1 S SOme friends, and foes, of thine, there be, That make a wondring-stocke of thee; Some other over-much, of late, To thy dishonour boldly prate, And, peradventure, to thy face, E're long, they'l doe thee some disgrace: Thine Emblem, therefore, doth advise That thou should'st make them no replies; And showes that silent-patience, than Shall stead thee more then Answers can. See, Emblem. I. 2 By such as know you, it is thought, That, you are better fed then taught: And, that, it might augment your wit, If you were sometimes hunger-bit. That Emblem, which by Lot you drew, To this effect doth somewhat shew: But 'twill goe hard, when you are faine, To feed your Bowells, by your Braine. See, Emb. II. 3 Perhaps you may be one of those, Whom, from the Church, an Organ blowes; Or, peradventure, one of them, Who doth all melody contemne: Or, one, whose life is yet untaught, How into tune it should be brought. If so, your Lot, to you hath sent An Emblem, not impertinent. See, Emb. III. 4 God blesse thee, whosoere thou art, And, give thee still an honest heart: For, by the fortune of thy Lot, That Sword, and Halter, thou hast got, Which threatens death, with much disgrace; Or, promises the Hang-mans's place. But, be not griev'd; for, now and than, The Gallowes makes an honest man; And, some, who scape an outward curse, Born in their lives and deaths are worse, See, Emb. IV. M 5 Thou would'st be loth, we should suspect, Thou didst not well thy King affect; Or, that, thou should'st be so ingrate, To sleight the welfare of the State: Yet, thou, perchance, art one of those, Who discord through the Kingdome sowes. We know not, but if such thou be, Marke, what thine Emblem teaches thee. See, Emb. V. 6 In you, a naturall desire Beginnes to blow Affection's fire; But, by discretion, guide the blast, Lest, it consume you, at the last; Or, by the fury of the same, Blow out some necessary Flame. Yea, that, which doth your Profit breed, May harme you, if you take not heed. See, Emb. VI. 7 Be carefull, what you goe about; For, by this Lot, there may be doubt, That you, some wickednesse intend, Which will undoe you, in the end. If you have done the deed, repent: If purpos'd ill, the same prevent. Else, though in jest, this Counsell came, In earnest, you may rue the same. See, Emb. VII. 8 Thou art afflicted; or, ere long Shalt sing some lamentable Song: And, of those troubles, take some share, Which, thou art very loth to beare. But, be not overmuch dismayd, Nor pine, what ere on thee be layd, For, comfort shall thy joy restore, And, make thee gladder, then before. See, Emb. VIII. 9 If this thy Chance hath done thee right, Thou art, or hast beene apt to fight; And, wilt upon occasion small, Beginne, sometimes, a needlesse brawle. To shew thee, therefore, thy defect; Or, that thy folly may be check't, And, fit thy minde for better things, Thine Emblem, some good counsell brings. See, Emb. IX. 10 What thing soere thou undertak'st, Thou seldome good conclusion mak'st; For, still, when thou hast ought to doe, Thou art too hasty, or too slow; And, from that equall temper stray'st, By which, thy worke effect thou mayst. To mend this fault thou counsell'd art, Be wiser, therefore, then thou wert. See, Emb. X. 11 Thou hast in publicke lived long, And, over freely us'd thy tongue; But, if thy safety thou desire, Be silent, and, thy selfe retire. And, if thou wilt not be undone, Possesse thy joyes, and hopes, alone: For, they, that will from harmes be free, Must silent, and obscured, bee. See, Emb. XI. 12 Thy Fortune, thou dost long to heare, And, what thy Constellations are: But, why should'st thou desire to know, What things, the Planets doe foreshow; Seeke, rather, Wisedome to procure, And, how, all Fortunes to indure: So, thou shalt gaine a blest estate, And, be the Master of thy Fate. See, Emb. XII. 13 Thou, seem'st to have great store of friends, But, they affect thee, for their ends. There is, in those, but little trust, Who love, for profit, mirth, or lust. Learne, therfore, when, thou mayst be sure, Thy Friend's affection will indure; And, that this Knowledge may be got, Good notice take thou of thy Lot. See, Emb. XIII. 14 It is conceiv'd, that meanes thou hast, Or, might'st have had good meanes, at least, To bring those matters to effect, Which thou dost carelesly neglect; And, good for many might'st have done, Who, yet, hast pleasur'd few, or none. If this be true, thy Lot peruse, And, God's good gifts, no more abuse. See, Emb. XIV. 15 Religious thou would'st faine be deem'd, And, such, to many thou hast seem'd: But, to this matter more there goes, Then zealous lookes, and formall showes. Looke, therefore, that thy heart be true, What e're thou seeme in outward view. And, if God's favour thou would'st have, Observe what Off'rings, he doth crave. See, Emb. XV. 16 That Emblem, which this Lot will bring, Concernes the honour of a King: How, therefore, thee it may concerne, By thy discretion seeke to learne. Perhaps, the Royall-powre hath seem'd To thee, not so to be esteem'd, As well it merits, to be priz'd. If so, now better be advis'd. See, Emb. XVI. 17 Both learn'd, and wise, thou would'st become, (Else thou hast much deceived some) But, if thy hopes thou will effect, Thou must not likely meanes neglect; And, what the likelyest meanes may bee, Thine Emblem hath advised thee: For, by a Fowle, that's blockish thought, Good counsell may to thee be taught. See, Emb. XVII. 18 If, to preferment thou wilt rise, Thou must not Arts, nor Armes, despise; Nor so in one of these delight, That, thou the other, wholly sleight. Nor, to thy Body be inclin'd, So much, as to neglect thy Minde. This, by thine Emblem, thou mayst learne; And, much thy good it may concerne. See, Emb. XVIII. 19 Thy fortunes have appeared bad; For, many suff'rings thou hast had: And tryalls too, as yet made knowne To no mans knowledge, but thine owne. But, let nor losse, nor fame, nor smart, From constant hopes remove thy heart: And, as thine Emblem doth foreshew, A good conclusion will insue. See, Emb. XIX. W20 Your Lot informeth how to know Where, best your Love you may bestow: And, by the same it may appeare What Musicke most affects your eare. Denye it not; for (by your leave) Wee by your lookes, your heart perceive. And, this perhaps you'l thinke upon (To purpose) when you are alone. See, Emb. XX. 21 This Lot may make us all suspect, That some wrong object you affect; And, that, where dearenesse you pretend, It is not for the noblest end. What mischiefe from such falshood flowes, Your Emblem very truely showes; And, may more happy make your Fate, If counsell be not come too late. See, Emb. XXI. 22 To trust on others, thou art apt; And, hast already beene intrapt; Or, may'st er'e long be much deceiv'd By some, whom thou hast well believ'd. Be heedfull, therfore, of thy Lot; And, let it never be forgot: So, though some hazzard thou mayst run, Yet, thou shalt never be undone. See, Emb. XXII. 23 It seemes thou tak'st too great a care For things, that vaine, and fading are; Or else, dost overprise them so, As if all blisse from them did flowe. That, therefore, thou mayst view their worth, In Hieroglyphicke shaddow'd forth, Thy Lot befriends thee: marke the same, And, be in this, no more to blame. See, Emb. XXIII. 24 Though some, should thee, for one, mistake, Whose wealth is all upon his backe, If what thou hast, bee all thine owne, God, hath enough on thee bestowne. A Princes ransome, wee may beare, In Iewells, which most precious are; And, yet, to many men may seeme, To carry nothing worth esteeme. Therefore, though small thy substance be, Thine Emblem, somewhat comforts thee. See, Emb. XXIV. 25 By this your Emblem, wee discerne, That, you are yet of age to learne; And, that, when elder you shall grow, There, will be more for you to know: Presume not, therefore of your wit, But, strive that you may benefit. For, of your age, we many view, That, farre more wisedome have, then you. See, Emb. XXV. 26 By thy complaints, it hath appear'd, Thou think'st thy Vertues want reward; And, that, if they their merit had, Thou rich, and nobler should'st be made. To drive thee from that partiall thought, Thou, by an Emblem, shalt be taught, That, where true Vertue may be found, The truest wealth will still abound. See, Emb. XXVI. 27 By this thy Lot, thou dost appeare To be of those, who love to heare The Preacher's voyce; or, else of them, That undervalue, or contemne Those dayly showres of wholsome words, Which God, in these our times, affords. Now, which soere of these thou bee, Thine Emblem, something, teaches thee. See, Emb. XXVII. 28 Thou deal'st, when thee thy foe offends, As if, you never should be friends. In peace, thou so secure doth grow, As if, thou could'st not have a foe. How, therefore, Peace and Warre pursues Each other, this thine Emblem shewes, That, thou mayst learne, in ev'ry tide, For future chances, to provide. See, Emb. XXVIII. 29 What e're thou are in outward shew, Thy Heart is ever very true, And, to those Knowledges aspires, Which every prudent Soule desires: Yet, be not proud that thou hast got This testimonie, by thy Lot. But, view thine Emblem, and endeaver In search of Knowledge to persever. See, Emb. XXIX. 30 If Glory, thou desire to get, Thy Wits, thou must on working set; And, labour unto Prudence adde, Before true Honor will be had: For, what thy Friends, or Parents brought, To make thee famous, profits nought; But, rather will procure thy shame, Vnlesse, thou shalt improove the same. See, Emb. XXX. M 31 The time hath beene, that of the Rod, Thou wert more fearefull, then of God; But, now unlesse thou prudent grow, More cause thou hast to feare a shrowe; For, from the Rod, now thou art free, A Woman, shall thy torment be. At her, yet doe not thou repine, For, all the fault is onely thine. See, Emb. XXXI. 32 It seemes, thy Time thou dost mispend: To warne thee, therefore of thine end; To shew, how short thy Life will be; And, with what speed it flyes from thee; This Lot was drawne: and, may advize, That, thou thy time shouldst better prize. Which, if accordingly thou doe, This, will be sport, and profit too. See, Emb. XXXII. 33 It may be, thou art one of those, Who, dost not all aright suppose, Of Gods Decrees; or, of the state Of an inevitable Fate. That, therefore, so thou maist beleeve, (And, of these Mysteries conceive) As thou art bound; this Lot befell. Peruse, and minde thine Embleme well. See, Emb. XXXIII. 34 Thou, at thy Fortune, hast repin'd, And, seem'st imprisond in thy minde, Because thou art not straight releast From those things which have thee opprest. To thee, a Lot is therefore sent, To qualifie thy discontent, By shewing, that thy present Fate Preserves thee, from a worse estate. See, Emb. XXXIV. 35 Thy Vertues and thy Worth are such, That, many doe envie thee much; And, they that hate thee, take delight To doe thee mischiefe and despight. But, heart assume, and follow on The course that thou hast well begunne; For, all their spight shall doe no more, But, make thee greater then before. See, Emb. XXXV. 36 In outward pompe, thy pleasures are; Thy hope of blisse is placed there; And, thou this folly wilt not leave, Till, all content, it shall bereave, Vnlesse, thou timely come to see How vaine, all earthly Glories bee. An Emblem, therefore, thou hast gain'd, By which, this Knowledge is obtain'd. See, Emb. XXXVI. 37 It may be feared, that thou hast In publicke, or in private, past Some promise, or else made some vow, That's broke, or else indanger'd, now. If so; this Lot is come, in time, To mend, or to prevent this crime; And, shew what should by them be done, 'Twixt whom Affection is begunne. See, Emb. XXXVII. 38 Thou art reproved of deceipt, In faulty Measures, and in Weight; And, overbackward hast been knowne, In giving ev'ry one his owne. Thine Emblem, therefore, counsells thee, That, thou more just, hereafter be. For, that, which is by falsehood got, Makes likely showes, but prospers not. See, Emb. XXXVII. 39 So highly, thou dost Vertue prize, That, thou dost Fortunes helpe despise, As if, where Vertues present are, Her favours alwayes needlesse were: But, sometimes there's enough to doe, For Fortune, and for Vertue too, The pow'r of envious tongues to charme, And, keepe an Innocent from harme. Therfore, make both of these, thy friends; For, thereunto thine Emblem tends. See, Emb. XXXIX. 40 Thou mayst be one of those, perchance, Who Schisme, and Heresies advance, Because they Times and Termes mistake; And, diff'rence know not how to make 'Twixt that, which temp'rall doth appeare, And, those things which eternall are. Thou, by thy Lot, art therefore warn'd, To search what should of these be learn'd. See, Emb. XL. 41 Great workes to doe, thou hast a minde; But, pow'r thereto thou canst not finde. Sometime, thy pow'r is not unfit; But, then thou failest in thy wit. Such Vndertakings, therefore, chuse (If thou wilt not thy time abuse) As to thy pow'rs, and wits agree; And, let them both imployed bee. See, Emb. XLI. 42 When any Blessing thou hast gain'd, Thou mind'st not whence it was obtain'd; But, bear'st thy selfe, as if the same By thine owne pow'r, or merit, came: That, therefore, thou mayst better heed From whence, all Graces doe proceed, Thou, hast an Emblem, by this Lot, From which, good Cautions may be got. See, Emb. XLII. 43 By this thy Lot, it should appeare, The Muses thy acquaintance are; Or, that thou art (at least) of those, Who, of their Steed ambitious growes. If thou hast wit, his Reynes to guide, Vpon his backe, mount up and ride; But, if thou finde thy selfe to weake, Forbeare him, lest thy necke he breake. See, Emb. XLIII. 44 In many things, the worse thou art, By thy despayring, fainting heart; And, oft, thy labour, and thy cost, For want of hopefulnesse, is lost. This indiscretion to prevent, Thou, therefore, by thy Lot, art sent, The Plough-man's hopefulnesse to see: Observe it; and, reformed bee. See, Emb. XLIV. 45 As soone as e're thy Seeds are sowne, Thou fruits expectest, fully growne. And, if they ripe not in a day, Thou, foolest all thy hopes away: That wiser, therefore, thou mayst grow, Thy Lot, an Emblem doth bestow, To teach, that workes both faire and great, By small-degrees, are made compleat. See, Emb. XLV. 46 Thou hadst, or hast, or thou shalt have Much trouble, ere thou fill thy Grave; And, may'st, when thou expectest rest, With paine, or sorrowes, be opprest. But, be content, and waile not much: For, Poverty shall make thee rich. The paine will soone be overpast, And, thou shalt happy be at last. See, Emb. XLVI. 47 Thy Fortune, be it good or bad, May, by thy wit, be better made; Yea, whatsoere mischances fall, By prudence, thou may'st helpe them all. That, hopefull, therfore, thou mayst bide, What change soever, shall betide, Thou, by thy Lot, informed art, What succours, Wisedome doth impart. See, Emb. XLVII. M48 A man at Armes, thou wouldst be thought, And, hast the Crowne of Honour sought; But, thou hast much mistooke the wayes, Which tend to well-deserved praise. How, Honour, therefore, may be got, Thou art informed by thy Lot; And, with what Foes, and, for what end, Thou shouldst be ready to contend. See, Emb. XLVIII. 49 Perhaps, thou mayst be one of those, Who doth God's holy Church oppose; For, over many in these dayes, Disturbe her Peace, and sleight her Praise: That her esteeme, therefore may bee Increased, or preserv'd, by thee, Thine Emblem, now, to thee, will show, To what perfection she will grow. See, Emb. XLIX. 50 Thou safety lov'st, and wouldst have Armes, Thy person to secure from harmes: But, most of those thou hast prepar'd, Are but a weake uncertaine Guard, And, if thou take not greater heed, May faile thy trust, in time of need. Thine Emblem, therfore, hath exprest, What Armes, for thy defence are best. See, Emb. L. 51 Of Planetary-Calculations, Of Superstitious-Observations, Of Lots, and Dreames, and Accidents, Which have but casuall events, Thou art so fond; and, unto such, Thou dost adhere, and trust so much, That, it succeedeth very well, No Emblem, now, to thee befell: Lest, these, which onely Counsells bee, Might seeme firme Destinies to thee. 52 He that by drawing, here, his Lot, Some caveat or advice hath got, Did, peradventure, need alone That Caution, which he lighted on: But, unto thee, so needfull are All Warnings, and, all Counsells here, That, Fortune will not one bestow, Lest, thou may'st thinke thou need'st no moe. 53 You, may be glad, you drew not that, Which, in your thought, you guessed at; For, so it points out that condition, Whereof you give a great suspicion, That, had it such an Emblem nam'd, As fits you right, you had beene sham'd. Since, then, your fault is unreveal'd, Amend, and keep it still conceal'd. 54 The Muses Oracle is dumbe, Because to tempt them you are come; For, in your heart, you much despise, To follow that, which they advise: Their admonitions, you doe jeere, And, scorne to helpe your Wisedome, here. The Muses, therefore, leave you, still, To be as foolish, as you will. 5 It would, perhaps, have made thee proud, If, now, thy Lot had beene allow'd To let an Emblem shadow forth What is conceived of thy worth. Or, if thy Vertues were descry'd, Perchance, thou wouldst be more envy'd Then praysed, when they are exprest; A Blanke for thee, was therefore best. 6 No Emblem, to this Lot, replyes; Minde, therefore, well (I thee advise) What from the Preacher's voice thou hear'st, When in the Church, thou next appear'st: Yea, there indeavour thou, to seeke Thy Lot of Counsell, ev'ry weeke. For, at all seasons, there will bee Such Prophecies, concerning thee, That, if of those, thou takest heed, These Emblems, thou shalt never need. FINIS. A Quickened That Instruction, and Good Counsell, may bee furthered By George Wither. |