1 T THou, dost overmuch respect That, which will thy harme effect; But, some other things there bee, Which will more advantage thee: Search thy heart; and, thou shalt, there, Soone discover, what they are: Yea, thine Emblem showes thee, too, What to shunne; and, what to doe. See, Emblem I. 2 It is a little fear'd, that you Are to your owne Designes, untrue; And, that, if you more constant were, You would be richer, then you are, (It may be, also, wiser, too) Looke, therefore, what you are to doe: Then, follow it, and, you will say, That, well advis'd, you were, to day. See, Emb. II. 3 How rich or poore soe're thou be, Thou, art a Prince, in some degree; And, o're thy selfe, thou shouldst command, As doth a Monarch, in his Land. Within thy Heart, therefore, ingrave The Lawes, that Grace and Nature gave: For, thus (to counsell thee) inclines That Emblem, which, thy Lot assignes. See, Emb. III. 4 Much Liberty, thou hast assum'd; And, heretofore, so much presum'd On Time, which, alway rideth poast, That, for awhile, some Hopes are crost. But, loe, to keepe thee from Despaire, And, thy Misfortune, to repaire, Marke, what to thee, by Lot, befell, And, practise, what is counsell'd, well. See, Emb. IV. 5 Thou seekest Honour, to obtaine, By meanes, which frustrate all thy paine. Thy Predecessors rich were made, By using of the Plough and Spade: Thou, honourable wouldst be thought, By taking Courses, that are naught; But, if, right noble, thou wilt be, Looke, what thine Emblem counsells thee. See, Emb. V. M 6 This Man, what ever he may seeme, Is worthy of a high esteeme: Though Fortune may, his person, grinde; She, cannot harme him, in his Minde. Right blest, this Company would be, If all of them, were such, as He. Reade that Impresa, which he drew; For, that, in part, the same will shew. See, Emb. VI. M 7 If some, now present, this had got, They, would have blushed, at their Lot; Since, very fit, the same doth prove For one, that's either light of Love, Or, troubled with a fickle Mate: If you enjoy a better Fate, Yet, hearken, what your Lot doth say; Lest, you, hereafter, need it may, See, Emb. VII. 8 For ought, that, plainely, doth appeare, You may out-live the longest, here; Yet, seeing, now, of all this crew, The Lot of Death, you, onely, drew, See what, your Emblem hath injoyn'd; And, still, that Morall, beare in minde: So, Deaths deform'd and ghastly Shade Shall, Meanes of Life, to thee, be made. See, Emb. VIII. 9 Though you have Wit, and, know it well; That, rash you are, your Friends can tell; Yea, Sleepe, and Ease, possesse you so, That, some doe feare, you'l sottish grow: But, lo, your hind'rance, to prevent, This Lot, was, peradventure, sent; For, in the Moralls, that, insue, Are Counsells, fit, for such as you. See, Emb. IX. 10 You, have beene wronged, many wayes, Yet, patient are; and, that's your praise: Your Actions, also, seem'd upright; Yet, some there are, that, beare you spite: Lest, therefore, you discourag'd grow, An Emblem, you have drawne, to show What other Innocents have borne, And, how, the worlds despites, to scorne. See, Emb. X. M 11 Doubtlesse, you are either wooing, Or, some other Bus'nesse, doing; Which, you shall attempt, in vaine, Or, much hazzard all your paine: Yet, if good, your meanings are, Doe not honest meanes forbeare; For, where things are, well, begunne, God, oft, workes, when Man hath done. See, Emb. XI. 12 Be not angry, if I tell That, you love the World, too well; For, this Lot, perhaps, you drew, That, such Faults, you might eschew. Marke, to what their Soules aspire, Who, true Blessednesse, desire: For, if you can doe, like those, Heav'n you gaine, when Earth you lose. See, Emb. XII. 13 You love the Rich; and, honour them; The needy-person, you contemne: Yet, Wealth, nor want of Wealth, is that, Which, wretched makes, or fortunate: From other Causes, those things flow; Which, since, you either doe not know, Or, heede not much, this Emblem came, That, you might learne to minde the same. See, Emb. XIII. M 14 Thy Chance is doubtfull; and, as yet, I know not, what to say of it; But, this I know, a foe thou art To what thine Emblem hath, in part, Expressed by a Mimicke Shape; Or, thou, thy selfe, art such an Ape. Now, which of these, pertaines to thee, Let them, that know thee, Iudges bee. See, Emb. XIV. 15 Thy Vertues he may wrong, that sayes Thou spend'st thy selfe, in wanton wayes; But, some have thought, and sayd of late, That, those thou lov'st, consume thy state: Yet, spare nor Time, nor Substance, tho, Where, them, thou oughtest to bestow; But, to thine Emblem turne, and, see When Life, and Wealth, well ventur'd bee. See, Emb. XV. 16 Though Troubles, you may have (or had) Enough, to make some others mad; Yet, be content: for, they, that are As weake, have had as much to beare; And, that, which Malice did contrive, To make them poore, hath made them thrive. That Emblem, which, by Lot, you drew, Prognosticates, as much, for you. See, Emb. XVI. 17 Though, you suffer blame and paine, You, at last, may Comfort gaine, (Sharing Honours, truely gotten, When, your Foes are dead, and rotten) For, of this, you have a pawne, In the Lot, that you have drawne; And, by that, it may appeare, What your paines, and wages, are. See, Emb. XVII. 18 Take you serious heed, I pray, Whither, you doe goe to day; Whom you credite; and, for whom You, ingaged, shall become; And, unlesse you wish for Sorrow, Be as provident, to morrow: For, there are some traps and Snares, Which, may take you unawares. See, Emb. XVIII. 19 Your Wit, so much, you trust upon, That, weaker Meanes hath yours out-gone; Sometime, you runne, when there is need Of much more Warinesse, then Speed. But, you, to God-ward, worse have err'd; And, yet, Amendment is deferr'd. See, therefore, what your Chance doth say, And, take good Counsell, while you may. See, Emb. XIX. 20 Take heed, you doe not quite forget, That you are dauncing in a Net: More, then a few, your Course doe see, Though, you, suppose, unseene to be. Your Fault, we will no nearer touch; Me-thinkes your Emblem blabs too much: But, if, you minde, what is amisse, You, shall be nere the worse, for this. See, Emb. XX. 21 Let such, as draw this Lot, have care, For Death, and Sorrow, to prepare All times, to come, lest one of these, Their persons, unexpected, seize: For, them, or some of theirs, to stay, Pale Death, drawes neerer, ev'ry day. Yet, let them not, disheartned, bee: For, in their Emblem, they shall see, Death, may (though, in appearance, grim) Become, a blessing, unto them. See, Emb. XXI. 22 With Mary, thou art one of those, By whom, the better part, is chose; And, though, thou tempted art, astray, Continu'st in a lawfull way. Give God the praise, with heart unfaign'd, That, he, such Grace to thee, hath dain'd; And, view thy Lot, where thou shalt see, What Hag, hath layd a Trap, for thee. See, Emb. XXII. 23 Although, that, thou demure appeare, For Pleasure, there is no man here Will venture more: And, some there are, Who thinke you venture over farre: Hereof, consider well, therefore, E're, so, you venture, any more; And, in your Lotted Emblem, see, For what, your Suffrings ought to bee. See, Emb. XXIII. 24 If ought, thou purpose, to assay, Pursue the same, without delay; And, if thou meane to gather fruit, Be constant in thy Hopes pursuit: For, by thine Emblem, thou mayst finde, Thy Starres, to thee, are well-inclin'd; Provided, thy Attempts be good: For, that, is ever understood. See, Emb. XXIV. 25 Take heed, thou love not their deceipt, Who Number give, in steed of Weight; Nor, let their Fansies, thee abuse, Who, such-like foolish Customes, use. Perhaps, it may concerne thee, much, To know the Vanities of such; And, who they are: Marke, therfore, what Thine Emblem, will, to thee relate. See, Emb. XXV. 26 Thou, to Impatience, art inclin'd; And, hast a discontented Minde; That, therfore, thou mayst Patience learne, And, thine owne Over-sights discerne, Thy Lot (as to a Schoole to day) Hath sent thee to the Squirrells Dray; For, she instructs thee, to indure, Till, thou, a better state, procure. See, Emb. XXVI. 27 Your Lot, is very much to blame, Or else, your person, or, your Name Hath injur'd beene, or, may have wrong By some loose wanton, ere't be long: Therfore, e're, hence, you passe away, Marke, what your Emblem, now, doth say. Perhaps, by drawing of this Lot, Some Harmes prevention may be got. See, Emb. XXVII. 28 Vpon your head, those weights were laid, Which, your Endeavours, downeward waigh'd; For, those, who doe your weale envie, Much feare, your top will spring too high; Nay, yet, some Burthen, you sustaine: But, what their Malice will obtaine, Your Emblem prophesies; if you, With Patience, Honest-wayes, pursue. See, Emb. XXVIII. 29 This Lot, befell thee, for the nonce; For, if things come not, all at once, Thou, to despairing, soone, dost runne, Or, leav'st the Worke, that's well begun: Which, to prevent, regardfull be Of what thine Emblem counsells thee. See, Emb. XXIX. 30 Afflictions, are thy chiefest Lot; Yea, great ones, too: yet, murmure not. For, all, must fiery tryalls bide, And, from their Drosse be purify'd. Therefore, though this, in sport, be done, Thy Morall'd Emblem, looke upon; And, learne, those Vertues to acquire, Which, will not perish in the Fire. See, Emb. XXX. 31 You seeke a Lot, which, proving bad, Would, peradventure, make you sad; But, this may please: for, you are taught To mend a Fortune, that is naught; And, armed, with such Counsell, here, That, you, no Destiny, need feare. Now, if you come to Harme, or Shame, Vpon the Starres, lay not the blame. See, Emb. XXXI. M 32 In Court, thou mayst have hope, to clime, This present, or some other time; But, something thou dost want, as yet, Which, for that place, must make thee fit. Presume not, therefore, on thy Lot, Till, those accomplishments are got, Which, in thine Emblem, are exprest; And, then, march on, among the best. See, Emb. XXXII. 33 Some thinke, you love; 'tis true, you doe; And, are as well beloved too: But, you (if we the truth shall say) Love not so truely, as you may. To make a perfect Love, there goes Much more, then ev'ry Lover knowes. Your Emblem, therefore heede; and, then, Beginne, anew, to love agen. See, Emb. XXXIII. 34 Now, some good Counsell, thou dost need; Of what we say, take, therefore, heed. Beware, lest thou, too much, offend A meeke, and, gentle-natur'd, Friend: Though pow'r thou hast, be carefull, too, Thou vexe not, long, thine able Foe; And, e're thou love, be sure to finde Thy Match, in Manners, and in Minde. If thou demand a Reason, why, To thee, thine Emblem will replie. See, Emb. XXXIV. 35 Beware, thou share not in their crime, Who care, but for the present time: For, by thy Lot, wee may suspect, Or that, or things, to that effect. If so it be, or if thy Minde, To such an Errour, be inclin'd, Thy Chance, unto an Emblem, brings, Which, will advise to better things. See, Emb. XXXV. 36 You, love to seeme; this, all Men see: But, would you lov'd, as well, to bee. If, also, better use were made Of those good Blessings, you have had; Your praise were more. Marke, therefore, well, What Moralls, now, your Emblem, tell; And, gather, from it, what you may, To set you in a better way. See, Emb. XXXVI. 37 To scape a Storme, great thought you take; But, little heed, what meanes you make. You, love your ease, and, Troubles, feare; But, carelesse are, what Course you steere. Which Indiscretions, to prevent, You, to an Emblem, now, are sent: Whereof, if you regardfull are, You, lesse will feare, and better fare. See, Emb. XXXVII. 38 What you have, done, consider, now; For, this your Chance, doth seeme to show That you have sworne, or vow'd, of late, Or promised (you best know what) Which, you have, since, unwilling bin, To keepe; or, else, did faile, therein. If it be so; repent, or els, What will befall, your Emblem tells. See, Emb. XXXVIII. 39 Thy Hopings, and thy Feares, are such, That, they afflict, and paine thee, much; Because, thou giv'st too great a scope Vnto thy Feare, or to thy Hope: For, they will paine, or pleasure thee, As they enlarg'd, or curbed be. But, lo; thine Emblem, if thou please, Instructs thee, how, to mannage these. See, Emb. XXXIX. 40 Let them, who get this Chance, beware, Lest Cupid snarle them in a Snare: For, by their Lot, they should be apt To be, in such-like Ginnes, intrapt. Some helpe, is by their Emblem, got, If they, too late, observe it not; But, then, no profit will be done them: For, Counsell will be lost upon them. See, Emb. XL. 41 Whether, meerely, Chance, or no, Brought this Lot, we doe not know: But, received, let it be, As, divinely, sent to thee: For, that, merits thy regard, Which, thine Emblem hath declar'd; And, the best, that are, have need, Such Advisements, well to heed. See, Emb. XLI. 42 Thou, hast already, or, e're long, Shalt have some dammage by the Tongue: But, fully, yet, it is not knowne, Whether the Tongue shall be thine owne, Or else, anothers tongue, from whom This Mischiefe, unto thee, shall come: But, much the better, thou shalt speed, If, now, thine Emblem, well thou heed. See, Emb. XLII. 43 Vnworthy things, thou dost affect, With somewhat overmuch respect; Vnto the World, inclining so, As if thy Hopes were all below: But, now, to rowse thee from this crime, Good Counsell comes in happy time. Make use thereof; and, thinke it not Meere casuall, or a needlesse Lot. See, Emb. XLIII. 44 Thou, either, too much love, hast plac't On things, that will not alway last; Or else, thou art a little fear'd. Because thy Hopes are long deferr'd: Nay, thou art touch'd, in both of these. Thy Profit, therefore, and thine ease, It will effect, if well thou minde What, in thine Emblem, thou shalt finde. See, Emb. XLV. 45 When thou hast Changes, good, or bad, Ore-joy'd, thou art, or over-sad; As if it seemed very strange To see the Winde or Weather, change: Lo, therefore, to remember thee, How changeable, things Mortall, bee, Thou, art assisted by this Lot; Now, let it be, no more, forgot. See, Emb. XLV. 46 Of thy just Aymes, though meanes be slight, Thou mayst attaine their wished height; Vnlesse, thy Folly shall destroy The Weale, thou seekest to injoy, By thy Despaire, or by neglect Of that, which, may thy Hopes effect: For, by thine Emblem, thou mayst know, Great things, from small Beginnings, grow. See, Emb. XLVI. 47 Thou must have Crosses; but they, shall, To Blessings, be converted, all; And, Suffrings, will become, thy Praise, If, Wisedome order, well, thy wayes: Yea, when thy Crosses ended are, A Crowne of Glory, thou shalt weare. Yet, note, how this to passe is brought: For, in thine Emblem, it is taught. See, Emb. XLVII. 48 If they, who drew this Lot, now be Of great Estate, or high Degree, They shall ere long, become as poore, As those, that beg from doore to doore. If poore they be; it plaine appeares, They shall become great Princes Peeres: And, in their Emblem, they may know, What very day, it will be, so. See, Emb. XLVIII. 49 You, have attempted many a thing, Which, you, to passe, could never bring; Not, that, your Worke was hard to doe, But, 'cause, you us'd wrong Meanes, thereto. Hereafter, therefore, learne, I pray, The Times of Working, and, the Way; And, of thine Emblem, take thou heed, If, better, thou desire to speed. See, Emb. XLIX. 50 If you, to greater Wealth, will rise, You must not, slender Gaine, despise; Nay, if, you minde not, to be poore, You must regard slight Losses, more: For, Wealth, and Poverty, doe come, Not all at once, but, some and some. If this, concerne you, any wayes, See, what your Emblem, further, sayes. See, Emb. L. 51 Your Fortune, hath deserved thank, That she, on you, bestowes a Blank: For, as you, nothing good, have had; So, you, have nothing, that is bad. Yea, she, in this, hath favour showne, (If, now, your Freedome well be knowne) For, you, by Lot, these Emblems, mist, That you, may chuse out, which you list. 52 You, by an Emblem, seeke to get What Counsel your Affaires may fit; But, in particular, there's none, Which, you, by Lot, can light upon: And, why? because, no Morall, there, Doth, worthy of your Heed, appeare? No; but because you rather, need, Of ev'ry Emblem, to take heed. 53 The Starres, are, now, no friends of your, Or this is not their lucky houre: For, at this time, unto your Lot, They, by an Emblem, answer not. If, therefore, you desire to know What good advice they will allow, Some further Meanes, you must assay, Or, trye your Chance, another day. 54 You, in your secret thoughts, despise To thinke an Emblem should advise, Or give you cause to minde or heed Those things, whereof you may have need: And, therefore, when, the Lot, you try'd, An answer, justly, was deny'd. Yet (by your leave) there are but few, Who, need good Counsell, more then you. 55 In some extreame, you often are, And, shoot too short, or else too farre; Yea, such an errour, you were in, When, for a Lot, you mov'd the Pin: For, one touch more, or lesse, had layd Our Index, where it should have stayd. But, if you can be warn'd, by this, To keepe the Meane, which oft you misse, You have obtain'd as good a Lot, As any one, this day, hath got. 56 Among these Emblems, none there be, Which, now by Lot will fall to thee; However, doe not thou repine: For, this doth seeme to be a signe, That, thou, thy Portion, shalt advance By Vertue, not by fickle Chance. Yet, nerethelesse, despise thou not What, by good Fortune, may be got. FINIS. A Quickened That Jnstruction, and Good Counsell, may bee furthered By George Wither. |