQVE CÆSAR Ex utroque Caesar A Caesar either way |
Ill 33 Bk 1 | PERSEQVAR EXSTINCT? Persequar exstinctum I will follow him into death |
Ill 34 Bk 1 | FLAMMESCIT VTERQVE Flammescit uterque Each catches fire |
Ill 35 Bk 1 | POSTERITATI Posteritati For posterity |
Ill 36 Bk 1 | NIL PENNA, SED VSVS Nil penna, sed usus Not the plume, but its use |
Ill 37 Bk 1 | DVM CLAVVM RECTAM TENEAM3dots Dum clavum rectam teneam As long as I hold the tiller steady |
Ill 38 Bk 1 | SI SCIENS FALLO. Si sciens fallo If I knowingly deceive |
Ill 39 Bk 1 | SPEQVE METVQVE PAVET3dots Speque metuque pavet It trembles with hope and fear |
Ill 40 Bk 1 | COSI VIVO PIACER CONDVCE A MORTE CosÌ vivo piacer conduce a morte So lively pleasure leads to death |
Ill 41 Bk 1 | PVRIS MANIBVS. Puris manibus With clean hands |
Ill 42 Bk 1 | LINGVA QVO TENDIS Lingua, quo tendis? Tongue, where are you going? |
Ill 43 Bk 1 | original reads "???E ??L??? ??O" which has been corrected to "T??? ?????? ??O" ???, ????? ??? Look up, my soul |
Ill 44 Bk 1 | FLAVESCENT Flavescent They shall turn golden |
Ill 45 Bk 1 | FINIS AB ORIGINE PEDET Finis ab origine pendet The end depends on the beginning |
Ill 46 Bk 1 | TANDEM FIT ARBOR Tandem fit arbor At last it becomes a tree |
Ill 47 Bk 1 | SVPERATA CRVCE CORONOR Superata cruce coronor I rise above the cross and am crowned |
Ill 48 Bk 1 | MORS SCEPTRA LIGONIB[VS] ÆQVAT Mors sceptra ligonibus aequat Death levels sceptres and spades |
Ill 49 Bk 1 | PAVLATIM NON IMPETV. Paulatim non impetu Gradually, not by force |
Ill 50 Bk 1 | DE PARVIS GRANDIS ACERVVS ERIT. De parvis grandis acervus erit From small things a great heap will grow |
Ill 1 Bk 2 | NEQVEO COMPESCERE MVLTOS Nequeo compescere multos I cannot restrain so many |
Ill 2 Bk 2 | INGENII LARGITOR VENTER. Ingenii largitor venter The belly is the bestower of genius |
Ill 3 Bk 2 | MVSICA SERVA DEI Musica serva dei Music is the handmaid of God |
Ill 4 Bk 2 | DISCITE IVSTICIAM. Discite iusticiam Learn justice |
Ill 5 Bk 2 | CONSENSV POPVLI REGN? SVBSISTIT. Consensu populi regnum subsistit The kingdom is sustained by the consent of the people |
Ill 6 Bk 2 | QVI ME ALIT ME EXTINGVIT. Qui me alit me extinguit He who feeds me extinguishes me |
Ill 7 Bk 2 | SEQVITVR SVA PŒNA NOCENTEM Sequitur sua poena nocentem His punishment follows the evildoer |
Ill 8 Bk 2 | POST TENTATIONEM CONSOLATIO. Post tentationem consolatio After temptation, consolation |
Ill 9 Bk 2 | PRO GALLINIS Pro gallinis For the hens |
Ill 10 Bk 2 | TVTIVS VT POSSIT FIGI. Tutius ut possit figi To be fixed more securely |
Ill 11 Bk 2 | IN SILENTIO ET SPE. In silentio et spe In silence and hope |
Ill 12 Bk 2 | FATO PRVDENTIA MAIOR. Fato prudentia maior Prudence is greater than fate |
Ill 13 Bk 2 | CONIVNCTIS VOTIS Coniunctis votis Joined in prayer |
Ill 14 Bk 2 | CVI BONO? Cui bono? For whose benefit? (This is what the phrase usually means. But our author understands it as: For what benefit?) |
Ill 15 Bk 2 | SACRIFICIVM DEO COR CONTRIBVLATIM Sacrificium deo cor contribulatum A contrite heart is a sacrifice to God |
Ill 16 Bk 2 | REGNI CORONA REX Regni corona rex The king is the crown of the kingdom |
Ill 17 Bk 2 | STVDIO ET VIGILANTIA. Studio et vigilantia By study and watchfulness |
Ill 18 Bk 2 | ARTE ET MARTE Arte et marte By art and by arms |
Ill 19 Bk 2 | CONSTANTE FIDVCIA Constante fiducia By art and by arms |
Ill 20 Bk 2 | AMOR DOCET MVSICAM Amor docet musicam Love teaches music |
Ill 21 Bk 2 | NON TE SED NVMMOS Non te sed nummos Not you but your money |
Ill 22 Bk 2 | FIDE SED CVI VIDE Fide sed cui vide Trust, but be careful whom |
Ill 23 Bk 2 | HVMANA FVMVS Humana fumus All things human are smoke |
Ill 24 Bk 2 | OMNIA MEA MECVM PORTO Omnia mea mecum porto All that is mine I carry with me |
Ill 25 Bk 2 | TAMEN DISCAM. Tamen discam Yet I shall learn |
Ill 26 Bk 2 | VIRTVTI FORTVNA COMES. Virtuti fortuna comes Fortune is the companion of virtue |
Ill 27 Bk 2 | DEVS NOBIS HÆC OTIA FECIT. Deus nobis haec otia fecit God has granted us this ease |
Ill 28 Bk 2 | EX BELLO PAX Ex bello pax From war, peace |
Ill 29 Bk 2 | COR RECT? INQVIRIT SCIENTIA. Cor rectum inquirit scientiam An upright heart seeks knowledge |
Ill 30 Bk 2 | ?? ????? ????S. ?? p???? ????? From labour, glory |
Ill 31 Bk 2 | PVEROS CASTIGO VIROSQ[VE] Pueros castigo virosque I chastise boys and men |
Ill 32 Bk 2 | VITA MORTALIVM VIGILIA. Vita mortalium vigilia The life of mortals is watchfulness |
Ill 33 Bk 2 | MANET IMMVTABILE FATVM. Manet immutabile fatum Fate remains unalterable |
Ill 34 Bk 2 | DETERIVS FORMIDO. Deterius formido I fear something worse |
Ill 35 Bk 2 | ADVERSIS CLARIVS ARDET. Adversis clarius ardet It burns brighter in adversity |
Ill 36 Bk 2 | SIC TRANSIT GLORIA MVNDI. Sic transit gloria mundi So passes the world's glory |
Ill 37 Bk 2 | IVSQVE A LA MORT Jusqu'À la mort Until death |
Ill 38 Bk 2 | SVVM CVIQVE TRIBVE Suum cuique tribue Allow each his own |
Ill 39 Bk 2 | IN VIRTVTE ET FORTVNA. In virtute et fortuna In virtue and fortune |
Ill 40 Bk 2 | ??O???? ??? ???S??????. a?????? ?a? p??s?a???? Eternal and temporal |
Ill 41 Bk 2 | VIRIBVS IVNGENDA SAPIENTIA. Viribus iungenda sapientia Wisdom should be joined to strength |
Ill 42 Bk 2 | SOLVM A SOLE Solum a sole The soil from the sun |
Ill 43 Bk 2 | RECTO CVRSV Recto cursu On a steady course |
Ill 44 Bk 2 | SPES ALIT AGRICOLAS:· Spes alit agricolas Hope nourishes farmers |
Ill 45 Bk 2 | POCO A POCO. Poco a poco Little by little |
Ill 46 Bk 2 | TRIBVLATIO DITAT. Tribulatio ditat Affliction enriches |
Ill 47 Bk 2 | VICTRIX FORTVNÆ SAPIENTIA. Victrix fortunae sapientia Wisdom victorious over fortune |
Ill 48 Bk 2 | AVT MORS AVT VITA DECORA Aut mors aut vita decora Either death or life with honour |
Ill 49 Bk 2 | DONEC TOT? IMPLEAT ORBE. Donec totum impleat orbem Until it fills the whole world |
Ill 50 Bk 2 | VIRTVS LORICA FIDELIS Virtus lorica fidelis Virtue is a trusty coat of mail |
Ill 1 Bk 3 | SI RECTE FACIES. Si recte facies If you act rightly |
Ill 2 Bk 3 | SUPERAT SOLERTIA VIRES. Superat solertia vires Cleverness outdoes strength |
Ill 3 Bk 3 | NON SINE CAUSA. Non sine causa Not without cause |
Ill 4 Bk 3 | PANDO RECONDITA. Pando recondita I disclose what is hidden |
Ill 5 Bk 3 | VIRTUTE DUCE COMITE FORTUNA Virtute duce comite fortuna With virtue as guide and fortune as companion |
Ill 6 Bk 3 | FLOREBO PROSPICIENTE DEO. Florebo prospiciente deo Under God's gaze I shall flourish |
Ill 7 Bk 3 | FAC ET SPERA. Fac et spera Do and hope |
Ill 8 Bk 3 | RERUM SAPIENTIA CUSTOS. Rerum sapientia custos Wisdom is the guardian of all things |
Ill 9 Bk 3 | LABORE ET CONSTANTIA. Labore et constantia By labour and constancy |
Ill 10 Bk 3 | EVERTIT ET AEQUAT. Evertit et aequat He overturns and levels |
Ill 11 Bk 3 | SCIENTIA IMMUTABILIS. Scientia immutabilis Knowledge is immutable |
Ill 12 Bk 3 | VIRTUTE AC STUDIO PER ORBEM FAMA PERPETUA COMPARATUR. Virtute ac studio per orbem fama perpetua comparatur By virtue and zeal everlasting worldwide fame is obtained |
Ill 13 Bk 3 | NOLI ALTUM SAPERE. Noli altum sapere Be not over-wise |
Ill 14 Bk 3 | TRACTANT FABRILIA FABRI. Tractant fabrilia fabri Workmen wield their own tools |
Ill 15 Bk 3 | NON DORMIT QUI CUSTODIT. Non dormit qui custodit He who is on guard does not sleep |
Ill 16 Bk 3 | IN SPE ET LABORE TRANSIGO VITAM. In spe et labore transigo vitam I spend my life in hope and labour |
Ill 17 Bk 3 | PRUDENTE SIMPLICITATE. Prudente simplicitate In prudent simplicity |
Ill 18 Bk 3 | TRANSITUS CELER EST ET AVOLAMUS. Transitus celer est et avolamus The passage is swift, then we fly away |
Ill 19 Bk 3 | PEDETENTIM. Pedetentim Step by step |
Ill 20 Bk 3 | PRO LEGE ET PRO GREGE. Pro lege et pro grege For the law and for the flock |
Ill 21 Bk 3 | DISCITE IUSTITIAM. Discite iustitiam Learn justice |
Ill 22 Bk 3 | NON EST MORTALE QUOD OPTO. Non est mortale quod opto What I choose is no mortal thing |
Ill 23 Bk 3 | IN SE SUA PER UESTIGIA UOLUITUR. In se sua per vestigia volvitur It rolls round on its own tracks onto itself |
Ill 24 Bk 3 | NULLA DIES SINE LINEA. Nulla dies sine linea No day without a line |
Ill 25 Bk 3 | AD REGIS NUTUS. Ad regis nutus At the king's pleasure |
Ill 26 Bk 3 | HAC VIRTUTIS ITER. Hac virtutis iter This way is the path of virtue |
Ill 27 Bk 3 | CONCEDO NULLI. Concedo nulli I yield to no-one |
Ill 28 Bk 3 | MANUS MANUM LAUAT. Manus manum lavat One hand washes another |
Ill 29 Bk 3 | LEGIBUS ET ARMIS. Legibus et armis By laws and arms |
Ill 30 Bk 3 | NON QUAM FORMOSA SED QUAM RECTA. Non quam formosa sed quam recta Not how beautiful, but how straight |
Ill 31 Bk 3 | ALIIS INSERVIENDO CONSUMOR. Aliis inserviendo consumor I am consumed in the service of others |
Ill 32 Bk 3 | DITAT SERVATA FIDES. Ditat servata fides Keeping faith brings riches |
Ill 33 Bk 3 | FVRES PRIVATI IN NERVO PVBLICI IN AVRO Fures privati in nervo, publici in auro Private thieves in fetters, public thieves in gold |
Ill 34 Bk 3 | MEMENTO MORI Memento mori Remember you will die |
Ill 35 Bk 3 | SERVA MODVM. Serva modum Observe due measure |
Ill 36 Bk 3 | FVLCRVM TVTISSIMVM Fulcrum tutissimum The safest support |
Ill 37 Bk 3 | VIRTUS INEXPUGNABILIS. Virtus inexpugnabilis Impregnable virtue |
Ill 38 Bk 3 | VERITAS PREMITUR NON OPPRIMITUR. Veritas premitur non opprimitur Truth is oppressed but not suppressed |
Ill 39 Bk 3 | PAS A PAS. Pas a pas Step by step |
Ill 40 Bk 3 | FORTUNA UT LUNA. Fortuna ut luna Fortune like the moon |
Ill 41 Bk 3 | ANTÈ FERIT QUÀM FLAMMA MICET. Ante ferit quam flamma micet It strikes before the flame kindles |
Ill 42 Bk 3 | PAUPERTATE PREMOR SUBLEUOR INGENIO. Paupertate premor sublevor ingenio I am borne down by poverty, and uplifted by genius |
Ill 43 Bk 3 | VIRTUS UNITA FORTIOR. Virtus unita fortior Virtue is stronger when united |
Ill 44 Bk 3 | AMORE MUTUO. Amore mutuo By mutual love |
Ill 45 Bk 3 | CONCORDIA INSUPERABILIS. Concordia insuperabilis Unconquerable harmony |
Ill 46 Bk 3 | IN MANU DEI COR REGIS. In manu dei cor regis The heart of the king is in God's hand |
Ill 47